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Included is a router (in the orbit of Single-Page Applications) that is written entirely in Scala.

The package is japgolly.scalajs.react.extra.router.

libraryDependencies += "com.github.japgolly.scalajs-react" %%% "extra" % "2.1.1"



  • Type-safety.
    • Use your own types to uniquely identify routes and their parameters.
    • Link URLs are guaranteed to be valid.
    • Routes for different pages or routing rule sets cannot be used in the wrong context.
  • Rules
    • Routes to views.
    • Redirection routes.
    • Dynamic routes. (eg. /person/123)
    • Default values in dynamic routes.
    • URL re-writing / translation rules. (eg. can remove trailing slashes from URL.)
    • Choose to redirect or render custom view when route is invalid / not found.
    • Routes can be nested and modularised.
    • Conditions can be applied to an entire route set.
  • Router can indicate the current page with precision, faciliating dynamic menus and breadcrumbs even in the presence of complex, dynamic routes.
  • Route views can be wrapped in a layout. (eg. to add page headers, footers, a nav breadcrumb.)
  • URL and view are always kept in sync.
  • Routes are bookmarkable.
  • Uses HTML5 History API.
  • Callback for route changes.
  • Routing logic is easily unit-testable.
  • Optional pass-through properties (allowing, for example, passing global state to child components).


  • If you want routes starting with slashes, you will need to configure your server appropriately. There's no point having have routes like /bar if when the server receives a request for it doesn't know to use the same endpoint as If you don't have that control, begin with a # instead, like #foo.

  • It's a security feature of browsers that if a user enters a different URL, you can't absorb it with your SPA router. Using window.onbeforeunload you can only prompt the user to change their mind and keep the current URL. If a user manually enters a URL to move from one part of your SPA to a different part of the SPA, it's going to reload the page... unless you use # in your URL and they change the portion after the #. In such a case you can use the window.onhashchange event handler.

  • If you use Internet Explorer v0.1 ~ v9, the HTML5 API won't be available. But that's ok, there's no need to code like our homo-heidelbergensis ancestors, just download and use a polyfill.

  • These is a small but significant guarantee that this design sacrifices to buy important features. See A spot of unsafeness.

Creating & Using a Router

You need two things to create a router.

  1. A RouterConfig, describing your routes and other rules. (Detail below.)
  2. A BaseUrl, describing the URL prefix that is the same for all your routes.

The BaseUrl needn't be absolute at compile-time, but it needs to be absolute at runtime. BaseUrl.fromWindowOrigin will give you the protocol, domain and port at runtime, after which you should append a path if necessary. Example: BaseUrl.fromWindowOrigin / "my_page" instead of using BaseUrl("") or BaseUrl("") directly.

Once you have these, pass them to Router(baseUrl, config) to receive a ReactComponent for your router. Rendering the router is the same as any other React component; just create an instance and call render().

  override def main(): Unit = {
    val router = Router(baseUrl, routerConfig)

Creating a RouterConfig

First, you'll want to create a data representation of your pages. For example:

sealed trait MyPages
case object Home                      extends MyPages
case object Search                    extends MyPages
case object Products                  extends MyPages
case class ProductInfo(id: ProductId) extends MyPages

Next, you'll want to call RouterConfigDsl.buildConfig and use the provided DSL.

import japgolly.scalajs.react.extra.router._

// import japgolly.scalajs.react.vdom.Implicits._
// ↑ Depending on your usage you might also need this
// ↑ If you have VDOM-related compilation errors, add this import.

val routerConfig = RouterConfigDsl[MyPages].buildConfig { dsl =>
  import dsl._

  // TODO Add routing rules here
  // ( <rule1> | <rule2> | ... | <ruleN> )
  //   .notFound( <action> )

Details of rule & config constituents follow.


Each route can be associated with an action. The following actions are available:

DSL Args Description
render VdomElement Render something.
renderR RouterCtl => VdomElement Render something using a RouterCtl.
dynRender Page => VdomElement Render something using the current page.
* Dynamic routes only.
dynRenderR (Page, RouterCtl) => VdomElement Render something using the current page, and a RouterCtl.
* Dynamic routes only.
redirectToPage (Page)
(implicit Redirect.Method)
Redirect to a page.
redirectToPath (Path | String)
(implicit Redirect.Method)
Redirect to a path (a URL suffix proceding the BaseUrl).

