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Plugin Development - Logging HTTP Transport
SDKv2 provides a helper to send all the HTTP transactions to structured logging.

HTTP Transport

Terraform's public interface has included helper/logging: NewTransport() since v0.9.5. This helper is an implementation of the Golang standard library http.RoundTripper that lets you add logging at the DEBUG level to your provider's HTTP transactions.

We do not recommend using this original helper because it is designed to log the entirety of each request and response. This includes any sensitive content that may be present in the message header or body, presenting security concerns.

Instead, we recommend using the terraform-plugin-log library to produce logs for your provider. This library does not present the same security concerns and provides log filtering functionality. This page explains how to set up the new RoundTripper() helper to log HTTP Transactions with terraform-plugin-log.

Setting Up Logging for HTTP Transactions

The recommended logging helper for SDK is built on top of terraform-plugin-log. This lets you leverage the features from our structured logging framework without having to write an entire implementation of http.RoundTripper.

There are two functions inside helper/logging that target a specific logging setup for your provider. Refer to “Writing Log Output” for details.

  • NewLoggingHTTPTransport(transport http.RoundTripper): Use this method when you want logging against the tflog Provider root logger.
  • NewSubsystemLoggingHTTPTransport(subsystem string, transport http.RoundTripper): Use this method when you want logging against a tflog Provider Subsystem logger. The subsystem string you use with NewSubsystemLoggingHTTPTransport() must match the pre-created subsystem logger name.

To set up HTTP transport, you must create the HTTP Client to use the new transport and then add logging configuration to the HTTP request context.

Creating the HTTP Client

After you create the transport , you must use it to set up the http.Client for the provider. The following example sets up the client in schema.Provider ConfigureContextFunc. The client is identical to the default Golang http.Client, except it uses the new logging transport.

func New() (*schema.Provider, error) {
    return &schema.Provider{
        // omitting the rest of the schema definition

        ConfigureContextFunc: func (ctx context.Context, rsc *schema.ResourceData) (interface{}, diag.Diagnostics) {

            // omitting provider-specific configuration logic

            transport := logging.NewLoggingHTTPTransport(http.DefaultTransport)
            client := http.Client{
                Transport: transport,

            return client, diag.Diagnostics{}

## Adding Context to HTTP Requests

All calls to the `tflog` package must contain an SDK provided `context.Context` that stores the logging implementation. Providers written with `terraform-plugin-sdk` must use context-aware functionality, such as the [`helper/schema.Resource` type `ReadContext` field](

The following example uses [`http.NewRequestWithContext()` function]( to create an HTTP request that includes the logging configuration from the `context.Context`. 

// inside a context-aware Resource function
req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, "GET", "", nil)
if err != nil {
	return fmt.Errorf("Failed to create a new request: %w", err)

res, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
	return fmt.Errorf("Request failed: %w", err)
defer res.Body.Close()

Use the (http.Request).WithContext() method to set the context for the http.Request if the request is generated separately from where the context.Context is available.

HTTP Transaction Log Format

The logging transport produces two log entries for each HTTP transaction: one for the request and one for the response.

Request Example

The following example shows a log generated from an HTTP Request to

2022-07-26T18:54:08.880+0100 [DEBUG] provider: Sending HTTP Request: Accept-Encoding=gzip Content-Length=0 \ User-Agent=Go-http-client/1.1 \
    tf_http_op_type=request tf_http_req_method=GET \
    tf_http_req_uri=/ tf_http_req_version=HTTP/1.1 tf_http_trans_id=7e80e48d-8f32-f527-1412-52a8c84359e7

The following example shows the same logs after you enable logging in JSON format.

    "@level": "debug",
    "@message": "Sending HTTP Request",
    "@module": "provider",
    "@timestamp": "2022-07-26T18:54:08.880+0100",

    "Accept-Encoding": "gzip",
    "Content-Length": "0",
    "Host": "",
    "User-Agent": "Go-http-client/1.1",

    "tf_http_op_type": "request",
    "tf_http_req_body": "",
    "tf_http_req_method": "GET",
    "tf_http_req_uri": "/",
    "tf_http_req_version": "HTTP/1.1",
    "tf_http_trans_id": "7e80e48d-8f32-f527-1412-52a8c84359e7"

Response Example

The following example shows logs from a HTTP response.

