diff --git a/docs/sources/upgrading/_index.md b/docs/sources/upgrading/_index.md index 70d4fa798e6e..a23ac66b8e73 100644 --- a/docs/sources/upgrading/_index.md +++ b/docs/sources/upgrading/_index.md @@ -33,10 +33,6 @@ The output is incredibly verbose as it shows the entire internal config struct u ### Loki -#### Authenticating to Azure Blobstore using managed credentials. - -We've changed the blobstore client to use an [DefaultAzureCredential](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview). This requires ensuring that your Azure VMS have access to storage. - #### `querier.split-queries-by-interval` flag migrated yaml path and default value. The CLI flag `querier.split-queries-by-interval` has changed it's corresponding yaml equivalent from diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod index 753e9f79004d..bb04761ce7fb 100644 --- a/go.mod +++ b/go.mod @@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ require ( cloud.google.com/go/bigtable v1.3.0 cloud.google.com/go/pubsub v1.3.1 cloud.google.com/go/storage v1.10.0 - github.com/Azure/azure-pipeline-go v0.2.3 // indirect - github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/adal v0.9.18 // indirect + github.com/Azure/azure-pipeline-go v0.2.3 + github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go v0.13.0 + github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/adal v0.9.18 github.com/Masterminds/sprig/v3 v3.2.2 github.com/NYTimes/gziphandler v1.1.1 github.com/Shopify/sarama v1.30.0 @@ -85,10 +86,10 @@ require ( go.etcd.io/bbolt v1.3.6 go.uber.org/atomic v1.9.0 go.uber.org/goleak v1.1.12 - golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20220131195533-30dcbda58838 - golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20220127200216-cd36cc0744dd + golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20211202192323-5770296d904e + golang.org/x/net 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indirect - github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal v0.9.0 // indirect - github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go v0.13.0 // indirect + github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go v61.1.0+incompatible // indirect github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm v0.0.0-20210617225240-d185dfc1b5a1 // indirect github.com/Azure/go-autorest v14.2.0+incompatible // indirect github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest v0.11.23 // indirect @@ -127,7 +124,6 @@ require ( github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/validation v0.3.1 // indirect github.com/Azure/go-autorest/logger v0.2.1 // indirect github.com/Azure/go-autorest/tracing v0.6.0 // indirect - github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go v0.4.0 // indirect github.com/Masterminds/goutils v1.1.1 // indirect github.com/Masterminds/semver/v3 v3.1.1 // indirect github.com/Microsoft/go-winio v0.4.17 // indirect @@ -179,7 +175,6 @@ require ( github.com/go-stack/stack v1.8.0 // indirect github.com/go-zookeeper/zk v1.0.2 // indirect github.com/gogo/googleapis v1.4.0 // indirect - github.com/golang-jwt/jwt v3.2.2+incompatible // indirect github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v4 v4.0.0 // indirect github.com/golang/groupcache v0.0.0-20210331224755-41bb18bfe9da // indirect github.com/google/btree v1.0.1 // indirect @@ -212,7 +207,6 @@ require ( github.com/jpillora/backoff v1.0.0 // indirect github.com/julienschmidt/httprouter v1.3.0 // indirect github.com/klauspost/cpuid v1.3.1 // indirect - github.com/kylelemons/godebug v1.1.0 // indirect github.com/leodido/ragel-machinery v0.0.0-20181214104525-299bdde78165 // indirect github.com/mailru/easyjson v0.7.6 // indirect github.com/mattn/go-colorable v0.1.9 // indirect @@ -230,7 +224,6 @@ require ( github.com/opencontainers/go-digest v1.0.0 // indirect github.com/opencontainers/image-spec v1.0.1 // indirect github.com/pierrec/lz4 v2.6.1+incompatible // indirect - github.com/pkg/browser v0.0.0-20210911075715-681adbf594b8 // indirect github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0 // indirect github.com/prometheus/alertmanager v0.23.1-0.20210914172521-e35efbddb66a // indirect github.com/prometheus/common/sigv4 v0.1.0 // indirect @@ -263,7 +256,7 @@ require ( go4.org/unsafe/assume-no-moving-gc v0.0.0-20201222180813-1025295fd063 // indirect golang.org/x/mod v0.5.1 // indirect golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.0.0-20211104180415-d3ed0bb246c8 // indirect - golang.org/x/term v0.0.0-20210927222741-03fcf44c2211 // indirect + golang.org/x/term v0.0.0-20210220032956-6a3ed077a48d // indirect golang.org/x/text v0.3.7 // indirect golang.org/x/tools v0.1.8 // indirect golang.org/x/xerrors v0.0.0-20200804184101-5ec99f83aff1 // indirect @@ -288,7 +281,6 @@ require ( github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-go v0.27.0 github.com/gofrs/flock v0.7.1 // indirect github.com/gogo/status v1.1.0 - github.com/grafana/regexp v0.0.0-20220202152701-6a046c4caf32 github.com/oklog/ulid v1.3.1 ) @@ -297,7 +289,9 @@ replace github.com/sercand/kuberesolver => github.com/sercand/kuberesolver v2.4. replace github.com/hpcloud/tail => github.com/grafana/tail v0.0.0-20201004203643-7aa4e4a91f03 -replace github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob => github.com/MasslessParticle/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob v0.2.1-0.20220131200443-9793e6f0cc65 +replace github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go => github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go v36.2.0+incompatible + +replace github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go => github.com/MasslessParticle/azure-storage-blob-go v0.14.1-0.20220216145902-b5e698eff68e replace k8s.io/client-go => k8s.io/client-go v0.21.0 diff --git a/go.sum b/go.sum index 99536d2ac868..081a62de3ef1 100644 --- a/go.sum +++ b/go.sum @@ -66,22 +66,8 @@ github.com/Azure/azure-pipeline-go v0.1.8/go.mod h1:XA1kFWRVhSK+KNFiOhfv83Fv8L9a github.com/Azure/azure-pipeline-go v0.1.9/go.mod h1:XA1kFWRVhSK+KNFiOhfv83Fv8L9achrP7OxIzeTn1Yg= github.com/Azure/azure-pipeline-go v0.2.3 h1:7U9HBg1JFK3jHl5qmo4CTZKFTVgMwdFHMVtCdfBE21U= github.com/Azure/azure-pipeline-go v0.2.3/go.mod h1:x841ezTBIMG6O3lAcl8ATHnsOPVl2bqk7S3ta6S6u4k= 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h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg= golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20211210111614-af8b64212486/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg= +golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20211216021012-1d35b9e2eb4e h1:fLOSk5Q00efkSvAm+4xcoXD+RRmLmmulPn5I3Y9F2EM= golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20211216021012-1d35b9e2eb4e/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg= -golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20220128215802-99c3d69c2c27 h1:XDXtA5hveEEV8JB2l7nhMTp3t3cHp9ZpwcdjqyEWLlo= -golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20220128215802-99c3d69c2c27/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg= golang.org/x/term v0.0.0-20201117132131-f5c789dd3221/go.mod h1:Nr5EML6q2oocZ2LXRh80K7BxOlk5/8JxuGnuhpl+muw= golang.org/x/term v0.0.0-20201126162022-7de9c90e9dd1/go.mod h1:bj7SfCRtBDWHUb9snDiAeCFNEtKQo2Wmx5Cou7ajbmo= +golang.org/x/term v0.0.0-20210220032956-6a3ed077a48d h1:SZxvLBoTP5yHO3Frd4z4vrF+DBX9vMVanchswa69toE= golang.org/x/term v0.0.0-20210220032956-6a3ed077a48d/go.mod h1:bj7SfCRtBDWHUb9snDiAeCFNEtKQo2Wmx5Cou7ajbmo= 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"github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob" + "github.com/Azure/azure-pipeline-go/pipeline" + "github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob" + "github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/adal" + "github.com/grafana/dskit/flagext" "github.com/mattn/go-ieproxy" "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus" "github.com/weaveworks/common/instrument" @@ -34,18 +37,23 @@ const ( var ( supportedEnvironments = []string{azureGlobal, azureChinaCloud, azureGermanCloud, azureUSGovernment} - endpoints = map[string]struct{ blobURLFmt string }{ + noClientKey = azblob.ClientProvidedKeyOptions{} + endpoints = map[string]struct{ blobURLFmt, containerURLFmt string }{ azureGlobal: { - "https://%s.blob.core.windows.net/", + "https://%s.blob.core.windows.net/%s/%s", + "https://%s.blob.core.windows.net/%s", }, azureChinaCloud: { - "https://%s.blob.core.chinacloudapi.cn/", + "https://%s.blob.core.chinacloudapi.cn/%s/%s", + "https://%s.blob.core.chinacloudapi.cn/%s", }, azureGermanCloud: { - "https://%s.blob.core.cloudapi.de/", + "https://%s.blob.core.cloudapi.de/%s/%s", + "https://%s.blob.core.cloudapi.de/%s", }, azureUSGovernment: { - "https://%s.blob.core.usgovcloudapi.net/", + "https://%s.blob.core.usgovcloudapi.net/%s/%s", + "https://%s.blob.core.usgovcloudapi.net/%s", }, } @@ -72,6 +80,77 @@ var ( } ) +// BlobStorageConfig defines the configurable flags that can be defined when using azure blob storage. +type BlobStorageConfig struct { + Environment string `yaml:"environment"` + ContainerName string `yaml:"container_name"` + AccountName string `yaml:"account_name"` + AccountKey flagext.Secret `yaml:"account_key"` + DownloadBufferSize int `yaml:"download_buffer_size"` + UploadBufferSize int `yaml:"upload_buffer_size"` + UploadBufferCount int `yaml:"upload_buffer_count"` + RequestTimeout time.Duration `yaml:"request_timeout"` + MaxRetries int `yaml:"max_retries"` + MinRetryDelay time.Duration `yaml:"min_retry_delay"` + MaxRetryDelay time.Duration `yaml:"max_retry_delay"` + UseManagedIdentity bool `yaml:"use_managed_identity"` +} + +// RegisterFlags adds the flags required to config this to the given FlagSet +func (c *BlobStorageConfig) RegisterFlags(f *flag.FlagSet) { + c.RegisterFlagsWithPrefix("", f) +} + +// RegisterFlagsWithPrefix adds the flags required to config this to the given FlagSet +func (c *BlobStorageConfig) RegisterFlagsWithPrefix(prefix string, f *flag.FlagSet) { + f.StringVar(&c.Environment, prefix+"azure.environment", azureGlobal, fmt.Sprintf("Azure Cloud environment. Supported values are: %s.", strings.Join(supportedEnvironments, ", "))) + f.StringVar(&c.ContainerName, prefix+"azure.container-name", "cortex", "Name of the blob container used to store chunks. This container must be created before running cortex.") + f.StringVar(&c.AccountName, prefix+"azure.account-name", "", "The Microsoft Azure account name to be used") + f.Var(&c.AccountKey, prefix+"azure.account-key", "The Microsoft Azure account key to use.") + f.DurationVar(&c.RequestTimeout, prefix+"azure.request-timeout", 30*time.Second, "Timeout for requests made against azure blob storage.") + f.IntVar(&c.DownloadBufferSize, prefix+"azure.download-buffer-size", 512000, "Preallocated buffer size for downloads.") + f.IntVar(&c.UploadBufferSize, prefix+"azure.upload-buffer-size", 256000, "Preallocated buffer size for uploads.") + f.IntVar(&c.UploadBufferCount, prefix+"azure.download-buffer-count", 1, "Number of buffers used to used to upload a chunk.") + f.IntVar(&c.MaxRetries, prefix+"azure.max-retries", 5, "Number of retries for a request which times out.") + f.DurationVar(&c.MinRetryDelay, prefix+"azure.min-retry-delay", 10*time.Millisecond, "Minimum time to wait before retrying a request.") + f.DurationVar(&c.MaxRetryDelay, prefix+"azure.max-retry-delay", 500*time.Millisecond, "Maximum time to wait before retrying a request.") + f.BoolVar(&c.UseManagedIdentity, prefix+"azure.use-managed-identity", false, "Use Managed Identity or not.") +} + +type BlobStorageMetrics struct { + requestDuration *prometheus.HistogramVec + egressBytesTotal prometheus.Counter +} + +// NewBlobStorageMetrics creates the blob storage metrics struct and registers all of it's metrics. +func NewBlobStorageMetrics() BlobStorageMetrics { + b := BlobStorageMetrics{ + requestDuration: prometheus.NewHistogramVec(prometheus.HistogramOpts{ + Namespace: "loki", + Name: "azure_blob_request_duration_seconds", + Help: "Time spent doing azure blob requests.", + // Latency seems to range from a few ms to a few secs and is + // important. So use 6 buckets from 5ms to 5s. + Buckets: prometheus.ExponentialBuckets(0.005, 4, 6), + }, []string{"operation", "status_code"}), + egressBytesTotal: prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{ + Namespace: "loki", + Name: "azure_blob_egress_bytes_total", + Help: "Total bytes downloaded from Azure Blob Storage.", + }), + } + prometheus.MustRegister(b.requestDuration) + prometheus.MustRegister(b.egressBytesTotal) + return b +} + +// Unregister unregisters the blob storage metrics with the prometheus default registerer, useful for tests +// where we frequently need to create multiple instances of the metrics struct, but not globally. +func (bm *BlobStorageMetrics) Unregister() { + prometheus.Unregister(bm.requestDuration) + prometheus.Unregister(bm.egressBytesTotal) +} + // BlobStorage is used to interact with azure blob storage for setting or getting time series chunks. // Implements ObjectStorage type BlobStorage struct { @@ -80,30 +159,35 @@ type BlobStorage struct { metrics BlobStorageMetrics - containerClient azblob.ContainerClient - hedgingContainerClient azblob.ContainerClient + containerURL azblob.ContainerURL + + pipeline pipeline.Pipeline + hedgingPipeline pipeline.Pipeline } // NewBlobStorage creates a new instance of the BlobStorage struct. func NewBlobStorage(cfg *BlobStorageConfig, metrics BlobStorageMetrics, hedgingCfg hedging.Config) (*BlobStorage, error) { log.WarnExperimentalUse("Azure Blob Storage", log.Logger) - - cc, err := newContainerClient(cfg, hedgingCfg, false) + blobStorage := &BlobStorage{ + cfg: cfg, + metrics: metrics, + } + pipeline, err := blobStorage.newPipeline(hedgingCfg, false) if err != nil { return nil, err } - - hcc, err := newContainerClient(cfg, hedgingCfg, true) + blobStorage.pipeline = pipeline + hedgingPipeline, err := blobStorage.newPipeline(hedgingCfg, true) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + blobStorage.hedgingPipeline = hedgingPipeline + blobStorage.containerURL, err = blobStorage.buildContainerURL() if err != nil { return nil, err } - return &BlobStorage{ - cfg: cfg, - metrics: metrics, - containerClient: cc, - hedgingContainerClient: hcc, - }, nil + return blobStorage, nil } // Stop is a no op, as there are no background workers with this driver currently @@ -136,105 +220,153 @@ func (b *BlobStorage) GetObject(ctx context.Context, objectKey string) (io.ReadC } func (b *BlobStorage) getObject(ctx context.Context, objectKey string) (rc io.ReadCloser, size int64, err error) { - client := b.getBlobClient(objectKey, true) - resp, err := client.Download(ctx, nil) + blockBlobURL, err := b.getBlobURL(objectKey, true) + if err != nil { + return nil, 0, err + } + + // Request access to the blob + downloadResponse, err := blockBlobURL.Download(ctx, 0, azblob.CountToEnd, azblob.BlobAccessConditions{}, false, noClientKey) if err != nil { return nil, 0, err } - return resp.Body(azblob.RetryReaderOptions{MaxRetryRequests: b.cfg.MaxRetries}), *resp.ContentLength, nil + + return downloadResponse.Body(azblob.RetryReaderOptions{MaxRetryRequests: b.cfg.MaxRetries}), downloadResponse.ContentLength(), nil } func (b *BlobStorage) PutObject(ctx context.Context, objectKey string, object io.ReadSeeker) error { return instrument.CollectedRequest(ctx, "azure.PutObject", instrument.NewHistogramCollector(b.metrics.requestDuration), instrument.ErrorCode, func(ctx context.Context) error { - client := b.getBlobClient(objectKey, false) - - _, err := client.UploadStreamToBlockBlob( - ctx, - object, - azblob.UploadStreamToBlockBlobOptions{ - BufferSize: b.cfg.UploadBufferSize, - MaxBuffers: b.cfg.UploadBufferCount, - }, - ) + blockBlobURL, err := b.getBlobURL(objectKey, false) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + bufferSize := b.cfg.UploadBufferSize + maxBuffers := b.cfg.UploadBufferCount + _, err = azblob.UploadStreamToBlockBlob(ctx, object, blockBlobURL, + azblob.UploadStreamToBlockBlobOptions{BufferSize: bufferSize, MaxBuffers: maxBuffers}) return err }) } -func (b *BlobStorage) getBlobClient(blobID string, hedging bool) azblob.BlockBlobClient { - blobID = strings.ReplaceAll(blobID, ":", "-") +func (b *BlobStorage) getBlobURL(blobID string, hedging bool) (azblob.BlockBlobURL, error) { + blobID = strings.Replace(blobID, ":", "-", -1) + // generate url for new chunk blob + u, err := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf(b.selectBlobURLFmt(), b.cfg.AccountName, b.cfg.ContainerName, blobID)) + if err != nil { + return azblob.BlockBlobURL{}, err + } + pipeline := b.pipeline if hedging { - return b.hedgingContainerClient.NewBlockBlobClient(blobID) + pipeline = b.hedgingPipeline } - return b.containerClient.NewBlockBlobClient(blobID) -} -func newContainerClient(cfg *BlobStorageConfig, hedgingCfg hedging.Config, hedging bool) (azblob.ContainerClient, error) { - var makeService serviceConstructor = sharedKeyService - if cfg.UseManagedIdentity { - makeService = managedService - } + return azblob.NewBlockBlobURL(*u, pipeline), nil +} - client, err := getHTTPClient(hedgingCfg, hedging) +func (b *BlobStorage) buildContainerURL() (azblob.ContainerURL, error) { + u, err := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf(b.selectContainerURLFmt(), b.cfg.AccountName, b.cfg.ContainerName)) if err != nil { - return azblob.ContainerClient{}, err + return azblob.ContainerURL{}, err } - maxRetries := (int32)(cfg.MaxRetries) - if maxRetries == 0 { - // The SDK uses the default value to mean 3 retries and -1 to mean 0 retries - maxRetries = -1 - } + return azblob.NewContainerURL(*u, b.pipeline), nil +} - service, err := makeService(cfg, - &azblob.ClientOptions{ - Transporter: client, - Retry: policy.RetryOptions{ - MaxRetries: maxRetries, - TryTimeout: cfg.RequestTimeout, - RetryDelay: cfg.MinRetryDelay, - MaxRetryDelay: cfg.MaxRetryDelay, - }, +func (b *BlobStorage) newPipeline(hedgingCfg hedging.Config, hedging bool) (pipeline.Pipeline, error) { + // defining the Azure Pipeline Options + opts := azblob.PipelineOptions{ + Retry: azblob.RetryOptions{ + Policy: azblob.RetryPolicyExponential, + MaxTries: (int32)(b.cfg.MaxRetries), + TryTimeout: b.cfg.RequestTimeout, + RetryDelay: b.cfg.MinRetryDelay, + MaxRetryDelay: b.cfg.MaxRetryDelay, }, - ) + } + + credential, err := azblob.NewSharedKeyCredential(b.cfg.AccountName, b.cfg.AccountKey.Value) if err != nil { - return azblob.ContainerClient{}, err + return nil, err } - return service.NewContainerClient(cfg.ContainerName), nil -} -type serviceConstructor func(cfg *BlobStorageConfig, opts *azblob.ClientOptions) (azblob.ServiceClient, error) + client := defaultClientFactory() + + opts.HTTPSender = pipeline.FactoryFunc(func(next pipeline.Policy, po *pipeline.PolicyOptions) pipeline.PolicyFunc { + return func(ctx context.Context, request pipeline.Request) (pipeline.Response, error) { + resp, err := client.Do(request.WithContext(ctx)) + return pipeline.NewHTTPResponse(resp), err + } + }) -func managedService(cfg *BlobStorageConfig, opts *azblob.ClientOptions) (azblob.ServiceClient, error) { - // DefaultAzureCredential will check the env for creds or create a new Managed Identity - cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) + if hedging { + client, err := hedgingCfg.ClientWithRegisterer(client, prometheus.WrapRegistererWithPrefix("loki_", prometheus.DefaultRegisterer)) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + opts.HTTPSender = pipeline.FactoryFunc(func(next pipeline.Policy, po *pipeline.PolicyOptions) pipeline.PolicyFunc { + return func(ctx context.Context, request pipeline.Request) (pipeline.Response, error) { + resp, err := client.Do(request.WithContext(ctx)) + return pipeline.NewHTTPResponse(resp), err + } + }) + } + + if !b.cfg.UseManagedIdentity { + return azblob.NewPipeline(credential, opts), nil + } + + tokenCredential, err := b.getOAuthToken() if err != nil { - return azblob.ServiceClient{}, nil + return nil, err } - return azblob.NewServiceClient(fmt.Sprintf(accountURL(cfg.Environment), cfg.AccountName), cred, opts) + return azblob.NewPipeline(*tokenCredential, opts), nil } -func sharedKeyService(cfg *BlobStorageConfig, opts *azblob.ClientOptions) (azblob.ServiceClient, error) { - cred, err := azblob.NewSharedKeyCredential(cfg.AccountName, cfg.AccountKey.String()) +func (b *BlobStorage) getOAuthToken() (*azblob.TokenCredential, error) { + spt, err := b.fetchMSIToken() if err != nil { - return azblob.ServiceClient{}, err + return nil, err } - return azblob.NewServiceClientWithSharedKey(fmt.Sprintf(accountURL(cfg.Environment), cfg.AccountName), cred, opts) -} + // Refresh obtains a fresh token + err = spt.Refresh() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + tc := azblob.NewTokenCredential(spt.Token().AccessToken, func(tc azblob.TokenCredential) time.Duration { + err := spt.Refresh() + if err != nil { + // something went wrong, prevent the refresher from being triggered again + return 0 + } + + // set the new token value + tc.SetToken(spt.Token().AccessToken) + + // get the next token slightly before the current one expires + return time.Until(spt.Token().Expires()) - 10*time.Second + }) -func accountURL(env string) string { - return endpoints[env].blobURLFmt + return &tc, nil } -func getHTTPClient(hedgingCfg hedging.Config, hedging bool) (*http.Client, error) { - client := defaultClientFactory() - if hedging { - return hedgingCfg.ClientWithRegisterer(client, prometheus.WrapRegistererWithPrefix("loki_", prometheus.DefaultRegisterer)) +func (b *BlobStorage) fetchMSIToken() (*adal.ServicePrincipalToken, error) { + // msiEndpoint is the well known endpoint for getting MSI authentications tokens + // msiEndpoint := "" for production Jobs + msiEndpoint, _ := adal.GetMSIVMEndpoint() + + // both can be empty, systemAssignedMSI scenario + spt, err := adal.NewServicePrincipalTokenFromMSI(msiEndpoint, "https://storage.azure.com/") + if err != nil { + return nil, err } - return client, nil + + return spt, spt.Refresh() } // List implements chunk.ObjectClient. @@ -242,27 +374,38 @@ func (b *BlobStorage) List(ctx context.Context, prefix, delimiter string) ([]chu var storageObjects []chunk.StorageObject var commonPrefixes []chunk.StorageCommonPrefix - err := instrument.CollectedRequest(ctx, "azure.List", instrument.NewHistogramCollector(b.metrics.requestDuration), instrument.ErrorCode, func(ctx context.Context) error { - pager := b.containerClient.ListBlobsHierarchy(delimiter, &azblob.ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentOptions{Prefix: &prefix}) - for pager.NextPage(ctx) { - resp := pager.PageResponse() - for _, blobInfo := range resp.Segment.BlobItems { + for marker := (azblob.Marker{}); marker.NotDone(); { + if ctx.Err() != nil { + return nil, nil, ctx.Err() + } + + err := instrument.CollectedRequest(ctx, "azure.List", instrument.NewHistogramCollector(b.metrics.requestDuration), instrument.ErrorCode, func(ctx context.Context) error { + listBlob, err := b.containerURL.ListBlobsHierarchySegment(ctx, marker, delimiter, azblob.ListBlobsSegmentOptions{Prefix: prefix}) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + marker = listBlob.NextMarker + + // Process the blobs returned in this result segment (if the segment is empty, the loop body won't execute) + for _, blobInfo := range listBlob.Segment.BlobItems { storageObjects = append(storageObjects, chunk.StorageObject{ - Key: *blobInfo.Name, - ModifiedAt: *blobInfo.Properties.LastModified, + Key: blobInfo.Name, + ModifiedAt: blobInfo.Properties.LastModified, }) } - for _, blobPrefix := range resp.Segment.BlobPrefixes { - commonPrefixes = append(commonPrefixes, chunk.StorageCommonPrefix(*blobPrefix.Name)) + // Process the BlobPrefixes so called commonPrefixes or synthetic directories in the listed synthetic directory + for _, blobPrefix := range listBlob.Segment.BlobPrefixes { + commonPrefixes = append(commonPrefixes, chunk.StorageCommonPrefix(blobPrefix.Name)) } - } - return pager.Err() - }) + return nil + }) + if err != nil { + return nil, nil, err + } - if err != nil { - return nil, nil, err } return storageObjects, commonPrefixes, nil @@ -270,8 +413,12 @@ func (b *BlobStorage) List(ctx context.Context, prefix, delimiter string) ([]chu func (b *BlobStorage) DeleteObject(ctx context.Context, blobID string) error { return instrument.CollectedRequest(ctx, "azure.DeleteObject", instrument.NewHistogramCollector(b.metrics.requestDuration), instrument.ErrorCode, func(ctx context.Context) error { - client := b.getBlobClient(blobID, false) - _, err := client.Delete(ctx, nil) + blockBlobURL, err := b.getBlobURL(blobID, false) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + _, err = blockBlobURL.Delete(ctx, azblob.DeleteSnapshotsOptionInclude, azblob.BlobAccessConditions{}) return err }) } @@ -284,15 +431,20 @@ func (c *BlobStorageConfig) Validate() error { return nil } +func (b *BlobStorage) selectBlobURLFmt() string { + return endpoints[b.cfg.Environment].blobURLFmt +} + +func (b *BlobStorage) selectContainerURLFmt() string { + return endpoints[b.cfg.Environment].containerURLFmt +} + // IsObjectNotFoundErr returns true if error means that object is not found. Relevant to GetObject and DeleteObject operations. func (b *BlobStorage) IsObjectNotFoundErr(err error) bool { - // Some versions of the SDK return a pointer, cover both cases - // to be sure var e azblob.StorageError - if errors.As(err, &e) { - return e.ErrorCode == azblob.StorageErrorCodeBlobNotFound + if errors.As(err, &e) && e.ServiceCode() == azblob.ServiceCodeBlobNotFound { + return true } - var ep *azblob.StorageError - return errors.As(err, &ep) && ep.ErrorCode == azblob.StorageErrorCodeBlobNotFound + return false } diff --git a/pkg/storage/chunk/azure/blob_storage_client_test.go b/pkg/storage/chunk/azure/blob_storage_client_test.go index 698d4b6435b5..b90e6fed02c6 100644 --- a/pkg/storage/chunk/azure/blob_storage_client_test.go +++ b/pkg/storage/chunk/azure/blob_storage_client_test.go @@ -3,14 +3,11 @@ package azure import ( "bytes" "context" - "fmt" "net/http" "strings" "testing" "time" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob" - "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" "go.uber.org/atomic" @@ -79,45 +76,19 @@ func Test_Hedging(t *testing.T) { }), } } - - c, err := NewBlobStorage( - &BlobStorageConfig{ - AccountName: "account", - Environment: azureGlobal, - MaxRetries: 0, - }, - metrics, + c, err := NewBlobStorage(&BlobStorageConfig{ + ContainerName: "foo", + Environment: azureGlobal, + MaxRetries: 1, + }, metrics, hedging.Config{ At: tc.hedgeAt, UpTo: tc.upTo, MaxPerSecond: 1000, }) require.NoError(t, err) - tc.do(c) - require.Eventually(t, func() bool { return tc.expectedCalls == count.Load() }, time.Second, time.Millisecond, "expected calls %d, got %d", tc.expectedCalls, count.Load()) + require.Equal(t, tc.expectedCalls, count.Load()) }) } } - -func Test_IsObjectNotFoundErr(t *testing.T) { - c, err := NewBlobStorage( - &BlobStorageConfig{ - AccountName: "account", - Environment: azureGlobal, - MaxRetries: 0, - }, - metrics, - hedging.Config{}) - require.NoError(t, err) - - storageError := azblob.StorageError{ - ErrorCode: azblob.StorageErrorCodeBlobNotFound, - } - - err = fmt.Errorf("wrapping error %w", &storageError) - require.True(t, c.IsObjectNotFoundErr(err)) - - err = fmt.Errorf("wrapping error %w", storageError) - require.True(t, c.IsObjectNotFoundErr(err)) -} diff --git a/pkg/storage/chunk/azure/blob_storage_config.go b/pkg/storage/chunk/azure/blob_storage_config.go deleted file mode 100644 index dad2432010d3..000000000000 --- a/pkg/storage/chunk/azure/blob_storage_config.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -package azure - -import ( - "flag" - "fmt" - "strings" - "time" - - "github.com/grafana/dskit/flagext" -) - -// BlobStorageConfig defines the configurable flags that can be defined when using azure blob storage. -type BlobStorageConfig struct { - Environment string `yaml:"environment"` - ContainerName string `yaml:"container_name"` - AccountName string `yaml:"account_name"` - AccountKey flagext.Secret `yaml:"account_key"` - DownloadBufferSize int `yaml:"download_buffer_size"` - UploadBufferSize int `yaml:"upload_buffer_size"` - UploadBufferCount int `yaml:"upload_buffer_count"` - RequestTimeout time.Duration `yaml:"request_timeout"` - MaxRetries int `yaml:"max_retries"` - MinRetryDelay time.Duration `yaml:"min_retry_delay"` - MaxRetryDelay time.Duration `yaml:"max_retry_delay"` - UseManagedIdentity bool `yaml:"use_managed_identity"` -} - -// RegisterFlags adds the flags required to config this to the given FlagSet -func (c *BlobStorageConfig) RegisterFlags(f *flag.FlagSet) { - c.RegisterFlagsWithPrefix("", f) -} - -// RegisterFlagsWithPrefix adds the flags required to config this to the given FlagSet -func (c *BlobStorageConfig) RegisterFlagsWithPrefix(prefix string, f *flag.FlagSet) { - f.StringVar(&c.Environment, prefix+"azure.environment", azureGlobal, fmt.Sprintf("Azure Cloud environment. Supported values are: %s.", strings.Join(supportedEnvironments, ", "))) - f.StringVar(&c.ContainerName, prefix+"azure.container-name", "cortex", "Name of the blob container used to store chunks. This container must be created before running cortex.") - f.StringVar(&c.AccountName, prefix+"azure.account-name", "", "The Microsoft Azure account name to be used") - f.Var(&c.AccountKey, prefix+"azure.account-key", "The Microsoft Azure account key to use.") - f.DurationVar(&c.RequestTimeout, prefix+"azure.request-timeout", 30*time.Second, "Timeout for requests made against azure blob storage.") - f.IntVar(&c.DownloadBufferSize, prefix+"azure.download-buffer-size", 512000, "Preallocated buffer size for downloads.") - f.IntVar(&c.UploadBufferSize, prefix+"azure.upload-buffer-size", 256000, "Preallocated buffer size for uploads.") - f.IntVar(&c.UploadBufferCount, prefix+"azure.download-buffer-count", 1, "Number of buffers used to used to upload a chunk.") - f.IntVar(&c.MaxRetries, prefix+"azure.max-retries", 5, "Number of retries for a request which times out.") - f.DurationVar(&c.MinRetryDelay, prefix+"azure.min-retry-delay", 10*time.Millisecond, "Minimum time to wait before retrying a request.") - f.DurationVar(&c.MaxRetryDelay, prefix+"azure.max-retry-delay", 500*time.Millisecond, "Maximum time to wait before retrying a request.") - f.BoolVar(&c.UseManagedIdentity, prefix+"azure.use-managed-identity", false, "Use Managed Identity or not.") -} diff --git a/pkg/storage/chunk/azure/blob_store_metrics.go b/pkg/storage/chunk/azure/blob_store_metrics.go deleted file mode 100644 index 38ee939d8cc0..000000000000 --- a/pkg/storage/chunk/azure/blob_store_metrics.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -package azure - -import "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus" - -type BlobStorageMetrics struct { - requestDuration *prometheus.HistogramVec - egressBytesTotal prometheus.Counter -} - -// NewBlobStorageMetrics creates the blob storage metrics struct and registers all of it's metrics. -func NewBlobStorageMetrics() BlobStorageMetrics { - b := BlobStorageMetrics{ - requestDuration: prometheus.NewHistogramVec(prometheus.HistogramOpts{ - Namespace: "loki", - Name: "azure_blob_request_duration_seconds", - Help: "Time spent doing azure blob requests.", - // Latency seems to range from a few ms to a few secs and is - // important. So use 6 buckets from 5ms to 5s. - Buckets: prometheus.ExponentialBuckets(0.005, 4, 6), - }, []string{"operation", "status_code"}), - egressBytesTotal: prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{ - Namespace: "loki", - Name: "azure_blob_egress_bytes_total", - Help: "Total bytes downloaded from Azure Blob Storage.", - }), - } - prometheus.MustRegister(b.requestDuration) - prometheus.MustRegister(b.egressBytesTotal) - return b -} - -// Unregister unregisters the blob storage metrics with the prometheus default registerer, useful for tests -// where we frequently need to create multiple instances of the metrics struct, but not globally. -func (bm *BlobStorageMetrics) Unregister() { - prometheus.Unregister(bm.requestDuration) - prometheus.Unregister(bm.egressBytesTotal) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/kylelemons/godebug/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/LICENSE similarity index 99% rename from vendor/github.com/kylelemons/godebug/LICENSE rename to vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/LICENSE index d64569567334..af39a91e7033 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/kylelemons/godebug/LICENSE +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/LICENSE @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier identification within third-party archives. - Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] + Copyright 2016 Microsoft Corporation Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/LICENSE.txt b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/LICENSE.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 05b0ebf5bc76..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/LICENSE.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -The MIT License (MIT) - -Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all -copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -SOFTWARE. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/NOTICE b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/NOTICE new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..2d1d72608c28 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/NOTICE @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +Microsoft Azure-SDK-for-Go +Copyright 2014-2017 Microsoft + +This product includes software developed at +the Microsoft Corporation (https://www.microsoft.com). diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/NOTICE.txt b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/NOTICE.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a338672ec53b..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/NOTICE.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -NOTICES AND INFORMATION -Do Not Translate or Localize - -This software incorporates material from third parties. Microsoft makes certain -open source code available at https://3rdpartysource.microsoft.com, or you may -send a check or money order for US $5.00, including the product name, the open -source component name, and version number, to: - -Source Code Compliance Team -Microsoft Corporation -One Microsoft Way -Redmond, WA 98052 -USA - -Notwithstanding any other terms, you may reverse engineer this software to the -extent required to debug changes to any libraries licensed under the GNU Lesser -General Public License. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -Azure SDK for Go uses third-party libraries or other resources that may be -distributed under licenses different than the Azure SDK for Go software. - -In the event that we accidentally failed to list a required notice, please -bring it to our attention. Post an issue or email us: - - azgosdkhelp@microsoft.com - -The attached notices are provided for information only. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/CHANGELOG.md b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/CHANGELOG.md deleted file mode 100644 index d2691dbc2ce4..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/CHANGELOG.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,372 +0,0 @@ -# Release History - -## 0.21.0 (2022-01-11) - -### Features Added -* Added `AllowedHeaders` and `AllowedQueryParams` to `policy.LogOptions` to control which headers and query parameters are written to the logger. -* Added `azcore.ResponseError` type which is returned from APIs when a non-success HTTP status code is received. - -### Breaking Changes -* Moved `[]policy.Policy` parameters of `arm/runtime.NewPipeline` and `runtime.NewPipeline` into a new struct, `runtime.PipelineOptions` -* Renamed `arm/ClientOptions.Host` to `.Endpoint` -* Moved `Request.SkipBodyDownload` method to function `runtime.SkipBodyDownload` -* Removed `azcore.HTTPResponse` interface type -* `arm.NewPoller()` and `runtime.NewPoller()` no longer require an `eu` parameter -* `runtime.NewResponseError()` no longer requires an `error` parameter - -## 0.20.0 (2021-10-22) - -### Breaking Changes -* Removed `arm.Connection` -* Removed `azcore.Credential` and `.NewAnonymousCredential()` - * `NewRPRegistrationPolicy` now requires an `azcore.TokenCredential` -* `runtime.NewPipeline` has a new signature that simplifies implementing custom authentication -* `arm/runtime.RegistrationOptions` embeds `policy.ClientOptions` -* Contents in the `log` package have been slightly renamed. -* Removed `AuthenticationOptions` in favor of `policy.BearerTokenOptions` -* Changed parameters for `NewBearerTokenPolicy()` -* Moved policy config options out of `arm/runtime` and into `arm/policy` - -### Features Added -* Updating Documentation -* Added string typdef `arm.Endpoint` to provide a hint toward expected ARM client endpoints -* `azcore.ClientOptions` contains common pipeline configuration settings -* Added support for multi-tenant authorization in `arm/runtime` -* Require one second minimum when calling `PollUntilDone()` - -### Bug Fixes -* Fixed a potential panic when creating the default Transporter. -* Close LRO initial response body when creating a poller. -* Fixed a panic when recursively cloning structs that contain time.Time. - -## 0.19.0 (2021-08-25) - -### Breaking Changes -* Split content out of `azcore` into various packages. The intent is to separate content based on its usage (common, uncommon, SDK authors). - * `azcore` has all core functionality. - * `log` contains facilities for configuring in-box logging. - * `policy` is used for configuring pipeline options and creating custom pipeline policies. - * `runtime` contains various helpers used by SDK authors and generated content. - * `streaming` has helpers for streaming IO operations. -* `NewTelemetryPolicy()` now requires module and version parameters and the `Value` option has been removed. - * As a result, the `Request.Telemetry()` method has been removed. -* The telemetry policy now includes the SDK prefix `azsdk-go-` so callers no longer need to provide it. -* The `*http.Request` in `runtime.Request` is no longer anonymously embedded. Use the `Raw()` method to access it. -* The `UserAgent` and `Version` constants have been made internal, `Module` and `Version` respectively. - -### Bug Fixes -* Fixed an issue in the retry policy where the request body could be overwritten after a rewind. - -### Other Changes -* Moved modules `armcore` and `to` content into `arm` and `to` packages respectively. - * The `Pipeline()` method on `armcore.Connection` has been replaced by `NewPipeline()` in `arm.Connection`. It takes module and version parameters used by the telemetry policy. -* Poller logic has been consolidated across ARM and core implementations. - * This required some changes to the internal interfaces for core pollers. -* The core poller types have been improved, including more logging and test coverage. - -## 0.18.1 (2021-08-20) - -### Features Added -* Adds an `ETag` type for comparing etags and handling etags on requests -* Simplifies the `requestBodyProgess` and `responseBodyProgress` into a single `progress` object - -### Bugs Fixed -* `JoinPaths` will preserve query parameters encoded in the `root` url. - -### Other Changes -* Bumps dependency on `internal` module to the latest version (v0.7.0) - -## 0.18.0 (2021-07-29) -### Features Added -* Replaces methods from Logger type with two package methods for interacting with the logging functionality. -* `azcore.SetClassifications` replaces `azcore.Logger().SetClassifications` -* `azcore.SetListener` replaces `azcore.Logger().SetListener` - -### Breaking Changes -* Removes `Logger` type from `azcore` - - -## 0.17.0 (2021-07-27) -### Features Added -* Adding TenantID to TokenRequestOptions (https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/pull/14879) -* Adding AuxiliaryTenants to AuthenticationOptions (https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/pull/15123) - -### Breaking Changes -* Rename `AnonymousCredential` to `NewAnonymousCredential` (https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/pull/15104) -* rename `AuthenticationPolicyOptions` to `AuthenticationOptions` (https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/pull/15103) -* Make Header constants private (https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/pull/15038) - - -## 0.16.2 (2021-05-26) -### Features Added -* Improved support for byte arrays [#14715](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/pull/14715) - - -## 0.16.1 (2021-05-19) -### Features Added -* Add license.txt to azcore module [#14682](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/pull/14682) - - -## 0.16.0 (2021-05-07) -### Features Added -* Remove extra `*` in UnmarshalAsByteArray() [#14642](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/pull/14642) - - -## 0.15.1 (2021-05-06) -### Features Added -* Cache the original request body on Request [#14634](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/pull/14634) - - -## 0.15.0 (2021-05-05) -### Features Added -* Add support for null map and slice -* Export `Response.Payload` method - -### Breaking Changes -* remove `Response.UnmarshalError` as it's no longer required - - -## 0.14.5 (2021-04-23) -### Features Added -* Add `UnmarshalError()` on `azcore.Response` - - -## 0.14.4 (2021-04-22) -### Features Added -* Support for basic LRO polling -* Added type `LROPoller` and supporting types for basic polling on long running operations. -* rename poller param and added doc comment - -### Bugs Fixed -* Fixed content type detection bug in logging. - - -## 0.14.3 (2021-03-29) -### Features Added -* Add support for multi-part form data -* Added method `WriteMultipartFormData()` to Request. - - -## 0.14.2 (2021-03-17) -### Features Added -* Add support for encoding JSON null values -* Adds `NullValue()` and `IsNullValue()` functions for setting and detecting sentinel values used for encoding a JSON null. -* Documentation fixes - -### Bugs Fixed -* Fixed improper error wrapping - - -## 0.14.1 (2021-02-08) -### Features Added -* Add `Pager` and `Poller` interfaces to azcore - - -## 0.14.0 (2021-01-12) -### Features Added -* Accept zero-value options for default values -* Specify zero-value options structs to accept default values. -* Remove `DefaultXxxOptions()` methods. -* Do not silently change TryTimeout on negative values -* make per-try timeout opt-in - - -## 0.13.4 (2020-11-20) -### Features Added -* Include telemetry string in User Agent - - -## 0.13.3 (2020-11-20) -### Features Added -* Updating response body handling on `azcore.Response` - - -## 0.13.2 (2020-11-13) -### Features Added -* Remove implementation of stateless policies as first-class functions. - - -## 0.13.1 (2020-11-05) -### Features Added -* Add `Telemetry()` method to `azcore.Request()` - - -## 0.13.0 (2020-10-14) -### Features Added -* Rename `log` to `logger` to avoid name collision with the log package. -* Documentation improvements -* Simplified `DefaultHTTPClientTransport()` implementation - - -## 0.12.1 (2020-10-13) -### Features Added -* Update `internal` module dependence to `v0.5.0` - - -## 0.12.0 (2020-10-08) -### Features Added -* Removed storage specific content -* Removed internal content to prevent API clutter -* Refactored various policy options to conform with our options pattern - - -## 0.11.0 (2020-09-22) -### Features Added - -* Removed `LogError` and `LogSlowResponse`. -* Renamed `options` in `RequestLogOptions`. -* Updated `NewRequestLogPolicy()` to follow standard pattern for options. -* Refactored `requestLogPolicy.Do()` per above changes. -* Cleaned up/added logging in retry policy. -* Export `NewResponseError()` -* Fix `RequestLogOptions` comment - - -## 0.10.1 (2020-09-17) -### Features Added -* Add default console logger -* Default console logger writes to stderr. To enable it, set env var `AZURE_SDK_GO_LOGGING` to the value 'all'. -* Added `Logger.Writef()` to reduce the need for `ShouldLog()` checks. -* Add `LogLongRunningOperation` - - -## 0.10.0 (2020-09-10) -### Features Added -* The `request` and `transport` interfaces have been refactored to align with the patterns in the standard library. -* `NewRequest()` now uses `http.NewRequestWithContext()` and performs additional validation, it also requires a context parameter. -* The `Policy` and `Transport` interfaces have had their context parameter removed as the context is associated with the underlying `http.Request`. -* `Pipeline.Do()` will validate the HTTP request before sending it through the pipeline, avoiding retries on a malformed request. -* The `Retrier` interface has been replaced with the `NonRetriableError` interface, and the retry policy updated to test for this. -* `Request.SetBody()` now requires a content type parameter for setting the request's MIME type. -* moved path concatenation into `JoinPaths()` func - - -## 0.9.6 (2020-08-18) -### Features Added -* Improvements to body download policy -* Always download the response body for error responses, i.e. HTTP status codes >= 400. -* Simplify variable declarations - - -## 0.9.5 (2020-08-11) -### Features Added -* Set the Content-Length header in `Request.SetBody` - - -## 0.9.4 (2020-08-03) -### Features Added -* Fix cancellation of per try timeout -* Per try timeout is used to ensure that an HTTP operation doesn't take too long, e.g. that a GET on some URL doesn't take an inordinant amount of time. -* Once the HTTP request returns, the per try timeout should be cancelled, not when the response has been read to completion. -* Do not drain response body if there are no more retries -* Do not retry non-idempotent operations when body download fails - - -## 0.9.3 (2020-07-28) -### Features Added -* Add support for custom HTTP request headers -* Inserts an internal policy into the pipeline that can extract HTTP header values from the caller's context, adding them to the request. -* Use `azcore.WithHTTPHeader` to add HTTP headers to a context. -* Remove method specific to Go 1.14 - - -## 0.9.2 (2020-07-28) -### Features Added -* Omit read-only content from request payloads -* If any field in a payload's object graph contains `azure:"ro"`, make a clone of the object graph, omitting all fields with this annotation. -* Verify no fields were dropped -* Handle embedded struct types -* Added test for cloning by value -* Add messages to failures - - -## 0.9.1 (2020-07-22) -### Features Added -* Updated dependency on internal module to fix race condition. - - -## 0.9.0 (2020-07-09) -### Features Added -* Add `HTTPResponse` interface to be used by callers to access the raw HTTP response from an error in the event of an API call failure. -* Updated `sdk/internal` dependency to latest version. -* Rename package alias - - -## 0.8.2 (2020-06-29) -### Features Added -* Added missing documentation comments - -### Bugs Fixed -* Fixed a bug in body download policy. - - -## 0.8.1 (2020-06-26) -### Features Added -* Miscellaneous clean-up reported by linters - - -## 0.8.0 (2020-06-01) -### Features Added -* Differentiate between standard and URL encoding. - - -## 0.7.1 (2020-05-27) -### Features Added -* Add support for for base64 encoding and decoding of payloads. - - -## 0.7.0 (2020-05-12) -### Features Added -* Change `RetryAfter()` to a function. - - -## 0.6.0 (2020-04-29) -### Features Added -* Updating `RetryAfter` to only return the detaion in the RetryAfter header - - -## 0.5.0 (2020-03-23) -### Features Added -* Export `TransportFunc` - -### Breaking Changes -* Removed `IterationDone` - - -## 0.4.1 (2020-02-25) -### Features Added -* Ensure per-try timeout is properly cancelled -* Explicitly call cancel the per-try timeout when the response body has been read/closed by the body download policy. -* When the response body is returned to the caller for reading/closing, wrap it in a `responseBodyReader` that will cancel the timeout when the body is closed. -* `Logger.Should()` will return false if no listener is set. - - -## 0.4.0 (2020-02-18) -### Features Added -* Enable custom `RetryOptions` to be specified per API call -* Added `WithRetryOptions()` that adds a custom `RetryOptions` to the provided context, allowing custom settings per API call. -* Remove 429 from the list of default HTTP status codes for retry. -* Change StatusCodesForRetry to a slice so consumers can append to it. -* Added support for retry-after in HTTP-date format. -* Cleaned up some comments specific to storage. -* Remove `Request.SetQueryParam()` -* Renamed `MaxTries` to `MaxRetries` - -## 0.3.0 (2020-01-16) -### Features Added -* Added `DefaultRetryOptions` to create initialized default options. - -### Breaking Changes -* Removed `Response.CheckStatusCode()` - - -## 0.2.0 (2020-01-15) -### Features Added -* Add support for marshalling and unmarshalling JSON -* Removed `Response.Payload` field -* Exit early when unmarsahlling if there is no payload - - -## 0.1.0 (2020-01-10) -### Features Added -* Initial release diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/LICENSE.txt b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/LICENSE.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 48ea6616b5b8..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/LICENSE.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -MIT License - -Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all -copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -SOFTWARE diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/README.md b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index 35a74e18d09a..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -# Azure Core Client Module for Go - -[![PkgGoDev](https://pkg.go.dev/badge/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore)](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore) -[![Build Status](https://dev.azure.com/azure-sdk/public/_apis/build/status/go/go%20-%20azcore%20-%20ci?branchName=main)](https://dev.azure.com/azure-sdk/public/_build/latest?definitionId=1843&branchName=main) -[![Code Coverage](https://img.shields.io/azure-devops/coverage/azure-sdk/public/1843/main)](https://img.shields.io/azure-devops/coverage/azure-sdk/public/1843/main) - -The `azcore` module provides a set of common interfaces and types for Go SDK client modules. -These modules follow the [Azure SDK Design Guidelines for Go](https://azure.github.io/azure-sdk/golang_introduction.html). - -## Getting started - -This project uses [Go modules](https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Modules) for versioning and dependency management. - -Typically, you will not need to explicitly install `azcore` as it will be installed as a client module dependency. -To add the latest version to your `go.mod` file, execute the following command. - -```bash -go get github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore -``` - -General documentation and examples can be found on [pkg.go.dev](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore). - -## Contributing -This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require -you to agree to a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have -the right to, and actually do, grant us the rights to use your contribution. -For details, visit [https://cla.microsoft.com](https://cla.microsoft.com). - -When you submit a pull request, a CLA-bot will automatically determine whether -you need to provide a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately (e.g., label, -comment). Simply follow the instructions provided by the bot. You will only -need to do this once across all repos using our CLA. - -This project has adopted the -[Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/). -For more information, see the -[Code of Conduct FAQ](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/faq/) -or contact [opencode@microsoft.com](mailto:opencode@microsoft.com) with any -additional questions or comments. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/ci.yml b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/ci.yml deleted file mode 100644 index aab9218538da..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/ci.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -# NOTE: Please refer to https://aka.ms/azsdk/engsys/ci-yaml before editing this file. -trigger: - branches: - include: - - main - - feature/* - - hotfix/* - - release/* - paths: - include: - - sdk/azcore/ - - eng/ - -pr: - branches: - include: - - main - - feature/* - - hotfix/* - - release/* - paths: - include: - - sdk/azcore/ - - eng/ - -stages: -- template: /eng/pipelines/templates/jobs/archetype-sdk-client.yml - parameters: - ServiceDirectory: azcore diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/core.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/core.go deleted file mode 100644 index 951bc3fba0eb..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/core.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,68 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azcore - -import ( - "reflect" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/pollers" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" -) - -// holds sentinel values used to send nulls -var nullables map[reflect.Type]interface{} = map[reflect.Type]interface{}{} - -// NullValue is used to send an explicit 'null' within a request. -// This is typically used in JSON-MERGE-PATCH operations to delete a value. -func NullValue(v interface{}) interface{} { - t := reflect.TypeOf(v) - if k := t.Kind(); k != reflect.Ptr && k != reflect.Slice && k != reflect.Map { - // t is not of pointer type, make it be of pointer type - t = reflect.PtrTo(t) - } - v, found := nullables[t] - if !found { - var o reflect.Value - if k := t.Kind(); k == reflect.Slice || k == reflect.Map { - o = reflect.New(t) // *[]type / *map[] - o = o.Elem() // []type / map[] - } else { - o = reflect.New(t.Elem()) - } - v = o.Interface() - nullables[t] = v - } - // return the sentinel object - return v -} - -// IsNullValue returns true if the field contains a null sentinel value. -// This is used by custom marshallers to properly encode a null value. -func IsNullValue(v interface{}) bool { - // see if our map has a sentinel object for this *T - t := reflect.TypeOf(v) - if k := t.Kind(); k != reflect.Ptr && k != reflect.Slice && k != reflect.Map { - // v isn't a pointer type so it can never be a null - return false - } - if o, found := nullables[t]; found { - o1 := reflect.ValueOf(o) - v1 := reflect.ValueOf(v) - // we found it; return true if v points to the sentinel object. - // NOTE: maps and slices can only be compared to nil, else you get - // a runtime panic. so we compare addresses instead. - return o1.Pointer() == v1.Pointer() - } - // no sentinel object for this *t - return false -} - -// ClientOptions contains configuration settings for a client's pipeline. -type ClientOptions = policy.ClientOptions - -// Poller encapsulates state and logic for polling on long-running operations. -type Poller = pollers.Poller diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/credential.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/credential.go deleted file mode 100644 index ad498ab1c2d8..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/credential.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azcore - -import ( - "context" - "time" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" -) - -// TokenCredential represents a credential capable of providing an OAuth token. -type TokenCredential interface { - // GetToken requests an access token for the specified set of scopes. - GetToken(ctx context.Context, options policy.TokenRequestOptions) (*AccessToken, error) -} - -// AccessToken represents an Azure service bearer access token with expiry information. -type AccessToken struct { - Token string - ExpiresOn time.Time -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 69211850e428..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,181 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright 2017 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -/* -Package azcore implements an HTTP request/response middleware pipeline. - -The middleware consists of three components. - - - One or more Policy instances. - - A Transporter instance. - - A Pipeline instance that combines the Policy and Transporter instances. - -Implementing the Policy Interface - -A Policy can be implemented in two ways; as a first-class function for a stateless Policy, or as -a method on a type for a stateful Policy. Note that HTTP requests made via the same pipeline share -the same Policy instances, so if a Policy mutates its state it MUST be properly synchronized to -avoid race conditions. - -A Policy's Do method is called when an HTTP request wants to be sent over the network. The Do method can -perform any operation(s) it desires. For example, it can log the outgoing request, mutate the URL, headers, -and/or query parameters, inject a failure, etc. Once the Policy has successfully completed its request -work, it must call the Next() method on the *policy.Request instance in order to pass the request to the -next Policy in the chain. - -When an HTTP response comes back, the Policy then gets a chance to process the response/error. The Policy instance -can log the response, retry the operation if it failed due to a transient error or timeout, unmarshal the response -body, etc. Once the Policy has successfully completed its response work, it must return the *http.Response -and error instances to its caller. - -Template for implementing a stateless Policy: - - type policyFunc func(*policy.Request) (*http.Response, error) - // Do implements the Policy interface on policyFunc. - - func (pf policyFunc) Do(req *policy.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return pf(req) - } - - func NewMyStatelessPolicy() policy.Policy { - return policyFunc(func(req *policy.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - // TODO: mutate/process Request here - - // forward Request to next Policy & get Response/error - resp, err := req.Next() - - // TODO: mutate/process Response/error here - - // return Response/error to previous Policy - return resp, err - }) - } - -Template for implementing a stateful Policy: - - type MyStatefulPolicy struct { - // TODO: add configuration/setting fields here - } - - // TODO: add initialization args to NewMyStatefulPolicy() - func NewMyStatefulPolicy() policy.Policy { - return &MyStatefulPolicy{ - // TODO: initialize configuration/setting fields here - } - } - - func (p *MyStatefulPolicy) Do(req *policy.Request) (resp *http.Response, err error) { - // TODO: mutate/process Request here - - // forward Request to next Policy & get Response/error - resp, err := req.Next() - - // TODO: mutate/process Response/error here - - // return Response/error to previous Policy - return resp, err - } - -Implementing the Transporter Interface - -The Transporter interface is responsible for sending the HTTP request and returning the corresponding -HTTP response or error. The Transporter is invoked by the last Policy in the chain. The default Transporter -implementation uses a shared http.Client from the standard library. - -The same stateful/stateless rules for Policy implementations apply to Transporter implementations. - -Using Policy and Transporter Instances Via a Pipeline - -To use the Policy and Transporter instances, an application passes them to the runtime.NewPipeline function. - - func NewPipeline(transport Transporter, policies ...Policy) Pipeline - -The specified Policy instances form a chain and are invoked in the order provided to NewPipeline -followed by the Transporter. - -Once the Pipeline has been created, create a runtime.Request instance and pass it to Pipeline's Do method. - - func NewRequest(ctx context.Context, httpMethod string, endpoint string) (*Request, error) - - func (p Pipeline) Do(req *Request) (*http.Request, error) - -The Pipeline.Do method sends the specified Request through the chain of Policy and Transporter -instances. The response/error is then sent through the same chain of Policy instances in reverse -order. For example, assuming there are Policy types PolicyA, PolicyB, and PolicyC along with -TransportA. - - pipeline := NewPipeline(TransportA, PolicyA, PolicyB, PolicyC) - -The flow of Request and Response looks like the following: - - policy.Request -> PolicyA -> PolicyB -> PolicyC -> TransportA -----+ - | - HTTP(s) endpoint - | - caller <--------- PolicyA <- PolicyB <- PolicyC <- http.Response-+ - -Creating a Request Instance - -The Request instance passed to Pipeline's Do method is a wrapper around an *http.Request. It also -contains some internal state and provides various convenience methods. You create a Request instance -by calling the runtime.NewRequest function: - - func NewRequest(ctx context.Context, httpMethod string, endpoint string) (*Request, error) - -If the Request should contain a body, call the SetBody method. - - func (req *Request) SetBody(body ReadSeekCloser, contentType string) error - -A seekable stream is required so that upon retry, the retry Policy instance can seek the stream -back to the beginning before retrying the network request and re-uploading the body. - -Sending an Explicit Null - -Operations like JSON-MERGE-PATCH send a JSON null to indicate a value should be deleted. - - { - "delete-me": null - } - -This requirement conflicts with the SDK's default marshalling that specifies "omitempty" as -a means to resolve the ambiguity between a field to be excluded and its zero-value. - - type Widget struct { - Name *string `json:",omitempty"` - Count *int `json:",omitempty"` - } - -In the above example, Name and Count are defined as pointer-to-type to disambiguate between -a missing value (nil) and a zero-value (0) which might have semantic differences. - -In a PATCH operation, any fields left as `nil` are to have their values preserved. When updating -a Widget's count, one simply specifies the new value for Count, leaving Name nil. - -To fulfill the requirement for sending a JSON null, the NullValue() function can be used. - - w := Widget{ - Count: azcore.NullValue(0).(*int), - } - -This sends an explict "null" for Count, indicating that any current value for Count should be deleted. - -Processing the Response - -When the HTTP response is received, the *http.Response is returned directly. Each Policy instance -can inspect/mutate the *http.Response. - -Built-in Logging - -To enable logging, set environment variable AZURE_SDK_GO_LOGGING to "all" before executing your program. - -By default the logger writes to stderr. This can be customized by calling log.SetListener, providing -a callback that writes to the desired location. Any custom logging implementation MUST provide its -own synchronization to handle concurrent invocations. - -See the docs for the log package for further details. -*/ -package azcore diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/errors.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/errors.go deleted file mode 100644 index daf415f1bf03..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/errors.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azcore - -import ( - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/shared" -) - -// ResponseError is returned when a request is made to a service and -// the service returns a non-success HTTP status code. -// Use errors.As() to access this type in the error chain. -type ResponseError = shared.ResponseError diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/etag.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/etag.go deleted file mode 100644 index d862501cea9c..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/etag.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azcore - -import ( - "strings" -) - -// ETag is a property used for optimistic concurrency during updates -// ETag is a validator based on https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7232#section-2.3.2 -// An ETag can be empty (""). -type ETag string - -// ETagAny is an ETag that represents everything, the value is "*" -const ETagAny ETag = "*" - -// Equals does a strong comparison of two ETags. Equals returns true when both -// ETags are not weak and the values of the underlying strings are equal. -func (e ETag) Equals(other ETag) bool { - return !e.IsWeak() && !other.IsWeak() && e == other -} - -// WeakEquals does a weak comparison of two ETags. Two ETags are equivalent if their opaque-tags match -// character-by-character, regardless of either or both being tagged as "weak". -func (e ETag) WeakEquals(other ETag) bool { - getStart := func(e1 ETag) int { - if e1.IsWeak() { - return 2 - } - return 0 - } - aStart := getStart(e) - bStart := getStart(other) - - aVal := e[aStart:] - bVal := other[bStart:] - - return aVal == bVal -} - -// IsWeak specifies whether the ETag is strong or weak. -func (e ETag) IsWeak() bool { - return len(e) >= 4 && strings.HasPrefix(string(e), "W/\"") && strings.HasSuffix(string(e), "\"") -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/pipeline/pipeline.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/pipeline/pipeline.go deleted file mode 100644 index e2c9f115a1d7..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/pipeline/pipeline.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,93 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package pipeline - -import ( - "errors" - "fmt" - "net/http" - - "golang.org/x/net/http/httpguts" -) - -// Policy represents an extensibility point for the Pipeline that can mutate the specified -// Request and react to the received Response. -type Policy interface { - // Do applies the policy to the specified Request. When implementing a Policy, mutate the - // request before calling req.Next() to move on to the next policy, and respond to the result - // before returning to the caller. - Do(req *Request) (*http.Response, error) -} - -// Pipeline represents a primitive for sending HTTP requests and receiving responses. -// Its behavior can be extended by specifying policies during construction. -type Pipeline struct { - policies []Policy -} - -// Transporter represents an HTTP pipeline transport used to send HTTP requests and receive responses. -type Transporter interface { - // Do sends the HTTP request and returns the HTTP response or error. - Do(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) -} - -// used to adapt a TransportPolicy to a Policy -type transportPolicy struct { - trans Transporter -} - -func (tp transportPolicy) Do(req *Request) (*http.Response, error) { - if tp.trans == nil { - return nil, errors.New("missing transporter") - } - resp, err := tp.trans.Do(req.Raw()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } else if resp == nil { - // there was no response and no error (rare but can happen) - // this ensures the retry policy will retry the request - return nil, errors.New("received nil response") - } - return resp, nil -} - -// NewPipeline creates a new Pipeline object from the specified Policies. -func NewPipeline(transport Transporter, policies ...Policy) Pipeline { - // transport policy must always be the last in the slice - policies = append(policies, transportPolicy{trans: transport}) - return Pipeline{ - policies: policies, - } -} - -// Do is called for each and every HTTP request. It passes the request through all -// the Policy objects (which can transform the Request's URL/query parameters/headers) -// and ultimately sends the transformed HTTP request over the network. -func (p Pipeline) Do(req *Request) (*http.Response, error) { - if req == nil { - return nil, errors.New("request cannot be nil") - } - // check copied from Transport.roundTrip() - for k, vv := range req.Raw().Header { - if !httpguts.ValidHeaderFieldName(k) { - if req.Raw().Body != nil { - req.Raw().Body.Close() - } - return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid header field name %q", k) - } - for _, v := range vv { - if !httpguts.ValidHeaderFieldValue(v) { - if req.Raw().Body != nil { - req.Raw().Body.Close() - } - return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid header field value %q for key %v", v, k) - } - } - } - req.policies = p.policies - return req.Next() -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/pipeline/request.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/pipeline/request.go deleted file mode 100644 index e88768bb244c..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/pipeline/request.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,164 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package pipeline - -import ( - "context" - "errors" - "fmt" - "io" - "net/http" - "reflect" - "strconv" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/shared" -) - -// PolicyFunc is a type that implements the Policy interface. -// Use this type when implementing a stateless policy as a first-class function. -type PolicyFunc func(*Request) (*http.Response, error) - -// Do implements the Policy interface on PolicyFunc. -func (pf PolicyFunc) Do(req *Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return pf(req) -} - -// Request is an abstraction over the creation of an HTTP request as it passes through the pipeline. -// Don't use this type directly, use NewRequest() instead. -type Request struct { - req *http.Request - body io.ReadSeekCloser - policies []Policy - values opValues -} - -type opValues map[reflect.Type]interface{} - -// Set adds/changes a value -func (ov opValues) set(value interface{}) { - ov[reflect.TypeOf(value)] = value -} - -// Get looks for a value set by SetValue first -func (ov opValues) get(value interface{}) bool { - v, ok := ov[reflect.ValueOf(value).Elem().Type()] - if ok { - reflect.ValueOf(value).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(v)) - } - return ok -} - -// NewRequest creates a new Request with the specified input. -func NewRequest(ctx context.Context, httpMethod string, endpoint string) (*Request, error) { - req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, httpMethod, endpoint, nil) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if req.URL.Host == "" { - return nil, errors.New("no Host in request URL") - } - if !(req.URL.Scheme == "http" || req.URL.Scheme == "https") { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported protocol scheme %s", req.URL.Scheme) - } - return &Request{req: req}, nil -} - -// Body returns the original body specified when the Request was created. -func (req *Request) Body() io.ReadSeekCloser { - return req.body -} - -// Raw returns the underlying HTTP request. -func (req *Request) Raw() *http.Request { - return req.req -} - -// Next calls the next policy in the pipeline. -// If there are no more policies, nil and an error are returned. -// This method is intended to be called from pipeline policies. -// To send a request through a pipeline call Pipeline.Do(). -func (req *Request) Next() (*http.Response, error) { - if len(req.policies) == 0 { - return nil, errors.New("no more policies") - } - nextPolicy := req.policies[0] - nextReq := *req - nextReq.policies = nextReq.policies[1:] - return nextPolicy.Do(&nextReq) -} - -// SetOperationValue adds/changes a mutable key/value associated with a single operation. -func (req *Request) SetOperationValue(value interface{}) { - if req.values == nil { - req.values = opValues{} - } - req.values.set(value) -} - -// OperationValue looks for a value set by SetOperationValue(). -func (req *Request) OperationValue(value interface{}) bool { - if req.values == nil { - return false - } - return req.values.get(value) -} - -// SetBody sets the specified ReadSeekCloser as the HTTP request body. -func (req *Request) SetBody(body io.ReadSeekCloser, contentType string) error { - // Set the body and content length. - size, err := body.Seek(0, io.SeekEnd) // Seek to the end to get the stream's size - if err != nil { - return err - } - if size == 0 { - body.Close() - return nil - } - _, err = body.Seek(0, io.SeekStart) - if err != nil { - return err - } - req.Raw().GetBody = func() (io.ReadCloser, error) { - _, err := body.Seek(0, io.SeekStart) // Seek back to the beginning of the stream - return body, err - } - // keep a copy of the original body. this is to handle cases - // where req.Body is replaced, e.g. httputil.DumpRequest and friends. - req.body = body - req.req.Body = body - req.req.ContentLength = size - req.req.Header.Set(shared.HeaderContentType, contentType) - req.req.Header.Set(shared.HeaderContentLength, strconv.FormatInt(size, 10)) - return nil -} - -// RewindBody seeks the request's Body stream back to the beginning so it can be resent when retrying an operation. -func (req *Request) RewindBody() error { - if req.body != nil { - // Reset the stream back to the beginning and restore the body - _, err := req.body.Seek(0, io.SeekStart) - req.req.Body = req.body - return err - } - return nil -} - -// Close closes the request body. -func (req *Request) Close() error { - if req.body == nil { - return nil - } - return req.body.Close() -} - -// Clone returns a deep copy of the request with its context changed to ctx. -func (req *Request) Clone(ctx context.Context) *Request { - r2 := Request{} - r2 = *req - r2.req = req.req.Clone(ctx) - return &r2 -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/pollers/loc/loc.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/pollers/loc/loc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 35f318a1c712..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/pollers/loc/loc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package loc - -import ( - "errors" - "fmt" - "net/http" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/pollers" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/shared" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/log" -) - -// Kind is the identifier of this type in a resume token. -const Kind = "Location" - -// Applicable returns true if the LRO is using Location. -func Applicable(resp *http.Response) bool { - return resp.Header.Get(shared.HeaderLocation) != "" -} - -// Poller is an LRO poller that uses the Location pattern. -type Poller struct { - Type string `json:"type"` - PollURL string `json:"pollURL"` - CurState int `json:"state"` -} - -// New creates a new Poller from the provided initial response. -func New(resp *http.Response, pollerID string) (*Poller, error) { - log.Write(log.EventLRO, "Using Location poller.") - locURL := resp.Header.Get(shared.HeaderLocation) - if locURL == "" { - return nil, errors.New("response is missing Location header") - } - if !pollers.IsValidURL(locURL) { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid polling URL %s", locURL) - } - return &Poller{ - Type: pollers.MakeID(pollerID, Kind), - PollURL: locURL, - CurState: resp.StatusCode, - }, nil -} - -func (p *Poller) URL() string { - return p.PollURL -} - -func (p *Poller) Done() bool { - return pollers.IsTerminalState(p.Status()) -} - -func (p *Poller) Update(resp *http.Response) error { - // if the endpoint returned a location header, update cached value - if loc := resp.Header.Get(shared.HeaderLocation); loc != "" { - p.PollURL = loc - } - p.CurState = resp.StatusCode - return nil -} - -func (*Poller) FinalGetURL() string { - return "" -} - -func (p *Poller) Status() string { - if p.CurState == http.StatusAccepted { - return pollers.StatusInProgress - } else if p.CurState > 199 && p.CurState < 300 { - // any 2xx other than a 202 indicates success - return pollers.StatusSucceeded - } - return pollers.StatusFailed -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/pollers/op/op.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/pollers/op/op.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9795e2946567..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/pollers/op/op.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,132 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package op - -import ( - "errors" - "fmt" - "net/http" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/pollers" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/shared" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/log" -) - -// Kind is the identifier of this type in a resume token. -const Kind = "Operation-Location" - -// Applicable returns true if the LRO is using Operation-Location. -func Applicable(resp *http.Response) bool { - return resp.Header.Get(shared.HeaderOperationLocation) != "" -} - -// Poller is an LRO poller that uses the Operation-Location pattern. -type Poller struct { - Type string `json:"type"` - PollURL string `json:"pollURL"` - LocURL string `json:"locURL"` - FinalGET string `json:"finalGET"` - CurState string `json:"state"` -} - -// New creates a new Poller from the provided initial response. -func New(resp *http.Response, pollerID string) (*Poller, error) { - log.Write(log.EventLRO, "Using Operation-Location poller.") - opURL := resp.Header.Get(shared.HeaderOperationLocation) - if opURL == "" { - return nil, errors.New("response is missing Operation-Location header") - } - if !pollers.IsValidURL(opURL) { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid Operation-Location URL %s", opURL) - } - locURL := resp.Header.Get(shared.HeaderLocation) - // Location header is optional - if locURL != "" && !pollers.IsValidURL(locURL) { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid Location URL %s", locURL) - } - // default initial state to InProgress. if the - // service sent us a status then use that instead. - curState := pollers.StatusInProgress - status, err := getValue(resp, "status") - if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, shared.ErrNoBody) { - return nil, err - } - if status != "" { - curState = status - } - // calculate the tentative final GET URL. - // can change if we receive a resourceLocation. - // it's ok for it to be empty in some cases. - finalGET := "" - if resp.Request.Method == http.MethodPatch || resp.Request.Method == http.MethodPut { - finalGET = resp.Request.URL.String() - } else if resp.Request.Method == http.MethodPost && locURL != "" { - finalGET = locURL - } - return &Poller{ - Type: pollers.MakeID(pollerID, Kind), - PollURL: opURL, - LocURL: locURL, - FinalGET: finalGET, - CurState: curState, - }, nil -} - -func (p *Poller) URL() string { - return p.PollURL -} - -func (p *Poller) Done() bool { - return pollers.IsTerminalState(p.Status()) -} - -func (p *Poller) Update(resp *http.Response) error { - status, err := getValue(resp, "status") - if err != nil { - return err - } else if status == "" { - return errors.New("the response did not contain a status") - } - p.CurState = status - // if the endpoint returned an operation-location header, update cached value - if opLoc := resp.Header.Get(shared.HeaderOperationLocation); opLoc != "" { - p.PollURL = opLoc - } - // check for resourceLocation - resLoc, err := getValue(resp, "resourceLocation") - if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, shared.ErrNoBody) { - return err - } else if resLoc != "" { - p.FinalGET = resLoc - } - return nil -} - -func (p *Poller) FinalGetURL() string { - return p.FinalGET -} - -func (p *Poller) Status() string { - return p.CurState -} - -func getValue(resp *http.Response, val string) (string, error) { - jsonBody, err := shared.GetJSON(resp) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - v, ok := jsonBody[val] - if !ok { - // it might be ok if the field doesn't exist, the caller must make that determination - return "", nil - } - vv, ok := v.(string) - if !ok { - return "", fmt.Errorf("the %s value %v was not in string format", val, v) - } - return vv, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/pollers/poller.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/pollers/poller.go deleted file mode 100644 index e8da46bcfe0a..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/pollers/poller.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,214 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package pollers - -import ( - "context" - "encoding/json" - "errors" - "fmt" - "io/ioutil" - "net/http" - "reflect" - "time" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/pipeline" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/shared" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/log" -) - -// KindFromToken extracts the poller kind from the provided token. -// If the pollerID doesn't match what's in the token an error is returned. -func KindFromToken(pollerID, token string) (string, error) { - // unmarshal into JSON object to determine the poller type - obj := map[string]interface{}{} - err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(token), &obj) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - t, ok := obj["type"] - if !ok { - return "", errors.New("missing type field") - } - tt, ok := t.(string) - if !ok { - return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid type format %T", t) - } - ttID, ttKind, err := DecodeID(tt) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - // ensure poller types match - if ttID != pollerID { - return "", fmt.Errorf("cannot resume from this poller token. expected %s, received %s", pollerID, ttID) - } - return ttKind, nil -} - -// PollerType returns the concrete type of the poller (FOR TESTING PURPOSES). -func PollerType(p *Poller) reflect.Type { - return reflect.TypeOf(p.lro) -} - -// NewPoller creates a Poller from the specified input. -func NewPoller(lro Operation, resp *http.Response, pl pipeline.Pipeline) *Poller { - return &Poller{lro: lro, pl: pl, resp: resp} -} - -// Poller encapsulates state and logic for polling on long-running operations. -type Poller struct { - lro Operation - pl pipeline.Pipeline - resp *http.Response - err error -} - -// Done returns true if the LRO has reached a terminal state. -func (l *Poller) Done() bool { - if l.err != nil { - return true - } - return l.lro.Done() -} - -// Poll sends a polling request to the polling endpoint and returns the response or error. -func (l *Poller) Poll(ctx context.Context) (*http.Response, error) { - if l.Done() { - // the LRO has reached a terminal state, don't poll again - if l.resp != nil { - return l.resp, nil - } - return nil, l.err - } - req, err := pipeline.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, l.lro.URL()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - resp, err := l.pl.Do(req) - if err != nil { - // don't update the poller for failed requests - return nil, err - } - defer resp.Body.Close() - if !StatusCodeValid(resp) { - // the LRO failed. unmarshall the error and update state - l.err = shared.NewResponseError(resp) - l.resp = nil - return nil, l.err - } - if err = l.lro.Update(resp); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - l.resp = resp - log.Writef(log.EventLRO, "Status %s", l.lro.Status()) - if Failed(l.lro.Status()) { - l.err = shared.NewResponseError(resp) - l.resp = nil - return nil, l.err - } - return l.resp, nil -} - -// ResumeToken returns a token string that can be used to resume a poller that has not yet reached a terminal state. -func (l *Poller) ResumeToken() (string, error) { - if l.Done() { - return "", errors.New("cannot create a ResumeToken from a poller in a terminal state") - } - b, err := json.Marshal(l.lro) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - return string(b), nil -} - -// FinalResponse will perform a final GET request and return the final HTTP response for the polling -// operation and unmarshall the content of the payload into the respType interface that is provided. -func (l *Poller) FinalResponse(ctx context.Context, respType interface{}) (*http.Response, error) { - if !l.Done() { - return nil, errors.New("cannot return a final response from a poller in a non-terminal state") - } - // update l.resp with the content from final GET if applicable - if u := l.lro.FinalGetURL(); u != "" { - log.Write(log.EventLRO, "Performing final GET.") - req, err := pipeline.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, u) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - resp, err := l.pl.Do(req) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if !StatusCodeValid(resp) { - return nil, shared.NewResponseError(resp) - } - l.resp = resp - } - // if there's nothing to unmarshall into or no response body just return the final response - if respType == nil { - return l.resp, nil - } else if l.resp.StatusCode == http.StatusNoContent || l.resp.ContentLength == 0 { - log.Write(log.EventLRO, "final response specifies a response type but no payload was received") - return l.resp, nil - } - body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(l.resp.Body) - l.resp.Body.Close() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if err = json.Unmarshal(body, respType); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return l.resp, nil -} - -// PollUntilDone will handle the entire span of the polling operation until a terminal state is reached, -// then return the final HTTP response for the polling operation and unmarshal the content of the payload -// into the respType interface that is provided. -// freq - the time to wait between intervals in absence of a Retry-After header. Minimum is one second. -func (l *Poller) PollUntilDone(ctx context.Context, freq time.Duration, respType interface{}) (*http.Response, error) { - if freq < time.Second { - return nil, errors.New("polling frequency minimum is one second") - } - start := time.Now() - logPollUntilDoneExit := func(v interface{}) { - log.Writef(log.EventLRO, "END PollUntilDone() for %T: %v, total time: %s", l.lro, v, time.Since(start)) - } - log.Writef(log.EventLRO, "BEGIN PollUntilDone() for %T", l.lro) - if l.resp != nil { - // initial check for a retry-after header existing on the initial response - if retryAfter := shared.RetryAfter(l.resp); retryAfter > 0 { - log.Writef(log.EventLRO, "initial Retry-After delay for %s", retryAfter.String()) - if err := shared.Delay(ctx, retryAfter); err != nil { - logPollUntilDoneExit(err) - return nil, err - } - } - } - // begin polling the endpoint until a terminal state is reached - for { - resp, err := l.Poll(ctx) - if err != nil { - logPollUntilDoneExit(err) - return nil, err - } - if l.Done() { - logPollUntilDoneExit(l.lro.Status()) - return l.FinalResponse(ctx, respType) - } - d := freq - if retryAfter := shared.RetryAfter(resp); retryAfter > 0 { - log.Writef(log.EventLRO, "Retry-After delay for %s", retryAfter.String()) - d = retryAfter - } else { - log.Writef(log.EventLRO, "delay for %s", d.String()) - } - if err = shared.Delay(ctx, d); err != nil { - logPollUntilDoneExit(err) - return nil, err - } - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/pollers/util.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/pollers/util.go deleted file mode 100644 index dca70b5a596b..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/pollers/util.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,99 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package pollers - -import ( - "fmt" - "net/http" - "net/url" - "strings" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/shared" -) - -const ( - StatusSucceeded = "Succeeded" - StatusCanceled = "Canceled" - StatusFailed = "Failed" - StatusInProgress = "InProgress" -) - -// Operation abstracts the differences between concrete poller types. -type Operation interface { - Done() bool - Update(resp *http.Response) error - FinalGetURL() string - URL() string - Status() string -} - -// IsTerminalState returns true if the LRO's state is terminal. -func IsTerminalState(s string) bool { - return strings.EqualFold(s, StatusSucceeded) || strings.EqualFold(s, StatusFailed) || strings.EqualFold(s, StatusCanceled) -} - -// Failed returns true if the LRO's state is terminal failure. -func Failed(s string) bool { - return strings.EqualFold(s, StatusFailed) || strings.EqualFold(s, StatusCanceled) -} - -// returns true if the LRO response contains a valid HTTP status code -func StatusCodeValid(resp *http.Response) bool { - return shared.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusCreated, http.StatusNoContent) -} - -// IsValidURL verifies that the URL is valid and absolute. -func IsValidURL(s string) bool { - u, err := url.Parse(s) - return err == nil && u.IsAbs() -} - -const idSeparator = ";" - -// MakeID returns the poller ID from the provided values. -func MakeID(pollerID string, kind string) string { - return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", pollerID, idSeparator, kind) -} - -// DecodeID decodes the poller ID, returning [pollerID, kind] or an error. -func DecodeID(tk string) (string, string, error) { - raw := strings.Split(tk, idSeparator) - // strings.Split will include any/all whitespace strings, we want to omit those - parts := []string{} - for _, r := range raw { - if s := strings.TrimSpace(r); s != "" { - parts = append(parts, s) - } - } - if len(parts) != 2 { - return "", "", fmt.Errorf("invalid token %s", tk) - } - return parts[0], parts[1], nil -} - -// used if the operation synchronously completed -type NopPoller struct{} - -func (*NopPoller) URL() string { - return "" -} - -func (*NopPoller) Done() bool { - return true -} - -func (*NopPoller) Update(*http.Response) error { - return nil -} - -func (*NopPoller) FinalGetURL() string { - return "" -} - -func (*NopPoller) Status() string { - return StatusSucceeded -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/shared/constants.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/shared/constants.go deleted file mode 100644 index 50e07ccab19c..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/shared/constants.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package shared - -const ( - ContentTypeAppJSON = "application/json" - ContentTypeAppXML = "application/xml" -) - -const ( - HeaderAuthorization = "Authorization" - HeaderAuxiliaryAuthorization = "x-ms-authorization-auxiliary" - HeaderAzureAsync = "Azure-AsyncOperation" - HeaderContentLength = "Content-Length" - HeaderContentType = "Content-Type" - HeaderLocation = "Location" - HeaderOperationLocation = "Operation-Location" - HeaderRetryAfter = "Retry-After" - HeaderUserAgent = "User-Agent" - HeaderXmsDate = "x-ms-date" -) - -const ( - DefaultMaxRetries = 3 -) - -const BearerTokenPrefix = "Bearer " - -const ( - // Module is the name of the calling module used in telemetry data. - Module = "azcore" - - // Version is the semantic version (see http://semver.org) of this module. - Version = "v0.21.0" -) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/shared/expiring_resource.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/shared/expiring_resource.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9f97ca9559ab..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/shared/expiring_resource.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,99 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package shared - -import ( - "sync" - "time" -) - -// AcquireResource abstracts a method for refreshing an expiring resource. -type AcquireResource func(state interface{}) (newResource interface{}, newExpiration time.Time, err error) - -// ExpiringResource is a temporal resource (usually a credential), that requires periodic refreshing. -type ExpiringResource struct { - // cond is used to synchronize access to the shared resource embodied by the remaining fields - cond *sync.Cond - - // acquiring indicates that some thread/goroutine is in the process of acquiring/updating the resource - acquiring bool - - // resource contains the value of the shared resource - resource interface{} - - // expiration indicates when the shared resource expires; it is 0 if the resource was never acquired - expiration time.Time - - // acquireResource is the callback function that actually acquires the resource - acquireResource AcquireResource -} - -// NewExpiringResource creates a new ExpiringResource that uses the specified AcquireResource for refreshing. -func NewExpiringResource(ar AcquireResource) *ExpiringResource { - return &ExpiringResource{cond: sync.NewCond(&sync.Mutex{}), acquireResource: ar} -} - -// GetResource returns the underlying resource. -// If the resource is fresh, no refresh is performed. -func (er *ExpiringResource) GetResource(state interface{}) (interface{}, error) { - // If the resource is expiring within this time window, update it eagerly. - // This allows other threads/goroutines to keep running by using the not-yet-expired - // resource value while one thread/goroutine updates the resource. - const window = 2 * time.Minute // This example updates the resource 2 minutes prior to expiration - - now, acquire, resource := time.Now(), false, er.resource - // acquire exclusive lock - er.cond.L.Lock() - for { - if er.expiration.IsZero() || er.expiration.Before(now) { - // The resource was never acquired or has expired - if !er.acquiring { - // If another thread/goroutine is not acquiring/updating the resource, this thread/goroutine will do it - er.acquiring, acquire = true, true - break - } - // Getting here means that this thread/goroutine will wait for the updated resource - } else if er.expiration.Add(-window).Before(now) { - // The resource is valid but is expiring within the time window - if !er.acquiring { - // If another thread/goroutine is not acquiring/renewing the resource, this thread/goroutine will do it - er.acquiring, acquire = true, true - break - } - // This thread/goroutine will use the existing resource value while another updates it - resource = er.resource - break - } else { - // The resource is not close to expiring, this thread/goroutine should use its current value - resource = er.resource - break - } - // If we get here, wait for the new resource value to be acquired/updated - er.cond.Wait() - } - er.cond.L.Unlock() // Release the lock so no threads/goroutines are blocked - - var err error - if acquire { - // This thread/goroutine has been selected to acquire/update the resource - var expiration time.Time - resource, expiration, err = er.acquireResource(state) - - // Atomically, update the shared resource's new value & expiration. - er.cond.L.Lock() - if err == nil { - // No error, update resource & expiration - er.resource, er.expiration = resource, expiration - } - er.acquiring = false // Indicate that no thread/goroutine is currently acquiring the resrouce - - // Wake up any waiting threads/goroutines since there is a resource they can ALL use - er.cond.L.Unlock() - er.cond.Broadcast() - } - return resource, err // Return the resource this thread/goroutine can use -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/shared/response_error.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/shared/response_error.go deleted file mode 100644 index e2297706d714..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/shared/response_error.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,133 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package shared - -import ( - "bytes" - "encoding/json" - "fmt" - "net/http" - "regexp" -) - -// NewResponseError creates a new *ResponseError from the provided HTTP response. -func NewResponseError(resp *http.Response) error { - respErr := &ResponseError{ - StatusCode: resp.StatusCode, - RawResponse: resp, - } - - // prefer the error code in the response header - if ec := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-error-code"); ec != "" { - respErr.ErrorCode = ec - return respErr - } - - // if we didn't get x-ms-error-code, check in the response body - body, err := Payload(resp) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - if len(body) > 0 { - if code := extractErrorCodeJSON(body); code != "" { - respErr.ErrorCode = code - } else if code := extractErrorCodeXML(body); code != "" { - respErr.ErrorCode = code - } - } - - return respErr -} - -func extractErrorCodeJSON(body []byte) string { - var rawObj map[string]interface{} - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &rawObj); err != nil { - // not a JSON object - return "" - } - - // check if this is a wrapped error, i.e. { "error": { ... } } - // if so then unwrap it - if wrapped, ok := rawObj["error"]; ok { - unwrapped, ok := wrapped.(map[string]interface{}) - if !ok { - return "" - } - rawObj = unwrapped - } - - // now check for the error code - code, ok := rawObj["code"] - if !ok { - return "" - } - codeStr, ok := code.(string) - if !ok { - return "" - } - return codeStr -} - -func extractErrorCodeXML(body []byte) string { - // regular expression is much easier than dealing with the XML parser - rx := regexp.MustCompile(`<[c|C]ode>\s*(\w+)\s*<\/[c|C]ode>`) - res := rx.FindStringSubmatch(string(body)) - if len(res) != 2 { - return "" - } - // first submatch is the entire thing, second one is the captured error code - return res[1] -} - -// ResponseError is returned when a request is made to a service and -// the service returns a non-success HTTP status code. -// Use errors.As() to access this type in the error chain. -type ResponseError struct { - // ErrorCode is the error code returned by the resource provider if available. - ErrorCode string - - // StatusCode is the HTTP status code as defined in https://pkg.go.dev/net/http#pkg-constants. - StatusCode int - - // RawResponse is the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// Error implements the error interface for type ResponseError. -// Note that the message contents are not contractual and can change over time. -func (e *ResponseError) Error() string { - // write the request method and URL with response status code - msg := &bytes.Buffer{} - fmt.Fprintf(msg, "%s %s://%s%s\n", e.RawResponse.Request.Method, e.RawResponse.Request.URL.Scheme, e.RawResponse.Request.URL.Host, e.RawResponse.Request.URL.Path) - fmt.Fprintln(msg, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------") - fmt.Fprintf(msg, "RESPONSE %d: %s\n", e.RawResponse.StatusCode, e.RawResponse.Status) - if e.ErrorCode != "" { - fmt.Fprintf(msg, "ERROR CODE: %s\n", e.ErrorCode) - } else { - fmt.Fprintln(msg, "ERROR CODE UNAVAILABLE") - } - fmt.Fprintln(msg, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------") - body, err := Payload(e.RawResponse) - if err != nil { - // this really shouldn't fail at this point as the response - // body is already cached (it was read in NewResponseError) - fmt.Fprintf(msg, "Error reading response body: %v", err) - } else if len(body) > 0 { - if err := json.Indent(msg, body, "", " "); err != nil { - // failed to pretty-print so just dump it verbatim - fmt.Fprint(msg, string(body)) - } - // the standard library doesn't have a pretty-printer for XML - fmt.Fprintln(msg) - } else { - fmt.Fprintln(msg, "Response contained no body") - } - fmt.Fprintln(msg, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------") - - return msg.String() -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/shared/shared.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/shared/shared.go deleted file mode 100644 index 1e44f27c28ff..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/shared/shared.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,207 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package shared - -import ( - "bytes" - "context" - "encoding/json" - "errors" - "io" - "io/ioutil" - "net/http" - "net/url" - "strconv" - "strings" - "time" -) - -// CtxWithHTTPHeaderKey is used as a context key for adding/retrieving http.Header. -type CtxWithHTTPHeaderKey struct{} - -// CtxWithRetryOptionsKey is used as a context key for adding/retrieving RetryOptions. -type CtxWithRetryOptionsKey struct{} - -type nopCloser struct { - io.ReadSeeker -} - -func (n nopCloser) Close() error { - return nil -} - -// NopCloser returns a ReadSeekCloser with a no-op close method wrapping the provided io.ReadSeeker. -func NopCloser(rs io.ReadSeeker) io.ReadSeekCloser { - return nopCloser{rs} -} - -// Delay waits for the duration to elapse or the context to be cancelled. -func Delay(ctx context.Context, delay time.Duration) error { - select { - case <-time.After(delay): - return nil - case <-ctx.Done(): - return ctx.Err() - } -} - -// ErrNoBody is returned if the response didn't contain a body. -var ErrNoBody = errors.New("the response did not contain a body") - -// GetJSON reads the response body into a raw JSON object. -// It returns ErrNoBody if there was no content. -func GetJSON(resp *http.Response) (map[string]interface{}, error) { - body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) - defer resp.Body.Close() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if len(body) == 0 { - return nil, ErrNoBody - } - // put the body back so it's available to others - resp.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(body)) - // unmarshall the body to get the value - var jsonBody map[string]interface{} - if err = json.Unmarshal(body, &jsonBody); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return jsonBody, nil -} - -// RetryAfter returns non-zero if the response contains a Retry-After header value. -func RetryAfter(resp *http.Response) time.Duration { - if resp == nil { - return 0 - } - ra := resp.Header.Get(HeaderRetryAfter) - if ra == "" { - return 0 - } - // retry-after values are expressed in either number of - // seconds or an HTTP-date indicating when to try again - if retryAfter, _ := strconv.Atoi(ra); retryAfter > 0 { - return time.Duration(retryAfter) * time.Second - } else if t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, ra); err == nil { - return time.Until(t) - } - return 0 -} - -// HasStatusCode returns true if the Response's status code is one of the specified values. -func HasStatusCode(resp *http.Response, statusCodes ...int) bool { - if resp == nil { - return false - } - for _, sc := range statusCodes { - if resp.StatusCode == sc { - return true - } - } - return false -} - -// Payload reads and returns the response body or an error. -// On a successful read, the response body is cached. -// Subsequent reads will access the cached value. -func Payload(resp *http.Response) ([]byte, error) { - // r.Body won't be a nopClosingBytesReader if downloading was skipped - if buf, ok := resp.Body.(*NopClosingBytesReader); ok { - return buf.Bytes(), nil - } - bytesBody, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) - resp.Body.Close() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - resp.Body = &NopClosingBytesReader{s: bytesBody, i: 0} - return bytesBody, nil -} - -// NopClosingBytesReader is an io.ReadSeekCloser around a byte slice. -// It also provides direct access to the byte slice to avoid rereading. -type NopClosingBytesReader struct { - s []byte - i int64 -} - -// NewNopClosingBytesReader creates a new NopClosingBytesReader around the specified byte slice. -func NewNopClosingBytesReader(data []byte) *NopClosingBytesReader { - return &NopClosingBytesReader{s: data} -} - -// Bytes returns the underlying byte slice. -func (r *NopClosingBytesReader) Bytes() []byte { - return r.s -} - -// Close implements the io.Closer interface. -func (*NopClosingBytesReader) Close() error { - return nil -} - -// Read implements the io.Reader interface. -func (r *NopClosingBytesReader) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) { - if r.i >= int64(len(r.s)) { - return 0, io.EOF - } - n = copy(b, r.s[r.i:]) - r.i += int64(n) - return -} - -// Set replaces the existing byte slice with the specified byte slice and resets the reader. -func (r *NopClosingBytesReader) Set(b []byte) { - r.s = b - r.i = 0 -} - -// Seek implements the io.Seeker interface. -func (r *NopClosingBytesReader) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error) { - var i int64 - switch whence { - case io.SeekStart: - i = offset - case io.SeekCurrent: - i = r.i + offset - case io.SeekEnd: - i = int64(len(r.s)) + offset - default: - return 0, errors.New("nopClosingBytesReader: invalid whence") - } - if i < 0 { - return 0, errors.New("nopClosingBytesReader: negative position") - } - r.i = i - return i, nil -} - -const defaultScope = "/.default" -const chinaCloudARMScope = "https://management.core.chinacloudapi.cn/" + defaultScope -const publicCloudARMScope = "https://management.core.windows.net/" + defaultScope -const usGovCloudARMScope = "https://management.core.usgovcloudapi.net/" + defaultScope - -// EndpointToScope converts the provided URL endpoint to its default scope. -func EndpointToScope(endpoint string) string { - parsed, err := url.Parse(endpoint) - if err == nil { - host := parsed.Hostname() - switch { - case strings.HasSuffix(host, "management.azure.com"): - return publicCloudARMScope - case strings.HasSuffix(host, "management.usgovcloudapi.net"): - return usGovCloudARMScope - case strings.HasSuffix(host, "management.chinacloudapi.cn"): - return chinaCloudARMScope - } - } - // fall back to legacy behavior when endpoint doesn't parse or match a known cloud's ARM endpoint - if endpoint[len(endpoint)-1] != '/' { - endpoint += "/" - } - return endpoint + defaultScope -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 572c7f119b86..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright 2017 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -// Package policy contains the definitions needed for configuring in-box pipeline policies -// and creating custom policies. -package policy diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy/policy.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy/policy.go deleted file mode 100644 index bcf98a85b6d7..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy/policy.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,134 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package policy - -import ( - "context" - "net/http" - "time" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/pipeline" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/shared" -) - -// Policy represents an extensibility point for the Pipeline that can mutate the specified -// Request and react to the received Response. -type Policy = pipeline.Policy - -// Transporter represents an HTTP pipeline transport used to send HTTP requests and receive responses. -type Transporter = pipeline.Transporter - -// Request is an abstraction over the creation of an HTTP request as it passes through the pipeline. -// Don't use this type directly, use runtime.NewRequest() instead. -type Request = pipeline.Request - -// ClientOptions contains optional settings for a client's pipeline. -// All zero-value fields will be initialized with default values. -type ClientOptions struct { - // Logging configures the built-in logging policy. - Logging LogOptions - - // Retry configures the built-in retry policy. - Retry RetryOptions - - // Telemetry configures the built-in telemetry policy. - Telemetry TelemetryOptions - - // Transport sets the transport for HTTP requests. - Transport Transporter - - // PerCallPolicies contains custom policies to inject into the pipeline. - // Each policy is executed once per request. - PerCallPolicies []Policy - - // PerRetryPolicies contains custom policies to inject into the pipeline. - // Each policy is executed once per request, and for each retry of that request. - PerRetryPolicies []Policy -} - -// LogOptions configures the logging policy's behavior. -type LogOptions struct { - // IncludeBody indicates if request and response bodies should be included in logging. - // The default value is false. - // NOTE: enabling this can lead to disclosure of sensitive information, use with care. - IncludeBody bool - - // AllowedHeaders is the slice of headers to log with their values intact. - // All headers not in the slice will have their values REDACTED. - // Applies to request and response headers. - AllowedHeaders []string - - // AllowedQueryParams is the slice of query parameters to log with their values intact. - // All query parameters not in the slice will have their values REDACTED. - AllowedQueryParams []string -} - -// RetryOptions configures the retry policy's behavior. -// Call NewRetryOptions() to create an instance with default values. -type RetryOptions struct { - // MaxRetries specifies the maximum number of attempts a failed operation will be retried - // before producing an error. - // The default value is three. A value less than zero means one try and no retries. - MaxRetries int32 - - // TryTimeout indicates the maximum time allowed for any single try of an HTTP request. - // This is disabled by default. Specify a value greater than zero to enable. - // NOTE: Setting this to a small value might cause premature HTTP request time-outs. - TryTimeout time.Duration - - // RetryDelay specifies the initial amount of delay to use before retrying an operation. - // The delay increases exponentially with each retry up to the maximum specified by MaxRetryDelay. - // The default value is four seconds. A value less than zero means no delay between retries. - RetryDelay time.Duration - - // MaxRetryDelay specifies the maximum delay allowed before retrying an operation. - // Typically the value is greater than or equal to the value specified in RetryDelay. - // The default Value is 120 seconds. A value less than zero means there is no cap. - MaxRetryDelay time.Duration - - // StatusCodes specifies the HTTP status codes that indicate the operation should be retried. - // The default value is the status codes in StatusCodesForRetry. - // Specifying an empty slice will cause retries to happen only for transport errors. - StatusCodes []int -} - -// TelemetryOptions configures the telemetry policy's behavior. -type TelemetryOptions struct { - // ApplicationID is an application-specific identification string used in telemetry. - // It has a maximum length of 24 characters and must not contain any spaces. - ApplicationID string - - // Disabled will prevent the addition of any telemetry data to the User-Agent. - Disabled bool -} - -// TokenRequestOptions contain specific parameter that may be used by credentials types when attempting to get a token. -type TokenRequestOptions struct { - // Scopes contains the list of permission scopes required for the token. - Scopes []string - // TenantID contains the tenant ID to use in a multi-tenant authentication scenario, if TenantID is set - // it will override the tenant ID that was added at credential creation time. - TenantID string -} - -// BearerTokenOptions configures the bearer token policy's behavior. -type BearerTokenOptions struct { - // placeholder for future options -} - -// WithHTTPHeader adds the specified http.Header to the parent context. -// Use this to specify custom HTTP headers at the API-call level. -// Any overlapping headers will have their values replaced with the values specified here. -func WithHTTPHeader(parent context.Context, header http.Header) context.Context { - return context.WithValue(parent, shared.CtxWithHTTPHeaderKey{}, header) -} - -// WithRetryOptions adds the specified RetryOptions to the parent context. -// Use this to specify custom RetryOptions at the API-call level. -func WithRetryOptions(parent context.Context, options RetryOptions) context.Context { - return context.WithValue(parent, shared.CtxWithRetryOptionsKey{}, options) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index d3f5408def39..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright 2017 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -// Package runtime contains various facilities for creating requests and handling responses. -// The content is intended for SDK authors. -package runtime diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/errors.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/errors.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0b19b5c74dcf..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/errors.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package runtime - -import ( - "net/http" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/shared" -) - -// NewResponseError creates an *azcore.ResponseError from the provided HTTP response. -// Call this when a service request returns a non-successful status code. -func NewResponseError(resp *http.Response) error { - return shared.NewResponseError(resp) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/pipeline.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/pipeline.go deleted file mode 100644 index 509d5fc503a9..