In the redirect actions, unless you declare your own redirect method, you'll need to specify one manually. (Eg. redirectToPage(Home)(Redirect.Push)).


Two redirect methods are available:

  1. Redirect.Push - The current URL will be recorded in history. User can hit Back button to reach it.
  2. Redirect.Replace - The current URL will not be recorded in history. User can't hit Back button to reach it.


A Route[X] is required as input to the higher-level rule-building functions (staticRoute(), staticRedirect() etc). It represents a path that requires an X to generate, and provides an X when parsed.

To construct a Route, the DSL provides a route-builder RouteB which composes nicely and is automatically converted to a finalised Route when used.

RouteB creation and usage
  • RouteB[Unit]

    • Implicit conversion from String, like "user/edit".
    • Implicit conversion from Path, like root which is an alias for Path.root.
  • RouteB[Int] - Use DSL int.

  • RouteB[Long] - Use DSL long.

  • RouteB[String] from a URL substring - Use DSL string(regex), like string("[a-z0-9]{1,20}")

    • Best to use a whitelist of characters, eg. [a-zA-Z0-9]+.
    • Do not capture groups; use [a-z]+ instead of ([a-z]+).
    • If you need to group, use non-capturing groups like (?:bye|hello) instead of (bye|hello).
  • RouteB[String] from the remainder of the unmatched URL.

    • remainingPath - Captures the (non-empty) remaining portion of the URL path.
    • remainingPathOrBlank - Captures the (potentially-empty) remaining portion of the URL path.
  • RouteB[UUID] - Use DSL uuid.

  • RouteB[Seq[(String, String)]] - Use DSL queryToSeq, useful in capturing query parameters of the standard url form (

  • RouteB[Map[String, Seq[String]] - Use DSL queryToMultimap, useful in capturing query parameters of the standard url form (

  • RouteB[Map[String, String] - Use DSL queryToMap, useful in capturing query parameters of the standard url form (

  • Composition

    • a ~ b concatenates a to b.
      Example: "abc" ~ "def" is the same as "abcdef".
    • a / b adds a to b with a literal / in between.
      Example: "abc" / "def" is the same as "abc/def".
    • The types of each route (except Unit) are added together into a tuple.
      Example: "grp" / int / "item" / int is a RouteB[(Int, Int)].
      Example: "grp" / int / "item" / int ~ "." ~ long is a RouteB[(Int, Int, Long)].
  • Combinators on any RouteB[A]

    • .filter(A => Boolean) causes the route to ignore parsed values which don't satisfy the given filter.
    • .option makes this subject portion of the route optional and turns a RouteB[A] into a RouteB[Option[A]]. Forms an isomorphism between None and an empty path.
    • .pmap[B](A => Option[B])(B => A) allows you to attempt to map the route type from an A to a B, or fail. (prism map)
    • .xmap[B](A => B)(B => A) allows you to map the route type from an A to a B. (exponential map)
    • .caseClass[A] maps the route type(s) to a case class.
    • .caseClassDebug[A] as above, but shows you the code that the macro generates.
    • If you're using the monocle module and import MonocleReact._ you also gain access to:
      • .pmapL[B](Prism[A, B]).
      • .xmapL[B](Iso[A, B]).
  • Combinators on RouteB[Option[A]]

    • .withDefault(A) - Specify a default value. Returns a RouteB[A]. Uses == to compare As to the given default.
    • .parseDefault(A) - Specify a default value when parsing. (Path generation ignores this default.) Returns a RouteB[A].
  • Combinators on RouteB[Unit]

    • .const(A) changes a RouteB[Unit] into a RouteB[A] by assigning a constant value (not used in route parsing or generation).


// Static routes
val r: Route[Unit] = root
val r: Route[Unit] = "user/profile"

// "user/3/profile" <=> 3
val r: Route[Int] = "user" / int / "profile"

// "category/bikes/item/17" <=> ("bikes", 17)
val r: Route[(String, Int)] = "category" / string("[a-z0-9]{1,20}") / "item" / int

// "cat/3/item/17" <=> Product(3, 17)
case class Product(category: Int, item: Int)
val r: Route[Product] = ("cat" / int / "item" / int).caseClass[Product]

// "get"     <=> "json"
// "" <=> "zip"
val r: Route[String] = "get" ~ ("." ~ string("[a-z]+")).option.withDefault("json")

