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File metadata and controls

126 lines (89 loc) · 7.95 KB

py-ipfs-http-client 0.X.X (XX.XX.20XX)

  • (None yet)

py-ipfs-http-client 0.8.0a2 (18.05.2021)

  • Fix presentation of exception tree in documentation
  • Support publishing documentation to a non-local IPFS server

py-ipfs-http-client 0.8.0a1 (18.05.2021)

  • py-ipfs-api-client will now only warn when detecting an unsupported daemon version
    • Rationale: During the 0.4.x series the library required many changes to stay compatible with the respective daemon version, but since 0.5.0 appears to be no longer the case
  • Compatibility bumped to go-IPFS 0.8.x (by Jan Rydzewski and other community members bugging me)

Breaking changes in this release:

  • Dropped support for the (previously deprecated) return_result parameter of .repo.gc(…)
  • Dropped support for the previously deprecated and always undocumented return_result parameter everywhere else
  • Dropped support for go-IPFS 0.4.x; minimum supported version now 0.5.0

py-ipfs-http-client 0.7.0 (15.03.2021)

  • No changes compared to 0.7.0a1 – breaking changes delayed to the unknown future

py-ipfs-http-client 0.7.0a1 (14.10.2020)

  • Added support for optional arguments of the .dag.* APIs (by João Meyer)
  • Compatibility bumped to go-IPFS 0.7.x (by Jan Rydzewski and other community members bugging me)
  • The 0.7 series is not stable yet, expect some breaking changes before the final release!

py-ipfs-http-client 0.6.1 (26.08.2020)

  • Added typings for most of the public and private API and enable type checking with mypy
  • Added support for connecting to the IPFS daemon using Unix domain sockets (implemented for both the requests and HTTPx backend)
  • Deprecate .repo.gc(…)s return_result parameter in favour of the newly introduced quiet parameter to match the newer HTTP API
  • If you use the undocumented return_result parameter anywhere else consider such use deprecated, support for this parameter will be removed in 0.7.X everywhere
    • Rationale: This parameter used to map to using the HTTP HEAD method perform the given request without any reply being returned, but this feature has been dropped with go-IPFS 0.5 from the API.
  • Implemented DAG APIs for go-IPFS 0.5+: .dag.get, .dag.put, .dag.imprt and .dag.export


  • The value of the timeout parameter on ipfshttpclient.{connect,Client} is no longer ignored when using the requests HTTP backend (default)
    • (The per-API-call timeout parameter was unaffected by this.)
  • The HTTPx HTTP backend now properly applies address family restrictions encoded as part of the daemon MultiAddr (needed minor upstream change)

py-ipfs-http-client 0.6.0 (30.06.2020)

Breaking changes in this release:

  • The recursive parameter of .add() is no longer ignored and now enforces its default value of False (explicitly set it to True for the previous behaviour)
  • The glob pattern strings that may be passed to the .add() pattern parameter now actually behave like recursive glob patterns (see the Python documentation for how exactly)
  • Most functions previously returning a dict with the raw JSON response, now return a custom mapping type instead
    • This mapping type supports the original getitem syntax (result["ItemName"]) unchanged, but if you need an actual dictionary object you need to call .as_json() on it
    • In the future response-specific subtypes with Pythonic accessors and object specific methods will hopefully be added
  • HTTP basic authentication data to send to the API daemon must now be set as an auth=(username, password) tuple rather than using separate username= and password= parameters

Other changes:

  • Added support for go-IPFS 0.5.x
  • Adding directories with .add() has been greatly reworked:
    • It's now possible to specify arbitrary rules on which objects to include a directory tree by passing a custom matcher object to the pattern parameter
    • The new period_special parameter allows toggling whether glob patterns match dot-files implicitly and defaults to True (previously it was effectively False)
    • The new follow_symlinks parameter similarly determines whether symbolic links will be followed when scanning directory trees and defaults to False (the previous default on Unix, albeit this likely wasn't intentional)
    • .add() will now limit its scan to the directories required to match the given glob patterns (passing in regular expression objects will still scan the tree unconditionally however) – custom matchers have full control over which directories are visited
  • The requests-based HTTP backend has been supplemented by another backend based on HTTPx for Python 3.6+
    • Due to a minor limitation within the library (no ability to apply address family restrictions during name resolution) this currently included as a preview and must be manually enabled, to do this ensure that the httpx library is installed in your Python environment and run your program with the environment variable PY_IPFS_HTTP_CLIENT_PREFER_HTTPX set to yes.
    • In the hopefully not too long future, HTTPx will be used to finally provide async/await support for this library.

py-ipfs-http-client 0.4.12 (21.05.2019)

Bug fix release:

  • Fix compatibility with urllib3 1.25.* when connecting to HTTPS API servers

py-ipfs-http-client 0.4.11 (13.05.2019)

(Most of the following was also released as version 0.4.10 the previous day, but that release was never advertised and some issues were quickly found that necessitated a new release.)

This release features several breaking changes, as compared to the previous py-ipfs-api library

  • A new import name: ipfsapiipfshttpclient (thanks to @AlibabasMerchant)
  • The client API is now structured according to the IPFS interface core specification
  • Daemon location is now described using Multiaddr
  • Some deprecated methods have been dropped:
    • bitswap_unwant: API endpoint dropped by go-ipfs
    • {get,set}_pyobj: Can too easily be abused for abitrary code execution, use pickle.{loads,dumps} if you really need this
    • file_ls: Long deprecated by go-ipfs and scheduled for removal, use plain ls instead

Some new features added in this release:

  • Adding large directories doesn't read them all into memory any more before sending them to the daemon
  • API documentation has been improved
  • TCP connections may now be reused between API requests
  • .add_json now adds data as UTF-8 rather than using Unicode-escapes for shorter/more canonical data representation (thanks to @emmnx)
  • Several parameters have been added to existing methods:
    • Using filestore is now possible (thanks to @radfish)
    • Universal per-call offline parameter added (thanks to @radfish)
    • Universal per-call return_result parameter added to issue HEAD requests and suppress results for speeds (thanks to @loardcirth)
    • Universal per-call timeout parameter added (thanks to @AlibabasMerchant)
    • .add: nocopy & raw_leaves (thanks to @radfish)
    • .ls: paths (thanks to @radfish)
    • .name.publish: allow_offline (thanks to @radfish)
    • .name.resolve: dht_record_count & dht_timeout (thanks to @radfish)

go-ipfs 0.4.20 has been blacklisted for having know compatibility problems, but 0.4.19 and 0.4.21 are OK.

py-ipfs-api 0.4.4 (13.05.2019)

  • Reimplement library as thin wrapper around the new py-ipfs-http-client library with helpful warnings about how to upgrade