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/pipeline.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package runtime - -import ( - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/pipeline" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" -) - -// PipelineOptions contains Pipeline options for SDK developers -type PipelineOptions struct { - AllowedHeaders, AllowedQueryParameters []string - PerCall, PerRetry []policy.Policy -} - -// NewPipeline creates a pipeline from connection options, with any additional policies as specified. -// module, version: used by the telemetry policy, when enabled -// perCall: additional policies to invoke once per request -// perRetry: additional policies to invoke once per request and once per retry of that request -func NewPipeline(module, version string, plOpts PipelineOptions, options *policy.ClientOptions) Pipeline { - cp := policy.ClientOptions{} - if options != nil { - cp = *options - } - if len(plOpts.AllowedHeaders) > 0 { - headers := make([]string, 0, len(plOpts.AllowedHeaders)+len(cp.Logging.AllowedHeaders)) - copy(headers, plOpts.AllowedHeaders) - headers = append(headers, cp.Logging.AllowedHeaders...) - cp.Logging.AllowedHeaders = headers - } - if len(plOpts.AllowedQueryParameters) > 0 { - qp := make([]string, 0, len(plOpts.AllowedQueryParameters)+len(cp.Logging.AllowedQueryParams)) - copy(qp, plOpts.AllowedQueryParameters) - qp = append(qp, cp.Logging.AllowedQueryParams...) - cp.Logging.AllowedQueryParams = qp - } - policies := []policy.Policy{} - if !cp.Telemetry.Disabled { - policies = append(policies, NewTelemetryPolicy(module, version, &cp.Telemetry)) - } - policies = append(policies, cp.PerCallPolicies...) - policies = append(policies, plOpts.PerCall...) - policies = append(policies, NewRetryPolicy(&cp.Retry)) - policies = append(policies, cp.PerRetryPolicies...) - policies = append(policies, plOpts.PerRetry...) - policies = append(policies, NewLogPolicy(&cp.Logging)) - policies = append(policies, pipeline.PolicyFunc(httpHeaderPolicy), pipeline.PolicyFunc(bodyDownloadPolicy)) - transport := cp.Transport - if transport == nil { - transport = defaultHTTPClient - } - return pipeline.NewPipeline(transport, policies...) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/policy_bearer_token.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/policy_bearer_token.go deleted file mode 100644 index d5ed61e14864..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/policy_bearer_token.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package runtime - -import ( - "net/http" - "time" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/shared" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" -) - -// BearerTokenPolicy authorizes requests with bearer tokens acquired from a TokenCredential. -type BearerTokenPolicy struct { - // mainResource is the resource to be retreived using the tenant specified in the credential - mainResource *shared.ExpiringResource - // the following fields are read-only - cred azcore.TokenCredential - scopes []string -} - -type acquiringResourceState struct { - req *policy.Request - p *BearerTokenPolicy -} - -// acquire acquires or updates the resource; only one -// thread/goroutine at a time ever calls this function -func acquire(state interface{}) (newResource interface{}, newExpiration time.Time, err error) { - s := state.(acquiringResourceState) - tk, err := s.p.cred.GetToken(s.req.Raw().Context(), policy.TokenRequestOptions{Scopes: s.p.scopes}) - if err != nil { - return nil, time.Time{}, err - } - return tk, tk.ExpiresOn, nil -} - -// NewBearerTokenPolicy creates a policy object that authorizes requests with bearer tokens. -// cred: an azcore.TokenCredential implementation such as a credential object from azidentity -// scopes: the list of permission scopes required for the token. -// opts: optional settings. Pass nil to accept default values; this is the same as passing a zero-value options. -func NewBearerTokenPolicy(cred azcore.TokenCredential, scopes []string, opts *policy.BearerTokenOptions) *BearerTokenPolicy { - return &BearerTokenPolicy{ - cred: cred, - scopes: scopes, - mainResource: shared.NewExpiringResource(acquire), - } -} - -// Do authorizes a request with a bearer token -func (b *BearerTokenPolicy) Do(req *policy.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - as := acquiringResourceState{ - p: b, - req: req, - } - tk, err := b.mainResource.GetResource(as) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if token, ok := tk.(*azcore.AccessToken); ok { - req.Raw().Header.Set(shared.HeaderAuthorization, shared.BearerTokenPrefix+token.Token) - } - return req.Next() -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/policy_body_download.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/policy_body_download.go deleted file mode 100644 index 42a0279c00f6..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/policy_body_download.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package runtime - -import ( - "fmt" - "io/ioutil" - "net/http" - "strings" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/shared" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/errorinfo" -) - -// bodyDownloadPolicy creates a policy object that downloads the response's body to a []byte. -func bodyDownloadPolicy(req *policy.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - resp, err := req.Next() - if err != nil { - return resp, err - } - var opValues bodyDownloadPolicyOpValues - // don't skip downloading error response bodies - if req.OperationValue(&opValues); opValues.Skip && resp.StatusCode < 400 { - return resp, err - } - // Either bodyDownloadPolicyOpValues was not specified (so skip is false) - // or it was specified and skip is false: don't skip downloading the body - b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) - resp.Body.Close() - if err != nil { - return resp, newBodyDownloadError(err, req) - } - resp.Body = shared.NewNopClosingBytesReader(b) - return resp, err -} - -// bodyDownloadPolicyOpValues is the struct containing the per-operation values -type bodyDownloadPolicyOpValues struct { - Skip bool -} - -type bodyDownloadError struct { - err error -} - -func newBodyDownloadError(err error, req *policy.Request) error { - // on failure, only retry the request for idempotent operations. - // we currently identify them as DELETE, GET, and PUT requests. - if m := strings.ToUpper(req.Raw().Method); m == http.MethodDelete || m == http.MethodGet || m == http.MethodPut { - // error is safe for retry - return err - } - // wrap error to avoid retries - return &bodyDownloadError{ - err: err, - } -} - -func (b *bodyDownloadError) Error() string { - return fmt.Sprintf("body download policy: %s", b.err.Error()) -} - -func (b *bodyDownloadError) NonRetriable() { - // marker method -} - -func (b *bodyDownloadError) Unwrap() error { - return b.err -} - -var _ errorinfo.NonRetriable = (*bodyDownloadError)(nil) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/policy_http_header.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/policy_http_header.go deleted file mode 100644 index 148c6d9a313d..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/policy_http_header.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package runtime - -import ( - "net/http" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/shared" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" -) - -// newHTTPHeaderPolicy creates a policy object that adds custom HTTP headers to a request -func httpHeaderPolicy(req *policy.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - // check if any custom HTTP headers have been specified - if header := req.Raw().Context().Value(shared.CtxWithHTTPHeaderKey{}); header != nil { - for k, v := range header.(http.Header) { - // use Set to replace any existing value - // it also canonicalizes the header key - req.Raw().Header.Set(k, v[0]) - // add any remaining values - for i := 1; i < len(v); i++ { - req.Raw().Header.Add(k, v[i]) - } - } - } - return req.Next() -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/policy_logging.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/policy_logging.go deleted file mode 100644 index 7d8f2d5d7a7c..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/policy_logging.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,250 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package runtime - -import ( - "bytes" - "fmt" - "io/ioutil" - "net/http" - "sort" - "strings" - "time" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/shared" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/diag" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/log" -) - -type logPolicy struct { - includeBody bool - allowedHeaders map[string]struct{} - allowedQP map[string]struct{} -} - -// NewLogPolicy creates a request/response logging policy object configured using the specified options. -// Pass nil to accept the default values; this is the same as passing a zero-value options. -func NewLogPolicy(o *policy.LogOptions) policy.Policy { - if o == nil { - o = &policy.LogOptions{} - } - // construct default hash set of allowed headers - allowedHeaders := map[string]struct{}{ - "accept": {}, - "cache-control": {}, - "connection": {}, - "content-length": {}, - "content-type": {}, - "date": {}, - "etag": {}, - "expires": {}, - "if-match": {}, - "if-modified-since": {}, - "if-none-match": {}, - "if-unmodified-since": {}, - "last-modified": {}, - "ms-cv": {}, - "pragma": {}, - "request-id": {}, - "retry-after": {}, - "server": {}, - "traceparent": {}, - "transfer-encoding": {}, - "user-agent": {}, - "x-ms-request-id": {}, - "x-ms-client-request-id": {}, - "x-ms-return-client-request-id": {}, - } - // add any caller-specified allowed headers to the set - for _, ah := range o.AllowedHeaders { - allowedHeaders[strings.ToLower(ah)] = struct{}{} - } - // now do the same thing for query params - allowedQP := map[string]struct{}{ - "api-version": {}, - } - for _, qp := range o.AllowedQueryParams { - allowedQP[strings.ToLower(qp)] = struct{}{} - } - return &logPolicy{ - includeBody: o.IncludeBody, - allowedHeaders: allowedHeaders, - allowedQP: allowedQP, - } -} - -// logPolicyOpValues is the struct containing the per-operation values -type logPolicyOpValues struct { - try int32 - start time.Time -} - -func (p *logPolicy) Do(req *policy.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - // Get the per-operation values. These are saved in the Message's map so that they persist across each retry calling into this policy object. - var opValues logPolicyOpValues - if req.OperationValue(&opValues); opValues.start.IsZero() { - opValues.start = time.Now() // If this is the 1st try, record this operation's start time - } - opValues.try++ // The first try is #1 (not #0) - req.SetOperationValue(opValues) - - // Log the outgoing request as informational - if log.Should(log.EventRequest) { - b := &bytes.Buffer{} - fmt.Fprintf(b, "==> OUTGOING REQUEST (Try=%d)\n", opValues.try) - p.writeRequestWithResponse(b, req, nil, nil) - var err error - if p.includeBody { - err = writeReqBody(req, b) - } - log.Write(log.EventRequest, b.String()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - - // Set the time for this particular retry operation and then Do the operation. - tryStart := time.Now() - response, err := req.Next() // Make the request - tryEnd := time.Now() - tryDuration := tryEnd.Sub(tryStart) - opDuration := tryEnd.Sub(opValues.start) - - if log.Should(log.EventResponse) { - // We're going to log this; build the string to log - b := &bytes.Buffer{} - fmt.Fprintf(b, "==> REQUEST/RESPONSE (Try=%d/%v, OpTime=%v) -- ", opValues.try, tryDuration, opDuration) - if err != nil { // This HTTP request did not get a response from the service - fmt.Fprint(b, "REQUEST ERROR\n") - } else { - fmt.Fprint(b, "RESPONSE RECEIVED\n") - } - - p.writeRequestWithResponse(b, req, response, err) - if err != nil { - // skip frames runtime.Callers() and runtime.StackTrace() - b.WriteString(diag.StackTrace(2, 32)) - } else if p.includeBody { - err = writeRespBody(response, b) - } - log.Write(log.EventResponse, b.String()) - } - return response, err -} - -const redactedValue = "REDACTED" - -// writeRequestWithResponse appends a formatted HTTP request into a Buffer. If request and/or err are -// not nil, then these are also written into the Buffer. -func (p *logPolicy) writeRequestWithResponse(b *bytes.Buffer, req *policy.Request, resp *http.Response, err error) { - // redact applicable query params - cpURL := *req.Raw().URL - qp := cpURL.Query() - for k := range qp { - if _, ok := p.allowedQP[strings.ToLower(k)]; !ok { - qp.Set(k, redactedValue) - } - } - cpURL.RawQuery = qp.Encode() - // Write the request into the buffer. - fmt.Fprint(b, " "+req.Raw().Method+" "+cpURL.String()+"\n") - p.writeHeader(b, req.Raw().Header) - if resp != nil { - fmt.Fprintln(b, " --------------------------------------------------------------------------------") - fmt.Fprint(b, " RESPONSE Status: "+resp.Status+"\n") - p.writeHeader(b, resp.Header) - } - if err != nil { - fmt.Fprintln(b, " --------------------------------------------------------------------------------") - fmt.Fprint(b, " ERROR:\n"+err.Error()+"\n") - } -} - -// formatHeaders appends an HTTP request's or response's header into a Buffer. -func (p *logPolicy) writeHeader(b *bytes.Buffer, header http.Header) { - if len(header) == 0 { - b.WriteString(" (no headers)\n") - return - } - keys := make([]string, 0, len(header)) - // Alphabetize the headers - for k := range header { - keys = append(keys, k) - } - sort.Strings(keys) - for _, k := range keys { - value := header.Get(k) - // redact all header values not in the allow-list - if _, ok := p.allowedHeaders[strings.ToLower(k)]; !ok { - value = redactedValue - } - fmt.Fprintf(b, " %s: %+v\n", k, value) - } -} - -// returns true if the request/response body should be logged. -// this is determined by looking at the content-type header value. -func shouldLogBody(b *bytes.Buffer, contentType string) bool { - contentType = strings.ToLower(contentType) - if strings.HasPrefix(contentType, "text") || - strings.Contains(contentType, "json") || - strings.Contains(contentType, "xml") { - return true - } - fmt.Fprintf(b, " Skip logging body for %s\n", contentType) - return false -} - -// writes to a buffer, used for logging purposes -func writeReqBody(req *policy.Request, b *bytes.Buffer) error { - if req.Raw().Body == nil { - fmt.Fprint(b, " Request contained no body\n") - return nil - } - if ct := req.Raw().Header.Get(shared.HeaderContentType); !shouldLogBody(b, ct) { - return nil - } - body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(req.Raw().Body) - if err != nil { - fmt.Fprintf(b, " Failed to read request body: %s\n", err.Error()) - return err - } - if err := req.RewindBody(); err != nil { - return err - } - logBody(b, body) - return nil -} - -// writes to a buffer, used for logging purposes -func writeRespBody(resp *http.Response, b *bytes.Buffer) error { - ct := resp.Header.Get(shared.HeaderContentType) - if ct == "" { - fmt.Fprint(b, " Response contained no body\n") - return nil - } else if !shouldLogBody(b, ct) { - return nil - } - body, err := Payload(resp) - if err != nil { - fmt.Fprintf(b, " Failed to read response body: %s\n", err.Error()) - return err - } - if len(body) > 0 { - logBody(b, body) - } else { - fmt.Fprint(b, " Response contained no body\n") - } - return nil -} - -func logBody(b *bytes.Buffer, body []byte) { - fmt.Fprintln(b, " --------------------------------------------------------------------------------") - fmt.Fprintln(b, string(body)) - fmt.Fprintln(b, " --------------------------------------------------------------------------------") -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/policy_request_id.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/policy_request_id.go deleted file mode 100644 index daefb9709805..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/policy_request_id.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package runtime - -import ( - "net/http" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/uuid" -) - -type requestIdPolicy struct{} - -func NewRequestIdPolicy() policy.Policy { - return &requestIdPolicy{} -} - -func (r *requestIdPolicy) Do(req *policy.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - const requestIdHeader = "x-ms-client-request-id" - if req.Raw().Header.Get(requestIdHeader) == "" { - id, err := uuid.New() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - req.Raw().Header.Set(requestIdHeader, id.String()) - } - - return req.Next() -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/policy_retry.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/policy_retry.go deleted file mode 100644 index 3bd1c267357e..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/policy_retry.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,205 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package runtime - -import ( - "context" - "errors" - "io" - "math" - "math/rand" - "net/http" - "time" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/shared" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/errorinfo" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/log" -) - -func setDefaults(o *policy.RetryOptions) { - if o.MaxRetries == 0 { - o.MaxRetries = shared.DefaultMaxRetries - } else if o.MaxRetries < 0 { - o.MaxRetries = 0 - } - if o.MaxRetryDelay == 0 { - o.MaxRetryDelay = 120 * time.Second - } else if o.MaxRetryDelay < 0 { - // not really an unlimited cap, but sufficiently large enough to be considered as such - o.MaxRetryDelay = math.MaxInt64 - } - if o.RetryDelay == 0 { - o.RetryDelay = 4 * time.Second - } else if o.RetryDelay < 0 { - o.RetryDelay = 0 - } - if o.StatusCodes == nil { - o.StatusCodes = []int{ - http.StatusRequestTimeout, // 408 - http.StatusTooManyRequests, // 429 - http.StatusInternalServerError, // 500 - http.StatusBadGateway, // 502 - http.StatusServiceUnavailable, // 503 - http.StatusGatewayTimeout, // 504 - } - } -} - -func calcDelay(o policy.RetryOptions, try int32) time.Duration { // try is >=1; never 0 - pow := func(number int64, exponent int32) int64 { // pow is nested helper function - var result int64 = 1 - for n := int32(0); n < exponent; n++ { - result *= number - } - return result - } - - delay := time.Duration(pow(2, try)-1) * o.RetryDelay - - // Introduce some jitter: [0.0, 1.0) / 2 = [0.0, 0.5) + 0.8 = [0.8, 1.3) - delay = time.Duration(delay.Seconds() * (rand.Float64()/2 + 0.8) * float64(time.Second)) // NOTE: We want math/rand; not crypto/rand - if delay > o.MaxRetryDelay { - delay = o.MaxRetryDelay - } - return delay -} - -// NewRetryPolicy creates a policy object configured using the specified options. -// Pass nil to accept the default values; this is the same as passing a zero-value options. -func NewRetryPolicy(o *policy.RetryOptions) policy.Policy { - if o == nil { - o = &policy.RetryOptions{} - } - p := &retryPolicy{options: *o} - return p -} - -type retryPolicy struct { - options policy.RetryOptions -} - -func (p *retryPolicy) Do(req *policy.Request) (resp *http.Response, err error) { - options := p.options - // check if the retry options have been overridden for this call - if override := req.Raw().Context().Value(shared.CtxWithRetryOptionsKey{}); override != nil { - options = override.(policy.RetryOptions) - } - setDefaults(&options) - // Exponential retry algorithm: ((2 ^ attempt) - 1) * delay * random(0.8, 1.2) - // When to retry: connection failure or temporary/timeout. - var rwbody *retryableRequestBody - if req.Body() != nil { - // wrap the body so we control when it's actually closed. - // do this outside the for loop so defers don't accumulate. - rwbody = &retryableRequestBody{body: req.Body()} - defer rwbody.realClose() - } - try := int32(1) - for { - resp = nil // reset - log.Writef(log.EventRetryPolicy, "\n=====> Try=%d %s %s", try, req.Raw().Method, req.Raw().URL.String()) - - // For each try, seek to the beginning of the Body stream. We do this even for the 1st try because - // the stream may not be at offset 0 when we first get it and we want the same behavior for the - // 1st try as for additional tries. - err = req.RewindBody() - if err != nil { - return - } - // RewindBody() restores Raw().Body to its original state, so set our rewindable after - if rwbody != nil { - req.Raw().Body = rwbody - } - - if options.TryTimeout == 0 { - resp, err = req.Next() - } else { - // Set the per-try time for this particular retry operation and then Do the operation. - tryCtx, tryCancel := context.WithTimeout(req.Raw().Context(), options.TryTimeout) - clone := req.Clone(tryCtx) - resp, err = clone.Next() // Make the request - tryCancel() - } - if err == nil { - log.Writef(log.EventRetryPolicy, "response %d", resp.StatusCode) - } else { - log.Writef(log.EventRetryPolicy, "error %v", err) - } - - if err == nil && !HasStatusCode(resp, options.StatusCodes...) { - // if there is no error and the response code isn't in the list of retry codes then we're done. - return - } else if ctxErr := req.Raw().Context().Err(); ctxErr != nil { - // don't retry if the parent context has been cancelled or its deadline exceeded - err = ctxErr - log.Writef(log.EventRetryPolicy, "abort due to %v", err) - return - } - - // check if the error is not retriable - var nre errorinfo.NonRetriable - if errors.As(err, &nre) { - // the error says it's not retriable so don't retry - log.Writef(log.EventRetryPolicy, "non-retriable error %T", nre) - return - } - - if try == options.MaxRetries+1 { - // max number of tries has been reached, don't sleep again - log.Writef(log.EventRetryPolicy, "MaxRetries %d exceeded", options.MaxRetries) - return - } - - // drain before retrying so nothing is leaked - Drain(resp) - - // use the delay from retry-after if available - delay := shared.RetryAfter(resp) - if delay <= 0 { - delay = calcDelay(options, try) - } - log.Writef(log.EventRetryPolicy, "End Try #%d, Delay=%v", try, delay) - select { - case <-time.After(delay): - try++ - case <-req.Raw().Context().Done(): - err = req.Raw().Context().Err() - log.Writef(log.EventRetryPolicy, "abort due to %v", err) - return - } - } -} - -// ********** The following type/methods implement the retryableRequestBody (a ReadSeekCloser) - -// This struct is used when sending a body to the network -type retryableRequestBody struct { - body io.ReadSeeker // Seeking is required to support retries -} - -// Read reads a block of data from an inner stream and reports progress -func (b *retryableRequestBody) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) { - return b.body.Read(p) -} - -func (b *retryableRequestBody) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (offsetFromStart int64, err error) { - return b.body.Seek(offset, whence) -} - -func (b *retryableRequestBody) Close() error { - // We don't want the underlying transport to close the request body on transient failures so this is a nop. - // The retry policy closes the request body upon success. - return nil -} - -func (b *retryableRequestBody) realClose() error { - if c, ok := b.body.(io.Closer); ok { - return c.Close() - } - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/policy_telemetry.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/policy_telemetry.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5e628e7a3257..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/policy_telemetry.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,82 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package runtime - -import ( - "bytes" - "fmt" - "net/http" - "os" - "runtime" - "strings" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/shared" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" -) - -type telemetryPolicy struct { - telemetryValue string -} - -// NewTelemetryPolicy creates a telemetry policy object that adds telemetry information to outgoing HTTP requests. -// The format is [ ]azsdk-go-/ . -// Pass nil to accept the default values; this is the same as passing a zero-value options. -func NewTelemetryPolicy(mod, ver string, o *policy.TelemetryOptions) policy.Policy { - if o == nil { - o = &policy.TelemetryOptions{} - } - tp := telemetryPolicy{} - if o.Disabled { - return &tp - } - b := &bytes.Buffer{} - // normalize ApplicationID - if o.ApplicationID != "" { - o.ApplicationID = strings.ReplaceAll(o.ApplicationID, " ", "/") - if len(o.ApplicationID) > 24 { - o.ApplicationID = o.ApplicationID[:24] - } - b.WriteString(o.ApplicationID) - b.WriteRune(' ') - } - b.WriteString(formatTelemetry(mod, ver)) - b.WriteRune(' ') - // inject azcore info - b.WriteString(formatTelemetry(shared.Module, shared.Version)) - b.WriteRune(' ') - b.WriteString(platformInfo) - tp.telemetryValue = b.String() - return &tp -} - -func formatTelemetry(comp, ver string) string { - return fmt.Sprintf("azsdk-go-%s/%s", comp, ver) -} - -func (p telemetryPolicy) Do(req *policy.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - if p.telemetryValue == "" { - return req.Next() - } - // preserve the existing User-Agent string - if ua := req.Raw().Header.Get(shared.HeaderUserAgent); ua != "" { - p.telemetryValue = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", p.telemetryValue, ua) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set(shared.HeaderUserAgent, p.telemetryValue) - return req.Next() -} - -// NOTE: the ONLY function that should write to this variable is this func -var platformInfo = func() string { - operatingSystem := runtime.GOOS // Default OS string - switch operatingSystem { - case "windows": - operatingSystem = os.Getenv("OS") // Get more specific OS information - case "linux": // accept default OS info - case "freebsd": // accept default OS info - } - return fmt.Sprintf("(%s; %s)", runtime.Version(), operatingSystem) -}() diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/poller.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/poller.go deleted file mode 100644 index fbb364cdf9e8..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/poller.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package runtime - -import ( - "encoding/json" - "errors" - "fmt" - "net/http" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/pipeline" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/pollers" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/pollers/loc" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/pollers/op" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/log" -) - -// NewPoller creates a Poller based on the provided initial response. -// pollerID - a unique identifier for an LRO, it's usually the client.Method string. -func NewPoller(pollerID string, resp *http.Response, pl pipeline.Pipeline) (*pollers.Poller, error) { - defer resp.Body.Close() - // this is a back-stop in case the swagger is incorrect (i.e. missing one or more status codes for success). - // ideally the codegen should return an error if the initial response failed and not even create a poller. - if !pollers.StatusCodeValid(resp) { - return nil, errors.New("the operation failed or was cancelled") - } - // determine the polling method - var lro pollers.Operation - var err error - // op poller must be checked first as it can also have a location header - if op.Applicable(resp) { - lro, err = op.New(resp, pollerID) - } else if loc.Applicable(resp) { - lro, err = loc.New(resp, pollerID) - } else { - lro = &pollers.NopPoller{} - } - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return pollers.NewPoller(lro, resp, pl), nil -} - -// NewPollerFromResumeToken creates a Poller from a resume token string. -// pollerID - a unique identifier for an LRO, it's usually the client.Method string. -func NewPollerFromResumeToken(pollerID string, token string, pl pipeline.Pipeline) (*pollers.Poller, error) { - kind, err := pollers.KindFromToken(pollerID, token) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - // now rehydrate the poller based on the encoded poller type - var lro pollers.Operation - switch kind { - case loc.Kind: - log.Writef(log.EventLRO, "Resuming %s poller.", loc.Kind) - lro = &loc.Poller{} - case op.Kind: - log.Writef(log.EventLRO, "Resuming %s poller.", op.Kind) - lro = &op.Poller{} - default: - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unhandled poller type %s", kind) - } - if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(token), lro); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return pollers.NewPoller(lro, nil, pl), nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/request.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/request.go deleted file mode 100644 index 785b08a24a46..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/request.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,227 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package runtime - -import ( - "bytes" - "context" - "encoding/base64" - "encoding/json" - "encoding/xml" - "fmt" - "io" - "mime/multipart" - "reflect" - "strings" - "time" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/pipeline" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/shared" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" -) - -// Pipeline represents a primitive for sending HTTP requests and receiving responses. -// Its behavior can be extended by specifying policies during construction. -type Pipeline = pipeline.Pipeline - -// Base64Encoding is usesd to specify which base-64 encoder/decoder to use when -// encoding/decoding a slice of bytes to/from a string. -type Base64Encoding int - -const ( - // Base64StdFormat uses base64.StdEncoding for encoding and decoding payloads. - Base64StdFormat Base64Encoding = 0 - - // Base64URLFormat uses base64.RawURLEncoding for encoding and decoding payloads. - Base64URLFormat Base64Encoding = 1 -) - -// NewRequest creates a new policy.Request with the specified input. -func NewRequest(ctx context.Context, httpMethod string, endpoint string) (*pipeline.Request, error) { - return pipeline.NewRequest(ctx, httpMethod, endpoint) -} - -// JoinPaths concatenates multiple URL path segments into one path, -// inserting path separation characters as required. JoinPaths will preserve -// query parameters in the root path -func JoinPaths(root string, paths ...string) string { - if len(paths) == 0 { - return root - } - - qps := "" - if strings.Contains(root, "?") { - splitPath := strings.Split(root, "?") - root, qps = splitPath[0], splitPath[1] - } - - for i := 0; i < len(paths); i++ { - root = strings.TrimRight(root, "/") - paths[i] = strings.TrimLeft(paths[i], "/") - root += "/" + paths[i] - } - - if qps != "" { - if !strings.HasSuffix(root, "/") { - root += "/" - } - return root + "?" + qps - } - return root -} - -// EncodeByteArray will base-64 encode the byte slice v. -func EncodeByteArray(v []byte, format Base64Encoding) string { - if format == Base64URLFormat { - return base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(v) - } - return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(v) -} - -// MarshalAsByteArray will base-64 encode the byte slice v, then calls SetBody. -// The encoded value is treated as a JSON string. -func MarshalAsByteArray(req *policy.Request, v []byte, format Base64Encoding) error { - // send as a JSON string - encode := fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\"", EncodeByteArray(v, format)) - return req.SetBody(shared.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(encode)), shared.ContentTypeAppJSON) -} - -// MarshalAsJSON calls json.Marshal() to get the JSON encoding of v then calls SetBody. -func MarshalAsJSON(req *policy.Request, v interface{}) error { - v = cloneWithoutReadOnlyFields(v) - b, err := json.Marshal(v) - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("error marshalling type %T: %s", v, err) - } - return req.SetBody(shared.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(b)), shared.ContentTypeAppJSON) -} - -// MarshalAsXML calls xml.Marshal() to get the XML encoding of v then calls SetBody. -func MarshalAsXML(req *policy.Request, v interface{}) error { - b, err := xml.Marshal(v) - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("error marshalling type %T: %s", v, err) - } - return req.SetBody(shared.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(b)), shared.ContentTypeAppXML) -} - -// SetMultipartFormData writes the specified keys/values as multi-part form -// fields with the specified value. File content must be specified as a ReadSeekCloser. -// All other values are treated as string values. -func SetMultipartFormData(req *policy.Request, formData map[string]interface{}) error { - body := bytes.Buffer{} - writer := multipart.NewWriter(&body) - for k, v := range formData { - if rsc, ok := v.(io.ReadSeekCloser); ok { - // this is the body to upload, the key is its file name - fd, err := writer.CreateFormFile(k, k) - if err != nil { - return err - } - // copy the data to the form file - if _, err = io.Copy(fd, rsc); err != nil { - return err - } - continue - } - // ensure the value is in string format - s, ok := v.(string) - if !ok { - s = fmt.Sprintf("%v", v) - } - if err := writer.WriteField(k, s); err != nil { - return err - } - } - if err := writer.Close(); err != nil { - return err - } - return req.SetBody(shared.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(body.Bytes())), writer.FormDataContentType()) -} - -// SkipBodyDownload will disable automatic downloading of the response body. -func SkipBodyDownload(req *policy.Request) { - req.SetOperationValue(bodyDownloadPolicyOpValues{Skip: true}) -} - -// returns a clone of the object graph pointed to by v, omitting values of all read-only -// fields. if there are no read-only fields in the object graph, no clone is created. -func cloneWithoutReadOnlyFields(v interface{}) interface{} { - val := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(v)) - if val.Kind() != reflect.Struct { - // not a struct, skip - return v - } - // first walk the graph to find any R/O fields. - // if there aren't any, skip cloning the graph. - if !recursiveFindReadOnlyField(val) { - return v - } - return recursiveCloneWithoutReadOnlyFields(val) -} - -// returns true if any field in the object graph of val contains the `azure:"ro"` tag value -func recursiveFindReadOnlyField(val reflect.Value) bool { - t := val.Type() - // iterate over the fields, looking for the "azure" tag. - for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ { - field := t.Field(i) - aztag := field.Tag.Get("azure") - if azureTagIsReadOnly(aztag) { - return true - } else if reflect.Indirect(val.Field(i)).Kind() == reflect.Struct && recursiveFindReadOnlyField(reflect.Indirect(val.Field(i))) { - return true - } - } - return false -} - -// clones the object graph of val. all non-R/O properties are copied to the clone -func recursiveCloneWithoutReadOnlyFields(val reflect.Value) interface{} { - t := val.Type() - clone := reflect.New(t) - // iterate over the fields, looking for the "azure" tag. - for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ { - field := t.Field(i) - aztag := field.Tag.Get("azure") - if azureTagIsReadOnly(aztag) { - // omit from payload - continue - } - // clone field will receive the same value as the source field... - value := val.Field(i) - v := reflect.Indirect(value) - if v.IsValid() && v.Type() != reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{}) && v.Kind() == reflect.Struct { - // ...unless the source value is a struct, in which case we recurse to clone that struct. - // (We can't recursively clone time.Time because it contains unexported fields.) - c := recursiveCloneWithoutReadOnlyFields(v) - if field.Anonymous { - // NOTE: this does not handle the case of embedded fields of unexported struct types. - // this should be ok as we don't generate any code like this at present - value = reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(c)) - } else { - value = reflect.ValueOf(c) - } - } - reflect.Indirect(clone).Field(i).Set(value) - } - return clone.Interface() -} - -// returns true if the "azure" tag contains the option "ro" -func azureTagIsReadOnly(tag string) bool { - if tag == "" { - return false - } - parts := strings.Split(tag, ",") - for _, part := range parts { - if part == "ro" { - return true - } - } - return false -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/response.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/response.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8df3ca8131f2..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/response.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,136 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package runtime - -import ( - "bytes" - "encoding/base64" - "encoding/json" - "encoding/xml" - "fmt" - "io" - "io/ioutil" - "net/http" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/shared" -) - -// Payload reads and returns the response body or an error. -// On a successful read, the response body is cached. -// Subsequent reads will access the cached value. -func Payload(resp *http.Response) ([]byte, error) { - return shared.Payload(resp) -} - -// HasStatusCode returns true if the Response's status code is one of the specified values. -func HasStatusCode(resp *http.Response, statusCodes ...int) bool { - return shared.HasStatusCode(resp, statusCodes...) -} - -// UnmarshalAsByteArray will base-64 decode the received payload and place the result into the value pointed to by v. -func UnmarshalAsByteArray(resp *http.Response, v *[]byte, format Base64Encoding) error { - p, err := Payload(resp) - if err != nil { - return err - } - return DecodeByteArray(string(p), v, format) -} - -// UnmarshalAsJSON calls json.Unmarshal() to unmarshal the received payload into the value pointed to by v. -func UnmarshalAsJSON(resp *http.Response, v interface{}) error { - payload, err := Payload(resp) - if err != nil { - return err - } - // TODO: verify early exit is correct - if len(payload) == 0 { - return nil - } - err = removeBOM(resp) - if err != nil { - return err - } - err = json.Unmarshal(payload, v) - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("unmarshalling type %T: %s", v, err) - } - return err -} - -// UnmarshalAsXML calls xml.Unmarshal() to unmarshal the received payload into the value pointed to by v. -func UnmarshalAsXML(resp *http.Response, v interface{}) error { - payload, err := Payload(resp) - if err != nil { - return err - } - // TODO: verify early exit is correct - if len(payload) == 0 { - return nil - } - err = removeBOM(resp) - if err != nil { - return err - } - err = xml.Unmarshal(payload, v) - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("unmarshalling type %T: %s", v, err) - } - return err -} - -// Drain reads the response body to completion then closes it. The bytes read are discarded. -func Drain(resp *http.Response) { - if resp != nil && resp.Body != nil { - _, _ = io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, resp.Body) - resp.Body.Close() - } -} - -// removeBOM removes any byte-order mark prefix from the payload if present. -func removeBOM(resp *http.Response) error { - payload, err := Payload(resp) - if err != nil { - return err - } - // UTF8 - trimmed := bytes.TrimPrefix(payload, []byte("\xef\xbb\xbf")) - if len(trimmed) < len(payload) { - resp.Body.(*shared.NopClosingBytesReader).Set(trimmed) - } - return nil -} - -// DecodeByteArray will base-64 decode the provided string into v. -func DecodeByteArray(s string, v *[]byte, format Base64Encoding) error { - if len(s) == 0 { - return nil - } - payload := string(s) - if payload[0] == '"' { - // remove surrounding quotes - payload = payload[1 : len(payload)-1] - } - switch format { - case Base64StdFormat: - decoded, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(payload) - if err == nil { - *v = decoded - return nil - } - return err - case Base64URLFormat: - // use raw encoding as URL format should not contain any '=' characters - decoded, err := base64.RawURLEncoding.DecodeString(payload) - if err == nil { - *v = decoded - return nil - } - return err - default: - return fmt.Errorf("unrecognized byte array format: %d", format) - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/transport_default_http_client.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/transport_default_http_client.go deleted file mode 100644 index f7f3ca9c14ed..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime/transport_default_http_client.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package runtime - -import ( - "crypto/tls" - "net" - "net/http" - "time" -) - -var defaultHTTPClient *http.Client - -func init() { - defaultTransport := &http.Transport{ - Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment, - DialContext: (&net.Dialer{ - Timeout: 30 * time.Second, - KeepAlive: 30 * time.Second, - }).DialContext, - ForceAttemptHTTP2: true, - MaxIdleConns: 100, - IdleConnTimeout: 90 * time.Second, - TLSHandshakeTimeout: 10 * time.Second, - ExpectContinueTimeout: 1 * time.Second, - TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{ - MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12, - }, - } - defaultHTTPClient = &http.Client{ - Transport: defaultTransport, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/streaming/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/streaming/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index b613f085bb62..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/streaming/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright 2017 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -// Package streaming contains helpers for streaming IO operations and progress reporting. -package streaming diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/streaming/progress.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/streaming/progress.go deleted file mode 100644 index ca0b05c80812..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/streaming/progress.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package streaming - -import ( - "io" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/shared" -) - -type progress struct { - rc io.ReadCloser - rsc io.ReadSeekCloser - pr func(bytesTransferred int64) - offset int64 -} - -// NopCloser returns a ReadSeekCloser with a no-op close method wrapping the provided io.ReadSeeker. -func NopCloser(rs io.ReadSeeker) io.ReadSeekCloser { - return shared.NopCloser(rs) -} - -// NewRequestProgress adds progress reporting to an HTTP request's body stream. -func NewRequestProgress(body io.ReadSeekCloser, pr func(bytesTransferred int64)) io.ReadSeekCloser { - return &progress{ - rc: body, - rsc: body, - pr: pr, - offset: 0, - } -} - -// NewResponseProgress adds progress reporting to an HTTP response's body stream. -func NewResponseProgress(body io.ReadCloser, pr func(bytesTransferred int64)) io.ReadCloser { - return &progress{ - rc: body, - rsc: nil, - pr: pr, - offset: 0, - } -} - -// Read reads a block of data from an inner stream and reports progress -func (p *progress) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) { - n, err = p.rc.Read(b) - if err != nil && err != io.EOF { - return - } - p.offset += int64(n) - // Invokes the user's callback method to report progress - p.pr(p.offset) - return -} - -// Seek only expects a zero or from beginning. -func (p *progress) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error) { - // This should only ever be called with offset = 0 and whence = io.SeekStart - n, err := p.rsc.Seek(offset, whence) - if err == nil { - p.offset = int64(n) - } - return n, err -} - -// requestBodyProgress supports Close but the underlying stream may not; if it does, Close will close it. -func (p *progress) Close() error { - return p.rc.Close() -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/to/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/to/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 64733444fb5a..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/to/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright 2017 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -// Package to contains various type-conversion helper functions. -package to diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/to/to.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/to/to.go deleted file mode 100644 index 01bb033ef03c..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/to/to.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,107 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package to - -import "time" - -// BoolPtr returns a pointer to the provided bool. -func BoolPtr(b bool) *bool { - return &b -} - -// Float32Ptr returns a pointer to the provided float32. -func Float32Ptr(i float32) *float32 { - return &i -} - -// Float64Ptr returns a pointer to the provided float64. -func Float64Ptr(i float64) *float64 { - return &i -} - -// Int32Ptr returns a pointer to the provided int32. -func Int32Ptr(i int32) *int32 { - return &i -} - -// Int64Ptr returns a pointer to the provided int64. -func Int64Ptr(i int64) *int64 { - return &i -} - -// StringPtr returns a pointer to the provided string. -func StringPtr(s string) *string { - return &s -} - -// TimePtr returns a pointer to the provided time.Time. -func TimePtr(t time.Time) *time.Time { - return &t -} - -// Int32PtrArray returns an array of *int32 from the specified values. -func Int32PtrArray(vals ...int32) []*int32 { - arr := make([]*int32, len(vals)) - for i := range vals { - arr[i] = Int32Ptr(vals[i]) - } - return arr -} - -// Int64PtrArray returns an array of *int64 from the specified values. -func Int64PtrArray(vals ...int64) []*int64 { - arr := make([]*int64, len(vals)) - for i := range vals { - arr[i] = Int64Ptr(vals[i]) - } - return arr -} - -// Float32PtrArray returns an array of *float32 from the specified values. -func Float32PtrArray(vals ...float32) []*float32 { - arr := make([]*float32, len(vals)) - for i := range vals { - arr[i] = Float32Ptr(vals[i]) - } - return arr -} - -// Float64PtrArray returns an array of *float64 from the specified values. -func Float64PtrArray(vals ...float64) []*float64 { - arr := make([]*float64, len(vals)) - for i := range vals { - arr[i] = Float64Ptr(vals[i]) - } - return arr -} - -// BoolPtrArray returns an array of *bool from the specified values. -func BoolPtrArray(vals ...bool) []*bool { - arr := make([]*bool, len(vals)) - for i := range vals { - arr[i] = BoolPtr(vals[i]) - } - return arr -} - -// StringPtrArray returns an array of *string from the specified values. -func StringPtrArray(vals ...string) []*string { - arr := make([]*string, len(vals)) - for i := range vals { - arr[i] = StringPtr(vals[i]) - } - return arr -} - -// TimePtrArray returns an array of *time.Time from the specified values. -func TimePtrArray(vals ...time.Time) []*time.Time { - arr := make([]*time.Time, len(vals)) - for i := range vals { - arr[i] = TimePtr(vals[i]) - } - return arr -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/CHANGELOG.md b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/CHANGELOG.md deleted file mode 100644 index 11ab8b1caab0..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/CHANGELOG.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,215 +0,0 @@ -# Release History - -## 0.13.0 (2022-01-11) - -### Breaking Changes -* Replaced `AuthenticationFailedError.RawResponse()` with a field having the same name -* Unexported `CredentialUnavailableError` -* Instances of `ChainedTokenCredential` will now skip looping through the list of source credentials and re-use the first successful credential on subsequent calls to `GetToken`. - * If `ChainedTokenCredentialOptions.RetrySources` is true, `ChainedTokenCredential` will continue to try all of the originally provided credentials each time the `GetToken` method is called. - * `ChainedTokenCredential.successfulCredential` will contain a reference to the last successful credential. - * `DefaultAzureCredenial` will also re-use the first successful credential on subsequent calls to `GetToken`. - * `DefaultAzureCredential.chain.successfulCredential` will also contain a reference to the last successful credential. - -### Other Changes -* `ManagedIdentityCredential` no longer probes IMDS before requesting a token - from it. Also, an error response from IMDS no longer disables a credential - instance. Following an error, a credential instance will continue to send - requests to IMDS as necessary. -* Adopted MSAL for user and service principal authentication -* Updated `azcore` requirement to 0.21.0 - -## 0.12.0 (2021-11-02) -### Breaking Changes -* Raised minimum go version to 1.16 -* Removed `NewAuthenticationPolicy()` from credentials. Clients should instead use azcore's - `runtime.NewBearerTokenPolicy()` to construct a bearer token authorization policy. -* The `AuthorityHost` field in credential options structs is now a custom type, - `AuthorityHost`, with underlying type `string` -* `NewChainedTokenCredential` has a new signature to accommodate a placeholder - options struct: - ```go - // before - cred, err := NewChainedTokenCredential(credA, credB) - - // after - cred, err := NewChainedTokenCredential([]azcore.TokenCredential{credA, credB}, nil) - ``` -* Removed `ExcludeAzureCLICredential`, `ExcludeEnvironmentCredential`, and `ExcludeMSICredential` - from `DefaultAzureCredentialOptions` -* `NewClientCertificateCredential` requires a `[]*x509.Certificate` and `crypto.PrivateKey` instead of - a path to a certificate file. Added `ParseCertificates` to simplify getting these in common cases: - ```go - // before - cred, err := NewClientCertificateCredential("tenant", "client-id", "/cert.pem", nil) - - // after - certData, err := os.ReadFile("/cert.pem") - certs, key, err := ParseCertificates(certData, password) - cred, err := NewClientCertificateCredential(tenantID, clientID, certs, key, nil) - ``` -* Removed `InteractiveBrowserCredentialOptions.ClientSecret` and `.Port` -* Removed `AADAuthenticationFailedError` -* Removed `id` parameter of `NewManagedIdentityCredential()`. User assigned identities are now - specified by `ManagedIdentityCredentialOptions.ID`: - ```go - // before - cred, err := NewManagedIdentityCredential("client-id", nil) - // or, for a resource ID - opts := &ManagedIdentityCredentialOptions{ID: ResourceID} - cred, err := NewManagedIdentityCredential("/subscriptions/...", opts) - - // after - clientID := ClientID("7cf7db0d-...") - opts := &ManagedIdentityCredentialOptions{ID: clientID} - // or, for a resource ID - resID: ResourceID("/subscriptions/...") - opts := &ManagedIdentityCredentialOptions{ID: resID} - cred, err := NewManagedIdentityCredential(opts) - ``` -* `DeviceCodeCredentialOptions.UserPrompt` has a new type: `func(context.Context, DeviceCodeMessage) error` -* Credential options structs now embed `azcore.ClientOptions`. In addition to changing literal initialization - syntax, this change renames `HTTPClient` fields to `Transport`. -* Renamed `LogCredential` to `EventCredential` -* `AzureCLICredential` no longer reads the environment variable `AZURE_CLI_PATH` -* `NewManagedIdentityCredential` no longer reads environment variables `AZURE_CLIENT_ID` and - `AZURE_RESOURCE_ID`. Use `ManagedIdentityCredentialOptions.ID` instead. -* Unexported `AuthenticationFailedError` and `CredentialUnavailableError` structs. In their place are two - interfaces having the same names. - -### Bugs Fixed -* `AzureCLICredential.GetToken` no longer mutates its `opts.Scopes` - -### Features Added -* Added connection configuration options to `DefaultAzureCredentialOptions` -* `AuthenticationFailedError.RawResponse()` returns the HTTP response motivating the error, - if available - -### Other Changes -* `NewDefaultAzureCredential()` returns `*DefaultAzureCredential` instead of `*ChainedTokenCredential` -* Added `TenantID` field to `DefaultAzureCredentialOptions` and `AzureCLICredentialOptions` - -## 0.11.0 (2021-09-08) -### Breaking Changes -* Unexported `AzureCLICredentialOptions.TokenProvider` and its type, - `AzureCLITokenProvider` - -### Bug Fixes -* `ManagedIdentityCredential.GetToken` returns `CredentialUnavailableError` - when IMDS has no assigned identity, signaling `DefaultAzureCredential` to - try other credentials - - -## 0.10.0 (2021-08-30) -### Breaking Changes -* Update based on `azcore` refactor [#15383](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/pull/15383) - -## 0.9.3 (2021-08-20) - -### Bugs Fixed -* `ManagedIdentityCredential.GetToken` no longer mutates its `opts.Scopes` - -### Other Changes -* Bumps version of `azcore` to `v0.18.1` - - -## 0.9.2 (2021-07-23) -### Features Added -* Adding support for Service Fabric environment in `ManagedIdentityCredential` -* Adding an option for using a resource ID instead of client ID in `ManagedIdentityCredential` - - -## 0.9.1 (2021-05-24) -### Features Added -* Add LICENSE.txt and bump version information - - -## 0.9.0 (2021-05-21) -### Features Added -* Add support for authenticating in Azure Stack environments -* Enable user assigned identities for the IMDS scenario in `ManagedIdentityCredential` -* Add scope to resource conversion in `GetToken()` on `ManagedIdentityCredential` - - -## 0.8.0 (2021-01-20) -### Features Added -* Updating documentation - - -## 0.7.1 (2021-01-04) -### Features Added -* Adding port option to `InteractiveBrowserCredential` - - -## 0.7.0 (2020-12-11) -### Features Added -* Add `redirectURI` parameter back to authentication code flow - - -## 0.6.1 (2020-12-09) -### Features Added -* Updating query parameter in `ManagedIdentityCredential` and updating datetime string for parsing managed identity access tokens. - - -## 0.6.0 (2020-11-16) -### Features Added -* Remove `RedirectURL` parameter from auth code flow to align with the MSAL implementation which relies on the native client redirect URL. - - -## 0.5.0 (2020-10-30) -### Features Added -* Flattening credential options - - -## 0.4.3 (2020-10-21) -### Features Added -* Adding Azure Arc support in `ManagedIdentityCredential` - - -## 0.4.2 (2020-10-16) -### Features Added -* Typo fixes - - -## 0.4.1 (2020-10-16) -### Features Added -* Ensure authority hosts are only HTTPs - - -## 0.4.0 (2020-10-16) -### Features Added -* Adding options structs for credentials - - -## 0.3.0 (2020-10-09) -### Features Added -* Update `DeviceCodeCredential` callback - - -## 0.2.2 (2020-10-09) -### Features Added -* Add `AuthorizationCodeCredential` - - -## 0.2.1 (2020-10-06) -### Features Added -* Add `InteractiveBrowserCredential` - - -## 0.2.0 (2020-09-11) -### Features Added -* Refactor `azidentity` on top of `azcore` refactor -* Updated policies to conform to `policy.Policy` interface changes. -* Updated non-retriable errors to conform to `azcore.NonRetriableError`. -* Fixed calls to `Request.SetBody()` to include content type. -* Switched endpoints to string types and removed extra parsing code. - - -## 0.1.1 (2020-09-02) -### Features Added -* Add `AzureCLICredential` to `DefaultAzureCredential` chain - - -## 0.1.0 (2020-07-23) -### Features Added -* Initial Release. Azure Identity library that provides Azure Active Directory token authentication support for the SDK. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/LICENSE.txt b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/LICENSE.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 48ea6616b5b8..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/LICENSE.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -MIT License - -Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all -copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -SOFTWARE diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/README.md b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index 498b3b55d45b..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,241 +0,0 @@ -# Azure Identity Client Module for Go - -The Azure Identity module provides Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) token authentication support across the Azure SDK. It includes a set of `TokenCredential` implementations, which can be used with Azure SDK clients supporting token authentication. - -[![PkgGoDev](https://pkg.go.dev/badge/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity)](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity) -| [Azure Active Directory documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory/) -| [Source code](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/tree/main/sdk/azidentity) - -# Getting started - -## Install the module - -This project uses [Go modules](https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Modules) for versioning and dependency management. - -Install the Azure Identity module: - -```sh -go get -u github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity -``` - -## Prerequisites - -- an [Azure subscription](https://azure.microsoft.com/free/) -- A recent version of Go. This module supports the two most recent stable versions. - -### Authenticating during local development - -When debugging and executing code locally, developers typically use their own accounts to authenticate calls to Azure services. The `azidentity` module supports authenticating through developer tools to simplify local development. - -#### Authenticating via the Azure CLI - -`DefaultAzureCredential` and `AzureCLICredential` can authenticate as the user -signed in to the [Azure CLI](https://docs.microsoft.com/cli/azure). To sign in to the Azure CLI, run `az login`. On a system with a default web browser, the Azure CLI will launch the browser to authenticate a user. - -When no default browser is available, `az login` will use the device code -authentication flow. This can also be selected manually by running `az login --use-device-code`. - -## Key concepts - -### Credentials - -A credential is a type which contains or can obtain the data needed for a -service client to authenticate requests. Service clients across the Azure SDK -accept a credential instance when they are constructed, and use that credential -to authenticate requests. - -The `azidentity` module focuses on OAuth authentication with Azure Active -Directory (AAD). It offers a variety of credential types capable of acquiring -an Azure AD access token. See [Credential Types](#credential-types "Credential Types") for a list of this module's credential types. - -### DefaultAzureCredential - -`DefaultAzureCredential` is appropriate for most apps that will be deployed to Azure. It combines common production credentials with development credentials. It attempts to authenticate via the following mechanisms in this order, stopping when one succeeds: - -![DefaultAzureCredential authentication flow](img/DAC_flow.PNG) - - - Environment - `DefaultAzureCredential` will read account information specified via [environment variables](#environment-variables) and use it to authenticate. - - Managed Identity - If the app is deployed to an Azure host with managed identity enabled, `DefaultAzureCredential` will authenticate with it. - - Azure CLI - If a user or service principal has authenticated via the Azure CLI `az login` command, `DefaultAzureCredential` will authenticate that identity. - -> Note: `DefaultAzureCredential` is intended to simplify getting started with the SDK by handling common scenarios with reasonable default behaviors. Developers who want more control or whose scenario isn't served by the default settings should use other credential types. - -## Managed Identity - -`DefaultAzureCredential` and `ManagedIdentityCredential` support -[managed identity authentication](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview) -in any hosting environment which supports managed identities, such as (this list is not exhaustive): -* [Azure App Service](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/app-service/overview-managed-identity) -* [Azure Arc](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-arc/servers/managed-identity-authentication) -* [Azure Cloud Shell](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/cloud-shell/msi-authorization) -* [Azure Kubernetes Service](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/aks/use-managed-identity) -* [Azure Service Fabric](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/service-fabric/concepts-managed-identity) -* [Azure Virtual Machines](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory/managed-identities-azure-resources/how-to-use-vm-token) - -## Examples - -- [Authenticate with DefaultAzureCredential](#authenticate-with-defaultazurecredential "Authenticate with DefaultAzureCredential") -- [Define a custom authentication flow with ChainedTokenCredential](#define-a-custom-authentication-flow-with-chainedtokencredential "Define a custom authentication flow with ChainedTokenCredential") - -### Authenticate with DefaultAzureCredential - -This example demonstrates authenticating a client from the `armresources` module with `DefaultAzureCredential`. - -```go -cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) -if err != nil { - // handle error -} - -client := armresources.NewResourceGroupsClient("subscription ID", cred, nil) -``` - -See more how to configure the `DefaultAzureCredential` on your workstation or Azure in [Configure DefaultAzureCredential](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/wiki/Set-up-Your-Environment-for-Authentication#configure-defaultazurecredential). - -#### Specify a user-assigned managed identity for `DefaultAzureCredential` - -To configure `DefaultAzureCredential` to authenticate a user-assigned managed identity, set the `AZURE_CLIENT_ID` environment variable to the identity's client ID. - -### Define a custom authentication flow with `ChainedTokenCredential` - -`DefaultAzureCredential` is generally the quickest way to get started developing apps for Azure. For more advanced scenarios, [ChainedTokenCredential][chain_cred_ref] links multiple credential instances to be tried sequentially when authenticating. It will try each chained credential in turn until one provides a token or fails to authenticate due to an error. - -The following example demonstrates creating a credential, which will attempt to authenticate using managed identity. It will fall back to authenticating via the Azure CLI when a managed identity is unavailable. - -```go -managedId, err := azidentity.NewManagedIdentityCredential(nil) -if err != nil { - // handle error -} -azCLI, err := azidentity.NewAzureCLICredential(nil) -if err != nil { - // handle error -} -chain, err := azidentity.NewChainedTokenCredential([]azcore.TokenCredential{managedID, azCLI}) -if err != nil { - // handle error -} - -client := armresources.NewResourceGroupsClient("subscription ID", chain, nil) -``` - -## Credential Types - -### Authenticating Azure Hosted Applications - -|Credential|Usage -|-|- -|[DefaultAzureCredential](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity#DefaultAzureCredential)|Simplified authentication experience for getting started developing Azure apps -|[ChainedTokenCredential](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity#ChainedTokenCredential)|Define custom authentication flows, composing multiple credentials -|[EnvironmentCredential](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity#EnvironmentCredential)|Authenticate a service principal or user configured by environment variables -|[ManagedIdentityCredential](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity#ManagedIdentityCredential)|Authenticate the managed identity of an Azure resource - -### Authenticating Service Principals - -|Credential|Usage -|-|- -|[ClientSecretCredential](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity#ClientSecretCredential)|Authenticate a service principal with a secret -|[ClientCertificateCredential](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity#ClientCertificateCredential)|Authenticate a service principal with a certificate - -### Authenticating Users - -|Credential|Usage -|-|- -|[InteractiveBrowserCredential](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity#InteractiveBrowserCredential)|Interactively authenticate a user with the default web browser -|[DeviceCodeCredential](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity#DeviceCodeCredential)|Interactively authenticate a user on a device with limited UI -|[UsernamePasswordCredential](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity#UsernamePasswordCredential)|Authenticate a user with a username and password -|[AuthorizationCodeCredential](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity#AuthorizationCodeCredential)|Authenticate a user with a previously obtained authorization code - -### Authenticating via Development Tools - -|Credential|Usage -|-|- -|[AzureCLICredential](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity#AzureCLICredential)|Authenticate as the user signed in to the Azure CLI - -## Environment Variables - -`DefaultAzureCredential` and `EnvironmentCredential` can be configured with environment variables. Each type of authentication requires values for specific variables: - -#### Service principal with secret - -|variable name|value -|-|- -|`AZURE_CLIENT_ID`|id of an Azure Active Directory application -|`AZURE_TENANT_ID`|id of the application's Azure Active Directory tenant -|`AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET`|one of the application's client secrets - -#### Service principal with certificate - -|variable name|value -|-|- -|`AZURE_CLIENT_ID`|id of an Azure Active Directory application -|`AZURE_TENANT_ID`|id of the application's Azure Active Directory tenant -|`AZURE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_PATH`|path to a PEM-encoded certificate file including private key (without password protection) - -#### Username and password - -|variable name|value -|-|- -|`AZURE_CLIENT_ID`|id of an Azure Active Directory application -|`AZURE_USERNAME`|a username (usually an email address) -|`AZURE_PASSWORD`|that user's password - -Configuration is attempted in the above order. For example, if values for a -client secret and certificate are both present, the client secret will be used. - -## Troubleshooting - -### Error Handling - -Credentials return an `error` when they fail to authenticate or lack data they require to authenticate. For guidance on resolving errors from specific credential types, see the [troubleshooting guide](https://aka.ms/azsdk/go/identity/troubleshoot). - -For more details on handling specific Azure Active Directory errors please refer to the -Azure Active Directory -[error code documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory/develop/reference-aadsts-error-codes). - -### Logging - -This module uses the classification-based logging implementation in `azcore`. To enable console logging for all SDK modules, set `AZURE_SDK_GO_LOGGING` to `all`. Use the `azcore/log` package to control log event output or to enable logs for `azidentity` only. For example: -```go -import azlog "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/log" - -// print log output to stdout -azlog.SetListener(func(event azlog.Event, s string) { - fmt.Println(s) -}) - -// include only azidentity credential logs -azlog.SetEvents(azidentity.EventCredential) -``` - -Credentials log basic information only, such as `GetToken` success or failure and errors. These log entries don't contain authentication secrets but may contain sensitive information. - -## Next steps - -Client and management modules listed on the [Azure SDK releases page](https://azure.github.io/azure-sdk/releases/latest/go.html) support authenticating with `azidentity` credential types. You can learn more about using these libraries in their documentation, which is linked from the release page. - -## Provide Feedback - -If you encounter bugs or have suggestions, please -[open an issue](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/issues). - -## Contributing - -This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require -you to agree to a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have -the right to, and actually do, grant us the rights to use your contribution. -For details, visit [https://cla.microsoft.com](https://cla.microsoft.com). - -When you submit a pull request, a CLA-bot will automatically determine whether -you need to provide a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately (e.g., label, -comment). Simply follow the instructions provided by the bot. You will only -need to do this once across all repos using our CLA. - -This project has adopted the -[Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/). -For more information, see the -[Code of Conduct FAQ](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/faq/) -or contact [opencode@microsoft.com](mailto:opencode@microsoft.com) with any -additional questions or comments. - -![Impressions](https://azure-sdk-impressions.azurewebsites.net/api/impressions/azure-sdk-for-go%2Fsdk%2Fidentity%2Fazidentity%2FREADME.png) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/authorization_code_credential.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/authorization_code_credential.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6abaacce778a..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/authorization_code_credential.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,116 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azidentity - -import ( - "context" - "errors" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/confidential" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/public" -) - -// AuthorizationCodeCredentialOptions contains optional parameters for AuthorizationCodeCredential. -type AuthorizationCodeCredentialOptions struct { - azcore.ClientOptions - - // ClientSecret is one of the application's client secrets. - ClientSecret string - // AuthorityHost is the base URL of an Azure Active Directory authority. Defaults - // to the value of environment variable AZURE_AUTHORITY_HOST, if set, or AzurePublicCloud. - AuthorityHost AuthorityHost -} - -// AuthorizationCodeCredential authenticates by redeeming an authorization code previously -// obtained from Azure Active Directory. The authorization code flow is described in more detail -// in Azure Active Directory documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory/develop/v2-oauth2-auth-code-flow -type AuthorizationCodeCredential struct { - cca confidentialClient - pca publicClient - authCode string - clientSecret string - redirectURI string - account confidential.Account -} - -// NewAuthorizationCodeCredential constructs an AuthorizationCodeCredential. -// tenantID: The application's Azure Active Directory tenant or directory ID. -// clientID: The application's client ID. -// authCode: The authorization code received from the authorization code flow. Note that authorization codes are single-use. -// redirectURL: The application's redirect URL. Must match the redirect URL used to request the authorization code. -// options: Optional configuration. -func NewAuthorizationCodeCredential(tenantID string, clientID string, authCode string, redirectURL string, options *AuthorizationCodeCredentialOptions) (*AuthorizationCodeCredential, error) { - if !validTenantID(tenantID) { - return nil, errors.New(tenantIDValidationErr) - } - if options == nil { - options = &AuthorizationCodeCredentialOptions{} - } - authorityHost, err := setAuthorityHost(options.AuthorityHost) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if options.ClientSecret != "" { - cred, err := confidential.NewCredFromSecret(options.ClientSecret) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - c, err := confidential.New(clientID, cred, - confidential.WithAuthority(runtime.JoinPaths(authorityHost, tenantID)), - confidential.WithHTTPClient(newPipelineAdapter(&options.ClientOptions)), - ) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return &AuthorizationCodeCredential{authCode: authCode, clientSecret: options.ClientSecret, redirectURI: redirectURL, cca: c}, nil - } - c, err := public.New(clientID, - public.WithAuthority(runtime.JoinPaths(authorityHost, tenantID)), - public.WithHTTPClient(newPipelineAdapter(&options.ClientOptions)), - ) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return &AuthorizationCodeCredential{authCode: authCode, clientSecret: options.ClientSecret, redirectURI: redirectURL, pca: c}, nil -} - -// GetToken obtains a token from Azure Active Directory by redeeming the authorization code. This method is called automatically by Azure SDK clients. -// ctx: Context controlling the request lifetime. -// opts: Options for the token request, in particular the desired scope of the access token. -func (c *AuthorizationCodeCredential) GetToken(ctx context.Context, opts policy.TokenRequestOptions) (*azcore.AccessToken, error) { - if c.cca != nil { - ar, err := c.cca.AcquireTokenSilent(ctx, opts.Scopes, confidential.WithSilentAccount(c.account)) - if err == nil { - logGetTokenSuccess(c, opts) - return &azcore.AccessToken{Token: ar.AccessToken, ExpiresOn: ar.ExpiresOn.UTC()}, err - } - ar, err = c.cca.AcquireTokenByAuthCode(ctx, c.authCode, c.redirectURI, opts.Scopes) - if err != nil { - addGetTokenFailureLogs("Authorization Code Credential", err, true) - return nil, newAuthenticationFailedError(err, nil) - } - logGetTokenSuccess(c, opts) - c.account = ar.Account - return &azcore.AccessToken{Token: ar.AccessToken, ExpiresOn: ar.ExpiresOn.UTC()}, err - } - - ar, err := c.pca.AcquireTokenSilent(ctx, opts.Scopes, public.WithSilentAccount(c.account)) - if err == nil { - logGetTokenSuccess(c, opts) - return &azcore.AccessToken{Token: ar.AccessToken, ExpiresOn: ar.ExpiresOn.UTC()}, err - } - ar, err = c.pca.AcquireTokenByAuthCode(ctx, c.authCode, c.redirectURI, opts.Scopes) - if err != nil { - addGetTokenFailureLogs("Authorization Code Credential", err, true) - return nil, newAuthenticationFailedError(err, nil) - } - logGetTokenSuccess(c, opts) - c.account = ar.Account - return &azcore.AccessToken{Token: ar.AccessToken, ExpiresOn: ar.ExpiresOn.UTC()}, err -} - -var _ azcore.TokenCredential = (*AuthorizationCodeCredential)(nil) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/azidentity.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/azidentity.go deleted file mode 100644 index 475bb166120a..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/azidentity.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,129 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azidentity - -import ( - "bytes" - "context" - "errors" - "io" - "io/ioutil" - "net/http" - "net/url" - "os" - "regexp" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/streaming" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/confidential" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/public" -) - -const ( - organizationsTenantID = "organizations" - developerSignOnClientID = "04b07795-8ddb-461a-bbee-02f9e1bf7b46" - defaultSuffix = "/.default" - tenantIDValidationErr = "invalid tenantID. You can locate your tenantID by following the instructions listed here: https://docs.microsoft.com/partner-center/find-ids-and-domain-names" -) - -const azureAuthorityHost = "AZURE_AUTHORITY_HOST" - -// AuthorityHost is the base URL for Azure Active Directory -type AuthorityHost string - -const ( - // AzureChina is a global constant to use in order to access the Azure China cloud. - AzureChina AuthorityHost = "https://login.chinacloudapi.cn/" - // AzureGovernment is a global constant to use in order to access the Azure Government cloud. - AzureGovernment AuthorityHost = "https://login.microsoftonline.us/" - // AzurePublicCloud is a global constant to use in order to access the Azure public cloud. - AzurePublicCloud AuthorityHost = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/" -) - -// setAuthorityHost initializes the authority host for credentials. -func setAuthorityHost(authorityHost AuthorityHost) (string, error) { - host := string(authorityHost) - if host == "" { - host = string(AzurePublicCloud) - if envAuthorityHost := os.Getenv(azureAuthorityHost); envAuthorityHost != "" { - host = envAuthorityHost - } - } - u, err := url.Parse(host) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - if u.Scheme != "https" { - return "", errors.New("cannot use an authority host without https") - } - return host, nil -} - -// validTenantID return true is it receives a valid tenantID, returns false otherwise -func validTenantID(tenantID string) bool { - match, err := regexp.MatchString("^[0-9a-zA-Z-.]+$", tenantID) - if err != nil { - return false - } - return match -} - -func newPipelineAdapter(opts *azcore.ClientOptions) pipelineAdapter { - pl := runtime.NewPipeline(component, version, runtime.PipelineOptions{}, opts) - return pipelineAdapter{pl: pl} -} - -type pipelineAdapter struct { - pl runtime.Pipeline -} - -func (p pipelineAdapter) CloseIdleConnections() { - // do nothing -} - -func (p pipelineAdapter) Do(r *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(r.Context(), r.Method, r.URL.String()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if r.Body != nil && r.Body != http.NoBody { - // create a rewindable body from the existing body as required - var body io.ReadSeekCloser - if rsc, ok := r.Body.(io.ReadSeekCloser); ok { - body = rsc - } else { - b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - body = streaming.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(b)) - } - err = req.SetBody(body, r.Header.Get("Content-Type")) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - resp, err := p.pl.Do(req) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return resp, err -} - -// enables fakes for test scenarios -type confidentialClient interface { - AcquireTokenSilent(ctx context.Context, scopes []string, options ...confidential.AcquireTokenSilentOption) (confidential.AuthResult, error) - AcquireTokenByAuthCode(ctx context.Context, code string, redirectURI string, scopes []string, options ...confidential.AcquireTokenByAuthCodeOption) (confidential.AuthResult, error) - AcquireTokenByCredential(ctx context.Context, scopes []string) (confidential.AuthResult, error) -} - -// enables fakes for test scenarios -type publicClient interface { - AcquireTokenSilent(ctx context.Context, scopes []string, options ...public.AcquireTokenSilentOption) (public.AuthResult, error) - AcquireTokenByUsernamePassword(ctx context.Context, scopes []string, username string, password string) (public.AuthResult, error) - AcquireTokenByDeviceCode(ctx context.Context, scopes []string) (public.DeviceCode, error) - AcquireTokenByAuthCode(ctx context.Context, code string, redirectURI string, scopes []string, options ...public.AcquireTokenByAuthCodeOption) (public.AuthResult, error) - AcquireTokenInteractive(ctx context.Context, scopes []string, options ...public.InteractiveAuthOption) (public.AuthResult, error) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/azure_cli_credential.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/azure_cli_credential.go deleted file mode 100644 index a727c2660eea..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/azure_cli_credential.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,185 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azidentity - -import ( - "bytes" - "context" - "encoding/json" - "errors" - "fmt" - "os" - "os/exec" - "regexp" - "runtime" - "strings" - "time" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" -) - -// used by tests to fake invoking the CLI -type azureCLITokenProvider func(ctx context.Context, resource string, tenantID string) ([]byte, error) - -// AzureCLICredentialOptions contains optional parameters for AzureCLICredential. -type AzureCLICredentialOptions struct { - tokenProvider azureCLITokenProvider - - // TenantID identifies the tenant the credential should authenticate in. - // Defaults to the CLI's default tenant, which is typically the home tenant of the logged in user. - TenantID string -} - -// init returns an instance of AzureCLICredentialOptions initialized with default values. -func (o *AzureCLICredentialOptions) init() { - if o.tokenProvider == nil { - o.tokenProvider = defaultTokenProvider() - } -} - -// AzureCLICredential authenticates as the identity logged in to the Azure CLI. -type AzureCLICredential struct { - tokenProvider azureCLITokenProvider - tenantID string -} - -// NewAzureCLICredential constructs an AzureCLICredential. -// options: Optional configuration. -func NewAzureCLICredential(options *AzureCLICredentialOptions) (*AzureCLICredential, error) { - cp := AzureCLICredentialOptions{} - if options != nil { - cp = *options - } - cp.init() - return &AzureCLICredential{ - tokenProvider: cp.tokenProvider, - tenantID: cp.TenantID, - }, nil -} - -// GetToken requests a token from the Azure CLI. This credential doesn't cache tokens, so every call invokes the CLI. -// This method is called automatically by Azure SDK clients. -// ctx: Context controlling the request lifetime. -// opts: Options for the token request, in particular the desired scope of the access token. -func (c *AzureCLICredential) GetToken(ctx context.Context, opts policy.TokenRequestOptions) (*azcore.AccessToken, error) { - if len(opts.Scopes) != 1 { - return nil, errors.New("this credential requires exactly one scope per token request") - } - // CLI expects an AAD v1 resource, not a v2 scope - scope := strings.TrimSuffix(opts.Scopes[0], defaultSuffix) - at, err := c.authenticate(ctx, scope) - if err != nil { - addGetTokenFailureLogs("Azure CLI Credential", err, true) - return nil, err - } - logGetTokenSuccess(c, opts) - return at, nil -} - -const timeoutCLIRequest = 10 * time.Second - -func (c *AzureCLICredential) authenticate(ctx context.Context, resource string) (*azcore.AccessToken, error) { - output, err := c.tokenProvider(ctx, resource, c.tenantID) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - return c.createAccessToken(output) -} - -func defaultTokenProvider() func(ctx context.Context, resource string, tenantID string) ([]byte, error) { - return func(ctx context.Context, resource string, tenantID string) ([]byte, error) { - match, err := regexp.MatchString("^[0-9a-zA-Z-.:/]+$", resource) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if !match { - return nil, fmt.Errorf(`unexpected scope "%s". Only alphanumeric characters and ".", ";", "-", and "/" are allowed`, resource) - } - - ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, timeoutCLIRequest) - defer cancel() - - commandLine := "az account get-access-token -o json --resource " + resource - if tenantID != "" { - commandLine += " --tenant " + tenantID - } - var cliCmd *exec.Cmd - if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { - dir := os.Getenv("SYSTEMROOT") - if dir == "" { - return nil, errors.New("environment variable 'SYSTEMROOT' has no value") - } - cliCmd = exec.CommandContext(ctx, "cmd.exe", "/c", commandLine) - cliCmd.Dir = dir - } else { - cliCmd = exec.CommandContext(ctx, "/bin/sh", "-c", commandLine) - cliCmd.Dir = "/bin" - } - cliCmd.Env = os.Environ() - var stderr bytes.Buffer - cliCmd.Stderr = &stderr - - output, err := cliCmd.Output() - if err != nil { - msg := stderr.String() - if msg == "" { - // if there's no output in stderr report the error message instead - msg = err.Error() - } - return nil, newCredentialUnavailableError("Azure CLI Credential", msg) - } - - return output, nil - } -} - -func (c *AzureCLICredential) createAccessToken(tk []byte) (*azcore.AccessToken, error) { - t := struct { - AccessToken string `json:"accessToken"` - Authority string `json:"_authority"` - ClientID string `json:"_clientId"` - ExpiresOn string `json:"expiresOn"` - IdentityProvider string `json:"identityProvider"` - IsMRRT bool `json:"isMRRT"` - RefreshToken string `json:"refreshToken"` - Resource string `json:"resource"` - TokenType string `json:"tokenType"` - UserID string `json:"userId"` - }{} - err := json.Unmarshal(tk, &t) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - tokenExpirationDate, err := parseExpirationDate(t.ExpiresOn) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error parsing Token Expiration Date %q: %+v", t.ExpiresOn, err) - } - - converted := &azcore.AccessToken{ - Token: t.AccessToken, - ExpiresOn: *tokenExpirationDate, - } - return converted, nil -} - -// parseExpirationDate parses either a Azure CLI or CloudShell date into a time object -func parseExpirationDate(input string) (*time.Time, error) { - // CloudShell (and potentially the Azure CLI in future) - expirationDate, cloudShellErr := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, input) - if cloudShellErr != nil { - // Azure CLI (Python) e.g. 2017-08-31 19:48:57.998857 (plus the local timezone) - const cliFormat = "2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999" - expirationDate, cliErr := time.ParseInLocation(cliFormat, input, time.Local) - if cliErr != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error parsing expiration date %q.\n\nCloudShell Error: \n%+v\n\nCLI Error:\n%+v", input, cloudShellErr, cliErr) - } - return &expirationDate, nil - } - return &expirationDate, nil -} - -var _ azcore.TokenCredential = (*AzureCLICredential)(nil) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/chained_token_credential.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/chained_token_credential.go deleted file mode 100644 index 4815898b7c9b..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/chained_token_credential.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,97 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azidentity - -import ( - "context" - "errors" - "fmt" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" -) - -// ChainedTokenCredentialOptions contains optional parameters for ChainedTokenCredential. -type ChainedTokenCredentialOptions struct { - // RetrySources configures how the credential uses its sources. - // When true, the credential will always request a token from each source in turn, - // stopping when one provides a token. When false, the credential requests a token - // only from the source that previously retrieved a token--it never again tries the sources which failed. - RetrySources bool -} - -// ChainedTokenCredential is a chain of credentials that enables fallback behavior when a credential can't authenticate. -// By default, this credential will assume that the first successful credential should be the only credential used on future requests. -// If the `RetrySources` option is set to true, it will always try to get a token using all of the originally provided credentials. -type ChainedTokenCredential struct { - sources []azcore.TokenCredential - successfulCredential azcore.TokenCredential - retrySources bool -} - -// NewChainedTokenCredential creates a ChainedTokenCredential. -// sources: Credential instances to comprise the chain. GetToken() will invoke them in the given order. -// options: Optional configuration. -func NewChainedTokenCredential(sources []azcore.TokenCredential, options *ChainedTokenCredentialOptions) (*ChainedTokenCredential, error) { - if len(sources) == 0 { - return nil, errors.New("sources must contain at least one TokenCredential") - } - for _, source := range sources { - if source == nil { // cannot have a nil credential in the chain or else the application will panic when GetToken() is called on nil - return nil, errors.New("sources cannot contain nil") - } - } - cp := make([]azcore.TokenCredential, len(sources)) - copy(cp, sources) - if options == nil { - options = &ChainedTokenCredentialOptions{} - } - return &ChainedTokenCredential{sources: cp, retrySources: options.RetrySources}, nil -} - -// GetToken calls GetToken on the chained credentials in turn, stopping when one returns a token. This method is called automatically by Azure SDK clients. -// ctx: Context controlling the request lifetime. -// opts: Options for the token request, in particular the desired scope of the access token. -func (c *ChainedTokenCredential) GetToken(ctx context.Context, opts policy.TokenRequestOptions) (token *azcore.AccessToken, err error) { - if c.successfulCredential != nil && !c.retrySources { - return c.successfulCredential.GetToken(ctx, opts) - } - var errList []credentialUnavailableError - for _, cred := range c.sources { - token, err = cred.GetToken(ctx, opts) - var credErr credentialUnavailableError - if errors.As(err, &credErr) { - errList = append(errList, credErr) - } else if err != nil { - var authFailed AuthenticationFailedError - if errors.As(err, &authFailed) { - err = fmt.Errorf("Authentication failed:\n%s\n%s"+createChainedErrorMessage(errList), err) - authErr := newAuthenticationFailedError(err, authFailed.RawResponse) - return nil, authErr - } - return nil, err - } else { - logGetTokenSuccess(c, opts) - c.successfulCredential = cred - return token, nil - } - } - - // if we reach this point it means that all of the credentials in the chain returned CredentialUnavailableError - credErr := newCredentialUnavailableError("Chained Token Credential", createChainedErrorMessage(errList)) - // skip adding the stack trace here as it was already logged by other calls to GetToken() - addGetTokenFailureLogs("Chained Token Credential", credErr, false) - return nil, credErr -} - -func createChainedErrorMessage(errList []credentialUnavailableError) string { - msg := "" - for _, err := range errList { - msg += err.Error() - } - - return msg -} - -var _ azcore.TokenCredential = (*ChainedTokenCredential)(nil) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/ci.yml b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/ci.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 3b443e8eedb2..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/ci.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -# NOTE: Please refer to https://aka.ms/azsdk/engsys/ci-yaml before editing this file. -trigger: - branches: - include: - - main - - feature/* - - hotfix/* - - release/* - paths: - include: - - sdk/azidentity/ - -pr: - branches: - include: - - main - - feature/* - - hotfix/* - - release/* - paths: - include: - - sdk/azidentity/ - -stages: -- template: /eng/pipelines/templates/jobs/archetype-sdk-client.yml - parameters: - RunLiveTests: true - ServiceDirectory: 'azidentity' - PreSteps: - - pwsh: | - [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($env:PFX_CONTENTS) | Set-Content -Path $(Agent.TempDirectory)/test.pfx -AsByteStream - Set-Content -Path $(Agent.TempDirectory)/test.pem -Value $env:PEM_CONTENTS - [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($env:SNI_CONTENTS) | Set-Content -Path $(Agent.TempDirectory)/testsni.pfx -AsByteStream - env: - PFX_CONTENTS: $(net-identity-spcert-pfx) - PEM_CONTENTS: $(net-identity-spcert-pem) - SNI_CONTENTS: $(net-identity-spcert-sni) - EnvVars: - AZURE_IDENTITY_TEST_TENANTID: $(net-identity-tenantid) - AZURE_IDENTITY_TEST_USERNAME: $(net-identity-username) - AZURE_IDENTITY_TEST_PASSWORD: $(net-identity-password) - IDENTITY_SP_TENANT_ID: $(net-identity-sp-tenantid) - IDENTITY_SP_CLIENT_ID: $(net-identity-sp-clientid) - IDENTITY_SP_CLIENT_SECRET: $(net-identity-sp-clientsecret) - IDENTITY_SP_CERT_PEM: $(Agent.TempDirectory)/test.pem - IDENTITY_SP_CERT_PFX: $(Agent.TempDirectory)/test.pfx - IDENTITY_SP_CERT_SNI: $(Agent.TempDirectory)/testsni.pfx diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/client_certificate_credential.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/client_certificate_credential.go deleted file mode 100644 index 11e778c1e881..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/client_certificate_credential.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,221 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azidentity - -import ( - "context" - "crypto" - "crypto/rsa" - "crypto/sha1" - "crypto/x509" - - "encoding/base64" - "encoding/pem" - "errors" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/confidential" - "golang.org/x/crypto/pkcs12" -) - -// ClientCertificateCredentialOptions contains optional parameters for ClientCertificateCredential. -type ClientCertificateCredentialOptions struct { - azcore.ClientOptions - - // SendCertificateChain controls whether the credential sends the public certificate chain in the x5c - // header of each token request's JWT. This is required for Subject Name/Issuer (SNI) authentication. - // Defaults to False. - SendCertificateChain bool - // AuthorityHost is the base URL of an Azure Active Directory authority. Defaults - // to the value of environment variable AZURE_AUTHORITY_HOST, if set, or AzurePublicCloud. - AuthorityHost AuthorityHost -} - -// ClientCertificateCredential authenticates a service principal with a certificate. -type ClientCertificateCredential struct { - client confidentialClient -} - -// NewClientCertificateCredential constructs a ClientCertificateCredential. -// tenantID: The application's Azure Active Directory tenant or directory ID. -// clientID: The application's client ID. -// certs: one or more certificates, for example as returned by ParseCertificates() -// key: the signing certificate's private key, for example as returned by ParseCertificates() -// options: Optional configuration. -func NewClientCertificateCredential(tenantID string, clientID string, certs []*x509.Certificate, key crypto.PrivateKey, options *ClientCertificateCredentialOptions) (*ClientCertificateCredential, error) { - if len(certs) == 0 { - return nil, errors.New("at least one certificate is required") - } - pk, ok := key.(*rsa.PrivateKey) - if !ok { - return nil, errors.New("'key' must be an *rsa.PrivateKey") - } - if !validTenantID(tenantID) { - return nil, errors.New(tenantIDValidationErr) - } - if options == nil { - options = &ClientCertificateCredentialOptions{} - } - authorityHost, err := setAuthorityHost(options.AuthorityHost) - if err != nil { - logCredentialError("Client Certificate Credential", err) - return nil, err - } - cert, err := newCertContents(certs, pk, options.SendCertificateChain) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - cred := confidential.NewCredFromCert(cert.c, key) // TODO: NewCredFromCert should take a slice - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - o := []confidential.Option{ - confidential.WithAuthority(runtime.JoinPaths(authorityHost, tenantID)), - confidential.WithHTTPClient(newPipelineAdapter(&options.ClientOptions)), - } - if options.SendCertificateChain { - o = append(o, confidential.WithX5C()) - } - c, err := confidential.New(clientID, cred, o...) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return &ClientCertificateCredential{client: c}, nil -} - -// GetToken obtains a token from Azure Active Directory. This method is called automatically by Azure SDK clients. -// ctx: Context controlling the request lifetime. -// opts: Options for the token request, in particular the desired scope of the access token. -func (c *ClientCertificateCredential) GetToken(ctx context.Context, opts policy.TokenRequestOptions) (*azcore.AccessToken, error) { - ar, err := c.client.AcquireTokenSilent(ctx, opts.Scopes) - if err == nil { - logGetTokenSuccess(c, opts) - return &azcore.AccessToken{Token: ar.AccessToken, ExpiresOn: ar.ExpiresOn.UTC()}, err - } - - ar, err = c.client.AcquireTokenByCredential(ctx, opts.Scopes) - if err != nil { - addGetTokenFailureLogs("Client Certificate Credential", err, true) - return nil, newAuthenticationFailedError(err, nil) - } - logGetTokenSuccess(c, opts) - return &azcore.AccessToken{Token: ar.AccessToken, ExpiresOn: ar.ExpiresOn.UTC()}, err -} - -// ParseCertificates loads certificates and a private key for use with NewClientCertificateCredential. -// certData: certificate data encoded in PEM or PKCS12 format, including the certificate's private key. -// password: the password required to decrypt the private key. Pass nil if the key is not encrypted. This function can't decrypt keys in PEM format. -func ParseCertificates(certData []byte, password []byte) ([]*x509.Certificate, crypto.PrivateKey, error) { - var blocks []*pem.Block - var err error - if len(password) == 0 { - blocks, err = loadPEMCert(certData) - } - if len(blocks) == 0 || err != nil { - blocks, err = loadPKCS12Cert(certData, string(password)) - } - if err != nil { - return nil, nil, err - } - var certs []*x509.Certificate - var pk crypto.PrivateKey - for _, block := range blocks { - switch block.Type { - case "CERTIFICATE": - c, err := x509.ParseCertificate(block.Bytes) - if err != nil { - return nil, nil, err - } - certs = append(certs, c) - case "PRIVATE KEY": - if pk != nil { - return nil, nil, errors.New("certData contains multiple private keys") - } - pk, err = x509.ParsePKCS8PrivateKey(block.Bytes) - if err != nil { - pk, err = x509.ParsePKCS1PrivateKey(block.Bytes) - } - if err != nil { - return nil, nil, err - } - case "RSA PRIVATE KEY": - if pk != nil { - return nil, nil, errors.New("certData contains multiple private keys") - } - pk, err = x509.ParsePKCS1PrivateKey(block.Bytes) - if err != nil { - return nil, nil, err - } - } - } - if len(certs) == 0 { - return nil, nil, errors.New("found no certificate") - } - if pk == nil { - return nil, nil, errors.New("found no private key") - } - return certs, pk, nil -} - -type certContents struct { - c *x509.Certificate // the signing cert - fp []byte // the signing cert's fingerprint, a SHA-1 digest - pk *rsa.PrivateKey // the signing key - x5c []string // concatenation of every provided cert, base64 encoded -} - -func newCertContents(certs []*x509.Certificate, key *rsa.PrivateKey, sendCertificateChain bool) (*certContents, error) { - cc := certContents{pk: key} - // need the the signing cert's fingerprint: identify that cert by matching its public key to the private key - for _, cert := range certs { - certKey, ok := cert.PublicKey.(*rsa.PublicKey) - if ok && key.E == certKey.E && key.N.Cmp(certKey.N) == 0 { - fp := sha1.Sum(cert.Raw) - cc.fp = fp[:] - cc.c = cert - if sendCertificateChain { - // signing cert must be first in x5c - cc.x5c = append([]string{base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(cert.Raw)}, cc.x5c...) - } - } else if sendCertificateChain { - cc.x5c = append(cc.x5c, base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(cert.Raw)) - } - } - if len(cc.fp) == 0 || cc.c == nil { - return nil, errors.New("found no certificate matching 'key'") - } - return &cc, nil -} - -func loadPEMCert(certData []byte) ([]*pem.Block, error) { - blocks := []*pem.Block{} - for { - var block *pem.Block - block, certData = pem.Decode(certData) - if block == nil { - break - } - blocks = append(blocks, block) - } - if len(blocks) == 0 { - return nil, errors.New("didn't find any PEM blocks") - } - return blocks, nil -} - -func loadPKCS12Cert(certData []byte, password string) ([]*pem.Block, error) { - blocks, err := pkcs12.ToPEM(certData, password) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if len(blocks) == 0 { - // not mentioning PKCS12 in this message because we end up here when certData is garbage - return nil, errors.New("didn't find any certificate content") - } - return blocks, err -} - -var _ azcore.TokenCredential = (*ClientCertificateCredential)(nil) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/client_secret_credential.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/client_secret_credential.go deleted file mode 100644 index 62e3d5bdbd2e..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/client_secret_credential.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azidentity - -import ( - "context" - "errors" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/confidential" -) - -// ClientSecretCredentialOptions contains optional parameters for ClientSecretCredential. -type ClientSecretCredentialOptions struct { - azcore.ClientOptions - - // AuthorityHost is the base URL of an Azure Active Directory authority. Defaults - // to the value of environment variable AZURE_AUTHORITY_HOST, if set, or AzurePublicCloud. - AuthorityHost AuthorityHost -} - -// ClientSecretCredential authenticates an application with a client secret. -type ClientSecretCredential struct { - client confidentialClient -} - -// NewClientSecretCredential constructs a ClientSecretCredential. -// tenantID: The application's Azure Active Directory tenant or directory ID. -// clientID: The application's client ID. -// clientSecret: One of the application's client secrets. -// options: Optional configuration. -func NewClientSecretCredential(tenantID string, clientID string, clientSecret string, options *ClientSecretCredentialOptions) (*ClientSecretCredential, error) { - if !validTenantID(tenantID) { - return nil, errors.New(tenantIDValidationErr) - } - if options == nil { - options = &ClientSecretCredentialOptions{} - } - authorityHost, err := setAuthorityHost(options.AuthorityHost) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - cred, err := confidential.NewCredFromSecret(clientSecret) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - c, err := confidential.New(clientID, cred, - confidential.WithAuthority(runtime.JoinPaths(authorityHost, tenantID)), - confidential.WithHTTPClient(newPipelineAdapter(&options.ClientOptions)), - ) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return &ClientSecretCredential{client: c}, nil -} - -// GetToken obtains a token from Azure Active Directory. This method is called automatically by Azure SDK clients. -// ctx: Context used to control the request lifetime. -// opts: Options for the token request, in particular the desired scope of the access token. -func (c *ClientSecretCredential) GetToken(ctx context.Context, opts policy.TokenRequestOptions) (*azcore.AccessToken, error) { - ar, err := c.client.AcquireTokenSilent(ctx, opts.Scopes) - if err == nil { - logGetTokenSuccess(c, opts) - return &azcore.AccessToken{Token: ar.AccessToken, ExpiresOn: ar.ExpiresOn.UTC()}, err - } - - ar, err = c.client.AcquireTokenByCredential(ctx, opts.Scopes) - if err != nil { - addGetTokenFailureLogs("Client Secret Credential", err, true) - return nil, newAuthenticationFailedError(err, nil) - } - logGetTokenSuccess(c, opts) - return &azcore.AccessToken{Token: ar.AccessToken, ExpiresOn: ar.ExpiresOn.UTC()}, err -} - -var _ azcore.TokenCredential = (*ClientSecretCredential)(nil) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/default_azure_credential.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/default_azure_credential.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0d4ac8d1a8ea..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/default_azure_credential.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,89 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azidentity - -import ( - "context" - "errors" - "time" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" -) - -// DefaultAzureCredentialOptions contains optional parameters for DefaultAzureCredential. -// These options may not apply to all credentials in the chain. -type DefaultAzureCredentialOptions struct { - azcore.ClientOptions - - // AuthorityHost is the base URL of an Azure Active Directory authority. Defaults - // to the value of environment variable AZURE_AUTHORITY_HOST, if set, or AzurePublicCloud. - AuthorityHost AuthorityHost - // TenantID identifies the tenant the Azure CLI should authenticate in. - // Defaults to the CLI's default tenant, which is typically the home tenant of the user logged in to the CLI. - TenantID string -} - -// DefaultAzureCredential is a default credential chain for applications that will deploy to Azure. -// It combines credentials suitable for deployment with credentials suitable for local development. -// It attempts to authenticate with each of these credential types, in the following order, stopping when one provides a token: -// - EnvironmentCredential -// - ManagedIdentityCredential -// - AzureCLICredential -// Consult the documentation for these credential types for more information on how they authenticate. -type DefaultAzureCredential struct { - chain *ChainedTokenCredential -} - -// NewDefaultAzureCredential creates a DefaultAzureCredential. -func NewDefaultAzureCredential(options *DefaultAzureCredentialOptions) (*DefaultAzureCredential, error) { - var creds []azcore.TokenCredential - errMsg := "" - - if options == nil { - options = &DefaultAzureCredentialOptions{} - } - - envCred, err := NewEnvironmentCredential( - &EnvironmentCredentialOptions{AuthorityHost: options.AuthorityHost, ClientOptions: options.ClientOptions}, - ) - if err == nil { - creds = append(creds, envCred) - } else { - errMsg += err.Error() - } - - msiCred, err := NewManagedIdentityCredential(&ManagedIdentityCredentialOptions{ClientOptions: options.ClientOptions}) - if err == nil { - creds = append(creds, msiCred) - msiCred.client.imdsTimeout = time.Second - } else { - errMsg += err.Error() - } - - cliCred, err := NewAzureCLICredential(&AzureCLICredentialOptions{TenantID: options.TenantID}) - if err == nil { - creds = append(creds, cliCred) - } else { - errMsg += err.Error() - } - - if len(creds) == 0 { - err := errors.New(errMsg) - logCredentialError("Default Azure Credential", err) - return nil, err - } - chain, err := NewChainedTokenCredential(creds, nil) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return &DefaultAzureCredential{chain: chain}, nil -} - -// GetToken obtains a token from Azure Active Directory. This method is called automatically by Azure SDK clients. -// ctx: Context used to control the request lifetime. -// opts: Options for the token request, in particular the desired scope of the access token. -func (c *DefaultAzureCredential) GetToken(ctx context.Context, opts policy.TokenRequestOptions) (token *azcore.AccessToken, err error) { - return c.chain.GetToken(ctx, opts) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/device_code_credential.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/device_code_credential.go deleted file mode 100644 index feb04f632dcd..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/device_code_credential.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,130 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azidentity - -import ( - "context" - "errors" - "fmt" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/public" -) - -// DeviceCodeCredentialOptions contains optional parameters for DeviceCodeCredential. -type DeviceCodeCredentialOptions struct { - azcore.ClientOptions - - // TenantID is the Azure Active Directory tenant the credential authenticates in. Defaults to the - // "organizations" tenant, which can authenticate work and school accounts. Required for single-tenant - // applications. - TenantID string - // ClientID is the ID of the application users will authenticate to. - // Defaults to the ID of an Azure development application. - ClientID string - // UserPrompt controls how the credential presents authentication instructions. The credential calls - // this function with authentication details when it receives a device code. By default, the credential - // prints these details to stdout. - UserPrompt func(context.Context, DeviceCodeMessage) error - // AuthorityHost is the base URL of an Azure Active Directory authority. Defaults - // to the value of environment variable AZURE_AUTHORITY_HOST, if set, or AzurePublicCloud. - AuthorityHost AuthorityHost -} - -func (o *DeviceCodeCredentialOptions) init() { - if o.TenantID == "" { - o.TenantID = organizationsTenantID - } - if o.ClientID == "" { - o.ClientID = developerSignOnClientID - } - if o.UserPrompt == nil { - o.UserPrompt = func(ctx context.Context, dc DeviceCodeMessage) error { - fmt.Println(dc.Message) - return nil - } - } -} - -// DeviceCodeMessage contains the information a user needs to complete authentication. -type DeviceCodeMessage struct { - // UserCode is the user code returned by the service. - UserCode string `json:"user_code"` - // VerificationURL is the URL at which the user must authenticate. - VerificationURL string `json:"verification_uri"` - // Message is user instruction from Azure Active Directory. - Message string `json:"message"` -} - -// DeviceCodeCredential acquires tokens for a user via the device code flow, which has the -// user browse to an Azure Active Directory URL, enter a code, and authenticate. It's useful -// for authenticating a user in an environment without a web browser, such as an SSH session. -// If a web browser is available, InteractiveBrowserCredential is more convenient because it -// automatically opens a browser to the login page. -type DeviceCodeCredential struct { - client publicClient - userPrompt func(context.Context, DeviceCodeMessage) error - account public.Account -} - -// NewDeviceCodeCredential creates a DeviceCodeCredential. -// options: Optional configuration. -func NewDeviceCodeCredential(options *DeviceCodeCredentialOptions) (*DeviceCodeCredential, error) { - cp := DeviceCodeCredentialOptions{} - if options != nil { - cp = *options - } - cp.init() - if !validTenantID(cp.TenantID) { - return nil, errors.New(tenantIDValidationErr) - } - authorityHost, err := setAuthorityHost(cp.AuthorityHost) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - c, err := public.New(cp.ClientID, - public.WithAuthority(runtime.JoinPaths(authorityHost, cp.TenantID)), - public.WithHTTPClient(newPipelineAdapter(&cp.ClientOptions)), - ) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return &DeviceCodeCredential{userPrompt: cp.UserPrompt, client: c}, nil -} - -// GetToken obtains a token from Azure Active Directory. It will begin the device code flow and poll until the user completes authentication. -// This method is called automatically by Azure SDK clients. -// ctx: Context used to control the request lifetime. -// opts: Options for the token request, in particular the desired scope of the access token. -func (c *DeviceCodeCredential) GetToken(ctx context.Context, opts policy.TokenRequestOptions) (*azcore.AccessToken, error) { - ar, err := c.client.AcquireTokenSilent(ctx, opts.Scopes, public.WithSilentAccount(c.account)) - if err == nil { - return &azcore.AccessToken{Token: ar.AccessToken, ExpiresOn: ar.ExpiresOn.UTC()}, err - } - dc, err := c.client.AcquireTokenByDeviceCode(ctx, opts.Scopes) - if err != nil { - addGetTokenFailureLogs("Device Code Credential", err, true) - return nil, newAuthenticationFailedError(err, nil) - } - err = c.userPrompt(ctx, DeviceCodeMessage{ - UserCode: dc.Result.UserCode, - VerificationURL: dc.Result.VerificationURL, - Message: dc.Result.Message, - }) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - ar, err = dc.AuthenticationResult(ctx) - if err != nil { - addGetTokenFailureLogs("Device Code Credential", err, true) - return nil, newAuthenticationFailedError(err, nil) - } - c.account = ar.Account - logGetTokenSuccess(c, opts) - return &azcore.AccessToken{Token: ar.AccessToken, ExpiresOn: ar.ExpiresOn.UTC()}, err -} - -var _ azcore.TokenCredential = (*DeviceCodeCredential)(nil) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 33c78a31e23a..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -/* -azidentity provides Azure Active Directory token authentication for Azure SDK clients. - -Azure SDK clients supporting token authentication can use any azidentity credential. -For example, authenticating a resource group client with DefaultAzureCredential: - - cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) - ... - client := armresources.NewResourceGroupsClient("subscription ID", cred, nil) - -Different credential types implement different authentication flows. Each credential's -documentation describes how it authenticates. -*/ -package azidentity diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/environment_credential.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/environment_credential.go deleted file mode 100644 index b2759aee8d08..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/environment_credential.