// "category/widgets/item/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012" <=> Item("widgets", 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012
case class Item(category: String, itemId: java.util.UUID)
val r: Route[Item] = ("category" / string("[a-z]+") / item / uuid).caseClass[Item]

Static routes


  1. staticRoute(Route[Unit], Page) ~> <action>
  2. staticRedirect(Route[Unit]) ~> <redirect>

Route[Unit], <action>, and <redirect> are all described above.


staticRoute(root, Home) ~> render( <.h1("Welcome!") )

staticRoute("#hello", Hello) ~> render(HelloComponent())

staticRedirect("#hey") ~> redirectToPage(Hello)(Redirect.Replace)

Dynamic routes


  1. <dynamic route> ~> <action>
  2. <dynamic route> ~> (P => <action>)
DSL Args Description
dynamicRoute [P <: Page](Route[P])(PartialFunction[Page, P]) A dynamic route using a page subtype: P.
A partial function must be provided to extract a possible P from any given Page.
dynamicRouteF [P <: Page](Route[P])(Page => Option[P]) A dynamic route using a page subtype: P.
A total function must be provided to extract an Option[P] from any Page.
dynamicRouteCT [P <: Page](Route[P]) A dynamic route using a page subtype: P.
The CT suffix here denotes that this method uses a compiler-provded ClassTag to identify the page subtype P. This is equivalent to {case p: P => p}.
Note that if this is used, the entire space of P is associated with a route - do not add another route over P.
dynamicRedirect [A](Route[A]) A dynamic path not associated with a page. Any A extracted by the route may then be used to determine the redirect target.

Example: This creates a route in the format of item/:id.

case class ItemPage(id: Int) extends MyPage

val itemPage = ScalaComponent.builder[ItemPage]("Item page")
  .render(p => <.div(s"Info for item #${}"))

dynamicRouteCT("item" / int.caseClass[ItemPage])
  ~> dynRender(itemPage(_))

Putting it all together

To create a RouterConfig the syntax is (<rule1> | ... | <ruleN>).notFound(<action>).

Rule composition is achieved via |. If two rules overlap (eg. can respond to the same URL), the left-hand side of | has precedence and wins.

The .notFound() method declares how unmatched routes will be handled. It takes an Action as described above, the same kind that is used in the rules. You will generally redirect to the root, or render a 404-like page.

Once .notFound() is called you will have a RouterConfig. Rules can no longer be added, but different (optional) configuration becomes available.


val routerConfig = RouterConfigDsl[Page].buildConfig { dsl =>
  import dsl._

  | staticRoute(root,     Home)  ~> render(HomePage.component())
  | staticRoute("#hello", Hello) ~> render(<.div("TODO"))
  | staticRedirect("#hey")       ~> redirectToPage(Hello)(Redirect.Replace)
  ) .notFound(redirectToPage(Home)(Redirect.Replace))

(The use of emptyRule is just for nice formatting.)

If you'd like to see what's happening, you can call .logToConsole on your config and to have the routing engine log what it does to the JS console. Add it anytime between .notFound() and its use in creating a Router.

A spot of unsafeness

A tradeoff in safety has been made to purchase many new features in the redesigned v2 Router. Namely, it's possible to accidentally forget a route for a page type.

Consider this example:

sealed trait MyPages
case object Page1                     extends MyPages
case class  Page2(value: Option[Int]) extends MyPages
case object Page3                     extends MyPages

val config = RouterConfigDsl[MyPages].buildConfig { dsl =>
  import dsl._
  ( emptyRule
  | staticRoute("page1", Page1) ~> render(???)
  | dynamicRouteCT("page2" ~ ("/" ~ int).option.caseClass[Page2]) ~> render(???)
  // oops! We forgot Page3!!

To mitigate this, RouterConfig comes with a verify(page1, ... pageN) method that will confirm that each specified page:

  1. Has an associated route.
  2. Is itself returned when parsing its associated route.
  3. Has an associated action.

If any errors are detected they are displayed both on screen and in the console. There is also a detectErrors method which is more appropriate for unit-testing.

Amending the above example, we get:

val config = RouterConfigDsl[MyPages].buildConfig { dsl =>
  import dsl._
  ( emptyRule
  | staticRoute("page1", Page1) ~> render(???)
  | dynamicRouteCT("page2" ~ ("/" ~ int).option.caseClass[Page2]) ~> render(???)
  // oops! We still forgot Page3 but it will be detected at run- or test- time
    .verify(Page1, Page2(None), Page2(Some(123)), Page3)  // ← Ensure pages are configured and valid

You can also call .fallback on your rules immediately before calling .notFound(). This will give you control over what happens when a page isn't configured (if you want to do something other than crashing.)


