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Plugin Development - Translating Protocol Version 6 to 5
Use the tf6to5server package in terraform-plugin-mux to translate protocol version 6 providers to protocol version 5.

Translating Protocol Version 6 to 5

The tf6to5server package enables translating a protocol version 6 provider server into a protocol version 5 provider server.

Use this package to:


Protocol version 5 provider servers are compatible with Terraform CLI 0.12 and later.

The following provider server implementations are supported:


Downgrading provider servers from protocol version 6 to protocol version 5 will return an error if there are protocol version 6 features that are in use that are not available in protocol version 5. Refer to the protocol version 6 documentation for more information.

If publishing to the Terraform Registry, set metadata.protocol_versions to ["5.0"] in the Terraform Registry manifest file.

Code Implementation

Use the tf6to5server.DowngradeServer() function to wrap a provider server. For most providers, this is in the provider main() function of the root directory main.go file or where tf5muxserver is implemented in the codebase, if applicable.

The following example downgrades a terraform-plugin-framework provider.

downgradedFrameworkProvider, err := tf6to5server.DowngradeServer(

The following example uses tf5server to serve the downgraded provider directly.

err = tf5server.Serve(

The following example uses tf5muxserver to serve the downgraded provider while it is combined with other providers.

providers := []func() tfprotov5.ProviderServer{

	// Example terraform-plugin-sdk/v2 provider

muxServer, err := tf5muxserver.NewMuxServer(ctx, providers...)

Refer to the tf5muxserver documentation for more details about how to serve the combined provider.

Testing Implementation

You can test the original provider using the same acceptance tests as before. Set the ProtoV5ProviderFactories field of TestCase to use the acceptance testing framework available in terraform-provider-sdk/v2/helper/resource.

The following example creates a test case for a downgraded provider.

resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
	// ... other TestCase fields ...
	ProtoV5ProviderFactories: map[string]func() (tfprotov5.ProviderServer, error) {
		"example": func() (tfprotov5.ProviderServer, error) {
			ctx := context.Background()
			downgradedFrameworkProvider, err := tf6to5server.DowngradeServer(

			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			return downgradedFrameworkProvider.ProviderServer(), nil

Refer to the acceptance tests documentation for more details.