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,111 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azidentity - -import ( - "context" - "errors" - "fmt" - "os" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/log" -) - -// EnvironmentCredentialOptions contains optional parameters for EnvironmentCredential -type EnvironmentCredentialOptions struct { - azcore.ClientOptions - - // AuthorityHost is the base URL of an Azure Active Directory authority. Defaults - // to the value of environment variable AZURE_AUTHORITY_HOST, if set, or AzurePublicCloud. - AuthorityHost AuthorityHost -} - -// EnvironmentCredential authenticates a service principal with a secret or certificate, or a user with a password, depending -// on environment variable configuration. It reads configuration from these variables, in the following order: -// -// Service principal: -// - AZURE_TENANT_ID: ID of the service principal's tenant. Also called its "directory" ID. -// - AZURE_CLIENT_ID: the service principal's client ID -// - AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET: one of the service principal's client secrets -// -// Service principal with certificate: -// - AZURE_TENANT_ID: ID of the service principal's tenant. Also called its "directory" ID. -// - AZURE_CLIENT_ID: the service principal's client ID -// - AZURE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_PATH: path to a PEM or PKCS12 certificate file including the private key. The -// certificate must not be password-protected. -// -// User with username and password: -// - AZURE_CLIENT_ID: the application's client ID -// - AZURE_USERNAME: a username (usually an email address) -// - AZURE_PASSWORD: that user's password -// - AZURE_TENANT_ID: (optional) tenant to authenticate in. If not set, defaults to the "organizations" tenant, which -// can authenticate only Azure Active Directory work or school accounts. -type EnvironmentCredential struct { - cred azcore.TokenCredential -} - -// NewEnvironmentCredential creates an EnvironmentCredential. -// options: Optional configuration. -func NewEnvironmentCredential(options *EnvironmentCredentialOptions) (*EnvironmentCredential, error) { - if options == nil { - options = &EnvironmentCredentialOptions{} - } - tenantID := os.Getenv("AZURE_TENANT_ID") - if tenantID == "" { - return nil, errors.New("missing environment variable AZURE_TENANT_ID") - } - clientID := os.Getenv("AZURE_CLIENT_ID") - if clientID == "" { - return nil, errors.New("missing environment variable AZURE_CLIENT_ID") - } - if clientSecret := os.Getenv("AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET"); clientSecret != "" { - log.Write(EventAuthentication, "Azure Identity => NewEnvironmentCredential() invoking ClientSecretCredential") - o := &ClientSecretCredentialOptions{AuthorityHost: options.AuthorityHost, ClientOptions: options.ClientOptions} - cred, err := NewClientSecretCredential(tenantID, clientID, clientSecret, o) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return &EnvironmentCredential{cred: cred}, nil - } - if certPath := os.Getenv("AZURE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_PATH"); certPath != "" { - log.Write(EventAuthentication, "Azure Identity => NewEnvironmentCredential() invoking ClientCertificateCredential") - certData, err := os.ReadFile(certPath) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf(`failed to read certificate file "%s": %v`, certPath, err) - } - certs, key, err := ParseCertificates(certData, nil) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf(`failed to load certificate from "%s": %v`, certPath, err) - } - o := &ClientCertificateCredentialOptions{AuthorityHost: options.AuthorityHost, ClientOptions: options.ClientOptions} - cred, err := NewClientCertificateCredential(tenantID, clientID, certs, key, o) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return &EnvironmentCredential{cred: cred}, nil - } - if username := os.Getenv("AZURE_USERNAME"); username != "" { - if password := os.Getenv("AZURE_PASSWORD"); password != "" { - log.Write(EventAuthentication, "Azure Identity => NewEnvironmentCredential() invoking UsernamePasswordCredential") - o := &UsernamePasswordCredentialOptions{AuthorityHost: options.AuthorityHost, ClientOptions: options.ClientOptions} - cred, err := NewUsernamePasswordCredential(tenantID, clientID, username, password, o) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return &EnvironmentCredential{cred: cred}, nil - } - } - return nil, errors.New("missing environment variable AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET or AZURE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_PATH or AZURE_USERNAME and AZURE_PASSWORD") -} - -// GetToken obtains a token from Azure Active Directory. This method is called automatically by Azure SDK clients. -// ctx: Context used to control the request lifetime. -// opts: Options for the token request, in particular the desired scope of the access token. -func (c *EnvironmentCredential) GetToken(ctx context.Context, opts policy.TokenRequestOptions) (*azcore.AccessToken, error) { - return c.cred.GetToken(ctx, opts) -} - -var _ azcore.TokenCredential = (*EnvironmentCredential)(nil) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/errors.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/errors.go deleted file mode 100644 index 138ac629cbd9..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/errors.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,91 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azidentity - -import ( - "bytes" - "encoding/json" - "errors" - "fmt" - "io" - "net/http" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/errorinfo" - msal "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/errors" -) - -// AuthenticationFailedError indicates an authentication request has failed. -type AuthenticationFailedError struct { - err error - - // RawResponse is the HTTP response motivating the error, if available. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -func newAuthenticationFailedError(err error, resp *http.Response) AuthenticationFailedError { - if resp == nil { - var e msal.CallErr - if errors.As(err, &e) { - return AuthenticationFailedError{err: e, RawResponse: e.Resp} - } - } - return AuthenticationFailedError{err: err, RawResponse: resp} -} - -// Error implements the error interface for type ResponseError. -// Note that the message contents are not contractual and can change over time. -func (e AuthenticationFailedError) Error() string { - if e.RawResponse == nil { - return e.err.Error() - } - msg := &bytes.Buffer{} - fmt.Fprintf(msg, "%s %s://%s%s\n", e.RawResponse.Request.Method, e.RawResponse.Request.URL.Scheme, e.RawResponse.Request.URL.Host, e.RawResponse.Request.URL.Path) - fmt.Fprintln(msg, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------") - fmt.Fprintf(msg, "RESPONSE %s\n", e.RawResponse.Status) - fmt.Fprintln(msg, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------") - body, err := io.ReadAll(e.RawResponse.Body) - e.RawResponse.Body.Close() - if err != nil { - fmt.Fprintf(msg, "Error reading response body: %v", err) - } else if len(body) > 0 { - e.RawResponse.Body = io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(body)) - if err := json.Indent(msg, body, "", " "); err != nil { - // failed to pretty-print so just dump it verbatim - fmt.Fprint(msg, string(body)) - } - } else { - fmt.Fprint(msg, "Response contained no body") - } - fmt.Fprintln(msg, "\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------") - return msg.String() -} - -// NonRetriable indicates that this error should not be retried. -func (AuthenticationFailedError) NonRetriable() { - // marker method -} - -var _ errorinfo.NonRetriable = (*AuthenticationFailedError)(nil) - -// credentialUnavailableError indicates a credential can't attempt -// authentication because it lacks required data or state. -type credentialUnavailableError struct { - credType string - message string -} - -func newCredentialUnavailableError(credType, message string) credentialUnavailableError { - return credentialUnavailableError{credType: credType, message: message} -} - -func (e credentialUnavailableError) Error() string { - return e.credType + ": " + e.message -} - -// NonRetriable indicates that this error should not be retried. -func (e credentialUnavailableError) NonRetriable() { - // marker method -} - -var _ errorinfo.NonRetriable = (*credentialUnavailableError)(nil) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/interactive_browser_credential.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/interactive_browser_credential.go deleted file mode 100644 index 94c44d83f040..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/interactive_browser_credential.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,99 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azidentity - -import ( - "context" - "errors" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/public" -) - -// InteractiveBrowserCredentialOptions contains optional parameters for InteractiveBrowserCredential. -type InteractiveBrowserCredentialOptions struct { - azcore.ClientOptions - - // TenantID is the Azure Active Directory tenant the credential authenticates in. Defaults to the - // "organizations" tenant, which can authenticate work and school accounts. - TenantID string - // ClientID is the ID of the application users will authenticate to. - // Defaults to the ID of an Azure development application. - ClientID string - // RedirectURL will be supported in a future version but presently doesn't work: https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/issues/15632. - // Applications which have "http://localhost" registered as a redirect URL need not set this option. - RedirectURL string - // AuthorityHost is the base URL of an Azure Active Directory authority. Defaults - // to the value of environment variable AZURE_AUTHORITY_HOST, if set, or AzurePublicCloud. - AuthorityHost AuthorityHost -} - -func (o *InteractiveBrowserCredentialOptions) init() { - if o.TenantID == "" { - o.TenantID = organizationsTenantID - } - if o.ClientID == "" { - o.ClientID = developerSignOnClientID - } -} - -// InteractiveBrowserCredential opens a browser to interactively authenticate a user. -type InteractiveBrowserCredential struct { - client publicClient - options InteractiveBrowserCredentialOptions - account public.Account -} - -// NewInteractiveBrowserCredential constructs a new InteractiveBrowserCredential. -// options: Optional configuration. -func NewInteractiveBrowserCredential(options *InteractiveBrowserCredentialOptions) (*InteractiveBrowserCredential, error) { - cp := InteractiveBrowserCredentialOptions{} - if options != nil { - cp = *options - } - cp.init() - if !validTenantID(cp.TenantID) { - return nil, errors.New(tenantIDValidationErr) - } - authorityHost, err := setAuthorityHost(cp.AuthorityHost) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - c, err := public.New(cp.ClientID, - public.WithAuthority(runtime.JoinPaths(authorityHost, cp.TenantID)), - public.WithHTTPClient(newPipelineAdapter(&cp.ClientOptions)), - ) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return &InteractiveBrowserCredential{options: cp, client: c}, nil -} - -// GetToken obtains a token from Azure Active Directory. This method is called automatically by Azure SDK clients. -// ctx: Context used to control the request lifetime. -// opts: Options for the token request, in particular the desired scope of the access token. -func (c *InteractiveBrowserCredential) GetToken(ctx context.Context, opts policy.TokenRequestOptions) (*azcore.AccessToken, error) { - ar, err := c.client.AcquireTokenSilent(ctx, opts.Scopes, public.WithSilentAccount(c.account)) - if err == nil { - logGetTokenSuccess(c, opts) - return &azcore.AccessToken{Token: ar.AccessToken, ExpiresOn: ar.ExpiresOn.UTC()}, err - } - - o := []public.InteractiveAuthOption{} - if c.options.RedirectURL != "" { - o = append(o, public.WithRedirectURI(c.options.RedirectURL)) - } - ar, err = c.client.AcquireTokenInteractive(ctx, opts.Scopes, o...) - if err != nil { - addGetTokenFailureLogs("Interactive Browser Credential", err, true) - return nil, newAuthenticationFailedError(err, nil) - } - c.account = ar.Account - logGetTokenSuccess(c, opts) - return &azcore.AccessToken{Token: ar.AccessToken, ExpiresOn: ar.ExpiresOn.UTC()}, err -} - -var _ azcore.TokenCredential = (*InteractiveBrowserCredential)(nil) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/logging.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/logging.go deleted file mode 100644 index 4689adc32bac..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/logging.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azidentity - -import ( - "fmt" - "strings" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/diag" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/log" -) - -// EventAuthentication entries contain information about authentication. -// This includes information like the names of environment variables -// used when obtaining credentials and the type of credential used. -const EventAuthentication log.Event = "Authentication" - -func logGetTokenSuccess(cred azcore.TokenCredential, opts policy.TokenRequestOptions) { - if !log.Should(EventAuthentication) { - return - } - msg := fmt.Sprintf("Azure Identity => GetToken() result for %T: SUCCESS\n", cred) - msg += fmt.Sprintf("\tCredential Scopes: [%s]", strings.Join(opts.Scopes, ", ")) - log.Write(EventAuthentication, msg) -} - -func logCredentialError(credName string, err error) { - log.Writef(EventAuthentication, "Azure Identity => ERROR in %s: %s", credName, err.Error()) -} - -func addGetTokenFailureLogs(credName string, err error, includeStack bool) { - if !log.Should(EventAuthentication) { - return - } - stack := "" - if includeStack { - // skip the stack trace frames and ourself - stack = "\n" + diag.StackTrace(3, 32) - } - log.Writef(EventAuthentication, "Azure Identity => ERROR in GetToken() call for %s: %s%s", credName, err.Error(), stack) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/managed_identity_client.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/managed_identity_client.go deleted file mode 100644 index 40b594de08f4..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/managed_identity_client.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,400 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azidentity - -import ( - "context" - "encoding/json" - "errors" - "fmt" - "io/ioutil" - "net/http" - "net/url" - "os" - "strconv" - "strings" - "time" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/streaming" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/log" -) - -const ( - arcIMDSEndpoint = "IMDS_ENDPOINT" - identityEndpoint = "IDENTITY_ENDPOINT" - identityHeader = "IDENTITY_HEADER" - identityServerThumbprint = "IDENTITY_SERVER_THUMBPRINT" - headerMetadata = "Metadata" - imdsEndpoint = "" - msiEndpoint = "MSI_ENDPOINT" - msiSecret = "MSI_SECRET" - imdsAPIVersion = "2018-02-01" - azureArcAPIVersion = "2019-08-15" - serviceFabricAPIVersion = "2019-07-01-preview" - - qpClientID = "client_id" - qpResID = "mi_res_id" -) - -type msiType int - -const ( - msiTypeAppServiceV20170901 msiType = iota - msiTypeAppServiceV20190801 - msiTypeAzureArc - msiTypeCloudShell - msiTypeIMDS - msiTypeServiceFabric -) - -// managedIdentityClient provides the base for authenticating in managed identity environments -// This type includes an runtime.Pipeline and TokenCredentialOptions. -type managedIdentityClient struct { - pipeline runtime.Pipeline - msiType msiType - endpoint string - id ManagedIDKind - imdsTimeout time.Duration -} - -type wrappedNumber json.Number - -func (n *wrappedNumber) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { - c := string(b) - if c == "\"\"" { - return nil - } - return json.Unmarshal(b, (*json.Number)(n)) -} - -// setIMDSRetryOptionDefaults sets zero-valued fields to default values appropriate for IMDS -func setIMDSRetryOptionDefaults(o *policy.RetryOptions) { - if o.MaxRetries == 0 { - o.MaxRetries = 5 - } - if o.MaxRetryDelay == 0 { - o.MaxRetryDelay = 1 * time.Minute - } - if o.RetryDelay == 0 { - o.RetryDelay = 2 * time.Second - } - if o.StatusCodes == nil { - o.StatusCodes = []int{ - // IMDS docs recommend retrying 404, 429 and all 5xx - // https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory/managed-identities-azure-resources/how-to-use-vm-token#error-handling - http.StatusNotFound, // 404 - http.StatusTooManyRequests, // 429 - http.StatusInternalServerError, // 500 - http.StatusNotImplemented, // 501 - http.StatusBadGateway, // 502 - http.StatusGatewayTimeout, // 504 - http.StatusHTTPVersionNotSupported, // 505 - http.StatusVariantAlsoNegotiates, // 506 - http.StatusInsufficientStorage, // 507 - http.StatusLoopDetected, // 508 - http.StatusNotExtended, // 510 - http.StatusNetworkAuthenticationRequired, // 511 - } - } - if o.TryTimeout == 0 { - o.TryTimeout = 1 * time.Minute - } -} - -// newManagedIdentityClient creates a new instance of the ManagedIdentityClient with the ManagedIdentityCredentialOptions -// that are passed into it along with a default pipeline. -// options: ManagedIdentityCredentialOptions configure policies for the pipeline and the authority host that -// will be used to retrieve tokens and authenticate -func newManagedIdentityClient(options *ManagedIdentityCredentialOptions) (*managedIdentityClient, error) { - if options == nil { - options = &ManagedIdentityCredentialOptions{} - } - cp := options.ClientOptions - c := managedIdentityClient{id: options.ID, endpoint: imdsEndpoint, msiType: msiTypeIMDS} - env := "IMDS" - if endpoint, ok := os.LookupEnv(msiEndpoint); ok { - if _, ok := os.LookupEnv(msiSecret); ok { - env = "App Service" - c.endpoint = endpoint - c.msiType = msiTypeAppServiceV20170901 - } else { - env = "Cloud Shell" - c.endpoint = endpoint - c.msiType = msiTypeCloudShell - } - } else if endpoint, ok := os.LookupEnv(identityEndpoint); ok { - if _, ok := os.LookupEnv(identityHeader); ok { - if _, ok := os.LookupEnv(identityServerThumbprint); ok { - env = "Service Fabric" - c.endpoint = endpoint - c.msiType = msiTypeServiceFabric - } - } else if _, ok := os.LookupEnv(arcIMDSEndpoint); ok { - env = "Azure Arc" - c.endpoint = endpoint - c.msiType = msiTypeAzureArc - } - } else { - setIMDSRetryOptionDefaults(&cp.Retry) - } - c.pipeline = runtime.NewPipeline(component, version, runtime.PipelineOptions{}, &cp) - - if log.Should(EventAuthentication) { - log.Writef(EventAuthentication, "Azure Identity => Managed Identity Credential will use %s managed identity", env) - } - - return &c, nil -} - -// authenticate creates an authentication request for a Managed Identity and returns the resulting Access Token if successful. -// ctx: The current context for controlling the request lifetime. -// clientID: The client (application) ID of the service principal. -// scopes: The scopes required for the token. -func (c *managedIdentityClient) authenticate(ctx context.Context, id ManagedIDKind, scopes []string) (*azcore.AccessToken, error) { - var cancel context.CancelFunc - if c.imdsTimeout > 0 && c.msiType == msiTypeIMDS { - ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, c.imdsTimeout) - defer cancel() - } - - msg, err := c.createAuthRequest(ctx, id, scopes) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - resp, err := c.pipeline.Do(msg) - if err != nil { - if cancel != nil && errors.Is(err, context.DeadlineExceeded) { - return nil, newCredentialUnavailableError("Managed Identity Credential", "IMDS token request timed out") - } - return nil, newAuthenticationFailedError(err, nil) - } - - // got a response, remove the IMDS timeout so future requests use the transport's configuration - c.imdsTimeout = 0 - - if runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated) { - return c.createAccessToken(resp) - } - - if c.msiType == msiTypeIMDS && resp.StatusCode == 400 { - if id != nil { - return nil, newAuthenticationFailedError(errors.New("the requested identity isn't assigned to this resource"), resp) - } - return nil, newCredentialUnavailableError("Managed Identity Credential", "no default identity is assigned to this resource") - } - - return nil, newAuthenticationFailedError(errors.New("authentication failed"), resp) -} - -func (c *managedIdentityClient) createAccessToken(res *http.Response) (*azcore.AccessToken, error) { - value := struct { - // these are the only fields that we use - Token string `json:"access_token,omitempty"` - RefreshToken string `json:"refresh_token,omitempty"` - ExpiresIn wrappedNumber `json:"expires_in,omitempty"` // this field should always return the number of seconds for which a token is valid - ExpiresOn interface{} `json:"expires_on,omitempty"` // the value returned in this field varies between a number and a date string - }{} - if err := runtime.UnmarshalAsJSON(res, &value); err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("internal AccessToken: %v", err) - } - if value.ExpiresIn != "" { - expiresIn, err := json.Number(value.ExpiresIn).Int64() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return &azcore.AccessToken{Token: value.Token, ExpiresOn: time.Now().Add(time.Second * time.Duration(expiresIn)).UTC()}, nil - } - switch v := value.ExpiresOn.(type) { - case float64: - return &azcore.AccessToken{Token: value.Token, ExpiresOn: time.Unix(int64(v), 0).UTC()}, nil - case string: - if expiresOn, err := strconv.Atoi(v); err == nil { - return &azcore.AccessToken{Token: value.Token, ExpiresOn: time.Unix(int64(expiresOn), 0).UTC()}, nil - } - // this is the case when expires_on is a time string - // this is the format of the string coming from the service - if expiresOn, err := time.Parse("1/2/2006 15:04:05 PM +00:00", v); err == nil { // the date string specified is for Windows OS - eo := expiresOn.UTC() - return &azcore.AccessToken{Token: value.Token, ExpiresOn: eo}, nil - } else if expiresOn, err := time.Parse("1/2/2006 15:04:05 +00:00", v); err == nil { // the date string specified is for Linux OS - eo := expiresOn.UTC() - return &azcore.AccessToken{Token: value.Token, ExpiresOn: eo}, nil - } else { - return nil, err - } - default: - err := fmt.Errorf("unsupported type received in expires_on: %T, %v", v, v) - return nil, newAuthenticationFailedError(err, res) - } -} - -func (c *managedIdentityClient) createAuthRequest(ctx context.Context, id ManagedIDKind, scopes []string) (*policy.Request, error) { - switch c.msiType { - case msiTypeIMDS: - return c.createIMDSAuthRequest(ctx, id, scopes) - case msiTypeAppServiceV20170901, msiTypeAppServiceV20190801: - return c.createAppServiceAuthRequest(ctx, id, scopes) - case msiTypeAzureArc: - // need to perform preliminary request to retreive the secret key challenge provided by the HIMDS service - key, err := c.getAzureArcSecretKey(ctx, scopes) - if err != nil { - msg := fmt.Errorf("failed to retreive secret key from the identity endpoint: %v", err) - return nil, newAuthenticationFailedError(msg, nil) - } - return c.createAzureArcAuthRequest(ctx, key, scopes) - case msiTypeServiceFabric: - return c.createServiceFabricAuthRequest(ctx, id, scopes) - case msiTypeCloudShell: - return c.createCloudShellAuthRequest(ctx, id, scopes) - default: - return nil, newCredentialUnavailableError("Managed Identity Credential", "managed identity isn't supported in this environment") - } -} - -func (c *managedIdentityClient) createIMDSAuthRequest(ctx context.Context, id ManagedIDKind, scopes []string) (*policy.Request, error) { - request, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, c.endpoint) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - request.Raw().Header.Set(headerMetadata, "true") - q := request.Raw().URL.Query() - q.Add("api-version", imdsAPIVersion) - q.Add("resource", strings.Join(scopes, " ")) - if id != nil { - if id.idKind() == miResourceID { - q.Add(qpResID, id.String()) - } else { - q.Add(qpClientID, id.String()) - } - } - request.Raw().URL.RawQuery = q.Encode() - return request, nil -} - -func (c *managedIdentityClient) createAppServiceAuthRequest(ctx context.Context, id ManagedIDKind, scopes []string) (*policy.Request, error) { - request, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, c.endpoint) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - q := request.Raw().URL.Query() - if c.msiType == msiTypeAppServiceV20170901 { - request.Raw().Header.Set("secret", os.Getenv(msiSecret)) - q.Add("api-version", "2017-09-01") - q.Add("resource", strings.Join(scopes, " ")) - if id != nil { - if id.idKind() == miResourceID { - q.Add(qpResID, id.String()) - } else { - // the legacy 2017 API version specifically specifies "clientid" and not "client_id" as a query param - q.Add("clientid", id.String()) - } - } - } else if c.msiType == msiTypeAppServiceV20190801 { - request.Raw().Header.Set("X-IDENTITY-HEADER", os.Getenv(identityHeader)) - q.Add("api-version", "2019-08-01") - q.Add("resource", scopes[0]) - if id != nil { - if id.idKind() == miResourceID { - q.Add(qpResID, id.String()) - } else { - q.Add(qpClientID, id.String()) - } - } - } - - request.Raw().URL.RawQuery = q.Encode() - return request, nil -} - -func (c *managedIdentityClient) createServiceFabricAuthRequest(ctx context.Context, id ManagedIDKind, scopes []string) (*policy.Request, error) { - request, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, c.endpoint) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - q := request.Raw().URL.Query() - request.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/json") - request.Raw().Header.Set("Secret", os.Getenv(identityHeader)) - q.Add("api-version", serviceFabricAPIVersion) - q.Add("resource", strings.Join(scopes, " ")) - if id != nil { - q.Add(qpClientID, id.String()) - } - request.Raw().URL.RawQuery = q.Encode() - return request, nil -} - -func (c *managedIdentityClient) getAzureArcSecretKey(ctx context.Context, resources []string) (string, error) { - // create the request to retreive the secret key challenge provided by the HIMDS service - request, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, c.endpoint) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - request.Raw().Header.Set(headerMetadata, "true") - q := request.Raw().URL.Query() - q.Add("api-version", azureArcAPIVersion) - q.Add("resource", strings.Join(resources, " ")) - request.Raw().URL.RawQuery = q.Encode() - // send the initial request to get the short-lived secret key - response, err := c.pipeline.Do(request) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - // the endpoint is expected to return a 401 with the WWW-Authenticate header set to the location - // of the secret key file. Any other status code indicates an error in the request. - if response.StatusCode != 401 { - err := fmt.Errorf("expected a 401 response, received %d", response.StatusCode) - return "", newAuthenticationFailedError(err, response) - } - header := response.Header.Get("WWW-Authenticate") - if len(header) == 0 { - return "", errors.New("did not receive a value from WWW-Authenticate header") - } - // the WWW-Authenticate header is expected in the following format: Basic realm=/some/file/path.key - pos := strings.LastIndex(header, "=") - if pos == -1 { - return "", fmt.Errorf("did not receive a correct value from WWW-Authenticate header: %s", header) - } - key, err := ioutil.ReadFile(header[pos+1:]) - if err != nil { - return "", fmt.Errorf("could not read file (%s) contents: %v", header[pos+1:], err) - } - return string(key), nil -} - -func (c *managedIdentityClient) createAzureArcAuthRequest(ctx context.Context, key string, resources []string) (*policy.Request, error) { - request, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, c.endpoint) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - request.Raw().Header.Set(headerMetadata, "true") - request.Raw().Header.Set("Authorization", fmt.Sprintf("Basic %s", key)) - q := request.Raw().URL.Query() - q.Add("api-version", azureArcAPIVersion) - q.Add("resource", strings.Join(resources, " ")) - request.Raw().URL.RawQuery = q.Encode() - return request, nil -} - -func (c *managedIdentityClient) createCloudShellAuthRequest(ctx context.Context, id ManagedIDKind, scopes []string) (*policy.Request, error) { - request, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPost, c.endpoint) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - request.Raw().Header.Set(headerMetadata, "true") - data := url.Values{} - data.Set("resource", strings.Join(scopes, " ")) - if id != nil { - data.Set(qpClientID, id.String()) - } - dataEncoded := data.Encode() - body := streaming.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(dataEncoded)) - if err := request.SetBody(body, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return request, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/managed_identity_credential.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/managed_identity_credential.go deleted file mode 100644 index 45de47b7cf7b..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/managed_identity_credential.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,106 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azidentity - -import ( - "context" - "errors" - "fmt" - "strings" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" -) - -type managedIdentityIDKind int - -const ( - miClientID managedIdentityIDKind = 0 - miResourceID managedIdentityIDKind = 1 -) - -// ManagedIDKind identifies the ID of a managed identity as either a client or resource ID -type ManagedIDKind interface { - fmt.Stringer - idKind() managedIdentityIDKind -} - -// ClientID is an identity's client ID. Use it with ManagedIdentityCredentialOptions, for example: -// ManagedIdentityCredentialOptions{ID: ClientID("7cf7db0d-...")} -type ClientID string - -func (ClientID) idKind() managedIdentityIDKind { - return miClientID -} - -func (c ClientID) String() string { - return string(c) -} - -// ResourceID is an identity's resource ID. Use it with ManagedIdentityCredentialOptions, for example: -// ManagedIdentityCredentialOptions{ID: ResourceID("/subscriptions/...")} -type ResourceID string - -func (ResourceID) idKind() managedIdentityIDKind { - return miResourceID -} - -func (r ResourceID) String() string { - return string(r) -} - -// ManagedIdentityCredentialOptions contains optional parameters for ManagedIdentityCredential. -type ManagedIdentityCredentialOptions struct { - azcore.ClientOptions - - // ID is the ID of a managed identity the credential should authenticate. Set this field to use a specific identity - // instead of the hosting environment's default. The value may be the identity's client ID or resource ID, but note that - // some platforms don't accept resource IDs. - ID ManagedIDKind -} - -// ManagedIdentityCredential authenticates with an Azure managed identity in any hosting environment which supports managed identities. -// This credential defaults to using a system-assigned identity. Use ManagedIdentityCredentialOptions.ID to specify a user-assigned identity. -// See Azure Active Directory documentation for more information about managed identities: -// https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview -type ManagedIdentityCredential struct { - id ManagedIDKind - client *managedIdentityClient -} - -// NewManagedIdentityCredential creates a ManagedIdentityCredential. -// options: Optional configuration. -func NewManagedIdentityCredential(options *ManagedIdentityCredentialOptions) (*ManagedIdentityCredential, error) { - if options == nil { - options = &ManagedIdentityCredentialOptions{} - } - client, err := newManagedIdentityClient(options) - if err != nil { - logCredentialError("Managed Identity Credential", err) - return nil, err - } - return &ManagedIdentityCredential{id: options.ID, client: client}, nil -} - -// GetToken obtains a token from Azure Active Directory. This method is called automatically by Azure SDK clients. -// ctx: Context used to control the request lifetime. -// opts: Options for the token request, in particular the desired scope of the access token. -func (c *ManagedIdentityCredential) GetToken(ctx context.Context, opts policy.TokenRequestOptions) (*azcore.AccessToken, error) { - if len(opts.Scopes) != 1 { - err := errors.New("ManagedIdentityCredential.GetToken() requires exactly one scope") - addGetTokenFailureLogs("Managed Identity Credential", err, true) - return nil, err - } - // managed identity endpoints require an AADv1 resource (i.e. token audience), not a v2 scope, so we remove "/.default" here - scopes := []string{strings.TrimSuffix(opts.Scopes[0], defaultSuffix)} - tk, err := c.client.authenticate(ctx, c.id, scopes) - if err != nil { - addGetTokenFailureLogs("Managed Identity Credential", err, true) - return nil, err - } - logGetTokenSuccess(c, opts) - return tk, err -} - -var _ azcore.TokenCredential = (*ManagedIdentityCredential)(nil) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/troubleshoot.md b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/troubleshoot.md deleted file mode 100644 index 5c613eec7dfb..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/troubleshoot.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,106 +0,0 @@ -# Troubleshoot Azure Identity authentication issues - -`azidentity` credential types return errors when authentication fails or they're otherwise unable to authenticate. This troubleshooting guide describes steps you can take to resolve such errors. - -## Table of contents - -- [Troubleshoot Default Azure Credential authentication issues](#troubleshoot-default-azure-credential-authentication-issues) -- [Troubleshoot environment credential authentication issues](#troubleshoot-environment-credential-authentication-issues) -- [Troubleshoot service principal authentication issues](#troubleshoot-service-principal-authentication-issues) -- [Troubleshoot user password authentication issues](#troubleshoot-user-password-authentication-issues) -- [Troubleshoot Managed Identity authentication issues](#troubleshoot-managed-identity-authentication-issues) -- [Troubleshoot Azure CLI authentication issues](#troubleshoot-azure-cli-authentication-issues) - -## Troubleshoot Default Azure Credential authentication issues - -`DefaultAzureCredential` attempts to retrieve an access token by sequentially invoking a chain of credentials. An error from this credential signifies that every credential in the chain failed to acquire a token. To address this, follow the configuration instructions for the respective credential you intend to use. This document contains more guidance for handling errors from each credential type: - -- [Environment credential](#troubleshoot-environment-credential-authentication-issues) -- [Managed Identity](#troubleshoot-managed-identity-authentication-issues) -- [Azure CLI](#troubleshoot-azure-cli-authentication-issues) - -## Troubleshoot environment credential authentication issues - -### Environment variables not configured - -`EnvironmentCredential` supports service principal and user password authentication. `NewEnvironmentCredential()` returns an error when environment configuration is incomplete. To fix this, set the appropriate environment variables for the identity you want to authenticate: - -#### Service principal with secret - -| Variable name | Value | -| --- | --- | -`AZURE_CLIENT_ID` | ID of an Azure AD app. | -`AZURE_TENANT_ID` | ID of the app's Azure AD tenant. | -`AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET` | One of the app's client secrets. | - -#### Service principal with certificate - -| Variable name | Value | -| --- | --- | -`AZURE_CLIENT_ID` | ID of an Azure AD app. | -`AZURE_TENANT_ID` | ID of the app's Azure AD tenant. | -`AZURE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_PATH` | Path to a PEM-encoded or PKCS12 certificate file including private key (without password protection). | - -#### User password - -| Variable name | Value | -| --- | --- | -`AZURE_CLIENT_ID` | ID of an Azure AD app. | -`AZURE_USERNAME` | A username (usually an email address). | -`AZURE_PASSWORD` | The associated password for the given username. | - -### Authentication failures - -`EnvironmentCredential` supports service principal and user password authentication. Follow the troubleshooting guidelines below for the respective authentication method. - -- [service principal](#troubleshoot-service-principal-authentication-issues) -- [user password](#troubleshoot-user-password-authentication-issues) - -## Troubleshoot user password authentication issues - -### Two-factor authentication required - -`UsernamePasswordCredential` isn't compatible with any kind of multifactor authentication. - -## Troubleshoot service principal authentication issues - -### Create a new service principal - -To create a new service principal, follow the instructions at [Create an Azure service principal with the Azure CLI](https://docs.microsoft.com/cli/azure/create-an-azure-service-principal-azure-cli). - -### Invalid arguments - -#### Client ID - -Authenticating a service principal requires a client or "application" ID and tenant ID. These are required parameters for `NewClientSecretCredential()` and `NewClientCertificateCredential()`. If you've already created your service principal, you can retrieve these IDs by following the instructions at [Get tenant and app ID values for signing in](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory/develop/howto-create-service-principal-portal#get-tenant-and-app-id-values-for-signing-in). - -#### Client secret - -A client secret, also called an application password, is a secret string that an app uses to prove its identity. Azure AD doesn't expose the values of existing secrets. If you've already created a service principal, follow the instructions at [Create a new app secret](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory/develop/howto-create-service-principal-portal#option-2-create-a-new-application-secret) to create a new secret. - -### Client certificate credential issues - -`ClientCertificateCredential` authenticates with a certificate in PKCS12 (PFX) or PEM format. The certificate must first be registered for your service principal. To register a certificate, see [Upload a certificate](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory/develop/howto-create-service-principal-portal#option-1-upload-a-certificate). - -## Troubleshoot managed identity authentication issues - -### Managed identity unavailable - -[Managed identity authentication](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview) requires support from the hosting environment, which may require configuration to expose a managed identity to your app. `azidentity` has been tested with managed identities on these Azure services: - -- [Azure App Service](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/app-service/overview-managed-identity) -- [Azure Arc](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-arc/servers/managed-identity-authentication) -- [Azure Cloud Shell](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/cloud-shell/overview) -- [Azure Kubernetes Service](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/aks/use-managed-identity) -- [Azure Service Fabric](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/service-fabric/configure-existing-cluster-enable-managed-identity-token-service) -- [Azure Virtual Machines](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory/managed-identities-azure-resources/qs-configure-portal-windows-vm) - -## Troubleshoot Azure CLI authentication issues - -### Azure CLI not installed - -The Azure CLI must be installed and on the app's path. To install it, see [How to install the Azure CLI](https://docs.microsoft.com/cli/azure/install-azure-cli). Then try authenticating again. - -### Azure account not logged in - -`AzureCLICredential` authenticates as the identity currently logged in to Azure CLI. You need to log in to your account in Azure CLI via the `az login` command. You can read further instructions to [Sign in with Azure CLI](https://docs.microsoft.com/cli/azure/authenticate-azure-cli). Once logged in, try running the credential again. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/username_password_credential.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/username_password_credential.go deleted file mode 100644 index 336bc7005fd8..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/username_password_credential.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,82 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azidentity - -import ( - "context" - "errors" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/public" -) - -// UsernamePasswordCredentialOptions contains optional parameters for UsernamePasswordCredential. -type UsernamePasswordCredentialOptions struct { - azcore.ClientOptions - - // AuthorityHost is the base URL of an Azure Active Directory authority. Defaults - // to the value of environment variable AZURE_AUTHORITY_HOST, if set, or AzurePublicCloud. - AuthorityHost AuthorityHost -} - -// UsernamePasswordCredential authenticates user with a password. Microsoft doesn't recommend this kind of authentication, -// because it's less secure than other authentication flows. This credential is not interactive, so it isn't compatible -// with any form of multi-factor authentication, and the application must already have user or admin consent. -// This credential can only authenticate work and school accounts; it can't authenticate Microsoft accounts. -type UsernamePasswordCredential struct { - client publicClient - username string - password string - account public.Account -} - -// NewUsernamePasswordCredential creates a UsernamePasswordCredential. -// tenantID: The ID of the Azure Active Directory tenant the credential authenticates in. -// clientID: The ID of the application users will authenticate to. -// username: A username (typically an email address). -// password: That user's password. -// options: Optional configuration. -func NewUsernamePasswordCredential(tenantID string, clientID string, username string, password string, options *UsernamePasswordCredentialOptions) (*UsernamePasswordCredential, error) { - if !validTenantID(tenantID) { - return nil, errors.New(tenantIDValidationErr) - } - if options == nil { - options = &UsernamePasswordCredentialOptions{} - } - authorityHost, err := setAuthorityHost(options.AuthorityHost) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - c, err := public.New(clientID, - public.WithAuthority(runtime.JoinPaths(authorityHost, tenantID)), - public.WithHTTPClient(newPipelineAdapter(&options.ClientOptions)), - ) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return &UsernamePasswordCredential{username: username, password: password, client: c}, nil -} - -// GetToken obtains a token from Azure Active Directory. This method is called automatically by Azure SDK clients. -// ctx: Context used to control the request lifetime. -// opts: Options for the token request, in particular the desired scope of the access token. -func (c *UsernamePasswordCredential) GetToken(ctx context.Context, opts policy.TokenRequestOptions) (*azcore.AccessToken, error) { - ar, err := c.client.AcquireTokenSilent(ctx, opts.Scopes, public.WithSilentAccount(c.account)) - if err == nil { - logGetTokenSuccess(c, opts) - return &azcore.AccessToken{Token: ar.AccessToken, ExpiresOn: ar.ExpiresOn.UTC()}, err - } - ar, err = c.client.AcquireTokenByUsernamePassword(ctx, opts.Scopes, c.username, c.password) - if err != nil { - addGetTokenFailureLogs("Username Password Credential", err, true) - return nil, newAuthenticationFailedError(err, nil) - } - c.account = ar.Account - logGetTokenSuccess(c, opts) - return &azcore.AccessToken{Token: ar.AccessToken, ExpiresOn: ar.ExpiresOn.UTC()}, err -} - -var _ azcore.TokenCredential = (*UsernamePasswordCredential)(nil) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/version.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/version.go deleted file mode 100644 index 61c7d1404671..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity/version.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.13 -// +build go1.13 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azidentity - -const ( - // UserAgent is the string to be used in the user agent string when making requests. - component = "azidentity" - - // Version is the semantic version (see http://semver.org) of this module. - version = "v0.13.0" -) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/LICENSE.txt b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/LICENSE.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 48ea6616b5b8..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/LICENSE.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -MIT License - -Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all -copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -SOFTWARE diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/diag/diag.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/diag/diag.go deleted file mode 100644 index aa1ffa5834ab..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/diag/diag.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package diag - -import ( - "fmt" - "runtime" - "strings" -) - -// Caller returns the file and line number of a frame on the caller's stack. -// If the funtion fails an empty string is returned. -// skipFrames - the number of frames to skip when determining the caller. -// Passing a value of 0 will return the immediate caller of this function. -func Caller(skipFrames int) string { - if pc, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(skipFrames + 1); ok { - // the skipFrames + 1 is to skip ourselves - frame := runtime.FuncForPC(pc) - return fmt.Sprintf("%s()\n\t%s:%d", frame.Name(), file, line) - } - return "" -} - -// StackTrace returns a formatted stack trace string. -// If the funtion fails an empty string is returned. -// skipFrames - the number of stack frames to skip before composing the trace string. -// totalFrames - the maximum number of stack frames to include in the trace string. -func StackTrace(skipFrames, totalFrames int) string { - pcCallers := make([]uintptr, totalFrames) - if frames := runtime.Callers(skipFrames, pcCallers); frames == 0 { - return "" - } - frames := runtime.CallersFrames(pcCallers) - sb := strings.Builder{} - for { - frame, more := frames.Next() - sb.WriteString(frame.Function) - sb.WriteString("()\n\t") - sb.WriteString(frame.File) - sb.WriteRune(':') - sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%d\n", frame.Line)) - if !more { - break - } - } - return sb.String() -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/diag/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/diag/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 60d31b222f3b..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/diag/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package diag diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/errorinfo/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/errorinfo/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 32d35b020e13..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/errorinfo/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package errorinfo diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/errorinfo/errorinfo.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/errorinfo/errorinfo.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9ba0a83f1da3..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/errorinfo/errorinfo.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package errorinfo - -// NonRetriable represents a non-transient error. This works in -// conjunction with the retry policy, indicating that the error condition -// is idempotent, so no retries will be attempted. -// Use errors.As() to access this interface in the error chain. -type NonRetriable interface { - error - NonRetriable() -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/log/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/log/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9ea5ba79ae88..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/log/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package log diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/log/log.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/log/log.go deleted file mode 100644 index a4e94a9def82..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/log/log.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,113 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package log - -import ( - "fmt" - "os" - "time" -) - -// Event is used to group entries. Each group can be toggled on or off. -type Event string - -const ( - // EventRequest entries contain information about HTTP requests. - // This includes information like the URL, query parameters, and headers. - EventRequest Event = "Request" - - // EventResponse entries containe information about HTTP responses. - // This includes information like the HTTP status code, headers, and request URL. - EventResponse Event = "Response" - - // EventRetryPolicy entries contain information specific to the rety policy in use. - EventRetryPolicy Event = "Retry" - - // EventLRO entries contian information specific to long-running operations. - // This includes information like polling location, operation state, and sleep intervals. - EventLRO Event = "LongRunningOperation" -) - -// logger controls which events to log and writing to the underlying log. -type logger struct { - cls []Event - lst func(Event, string) -} - -// SetEvents is used to control which events are written to -// the log. By default all log events are writen. -func SetEvents(cls ...Event) { - log.cls = cls -} - -// SetListener will set the Logger to write to the specified listener. -func SetListener(lst func(Event, string)) { - log.lst = lst -} - -// Should returns true if the specified log event should be written to the log. -// By default all log events will be logged. Call SetEvents() to limit -// the log events for logging. -// If no listener has been set this will return false. -// Calling this method is useful when the message to log is computationally expensive -// and you want to avoid the overhead if its log event is not enabled. -func Should(cls Event) bool { - if log.lst == nil { - return false - } - if log.cls == nil || len(log.cls) == 0 { - return true - } - for _, c := range log.cls { - if c == cls { - return true - } - } - return false -} - -// Write invokes the underlying listener with the specified event and message. -// If the event shouldn't be logged or there is no listener then Write does nothing. -func Write(cls Event, message string) { - if !Should(cls) { - return - } - log.lst(cls, message) -} - -// Writef invokes the underlying listener with the specified event and formatted message. -// If the event shouldn't be logged or there is no listener then Writef does nothing. -func Writef(cls Event, format string, a ...interface{}) { - if !Should(cls) { - return - } - log.lst(cls, fmt.Sprintf(format, a...)) -} - -// TestResetEvents is used for testing purposes only. -func TestResetEvents() { - log.cls = nil -} - -// the process-wide logger -var log logger - -func init() { - initLogging() -} - -// split out for testing purposes -func initLogging() { - if cls := os.Getenv("AZURE_SDK_GO_LOGGING"); cls == "all" { - // cls could be enhanced to support a comma-delimited list of log events - log.lst = func(cls Event, msg string) { - // simple console logger, it writes to stderr in the following format: - // [time-stamp] Event: message - fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "[%s] %s: %s\n", time.Now().Format(time.StampMicro), cls, msg) - } - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/uuid/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/uuid/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index a9b0b5313a16..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/uuid/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package uuid diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/uuid/uuid.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/uuid/uuid.go deleted file mode 100644 index 3670361c9e86..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/uuid/uuid.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package uuid - -import ( - "crypto/rand" - "errors" - "fmt" - "strconv" -) - -// The UUID reserved variants. -const ( - reservedRFC4122 byte = 0x40 -) - -// A UUID representation compliant with specification in RFC4122 document. -type UUID [16]byte - -// New returns a new UUID using the RFC4122 algorithm. -func New() (UUID, error) { - u := UUID{} - // Set all bits to pseudo-random values. - // NOTE: this takes a process-wide lock - _, err := rand.Read(u[:]) - if err != nil { - return u, err - } - u[8] = (u[8] | reservedRFC4122) & 0x7F // u.setVariant(ReservedRFC4122) - - var version byte = 4 - u[6] = (u[6] & 0xF) | (version << 4) // u.setVersion(4) - return u, nil -} - -// String returns the UUID in "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" format. -func (u UUID) String() string { - return fmt.Sprintf("%x-%x-%x-%x-%x", u[0:4], u[4:6], u[6:8], u[8:10], u[10:]) -} - -// Parse parses a string formatted as "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" -// or "{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}" into a UUID. -func Parse(s string) (UUID, error) { - var uuid UUID - // ensure format - switch len(s) { - case 36: - // xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx - case 38: - // {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx} - s = s[1:37] - default: - return uuid, errors.New("invalid UUID format") - } - if s[8] != '-' || s[13] != '-' || s[18] != '-' || s[23] != '-' { - return uuid, errors.New("invalid UUID format") - } - // parse chunks - for i, x := range [16]int{ - 0, 2, 4, 6, - 9, 11, - 14, 16, - 19, 21, - 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34} { - b, err := strconv.ParseUint(s[x:x+2], 16, 8) - if err != nil { - return uuid, fmt.Errorf("invalid UUID format: %s", err) - } - uuid[i] = byte(b) - } - return uuid, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/CHANGELOG.md b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/CHANGELOG.md deleted file mode 100644 index 0350465e8e7d..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/CHANGELOG.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -# Release History - -## 0.3.0 (Unreleased) - -### Features Added - -### Breaking Changes -* Updated to latest `azcore`. Public surface area is unchanged. - -### Bugs Fixed - -### Other Changes - -## 0.2.0 (2021-11-03) - -### Breaking Changes -* Clients now have one constructor per authentication method - -## 0.1.0 (2021-09-13) - -### Features Added -* This is the initial preview release of the `azblob` library diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/LICENSE.txt b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/LICENSE.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d1ca00f20a89..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/LICENSE.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ - MIT License - - Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. - - Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy - of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal - in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights - to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell - copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is - furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - - The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all - copies or substantial portions of the Software. - - THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR - IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, - FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE - AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER - LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, - OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE - SOFTWARE \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/README.md b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index 34aedafd1cb3..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,329 +0,0 @@ -# Azure Storage Blob SDK for Go - -## Introduction - -The Microsoft Azure Storage SDK for Go allows you to build applications that takes advantage of Azure's scalable cloud storage. -This SDK replaces the previously previewed [azblob package](https://github.com/azure/azure-storage-blob-go). - -## Getting Started - -The Azure Blob SDK can access an Azure Storage account. - -### Prerequisites - -* Go versions 1.16 or higher -* You must have an [Azure storage account][azure_storage_account] - -#### Create account - -* To create a new Storage account, you can use [Azure Portal][azure_portal_create_account], [Azure PowerShell][azure_powershell_create_account], or [Azure CLI][azure_cli_create_account]. - -### Install the package -* Install the Azure blob storage for Go with `go get`: - ```bash - go get github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob - ``` - -#### Create the client - -`azblob` allows you to interact with three types of resources :- - -* [Azure storage accounts][azure_storage_account]. -* [Containers](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/overview/what-is-a-container/#overview) within those storage accounts. -* [Blobs](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/services/storage/blobs/#overview) (block blobs/ page blobs/ append blobs) within those containers. - -Interaction with these resources starts with an instance of a [client](#clients). -To create a client object, you will need the account's blob service endpoint URL and a credential that allows you to access the account. -The `endpoint` can be found on the page for your storage account in the [Azure Portal][azure_portal_account_url] under the "Access Keys" section or by running the following Azure CLI command: - -```bash -# Get the blob service URL for the account -az storage account show -n mystorageaccount -g MyResourceGroup --query "primaryEndpoints.blob" -``` - -Once you have the account URL, it can be used to create the service client: -```golang -cred, err := azblob.NewSharedKeyCredential("myAccountName", "myAccountKey") -handle(err) -serviceClient, err := azblob.NewServiceClientWithSharedKey("https://.blob.core.windows.net/", cred, nil) -handle(err) -``` - -For more information about blob service URL's and how to configure custom domain names for Azure Storage check out the [official documentation][azure_portal_account_url] - -#### Types of credentials - -The azblob clients support authentication via Shared Key Credential, Connection String, Shared Access Signature, -or any of the `azidentity` types that implement the `azcore.TokenCredential` interface. - -##### 1. Creating the client from a shared key - -To use an account [shared key][azure_shared_key] (aka account key or access key), provide the key as a string. This can -be found in your storage account in the [Azure Portal][azure_portal_account_url] under the "Access Keys" section or by -running the following Azure CLI command: - -```bash -az storage account keys list -g MyResourceGroup -n MyStorageAccount -``` - -Use Shared Key authentication as the credential parameter to authenticate the client: -```golang -credential, err := azblob.NewSharedKeyCredential("accountName", "accountKey") -handle(err) -serviceClient, err := azblob.NewServiceClientWithSharedKey("https://.blob.core.windows.net/", credential, nil) -handle(err) -``` - -##### 2. Creating the client from a connection string - -You can use connection string, instead of providing the account URL and credential separately, for authentication as well. -To do this, pass the connection string to the client's `NewServiceClientFromConnectionString` method. -The connection string can be found in your storage account in the [Azure Portal][azure_portal_account_url] under the "Access Keys" section or with the following Azure CLI command: - -```bash -az storage account show-connection-string -g MyResourceGroup -n MyStorageAccount -``` - -```golang -connStr := "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=;AccountKey=;EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net" -serviceClient, err := azblob.NewServiceClientFromConnectionString(connStr, nil) -``` - -##### 3. Creating the client from a SAS token - -To use a [shared access signature (SAS) token][azure_sas_token], provide the token as a string. -If your account URL includes the SAS token, replace credential parameter with `azcore.NewAnonymousCredential()`. -You can generate a SAS token from the Azure Portal under [Shared access signature](https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/create-service-sas) or use -the `ServiceClient.GetSASToken` or `ContainerClient.GetSASToken()` methods. - -```golang -credential, err := azblob.NewSharedKeyCredential("accountName", "accountKey") -handle(err) -serviceClient, err := azblob.NewServiceClientWithSharedKey(fmt.Sprintf("https://%s.blob.core.windows.net/", accountName), credential, nil) -handle(err) -// Provide the convenience function with relevant info (services, resource types, permissions, and duration) -// The SAS token will be valid from this moment onwards. -accountSAS, err := serviceClient.GetSASToken(AccountSASResourceTypes{Object: true, Service: true, Container: true}, -AccountSASPermissions{Read: true, List: true}, AccountSASServices{Blob: true}, time.Now(), time.Now().Add(48*time.Hour)) -handle(err) -urlToSend := fmt.Sprintf("https://%s.blob.core.windows.net/?%s", accountName, accountSAS) -// You can hand off this URL to someone else via any mechanism you choose. - -// ****************************************** - -// When someone receives the URL, they can access the resource using it in code like this, or a tool of some variety. -serviceClient, err = NewServiceClientWithNoCredential(urlToSend, nil) -handle(err) -``` - -### Clients - -Three different clients are provided to interact with the various components of the Blob Service: - -1. **`ServiceClient`** - * Get and set account settings. - * Query, create, and delete containers within the account. - -2. **`ContainerClient`** - * Get and set container access settings, properties, and metadata. - * Create, delete, and query blobs within the container. - * `ContainerLeaseClient` to support container lease management. - -3. **`BlobClient`** - * `AppendBlobClient`, `BlockBlobClient`, and `PageBlobClient` - * Get and set blob properties. - * Perform CRUD operations on a given blob. - * `BlobLeaseClient` to support blob lease management. - -### Example -```go - // Use your storage account's name and key to create a credential object, used to access your account. - // You can obtain these details from the Azure Portal. - accountName, ok := os.LookupEnv("AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME") - if !ok { - handle(errors.New("AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME could not be found")) - } - - accountKey, ok := os.LookupEnv("AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY") - if !ok { - handle(errors.New("AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY could not be found")) - } - cred, err := NewSharedKeyCredential(accountName, accountKey) - handle(err) - - // Open up a service client. - // You'll need to specify a service URL, which for blob endpoints usually makes up the syntax http(s)://.blob.core.windows.net/ - service, err := NewServiceClientWithSharedKey(fmt.Sprintf("https://%s.blob.core.windows.net/", accountName), cred, nil) - handle(err) - - // All operations in the Azure Storage Blob SDK for Go operate on a context.Context, allowing you to control cancellation/timeout. - ctx := context.Background() // This example has no expiry. - - // This example showcases several common operations to help you get started, such as: - - // ===== 1. Creating a container ===== - - // First, branch off of the service client and create a container client. - container := service.NewContainerClient("mycontainer") - // Then, fire off a create operation on the container client. - // Note that, all service-side requests have an options bag attached, allowing you to specify things like metadata, public access types, etc. - // Specifying nil omits all options. - _, err = container.Create(ctx, nil) - handle(err) - - // ===== 2. Uploading/downloading a block blob ===== - // We'll specify our data up-front, rather than reading a file for simplicity's sake. - data := "Hello world!" - - // Branch off of the container into a block blob client - blockBlob := container.NewBlockBlobClient("HelloWorld.txt") - - // Upload data to the block blob - _, err = blockBlob.Upload(ctx, NopCloser(strings.NewReader(data)), nil) - handle(err) - - // Download the blob's contents and ensure that the download worked properly - get, err := blockBlob.Download(ctx, nil) - handle(err) - - // Open a buffer, reader, and then download! - downloadedData := &bytes.Buffer{} - reader := get.Body(RetryReaderOptions{}) // RetryReaderOptions has a lot of in-depth tuning abilities, but for the sake of simplicity, we'll omit those here. - _, err = downloadedData.ReadFrom(reader) - handle(err) - err = reader.Close() - handle(err) - if data != downloadedData.String() { - handle(errors.New("downloaded data doesn't match uploaded data")) - } - - // ===== 3. list blobs ===== - // The ListBlobs and ListContainers APIs return two channels, a values channel, and an errors channel. - // You should enumerate on a range over the values channel, and then check the errors channel, as only ONE value will ever be passed to the errors channel. - // The AutoPagerTimeout defines how long it will wait to place into the items channel before it exits & cleans itself up. A zero time will result in no timeout. - pager := container.ListBlobsFlat(nil) - - for pager.NextPage(ctx) { - resp := pager.PageResponse() - - for _, v := range resp.ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentResult.Segment.BlobItems { - fmt.Println(*v.Name) - } - } - - if err = pager.Err(); err != nil { - handle(err) - } - - // Delete the blob we created earlier. - _, err = blockBlob.Delete(ctx, nil) - handle(err) - - // Delete the container we created earlier. - _, err = container.Delete(ctx, nil) - handle(err) -``` - -## Troubleshooting - -### Error Handling - -All I/O operations will return an `error` that can be investigated to discover more information about the error. In -addition, you can investigate the raw response of any response object: - -```golang -var errResp azcore.HTTPResponse -resp, err := serviceClient.CreateContainer(context.Background(), "testcontainername", nil) -if err != nil { - if errors.As(err, &errResp) { - // do something with errResp.RawResponse() - } -} -``` - -### Logging - -This module uses the classification based logging implementation in azcore. To turn on logging -set `AZURE_SDK_GO_LOGGING` to `all`. - -If you only want to include logs for `azblob`, you must create your own logger and set the log classification -as `LogCredential`. - -To obtain more detailed logging, including request/response bodies and header values, make sure to leave the logger as -default or enable the `LogRequest` and/or `LogResponse` classificatons. A logger that only includes credential logs can -be like the following: - -```golang -import azlog "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/log" -// Set log to output to the console -azlog.SetListener(func(cls azlog.Classification, msg string) { - fmt.Println(msg) // printing log out to the console -}) - -// Includes only requests and responses in credential logs -azlog.SetClassifications(azlog.Request, azlog.Response) -``` - -> CAUTION: logs from credentials contain sensitive information. -> These logs must be protected to avoid compromising account security. -> - -## License - -This project is licensed under MIT. - -## Provide Feedback - -If you encounter bugs or have suggestions, please -[open an issue](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/issues) and assign the `Azure.AzBlob` label. - -## Contributing - -This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require you to agree to a Contributor License -Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us the rights to use your contribution. For -details, visit https://cla.microsoft.com. - -When you submit a pull request, a CLA-bot will automatically determine whether you need to provide a CLA and decorate -the PR appropriately (e.g., label, comment). Simply follow the instructions provided by the bot. You will only need to -do this once across all repos using our CLA. - -This project has adopted the [Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/). -For more information see the [Code of Conduct FAQ](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/faq/) or -contact [opencode@microsoft.com](mailto:opencode@microsoft.com) with any additional questions or comments. - - - - -[azure_subscription]:https://azure.microsoft.com/free/ - -[azure_storage_account]:https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/storage/common/storage-account-create?tabs=azure-portal - -[azure_portal_create_account]:https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/storage/common/storage-account-create?tabs=azure-portal - -[azure_powershell_create_account]:https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/storage/common/storage-account-create?tabs=azure-powershell - -[azure_cli_create_account]: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/storage/common/storage-account-create?tabs=azure-cli - -[azure_cli_account_url]:https://docs.microsoft.com/cli/azure/storage/account?view=azure-cli-latest#az-storage-account-show - -[azure_powershell_account_url]:https://docs.microsoft.com/powershell/module/az.storage/get-azstorageaccount?view=azps-4.6.1 - -[azure_portal_account_url]:https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/storage/common/storage-account-overview#storage-account-endpoints - -[azure_sas_token]:https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/storage/common/storage-sas-overview - -[azure_shared_key]:https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/authorize-with-shared-key - -[azure_core_ref_docs]:https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore - -[azure_core_readme]: https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/blob/main/sdk/azcore/README.md - -[blobs_error_codes]: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/blob-service-error-codes - -[msft_oss_coc]:https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/ - -[msft_oss_coc_faq]:https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/faq/ - -[contact_msft_oss]:mailto:opencode@microsoft.com - -[blobs_rest]: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/blob-service-rest-api diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/bytes_writer.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/bytes_writer.go deleted file mode 100644 index f2ff4f7193cc..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/bytes_writer.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -import ( - "errors" -) - -type bytesWriter []byte - -func newBytesWriter(b []byte) bytesWriter { - return b -} - -func (c bytesWriter) WriteAt(b []byte, off int64) (int, error) { - if off >= int64(len(c)) || off < 0 { - return 0, errors.New("offset value is out of range") - } - - n := copy(c[int(off):], b) - if n < len(b) { - return n, errors.New("not enough space for all bytes") - } - - return n, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/chunkwriting.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/chunkwriting.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8baedb82c27b..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/chunkwriting.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,264 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -import ( - "bytes" - "context" - "encoding/base64" - "encoding/binary" - "errors" - "fmt" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/internal" - "io" - "sync" - "sync/atomic" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/uuid" -) - -// blockWriter provides methods to upload blocks that represent a file to a server and commit them. -// This allows us to provide a local implementation that fakes the server for hermetic testing. -type blockWriter interface { - StageBlock(context.Context, string, io.ReadSeekCloser, *StageBlockOptions) (BlockBlobStageBlockResponse, error) - CommitBlockList(context.Context, []string, *CommitBlockListOptions) (BlockBlobCommitBlockListResponse, error) -} - -// copyFromReader copies a source io.Reader to blob storage using concurrent uploads. -// TODO(someone): The existing model provides a buffer size and buffer limit as limiting factors. The buffer size is probably -// useless other than needing to be above some number, as the network stack is going to hack up the buffer over some size. The -// max buffers is providing a cap on how much memory we use (by multiplying it times the buffer size) and how many go routines can upload -// at a time. I think having a single max memory dial would be more efficient. We can choose an internal buffer size that works -// well, 4 MiB or 8 MiB, and auto-scale to as many goroutines within the memory limit. This gives a single dial to tweak and we can -// choose a max value for the memory setting based on internal transfers within Azure (which will give us the maximum throughput model). -// We can even provide a utility to dial this number in for customer networks to optimize their copies. -func copyFromReader(ctx context.Context, from io.Reader, to blockWriter, o UploadStreamToBlockBlobOptions) (BlockBlobCommitBlockListResponse, error) { - if err := o.defaults(); err != nil { - return BlockBlobCommitBlockListResponse{}, err - } - - ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx) - defer cancel() - - var err error - generatedUuid, err := uuid.New() - if err != nil { - return BlockBlobCommitBlockListResponse{}, err - } - - cp := &copier{ - ctx: ctx, - cancel: cancel, - reader: from, - to: to, - id: newID(generatedUuid), - o: o, - errCh: make(chan error, 1), - } - - // Send all our chunks until we get an error. - for { - if err = cp.sendChunk(); err != nil { - break - } - } - // If the error is not EOF, then we have a problem. - if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, io.EOF) { - return BlockBlobCommitBlockListResponse{}, err - } - - // Close out our upload. - if err := cp.close(); err != nil { - return BlockBlobCommitBlockListResponse{}, err - } - - return cp.result, nil -} - -// copier streams a file via chunks in parallel from a reader representing a file. -// Do not use directly, instead use copyFromReader(). -type copier struct { - // ctx holds the context of a copier. This is normally a faux pas to store a Context in a struct. In this case, - // the copier has the lifetime of a function call, so it's fine. - ctx context.Context - cancel context.CancelFunc - - // reader is the source to be written to storage. - reader io.Reader - // to is the location we are writing our chunks to. - to blockWriter - - // o contains our options for uploading. - o UploadStreamToBlockBlobOptions - - // id provides the ids for each chunk. - id *id - - //// num is the current chunk we are on. - //num int32 - //// ch is used to pass the next chunk of data from our reader to one of the writers. - //ch chan copierChunk - - // errCh is used to hold the first error from our concurrent writers. - errCh chan error - // wg provides a count of how many writers we are waiting to finish. - wg sync.WaitGroup - - // result holds the final result from blob storage after we have submitted all chunks. - result BlockBlobCommitBlockListResponse -} - -type copierChunk struct { - buffer []byte - id string - length int -} - -// getErr returns an error by priority. First, if a function set an error, it returns that error. Next, if the Context has an error -// it returns that error. Otherwise, it is nil. getErr supports only returning an error once per copier. -func (c *copier) getErr() error { - select { - case err := <-c.errCh: - return err - default: - } - return c.ctx.Err() -} - -// sendChunk reads data from out internal reader, creates a chunk, and sends it to be written via a channel. -// sendChunk returns io.EOF when the reader returns an io.EOF or io.ErrUnexpectedEOF. -func (c *copier) sendChunk() error { - if err := c.getErr(); err != nil { - return err - } - - buffer := c.o.TransferManager.Get() - if len(buffer) == 0 { - return fmt.Errorf("TransferManager returned a 0 size buffer, this is a bug in the manager") - } - - n, err := io.ReadFull(c.reader, buffer) - if n > 0 { - // Some data was read, schedule the write. - id := c.id.next() - c.wg.Add(1) - c.o.TransferManager.Run( - func() { - defer c.wg.Done() - c.write(copierChunk{buffer: buffer, id: id, length: n}) - }, - ) - } else { - // Return the unused buffer to the manager. - c.o.TransferManager.Put(buffer) - } - - if err == nil { - return nil - } else if err == io.EOF || err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF { - return io.EOF - } - - if cerr := c.getErr(); cerr != nil { - return cerr - } - - return err -} - -// write uploads a chunk to blob storage. -func (c *copier) write(chunk copierChunk) { - defer c.o.TransferManager.Put(chunk.buffer) - - if err := c.ctx.Err(); err != nil { - return - } - stageBlockOptions := c.o.getStageBlockOptions() - _, err := c.to.StageBlock(c.ctx, chunk.id, internal.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(chunk.buffer[:chunk.length])), stageBlockOptions) - if err != nil { - c.errCh <- fmt.Errorf("write error: %w", err) - return - } -} - -// close commits our blocks to blob storage and closes our writer. -func (c *copier) close() error { - if err := c.waitForFinish(); err != nil { - return err - } - - var err error - commitBlockListOptions := c.o.getCommitBlockListOptions() - c.result, err = c.to.CommitBlockList(c.ctx, c.id.issued(), commitBlockListOptions) - return err -} - -// waitForFinish waits for all writes to complete while combining errors from errCh -func (c *copier) waitForFinish() error { - var err error - done := make(chan struct{}) - go func() { - // when write latencies are long, several errors might have occurred - // drain them all as we wait for writes to complete. - err = c.drainErrs(done) - }() - - c.wg.Wait() - close(done) - return err -} - -// drainErrs drains all outstanding errors from writes -func (c *copier) drainErrs(done chan struct{}) error { - var err error - for { - select { - case <-done: - return err - default: - if writeErr := c.getErr(); writeErr != nil { - err = combineErrs(err, writeErr) - } - } - } -} - -// combineErrs combines err with newErr so multiple errors can be represented -func combineErrs(err, newErr error) error { - if err == nil { - return newErr - } - return fmt.Errorf("%s, %w", err.Error(), newErr) -} - -// id allows the creation of unique IDs based on UUID4 + an int32. This auto-increments. -type id struct { - u [64]byte - num uint32 - all []string -} - -// newID constructs a new id. -func newID(uu uuid.UUID) *id { - u := [64]byte{} - copy(u[:], uu[:]) - return &id{u: u} -} - -// next returns the next ID. -func (id *id) next() string { - defer atomic.AddUint32(&id.num, 1) - - binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(id.u[len(uuid.UUID{}):], atomic.LoadUint32(&id.num)) - str := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(id.u[:]) - id.all = append(id.all, str) - - return str -} - -// issued returns all ids that have been issued. This returned value shares the internal slice, so it is not safe to modify the return. -// The value is only valid until the next time next() is called. -func (id *id) issued() []string { - return id.all -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/ci.yml b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/ci.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 29a16aba8a1f..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/ci.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -trigger: - branches: - include: - - main - - feature/* - - hotfix/* - - release/* - paths: - include: - - sdk/storage/azblob - -pr: - branches: - include: - - main - - feature/* - - hotfix/* - - release/* - paths: - include: - - sdk/storage/azblob - - -stages: - - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/jobs/archetype-sdk-client.yml - parameters: - ServiceDirectory: 'storage/azblob' diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/constants.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/constants.go deleted file mode 100644 index e0945925bfbc..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/constants.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -//nolint -const ( - SASVersion = "2019-12-12" - - headerAuthorization = "Authorization" - headerXmsDate = "x-ms-date" - headerContentLength = "Content-Length" - headerContentEncoding = "Content-Encoding" - headerContentLanguage = "Content-Language" - headerContentType = "Content-Type" - headerContentMD5 = "Content-MD5" - headerIfModifiedSince = "If-Modified-Since" - headerIfMatch = "If-Match" - headerIfNoneMatch = "If-None-Match" - headerIfUnmodifiedSince = "If-Unmodified-Since" - headerRange = "Range" - headerDate = "Date" - headerXmsVersion = "x-ms-version" - headerAcceptCharset = "Accept-Charset" - headerDataServiceVersion = "DataServiceVersion" - headerMaxDataServiceVersion = "MaxDataServiceVersion" - headerContentTransferEncoding = "Content-Transfer-Encoding" - - etagOData = "odata.etag" - rfc3339 = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.9999999Z" - timestamp = "Timestamp" - etag = "ETag" - - tokenScope = "https://storage.azure.com/.default" -) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index c1d304f5eb53..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,208 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright 2017 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -/* - -Package azblob can access an Azure Blob Storage. - -The azblob package is capable of :- - - Creating, deleting, and querying containers in an account - - Creating, deleting, and querying blobs in a container - - Creating Shared Access Signature for authentication - -Types of Resources - -The azblob package allows you to interact with three types of resources :- - -* Azure storage accounts. -* Containers within those storage accounts. -* Blobs (block blobs/ page blobs/ append blobs) within those containers. - -The Azure Storage Blob (azblob) client library for Go allows you to interact with each of these components through the use of a dedicated client object. -To create a client object, you will need the account's blob service endpoint URL and a credential that allows you to access the account. - -Types of Credentials - -The clients support different forms of authentication. -The azblob library supports any of the `azcore.TokenCredential` interfaces, authorization via a Connection String, -or authorization with a Shared Access Signature token. - -Using a Shared Key - -To use an account shared key (aka account key or access key), provide the key as a string. -This can be found in your storage account in the Azure Portal under the "Access Keys" section. - -Use the key as the credential parameter to authenticate the client: - - accountName, ok := os.LookupEnv("AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME") - if !ok { - panic("AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME could not be found") - } - accountKey, ok := os.LookupEnv("AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY") - if !ok { - panic("AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY could not be found") - } - credential, err := NewSharedKeyCredential(accountName, accountKey) - handle(err) - - serviceClient, err := azblob.NewServiceClient("https://.blob.core.windows.net/", cred, nil) - handle(err) - -Using a Connection String - -Depending on your use case and authorization method, you may prefer to initialize a client instance with a connection string instead of providing the account URL and credential separately. -To do this, pass the connection string to the service client's `NewServiceClientFromConnectionString` method. -The connection string can be found in your storage account in the Azure Portal under the "Access Keys" section. - - connStr := "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=;AccountKey=;EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net" - serviceClient, err := azblob.NewServiceClientFromConnectionString(connStr, nil) - -Using a Shared Access Signature (SAS) Token - -To use a shared access signature (SAS) token, provide the token at the end of your service URL. -You can generate a SAS token from the Azure Portal under Shared Access Signature or use the ServiceClient.GetSASToken() functions. - - accountName, ok := os.LookupEnv("AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME") - if !ok { - panic("AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME could not be found") - } - accountKey, ok := os.LookupEnv("AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY") - if !ok { - panic("AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY could not be found") - } - credential, err := azblob.NewSharedKeyCredential(accountName, accountKey) - handle(err) - - serviceClient, err := azblob.NewServiceClient(fmt.Sprintf("https://%s.blob.core.windows.net/", accountName), credential, nil) - handle(err) - - // Provide the convenience function with relevant info - accountSAS, err := serviceClient.GetSASToken(AccountSASResourceTypes{Object: true, Service: true, Container: true}, AccountSASPermissions{Read: true, List: true}, AccountSASServices{Blob: true}, time.Now(), time.Now().Add(48*time.Hour)) - handle(err) - - urlToSend := fmt.Sprintf("https://%s.blob.core.windows.net/?%s", accountName, accountSAS) - // You can hand off this URL to someone else via any mechanism you choose. - - // ****************************************** - - // When someone receives the URL, they can access the resource using it in code like this, or a tool of some variety. - serviceClient, err = azblob.NewServiceClient(urlToSend, azcore.NewAnonymousCredential(), nil) - handle(err) - - // You can also break a blob URL up into its constituent parts - blobURLParts := azblob.NewBlobURLParts(serviceClient.URL()) - fmt.Printf("SAS expiry time = %s\n", blobURLParts.SAS.ExpiryTime()) - -Types of Clients - -There are three different clients provided to interact with the various components of the Blob Service: - -1. **`ServiceClient`** - * Get and set account settings. - * Query, create, and delete containers within the account. - -2. **`ContainerClient`** - * Get and set container access settings, properties, and metadata. - * Create, delete, and query blobs within the container. - * `ContainerLeaseClient` to support container lease management. - -3. **`BlobClient`** - * `AppendBlobClient`, `BlockBlobClient`, and `PageBlobClient` - * Get and set blob properties. - * Perform CRUD operations on a given blob. - * `BlobLeaseClient` to support blob lease management. - -Examples - - // Use your storage account's name and key to create a credential object, used to access your account. - // You can obtain these details from the Azure Portal. - accountName, ok := os.LookupEnv("AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME") - if !ok { - handle(errors.New("AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME could not be found")) - } - - accountKey, ok := os.LookupEnv("AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY") - if !ok { - handle(errors.New("AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY could not be found")) - } - cred, err := NewSharedKeyCredential(accountName, accountKey) - handle(err) - - // Open up a service client. - // You'll need to specify a service URL, which for blob endpoints usually makes up the syntax http(s)://.blob.core.windows.net/ - service, err := NewServiceClient(fmt.Sprintf("https://%s.blob.core.windows.net/", accountName), cred, nil) - handle(err) - - // All operations in the Azure Storage Blob SDK for Go operate on a context.Context, allowing you to control cancellation/timeout. - ctx := context.Background() // This example has no expiry. - - // This example showcases several common operations to help you get started, such as: - - // ===== 1. Creating a container ===== - - // First, branch off of the service client and create a container client. - container := service.NewContainerClient("myContainer") - // Then, fire off a create operation on the container client. - // Note that, all service-side requests have an options bag attached, allowing you to specify things like metadata, public access types, etc. - // Specifying nil omits all options. - _, err = container.Create(ctx, nil) - handle(err) - - // ===== 2. Uploading/downloading a block blob ===== - // We'll specify our data up-front, rather than reading a file for simplicity's sake. - data := "Hello world!" - - // Branch off of the container into a block blob client - blockBlob := container.NewBlockBlobClient("HelloWorld.txt") - - // Upload data to the block blob - _, err = blockBlob.Upload(ctx, NopCloser(strings.NewReader(data)), nil) - handle(err) - - // Download the blob's contents and ensure that the download worked properly - get, err := blockBlob.Download(ctx, nil) - handle(err) - - // Open a buffer, reader, and then download! - downloadedData := &bytes.Buffer{} - reader := get.Body(RetryReaderOptions{}) // RetryReaderOptions has a lot of in-depth tuning abilities, but for the sake of simplicity, we'll omit those here. - _, err = downloadedData.ReadFrom(reader) - handle(err) - err = reader.Close() - handle(err) - if data != downloadedData.String() { - handle(errors.New("downloaded data doesn't match uploaded data")) - } - - // ===== 3. list blobs ===== - // The ListBlobs and ListContainers APIs return two channels, a values channel, and an errors channel. - // You should enumerate on a range over the values channel, and then check the errors channel, as only ONE value will ever be passed to the errors channel. - // The AutoPagerTimeout defines how long it will wait to place into the items channel before it exits & cleans itself up. A zero time will result in no timeout. - pager := container.ListBlobsFlat(nil) - - for pager.NextPage(ctx) { - resp := pager.PageResponse() - - for _, v := range resp.ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentResult.Segment.BlobItems { - fmt.Println(*v.Name) - } - } - - if err = pager.Err(); err != nil { - handle(err) - } - - // Delete the blob we created earlier. - _, err = blockBlob.Delete(ctx, nil) - handle(err) - - // Delete the container we created earlier. - _, err = container.Delete(ctx, nil) - handle(err) -*/ - -package azblob diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/highlevel.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/highlevel.go deleted file mode 100644 index 32020716e00d..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/highlevel.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,615 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -import ( - "context" - "encoding/base64" - "fmt" - "io" - "net/http" - "sync" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/streaming" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/uuid" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/internal" - - "bytes" - "errors" - "os" -) - -// HighLevelUploadToBlockBlobOption identifies options used by the UploadBufferToBlockBlob and UploadFileToBlockBlob functions. -type HighLevelUploadToBlockBlobOption struct { - // BlockSize specifies the block size to use; the default (and maximum size) is BlockBlobMaxStageBlockBytes. - BlockSize int64 - - // Progress is a function that is invoked periodically as bytes are sent to the BlockBlobClient. - // Note that the progress reporting is not always increasing; it can go down when retrying a request. - Progress func(bytesTransferred int64) - - // HTTPHeaders indicates the HTTP headers to be associated with the blob. - HTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders - - // Metadata indicates the metadata to be associated with the blob when PutBlockList is called. - Metadata map[string]string - - // BlobAccessConditions indicates the access conditions for the block blob. - BlobAccessConditions *BlobAccessConditions - - // AccessTier indicates the tier of blob - AccessTier *AccessTier - - // TagsMap - TagsMap map[string]string - - // ClientProvidedKeyOptions indicates the client provided key by name and/or by value to encrypt/decrypt data. - CpkInfo *CpkInfo - CpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo - - // Parallelism indicates the maximum number of blocks to upload in parallel (0=default) - Parallelism uint16 - // Optional header, Specifies the transactional crc64 for the body, to be validated by the service. - TransactionalContentCRC64 *[]byte - // Specify the transactional md5 for the body, to be validated by the service. - TransactionalContentMD5 *[]byte -} - -func (o HighLevelUploadToBlockBlobOption) getStageBlockOptions() *StageBlockOptions { - leaseAccessConditions, _ := o.BlobAccessConditions.pointers() - return &StageBlockOptions{ - CpkInfo: o.CpkInfo, - CpkScopeInfo: o.CpkScopeInfo, - LeaseAccessConditions: leaseAccessConditions, - } -} - -func (o HighLevelUploadToBlockBlobOption) getUploadBlockBlobOptions() *UploadBlockBlobOptions { - return &UploadBlockBlobOptions{ - TagsMap: o.TagsMap, - Metadata: o.Metadata, - Tier: o.AccessTier, - HTTPHeaders: o.HTTPHeaders, - BlobAccessConditions: o.BlobAccessConditions, - CpkInfo: o.CpkInfo, - CpkScopeInfo: o.CpkScopeInfo, - } -} - -func (o *HighLevelUploadToBlockBlobOption) getCommitBlockListOptions() *CommitBlockListOptions { - return &CommitBlockListOptions{ - BlobTagsMap: o.TagsMap, - Metadata: o.Metadata, - Tier: o.AccessTier, - BlobHTTPHeaders: o.HTTPHeaders, - CpkInfo: o.CpkInfo, - CpkScopeInfo: o.CpkScopeInfo, - } -} - -// uploadReaderAtToBlockBlob uploads a buffer in blocks to a block blob. -func (bb BlockBlobClient) uploadReaderAtToBlockBlob(ctx context.Context, reader io.ReaderAt, readerSize int64, o HighLevelUploadToBlockBlobOption) (*http.Response, error) { - if o.BlockSize == 0 { - // If bufferSize > (BlockBlobMaxStageBlockBytes * BlockBlobMaxBlocks), then error - if readerSize > BlockBlobMaxStageBlockBytes*BlockBlobMaxBlocks { - return nil, errors.New("buffer is too large to upload to a block blob") - } - // If bufferSize <= BlockBlobMaxUploadBlobBytes, then Upload should be used with just 1 I/O request - if readerSize <= BlockBlobMaxUploadBlobBytes { - o.BlockSize = BlockBlobMaxUploadBlobBytes // Default if unspecified - } else { - o.BlockSize = readerSize / BlockBlobMaxBlocks // buffer / max blocks = block size to use all 50,000 blocks - if o.BlockSize < BlobDefaultDownloadBlockSize { // If the block size is smaller than 4MB, round up to 4MB - o.BlockSize = BlobDefaultDownloadBlockSize - } - // StageBlock will be called with blockSize blocks and a Parallelism of (BufferSize / BlockSize). - } - } - - if readerSize <= BlockBlobMaxUploadBlobBytes { - // If the size can fit in 1 Upload call, do it this way - var body io.ReadSeeker = io.NewSectionReader(reader, 0, readerSize) - if o.Progress != nil { - body = streaming.NewRequestProgress(internal.NopCloser(body), o.Progress) - } - - uploadBlockBlobOptions := o.getUploadBlockBlobOptions() - resp, err := bb.Upload(ctx, internal.NopCloser(body), uploadBlockBlobOptions) - - return resp.RawResponse, err - } - - var numBlocks = uint16(((readerSize - 1) / o.BlockSize) + 1) - - blockIDList := make([]string, numBlocks) // Base-64 encoded block IDs - progress := int64(0) - progressLock := &sync.Mutex{} - - err := DoBatchTransfer(ctx, BatchTransferOptions{ - OperationName: "uploadReaderAtToBlockBlob", - TransferSize: readerSize, - ChunkSize: o.BlockSize, - Parallelism: o.Parallelism, - Operation: func(offset int64, count int64, ctx context.Context) error { - // This function is called once per block. - // It is passed this block's offset within the buffer and its count of bytes - // Prepare to read the proper block/section of the buffer - var body io.ReadSeeker = io.NewSectionReader(reader, offset, count) - blockNum := offset / o.BlockSize - if o.Progress != nil { - blockProgress := int64(0) - body = streaming.NewRequestProgress(internal.NopCloser(body), - func(bytesTransferred int64) { - diff := bytesTransferred - blockProgress - blockProgress = bytesTransferred - progressLock.Lock() // 1 goroutine at a time gets progress report - progress += diff - o.Progress(progress) - progressLock.Unlock() - }) - } - - // Block IDs are unique values to avoid issue if 2+ clients are uploading blocks - // at the same time causing PutBlockList to get a mix of blocks from all the clients. - generatedUuid, err := uuid.New() - if err != nil { - return err - } - blockIDList[blockNum] = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(generatedUuid.String())) - stageBlockOptions := o.getStageBlockOptions() - _, err = bb.StageBlock(ctx, blockIDList[blockNum], internal.NopCloser(body), stageBlockOptions) - return err - }, - }) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - // All put blocks were successful, call Put Block List to finalize the blob - commitBlockListOptions := o.getCommitBlockListOptions() - resp, err := bb.CommitBlockList(ctx, blockIDList, commitBlockListOptions) - - return resp.RawResponse, err -} - -// UploadBufferToBlockBlob uploads a buffer in blocks to a block blob. -func (bb BlockBlobClient) UploadBufferToBlockBlob(ctx context.Context, b []byte, o HighLevelUploadToBlockBlobOption) (*http.Response, error) { - return bb.uploadReaderAtToBlockBlob(ctx, bytes.NewReader(b), int64(len(b)), o) -} - -// UploadFileToBlockBlob uploads a file in blocks to a block blob. -func (bb BlockBlobClient) UploadFileToBlockBlob(ctx context.Context, file *os.File, o HighLevelUploadToBlockBlobOption) (*http.Response, error) { - - stat, err := file.Stat() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return bb.uploadReaderAtToBlockBlob(ctx, file, stat.Size(), o) -} - -/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -const BlobDefaultDownloadBlockSize = int64(4 * 1024 * 1024) // 4MB - -// HighLevelDownloadFromBlobOptions identifies options used by the DownloadBlobToBuffer and DownloadBlobToFile functions. -type HighLevelDownloadFromBlobOptions struct { - // BlockSize specifies the block size to use for each parallel download; the default size is BlobDefaultDownloadBlockSize. - BlockSize int64 - - // Progress is a function that is invoked periodically as bytes are received. - Progress func(bytesTransferred int64) - - // BlobAccessConditions indicates the access conditions used when making HTTP GET requests against the blob. - BlobAccessConditions *BlobAccessConditions - - // ClientProvidedKeyOptions indicates the client provided key by name and/or by value to encrypt/decrypt data. - CpkInfo *CpkInfo - CpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo - - // Parallelism indicates the maximum number of blocks to download in parallel (0=default) - Parallelism uint16 - - // RetryReaderOptionsPerBlock is used when downloading each block. - RetryReaderOptionsPerBlock RetryReaderOptions -} - -func (o *HighLevelDownloadFromBlobOptions) getBlobPropertiesOptions() *GetBlobPropertiesOptions { - return &GetBlobPropertiesOptions{ - BlobAccessConditions: o.BlobAccessConditions, - CpkInfo: o.CpkInfo, - } -} - -func (o *HighLevelDownloadFromBlobOptions) getDownloadBlobOptions(offSet, count int64, rangeGetContentMD5 *bool) *DownloadBlobOptions { - return &DownloadBlobOptions{ - BlobAccessConditions: o.BlobAccessConditions, - CpkInfo: o.CpkInfo, - CpkScopeInfo: o.CpkScopeInfo, - Offset: &offSet, - Count: &count, - RangeGetContentMD5: rangeGetContentMD5, - } -} - -// DownloadBlobToWriterAt downloads an Azure blob to a WriterAt with parallel. -// Offset and count are optional, pass 0 for both to download the entire blob. -func (b BlobClient) DownloadBlobToWriterAt(ctx context.Context, offset int64, count int64, writer io.WriterAt, o HighLevelDownloadFromBlobOptions) error { - if o.BlockSize == 0 { - o.BlockSize = BlobDefaultDownloadBlockSize - } - - if count == CountToEnd { // If size not specified, calculate it - // If we don't have the length at all, get it - downloadBlobOptions := o.getDownloadBlobOptions(0, CountToEnd, nil) - dr, err := b.Download(ctx, downloadBlobOptions) - if err != nil { - return err - } - count = *dr.ContentLength - offset - } - - if count <= 0 { - // The file is empty, there is nothing to download. - return nil - } - - // Prepare and do parallel download. - progress := int64(0) - progressLock := &sync.Mutex{} - - err := DoBatchTransfer(ctx, BatchTransferOptions{ - OperationName: "downloadBlobToWriterAt", - TransferSize: count, - ChunkSize: o.BlockSize, - Parallelism: o.Parallelism, - Operation: func(chunkStart int64, count int64, ctx context.Context) error { - - downloadBlobOptions := o.getDownloadBlobOptions(chunkStart+offset, count, nil) - dr, err := b.Download(ctx, downloadBlobOptions) - if err != nil { - return err - } - body := dr.Body(o.RetryReaderOptionsPerBlock) - if o.Progress != nil { - rangeProgress := int64(0) - body = streaming.NewResponseProgress( - body, - func(bytesTransferred int64) { - diff := bytesTransferred - rangeProgress - rangeProgress = bytesTransferred - progressLock.Lock() - progress += diff - o.Progress(progress) - progressLock.Unlock() - }) - } - _, err = io.Copy(newSectionWriter(writer, chunkStart, count), body) - if err != nil { - return err - } - err = body.Close() - return err - }, - }) - if err != nil { - return err - } - return nil -} - -// DownloadBlobToBuffer downloads an Azure blob to a buffer with parallel. -// Offset and count are optional, pass 0 for both to download the entire blob. -func (b BlobClient) DownloadBlobToBuffer(ctx context.Context, offset int64, count int64, _bytes []byte, o HighLevelDownloadFromBlobOptions) error { - return b.DownloadBlobToWriterAt(ctx, offset, count, newBytesWriter(_bytes), o) -} - -// DownloadBlobToFile downloads an Azure blob to a local file. -// The file would be truncated if the size doesn't match. -// Offset and count are optional, pass 0 for both to download the entire blob. -func (b BlobClient) DownloadBlobToFile(ctx context.Context, offset int64, count int64, file *os.File, o HighLevelDownloadFromBlobOptions) error { - // 1. Calculate the size of the destination file - var size int64 - - if count == CountToEnd { - // Try to get Azure blob's size - getBlobPropertiesOptions := o.getBlobPropertiesOptions() - props, err := b.GetProperties(ctx, getBlobPropertiesOptions) - if err != nil { - return err - } - size = *props.ContentLength - offset - } else { - size = count - } - - // 2. Compare and try to resize local file's size if it doesn't match Azure blob's size. - stat, err := file.Stat() - if err != nil { - return err - } - if stat.Size() != size { - if err = file.Truncate(size); err != nil { - return err - } - } - - if size > 0 { - return b.DownloadBlobToWriterAt(ctx, offset, size, file, o) - } else { // if the blob's size is 0, there is no need in downloading it - return nil - } -} - -/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -// BatchTransferOptions identifies options used by DoBatchTransfer. -type BatchTransferOptions struct { - TransferSize int64 - ChunkSize int64 - Parallelism uint16 - Operation func(offset int64, chunkSize int64, ctx context.Context) error - OperationName string -} - -// DoBatchTransfer helps to execute operations in a batch manner. -// Can be used by users to customize batch works (for other scenarios that the SDK does not provide) -func DoBatchTransfer(ctx context.Context, o BatchTransferOptions) error { - if o.ChunkSize == 0 { - return errors.New("ChunkSize cannot be 0") - } - - if o.Parallelism == 0 { - o.Parallelism = 5 // default Parallelism - } - - // Prepare and do parallel operations. - numChunks := uint16(((o.TransferSize - 1) / o.ChunkSize) + 1) - operationChannel := make(chan func() error, o.Parallelism) // Create the channel that release 'Parallelism' goroutines concurrently - operationResponseChannel := make(chan error, numChunks) // Holds each response - ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx) - defer cancel() - - // Create the goroutines that process each operation (in parallel). - for g := uint16(0); g < o.Parallelism; g++ { - //grIndex := g - go func() { - for f := range operationChannel { - err := f() - operationResponseChannel <- err - } - }() - } - - // Add each chunk's operation to the channel. - for chunkNum := uint16(0); chunkNum < numChunks; chunkNum++ { - curChunkSize := o.ChunkSize - - if chunkNum == numChunks-1 { // Last chunk - curChunkSize = o.TransferSize - (int64(chunkNum) * o.ChunkSize) // Remove size of all transferred chunks from total - } - offset := int64(chunkNum) * o.ChunkSize - - operationChannel <- func() error { - return o.Operation(offset, curChunkSize, ctx) - } - } - close(operationChannel) - - // Wait for the operations to complete. - var firstErr error = nil - for chunkNum := uint16(0); chunkNum < numChunks; chunkNum++ { - responseError := <-operationResponseChannel - // record the first error (the original error which should cause the other chunks to fail with canceled context) - if responseError != nil && firstErr == nil { - cancel() // As soon as any operation fails, cancel all remaining operation calls - firstErr = responseError - } - } - return firstErr -} - -//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -// TransferManager provides a buffer and thread pool manager for certain transfer options. -// It is undefined behavior if code outside of this package call any of these methods. -type TransferManager interface { - // Get provides a buffer that will be used to read data into and write out to the stream. - // It is guaranteed by this package to not read or write beyond the size of the slice. - Get() []byte - // Put may or may not put the buffer into underlying storage, depending on settings. - // The buffer must not be touched after this has been called. - Put(b []byte) // nolint - // Run will use a goroutine pool entry to run a function. This blocks until a pool - // goroutine becomes available. - Run(func()) - // Close shuts down all internal goroutines. This must be called when the TransferManager - // will no longer be used. Not closing it will cause a goroutine leak. - Close() -} - -type staticBuffer struct { - buffers chan []byte - size int - threadpool chan func() -} - -// NewStaticBuffer creates a TransferManager that will use a channel as a circular buffer -// that can hold "max" buffers of "size". The goroutine pool is also sized at max. This -// can be shared between calls if you wish to control maximum memory and concurrency with -// multiple concurrent calls. -func NewStaticBuffer(size, max int) (TransferManager, error) { - if size < 1 || max < 1 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot be called with size or max set to < 1") - } - - if size < _1MiB { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot have size < 1MiB") - } - - threadpool := make(chan func(), max) - buffers := make(chan []byte, max) - for i := 0; i < max; i++ { - go func() { - for f := range threadpool { - f() - } - }() - - buffers <- make([]byte, size) - } - return staticBuffer{ - buffers: buffers, - size: size, - threadpool: threadpool, - }, nil -} - -// Get implements TransferManager.Get(). -func (s staticBuffer) Get() []byte { - return <-s.buffers -} - -// Put implements TransferManager.Put(). -func (s staticBuffer) Put(b []byte) { // nolint - select { - case s.buffers <- b: - default: // This shouldn't happen, but just in case they call Put() with there own buffer. - } -} - -// Run implements TransferManager.Run(). -func (s staticBuffer) Run(f func()) { - s.threadpool <- f -} - -// Close implements TransferManager.Close(). -func (s staticBuffer) Close() { - close(s.threadpool) - close(s.buffers) -} - -type syncPool struct { - threadpool chan func() - pool sync.Pool -} - -// NewSyncPool creates a TransferManager that will use a sync.Pool -// that can hold a non-capped number of buffers constrained by concurrency. This -// can be shared between calls if you wish to share memory and concurrency. -func NewSyncPool(size, concurrency int) (TransferManager, error) { - if size < 1 || concurrency < 1 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot be called with size or max set to < 1") - } - - if size < _1MiB { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot have size < 1MiB") - } - - threadpool := make(chan func(), concurrency) - for i := 0; i < concurrency; i++ { - go func() { - for f := range threadpool { - f() - } - }() - } - - return &syncPool{ - threadpool: threadpool, - pool: sync.Pool{ - New: func() interface{} { - return make([]byte, size) - }, - }, - }, nil -} - -// Get implements TransferManager.Get(). -func (s *syncPool) Get() []byte { - return s.pool.Get().([]byte) -} - -// Put implements TransferManager.Put(). -// nolint -func (s *syncPool) Put(b []byte) { - s.pool.Put(b) -} - -// Run implements TransferManager.Run(). -func (s *syncPool) Run(f func()) { - s.threadpool <- f -} - -// Close implements TransferManager.Close(). -func (s *syncPool) Close() { - close(s.threadpool) -} - -const _1MiB = 1024 * 1024 - -type UploadStreamToBlockBlobOptions struct { - // TransferManager provides a TransferManager that controls buffer allocation/reuse and - // concurrency. This overrides BufferSize and MaxBuffers if set. - TransferManager TransferManager - transferMangerNotSet bool - // BufferSize sizes the buffer used to read data from source. If < 1 MiB, defaults to 1 MiB. - BufferSize int - // MaxBuffers defines the number of simultaneous uploads will be performed to upload the file. - MaxBuffers int - HTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders - Metadata map[string]string - BlobAccessConditions *BlobAccessConditions - AccessTier *AccessTier - BlobTagsMap map[string]string - CpkInfo *CpkInfo - CpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo -} - -func (u *UploadStreamToBlockBlobOptions) defaults() error { - if u.TransferManager != nil { - return nil - } - - if u.MaxBuffers == 0 { - u.MaxBuffers = 1 - } - - if u.BufferSize < _1MiB { - u.BufferSize = _1MiB - } - - var err error - u.TransferManager, err = NewStaticBuffer(u.BufferSize, u.MaxBuffers) - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("bug: default transfer manager could not be created: %s", err) - } - u.transferMangerNotSet = true - return nil -} -func (u *UploadStreamToBlockBlobOptions) getStageBlockOptions() *StageBlockOptions { - return &StageBlockOptions{} -} - -func (u *UploadStreamToBlockBlobOptions) getCommitBlockListOptions() *CommitBlockListOptions { - return &CommitBlockListOptions{} -} - -// UploadStreamToBlockBlob copies the file held in io.Reader to the Blob at blockBlobClient. -// A Context deadline or cancellation will cause this to error. -func (bb BlockBlobClient) UploadStreamToBlockBlob(ctx context.Context, body io.Reader, o UploadStreamToBlockBlobOptions) (BlockBlobCommitBlockListResponse, error) { - if err := o.defaults(); err != nil { - return BlockBlobCommitBlockListResponse{}, err - } - - // If we used the default manager, we need to close it. - if o.transferMangerNotSet { - defer o.TransferManager.Close() - } - - result, err := copyFromReader(ctx, body, bb, o) - if err != nil { - return BlockBlobCommitBlockListResponse{}, err - } - - return result, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/internal/zc_shared.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/internal/zc_shared.go deleted file mode 100644 index 733e16a26ec5..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/internal/zc_shared.