RouterCtl is a client API to the router. It allows you to control the current page, create links, determine page URLs, etc.

To use it, pass it in to components that need it via their props.

As RouterCtl[P] has a page-type context (the P!), if a component only wants/needs to control a router with a certain subset of pages, the component can accept a RouterCtl[PageSubset] instead of a RouterCtl[AllPages]. A conversion to the former is just a .contramap or .narrow call away for the parent.

Here a subset of useful methods. Use IDE auto-complete or check the source for the full list.

  • link(Page): VdomTag - Create a link to a page."Today's Specials", ^.color := "red")
  • set___ - Programmatically navigate to route when invoked.

    • set(Page): Callback - Return a procedure that will navigate to route.
    • setEH(Page): ReactEvent => Callback - Consume an event and set the route.
    • setOnClick(Page): TagMod - Set the route when the subject is clicked.
      Shorthand for ^.onClick ==> ctl.setEH(page).
  • refresh: Callback - Refresh the current route when invoked.

    ^.button("Refresh", ^.onClick --> ctl.refresh)
  • urlFor(Page): AbsUrl - Get the absolute URL of a given page.

Beyond the Basics

URL rewriting rules

The following can create rules that simply rewrite (i.e. live redirect) URLs. They can be composed with other rules via | as usual.

Method Args Description
rewritePath PartialFunction[Path, Redirect] Run a Path through a partial function that results in a redirect.
rewritePathF Path => Option[Redirect] Run a Path through a total function that optionally results in a redirect.
rewritePathR Pattern, Matcher => Option[Redirect] Match a Path against regex and if it matches, use the match result to optionally redirect.

Example: This would remove leading dots.

rewritePathR("^\\.+(.*)$".r, m => Some(redirectToPath(m group 1)(Redirect.Replace)))

A few rules are included out-of-the-box for you to use:

  • removeTrailingSlashes - uses a replace-state redirect to remove trailing slashes from route URLs.
  • removeLeadingSlashes - uses a replace-state redirect to remove leading slashes from route URLs.
  • trimSlashes - uses a replace-state redirect to remove leading and trailing slashes from route URLs.

Loose routes with auto-correction

There are cases in which you may want to create a route that

  1. Loosely matches a URL so that it can handle variations.
  2. Has a single appropriate URL that you want to use after variations have been accepted and parsed.
Example scenario

You may be creating an issue tracker that has URLs for each ticket like:


You also want to accept imperfections such as:


When an imperfect URL is parsed you want to auto-correct it like:

/issue/DEV-004     → /issue/DEV-4
/issue/DEV42       → /issue/DEV-42
/issue/frontend-23 → /issue/FRONTEND-23

When a URL is already perfect, you render a page normally.


There are two features you need to implement this functionality.

First, create a route as you normally would, then map its type using a prism. To do so, and then call .pmap (or .pmapL to use use a Monocle prism).

Second, one you have created you route rule, call .autoCorrect. By default it will do a replace-state to change the URL meaning that only the correct URL will appear in the user's history - pressing back will go back to the page before they entered the imperfect URL. You can use push-state by using .autoCorrect(Redirect.Method) but be warned, unless you're doing something magic/crazy, when the user hits their back button they will request the imperfect URL again which will just redirect them forward negating their back action.

Example implementation

This is the implementation for the example scenario described above.

sealed trait Page

case object Home extends Page

case class IssuePage(projectCode: String, number: Int) extends Page {
  def toUrlFrag: String = projectCode + "-" + number

val cfg = RouterConfigDsl[Page].buildConfig { dsl =>
  import dsl._

  def homeRoute =
    staticRoute(root, Home) ~> render(<.h1("Home"))

  val urlRegex = """([a-zA-Z]+)-?(\d+)""".r

  def parse(urlFrag: String): Option[IssuePage] =
    urlFrag match {
      case urlRegex(code, num) => Some(IssuePage(code.toUpperCase, num.toInt))
      case _                   => None

  def issueRoute =
    dynamicRouteCT("issue" / remainingPath.pmap(parse)(_.toUrlFrag)) ~>
      dynRender(renderIssuePage) autoCorrect

  def renderIssuePage(p: IssuePage) =
    <.div("Issue = " + p)

  ( homeRoute
  | issueRoute

Conditional routes

When you have a Rule, you can call addCondition on it to evaluate a condition every time it is used. When the condition is met, the route is usable; when unmet, a fallback behaviour can be actioned or the router can continue processing other rules as if the conditional one didn't exist.

