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Svelte Material UI - Chips

Chips are used to show discrete information, filter options, input tags, or actions.


npm install --save-dev @smui/chips


See it in action.

See the demo code.

Whoa There, These Docs are Outdated

The latest SMUI v3 had a lot of changes, and these docs haven't been caught up yet. You should check out the demo page's code to see the latest usage.

Basic Usage

Input Chips:

<Textfield bind:value={newTag} label="Tag" />
  disabled={newTag === '' || tags.indexOf(newTag) !== -1}

<Set chips={tags} let:chip input>
  <Chip><Text>{chip}</Text><Icon class="material-icons">cancel</Icon></Chip>

  import Chip, { Set, Icon, Text } from '@smui/chips';
  import Textfield from '@smui/textfield';
  import Button, { Label } from '@smui/button';

  let tags = [];
  let newTag = '';

  function addTag() {
    tags = tags;
    newTag = '';



A chip.

Props / Defaults

  • use: [] - An array of Svelte actions and/or arrays of an action and its options.
  • class: '' - A CSS class string.
  • ripple: true - Whether to implement a ripple for when the component is interacted with.
  • touch: false - The chip will have a larger touch target.
  • selected: false - Whether the chip is selected. (You should only use this if you don't pass selected to the chip set.)
  • shouldRemoveOnTrailingIconClick: true - Whether the chip should be removed upon clicking the trailing icon.


  • MDCChip:interaction
  • MDCChip:selection
  • MDCChip:removal
  • MDCChip:trailingIconInteraction
  • MDCChip:navigation


A set of chips. Chips should only be added onto the end of the set's chip array.

Props / Defaults

  • use: [] - An array of Svelte actions and/or arrays of an action and its options.
  • class: '' - A CSS class string.
  • chips [] - An array containing the chips. New chips should only be pushed onto the end of this array.
  • key chip => chip - A function used to get the key of the chip. Chip sets that have removable chips should always provide unique keys.
  • selected null - The currently selected chip or chips.
  • choice false - Whether to present the chips as a set of choices, allowing one to be chosen.
  • filter false - Whether to present the chips as a set of options, allowing any number to be chosen.
  • input false - Whether to present the chips as a set of values, allowing them to be removed.


A text label.



A graphic icon.


More Information

See Chips in the Material design spec.

See Chips in MDC-Web for information about the upstream library's architecture.