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,150 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package internal - -import ( - "bytes" - "context" - "encoding/json" - "errors" - "io" - "io/ioutil" - "net/http" - "strconv" - "time" -) - -// CtxWithHTTPHeaderKey is used as a context key for adding/retrieving http.Header. -type CtxWithHTTPHeaderKey struct{} - -// CtxWithRetryOptionsKey is used as a context key for adding/retrieving RetryOptions. -type CtxWithRetryOptionsKey struct{} - -type nopCloser struct { - io.ReadSeeker -} - -func (n nopCloser) Close() error { - return nil -} - -// NopCloser returns a ReadSeekCloser with a no-op close method wrapping the provided io.ReadSeeker. -func NopCloser(rs io.ReadSeeker) io.ReadSeekCloser { - return nopCloser{rs} -} - -// BodyDownloadPolicyOpValues is the struct containing the per-operation values -type BodyDownloadPolicyOpValues struct { - Skip bool -} - -func NewResponseError(inner error, resp *http.Response) error { - return &ResponseError{inner: inner, resp: resp} -} - -type ResponseError struct { - inner error - resp *http.Response -} - -// Error implements the error interface for type ResponseError. -func (e *ResponseError) Error() string { - return e.inner.Error() -} - -// Unwrap returns the inner error. -func (e *ResponseError) Unwrap() error { - return e.inner -} - -// RawResponse returns the HTTP response associated with this error. -func (e *ResponseError) RawResponse() *http.Response { - return e.resp -} - -// NonRetriable indicates this error is non-transient. -func (e *ResponseError) NonRetriable() { - // marker method -} - -// Delay waits for the duration to elapse or the context to be cancelled. -func Delay(ctx context.Context, delay time.Duration) error { - select { - case <-time.After(delay): - return nil - case <-ctx.Done(): - return ctx.Err() - } -} - -// ErrNoBody is returned if the response didn't contain a body. -var ErrNoBody = errors.New("the response did not contain a body") - -// GetJSON reads the response body into a raw JSON object. -// It returns ErrNoBody if there was no content. -func GetJSON(resp *http.Response) (map[string]interface{}, error) { - body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) - defer resp.Body.Close() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if len(body) == 0 { - return nil, ErrNoBody - } - // put the body back so it's available to others - resp.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(body)) - // unmarshall the body to get the value - var jsonBody map[string]interface{} - if err = json.Unmarshal(body, &jsonBody); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return jsonBody, nil -} - -const HeaderRetryAfter = "Retry-After" - -// RetryAfter returns non-zero if the response contains a Retry-After header value. -func RetryAfter(resp *http.Response) time.Duration { - if resp == nil { - return 0 - } - ra := resp.Header.Get(HeaderRetryAfter) - if ra == "" { - return 0 - } - // retry-after values are expressed in either number of - // seconds or an HTTP-date indicating when to try again - if retryAfter, _ := strconv.Atoi(ra); retryAfter > 0 { - return time.Duration(retryAfter) * time.Second - } else if t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, ra); err == nil { - return time.Until(t) - } - return 0 -} - -// HasStatusCode returns true if the Response's status code is one of the specified values. -func HasStatusCode(resp *http.Response, statusCodes ...int) bool { - if resp == nil { - return false - } - for _, sc := range statusCodes { - if resp.StatusCode == sc { - return true - } - } - return false -} - -const defaultScope = "/.default" - -// EndpointToScope converts the provided URL endpoint to its default scope. -func EndpointToScope(endpoint string) string { - if endpoint[len(endpoint)-1] != '/' { - endpoint += "/" - } - return endpoint + defaultScope -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/section_writer.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/section_writer.go deleted file mode 100644 index c2609b0e9994..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/section_writer.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -import ( - "errors" - "io" -) - -type sectionWriter struct { - count int64 - offset int64 - position int64 - writerAt io.WriterAt -} - -func newSectionWriter(c io.WriterAt, off int64, count int64) *sectionWriter { - return §ionWriter{ - count: count, - offset: off, - writerAt: c, - } -} - -func (c *sectionWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) { - remaining := c.count - c.position - - if remaining <= 0 { - return 0, errors.New("end of section reached") - } - - slice := p - - if int64(len(slice)) > remaining { - slice = slice[:remaining] - } - - n, err := c.writerAt.WriteAt(slice, c.offset+c.position) - c.position += int64(n) - if err != nil { - return n, err - } - - if len(p) > n { - return n, errors.New("not enough space for all bytes") - } - - return n, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/version.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/version.go deleted file mode 100644 index dc86674044b9..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/version.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -const serviceLibVersion = "0.1" //nolint diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_access_policy.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_access_policy.go deleted file mode 100644 index 1286568515bb..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_access_policy.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -import ( - "bytes" - "fmt" -) - -// The AccessPolicyPermission type simplifies creating the permissions string for a container's access policy. -// Initialize an instance of this type and then call its String method to set AccessPolicy's Permission field. -type AccessPolicyPermission struct { - Read, Add, Create, Write, Delete, List bool -} - -// String produces the access policy permission string for an Azure Storage container. -// Call this method to set AccessPolicy's Permission field. -func (p AccessPolicyPermission) String() string { - var b bytes.Buffer - if p.Read { - b.WriteRune('r') - } - if p.Add { - b.WriteRune('a') - } - if p.Create { - b.WriteRune('c') - } - if p.Write { - b.WriteRune('w') - } - if p.Delete { - b.WriteRune('d') - } - if p.List { - b.WriteRune('l') - } - return b.String() -} - -// Parse initializes the AccessPolicyPermission's fields from a string. -func (p *AccessPolicyPermission) Parse(s string) error { - *p = AccessPolicyPermission{} // Clear the flags - for _, r := range s { - switch r { - case 'r': - p.Read = true - case 'a': - p.Add = true - case 'c': - p.Create = true - case 'w': - p.Write = true - case 'd': - p.Delete = true - case 'l': - p.List = true - default: - return fmt.Errorf("invalid permission: '%v'", r) - } - } - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_append_blob_client.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_append_blob_client.go deleted file mode 100644 index d0896ede50c0..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_append_blob_client.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,117 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -import ( - "context" - "io" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime" -) - -type AppendBlobClient struct { - BlobClient - client *appendBlobClient -} - -// NewAppendBlobClient creates an AppendBlobClient with the specified URL, Azure AD credential, and options. -func NewAppendBlobClient(blobURL string, cred azcore.TokenCredential, options *ClientOptions) (AppendBlobClient, error) { - authPolicy := runtime.NewBearerTokenPolicy(cred, []string{tokenScope}, nil) - con := newConnection(blobURL, authPolicy, options.getConnectionOptions()) - return AppendBlobClient{ - client: &appendBlobClient{con: con}, - BlobClient: BlobClient{client: &blobClient{con: con}}, - }, nil -} - -// NewAppendBlobClientWithNoCredential creates an AppendBlobClient with the specified URL and options. -func NewAppendBlobClientWithNoCredential(blobURL string, options *ClientOptions) (AppendBlobClient, error) { - con := newConnection(blobURL, nil, options.getConnectionOptions()) - return AppendBlobClient{ - client: &appendBlobClient{con: con}, - BlobClient: BlobClient{client: &blobClient{con: con}}, - }, nil -} - -// NewAppendBlobClientWithSharedKey creates an AppendBlobClient with the specified URL, shared key, and options. -func NewAppendBlobClientWithSharedKey(blobURL string, cred *SharedKeyCredential, options *ClientOptions) (AppendBlobClient, error) { - authPolicy := newSharedKeyCredPolicy(cred) - con := newConnection(blobURL, authPolicy, options.getConnectionOptions()) - return AppendBlobClient{ - client: &appendBlobClient{con: con}, - BlobClient: BlobClient{client: &blobClient{con: con}}, - }, nil -} - -// WithSnapshot creates a new AppendBlobURL object identical to the source but with the specified snapshot timestamp. -// Pass "" to remove the snapshot returning a URL to the base blob. -func (ab AppendBlobClient) WithSnapshot(snapshot string) AppendBlobClient { - p := NewBlobURLParts(ab.URL()) - p.Snapshot = snapshot - con := &connection{u: p.URL(), p: ab.client.con.p} - - return AppendBlobClient{ - client: &appendBlobClient{con: con}, - BlobClient: BlobClient{client: &blobClient{con: con}}, - } -} - -// WithVersionID creates a new AppendBlobURL object identical to the source but with the specified version id. -// Pass "" to remove the versionID returning a URL to the base blob. -func (ab AppendBlobClient) WithVersionID(versionID string) AppendBlobClient { - p := NewBlobURLParts(ab.URL()) - p.VersionID = versionID - con := &connection{u: p.URL(), p: ab.client.con.p} - - return AppendBlobClient{ - client: &appendBlobClient{con: con}, - BlobClient: BlobClient{client: &blobClient{con: con}}, - } -} - -// Create creates a 0-size append blob. Call AppendBlock to append data to an append blob. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/put-blob. -func (ab AppendBlobClient) Create(ctx context.Context, options *CreateAppendBlobOptions) (AppendBlobCreateResponse, error) { - appendBlobAppendBlockOptions, blobHttpHeaders, leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions := options.pointers() - resp, err := ab.client.Create(ctx, 0, appendBlobAppendBlockOptions, blobHttpHeaders, leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// AppendBlock writes a stream to a new block of data to the end of the existing append blob. -// This method panics if the stream is not at position 0. -// Note that the http client closes the body stream after the request is sent to the service. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/append-block. -func (ab AppendBlobClient) AppendBlock(ctx context.Context, body io.ReadSeekCloser, options *AppendBlockOptions) (AppendBlobAppendBlockResponse, error) { - count, err := validateSeekableStreamAt0AndGetCount(body) - if err != nil { - return AppendBlobAppendBlockResponse{}, nil - } - - appendOptions, aac, cpkinfo, cpkscope, mac, lac := options.pointers() - - resp, err := ab.client.AppendBlock(ctx, count, body, appendOptions, lac, aac, cpkinfo, cpkscope, mac) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// AppendBlockFromURL copies a new block of data from source URL to the end of the existing append blob. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/append-block-from-url. -func (ab AppendBlobClient) AppendBlockFromURL(ctx context.Context, source string, options *AppendBlockURLOptions) (AppendBlobAppendBlockFromURLResponse, error) { - appendOptions, aac, cpkinfo, cpkscope, mac, lac, smac := options.pointers() - - // content length should be 0 on * from URL. always. It's a 400 if it isn't. - resp, err := ab.client.AppendBlockFromURL(ctx, source, 0, appendOptions, cpkinfo, cpkscope, lac, aac, mac, smac) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// SealAppendBlob - The purpose of Append Blob Seal is to allow users and applications to seal append blobs, marking them as read only. -// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/append-blob-seal -func (ab AppendBlobClient) SealAppendBlob(ctx context.Context, options *SealAppendBlobOptions) (AppendBlobSealResponse, error) { - leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions, positionAccessConditions := options.pointers() - resp, err := ab.client.Seal(ctx, nil, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions, positionAccessConditions) - return resp, handleError(err) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_blob_client.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_blob_client.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8a2fd75e8e2d..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_blob_client.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,249 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -import ( - "context" - "errors" - "time" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime" -) - -// A BlobClient represents a URL to an Azure Storage blob; the blob may be a block blob, append blob, or page blob. -type BlobClient struct { - client *blobClient - sharedKey *SharedKeyCredential -} - -// NewBlobClient creates a BlobClient object using the specified URL, Azure AD credential, and options. -func NewBlobClient(blobURL string, cred azcore.TokenCredential, options *ClientOptions) (BlobClient, error) { - authPolicy := runtime.NewBearerTokenPolicy(cred, []string{tokenScope}, nil) - con := newConnection(blobURL, authPolicy, options.getConnectionOptions()) - - return BlobClient{client: &blobClient{con, nil}}, nil -} - -// NewBlobClientWithNoCredential creates a BlobClient object using the specified URL and options. -func NewBlobClientWithNoCredential(blobURL string, options *ClientOptions) (BlobClient, error) { - con := newConnection(blobURL, nil, options.getConnectionOptions()) - - return BlobClient{client: &blobClient{con, nil}}, nil -} - -// NewBlobClientWithSharedKey creates a BlobClient object using the specified URL, shared key, and options. -func NewBlobClientWithSharedKey(blobURL string, cred *SharedKeyCredential, options *ClientOptions) (BlobClient, error) { - authPolicy := newSharedKeyCredPolicy(cred) - con := newConnection(blobURL, authPolicy, options.getConnectionOptions()) - - return BlobClient{client: &blobClient{con, nil}, sharedKey: cred}, nil -} - -// NewBlobClientFromConnectionString creates BlobClient from a Connection String -//nolint -func NewBlobClientFromConnectionString(connectionString, containerName, blobName string, options *ClientOptions) (BlobClient, error) { - containerClient, err := NewContainerClientFromConnectionString(connectionString, containerName, options) - if err != nil { - return BlobClient{}, err - } - return containerClient.NewBlobClient(blobName), nil -} - -// URL returns the URL endpoint used by the BlobClient object. -func (b BlobClient) URL() string { - return b.client.con.u -} - -// WithSnapshot creates a new BlobClient object identical to the source but with the specified snapshot timestamp. -// Pass "" to remove the snapshot returning a URL to the base blob. -func (b BlobClient) WithSnapshot(snapshot string) BlobClient { - p := NewBlobURLParts(b.URL()) - p.Snapshot = snapshot - return BlobClient{ - client: &blobClient{ - &connection{u: p.URL(), p: b.client.con.p}, - b.client.pathRenameMode, - }, - } -} - -// WithVersionID creates a new AppendBlobURL object identical to the source but with the specified version id. -// Pass "" to remove the versionID returning a URL to the base blob. -func (b BlobClient) WithVersionID(versionID string) BlockBlobClient { - p := NewBlobURLParts(b.URL()) - p.VersionID = versionID - con := &connection{u: p.URL(), p: b.client.con.p} - return BlockBlobClient{ - client: &blockBlobClient{con: con}, - BlobClient: BlobClient{client: &blobClient{con: con}}, - } -} - -// Download reads a range of bytes from a blob. The response also includes the blob's properties and metadata. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/get-blob. -func (b BlobClient) Download(ctx context.Context, options *DownloadBlobOptions) (*DownloadResponse, error) { - o, lease, cpk, accessConditions := options.pointers() - dr, err := b.client.Download(ctx, o, lease, cpk, accessConditions) - if err != nil { - return nil, handleError(err) - } - - offset := int64(0) - count := int64(CountToEnd) - - if options != nil && options.Offset != nil { - offset = *options.Offset - } - - if options != nil && options.Count != nil { - count = *options.Count - } - return &DownloadResponse{ - b: b, - BlobDownloadResponse: dr, - ctx: ctx, - getInfo: HTTPGetterInfo{Offset: offset, Count: count, ETag: *dr.ETag}, - ObjectReplicationRules: deserializeORSPolicies(dr.ObjectReplicationRules), - }, err -} - -// Delete marks the specified blob or snapshot for deletion. The blob is later deleted during garbage collection. -// Note that deleting a blob also deletes all its snapshots. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/delete-blob. -func (b BlobClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, options *DeleteBlobOptions) (BlobDeleteResponse, error) { - basics, leaseInfo, accessConditions := options.pointers() - resp, err := b.client.Delete(ctx, basics, leaseInfo, accessConditions) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// Undelete restores the contents and metadata of a soft-deleted blob and any associated soft-deleted snapshots. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/undelete-blob. -func (b BlobClient) Undelete(ctx context.Context) (BlobUndeleteResponse, error) { - resp, err := b.client.Undelete(ctx, nil) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// SetTier operation sets the tier on a blob. The operation is allowed on a page -// blob in a premium storage account and on a block blob in a blob storage account (locally -// redundant storage only). A premium page blob's tier determines the allowed size, IOPS, and -// bandwidth of the blob. A block blob's tier determines Hot/Cool/Archive storage type. This operation -// does not update the blob's ETag. -// For detailed information about block blob level tiering see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/storage-blob-storage-tiers. -func (b BlobClient) SetTier(ctx context.Context, tier AccessTier, options *SetTierOptions) (BlobSetTierResponse, error) { - basics, lease, accessConditions := options.pointers() - resp, err := b.client.SetTier(ctx, tier, basics, lease, accessConditions) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// GetProperties returns the blob's properties. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/get-blob-properties. -func (b BlobClient) GetProperties(ctx context.Context, options *GetBlobPropertiesOptions) (GetBlobPropertiesResponse, error) { - basics, lease, cpk, access := options.pointers() - resp, err := b.client.GetProperties(ctx, basics, lease, cpk, access) - - return resp.deserializeAttributes(), handleError(err) -} - -// SetHTTPHeaders changes a blob's HTTP headers. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/set-blob-properties. -func (b BlobClient) SetHTTPHeaders(ctx context.Context, blobHttpHeaders BlobHTTPHeaders, options *SetBlobHTTPHeadersOptions) (BlobSetHTTPHeadersResponse, error) { - basics, lease, access := options.pointers() - resp, err := b.client.SetHTTPHeaders(ctx, basics, &blobHttpHeaders, lease, access) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// SetMetadata changes a blob's metadata. -// https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/set-blob-metadata. -func (b BlobClient) SetMetadata(ctx context.Context, metadata map[string]string, options *SetBlobMetadataOptions) (BlobSetMetadataResponse, error) { - lease, cpk, cpkScope, access := options.pointers() - basics := BlobSetMetadataOptions{ - Metadata: metadata, - } - resp, err := b.client.SetMetadata(ctx, &basics, lease, cpk, cpkScope, access) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// CreateSnapshot creates a read-only snapshot of a blob. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/snapshot-blob. -func (b BlobClient) CreateSnapshot(ctx context.Context, options *CreateBlobSnapshotOptions) (BlobCreateSnapshotResponse, error) { - // CreateSnapshot does NOT panic if the user tries to create a snapshot using a URL that already has a snapshot query parameter - // because checking this would be a performance hit for a VERY unusual path and we don't think the common case should suffer this - // performance hit. - basics, cpk, cpkScope, access, lease := options.pointers() - resp, err := b.client.CreateSnapshot(ctx, basics, cpk, cpkScope, access, lease) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// StartCopyFromURL copies the data at the source URL to a blob. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/copy-blob. -func (b BlobClient) StartCopyFromURL(ctx context.Context, copySource string, options *StartCopyBlobOptions) (BlobStartCopyFromURLResponse, error) { - basics, srcAccess, destAccess, lease := options.pointers() - resp, err := b.client.StartCopyFromURL(ctx, copySource, basics, srcAccess, destAccess, lease) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// AbortCopyFromURL stops a pending copy that was previously started and leaves a destination blob with 0 length and metadata. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/abort-copy-blob. -func (b BlobClient) AbortCopyFromURL(ctx context.Context, copyID string, options *AbortCopyBlobOptions) (BlobAbortCopyFromURLResponse, error) { - basics, lease := options.pointers() - resp, err := b.client.AbortCopyFromURL(ctx, copyID, basics, lease) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// SetTags operation enables users to set tags on a blob or specific blob version, but not snapshot. -// Each call to this operation replaces all existing tags attached to the blob. -// To remove all tags from the blob, call this operation with no tags set. -// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/set-blob-tags -func (b BlobClient) SetTags(ctx context.Context, options *SetTagsBlobOptions) (BlobSetTagsResponse, error) { - blobSetTagsOptions, modifiedAccessConditions := options.pointers() - resp, err := b.client.SetTags(ctx, blobSetTagsOptions, modifiedAccessConditions) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// GetTags operation enables users to get tags on a blob or specific blob version, or snapshot. -// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/get-blob-tags -func (b BlobClient) GetTags(ctx context.Context, options *GetTagsBlobOptions) (BlobGetTagsResponse, error) { - blobGetTagsOptions, modifiedAccessConditions := options.pointers() - resp, err := b.client.GetTags(ctx, blobGetTagsOptions, modifiedAccessConditions) - - return resp, handleError(err) - -} - -// GetSASToken is a convenience method for generating a SAS token for the currently pointed at blob. -// It can only be used if the credential supplied during creation was a SharedKeyCredential. -func (b BlobClient) GetSASToken(permissions BlobSASPermissions, start time.Time, expiry time.Time) (SASQueryParameters, error) { - urlParts := NewBlobURLParts(b.URL()) - - t, err := time.Parse(SnapshotTimeFormat, urlParts.Snapshot) - - if err != nil { - t = time.Time{} - } - - if b.sharedKey == nil { - return SASQueryParameters{}, errors.New("credential is not a SharedKeyCredential. SAS can only be signed with a SharedKeyCredential") - } - return BlobSASSignatureValues{ - ContainerName: urlParts.ContainerName, - BlobName: urlParts.BlobName, - SnapshotTime: t, - Version: SASVersion, - - Permissions: permissions.String(), - - StartTime: start.UTC(), - ExpiryTime: expiry.UTC(), - }.NewSASQueryParameters(b.sharedKey) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_blob_lease_client.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_blob_lease_client.go deleted file mode 100644 index c9ac3ae45ceb..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_blob_lease_client.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,93 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -import ( - "context" - "errors" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/to" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/uuid" -) - -type BlobLeaseClient struct { - BlobClient - leaseID *string -} - -func (b BlobClient) NewBlobLeaseClient(leaseID *string) (BlobLeaseClient, error) { - if leaseID == nil { - generatedUuid, err := uuid.New() - if err != nil { - return BlobLeaseClient{}, err - } - leaseID = to.StringPtr(generatedUuid.String()) - } - return BlobLeaseClient{ - BlobClient: b, - leaseID: leaseID, - }, nil -} - -// AcquireLease acquires a lease on the blob for write and delete operations. The lease Duration must be between -// 15 to 60 seconds, or infinite (-1). -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/lease-blob. -func (blc *BlobLeaseClient) AcquireLease(ctx context.Context, options *AcquireLeaseBlobOptions) (BlobAcquireLeaseResponse, error) { - blobAcquireLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions := options.pointers() - blobAcquireLeaseOptions.ProposedLeaseID = blc.leaseID - - resp, err := blc.client.AcquireLease(ctx, blobAcquireLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions) - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// BreakLease breaks the blob's previously-acquired lease (if it exists). Pass the LeaseBreakDefault (-1) -// constant to break a fixed-Duration lease when it expires or an infinite lease immediately. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/lease-blob. -func (blc *BlobLeaseClient) BreakLease(ctx context.Context, options *BreakLeaseBlobOptions) (BlobBreakLeaseResponse, error) { - blobBreakLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions := options.pointers() - resp, err := blc.client.BreakLease(ctx, blobBreakLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions) - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// ChangeLease changes the blob's lease ID. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/lease-blob. -func (blc *BlobLeaseClient) ChangeLease(ctx context.Context, options *ChangeLeaseBlobOptions) (BlobChangeLeaseResponse, error) { - if blc.leaseID == nil { - return BlobChangeLeaseResponse{}, errors.New("leaseID cannot be nil") - } - proposedLeaseID, modifiedAccessConditions, err := options.pointers() - if err != nil { - return BlobChangeLeaseResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := blc.client.ChangeLease(ctx, *blc.leaseID, *proposedLeaseID, nil, modifiedAccessConditions) - - // If lease has been changed successfully, set the leaseID in client - if err == nil { - blc.leaseID = proposedLeaseID - } - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// RenewLease renews the blob's previously-acquired lease. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/lease-blob. -func (blc *BlobLeaseClient) RenewLease(ctx context.Context, options *RenewLeaseBlobOptions) (BlobRenewLeaseResponse, error) { - if blc.leaseID == nil { - return BlobRenewLeaseResponse{}, errors.New("leaseID cannot be nil") - } - renewLeaseBlobOptions, modifiedAccessConditions := options.pointers() - resp, err := blc.client.RenewLease(ctx, *blc.leaseID, renewLeaseBlobOptions, modifiedAccessConditions) - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// ReleaseLease releases the blob's previously-acquired lease. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/lease-blob. -func (blc *BlobLeaseClient) ReleaseLease(ctx context.Context, options *ReleaseLeaseBlobOptions) (BlobReleaseLeaseResponse, error) { - if blc.leaseID == nil { - return BlobReleaseLeaseResponse{}, errors.New("leaseID cannot be nil") - } - renewLeaseBlobOptions, modifiedAccessConditions := options.pointers() - resp, err := blc.client.ReleaseLease(ctx, *blc.leaseID, renewLeaseBlobOptions, modifiedAccessConditions) - return resp, handleError(err) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_block_blob_client.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_block_blob_client.go deleted file mode 100644 index 2160e51c6653..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_block_blob_client.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,177 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -import ( - "context" - "io" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/to" -) - -const ( - // BlockBlobMaxUploadBlobBytes indicates the maximum number of bytes that can be sent in a call to Upload. - BlockBlobMaxUploadBlobBytes = 256 * 1024 * 1024 // 256MB - - // BlockBlobMaxStageBlockBytes indicates the maximum number of bytes that can be sent in a call to StageBlock. - BlockBlobMaxStageBlockBytes = 4000 * 1024 * 1024 // 4GB - - // BlockBlobMaxBlocks indicates the maximum number of blocks allowed in a block blob. - BlockBlobMaxBlocks = 50000 -) - -// BlockBlobClient defines a set of operations applicable to block blobs. -type BlockBlobClient struct { - BlobClient - client *blockBlobClient -} - -// NewBlockBlobClient creates a BlockBlobClient object using the specified URL, Azure AD credential, and options. -func NewBlockBlobClient(blobURL string, cred azcore.TokenCredential, options *ClientOptions) (BlockBlobClient, error) { - authPolicy := runtime.NewBearerTokenPolicy(cred, []string{tokenScope}, nil) - con := newConnection(blobURL, authPolicy, options.getConnectionOptions()) - return BlockBlobClient{ - client: &blockBlobClient{con: con}, - BlobClient: BlobClient{client: &blobClient{con: con}}, - }, nil -} - -// NewBlockBlobClientWithNoCredential creates a BlockBlobClient object using the specified URL and options. -func NewBlockBlobClientWithNoCredential(blobURL string, options *ClientOptions) (BlockBlobClient, error) { - con := newConnection(blobURL, nil, options.getConnectionOptions()) - return BlockBlobClient{ - client: &blockBlobClient{con: con}, - BlobClient: BlobClient{client: &blobClient{con: con}}, - }, nil -} - -// NewBlockBlobClientWithSharedKey creates a BlockBlobClient object using the specified URL, shared key, and options. -func NewBlockBlobClientWithSharedKey(blobURL string, cred *SharedKeyCredential, options *ClientOptions) (BlockBlobClient, error) { - authPolicy := newSharedKeyCredPolicy(cred) - con := newConnection(blobURL, authPolicy, options.getConnectionOptions()) - return BlockBlobClient{ - client: &blockBlobClient{con: con}, - BlobClient: BlobClient{client: &blobClient{con: con}}, - }, nil -} - -// WithSnapshot creates a new BlockBlobClient object identical to the source but with the specified snapshot timestamp. -// Pass "" to remove the snapshot returning a URL to the base blob. -func (bb BlockBlobClient) WithSnapshot(snapshot string) BlockBlobClient { - p := NewBlobURLParts(bb.URL()) - p.Snapshot = snapshot - con := &connection{u: p.URL(), p: bb.client.con.p} - return BlockBlobClient{ - client: &blockBlobClient{ - con: con, - }, - BlobClient: BlobClient{client: &blobClient{con: con}}, - } -} - -// WithVersionID creates a new AppendBlobURL object identical to the source but with the specified version id. -// Pass "" to remove the versionID returning a URL to the base blob. -func (bb BlockBlobClient) WithVersionID(versionID string) BlockBlobClient { - p := NewBlobURLParts(bb.URL()) - p.VersionID = versionID - con := &connection{u: p.URL(), p: bb.client.con.p} - return BlockBlobClient{ - client: &blockBlobClient{con: con}, - BlobClient: BlobClient{client: &blobClient{con: con}}, - } -} - -// Upload creates a new block blob or overwrites an existing block blob. -// Updating an existing block blob overwrites any existing metadata on the blob. Partial updates are not -// supported with Upload; the content of the existing blob is overwritten with the new content. To -// perform a partial update of a block blob, use StageBlock and CommitBlockList. -// This method panics if the stream is not at position 0. -// Note that the http client closes the body stream after the request is sent to the service. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/put-blob. -func (bb BlockBlobClient) Upload(ctx context.Context, body io.ReadSeekCloser, options *UploadBlockBlobOptions) (BlockBlobUploadResponse, error) { - count, err := validateSeekableStreamAt0AndGetCount(body) - if err != nil { - return BlockBlobUploadResponse{}, err - } - - basics, httpHeaders, leaseInfo, cpkV, cpkN, accessConditions := options.pointers() - - resp, err := bb.client.Upload(ctx, count, body, basics, httpHeaders, leaseInfo, cpkV, cpkN, accessConditions) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// StageBlock uploads the specified block to the block blob's "staging area" to be later committed by a call to CommitBlockList. -// Note that the http client closes the body stream after the request is sent to the service. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/put-block. -func (bb BlockBlobClient) StageBlock(ctx context.Context, base64BlockID string, body io.ReadSeekCloser, options *StageBlockOptions) (BlockBlobStageBlockResponse, error) { - count, err := validateSeekableStreamAt0AndGetCount(body) - if err != nil { - return BlockBlobStageBlockResponse{}, err - } - - ac, stageBlockOptions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo := options.pointers() - resp, err := bb.client.StageBlock(ctx, base64BlockID, count, body, stageBlockOptions, ac, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// StageBlockFromURL copies the specified block from a source URL to the block blob's "staging area" to be later committed by a call to CommitBlockList. -// If count is CountToEnd (0), then data is read from specified offset to the end. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/put-block-from-url. -func (bb BlockBlobClient) StageBlockFromURL(ctx context.Context, base64BlockID string, sourceURL string, contentLength int64, options *StageBlockFromURLOptions) (BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLResponse, error) { - ac, smac, stageOptions, cpkInfo, cpkScope := options.pointers() - - resp, err := bb.client.StageBlockFromURL(ctx, base64BlockID, contentLength, sourceURL, stageOptions, cpkInfo, cpkScope, ac, smac) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// CommitBlockList writes a blob by specifying the list of block IDs that make up the blob. -// In order to be written as part of a blob, a block must have been successfully written -// to the server in a prior PutBlock operation. You can call PutBlockList to update a blob -// by uploading only those blocks that have changed, then committing the new and existing -// blocks together. Any blocks not specified in the block list and permanently deleted. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/put-block-list. -func (bb BlockBlobClient) CommitBlockList(ctx context.Context, base64BlockIDs []string, options *CommitBlockListOptions) (BlockBlobCommitBlockListResponse, error) { - commitOptions, headers, cpkInfo, cpkScope, modifiedAccess, leaseAccess := options.pointers() - - // this is a code smell in the generated code - blockIds := make([]*string, len(base64BlockIDs)) - for k, v := range base64BlockIDs { - blockIds[k] = to.StringPtr(v) - } - - resp, err := bb.client.CommitBlockList(ctx, BlockLookupList{ - Latest: blockIds, - }, commitOptions, headers, leaseAccess, cpkInfo, cpkScope, modifiedAccess) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// GetBlockList returns the list of blocks that have been uploaded as part of a block blob using the specified block list filter. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/get-block-list. -func (bb BlockBlobClient) GetBlockList(ctx context.Context, listType BlockListType, options *GetBlockListOptions) (BlockBlobGetBlockListResponse, error) { - o, mac, lac := options.pointers() - - resp, err := bb.client.GetBlockList(ctx, listType, o, lac, mac) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// CopyFromURL synchronously copies the data at the source URL to a block blob, with sizes up to 256 MB. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/copy-blob-from-url. -func (bb BlockBlobClient) CopyFromURL(ctx context.Context, source string, options *CopyBlockBlobFromURLOptions) (BlobCopyFromURLResponse, error) { - copyOptions, smac, mac, lac := options.pointers() - - bClient := blobClient{ - con: bb.client.con, - } - - resp, err := bClient.CopyFromURL(ctx, source, copyOptions, smac, mac, lac) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_connection_string.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_connection_string.go deleted file mode 100644 index f088fb5d459c..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_connection_string.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,85 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -import ( - "errors" - "fmt" - "strings" -) - -var errConnectionString = errors.New("connection string is either blank or malformed. The expected connection string " + - "should contain key value pairs separated by semicolons. For example 'DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=;" + - "AccountKey=;EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net'") - -// convertConnStrToMap converts a connection string (in format key1=value1;key2=value2;key3=value3;) into a map of key-value pairs -func convertConnStrToMap(connStr string) (map[string]string, error) { - ret := make(map[string]string) - connStr = strings.TrimRight(connStr, ";") - - splitString := strings.Split(connStr, ";") - if len(splitString) == 0 { - return ret, errConnectionString - } - for _, stringPart := range splitString { - parts := strings.SplitN(stringPart, "=", 2) - if len(parts) != 2 { - return ret, errConnectionString - } - ret[parts[0]] = parts[1] - } - return ret, nil -} - -// parseConnectionString parses a connection string into a service URL and a SharedKeyCredential or a service url with the -// SharedAccessSignature combined. -func parseConnectionString(connectionString string) (string, *SharedKeyCredential, error) { - var serviceURL string - var cred *SharedKeyCredential - - defaultScheme := "https" - defaultSuffix := "core.windows.net" - - connStrMap, err := convertConnStrToMap(connectionString) - if err != nil { - return "", nil, err - } - - accountName, ok := connStrMap["AccountName"] - if !ok { - return "", nil, errConnectionString - } - accountKey, ok := connStrMap["AccountKey"] - if !ok { - sharedAccessSignature, ok := connStrMap["SharedAccessSignature"] - if !ok { - return "", nil, errConnectionString - } - return fmt.Sprintf("%v://%v.blob.%v/?%v", defaultScheme, accountName, defaultSuffix, sharedAccessSignature), nil, nil - } - - protocol, ok := connStrMap["DefaultEndpointsProtocol"] - if !ok { - protocol = defaultScheme - } - - suffix, ok := connStrMap["EndpointSuffix"] - if !ok { - suffix = defaultSuffix - } - - blobEndpoint, ok := connStrMap["BlobEndpoint"] - if ok { - cred, err = NewSharedKeyCredential(accountName, accountKey) - return blobEndpoint, cred, err - } - serviceURL = fmt.Sprintf("%v://%v.blob.%v", protocol, accountName, suffix) - - cred, err = NewSharedKeyCredential(accountName, accountKey) - if err != nil { - return "", nil, err - } - - return serviceURL, cred, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_container_client.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_container_client.go deleted file mode 100644 index 2861cbd889d3..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_container_client.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,248 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -import ( - "context" - "time" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime" -) - -// A ContainerClient represents a URL to the Azure Storage container allowing you to manipulate its blobs. -type ContainerClient struct { - client *containerClient - sharedKey *SharedKeyCredential -} - -// URL returns the URL endpoint used by the ContainerClient object. -func (c ContainerClient) URL() string { - return c.client.con.u -} - -// NewContainerClient creates a ContainerClient object using the specified URL, Azure AD credential, and options. -func NewContainerClient(containerURL string, cred azcore.TokenCredential, options *ClientOptions) (ContainerClient, error) { - authPolicy := runtime.NewBearerTokenPolicy(cred, []string{tokenScope}, nil) - return ContainerClient{client: &containerClient{ - con: newConnection(containerURL, authPolicy, options.getConnectionOptions()), - }}, nil -} - -// NewContainerClientWithNoCredential creates a ContainerClient object using the specified URL and options. -func NewContainerClientWithNoCredential(containerURL string, options *ClientOptions) (ContainerClient, error) { - return ContainerClient{client: &containerClient{ - con: newConnection(containerURL, nil, options.getConnectionOptions()), - }}, nil -} - -// NewContainerClientWithSharedKey creates a ContainerClient object using the specified URL, shared key, and options. -func NewContainerClientWithSharedKey(containerURL string, cred *SharedKeyCredential, options *ClientOptions) (ContainerClient, error) { - authPolicy := newSharedKeyCredPolicy(cred) - return ContainerClient{client: &containerClient{ - con: newConnection(containerURL, authPolicy, options.getConnectionOptions()), - }, sharedKey: cred}, nil -} - -// NewContainerClientFromConnectionString creates a ContainerClient object using connection string of an account -func NewContainerClientFromConnectionString(connectionString string, containerName string, options *ClientOptions) (ContainerClient, error) { - svcClient, err := NewServiceClientFromConnectionString(connectionString, options) - if err != nil { - return ContainerClient{}, err - } - return svcClient.NewContainerClient(containerName), nil -} - -// NewBlobClient creates a new BlobClient object by concatenating blobName to the end of -// ContainerClient's URL. The new BlobClient uses the same request policy pipeline as the ContainerClient. -// To change the pipeline, create the BlobClient and then call its WithPipeline method passing in the -// desired pipeline object. Or, call this package's NewBlobClient instead of calling this object's -// NewBlobClient method. -func (c ContainerClient) NewBlobClient(blobName string) BlobClient { - blobURL := appendToURLPath(c.URL(), blobName) - newCon := &connection{u: blobURL, p: c.client.con.p} - - return BlobClient{ - client: &blobClient{newCon, nil}, - } -} - -// NewAppendBlobClient creates a new AppendBlobURL object by concatenating blobName to the end of -// ContainerClient's URL. The new AppendBlobURL uses the same request policy pipeline as the ContainerClient. -// To change the pipeline, create the AppendBlobURL and then call its WithPipeline method passing in the -// desired pipeline object. Or, call this package's NewAppendBlobClient instead of calling this object's -// NewAppendBlobClient method. -func (c ContainerClient) NewAppendBlobClient(blobName string) AppendBlobClient { - blobURL := appendToURLPath(c.URL(), blobName) - newCon := &connection{blobURL, c.client.con.p} - - return AppendBlobClient{ - client: &appendBlobClient{newCon}, - BlobClient: BlobClient{client: &blobClient{con: newCon}}, - } -} - -// NewBlockBlobClient creates a new BlockBlobClient object by concatenating blobName to the end of -// ContainerClient's URL. The new BlockBlobClient uses the same request policy pipeline as the ContainerClient. -// To change the pipeline, create the BlockBlobClient and then call its WithPipeline method passing in the -// desired pipeline object. Or, call this package's NewBlockBlobClient instead of calling this object's -// NewBlockBlobClient method. -func (c ContainerClient) NewBlockBlobClient(blobName string) BlockBlobClient { - blobURL := appendToURLPath(c.URL(), blobName) - newCon := &connection{blobURL, c.client.con.p} - - return BlockBlobClient{ - client: &blockBlobClient{newCon}, - BlobClient: BlobClient{client: &blobClient{con: newCon}}, - } -} - -// NewPageBlobClient creates a new PageBlobURL object by concatenating blobName to the end of ContainerClient's URL. The new PageBlobURL uses the same request policy pipeline as the ContainerClient. -// To change the pipeline, create the PageBlobURL and then call its WithPipeline method passing in the -// desired pipeline object. Or, call this package's NewPageBlobClient instead of calling this object's -// NewPageBlobClient method. -func (c ContainerClient) NewPageBlobClient(blobName string) PageBlobClient { - blobURL := appendToURLPath(c.URL(), blobName) - newCon := &connection{blobURL, c.client.con.p} - - return PageBlobClient{ - client: &pageBlobClient{newCon}, - BlobClient: BlobClient{client: &blobClient{con: newCon}}, - } -} - -// Create creates a new container within a storage account. If a container with the same name already exists, the operation fails. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/create-container. -func (c ContainerClient) Create(ctx context.Context, options *CreateContainerOptions) (ContainerCreateResponse, error) { - basics, cpkInfo := options.pointers() - resp, err := c.client.Create(ctx, basics, cpkInfo) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// Delete marks the specified container for deletion. The container and any blobs contained within it are later deleted during garbage collection. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/delete-container. -func (c ContainerClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, options *DeleteContainerOptions) (ContainerDeleteResponse, error) { - basics, leaseInfo, accessConditions := options.pointers() - resp, err := c.client.Delete(ctx, basics, leaseInfo, accessConditions) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// GetProperties returns the container's properties. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/get-container-metadata. -func (c ContainerClient) GetProperties(ctx context.Context, gpo *GetPropertiesOptionsContainer) (ContainerGetPropertiesResponse, error) { - // NOTE: GetMetadata actually calls GetProperties internally because GetProperties returns the metadata AND the properties. - // This allows us to not expose a GetProperties method at all simplifying the API. - // The optionals are nil, like they were in track 1.5 - options, leaseAccess := gpo.pointers() - - resp, err := c.client.GetProperties(ctx, options, leaseAccess) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// SetMetadata sets the container's metadata. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/set-container-metadata. -func (c ContainerClient) SetMetadata(ctx context.Context, options *SetMetadataContainerOptions) (ContainerSetMetadataResponse, error) { - metadataOptions, lac, mac := options.pointers() - - resp, err := c.client.SetMetadata(ctx, metadataOptions, lac, mac) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// GetAccessPolicy returns the container's access policy. The access policy indicates whether container's blobs may be accessed publicly. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/get-container-acl. -func (c ContainerClient) GetAccessPolicy(ctx context.Context, options *GetAccessPolicyOptions) (ContainerGetAccessPolicyResponse, error) { - o, ac := options.pointers() - - resp, err := c.client.GetAccessPolicy(ctx, o, ac) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// SetAccessPolicy sets the container's permissions. The access policy indicates whether blobs in a container may be accessed publicly. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/set-container-acl. -func (c ContainerClient) SetAccessPolicy(ctx context.Context, options *SetAccessPolicyOptions) (ContainerSetAccessPolicyResponse, error) { - accessPolicy, mac, lac := options.pointers() - - resp, err := c.client.SetAccessPolicy(ctx, &accessPolicy, mac, lac) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// ListBlobsFlat returns a pager for blobs starting from the specified Marker. Use an empty -// Marker to start enumeration from the beginning. Blob names are returned in lexicographic order. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/list-blobs. -func (c ContainerClient) ListBlobsFlat(listOptions *ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentOptions) *ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentPager { - pager := c.client.ListBlobFlatSegment(listOptions) - // override the generated pager to insert our handleError(error) - if pager.Err() != nil { - return pager - } - - // override the advancer - pager.advancer = func(ctx context.Context, response ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentResponse) (*policy.Request, error) { - return c.client.listBlobFlatSegmentCreateRequest(ctx, &ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentOptions{ - Marker: response.NextMarker, - }) - } - - // TODO: Come Here - //pager.err = func(response *azcore.Response) error { - // return handleError(c.client.listBlobFlatSegmentHandleError(response)) - //} - - return pager -} - -// ListBlobsHierarchy returns a channel of blobs starting from the specified Marker. Use an empty -// Marker to start enumeration from the beginning. Blob names are returned in lexicographic order. -// After getting a segment, process it, and then call ListBlobsHierarchicalSegment again (passing the the -// previously-returned Marker) to get the next segment. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/list-blobs. -// AutoPagerTimeout specifies the amount of time with no read operations before the channel times out and closes. Specify no time and it will be ignored. -// AutoPagerBufferSize specifies the channel's buffer size. -// Both the blob item channel and error channel should be watched. Only one error will be released via this channel (or a nil error, to register a clean exit.) -func (c ContainerClient) ListBlobsHierarchy(delimiter string, listOptions *ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentOptions) *ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentPager { - pager := c.client.ListBlobHierarchySegment(delimiter, listOptions) - // override the generated pager to insert our handleError(error) - if pager.Err() != nil { - return pager - } - - // override the advancer - pager.advancer = func(ctx context.Context, response ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentResponse) (*policy.Request, error) { - return c.client.listBlobHierarchySegmentCreateRequest(ctx, delimiter, &ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentOptions{ - Marker: response.NextMarker, - }) - } - - // todo: come here - //p.errorer = func(response *azcore.Response) error { - // return handleError(c.client.listBlobHierarchySegmentHandleError(response)) - //} - - return pager -} - -// GetSASToken is a convenience method for generating a SAS token for the currently pointed at container. -// It can only be used if the credential supplied during creation was a SharedKeyCredential. -func (c ContainerClient) GetSASToken(permissions BlobSASPermissions, start time.Time, expiry time.Time) (SASQueryParameters, error) { - urlParts := NewBlobURLParts(c.URL()) - - // Containers do not have snapshots, nor versions. - - return BlobSASSignatureValues{ - ContainerName: urlParts.ContainerName, - - Permissions: permissions.String(), - - StartTime: start.UTC(), - ExpiryTime: expiry.UTC(), - }.NewSASQueryParameters(c.sharedKey) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_container_lease_client.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_container_lease_client.go deleted file mode 100644 index 716d5e84c978..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_container_lease_client.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,92 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -import ( - "context" - "errors" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/to" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/uuid" -) - -type ContainerLeaseClient struct { - ContainerClient - leaseID *string -} - -func (c ContainerClient) NewContainerLeaseClient(leaseID *string) (ContainerLeaseClient, error) { - if leaseID == nil { - generatedUuid, err := uuid.New() - if err != nil { - return ContainerLeaseClient{}, err - } - leaseID = to.StringPtr(generatedUuid.String()) - } - return ContainerLeaseClient{ - ContainerClient: c, - leaseID: leaseID, - }, nil -} - -// AcquireLease acquires a lease on the container for delete operations. The lease Duration must be between 15 to 60 seconds, or infinite (-1). -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/lease-container. -func (clc *ContainerLeaseClient) AcquireLease(ctx context.Context, options *AcquireLeaseContainerOptions) (ContainerAcquireLeaseResponse, error) { - containerAcquireLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions := options.pointers() - containerAcquireLeaseOptions.ProposedLeaseID = clc.leaseID - - resp, err := clc.client.AcquireLease(ctx, containerAcquireLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err == nil && resp.LeaseID != nil { - clc.leaseID = resp.LeaseID - } - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// BreakLease breaks the container's previously-acquired lease (if it exists). -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/lease-container. -func (clc *ContainerLeaseClient) BreakLease(ctx context.Context, options *BreakLeaseContainerOptions) (ContainerBreakLeaseResponse, error) { - containerBreakLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions := options.pointers() - resp, err := clc.client.BreakLease(ctx, containerBreakLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions) - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// ChangeLease changes the container's lease ID. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/lease-container. -func (clc *ContainerLeaseClient) ChangeLease(ctx context.Context, options *ChangeLeaseContainerOptions) (ContainerChangeLeaseResponse, error) { - if clc.leaseID == nil { - return ContainerChangeLeaseResponse{}, errors.New("leaseID cannot be nil") - } - proposedLeaseID, modifiedAccessConditions, err := options.pointers() - if err != nil { - return ContainerChangeLeaseResponse{}, err - } - - resp, err := clc.client.ChangeLease(ctx, *clc.leaseID, *proposedLeaseID, nil, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err == nil && resp.LeaseID != nil { - clc.leaseID = resp.LeaseID - } - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// ReleaseLease releases the container's previously-acquired lease. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/lease-container. -func (clc *ContainerLeaseClient) ReleaseLease(ctx context.Context, options *ReleaseLeaseContainerOptions) (ContainerReleaseLeaseResponse, error) { - containerReleaseLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions := options.pointers() - resp, err := clc.client.ReleaseLease(ctx, *clc.leaseID, containerReleaseLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions) - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// RenewLease renews the container's previously-acquired lease. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/lease-container. -func (clc *ContainerLeaseClient) RenewLease(ctx context.Context, options *RenewLeaseContainerOptions) (ContainerRenewLeaseResponse, error) { - if clc.leaseID == nil { - return ContainerRenewLeaseResponse{}, errors.New("leaseID cannot be nil") - } - renewLeaseBlobOptions, modifiedAccessConditions := options.pointers() - resp, err := clc.client.RenewLease(ctx, *clc.leaseID, renewLeaseBlobOptions, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err == nil && resp.LeaseID != nil { - clc.leaseID = resp.LeaseID - } - return resp, handleError(err) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_page_blob_client.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_page_blob_client.go deleted file mode 100644 index db79f887f58c..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_page_blob_client.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,217 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -import ( - "context" - "io" - "net/url" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime" -) - -const ( - // PageBlobPageBytes indicates the number of bytes in a page (512). - PageBlobPageBytes = 512 -) - -type PageBlobClient struct { - BlobClient - client *pageBlobClient -} - -// NewPageBlobClient creates a ServiceClient object using the specified URL, Azure AD credential, and options. -// Example of serviceURL: https://.blob.core.windows.net -func NewPageBlobClient(blobURL string, cred azcore.TokenCredential, options *ClientOptions) (PageBlobClient, error) { - authPolicy := runtime.NewBearerTokenPolicy(cred, []string{tokenScope}, nil) - con := newConnection(blobURL, authPolicy, options.getConnectionOptions()) - return PageBlobClient{ - client: &pageBlobClient{con: con}, - BlobClient: BlobClient{client: &blobClient{con: con}}, - }, nil -} - -// NewPageBlobClientWithNoCredential creates a ServiceClient object using the specified URL and options. -// Example of serviceURL: https://.blob.core.windows.net? -func NewPageBlobClientWithNoCredential(blobURL string, options *ClientOptions) (PageBlobClient, error) { - con := newConnection(blobURL, nil, options.getConnectionOptions()) - return PageBlobClient{ - client: &pageBlobClient{con: con}, - BlobClient: BlobClient{client: &blobClient{con: con}}, - }, nil -} - -// NewPageBlobClientWithSharedKey creates a ServiceClient object using the specified URL, shared key, and options. -// Example of serviceURL: https://.blob.core.windows.net -func NewPageBlobClientWithSharedKey(blobURL string, cred *SharedKeyCredential, options *ClientOptions) (PageBlobClient, error) { - authPolicy := newSharedKeyCredPolicy(cred) - con := newConnection(blobURL, authPolicy, options.getConnectionOptions()) - return PageBlobClient{ - client: &pageBlobClient{con: con}, - BlobClient: BlobClient{client: &blobClient{con: con}}, - }, nil -} - -// WithSnapshot creates a new PageBlobURL object identical to the source but with the specified snapshot timestamp. -// Pass "" to remove the snapshot returning a URL to the base blob. -func (pb PageBlobClient) WithSnapshot(snapshot string) PageBlobClient { - p := NewBlobURLParts(pb.URL()) - p.Snapshot = snapshot - - con := &connection{p.URL(), pb.client.con.p} - return PageBlobClient{ - client: &pageBlobClient{con: con}, - BlobClient: BlobClient{client: &blobClient{con: con}}, - } -} - -// WithVersionID creates a new PageBlobURL object identical to the source but with the specified snapshot timestamp. -// Pass "" to remove the version returning a URL to the base blob. -func (pb PageBlobClient) WithVersionID(versionID string) PageBlobClient { - p := NewBlobURLParts(pb.URL()) - p.VersionID = versionID - - con := &connection{p.URL(), pb.client.con.p} - return PageBlobClient{ - client: &pageBlobClient{con: con}, - BlobClient: BlobClient{client: &blobClient{con: con}}, - } -} - -// Create creates a page blob of the specified length. Call PutPage to upload data to a page blob. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/put-blob. -func (pb PageBlobClient) Create(ctx context.Context, size int64, options *CreatePageBlobOptions) (PageBlobCreateResponse, error) { - creationOptions, httpHeaders, cpkInfo, cpkScope, lac, mac := options.pointers() - - resp, err := pb.client.Create(ctx, 0, size, creationOptions, httpHeaders, lac, cpkInfo, cpkScope, mac) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// UploadPages writes 1 or more pages to the page blob. The start offset and the stream size must be a multiple of 512 bytes. -// This method panics if the stream is not at position 0. -// Note that the http client closes the body stream after the request is sent to the service. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/put-page. -func (pb PageBlobClient) UploadPages(ctx context.Context, body io.ReadSeekCloser, options *UploadPagesOptions) (PageBlobUploadPagesResponse, error) { - count, err := validateSeekableStreamAt0AndGetCount(body) - - if err != nil { - return PageBlobUploadPagesResponse{}, err - } - - uploadOptions, cpkInfo, cpkScope, snac, lac, mac := options.pointers() - - resp, err := pb.client.UploadPages(ctx, count, body, uploadOptions, lac, cpkInfo, cpkScope, snac, mac) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// UploadPagesFromURL copies 1 or more pages from a source URL to the page blob. -// The sourceOffset specifies the start offset of source data to copy from. -// The destOffset specifies the start offset of data in page blob will be written to. -// The count must be a multiple of 512 bytes. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/put-page-from-url. -func (pb PageBlobClient) UploadPagesFromURL(ctx context.Context, source string, sourceOffset, destOffset, count int64, options *UploadPagesFromURLOptions) (PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLResponse, error) { - uploadOptions, cpkInfo, cpkScope, snac, smac, lac, mac := options.pointers() - - resp, err := pb.client.UploadPagesFromURL(ctx, source, rangeToString(sourceOffset, count), 0, rangeToString(destOffset, count), uploadOptions, cpkInfo, cpkScope, lac, snac, mac, smac) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// ClearPages frees the specified pages from the page blob. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/put-page. -func (pb PageBlobClient) ClearPages(ctx context.Context, pageRange HttpRange, options *ClearPagesOptions) (PageBlobClearPagesResponse, error) { - clearOptions := &PageBlobClearPagesOptions{ - Range: pageRange.pointers(), - } - - cpkInfo, cpkScope, snac, lac, mac := options.pointers() - - resp, err := pb.client.ClearPages(ctx, 0, clearOptions, lac, cpkInfo, cpkScope, snac, mac) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// GetPageRanges returns the list of valid page ranges for a page blob or snapshot of a page blob. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/get-page-ranges. -func (pb PageBlobClient) GetPageRanges(ctx context.Context, pageRange HttpRange, options *GetPageRangesOptions) (PageBlobGetPageRangesResponse, error) { - snapshot, lac, mac := options.pointers() - - getRangesOptions := &PageBlobGetPageRangesOptions{ - Range: pageRange.pointers(), - Snapshot: snapshot, - } - - resp, err := pb.client.GetPageRanges(ctx, getRangesOptions, lac, mac) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// GetManagedDiskPageRangesDiff gets the collection of page ranges that differ between a specified snapshot and this page blob representing managed disk. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/get-page-ranges. -//func (pb PageBlobURL) GetManagedDiskPageRangesDiff(ctx context.Context, offset int64, count int64, prevSnapshot *string, prevSnapshotURL *string, ac BlobAccessConditions) (*PageList, error) { -// ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, ifMatchETag, ifNoneMatchETag := ac.ModifiedAccessConditions.pointers() -// -// return pb.pbClient.GetPageRangesDiff(ctx, nil, nil, prevSnapshot, -// prevSnapshotURL, // Get managed disk diff -// HttpRange{offset: offset, count: count}.pointers(), -// ac.LeaseAccessConditions.pointers(), -// ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, ifMatchETag, ifNoneMatchETag, -// nil, // Blob ifTags -// nil) -//} - -// GetPageRangesDiff gets the collection of page ranges that differ between a specified snapshot and this page blob. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/get-page-ranges. -func (pb PageBlobClient) GetPageRangesDiff(ctx context.Context, pageRange HttpRange, prevSnapshot string, options *GetPageRangesOptions) (PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffResponse, error) { - snapshot, lac, mac := options.pointers() - - diffOptions := &PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffOptions{ - Prevsnapshot: &prevSnapshot, - Range: pageRange.pointers(), - Snapshot: snapshot, - } - - resp, err := pb.client.GetPageRangesDiff(ctx, diffOptions, lac, mac) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// Resize resizes the page blob to the specified size (which must be a multiple of 512). -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/set-blob-properties. -func (pb PageBlobClient) Resize(ctx context.Context, size int64, options *ResizePageBlobOptions) (PageBlobResizeResponse, error) { - cpkInfo, cpkScope, lac, mac := options.pointers() - - resp, err := pb.client.Resize(ctx, size, nil, lac, cpkInfo, cpkScope, mac) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// UpdateSequenceNumber sets the page blob's sequence number. -func (pb PageBlobClient) UpdateSequenceNumber(ctx context.Context, options *UpdateSequenceNumberPageBlob) (PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberResponse, error) { - updateOptions, actionType, lac, mac := options.pointers() - resp, err := pb.client.UpdateSequenceNumber(ctx, *actionType, updateOptions, lac, mac) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// StartCopyIncremental begins an operation to start an incremental copy from one page blob's snapshot to this page blob. -// The snapshot is copied such that only the differential changes between the previously copied snapshot are transferred to the destination. -// The copied snapshots are complete copies of the original snapshot and can be read or copied from as usual. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/incremental-copy-blob and -// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/windows/incremental-snapshots. -func (pb PageBlobClient) StartCopyIncremental(ctx context.Context, source string, prevSnapshot string, options *CopyIncrementalPageBlobOptions) (PageBlobCopyIncrementalResponse, error) { - srcURL, _ := url.Parse(source) - - queryParams := srcURL.Query() - queryParams.Set("snapshot", prevSnapshot) - srcURL.RawQuery = queryParams.Encode() - - pageBlobCopyIncrementalOptions, modifiedAccessConditions := options.pointers() - resp, err := pb.client.CopyIncremental(ctx, srcURL.String(), pageBlobCopyIncrementalOptions, modifiedAccessConditions) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_parsing_urls.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_parsing_urls.go deleted file mode 100644 index ee9ee5300970..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_parsing_urls.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,159 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -import ( - "net" - "net/url" - "strings" -) - -const ( - snapshot = "snapshot" - SnapshotTimeFormat = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.0000000Z07:00" -) - -// A BlobURLParts object represents the components that make up an Azure Storage Container/Blob URL. You parse an -// existing URL into its parts by calling NewBlobURLParts(). You construct a URL from parts by calling URL(). -// NOTE: Changing any SAS-related field requires computing a new SAS signature. -type BlobURLParts struct { - Scheme string // Ex: "https://" - Host string // Ex: "account.blob.core.windows.net", "", "" - IPEndpointStyleInfo IPEndpointStyleInfo - ContainerName string // "" if no container - BlobName string // "" if no blob - Snapshot string // "" if not a snapshot - SAS SASQueryParameters - UnparsedParams string - VersionID string // "" if not versioning enabled -} - -// IPEndpointStyleInfo is used for IP endpoint style URL when working with Azure storage emulator. -// Ex: "" -type IPEndpointStyleInfo struct { - AccountName string // "" if not using IP endpoint style -} - -// isIPEndpointStyle checkes if URL's host is IP, in this case the storage account endpoint will be composed as: -// http(s)://IP(:port)/storageaccount/container/... -// As url's Host property, host could be both host or host:port -func isIPEndpointStyle(host string) bool { - if host == "" { - return false - } - if h, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(host); err == nil { - host = h - } - // For IPv6, there could be case where SplitHostPort fails for cannot finding port. - // In this case, eliminate the '[' and ']' in the URL. - // For details about IPv6 URL, please refer to https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2732 - if host[0] == '[' && host[len(host)-1] == ']' { - host = host[1 : len(host)-1] - } - return net.ParseIP(host) != nil -} - -// NewBlobURLParts parses a URL initializing BlobURLParts' fields including any SAS-related & snapshot query parameters. Any other -// query parameters remain in the UnparsedParams field. This method overwrites all fields in the BlobURLParts object. -func NewBlobURLParts(u string) BlobURLParts { - uri, _ := url.Parse(u) - - up := BlobURLParts{ - Scheme: uri.Scheme, - Host: uri.Host, - } - - // Find the container & blob names (if any) - if uri.Path != "" { - path := uri.Path - if path[0] == '/' { - path = path[1:] // If path starts with a slash, remove it - } - if isIPEndpointStyle(up.Host) { - if accountEndIndex := strings.Index(path, "/"); accountEndIndex == -1 { // Slash not found; path has account name & no container name or blob - up.IPEndpointStyleInfo.AccountName = path - } else { - up.IPEndpointStyleInfo.AccountName = path[:accountEndIndex] // The account name is the part between the slashes - path = path[accountEndIndex+1:] // path refers to portion after the account name now (container & blob names) - } - } - - containerEndIndex := strings.Index(path, "/") // Find the next slash (if it exists) - if containerEndIndex == -1 { // Slash not found; path has container name & no blob name - up.ContainerName = path - } else { - up.ContainerName = path[:containerEndIndex] // The container name is the part between the slashes - up.BlobName = path[containerEndIndex+1:] // The blob name is after the container slash - } - } - - // Convert the query parameters to a case-sensitive map & trim whitespace - paramsMap := uri.Query() - - up.Snapshot = "" // Assume no snapshot - if snapshotStr, ok := caseInsensitiveValues(paramsMap).Get(snapshot); ok { - up.Snapshot = snapshotStr[0] - // If we recognized the query parameter, remove it from the map - delete(paramsMap, snapshot) - } - up.SAS = newSASQueryParameters(paramsMap, true) - up.UnparsedParams = paramsMap.Encode() - return up -} - -type caseInsensitiveValues url.Values // map[string][]string -func (values caseInsensitiveValues) Get(key string) ([]string, bool) { - key = strings.ToLower(key) - for k, v := range values { - if strings.ToLower(k) == key { - return v, true - } - } - return []string{}, false -} - -// URL returns a URL object whose fields are initialized from the BlobURLParts fields. The URL's RawQuery -// field contains the SAS, snapshot, and unparsed query parameters. -func (up BlobURLParts) URL() string { - path := "" - if isIPEndpointStyle(up.Host) && up.IPEndpointStyleInfo.AccountName != "" { - path += "/" + up.IPEndpointStyleInfo.AccountName - } - // Concatenate container & blob names (if they exist) - if up.ContainerName != "" { - path += "/" + up.ContainerName - if up.BlobName != "" { - path += "/" + up.BlobName - } - } - - rawQuery := up.UnparsedParams - - //If no snapshot is initially provided, fill it in from the SAS query properties to help the user - if up.Snapshot == "" && !up.SAS.snapshotTime.IsZero() { - up.Snapshot = up.SAS.snapshotTime.Format(SnapshotTimeFormat) - } - - // Concatenate blob snapshot query parameter (if it exists) - if up.Snapshot != "" { - if len(rawQuery) > 0 { - rawQuery += "&" - } - rawQuery += snapshot + "=" + up.Snapshot - } - sas := up.SAS.Encode() - if sas != "" { - if len(rawQuery) > 0 { - rawQuery += "&" - } - rawQuery += sas - } - u := url.URL{ - Scheme: up.Scheme, - Host: up.Host, - Path: path, - RawQuery: rawQuery, - } - return u.String() -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_response_error.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_response_error.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5dc1021bed7f..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_response_error.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -import "net/http" - -type ResponseError interface { - Error() string - Unwrap() error - RawResponse() *http.Response - NonRetriable() -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_response_helpers.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_response_helpers.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9cb4436022eb..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_response_helpers.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -import ( - "context" - "io" - "net/http" -) - -// GetHTTPHeaders returns the user-modifiable properties for this blob. -func (bgpr BlobGetPropertiesResponse) GetHTTPHeaders() BlobHTTPHeaders { - return BlobHTTPHeaders{ - BlobContentType: bgpr.ContentType, - BlobContentEncoding: bgpr.ContentEncoding, - BlobContentLanguage: bgpr.ContentLanguage, - BlobContentDisposition: bgpr.ContentDisposition, - BlobCacheControl: bgpr.CacheControl, - BlobContentMD5: bgpr.ContentMD5, - } -} - -/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -// GetHTTPHeaders returns the user-modifiable properties for this blob. -func (dr BlobDownloadResponse) GetHTTPHeaders() BlobHTTPHeaders { - return BlobHTTPHeaders{ - BlobContentType: dr.ContentType, - BlobContentEncoding: dr.ContentEncoding, - BlobContentLanguage: dr.ContentLanguage, - BlobContentDisposition: dr.ContentDisposition, - BlobCacheControl: dr.CacheControl, - BlobContentMD5: dr.ContentMD5, - } -} - -/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -// DownloadResponse wraps AutoRest generated DownloadResponse and helps to provide info for retry. -type DownloadResponse struct { - BlobDownloadResponse - ctx context.Context - b BlobClient - getInfo HTTPGetterInfo - ObjectReplicationRules []ObjectReplicationPolicy -} - -// Body constructs new RetryReader stream for reading data. If a connection fails -// while reading, it will make additional requests to reestablish a connection and -// continue reading. Specifying a RetryReaderOption's with MaxRetryRequests set to 0 -// (the default), returns the original response body and no retries will be performed. -func (r *DownloadResponse) Body(o RetryReaderOptions) io.ReadCloser { - if o.MaxRetryRequests == 0 { // No additional retries - return r.RawResponse.Body - } - return NewRetryReader(r.ctx, r.RawResponse, r.getInfo, o, - func(ctx context.Context, getInfo HTTPGetterInfo) (*http.Response, error) { - accessConditions := &BlobAccessConditions{ - ModifiedAccessConditions: &ModifiedAccessConditions{IfMatch: &getInfo.ETag}, - } - options := DownloadBlobOptions{ - Offset: &getInfo.Offset, - Count: &getInfo.Count, - BlobAccessConditions: accessConditions, - CpkInfo: o.CpkInfo, - //CpkScopeInfo: o.CpkScopeInfo, - } - resp, err := r.b.Download(ctx, &options) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return resp.RawResponse, err - }, - ) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_retry_reader.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_retry_reader.go deleted file mode 100644 index 47524cec4f9e..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_retry_reader.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,191 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -import ( - "context" - "io" - "net" - "net/http" - "strings" - "sync" -) - -const CountToEnd = 0 - -// HTTPGetter is a function type that refers to a method that performs an HTTP GET operation. -type HTTPGetter func(ctx context.Context, i HTTPGetterInfo) (*http.Response, error) - -// HTTPGetterInfo is passed to an HTTPGetter function passing it parameters -// that should be used to make an HTTP GET request. -type HTTPGetterInfo struct { - // Offset specifies the start offset that should be used when - // creating the HTTP GET request's Range header - Offset int64 - - // Count specifies the count of bytes that should be used to calculate - // the end offset when creating the HTTP GET request's Range header - Count int64 - - // ETag specifies the resource's etag that should be used when creating - // the HTTP GET request's If-Match header - ETag string -} - -// FailedReadNotifier is a function type that represents the notification function called when a read fails -type FailedReadNotifier func(failureCount int, lastError error, offset int64, count int64, willRetry bool) - -// RetryReaderOptions contains properties which can help to decide when to do retry. -type RetryReaderOptions struct { - // MaxRetryRequests specifies the maximum number of HTTP GET requests that will be made - // while reading from a RetryReader. A value of zero means that no additional HTTP - // GET requests will be made. - MaxRetryRequests int - doInjectError bool - doInjectErrorRound int - injectedError error - - // NotifyFailedRead is called, if non-nil, after any failure to read. Expected usage is diagnostic logging. - NotifyFailedRead FailedReadNotifier - - // TreatEarlyCloseAsError can be set to true to prevent retries after "read on closed response body". By default, - // retryReader has the following special behaviour: closing the response body before it is all read is treated as a - // retryable error. This is to allow callers to force a retry by closing the body from another goroutine (e.g. if the = - // read is too slow, caller may want to force a retry in the hope that the retry will be quicker). If - // TreatEarlyCloseAsError is true, then retryReader's special behaviour is suppressed, and "read on closed body" is instead - // treated as a fatal (non-retryable) error. - // Note that setting TreatEarlyCloseAsError only guarantees that Closing will produce a fatal error if the Close happens - // from the same "thread" (goroutine) as Read. Concurrent Close calls from other goroutines may instead produce network errors - // which will be retried. - TreatEarlyCloseAsError bool - - CpkInfo *CpkInfo - CpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo -} - -// retryReader implements io.ReaderCloser methods. -// retryReader tries to read from response, and if there is retriable network error -// returned during reading, it will retry according to retry reader option through executing -// user defined action with provided data to get a new response, and continue the overall reading process -// through reading from the new response. -type retryReader struct { - ctx context.Context - info HTTPGetterInfo - countWasBounded bool - o RetryReaderOptions - getter HTTPGetter - - // we support Close-ing during Reads (from other goroutines), so we protect the shared state, which is response - responseMu *sync.Mutex - response *http.Response -} - -// NewRetryReader creates a retry reader. -func NewRetryReader(ctx context.Context, initialResponse *http.Response, - info HTTPGetterInfo, o RetryReaderOptions, getter HTTPGetter) io.ReadCloser { - return &retryReader{ - ctx: ctx, - getter: getter, - info: info, - countWasBounded: info.Count != CountToEnd, - response: initialResponse, - responseMu: &sync.Mutex{}, - o: o} -} - -func (s *retryReader) setResponse(r *http.Response) { - s.responseMu.Lock() - defer s.responseMu.Unlock() - s.response = r -} - -func (s *retryReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) { - for try := 0; ; try++ { - //fmt.Println(try) // Comment out for debugging. - if s.countWasBounded && s.info.Count == CountToEnd { - // User specified an original count and the remaining bytes are 0, return 0, EOF - return 0, io.EOF - } - - s.responseMu.Lock() - resp := s.response - s.responseMu.Unlock() - if resp == nil { // We don't have a response stream to read from, try to get one. - newResponse, err := s.getter(s.ctx, s.info) - if err != nil { - return 0, err - } - // Successful GET; this is the network stream we'll read from. - s.setResponse(newResponse) - resp = newResponse - } - n, err := resp.Body.Read(p) // Read from the stream (this will return non-nil err if forceRetry is called, from another goroutine, while it is running) - - // Injection mechanism for testing. - if s.o.doInjectError && try == s.o.doInjectErrorRound { - if s.o.injectedError != nil { - err = s.o.injectedError - } else { - err = &net.DNSError{IsTemporary: true} - } - } - - // We successfully read data or end EOF. - if err == nil || err == io.EOF { - s.info.Offset += int64(n) // Increments the start offset in case we need to make a new HTTP request in the future - if s.info.Count != CountToEnd { - s.info.Count -= int64(n) // Decrement the count in case we need to make a new HTTP request in the future - } - return n, err // Return the return to the caller - } - _ = s.Close() - - s.setResponse(nil) // Our stream is no longer good - - // Check the retry count and error code, and decide whether to retry. - retriesExhausted := try >= s.o.MaxRetryRequests - _, isNetError := err.(net.Error) - isUnexpectedEOF := err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - willRetry := (isNetError || isUnexpectedEOF || s.wasRetryableEarlyClose(err)) && !retriesExhausted - - // Notify, for logging purposes, of any failures - if s.o.NotifyFailedRead != nil { - failureCount := try + 1 // because try is zero-based - s.o.NotifyFailedRead(failureCount, err, s.info.Offset, s.info.Count, willRetry) - } - - if willRetry { - continue - // Loop around and try to get and read from new stream. - } - return n, err // Not retryable, or retries exhausted, so just return - } -} - -// By default, we allow early Closing, from another concurrent goroutine, to be used to force a retry -// Is this safe, to close early from another goroutine? Early close ultimately ends up calling -// net.Conn.Close, and that is documented as "Any blocked Read or Write operations will be unblocked and return errors" -// which is exactly the behaviour we want. -// NOTE: that if caller has forced an early Close from a separate goroutine (separate from the Read) -// then there are two different types of error that may happen - either the one one we check for here, -// or a net.Error (due to closure of connection). Which one happens depends on timing. We only need this routine -// to check for one, since the other is a net.Error, which our main Read retry loop is already handing. -func (s *retryReader) wasRetryableEarlyClose(err error) bool { - if s.o.TreatEarlyCloseAsError { - return false // user wants all early closes to be errors, and so not retryable - } - // unfortunately, http.errReadOnClosedResBody is private, so the best we can do here is to check for its text - return strings.HasSuffix(err.Error(), ReadOnClosedBodyMessage) -} - -const ReadOnClosedBodyMessage = "read on closed response body" - -func (s *retryReader) Close() error { - s.responseMu.Lock() - defer s.responseMu.Unlock() - if s.response != nil && s.response.Body != nil { - return s.response.Body.Close() - } - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_sas_account.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_sas_account.go deleted file mode 100644 index a704a9abfe95..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_sas_account.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,230 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -import ( - "bytes" - "errors" - "fmt" - "strings" - "time" -) - -// AccountSASSignatureValues is used to generate a Shared Access Signature (SAS) for an Azure Storage account. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/constructing-an-account-sas -type AccountSASSignatureValues struct { - Version string `param:"sv"` // If not specified, this defaults to SASVersion - Protocol SASProtocol `param:"spr"` // See the SASProtocol* constants - StartTime time.Time `param:"st"` // Not specified if IsZero - ExpiryTime time.Time `param:"se"` // Not specified if IsZero - Permissions string `param:"sp"` // Create by initializing a AccountSASPermissions and then call String() - IPRange IPRange `param:"sip"` - Services string `param:"ss"` // Create by initializing AccountSASServices and then call String() - ResourceTypes string `param:"srt"` // Create by initializing AccountSASResourceTypes and then call String() -} - -// Sign uses an account's shared key credential to sign this signature values to produce -// the proper SAS query parameters. -func (v AccountSASSignatureValues) Sign(sharedKeyCredential *SharedKeyCredential) (SASQueryParameters, error) { - // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/Constructing-an-Account-SAS - if v.ExpiryTime.IsZero() || v.Permissions == "" || v.ResourceTypes == "" || v.Services == "" { - return SASQueryParameters{}, errors.New("account SAS is missing at least one of these: ExpiryTime, Permissions, Service, or ResourceType") - } - if v.Version == "" { - v.Version = SASVersion - } - perms := &AccountSASPermissions{} - if err := perms.Parse(v.Permissions); err != nil { - return SASQueryParameters{}, err - } - v.Permissions = perms.String() - - startTime, expiryTime, _ := FormatTimesForSASSigning(v.StartTime, v.ExpiryTime, time.Time{}) - - stringToSign := strings.Join([]string{ - sharedKeyCredential.AccountName(), - v.Permissions, - v.Services, - v.ResourceTypes, - startTime, - expiryTime, - v.IPRange.String(), - string(v.Protocol), - v.Version, - ""}, // That right, the account SAS requires a terminating extra newline - "\n") - - signature, err := sharedKeyCredential.ComputeHMACSHA256(stringToSign) - if err != nil { - return SASQueryParameters{}, err - } - p := SASQueryParameters{ - // Common SAS parameters - version: v.Version, - protocol: v.Protocol, - startTime: v.StartTime, - expiryTime: v.ExpiryTime, - permissions: v.Permissions, - ipRange: v.IPRange, - - // Account-specific SAS parameters - services: v.Services, - resourceTypes: v.ResourceTypes, - - // Calculated SAS signature - signature: signature, - } - - return p, nil -} - -// The AccountSASPermissions type simplifies creating the permissions string for an Azure Storage Account SAS. -// Initialize an instance of this type and then call its String method to set AccountSASSignatureValues's Permissions field. -type AccountSASPermissions struct { - Read, Write, Delete, DeletePreviousVersion, List, Add, Create, Update, Process bool -} - -// String produces the SAS permissions string for an Azure Storage account. -// Call this method to set AccountSASSignatureValues's Permissions field. -func (p AccountSASPermissions) String() string { - var buffer bytes.Buffer - if p.Read { - buffer.WriteRune('r') - } - if p.Write { - buffer.WriteRune('w') - } - if p.Delete { - buffer.WriteRune('d') - } - if p.DeletePreviousVersion { - buffer.WriteRune('x') - } - if p.List { - buffer.WriteRune('l') - } - if p.Add { - buffer.WriteRune('a') - } - if p.Create { - buffer.WriteRune('c') - } - if p.Update { - buffer.WriteRune('u') - } - if p.Process { - buffer.WriteRune('p') - } - return buffer.String() -} - -// Parse initializes the AccountSASPermissions's fields from a string. -func (p *AccountSASPermissions) Parse(s string) error { - *p = AccountSASPermissions{} // Clear out the flags - for _, r := range s { - switch r { - case 'r': - p.Read = true - case 'w': - p.Write = true - case 'd': - p.Delete = true - case 'l': - p.List = true - case 'a': - p.Add = true - case 'c': - p.Create = true - case 'u': - p.Update = true - case 'p': - p.Process = true - case 'x': - p.Process = true - default: - return fmt.Errorf("invalid permission character: '%v'", r) - } - } - return nil -} - -// The AccountSASServices type simplifies creating the services string for an Azure Storage Account SAS. -// Initialize an instance of this type and then call its String method to set AccountSASSignatureValues's Services field. -type AccountSASServices struct { - Blob, Queue, File bool -} - -// String produces the SAS services string for an Azure Storage account. -// Call this method to set AccountSASSignatureValues's Services field. -func (s AccountSASServices) String() string { - var buffer bytes.Buffer - if s.Blob { - buffer.WriteRune('b') - } - if s.Queue { - buffer.WriteRune('q') - } - if s.File { - buffer.WriteRune('f') - } - return buffer.String() -} - -// Parse initializes the AccountSASServices' fields from a string. -func (s *AccountSASServices) Parse(str string) error { - *s = AccountSASServices{} // Clear out the flags - for _, r := range str { - switch r { - case 'b': - s.Blob = true - case 'q': - s.Queue = true - case 'f': - s.File = true - default: - return fmt.Errorf("invalid service character: '%v'", r) - } - } - return nil -} - -// The AccountSASResourceTypes type simplifies creating the resource types string for an Azure Storage Account SAS. -// Initialize an instance of this type and then call its String method to set AccountSASSignatureValues's ResourceTypes field. -type AccountSASResourceTypes struct { - Service, Container, Object bool -} - -// String produces the SAS resource types string for an Azure Storage account. -// Call this method to set AccountSASSignatureValues's ResourceTypes field. -func (rt AccountSASResourceTypes) String() string { - var buffer bytes.Buffer - if rt.Service { - buffer.WriteRune('s') - } - if rt.Container { - buffer.WriteRune('c') - } - if rt.Object { - buffer.WriteRune('o') - } - return buffer.String() -} - -// Parse initializes the AccountSASResourceType's fields from a string. -func (rt *AccountSASResourceTypes) Parse(s string) error { - *rt = AccountSASResourceTypes{} // Clear out the flags - for _, r := range s { - switch r { - case 's': - rt.Service = true - case 'c': - rt.Container = true - case 'o': - rt.Object = true - default: - return fmt.Errorf("invalid resource type: '%v'", r) - } - } - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_sas_query_params.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_sas_query_params.go deleted file mode 100644 index b6245d649530..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_sas_query_params.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,359 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -import ( - "errors" - "net" - "net/url" - "strings" - "time" -) - -// SASProtocol indicates the http/https. -type SASProtocol string - -const ( - // SASProtocolHTTPS can be specified for a SAS protocol - SASProtocolHTTPS SASProtocol = "https" - - // SASProtocolHTTPSandHTTP can be specified for a SAS protocol - //SASProtocolHTTPSandHTTP SASProtocol = "https,http" -) - -// FormatTimesForSASSigning converts a time.Time to a snapshotTimeFormat string suitable for a -// SASField's StartTime or ExpiryTime fields. Returns "" if value.IsZero(). -func FormatTimesForSASSigning(startTime, expiryTime, snapshotTime time.Time) (string, string, string) { - ss := "" - if !startTime.IsZero() { - ss = formatSASTimeWithDefaultFormat(&startTime) - } - se := "" - if !expiryTime.IsZero() { - se = formatSASTimeWithDefaultFormat(&expiryTime) - } - sh := "" - if !snapshotTime.IsZero() { - sh = snapshotTime.Format(SnapshotTimeFormat) - } - return ss, se, sh -} - -// SASTimeFormat represents the format of a SAS start or expiry time. Use it when formatting/parsing a time.Time. -const SASTimeFormat = "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z" //"2017-07-27T00:00:00Z" // ISO 8601 -var SASTimeFormats = []string{"2006-01-02T15:04:05.0000000Z", SASTimeFormat, "2006-01-02T15:04Z", "2006-01-02"} // ISO 8601 formats, please refer to https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/constructing-a-service-sas for more details. - -// formatSASTimeWithDefaultFormat format time with ISO 8601 in "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ". -func formatSASTimeWithDefaultFormat(t *time.Time) string { - return formatSASTime(t, SASTimeFormat) // By default, "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ" is used -} - -// formatSASTime format time with given format, use ISO 8601 in "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ" by default. -func formatSASTime(t *time.Time, format string) string { - if format != "" { - return t.Format(format) - } - return t.Format(SASTimeFormat) // By default, "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ" is used -} - -// parseSASTimeString try to parse sas time string. -func parseSASTimeString(val string) (t time.Time, timeFormat string, err error) { - for _, sasTimeFormat := range SASTimeFormats { - t, err = time.Parse(sasTimeFormat, val) - if err == nil { - timeFormat = sasTimeFormat - break - } - } - - if err != nil { - err = errors.New("fail to parse time with IOS 8601 formats, please refer to https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/constructing-a-service-sas for more details") - } - - return -} - -// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/constructing-a-service-sas - -// A SASQueryParameters object represents the components that make up an Azure Storage SAS' query parameters. -// You parse a map of query parameters into its fields by calling NewSASQueryParameters(). You add the components -// to a query parameter map by calling AddToValues(). -// NOTE: Changing any field requires computing a new SAS signature using a XxxSASSignatureValues type. -// -// This type defines the components used by all Azure Storage resources (Containers, Blobs, Files, & Queues). -type SASQueryParameters struct { - // All members are immutable or values so copies of this struct are goroutine-safe. - version string `param:"sv"` - services string `param:"ss"` - resourceTypes string `param:"srt"` - protocol SASProtocol `param:"spr"` - startTime time.Time `param:"st"` - expiryTime time.Time `param:"se"` - snapshotTime time.Time `param:"snapshot"` - ipRange IPRange `param:"sip"` - identifier string `param:"si"` - resource string `param:"sr"` - permissions string `param:"sp"` - signature string `param:"sig"` - cacheControl string `param:"rscc"` - contentDisposition string `param:"rscd"` - contentEncoding string `param:"rsce"` - contentLanguage string `param:"rscl"` - contentType string `param:"rsct"` - signedOid string `param:"skoid"` - signedTid string `param:"sktid"` - signedStart time.Time `param:"skt"` - signedExpiry time.Time `param:"ske"` - signedService string `param:"sks"` - signedVersion string `param:"skv"` - - // private member used for startTime and expiryTime formatting. - stTimeFormat string - seTimeFormat string -} - -func (p *SASQueryParameters) SignedOid() string { - return p.signedOid -} - -func (p *SASQueryParameters) SignedTid() string { - return p.signedTid -} - -func (p *SASQueryParameters) SignedStart() time.Time { - return p.signedStart -} - -func (p *SASQueryParameters) SignedExpiry() time.Time { - return p.signedExpiry -} - -func (p *SASQueryParameters) SignedService() string { - return p.signedService -} - -func (p *SASQueryParameters) SignedVersion() string { - return p.signedVersion -} - -func (p *SASQueryParameters) SnapshotTime() time.Time { - return p.snapshotTime -} - -func (p *SASQueryParameters) Version() string { - return p.version -} - -func (p *SASQueryParameters) Services() string { - return p.services -} -func (p *SASQueryParameters) ResourceTypes() string { - return p.resourceTypes -} -func (p *SASQueryParameters) Protocol() SASProtocol { - return p.protocol -} -func (p *SASQueryParameters) StartTime() time.Time { - return p.startTime -} -func (p *SASQueryParameters) ExpiryTime() time.Time { - return p.expiryTime -} - -func (p *SASQueryParameters) IPRange() IPRange { - return p.ipRange -} - -func (p *SASQueryParameters) Identifier() string { - return p.identifier -} - -func (p *SASQueryParameters) Resource() string { - return p.resource -} -func (p *SASQueryParameters) Permissions() string { - return p.permissions -} - -func (p *SASQueryParameters) Signature() string { - return p.signature -} - -func (p *SASQueryParameters) CacheControl() string { - return p.cacheControl -} - -func (p *SASQueryParameters) ContentDisposition() string { - return p.contentDisposition -} - -func (p *SASQueryParameters) ContentEncoding() string { - return p.contentEncoding -} - -func (p *SASQueryParameters) ContentLanguage() string { - return p.contentLanguage -} - -func (p *SASQueryParameters) ContentType() string { - return p.contentType -} - -// IPRange represents a SAS IP range's start IP and (optionally) end IP. -type IPRange struct { - Start net.IP // Not specified if length = 0 - End net.IP // Not specified if length = 0 -} - -// String returns a string representation of an IPRange. -func (ipr *IPRange) String() string { - if len(ipr.Start) == 0 { - return "" - } - start := ipr.Start.String() - if len(ipr.End) == 0 { - return start - } - return start + "-" + ipr.End.String() -} - -// NewSASQueryParameters creates and initializes a SASQueryParameters object based on the -// query parameter map's passed-in values. If deleteSASParametersFromValues is true, -// all SAS-related query parameters are removed from the passed-in map. If -// deleteSASParametersFromValues is false, the map passed-in map is unaltered. -func newSASQueryParameters(values url.Values, deleteSASParametersFromValues bool) SASQueryParameters { - p := SASQueryParameters{} - for k, v := range values { - val := v[0] - isSASKey := true - switch strings.ToLower(k) { - case "sv": - p.version = val - case "ss": - p.services = val - case "srt": - p.resourceTypes = val - case "spr": - p.protocol = SASProtocol(val) - case "snapshot": - p.snapshotTime, _ = time.Parse(SnapshotTimeFormat, val) - case "st": - p.startTime, p.stTimeFormat, _ = parseSASTimeString(val) - case "se": - p.expiryTime, p.seTimeFormat, _ = parseSASTimeString(val) - case "sip": - dashIndex := strings.Index(val, "-") - if dashIndex == -1 { - p.ipRange.Start = net.ParseIP(val) - } else { - p.ipRange.Start = net.ParseIP(val[:dashIndex]) - p.ipRange.End = net.ParseIP(val[dashIndex+1:]) - } - case "si": - p.identifier = val - case "sr": - p.resource = val - case "sp": - p.permissions = val - case "sig": - p.signature = val - case "rscc": - p.cacheControl = val - case "rscd": - p.contentDisposition = val - case "rsce": - p.contentEncoding = val - case "rscl": - p.contentLanguage = val - case "rsct": - p.contentType = val - case "skoid": - p.signedOid = val - case "sktid": - p.signedTid = val - case "skt": - p.signedStart, _ = time.Parse(SASTimeFormat, val) - case "ske": - p.signedExpiry, _ = time.Parse(SASTimeFormat, val) - case "sks": - p.signedService = val - case "skv": - p.signedVersion = val - default: - isSASKey = false // We didn't recognize the query parameter - } - if isSASKey && deleteSASParametersFromValues { - delete(values, k) - } - } - return p -} - -// AddToValues adds the SAS components to the specified query parameters map. -func (p *SASQueryParameters) addToValues(v url.Values) url.Values { - if p.version != "" { - v.Add("sv", p.version) - } - if p.services != "" { - v.Add("ss", p.services) - } - if p.resourceTypes != "" { - v.Add("srt", p.resourceTypes) - } - if p.protocol != "" { - v.Add("spr", string(p.protocol)) - } - if !p.startTime.IsZero() { - v.Add("st", formatSASTime(&(p.startTime), p.stTimeFormat)) - } - if !p.expiryTime.IsZero() { - v.Add("se", formatSASTime(&(p.expiryTime), p.seTimeFormat)) - } - if len(p.ipRange.Start) > 0 { - v.Add("sip", p.ipRange.String()) - } - if p.identifier != "" { - v.Add("si", p.identifier) - } - if p.resource != "" { - v.Add("sr", p.resource) - } - if p.permissions != "" { - v.Add("sp", p.permissions) - } - if p.signedOid != "" { - v.Add("skoid", p.signedOid) - v.Add("sktid", p.signedTid) - v.Add("skt", p.signedStart.Format(SASTimeFormat)) - v.Add("ske", p.signedExpiry.Format(SASTimeFormat)) - v.Add("sks", p.signedService) - v.Add("skv", p.signedVersion) - } - if p.signature != "" { - v.Add("sig", p.signature) - } - if p.cacheControl != "" { - v.Add("rscc", p.cacheControl) - } - if p.contentDisposition != "" { - v.Add("rscd", p.contentDisposition) - } - if p.contentEncoding != "" { - v.Add("rsce", p.contentEncoding) - } - if p.contentLanguage != "" { - v.Add("rscl", p.contentLanguage) - } - if p.contentType != "" { - v.Add("rsct", p.contentType) - } - return v -} - -// Encode encodes the SAS query parameters into URL encoded form sorted by key. -func (p *SASQueryParameters) Encode() string { - v := url.Values{} - p.addToValues(v) - return v.Encode() -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_sas_service.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_sas_service.go deleted file mode 100644 index 90b073996432..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_sas_service.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,266 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -import ( - "bytes" - "fmt" - "strings" - "time" -) - -// BlobSASSignatureValues is used to generate a Shared Access Signature (SAS) for an Azure Storage container or blob. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/constructing-a-service-sas -type BlobSASSignatureValues struct { - Version string `param:"sv"` // If not specified, this defaults to SASVersion - Protocol SASProtocol `param:"spr"` // See the SASProtocol* constants - StartTime time.Time `param:"st"` // Not specified if IsZero - ExpiryTime time.Time `param:"se"` // Not specified if IsZero - SnapshotTime time.Time - Permissions string `param:"sp"` // Create by initializing a ContainerSASPermissions or BlobSASPermissions and then call String() - IPRange IPRange `param:"sip"` - Identifier string `param:"si"` - ContainerName string - BlobName string // Use "" to create a Container SAS - CacheControl string // rscc - ContentDisposition string // rscd - ContentEncoding string // rsce - ContentLanguage string // rscl - ContentType string // rsct -} - -// NewSASQueryParameters uses an account's StorageAccountCredential to sign this signature values to produce -// the proper SAS query parameters. -// See: StorageAccountCredential. Compatible with both UserDelegationCredential and SharedKeyCredential -func (v BlobSASSignatureValues) NewSASQueryParameters(sharedKeyCredential *SharedKeyCredential) (SASQueryParameters, error) { - resource := "c" - if sharedKeyCredential == nil { - return SASQueryParameters{}, fmt.Errorf("cannot sign SAS query without Shared Key Credential") - } - - if !v.SnapshotTime.IsZero() { - resource = "bs" - //Make sure the permission characters are in the correct order - perms := &BlobSASPermissions{} - if err := perms.Parse(v.Permissions); err != nil { - return SASQueryParameters{}, err - } - v.Permissions = perms.String() - } else if v.Version != "" { - resource = "bv" - //Make sure the permission characters are in the correct order - perms := &BlobSASPermissions{} - if err := perms.Parse(v.Permissions); err != nil { - return SASQueryParameters{}, err - } - v.Permissions = perms.String() - } else if v.BlobName == "" { - // Make sure the permission characters are in the correct order - perms := &ContainerSASPermissions{} - if err := perms.Parse(v.Permissions); err != nil { - return SASQueryParameters{}, err - } - v.Permissions = perms.String() - } else { - resource = "b" - // Make sure the permission characters are in the correct order - perms := &BlobSASPermissions{} - if err := perms.Parse(v.Permissions); err != nil { - return SASQueryParameters{}, err - } - v.Permissions = perms.String() - } - if v.Version == "" { - v.Version = SASVersion - } - startTime, expiryTime, snapshotTime := FormatTimesForSASSigning(v.StartTime, v.ExpiryTime, v.SnapshotTime) - - signedIdentifier := v.Identifier - - p := SASQueryParameters{ - // Common SAS parameters - version: v.Version, - protocol: v.Protocol, - startTime: v.StartTime, - expiryTime: v.ExpiryTime, - permissions: v.Permissions, - ipRange: v.IPRange, - - // Container/Blob-specific SAS parameters - resource: resource, - identifier: v.Identifier, - cacheControl: v.CacheControl, - contentDisposition: v.ContentDisposition, - contentEncoding: v.ContentEncoding, - contentLanguage: v.ContentLanguage, - contentType: v.ContentType, - snapshotTime: v.SnapshotTime, - } - - // TODO: Mohit come here and ask Adele's help in understanding this segment of code. - //if udc, ok := sharedKeyCredential; ok { - // udk := udc.GetUDKParams() - // - // udkStart, udkExpiry, _ := FormatTimesForSASSigning(*udk.SignedStart, *udk.SignedExpiry, time.Time{}) - // // I don't like this answer to combining the functions - // // But because signedIdentifier and the user delegation key strings share a place, this is an _OK_ way to do it. - // signedIdentifier = strings.Join([]string{ - // *udk.SignedOid, - // *udk.SignedTid, - // udkStart, - // udkExpiry, - // *udk.SignedService, - // *udk.SignedVersion, - // }, "\n") - // - // p.signedOid = *udk.SignedOid - // p.signedTid = *udk.SignedTid - // p.signedStart = *udk.SignedStart - // p.signedExpiry = *udk.SignedExpiry - // p.signedService = *udk.SignedService - // p.signedVersion = *udk.SignedVersion - //} - - // String to sign: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn140255.aspx - stringToSign := strings.Join([]string{ - v.Permissions, - startTime, - expiryTime, - getCanonicalName(sharedKeyCredential.AccountName(), v.ContainerName, v.BlobName), - signedIdentifier, - v.IPRange.String(), - string(v.Protocol), - v.Version, - resource, - snapshotTime, // signed timestamp - v.CacheControl, // rscc - v.ContentDisposition, // rscd - v.ContentEncoding, // rsce - v.ContentLanguage, // rscl - v.ContentType}, // rsct - "\n") - - signature, err := sharedKeyCredential.ComputeHMACSHA256(stringToSign) - p.signature = signature - return p, err -} - -// getCanonicalName computes the canonical name for a container or blob resource for SAS signing. -func getCanonicalName(account string, containerName string, blobName string) string { - // Container: "/blob/account/containername" - // Blob: "/blob/account/containername/blobname" - elements := []string{"/blob/", account, "/", containerName} - if blobName != "" { - elements = append(elements, "/", strings.Replace(blobName, "\\", "/", -1)) - } - return strings.Join(elements, "") -} - -// The ContainerSASPermissions type simplifies creating the permissions string for an Azure Storage container SAS. -// Initialize an instance of this type and then call its String method to set BlobSASSignatureValues's Permissions field. -type ContainerSASPermissions struct { - Read, Add, Create, Write, Delete, List bool -} - -// String produces the SAS permissions string for an Azure Storage container. -// Call this method to set BlobSASSignatureValues's Permissions field. -func (p ContainerSASPermissions) String() string { - var b bytes.Buffer - if p.Read { - b.WriteRune('r') - } - if p.Add { - b.WriteRune('a') - } - if p.Create { - b.WriteRune('c') - } - if p.Write { - b.WriteRune('w') - } - if p.Delete { - b.WriteRune('d') - } - if p.List { - b.WriteRune('l') - } - return b.String() -} - -// Parse initializes the ContainerSASPermissions's fields from a string. -func (p *ContainerSASPermissions) Parse(s string) error { - *p = ContainerSASPermissions{} // Clear the flags - for _, r := range s { - switch r { - case 'r': - p.Read = true - case 'a': - p.Add = true - case 'c': - p.Create = true - case 'w': - p.Write = true - case 'd': - p.Delete = true - case 'l': - p.List = true - default: - return fmt.Errorf("invalid permission: '%v'", r) - } - } - return nil -} - -// The BlobSASPermissions type simplifies creating the permissions string for an Azure Storage blob SAS. -// Initialize an instance of this type and then call its String method to set BlobSASSignatureValues's Permissions field. -type BlobSASPermissions struct{ Read, Add, Create, Write, Delete, DeletePreviousVersion bool } - -// String produces the SAS permissions string for an Azure Storage blob. -// Call this method to set BlobSASSignatureValues's Permissions field. -func (p BlobSASPermissions) String() string { - var b bytes.Buffer - if p.Read { - b.WriteRune('r') - } - if p.Add { - b.WriteRune('a') - } - if p.Create { - b.WriteRune('c') - } - if p.Write { - b.WriteRune('w') - } - if p.Delete { - b.WriteRune('d') - } - if p.DeletePreviousVersion { - b.WriteRune('x') - } - return b.String() -} - -// Parse initializes the BlobSASPermissions's fields from a string. -func (p *BlobSASPermissions) Parse(s string) error { - *p = BlobSASPermissions{} // Clear the flags - for _, r := range s { - switch r { - case 'r': - p.Read = true - case 'a': - p.Add = true - case 'c': - p.Create = true - case 'w': - p.Write = true - case 'd': - p.Delete = true - case 'x': - p.DeletePreviousVersion = true - default: - return fmt.Errorf("invalid permission: '%v'", r) - } - } - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_service_client.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_service_client.go deleted file mode 100644 index c26d003aaf87..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_service_client.