When using conditional routes, it's important to understand some details and take care:

  • conditional routes are selected over unconditional routes. e.g. you can have two routes at path /, one for logged in users (i.e. conditional) and one for public access (i.e. unconditional); in which case the conditional route has first priority with the unconditonal route being the fallback.

  • conditional routes must be unambiguous and not conflict. eg. if you have route A with condition A, and route B with condition B, both at the same path; the conditions must be disjoint. If conditions A and B are ever true at the same time, it will result in a runtime exception (yuk).

  • because of the chance of runtime exceptions, it's more important to test your routing config. There is a .verify(pages*) method on RouterCfgs that you can use. I suggest writing a unit test in which you modify state to create all possible route conditions, and when in each condition call .verify with the relevant pages. It's a good idea to do this even with unconditional routes, it's just even more important with conditions.

    def addCondition                    (condition: CallbackTo[Boolean])
    def addConditionWithFallback        (condition: CallbackTo[Boolean], fallback:                Action[Page])
    def addConditionWithOptionalFallback(condition: CallbackTo[Boolean], fallback:         Option[Action[Page]]
    def addConditionWithOptionalFallback(condition: CallbackTo[Boolean], fallback: Page => Option[Action[Page]]
    def addCondition                    (condition: Page => CallbackTo[Boolean])
    def addConditionWithFallback        (condition: Page => CallbackTo[Boolean], fallback:                Action[Page])
    def addConditionWithOptionalFallback(condition: Page => CallbackTo[Boolean], fallback:         Option[Action[Page]]
    def addConditionWithOptionalFallback(condition: Page => CallbackTo[Boolean], fallback: Page => Option[Action[Page]]


def grantPrivateAccess: CallbackB =

val privatePages = (emptyRule
  | staticRoute("private-1", PrivatePage1) ~> render(???)
  | staticRoute("private-2", PrivatePage2) ~> render(???)
  .addCondition(grantPrivateAccess)(_ => redirectToPage(AccessDenied)(Redirect.Push))

Rendering with a layout

Once you have a RouterConfig, you can call .renderWith on it to supply your own render function that will be invoked each time a route is rendered. It takes a function in the shape: (RouterCtl[Page], Resolution[Page]) => VdomElement where a Resolution provides:

Member Type Description
page Page Data representation (or command) of what will be drawn.
render () => VdomElement The render function provided by the rules and logic in RouterConfig

Thus using the given RouterCtl and Resolution you can wrap the page in a layout, link to other pages, highlight the current page, etc.

See Examples for a live demonstration.

Setting page title

You'll likely want to update your page's title to reflect the current route being shown. To do so, call one of:

  • .setTitle(Page => String)
  • .setTitleOption(Page => Option[String])


val routerConfig = RouterConfigDsl[Page].buildConfig { dsl =>
  import dsl._
  ( staticRoute(root,     Home)  ~> render(???)
  | staticRoute("#about", About) ~> render(???)
    .setTitle(p => s"PAGE = $p | Example App")  // ← available after .notFound()

Post-render callback

Each time a route is rendered, the "post-render" callback is invoked. Out-of-the-box, the default action is to scroll the window to the top.

You can add your own actions by calling .onPostRender on your RouterConfig instance. You can set the entire callback (i.e. override instead of add) using .setPostRender.

Both .onPostRender and .setPostRender take a single arg: (Option[Page], Page) => Callback. The function is provided the previously-rendered page (or None when a router renders its first page), and the current page.


val routerConfig = RouterConfigDsl[Page].buildConfig { dsl =>
  import dsl._
  ( staticRoute(root,     Home)  ~> render(???)
  | staticRoute("#about", About) ~> render(???)
    .onPostRender((prev, cur) =>                          // ← available after .notFound()
      Callback.log(s"Page changing from $prev to $cur.")) // ← our callback

Hey? Why wrap in Callback?

It gives you a guarantee by me and the Scala compiler that whatever you put inside, will only be executed in a callback. Underlying code won't accidently call it now when installing the callback, and then do nothing when the callback actually executes. It's not an esoteric concern - those kind of mistakes do happen in real-world code.

