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Maven packaging for JMock

Release Overview

JMock is organised into two modules, jmock-library and jmock-packaging (this project). The main module is responsible for building deployment artifacts. The packaging project is just responsible for collecting these, packaging them (and creating poms) and publishing to a Maven repository. It doesn't actually "build" any source or execute any tests.

The general process for deploying new versions is

  1. Tag release version in Subversion
  2. Run the script from jmock-library, it will export the tag from Subversion, build it (using the build.xml Ant script) and SCP artifacts to a remote location (
  3. You need to somehow make these artifacts available at (subsequent packaging steps require this).
  4. Package and publish the artifacts created above using this project.


Just so that we're all talking the same language, some definitions of terms we use when talking about releasing.

  • build : building a set of binary artifacts (.jar, javadoc etc) for deployment
  • release : tagging a baseline in source control.
  • deploy : distributing the build artifacts to the internet
  • packaging : specifically referring to creating the Maven packages for subsequent deployment (upload) to Maven central
  • publishing : Maven equivalent of deploy; distribute the build artifacts to Maven central (indirectly)

Currently, build and release are the responsibility of the jmock-library project. The deploy step is currently done by the jmock-library to make artifacts available for manual download via The packaging and publishing steps are the responsibility of the jmock-packaging project.

Packaging and Publishing Procedure


Because the source projects aren't part of this packaging project, the source has to be retrieved before we can package it. Currently, this is done by an embedded Groovy script which attempts to download artifacts as part of the Maven build. It attempts to download artifacts from It seems to be platform specific as it has problems on Windows.

When it executes, it runs the src/script/ script, with options making it equivalent to

./ target jmock-2.6.0

Make sure you change the following line in the jmock2 profile of the parent pom.xml to reflect the release.


Maven Profiles

The parent pom supports two profiles; jmock1 and jmock2. The profile determines which artifacts are part of the release.

Local Snapshot Build

mvn -Pjmock2 install

where jmock2 in the profile name, it can be either jmock1 or jmock2.

Publish Snapshot to OSS Sonatype

Make sure the pom.xml version should -SNAPSHOT.

mvn -Pjmock2 clean deploy

(and verify in the Snapshot repository)


Perform a sanity check

mvn -Pjmock2 release:prepare -DdryRun=true

If it looks good, clean up after yourself

mvn -Pjmock2 release:clean
rm *.log

Then move onto the release proper

mvn -Pjmock2 release:prepare

The maven release plugin will interactively ask to replace the snapshot version with the appropriate version and create an SCM tag with the snapshots resolved.

mvn -Pjmock2 release:perform

Distribution Management

We're using OSS Sonatype as the target for deployment, it should periodically get picked up by Maven Central.

We're no longer using Codehaus and the nasty Wagon/WebDAV nonsense.

Signing Artifacts

The JMock Devlopers ( public key hash is 6DDC9D8B. It's been distributed to public key servers, so people can import using the following command.

$ gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 6DDC9D8B

The maven-gpg-plugin will attempt to sign all artifacts before uploading to OSS Sonatype. Artifacts must be signed before Maven central will accept them. You'll need to ask around for the private key and pass phrase and install GPG tools on the machine you'll be deploying from.