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -import ( - "context" - "errors" - "net/url" - "strings" - "time" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime" -) - -//nolint -const ( - // ContainerNameRoot is the special Azure Storage name used to identify a storage account's root container. - ContainerNameRoot = "$root" - - // ContainerNameLogs is the special Azure Storage name used to identify a storage account's logs container. - ContainerNameLogs = "$logs" -) - -// A ServiceClient represents a URL to the Azure Storage Blob service allowing you to manipulate blob containers. -type ServiceClient struct { - client *serviceClient - u url.URL - sharedKey *SharedKeyCredential -} - -// URL returns the URL endpoint used by the ServiceClient object. -func (s ServiceClient) URL() string { - return s.client.con.u -} - -// NewServiceClient creates a ServiceClient object using the specified URL, Azure AD credential, and options. -// Example of serviceURL: https://.blob.core.windows.net -func NewServiceClient(serviceURL string, cred azcore.TokenCredential, options *ClientOptions) (ServiceClient, error) { - u, err := url.Parse(serviceURL) - if err != nil { - return ServiceClient{}, err - } - - authPolicy := runtime.NewBearerTokenPolicy(cred, []string{tokenScope}, nil) - return ServiceClient{client: &serviceClient{ - con: newConnection(serviceURL, authPolicy, options.getConnectionOptions()), - }, u: *u}, nil -} - -// NewServiceClientWithNoCredential creates a ServiceClient object using the specified URL and options. -// Example of serviceURL: https://.blob.core.windows.net? -func NewServiceClientWithNoCredential(serviceURL string, options *ClientOptions) (ServiceClient, error) { - u, err := url.Parse(serviceURL) - if err != nil { - return ServiceClient{}, err - } - - return ServiceClient{client: &serviceClient{ - con: newConnection(serviceURL, nil, options.getConnectionOptions()), - }, u: *u}, nil -} - -// NewServiceClientWithSharedKey creates a ServiceClient object using the specified URL, shared key, and options. -// Example of serviceURL: https://.blob.core.windows.net -func NewServiceClientWithSharedKey(serviceURL string, cred *SharedKeyCredential, options *ClientOptions) (ServiceClient, error) { - u, err := url.Parse(serviceURL) - if err != nil { - return ServiceClient{}, err - } - authPolicy := newSharedKeyCredPolicy(cred) - return ServiceClient{client: &serviceClient{ - con: newConnection(serviceURL, authPolicy, options.getConnectionOptions()), - }, u: *u, sharedKey: cred}, nil -} - -// NewServiceClientFromConnectionString creates a service client from the given connection string. -//nolint -func NewServiceClientFromConnectionString(connectionString string, options *ClientOptions) (ServiceClient, error) { - endpoint, credential, err := parseConnectionString(connectionString) - if err != nil { - return ServiceClient{}, err - } - return NewServiceClientWithSharedKey(endpoint, credential, options) -} - -// NewContainerClient creates a new ContainerClient object by concatenating containerName to the end of -// ServiceClient's URL. The new ContainerClient uses the same request policy pipeline as the ServiceClient. -// To change the pipeline, create the ContainerClient and then call its WithPipeline method passing in the -// desired pipeline object. Or, call this package's NewContainerClient instead of calling this object's -// NewContainerClient method. -func (s ServiceClient) NewContainerClient(containerName string) ContainerClient { - containerURL := appendToURLPath(s.client.con.u, containerName) - containerConnection := &connection{containerURL, s.client.con.p} - return ContainerClient{ - client: &containerClient{ - con: containerConnection, - }, - sharedKey: s.sharedKey, - } -} - -// CreateContainer is a lifecycle method to creates a new container under the specified account. -// If the container with the same name already exists, a ResourceExistsError will -// be raised. This method returns a client with which to interact with the newly -// created container. -func (s ServiceClient) CreateContainer(ctx context.Context, containerName string, options *CreateContainerOptions) (ContainerCreateResponse, error) { - containerClient := s.NewContainerClient(containerName) - containerCreateResp, err := containerClient.Create(ctx, options) - return containerCreateResp, err -} - -// DeleteContainer is a lifecycle method that marks the specified container for deletion. -// The container and any blobs contained within it are later deleted during garbage collection. -// If the container is not found, a ResourceNotFoundError will be raised. -func (s ServiceClient) DeleteContainer(ctx context.Context, containerName string, options *DeleteContainerOptions) (ContainerDeleteResponse, error) { - containerClient := s.NewContainerClient(containerName) - containerDeleteResp, err := containerClient.Delete(ctx, options) - return containerDeleteResp, err -} - -// appendToURLPath appends a string to the end of a URL's path (prefixing the string with a '/' if required) -func appendToURLPath(u string, name string) string { - // e.g. "https://ms.com/a/b/?k1=v1&k2=v2#f" - // When you call url.Parse() this is what you'll get: - // Scheme: "https" - // Opaque: "" - // User: nil - // Host: "ms.com" - // Path: "/a/b/" This should start with a / and it might or might not have a trailing slash - // RawPath: "" - // ForceQuery: false - // RawQuery: "k1=v1&k2=v2" - // Fragment: "f" - uri, _ := url.Parse(u) - - if len(uri.Path) == 0 || uri.Path[len(uri.Path)-1] != '/' { - uri.Path += "/" // Append "/" to end before appending name - } - uri.Path += name - return uri.String() -} - -func (s ServiceClient) GetAccountInfo(ctx context.Context) (ServiceGetAccountInfoResponse, error) { - resp, err := s.client.GetAccountInfo(ctx, nil) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// The ListContainers operation returns a pager of the containers under the specified account. -// Use an empty Marker to start enumeration from the beginning. Container names are returned in lexicographic order. -// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/list-containers2. -func (s ServiceClient) ListContainers(o *ListContainersOptions) *ServiceListContainersSegmentPager { - listOptions := o.pointers() - pager := s.client.ListContainersSegment(listOptions) - // override the generated advancer, which is incorrect - if pager.Err() != nil { - return pager - } - - pager.advancer = func(cxt context.Context, response ServiceListContainersSegmentResponse) (*policy.Request, error) { - if response.ListContainersSegmentResponse.NextMarker == nil { - return nil, handleError(errors.New("unexpected missing NextMarker")) - } - req, err := s.client.listContainersSegmentCreateRequest(cxt, listOptions) - if err != nil { - return nil, handleError(err) - } - queryValues, _ := url.ParseQuery(req.Raw().URL.RawQuery) - queryValues.Set("marker", *response.ServiceListContainersSegmentResult.NextMarker) - - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = queryValues.Encode() - return req, nil - } - - return pager -} - -// GetProperties - gets the properties of a storage account's Blob service, including properties for Storage Analytics -// and CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) rules. -func (s ServiceClient) GetProperties(ctx context.Context) (ServiceGetPropertiesResponse, error) { - resp, err := s.client.GetProperties(ctx, nil) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// SetProperties Sets the properties of a storage account's Blob service, including Azure Storage Analytics. -// If an element (e.g. analytics_logging) is left as None, the existing settings on the service for that functionality are preserved. -func (s ServiceClient) SetProperties(ctx context.Context, properties StorageServiceProperties) (ServiceSetPropertiesResponse, error) { - resp, err := s.client.SetProperties(ctx, properties, nil) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -// GetStatistics Retrieves statistics related to replication for the Blob service. -// It is only available when read-access geo-redundant replication is enabled for the storage account. -// With geo-redundant replication, Azure Storage maintains your data durable -// in two locations. In both locations, Azure Storage constantly maintains -// multiple healthy replicas of your data. The location where you read, -// create, update, or delete data is the primary storage account location. -// The primary location exists in the region you choose at the time you -// create an account via the Azure Management Azure classic portal, for -// example, North Central US. The location to which your data is replicated -// is the secondary location. The secondary location is automatically -// determined based on the location of the primary; it is in a second data -// center that resides in the same region as the primary location. Read-only -// access is available from the secondary location, if read-access geo-redundant -// replication is enabled for your storage account. -func (s ServiceClient) GetStatistics(ctx context.Context) (ServiceGetStatisticsResponse, error) { - resp, err := s.client.GetStatistics(ctx, nil) - - return resp, handleError(err) -} - -func (s ServiceClient) CanGetAccountSASToken() bool { - return s.sharedKey != nil -} - -// GetSASToken is a convenience method for generating a SAS token for the currently pointed at account. -// It can only be used if the credential supplied during creation was a SharedKeyCredential. -// This validity can be checked with CanGetAccountSASToken(). -func (s ServiceClient) GetSASToken(resources AccountSASResourceTypes, permissions AccountSASPermissions, services AccountSASServices, start time.Time, expiry time.Time) (string, error) { - if s.sharedKey == nil { - return "", errors.New("credential is not a SharedKeyCredential. SAS can only be signed with a SharedKeyCredential") - } - - qps, err := AccountSASSignatureValues{ - Version: SASVersion, - Protocol: SASProtocolHTTPS, - Permissions: permissions.String(), - Services: services.String(), - ResourceTypes: resources.String(), - StartTime: start.UTC(), - ExpiryTime: expiry.UTC(), - }.Sign(s.sharedKey) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - endpoint := s.client.con.Endpoint() - if !strings.HasSuffix(endpoint, "/") { - endpoint += "/" - } - endpoint += "?" + qps.Encode() - return endpoint, nil -} - -// FindBlobsByTags operation finds all blobs in the storage account whose tags match a given search expression. -// Filter blobs searches across all containers within a storage account but can be scoped within the expression to a single container. -// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/find-blobs-by-tags -// eg. "dog='germanshepherd' and penguin='emperorpenguin'" -// To specify a container, eg. "@container=’containerName’ and Name = ‘C’" -func (s ServiceClient) FindBlobsByTags(ctx context.Context, options ServiceFilterBlobsByTagsOptions) (ServiceFilterBlobsResponse, error) { - // TODO: Use pager here? Missing support from zz_generated_pagera.go - serviceFilterBlobsOptions := options.pointer() - return s.client.FilterBlobs(ctx, serviceFilterBlobsOptions) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_shared_policy_shared_key_credential.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_shared_policy_shared_key_credential.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0487768f215e..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_shared_policy_shared_key_credential.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,193 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -import ( - "bytes" - "crypto/hmac" - "crypto/sha256" - "encoding/base64" - "fmt" - "net/http" - "net/url" - "sort" - "strings" - "sync/atomic" - "time" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/log" -) - -// NewSharedKeyCredential creates an immutable SharedKeyCredential containing the -// storage account's name and either its primary or secondary key. -func NewSharedKeyCredential(accountName string, accountKey string) (*SharedKeyCredential, error) { - c := SharedKeyCredential{accountName: accountName} - if err := c.SetAccountKey(accountKey); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return &c, nil -} - -// SharedKeyCredential contains an account's name and its primary or secondary key. -// It is immutable making it shareable and goroutine-safe. -type SharedKeyCredential struct { - // Only the NewSharedKeyCredential method should set these; all other methods should treat them as read-only - accountName string - accountKey atomic.Value // []byte -} - -// AccountName returns the Storage account's name. -func (c *SharedKeyCredential) AccountName() string { - return c.accountName -} - -// SetAccountKey replaces the existing account key with the specified account key. -func (c *SharedKeyCredential) SetAccountKey(accountKey string) error { - _bytes, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(accountKey) - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("decode account key: %w", err) - } - c.accountKey.Store(_bytes) - return nil -} - -// ComputeHMACSHA256 generates a hash signature for an HTTP request or for a SAS. -func (c *SharedKeyCredential) ComputeHMACSHA256(message string) (string, error) { - h := hmac.New(sha256.New, c.accountKey.Load().([]byte)) - _, err := h.Write([]byte(message)) - return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil)), err -} - -func (c *SharedKeyCredential) buildStringToSign(req *http.Request) (string, error) { - // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/authentication-for-the-azure-storage-services - headers := req.Header - contentLength := headers.Get(headerContentLength) - if contentLength == "0" { - contentLength = "" - } - - canonicalizedResource, err := c.buildCanonicalizedResource(req.URL) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - - stringToSign := strings.Join([]string{ - req.Method, - headers.Get(headerContentEncoding), - headers.Get(headerContentLanguage), - contentLength, - headers.Get(headerContentMD5), - headers.Get(headerContentType), - "", // Empty date because x-ms-date is expected (as per web page above) - headers.Get(headerIfModifiedSince), - headers.Get(headerIfMatch), - headers.Get(headerIfNoneMatch), - headers.Get(headerIfUnmodifiedSince), - headers.Get(headerRange), - c.buildCanonicalizedHeader(headers), - canonicalizedResource, - }, "\n") - return stringToSign, nil -} - -func (c *SharedKeyCredential) buildCanonicalizedHeader(headers http.Header) string { - cm := map[string][]string{} - for k, v := range headers { - headerName := strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower(k)) - if strings.HasPrefix(headerName, "x-ms-") { - cm[headerName] = v // NOTE: the value must not have any whitespace around it. - } - } - if len(cm) == 0 { - return "" - } - - keys := make([]string, 0, len(cm)) - for key := range cm { - keys = append(keys, key) - } - sort.Strings(keys) - ch := bytes.NewBufferString("") - for i, key := range keys { - if i > 0 { - ch.WriteRune('\n') - } - ch.WriteString(key) - ch.WriteRune(':') - ch.WriteString(strings.Join(cm[key], ",")) - } - return ch.String() -} - -func (c *SharedKeyCredential) buildCanonicalizedResource(u *url.URL) (string, error) { - // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/authentication-for-the-azure-storage-services - cr := bytes.NewBufferString("/") - cr.WriteString(c.accountName) - - if len(u.Path) > 0 { - // Any portion of the CanonicalizedResource string that is derived from - // the resource's URI should be encoded exactly as it is in the URI. - // -- https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/azure/dd179428.aspx - cr.WriteString(u.EscapedPath()) - } else { - // a slash is required to indicate the root path - cr.WriteString("/") - } - - // params is a map[string][]string; param name is key; params values is []string - params, err := url.ParseQuery(u.RawQuery) // Returns URL decoded values - if err != nil { - return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to parse query params: %w", err) - } - - if len(params) > 0 { // There is at least 1 query parameter - var paramNames []string // We use this to sort the parameter key names - for paramName := range params { - paramNames = append(paramNames, paramName) // paramNames must be lowercase - } - sort.Strings(paramNames) - - for _, paramName := range paramNames { - paramValues := params[paramName] - sort.Strings(paramValues) - - // Join the sorted key values separated by ',' - // Then prepend "keyName:"; then add this string to the buffer - cr.WriteString("\n" + paramName + ":" + strings.Join(paramValues, ",")) - } - } - return cr.String(), nil -} - -type sharedKeyCredPolicy struct { - cred *SharedKeyCredential -} - -func newSharedKeyCredPolicy(cred *SharedKeyCredential) *sharedKeyCredPolicy { - return &sharedKeyCredPolicy{cred: cred} -} - -func (s *sharedKeyCredPolicy) Do(req *policy.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - if d := req.Raw().Header.Get(headerXmsDate); d == "" { - req.Raw().Header.Set(headerXmsDate, time.Now().UTC().Format(http.TimeFormat)) - } - stringToSign, err := s.cred.buildStringToSign(req.Raw()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - signature, err := s.cred.ComputeHMACSHA256(stringToSign) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - authHeader := strings.Join([]string{"SharedKey ", s.cred.AccountName(), ":", signature}, "") - req.Raw().Header.Set(headerAuthorization, authHeader) - - response, err := req.Next() - if err != nil && response != nil && response.StatusCode == http.StatusForbidden { - // Service failed to authenticate request, log it - log.Write(log.EventResponse, "===== HTTP Forbidden status, String-to-NewSASQueryParameters:\n"+stringToSign+"\n===============================\n") - } - return response, err -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_storage_error.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_storage_error.go deleted file mode 100644 index db6e1160ba19..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_storage_error.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,225 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -import ( - "bytes" - "encoding/xml" - "errors" - "fmt" - "net/http" - "sort" - "strings" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime" -) - -// InternalError is an internal error type that all errors get wrapped in. -type InternalError struct { - cause error -} - -func (e *InternalError) Error() string { - if (errors.Is(e.cause, StorageError{})) { - return e.cause.Error() - } - - return fmt.Sprintf("===== INTERNAL ERROR =====\n%s", e.cause.Error()) -} - -func (e *InternalError) Is(err error) bool { - _, ok := err.(*InternalError) - - return ok -} - -func (e *InternalError) As(target interface{}) bool { - nt, ok := target.(**InternalError) - - if ok { - *nt = e - return ok - } - - //goland:noinspection GoErrorsAs - return errors.As(e.cause, target) -} - -// StorageError is the internal struct that replaces the generated StorageError. -// TL;DR: This implements xml.Unmarshaler, and when the original StorageError is substituted, this unmarshaler kicks in. -// This handles the description and details. defunkifyStorageError handles the response, cause, and service code. -type StorageError struct { - response *http.Response - description string - - ErrorCode StorageErrorCode - details map[string]string -} - -func handleError(err error) error { - var respErr *azcore.ResponseError - if errors.As(err, &respErr) { - return &InternalError{responseErrorToStorageError(respErr)} - } - - if err != nil { - return &InternalError{err} - } - - return nil -} - -// converts an *azcore.ResponseError to a *StorageError, or if that fails, a *InternalError -func responseErrorToStorageError(responseError *azcore.ResponseError) error { - var storageError StorageError - body, err := runtime.Payload(responseError.RawResponse) - if err != nil { - goto Default - } - if len(body) > 0 { - if err := xml.Unmarshal(body, &storageError); err != nil { - goto Default - } - } - - storageError.response = responseError.RawResponse - - storageError.ErrorCode = StorageErrorCode(responseError.RawResponse.Header.Get("x-ms-error-code")) - - if code, ok := storageError.details["Code"]; ok { - storageError.ErrorCode = StorageErrorCode(code) - delete(storageError.details, "Code") - } - - return &storageError - -Default: - return &InternalError{ - cause: responseError, - } -} - -// StatusCode returns service-error information. The caller may examine these values but should not modify any of them. -func (e *StorageError) StatusCode() int { - return e.response.StatusCode -} - -// Error implements the error interface's Error method to return a string representation of the error. -func (e StorageError) Error() string { - b := &bytes.Buffer{} - - if e.response != nil { - _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(b, "===== RESPONSE ERROR (ErrorCode=%s) =====\n", e.ErrorCode) - _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(b, "Description=%s, Details: ", e.description) - if len(e.details) == 0 { - b.WriteString("(none)\n") - } else { - b.WriteRune('\n') - keys := make([]string, 0, len(e.details)) - // Alphabetize the details - for k := range e.details { - keys = append(keys, k) - } - sort.Strings(keys) - for _, k := range keys { - _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(b, " %s: %+v\n", k, e.details[k]) - } - } - // req := azcore.Request{Request: e.response.Request}.Copy() // Make a copy of the response's request - // TODO: Come Here Mohit Adele - //writeRequestWithResponse(b, &azcore.Request{Request: e.response.Request}, e.response) - } - - return b.String() - ///azcore.writeRequestWithResponse(b, prepareRequestForLogging(req), e.response, nil) - // return e.ErrorNode.Error(b.String()) -} - -func (e StorageError) Is(err error) bool { - _, ok := err.(StorageError) - _, ok2 := err.(*StorageError) - - return ok || ok2 -} - -func (e StorageError) Response() *http.Response { - return e.response -} - -//nolint -func writeRequestWithResponse(b *bytes.Buffer, request *policy.Request, response *http.Response) { - // Write the request into the buffer. - _, _ = fmt.Fprint(b, " "+request.Raw().Method+" "+request.Raw().URL.String()+"\n") - writeHeader(b, request.Raw().Header) - if response != nil { - _, _ = fmt.Fprintln(b, " --------------------------------------------------------------------------------") - _, _ = fmt.Fprint(b, " RESPONSE Status: "+response.Status+"\n") - writeHeader(b, response.Header) - } -} - -// formatHeaders appends an HTTP request's or response's header into a Buffer. -//nolint -func writeHeader(b *bytes.Buffer, header map[string][]string) { - if len(header) == 0 { - b.WriteString(" (no headers)\n") - return - } - keys := make([]string, 0, len(header)) - // Alphabetize the headers - for k := range header { - keys = append(keys, k) - } - sort.Strings(keys) - for _, k := range keys { - // Redact the value of any Authorization header to prevent security information from persisting in logs - value := interface{}("REDACTED") - if !strings.EqualFold(k, "Authorization") { - value = header[k] - } - _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(b, " %s: %+v\n", k, value) - } -} - -// Temporary returns true if the error occurred due to a temporary condition (including an HTTP status of 500 or 503). -func (e *StorageError) Temporary() bool { - if e.response != nil { - if (e.response.StatusCode == http.StatusInternalServerError) || (e.response.StatusCode == http.StatusServiceUnavailable) || (e.response.StatusCode == http.StatusBadGateway) { - return true - } - } - - return false -} - -// UnmarshalXML performs custom unmarshalling of XML-formatted Azure storage request errors. -//nolint -func (e *StorageError) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) (err error) { - tokName := "" - var t xml.Token - for t, err = d.Token(); err == nil; t, err = d.Token() { - switch tt := t.(type) { - case xml.StartElement: - tokName = tt.Name.Local - case xml.EndElement: - tokName = "" - case xml.CharData: - switch tokName { - case "": - continue - case "Message": - e.description = string(tt) - default: - if e.details == nil { - e.details = map[string]string{} - } - e.details[tokName] = string(tt) - } - } - } - - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_validators.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_validators.go deleted file mode 100644 index b45a3201de5f..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zc_validators.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,99 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -import ( - "errors" - "fmt" - "io" - "strconv" -) - -//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -func (pr *PageRange) Raw() (start, end int64) { - if pr.Start != nil { - start = *pr.Start - } - if pr.End != nil { - end = *pr.End - } - - return -} - -// HttpRange defines a range of bytes within an HTTP resource, starting at offset and -// ending at offset+count. A zero-value HttpRange indicates the entire resource. An HttpRange -// which has an offset but na zero value count indicates from the offset to the resource's end. -type HttpRange struct { - offset int64 - count int64 -} - -func (r HttpRange) pointers() *string { - if r.offset == 0 && r.count == 0 { // Do common case first for performance - return nil // No specified range - } - endOffset := "" // if count == CountToEnd (0) - if r.count > 0 { - endOffset = strconv.FormatInt((r.offset+r.count)-1, 10) - } - dataRange := fmt.Sprintf("bytes=%v-%s", r.offset, endOffset) - return &dataRange -} - -func getSourceRange(offset, count *int64) *string { - if offset == nil && count == nil { - return nil - } - newOffset := int64(0) - newCount := int64(CountToEnd) - - if offset != nil { - newOffset = *offset - } - - if count != nil { - newCount = *count - } - - return HttpRange{offset: newOffset, count: newCount}.pointers() -} - -func validateSeekableStreamAt0AndGetCount(body io.ReadSeeker) (int64, error) { - if body == nil { // nil body's are "logically" seekable to 0 and are 0 bytes long - return 0, nil - } - - err := validateSeekableStreamAt0(body) - if err != nil { - return 0, err - } - - count, err := body.Seek(0, io.SeekEnd) - if err != nil { - return 0, errors.New("body stream must be seekable") - } - - _, err = body.Seek(0, io.SeekStart) - if err != nil { - return 0, err - } - return count, nil -} - -// return an error if body is not a valid seekable stream at 0 -func validateSeekableStreamAt0(body io.ReadSeeker) error { - if body == nil { // nil body's are "logically" seekable to 0 - return nil - } - if pos, err := body.Seek(0, io.SeekCurrent); pos != 0 || err != nil { - // Help detect programmer error - if err != nil { - return errors.New("body stream must be seekable") - } - return errors.New("body stream must be set to position 0") - } - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zm_access_conditions.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zm_access_conditions.go deleted file mode 100644 index cb2e3f337eaa..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zm_access_conditions.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -const ( - // ETagNone represents an empty entity tag. - ETagNone = "" - - // ETagAny matches any entity tag. - ETagAny = "*" -) - -// ContainerAccessConditions identifies container-specific access conditions which you optionally set. -type ContainerAccessConditions struct { - ModifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions -} - -func (ac *ContainerAccessConditions) pointers() (*ModifiedAccessConditions, *LeaseAccessConditions) { - if ac == nil { - return nil, nil - } - - return ac.ModifiedAccessConditions, ac.LeaseAccessConditions -} - -// BlobAccessConditions identifies blob-specific access conditions which you optionally set. -type BlobAccessConditions struct { - LeaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions -} - -func (ac *BlobAccessConditions) pointers() (*LeaseAccessConditions, *ModifiedAccessConditions) { - if ac == nil { - return nil, nil - } - - return ac.LeaseAccessConditions, ac.ModifiedAccessConditions -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zm_append_blob_request_options.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zm_append_blob_request_options.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9ea0047914c1..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zm_append_blob_request_options.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,116 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -type CreateAppendBlobOptions struct { - BlobAccessConditions *BlobAccessConditions - - HTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders - - CpkInfo *CpkInfo - - CpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo - // Optional. Used to set blob tags in various blob operations. - TagsMap map[string]string - // Optional. Specifies a user-defined name-value pair associated with the blob. If no name-value pairs are specified, the - // operation will copy the metadata from the source blob or file to the destination blob. If one or more name-value pairs - // are specified, the destination blob is created with the specified metadata, and metadata is not copied from the source - // blob or file. Note that beginning with version 2009-09-19, metadata names must adhere to the naming rules for C# identifiers. - // See Naming and Referencing Containers, Blobs, and Metadata for more information. - Metadata map[string]string - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - - Timeout *int32 -} - -func (o *CreateAppendBlobOptions) pointers() (*AppendBlobCreateOptions, *BlobHTTPHeaders, *LeaseAccessConditions, *CpkInfo, *CpkScopeInfo, *ModifiedAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil - } - - options := AppendBlobCreateOptions{ - BlobTagsString: serializeBlobTagsToStrPtr(o.TagsMap), - Metadata: o.Metadata, - RequestID: o.RequestID, - Timeout: o.Timeout, - } - - leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions := o.BlobAccessConditions.pointers() - return &options, o.HTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions, o.CpkInfo, o.CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions -} - -type AppendBlockOptions struct { - // Specify the transactional crc64 for the body, to be validated by the service. - TransactionalContentCRC64 []byte - // Specify the transactional md5 for the body, to be validated by the service. - TransactionalContentMD5 []byte - - AppendPositionAccessConditions *AppendPositionAccessConditions - CpkInfo *CpkInfo - CpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo - BlobAccessConditions *BlobAccessConditions -} - -func (o *AppendBlockOptions) pointers() (*AppendBlobAppendBlockOptions, *AppendPositionAccessConditions, *CpkInfo, *CpkScopeInfo, *ModifiedAccessConditions, *LeaseAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil - } - - options := &AppendBlobAppendBlockOptions{ - TransactionalContentCRC64: o.TransactionalContentCRC64, - TransactionalContentMD5: o.TransactionalContentMD5, - } - leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions := o.BlobAccessConditions.pointers() - return options, o.AppendPositionAccessConditions, o.CpkInfo, o.CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions, leaseAccessConditions -} - -type AppendBlockURLOptions struct { - // Specify the md5 calculated for the range of bytes that must be read from the copy source. - SourceContentMD5 []byte - // Specify the crc64 calculated for the range of bytes that must be read from the copy source. - SourceContentCRC64 []byte - // Specify the transactional md5 for the body, to be validated by the service. - TransactionalContentMD5 []byte - - AppendPositionAccessConditions *AppendPositionAccessConditions - CpkInfo *CpkInfo - CpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo - SourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions - BlobAccessConditions *BlobAccessConditions - // Optional, you can specify whether a particular range of the blob is read - Offset *int64 - Count *int64 -} - -func (o *AppendBlockURLOptions) pointers() (*AppendBlobAppendBlockFromURLOptions, *AppendPositionAccessConditions, *CpkInfo, *CpkScopeInfo, *ModifiedAccessConditions, *LeaseAccessConditions, *SourceModifiedAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil - } - - options := &AppendBlobAppendBlockFromURLOptions{ - SourceRange: getSourceRange(o.Offset, o.Count), - SourceContentMD5: o.SourceContentMD5, - SourceContentcrc64: o.SourceContentCRC64, - TransactionalContentMD5: o.TransactionalContentMD5, - } - - leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions := o.BlobAccessConditions.pointers() - return options, o.AppendPositionAccessConditions, o.CpkInfo, o.CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions, - leaseAccessConditions, o.SourceModifiedAccessConditions -} - -type SealAppendBlobOptions struct { - BlobAccessConditions *BlobAccessConditions - AppendPositionAccessConditions *AppendPositionAccessConditions -} - -func (o *SealAppendBlobOptions) pointers() (leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, - modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, appendPositionAccessConditions *AppendPositionAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil, nil - } - - return -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zm_blob_request_options.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zm_blob_request_options.go deleted file mode 100644 index 2937d140f6f2..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zm_blob_request_options.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,324 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -import ( - "net/url" - "strings" -) - -type DeleteBlobOptions struct { - // Required if the blob has associated snapshots. Specify one of the following two options: include: Delete the base blob - // and all of its snapshots. only: Delete only the blob's snapshots and not the blob itself - DeleteSnapshots *DeleteSnapshotsOptionType - BlobAccessConditions *BlobAccessConditions -} - -func (o *DeleteBlobOptions) pointers() (*BlobDeleteOptions, *LeaseAccessConditions, *ModifiedAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil, nil - } - - basics := BlobDeleteOptions{ - DeleteSnapshots: o.DeleteSnapshots, - } - - if o.BlobAccessConditions == nil { - return &basics, nil, nil - } - - return &basics, o.BlobAccessConditions.LeaseAccessConditions, o.BlobAccessConditions.ModifiedAccessConditions -} - -type DownloadBlobOptions struct { - // When set to true and specified together with the Range, the service returns the MD5 hash for the range, as long as the - // range is less than or equal to 4 MB in size. - RangeGetContentMD5 *bool - - // Optional, you can specify whether a particular range of the blob is read - Offset *int64 - Count *int64 - - BlobAccessConditions *BlobAccessConditions - CpkInfo *CpkInfo - CpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo -} - -func (o *DownloadBlobOptions) pointers() (blobDownloadOptions *BlobDownloadOptions, - leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil, nil, nil - } - - offset := int64(0) - count := int64(CountToEnd) - - if o.Offset != nil { - offset = *o.Offset - } - - if o.Count != nil { - count = *o.Count - } - - basics := BlobDownloadOptions{ - RangeGetContentMD5: o.RangeGetContentMD5, - Range: HttpRange{ - offset: offset, - count: count, - }.pointers(), - } - leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions = o.BlobAccessConditions.pointers() - return &basics, leaseAccessConditions, o.CpkInfo, modifiedAccessConditions -} - -type SetTierOptions struct { - // Optional: Indicates the priority with which to rehydrate an archived blob. - RehydratePriority *RehydratePriority - - LeaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions -} - -func (o *SetTierOptions) pointers() (blobSetTierOptions *BlobSetTierOptions, - leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil, nil - } - - basics := BlobSetTierOptions{RehydratePriority: o.RehydratePriority} - return &basics, o.LeaseAccessConditions, o.ModifiedAccessConditions -} - -type GetBlobPropertiesOptions struct { - BlobAccessConditions *BlobAccessConditions - CpkInfo *CpkInfo -} - -func (o *GetBlobPropertiesOptions) pointers() (blobGetPropertiesOptions *BlobGetPropertiesOptions, - leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil, nil, nil - } - - leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions = o.BlobAccessConditions.pointers() - return nil, leaseAccessConditions, o.CpkInfo, modifiedAccessConditions -} - -type SetBlobHTTPHeadersOptions struct { - LeaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions -} - -func (o *SetBlobHTTPHeadersOptions) pointers() (blobSetHttpHeadersOptions *BlobSetHTTPHeadersOptions, - leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil, nil - } - - return nil, o.LeaseAccessConditions, o.ModifiedAccessConditions -} - -type SetBlobMetadataOptions struct { - LeaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions - CpkInfo *CpkInfo - CpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo - ModifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions -} - -func (o *SetBlobMetadataOptions) pointers() (leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, - cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil, nil, nil - } - - return o.LeaseAccessConditions, o.CpkInfo, o.CpkScopeInfo, o.ModifiedAccessConditions -} - -type CreateBlobSnapshotOptions struct { - Metadata map[string]string - LeaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions - CpkInfo *CpkInfo - CpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo - ModifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions -} - -func (o *CreateBlobSnapshotOptions) pointers() (blobSetMetadataOptions *BlobCreateSnapshotOptions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, - cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil - } - - basics := BlobCreateSnapshotOptions{ - Metadata: o.Metadata, - } - - return &basics, o.CpkInfo, o.CpkScopeInfo, o.ModifiedAccessConditions, o.LeaseAccessConditions -} - -type StartCopyBlobOptions struct { - // Optional. Used to set blob tags in various blob operations. - TagsMap map[string]string - // Optional. Specifies a user-defined name-value pair associated with the blob. If no name-value pairs are specified, the - // operation will copy the metadata from the source blob or file to the destination blob. If one or more name-value pairs - // are specified, the destination blob is created with the specified metadata, and metadata is not copied from the source - // blob or file. Note that beginning with version 2009-09-19, metadata names must adhere to the naming rules for C# identifiers. - // See Naming and Referencing Containers, Blobs, and Metadata for more information. - Metadata map[string]string - // Optional: Indicates the priority with which to rehydrate an archived blob. - RehydratePriority *RehydratePriority - // Overrides the sealed state of the destination blob. Service version 2019-12-12 and newer. - SealBlob *bool - // Optional. Indicates the tier to be set on the blob. - Tier *AccessTier - - SourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions -} - -func (o *StartCopyBlobOptions) pointers() (blobStartCopyFromUrlOptions *BlobStartCopyFromURLOptions, - sourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil, nil, nil - } - - basics := BlobStartCopyFromURLOptions{ - BlobTagsString: serializeBlobTagsToStrPtr(o.TagsMap), - Metadata: o.Metadata, - RehydratePriority: o.RehydratePriority, - SealBlob: o.SealBlob, - Tier: o.Tier, - } - - return &basics, o.SourceModifiedAccessConditions, o.ModifiedAccessConditions, o.LeaseAccessConditions -} - -type AbortCopyBlobOptions struct { - LeaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions -} - -func (o *AbortCopyBlobOptions) pointers() (blobAbortCopyFromUrlOptions *BlobAbortCopyFromURLOptions, - leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil - } - return nil, o.LeaseAccessConditions -} - -func serializeBlobTagsToStrPtr(tagsMap map[string]string) *string { - if tagsMap == nil { - return nil - } - tags := make([]string, 0) - for key, val := range tagsMap { - tags = append(tags, url.QueryEscape(key)+"="+url.QueryEscape(val)) - } - //tags = tags[:len(tags)-1] - blobTagsString := strings.Join(tags, "&") - return &blobTagsString -} - -func serializeBlobTags(tagsMap map[string]string) *BlobTags { - if tagsMap == nil { - return nil - } - blobTagSet := make([]*BlobTag, 0) - for key, val := range tagsMap { - newKey, newVal := key, val - blobTagSet = append(blobTagSet, &BlobTag{Key: &newKey, Value: &newVal}) - } - return &BlobTags{BlobTagSet: blobTagSet} -} - -type SetTagsBlobOptions struct { - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. - Timeout *int32 - // The version id parameter is an opaque DateTime value that, when present, - // specifies the version of the blob to operate on. It's for service version 2019-10-10 and newer. - VersionID *string - // Optional header, Specifies the transactional crc64 for the body, to be validated by the service. - TransactionalContentCRC64 []byte - // Optional header, Specifies the transactional md5 for the body, to be validated by the service. - TransactionalContentMD5 []byte - - TagsMap map[string]string - - ModifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions -} - -func (o *SetTagsBlobOptions) pointers() (*BlobSetTagsOptions, *ModifiedAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil - } - - options := &BlobSetTagsOptions{ - RequestID: o.RequestID, - Tags: serializeBlobTags(o.TagsMap), - Timeout: o.Timeout, - TransactionalContentMD5: o.TransactionalContentMD5, - TransactionalContentCRC64: o.TransactionalContentCRC64, - VersionID: o.VersionID, - } - - return options, o.ModifiedAccessConditions -} - -type GetTagsBlobOptions struct { - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The snapshot parameter is an opaque DateTime value that, when present, specifies the blob snapshot to retrieve. - Snapshot *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. - Timeout *int32 - // The version id parameter is an opaque DateTime value that, when present, specifies the version of the blob to operate on. - // It's for service version 2019-10-10 and newer. - VersionID *string - - ModifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions -} - -func (o *GetTagsBlobOptions) pointers() (*BlobGetTagsOptions, *ModifiedAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil - } - - options := &BlobGetTagsOptions{ - RequestID: o.RequestID, - Snapshot: o.Snapshot, - Timeout: o.Timeout, - VersionID: o.VersionID, - } - - return options, o.ModifiedAccessConditions -} - -type ObjectReplicationRules struct { - RuleId string - Status string -} - -type ObjectReplicationPolicy struct { - PolicyId *string - Rules *[]ObjectReplicationRules -} - -type GetBlobPropertiesResponse struct { - BlobGetPropertiesResponse - - // deserialized attributes - ObjectReplicationRules []ObjectReplicationPolicy -} - -func (bgpr *BlobGetPropertiesResponse) deserializeAttributes() GetBlobPropertiesResponse { - getResp := GetBlobPropertiesResponse{} - if bgpr == nil { - return getResp - } - getResp.BlobGetPropertiesResponse = *bgpr - getResp.ObjectReplicationRules = deserializeORSPolicies(bgpr.ObjectReplicationRules) - return getResp -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zm_block_blob_request_options.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zm_block_blob_request_options.go deleted file mode 100644 index f074c66bc78d..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zm_block_blob_request_options.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,166 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -type UploadBlockBlobOptions struct { - // Optional. Used to set blob tags in various blob operations. - TagsMap map[string]string - - // Optional. Specifies a user-defined name-value pair associated with the blob. - Metadata map[string]string - - // Optional. Indicates the tier to be set on the blob. - Tier *AccessTier - - // Specify the transactional md5 for the body, to be validated by the service. - TransactionalContentMD5 []byte - - HTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders - CpkInfo *CpkInfo - CpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo - BlobAccessConditions *BlobAccessConditions -} - -func (o *UploadBlockBlobOptions) pointers() (*BlockBlobUploadOptions, *BlobHTTPHeaders, *LeaseAccessConditions, - *CpkInfo, *CpkScopeInfo, *ModifiedAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil - } - - basics := BlockBlobUploadOptions{ - BlobTagsString: serializeBlobTagsToStrPtr(o.TagsMap), - Metadata: o.Metadata, - Tier: o.Tier, - TransactionalContentMD5: o.TransactionalContentMD5, - } - - leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions := o.BlobAccessConditions.pointers() - return &basics, o.HTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions, o.CpkInfo, o.CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions -} - -type StageBlockOptions struct { - CpkInfo *CpkInfo - CpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo - LeaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions - BlockBlobStageBlockOptions *BlockBlobStageBlockOptions -} - -func (o *StageBlockOptions) pointers() (*LeaseAccessConditions, *BlockBlobStageBlockOptions, *CpkInfo, *CpkScopeInfo) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil, nil, nil - } - - return o.LeaseAccessConditions, o.BlockBlobStageBlockOptions, o.CpkInfo, o.CpkScopeInfo -} - -type StageBlockFromURLOptions struct { - LeaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions - SourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // Specify the md5 calculated for the range of bytes that must be read from the copy source. - SourceContentMD5 []byte - // Specify the crc64 calculated for the range of bytes that must be read from the copy source. - SourceContentcrc64 []byte - - Offset *int64 - - Count *int64 - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. - Timeout *int32 - - CpkInfo *CpkInfo - CpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo -} - -func (o *StageBlockFromURLOptions) pointers() (*LeaseAccessConditions, *SourceModifiedAccessConditions, *BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLOptions, *CpkInfo, *CpkScopeInfo) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil - } - - options := &BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLOptions{ - RequestID: o.RequestID, - SourceContentMD5: o.SourceContentMD5, - SourceContentcrc64: o.SourceContentcrc64, - SourceRange: getSourceRange(o.Offset, o.Count), - Timeout: o.Timeout, - } - - return o.LeaseAccessConditions, o.SourceModifiedAccessConditions, options, o.CpkInfo, o.CpkScopeInfo -} - -type CommitBlockListOptions struct { - BlobTagsMap map[string]string - Metadata map[string]string - RequestID *string - Tier *AccessTier - Timeout *int32 - TransactionalContentCRC64 []byte - TransactionalContentMD5 []byte - BlobHTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders - CpkInfo *CpkInfo - CpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo - BlobAccessConditions *BlobAccessConditions -} - -func (o *CommitBlockListOptions) pointers() (*BlockBlobCommitBlockListOptions, *BlobHTTPHeaders, *CpkInfo, *CpkScopeInfo, *ModifiedAccessConditions, *LeaseAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil - } - - options := &BlockBlobCommitBlockListOptions{ - BlobTagsString: serializeBlobTagsToStrPtr(o.BlobTagsMap), - Metadata: o.Metadata, - RequestID: o.RequestID, - Tier: o.Tier, - Timeout: o.Timeout, - TransactionalContentCRC64: o.TransactionalContentCRC64, - TransactionalContentMD5: o.TransactionalContentMD5, - } - leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions := o.BlobAccessConditions.pointers() - return options, o.BlobHTTPHeaders, o.CpkInfo, o.CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions, leaseAccessConditions -} - -type GetBlockListOptions struct { - BlockBlobGetBlockListOptions *BlockBlobGetBlockListOptions - BlobAccessConditions *BlobAccessConditions -} - -func (o *GetBlockListOptions) pointers() (*BlockBlobGetBlockListOptions, *ModifiedAccessConditions, *LeaseAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil, nil - } - - leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions := o.BlobAccessConditions.pointers() - return o.BlockBlobGetBlockListOptions, modifiedAccessConditions, leaseAccessConditions -} - -type CopyBlockBlobFromURLOptions struct { - BlobTagsMap map[string]string - Metadata map[string]string - RequestID *string - SourceContentMD5 []byte - Tier *AccessTier - Timeout *int32 - SourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions - BlobAccessConditions *BlobAccessConditions -} - -func (o *CopyBlockBlobFromURLOptions) pointers() (*BlobCopyFromURLOptions, *SourceModifiedAccessConditions, *ModifiedAccessConditions, *LeaseAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil, nil, nil - } - - options := &BlobCopyFromURLOptions{ - BlobTagsString: serializeBlobTagsToStrPtr(o.BlobTagsMap), - Metadata: o.Metadata, - RequestID: o.RequestID, - SourceContentMD5: o.SourceContentMD5, - Tier: o.Tier, - Timeout: o.Timeout, - } - - leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions := o.BlobAccessConditions.pointers() - return options, o.SourceModifiedAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions, leaseAccessConditions -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zm_client_options.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zm_client_options.go deleted file mode 100644 index 41d1870a2d34..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zm_client_options.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -import ( - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" -) - -type ClientOptions struct { - // Transporter sets the transport for making HTTP requests. - Transporter policy.Transporter - // Retry configures the built-in retry policy behavior. - Retry policy.RetryOptions - // Telemetry configures the built-in telemetry policy behavior. - Telemetry policy.TelemetryOptions - // PerCallOptions are options to run on every request - PerCallOptions []policy.Policy -} - -func (o *ClientOptions) getConnectionOptions() *policy.ClientOptions { - if o == nil { - return nil - } - - return &policy.ClientOptions{ - Transport: o.Transporter, - Retry: o.Retry, - Telemetry: o.Telemetry, - PerCallPolicies: o.PerCallOptions, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zm_container_request_options.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zm_container_request_options.go deleted file mode 100644 index 26448cd421f9..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zm_container_request_options.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,96 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -type CreateContainerOptions struct { - // Specifies whether data in the container may be accessed publicly and the level of access - Access *PublicAccessType - - // Optional. Specifies a user-defined name-value pair associated with the blob. - Metadata map[string]string - - // Optional. Specifies the encryption scope settings to set on the container. - cpkScope *ContainerCpkScopeInfo -} - -func (o *CreateContainerOptions) pointers() (*ContainerCreateOptions, *ContainerCpkScopeInfo) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil - } - - basicOptions := ContainerCreateOptions{ - Access: o.Access, - Metadata: o.Metadata, - } - - return &basicOptions, o.cpkScope -} - -type DeleteContainerOptions struct { - LeaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions -} - -func (o *DeleteContainerOptions) pointers() (*ContainerDeleteOptions, *LeaseAccessConditions, *ModifiedAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil, nil - } - - return nil, o.LeaseAccessConditions, o.ModifiedAccessConditions -} - -type GetPropertiesOptionsContainer struct { - ContainerGetPropertiesOptions *ContainerGetPropertiesOptions - LeaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions -} - -func (o *GetPropertiesOptionsContainer) pointers() (*ContainerGetPropertiesOptions, *LeaseAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil - } - - return o.ContainerGetPropertiesOptions, o.LeaseAccessConditions -} - -type GetAccessPolicyOptions struct { - ContainerGetAccessPolicyOptions *ContainerGetAccessPolicyOptions - LeaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions -} - -func (o *GetAccessPolicyOptions) pointers() (*ContainerGetAccessPolicyOptions, *LeaseAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil - } - - return o.ContainerGetAccessPolicyOptions, o.LeaseAccessConditions -} - -type SetAccessPolicyOptions struct { - // At least Access and ContainerACL must be specified - ContainerSetAccessPolicyOptions ContainerSetAccessPolicyOptions - AccessConditions *ContainerAccessConditions -} - -func (o *SetAccessPolicyOptions) pointers() (ContainerSetAccessPolicyOptions, *LeaseAccessConditions, *ModifiedAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return ContainerSetAccessPolicyOptions{}, nil, nil - } - mac, lac := o.AccessConditions.pointers() - return o.ContainerSetAccessPolicyOptions, lac, mac -} - -type SetMetadataContainerOptions struct { - Metadata map[string]string - LeaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions -} - -func (o *SetMetadataContainerOptions) pointers() (*ContainerSetMetadataOptions, *LeaseAccessConditions, *ModifiedAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil, nil - } - - options := ContainerSetMetadataOptions{Metadata: o.Metadata} - return &options, o.LeaseAccessConditions, o.ModifiedAccessConditions -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zm_lease_request_options.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zm_lease_request_options.go deleted file mode 100644 index d9d4417f367f..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zm_lease_request_options.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,190 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -import ( - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/to" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/uuid" -) - -type AcquireLeaseBlobOptions struct { - // Specifies the Duration of the lease, in seconds, or negative one (-1) for a lease that never expires. A non-infinite lease - // can be between 15 and 60 seconds. A lease Duration cannot be changed using renew or change. - Duration *int32 - - ModifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions -} - -func (o *AcquireLeaseBlobOptions) pointers() (*BlobAcquireLeaseOptions, *ModifiedAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil - } - return &BlobAcquireLeaseOptions{ - Duration: o.Duration, - }, o.ModifiedAccessConditions -} - -type BreakLeaseBlobOptions struct { - // For a break operation, proposed Duration the lease should continue before it is broken, in seconds, between 0 and 60. This - // break period is only used if it is shorter than the time remaining on the lease. If longer, the time remaining on the lease - // is used. A new lease will not be available before the break period has expired, but the lease may be held for longer than - // the break period. If this header does not appear with a break operation, a fixed-Duration lease breaks after the remaining - // lease period elapses, and an infinite lease breaks immediately. - BreakPeriod *int32 - ModifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions -} - -func (o *BreakLeaseBlobOptions) pointers() (*BlobBreakLeaseOptions, *ModifiedAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil - } - - if o.BreakPeriod != nil { - period := leasePeriodPointer(*o.BreakPeriod) - return &BlobBreakLeaseOptions{ - BreakPeriod: period, - }, o.ModifiedAccessConditions - } - - return nil, o.ModifiedAccessConditions -} - -type ChangeLeaseBlobOptions struct { - ProposedLeaseID *string - ModifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions -} - -func (o *ChangeLeaseBlobOptions) pointers() (proposedLeaseI *string, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, err error) { - generatedUuid, err := uuid.New() - if err != nil { - return nil, nil, err - } - leaseID := to.StringPtr(generatedUuid.String()) - if o == nil { - return leaseID, nil, nil - } - - if o.ProposedLeaseID == nil { - o.ProposedLeaseID = leaseID - } - - return o.ProposedLeaseID, o.ModifiedAccessConditions, nil -} - -type ReleaseLeaseBlobOptions struct { - ModifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions -} - -func (o *ReleaseLeaseBlobOptions) pointers() (blobReleaseLeaseOptions *BlobReleaseLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil - } - - return nil, o.ModifiedAccessConditions -} - -type RenewLeaseBlobOptions struct { - ModifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions -} - -func (o *RenewLeaseBlobOptions) pointers() (blobRenewLeaseOptions *BlobRenewLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil - } - - return nil, o.ModifiedAccessConditions -} - -type AcquireLeaseContainerOptions struct { - Duration *int32 - ModifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions -} - -func (o *AcquireLeaseContainerOptions) pointers() (*ContainerAcquireLeaseOptions, *ModifiedAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil - } - containerAcquireLeaseOptions := &ContainerAcquireLeaseOptions{ - Duration: o.Duration, - } - - return containerAcquireLeaseOptions, o.ModifiedAccessConditions -} - -type BreakLeaseContainerOptions struct { - BreakPeriod *int32 - ModifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions -} - -func (o *BreakLeaseContainerOptions) pointers() (*ContainerBreakLeaseOptions, *ModifiedAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil - } - - containerBreakLeaseOptions := &ContainerBreakLeaseOptions{ - BreakPeriod: o.BreakPeriod, - } - - return containerBreakLeaseOptions, o.ModifiedAccessConditions -} - -type ChangeLeaseContainerOptions struct { - ProposedLeaseID *string - ModifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions -} - -func (o *ChangeLeaseContainerOptions) pointers() (proposedLeaseID *string, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, err error) { - generatedUuid, err := uuid.New() - if err != nil { - return nil, nil, err - } - leaseID := to.StringPtr(generatedUuid.String()) - if o == nil { - return leaseID, nil, err - } - - if o.ProposedLeaseID == nil { - o.ProposedLeaseID = leaseID - } - - return o.ProposedLeaseID, o.ModifiedAccessConditions, err - -} - -type RenewLeaseContainerOptions struct { - ModifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions -} - -func (o *RenewLeaseContainerOptions) pointers() (containerRenewLeaseOptions *ContainerRenewLeaseOptions, - modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil - } - - return nil, o.ModifiedAccessConditions -} - -type ReleaseLeaseContainerOptions struct { - ModifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions -} - -func (o *ReleaseLeaseContainerOptions) pointers() (containerReleaseLeaseOptions *ContainerReleaseLeaseOptions, - modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil - } - - return nil, o.ModifiedAccessConditions -} - -// LeaseBreakNaturally tells ContainerClient's or BlobClient's BreakLease method to break the lease using service semantics. -const LeaseBreakNaturally = -1 - -func leasePeriodPointer(period int32) *int32 { - if period != LeaseBreakNaturally { - return &period - } else { - return nil - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zm_page_blob_request_options.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zm_page_blob_request_options.go deleted file mode 100644 index b587fe476055..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zm_page_blob_request_options.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,197 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -import ( - "strconv" -) - -func rangeToString(offset, count int64) string { - return "bytes=" + strconv.FormatInt(offset, 10) + "-" + strconv.FormatInt(offset+count-1, 10) -} - -type CreatePageBlobOptions struct { - // Set for page blobs only. The sequence number is a user-controlled value that you can use to track requests. The value of - // the sequence number must be between 0 and 2^63 - 1. - BlobSequenceNumber *int64 - // Optional. Used to set blob tags in various blob operations. - TagsMap map[string]string - // Optional. Specifies a user-defined name-value pair associated with the blob. If no name-value pairs are specified, the - // operation will copy the metadata from the source blob or file to the destination blob. If one or more name-value pairs - // are specified, the destination blob is created with the specified metadata, and metadata is not copied from the source - // blob or file. Note that beginning with version 2009-09-19, metadata names must adhere to the naming rules for C# identifiers. - // See Naming and Referencing Containers, Blobs, and Metadata for more information. - Metadata map[string]string - // Optional. Indicates the tier to be set on the page blob. - Tier *PremiumPageBlobAccessTier - - HTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders - CpkInfo *CpkInfo - CpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo - BlobAccessConditions *BlobAccessConditions -} - -func (o *CreatePageBlobOptions) pointers() (*PageBlobCreateOptions, *BlobHTTPHeaders, *CpkInfo, *CpkScopeInfo, *LeaseAccessConditions, *ModifiedAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil - } - - options := &PageBlobCreateOptions{ - BlobSequenceNumber: o.BlobSequenceNumber, - BlobTagsString: serializeBlobTagsToStrPtr(o.TagsMap), - Metadata: o.Metadata, - Tier: o.Tier, - } - leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions := o.BlobAccessConditions.pointers() - return options, o.HTTPHeaders, o.CpkInfo, o.CpkScopeInfo, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions -} - -type UploadPagesOptions struct { - // Specify the transactional crc64 for the body, to be validated by the service. - PageRange *HttpRange - TransactionalContentCRC64 []byte - // Specify the transactional md5 for the body, to be validated by the service. - TransactionalContentMD5 []byte - - CpkInfo *CpkInfo - CpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo - SequenceNumberAccessConditions *SequenceNumberAccessConditions - BlobAccessConditions *BlobAccessConditions -} - -func (o *UploadPagesOptions) pointers() (*PageBlobUploadPagesOptions, *CpkInfo, *CpkScopeInfo, *SequenceNumberAccessConditions, *LeaseAccessConditions, *ModifiedAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil - } - - options := &PageBlobUploadPagesOptions{ - TransactionalContentCRC64: o.TransactionalContentCRC64, - TransactionalContentMD5: o.TransactionalContentMD5, - } - - if o.PageRange != nil { - options.Range = o.PageRange.pointers() - } - - leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions := o.BlobAccessConditions.pointers() - return options, o.CpkInfo, o.CpkScopeInfo, o.SequenceNumberAccessConditions, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions -} - -type UploadPagesFromURLOptions struct { - // Specify the md5 calculated for the range of bytes that must be read from the copy source. - SourceContentMD5 []byte - // Specify the crc64 calculated for the range of bytes that must be read from the copy source. - SourceContentcrc64 []byte - - CpkInfo *CpkInfo - CpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo - SequenceNumberAccessConditions *SequenceNumberAccessConditions - SourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions - BlobAccessConditions *BlobAccessConditions -} - -func (o *UploadPagesFromURLOptions) pointers() (*PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLOptions, *CpkInfo, *CpkScopeInfo, *SequenceNumberAccessConditions, *SourceModifiedAccessConditions, *LeaseAccessConditions, *ModifiedAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil - } - - options := &PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLOptions{ - SourceContentMD5: o.SourceContentMD5, - SourceContentcrc64: o.SourceContentcrc64, - } - - leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions := o.BlobAccessConditions.pointers() - return options, o.CpkInfo, o.CpkScopeInfo, o.SequenceNumberAccessConditions, o.SourceModifiedAccessConditions, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions -} - -type ClearPagesOptions struct { - CpkInfo *CpkInfo - CpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo - SequenceNumberAccessConditions *SequenceNumberAccessConditions - BlobAccessConditions *BlobAccessConditions -} - -func (o *ClearPagesOptions) pointers() (*CpkInfo, *CpkScopeInfo, *SequenceNumberAccessConditions, *LeaseAccessConditions, *ModifiedAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil - } - - leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions := o.BlobAccessConditions.pointers() - return o.CpkInfo, o.CpkScopeInfo, o.SequenceNumberAccessConditions, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions -} - -type GetPageRangesOptions struct { - Snapshot *string - - BlobAccessConditions *BlobAccessConditions -} - -func (o *GetPageRangesOptions) pointers() (*string, *LeaseAccessConditions, *ModifiedAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil, nil - } - - leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions := o.BlobAccessConditions.pointers() - return o.Snapshot, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions -} - -type ResizePageBlobOptions struct { - CpkInfo *CpkInfo - CpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo - BlobAccessConditions *BlobAccessConditions -} - -func (o *ResizePageBlobOptions) pointers() (*CpkInfo, *CpkScopeInfo, *LeaseAccessConditions, *ModifiedAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil, nil, nil - } - - leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions := o.BlobAccessConditions.pointers() - return o.CpkInfo, o.CpkScopeInfo, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions -} - -type UpdateSequenceNumberPageBlob struct { - ActionType *SequenceNumberActionType - BlobSequenceNumber *int64 - - BlobAccessConditions *BlobAccessConditions -} - -func (o *UpdateSequenceNumberPageBlob) pointers() (*PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberOptions, *SequenceNumberActionType, *LeaseAccessConditions, *ModifiedAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil, nil, nil - } - - options := &PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberOptions{ - BlobSequenceNumber: o.BlobSequenceNumber, - } - - if *o.ActionType == SequenceNumberActionTypeIncrement { - options.BlobSequenceNumber = nil - } - - leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions := o.BlobAccessConditions.pointers() - return options, o.ActionType, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions -} - -type CopyIncrementalPageBlobOptions struct { - ModifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions - - RequestID *string - - Timeout *int32 -} - -func (o *CopyIncrementalPageBlobOptions) pointers() (*PageBlobCopyIncrementalOptions, *ModifiedAccessConditions) { - if o == nil { - return nil, nil - } - - options := PageBlobCopyIncrementalOptions{ - RequestID: o.RequestID, - Timeout: o.Timeout, - } - - return &options, o.ModifiedAccessConditions -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zm_service_request_options.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zm_service_request_options.go deleted file mode 100644 index 79376a8d49ea..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zm_service_request_options.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,87 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -type ListContainersOptions struct { - Include ListContainersDetail - - // A string value that identifies the portion of the list of containers to be returned with the next listing operation. The - // operation returns the NextMarker value within the response body if the listing operation did not return all containers - // remaining to be listed with the current page. The NextMarker value can be used as the value for the marker parameter in - // a subsequent call to request the next page of list items. The marker value is opaque to the client. - Marker *string - - // Specifies the maximum number of containers to return. If the request does not specify max results, or specifies a value - // greater than 5000, the server will return up to 5000 items. Note that if the listing operation crosses a partition boundary, - // then the service will return a continuation token for retrieving the remainder of the results. For this reason, it is possible - // that the service will return fewer results than specified by max results, or than the default of 5000. - MaxResults *int32 - - // Filters the results to return only containers whose name begins with the specified prefix. - Prefix *string -} - -func (o *ListContainersOptions) pointers() *ServiceListContainersSegmentOptions { - if o == nil { - return nil - } - - return &ServiceListContainersSegmentOptions{ - Include: o.Include.pointers(), - Marker: o.Marker, - Maxresults: o.MaxResults, - Prefix: o.Prefix, - } -} - -// ListContainersDetail indicates what additional information the service should return with each container. -type ListContainersDetail struct { - // Tells the service whether to return metadata for each container. - Metadata bool - - // Tells the service whether to return soft-deleted containers. - Deleted bool -} - -// string produces the Include query parameter's value. -func (o *ListContainersDetail) pointers() []ListContainersIncludeType { - if !o.Metadata && !o.Deleted { - return nil - } - - items := make([]ListContainersIncludeType, 0, 2) - // NOTE: Multiple strings MUST be appended in alphabetic order or signing the string for authentication fails! - if o.Deleted { - items = append(items, ListContainersIncludeTypeDeleted) - } - if o.Metadata { - items = append(items, ListContainersIncludeTypeMetadata) - } - return items -} - -type ServiceFilterBlobsByTagsOptions struct { - // A string value that identifies the portion of the list of containers to be returned with the next listing operation. The operation returns the NextMarker - // value within the response body if the listing operation did not return all containers remaining to be listed with the current page. The NextMarker value - // can be used as the value for the marker parameter in a subsequent call to request the next page of list items. The marker value is opaque to the client. - Marker *string - // Specifies the maximum number of containers to return. If the request does not specify maxresults, or specifies a value greater than 5000, the server - // will return up to 5000 items. Note that if the listing operation crosses a partition boundary, then the service will return a continuation token for - // retrieving the remainder of the results. For this reason, it is possible that the service will return fewer results than specified by maxresults, or - // than the default of 5000. - Maxresults *int32 - // Filters the results to return only to return only blobs whose tags match the specified expression. - Where *string -} - -func (o *ServiceFilterBlobsByTagsOptions) pointer() *ServiceFilterBlobsOptions { - if o == nil { - return nil - } - return &ServiceFilterBlobsOptions{ - Marker: o.Marker, - Maxresults: o.Maxresults, - Where: o.Where, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zu_serialize_and_desearilize.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zu_serialize_and_desearilize.go deleted file mode 100644 index 988ef6960eca..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zu_serialize_and_desearilize.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -package azblob - -import "strings" - -func deserializeORSPolicies(policies map[string]string) (objectReplicationPolicies []ObjectReplicationPolicy) { - if policies == nil { - return nil - } - // For source blobs (blobs that have policy ids and rule ids applied to them), - // the header will be formatted as "x-ms-or-_: {Complete, Failed}". - // The value of this header is the status of the replication. - orPolicyStatusHeader := make(map[string]string) - for key, value := range policies { - if strings.Contains(key, "or-") && key != "x-ms-or-policy-id" { - orPolicyStatusHeader[key] = value - } - } - - parsedResult := make(map[string][]ObjectReplicationRules) - for key, value := range orPolicyStatusHeader { - policyAndRuleIDs := strings.Split(strings.Split(key, "or-")[1], "_") - policyId, ruleId := policyAndRuleIDs[0], policyAndRuleIDs[1] - - parsedResult[policyId] = append(parsedResult[policyId], ObjectReplicationRules{RuleId: ruleId, Status: value}) - } - - for policyId, rules := range parsedResult { - objectReplicationPolicies = append(objectReplicationPolicies, ObjectReplicationPolicy{ - PolicyId: &policyId, - Rules: &rules, - }) - } - return -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_appendblob_client.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_appendblob_client.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6a2b7ace5984..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_appendblob_client.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,588 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. -// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. -// Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. - -package azblob - -import ( - "context" - "encoding/base64" - "io" - "net/http" - "strconv" - "time" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime" -) - -type appendBlobClient struct { - con *connection -} - -// AppendBlock - The Append Block operation commits a new block of data to the end of an existing append blob. The Append Block operation is permitted only -// if the blob was created with x-ms-blob-type set to -// AppendBlob. Append Block is supported only on version 2015-02-21 version or later. -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *appendBlobClient) AppendBlock(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, body io.ReadSeekCloser, appendBlobAppendBlockOptions *AppendBlobAppendBlockOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, appendPositionAccessConditions *AppendPositionAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (AppendBlobAppendBlockResponse, error) { - req, err := client.appendBlockCreateRequest(ctx, contentLength, body, appendBlobAppendBlockOptions, leaseAccessConditions, appendPositionAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return AppendBlobAppendBlockResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return AppendBlobAppendBlockResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusCreated) { - return AppendBlobAppendBlockResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.appendBlockHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// appendBlockCreateRequest creates the AppendBlock request. -func (client *appendBlobClient) appendBlockCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, body io.ReadSeekCloser, appendBlobAppendBlockOptions *AppendBlobAppendBlockOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, appendPositionAccessConditions *AppendPositionAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "appendblock") - if appendBlobAppendBlockOptions != nil && appendBlobAppendBlockOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*appendBlobAppendBlockOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("Content-Length", strconv.FormatInt(contentLength, 10)) - if appendBlobAppendBlockOptions != nil && appendBlobAppendBlockOptions.TransactionalContentMD5 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("Content-MD5", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(appendBlobAppendBlockOptions.TransactionalContentMD5)) - } - if appendBlobAppendBlockOptions != nil && appendBlobAppendBlockOptions.TransactionalContentCRC64 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-content-crc64", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(appendBlobAppendBlockOptions.TransactionalContentCRC64)) - } - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - if appendPositionAccessConditions != nil && appendPositionAccessConditions.MaxSize != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-condition-maxsize", strconv.FormatInt(*appendPositionAccessConditions.MaxSize, 10)) - } - if appendPositionAccessConditions != nil && appendPositionAccessConditions.AppendPosition != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-condition-appendpos", strconv.FormatInt(*appendPositionAccessConditions.AppendPosition, 10)) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionKey != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key", *cpkInfo.EncryptionKey) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionKeySHA256 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", *cpkInfo.EncryptionKeySHA256) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionAlgorithm != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-algorithm", "AES256") - } - if cpkScopeInfo != nil && cpkScopeInfo.EncryptionScope != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-scope", *cpkScopeInfo.EncryptionScope) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if appendBlobAppendBlockOptions != nil && appendBlobAppendBlockOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *appendBlobAppendBlockOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, req.SetBody(body, "application/octet-stream") -} - -// appendBlockHandleResponse handles the AppendBlock response. -func (client *appendBlobClient) appendBlockHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (AppendBlobAppendBlockResponse, error) { - result := AppendBlobAppendBlockResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return AppendBlobAppendBlockResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-MD5"); val != "" { - contentMD5, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(val) - if err != nil { - return AppendBlobAppendBlockResponse{}, err - } - result.ContentMD5 = contentMD5 - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-content-crc64"); val != "" { - xMSContentCRC64, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(val) - if err != nil { - return AppendBlobAppendBlockResponse{}, err - } - result.XMSContentCRC64 = xMSContentCRC64 - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return AppendBlobAppendBlockResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-blob-append-offset"); val != "" { - result.BlobAppendOffset = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-blob-committed-block-count"); val != "" { - blobCommittedBlockCount32, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 32) - blobCommittedBlockCount := int32(blobCommittedBlockCount32) - if err != nil { - return AppendBlobAppendBlockResponse{}, err - } - result.BlobCommittedBlockCount = &blobCommittedBlockCount - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-server-encrypted"); val != "" { - isServerEncrypted, err := strconv.ParseBool(val) - if err != nil { - return AppendBlobAppendBlockResponse{}, err - } - result.IsServerEncrypted = &isServerEncrypted - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-encryption-key-sha256"); val != "" { - result.EncryptionKeySHA256 = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-encryption-scope"); val != "" { - result.EncryptionScope = &val - } - return result, nil -} - -// AppendBlockFromURL - The Append Block operation commits a new block of data to the end of an existing append blob where the contents are read from a -// source url. The Append Block operation is permitted only if the blob was -// created with x-ms-blob-type set to AppendBlob. Append Block is supported only on version 2015-02-21 version or later. -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *appendBlobClient) AppendBlockFromURL(ctx context.Context, sourceURL string, contentLength int64, appendBlobAppendBlockFromURLOptions *AppendBlobAppendBlockFromURLOptions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, appendPositionAccessConditions *AppendPositionAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions) (AppendBlobAppendBlockFromURLResponse, error) { - req, err := client.appendBlockFromURLCreateRequest(ctx, sourceURL, contentLength, appendBlobAppendBlockFromURLOptions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, leaseAccessConditions, appendPositionAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return AppendBlobAppendBlockFromURLResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return AppendBlobAppendBlockFromURLResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusCreated) { - return AppendBlobAppendBlockFromURLResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.appendBlockFromURLHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// appendBlockFromURLCreateRequest creates the AppendBlockFromURL request. -func (client *appendBlobClient) appendBlockFromURLCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, sourceURL string, contentLength int64, appendBlobAppendBlockFromURLOptions *AppendBlobAppendBlockFromURLOptions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, appendPositionAccessConditions *AppendPositionAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "appendblock") - if appendBlobAppendBlockFromURLOptions != nil && appendBlobAppendBlockFromURLOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*appendBlobAppendBlockFromURLOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-copy-source", sourceURL) - if appendBlobAppendBlockFromURLOptions != nil && appendBlobAppendBlockFromURLOptions.SourceRange != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-range", *appendBlobAppendBlockFromURLOptions.SourceRange) - } - if appendBlobAppendBlockFromURLOptions != nil && appendBlobAppendBlockFromURLOptions.SourceContentMD5 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-content-md5", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(appendBlobAppendBlockFromURLOptions.SourceContentMD5)) - } - if appendBlobAppendBlockFromURLOptions != nil && appendBlobAppendBlockFromURLOptions.SourceContentcrc64 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-content-crc64", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(appendBlobAppendBlockFromURLOptions.SourceContentcrc64)) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Content-Length", strconv.FormatInt(contentLength, 10)) - if appendBlobAppendBlockFromURLOptions != nil && appendBlobAppendBlockFromURLOptions.TransactionalContentMD5 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("Content-MD5", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(appendBlobAppendBlockFromURLOptions.TransactionalContentMD5)) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionKey != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key", *cpkInfo.EncryptionKey) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionKeySHA256 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", *cpkInfo.EncryptionKeySHA256) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionAlgorithm != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-algorithm", "AES256") - } - if cpkScopeInfo != nil && cpkScopeInfo.EncryptionScope != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-scope", *cpkScopeInfo.EncryptionScope) - } - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - if appendPositionAccessConditions != nil && appendPositionAccessConditions.MaxSize != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-condition-maxsize", strconv.FormatInt(*appendPositionAccessConditions.MaxSize, 10)) - } - if appendPositionAccessConditions != nil && appendPositionAccessConditions.AppendPosition != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-condition-appendpos", strconv.FormatInt(*appendPositionAccessConditions.AppendPosition, 10)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags) - } - if sourceModifiedAccessConditions != nil && sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-modified-since", sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if sourceModifiedAccessConditions != nil && sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-unmodified-since", sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if sourceModifiedAccessConditions != nil && sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-match", *sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfMatch) - } - if sourceModifiedAccessConditions != nil && sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-none-match", *sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfNoneMatch) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if appendBlobAppendBlockFromURLOptions != nil && appendBlobAppendBlockFromURLOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *appendBlobAppendBlockFromURLOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// appendBlockFromURLHandleResponse handles the AppendBlockFromURL response. -func (client *appendBlobClient) appendBlockFromURLHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (AppendBlobAppendBlockFromURLResponse, error) { - result := AppendBlobAppendBlockFromURLResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return AppendBlobAppendBlockFromURLResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-MD5"); val != "" { - contentMD5, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(val) - if err != nil { - return AppendBlobAppendBlockFromURLResponse{}, err - } - result.ContentMD5 = contentMD5 - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-content-crc64"); val != "" { - xMSContentCRC64, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(val) - if err != nil { - return AppendBlobAppendBlockFromURLResponse{}, err - } - result.XMSContentCRC64 = xMSContentCRC64 - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return AppendBlobAppendBlockFromURLResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-blob-append-offset"); val != "" { - result.BlobAppendOffset = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-blob-committed-block-count"); val != "" { - blobCommittedBlockCount32, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 32) - blobCommittedBlockCount := int32(blobCommittedBlockCount32) - if err != nil { - return AppendBlobAppendBlockFromURLResponse{}, err - } - result.BlobCommittedBlockCount = &blobCommittedBlockCount - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-encryption-key-sha256"); val != "" { - result.EncryptionKeySHA256 = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-encryption-scope"); val != "" { - result.EncryptionScope = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-server-encrypted"); val != "" { - isServerEncrypted, err := strconv.ParseBool(val) - if err != nil { - return AppendBlobAppendBlockFromURLResponse{}, err - } - result.IsServerEncrypted = &isServerEncrypted - } - return result, nil -} - -// Create - The Create Append Blob operation creates a new append blob. -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *appendBlobClient) Create(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, appendBlobCreateOptions *AppendBlobCreateOptions, blobHTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (AppendBlobCreateResponse, error) { - req, err := client.createCreateRequest(ctx, contentLength, appendBlobCreateOptions, blobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return AppendBlobCreateResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return AppendBlobCreateResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusCreated) { - return AppendBlobCreateResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.createHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// createCreateRequest creates the Create request. -func (client *appendBlobClient) createCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, appendBlobCreateOptions *AppendBlobCreateOptions, blobHTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - if appendBlobCreateOptions != nil && appendBlobCreateOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*appendBlobCreateOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-type", "AppendBlob") - req.Raw().Header.Set("Content-Length", strconv.FormatInt(contentLength, 10)) - if blobHTTPHeaders != nil && blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentType != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-content-type", *blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentType) - } - if blobHTTPHeaders != nil && blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentEncoding != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-content-encoding", *blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentEncoding) - } - if blobHTTPHeaders != nil && blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentLanguage != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-content-language", *blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentLanguage) - } - if blobHTTPHeaders != nil && blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentMD5 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-content-md5", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentMD5)) - } - if blobHTTPHeaders != nil && blobHTTPHeaders.BlobCacheControl != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-cache-control", *blobHTTPHeaders.BlobCacheControl) - } - if appendBlobCreateOptions != nil && appendBlobCreateOptions.Metadata != nil { - for k, v := range appendBlobCreateOptions.Metadata { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-meta-"+k, v) - } - } - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - if blobHTTPHeaders != nil && blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentDisposition != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-content-disposition", *blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentDisposition) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionKey != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key", *cpkInfo.EncryptionKey) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionKeySHA256 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", *cpkInfo.EncryptionKeySHA256) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionAlgorithm != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-algorithm", "AES256") - } - if cpkScopeInfo != nil && cpkScopeInfo.EncryptionScope != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-scope", *cpkScopeInfo.EncryptionScope) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if appendBlobCreateOptions != nil && appendBlobCreateOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *appendBlobCreateOptions.RequestID) - } - if appendBlobCreateOptions != nil && appendBlobCreateOptions.BlobTagsString != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-tags", *appendBlobCreateOptions.BlobTagsString) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// createHandleResponse handles the Create response. -func (client *appendBlobClient) createHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (AppendBlobCreateResponse, error) { - result := AppendBlobCreateResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return AppendBlobCreateResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-MD5"); val != "" { - contentMD5, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(val) - if err != nil { - return AppendBlobCreateResponse{}, err - } - result.ContentMD5 = contentMD5 - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version-id"); val != "" { - result.VersionID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return AppendBlobCreateResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-server-encrypted"); val != "" { - isServerEncrypted, err := strconv.ParseBool(val) - if err != nil { - return AppendBlobCreateResponse{}, err - } - result.IsServerEncrypted = &isServerEncrypted - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-encryption-key-sha256"); val != "" { - result.EncryptionKeySHA256 = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-encryption-scope"); val != "" { - result.EncryptionScope = &val - } - return result, nil -} - -// Seal - The Seal operation seals the Append Blob to make it read-only. Seal is supported only on version 2019-12-12 version or later. -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *appendBlobClient) Seal(ctx context.Context, appendBlobSealOptions *AppendBlobSealOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, appendPositionAccessConditions *AppendPositionAccessConditions) (AppendBlobSealResponse, error) { - req, err := client.sealCreateRequest(ctx, appendBlobSealOptions, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions, appendPositionAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return AppendBlobSealResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return AppendBlobSealResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - return AppendBlobSealResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.sealHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// sealCreateRequest creates the Seal request. -func (client *appendBlobClient) sealCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, appendBlobSealOptions *AppendBlobSealOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, appendPositionAccessConditions *AppendPositionAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "seal") - if appendBlobSealOptions != nil && appendBlobSealOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*appendBlobSealOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if appendBlobSealOptions != nil && appendBlobSealOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *appendBlobSealOptions.RequestID) - } - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - if appendPositionAccessConditions != nil && appendPositionAccessConditions.AppendPosition != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-condition-appendpos", strconv.FormatInt(*appendPositionAccessConditions.AppendPosition, 10)) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// sealHandleResponse handles the Seal response. -func (client *appendBlobClient) sealHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (AppendBlobSealResponse, error) { - result := AppendBlobSealResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return AppendBlobSealResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return AppendBlobSealResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-blob-sealed"); val != "" { - isSealed, err := strconv.ParseBool(val) - if err != nil { - return AppendBlobSealResponse{}, err - } - result.IsSealed = &isSealed - } - return result, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_blob_client.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_blob_client.go deleted file mode 100644 index 05a273cb25ae..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_blob_client.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2763 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. -// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. -// Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. - -package azblob - -import ( - "context" - "encoding/base64" - "net/http" - "strconv" - "strings" - "time" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime" -) - -type blobClient struct { - con *connection - pathRenameMode *PathRenameMode -} - -// AbortCopyFromURL - The Abort Copy From URL operation aborts a pending Copy From URL operation, and leaves a destination blob with zero length and full -// metadata. -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *blobClient) AbortCopyFromURL(ctx context.Context, copyID string, blobAbortCopyFromURLOptions *BlobAbortCopyFromURLOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions) (BlobAbortCopyFromURLResponse, error) { - req, err := client.abortCopyFromURLCreateRequest(ctx, copyID, blobAbortCopyFromURLOptions, leaseAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return BlobAbortCopyFromURLResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return BlobAbortCopyFromURLResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusNoContent) { - return BlobAbortCopyFromURLResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.abortCopyFromURLHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// abortCopyFromURLCreateRequest creates the AbortCopyFromURL request. -func (client *blobClient) abortCopyFromURLCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, copyID string, blobAbortCopyFromURLOptions *BlobAbortCopyFromURLOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "copy") - reqQP.Set("copyid", copyID) - if blobAbortCopyFromURLOptions != nil && blobAbortCopyFromURLOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*blobAbortCopyFromURLOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-copy-action", "abort") - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if blobAbortCopyFromURLOptions != nil && blobAbortCopyFromURLOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *blobAbortCopyFromURLOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// abortCopyFromURLHandleResponse handles the AbortCopyFromURL response. -func (client *blobClient) abortCopyFromURLHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobAbortCopyFromURLResponse, error) { - result := BlobAbortCopyFromURLResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobAbortCopyFromURLResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - return result, nil -} - -// AcquireLease - [Update] The Lease Blob operation establishes and manages a lock on a blob for write and delete operations -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *blobClient) AcquireLease(ctx context.Context, blobAcquireLeaseOptions *BlobAcquireLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlobAcquireLeaseResponse, error) { - req, err := client.acquireLeaseCreateRequest(ctx, blobAcquireLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return BlobAcquireLeaseResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return BlobAcquireLeaseResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusCreated) { - return BlobAcquireLeaseResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.acquireLeaseHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// acquireLeaseCreateRequest creates the AcquireLease request. -func (client *blobClient) acquireLeaseCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, blobAcquireLeaseOptions *BlobAcquireLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "lease") - if blobAcquireLeaseOptions != nil && blobAcquireLeaseOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*blobAcquireLeaseOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-action", "acquire") - if blobAcquireLeaseOptions != nil && blobAcquireLeaseOptions.Duration != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-duration", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*blobAcquireLeaseOptions.Duration), 10)) - } - if blobAcquireLeaseOptions != nil && blobAcquireLeaseOptions.ProposedLeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-proposed-lease-id", *blobAcquireLeaseOptions.ProposedLeaseID) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if blobAcquireLeaseOptions != nil && blobAcquireLeaseOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *blobAcquireLeaseOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// acquireLeaseHandleResponse handles the AcquireLease response. -func (client *blobClient) acquireLeaseHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobAcquireLeaseResponse, error) { - result := BlobAcquireLeaseResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobAcquireLeaseResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-lease-id"); val != "" { - result.LeaseID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobAcquireLeaseResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - return result, nil -} - -// BreakLease - [Update] The Lease Blob operation establishes and manages a lock on a blob for write and delete operations -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *blobClient) BreakLease(ctx context.Context, blobBreakLeaseOptions *BlobBreakLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlobBreakLeaseResponse, error) { - req, err := client.breakLeaseCreateRequest(ctx, blobBreakLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return BlobBreakLeaseResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return BlobBreakLeaseResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusAccepted) { - return BlobBreakLeaseResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.breakLeaseHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// breakLeaseCreateRequest creates the BreakLease request. -func (client *blobClient) breakLeaseCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, blobBreakLeaseOptions *BlobBreakLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "lease") - if blobBreakLeaseOptions != nil && blobBreakLeaseOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*blobBreakLeaseOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-action", "break") - if blobBreakLeaseOptions != nil && blobBreakLeaseOptions.BreakPeriod != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-break-period", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*blobBreakLeaseOptions.BreakPeriod), 10)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if blobBreakLeaseOptions != nil && blobBreakLeaseOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *blobBreakLeaseOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// breakLeaseHandleResponse handles the BreakLease response. -func (client *blobClient) breakLeaseHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobBreakLeaseResponse, error) { - result := BlobBreakLeaseResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobBreakLeaseResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-lease-time"); val != "" { - leaseTime32, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 32) - leaseTime := int32(leaseTime32) - if err != nil { - return BlobBreakLeaseResponse{}, err - } - result.LeaseTime = &leaseTime - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobBreakLeaseResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - return result, nil -} - -// ChangeLease - [Update] The Lease Blob operation establishes and manages a lock on a blob for write and delete operations -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *blobClient) ChangeLease(ctx context.Context, leaseID string, proposedLeaseID string, blobChangeLeaseOptions *BlobChangeLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlobChangeLeaseResponse, error) { - req, err := client.changeLeaseCreateRequest(ctx, leaseID, proposedLeaseID, blobChangeLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return BlobChangeLeaseResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return BlobChangeLeaseResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - return BlobChangeLeaseResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.changeLeaseHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// changeLeaseCreateRequest creates the ChangeLease request. -func (client *blobClient) changeLeaseCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, leaseID string, proposedLeaseID string, blobChangeLeaseOptions *BlobChangeLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "lease") - if blobChangeLeaseOptions != nil && blobChangeLeaseOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*blobChangeLeaseOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-action", "change") - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", leaseID) - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-proposed-lease-id", proposedLeaseID) - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if blobChangeLeaseOptions != nil && blobChangeLeaseOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *blobChangeLeaseOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// changeLeaseHandleResponse handles the ChangeLease response. -func (client *blobClient) changeLeaseHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobChangeLeaseResponse, error) { - result := BlobChangeLeaseResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobChangeLeaseResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-lease-id"); val != "" { - result.LeaseID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobChangeLeaseResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - return result, nil -} - -// CopyFromURL - The Copy From URL operation copies a blob or an internet resource to a new blob. It will not return a response until the copy is complete. -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *blobClient) CopyFromURL(ctx context.Context, copySource string, blobCopyFromURLOptions *BlobCopyFromURLOptions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions) (BlobCopyFromURLResponse, error) { - req, err := client.copyFromURLCreateRequest(ctx, copySource, blobCopyFromURLOptions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions, leaseAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return BlobCopyFromURLResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return BlobCopyFromURLResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusAccepted) { - return BlobCopyFromURLResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.copyFromURLHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// copyFromURLCreateRequest creates the CopyFromURL request. -func (client *blobClient) copyFromURLCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, copySource string, blobCopyFromURLOptions *BlobCopyFromURLOptions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - if blobCopyFromURLOptions != nil && blobCopyFromURLOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*blobCopyFromURLOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-requires-sync", "true") - if blobCopyFromURLOptions != nil && blobCopyFromURLOptions.Metadata != nil { - for k, v := range blobCopyFromURLOptions.Metadata { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-meta-"+k, v) - } - } - if blobCopyFromURLOptions != nil && blobCopyFromURLOptions.Tier != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-access-tier", string(*blobCopyFromURLOptions.Tier)) - } - if sourceModifiedAccessConditions != nil && sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-modified-since", sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if sourceModifiedAccessConditions != nil && sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-unmodified-since", sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if sourceModifiedAccessConditions != nil && sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-match", *sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfMatch) - } - if sourceModifiedAccessConditions != nil && sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-none-match", *sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfNoneMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-copy-source", copySource) - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if blobCopyFromURLOptions != nil && blobCopyFromURLOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *blobCopyFromURLOptions.RequestID) - } - if blobCopyFromURLOptions != nil && blobCopyFromURLOptions.SourceContentMD5 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-content-md5", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(blobCopyFromURLOptions.SourceContentMD5)) - } - if blobCopyFromURLOptions != nil && blobCopyFromURLOptions.BlobTagsString != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-tags", *blobCopyFromURLOptions.BlobTagsString) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// copyFromURLHandleResponse handles the CopyFromURL response. -func (client *blobClient) copyFromURLHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobCopyFromURLResponse, error) { - result := BlobCopyFromURLResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobCopyFromURLResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version-id"); val != "" { - result.VersionID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobCopyFromURLResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-copy-id"); val != "" { - result.CopyID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-copy-status"); val != "" { - result.CopyStatus = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-MD5"); val != "" { - contentMD5, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(val) - if err != nil { - return BlobCopyFromURLResponse{}, err - } - result.ContentMD5 = contentMD5 - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-content-crc64"); val != "" { - xMSContentCRC64, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(val) - if err != nil { - return BlobCopyFromURLResponse{}, err - } - result.XMSContentCRC64 = xMSContentCRC64 - } - return result, nil -} - -// CreateSnapshot - The Create Snapshot operation creates a read-only snapshot of a blob -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *blobClient) CreateSnapshot(ctx context.Context, blobCreateSnapshotOptions *BlobCreateSnapshotOptions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions) (BlobCreateSnapshotResponse, error) { - req, err := client.createSnapshotCreateRequest(ctx, blobCreateSnapshotOptions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions, leaseAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return BlobCreateSnapshotResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return BlobCreateSnapshotResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusCreated) { - return BlobCreateSnapshotResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.createSnapshotHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// createSnapshotCreateRequest creates the CreateSnapshot request. -func (client *blobClient) createSnapshotCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, blobCreateSnapshotOptions *BlobCreateSnapshotOptions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "snapshot") - if blobCreateSnapshotOptions != nil && blobCreateSnapshotOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*blobCreateSnapshotOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - if blobCreateSnapshotOptions != nil && blobCreateSnapshotOptions.Metadata != nil { - for k, v := range blobCreateSnapshotOptions.Metadata { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-meta-"+k, v) - } - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionKey != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key", *cpkInfo.EncryptionKey) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionKeySHA256 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", *cpkInfo.EncryptionKeySHA256) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionAlgorithm != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-algorithm", "AES256") - } - if cpkScopeInfo != nil && cpkScopeInfo.EncryptionScope != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-scope", *cpkScopeInfo.EncryptionScope) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags) - } - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if blobCreateSnapshotOptions != nil && blobCreateSnapshotOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *blobCreateSnapshotOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// createSnapshotHandleResponse handles the CreateSnapshot response. -func (client *blobClient) createSnapshotHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobCreateSnapshotResponse, error) { - result := BlobCreateSnapshotResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-snapshot"); val != "" { - result.Snapshot = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobCreateSnapshotResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version-id"); val != "" { - result.VersionID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobCreateSnapshotResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-server-encrypted"); val != "" { - isServerEncrypted, err := strconv.ParseBool(val) - if err != nil { - return BlobCreateSnapshotResponse{}, err - } - result.IsServerEncrypted = &isServerEncrypted - } - return result, nil -} - -// Delete - If the storage account's soft delete feature is disabled then, when a blob is deleted, it is permanently removed from the storage account. If -// the storage account's soft delete feature is enabled, -// then, when a blob is deleted, it is marked for deletion and becomes inaccessible immediately. However, the blob service retains the blob or snapshot -// for the number of days specified by the -// DeleteRetentionPolicy section of Storage service properties [Set-Blob-Service-Properties.md]. After the specified number of days has passed, the blob's -// data is permanently removed from the storage -// account. Note that you continue to be charged for the soft-deleted blob's storage until it is permanently removed. Use the List Blobs API and specify -// the "include=deleted" query parameter to discover -// which blobs and snapshots have been soft deleted. You can then use the Undelete Blob API to restore a soft-deleted blob. All other operations on a soft-deleted -// blob or snapshot causes the service to -// return an HTTP status code of 404 (ResourceNotFound). -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *blobClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, blobDeleteOptions *BlobDeleteOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlobDeleteResponse, error) { - req, err := client.deleteCreateRequest(ctx, blobDeleteOptions, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return BlobDeleteResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return BlobDeleteResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusAccepted) { - return BlobDeleteResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.deleteHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// deleteCreateRequest creates the Delete request. -func (client *blobClient) deleteCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, blobDeleteOptions *BlobDeleteOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodDelete, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - if blobDeleteOptions != nil && blobDeleteOptions.Snapshot != nil { - reqQP.Set("snapshot", *blobDeleteOptions.Snapshot) - } - if blobDeleteOptions != nil && blobDeleteOptions.VersionID != nil { - reqQP.Set("versionid", *blobDeleteOptions.VersionID) - } - if blobDeleteOptions != nil && blobDeleteOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*blobDeleteOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - if blobDeleteOptions != nil && blobDeleteOptions.DeleteSnapshots != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-delete-snapshots", string(*blobDeleteOptions.DeleteSnapshots)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if blobDeleteOptions != nil && blobDeleteOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *blobDeleteOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// deleteHandleResponse handles the Delete response. -func (client *blobClient) deleteHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobDeleteResponse, error) { - result := BlobDeleteResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobDeleteResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - return result, nil -} - -// Download - The Download operation reads or downloads a blob from the system, including its metadata and properties. You can also call Download to read -// a snapshot. -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *blobClient) Download(ctx context.Context, blobDownloadOptions *BlobDownloadOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlobDownloadResponse, error) { - req, err := client.downloadCreateRequest(ctx, blobDownloadOptions, leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return BlobDownloadResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return BlobDownloadResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK, http.StatusPartialContent) { - return BlobDownloadResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.downloadHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// downloadCreateRequest creates the Download request. -func (client *blobClient) downloadCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, blobDownloadOptions *BlobDownloadOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - if blobDownloadOptions != nil && blobDownloadOptions.Snapshot != nil { - reqQP.Set("snapshot", *blobDownloadOptions.Snapshot) - } - if blobDownloadOptions != nil && blobDownloadOptions.VersionID != nil { - reqQP.Set("versionid", *blobDownloadOptions.VersionID) - } - if blobDownloadOptions != nil && blobDownloadOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*blobDownloadOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - runtime.SkipBodyDownload(req) - if blobDownloadOptions != nil && blobDownloadOptions.Range != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-range", *blobDownloadOptions.Range) - } - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - if blobDownloadOptions != nil && blobDownloadOptions.RangeGetContentMD5 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-range-get-content-md5", strconv.FormatBool(*blobDownloadOptions.RangeGetContentMD5)) - } - if blobDownloadOptions != nil && blobDownloadOptions.RangeGetContentCRC64 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-range-get-content-crc64", strconv.FormatBool(*blobDownloadOptions.RangeGetContentCRC64)) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionKey != