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111 lines (76 loc) · 3.43 KB

File metadata and controls

111 lines (76 loc) · 3.43 KB


Easily create graph visualization and exploration interfaces on the web.


The typical setup for using Celestrium is to add it as a git submodule of your repo.

# add this repo as a submodule
git submodule add ./celestrium

# install node packages required to build the full script
(cd celestrium && npm install)

Celestrium doesn't commit the compiled script itself - it must be built. To do this, make sure you have grunt-cli installed globally, then simply run

(cd celestrium && grunt)

If you are making changes to celestrium, you might want to use the grunt task which watches for changes in files and automatically triggers the build.

(cd celestrium && grunt watch)

These will generate celestrium.js, and in celestrium.

Here is an example of a way to structure a repo which uses celestrium.

  celestrium/      # git submodule inside repo
    celestrium.js  # symbolic link to ../celestrium/celestrium.js

You can also link and

See celestrium-example for a working example.


Main Entry Point

Celestrium is accessible as the globally defined celestrium variable.

You can use it's plugins, and any you create, with celestrium.init. It accepts a dictionary with each key, value pair as a plugin's URI and it's constructor argument, respectively.

    "el": document.querySelector '#workspace'
  "KeyListener": {}
  # etc...

Note, a second argument to celestrium.init may be a function, which will be called after all plugins have been initialized with a dictionary that has key, value pairs as the uri, instance of that plugin.

celestrium.init pluginsDict, (instances) ->
  someInstance = instances[someURI]

General Plugin Spec

Here's the spec for a plugin class which may be used by celestrium.

# example plugin class definition
class ExamplePlugin

  # URI should be a string unique to this plugin
  @uri: "ExamplePlugin"

  # specify which attributes to which to assign instances of other attributes
    "otherPlugin": "OtherPluginURI"

  # args is the value from celestrium.init
  constructor: (arg) ->
    # can reference @otherPlugin here

# register your plugin so it can be specified in celestrium.init

The uri is a hard requirement for every plugin. This is the string used in celestrium.init to locate the class definition.

The needs attribute is optional. It defines which attributes to assign instances of other plugins. The attributes will be available to the plugin instance, even in the constructor.

The constructor is optional, and will be provided a single argument - the value for it's URI key in the dictionary passed to celestrium.init. These are typically things which are specific to an implementation.

To use your plugin, you are required to call celestrium.register with the class definition as the argument. This allows you to reference your plugin by it's URI in celestrium.init. Your plugins, therefore, must be registered before being referenced in celestrium.init. It is therefore recommended to run celestrium.init after the page has loaded.
