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Ruby Concurrency

Hello, my name is Jerry D'Antonio. I work for VHT (formerly Virtual Hold Technology), an Erlang and Ruby shop in Akron, Ohio. Today I'm here to talk to you about concurrency.

Slide 1: Introduction


The word of the day is "Asynchronous"

  • Old-school concurrency is "lock and synchronize"--synchronize threads by locking shared resources
  • With asynchronous concurrency we coordinate independent operations without locking
  • There are many patterns for performing asynchronous concurrency

What We'll Cover

Today is about ideas, concepts, and abstractions. All modern programming languages tell their own concurrency story. Ask a Clojure programmer about concurrency and you’ll hear about agents and futures. Ask a Scala programmer about concurrency and you’ll hear about actors. Ask an Erlang programmer about concurrency and you’ll hear about gen_server and supervisor. Ask a Ruby programmer about concurrency and you’ll hear about… threads and mutexes.

To paraphrase something I heard on Twitter recently, Ruby needs a better concurrency story.

Concurrency is not about threads. Threads are simply a tool. Concurrency is about algorithms. Sometimes those algorithms are concerned with performances. Other times those algorithms are about simplicity. Remember when you first learned about recursion? Remember how amazing it was to discover that some algorithms were much simpler and cleaner when written recursively? The same is true with concurrency. Some algorithms are simple more elegant when expressed concurrently—even on a single core, single processor system. Performance of the underlying concurrency primitives (such as threads) will always be part of the discussion, much the way performance is always a part of a recursion discussion. But you need to understand the high-level ideas before you can talk about the low-level details.

Today we will look at numerous asynchronous concurrency abstractions

  • Each is available in one or more programming languages other than Ruby--either as a widely-followed specification, in the standard library, or in the language itself
  • We will look at a ton of source code
  • All the source code is available in a GitHub repo along with the slides and the notes
  • Most of the code we will look at will use the Concurrent Ruby gem
    • An MIT licensed open source gem that I created
    • We use it at VHT
    • Intended to be a "utility belt" with a bunch of useful concurrency tools
    • Simple-yet-powerful tools, loosely coupled, each with a single purpose
    • Each is based on a concurrency tool available in another language
    • It has no dependencies outside of the Ruby standard library
    • It does not use Fibers so behaves consistently across interpreters
    • It has no known incompatibilities with any major gems
    • It should be usable in any program you want to use it in--programs that already exist and that you have yet to write
    • It is available on GitHub (
    • And Rubygems (
  • We don't have time to go over all the code line-by-line so I ask that you focus on the concepts and examine the code in detail later

Slide 2: Crash Test Dummy

Before we start looking at the code, we need a crash test dummy.

  • Often when showing sample concurrent code we use sleep statements to simulate non-determinism
  • This works, but is something of a cop-out
  • For this presentation I have created a small class for test driving our sample code

Slide 3: Finance class

This class will serve as our crash test dummy. We will use this class in almost all of our sample code. It isn't a very well-designed class but it exhibits several characteristics which are important when writing concurrent code.

What does it do?

This class:

  • Takes the name of a company (say, "Yahoo") in the constructor
  • Uses the #update method to query a Yahoo API and retrieve a list of stock ticker symbols for that company on all known international stock exchanges
  • It parses the returned data, removing the AJAX wrapper and converting what remains into an array of hashes
  • It then stores the data in an instance variable

Characteristics of the code

  • Performs blocking I/O--one of the main reasons for concurrency
  • It performs a computationally-intensive tasks--requires true parallelism for improved performance
  • Is a mutable object (shared mutable data is bad)
  • Exposes a reference to a mutable data structure via an attribute reader (again, shared mutable data is bad)

Slide 4: Back to the Future

The first abstraction we are going to look at is the future.

  • One of the core concurrency abstractions in Clojure
  • Represents the result of a computation that will be performed at some future time
  • On creation the task is scheduled for execution by the runtime
  • The main thread can then do other stuff and retrieve the result of the operation later

Slide 5: Simple Future code sample

The first code example shows a successful operation:

  • Creates a new Finance object and send it to the future
  • The state of the future is :pending
  • The value of the future is 'nil`
  • The main thread then does important stuff with the operation completes
  • On success the state of the object becomes :fulfilled and the value of the future becomes the result of the operation
  • From this point forward the future is immutable
  • A future does one thing and then is done forever

The second example is similar to the first but shows the failure case:

  • The operation raises an exception
  • An exception thrown from the operation is the only way to signal failure
  • The state of the future becomes :rejected
  • The exception that was raised is now accessible through the #reason accessor

Slide 6: Future with a callback

There are two ways to act upon the result of an asynchronous operation:

