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iOS API Docs


Option Type Opt/Required Default Note
accessToken string Required NA Mapbox access token. Sign up for a Mapbox account here.
centerCoordinate object Optional 0,0 Initial latitude/longitude the map will load at, defaults to 0,0.
zoomLevel double Optional 0 Initial zoom level the map will load at. 0 is the entire world, 18 is rooftop level. Defaults to 0.
rotateEnabled bool Optional true Whether the map can rotate
scrollEnabled bool Optional true Whether the map can be scrolled
zoomEnabled bool Optional true Whether the map zoom level can be changed
showsUserLocation bool Optional false Whether the user's location is shown on the map. Note - the map will not zoom to their location.
styleURL string Optional Mapbox Streets A Mapbox GL style sheet. Defaults to streets-v8.
annotations array Optional NA An array of annotation objects. See annotation detail
direction double Optional 0 Heading of the map in degrees where 0 is north and 180 is south
debugActive bool Optional false Turns on debug mode.
style flexbox view Optional NA Styles the actual map view container


Event Name Returns Notes
onRegionChange {latitude: 0, longitude: 0, zoom: 0} Fired when the map ends panning or zooming.
onRegionWillChange {latitude: 0, longitude: 0, zoom: 0} Fired when the map begins panning or zooming.
onOpenAnnotation {title: null, subtitle: null, latitude: 0, longitude: 0} Fired when focusing a an annotation.
onUpdateUserLocation {latitude: 0, longitude: 0, headingAccuracy: 0, magneticHeading: 0, trueHeading: 0, isUpdating: false} Fired when the users location updates.
onRightAnnotationTapped {title: null, subtitle: null, latitude: 0, longitude: 0} Fired when user taps rightCalloutAccessory

Methods for Modifying the Map State

These methods require you to use MapboxGLMap.Mixin to access the methods. Each method also requires you to pass in a string as the first argument which is equal to the ref on the map view you wish to modify. See the example on how this is implemented.

Method Name Arguments Notes
setDirectionAnimated mapViewRef, heading Rotates the map to a new heading
setZoomLevelAnimated mapViewRef, zoomLevel Zooms the map to a new zoom level
setCenterCoordinateAnimated mapViewRef, latitude, longitude Moves the map to a new coordinate. Note, the zoom level stay at the current zoom level
setCenterCoordinateZoomLevelAnimated mapViewRef, latitude, longitude, zoomLevel Moves the map to a new coordinate and zoom level
addAnnotations mapViewRef, `` (array of annotation objects, see #annotations) Adds annotation(s) to the map without redrawing the map. Note, this will remove all previous annotations from the map.
selectAnnotationAnimated mapViewRef, annotationPlaceInArray Open the callout of the selected annotation. This method works with the current annotations on the map. annotationPlaceInArray starts at 0 and refers to the first annotation.
removeAnnotation mapViewRef, annotationPlaceInArray Removes the selected annotation from the map. This method works with the current annotations on the map. annotationPlaceInArray starts at 0 and refers to the first annotation.
setVisibleCoordinateBoundsAnimated mapViewRef, latitude1, longitude1, latitude2, longitude2, edgePadding Changes the viewport to fit the given coordinate bounds and some additional padding on each side.

GL Styles

You can change the styleURL to any valid GL stylesheet, here are a few:

  • asset://styles/dark-v8.json
  • asset://styles/light-v8.json
  • asset://styles/emerald-v8.json
  • asset://styles/streets-v8.json
  • asset://styles/satellite-v8.json


  "coordinates": "required. For type polyline and polygon must be an array of arrays. For type point, single array",
  "type": "required: point, polyline or polygon",
  "title": "optional string",
  "subtitle": "optional string",
  "fillAlpha": "optional, only used for type=polygon. Controls the opacity of polygon",
  "fillColor": "optional string hex color including #, only used for type=polygon",
  "strokeAlpha": "optional number from 0-1. Only used for type=poyline. Controls opacity of line",
  "strokeColor": "optional string hex color including #, used for type=polygon and type=polyline",
  "strokeWidth": "optional number. Only used for type=poyline. Controls line width",
  "id": "optional string, unique identifier.",
  "rightCalloutAccessory": {
    "url": "Optional. Either remote image or specify via 'image!yourImage.png'",
    "height": "required if url specified",
    "width": "required if url specified"
  "annotationImage": {
    "url": "Optional. Either remote image or specify via 'image!yourImage.png'",
    "height": "required if url specified",
    "width": "required if url specified"

For adding local images via image!yourImage.png see adding static resources to your app using Images.xcassets docs.


annotations: [{
  "coordinates": [40.72052634, -73.97686958312988],
  "type": "point",
  "title": "This is marker 1",
  "subtitle": "It has a rightCalloutAccessory too",
  "rightCalloutAccessory": {
    "url": "",
    "height": 25,
    "width": 25
  "annotationImage": {
    "url": "",
    "height": 25,
    "width": 25
  "id": "marker1"
}, {
  "coordinates": [40.714541341726175,-74.00579452514648],
  "type": "point",
  "title": "Important",
  "subtitle": "Neat, this is a custom annotation image",
  "annotationImage": {
    "url": "",
    "height": 25,
    "width": 25
  "id": "marker2"
}, {
  "coordinates": [[40.76572150042782,-73.99429321289062],[40.743485405490695, -74.00218963623047],[40.728266950429735,-74.00218963623047],[40.728266950429735,-73.99154663085938],[40.73633186448861,-73.98983001708984],[40.74465591168391,-73.98914337158203],[40.749337730454826,-73.9870834350586]],
  "type": "polyline",
  "strokeColor": "#00FB00",
  "strokeWidth": 3,
  "strokeAlpha": 0.5,
  "id": "foobar"
}, {
  "coordinates": [[40.749857912194386, -73.96820068359375], [40.741924698522055,-73.9735221862793], [40.735681504432264,-73.97523880004883], [40.7315190495212,-73.97438049316406], [40.729177554196376,-73.97180557250975], [40.72345355209305,-73.97438049316406], [40.719290332250544,-73.97455215454102], [40.71369559554873,-73.97729873657227], [40.71200407096382,-73.97850036621094], [40.71031250340588,-73.98691177368163], [40.71031250340588,-73.99154663085938]],
  "type": "polygon",
  "fillColor": "#C32C2C",
  "strokeColor": "#DDDDD",
  "id": "zap"