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56 lines (33 loc) · 5.32 KB

File metadata and controls

56 lines (33 loc) · 5.32 KB


Any and all contributions are welcome! This is a decently sized project with a good scoped of functionality.

How to Contribute

  1. Create a fork of the repository
  2. Clone the code to your local machine
  3. Create a new branch with the feature you are working on (e.g. WebSocket-Interceptor) or with the issue number (e.g. issue/42)
  4. Run pnpm i
  5. Implement your changes, ensure tests are still passing, or add tests if it is a new feature
  6. Create a changeset using pnpm changeset and follow the wizard for what packages need to be updated. Semver is followed
  7. Push back to your version on GitHub
  8. Raise a Pull Request to the main repository


We are using Nx as a monorepo management toolalong with pnpm as the package manager of choice, uvu as our test runner, and changesets as a version manager. The following steps should be able to walk you through updating how to update any of the code.

When you first clone the project, make sure you run pnpm i to install the dependencies. You can try to use yarn or npm as well, but there are no guarantees it will work the exact same with a different lockfile. If you do choose to use yarn or npm, please do no commit their lockfiles.

To add a new library, such as a specific parser for a tirid party transport, you can run pnpm nx g @nrwl/nest:lib <post-slash-name> --publishable --importPath=@ogma/<poast-slash-name> --unitTestRunner=none. Nx should set up a directory in the packages/ directory with your new library. (e.g. pnpm nx g @nrwl/nest:lib hasura --publishable --unitTestRunner=none --importPath=@ogma/hasura would create @ogma/hasura).

This will generate more than absolutely necessary, so if you'd rather copy the format in the worksapce.json and update the file to include your new library, while copying over files from other packages/platform-* directories, that is okay too. Eventually I'll have this all aligned to make it super clear and simple.

If you are adding in a new library, please also add in integration tests for the library following the examples in integration.


It will be left up to contributors to create their own main.ts files for working with integration servers. All tests should be running through uvu using yarn test:int otherwise.

If you need to run a specific test, make sure the docker container is first running with docker compose up -d, and then run the specific integration file via node -r @swc/register integration/test/<file>

When it comes to matching log objects, the best approach is to make use of a few helper functions from the integration/test/utils directory. There is a custom matcher made for log objects specifically, toBeALogObject() that takes in the method, endpoint, protocol, and status. This function will end up running a few checks against the passed log object and assess if it is indeed a log object from the interceptor. A good test to look at to get a feel for how this all works is the HTTP tests. Take note as well of the createTestModule() and getInterceptor() functions. Do your best to follow the tests that are already created and add in the appropriate lines for the each methods.


We are using Conventional Commit to help keep commit messages aligned as development continues. The easiest way to get acquainted with what the commit should look like is to run yarn commit which will use the git-cz cli and walk you through the steps of committing. When asked about the scope, you can checkout the commitlint.config file and look at the scope-enum property. Once you've made your commit, prettier and eslint will run and ensure that the new code is up to the standards we have in place.


After you've made your changes, run pnpm changeset to start up the changeset wizard. Select the packages that ou've updated, either via the Changed packages option or individually, and then select the kind of update.

  • major updates are for breaking changes. Often time including updating @nestjs/ to the next major version or API chagnes that are incompatible with previous versions
  • minor updates are for new features, like new APIs on the logger or service that don't include breaking changes to older APIs
  • patch updates are for bug fixes, including type fixes

After selecting the type, provide a summary of the change that will be automatically added to the CHANGELOG for each package updated. Lastly, commit the new changeset markdown file and include it with your changes.

Note: you can provide multiple changeset files in a single PR if you want to have more granular CHANGELOG messages.

The CI pipeline will take care of updating the package.jsons accordingly, unless you're makinig a major bump and need to modify the peerDependencies of each package, but this should most likely be left to the maintainer.


Please raise an issue, or discuss with me via email or Discord (PerfectOrphan31#6003) before opening a Pull Request so we can see if they align with the goals of the project.