  • Query the asynchronous for the result (occurs on a different thread than the operation)
  • Provide a callback operation to run when the operation is complete
  • The callback usually happens on the same thread as the asynchronous operation
  • The term errorback is occasionally used when a callback is only run in response to an error


  • The Ruby standard library provides a very good callback mechanism via the Observable module
  • This implementation of future supports Ruby's Observable
  • This code example creates an observer class
  • The #update method receives a Time object (representing the completion time of the future) and the final values of the value and reason attributes (one of which will always be nil)
  • The #add_observer method of the Future class is concurrency-aware and will behave correctly in the off-chance the future completes before the #add_observer method is called

Slide 7: Secret Agent Man

The next abstraction we will look at is the agent

  • Another of the core concurrency abstractions in Clojure
  • Represents an atomic value that changes over time
  • Rather than placing a lock around a variable and letting threads compete for access, we hide the variable and let threads send operations against the variable
  • The agent queues the operations and performs them in the order received
  • The value of an agent is the value at that exact moment in time, irrespective of an in-progress operation and any queued operations
  • A good example is the score in a video game

Slide 8: Agent code sample

  • A new agent is created and given an initial value at construction (in this case an empty array)
  • Several modification operations are then sent to the agent
  • Each operation receives the current value of the agent and returns the new value
  • The important thing to note is that operations on an agent need no a priori knowledge of the agent's value--it gets the current value when the operation is run
  • Although not shown on this slide, this implementation of agent supports the Observable module, validation of the result of each operation, and exception handling callbacks (errorback)
  • It also provides options for how to handle the return value when the #value method is called

Possible Bug

This code does one very bad thing:

  • There is a very serious source of potential bugs in this code
  • The bug occurs every time we call the #value method
  • This bad practice leads us directly to our next topic…

Slide 9: Mutation

Shard mutable variables are bad

  • When discussing concurrent programming one common mantra is "avoid shared mutable data"
  • This true--when possible avoid shared mutable data
  • This isn't always possible--sometimes data must be shared across threads
  • Many functional programming languages (Erlang, Clojure, Haskell, F#) get around this by having immutable variables
  • Not in Ruby--all our variables are references to mutable objects
  • In the previous slide we passed such a reference out of our agent every time we called the #value method
  • Any thread with a reference to the array can change the value
  • Plus, access to the array is not thread safe (no locking)
  • This is very, very bad

Slide 10: Enter the Hamster

Slide 11: Hamster and thread_safe


  • The first example uses a Hamster vector instead of an array
  • Because the vector is immutable we need to copy it on every operation rather than modify it in-place
  • Because of the internal ideal hash tree implementation this is an incredibly fast operation
  • Our agent is now thread safe and calls to #value returns and immutable vector
  • Of course, that hashes in the vector are still mutable...


  • thread_safe is an excellent library providing thread-safe implementation of Ruby's Array and Hash classes
  • Built be a member of the JRuby core team (but supports MRI and Rbx, too)
  • Access to the internal array in this example is thread-safe, but we still provide a mutable reference


Thread-safety and immutability are not the same thing

Always be aware of what you are passing across threads and protect your data accordingly

Note: This agent implementation provides a couple of constructor arguments that can help--see the README

Slide 12: Promises, Promises

A Promise is a variation of the Future abstraction we saw earlier. It's the most prominent asynchronous concurrency abstraction in JavaScript. jQuery calls them defers.



  • Colloquially, "future" (with a lowercase "f") is any asynchronous abstraction that represents an operation that will occur at some nondeterministic time in the future

  • The Future class we saw early is just one possible variation

  • "Promise" and "Defer" are also names for futures

  • Different libraries implement them differently, or implement them the same but call them different things

  • It is common to hear/read the phrase "method X returns a future"

  • The Concurrent Ruby library uses the Obligation mixin to define the "future" API

Slide 13: Simple Promise code sample

  • Popular in JavaScript (called defer in jQuery)
  • Similar to the future we saw earlier but chainable
  • A promise begets a promise which begets a promise…
  • There are strict rules for the ordering of operations in promise chains, specifically regarding failure/rejection
  • This implementation is also very true to the Promises/A and Promises/A+ specifications
  • This implementation does not support Observable--it uses the built-in callback mechanism instead

Slide 14: Ticking time bomb

Slide 15: ScheduledTask

  • ScheduledTask looks and acts much like Future except that execution is delayed
  • Execution time is defined at object creation
    • A number of seconds from now
    • Or a specific Time
  • The resulting object is a "future" in the context we previously discussed
  • And this implementation supports the same Obligation API of Future and Promise

Slide 16: More fun with ScheduledTask

  • This implementation of ScheduledTask mixes in Ruby's Observable module
  • And a :pending task can also be cancelled with the #cancel method

Slide 17: And so on and so on and so on...

