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Lesson 6 - props

Similar to HTML, you can set attributes on JSX components. Unlike HTML, these attributes can be entirely arbitrarily named, and have Javascript values (strings, numbers, functions, object, etc). Since the values are Javascript, you have to escape them by wrapping in single curly braces:

  <MyComponent someAttribute={'a-string'} isAwesome={true} />,

In JSX, these attributes are known as props, and are available from within the component as the frist function parameter:

function MyComponent(props) {
  if (props.isAwesome) {
    return <div>This is awesome!</div>
  } else {
    return <div>This is great!</div>

Because JSX tries to be close to HTML, you can pass any HTML attribute to div, li, etc. One of the useful ones here is the style attribute:

function MyComponent(props) {
  let style = {
    color: props.isAwesome ? 'red' : 'green'

  return <div style={style}>This is awesome!</div>

Note that instead of a string (like in HTML), the JSX style prop is a keyed object of style attributes to their values

Challenge 4

Modify MenuItem to accept a prop named isActive, which is used to set the style of the <li> to be bold.

Then, pass that prop to one of the <MenuItem> elements in src/js/index.js.

Rebuild, restart the server, and refresh your browser, then if everything is working correctly, you should now see one of your menu items as bolded.


  • You need to convert CSS style names fom kebab-case to camelCase when used in a React style object. Read more here

What happens when you don't pass a prop in? What value does props.isActive have? By default, it is undefined.

We want to be a bit more explicit and set a default prop value. Thankfully ES6 provides us with that functionality via default parameters and :

// If .isAwesome is not set, it will get the value `false`
function MyComponent({isAwesome = false}) {
  // Notice we can now access `isAwesome` directly without `props.` first
  if (isAwesome) {
    return <div>This is awesome!</div>
  } else {
    return <div>This is great!</div>

Challenge 5

Set the default value of MenuItem's isActive prop to false.

Try changing it to true and see what effect it has on the element you didn't pass isActive={true} to. (Don't forget to change it back to false)


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