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WASM + TypeScript + ESM in Node.js, Jest and Next.js

This repo contains a web app that depends on an NPM package with WASM, TypeScript and native ESModules. WASM code is successfully used in a Node.js script, a Jest test and a Next.js app within a page and an API route.

The demo was created while working on blockprotocol/blockprotocol and hashintel/hash.


Demo steps

  1. Clone the repo and install dependencies from the root folder:

    yarn install
  2. (can be skipped) Generate wasm-package from wasm-crate:

    cd wasm-crate
    wasm-pack build --out-dir ../wasm-package --target=bundler
    cd ..
  3. (can be skipped) Tweak wasm-package:

    ## Enable native ESM in package.json
    yarn replace-in-file "/\"module\":/" "\"type\": \"module\", \"main\":" wasm-package/package.json --isRegex
    yarn prettier --write wasm-package/package.json
    ## Remove autogenerated .gitignore
    rm wasm-package/.gitignore

    This step won’t be necessary when rustwasm/wasm-pack#1061 is merged and released.

  4. 🎉 Run a Node.js script that uses the wasm-package:

    yarn workspace web-app exe scripts/wasm-package-answer.ts
  5. 🎉 Run unit tests (patched Jest) referring to the wasm-package:

    yarn workspace web-app test

    For built-in support of WASM in Jest see facebook/jest#11011 (comment).

  6. 🎉 Run Next.js dev server and check if wasm-package works there too:

    yarn workspace web-app dev

    Open localhost:3000 and localhost:3000/api/wasm-package-answer to see the result.

  7. ⚠️ Build and run production Next.js app:

    yarn workspace web-app build
    yarn workspace web-app start

    ⚠️ I could not get WASM working in API routes. Requesting localhost:3000/api/wasm-package-answer returns Internal Server Error.

    Upstream discussion: vercel/next.js#29362 (comment).