  • The other cron-ish goodness we sometimes want to implement in code is a repetitive task that happens over and over and over again at regular intervals.
  • For this we use the TimerTask class.
  • This implementation is loosely based on the Java class of the same name

Slide 18: Simple TimerTask

  • Want to perform an operation at regular intervals (every 10 seconds, every 5 minutes, etc.)
  • Can be stopped and restarted at will

Slide 19: TimerTask with observation

  • The TimerTask class includes the Observable mixin module

Slide 20: TimerTask that changes its own execution

  • In rare cases a TimerTask may want to update its own execution lifecycle
  • On execution a reference to the task object will be passed as the first block parameter
  • The task can then alter its own lifecycle, even shutting itself down

Slide 21: All the world's a stage

The actor model is becoming very popular lately, largely due to interest in Erlang. Actors are also surprisingly controversial in some circles.

  • The actor model was first proposed in 1973 by Originally proposed in 1973 by Carl Hewitt, Peter Bishop, and Richard Steiger at the M.I.T. Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
  • Much has changed since 1973
  • There is not universally accepted strict definition of what an actor is
  • Most would agree on the general idea but arguments over the details abound
  • Actor implementations vary widely--no two are the same

What is an actor?

My definition:

An independent, concurrent, single-purpose, computational entity that communicates exclusively via message passing.

Slide 22: Actor and an Actor pool

  • The Actor class in this library is based solely on the Actor task defined in the Scala standard library.
  • It does not implement all the features of Scala's Actor
  • But its behavior for what has been implemented is nearly identical
  • The excluded features mostly deal with Scala's message semantics, strong typing, and other characteristics of Scala that don't really apply to Ruby.
  • Unlike most of the abstractions in this library, Actor takes an object-oriented approach to asynchronous concurrency, rather than a functional programming approach
  • Actors are defined by subclassing the Concurrent::Actor class and overriding the #act method
  • Actors can also be pooled--a collection of actors share the same mailbox

Slide 23: Different ways to post

  • There are several variations of the #post method available
  • The #post? method returns a "future" object that can be queried for the result
  • The post! method blocks and waits for the result
    • Concurrent::Runnable::LifecycleError will be raised if the message cannot be queued, such as when the Actor is not running.
    • Concurrent::TimeoutError will be raised if the message is not processed within the designated timeout period
    • Any exception raised during message processing will be re-raised after all post-processing operations (such as observer callbacks) have completed

Slide 24: Actor with observation

  • It should be no surprise by this time that Actor includes the Observable mixin module and can be observed in standard fashion
  • Note that the observer's #update method also receives the message as an argument

Slide 25: Actor Ping Pong

Slide 26: Don't change the channel!

Channel is a functional programming variation of Actor, based very loosely on the MailboxProcessor agent in F#. The Actor is used to create objects that receive messages from other threads then processes those messages based on the behavior of the class. Channel creates objects that receive messages and processe them using the block given at construction. Channel is implemented as a subclass of Actor and supports all message-passing methods of that class. Channel also supports pools with a shared mailbox.

See the Actor documentation for more detail.

Slide 27: Who watches the Watchmen?

Slide 28: The awesome power of the Supervisor

This complex example combines actors, actor pools, timer tasks, and supervisors to show the power of the Concurrent Library

  • The supervisor class in the Concurrent Ruby library is a functionally-complete copy of Erlang's supervisor in Ruby
  • Can be used with any object that supports three methods: a blocking #run method, a #running? predicate method, and a #stop method that can be called from a different thread
  • The Runnable mixin module in this library provides that functionality
  • Simple add one or more workers to the Supervisor and it will manage the lifecycle of the workers, including restarting them on failure
  • Supervisors can supervise other supervisors, creating supervisor trees, just like Erlang (

Code example

  • Create a simple actor for obtaining finance information
  • Create a pool of actors
  • A pool is a set of actors that share a common mailbox and load balance the processing of messages to the shared mailbox
  • Create two timer tasks that send messages to the pool at random intervals
  • Create a supervisor
  • Add the actors and the timer tasks to the supervisor as workers
  • Run the supervisor, which runs the workers
  • See spot run...
  • Stop everything by stopping the supervisor

Slide 29: Write Code!

This is my challenge to you: go write concurrent code!

  • Concurrency is hard
  • Concurrent code behaves differently
  • Concurrency requires different ways of thinking
  • Concurrency uses different designs

The only way to learn concurrency is to write concurrent code.

  • This presentation has shown many powerful things without ever showing
  • None of the code examples show more than 30 lines of code
  • Most are less than 10 lines
  • All of this code was tested in IRB (that's how the output was verified)
  • This presentation and all the code is in GitHub and there is even a Gemfile

Everyone here now has the ability to write concurrent code.

  • Open your favorite editor
  • Open a console
  • git clone
  • bundle install
  • irb

Write Code