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key", *cpkInfo.EncryptionKey) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionKeySHA256 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", *cpkInfo.EncryptionKeySHA256) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionAlgorithm != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-algorithm", "AES256") - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if blobDownloadOptions != nil && blobDownloadOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *blobDownloadOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// downloadHandleResponse handles the Download response. -func (client *blobClient) downloadHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobDownloadResponse, error) { - result := BlobDownloadResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobDownloadResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - for hh := range resp.Header { - if len(hh) > len("x-ms-meta-") && strings.EqualFold(hh[:len("x-ms-meta-")], "x-ms-meta-") { - if result.Metadata == nil { - result.Metadata = map[string]string{} - } - result.Metadata[hh[len("x-ms-meta-"):]] = resp.Header.Get(hh) - } - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-or-policy-id"); val != "" { - result.ObjectReplicationPolicyID = &val - } - for hh := range resp.Header { - if len(hh) > len("x-ms-or-") && strings.EqualFold(hh[:len("x-ms-or-")], "x-ms-or-") { - if result.Metadata == nil { - result.Metadata = map[string]string{} - } - result.Metadata[hh[len("x-ms-or-"):]] = resp.Header.Get(hh) - } - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-Length"); val != "" { - contentLength, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 64) - if err != nil { - return BlobDownloadResponse{}, err - } - result.ContentLength = &contentLength - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-Type"); val != "" { - result.ContentType = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-Range"); val != "" { - result.ContentRange = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-MD5"); val != "" { - contentMD5, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(val) - if err != nil { - return BlobDownloadResponse{}, err - } - result.ContentMD5 = contentMD5 - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-Encoding"); val != "" { - result.ContentEncoding = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Cache-Control"); val != "" { - result.CacheControl = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-Disposition"); val != "" { - result.ContentDisposition = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-Language"); val != "" { - result.ContentLanguage = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-blob-sequence-number"); val != "" { - blobSequenceNumber, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 64) - if err != nil { - return BlobDownloadResponse{}, err - } - result.BlobSequenceNumber = &blobSequenceNumber - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-blob-type"); val != "" { - result.BlobType = (*BlobType)(&val) - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-copy-completion-time"); val != "" { - copyCompletionTime, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobDownloadResponse{}, err - } - result.CopyCompletionTime = ©CompletionTime - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-copy-status-description"); val != "" { - result.CopyStatusDescription = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-copy-id"); val != "" { - result.CopyID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-copy-progress"); val != "" { - result.CopyProgress = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-copy-source"); val != "" { - result.CopySource = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-copy-status"); val != "" { - result.CopyStatus = (*CopyStatusType)(&val) - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-lease-duration"); val != "" { - result.LeaseDuration = (*LeaseDurationType)(&val) - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-lease-state"); val != "" { - result.LeaseState = (*LeaseStateType)(&val) - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-lease-status"); val != "" { - result.LeaseStatus = (*LeaseStatusType)(&val) - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version-id"); val != "" { - result.VersionID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-is-current-version"); val != "" { - isCurrentVersion, err := strconv.ParseBool(val) - if err != nil { - return BlobDownloadResponse{}, err - } - result.IsCurrentVersion = &isCurrentVersion - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Accept-Ranges"); val != "" { - result.AcceptRanges = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobDownloadResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-blob-committed-block-count"); val != "" { - blobCommittedBlockCount32, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 32) - blobCommittedBlockCount := int32(blobCommittedBlockCount32) - if err != nil { - return BlobDownloadResponse{}, err - } - result.BlobCommittedBlockCount = &blobCommittedBlockCount - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-server-encrypted"); val != "" { - isServerEncrypted, err := strconv.ParseBool(val) - if err != nil { - return BlobDownloadResponse{}, err - } - result.IsServerEncrypted = &isServerEncrypted - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-encryption-key-sha256"); val != "" { - result.EncryptionKeySHA256 = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-encryption-scope"); val != "" { - result.EncryptionScope = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-blob-content-md5"); val != "" { - blobContentMD5, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(val) - if err != nil { - return BlobDownloadResponse{}, err - } - result.BlobContentMD5 = blobContentMD5 - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-tag-count"); val != "" { - tagCount, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 64) - if err != nil { - return BlobDownloadResponse{}, err - } - result.TagCount = &tagCount - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-blob-sealed"); val != "" { - isSealed, err := strconv.ParseBool(val) - if err != nil { - return BlobDownloadResponse{}, err - } - result.IsSealed = &isSealed - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-content-crc64"); val != "" { - contentCRC64, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(val) - if err != nil { - return BlobDownloadResponse{}, err - } - result.ContentCRC64 = contentCRC64 - } - return result, nil -} - -// GetAccessControl - Get the owner, group, permissions, or access control list for a blob. -// If the operation fails it returns the *DataLakeStorageError error type. -func (client *blobClient) GetAccessControl(ctx context.Context, blobGetAccessControlOptions *BlobGetAccessControlOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlobGetAccessControlResponse, error) { - req, err := client.getAccessControlCreateRequest(ctx, blobGetAccessControlOptions, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return BlobGetAccessControlResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return BlobGetAccessControlResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - return BlobGetAccessControlResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.getAccessControlHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// getAccessControlCreateRequest creates the GetAccessControl request. -func (client *blobClient) getAccessControlCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, blobGetAccessControlOptions *BlobGetAccessControlOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodHead, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("action", "getAccessControl") - if blobGetAccessControlOptions != nil && blobGetAccessControlOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*blobGetAccessControlOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - if blobGetAccessControlOptions != nil && blobGetAccessControlOptions.Upn != nil { - reqQP.Set("upn", strconv.FormatBool(*blobGetAccessControlOptions.Upn)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if blobGetAccessControlOptions != nil && blobGetAccessControlOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *blobGetAccessControlOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// getAccessControlHandleResponse handles the GetAccessControl response. -func (client *blobClient) getAccessControlHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobGetAccessControlResponse, error) { - result := BlobGetAccessControlResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobGetAccessControlResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobGetAccessControlResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-owner"); val != "" { - result.XMSOwner = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-group"); val != "" { - result.XMSGroup = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-permissions"); val != "" { - result.XMSPermissions = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-acl"); val != "" { - result.XMSACL = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - return result, nil -} - -// GetAccountInfo - Returns the sku name and account kind -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *blobClient) GetAccountInfo(ctx context.Context, options *BlobGetAccountInfoOptions) (BlobGetAccountInfoResponse, error) { - req, err := client.getAccountInfoCreateRequest(ctx, options) - if err != nil { - return BlobGetAccountInfoResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return BlobGetAccountInfoResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - return BlobGetAccountInfoResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.getAccountInfoHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// getAccountInfoCreateRequest creates the GetAccountInfo request. -func (client *blobClient) getAccountInfoCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, options *BlobGetAccountInfoOptions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("restype", "account") - reqQP.Set("comp", "properties") - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// getAccountInfoHandleResponse handles the GetAccountInfo response. -func (client *blobClient) getAccountInfoHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobGetAccountInfoResponse, error) { - result := BlobGetAccountInfoResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobGetAccountInfoResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-sku-name"); val != "" { - result.SKUName = (*SKUName)(&val) - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-account-kind"); val != "" { - result.AccountKind = (*AccountKind)(&val) - } - return result, nil -} - -// GetProperties - The Get Properties operation returns all user-defined metadata, standard HTTP properties, and system properties for the blob. It does -// not return the content of the blob. -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *blobClient) GetProperties(ctx context.Context, blobGetPropertiesOptions *BlobGetPropertiesOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlobGetPropertiesResponse, error) { - req, err := client.getPropertiesCreateRequest(ctx, blobGetPropertiesOptions, leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return BlobGetPropertiesResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return BlobGetPropertiesResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - return BlobGetPropertiesResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.getPropertiesHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// getPropertiesCreateRequest creates the GetProperties request. -func (client *blobClient) getPropertiesCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, blobGetPropertiesOptions *BlobGetPropertiesOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodHead, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - if blobGetPropertiesOptions != nil && blobGetPropertiesOptions.Snapshot != nil { - reqQP.Set("snapshot", *blobGetPropertiesOptions.Snapshot) - } - if blobGetPropertiesOptions != nil && blobGetPropertiesOptions.VersionID != nil { - reqQP.Set("versionid", *blobGetPropertiesOptions.VersionID) - } - if blobGetPropertiesOptions != nil && blobGetPropertiesOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*blobGetPropertiesOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionKey != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key", *cpkInfo.EncryptionKey) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionKeySHA256 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", *cpkInfo.EncryptionKeySHA256) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionAlgorithm != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-algorithm", "AES256") - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if blobGetPropertiesOptions != nil && blobGetPropertiesOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *blobGetPropertiesOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// getPropertiesHandleResponse handles the GetProperties response. -func (client *blobClient) getPropertiesHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobGetPropertiesResponse, error) { - result := BlobGetPropertiesResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobGetPropertiesResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-creation-time"); val != "" { - creationTime, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobGetPropertiesResponse{}, err - } - result.CreationTime = &creationTime - } - for hh := range resp.Header { - if len(hh) > len("x-ms-meta-") && strings.EqualFold(hh[:len("x-ms-meta-")], "x-ms-meta-") { - if result.Metadata == nil { - result.Metadata = map[string]string{} - } - result.Metadata[hh[len("x-ms-meta-"):]] = resp.Header.Get(hh) - } - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-or-policy-id"); val != "" { - result.ObjectReplicationPolicyID = &val - } - for hh := range resp.Header { - if len(hh) > len("x-ms-or-") && strings.EqualFold(hh[:len("x-ms-or-")], "x-ms-or-") { - if result.Metadata == nil { - result.Metadata = map[string]string{} - } - result.Metadata[hh[len("x-ms-or-"):]] = resp.Header.Get(hh) - } - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-blob-type"); val != "" { - result.BlobType = (*BlobType)(&val) - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-copy-completion-time"); val != "" { - copyCompletionTime, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobGetPropertiesResponse{}, err - } - result.CopyCompletionTime = ©CompletionTime - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-copy-status-description"); val != "" { - result.CopyStatusDescription = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-copy-id"); val != "" { - result.CopyID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-copy-progress"); val != "" { - result.CopyProgress = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-copy-source"); val != "" { - result.CopySource = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-copy-status"); val != "" { - result.CopyStatus = (*CopyStatusType)(&val) - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-incremental-copy"); val != "" { - isIncrementalCopy, err := strconv.ParseBool(val) - if err != nil { - return BlobGetPropertiesResponse{}, err - } - result.IsIncrementalCopy = &isIncrementalCopy - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-copy-destination-snapshot"); val != "" { - result.DestinationSnapshot = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-lease-duration"); val != "" { - result.LeaseDuration = (*LeaseDurationType)(&val) - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-lease-state"); val != "" { - result.LeaseState = (*LeaseStateType)(&val) - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-lease-status"); val != "" { - result.LeaseStatus = (*LeaseStatusType)(&val) - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-Length"); val != "" { - contentLength, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 64) - if err != nil { - return BlobGetPropertiesResponse{}, err - } - result.ContentLength = &contentLength - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-Type"); val != "" { - result.ContentType = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-MD5"); val != "" { - contentMD5, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(val) - if err != nil { - return BlobGetPropertiesResponse{}, err - } - result.ContentMD5 = contentMD5 - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-Encoding"); val != "" { - result.ContentEncoding = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-Disposition"); val != "" { - result.ContentDisposition = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-Language"); val != "" { - result.ContentLanguage = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Cache-Control"); val != "" { - result.CacheControl = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-blob-sequence-number"); val != "" { - blobSequenceNumber, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 64) - if err != nil { - return BlobGetPropertiesResponse{}, err - } - result.BlobSequenceNumber = &blobSequenceNumber - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobGetPropertiesResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Accept-Ranges"); val != "" { - result.AcceptRanges = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-blob-committed-block-count"); val != "" { - blobCommittedBlockCount32, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 32) - blobCommittedBlockCount := int32(blobCommittedBlockCount32) - if err != nil { - return BlobGetPropertiesResponse{}, err - } - result.BlobCommittedBlockCount = &blobCommittedBlockCount - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-server-encrypted"); val != "" { - isServerEncrypted, err := strconv.ParseBool(val) - if err != nil { - return BlobGetPropertiesResponse{}, err - } - result.IsServerEncrypted = &isServerEncrypted - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-encryption-key-sha256"); val != "" { - result.EncryptionKeySHA256 = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-encryption-scope"); val != "" { - result.EncryptionScope = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-access-tier"); val != "" { - result.AccessTier = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-access-tier-inferred"); val != "" { - accessTierInferred, err := strconv.ParseBool(val) - if err != nil { - return BlobGetPropertiesResponse{}, err - } - result.AccessTierInferred = &accessTierInferred - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-archive-status"); val != "" { - result.ArchiveStatus = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-access-tier-change-time"); val != "" { - accessTierChangeTime, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobGetPropertiesResponse{}, err - } - result.AccessTierChangeTime = &accessTierChangeTime - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version-id"); val != "" { - result.VersionID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-is-current-version"); val != "" { - isCurrentVersion, err := strconv.ParseBool(val) - if err != nil { - return BlobGetPropertiesResponse{}, err - } - result.IsCurrentVersion = &isCurrentVersion - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-tag-count"); val != "" { - tagCount, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 64) - if err != nil { - return BlobGetPropertiesResponse{}, err - } - result.TagCount = &tagCount - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-expiry-time"); val != "" { - expiresOn, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobGetPropertiesResponse{}, err - } - result.ExpiresOn = &expiresOn - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-blob-sealed"); val != "" { - isSealed, err := strconv.ParseBool(val) - if err != nil { - return BlobGetPropertiesResponse{}, err - } - result.IsSealed = &isSealed - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-rehydrate-priority"); val != "" { - result.RehydratePriority = &val - } - return result, nil -} - -// GetTags - The Get Tags operation enables users to get the tags associated with a blob. -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *blobClient) GetTags(ctx context.Context, blobGetTagsOptions *BlobGetTagsOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlobGetTagsResponse, error) { - req, err := client.getTagsCreateRequest(ctx, blobGetTagsOptions, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return BlobGetTagsResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return BlobGetTagsResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - return BlobGetTagsResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.getTagsHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// getTagsCreateRequest creates the GetTags request. -func (client *blobClient) getTagsCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, blobGetTagsOptions *BlobGetTagsOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "tags") - if blobGetTagsOptions != nil && blobGetTagsOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*blobGetTagsOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - if blobGetTagsOptions != nil && blobGetTagsOptions.Snapshot != nil { - reqQP.Set("snapshot", *blobGetTagsOptions.Snapshot) - } - if blobGetTagsOptions != nil && blobGetTagsOptions.VersionID != nil { - reqQP.Set("versionid", *blobGetTagsOptions.VersionID) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if blobGetTagsOptions != nil && blobGetTagsOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *blobGetTagsOptions.RequestID) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// getTagsHandleResponse handles the GetTags response. -func (client *blobClient) getTagsHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobGetTagsResponse, error) { - result := BlobGetTagsResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobGetTagsResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if err := runtime.UnmarshalAsXML(resp, &result.BlobTags); err != nil { - return BlobGetTagsResponse{}, err - } - return result, nil -} - -// Query - The Query operation enables users to select/project on blob data by providing simple query expressions. -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *blobClient) Query(ctx context.Context, blobQueryOptions *BlobQueryOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlobQueryResponse, error) { - req, err := client.queryCreateRequest(ctx, blobQueryOptions, leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return BlobQueryResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return BlobQueryResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK, http.StatusPartialContent) { - return BlobQueryResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.queryHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// queryCreateRequest creates the Query request. -func (client *blobClient) queryCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, blobQueryOptions *BlobQueryOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPost, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "query") - if blobQueryOptions != nil && blobQueryOptions.Snapshot != nil { - reqQP.Set("snapshot", *blobQueryOptions.Snapshot) - } - if blobQueryOptions != nil && blobQueryOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*blobQueryOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - runtime.SkipBodyDownload(req) - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionKey != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key", *cpkInfo.EncryptionKey) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionKeySHA256 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", *cpkInfo.EncryptionKeySHA256) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionAlgorithm != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-algorithm", "AES256") - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if blobQueryOptions != nil && blobQueryOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *blobQueryOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - if blobQueryOptions != nil && blobQueryOptions.QueryRequest != nil { - return req, runtime.MarshalAsXML(req, *blobQueryOptions.QueryRequest) - } - return req, nil -} - -// queryHandleResponse handles the Query response. -func (client *blobClient) queryHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobQueryResponse, error) { - result := BlobQueryResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobQueryResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - for hh := range resp.Header { - if len(hh) > len("x-ms-meta-") && strings.EqualFold(hh[:len("x-ms-meta-")], "x-ms-meta-") { - if result.Metadata == nil { - result.Metadata = map[string]string{} - } - result.Metadata[hh[len("x-ms-meta-"):]] = resp.Header.Get(hh) - } - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-Length"); val != "" { - contentLength, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 64) - if err != nil { - return BlobQueryResponse{}, err - } - result.ContentLength = &contentLength - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-Type"); val != "" { - result.ContentType = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-Range"); val != "" { - result.ContentRange = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-MD5"); val != "" { - contentMD5, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(val) - if err != nil { - return BlobQueryResponse{}, err - } - result.ContentMD5 = contentMD5 - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-Encoding"); val != "" { - result.ContentEncoding = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Cache-Control"); val != "" { - result.CacheControl = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-Disposition"); val != "" { - result.ContentDisposition = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-Language"); val != "" { - result.ContentLanguage = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-blob-sequence-number"); val != "" { - blobSequenceNumber, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 64) - if err != nil { - return BlobQueryResponse{}, err - } - result.BlobSequenceNumber = &blobSequenceNumber - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-blob-type"); val != "" { - result.BlobType = (*BlobType)(&val) - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-copy-completion-time"); val != "" { - copyCompletionTime, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobQueryResponse{}, err - } - result.CopyCompletionTime = ©CompletionTime - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-copy-status-description"); val != "" { - result.CopyStatusDescription = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-copy-id"); val != "" { - result.CopyID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-copy-progress"); val != "" { - result.CopyProgress = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-copy-source"); val != "" { - result.CopySource = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-copy-status"); val != "" { - result.CopyStatus = (*CopyStatusType)(&val) - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-lease-duration"); val != "" { - result.LeaseDuration = (*LeaseDurationType)(&val) - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-lease-state"); val != "" { - result.LeaseState = (*LeaseStateType)(&val) - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-lease-status"); val != "" { - result.LeaseStatus = (*LeaseStatusType)(&val) - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Accept-Ranges"); val != "" { - result.AcceptRanges = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobQueryResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-blob-committed-block-count"); val != "" { - blobCommittedBlockCount32, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 32) - blobCommittedBlockCount := int32(blobCommittedBlockCount32) - if err != nil { - return BlobQueryResponse{}, err - } - result.BlobCommittedBlockCount = &blobCommittedBlockCount - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-server-encrypted"); val != "" { - isServerEncrypted, err := strconv.ParseBool(val) - if err != nil { - return BlobQueryResponse{}, err - } - result.IsServerEncrypted = &isServerEncrypted - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-encryption-key-sha256"); val != "" { - result.EncryptionKeySHA256 = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-encryption-scope"); val != "" { - result.EncryptionScope = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-blob-content-md5"); val != "" { - blobContentMD5, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(val) - if err != nil { - return BlobQueryResponse{}, err - } - result.BlobContentMD5 = blobContentMD5 - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-content-crc64"); val != "" { - contentCRC64, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(val) - if err != nil { - return BlobQueryResponse{}, err - } - result.ContentCRC64 = contentCRC64 - } - return result, nil -} - -// ReleaseLease - [Update] The Lease Blob operation establishes and manages a lock on a blob for write and delete operations -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *blobClient) ReleaseLease(ctx context.Context, leaseID string, blobReleaseLeaseOptions *BlobReleaseLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlobReleaseLeaseResponse, error) { - req, err := client.releaseLeaseCreateRequest(ctx, leaseID, blobReleaseLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return BlobReleaseLeaseResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return BlobReleaseLeaseResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - return BlobReleaseLeaseResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.releaseLeaseHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// releaseLeaseCreateRequest creates the ReleaseLease request. -func (client *blobClient) releaseLeaseCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, leaseID string, blobReleaseLeaseOptions *BlobReleaseLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "lease") - if blobReleaseLeaseOptions != nil && blobReleaseLeaseOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*blobReleaseLeaseOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-action", "release") - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", leaseID) - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if blobReleaseLeaseOptions != nil && blobReleaseLeaseOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *blobReleaseLeaseOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// releaseLeaseHandleResponse handles the ReleaseLease response. -func (client *blobClient) releaseLeaseHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobReleaseLeaseResponse, error) { - result := BlobReleaseLeaseResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobReleaseLeaseResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobReleaseLeaseResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - return result, nil -} - -// Rename - Rename a blob/file. By default, the destination is overwritten and if the destination already exists and has a lease the lease is broken. This -// operation supports conditional HTTP requests. For more -// information, see Specifying Conditional Headers for Blob Service Operations [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/specifying-conditional-headers-for-blob-service-operations]. -// To -// fail if the destination already exists, use a conditional request with If-None-Match: "*". -// If the operation fails it returns the *DataLakeStorageError error type. -func (client *blobClient) Rename(ctx context.Context, renameSource string, blobRenameOptions *BlobRenameOptions, directoryHTTPHeaders *DirectoryHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions) (BlobRenameResponse, error) { - req, err := client.renameCreateRequest(ctx, renameSource, blobRenameOptions, directoryHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return BlobRenameResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return BlobRenameResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusCreated) { - return BlobRenameResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.renameHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// renameCreateRequest creates the Rename request. -func (client *blobClient) renameCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, renameSource string, blobRenameOptions *BlobRenameOptions, directoryHTTPHeaders *DirectoryHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - if blobRenameOptions != nil && blobRenameOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*blobRenameOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - if client.pathRenameMode != nil { - reqQP.Set("mode", string(*client.pathRenameMode)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-rename-source", renameSource) - if blobRenameOptions != nil && blobRenameOptions.DirectoryProperties != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-properties", *blobRenameOptions.DirectoryProperties) - } - if blobRenameOptions != nil && blobRenameOptions.PosixPermissions != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-permissions", *blobRenameOptions.PosixPermissions) - } - if blobRenameOptions != nil && blobRenameOptions.PosixUmask != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-umask", *blobRenameOptions.PosixUmask) - } - if directoryHTTPHeaders != nil && directoryHTTPHeaders.CacheControl != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-cache-control", *directoryHTTPHeaders.CacheControl) - } - if directoryHTTPHeaders != nil && directoryHTTPHeaders.ContentType != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-content-type", *directoryHTTPHeaders.ContentType) - } - if directoryHTTPHeaders != nil && directoryHTTPHeaders.ContentEncoding != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-content-encoding", *directoryHTTPHeaders.ContentEncoding) - } - if directoryHTTPHeaders != nil && directoryHTTPHeaders.ContentLanguage != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-content-language", *directoryHTTPHeaders.ContentLanguage) - } - if directoryHTTPHeaders != nil && directoryHTTPHeaders.ContentDisposition != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-content-disposition", *directoryHTTPHeaders.ContentDisposition) - } - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - if blobRenameOptions != nil && blobRenameOptions.SourceLeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-lease-id", *blobRenameOptions.SourceLeaseID) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - if sourceModifiedAccessConditions != nil && sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-modified-since", sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if sourceModifiedAccessConditions != nil && sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-unmodified-since", sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if sourceModifiedAccessConditions != nil && sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-match", *sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfMatch) - } - if sourceModifiedAccessConditions != nil && sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-none-match", *sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfNoneMatch) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if blobRenameOptions != nil && blobRenameOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *blobRenameOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// renameHandleResponse handles the Rename response. -func (client *blobClient) renameHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobRenameResponse, error) { - result := BlobRenameResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobRenameResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-Length"); val != "" { - contentLength, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 64) - if err != nil { - return BlobRenameResponse{}, err - } - result.ContentLength = &contentLength - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobRenameResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - return result, nil -} - -// RenewLease - [Update] The Lease Blob operation establishes and manages a lock on a blob for write and delete operations -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *blobClient) RenewLease(ctx context.Context, leaseID string, blobRenewLeaseOptions *BlobRenewLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlobRenewLeaseResponse, error) { - req, err := client.renewLeaseCreateRequest(ctx, leaseID, blobRenewLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return BlobRenewLeaseResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return BlobRenewLeaseResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - return BlobRenewLeaseResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.renewLeaseHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// renewLeaseCreateRequest creates the RenewLease request. -func (client *blobClient) renewLeaseCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, leaseID string, blobRenewLeaseOptions *BlobRenewLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "lease") - if blobRenewLeaseOptions != nil && blobRenewLeaseOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*blobRenewLeaseOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-action", "renew") - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", leaseID) - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if blobRenewLeaseOptions != nil && blobRenewLeaseOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *blobRenewLeaseOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// renewLeaseHandleResponse handles the RenewLease response. -func (client *blobClient) renewLeaseHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobRenewLeaseResponse, error) { - result := BlobRenewLeaseResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobRenewLeaseResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-lease-id"); val != "" { - result.LeaseID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobRenewLeaseResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - return result, nil -} - -// SetAccessControl - Set the owner, group, permissions, or access control list for a blob. -// If the operation fails it returns the *DataLakeStorageError error type. -func (client *blobClient) SetAccessControl(ctx context.Context, blobSetAccessControlOptions *BlobSetAccessControlOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlobSetAccessControlResponse, error) { - req, err := client.setAccessControlCreateRequest(ctx, blobSetAccessControlOptions, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return BlobSetAccessControlResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return BlobSetAccessControlResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - return BlobSetAccessControlResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.setAccessControlHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// setAccessControlCreateRequest creates the SetAccessControl request. -func (client *blobClient) setAccessControlCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, blobSetAccessControlOptions *BlobSetAccessControlOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPatch, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("action", "setAccessControl") - if blobSetAccessControlOptions != nil && blobSetAccessControlOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*blobSetAccessControlOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - if blobSetAccessControlOptions != nil && blobSetAccessControlOptions.Owner != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-owner", *blobSetAccessControlOptions.Owner) - } - if blobSetAccessControlOptions != nil && blobSetAccessControlOptions.Group != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-group", *blobSetAccessControlOptions.Group) - } - if blobSetAccessControlOptions != nil && blobSetAccessControlOptions.PosixPermissions != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-permissions", *blobSetAccessControlOptions.PosixPermissions) - } - if blobSetAccessControlOptions != nil && blobSetAccessControlOptions.PosixACL != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-acl", *blobSetAccessControlOptions.PosixACL) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if blobSetAccessControlOptions != nil && blobSetAccessControlOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *blobSetAccessControlOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// setAccessControlHandleResponse handles the SetAccessControl response. -func (client *blobClient) setAccessControlHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobSetAccessControlResponse, error) { - result := BlobSetAccessControlResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobSetAccessControlResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobSetAccessControlResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - return result, nil -} - -// SetExpiry - Sets the time a blob will expire and be deleted. -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *blobClient) SetExpiry(ctx context.Context, expiryOptions BlobExpiryOptions, options *BlobSetExpiryOptions) (BlobSetExpiryResponse, error) { - req, err := client.setExpiryCreateRequest(ctx, expiryOptions, options) - if err != nil { - return BlobSetExpiryResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return BlobSetExpiryResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - return BlobSetExpiryResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.setExpiryHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// setExpiryCreateRequest creates the SetExpiry request. -func (client *blobClient) setExpiryCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, expiryOptions BlobExpiryOptions, options *BlobSetExpiryOptions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "expiry") - if options != nil && options.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*options.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if options != nil && options.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *options.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-expiry-option", string(expiryOptions)) - if options != nil && options.ExpiresOn != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-expiry-time", *options.ExpiresOn) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// setExpiryHandleResponse handles the SetExpiry response. -func (client *blobClient) setExpiryHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobSetExpiryResponse, error) { - result := BlobSetExpiryResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobSetExpiryResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobSetExpiryResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - return result, nil -} - -// SetHTTPHeaders - The Set HTTP Headers operation sets system properties on the blob -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *blobClient) SetHTTPHeaders(ctx context.Context, blobSetHTTPHeadersOptions *BlobSetHTTPHeadersOptions, blobHTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlobSetHTTPHeadersResponse, error) { - req, err := client.setHTTPHeadersCreateRequest(ctx, blobSetHTTPHeadersOptions, blobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return BlobSetHTTPHeadersResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return BlobSetHTTPHeadersResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - return BlobSetHTTPHeadersResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.setHTTPHeadersHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// setHTTPHeadersCreateRequest creates the SetHTTPHeaders request. -func (client *blobClient) setHTTPHeadersCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, blobSetHTTPHeadersOptions *BlobSetHTTPHeadersOptions, blobHTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "properties") - if blobSetHTTPHeadersOptions != nil && blobSetHTTPHeadersOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*blobSetHTTPHeadersOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - if blobHTTPHeaders != nil && blobHTTPHeaders.BlobCacheControl != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-cache-control", *blobHTTPHeaders.BlobCacheControl) - } - if blobHTTPHeaders != nil && blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentType != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-content-type", *blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentType) - } - if blobHTTPHeaders != nil && blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentMD5 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-content-md5", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentMD5)) - } - if blobHTTPHeaders != nil && blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentEncoding != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-content-encoding", *blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentEncoding) - } - if blobHTTPHeaders != nil && blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentLanguage != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-content-language", *blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentLanguage) - } - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags) - } - if blobHTTPHeaders != nil && blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentDisposition != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-content-disposition", *blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentDisposition) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if blobSetHTTPHeadersOptions != nil && blobSetHTTPHeadersOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *blobSetHTTPHeadersOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// setHTTPHeadersHandleResponse handles the SetHTTPHeaders response. -func (client *blobClient) setHTTPHeadersHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobSetHTTPHeadersResponse, error) { - result := BlobSetHTTPHeadersResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobSetHTTPHeadersResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-blob-sequence-number"); val != "" { - blobSequenceNumber, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 64) - if err != nil { - return BlobSetHTTPHeadersResponse{}, err - } - result.BlobSequenceNumber = &blobSequenceNumber - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobSetHTTPHeadersResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - return result, nil -} - -// SetMetadata - The Set Blob Metadata operation sets user-defined metadata for the specified blob as one or more name-value pairs -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *blobClient) SetMetadata(ctx context.Context, blobSetMetadataOptions *BlobSetMetadataOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlobSetMetadataResponse, error) { - req, err := client.setMetadataCreateRequest(ctx, blobSetMetadataOptions, leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return BlobSetMetadataResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return BlobSetMetadataResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - return BlobSetMetadataResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.setMetadataHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// setMetadataCreateRequest creates the SetMetadata request. -func (client *blobClient) setMetadataCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, blobSetMetadataOptions *BlobSetMetadataOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "metadata") - if blobSetMetadataOptions != nil && blobSetMetadataOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*blobSetMetadataOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - if blobSetMetadataOptions != nil && blobSetMetadataOptions.Metadata != nil { - for k, v := range blobSetMetadataOptions.Metadata { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-meta-"+k, v) - } - } - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionKey != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key", *cpkInfo.EncryptionKey) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionKeySHA256 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", *cpkInfo.EncryptionKeySHA256) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionAlgorithm != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-algorithm", "AES256") - } - if cpkScopeInfo != nil && cpkScopeInfo.EncryptionScope != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-scope", *cpkScopeInfo.EncryptionScope) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if blobSetMetadataOptions != nil && blobSetMetadataOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *blobSetMetadataOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// setMetadataHandleResponse handles the SetMetadata response. -func (client *blobClient) setMetadataHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobSetMetadataResponse, error) { - result := BlobSetMetadataResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobSetMetadataResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version-id"); val != "" { - result.VersionID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobSetMetadataResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-server-encrypted"); val != "" { - isServerEncrypted, err := strconv.ParseBool(val) - if err != nil { - return BlobSetMetadataResponse{}, err - } - result.IsServerEncrypted = &isServerEncrypted - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-encryption-key-sha256"); val != "" { - result.EncryptionKeySHA256 = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-encryption-scope"); val != "" { - result.EncryptionScope = &val - } - return result, nil -} - -// SetTags - The Set Tags operation enables users to set tags on a blob. -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *blobClient) SetTags(ctx context.Context, blobSetTagsOptions *BlobSetTagsOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlobSetTagsResponse, error) { - req, err := client.setTagsCreateRequest(ctx, blobSetTagsOptions, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return BlobSetTagsResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return BlobSetTagsResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusNoContent) { - return BlobSetTagsResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.setTagsHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// setTagsCreateRequest creates the SetTags request. -func (client *blobClient) setTagsCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, blobSetTagsOptions *BlobSetTagsOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "tags") - if blobSetTagsOptions != nil && blobSetTagsOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*blobSetTagsOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - if blobSetTagsOptions != nil && blobSetTagsOptions.VersionID != nil { - reqQP.Set("versionid", *blobSetTagsOptions.VersionID) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if blobSetTagsOptions != nil && blobSetTagsOptions.TransactionalContentMD5 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("Content-MD5", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(blobSetTagsOptions.TransactionalContentMD5)) - } - if blobSetTagsOptions != nil && blobSetTagsOptions.TransactionalContentCRC64 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-content-crc64", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(blobSetTagsOptions.TransactionalContentCRC64)) - } - if blobSetTagsOptions != nil && blobSetTagsOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *blobSetTagsOptions.RequestID) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - if blobSetTagsOptions != nil && blobSetTagsOptions.Tags != nil { - return req, runtime.MarshalAsXML(req, *blobSetTagsOptions.Tags) - } - return req, nil -} - -// setTagsHandleResponse handles the SetTags response. -func (client *blobClient) setTagsHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobSetTagsResponse, error) { - result := BlobSetTagsResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobSetTagsResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - return result, nil -} - -// SetTier - The Set Tier operation sets the tier on a blob. The operation is allowed on a page blob in a premium storage account and on a block blob in -// a blob storage account (locally redundant storage only). A -// premium page blob's tier determines the allowed size, IOPS, and bandwidth of the blob. A block blob's tier determines Hot/Cool/Archive storage type. -// This operation does not update the blob's ETag. -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *blobClient) SetTier(ctx context.Context, tier AccessTier, blobSetTierOptions *BlobSetTierOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlobSetTierResponse, error) { - req, err := client.setTierCreateRequest(ctx, tier, blobSetTierOptions, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return BlobSetTierResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return BlobSetTierResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted) { - return BlobSetTierResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.setTierHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// setTierCreateRequest creates the SetTier request. -func (client *blobClient) setTierCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, tier AccessTier, blobSetTierOptions *BlobSetTierOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "tier") - if blobSetTierOptions != nil && blobSetTierOptions.Snapshot != nil { - reqQP.Set("snapshot", *blobSetTierOptions.Snapshot) - } - if blobSetTierOptions != nil && blobSetTierOptions.VersionID != nil { - reqQP.Set("versionid", *blobSetTierOptions.VersionID) - } - if blobSetTierOptions != nil && blobSetTierOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*blobSetTierOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-access-tier", string(tier)) - if blobSetTierOptions != nil && blobSetTierOptions.RehydratePriority != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-rehydrate-priority", string(*blobSetTierOptions.RehydratePriority)) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if blobSetTierOptions != nil && blobSetTierOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *blobSetTierOptions.RequestID) - } - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// setTierHandleResponse handles the SetTier response. -func (client *blobClient) setTierHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobSetTierResponse, error) { - result := BlobSetTierResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - return result, nil -} - -// StartCopyFromURL - The Start Copy From URL operation copies a blob or an internet resource to a new blob. -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *blobClient) StartCopyFromURL(ctx context.Context, copySource string, blobStartCopyFromURLOptions *BlobStartCopyFromURLOptions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions) (BlobStartCopyFromURLResponse, error) { - req, err := client.startCopyFromURLCreateRequest(ctx, copySource, blobStartCopyFromURLOptions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions, leaseAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return BlobStartCopyFromURLResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return BlobStartCopyFromURLResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusAccepted) { - return BlobStartCopyFromURLResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.startCopyFromURLHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// startCopyFromURLCreateRequest creates the StartCopyFromURL request. -func (client *blobClient) startCopyFromURLCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, copySource string, blobStartCopyFromURLOptions *BlobStartCopyFromURLOptions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - if blobStartCopyFromURLOptions != nil && blobStartCopyFromURLOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*blobStartCopyFromURLOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - if blobStartCopyFromURLOptions != nil && blobStartCopyFromURLOptions.Metadata != nil { - for k, v := range blobStartCopyFromURLOptions.Metadata { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-meta-"+k, v) - } - } - if blobStartCopyFromURLOptions != nil && blobStartCopyFromURLOptions.Tier != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-access-tier", string(*blobStartCopyFromURLOptions.Tier)) - } - if blobStartCopyFromURLOptions != nil && blobStartCopyFromURLOptions.RehydratePriority != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-rehydrate-priority", string(*blobStartCopyFromURLOptions.RehydratePriority)) - } - if sourceModifiedAccessConditions != nil && sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-modified-since", sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if sourceModifiedAccessConditions != nil && sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-unmodified-since", sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if sourceModifiedAccessConditions != nil && sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-match", *sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfMatch) - } - if sourceModifiedAccessConditions != nil && sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-none-match", *sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfNoneMatch) - } - if sourceModifiedAccessConditions != nil && sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfTags != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-tags", *sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfTags) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-copy-source", copySource) - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if blobStartCopyFromURLOptions != nil && blobStartCopyFromURLOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *blobStartCopyFromURLOptions.RequestID) - } - if blobStartCopyFromURLOptions != nil && blobStartCopyFromURLOptions.BlobTagsString != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-tags", *blobStartCopyFromURLOptions.BlobTagsString) - } - if blobStartCopyFromURLOptions != nil && blobStartCopyFromURLOptions.SealBlob != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-seal-blob", strconv.FormatBool(*blobStartCopyFromURLOptions.SealBlob)) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// startCopyFromURLHandleResponse handles the StartCopyFromURL response. -func (client *blobClient) startCopyFromURLHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobStartCopyFromURLResponse, error) { - result := BlobStartCopyFromURLResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobStartCopyFromURLResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version-id"); val != "" { - result.VersionID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobStartCopyFromURLResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-copy-id"); val != "" { - result.CopyID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-copy-status"); val != "" { - result.CopyStatus = (*CopyStatusType)(&val) - } - return result, nil -} - -// Undelete - Undelete a blob that was previously soft deleted -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *blobClient) Undelete(ctx context.Context, options *BlobUndeleteOptions) (BlobUndeleteResponse, error) { - req, err := client.undeleteCreateRequest(ctx, options) - if err != nil { - return BlobUndeleteResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return BlobUndeleteResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - return BlobUndeleteResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.undeleteHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// undeleteCreateRequest creates the Undelete request. -func (client *blobClient) undeleteCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, options *BlobUndeleteOptions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "undelete") - if options != nil && options.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*options.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if options != nil && options.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *options.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// undeleteHandleResponse handles the Undelete response. -func (client *blobClient) undeleteHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobUndeleteResponse, error) { - result := BlobUndeleteResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlobUndeleteResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - return result, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_blockblob_client.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_blockblob_client.go deleted file mode 100644 index c1d93782a261..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_blockblob_client.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,679 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. -// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. -// Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. - -package azblob - -import ( - "context" - "encoding/base64" - "io" - "net/http" - "strconv" - "time" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime" -) - -type blockBlobClient struct { - con *connection -} - -// CommitBlockList - The Commit Block List operation writes a blob by specifying the list of block IDs that make up the blob. In order to be written as -// part of a blob, a block must have been successfully written to the -// server in a prior Put Block operation. You can call Put Block List to update a blob by uploading only those blocks that have changed, then committing -// the new and existing blocks together. You can do -// this by specifying whether to commit a block from the committed block list or from the uncommitted block list, or to commit the most recently uploaded -// version of the block, whichever list it may -// belong to. -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *blockBlobClient) CommitBlockList(ctx context.Context, blocks BlockLookupList, blockBlobCommitBlockListOptions *BlockBlobCommitBlockListOptions, blobHTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlockBlobCommitBlockListResponse, error) { - req, err := client.commitBlockListCreateRequest(ctx, blocks, blockBlobCommitBlockListOptions, blobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return BlockBlobCommitBlockListResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return BlockBlobCommitBlockListResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusCreated) { - return BlockBlobCommitBlockListResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.commitBlockListHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// commitBlockListCreateRequest creates the CommitBlockList request. -func (client *blockBlobClient) commitBlockListCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, blocks BlockLookupList, blockBlobCommitBlockListOptions *BlockBlobCommitBlockListOptions, blobHTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "blocklist") - if blockBlobCommitBlockListOptions != nil && blockBlobCommitBlockListOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*blockBlobCommitBlockListOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - if blobHTTPHeaders != nil && blobHTTPHeaders.BlobCacheControl != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-cache-control", *blobHTTPHeaders.BlobCacheControl) - } - if blobHTTPHeaders != nil && blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentType != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-content-type", *blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentType) - } - if blobHTTPHeaders != nil && blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentEncoding != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-content-encoding", *blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentEncoding) - } - if blobHTTPHeaders != nil && blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentLanguage != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-content-language", *blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentLanguage) - } - if blobHTTPHeaders != nil && blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentMD5 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-content-md5", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentMD5)) - } - if blockBlobCommitBlockListOptions != nil && blockBlobCommitBlockListOptions.TransactionalContentMD5 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("Content-MD5", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(blockBlobCommitBlockListOptions.TransactionalContentMD5)) - } - if blockBlobCommitBlockListOptions != nil && blockBlobCommitBlockListOptions.TransactionalContentCRC64 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-content-crc64", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(blockBlobCommitBlockListOptions.TransactionalContentCRC64)) - } - if blockBlobCommitBlockListOptions != nil && blockBlobCommitBlockListOptions.Metadata != nil { - for k, v := range blockBlobCommitBlockListOptions.Metadata { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-meta-"+k, v) - } - } - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - if blobHTTPHeaders != nil && blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentDisposition != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-content-disposition", *blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentDisposition) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionKey != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key", *cpkInfo.EncryptionKey) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionKeySHA256 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", *cpkInfo.EncryptionKeySHA256) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionAlgorithm != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-algorithm", "AES256") - } - if cpkScopeInfo != nil && cpkScopeInfo.EncryptionScope != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-scope", *cpkScopeInfo.EncryptionScope) - } - if blockBlobCommitBlockListOptions != nil && blockBlobCommitBlockListOptions.Tier != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-access-tier", string(*blockBlobCommitBlockListOptions.Tier)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if blockBlobCommitBlockListOptions != nil && blockBlobCommitBlockListOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *blockBlobCommitBlockListOptions.RequestID) - } - if blockBlobCommitBlockListOptions != nil && blockBlobCommitBlockListOptions.BlobTagsString != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-tags", *blockBlobCommitBlockListOptions.BlobTagsString) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, runtime.MarshalAsXML(req, blocks) -} - -// commitBlockListHandleResponse handles the CommitBlockList response. -func (client *blockBlobClient) commitBlockListHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlockBlobCommitBlockListResponse, error) { - result := BlockBlobCommitBlockListResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlockBlobCommitBlockListResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-MD5"); val != "" { - contentMD5, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(val) - if err != nil { - return BlockBlobCommitBlockListResponse{}, err - } - result.ContentMD5 = contentMD5 - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-content-crc64"); val != "" { - xMSContentCRC64, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(val) - if err != nil { - return BlockBlobCommitBlockListResponse{}, err - } - result.XMSContentCRC64 = xMSContentCRC64 - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version-id"); val != "" { - result.VersionID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlockBlobCommitBlockListResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-server-encrypted"); val != "" { - isServerEncrypted, err := strconv.ParseBool(val) - if err != nil { - return BlockBlobCommitBlockListResponse{}, err - } - result.IsServerEncrypted = &isServerEncrypted - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-encryption-key-sha256"); val != "" { - result.EncryptionKeySHA256 = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-encryption-scope"); val != "" { - result.EncryptionScope = &val - } - return result, nil -} - -// GetBlockList - The Get Block List operation retrieves the list of blocks that have been uploaded as part of a block blob -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *blockBlobClient) GetBlockList(ctx context.Context, listType BlockListType, blockBlobGetBlockListOptions *BlockBlobGetBlockListOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlockBlobGetBlockListResponse, error) { - req, err := client.getBlockListCreateRequest(ctx, listType, blockBlobGetBlockListOptions, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return BlockBlobGetBlockListResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return BlockBlobGetBlockListResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - return BlockBlobGetBlockListResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.getBlockListHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// getBlockListCreateRequest creates the GetBlockList request. -func (client *blockBlobClient) getBlockListCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, listType BlockListType, blockBlobGetBlockListOptions *BlockBlobGetBlockListOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "blocklist") - if blockBlobGetBlockListOptions != nil && blockBlobGetBlockListOptions.Snapshot != nil { - reqQP.Set("snapshot", *blockBlobGetBlockListOptions.Snapshot) - } - reqQP.Set("blocklisttype", string(listType)) - if blockBlobGetBlockListOptions != nil && blockBlobGetBlockListOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*blockBlobGetBlockListOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if blockBlobGetBlockListOptions != nil && blockBlobGetBlockListOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *blockBlobGetBlockListOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// getBlockListHandleResponse handles the GetBlockList response. -func (client *blockBlobClient) getBlockListHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlockBlobGetBlockListResponse, error) { - result := BlockBlobGetBlockListResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlockBlobGetBlockListResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-Type"); val != "" { - result.ContentType = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-blob-content-length"); val != "" { - blobContentLength, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 64) - if err != nil { - return BlockBlobGetBlockListResponse{}, err - } - result.BlobContentLength = &blobContentLength - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlockBlobGetBlockListResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if err := runtime.UnmarshalAsXML(resp, &result.BlockList); err != nil { - return BlockBlobGetBlockListResponse{}, err - } - return result, nil -} - -// StageBlock - The Stage Block operation creates a new block to be committed as part of a blob -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *blockBlobClient) StageBlock(ctx context.Context, blockID string, contentLength int64, body io.ReadSeekCloser, blockBlobStageBlockOptions *BlockBlobStageBlockOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo) (BlockBlobStageBlockResponse, error) { - req, err := client.stageBlockCreateRequest(ctx, blockID, contentLength, body, blockBlobStageBlockOptions, leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo) - if err != nil { - return BlockBlobStageBlockResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return BlockBlobStageBlockResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusCreated) { - return BlockBlobStageBlockResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.stageBlockHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// stageBlockCreateRequest creates the StageBlock request. -func (client *blockBlobClient) stageBlockCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, blockID string, contentLength int64, body io.ReadSeekCloser, blockBlobStageBlockOptions *BlockBlobStageBlockOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "block") - reqQP.Set("blockid", blockID) - if blockBlobStageBlockOptions != nil && blockBlobStageBlockOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*blockBlobStageBlockOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("Content-Length", strconv.FormatInt(contentLength, 10)) - if blockBlobStageBlockOptions != nil && blockBlobStageBlockOptions.TransactionalContentMD5 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("Content-MD5", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(blockBlobStageBlockOptions.TransactionalContentMD5)) - } - if blockBlobStageBlockOptions != nil && blockBlobStageBlockOptions.TransactionalContentCRC64 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-content-crc64", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(blockBlobStageBlockOptions.TransactionalContentCRC64)) - } - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionKey != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key", *cpkInfo.EncryptionKey) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionKeySHA256 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", *cpkInfo.EncryptionKeySHA256) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionAlgorithm != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-algorithm", "AES256") - } - if cpkScopeInfo != nil && cpkScopeInfo.EncryptionScope != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-scope", *cpkScopeInfo.EncryptionScope) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if blockBlobStageBlockOptions != nil && blockBlobStageBlockOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *blockBlobStageBlockOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, req.SetBody(body, "application/octet-stream") -} - -// stageBlockHandleResponse handles the StageBlock response. -func (client *blockBlobClient) stageBlockHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlockBlobStageBlockResponse, error) { - result := BlockBlobStageBlockResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-MD5"); val != "" { - contentMD5, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(val) - if err != nil { - return BlockBlobStageBlockResponse{}, err - } - result.ContentMD5 = contentMD5 - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlockBlobStageBlockResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-content-crc64"); val != "" { - xMSContentCRC64, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(val) - if err != nil { - return BlockBlobStageBlockResponse{}, err - } - result.XMSContentCRC64 = xMSContentCRC64 - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-server-encrypted"); val != "" { - isServerEncrypted, err := strconv.ParseBool(val) - if err != nil { - return BlockBlobStageBlockResponse{}, err - } - result.IsServerEncrypted = &isServerEncrypted - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-encryption-key-sha256"); val != "" { - result.EncryptionKeySHA256 = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-encryption-scope"); val != "" { - result.EncryptionScope = &val - } - return result, nil -} - -// StageBlockFromURL - The Stage Block operation creates a new block to be committed as part of a blob where the contents are read from a URL. -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *blockBlobClient) StageBlockFromURL(ctx context.Context, blockID string, contentLength int64, sourceURL string, blockBlobStageBlockFromURLOptions *BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLOptions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions) (BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLResponse, error) { - req, err := client.stageBlockFromURLCreateRequest(ctx, blockID, contentLength, sourceURL, blockBlobStageBlockFromURLOptions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, leaseAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusCreated) { - return BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.stageBlockFromURLHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// stageBlockFromURLCreateRequest creates the StageBlockFromURL request. -func (client *blockBlobClient) stageBlockFromURLCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, blockID string, contentLength int64, sourceURL string, blockBlobStageBlockFromURLOptions *BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLOptions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "block") - reqQP.Set("blockid", blockID) - if blockBlobStageBlockFromURLOptions != nil && blockBlobStageBlockFromURLOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*blockBlobStageBlockFromURLOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("Content-Length", strconv.FormatInt(contentLength, 10)) - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-copy-source", sourceURL) - if blockBlobStageBlockFromURLOptions != nil && blockBlobStageBlockFromURLOptions.SourceRange != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-range", *blockBlobStageBlockFromURLOptions.SourceRange) - } - if blockBlobStageBlockFromURLOptions != nil && blockBlobStageBlockFromURLOptions.SourceContentMD5 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-content-md5", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(blockBlobStageBlockFromURLOptions.SourceContentMD5)) - } - if blockBlobStageBlockFromURLOptions != nil && blockBlobStageBlockFromURLOptions.SourceContentcrc64 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-content-crc64", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(blockBlobStageBlockFromURLOptions.SourceContentcrc64)) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionKey != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key", *cpkInfo.EncryptionKey) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionKeySHA256 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", *cpkInfo.EncryptionKeySHA256) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionAlgorithm != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-algorithm", "AES256") - } - if cpkScopeInfo != nil && cpkScopeInfo.EncryptionScope != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-scope", *cpkScopeInfo.EncryptionScope) - } - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - if sourceModifiedAccessConditions != nil && sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-modified-since", sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if sourceModifiedAccessConditions != nil && sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-unmodified-since", sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if sourceModifiedAccessConditions != nil && sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-match", *sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfMatch) - } - if sourceModifiedAccessConditions != nil && sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-none-match", *sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfNoneMatch) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if blockBlobStageBlockFromURLOptions != nil && blockBlobStageBlockFromURLOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *blockBlobStageBlockFromURLOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// stageBlockFromURLHandleResponse handles the StageBlockFromURL response. -func (client *blockBlobClient) stageBlockFromURLHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLResponse, error) { - result := BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-MD5"); val != "" { - contentMD5, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(val) - if err != nil { - return BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLResponse{}, err - } - result.ContentMD5 = contentMD5 - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-content-crc64"); val != "" { - xMSContentCRC64, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(val) - if err != nil { - return BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLResponse{}, err - } - result.XMSContentCRC64 = xMSContentCRC64 - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-server-encrypted"); val != "" { - isServerEncrypted, err := strconv.ParseBool(val) - if err != nil { - return BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLResponse{}, err - } - result.IsServerEncrypted = &isServerEncrypted - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-encryption-key-sha256"); val != "" { - result.EncryptionKeySHA256 = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-encryption-scope"); val != "" { - result.EncryptionScope = &val - } - return result, nil -} - -// Upload - The Upload Block Blob operation updates the content of an existing block blob. Updating an existing block blob overwrites any existing metadata -// on the blob. Partial updates are not supported with Put -// Blob; the content of the existing blob is overwritten with the content of the new blob. To perform a partial update of the content of a block blob, use -// the Put Block List operation. -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *blockBlobClient) Upload(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, body io.ReadSeekCloser, blockBlobUploadOptions *BlockBlobUploadOptions, blobHTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlockBlobUploadResponse, error) { - req, err := client.uploadCreateRequest(ctx, contentLength, body, blockBlobUploadOptions, blobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return BlockBlobUploadResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return BlockBlobUploadResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusCreated) { - return BlockBlobUploadResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.uploadHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// uploadCreateRequest creates the Upload request. -func (client *blockBlobClient) uploadCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, body io.ReadSeekCloser, blockBlobUploadOptions *BlockBlobUploadOptions, blobHTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - if blockBlobUploadOptions != nil && blockBlobUploadOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*blockBlobUploadOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-type", "BlockBlob") - if blockBlobUploadOptions != nil && blockBlobUploadOptions.TransactionalContentMD5 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("Content-MD5", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(blockBlobUploadOptions.TransactionalContentMD5)) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Content-Length", strconv.FormatInt(contentLength, 10)) - if blobHTTPHeaders != nil && blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentType != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-content-type", *blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentType) - } - if blobHTTPHeaders != nil && blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentEncoding != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-content-encoding", *blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentEncoding) - } - if blobHTTPHeaders != nil && blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentLanguage != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-content-language", *blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentLanguage) - } - if blobHTTPHeaders != nil && blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentMD5 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-content-md5", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentMD5)) - } - if blobHTTPHeaders != nil && blobHTTPHeaders.BlobCacheControl != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-cache-control", *blobHTTPHeaders.BlobCacheControl) - } - if blockBlobUploadOptions != nil && blockBlobUploadOptions.Metadata != nil { - for k, v := range blockBlobUploadOptions.Metadata { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-meta-"+k, v) - } - } - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - if blobHTTPHeaders != nil && blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentDisposition != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-content-disposition", *blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentDisposition) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionKey != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key", *cpkInfo.EncryptionKey) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionKeySHA256 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", *cpkInfo.EncryptionKeySHA256) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionAlgorithm != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-algorithm", "AES256") - } - if cpkScopeInfo != nil && cpkScopeInfo.EncryptionScope != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-scope", *cpkScopeInfo.EncryptionScope) - } - if blockBlobUploadOptions != nil && blockBlobUploadOptions.Tier != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-access-tier", string(*blockBlobUploadOptions.Tier)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if blockBlobUploadOptions != nil && blockBlobUploadOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *blockBlobUploadOptions.RequestID) - } - if blockBlobUploadOptions != nil && blockBlobUploadOptions.BlobTagsString != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-tags", *blockBlobUploadOptions.BlobTagsString) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, req.SetBody(body, "application/octet-stream") -} - -// uploadHandleResponse handles the Upload response. -func (client *blockBlobClient) uploadHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlockBlobUploadResponse, error) { - result := BlockBlobUploadResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlockBlobUploadResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-MD5"); val != "" { - contentMD5, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(val) - if err != nil { - return BlockBlobUploadResponse{}, err - } - result.ContentMD5 = contentMD5 - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version-id"); val != "" { - result.VersionID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return BlockBlobUploadResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-server-encrypted"); val != "" { - isServerEncrypted, err := strconv.ParseBool(val) - if err != nil { - return BlockBlobUploadResponse{}, err - } - result.IsServerEncrypted = &isServerEncrypted - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-encryption-key-sha256"); val != "" { - result.EncryptionKeySHA256 = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-encryption-scope"); val != "" { - result.EncryptionScope = &val - } - return result, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_connection.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_connection.go deleted file mode 100644 index aa11dd8d7c78..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_connection.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. -// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. -// Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. - -package azblob - -import ( - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime" -) - -// connectionOptions contains configuration settings for the connection's pipeline. -// All zero-value fields will be initialized with their default values. -type connectionOptions struct { - // HTTPClient sets the transport for making HTTP requests. - HTTPClient policy.Transporter - // Retry configures the built-in retry policy behavior. - Retry policy.RetryOptions - // Telemetry configures the built-in telemetry policy behavior. - Telemetry policy.TelemetryOptions - // Logging configures the built-in logging policy behavior. - Logging policy.LogOptions - // PerCallPolicies contains custom policies to inject into the pipeline. - // Each policy is executed once per request. - PerCallPolicies []policy.Policy - // PerRetryPolicies contains custom policies to inject into the pipeline. - // Each policy is executed once per request, and for each retry request. - PerRetryPolicies []policy.Policy -} - -type connection struct { - u string - p runtime.Pipeline -} - -// newConnection creates an instance of the connection type with the specified endpoint. -// Pass nil to accept the default options; this is the same as passing a zero-value options. -func newConnection(endpoint string, authPolicy policy.Policy, options *azcore.ClientOptions) *connection { - cp := azcore.ClientOptions{} - if options != nil { - cp = *options - } - perRetryPolicies := []policy.Policy{} - if authPolicy != nil { - perRetryPolicies = append(perRetryPolicies, authPolicy) - } - return &connection{u: endpoint, p: runtime.NewPipeline(module, version, runtime.PipelineOptions{ - PerRetry: perRetryPolicies, - }, &cp)} -} - -// Endpoint returns the connection's endpoint. -func (c *connection) Endpoint() string { - return c.u -} - -// Pipeline returns the connection's pipeline. -func (c *connection) Pipeline() runtime.Pipeline { - return c.p -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_constants.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_constants.go deleted file mode 100644 index e8bacdcc71c0..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_constants.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,766 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. -// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. -// Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. - -package azblob - -const ( - module = "azblob" - version = "v0.3.0" -) - -type AccessTier string - -const ( - AccessTierArchive AccessTier = "Archive" - AccessTierCool AccessTier = "Cool" - AccessTierHot AccessTier = "Hot" - AccessTierP10 AccessTier = "P10" - AccessTierP15 AccessTier = "P15" - AccessTierP20 AccessTier = "P20" - AccessTierP30 AccessTier = "P30" - AccessTierP4 AccessTier = "P4" - AccessTierP40 AccessTier = "P40" - AccessTierP50 AccessTier = "P50" - AccessTierP6 AccessTier = "P6" - AccessTierP60 AccessTier = "P60" - AccessTierP70 AccessTier = "P70" - AccessTierP80 AccessTier = "P80" -) - -// PossibleAccessTierValues returns the possible values for the AccessTier const type. -func PossibleAccessTierValues() []AccessTier { - return []AccessTier{ - AccessTierArchive, - AccessTierCool, - AccessTierHot, - AccessTierP10, - AccessTierP15, - AccessTierP20, - AccessTierP30, - AccessTierP4, - AccessTierP40, - AccessTierP50, - AccessTierP6, - AccessTierP60, - AccessTierP70, - AccessTierP80, - } -} - -// ToPtr returns a *AccessTier pointing to the current value. -func (c AccessTier) ToPtr() *AccessTier { - return &c -} - -type AccountKind string - -const ( - AccountKindStorage AccountKind = "Storage" - AccountKindBlobStorage AccountKind = "BlobStorage" - AccountKindStorageV2 AccountKind = "StorageV2" - AccountKindFileStorage AccountKind = "FileStorage" - AccountKindBlockBlobStorage AccountKind = "BlockBlobStorage" -) - -// PossibleAccountKindValues returns the possible values for the AccountKind const type. -func PossibleAccountKindValues() []AccountKind { - return []AccountKind{ - AccountKindStorage, - AccountKindBlobStorage, - AccountKindStorageV2, - AccountKindFileStorage, - AccountKindBlockBlobStorage, - } -} - -// ToPtr returns a *AccountKind pointing to the current value. -func (c AccountKind) ToPtr() *AccountKind { - return &c -} - -type ArchiveStatus string - -const ( - ArchiveStatusRehydratePendingToCool ArchiveStatus = "rehydrate-pending-to-cool" - ArchiveStatusRehydratePendingToHot ArchiveStatus = "rehydrate-pending-to-hot" -) - -// PossibleArchiveStatusValues returns the possible values for the ArchiveStatus const type. -func PossibleArchiveStatusValues() []ArchiveStatus { - return []ArchiveStatus{ - ArchiveStatusRehydratePendingToCool, - ArchiveStatusRehydratePendingToHot, - } -} - -// ToPtr returns a *ArchiveStatus pointing to the current value. -func (c ArchiveStatus) ToPtr() *ArchiveStatus { - return &c -} - -type BlobExpiryOptions string - -const ( - BlobExpiryOptionsAbsolute BlobExpiryOptions = "Absolute" - BlobExpiryOptionsNeverExpire BlobExpiryOptions = "NeverExpire" - BlobExpiryOptionsRelativeToCreation BlobExpiryOptions = "RelativeToCreation" - BlobExpiryOptionsRelativeToNow BlobExpiryOptions = "RelativeToNow" -) - -// PossibleBlobExpiryOptionsValues returns the possible values for the BlobExpiryOptions const type. -func PossibleBlobExpiryOptionsValues() []BlobExpiryOptions { - return []BlobExpiryOptions{ - BlobExpiryOptionsAbsolute, - BlobExpiryOptionsNeverExpire, - BlobExpiryOptionsRelativeToCreation, - BlobExpiryOptionsRelativeToNow, - } -} - -// ToPtr returns a *BlobExpiryOptions pointing to the current value. -func (c BlobExpiryOptions) ToPtr() *BlobExpiryOptions { - return &c -} - -type BlobType string - -const ( - BlobTypeBlockBlob BlobType = "BlockBlob" - BlobTypePageBlob BlobType = "PageBlob" - BlobTypeAppendBlob BlobType = "AppendBlob" -) - -// PossibleBlobTypeValues returns the possible values for the BlobType const type. -func PossibleBlobTypeValues() []BlobType { - return []BlobType{ - BlobTypeBlockBlob, - BlobTypePageBlob, - BlobTypeAppendBlob, - } -} - -// ToPtr returns a *BlobType pointing to the current value. -func (c BlobType) ToPtr() *BlobType { - return &c -} - -type BlockListType string - -const ( - BlockListTypeCommitted BlockListType = "committed" - BlockListTypeUncommitted BlockListType = "uncommitted" - BlockListTypeAll BlockListType = "all" -) - -// PossibleBlockListTypeValues returns the possible values for the BlockListType const type. -func PossibleBlockListTypeValues() []BlockListType { - return []BlockListType{ - BlockListTypeCommitted, - BlockListTypeUncommitted, - BlockListTypeAll, - } -} - -// ToPtr returns a *BlockListType pointing to the current value. -func (c BlockListType) ToPtr() *BlockListType { - return &c -} - -type CopyStatusType string - -const ( - CopyStatusTypePending CopyStatusType = "pending" - CopyStatusTypeSuccess CopyStatusType = "success" - CopyStatusTypeAborted CopyStatusType = "aborted" - CopyStatusTypeFailed CopyStatusType = "failed" -) - -// PossibleCopyStatusTypeValues returns the possible values for the CopyStatusType const type. -func PossibleCopyStatusTypeValues() []CopyStatusType { - return []CopyStatusType{ - CopyStatusTypePending, - CopyStatusTypeSuccess, - CopyStatusTypeAborted, - CopyStatusTypeFailed, - } -} - -// ToPtr returns a *CopyStatusType pointing to the current value. -func (c CopyStatusType) ToPtr() *CopyStatusType { - return &c -} - -type DeleteSnapshotsOptionType string - -const ( - DeleteSnapshotsOptionTypeInclude DeleteSnapshotsOptionType = "include" - DeleteSnapshotsOptionTypeOnly DeleteSnapshotsOptionType = "only" -) - -// PossibleDeleteSnapshotsOptionTypeValues returns the possible values for the DeleteSnapshotsOptionType const type. -func PossibleDeleteSnapshotsOptionTypeValues() []DeleteSnapshotsOptionType { - return []DeleteSnapshotsOptionType{ - DeleteSnapshotsOptionTypeInclude, - DeleteSnapshotsOptionTypeOnly, - } -} - -// ToPtr returns a *DeleteSnapshotsOptionType pointing to the current value. -func (c DeleteSnapshotsOptionType) ToPtr() *DeleteSnapshotsOptionType { - return &c -} - -// GeoReplicationStatusType - The status of the secondary location -type GeoReplicationStatusType string - -const ( - GeoReplicationStatusTypeBootstrap GeoReplicationStatusType = "bootstrap" - GeoReplicationStatusTypeLive GeoReplicationStatusType = "live" - GeoReplicationStatusTypeUnavailable GeoReplicationStatusType = "unavailable" -) - -// PossibleGeoReplicationStatusTypeValues returns the possible values for the GeoReplicationStatusType const type. -func PossibleGeoReplicationStatusTypeValues() []GeoReplicationStatusType { - return []GeoReplicationStatusType{ - GeoReplicationStatusTypeBootstrap, - GeoReplicationStatusTypeLive, - GeoReplicationStatusTypeUnavailable, - } -} - -// ToPtr returns a *GeoReplicationStatusType pointing to the current value. -func (c GeoReplicationStatusType) ToPtr() *GeoReplicationStatusType { - return &c -} - -type LeaseDurationType string - -const ( - LeaseDurationTypeInfinite LeaseDurationType = "infinite" - LeaseDurationTypeFixed LeaseDurationType = "fixed" -) - -// PossibleLeaseDurationTypeValues returns the possible values for the LeaseDurationType const type. -func PossibleLeaseDurationTypeValues() []LeaseDurationType { - return []LeaseDurationType{ - LeaseDurationTypeInfinite, - LeaseDurationTypeFixed, - } -} - -// ToPtr returns a *LeaseDurationType pointing to the current value. -func (c LeaseDurationType) ToPtr() *LeaseDurationType { - return &c -} - -type LeaseStateType string - -const ( - LeaseStateTypeAvailable LeaseStateType = "available" - LeaseStateTypeLeased LeaseStateType = "leased" - LeaseStateTypeExpired LeaseStateType = "expired" - LeaseStateTypeBreaking LeaseStateType = "breaking" - LeaseStateTypeBroken LeaseStateType = "broken" -) - -// PossibleLeaseStateTypeValues returns the possible values for the LeaseStateType const type. -func PossibleLeaseStateTypeValues() []LeaseStateType { - return []LeaseStateType{ - LeaseStateTypeAvailable, - LeaseStateTypeLeased, - LeaseStateTypeExpired, - LeaseStateTypeBreaking, - LeaseStateTypeBroken, - } -} - -// ToPtr returns a *LeaseStateType pointing to the current value. -func (c LeaseStateType) ToPtr() *LeaseStateType { - return &c -} - -type LeaseStatusType string - -const ( - LeaseStatusTypeLocked LeaseStatusType = "locked" - LeaseStatusTypeUnlocked LeaseStatusType = "unlocked" -) - -// PossibleLeaseStatusTypeValues returns the possible values for the LeaseStatusType const type. -func PossibleLeaseStatusTypeValues() []LeaseStatusType { - return []LeaseStatusType{ - LeaseStatusTypeLocked, - LeaseStatusTypeUnlocked, - } -} - -// ToPtr returns a *LeaseStatusType pointing to the current value. -func (c LeaseStatusType) ToPtr() *LeaseStatusType { - return &c -} - -type ListBlobsIncludeItem string - -const ( - ListBlobsIncludeItemCopy ListBlobsIncludeItem = "copy" - ListBlobsIncludeItemDeleted ListBlobsIncludeItem = "deleted" - ListBlobsIncludeItemMetadata ListBlobsIncludeItem = "metadata" - ListBlobsIncludeItemSnapshots ListBlobsIncludeItem = "snapshots" - ListBlobsIncludeItemUncommittedblobs ListBlobsIncludeItem = "uncommittedblobs" - ListBlobsIncludeItemVersions ListBlobsIncludeItem = "versions" - ListBlobsIncludeItemTags ListBlobsIncludeItem = "tags" -) - -// PossibleListBlobsIncludeItemValues returns the possible values for the ListBlobsIncludeItem const type. -func PossibleListBlobsIncludeItemValues() []ListBlobsIncludeItem { - return []ListBlobsIncludeItem{ - ListBlobsIncludeItemCopy, - ListBlobsIncludeItemDeleted, - ListBlobsIncludeItemMetadata, - ListBlobsIncludeItemSnapshots, - ListBlobsIncludeItemUncommittedblobs, - ListBlobsIncludeItemVersions, - ListBlobsIncludeItemTags, - } -} - -// ToPtr returns a *ListBlobsIncludeItem pointing to the current value. -func (c ListBlobsIncludeItem) ToPtr() *ListBlobsIncludeItem { - return &c -} - -type ListContainersIncludeType string - -const ( - ListContainersIncludeTypeMetadata ListContainersIncludeType = "metadata" - ListContainersIncludeTypeDeleted ListContainersIncludeType = "deleted" -) - -// PossibleListContainersIncludeTypeValues returns the possible values for the ListContainersIncludeType const type. -func PossibleListContainersIncludeTypeValues() []ListContainersIncludeType { - return []ListContainersIncludeType{ - ListContainersIncludeTypeMetadata, - ListContainersIncludeTypeDeleted, - } -} - -// ToPtr returns a *ListContainersIncludeType pointing to the current value. -func (c ListContainersIncludeType) ToPtr() *ListContainersIncludeType { - return &c -} - -type PathRenameMode string - -const ( - PathRenameModeLegacy PathRenameMode = "legacy" - PathRenameModePosix PathRenameMode = "posix" -) - -// PossiblePathRenameModeValues returns the possible values for the PathRenameMode const type. -func PossiblePathRenameModeValues() []PathRenameMode { - return []PathRenameMode{ - PathRenameModeLegacy, - PathRenameModePosix, - } -} - -// ToPtr returns a *PathRenameMode pointing to the current value. -func (c PathRenameMode) ToPtr() *PathRenameMode { - return &c -} - -type PremiumPageBlobAccessTier string - -const ( - PremiumPageBlobAccessTierP10 PremiumPageBlobAccessTier = "P10" - PremiumPageBlobAccessTierP15 PremiumPageBlobAccessTier = "P15" - PremiumPageBlobAccessTierP20 PremiumPageBlobAccessTier = "P20" - PremiumPageBlobAccessTierP30 PremiumPageBlobAccessTier = "P30" - PremiumPageBlobAccessTierP4 PremiumPageBlobAccessTier = "P4" - PremiumPageBlobAccessTierP40 PremiumPageBlobAccessTier = "P40" - PremiumPageBlobAccessTierP50 PremiumPageBlobAccessTier = "P50" - PremiumPageBlobAccessTierP6 PremiumPageBlobAccessTier = "P6" - PremiumPageBlobAccessTierP60 PremiumPageBlobAccessTier = "P60" - PremiumPageBlobAccessTierP70 PremiumPageBlobAccessTier = "P70" - PremiumPageBlobAccessTierP80 PremiumPageBlobAccessTier = "P80" -) - -// PossiblePremiumPageBlobAccessTierValues returns the possible values for the PremiumPageBlobAccessTier const type. -func PossiblePremiumPageBlobAccessTierValues() []PremiumPageBlobAccessTier { - return []PremiumPageBlobAccessTier{ - PremiumPageBlobAccessTierP10, - PremiumPageBlobAccessTierP15, - PremiumPageBlobAccessTierP20, - PremiumPageBlobAccessTierP30, - PremiumPageBlobAccessTierP4, - PremiumPageBlobAccessTierP40, - PremiumPageBlobAccessTierP50, - PremiumPageBlobAccessTierP6, - PremiumPageBlobAccessTierP60, - PremiumPageBlobAccessTierP70, - PremiumPageBlobAccessTierP80, - } -} - -// ToPtr returns a *PremiumPageBlobAccessTier pointing to the current value. -func (c PremiumPageBlobAccessTier) ToPtr() *PremiumPageBlobAccessTier { - return &c -} - -type PublicAccessType string - -const ( - PublicAccessTypeBlob PublicAccessType = "blob" - PublicAccessTypeContainer PublicAccessType = "container" -) - -// PossiblePublicAccessTypeValues returns the possible values for the PublicAccessType const type. -func PossiblePublicAccessTypeValues() []PublicAccessType { - return []PublicAccessType{ - PublicAccessTypeBlob, - PublicAccessTypeContainer, - } -} - -// ToPtr returns a *PublicAccessType pointing to the current value. -func (c PublicAccessType) ToPtr() *PublicAccessType { - return &c -} - -// QueryFormatType - The quick query format type. -type QueryFormatType string - -const ( - QueryFormatTypeDelimited QueryFormatType = "delimited" - QueryFormatTypeJSON QueryFormatType = "json" -) - -// PossibleQueryFormatTypeValues returns the possible values for the QueryFormatType const type. -func PossibleQueryFormatTypeValues() []QueryFormatType { - return []QueryFormatType{ - QueryFormatTypeDelimited, - QueryFormatTypeJSON, - } -} - -// ToPtr returns a *QueryFormatType pointing to the current value. -func (c QueryFormatType) ToPtr() *QueryFormatType { - return &c -} - -// RehydratePriority - If an object is in rehydrate pending state then this header is returned with priority of rehydrate. Valid values are High and Standard. -type RehydratePriority string - -const ( - RehydratePriorityHigh RehydratePriority = "High" - RehydratePriorityStandard RehydratePriority = "Standard" -) - -// PossibleRehydratePriorityValues returns the possible values for the RehydratePriority const type. -func PossibleRehydratePriorityValues() []RehydratePriority { - return []RehydratePriority{ - RehydratePriorityHigh, - RehydratePriorityStandard, - } -} - -// ToPtr returns a *RehydratePriority pointing to the current value. -func (c RehydratePriority) ToPtr() *RehydratePriority { - return &c -} - -type SKUName string - -const ( - SKUNameStandardLRS SKUName = "Standard_LRS" - SKUNameStandardGRS SKUName = "Standard_GRS" - SKUNameStandardRAGRS SKUName = "Standard_RAGRS" - SKUNameStandardZRS SKUName = "Standard_ZRS" - SKUNamePremiumLRS SKUName = "Premium_LRS" -) - -// PossibleSKUNameValues returns the possible values for the SKUName const type. -func PossibleSKUNameValues() []SKUName { - return []SKUName{ - SKUNameStandardLRS, - SKUNameStandardGRS, - SKUNameStandardRAGRS, - SKUNameStandardZRS, - SKUNamePremiumLRS, - } -} - -// ToPtr returns a *SKUName pointing to the current value. -func (c SKUName) ToPtr() *SKUName { - return &c -} - -type SequenceNumberActionType string - -const ( - SequenceNumberActionTypeMax SequenceNumberActionType = "max" - SequenceNumberActionTypeUpdate SequenceNumberActionType = "update" - SequenceNumberActionTypeIncrement SequenceNumberActionType = "increment" -) - -// PossibleSequenceNumberActionTypeValues returns the possible values for the SequenceNumberActionType const type. -func PossibleSequenceNumberActionTypeValues() []SequenceNumberActionType { - return []SequenceNumberActionType{ - SequenceNumberActionTypeMax, - SequenceNumberActionTypeUpdate, - SequenceNumberActionTypeIncrement, - } -} - -// ToPtr returns a *SequenceNumberActionType pointing to the current value. -func (c SequenceNumberActionType) ToPtr() *SequenceNumberActionType { - return &c -} - -// StorageErrorCode - Error codes returned by the service -type StorageErrorCode string - -const ( - StorageErrorCodeAccountAlreadyExists StorageErrorCode = "AccountAlreadyExists" - StorageErrorCodeAccountBeingCreated StorageErrorCode = "AccountBeingCreated" - StorageErrorCodeAccountIsDisabled StorageErrorCode = "AccountIsDisabled" - StorageErrorCodeAppendPositionConditionNotMet StorageErrorCode = "AppendPositionConditionNotMet" - StorageErrorCodeAuthenticationFailed StorageErrorCode = "AuthenticationFailed" - StorageErrorCodeAuthorizationFailure StorageErrorCode = "AuthorizationFailure" - StorageErrorCodeAuthorizationPermissionMismatch StorageErrorCode = "AuthorizationPermissionMismatch" - StorageErrorCodeAuthorizationProtocolMismatch StorageErrorCode = "AuthorizationProtocolMismatch" - StorageErrorCodeAuthorizationResourceTypeMismatch StorageErrorCode = "AuthorizationResourceTypeMismatch" - StorageErrorCodeAuthorizationServiceMismatch StorageErrorCode = "AuthorizationServiceMismatch" - StorageErrorCodeAuthorizationSourceIPMismatch StorageErrorCode = "AuthorizationSourceIPMismatch" - StorageErrorCodeBlobAlreadyExists StorageErrorCode = "BlobAlreadyExists" - StorageErrorCodeBlobArchived StorageErrorCode = "BlobArchived" - StorageErrorCodeBlobBeingRehydrated StorageErrorCode = "BlobBeingRehydrated" - StorageErrorCodeBlobImmutableDueToPolicy StorageErrorCode = "BlobImmutableDueToPolicy" - StorageErrorCodeBlobNotArchived StorageErrorCode = "BlobNotArchived" - StorageErrorCodeBlobNotFound StorageErrorCode = "BlobNotFound" - StorageErrorCodeBlobOverwritten StorageErrorCode = "BlobOverwritten" - StorageErrorCodeBlobTierInadequateForContentLength StorageErrorCode = "BlobTierInadequateForContentLength" - StorageErrorCodeBlobUsesCustomerSpecifiedEncryption StorageErrorCode = "BlobUsesCustomerSpecifiedEncryption" - StorageErrorCodeBlockCountExceedsLimit StorageErrorCode = "BlockCountExceedsLimit" - StorageErrorCodeBlockListTooLong StorageErrorCode = "BlockListTooLong" - StorageErrorCodeCannotChangeToLowerTier StorageErrorCode = "CannotChangeToLowerTier" - StorageErrorCodeCannotVerifyCopySource StorageErrorCode = "CannotVerifyCopySource" - StorageErrorCodeConditionHeadersNotSupported StorageErrorCode = "ConditionHeadersNotSupported" - StorageErrorCodeConditionNotMet StorageErrorCode = "ConditionNotMet" - StorageErrorCodeContainerAlreadyExists StorageErrorCode = "ContainerAlreadyExists" - StorageErrorCodeContainerBeingDeleted StorageErrorCode = "ContainerBeingDeleted" - StorageErrorCodeContainerDisabled StorageErrorCode = "ContainerDisabled" - StorageErrorCodeContainerNotFound StorageErrorCode = "ContainerNotFound" - StorageErrorCodeContentLengthLargerThanTierLimit StorageErrorCode = "ContentLengthLargerThanTierLimit" - StorageErrorCodeCopyAcrossAccountsNotSupported StorageErrorCode = "CopyAcrossAccountsNotSupported" - StorageErrorCodeCopyIDMismatch StorageErrorCode = "CopyIdMismatch" - StorageErrorCodeEmptyMetadataKey StorageErrorCode = "EmptyMetadataKey" - StorageErrorCodeFeatureVersionMismatch StorageErrorCode = "FeatureVersionMismatch" - StorageErrorCodeIncrementalCopyBlobMismatch StorageErrorCode = "IncrementalCopyBlobMismatch" - StorageErrorCodeIncrementalCopyOfEralierVersionSnapshotNotAllowed StorageErrorCode = "IncrementalCopyOfEralierVersionSnapshotNotAllowed" - StorageErrorCodeIncrementalCopySourceMustBeSnapshot StorageErrorCode = "IncrementalCopySourceMustBeSnapshot" - StorageErrorCodeInfiniteLeaseDurationRequired StorageErrorCode = "InfiniteLeaseDurationRequired" - StorageErrorCodeInsufficientAccountPermissions StorageErrorCode = "InsufficientAccountPermissions" - StorageErrorCodeInternalError StorageErrorCode = "InternalError" - StorageErrorCodeInvalidAuthenticationInfo StorageErrorCode = "InvalidAuthenticationInfo" - StorageErrorCodeInvalidBlobOrBlock StorageErrorCode = "InvalidBlobOrBlock" - StorageErrorCodeInvalidBlobTier StorageErrorCode = "InvalidBlobTier" - StorageErrorCodeInvalidBlobType StorageErrorCode = "InvalidBlobType" - StorageErrorCodeInvalidBlockID StorageErrorCode = "InvalidBlockId" - StorageErrorCodeInvalidBlockList StorageErrorCode = "InvalidBlockList" - StorageErrorCodeInvalidHTTPVerb StorageErrorCode = "InvalidHttpVerb" - StorageErrorCodeInvalidHeaderValue StorageErrorCode = "InvalidHeaderValue" - StorageErrorCodeInvalidInput StorageErrorCode = "InvalidInput" - StorageErrorCodeInvalidMD5 StorageErrorCode = "InvalidMd5" - StorageErrorCodeInvalidMetadata StorageErrorCode = "InvalidMetadata" - StorageErrorCodeInvalidOperation StorageErrorCode = "InvalidOperation" - StorageErrorCodeInvalidPageRange StorageErrorCode = "InvalidPageRange" - StorageErrorCodeInvalidQueryParameterValue StorageErrorCode = "InvalidQueryParameterValue" - StorageErrorCodeInvalidRange StorageErrorCode = "InvalidRange" - StorageErrorCodeInvalidResourceName StorageErrorCode = "InvalidResourceName" - StorageErrorCodeInvalidSourceBlobType StorageErrorCode = "InvalidSourceBlobType" - StorageErrorCodeInvalidSourceBlobURL StorageErrorCode = "InvalidSourceBlobUrl" - StorageErrorCodeInvalidURI StorageErrorCode = "InvalidUri" - StorageErrorCodeInvalidVersionForPageBlobOperation StorageErrorCode = "InvalidVersionForPageBlobOperation" - StorageErrorCodeInvalidXMLDocument StorageErrorCode = "InvalidXmlDocument" - StorageErrorCodeInvalidXMLNodeValue StorageErrorCode = "InvalidXmlNodeValue" - StorageErrorCodeLeaseAlreadyBroken StorageErrorCode = "LeaseAlreadyBroken" - StorageErrorCodeLeaseAlreadyPresent StorageErrorCode = "LeaseAlreadyPresent" - StorageErrorCodeLeaseIDMismatchWithBlobOperation StorageErrorCode = "LeaseIdMismatchWithBlobOperation" - StorageErrorCodeLeaseIDMismatchWithContainerOperation StorageErrorCode = "LeaseIdMismatchWithContainerOperation" - StorageErrorCodeLeaseIDMismatchWithLeaseOperation StorageErrorCode = "LeaseIdMismatchWithLeaseOperation" - StorageErrorCodeLeaseIDMissing StorageErrorCode = "LeaseIdMissing" - StorageErrorCodeLeaseIsBreakingAndCannotBeAcquired StorageErrorCode = "LeaseIsBreakingAndCannotBeAcquired" - StorageErrorCodeLeaseIsBreakingAndCannotBeChanged StorageErrorCode = "LeaseIsBreakingAndCannotBeChanged" - StorageErrorCodeLeaseIsBrokenAndCannotBeRenewed StorageErrorCode = "LeaseIsBrokenAndCannotBeRenewed" - StorageErrorCodeLeaseLost StorageErrorCode = "LeaseLost" - StorageErrorCodeLeaseNotPresentWithBlobOperation StorageErrorCode = "LeaseNotPresentWithBlobOperation" - StorageErrorCodeLeaseNotPresentWithContainerOperation StorageErrorCode = "LeaseNotPresentWithContainerOperation" - StorageErrorCodeLeaseNotPresentWithLeaseOperation StorageErrorCode = "LeaseNotPresentWithLeaseOperation" - StorageErrorCodeMD5Mismatch StorageErrorCode = "Md5Mismatch" - StorageErrorCodeMaxBlobSizeConditionNotMet StorageErrorCode = "MaxBlobSizeConditionNotMet" - StorageErrorCodeMetadataTooLarge StorageErrorCode = "MetadataTooLarge" - StorageErrorCodeMissingContentLengthHeader StorageErrorCode = "MissingContentLengthHeader" - StorageErrorCodeMissingRequiredHeader StorageErrorCode = "MissingRequiredHeader" - StorageErrorCodeMissingRequiredQueryParameter StorageErrorCode = "MissingRequiredQueryParameter" - StorageErrorCodeMissingRequiredXMLNode StorageErrorCode = "MissingRequiredXmlNode" - StorageErrorCodeMultipleConditionHeadersNotSupported StorageErrorCode = "MultipleConditionHeadersNotSupported" - StorageErrorCodeNoAuthenticationInformation StorageErrorCode = "NoAuthenticationInformation" - StorageErrorCodeNoPendingCopyOperation StorageErrorCode = "NoPendingCopyOperation" - StorageErrorCodeOperationNotAllowedOnIncrementalCopyBlob StorageErrorCode = "OperationNotAllowedOnIncrementalCopyBlob" - StorageErrorCodeOperationTimedOut StorageErrorCode = "OperationTimedOut" - StorageErrorCodeOutOfRangeInput StorageErrorCode = "OutOfRangeInput" - StorageErrorCodeOutOfRangeQueryParameterValue StorageErrorCode = "OutOfRangeQueryParameterValue" - StorageErrorCodePendingCopyOperation StorageErrorCode = "PendingCopyOperation" - StorageErrorCodePreviousSnapshotCannotBeNewer StorageErrorCode = "PreviousSnapshotCannotBeNewer" - StorageErrorCodePreviousSnapshotNotFound StorageErrorCode = "PreviousSnapshotNotFound" - StorageErrorCodePreviousSnapshotOperationNotSupported StorageErrorCode = "PreviousSnapshotOperationNotSupported" - StorageErrorCodeRequestBodyTooLarge StorageErrorCode = "RequestBodyTooLarge" - StorageErrorCodeRequestURLFailedToParse StorageErrorCode = "RequestUrlFailedToParse" - StorageErrorCodeResourceAlreadyExists StorageErrorCode = "ResourceAlreadyExists" - StorageErrorCodeResourceNotFound StorageErrorCode = "ResourceNotFound" - StorageErrorCodeResourceTypeMismatch StorageErrorCode = "ResourceTypeMismatch" - StorageErrorCodeSequenceNumberConditionNotMet StorageErrorCode = "SequenceNumberConditionNotMet" - StorageErrorCodeSequenceNumberIncrementTooLarge StorageErrorCode = "SequenceNumberIncrementTooLarge" - StorageErrorCodeServerBusy StorageErrorCode = "ServerBusy" - StorageErrorCodeSnaphotOperationRateExceeded StorageErrorCode = "SnaphotOperationRateExceeded" - StorageErrorCodeSnapshotCountExceeded StorageErrorCode = "SnapshotCountExceeded" - StorageErrorCodeSnapshotsPresent StorageErrorCode = "SnapshotsPresent" - StorageErrorCodeSourceConditionNotMet StorageErrorCode = "SourceConditionNotMet" - StorageErrorCodeSystemInUse StorageErrorCode = "SystemInUse" - StorageErrorCodeTargetConditionNotMet StorageErrorCode = "TargetConditionNotMet" - StorageErrorCodeUnauthorizedBlobOverwrite StorageErrorCode = "UnauthorizedBlobOverwrite" - StorageErrorCodeUnsupportedHTTPVerb StorageErrorCode = "UnsupportedHttpVerb" - StorageErrorCodeUnsupportedHeader StorageErrorCode = "UnsupportedHeader" - StorageErrorCodeUnsupportedQueryParameter StorageErrorCode = "UnsupportedQueryParameter" - StorageErrorCodeUnsupportedXMLNode StorageErrorCode = "UnsupportedXmlNode" -) - -// PossibleStorageErrorCodeValues returns the possible values for the StorageErrorCode const type. -func PossibleStorageErrorCodeValues() []StorageErrorCode { - return []StorageErrorCode{ - StorageErrorCodeAccountAlreadyExists, - StorageErrorCodeAccountBeingCreated, - StorageErrorCodeAccountIsDisabled, - StorageErrorCodeAppendPositionConditionNotMet, - StorageErrorCodeAuthenticationFailed, - StorageErrorCodeAuthorizationFailure, - StorageErrorCodeAuthorizationPermissionMismatch, - StorageErrorCodeAuthorizationProtocolMismatch, - StorageErrorCodeAuthorizationResourceTypeMismatch, - StorageErrorCodeAuthorizationServiceMismatch, - StorageErrorCodeAuthorizationSourceIPMismatch, - StorageErrorCodeBlobAlreadyExists, - StorageErrorCodeBlobArchived, - StorageErrorCodeBlobBeingRehydrated, - StorageErrorCodeBlobImmutableDueToPolicy, - StorageErrorCodeBlobNotArchived, - StorageErrorCodeBlobNotFound, - StorageErrorCodeBlobOverwritten, - StorageErrorCodeBlobTierInadequateForContentLength, - StorageErrorCodeBlobUsesCustomerSpecifiedEncryption, - StorageErrorCodeBlockCountExceedsLimit, - StorageErrorCodeBlockListTooLong, - StorageErrorCodeCannotChangeToLowerTier, - StorageErrorCodeCannotVerifyCopySource, - StorageErrorCodeConditionHeadersNotSupported, - StorageErrorCodeConditionNotMet, - StorageErrorCodeContainerAlreadyExists, - StorageErrorCodeContainerBeingDeleted, - StorageErrorCodeContainerDisabled, - StorageErrorCodeContainerNotFound, - StorageErrorCodeContentLengthLargerThanTierLimit, - StorageErrorCodeCopyAcrossAccountsNotSupported, - StorageErrorCodeCopyIDMismatch, - StorageErrorCodeEmptyMetadataKey, - StorageErrorCodeFeatureVersionMismatch, - StorageErrorCodeIncrementalCopyBlobMismatch, - StorageErrorCodeIncrementalCopyOfEralierVersionSnapshotNotAllowed, - StorageErrorCodeIncrementalCopySourceMustBeSnapshot, - StorageErrorCodeInfiniteLeaseDurationRequired, - StorageErrorCodeInsufficientAccountPermissions, - StorageErrorCodeInternalError, - StorageErrorCodeInvalidAuthenticationInfo, - StorageErrorCodeInvalidBlobOrBlock, - StorageErrorCodeInvalidBlobTier, - StorageErrorCodeInvalidBlobType, - StorageErrorCodeInvalidBlockID, - StorageErrorCodeInvalidBlockList, - StorageErrorCodeInvalidHTTPVerb, - StorageErrorCodeInvalidHeaderValue, - StorageErrorCodeInvalidInput, - StorageErrorCodeInvalidMD5, - StorageErrorCodeInvalidMetadata, - StorageErrorCodeInvalidOperation, - StorageErrorCodeInvalidPageRange, - StorageErrorCodeInvalidQueryParameterValue, - StorageErrorCodeInvalidRange, - StorageErrorCodeInvalidResourceName, - StorageErrorCodeInvalidSourceBlobType, - StorageErrorCodeInvalidSourceBlobURL, - StorageErrorCodeInvalidURI, - StorageErrorCodeInvalidVersionForPageBlobOperation, - StorageErrorCodeInvalidXMLDocument, - StorageErrorCodeInvalidXMLNodeValue, - StorageErrorCodeLeaseAlreadyBroken, - StorageErrorCodeLeaseAlreadyPresent, - StorageErrorCodeLeaseIDMismatchWithBlobOperation, - StorageErrorCodeLeaseIDMismatchWithContainerOperation, - StorageErrorCodeLeaseIDMismatchWithLeaseOperation, - StorageErrorCodeLeaseIDMissing, - StorageErrorCodeLeaseIsBreakingAndCannotBeAcquired, - StorageErrorCodeLeaseIsBreakingAndCannotBeChanged, - StorageErrorCodeLeaseIsBrokenAndCannotBeRenewed, - StorageErrorCodeLeaseLost, - StorageErrorCodeLeaseNotPresentWithBlobOperation, - StorageErrorCodeLeaseNotPresentWithContainerOperation, - StorageErrorCodeLeaseNotPresentWithLeaseOperation, - StorageErrorCodeMD5Mismatch, - StorageErrorCodeMaxBlobSizeConditionNotMet, - StorageErrorCodeMetadataTooLarge, - StorageErrorCodeMissingContentLengthHeader, - StorageErrorCodeMissingRequiredHeader, - StorageErrorCodeMissingRequiredQueryParameter, - StorageErrorCodeMissingRequiredXMLNode, - StorageErrorCodeMultipleConditionHeadersNotSupported, - StorageErrorCodeNoAuthenticationInformation, - StorageErrorCodeNoPendingCopyOperation, - StorageErrorCodeOperationNotAllowedOnIncrementalCopyBlob, - StorageErrorCodeOperationTimedOut, - StorageErrorCodeOutOfRangeInput, - StorageErrorCodeOutOfRangeQueryParameterValue, - StorageErrorCodePendingCopyOperation, - StorageErrorCodePreviousSnapshotCannotBeNewer, - StorageErrorCodePreviousSnapshotNotFound, - StorageErrorCodePreviousSnapshotOperationNotSupported, - StorageErrorCodeRequestBodyTooLarge, - StorageErrorCodeRequestURLFailedToParse, - StorageErrorCodeResourceAlreadyExists, - StorageErrorCodeResourceNotFound, - StorageErrorCodeResourceTypeMismatch, - StorageErrorCodeSequenceNumberConditionNotMet, - StorageErrorCodeSequenceNumberIncrementTooLarge, - StorageErrorCodeServerBusy, - StorageErrorCodeSnaphotOperationRateExceeded, - StorageErrorCodeSnapshotCountExceeded, - StorageErrorCodeSnapshotsPresent, - StorageErrorCodeSourceConditionNotMet, - StorageErrorCodeSystemInUse, - StorageErrorCodeTargetConditionNotMet, - StorageErrorCodeUnauthorizedBlobOverwrite, - StorageErrorCodeUnsupportedHTTPVerb, - StorageErrorCodeUnsupportedHeader, - StorageErrorCodeUnsupportedQueryParameter, - StorageErrorCodeUnsupportedXMLNode, - } -} - -// ToPtr returns a *StorageErrorCode pointing to the current value. -func (c StorageErrorCode) ToPtr() *StorageErrorCode { - return &c -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_container_client.