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File metadata and controls

201 lines (168 loc) · 8.85 KB

This is an AWS Lambda function which accepts comments via HTTP form POST requests and submits them for moderation via AWS SNS.

Its input is HTTP POST'd data (application/x-www-form-urlencoded) and its output is an HTML page. This page thanks the person for commenting.

I use it for accepting comments on my blog posts.


It makes use of these AWS components to operate:

  • API Gateway
  • Lambda
  • SNS

API Gateway provides an HTTP endpoint that connects to the Lambda function.

The Lambda function responds with HTML back through API Gateway. It publishes the received comment to an SNS topic. This allows the comment to reach you for moderation and posting.

Below I walk through configuring each of these components. You will need an AWS account!

Configure SNS

We configure SNS first because we need to set the SNS topic to use in our configuration file.

  • Go to the SNS Dashboard.
  • Go to Topics.
  • Go to Create new topic.
  • Enter a Topic name. For example, commentemail.
  • Click on the new topic.
  • Click Create subscription.
  • Choose protocol Email-JSON.
    • The messages sent via SNS will have attributes visible in the JSON messages, including the commenter's name and their comment.
  • Enter your email address for the endpoint.
  • You will receive an email with a link to click to confirm the subscription.
  • Note the topic's ARN. It will look something like arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:.... You need this for the next step.

Configure and build the Lambda package

We upload the Lambda function as a ZIP archive. Before we make the ZIP, we need to create a configuration file.

  • Go into the eggcorn directory.
  • Copy config.js.sample to config.js and open it in an editor.
  • You must set all of the fields. The comments in the file should provide enough information.
  • Run make. This will create

Configure the Lambda function

We need to upload and configure the Lambda function now.

  • Go to Lambda management.
  • Click Create a Lambda function.
  • Choose Blank Function for the template.
  • Do not configure any triggers. Just click Next.
  • Enter a name, such as eggcorn.
  • Choose the most recent Node.js version as the runtime. At the time of writing that is 8.10.
  • Change Code entry type to Upload a .ZIP file.
  • Beside Function package, click Upload. Choose the you created in the prior section.
  • Scroll down to Lambda function handler and role.
  • Set Handler to eggcorn.handler.
  • Set Role. You need to create a role, or use one you have. The role needs these permissions:
    • AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole (to be able to log to CloudWatch)
    • AmazonSNSFullAccess (to be able to publish to SNS). You can be more fine grained than this policy, such as restricting to publishing only to a specific resource, if you like.
  • Scroll down to Advanced settings.
  • You can leave Memory at 128 MB and timeout at 3 seconds.
  • Click Next. Then click Create function.

Configure API Gateway

We need to make the Lambda function accessible at an HTTP endpoint. We will configure API Gateway to do this.

One of the core parts we will configure is how API Gateway transforms the request to and response from the Lambda function. Lambda functions cannot take input directly as application/x-www-form-urlencoded, nor output HTML directly. Using API Gateway we transform the request before it reaches the function, and transform the response before it reaches the client.

To read more about the templates I mention below, see the API Gateway documentation about mapping.

  • Go to API Gateway.
  • Click Create API.
  • Enter an API name. For example, eggcorn.
  • Click Create API.
  • Under Actions choose Create Method.
  • Choose POST and click the checkmark.
  • Set Integration type to Lambda Function
  • Set Lambda Region to the AWS region with your function.
  • Set Lambda Function to the one you created above. For example eggcorn if that's what you named your function.
  • Clicking Save will prompt you about granting API Gateway permission to use the Lambda function. Click OK.
  • You will see a page with the four stages for processing the request/response through API Gateway. We need to configure what happens at three of the four stages.
  • Go to Integration Request.
    • Here we configure how API Gateway makes the request to the Lambda function. We need to transform the request body from the client from URL encoded into JSON. This is because Lambda functions take their input as JSON. We can't pass through the URL encoded body as is.
    • Click Add mapping template.
    • Enter Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
    • Click the checkbox. You will be prompted to secure the integration. Do this. It means API Gateway will reject requests that do not have this Content-Type.
    • In the template box below, enter this template: { "body": "$input.body", "ip": "$context.identity.sourceIp", "useragent": "$context.identity.userAgent" }
    • Click Save.
    • What does this template mean? $input.body is the raw request payload. We make a JSON object and set the body on the property body. It is safe to double quote the raw payload and set it as a property as a well formed application/x-www-form-urlencoded string percent encodes '"' characters. We also pass in the source IP and the source User-Agent. This means our Lambda function's event parameter will contain these three pieces of information. The Lambda function must parse the encoded payload.
  • Go back to Method Execution and go to Method Response.
    • Note this must be done before we configure Integration Response because we need a header set here before we can configure it in Integration Response.
    • Here we configure how API Gateway responds to the client. We want to send a Content-Type header (so the client browser will see text/html).
    • Expand HTTP Status 200.
    • Remove the Content type model application/json under Response Body.
    • Under Response Headers, click Add Header.
    • Enter Content-Type and save.
  • Go back to Method Execution and go to Integration Response.
    • Here we configure how API Gateway receives the response from the Lambda function. We need to transform the JSON.stringify()'d body (which is a string containing HTML) into a raw string that a browser will recognize as HTML.
    • Expand Method response status 200.
    • Under Heading Mappings, click the Edit button beside Content-Type and set the value to 'text/html'. Note the single quotes are required. Save it.
    • We don't need to set a charset in the Content-Type value. The HTML response includes a meta tag to set that.
    • Under Body Mapping Templates, remove application/json.
    • Under Body Mapping Templates, choose Add mapping template.
    • Enter text/html (no single quotes this time).
    • After you save this, a template editor should appear.
    • Enter this as the template: $input.path('$')
    • How does this template work? $ is the root object. In our case it is the JavaScript string. $input.path() returns the object representation of its parameter, our String, now raw.
    • Click Save.
  • Under Actions near the top, click Deploy API.
    • You must choose a Deployment stage. You can create one. Name it whatever you like, such as eggcorn. The name will be part of the URL.
    • You will see an Invoke URL listed near the top of the page. This is the URL you can now make requests to to invoke your Lambda function.
    • Note if you make any changes to the API, you must Deploy API again to see them.


At this point we can make an HTTP request that reaches our Lambda function.

You can try this using cURL:

curl -v -d 'name=horgh+washere&'`

The URL is the Invoke URL for the API Gateway stage you configured in the prior section.

Final steps

We have a serverless application for posting comments. However, we still need a frontend to it, a comments form. I've provided a sample form in sample-form.html in this repository. You can use a similar form to add forms into pages that you want to accept comments on. You can place these forms anywhere you want to accept comments.

Once you have a form and you are receiving comments, you'll need to take the comments out of the JSON (in the emails) and show them on a site.

I have a separate project that does this part for my blog. You can use a similar system.


  • Rate limiting (API Gateway configuration may suffice)
  • Captcha