Nested routes (modules)

Routes can be created and used as modules. This is how:

The Module
  1. Use RouterConfigDsl[InnerPage].buildRule to create a (composite) rule instead of a full RouterConfig. The content will be your normal routing rules up until, and excluding, the notFound() call.
  2. Have components that need a RouterCtl use a RouterCtl[InnerPage] as normal - this will continue to work correctly regardless of whether InnerPage is nested or not.

All of this happens in the method in which you build your RouterConfig[OuterPage].

  1. Call one of the pmap methods (prism-map) on the InnerPage rule in order to bridge the inner & outer page types.
  2. Use prefixPath or prefixPath_/ on the nested routes to mount them with a prefix. (Actually you can use modPath if a prefix isn't enough.)
  3. Append the result to your routes as per usual.


sealed trait Module
object Module {
  case object ModuleRoot   extends Module
  case object ModuleDetail extends Module

  val routes = RouterConfigDsl[Module].buildRule { dsl =>
    import dsl._
    | staticRoute(root, ModuleRoot)       ~> render(???)
    | staticRoute("detail", ModuleDetail) ~> render(???)

sealed trait Outer
object Outer {
  case object Root           extends Outer
  case object Login          extends Outer
  case class Nest(m: Module) extends Outer

  val config = RouterConfigDsl[Outer].buildConfig { dsl =>
    import dsl._
    | staticRoute(root, Root)      ~> render(???)
    | staticRoute("#login", Login) ~> render(???)
    | Module.routes.prefixPath_/("#module").pmap[Outer](Nest){ case Nest(m) => m } // Much nest. Wow.

If we imagine BaseUrl to be then the sitemap for Outer in this example is:

URL Page Root Login Nest(ModuleRoot) Nest(ModuleDetail)

Pass-through properties

Sometimes you don't want your Router to be the top-level component. In these cases, it's possible to configure the Router component to receive Props, which will be optionally forwarded to children components, the layout function, post-render functions, etc. A typical usage case for this setup is if you have a wrapping component that manages the application state.

To achieve this:

  • Write the router configuration within a RouterWithPropsConfigDsl[Page, Props].buildConfig (instead of a RouterConfigDsl[Page].buildConfig).
  • Create the router by invoking RouterWithProps(baseUrl, routerConfig) (instead of Router(baseUrl, routerConfig)). The resulting component will accept Props as component properties and pass them through wherever your configuration instructs it to.

In the configuration DSL you can use the following in addition to the regular actions:

DSL Args
renderP Props => VdomElement
renderRP (RouterCtl, Props) => VdomElement
dynRenderP (Page, Props) => VdomElement
dynRenderRP (Page, RouterCtl, Props) => VdomElement

Additionally, the following configurations functions are available in addition to the regular ones:

Function Args
renderWithP (RouterCtl[Page], ResolutionWithProps[Page, Props]) => Props => VdomElement)
setPostRenderP (Option[Page], Page, Props) => Callback)
onPostRenderP (Option[Page], Page, Props) => Callback)
setTitleP (Page, Props) => String)
setTitleOptionP (Page, Props) => Option[String])

As can be seen, renderWithP now provides a ResolutionWithProps[Page, Props] (instead of a Resolution[Page]), which in turn provides a renderP function which takes Props as parameters.


case class AppState(loggedUser: String, ...)

val routerConfig = RouterWithPropsConfigDsl[Page, AppState].buildConfig { dsl =>
  import dsl._

  | staticRoute(root,     Home)  ~> renderP(appState => HomePage.component(appState))
  | staticRoute("#hello", Hello) ~> renderP(appState => <.div(s"Hello again ${appState.loggedUser}!"))
  | staticRedirect("#hey")       ~> redirectToPage(Hello)(Redirect.Replace)
  ) .notFound(redirectToPage(Home)(Redirect.Replace))
    .renderWithP( (ctl, r) => appState =>
      <.div(s"Welcome ${appState.loggedUser}")(

val RouterComponent = RouterWithProps(baseUrl, routerConfig)



The github pages for this project online at uses this router and demonstrates a number of features.

  1. The source begins here: GhPages.scala
  2. Router logging is enabled so you can read what the router does in the console.

There are also unit tests available in the japgolly.scalajs.react.extra.router package.

This simple example demonstrates routing as well.