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Upgrading to Vault 1.12.x - Guides
This page contains the list of deprecations and important or breaking changes for Vault 1.12.x. Please read it carefully.


This page contains the list of deprecations and important or breaking changes for Vault 1.12.x compared to 1.11. Please read it carefully.


Supported Storage Backends

Vault Enterprise will now perform a supported storage check at startup. There is no impact on open-source Vault users.

@include 'ent-supported-storage.mdx'

@include 'consul-dataplane-upgrade-note.mdx'

External Plugin Loading

Vault 1.12.0 introduced a change to how external plugins are loaded. Prior to Vault 1.12.0 plugins were lazy loaded on startup. This means that plugin processes were killed after a successful mount and then respawned when a request is routed to them. Vault 1.12.0 introduced auto mutual TLS for secrets/auth plugins so we do not lazy load them on startup anymore.

Known Issues

Pinning to builtin plugin versions may cause failure on upgrade

1.12.0 introduced plugin versions, and with it, the ability to explicitly specify the builtin version of a plugin when mounting an auth, database or secrets plugin. For example, vault auth enable -plugin-version=v1.12.0+builtin.vault approle. If there are any mounts where the builtin version was explicitly specified in this way, Vault may fail to start on upgrading to 1.12.1 due to the specified version no longer being available.

To check whether a mount path is affected, read the tune information, or the database config. The affected plugins are snowflake-database-plugin@v0.6.0+builtin and any plugins with +builtin.vault metadata in their version.

In this example, the first two mounts are affected because plugin_version is explicitly set and is one of the affected versions. The third mount is not affected because it only has +builtin metadata, and is not the Snowflake database plugin. All mounts where the version is omitted, or the plugin is external (regardless of whether the version is specified) are unaffected.

-> NOTE: Make sure you use Vault CLI 1.12.0 or later to check mounts.

$ vault read sys/auth/approle/tune
Key                  Value
---                  -----
plugin_version       v1.12.0+builtin.vault

$ vault read database/config/snowflake
Key                                   Value
---                                   -----
plugin_name                           snowflake-database-plugin
plugin_version                        v0.6.0+builtin

$ vault read sys/auth/kubernetes/tune
Key                  Value
---                  -----
plugin_version       v0.14.0+builtin

As it is not currently possible to unset the plugin version, there are 3 possible remediations if you have any affected mounts:

  • Upgrade Vault directly to 1.12.2 once released
  • Upgrade to an external version of the plugin before upgrading to 1.12.1;
  • Unmount and remount the path without a version specified before upgrading to 1.12.1. Note: This will delete all data and leases associated with the mount.

The bug was introduced by commit

Impacted Versions

Affects upgrading from 1.12.0 to 1.12.1. All other upgrade paths are unaffected. 1.12.2 will introduce a fix that enables upgrades from affected deployments of 1.12.0.

Mounts associated with deprecated builtin plugins will result in core shutdown on upgrade

As of 1.12.0 Standalone (logical) DB Engines and the AppId Auth Method have been marked with the Pending Removal status. Any attempt to unseal Vault with mounts backed by one of these builtin plugins will result in an immediate shutdown of the Vault core.

-> NOTE In the event that an external plugin with the same name and type as a deprecated builtin is deregistered, any subsequent unseal of Vault will also result in a core shutdown.

$ vault plugin register -sha256=c805cf3b69f704dfcd5176ef1c7599f88adbfd7374e9c76da7f24a32a97abfe1 auth app-id
Success! Registered plugin: app-id
$ vault auth enable -plugin-name=app-id plugin
Success! Enabled app-id auth method at: app-id/
$ vault auth list -detailed
app-id/    app-id    auth_app-id_3a8f2e24    system         system     default-service    replicated     false        false                      map[]      n/a                        0018263c-0d64-7a70-fd5c-50e05c5f5dc3    n/a        n/a                      c805cf3b69f704dfcd5176ef1c7599f88adbfd7374e9c76da7f24a32a97abfe1    n/a
$ vault plugin deregister auth app-id
Success! Deregistered plugin (if it was registered): app-id
$ vault plugin list -detailed | grep "app-id"
app-id                               auth        v1.12.0+builtin.vault                                 pending removal

The remediation for affected mounts is to set the VAULT_ALLOW_PENDING_REMOVAL_MOUNTS environment variable and replace any Pending Removal feature with the preferred alternative feature.

For more information on the phases of deprecation, see the Deprecation Notices FAQ.

Impacted Versions

Affects upgrading from any version of Vault to 1.12.x. All other upgrade paths are unaffected.

vault plugin list fails when audit logging is enabled

If audit logging is enabled, Vault will fail to audit the response from any calls to the GET /v1/sys/plugins/catalog endpoint, which causes the whole request to fail and return a 500 internal server error. From the CLI, this looks like the following:

$ vault plugin list
Error listing available plugins: data from server response is empty

It will produce errors in Vault Server's logs such as:

2022-11-30T20:04:22.397Z [ERROR] audit: panic during logging: request_path=sys/plugins/catalog error="reflect: reflect.Value.Set using value obtained using unexported field"
2022-11-30T20:04:22.398Z [ERROR] core: failed to audit response: request_path=sys/plugins/catalog
  | 1 error occurred:
  | 	* panic generating audit log

As a workaround, listing plugins by type will succeed:

  • vault list sys/plugins/catalog/auth
  • vault list sys/plugins/catalog/database
  • vault list sys/plugins/catalog/secret

The bug was introduced by commit

Impacted Versions

Affects versions 1.12.0, 1.12.1, and 1.12.2. A fix will be released in 1.12.3.

PKI OCSP GET requests return malformed request responses

If an OCSP GET request contains a '+' character, a malformed request response will be returned instead of properly processing the request due to a double decoding issue within the handler.

As a workaround, OCSP POST requests can be used which are unaffected.

Impacted Versions

Affects version 1.12.3. A fix will be released in 1.12.4.