2022-07-26T18:54:10.734+0100 [DEBUG] provider: Received HTTP Response: Age=9 \
    Cache-Control="public, max-age=0, must-revalidate" Content-Type=text/html \
    Date="Tue, 26 Jul 2022 13:16:46 GMT" Etag="... ABCDEFGH..." Server=Vercel \
    Strict-Transport-Security="max-age=63072000" X-Frame-Options=SAMEORIGIN X-Matched-Path=/ \
    X-Nextjs-Cache=HIT X-Powered-By=Next.js X-Vercel-Cache=STALE \
    X-Vercel-Id=lhr1::iad1::lx2h8-99999999999999-fffffffffff \
    tf_http_op_type=response tf_http_res_body="... LOTS OF HTML ..." tf_http_res_status_code=200 \
    tf_http_res_status_reason="200 OK" tf_http_res_version=HTTP/2.0 \

the following example shows the same logs in JSON format.

    "@level": "debug",
    "@message": "Received HTTP Response",
    "@module": "provider",
    "@timestamp": "2022-07-26T18:54:10.734+0100",

    "Age": "9",
    "Cache-Control": "public, max-age=0, must-revalidate",
    "Content-Type": "text/html",
    "Date": "Tue, 26 Jul 2022 13:16:46 GMT",
    "Etag": "... ABCDEFGH...",
    "Server": "Vercel",
    "Strict-Transport-Security": "max-age=63072000",
    "X-Frame-Options": "SAMEORIGIN",
    "X-Matched-Path": "/",
    "X-Nextjs-Cache": "HIT",
    "X-Powered-By": "Next.js",
    "X-Vercel-Cache": "STALE",
    "X-Vercel-Id": "lhr1::iad1::lx2h8-99999999999999-fffffffffff",

    "tf_http_op_type": "response",
    "tf_http_res_body": "... LOTS OF HTML ...",
    "tf_http_res_status_code": 200,
    "tf_http_res_status_reason": "200 OK",
    "tf_http_res_version": "HTTP/2.0",
    "tf_http_trans_id": "7e80e48d-8f32-f527-1412-52a8c84359e7"

Log Information

Each log contains the following information, which is represented as fields in the JSON format.

Log field name Description Possible values Applies to
tf_http_op_type Which HTTP operation log refers to [request, response] Request / Response
tf_http_trans_id Unique identifier used by Request and Response that belong to the same HTTP Transaction A universally unique identifier (UUID) Request / Response
tf_http_req_body Request body Request
tf_http_req_method Request method A canonical HTTP methods Request
tf_http_req_uri Request URI Ex. "/path" Request
tf_http_req_version Request HTTP version Ex. "HTTP/1.1" Request
tf_http_res_body Response body Response
tf_http_res_status_code Response status code A canonical HTTP status code Response
`tf_http_res_status_reason Response status reason Canonical textual description of the corresponding tf_http_res_status_code Response
tf_http_res_version Response HTTP version Ex. "HTTP/2.0" Response
(Other fields) Request / Response headers. One field per header. If the header contains a single value, the log field value is set to that value. Otherwise, the field value is a slice of strings. Request / Response

Filtering Sensitive Data

To filter logs, you must configure the context.Context before before it is added to the http.Request.

The following example masks all the header values of HTTP Requests containing an Authorization and Proxy-Authorization credentials.

// inside a context-aware Resource function
ctx := tflog.SubsystemMaskFieldValuesWithFieldKeys(ctx, "my-subsystem", "Authorization")
ctx = tflog.SubsystemMaskFieldValuesWithFieldKeys(ctx, "my-subsystem", "Proxy-Authorization")

req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, "GET", "", nil)
if err != nil {
	return fmt.Errorf("Failed to create a new request: %w", err)

res, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
	return fmt.Errorf("Request failed: %w", err)
defer res.Body.Close()