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_container_client.go deleted file mode 100644 index 81295fe7d61e..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_container_client.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1235 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. -// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. -// Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. - -package azblob - -import ( - "context" - "encoding/xml" - "fmt" - "net/http" - "strconv" - "strings" - "time" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime" -) - -type containerClient struct { - con *connection -} - -// AcquireLease - [Update] establishes and manages a lock on a container for delete operations. The lock duration can be 15 to 60 seconds, or can be infinite -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *containerClient) AcquireLease(ctx context.Context, containerAcquireLeaseOptions *ContainerAcquireLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (ContainerAcquireLeaseResponse, error) { - req, err := client.acquireLeaseCreateRequest(ctx, containerAcquireLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return ContainerAcquireLeaseResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return ContainerAcquireLeaseResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusCreated) { - return ContainerAcquireLeaseResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.acquireLeaseHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// acquireLeaseCreateRequest creates the AcquireLease request. -func (client *containerClient) acquireLeaseCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, containerAcquireLeaseOptions *ContainerAcquireLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "lease") - reqQP.Set("restype", "container") - if containerAcquireLeaseOptions != nil && containerAcquireLeaseOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*containerAcquireLeaseOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-action", "acquire") - if containerAcquireLeaseOptions != nil && containerAcquireLeaseOptions.Duration != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-duration", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*containerAcquireLeaseOptions.Duration), 10)) - } - if containerAcquireLeaseOptions != nil && containerAcquireLeaseOptions.ProposedLeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-proposed-lease-id", *containerAcquireLeaseOptions.ProposedLeaseID) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if containerAcquireLeaseOptions != nil && containerAcquireLeaseOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *containerAcquireLeaseOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// acquireLeaseHandleResponse handles the AcquireLease response. -func (client *containerClient) acquireLeaseHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (ContainerAcquireLeaseResponse, error) { - result := ContainerAcquireLeaseResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return ContainerAcquireLeaseResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-lease-id"); val != "" { - result.LeaseID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return ContainerAcquireLeaseResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - return result, nil -} - -// BreakLease - [Update] establishes and manages a lock on a container for delete operations. The lock duration can be 15 to 60 seconds, or can be infinite -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *containerClient) BreakLease(ctx context.Context, containerBreakLeaseOptions *ContainerBreakLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (ContainerBreakLeaseResponse, error) { - req, err := client.breakLeaseCreateRequest(ctx, containerBreakLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return ContainerBreakLeaseResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return ContainerBreakLeaseResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusAccepted) { - return ContainerBreakLeaseResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.breakLeaseHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// breakLeaseCreateRequest creates the BreakLease request. -func (client *containerClient) breakLeaseCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, containerBreakLeaseOptions *ContainerBreakLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "lease") - reqQP.Set("restype", "container") - if containerBreakLeaseOptions != nil && containerBreakLeaseOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*containerBreakLeaseOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-action", "break") - if containerBreakLeaseOptions != nil && containerBreakLeaseOptions.BreakPeriod != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-break-period", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*containerBreakLeaseOptions.BreakPeriod), 10)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if containerBreakLeaseOptions != nil && containerBreakLeaseOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *containerBreakLeaseOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// breakLeaseHandleResponse handles the BreakLease response. -func (client *containerClient) breakLeaseHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (ContainerBreakLeaseResponse, error) { - result := ContainerBreakLeaseResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return ContainerBreakLeaseResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-lease-time"); val != "" { - leaseTime32, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 32) - leaseTime := int32(leaseTime32) - if err != nil { - return ContainerBreakLeaseResponse{}, err - } - result.LeaseTime = &leaseTime - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return ContainerBreakLeaseResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - return result, nil -} - -// ChangeLease - [Update] establishes and manages a lock on a container for delete operations. The lock duration can be 15 to 60 seconds, or can be infinite -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *containerClient) ChangeLease(ctx context.Context, leaseID string, proposedLeaseID string, containerChangeLeaseOptions *ContainerChangeLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (ContainerChangeLeaseResponse, error) { - req, err := client.changeLeaseCreateRequest(ctx, leaseID, proposedLeaseID, containerChangeLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return ContainerChangeLeaseResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return ContainerChangeLeaseResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - return ContainerChangeLeaseResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.changeLeaseHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// changeLeaseCreateRequest creates the ChangeLease request. -func (client *containerClient) changeLeaseCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, leaseID string, proposedLeaseID string, containerChangeLeaseOptions *ContainerChangeLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "lease") - reqQP.Set("restype", "container") - if containerChangeLeaseOptions != nil && containerChangeLeaseOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*containerChangeLeaseOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-action", "change") - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", leaseID) - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-proposed-lease-id", proposedLeaseID) - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if containerChangeLeaseOptions != nil && containerChangeLeaseOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *containerChangeLeaseOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// changeLeaseHandleResponse handles the ChangeLease response. -func (client *containerClient) changeLeaseHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (ContainerChangeLeaseResponse, error) { - result := ContainerChangeLeaseResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return ContainerChangeLeaseResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-lease-id"); val != "" { - result.LeaseID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return ContainerChangeLeaseResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - return result, nil -} - -// Create - creates a new container under the specified account. If the container with the same name already exists, the operation fails -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *containerClient) Create(ctx context.Context, containerCreateOptions *ContainerCreateOptions, containerCpkScopeInfo *ContainerCpkScopeInfo) (ContainerCreateResponse, error) { - req, err := client.createCreateRequest(ctx, containerCreateOptions, containerCpkScopeInfo) - if err != nil { - return ContainerCreateResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return ContainerCreateResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusCreated) { - return ContainerCreateResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.createHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// createCreateRequest creates the Create request. -func (client *containerClient) createCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, containerCreateOptions *ContainerCreateOptions, containerCpkScopeInfo *ContainerCpkScopeInfo) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("restype", "container") - if containerCreateOptions != nil && containerCreateOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*containerCreateOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - if containerCreateOptions != nil && containerCreateOptions.Metadata != nil { - for k, v := range containerCreateOptions.Metadata { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-meta-"+k, v) - } - } - if containerCreateOptions != nil && containerCreateOptions.Access != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-public-access", string(*containerCreateOptions.Access)) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if containerCreateOptions != nil && containerCreateOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *containerCreateOptions.RequestID) - } - if containerCpkScopeInfo != nil && containerCpkScopeInfo.DefaultEncryptionScope != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-default-encryption-scope", *containerCpkScopeInfo.DefaultEncryptionScope) - } - if containerCpkScopeInfo != nil && containerCpkScopeInfo.PreventEncryptionScopeOverride != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-deny-encryption-scope-override", strconv.FormatBool(*containerCpkScopeInfo.PreventEncryptionScopeOverride)) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// createHandleResponse handles the Create response. -func (client *containerClient) createHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (ContainerCreateResponse, error) { - result := ContainerCreateResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return ContainerCreateResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return ContainerCreateResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - return result, nil -} - -// Delete - operation marks the specified container for deletion. The container and any blobs contained within it are later deleted during garbage collection -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *containerClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, containerDeleteOptions *ContainerDeleteOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (ContainerDeleteResponse, error) { - req, err := client.deleteCreateRequest(ctx, containerDeleteOptions, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return ContainerDeleteResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return ContainerDeleteResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusAccepted) { - return ContainerDeleteResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.deleteHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// deleteCreateRequest creates the Delete request. -func (client *containerClient) deleteCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, containerDeleteOptions *ContainerDeleteOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodDelete, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("restype", "container") - if containerDeleteOptions != nil && containerDeleteOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*containerDeleteOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if containerDeleteOptions != nil && containerDeleteOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *containerDeleteOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// deleteHandleResponse handles the Delete response. -func (client *containerClient) deleteHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (ContainerDeleteResponse, error) { - result := ContainerDeleteResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return ContainerDeleteResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - return result, nil -} - -// GetAccessPolicy - gets the permissions for the specified container. The permissions indicate whether container data may be accessed publicly. -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *containerClient) GetAccessPolicy(ctx context.Context, containerGetAccessPolicyOptions *ContainerGetAccessPolicyOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions) (ContainerGetAccessPolicyResponse, error) { - req, err := client.getAccessPolicyCreateRequest(ctx, containerGetAccessPolicyOptions, leaseAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return ContainerGetAccessPolicyResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return ContainerGetAccessPolicyResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - return ContainerGetAccessPolicyResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.getAccessPolicyHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// getAccessPolicyCreateRequest creates the GetAccessPolicy request. -func (client *containerClient) getAccessPolicyCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, containerGetAccessPolicyOptions *ContainerGetAccessPolicyOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("restype", "container") - reqQP.Set("comp", "acl") - if containerGetAccessPolicyOptions != nil && containerGetAccessPolicyOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*containerGetAccessPolicyOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if containerGetAccessPolicyOptions != nil && containerGetAccessPolicyOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *containerGetAccessPolicyOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// getAccessPolicyHandleResponse handles the GetAccessPolicy response. -func (client *containerClient) getAccessPolicyHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (ContainerGetAccessPolicyResponse, error) { - result := ContainerGetAccessPolicyResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-blob-public-access"); val != "" { - result.BlobPublicAccess = (*PublicAccessType)(&val) - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return ContainerGetAccessPolicyResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return ContainerGetAccessPolicyResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if err := runtime.UnmarshalAsXML(resp, &result); err != nil { - return ContainerGetAccessPolicyResponse{}, err - } - return result, nil -} - -// GetAccountInfo - Returns the sku name and account kind -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *containerClient) GetAccountInfo(ctx context.Context, options *ContainerGetAccountInfoOptions) (ContainerGetAccountInfoResponse, error) { - req, err := client.getAccountInfoCreateRequest(ctx, options) - if err != nil { - return ContainerGetAccountInfoResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return ContainerGetAccountInfoResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - return ContainerGetAccountInfoResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.getAccountInfoHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// getAccountInfoCreateRequest creates the GetAccountInfo request. -func (client *containerClient) getAccountInfoCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, options *ContainerGetAccountInfoOptions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("restype", "account") - reqQP.Set("comp", "properties") - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// getAccountInfoHandleResponse handles the GetAccountInfo response. -func (client *containerClient) getAccountInfoHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (ContainerGetAccountInfoResponse, error) { - result := ContainerGetAccountInfoResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return ContainerGetAccountInfoResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-sku-name"); val != "" { - result.SKUName = (*SKUName)(&val) - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-account-kind"); val != "" { - result.AccountKind = (*AccountKind)(&val) - } - return result, nil -} - -// GetProperties - returns all user-defined metadata and system properties for the specified container. The data returned does not include the container's -// list of blobs -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *containerClient) GetProperties(ctx context.Context, containerGetPropertiesOptions *ContainerGetPropertiesOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions) (ContainerGetPropertiesResponse, error) { - req, err := client.getPropertiesCreateRequest(ctx, containerGetPropertiesOptions, leaseAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return ContainerGetPropertiesResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return ContainerGetPropertiesResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - return ContainerGetPropertiesResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.getPropertiesHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// getPropertiesCreateRequest creates the GetProperties request. -func (client *containerClient) getPropertiesCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, containerGetPropertiesOptions *ContainerGetPropertiesOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("restype", "container") - if containerGetPropertiesOptions != nil && containerGetPropertiesOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*containerGetPropertiesOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if containerGetPropertiesOptions != nil && containerGetPropertiesOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *containerGetPropertiesOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// getPropertiesHandleResponse handles the GetProperties response. -func (client *containerClient) getPropertiesHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (ContainerGetPropertiesResponse, error) { - result := ContainerGetPropertiesResponse{RawResponse: resp} - for hh := range resp.Header { - if len(hh) > len("x-ms-meta-") && strings.EqualFold(hh[:len("x-ms-meta-")], "x-ms-meta-") { - if result.Metadata == nil { - result.Metadata = map[string]string{} - } - result.Metadata[hh[len("x-ms-meta-"):]] = resp.Header.Get(hh) - } - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return ContainerGetPropertiesResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-lease-duration"); val != "" { - result.LeaseDuration = (*LeaseDurationType)(&val) - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-lease-state"); val != "" { - result.LeaseState = (*LeaseStateType)(&val) - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-lease-status"); val != "" { - result.LeaseStatus = (*LeaseStatusType)(&val) - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return ContainerGetPropertiesResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-blob-public-access"); val != "" { - result.BlobPublicAccess = (*PublicAccessType)(&val) - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-has-immutability-policy"); val != "" { - hasImmutabilityPolicy, err := strconv.ParseBool(val) - if err != nil { - return ContainerGetPropertiesResponse{}, err - } - result.HasImmutabilityPolicy = &hasImmutabilityPolicy - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-has-legal-hold"); val != "" { - hasLegalHold, err := strconv.ParseBool(val) - if err != nil { - return ContainerGetPropertiesResponse{}, err - } - result.HasLegalHold = &hasLegalHold - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-default-encryption-scope"); val != "" { - result.DefaultEncryptionScope = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-deny-encryption-scope-override"); val != "" { - denyEncryptionScopeOverride, err := strconv.ParseBool(val) - if err != nil { - return ContainerGetPropertiesResponse{}, err - } - result.DenyEncryptionScopeOverride = &denyEncryptionScopeOverride - } - return result, nil -} - -// ListBlobFlatSegment - [Update] The List Blobs operation returns a list of the blobs under the specified container -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *containerClient) ListBlobFlatSegment(options *ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentOptions) *ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentPager { - return &ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentPager{ - client: client, - requester: func(ctx context.Context) (*policy.Request, error) { - return client.listBlobFlatSegmentCreateRequest(ctx, options) - }, - advancer: func(ctx context.Context, resp ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentResponse) (*policy.Request, error) { - return runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, *resp.ListBlobsFlatSegmentResponse.NextMarker) - }, - } -} - -// listBlobFlatSegmentCreateRequest creates the ListBlobFlatSegment request. -func (client *containerClient) listBlobFlatSegmentCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, options *ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentOptions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("restype", "container") - reqQP.Set("comp", "list") - if options != nil && options.Prefix != nil { - reqQP.Set("prefix", *options.Prefix) - } - if options != nil && options.Marker != nil { - reqQP.Set("marker", *options.Marker) - } - if options != nil && options.Maxresults != nil { - reqQP.Set("maxresults", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*options.Maxresults), 10)) - } - if options != nil && options.Include != nil { - reqQP.Set("include", strings.Join(strings.Fields(strings.Trim(fmt.Sprint(options.Include), "[]")), ",")) - } - if options != nil && options.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*options.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if options != nil && options.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *options.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// listBlobFlatSegmentHandleResponse handles the ListBlobFlatSegment response. -func (client *containerClient) listBlobFlatSegmentHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentResponse, error) { - result := ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-Type"); val != "" { - result.ContentType = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if err := runtime.UnmarshalAsXML(resp, &result.ListBlobsFlatSegmentResponse); err != nil { - return ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentResponse{}, err - } - return result, nil -} - -// ListBlobHierarchySegment - [Update] The List Blobs operation returns a list of the blobs under the specified container -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *containerClient) ListBlobHierarchySegment(delimiter string, options *ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentOptions) *ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentPager { - return &ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentPager{ - client: client, - requester: func(ctx context.Context) (*policy.Request, error) { - return client.listBlobHierarchySegmentCreateRequest(ctx, delimiter, options) - }, - advancer: func(ctx context.Context, resp ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentResponse) (*policy.Request, error) { - return runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, *resp.ListBlobsHierarchySegmentResponse.NextMarker) - }, - } -} - -// listBlobHierarchySegmentCreateRequest creates the ListBlobHierarchySegment request. -func (client *containerClient) listBlobHierarchySegmentCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, delimiter string, options *ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentOptions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("restype", "container") - reqQP.Set("comp", "list") - if options != nil && options.Prefix != nil { - reqQP.Set("prefix", *options.Prefix) - } - reqQP.Set("delimiter", delimiter) - if options != nil && options.Marker != nil { - reqQP.Set("marker", *options.Marker) - } - if options != nil && options.Maxresults != nil { - reqQP.Set("maxresults", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*options.Maxresults), 10)) - } - if options != nil && options.Include != nil { - reqQP.Set("include", strings.Join(strings.Fields(strings.Trim(fmt.Sprint(options.Include), "[]")), ",")) - } - if options != nil && options.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*options.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if options != nil && options.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *options.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// listBlobHierarchySegmentHandleResponse handles the ListBlobHierarchySegment response. -func (client *containerClient) listBlobHierarchySegmentHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentResponse, error) { - result := ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-Type"); val != "" { - result.ContentType = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if err := runtime.UnmarshalAsXML(resp, &result.ListBlobsHierarchySegmentResponse); err != nil { - return ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentResponse{}, err - } - return result, nil -} - -// ReleaseLease - [Update] establishes and manages a lock on a container for delete operations. The lock duration can be 15 to 60 seconds, or can be infinite -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *containerClient) ReleaseLease(ctx context.Context, leaseID string, containerReleaseLeaseOptions *ContainerReleaseLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (ContainerReleaseLeaseResponse, error) { - req, err := client.releaseLeaseCreateRequest(ctx, leaseID, containerReleaseLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return ContainerReleaseLeaseResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return ContainerReleaseLeaseResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - return ContainerReleaseLeaseResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.releaseLeaseHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// releaseLeaseCreateRequest creates the ReleaseLease request. -func (client *containerClient) releaseLeaseCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, leaseID string, containerReleaseLeaseOptions *ContainerReleaseLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "lease") - reqQP.Set("restype", "container") - if containerReleaseLeaseOptions != nil && containerReleaseLeaseOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*containerReleaseLeaseOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-action", "release") - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", leaseID) - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if containerReleaseLeaseOptions != nil && containerReleaseLeaseOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *containerReleaseLeaseOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// releaseLeaseHandleResponse handles the ReleaseLease response. -func (client *containerClient) releaseLeaseHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (ContainerReleaseLeaseResponse, error) { - result := ContainerReleaseLeaseResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return ContainerReleaseLeaseResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return ContainerReleaseLeaseResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - return result, nil -} - -// RenewLease - [Update] establishes and manages a lock on a container for delete operations. The lock duration can be 15 to 60 seconds, or can be infinite -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *containerClient) RenewLease(ctx context.Context, leaseID string, containerRenewLeaseOptions *ContainerRenewLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (ContainerRenewLeaseResponse, error) { - req, err := client.renewLeaseCreateRequest(ctx, leaseID, containerRenewLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return ContainerRenewLeaseResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return ContainerRenewLeaseResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - return ContainerRenewLeaseResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.renewLeaseHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// renewLeaseCreateRequest creates the RenewLease request. -func (client *containerClient) renewLeaseCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, leaseID string, containerRenewLeaseOptions *ContainerRenewLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "lease") - reqQP.Set("restype", "container") - if containerRenewLeaseOptions != nil && containerRenewLeaseOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*containerRenewLeaseOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-action", "renew") - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", leaseID) - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if containerRenewLeaseOptions != nil && containerRenewLeaseOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *containerRenewLeaseOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// renewLeaseHandleResponse handles the RenewLease response. -func (client *containerClient) renewLeaseHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (ContainerRenewLeaseResponse, error) { - result := ContainerRenewLeaseResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return ContainerRenewLeaseResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-lease-id"); val != "" { - result.LeaseID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return ContainerRenewLeaseResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - return result, nil -} - -// Restore - Restores a previously-deleted container. -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *containerClient) Restore(ctx context.Context, options *ContainerRestoreOptions) (ContainerRestoreResponse, error) { - req, err := client.restoreCreateRequest(ctx, options) - if err != nil { - return ContainerRestoreResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return ContainerRestoreResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusCreated) { - return ContainerRestoreResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.restoreHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// restoreCreateRequest creates the Restore request. -func (client *containerClient) restoreCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, options *ContainerRestoreOptions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("restype", "container") - reqQP.Set("comp", "undelete") - if options != nil && options.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*options.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if options != nil && options.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *options.RequestID) - } - if options != nil && options.DeletedContainerName != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-deleted-container-name", *options.DeletedContainerName) - } - if options != nil && options.DeletedContainerVersion != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-deleted-container-version", *options.DeletedContainerVersion) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// restoreHandleResponse handles the Restore response. -func (client *containerClient) restoreHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (ContainerRestoreResponse, error) { - result := ContainerRestoreResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return ContainerRestoreResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - return result, nil -} - -// SetAccessPolicy - sets the permissions for the specified container. The permissions indicate whether blobs in a container may be accessed publicly. -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *containerClient) SetAccessPolicy(ctx context.Context, containerSetAccessPolicyOptions *ContainerSetAccessPolicyOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (ContainerSetAccessPolicyResponse, error) { - req, err := client.setAccessPolicyCreateRequest(ctx, containerSetAccessPolicyOptions, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return ContainerSetAccessPolicyResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return ContainerSetAccessPolicyResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - return ContainerSetAccessPolicyResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.setAccessPolicyHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// setAccessPolicyCreateRequest creates the SetAccessPolicy request. -func (client *containerClient) setAccessPolicyCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, containerSetAccessPolicyOptions *ContainerSetAccessPolicyOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("restype", "container") - reqQP.Set("comp", "acl") - if containerSetAccessPolicyOptions != nil && containerSetAccessPolicyOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*containerSetAccessPolicyOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - if containerSetAccessPolicyOptions != nil && containerSetAccessPolicyOptions.Access != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-public-access", string(*containerSetAccessPolicyOptions.Access)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if containerSetAccessPolicyOptions != nil && containerSetAccessPolicyOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *containerSetAccessPolicyOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - type wrapper struct { - XMLName xml.Name `xml:"SignedIdentifiers"` - ContainerACL *[]*SignedIdentifier `xml:"SignedIdentifier"` - } - if containerSetAccessPolicyOptions != nil && containerSetAccessPolicyOptions.ContainerACL != nil { - return req, runtime.MarshalAsXML(req, wrapper{ContainerACL: &containerSetAccessPolicyOptions.ContainerACL}) - } - return req, nil -} - -// setAccessPolicyHandleResponse handles the SetAccessPolicy response. -func (client *containerClient) setAccessPolicyHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (ContainerSetAccessPolicyResponse, error) { - result := ContainerSetAccessPolicyResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return ContainerSetAccessPolicyResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return ContainerSetAccessPolicyResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - return result, nil -} - -// SetMetadata - operation sets one or more user-defined name-value pairs for the specified container. -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *containerClient) SetMetadata(ctx context.Context, containerSetMetadataOptions *ContainerSetMetadataOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (ContainerSetMetadataResponse, error) { - req, err := client.setMetadataCreateRequest(ctx, containerSetMetadataOptions, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return ContainerSetMetadataResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return ContainerSetMetadataResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - return ContainerSetMetadataResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.setMetadataHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// setMetadataCreateRequest creates the SetMetadata request. -func (client *containerClient) setMetadataCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, containerSetMetadataOptions *ContainerSetMetadataOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("restype", "container") - reqQP.Set("comp", "metadata") - if containerSetMetadataOptions != nil && containerSetMetadataOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*containerSetMetadataOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - if containerSetMetadataOptions != nil && containerSetMetadataOptions.Metadata != nil { - for k, v := range containerSetMetadataOptions.Metadata { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-meta-"+k, v) - } - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if containerSetMetadataOptions != nil && containerSetMetadataOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *containerSetMetadataOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// setMetadataHandleResponse handles the SetMetadata response. -func (client *containerClient) setMetadataHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (ContainerSetMetadataResponse, error) { - result := ContainerSetMetadataResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return ContainerSetMetadataResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return ContainerSetMetadataResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - return result, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_directory_client.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_directory_client.go deleted file mode 100644 index c3ce389d81ba..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_directory_client.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,555 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. -// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. -// Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. - -package azblob - -import ( - "context" - "net/http" - "strconv" - "time" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime" -) - -type directoryClient struct { - con *connection - pathRenameMode *PathRenameMode -} - -// Create - Create a directory. By default, the destination is overwritten and if the destination already exists and has a lease the lease is broken. This -// operation supports conditional HTTP requests. For more -// information, see Specifying Conditional Headers for Blob Service Operations [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/specifying-conditional-headers-for-blob-service-operations]. -// To -// fail if the destination already exists, use a conditional request with If-None-Match: "*". -// If the operation fails it returns the *DataLakeStorageError error type. -func (client *directoryClient) Create(ctx context.Context, directoryCreateOptions *DirectoryCreateOptions, directoryHTTPHeaders *DirectoryHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (DirectoryCreateResponse, error) { - req, err := client.createCreateRequest(ctx, directoryCreateOptions, directoryHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return DirectoryCreateResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return DirectoryCreateResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusCreated) { - return DirectoryCreateResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.createHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// createCreateRequest creates the Create request. -func (client *directoryClient) createCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, directoryCreateOptions *DirectoryCreateOptions, directoryHTTPHeaders *DirectoryHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("resource", "directory") - if directoryCreateOptions != nil && directoryCreateOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*directoryCreateOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - if directoryCreateOptions != nil && directoryCreateOptions.DirectoryProperties != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-properties", *directoryCreateOptions.DirectoryProperties) - } - if directoryCreateOptions != nil && directoryCreateOptions.PosixPermissions != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-permissions", *directoryCreateOptions.PosixPermissions) - } - if directoryCreateOptions != nil && directoryCreateOptions.PosixUmask != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-umask", *directoryCreateOptions.PosixUmask) - } - if directoryHTTPHeaders != nil && directoryHTTPHeaders.CacheControl != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-cache-control", *directoryHTTPHeaders.CacheControl) - } - if directoryHTTPHeaders != nil && directoryHTTPHeaders.ContentType != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-content-type", *directoryHTTPHeaders.ContentType) - } - if directoryHTTPHeaders != nil && directoryHTTPHeaders.ContentEncoding != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-content-encoding", *directoryHTTPHeaders.ContentEncoding) - } - if directoryHTTPHeaders != nil && directoryHTTPHeaders.ContentLanguage != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-content-language", *directoryHTTPHeaders.ContentLanguage) - } - if directoryHTTPHeaders != nil && directoryHTTPHeaders.ContentDisposition != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-content-disposition", *directoryHTTPHeaders.ContentDisposition) - } - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if directoryCreateOptions != nil && directoryCreateOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *directoryCreateOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// createHandleResponse handles the Create response. -func (client *directoryClient) createHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (DirectoryCreateResponse, error) { - result := DirectoryCreateResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return DirectoryCreateResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-Length"); val != "" { - contentLength, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 64) - if err != nil { - return DirectoryCreateResponse{}, err - } - result.ContentLength = &contentLength - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return DirectoryCreateResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - return result, nil -} - -// Delete - Deletes the directory -// If the operation fails it returns the *DataLakeStorageError error type. -func (client *directoryClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, recursiveDirectoryDelete bool, directoryDeleteOptions *DirectoryDeleteOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (DirectoryDeleteResponse, error) { - req, err := client.deleteCreateRequest(ctx, recursiveDirectoryDelete, directoryDeleteOptions, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return DirectoryDeleteResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return DirectoryDeleteResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - return DirectoryDeleteResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.deleteHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// deleteCreateRequest creates the Delete request. -func (client *directoryClient) deleteCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, recursiveDirectoryDelete bool, directoryDeleteOptions *DirectoryDeleteOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodDelete, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - if directoryDeleteOptions != nil && directoryDeleteOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*directoryDeleteOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - reqQP.Set("recursive", strconv.FormatBool(recursiveDirectoryDelete)) - if directoryDeleteOptions != nil && directoryDeleteOptions.Marker != nil { - reqQP.Set("continuation", *directoryDeleteOptions.Marker) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if directoryDeleteOptions != nil && directoryDeleteOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *directoryDeleteOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// deleteHandleResponse handles the Delete response. -func (client *directoryClient) deleteHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (DirectoryDeleteResponse, error) { - result := DirectoryDeleteResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-continuation"); val != "" { - result.Marker = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return DirectoryDeleteResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - return result, nil -} - -// GetAccessControl - Get the owner, group, permissions, or access control list for a directory. -// If the operation fails it returns the *DataLakeStorageError error type. -func (client *directoryClient) GetAccessControl(ctx context.Context, directoryGetAccessControlOptions *DirectoryGetAccessControlOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (DirectoryGetAccessControlResponse, error) { - req, err := client.getAccessControlCreateRequest(ctx, directoryGetAccessControlOptions, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return DirectoryGetAccessControlResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return DirectoryGetAccessControlResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - return DirectoryGetAccessControlResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.getAccessControlHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// getAccessControlCreateRequest creates the GetAccessControl request. -func (client *directoryClient) getAccessControlCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, directoryGetAccessControlOptions *DirectoryGetAccessControlOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodHead, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("action", "getAccessControl") - if directoryGetAccessControlOptions != nil && directoryGetAccessControlOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*directoryGetAccessControlOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - if directoryGetAccessControlOptions != nil && directoryGetAccessControlOptions.Upn != nil { - reqQP.Set("upn", strconv.FormatBool(*directoryGetAccessControlOptions.Upn)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if directoryGetAccessControlOptions != nil && directoryGetAccessControlOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *directoryGetAccessControlOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// getAccessControlHandleResponse handles the GetAccessControl response. -func (client *directoryClient) getAccessControlHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (DirectoryGetAccessControlResponse, error) { - result := DirectoryGetAccessControlResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return DirectoryGetAccessControlResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return DirectoryGetAccessControlResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-owner"); val != "" { - result.XMSOwner = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-group"); val != "" { - result.XMSGroup = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-permissions"); val != "" { - result.XMSPermissions = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-acl"); val != "" { - result.XMSACL = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - return result, nil -} - -// Rename - Rename a directory. By default, the destination is overwritten and if the destination already exists and has a lease the lease is broken. This -// operation supports conditional HTTP requests. For more -// information, see Specifying Conditional Headers for Blob Service Operations [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/specifying-conditional-headers-for-blob-service-operations]. -// To -// fail if the destination already exists, use a conditional request with If-None-Match: "*". -// If the operation fails it returns the *DataLakeStorageError error type. -func (client *directoryClient) Rename(ctx context.Context, renameSource string, directoryRenameOptions *DirectoryRenameOptions, directoryHTTPHeaders *DirectoryHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions) (DirectoryRenameResponse, error) { - req, err := client.renameCreateRequest(ctx, renameSource, directoryRenameOptions, directoryHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return DirectoryRenameResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return DirectoryRenameResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusCreated) { - return DirectoryRenameResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.renameHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// renameCreateRequest creates the Rename request. -func (client *directoryClient) renameCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, renameSource string, directoryRenameOptions *DirectoryRenameOptions, directoryHTTPHeaders *DirectoryHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - if directoryRenameOptions != nil && directoryRenameOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*directoryRenameOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - if directoryRenameOptions != nil && directoryRenameOptions.Marker != nil { - reqQP.Set("continuation", *directoryRenameOptions.Marker) - } - if client.pathRenameMode != nil { - reqQP.Set("mode", string(*client.pathRenameMode)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-rename-source", renameSource) - if directoryRenameOptions != nil && directoryRenameOptions.DirectoryProperties != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-properties", *directoryRenameOptions.DirectoryProperties) - } - if directoryRenameOptions != nil && directoryRenameOptions.PosixPermissions != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-permissions", *directoryRenameOptions.PosixPermissions) - } - if directoryRenameOptions != nil && directoryRenameOptions.PosixUmask != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-umask", *directoryRenameOptions.PosixUmask) - } - if directoryHTTPHeaders != nil && directoryHTTPHeaders.CacheControl != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-cache-control", *directoryHTTPHeaders.CacheControl) - } - if directoryHTTPHeaders != nil && directoryHTTPHeaders.ContentType != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-content-type", *directoryHTTPHeaders.ContentType) - } - if directoryHTTPHeaders != nil && directoryHTTPHeaders.ContentEncoding != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-content-encoding", *directoryHTTPHeaders.ContentEncoding) - } - if directoryHTTPHeaders != nil && directoryHTTPHeaders.ContentLanguage != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-content-language", *directoryHTTPHeaders.ContentLanguage) - } - if directoryHTTPHeaders != nil && directoryHTTPHeaders.ContentDisposition != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-content-disposition", *directoryHTTPHeaders.ContentDisposition) - } - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - if directoryRenameOptions != nil && directoryRenameOptions.SourceLeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-lease-id", *directoryRenameOptions.SourceLeaseID) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - if sourceModifiedAccessConditions != nil && sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-modified-since", sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if sourceModifiedAccessConditions != nil && sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-unmodified-since", sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if sourceModifiedAccessConditions != nil && sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-match", *sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfMatch) - } - if sourceModifiedAccessConditions != nil && sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-none-match", *sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfNoneMatch) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if directoryRenameOptions != nil && directoryRenameOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *directoryRenameOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// renameHandleResponse handles the Rename response. -func (client *directoryClient) renameHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (DirectoryRenameResponse, error) { - result := DirectoryRenameResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-continuation"); val != "" { - result.Marker = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return DirectoryRenameResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-Length"); val != "" { - contentLength, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 64) - if err != nil { - return DirectoryRenameResponse{}, err - } - result.ContentLength = &contentLength - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return DirectoryRenameResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - return result, nil -} - -// SetAccessControl - Set the owner, group, permissions, or access control list for a directory. -// If the operation fails it returns the *DataLakeStorageError error type. -func (client *directoryClient) SetAccessControl(ctx context.Context, directorySetAccessControlOptions *DirectorySetAccessControlOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (DirectorySetAccessControlResponse, error) { - req, err := client.setAccessControlCreateRequest(ctx, directorySetAccessControlOptions, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return DirectorySetAccessControlResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return DirectorySetAccessControlResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - return DirectorySetAccessControlResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.setAccessControlHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// setAccessControlCreateRequest creates the SetAccessControl request. -func (client *directoryClient) setAccessControlCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, directorySetAccessControlOptions *DirectorySetAccessControlOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPatch, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("action", "setAccessControl") - if directorySetAccessControlOptions != nil && directorySetAccessControlOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*directorySetAccessControlOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - if directorySetAccessControlOptions != nil && directorySetAccessControlOptions.Owner != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-owner", *directorySetAccessControlOptions.Owner) - } - if directorySetAccessControlOptions != nil && directorySetAccessControlOptions.Group != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-group", *directorySetAccessControlOptions.Group) - } - if directorySetAccessControlOptions != nil && directorySetAccessControlOptions.PosixPermissions != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-permissions", *directorySetAccessControlOptions.PosixPermissions) - } - if directorySetAccessControlOptions != nil && directorySetAccessControlOptions.PosixACL != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-acl", *directorySetAccessControlOptions.PosixACL) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if directorySetAccessControlOptions != nil && directorySetAccessControlOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *directorySetAccessControlOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// setAccessControlHandleResponse handles the SetAccessControl response. -func (client *directoryClient) setAccessControlHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (DirectorySetAccessControlResponse, error) { - result := DirectorySetAccessControlResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return DirectorySetAccessControlResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return DirectorySetAccessControlResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - return result, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_models.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_models.go deleted file mode 100644 index 2366bbb35214..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_models.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2009 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. -// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. -// Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. - -package azblob - -import ( - "encoding/xml" - "time" -) - -// AccessPolicy - An Access policy -type AccessPolicy struct { - // the date-time the policy expires - Expiry *time.Time `xml:"Expiry"` - - // the permissions for the acl policy - Permission *string `xml:"Permission"` - - // the date-time the policy is active - Start *time.Time `xml:"Start"` -} - -// MarshalXML implements the xml.Marshaller interface for type AccessPolicy. -func (a AccessPolicy) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { - type alias AccessPolicy - aux := &struct { - *alias - Expiry *timeRFC3339 `xml:"Expiry"` - Start *timeRFC3339 `xml:"Start"` - }{ - alias: (*alias)(&a), - Expiry: (*timeRFC3339)(a.Expiry), - Start: (*timeRFC3339)(a.Start), - } - return e.EncodeElement(aux, start) -} - -// UnmarshalXML implements the xml.Unmarshaller interface for type AccessPolicy. -func (a *AccessPolicy) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { - type alias AccessPolicy - aux := &struct { - *alias - Expiry *timeRFC3339 `xml:"Expiry"` - Start *timeRFC3339 `xml:"Start"` - }{ - alias: (*alias)(a), - } - if err := d.DecodeElement(aux, &start); err != nil { - return err - } - a.Expiry = (*time.Time)(aux.Expiry) - a.Start = (*time.Time)(aux.Start) - return nil -} - -// AppendBlobAppendBlockFromURLOptions contains the optional parameters for the AppendBlob.AppendBlockFromURL method. -type AppendBlobAppendBlockFromURLOptions struct { - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // Specify the md5 calculated for the range of bytes that must be read from the copy source. - SourceContentMD5 []byte - // Specify the crc64 calculated for the range of bytes that must be read from the copy source. - SourceContentcrc64 []byte - // Bytes of source data in the specified range. - SourceRange *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 - // Specify the transactional md5 for the body, to be validated by the service. - TransactionalContentMD5 []byte -} - -// AppendBlobAppendBlockOptions contains the optional parameters for the AppendBlob.AppendBlock method. -type AppendBlobAppendBlockOptions struct { - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 - // Specify the transactional crc64 for the body, to be validated by the service. - TransactionalContentCRC64 []byte - // Specify the transactional md5 for the body, to be validated by the service. - TransactionalContentMD5 []byte -} - -// AppendBlobCreateOptions contains the optional parameters for the AppendBlob.Create method. -type AppendBlobCreateOptions struct { - // Optional. Used to set blob tags in various blob operations. - BlobTagsString *string - // Optional. Specifies a user-defined name-value pair associated with the blob. If no name-value pairs are specified, the operation will copy the metadata - // from the source blob or file to the destination blob. If one or more name-value pairs are specified, the destination blob is created with the specified - // metadata, and metadata is not copied from the source blob or file. Note that beginning with version 2009-09-19, metadata names must adhere to the naming - // rules for C# identifiers. See Naming and Referencing Containers, Blobs, and Metadata for more information. - Metadata map[string]string - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// AppendBlobSealOptions contains the optional parameters for the AppendBlob.Seal method. -type AppendBlobSealOptions struct { - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// AppendPositionAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the AppendBlob.AppendBlock method. -type AppendPositionAccessConditions struct { - // Optional conditional header, used only for the Append Block operation. A number indicating the byte offset to compare. Append Block will succeed only - // if the append position is equal to this number. If it is not, the request will fail with the AppendPositionConditionNotMet error (HTTP status code 412 - // - Precondition Failed). - AppendPosition *int64 - // Optional conditional header. The max length in bytes permitted for the append blob. If the Append Block operation would cause the blob to exceed that - // limit or if the blob size is already greater than the value specified in this header, the request will fail with MaxBlobSizeConditionNotMet error (HTTP - // status code 412 - Precondition Failed). - MaxSize *int64 -} - -// BlobAbortCopyFromURLOptions contains the optional parameters for the Blob.AbortCopyFromURL method. -type BlobAbortCopyFromURLOptions struct { - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// BlobAcquireLeaseOptions contains the optional parameters for the Blob.AcquireLease method. -type BlobAcquireLeaseOptions struct { - // Specifies the duration of the lease, in seconds, or negative one (-1) for a lease that never expires. A non-infinite lease can be between 15 and 60 seconds. - // A lease duration cannot be changed using renew or change. - Duration *int32 - // Proposed lease ID, in a GUID string format. The Blob service returns 400 (Invalid request) if the proposed lease ID is not in the correct format. See - // Guid Constructor (String) for a list of valid GUID string formats. - ProposedLeaseID *string - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// BlobBreakLeaseOptions contains the optional parameters for the Blob.BreakLease method. -type BlobBreakLeaseOptions struct { - // For a break operation, proposed duration the lease should continue before it is broken, in seconds, between 0 and 60. This break period is only used - // if it is shorter than the time remaining on the lease. If longer, the time remaining on the lease is used. A new lease will not be available before the - // break period has expired, but the lease may be held for longer than the break period. If this header does not appear with a break operation, a fixed-duration - // lease breaks after the remaining lease period elapses, and an infinite lease breaks immediately. - BreakPeriod *int32 - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// BlobChangeLeaseOptions contains the optional parameters for the Blob.ChangeLease method. -type BlobChangeLeaseOptions struct { - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// BlobCopyFromURLOptions contains the optional parameters for the Blob.CopyFromURL method. -type BlobCopyFromURLOptions struct { - // Optional. Used to set blob tags in various blob operations. - BlobTagsString *string - // Optional. Specifies a user-defined name-value pair associated with the blob. If no name-value pairs are specified, the operation will copy the metadata - // from the source blob or file to the destination blob. If one or more name-value pairs are specified, the destination blob is created with the specified - // metadata, and metadata is not copied from the source blob or file. Note that beginning with version 2009-09-19, metadata names must adhere to the naming - // rules for C# identifiers. See Naming and Referencing Containers, Blobs, and Metadata for more information. - Metadata map[string]string - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // Specify the md5 calculated for the range of bytes that must be read from the copy source. - SourceContentMD5 []byte - // Optional. Indicates the tier to be set on the blob. - Tier *AccessTier - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// BlobCreateSnapshotOptions contains the optional parameters for the Blob.CreateSnapshot method. -type BlobCreateSnapshotOptions struct { - // Optional. Specifies a user-defined name-value pair associated with the blob. If no name-value pairs are specified, the operation will copy the metadata - // from the source blob or file to the destination blob. If one or more name-value pairs are specified, the destination blob is created with the specified - // metadata, and metadata is not copied from the source blob or file. Note that beginning with version 2009-09-19, metadata names must adhere to the naming - // rules for C# identifiers. See Naming and Referencing Containers, Blobs, and Metadata for more information. - Metadata map[string]string - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// BlobDeleteOptions contains the optional parameters for the Blob.Delete method. -type BlobDeleteOptions struct { - // Required if the blob has associated snapshots. Specify one of the following two options: include: Delete the base blob and all of its snapshots. only: - // Delete only the blob's snapshots and not the blob itself - DeleteSnapshots *DeleteSnapshotsOptionType - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The snapshot parameter is an opaque DateTime value that, when present, specifies the blob snapshot to retrieve. For more information on working with - // blob snapshots, see Creating a Snapshot - // of a Blob. - Snapshot *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 - // The version id parameter is an opaque DateTime value that, when present, specifies the version of the blob to operate on. It's for service version 2019-10-10 - // and newer. - VersionID *string -} - -// BlobDownloadOptions contains the optional parameters for the Blob.Download method. -type BlobDownloadOptions struct { - // Return only the bytes of the blob in the specified range. - Range *string - // When set to true and specified together with the Range, the service returns the CRC64 hash for the range, as long as the range is less than or equal - // to 4 MB in size. - RangeGetContentCRC64 *bool - // When set to true and specified together with the Range, the service returns the MD5 hash for the range, as long as the range is less than or equal to - // 4 MB in size. - RangeGetContentMD5 *bool - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The snapshot parameter is an opaque DateTime value that, when present, specifies the blob snapshot to retrieve. For more information on working with - // blob snapshots, see Creating a Snapshot - // of a Blob. - Snapshot *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 - // The version id parameter is an opaque DateTime value that, when present, specifies the version of the blob to operate on. It's for service version 2019-10-10 - // and newer. - VersionID *string -} - -type BlobFlatListSegment struct { - // REQUIRED - BlobItems []*BlobItemInternal `xml:"Blob"` -} - -// MarshalXML implements the xml.Marshaller interface for type BlobFlatListSegment. -func (b BlobFlatListSegment) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { - type alias BlobFlatListSegment - aux := &struct { - *alias - BlobItems *[]*BlobItemInternal `xml:"Blob"` - }{ - alias: (*alias)(&b), - } - if b.BlobItems != nil { - aux.BlobItems = &b.BlobItems - } - return e.EncodeElement(aux, start) -} - -// BlobGetAccessControlOptions contains the optional parameters for the Blob.GetAccessControl method. -type BlobGetAccessControlOptions struct { - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 - // Optional. Valid only when Hierarchical Namespace is enabled for the account. If "true", the identity values returned in the x-ms-owner, x-ms-group, and - // x-ms-acl response headers will be transformed from Azure Active Directory Object IDs to User Principal Names. If "false", the values will be returned - // as Azure Active Directory Object IDs. The default value is false. - Upn *bool -} - -// BlobGetAccountInfoOptions contains the optional parameters for the Blob.GetAccountInfo method. -type BlobGetAccountInfoOptions struct { - // placeholder for future optional parameters -} - -// BlobGetPropertiesOptions contains the optional parameters for the Blob.GetProperties method. -type BlobGetPropertiesOptions struct { - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The snapshot parameter is an opaque DateTime value that, when present, specifies the blob snapshot to retrieve. For more information on working with - // blob snapshots, see Creating a Snapshot - // of a Blob. - Snapshot *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 - // The version id parameter is an opaque DateTime value that, when present, specifies the version of the blob to operate on. It's for service version 2019-10-10 - // and newer. - VersionID *string -} - -// BlobGetTagsOptions contains the optional parameters for the Blob.GetTags method. -type BlobGetTagsOptions struct { - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The snapshot parameter is an opaque DateTime value that, when present, specifies the blob snapshot to retrieve. For more information on working with - // blob snapshots, see Creating a Snapshot - // of a Blob. - Snapshot *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 - // The version id parameter is an opaque DateTime value that, when present, specifies the version of the blob to operate on. It's for service version 2019-10-10 - // and newer. - VersionID *string -} - -// BlobHTTPHeaders contains a group of parameters for the Blob.SetHTTPHeaders method. -type BlobHTTPHeaders struct { - // Optional. Sets the blob's cache control. If specified, this property is stored with the blob and returned with a read request. - BlobCacheControl *string - // Optional. Sets the blob's Content-Disposition header. - BlobContentDisposition *string - // Optional. Sets the blob's content encoding. If specified, this property is stored with the blob and returned with a read request. - BlobContentEncoding *string - // Optional. Set the blob's content language. If specified, this property is stored with the blob and returned with a read request. - BlobContentLanguage *string - // Optional. An MD5 hash of the blob content. Note that this hash is not validated, as the hashes for the individual blocks were validated when each was - // uploaded. - BlobContentMD5 []byte - // Optional. Sets the blob's content type. If specified, this property is stored with the blob and returned with a read request. - BlobContentType *string -} - -type BlobHierarchyListSegment struct { - // REQUIRED - BlobItems []*BlobItemInternal `xml:"Blob"` - BlobPrefixes []*BlobPrefix `xml:"BlobPrefix"` -} - -// MarshalXML implements the xml.Marshaller interface for type BlobHierarchyListSegment. -func (b BlobHierarchyListSegment) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { - type alias BlobHierarchyListSegment - aux := &struct { - *alias - BlobItems *[]*BlobItemInternal `xml:"Blob"` - BlobPrefixes *[]*BlobPrefix `xml:"BlobPrefix"` - }{ - alias: (*alias)(&b), - } - if b.BlobItems != nil { - aux.BlobItems = &b.BlobItems - } - if b.BlobPrefixes != nil { - aux.BlobPrefixes = &b.BlobPrefixes - } - return e.EncodeElement(aux, start) -} - -// BlobItemInternal - An Azure Storage blob -type BlobItemInternal struct { - // REQUIRED - Deleted *bool `xml:"Deleted"` - - // REQUIRED - Name *string `xml:"Name"` - - // REQUIRED; Properties of a blob - Properties *BlobPropertiesInternal `xml:"Properties"` - - // REQUIRED - Snapshot *string `xml:"Snapshot"` - - // Blob tags - BlobTags *BlobTags `xml:"Tags"` - IsCurrentVersion *bool `xml:"IsCurrentVersion"` - Metadata *BlobMetadata `xml:"Metadata"` - - // Dictionary of - ObjectReplicationMetadata map[string]*string `xml:"ObjectReplicationMetadata"` - VersionID *string `xml:"VersionId"` -} - -// UnmarshalXML implements the xml.Unmarshaller interface for type BlobItemInternal. -func (b *BlobItemInternal) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { - type alias BlobItemInternal - aux := &struct { - *alias - ObjectReplicationMetadata additionalProperties `xml:"ObjectReplicationMetadata"` - }{ - alias: (*alias)(b), - } - if err := d.DecodeElement(aux, &start); err != nil { - return err - } - b.ObjectReplicationMetadata = (map[string]*string)(aux.ObjectReplicationMetadata) - return nil -} - -type BlobMetadata struct { - // OPTIONAL; Contains additional key/value pairs not defined in the schema. - AdditionalProperties map[string]*string - Encrypted *string `xml:"Encrypted,attr"` -} - -type BlobPrefix struct { - // REQUIRED - Name *string `xml:"Name"` -} - -// BlobPropertiesInternal - Properties of a blob -type BlobPropertiesInternal struct { - // REQUIRED - Etag *string `xml:"Etag"` - - // REQUIRED - LastModified *time.Time `xml:"Last-Modified"` - AccessTier *AccessTier `xml:"AccessTier"` - AccessTierChangeTime *time.Time `xml:"AccessTierChangeTime"` - AccessTierInferred *bool `xml:"AccessTierInferred"` - ArchiveStatus *ArchiveStatus `xml:"ArchiveStatus"` - BlobSequenceNumber *int64 `xml:"x-ms-blob-sequence-number"` - BlobType *BlobType `xml:"BlobType"` - CacheControl *string `xml:"Cache-Control"` - ContentDisposition *string `xml:"Content-Disposition"` - ContentEncoding *string `xml:"Content-Encoding"` - ContentLanguage *string `xml:"Content-Language"` - - // Size in bytes - ContentLength *int64 `xml:"Content-Length"` - ContentMD5 []byte `xml:"Content-MD5"` - ContentType *string `xml:"Content-Type"` - CopyCompletionTime *time.Time `xml:"CopyCompletionTime"` - CopyID *string `xml:"CopyId"` - CopyProgress *string `xml:"CopyProgress"` - CopySource *string `xml:"CopySource"` - CopyStatus *CopyStatusType `xml:"CopyStatus"` - CopyStatusDescription *string `xml:"CopyStatusDescription"` - CreationTime *time.Time `xml:"Creation-Time"` - CustomerProvidedKeySHA256 *string `xml:"CustomerProvidedKeySha256"` - DeletedTime *time.Time `xml:"DeletedTime"` - DestinationSnapshot *string `xml:"DestinationSnapshot"` - - // The name of the encryption scope under which the blob is encrypted. - EncryptionScope *string `xml:"EncryptionScope"` - ExpiresOn *time.Time `xml:"Expiry-Time"` - IncrementalCopy *bool `xml:"IncrementalCopy"` - IsSealed *bool `xml:"Sealed"` - LeaseDuration *LeaseDurationType `xml:"LeaseDuration"` - LeaseState *LeaseStateType `xml:"LeaseState"` - LeaseStatus *LeaseStatusType `xml:"LeaseStatus"` - - // If an object is in rehydrate pending state then this header is returned with priority of rehydrate. Valid values are High and Standard. - RehydratePriority *RehydratePriority `xml:"RehydratePriority"` - RemainingRetentionDays *int32 `xml:"RemainingRetentionDays"` - ServerEncrypted *bool `xml:"ServerEncrypted"` - TagCount *int32 `xml:"TagCount"` -} - -// MarshalXML implements the xml.Marshaller interface for type BlobPropertiesInternal. -func (b BlobPropertiesInternal) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { - type alias BlobPropertiesInternal - aux := &struct { - *alias - AccessTierChangeTime *timeRFC1123 `xml:"AccessTierChangeTime"` - ContentMD5 *[]byte `xml:"Content-MD5"` - CopyCompletionTime *timeRFC1123 `xml:"CopyCompletionTime"` - CreationTime *timeRFC1123 `xml:"Creation-Time"` - DeletedTime *timeRFC1123 `xml:"DeletedTime"` - ExpiresOn *timeRFC1123 `xml:"Expiry-Time"` - LastModified *timeRFC1123 `xml:"Last-Modified"` - }{ - alias: (*alias)(&b), - AccessTierChangeTime: (*timeRFC1123)(b.AccessTierChangeTime), - CopyCompletionTime: (*timeRFC1123)(b.CopyCompletionTime), - CreationTime: (*timeRFC1123)(b.CreationTime), - DeletedTime: (*timeRFC1123)(b.DeletedTime), - ExpiresOn: (*timeRFC1123)(b.ExpiresOn), - LastModified: (*timeRFC1123)(b.LastModified), - } - if b.ContentMD5 != nil { - aux.ContentMD5 = &b.ContentMD5 - } - return e.EncodeElement(aux, start) -} - -// UnmarshalXML implements the xml.Unmarshaller interface for type BlobPropertiesInternal. -func (b *BlobPropertiesInternal) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { - type alias BlobPropertiesInternal - aux := &struct { - *alias - AccessTierChangeTime *timeRFC1123 `xml:"AccessTierChangeTime"` - ContentMD5 *[]byte `xml:"Content-MD5"` - CopyCompletionTime *timeRFC1123 `xml:"CopyCompletionTime"` - CreationTime *timeRFC1123 `xml:"Creation-Time"` - DeletedTime *timeRFC1123 `xml:"DeletedTime"` - ExpiresOn *timeRFC1123 `xml:"Expiry-Time"` - LastModified *timeRFC1123 `xml:"Last-Modified"` - }{ - alias: (*alias)(b), - } - if err := d.DecodeElement(aux, &start); err != nil { - return err - } - b.AccessTierChangeTime = (*time.Time)(aux.AccessTierChangeTime) - b.CopyCompletionTime = (*time.Time)(aux.CopyCompletionTime) - b.CreationTime = (*time.Time)(aux.CreationTime) - b.DeletedTime = (*time.Time)(aux.DeletedTime) - b.ExpiresOn = (*time.Time)(aux.ExpiresOn) - b.LastModified = (*time.Time)(aux.LastModified) - return nil -} - -// BlobQueryOptions contains the optional parameters for the Blob.Query method. -type BlobQueryOptions struct { - // the query request - QueryRequest *QueryRequest - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The snapshot parameter is an opaque DateTime value that, when present, specifies the blob snapshot to retrieve. For more information on working with - // blob snapshots, see Creating a Snapshot - // of a Blob. - Snapshot *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// BlobReleaseLeaseOptions contains the optional parameters for the Blob.ReleaseLease method. -type BlobReleaseLeaseOptions struct { - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// BlobRenameOptions contains the optional parameters for the Blob.Rename method. -type BlobRenameOptions struct { - // Optional. User-defined properties to be stored with the file or directory, in the format of a comma-separated list of name and value pairs "n1=v1, n2=v2, - // ...", where each value is base64 encoded. - DirectoryProperties *string - // Optional and only valid if Hierarchical Namespace is enabled for the account. Sets POSIX access permissions for the file owner, the file owning group, - // and others. Each class may be granted read, write, or execute permission. The sticky bit is also supported. Both symbolic (rwxrw-rw-) and 4-digit octal - // notation (e.g. 0766) are supported. - PosixPermissions *string - // Only valid if Hierarchical Namespace is enabled for the account. This umask restricts permission settings for file and directory, and will only be applied - // when default Acl does not exist in parent directory. If the umask bit has set, it means that the corresponding permission will be disabled. Otherwise - // the corresponding permission will be determined by the permission. A 4-digit octal notation (e.g. 0022) is supported here. If no umask was specified, - // a default umask - 0027 will be used. - PosixUmask *string - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // A lease ID for the source path. If specified, the source path must have an active lease and the lease ID must match. - SourceLeaseID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// BlobRenewLeaseOptions contains the optional parameters for the Blob.RenewLease method. -type BlobRenewLeaseOptions struct { - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// BlobSetAccessControlOptions contains the optional parameters for the Blob.SetAccessControl method. -type BlobSetAccessControlOptions struct { - // Optional. The owning group of the blob or directory. - Group *string - // Optional. The owner of the blob or directory. - Owner *string - // Sets POSIX access control rights on files and directories. The value is a comma-separated list of access control entries. Each access control entry (ACE) - // consists of a scope, a type, a user or group identifier, and permissions in the format "[scope:][type]:[id]:[permissions]". - PosixACL *string - // Optional and only valid if Hierarchical Namespace is enabled for the account. Sets POSIX access permissions for the file owner, the file owning group, - // and others. Each class may be granted read, write, or execute permission. The sticky bit is also supported. Both symbolic (rwxrw-rw-) and 4-digit octal - // notation (e.g. 0766) are supported. - PosixPermissions *string - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// BlobSetExpiryOptions contains the optional parameters for the Blob.SetExpiry method. -type BlobSetExpiryOptions struct { - // The time to set the blob to expiry - ExpiresOn *string - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// BlobSetHTTPHeadersOptions contains the optional parameters for the Blob.SetHTTPHeaders method. -type BlobSetHTTPHeadersOptions struct { - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// BlobSetMetadataOptions contains the optional parameters for the Blob.SetMetadata method. -type BlobSetMetadataOptions struct { - // Optional. Specifies a user-defined name-value pair associated with the blob. If no name-value pairs are specified, the operation will copy the metadata - // from the source blob or file to the destination blob. If one or more name-value pairs are specified, the destination blob is created with the specified - // metadata, and metadata is not copied from the source blob or file. Note that beginning with version 2009-09-19, metadata names must adhere to the naming - // rules for C# identifiers. See Naming and Referencing Containers, Blobs, and Metadata for more information. - Metadata map[string]string - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// BlobSetTagsOptions contains the optional parameters for the Blob.SetTags method. -type BlobSetTagsOptions struct { - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // Blob tags - Tags *BlobTags - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 - // Specify the transactional crc64 for the body, to be validated by the service. - TransactionalContentCRC64 []byte - // Specify the transactional md5 for the body, to be validated by the service. - TransactionalContentMD5 []byte - // The version id parameter is an opaque DateTime value that, when present, specifies the version of the blob to operate on. It's for service version 2019-10-10 - // and newer. - VersionID *string -} - -// BlobSetTierOptions contains the optional parameters for the Blob.SetTier method. -type BlobSetTierOptions struct { - // Optional: Indicates the priority with which to rehydrate an archived blob. - RehydratePriority *RehydratePriority - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The snapshot parameter is an opaque DateTime value that, when present, specifies the blob snapshot to retrieve. For more information on working with - // blob snapshots, see Creating a Snapshot - // of a Blob. - Snapshot *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 - // The version id parameter is an opaque DateTime value that, when present, specifies the version of the blob to operate on. It's for service version 2019-10-10 - // and newer. - VersionID *string -} - -// BlobStartCopyFromURLOptions contains the optional parameters for the Blob.StartCopyFromURL method. -type BlobStartCopyFromURLOptions struct { - // Optional. Used to set blob tags in various blob operations. - BlobTagsString *string - // Optional. Specifies a user-defined name-value pair associated with the blob. If no name-value pairs are specified, the operation will copy the metadata - // from the source blob or file to the destination blob. If one or more name-value pairs are specified, the destination blob is created with the specified - // metadata, and metadata is not copied from the source blob or file. Note that beginning with version 2009-09-19, metadata names must adhere to the naming - // rules for C# identifiers. See Naming and Referencing Containers, Blobs, and Metadata for more information. - Metadata map[string]string - // Optional: Indicates the priority with which to rehydrate an archived blob. - RehydratePriority *RehydratePriority - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // Overrides the sealed state of the destination blob. Service version 2019-12-12 and newer. - SealBlob *bool - // Optional. Indicates the tier to be set on the blob. - Tier *AccessTier - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -type BlobTag struct { - // REQUIRED - Key *string `xml:"Key"` - - // REQUIRED - Value *string `xml:"Value"` -} - -// BlobTags - Blob tags -type BlobTags struct { - // REQUIRED - BlobTagSet []*BlobTag `xml:"TagSet>Tag"` -} - -// MarshalXML implements the xml.Marshaller interface for type BlobTags. -func (b BlobTags) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { - start.Name.Local = "Tags" - type alias BlobTags - aux := &struct { - *alias - BlobTagSet *[]*BlobTag `xml:"TagSet>Tag"` - }{ - alias: (*alias)(&b), - } - if b.BlobTagSet != nil { - aux.BlobTagSet = &b.BlobTagSet - } - return e.EncodeElement(aux, start) -} - -// BlobUndeleteOptions contains the optional parameters for the Blob.Undelete method. -type BlobUndeleteOptions struct { - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// Block - Represents a single block in a block blob. It describes the block's ID and size. -type Block struct { - // REQUIRED; The base64 encoded block ID. - Name *string `xml:"Name"` - - // REQUIRED; The block size in bytes. - Size *int64 `xml:"Size"` -} - -// BlockBlobCommitBlockListOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlockBlob.CommitBlockList method. -type BlockBlobCommitBlockListOptions struct { - // Optional. Used to set blob tags in various blob operations. - BlobTagsString *string - // Optional. Specifies a user-defined name-value pair associated with the blob. If no name-value pairs are specified, the operation will copy the metadata - // from the source blob or file to the destination blob. If one or more name-value pairs are specified, the destination blob is created with the specified - // metadata, and metadata is not copied from the source blob or file. Note that beginning with version 2009-09-19, metadata names must adhere to the naming - // rules for C# identifiers. See Naming and Referencing Containers, Blobs, and Metadata for more information. - Metadata map[string]string - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // Optional. Indicates the tier to be set on the blob. - Tier *AccessTier - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 - // Specify the transactional crc64 for the body, to be validated by the service. - TransactionalContentCRC64 []byte - // Specify the transactional md5 for the body, to be validated by the service. - TransactionalContentMD5 []byte -} - -// BlockBlobGetBlockListOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlockBlob.GetBlockList method. -type BlockBlobGetBlockListOptions struct { - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The snapshot parameter is an opaque DateTime value that, when present, specifies the blob snapshot to retrieve. For more information on working with - // blob snapshots, see Creating a Snapshot - // of a Blob. - Snapshot *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlockBlob.StageBlockFromURL method. -type BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLOptions struct { - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // Specify the md5 calculated for the range of bytes that must be read from the copy source. - SourceContentMD5 []byte - // Specify the crc64 calculated for the range of bytes that must be read from the copy source. - SourceContentcrc64 []byte - // Bytes of source data in the specified range. - SourceRange *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// BlockBlobStageBlockOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlockBlob.StageBlock method. -type BlockBlobStageBlockOptions struct { - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 - // Specify the transactional crc64 for the body, to be validated by the service. - TransactionalContentCRC64 []byte - // Specify the transactional md5 for the body, to be validated by the service. - TransactionalContentMD5 []byte -} - -// BlockBlobUploadOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlockBlob.Upload method. -type BlockBlobUploadOptions struct { - // Optional. Used to set blob tags in various blob operations. - BlobTagsString *string - // Optional. Specifies a user-defined name-value pair associated with the blob. If no name-value pairs are specified, the operation will copy the metadata - // from the source blob or file to the destination blob. If one or more name-value pairs are specified, the destination blob is created with the specified - // metadata, and metadata is not copied from the source blob or file. Note that beginning with version 2009-09-19, metadata names must adhere to the naming - // rules for C# identifiers. See Naming and Referencing Containers, Blobs, and Metadata for more information. - Metadata map[string]string - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // Optional. Indicates the tier to be set on the blob. - Tier *AccessTier - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 - // Specify the transactional md5 for the body, to be validated by the service. - TransactionalContentMD5 []byte -} - -type BlockList struct { - CommittedBlocks []*Block `xml:"CommittedBlocks>Block"` - UncommittedBlocks []*Block `xml:"UncommittedBlocks>Block"` -} - -// MarshalXML implements the xml.Marshaller interface for type BlockList. -func (b BlockList) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { - type alias BlockList - aux := &struct { - *alias - CommittedBlocks *[]*Block `xml:"CommittedBlocks>Block"` - UncommittedBlocks *[]*Block `xml:"UncommittedBlocks>Block"` - }{ - alias: (*alias)(&b), - } - if b.CommittedBlocks != nil { - aux.CommittedBlocks = &b.CommittedBlocks - } - if b.UncommittedBlocks != nil { - aux.UncommittedBlocks = &b.UncommittedBlocks - } - return e.EncodeElement(aux, start) -} - -type BlockLookupList struct { - Committed []*string `xml:"Committed"` - Latest []*string `xml:"Latest"` - Uncommitted []*string `xml:"Uncommitted"` -} - -// MarshalXML implements the xml.Marshaller interface for type BlockLookupList. -func (b BlockLookupList) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { - start.Name.Local = "BlockList" - type alias BlockLookupList - aux := &struct { - *alias - Committed *[]*string `xml:"Committed"` - Latest *[]*string `xml:"Latest"` - Uncommitted *[]*string `xml:"Uncommitted"` - }{ - alias: (*alias)(&b), - } - if b.Committed != nil { - aux.Committed = &b.Committed - } - if b.Latest != nil { - aux.Latest = &b.Latest - } - if b.Uncommitted != nil { - aux.Uncommitted = &b.Uncommitted - } - return e.EncodeElement(aux, start) -} - -type ClearRange struct { - // REQUIRED - End *int64 `xml:"End"` - - // REQUIRED - Start *int64 `xml:"Start"` -} - -// ContainerAcquireLeaseOptions contains the optional parameters for the Container.AcquireLease method. -type ContainerAcquireLeaseOptions struct { - // Specifies the duration of the lease, in seconds, or negative one (-1) for a lease that never expires. A non-infinite lease can be between 15 and 60 seconds. - // A lease duration cannot be changed using renew or change. - Duration *int32 - // Proposed lease ID, in a GUID string format. The Blob service returns 400 (Invalid request) if the proposed lease ID is not in the correct format. See - // Guid Constructor (String) for a list of valid GUID string formats. - ProposedLeaseID *string - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// ContainerBreakLeaseOptions contains the optional parameters for the Container.BreakLease method. -type ContainerBreakLeaseOptions struct { - // For a break operation, proposed duration the lease should continue before it is broken, in seconds, between 0 and 60. This break period is only used - // if it is shorter than the time remaining on the lease. If longer, the time remaining on the lease is used. A new lease will not be available before the - // break period has expired, but the lease may be held for longer than the break period. If this header does not appear with a break operation, a fixed-duration - // lease breaks after the remaining lease period elapses, and an infinite lease breaks immediately. - BreakPeriod *int32 - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// ContainerChangeLeaseOptions contains the optional parameters for the Container.ChangeLease method. -type ContainerChangeLeaseOptions struct { - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// ContainerCpkScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the Container.Create method. -type ContainerCpkScopeInfo struct { - // Optional. Version 2019-07-07 and later. Specifies the default encryption scope to set on the container and use for all future writes. - DefaultEncryptionScope *string - // Optional. Version 2019-07-07 and newer. If true, prevents any request from specifying a different encryption scope than the scope set on the container. - PreventEncryptionScopeOverride *bool -} - -// ContainerCreateOptions contains the optional parameters for the Container.Create method. -type ContainerCreateOptions struct { - // Specifies whether data in the container may be accessed publicly and the level of access - Access *PublicAccessType - // Optional. Specifies a user-defined name-value pair associated with the blob. If no name-value pairs are specified, the operation will copy the metadata - // from the source blob or file to the destination blob. If one or more name-value pairs are specified, the destination blob is created with the specified - // metadata, and metadata is not copied from the source blob or file. Note that beginning with version 2009-09-19, metadata names must adhere to the naming - // rules for C# identifiers. See Naming and Referencing Containers, Blobs, and Metadata for more information. - Metadata map[string]string - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// ContainerDeleteOptions contains the optional parameters for the Container.Delete method. -type ContainerDeleteOptions struct { - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// ContainerGetAccessPolicyOptions contains the optional parameters for the Container.GetAccessPolicy method. -type ContainerGetAccessPolicyOptions struct { - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// ContainerGetAccountInfoOptions contains the optional parameters for the Container.GetAccountInfo method. -type ContainerGetAccountInfoOptions struct { - // placeholder for future optional parameters -} - -// ContainerGetPropertiesOptions contains the optional parameters for the Container.GetProperties method. -type ContainerGetPropertiesOptions struct { - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// ContainerItem - An Azure Storage container -type ContainerItem struct { - // REQUIRED - Name *string `xml:"Name"` - - // REQUIRED; Properties of a container - Properties *ContainerProperties `xml:"Properties"` - Deleted *bool `xml:"Deleted"` - - // Dictionary of - Metadata map[string]*string `xml:"Metadata"` - Version *string `xml:"Version"` -} - -// UnmarshalXML implements the xml.Unmarshaller interface for type ContainerItem. -func (c *ContainerItem) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { - type alias ContainerItem - aux := &struct { - *alias - Metadata additionalProperties `xml:"Metadata"` - }{ - alias: (*alias)(c), - } - if err := d.DecodeElement(aux, &start); err != nil { - return err - } - c.Metadata = (map[string]*string)(aux.Metadata) - return nil -} - -// ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the Container.ListBlobFlatSegment method. -type ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentOptions struct { - // Include this parameter to specify one or more datasets to include in the response. - Include []ListBlobsIncludeItem - // A string value that identifies the portion of the list of containers to be returned with the next listing operation. The operation returns the NextMarker - // value within the response body if the listing operation did not return all containers remaining to be listed with the current page. The NextMarker value - // can be used as the value for the marker parameter in a subsequent call to request the next page of list items. The marker value is opaque to the client. - Marker *string - // Specifies the maximum number of containers to return. If the request does not specify maxresults, or specifies a value greater than 5000, the server - // will return up to 5000 items. Note that if the listing operation crosses a partition boundary, then the service will return a continuation token for - // retrieving the remainder of the results. For this reason, it is possible that the service will return fewer results than specified by maxresults, or - // than the default of 5000. - Maxresults *int32 - // Filters the results to return only containers whose name begins with the specified prefix. - Prefix *string - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the Container.ListBlobHierarchySegment method. -type ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentOptions struct { - // Include this parameter to specify one or more datasets to include in the response. - Include []ListBlobsIncludeItem - // A string value that identifies the portion of the list of containers to be returned with the next listing operation. The operation returns the NextMarker - // value within the response body if the listing operation did not return all containers remaining to be listed with the current page. The NextMarker value - // can be used as the value for the marker parameter in a subsequent call to request the next page of list items. The marker value is opaque to the client. - Marker *string - // Specifies the maximum number of containers to return. If the request does not specify maxresults, or specifies a value greater than 5000, the server - // will return up to 5000 items. Note that if the listing operation crosses a partition boundary, then the service will return a continuation token for - // retrieving the remainder of the results. For this reason, it is possible that the service will return fewer results than specified by maxresults, or - // than the default of 5000. - Maxresults *int32 - // Filters the results to return only containers whose name begins with the specified prefix. - Prefix *string - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// ContainerProperties - Properties of a container -type ContainerProperties struct { - // REQUIRED - Etag *string `xml:"Etag"` - - // REQUIRED - LastModified *time.Time `xml:"Last-Modified"` - DefaultEncryptionScope *string `xml:"DefaultEncryptionScope"` - DeletedTime *time.Time `xml:"DeletedTime"` - HasImmutabilityPolicy *bool `xml:"HasImmutabilityPolicy"` - HasLegalHold *bool `xml:"HasLegalHold"` - LeaseDuration *LeaseDurationType `xml:"LeaseDuration"` - LeaseState *LeaseStateType `xml:"LeaseState"` - LeaseStatus *LeaseStatusType `xml:"LeaseStatus"` - PreventEncryptionScopeOverride *bool `xml:"DenyEncryptionScopeOverride"` - PublicAccess *PublicAccessType `xml:"PublicAccess"` - RemainingRetentionDays *int32 `xml:"RemainingRetentionDays"` -} - -// MarshalXML implements the xml.Marshaller interface for type ContainerProperties. -func (c ContainerProperties) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { - type alias ContainerProperties - aux := &struct { - *alias - DeletedTime *timeRFC1123 `xml:"DeletedTime"` - LastModified *timeRFC1123 `xml:"Last-Modified"` - }{ - alias: (*alias)(&c), - DeletedTime: (*timeRFC1123)(c.DeletedTime), - LastModified: (*timeRFC1123)(c.LastModified), - } - return e.EncodeElement(aux, start) -} - -// UnmarshalXML implements the xml.Unmarshaller interface for type ContainerProperties. -func (c *ContainerProperties) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { - type alias ContainerProperties - aux := &struct { - *alias - DeletedTime *timeRFC1123 `xml:"DeletedTime"` - LastModified *timeRFC1123 `xml:"Last-Modified"` - }{ - alias: (*alias)(c), - } - if err := d.DecodeElement(aux, &start); err != nil { - return err - } - c.DeletedTime = (*time.Time)(aux.DeletedTime) - c.LastModified = (*time.Time)(aux.LastModified) - return nil -} - -// ContainerReleaseLeaseOptions contains the optional parameters for the Container.ReleaseLease method. -type ContainerReleaseLeaseOptions struct { - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// ContainerRenewLeaseOptions contains the optional parameters for the Container.RenewLease method. -type ContainerRenewLeaseOptions struct { - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// ContainerRestoreOptions contains the optional parameters for the Container.Restore method. -type ContainerRestoreOptions struct { - // Optional. Version 2019-12-12 and later. Specifies the name of the deleted container to restore. - DeletedContainerName *string - // Optional. Version 2019-12-12 and later. Specifies the version of the deleted container to restore. - DeletedContainerVersion *string - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// ContainerSetAccessPolicyOptions contains the optional parameters for the Container.SetAccessPolicy method. -type ContainerSetAccessPolicyOptions struct { - // Specifies whether data in the container may be accessed publicly and the level of access - Access *PublicAccessType - // the acls for the container - ContainerACL []*SignedIdentifier - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// ContainerSetMetadataOptions contains the optional parameters for the Container.SetMetadata method. -type ContainerSetMetadataOptions struct { - // Optional. Specifies a user-defined name-value pair associated with the blob. If no name-value pairs are specified, the operation will copy the metadata - // from the source blob or file to the destination blob. If one or more name-value pairs are specified, the destination blob is created with the specified - // metadata, and metadata is not copied from the source blob or file. Note that beginning with version 2009-09-19, metadata names must adhere to the naming - // rules for C# identifiers. See Naming and Referencing Containers, Blobs, and Metadata for more information. - Metadata map[string]string - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// CorsRule - CORS is an HTTP feature that enables a web application running under one domain to access resources in another domain. Web browsers implement -// a security restriction known as same-origin policy that -// prevents a web page from calling APIs in a different domain; CORS provides a secure way to allow one domain (the origin domain) to call APIs in another -// domain -type CorsRule struct { - // REQUIRED; the request headers that the origin domain may specify on the CORS request. - AllowedHeaders *string `xml:"AllowedHeaders"` - - // REQUIRED; The methods (HTTP request verbs) that the origin domain may use for a CORS request. (comma separated) - AllowedMethods *string `xml:"AllowedMethods"` - - // REQUIRED; The origin domains that are permitted to make a request against the storage service via CORS. The origin domain is the domain from which the - // request originates. Note that the origin must be an exact - // case-sensitive match with the origin that the user age sends to the service. You can also use the wildcard character '*' to allow all origin domains - // to make requests via CORS. - AllowedOrigins *string `xml:"AllowedOrigins"` - - // REQUIRED; The response headers that may be sent in the response to the CORS request and exposed by the browser to the request issuer - ExposedHeaders *string `xml:"ExposedHeaders"` - - // REQUIRED; The maximum amount time that a browser should cache the preflight OPTIONS request. - MaxAgeInSeconds *int32 `xml:"MaxAgeInSeconds"` -} - -// CpkInfo contains a group of parameters for the Blob.Download method. -type CpkInfo struct { - // The algorithm used to produce the encryption key hash. Currently, the only accepted value is "AES256". Must be provided if the x-ms-encryption-key header - // is provided. - EncryptionAlgorithm *string - // Optional. Specifies the encryption key to use to encrypt the data provided in the request. If not specified, encryption is performed with the root account - // encryption key. For more information, see Encryption at Rest for Azure Storage Services. - EncryptionKey *string - // The SHA-256 hash of the provided encryption key. Must be provided if the x-ms-encryption-key header is provided. - EncryptionKeySHA256 *string -} - -// CpkScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the Blob.SetMetadata method. -type CpkScopeInfo struct { - // Optional. Version 2019-07-07 and later. Specifies the name of the encryption scope to use to encrypt the data provided in the request. If not specified, - // encryption is performed with the default account encryption scope. For more information, see Encryption at Rest for Azure Storage Services. - EncryptionScope *string -} - -// Implements the error and azcore.HTTPResponse interfaces. -type DataLakeStorageError struct { - raw string - // The service error response object. - DataLakeStorageErrorDetails *DataLakeStorageErrorAutoGenerated `xml:"error"` -} - -// DataLakeStorageErrorAutoGenerated - The service error response object. -type DataLakeStorageErrorAutoGenerated struct { - // The service error code. - Code *string `xml:"Code"` - - // The service error message. - Message *string `xml:"Message"` -} - -// DelimitedTextConfiguration - Groups the settings used for interpreting the blob data if the blob is delimited text formatted. -type DelimitedTextConfiguration struct { - // The string used to separate columns. - ColumnSeparator *string `xml:"ColumnSeparator"` - - // The string used as an escape character. - EscapeChar *string `xml:"EscapeChar"` - - // The string used to quote a specific field. - FieldQuote *string `xml:"FieldQuote"` - - // Represents whether the data has headers. - HeadersPresent *bool `xml:"HasHeaders"` - - // The string used to separate records. - RecordSeparator *string `xml:"RecordSeparator"` -} - -// DirectoryCreateOptions contains the optional parameters for the Directory.Create method. -type DirectoryCreateOptions struct { - // Optional. User-defined properties to be stored with the file or directory, in the format of a comma-separated list of name and value pairs "n1=v1, n2=v2, - // ...", where each value is base64 encoded. - DirectoryProperties *string - // Optional and only valid if Hierarchical Namespace is enabled for the account. Sets POSIX access permissions for the file owner, the file owning group, - // and others. Each class may be granted read, write, or execute permission. The sticky bit is also supported. Both symbolic (rwxrw-rw-) and 4-digit octal - // notation (e.g. 0766) are supported. - PosixPermissions *string - // Only valid if Hierarchical Namespace is enabled for the account. This umask restricts permission settings for file and directory, and will only be applied - // when default Acl does not exist in parent directory. If the umask bit has set, it means that the corresponding permission will be disabled. Otherwise - // the corresponding permission will be determined by the permission. A 4-digit octal notation (e.g. 0022) is supported here. If no umask was specified, - // a default umask - 0027 will be used. - PosixUmask *string - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// DirectoryDeleteOptions contains the optional parameters for the Directory.Delete method. -type DirectoryDeleteOptions struct { - // When renaming a directory, the number of paths that are renamed with each invocation is limited. If the number of paths to be renamed exceeds this limit, - // a continuation token is returned in this response header. When a continuation token is returned in the response, it must be specified in a subsequent - // invocation of the rename operation to continue renaming the directory. - Marker *string - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// DirectoryGetAccessControlOptions contains the optional parameters for the Directory.GetAccessControl method. -type DirectoryGetAccessControlOptions struct { - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 - // Optional. Valid only when Hierarchical Namespace is enabled for the account. If "true", the identity values returned in the x-ms-owner, x-ms-group, and - // x-ms-acl response headers will be transformed from Azure Active Directory Object IDs to User Principal Names. If "false", the values will be returned - // as Azure Active Directory Object IDs. The default value is false. - Upn *bool -} - -// DirectoryHTTPHeaders contains a group of parameters for the Directory.Create method. -type DirectoryHTTPHeaders struct { - // Cache control for given resource - CacheControl *string - // Content disposition for given resource - ContentDisposition *string - // Content encoding for given resource - ContentEncoding *string - // Content language for given resource - ContentLanguage *string - // Content type for given resource - ContentType *string -} - -// DirectoryRenameOptions contains the optional parameters for the Directory.Rename method. -type DirectoryRenameOptions struct { - // Optional. User-defined properties to be stored with the file or directory, in the format of a comma-separated list of name and value pairs "n1=v1, n2=v2, - // ...", where each value is base64 encoded. - DirectoryProperties *string - // When renaming a directory, the number of paths that are renamed with each invocation is limited. If the number of paths to be renamed exceeds this limit, - // a continuation token is returned in this response header. When a continuation token is returned in the response, it must be specified in a subsequent - // invocation of the rename operation to continue renaming the directory. - Marker *string - // Optional and only valid if Hierarchical Namespace is enabled for the account. Sets POSIX access permissions for the file owner, the file owning group, - // and others. Each class may be granted read, write, or execute permission. The sticky bit is also supported. Both symbolic (rwxrw-rw-) and 4-digit octal - // notation (e.g. 0766) are supported. - PosixPermissions *string - // Only valid if Hierarchical Namespace is enabled for the account. This umask restricts permission settings for file and directory, and will only be applied - // when default Acl does not exist in parent directory. If the umask bit has set, it means that the corresponding permission will be disabled. Otherwise - // the corresponding permission will be determined by the permission. A 4-digit octal notation (e.g. 0022) is supported here. If no umask was specified, - // a default umask - 0027 will be used. - PosixUmask *string - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // A lease ID for the source path. If specified, the source path must have an active lease and the lease ID must match. - SourceLeaseID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// DirectorySetAccessControlOptions contains the optional parameters for the Directory.SetAccessControl method. -type DirectorySetAccessControlOptions struct { - // Optional. The owning group of the blob or directory. - Group *string - // Optional. The owner of the blob or directory. - Owner *string - // Sets POSIX access control rights on files and directories. The value is a comma-separated list of access control entries. Each access control entry (ACE) - // consists of a scope, a type, a user or group identifier, and permissions in the format "[scope:][type]:[id]:[permissions]". - PosixACL *string - // Optional and only valid if Hierarchical Namespace is enabled for the account. Sets POSIX access permissions for the file owner, the file owning group, - // and others. Each class may be granted read, write, or execute permission. The sticky bit is also supported. Both symbolic (rwxrw-rw-) and 4-digit octal - // notation (e.g. 0766) are supported. - PosixPermissions *string - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// FilterBlobItem - Blob info from a Filter Blobs API call -type FilterBlobItem struct { - // REQUIRED - ContainerName *string `xml:"ContainerName"` - - // REQUIRED - Name *string `xml:"Name"` - - // REQUIRED - TagValue *string `xml:"TagValue"` -} - -// FilterBlobSegment - The result of a Filter Blobs API call -type FilterBlobSegment struct { - // REQUIRED - Blobs []*FilterBlobItem `xml:"Blobs>Blob"` - - // REQUIRED - ServiceEndpoint *string `xml:"ServiceEndpoint,attr"` - - // REQUIRED - Where *string `xml:"Where"` - NextMarker *string `xml:"NextMarker"` -} - -// MarshalXML implements the xml.Marshaller interface for type FilterBlobSegment. -func (f FilterBlobSegment) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { - type alias FilterBlobSegment - aux := &struct { - *alias - Blobs *[]*FilterBlobItem `xml:"Blobs>Blob"` - }{ - alias: (*alias)(&f), - } - if f.Blobs != nil { - aux.Blobs = &f.Blobs - } - return e.EncodeElement(aux, start) -} - -// GeoReplication - Geo-Replication information for the Secondary Storage Service -type GeoReplication struct { - // REQUIRED; A GMT date/time value, to the second. All primary writes preceding this value are guaranteed to be available for read operations at the secondary. - // Primary writes after this point in time may or may - // not be available for reads. - LastSyncTime *time.Time `xml:"LastSyncTime"` - - // REQUIRED; The status of the secondary location - Status *GeoReplicationStatusType `xml:"Status"` -} - -// MarshalXML implements the xml.Marshaller interface for type GeoReplication. -func (g GeoReplication) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { - type alias GeoReplication - aux := &struct { - *alias - LastSyncTime *timeRFC1123 `xml:"LastSyncTime"` - }{ - alias: (*alias)(&g), - LastSyncTime: (*timeRFC1123)(g.LastSyncTime), - } - return e.EncodeElement(aux, start) -} - -// UnmarshalXML implements the xml.Unmarshaller interface for type GeoReplication. -func (g *GeoReplication) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { - type alias GeoReplication - aux := &struct { - *alias - LastSyncTime *timeRFC1123 `xml:"LastSyncTime"` - }{ - alias: (*alias)(g), - } - if err := d.DecodeElement(aux, &start); err != nil { - return err - } - g.LastSyncTime = (*time.Time)(aux.LastSyncTime) - return nil -} - -// JSONTextConfiguration - json text configuration -type JSONTextConfiguration struct { - // The string used to separate records. - RecordSeparator *string `xml:"RecordSeparator"` -} - -// KeyInfo - Key information -type KeyInfo struct { - // REQUIRED; The date-time the key expires in ISO 8601 UTC time - Expiry *string `xml:"Expiry"` - - // REQUIRED; The date-time the key is active in ISO 8601 UTC time - Start *string `xml:"Start"` -} - -// LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the Container.GetProperties method. -type LeaseAccessConditions struct { - // If specified, the operation only succeeds if the resource's lease is active and matches this ID. - LeaseID *string -} - -// ListBlobsFlatSegmentResponse - An enumeration of blobs -type ListBlobsFlatSegmentResponse struct { - // REQUIRED - ContainerName *string `xml:"ContainerName,attr"` - - // REQUIRED - Segment *BlobFlatListSegment `xml:"Blobs"` - - // REQUIRED - ServiceEndpoint *string `xml:"ServiceEndpoint,attr"` - Marker *string `xml:"Marker"` - MaxResults *int32 `xml:"MaxResults"` - NextMarker *string `xml:"NextMarker"` - Prefix *string `xml:"Prefix"` -} - -// ListBlobsHierarchySegmentResponse - An enumeration of blobs -type ListBlobsHierarchySegmentResponse struct { - // REQUIRED - ContainerName *string `xml:"ContainerName,attr"` - - // REQUIRED - Segment *BlobHierarchyListSegment `xml:"Blobs"` - - // REQUIRED - ServiceEndpoint *string `xml:"ServiceEndpoint,attr"` - Delimiter *string `xml:"Delimiter"` - Marker *string `xml:"Marker"` - MaxResults *int32 `xml:"MaxResults"` - NextMarker *string `xml:"NextMarker"` - Prefix *string `xml:"Prefix"` -} - -// ListContainersSegmentResponse - An enumeration of containers -type ListContainersSegmentResponse struct { - // REQUIRED - ContainerItems []*ContainerItem `xml:"Containers>Container"` - - // REQUIRED - ServiceEndpoint *string `xml:"ServiceEndpoint,attr"` - Marker *string `xml:"Marker"` - MaxResults *int32 `xml:"MaxResults"` - NextMarker *string `xml:"NextMarker"` - Prefix *string `xml:"Prefix"` -} - -// MarshalXML implements the xml.Marshaller interface for type ListContainersSegmentResponse. -func (l ListContainersSegmentResponse) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { - type alias ListContainersSegmentResponse - aux := &struct { - *alias - ContainerItems *[]*ContainerItem `xml:"Containers>Container"` - }{ - alias: (*alias)(&l), - } - if l.ContainerItems != nil { - aux.ContainerItems = &l.ContainerItems - } - return e.EncodeElement(aux, start) -} - -// Logging - Azure Analytics Logging settings. -type Logging struct { - // REQUIRED; Indicates whether all delete requests should be logged. - Delete *bool `xml:"Delete"` - - // REQUIRED; Indicates whether all read requests should be logged. - Read *bool `xml:"Read"` - - // REQUIRED; the retention policy which determines how long the associated data should persist - RetentionPolicy *RetentionPolicy `xml:"RetentionPolicy"` - - // REQUIRED; The version of Storage Analytics to configure. - Version *string `xml:"Version"` - - // REQUIRED; Indicates whether all write requests should be logged. - Write *bool `xml:"Write"` -} - -// Metrics - a summary of request statistics grouped by API in hour or minute aggregates for blobs -type Metrics struct { - // REQUIRED; Indicates whether metrics are enabled for the Blob service. - Enabled *bool `xml:"Enabled"` - - // Indicates whether metrics should generate summary statistics for called API operations. - IncludeAPIs *bool `xml:"IncludeAPIs"` - - // the retention policy which determines how long the associated data should persist - RetentionPolicy *RetentionPolicy `xml:"RetentionPolicy"` - - // The version of Storage Analytics to configure. - Version *string `xml:"Version"` -} - -// ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the Container.Delete method. -type ModifiedAccessConditions struct { - // Specify an ETag value to operate only on blobs with a matching value. - IfMatch *string - // Specify this header value to operate only on a blob if it has been modified since the specified date/time. - IfModifiedSince *time.Time - // Specify an ETag value to operate only on blobs without a matching value. - IfNoneMatch *string - // Specify a SQL where clause on blob tags to operate only on blobs with a matching value. - IfTags *string - // Specify this header value to operate only on a blob if it has not been modified since the specified date/time. - IfUnmodifiedSince *time.Time -} - -// PageBlobClearPagesOptions contains the optional parameters for the PageBlob.ClearPages method. -type PageBlobClearPagesOptions struct { - // Return only the bytes of the blob in the specified range. - Range *string - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// PageBlobCopyIncrementalOptions contains the optional parameters for the PageBlob.CopyIncremental method. -type PageBlobCopyIncrementalOptions struct { - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// PageBlobCreateOptions contains the optional parameters for the PageBlob.Create method. -type PageBlobCreateOptions struct { - // Set for page blobs only. The sequence number is a user-controlled value that you can use to track requests. The value of the sequence number must be - // between 0 and 2^63 - 1. - BlobSequenceNumber *int64 - // Optional. Used to set blob tags in various blob operations. - BlobTagsString *string - // Optional. Specifies a user-defined name-value pair associated with the blob. If no name-value pairs are specified, the operation will copy the metadata - // from the source blob or file to the destination blob. If one or more name-value pairs are specified, the destination blob is created with the specified - // metadata, and metadata is not copied from the source blob or file. Note that beginning with version 2009-09-19, metadata names must adhere to the naming - // rules for C# identifiers. See Naming and Referencing Containers, Blobs, and Metadata for more information. - Metadata map[string]string - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // Optional. Indicates the tier to be set on the page blob. - Tier *PremiumPageBlobAccessTier - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffOptions contains the optional parameters for the PageBlob.GetPageRangesDiff method. -type PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffOptions struct { - // Optional. This header is only supported in service versions 2019-04-19 and after and specifies the URL of a previous snapshot of the target blob. The - // response will only contain pages that were changed between the target blob and its previous snapshot. - PrevSnapshotURL *string - // Optional in version 2015-07-08 and newer. The prevsnapshot parameter is a DateTime value that specifies that the response will contain only pages that - // were changed between target blob and previous snapshot. Changed pages include both updated and cleared pages. The target blob may be a snapshot, as long - // as the snapshot specified by prevsnapshot is the older of the two. Note that incremental snapshots are currently supported only for blobs created on - // or after January 1, 2016. - Prevsnapshot *string - // Return only the bytes of the blob in the specified range. - Range *string - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The snapshot parameter is an opaque DateTime value that, when present, specifies the blob snapshot to retrieve. For more information on working with - // blob snapshots, see Creating a Snapshot - // of a Blob. - Snapshot *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// PageBlobGetPageRangesOptions contains the optional parameters for the PageBlob.GetPageRanges method. -type PageBlobGetPageRangesOptions struct { - // Return only the bytes of the blob in the specified range. - Range *string - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The snapshot parameter is an opaque DateTime value that, when present, specifies the blob snapshot to retrieve. For more information on working with - // blob snapshots, see Creating a Snapshot - // of a Blob. - Snapshot *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// PageBlobResizeOptions contains the optional parameters for the PageBlob.Resize method. -type PageBlobResizeOptions struct { - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberOptions contains the optional parameters for the PageBlob.UpdateSequenceNumber method. -type PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberOptions struct { - // Set for page blobs only. The sequence number is a user-controlled value that you can use to track requests. The value of the sequence number must be - // between 0 and 2^63 - 1. - BlobSequenceNumber *int64 - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLOptions contains the optional parameters for the PageBlob.UploadPagesFromURL method. -type PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLOptions struct { - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // Specify the md5 calculated for the range of bytes that must be read from the copy source. - SourceContentMD5 []byte - // Specify the crc64 calculated for the range of bytes that must be read from the copy source. - SourceContentcrc64 []byte - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// PageBlobUploadPagesOptions contains the optional parameters for the PageBlob.UploadPages method. -type PageBlobUploadPagesOptions struct { - // Return only the bytes of the blob in the specified range. - Range *string - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 - // Specify the transactional crc64 for the body, to be validated by the service. - TransactionalContentCRC64 []byte - // Specify the transactional md5 for the body, to be validated by the service. - TransactionalContentMD5 []byte -} - -// PageList - the list of pages -type PageList struct { - ClearRange []*ClearRange `xml:"ClearRange"` - PageRange []*PageRange `xml:"PageRange"` -} - -// MarshalXML implements the xml.Marshaller interface for type PageList. -func (p PageList) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { - type alias PageList - aux := &struct { - *alias - ClearRange *[]*ClearRange `xml:"ClearRange"` - PageRange *[]*PageRange `xml:"PageRange"` - }{ - alias: (*alias)(&p), - } - if p.ClearRange != nil { - aux.ClearRange = &p.ClearRange - } - if p.PageRange != nil { - aux.PageRange = &p.PageRange - } - return e.EncodeElement(aux, start) -} - -type PageRange struct { - // REQUIRED - End *int64 `xml:"End"` - - // REQUIRED - Start *int64 `xml:"Start"` -} - -type QueryFormat struct { - // Groups the settings used for interpreting the blob data if the blob is delimited text formatted. - DelimitedTextConfiguration *DelimitedTextConfiguration `xml:"DelimitedTextConfiguration"` - - // json text configuration - JSONTextConfiguration *JSONTextConfiguration `xml:"JsonTextConfiguration"` - - // The quick query format type. - Type *QueryFormatType `xml:"Type"` -} - -// QueryRequest - Groups the set of query request settings. -type QueryRequest struct { - // REQUIRED; The query expression in SQL. The maximum size of the query expression is 256KiB. - Expression *string `xml:"Expression"` - - // REQUIRED; Required. The type of the provided query expression. - QueryType *string `xml:"QueryType"` - InputSerialization *QuerySerialization `xml:"InputSerialization"` - OutputSerialization *QuerySerialization `xml:"OutputSerialization"` -} - -// MarshalXML implements the xml.Marshaller interface for type QueryRequest. -func (q QueryRequest) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { - start.Name.Local = "QueryRequest" - type alias QueryRequest - aux := &struct { - *alias - }{ - alias: (*alias)(&q), - } - return e.EncodeElement(aux, start) -} - -type QuerySerialization struct { - // REQUIRED - Format *QueryFormat `xml:"Format"` -} - -// RetentionPolicy - the retention policy which determines how long the associated data should persist -type RetentionPolicy struct { - // REQUIRED; Indicates whether a retention policy is enabled for the storage service - Enabled *bool `xml:"Enabled"` - - // Indicates the number of days that metrics or logging or soft-deleted data should be retained. All data older than this value will be deleted - Days *int32 `xml:"Days"` -} - -// SequenceNumberAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the PageBlob.UploadPages method. -type SequenceNumberAccessConditions struct { - // Specify this header value to operate only on a blob if it has the specified sequence number. - IfSequenceNumberEqualTo *int64 - // Specify this header value to operate only on a blob if it has a sequence number less than the specified. - IfSequenceNumberLessThan *int64 - // Specify this header value to operate only on a blob if it has a sequence number less than or equal to the specified. - IfSequenceNumberLessThanOrEqualTo *int64 -} - -// ServiceFilterBlobsOptions contains the optional parameters for the Service.FilterBlobs method. -type ServiceFilterBlobsOptions struct { - // A string value that identifies the portion of the list of containers to be returned with the next listing operation. The operation returns the NextMarker - // value within the response body if the listing operation did not return all containers remaining to be listed with the current page. The NextMarker value - // can be used as the value for the marker parameter in a subsequent call to request the next page of list items. The marker value is opaque to the client. - Marker *string - // Specifies the maximum number of containers to return. If the request does not specify maxresults, or specifies a value greater than 5000, the server - // will return up to 5000 items. Note that if the listing operation crosses a partition boundary, then the service will return a continuation token for - // retrieving the remainder of the results. For this reason, it is possible that the service will return fewer results than specified by maxresults, or - // than the default of 5000. - Maxresults *int32 - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 - // Filters the results to return only to return only blobs whose tags match the specified expression. - Where *string -} - -// ServiceGetAccountInfoOptions contains the optional parameters for the Service.GetAccountInfo method. -type ServiceGetAccountInfoOptions struct { - // placeholder for future optional parameters -} - -// ServiceGetPropertiesOptions contains the optional parameters for the Service.GetProperties method. -type ServiceGetPropertiesOptions struct { - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// ServiceGetStatisticsOptions contains the optional parameters for the Service.GetStatistics method. -type ServiceGetStatisticsOptions struct { - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// ServiceGetUserDelegationKeyOptions contains the optional parameters for the Service.GetUserDelegationKey method. -type ServiceGetUserDelegationKeyOptions struct { - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// ServiceListContainersSegmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the Service.ListContainers method. -type ServiceListContainersSegmentOptions struct { - // Include this parameter to specify that the container's metadata be returned as part of the response body. - Include []ListContainersIncludeType - // A string value that identifies the portion of the list of containers to be returned with the next listing operation. The operation returns the NextMarker - // value within the response body if the listing operation did not return all containers remaining to be listed with the current page. The NextMarker value - // can be used as the value for the marker parameter in a subsequent call to request the next page of list items. The marker value is opaque to the client. - Marker *string - // Specifies the maximum number of containers to return. If the request does not specify maxresults, or specifies a value greater than 5000, the server - // will return up to 5000 items. Note that if the listing operation crosses a partition boundary, then the service will return a continuation token for - // retrieving the remainder of the results. For this reason, it is possible that the service will return fewer results than specified by maxresults, or - // than the default of 5000. - Maxresults *int32 - // Filters the results to return only containers whose name begins with the specified prefix. - Prefix *string - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// ServiceSetPropertiesOptions contains the optional parameters for the Service.SetProperties method. -type ServiceSetPropertiesOptions struct { - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// ServiceSubmitBatchOptions contains the optional parameters for the Service.SubmitBatch method. -type ServiceSubmitBatchOptions struct { - // Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. - RequestID *string - // The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting - // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. - Timeout *int32 -} - -// SignedIdentifier - signed identifier -type SignedIdentifier struct { - // REQUIRED; An Access policy - AccessPolicy *AccessPolicy `xml:"AccessPolicy"` - - // REQUIRED; a unique id - ID *string `xml:"Id"` -} - -// SourceModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the Directory.Rename method. -type SourceModifiedAccessConditions struct { - // Specify an ETag value to operate only on blobs with a matching value. - SourceIfMatch *string - // Specify this header value to operate only on a blob if it has been modified since the specified date/time. - SourceIfModifiedSince *time.Time - // Specify an ETag value to operate only on blobs without a matching value. - SourceIfNoneMatch *string - // Specify a SQL where clause on blob tags to operate only on blobs with a matching value. - SourceIfTags *string - // Specify this header value to operate only on a blob if it has not been modified since the specified date/time. - SourceIfUnmodifiedSince *time.Time -} - -// StaticWebsite - The properties that enable an account to host a static website -type StaticWebsite struct { - // REQUIRED; Indicates whether this account is hosting a static website - Enabled *bool `xml:"Enabled"` - - // Absolute path of the default index page - DefaultIndexDocumentPath *string `xml:"DefaultIndexDocumentPath"` - - // The absolute path of the custom 404 page - ErrorDocument404Path *string `xml:"ErrorDocument404Path"` - - // The default name of the index page under each directory - IndexDocument *string `xml:"IndexDocument"` -} - -// -//// Implements the error and azcore.HTTPResponse interfaces. -//type StorageError struct { -// raw string -// Message *string `xml:"Message"` -//} -// - -// StorageServiceProperties - Storage Service Properties. -type StorageServiceProperties struct { - // The set of CORS rules. - Cors []*CorsRule `xml:"Cors>CorsRule"` - - // The default version to use for requests to the Blob service if an incoming request's version is not specified. Possible values include version 2008-10-27 - // and all more recent versions - DefaultServiceVersion *string `xml:"DefaultServiceVersion"` - - // the retention policy which determines how long the associated data should persist - DeleteRetentionPolicy *RetentionPolicy `xml:"DeleteRetentionPolicy"` - - // a summary of request statistics grouped by API in hour or minute aggregates for blobs - HourMetrics *Metrics `xml:"HourMetrics"` - - // Azure Analytics Logging settings. - Logging *Logging `xml:"Logging"` - - // a summary of request statistics grouped by API in hour or minute aggregates for blobs - MinuteMetrics *Metrics `xml:"MinuteMetrics"` - - // The properties that enable an account to host a static website - StaticWebsite *StaticWebsite `xml:"StaticWebsite"` -} - -// MarshalXML implements the xml.Marshaller interface for type StorageServiceProperties. -func (s StorageServiceProperties) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { - type alias StorageServiceProperties - aux := &struct { - *alias - Cors *[]*CorsRule `xml:"Cors>CorsRule"` - }{ - alias: (*alias)(&s), - } - if s.Cors != nil { - aux.Cors = &s.Cors - } - return e.EncodeElement(aux, start) -} - -// StorageServiceStats - Stats for the storage service. -type StorageServiceStats struct { - // Geo-Replication information for the Secondary Storage Service - GeoReplication *GeoReplication `xml:"GeoReplication"` -} - -// UserDelegationKey - A user delegation key -type UserDelegationKey struct { - // REQUIRED; The date-time the key expires - SignedExpiry *time.Time `xml:"SignedExpiry"` - - // REQUIRED; The Azure Active Directory object ID in GUID format. - SignedOid *string `xml:"SignedOid"` - - // REQUIRED; Abbreviation of the Azure Storage service that accepts the key - SignedService *string `xml:"SignedService"` - - // REQUIRED; The date-time the key is active - SignedStart *time.Time `xml:"SignedStart"` - - // REQUIRED; The Azure Active Directory tenant ID in GUID format - SignedTid *string `xml:"SignedTid"` - - // REQUIRED; The service version that created the key - SignedVersion *string `xml:"SignedVersion"` - - // REQUIRED; The key as a base64 string - Value *string `xml:"Value"` -} - -// MarshalXML implements the xml.Marshaller interface for type UserDelegationKey. -func (u UserDelegationKey) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { - type alias UserDelegationKey - aux := &struct { - *alias - SignedExpiry *timeRFC3339 `xml:"SignedExpiry"` - SignedStart *timeRFC3339 `xml:"SignedStart"` - }{ - alias: (*alias)(&u), - SignedExpiry: (*timeRFC3339)(u.SignedExpiry), - SignedStart: (*timeRFC3339)(u.SignedStart), - } - return e.EncodeElement(aux, start) -} - -// UnmarshalXML implements the xml.Unmarshaller interface for type UserDelegationKey. -func (u *UserDelegationKey) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { - type alias UserDelegationKey - aux := &struct { - *alias - SignedExpiry *timeRFC3339 `xml:"SignedExpiry"` - SignedStart *timeRFC3339 `xml:"SignedStart"` - }{ - alias: (*alias)(u), - } - if err := d.DecodeElement(aux, &start); err != nil { - return err - } - u.SignedExpiry = (*time.Time)(aux.SignedExpiry) - u.SignedStart = (*time.Time)(aux.SignedStart) - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_pageblob_client.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_pageblob_client.go deleted file mode 100644 index 651403bcb982..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_pageblob_client.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1143 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. -// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. -// Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. - -package azblob - -import ( - "context" - "encoding/base64" - "io" - "net/http" - "strconv" - "time" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime" -) - -type pageBlobClient struct { - con *connection -} - -// ClearPages - The Clear Pages operation clears a set of pages from a page blob -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *pageBlobClient) ClearPages(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, pageBlobClearPagesOptions *PageBlobClearPagesOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, sequenceNumberAccessConditions *SequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (PageBlobClearPagesResponse, error) { - req, err := client.clearPagesCreateRequest(ctx, contentLength, pageBlobClearPagesOptions, leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, sequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobClearPagesResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobClearPagesResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusCreated) { - return PageBlobClearPagesResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.clearPagesHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// clearPagesCreateRequest creates the ClearPages request. -func (client *pageBlobClient) clearPagesCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, pageBlobClearPagesOptions *PageBlobClearPagesOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, sequenceNumberAccessConditions *SequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "page") - if pageBlobClearPagesOptions != nil && pageBlobClearPagesOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*pageBlobClearPagesOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-page-write", "clear") - req.Raw().Header.Set("Content-Length", strconv.FormatInt(contentLength, 10)) - if pageBlobClearPagesOptions != nil && pageBlobClearPagesOptions.Range != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-range", *pageBlobClearPagesOptions.Range) - } - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionKey != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key", *cpkInfo.EncryptionKey) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionKeySHA256 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", *cpkInfo.EncryptionKeySHA256) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionAlgorithm != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-algorithm", "AES256") - } - if cpkScopeInfo != nil && cpkScopeInfo.EncryptionScope != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-scope", *cpkScopeInfo.EncryptionScope) - } - if sequenceNumberAccessConditions != nil && sequenceNumberAccessConditions.IfSequenceNumberLessThanOrEqualTo != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-sequence-number-le", strconv.FormatInt(*sequenceNumberAccessConditions.IfSequenceNumberLessThanOrEqualTo, 10)) - } - if sequenceNumberAccessConditions != nil && sequenceNumberAccessConditions.IfSequenceNumberLessThan != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-sequence-number-lt", strconv.FormatInt(*sequenceNumberAccessConditions.IfSequenceNumberLessThan, 10)) - } - if sequenceNumberAccessConditions != nil && sequenceNumberAccessConditions.IfSequenceNumberEqualTo != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-sequence-number-eq", strconv.FormatInt(*sequenceNumberAccessConditions.IfSequenceNumberEqualTo, 10)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if pageBlobClearPagesOptions != nil && pageBlobClearPagesOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *pageBlobClearPagesOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// clearPagesHandleResponse handles the ClearPages response. -func (client *pageBlobClient) clearPagesHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (PageBlobClearPagesResponse, error) { - result := PageBlobClearPagesResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobClearPagesResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-MD5"); val != "" { - contentMD5, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(val) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobClearPagesResponse{}, err - } - result.ContentMD5 = contentMD5 - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-content-crc64"); val != "" { - xMSContentCRC64, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(val) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobClearPagesResponse{}, err - } - result.XMSContentCRC64 = xMSContentCRC64 - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-blob-sequence-number"); val != "" { - blobSequenceNumber, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 64) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobClearPagesResponse{}, err - } - result.BlobSequenceNumber = &blobSequenceNumber - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobClearPagesResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - return result, nil -} - -// CopyIncremental - The Copy Incremental operation copies a snapshot of the source page blob to a destination page blob. The snapshot is copied such that -// only the differential changes between the previously copied -// snapshot are transferred to the destination. The copied snapshots are complete copies of the original snapshot and can be read or copied from as usual. -// This API is supported since REST version -// 2016-05-31. -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *pageBlobClient) CopyIncremental(ctx context.Context, copySource string, pageBlobCopyIncrementalOptions *PageBlobCopyIncrementalOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (PageBlobCopyIncrementalResponse, error) { - req, err := client.copyIncrementalCreateRequest(ctx, copySource, pageBlobCopyIncrementalOptions, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobCopyIncrementalResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobCopyIncrementalResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusAccepted) { - return PageBlobCopyIncrementalResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.copyIncrementalHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// copyIncrementalCreateRequest creates the CopyIncremental request. -func (client *pageBlobClient) copyIncrementalCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, copySource string, pageBlobCopyIncrementalOptions *PageBlobCopyIncrementalOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "incrementalcopy") - if pageBlobCopyIncrementalOptions != nil && pageBlobCopyIncrementalOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*pageBlobCopyIncrementalOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-copy-source", copySource) - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if pageBlobCopyIncrementalOptions != nil && pageBlobCopyIncrementalOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *pageBlobCopyIncrementalOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// copyIncrementalHandleResponse handles the CopyIncremental response. -func (client *pageBlobClient) copyIncrementalHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (PageBlobCopyIncrementalResponse, error) { - result := PageBlobCopyIncrementalResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobCopyIncrementalResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobCopyIncrementalResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-copy-id"); val != "" { - result.CopyID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-copy-status"); val != "" { - result.CopyStatus = (*CopyStatusType)(&val) - } - return result, nil -} - -// Create - The Create operation creates a new page blob. -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *pageBlobClient) Create(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, blobContentLength int64, pageBlobCreateOptions *PageBlobCreateOptions, blobHTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (PageBlobCreateResponse, error) { - req, err := client.createCreateRequest(ctx, contentLength, blobContentLength, pageBlobCreateOptions, blobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobCreateResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobCreateResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusCreated) { - return PageBlobCreateResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.createHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// createCreateRequest creates the Create request. -func (client *pageBlobClient) createCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, blobContentLength int64, pageBlobCreateOptions *PageBlobCreateOptions, blobHTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - if pageBlobCreateOptions != nil && pageBlobCreateOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*pageBlobCreateOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-type", "PageBlob") - req.Raw().Header.Set("Content-Length", strconv.FormatInt(contentLength, 10)) - if pageBlobCreateOptions != nil && pageBlobCreateOptions.Tier != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-access-tier", string(*pageBlobCreateOptions.Tier)) - } - if blobHTTPHeaders != nil && blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentType != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-content-type", *blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentType) - } - if blobHTTPHeaders != nil && blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentEncoding != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-content-encoding", *blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentEncoding) - } - if blobHTTPHeaders != nil && blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentLanguage != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-content-language", *blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentLanguage) - } - if blobHTTPHeaders != nil && blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentMD5 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-content-md5", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentMD5)) - } - if blobHTTPHeaders != nil && blobHTTPHeaders.BlobCacheControl != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-cache-control", *blobHTTPHeaders.BlobCacheControl) - } - if pageBlobCreateOptions != nil && pageBlobCreateOptions.Metadata != nil { - for k, v := range pageBlobCreateOptions.Metadata { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-meta-"+k, v) - } - } - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - if blobHTTPHeaders != nil && blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentDisposition != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-content-disposition", *blobHTTPHeaders.BlobContentDisposition) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionKey != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key", *cpkInfo.EncryptionKey) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionKeySHA256 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", *cpkInfo.EncryptionKeySHA256) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionAlgorithm != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-algorithm", "AES256") - } - if cpkScopeInfo != nil && cpkScopeInfo.EncryptionScope != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-scope", *cpkScopeInfo.EncryptionScope) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-content-length", strconv.FormatInt(blobContentLength, 10)) - if pageBlobCreateOptions != nil && pageBlobCreateOptions.BlobSequenceNumber != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-sequence-number", strconv.FormatInt(*pageBlobCreateOptions.BlobSequenceNumber, 10)) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if pageBlobCreateOptions != nil && pageBlobCreateOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *pageBlobCreateOptions.RequestID) - } - if pageBlobCreateOptions != nil && pageBlobCreateOptions.BlobTagsString != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-tags", *pageBlobCreateOptions.BlobTagsString) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// createHandleResponse handles the Create response. -func (client *pageBlobClient) createHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (PageBlobCreateResponse, error) { - result := PageBlobCreateResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobCreateResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-MD5"); val != "" { - contentMD5, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(val) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobCreateResponse{}, err - } - result.ContentMD5 = contentMD5 - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version-id"); val != "" { - result.VersionID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobCreateResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-server-encrypted"); val != "" { - isServerEncrypted, err := strconv.ParseBool(val) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobCreateResponse{}, err - } - result.IsServerEncrypted = &isServerEncrypted - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-encryption-key-sha256"); val != "" { - result.EncryptionKeySHA256 = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-encryption-scope"); val != "" { - result.EncryptionScope = &val - } - return result, nil -} - -// GetPageRanges - The Get Page Ranges operation returns the list of valid page ranges for a page blob or snapshot of a page blob -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *pageBlobClient) GetPageRanges(ctx context.Context, pageBlobGetPageRangesOptions *PageBlobGetPageRangesOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (PageBlobGetPageRangesResponse, error) { - req, err := client.getPageRangesCreateRequest(ctx, pageBlobGetPageRangesOptions, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobGetPageRangesResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobGetPageRangesResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - return PageBlobGetPageRangesResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.getPageRangesHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// getPageRangesCreateRequest creates the GetPageRanges request. -func (client *pageBlobClient) getPageRangesCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, pageBlobGetPageRangesOptions *PageBlobGetPageRangesOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "pagelist") - if pageBlobGetPageRangesOptions != nil && pageBlobGetPageRangesOptions.Snapshot != nil { - reqQP.Set("snapshot", *pageBlobGetPageRangesOptions.Snapshot) - } - if pageBlobGetPageRangesOptions != nil && pageBlobGetPageRangesOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*pageBlobGetPageRangesOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - if pageBlobGetPageRangesOptions != nil && pageBlobGetPageRangesOptions.Range != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-range", *pageBlobGetPageRangesOptions.Range) - } - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if pageBlobGetPageRangesOptions != nil && pageBlobGetPageRangesOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *pageBlobGetPageRangesOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// getPageRangesHandleResponse handles the GetPageRanges response. -func (client *pageBlobClient) getPageRangesHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (PageBlobGetPageRangesResponse, error) { - result := PageBlobGetPageRangesResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobGetPageRangesResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-blob-content-length"); val != "" { - blobContentLength, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 64) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobGetPageRangesResponse{}, err - } - result.BlobContentLength = &blobContentLength - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobGetPageRangesResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if err := runtime.UnmarshalAsXML(resp, &result.PageList); err != nil { - return PageBlobGetPageRangesResponse{}, err - } - return result, nil -} - -// GetPageRangesDiff - The Get Page Ranges Diff operation returns the list of valid page ranges for a page blob that were changed between target blob and -// previous snapshot. -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *pageBlobClient) GetPageRangesDiff(ctx context.Context, pageBlobGetPageRangesDiffOptions *PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffResponse, error) { - req, err := client.getPageRangesDiffCreateRequest(ctx, pageBlobGetPageRangesDiffOptions, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - return PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.getPageRangesDiffHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// getPageRangesDiffCreateRequest creates the GetPageRangesDiff request. -func (client *pageBlobClient) getPageRangesDiffCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, pageBlobGetPageRangesDiffOptions *PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "pagelist") - if pageBlobGetPageRangesDiffOptions != nil && pageBlobGetPageRangesDiffOptions.Snapshot != nil { - reqQP.Set("snapshot", *pageBlobGetPageRangesDiffOptions.Snapshot) - } - if pageBlobGetPageRangesDiffOptions != nil && pageBlobGetPageRangesDiffOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*pageBlobGetPageRangesDiffOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - if pageBlobGetPageRangesDiffOptions != nil && pageBlobGetPageRangesDiffOptions.Prevsnapshot != nil { - reqQP.Set("prevsnapshot", *pageBlobGetPageRangesDiffOptions.Prevsnapshot) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - if pageBlobGetPageRangesDiffOptions != nil && pageBlobGetPageRangesDiffOptions.PrevSnapshotURL != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-previous-snapshot-url", *pageBlobGetPageRangesDiffOptions.PrevSnapshotURL) - } - if pageBlobGetPageRangesDiffOptions != nil && pageBlobGetPageRangesDiffOptions.Range != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-range", *pageBlobGetPageRangesDiffOptions.Range) - } - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if pageBlobGetPageRangesDiffOptions != nil && pageBlobGetPageRangesDiffOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *pageBlobGetPageRangesDiffOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// getPageRangesDiffHandleResponse handles the GetPageRangesDiff response. -func (client *pageBlobClient) getPageRangesDiffHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffResponse, error) { - result := PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-blob-content-length"); val != "" { - blobContentLength, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 64) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffResponse{}, err - } - result.BlobContentLength = &blobContentLength - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if err := runtime.UnmarshalAsXML(resp, &result.PageList); err != nil { - return PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffResponse{}, err - } - return result, nil -} - -// Resize - Resize the Blob -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *pageBlobClient) Resize(ctx context.Context, blobContentLength int64, pageBlobResizeOptions *PageBlobResizeOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (PageBlobResizeResponse, error) { - req, err := client.resizeCreateRequest(ctx, blobContentLength, pageBlobResizeOptions, leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobResizeResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobResizeResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - return PageBlobResizeResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.resizeHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// resizeCreateRequest creates the Resize request. -func (client *pageBlobClient) resizeCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, blobContentLength int64, pageBlobResizeOptions *PageBlobResizeOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "properties") - if pageBlobResizeOptions != nil && pageBlobResizeOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*pageBlobResizeOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionKey != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key", *cpkInfo.EncryptionKey) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionKeySHA256 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", *cpkInfo.EncryptionKeySHA256) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionAlgorithm != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-algorithm", "AES256") - } - if cpkScopeInfo != nil && cpkScopeInfo.EncryptionScope != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-scope", *cpkScopeInfo.EncryptionScope) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-content-length", strconv.FormatInt(blobContentLength, 10)) - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if pageBlobResizeOptions != nil && pageBlobResizeOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *pageBlobResizeOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// resizeHandleResponse handles the Resize response. -func (client *pageBlobClient) resizeHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (PageBlobResizeResponse, error) { - result := PageBlobResizeResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobResizeResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-blob-sequence-number"); val != "" { - blobSequenceNumber, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 64) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobResizeResponse{}, err - } - result.BlobSequenceNumber = &blobSequenceNumber - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobResizeResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - return result, nil -} - -// UpdateSequenceNumber - Update the sequence number of the blob -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *pageBlobClient) UpdateSequenceNumber(ctx context.Context, sequenceNumberAction SequenceNumberActionType, pageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberOptions *PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberResponse, error) { - req, err := client.updateSequenceNumberCreateRequest(ctx, sequenceNumberAction, pageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberOptions, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - return PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.updateSequenceNumberHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// updateSequenceNumberCreateRequest creates the UpdateSequenceNumber request. -func (client *pageBlobClient) updateSequenceNumberCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, sequenceNumberAction SequenceNumberActionType, pageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberOptions *PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "properties") - if pageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberOptions != nil && pageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*pageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-sequence-number-action", string(sequenceNumberAction)) - if pageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberOptions != nil && pageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberOptions.BlobSequenceNumber != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-blob-sequence-number", strconv.FormatInt(*pageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberOptions.BlobSequenceNumber, 10)) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if pageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberOptions != nil && pageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *pageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// updateSequenceNumberHandleResponse handles the UpdateSequenceNumber response. -func (client *pageBlobClient) updateSequenceNumberHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberResponse, error) { - result := PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-blob-sequence-number"); val != "" { - blobSequenceNumber, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 64) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberResponse{}, err - } - result.BlobSequenceNumber = &blobSequenceNumber - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - return result, nil -} - -// UploadPages - The Upload Pages operation writes a range of pages to a page blob -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *pageBlobClient) UploadPages(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, body io.ReadSeekCloser, pageBlobUploadPagesOptions *PageBlobUploadPagesOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, sequenceNumberAccessConditions *SequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (PageBlobUploadPagesResponse, error) { - req, err := client.uploadPagesCreateRequest(ctx, contentLength, body, pageBlobUploadPagesOptions, leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, sequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobUploadPagesResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobUploadPagesResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusCreated) { - return PageBlobUploadPagesResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.uploadPagesHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// uploadPagesCreateRequest creates the UploadPages request. -func (client *pageBlobClient) uploadPagesCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, body io.ReadSeekCloser, pageBlobUploadPagesOptions *PageBlobUploadPagesOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, sequenceNumberAccessConditions *SequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "page") - if pageBlobUploadPagesOptions != nil && pageBlobUploadPagesOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*pageBlobUploadPagesOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-page-write", "update") - req.Raw().Header.Set("Content-Length", strconv.FormatInt(contentLength, 10)) - if pageBlobUploadPagesOptions != nil && pageBlobUploadPagesOptions.TransactionalContentMD5 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("Content-MD5", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(pageBlobUploadPagesOptions.TransactionalContentMD5)) - } - if pageBlobUploadPagesOptions != nil && pageBlobUploadPagesOptions.TransactionalContentCRC64 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-content-crc64", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(pageBlobUploadPagesOptions.TransactionalContentCRC64)) - } - if pageBlobUploadPagesOptions != nil && pageBlobUploadPagesOptions.Range != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-range", *pageBlobUploadPagesOptions.Range) - } - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionKey != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key", *cpkInfo.EncryptionKey) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionKeySHA256 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", *cpkInfo.EncryptionKeySHA256) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionAlgorithm != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-algorithm", "AES256") - } - if cpkScopeInfo != nil && cpkScopeInfo.EncryptionScope != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-scope", *cpkScopeInfo.EncryptionScope) - } - if sequenceNumberAccessConditions != nil && sequenceNumberAccessConditions.IfSequenceNumberLessThanOrEqualTo != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-sequence-number-le", strconv.FormatInt(*sequenceNumberAccessConditions.IfSequenceNumberLessThanOrEqualTo, 10)) - } - if sequenceNumberAccessConditions != nil && sequenceNumberAccessConditions.IfSequenceNumberLessThan != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-sequence-number-lt", strconv.FormatInt(*sequenceNumberAccessConditions.IfSequenceNumberLessThan, 10)) - } - if sequenceNumberAccessConditions != nil && sequenceNumberAccessConditions.IfSequenceNumberEqualTo != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-sequence-number-eq", strconv.FormatInt(*sequenceNumberAccessConditions.IfSequenceNumberEqualTo, 10)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if pageBlobUploadPagesOptions != nil && pageBlobUploadPagesOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *pageBlobUploadPagesOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, req.SetBody(body, "application/octet-stream") -} - -// uploadPagesHandleResponse handles the UploadPages response. -func (client *pageBlobClient) uploadPagesHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (PageBlobUploadPagesResponse, error) { - result := PageBlobUploadPagesResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobUploadPagesResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-MD5"); val != "" { - contentMD5, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(val) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobUploadPagesResponse{}, err - } - result.ContentMD5 = contentMD5 - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-content-crc64"); val != "" { - xMSContentCRC64, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(val) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobUploadPagesResponse{}, err - } - result.XMSContentCRC64 = xMSContentCRC64 - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-blob-sequence-number"); val != "" { - blobSequenceNumber, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 64) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobUploadPagesResponse{}, err - } - result.BlobSequenceNumber = &blobSequenceNumber - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobUploadPagesResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-server-encrypted"); val != "" { - isServerEncrypted, err := strconv.ParseBool(val) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobUploadPagesResponse{}, err - } - result.IsServerEncrypted = &isServerEncrypted - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-encryption-key-sha256"); val != "" { - result.EncryptionKeySHA256 = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-encryption-scope"); val != "" { - result.EncryptionScope = &val - } - return result, nil -} - -// UploadPagesFromURL - The Upload Pages operation writes a range of pages to a page blob where the contents are read from a URL -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *pageBlobClient) UploadPagesFromURL(ctx context.Context, sourceURL string, sourceRange string, contentLength int64, rangeParam string, pageBlobUploadPagesFromURLOptions *PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLOptions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, sequenceNumberAccessConditions *SequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions) (PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLResponse, error) { - req, err := client.uploadPagesFromURLCreateRequest(ctx, sourceURL, sourceRange, contentLength, rangeParam, pageBlobUploadPagesFromURLOptions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, leaseAccessConditions, sequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusCreated) { - return PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.uploadPagesFromURLHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// uploadPagesFromURLCreateRequest creates the UploadPagesFromURL request. -func (client *pageBlobClient) uploadPagesFromURLCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, sourceURL string, sourceRange string, contentLength int64, rangeParam string, pageBlobUploadPagesFromURLOptions *PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLOptions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, sequenceNumberAccessConditions *SequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "page") - if pageBlobUploadPagesFromURLOptions != nil && pageBlobUploadPagesFromURLOptions.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*pageBlobUploadPagesFromURLOptions.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-page-write", "update") - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-copy-source", sourceURL) - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-range", sourceRange) - if pageBlobUploadPagesFromURLOptions != nil && pageBlobUploadPagesFromURLOptions.SourceContentMD5 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-content-md5", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(pageBlobUploadPagesFromURLOptions.SourceContentMD5)) - } - if pageBlobUploadPagesFromURLOptions != nil && pageBlobUploadPagesFromURLOptions.SourceContentcrc64 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-content-crc64", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(pageBlobUploadPagesFromURLOptions.SourceContentcrc64)) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Content-Length", strconv.FormatInt(contentLength, 10)) - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-range", rangeParam) - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionKey != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key", *cpkInfo.EncryptionKey) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionKeySHA256 != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", *cpkInfo.EncryptionKeySHA256) - } - if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionAlgorithm != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-algorithm", "AES256") - } - if cpkScopeInfo != nil && cpkScopeInfo.EncryptionScope != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-scope", *cpkScopeInfo.EncryptionScope) - } - if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID) - } - if sequenceNumberAccessConditions != nil && sequenceNumberAccessConditions.IfSequenceNumberLessThanOrEqualTo != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-sequence-number-le", strconv.FormatInt(*sequenceNumberAccessConditions.IfSequenceNumberLessThanOrEqualTo, 10)) - } - if sequenceNumberAccessConditions != nil && sequenceNumberAccessConditions.IfSequenceNumberLessThan != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-sequence-number-lt", strconv.FormatInt(*sequenceNumberAccessConditions.IfSequenceNumberLessThan, 10)) - } - if sequenceNumberAccessConditions != nil && sequenceNumberAccessConditions.IfSequenceNumberEqualTo != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-sequence-number-eq", strconv.FormatInt(*sequenceNumberAccessConditions.IfSequenceNumberEqualTo, 10)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", modifiedAccessConditions.IfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("If-None-Match", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfNoneMatch) - } - if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *modifiedAccessConditions.IfTags) - } - if sourceModifiedAccessConditions != nil && sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfModifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-modified-since", sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfModifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if sourceModifiedAccessConditions != nil && sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfUnmodifiedSince != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-unmodified-since", sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfUnmodifiedSince.Format(time.RFC1123)) - } - if sourceModifiedAccessConditions != nil && sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-match", *sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfMatch) - } - if sourceModifiedAccessConditions != nil && sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfNoneMatch != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-none-match", *sourceModifiedAccessConditions.SourceIfNoneMatch) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if pageBlobUploadPagesFromURLOptions != nil && pageBlobUploadPagesFromURLOptions.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *pageBlobUploadPagesFromURLOptions.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// uploadPagesFromURLHandleResponse handles the UploadPagesFromURL response. -func (client *pageBlobClient) uploadPagesFromURLHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLResponse, error) { - result := PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" { - result.ETag = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified"); val != "" { - lastModified, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLResponse{}, err - } - result.LastModified = &lastModified - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-MD5"); val != "" { - contentMD5, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(val) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLResponse{}, err - } - result.ContentMD5 = contentMD5 - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-content-crc64"); val != "" { - xMSContentCRC64, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(val) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLResponse{}, err - } - result.XMSContentCRC64 = xMSContentCRC64 - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-blob-sequence-number"); val != "" { - blobSequenceNumber, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 64) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLResponse{}, err - } - result.BlobSequenceNumber = &blobSequenceNumber - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-server-encrypted"); val != "" { - isServerEncrypted, err := strconv.ParseBool(val) - if err != nil { - return PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLResponse{}, err - } - result.IsServerEncrypted = &isServerEncrypted - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-encryption-key-sha256"); val != "" { - result.EncryptionKeySHA256 = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-encryption-scope"); val != "" { - result.EncryptionScope = &val - } - return result, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_pagers.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_pagers.go deleted file mode 100644 index d3ad53c2107e..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_pagers.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,180 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. -// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. -// Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. - -package azblob - -import ( - "context" - "net/http" - "reflect" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime" -) - -// ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentPager provides operations for iterating over paged responses. -type ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentPager struct { - client *containerClient - current ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentResponse - err error - requester func(context.Context) (*policy.Request, error) - advancer func(context.Context, ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentResponse) (*policy.Request, error) -} - -// Err returns the last error encountered while paging. -func (p *ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentPager) Err() error { - return p.err -} - -// NextPage returns true if the pager advanced to the next page. -// Returns false if there are no more pages or an error occurred. -func (p *ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentPager) NextPage(ctx context.Context) bool { - var req *policy.Request - var err error - if !reflect.ValueOf(p.current).IsZero() { - if p.current.ListBlobsFlatSegmentResponse.NextMarker == nil || len(*p.current.ListBlobsFlatSegmentResponse.NextMarker) == 0 { - return false - } - req, err = p.advancer(ctx, p.current) - } else { - req, err = p.requester(ctx) - } - if err != nil { - p.err = err - return false - } - resp, err := p.client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - p.err = err - return false - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - p.err = runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - return false - } - result, err := p.client.listBlobFlatSegmentHandleResponse(resp) - if err != nil { - p.err = err - return false - } - p.current = result - return true -} - -// PageResponse returns the current ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentResponse page. -func (p *ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentPager) PageResponse() ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentResponse { - return p.current -} - -// ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentPager provides operations for iterating over paged responses. -type ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentPager struct { - client *containerClient - current ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentResponse - err error - requester func(context.Context) (*policy.Request, error) - advancer func(context.Context, ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentResponse) (*policy.Request, error) -} - -// Err returns the last error encountered while paging. -func (p *ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentPager) Err() error { - return p.err -} - -// NextPage returns true if the pager advanced to the next page. -// Returns false if there are no more pages or an error occurred. -func (p *ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentPager) NextPage(ctx context.Context) bool { - var req *policy.Request - var err error - if !reflect.ValueOf(p.current).IsZero() { - if p.current.ListBlobsHierarchySegmentResponse.NextMarker == nil || len(*p.current.ListBlobsHierarchySegmentResponse.NextMarker) == 0 { - return false - } - req, err = p.advancer(ctx, p.current) - } else { - req, err = p.requester(ctx) - } - if err != nil { - p.err = err - return false - } - resp, err := p.client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - p.err = err - return false - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - p.err = runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - return false - } - result, err := p.client.listBlobHierarchySegmentHandleResponse(resp) - if err != nil { - p.err = err - return false - } - p.current = result - return true -} - -// PageResponse returns the current ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentResponse page. -func (p *ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentPager) PageResponse() ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentResponse { - return p.current -} - -// ServiceListContainersSegmentPager provides operations for iterating over paged responses. -type ServiceListContainersSegmentPager struct { - client *serviceClient - current ServiceListContainersSegmentResponse - err error - requester func(context.Context) (*policy.Request, error) - advancer func(context.Context, ServiceListContainersSegmentResponse) (*policy.Request, error) -} - -// Err returns the last error encountered while paging. -func (p *ServiceListContainersSegmentPager) Err() error { - return p.err -} - -// NextPage returns true if the pager advanced to the next page. -// Returns false if there are no more pages or an error occurred. -func (p *ServiceListContainersSegmentPager) NextPage(ctx context.Context) bool { - var req *policy.Request - var err error - if !reflect.ValueOf(p.current).IsZero() { - if p.current.ListContainersSegmentResponse.NextMarker == nil || len(*p.current.ListContainersSegmentResponse.NextMarker) == 0 { - return false - } - req, err = p.advancer(ctx, p.current) - } else { - req, err = p.requester(ctx) - } - if err != nil { - p.err = err - return false - } - resp, err := p.client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - p.err = err - return false - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - p.err = runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - return false - } - result, err := p.client.listContainersSegmentHandleResponse(resp) - if err != nil { - p.err = err - return false - } - p.current = result - return true -} - -// PageResponse returns the current ServiceListContainersSegmentResponse page. -func (p *ServiceListContainersSegmentPager) PageResponse() ServiceListContainersSegmentResponse { - return p.current -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_response_types.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_response_types.go deleted file mode 100644 index 7729cf8c7a3c..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_response_types.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2489 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. -// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. -// Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. - -package azblob - -import ( - "net/http" - "time" -) - -// AppendBlobAppendBlockFromURLResponse contains the response from method AppendBlob.AppendBlockFromURL. -type AppendBlobAppendBlockFromURLResponse struct { - AppendBlobAppendBlockFromURLResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// AppendBlobAppendBlockFromURLResult contains the result from method AppendBlob.AppendBlockFromURL. -type AppendBlobAppendBlockFromURLResult struct { - // BlobAppendOffset contains the information returned from the x-ms-blob-append-offset header response. - BlobAppendOffset *string - - // BlobCommittedBlockCount contains the information returned from the x-ms-blob-committed-block-count header response. - BlobCommittedBlockCount *int32 - - // ContentMD5 contains the information returned from the Content-MD5 header response. - ContentMD5 []byte - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // EncryptionKeySHA256 contains the information returned from the x-ms-encryption-key-sha256 header response. - EncryptionKeySHA256 *string - - // EncryptionScope contains the information returned from the x-ms-encryption-scope header response. - EncryptionScope *string - - // IsServerEncrypted contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-server-encrypted header response. - IsServerEncrypted *bool - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string - - // XMSContentCRC64 contains the information returned from the x-ms-content-crc64 header response. - XMSContentCRC64 []byte -} - -// AppendBlobAppendBlockResponse contains the response from method AppendBlob.AppendBlock. -type AppendBlobAppendBlockResponse struct { - AppendBlobAppendBlockResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// AppendBlobAppendBlockResult contains the result from method AppendBlob.AppendBlock. -type AppendBlobAppendBlockResult struct { - // BlobAppendOffset contains the information returned from the x-ms-blob-append-offset header response. - BlobAppendOffset *string - - // BlobCommittedBlockCount contains the information returned from the x-ms-blob-committed-block-count header response. - BlobCommittedBlockCount *int32 - - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // ContentMD5 contains the information returned from the Content-MD5 header response. - ContentMD5 []byte - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // EncryptionKeySHA256 contains the information returned from the x-ms-encryption-key-sha256 header response. - EncryptionKeySHA256 *string - - // EncryptionScope contains the information returned from the x-ms-encryption-scope header response. - EncryptionScope *string - - // IsServerEncrypted contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-server-encrypted header response. - IsServerEncrypted *bool - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string - - // XMSContentCRC64 contains the information returned from the x-ms-content-crc64 header response. - XMSContentCRC64 []byte -} - -// AppendBlobCreateResponse contains the response from method AppendBlob.Create. -type AppendBlobCreateResponse struct { - AppendBlobCreateResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// AppendBlobCreateResult contains the result from method AppendBlob.Create. -type AppendBlobCreateResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // ContentMD5 contains the information returned from the Content-MD5 header response. - ContentMD5 []byte - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // EncryptionKeySHA256 contains the information returned from the x-ms-encryption-key-sha256 header response. - EncryptionKeySHA256 *string - - // EncryptionScope contains the information returned from the x-ms-encryption-scope header response. - EncryptionScope *string - - // IsServerEncrypted contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-server-encrypted header response. - IsServerEncrypted *bool - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string - - // VersionID contains the information returned from the x-ms-version-id header response. - VersionID *string -} - -// AppendBlobSealResponse contains the response from method AppendBlob.Seal. -type AppendBlobSealResponse struct { - AppendBlobSealResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// AppendBlobSealResult contains the result from method AppendBlob.Seal. -type AppendBlobSealResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // IsSealed contains the information returned from the x-ms-blob-sealed header response. - IsSealed *bool - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// BlobAbortCopyFromURLResponse contains the response from method Blob.AbortCopyFromURL. -type BlobAbortCopyFromURLResponse struct { - BlobAbortCopyFromURLResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// BlobAbortCopyFromURLResult contains the result from method Blob.AbortCopyFromURL. -type BlobAbortCopyFromURLResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// BlobAcquireLeaseResponse contains the response from method Blob.AcquireLease. -type BlobAcquireLeaseResponse struct { - BlobAcquireLeaseResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// BlobAcquireLeaseResult contains the result from method Blob.AcquireLease. -type BlobAcquireLeaseResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // LeaseID contains the information returned from the x-ms-lease-id header response. - LeaseID *string - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// BlobBreakLeaseResponse contains the response from method Blob.BreakLease. -type BlobBreakLeaseResponse struct { - BlobBreakLeaseResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// BlobBreakLeaseResult contains the result from method Blob.BreakLease. -type BlobBreakLeaseResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // LeaseTime contains the information returned from the x-ms-lease-time header response. - LeaseTime *int32 - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// BlobChangeLeaseResponse contains the response from method Blob.ChangeLease. -type BlobChangeLeaseResponse struct { - BlobChangeLeaseResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// BlobChangeLeaseResult contains the result from method Blob.ChangeLease. -type BlobChangeLeaseResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // LeaseID contains the information returned from the x-ms-lease-id header response. - LeaseID *string - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// BlobCopyFromURLResponse contains the response from method Blob.CopyFromURL. -type BlobCopyFromURLResponse struct { - BlobCopyFromURLResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// BlobCopyFromURLResult contains the result from method Blob.CopyFromURL. -type BlobCopyFromURLResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // ContentMD5 contains the information returned from the Content-MD5 header response. - ContentMD5 []byte - - // CopyID contains the information returned from the x-ms-copy-id header response. - CopyID *string - - // CopyStatus contains the information returned from the x-ms-copy-status header response. - CopyStatus *string - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string - - // VersionID contains the information returned from the x-ms-version-id header response. - VersionID *string - - // XMSContentCRC64 contains the information returned from the x-ms-content-crc64 header response. - XMSContentCRC64 []byte -} - -// BlobCreateSnapshotResponse contains the response from method Blob.CreateSnapshot. -type BlobCreateSnapshotResponse struct { - BlobCreateSnapshotResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// BlobCreateSnapshotResult contains the result from method Blob.CreateSnapshot. -type BlobCreateSnapshotResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // IsServerEncrypted contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-server-encrypted header response. - IsServerEncrypted *bool - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Snapshot contains the information returned from the x-ms-snapshot header response. - Snapshot *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string - - // VersionID contains the information returned from the x-ms-version-id header response. - VersionID *string -} - -// BlobDeleteResponse contains the response from method Blob.Delete. -type BlobDeleteResponse struct { - BlobDeleteResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// BlobDeleteResult contains the result from method Blob.Delete. -type BlobDeleteResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// BlobDownloadResponse contains the response from method Blob.Download. -type BlobDownloadResponse struct { - BlobDownloadResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// BlobDownloadResult contains the result from method Blob.Download. -type BlobDownloadResult struct { - // AcceptRanges contains the information returned from the Accept-Ranges header response. - AcceptRanges *string - - // BlobCommittedBlockCount contains the information returned from the x-ms-blob-committed-block-count header response. - BlobCommittedBlockCount *int32 - - // BlobContentMD5 contains the information returned from the x-ms-blob-content-md5 header response. - BlobContentMD5 []byte - - // BlobSequenceNumber contains the information returned from the x-ms-blob-sequence-number header response. - BlobSequenceNumber *int64 - - // BlobType contains the information returned from the x-ms-blob-type header response. - BlobType *BlobType - - // CacheControl contains the information returned from the Cache-Control header response. - CacheControl *string - - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // ContentCRC64 contains the information returned from the x-ms-content-crc64 header response. - ContentCRC64 []byte - - // ContentDisposition contains the information returned from the Content-Disposition header response. - ContentDisposition *string - - // ContentEncoding contains the information returned from the Content-Encoding header response. - ContentEncoding *string - - // ContentLanguage contains the information returned from the Content-Language header response. - ContentLanguage *string - - // ContentLength contains the information returned from the Content-Length header response. - ContentLength *int64 - - // ContentMD5 contains the information returned from the Content-MD5 header response. - ContentMD5 []byte - - // ContentRange contains the information returned from the Content-Range header response. - ContentRange *string - - // ContentType contains the information returned from the Content-Type header response. - ContentType *string - - // CopyCompletionTime contains the information returned from the x-ms-copy-completion-time header response. - CopyCompletionTime *time.Time - - // CopyID contains the information returned from the x-ms-copy-id header response. - CopyID *string - - // CopyProgress contains the information returned from the x-ms-copy-progress header response. - CopyProgress *string - - // CopySource contains the information returned from the x-ms-copy-source header response. - CopySource *string - - // CopyStatus contains the information returned from the x-ms-copy-status header response. - CopyStatus *CopyStatusType - - // CopyStatusDescription contains the information returned from the x-ms-copy-status-description header response. - CopyStatusDescription *string - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // EncryptionKeySHA256 contains the information returned from the x-ms-encryption-key-sha256 header response. - EncryptionKeySHA256 *string - - // EncryptionScope contains the information returned from the x-ms-encryption-scope header response. - EncryptionScope *string - - // IsCurrentVersion contains the information returned from the x-ms-is-current-version header response. - IsCurrentVersion *bool - - // IsSealed contains the information returned from the x-ms-blob-sealed header response. - IsSealed *bool - - // IsServerEncrypted contains the information returned from the x-ms-server-encrypted header response. - IsServerEncrypted *bool - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // LeaseDuration contains the information returned from the x-ms-lease-duration header response. - LeaseDuration *LeaseDurationType - - // LeaseState contains the information returned from the x-ms-lease-state header response. - LeaseState *LeaseStateType - - // LeaseStatus contains the information returned from the x-ms-lease-status header response. - LeaseStatus *LeaseStatusType - - // Metadata contains the information returned from the x-ms-meta header response. - Metadata map[string]string - - // ObjectReplicationPolicyID contains the information returned from the x-ms-or-policy-id header response. - ObjectReplicationPolicyID *string - - // ObjectReplicationRules contains the information returned from the x-ms-or header response. - ObjectReplicationRules map[string]string - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // TagCount contains the information returned from the x-ms-tag-count header response. - TagCount *int64 - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string - - // VersionID contains the information returned from the x-ms-version-id header response. - VersionID *string -} - -// BlobGetAccessControlResponse contains the response from method Blob.GetAccessControl. -type BlobGetAccessControlResponse struct { - BlobGetAccessControlResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// BlobGetAccessControlResult contains the result from method Blob.GetAccessControl. -type BlobGetAccessControlResult struct { - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string - - // XMSACL contains the information returned from the x-ms-acl header response. - XMSACL *string - - // XMSGroup contains the information returned from the x-ms-group header response. - XMSGroup *string - - // XMSOwner contains the information returned from the x-ms-owner header response. - XMSOwner *string - - // XMSPermissions contains the information returned from the x-ms-permissions header response. - XMSPermissions *string -} - -// BlobGetAccountInfoResponse contains the response from method Blob.GetAccountInfo. -type BlobGetAccountInfoResponse struct { - BlobGetAccountInfoResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// BlobGetAccountInfoResult contains the result from method Blob.GetAccountInfo. -type BlobGetAccountInfoResult struct { - // AccountKind contains the information returned from the x-ms-account-kind header response. - AccountKind *AccountKind - - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // SKUName contains the information returned from the x-ms-sku-name header response. - SKUName *SKUName - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// BlobGetPropertiesResponse contains the response from method Blob.GetProperties. -type BlobGetPropertiesResponse struct { - BlobGetPropertiesResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// BlobGetPropertiesResult contains the result from method Blob.GetProperties. -type BlobGetPropertiesResult struct { - // AcceptRanges contains the information returned from the Accept-Ranges header response. - AcceptRanges *string - - // AccessTier contains the information returned from the x-ms-access-tier header response. - AccessTier *string - - // AccessTierChangeTime contains the information returned from the x-ms-access-tier-change-time header response. - AccessTierChangeTime *time.Time - - // AccessTierInferred contains the information returned from the x-ms-access-tier-inferred header response. - AccessTierInferred *bool - - // ArchiveStatus contains the information returned from the x-ms-archive-status header response. - ArchiveStatus *string - - // BlobCommittedBlockCount contains the information returned from the x-ms-blob-committed-block-count header response. - BlobCommittedBlockCount *int32 - - // BlobSequenceNumber contains the information returned from the x-ms-blob-sequence-number header response. - BlobSequenceNumber *int64 - - // BlobType contains the information returned from the x-ms-blob-type header response. - BlobType *BlobType - - // CacheControl contains the information returned from the Cache-Control header response. - CacheControl *string - - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // ContentDisposition contains the information returned from the Content-Disposition header response. - ContentDisposition *string - - // ContentEncoding contains the information returned from the Content-Encoding header response. - ContentEncoding *string - - // ContentLanguage contains the information returned from the Content-Language header response. - ContentLanguage *string - - // ContentLength contains the information returned from the Content-Length header response. - ContentLength *int64 - - // ContentMD5 contains the information returned from the Content-MD5 header response. - ContentMD5 []byte - - // ContentType contains the information returned from the Content-Type header response. - ContentType *string - - // CopyCompletionTime contains the information returned from the x-ms-copy-completion-time header response. - CopyCompletionTime *time.Time - - // CopyID contains the information returned from the x-ms-copy-id header response. - CopyID *string - - // CopyProgress contains the information returned from the x-ms-copy-progress header response. - CopyProgress *string - - // CopySource contains the information returned from the x-ms-copy-source header response. - CopySource *string - - // CopyStatus contains the information returned from the x-ms-copy-status header response. - CopyStatus *CopyStatusType - - // CopyStatusDescription contains the information returned from the x-ms-copy-status-description header response. - CopyStatusDescription *string - - // CreationTime contains the information returned from the x-ms-creation-time header response. - CreationTime *time.Time - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // DestinationSnapshot contains the information returned from the x-ms-copy-destination-snapshot header response. - DestinationSnapshot *string - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // EncryptionKeySHA256 contains the information returned from the x-ms-encryption-key-sha256 header response. - EncryptionKeySHA256 *string - - // EncryptionScope contains the information returned from the x-ms-encryption-scope header response. - EncryptionScope *string - - // ExpiresOn contains the information returned from the x-ms-expiry-time header response. - ExpiresOn *time.Time - - // IsCurrentVersion contains the information returned from the x-ms-is-current-version header response. - IsCurrentVersion *bool - - // IsIncrementalCopy contains the information returned from the x-ms-incremental-copy header response. - IsIncrementalCopy *bool - - // IsSealed contains the information returned from the x-ms-blob-sealed header response. - IsSealed *bool - - // IsServerEncrypted contains the information returned from the x-ms-server-encrypted header response. - IsServerEncrypted *bool - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // LeaseDuration contains the information returned from the x-ms-lease-duration header response. - LeaseDuration *LeaseDurationType - - // LeaseState contains the information returned from the x-ms-lease-state header response. - LeaseState *LeaseStateType - - // LeaseStatus contains the information returned from the x-ms-lease-status header response. - LeaseStatus *LeaseStatusType - - // Metadata contains the information returned from the x-ms-meta header response. - Metadata map[string]string - - // ObjectReplicationPolicyID contains the information returned from the x-ms-or-policy-id header response. - ObjectReplicationPolicyID *string - - // ObjectReplicationRules contains the information returned from the x-ms-or header response. - ObjectReplicationRules map[string]string - - // RehydratePriority contains the information returned from the x-ms-rehydrate-priority header response. - RehydratePriority *string - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // TagCount contains the information returned from the x-ms-tag-count header response. - TagCount *int64 - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string - - // VersionID contains the information returned from the x-ms-version-id header response. - VersionID *string -} - -// BlobGetTagsResponse contains the response from method Blob.GetTags. -type BlobGetTagsResponse struct { - BlobGetTagsResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// BlobGetTagsResult contains the result from method Blob.GetTags. -type BlobGetTagsResult struct { - BlobTags - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string `xml:"ClientRequestID"` - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time `xml:"Date"` - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string `xml:"RequestID"` - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string `xml:"Version"` -} - -// BlobQueryResponse contains the response from method Blob.Query. -type BlobQueryResponse struct { - BlobQueryResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// BlobQueryResult contains the result from method Blob.Query. -type BlobQueryResult struct { - // AcceptRanges contains the information returned from the Accept-Ranges header response. - AcceptRanges *string - - // BlobCommittedBlockCount contains the information returned from the x-ms-blob-committed-block-count header response. - BlobCommittedBlockCount *int32 - - // BlobContentMD5 contains the information returned from the x-ms-blob-content-md5 header response. - BlobContentMD5 []byte - - // BlobSequenceNumber contains the information returned from the x-ms-blob-sequence-number header response. - BlobSequenceNumber *int64 - - // BlobType contains the information returned from the x-ms-blob-type header response. - BlobType *BlobType - - // CacheControl contains the information returned from the Cache-Control header response. - CacheControl *string - - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // ContentCRC64 contains the information returned from the x-ms-content-crc64 header response. - ContentCRC64 []byte - - // ContentDisposition contains the information returned from the Content-Disposition header response. - ContentDisposition *string - - // ContentEncoding contains the information returned from the Content-Encoding header response. - ContentEncoding *string - - // ContentLanguage contains the information returned from the Content-Language header response. - ContentLanguage *string - - // ContentLength contains the information returned from the Content-Length header response. - ContentLength *int64 - - // ContentMD5 contains the information returned from the Content-MD5 header response. - ContentMD5 []byte - - // ContentRange contains the information returned from the Content-Range header response. - ContentRange *string - - // ContentType contains the information returned from the Content-Type header response. - ContentType *string - - // CopyCompletionTime contains the information returned from the x-ms-copy-completion-time header response. - CopyCompletionTime *time.Time - - // CopyID contains the information returned from the x-ms-copy-id header response. - CopyID *string - - // CopyProgress contains the information returned from the x-ms-copy-progress header response. - CopyProgress *string - - // CopySource contains the information returned from the x-ms-copy-source header response. - CopySource *string - - // CopyStatus contains the information returned from the x-ms-copy-status header response. - CopyStatus *CopyStatusType - - // CopyStatusDescription contains the information returned from the x-ms-copy-status-description header response. - CopyStatusDescription *string - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // EncryptionKeySHA256 contains the information returned from the x-ms-encryption-key-sha256 header response. - EncryptionKeySHA256 *string - - // EncryptionScope contains the information returned from the x-ms-encryption-scope header response. - EncryptionScope *string - - // IsServerEncrypted contains the information returned from the x-ms-server-encrypted header response. - IsServerEncrypted *bool - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // LeaseDuration contains the information returned from the x-ms-lease-duration header response. - LeaseDuration *LeaseDurationType - - // LeaseState contains the information returned from the x-ms-lease-state header response. - LeaseState *LeaseStateType - - // LeaseStatus contains the information returned from the x-ms-lease-status header response. - LeaseStatus *LeaseStatusType - - // Metadata contains the information returned from the x-ms-meta header response. - Metadata map[string]string - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// BlobReleaseLeaseResponse contains the response from method Blob.ReleaseLease. -type BlobReleaseLeaseResponse struct { - BlobReleaseLeaseResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// BlobReleaseLeaseResult contains the result from method Blob.ReleaseLease. -type BlobReleaseLeaseResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// BlobRenameResponse contains the response from method Blob.Rename. -type BlobRenameResponse struct { - BlobRenameResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// BlobRenameResult contains the result from method Blob.Rename. -type BlobRenameResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // ContentLength contains the information returned from the Content-Length header response. - ContentLength *int64 - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// BlobRenewLeaseResponse contains the response from method Blob.RenewLease. -type BlobRenewLeaseResponse struct { - BlobRenewLeaseResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// BlobRenewLeaseResult contains the result from method Blob.RenewLease. -type BlobRenewLeaseResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // LeaseID contains the information returned from the x-ms-lease-id header response. - LeaseID *string - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// BlobSetAccessControlResponse contains the response from method Blob.SetAccessControl. -type BlobSetAccessControlResponse struct { - BlobSetAccessControlResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// BlobSetAccessControlResult contains the result from method Blob.SetAccessControl. -type BlobSetAccessControlResult struct { - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// BlobSetExpiryResponse contains the response from method Blob.SetExpiry. -type BlobSetExpiryResponse struct { - BlobSetExpiryResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// BlobSetExpiryResult contains the result from method Blob.SetExpiry. -type BlobSetExpiryResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// BlobSetHTTPHeadersResponse contains the response from method Blob.SetHTTPHeaders. -type BlobSetHTTPHeadersResponse struct { - BlobSetHTTPHeadersResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// BlobSetHTTPHeadersResult contains the result from method Blob.SetHTTPHeaders. -type BlobSetHTTPHeadersResult struct { - // BlobSequenceNumber contains the information returned from the x-ms-blob-sequence-number header response. - BlobSequenceNumber *int64 - - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// BlobSetMetadataResponse contains the response from method Blob.SetMetadata. -type BlobSetMetadataResponse struct { - BlobSetMetadataResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// BlobSetMetadataResult contains the result from method Blob.SetMetadata. -type BlobSetMetadataResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // EncryptionKeySHA256 contains the information returned from the x-ms-encryption-key-sha256 header response. - EncryptionKeySHA256 *string - - // EncryptionScope contains the information returned from the x-ms-encryption-scope header response. - EncryptionScope *string - - // IsServerEncrypted contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-server-encrypted header response. - IsServerEncrypted *bool - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string - - // VersionID contains the information returned from the x-ms-version-id header response. - VersionID *string -} - -// BlobSetTagsResponse contains the response from method Blob.SetTags. -type BlobSetTagsResponse struct { - BlobSetTagsResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// BlobSetTagsResult contains the result from method Blob.SetTags. -type BlobSetTagsResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// BlobSetTierResponse contains the response from method Blob.SetTier. -type BlobSetTierResponse struct { - BlobSetTierResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// BlobSetTierResult contains the result from method Blob.SetTier. -type BlobSetTierResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// BlobStartCopyFromURLResponse contains the response from method Blob.StartCopyFromURL. -type BlobStartCopyFromURLResponse struct { - BlobStartCopyFromURLResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// BlobStartCopyFromURLResult contains the result from method Blob.StartCopyFromURL. -type BlobStartCopyFromURLResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // CopyID contains the information returned from the x-ms-copy-id header response. - CopyID *string - - // CopyStatus contains the information returned from the x-ms-copy-status header response. - CopyStatus *CopyStatusType - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string - - // VersionID contains the information returned from the x-ms-version-id header response. - VersionID *string -} - -// BlobUndeleteResponse contains the response from method Blob.Undelete. -type BlobUndeleteResponse struct { - BlobUndeleteResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// BlobUndeleteResult contains the result from method Blob.Undelete. -type BlobUndeleteResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// BlockBlobCommitBlockListResponse contains the response from method BlockBlob.CommitBlockList. -type BlockBlobCommitBlockListResponse struct { - BlockBlobCommitBlockListResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// BlockBlobCommitBlockListResult contains the result from method BlockBlob.CommitBlockList. -type BlockBlobCommitBlockListResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // ContentMD5 contains the information returned from the Content-MD5 header response. - ContentMD5 []byte - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // EncryptionKeySHA256 contains the information returned from the x-ms-encryption-key-sha256 header response. - EncryptionKeySHA256 *string - - // EncryptionScope contains the information returned from the x-ms-encryption-scope header response. - EncryptionScope *string - - // IsServerEncrypted contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-server-encrypted header response. - IsServerEncrypted *bool - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string - - // VersionID contains the information returned from the x-ms-version-id header response. - VersionID *string - - // XMSContentCRC64 contains the information returned from the x-ms-content-crc64 header response. - XMSContentCRC64 []byte -} - -// BlockBlobGetBlockListResponse contains the response from method BlockBlob.GetBlockList. -type BlockBlobGetBlockListResponse struct { - BlockBlobGetBlockListResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// BlockBlobGetBlockListResult contains the result from method BlockBlob.GetBlockList. -type BlockBlobGetBlockListResult struct { - BlockList - // BlobContentLength contains the information returned from the x-ms-blob-content-length header response. - BlobContentLength *int64 `xml:"BlobContentLength"` - - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string `xml:"ClientRequestID"` - - // ContentType contains the information returned from the Content-Type header response. - ContentType *string `xml:"ContentType"` - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time `xml:"Date"` - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string `xml:"ETag"` - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time `xml:"LastModified"` - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string `xml:"RequestID"` - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string `xml:"Version"` -} - -// BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLResponse contains the response from method BlockBlob.StageBlockFromURL. -type BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLResponse struct { - BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLResult contains the result from method BlockBlob.StageBlockFromURL. -type BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // ContentMD5 contains the information returned from the Content-MD5 header response. - ContentMD5 []byte - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // EncryptionKeySHA256 contains the information returned from the x-ms-encryption-key-sha256 header response. - EncryptionKeySHA256 *string - - // EncryptionScope contains the information returned from the x-ms-encryption-scope header response. - EncryptionScope *string - - // IsServerEncrypted contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-server-encrypted header response. - IsServerEncrypted *bool - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string - - // XMSContentCRC64 contains the information returned from the x-ms-content-crc64 header response. - XMSContentCRC64 []byte -} - -// BlockBlobStageBlockResponse contains the response from method BlockBlob.StageBlock. -type BlockBlobStageBlockResponse struct { - BlockBlobStageBlockResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// BlockBlobStageBlockResult contains the result from method BlockBlob.StageBlock. -type BlockBlobStageBlockResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // ContentMD5 contains the information returned from the Content-MD5 header response. - ContentMD5 []byte - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // EncryptionKeySHA256 contains the information returned from the x-ms-encryption-key-sha256 header response. - EncryptionKeySHA256 *string - - // EncryptionScope contains the information returned from the x-ms-encryption-scope header response. - EncryptionScope *string - - // IsServerEncrypted contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-server-encrypted header response. - IsServerEncrypted *bool - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string - - // XMSContentCRC64 contains the information returned from the x-ms-content-crc64 header response. - XMSContentCRC64 []byte -} - -// BlockBlobUploadResponse contains the response from method BlockBlob.Upload. -type BlockBlobUploadResponse struct { - BlockBlobUploadResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// BlockBlobUploadResult contains the result from method BlockBlob.Upload. -type BlockBlobUploadResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // ContentMD5 contains the information returned from the Content-MD5 header response. - ContentMD5 []byte - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // EncryptionKeySHA256 contains the information returned from the x-ms-encryption-key-sha256 header response. - EncryptionKeySHA256 *string - - // EncryptionScope contains the information returned from the x-ms-encryption-scope header response. - EncryptionScope *string - - // IsServerEncrypted contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-server-encrypted header response. - IsServerEncrypted *bool - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string - - // VersionID contains the information returned from the x-ms-version-id header response. - VersionID *string -} - -// ContainerAcquireLeaseResponse contains the response from method Container.AcquireLease. -type ContainerAcquireLeaseResponse struct { - ContainerAcquireLeaseResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// ContainerAcquireLeaseResult contains the result from method Container.AcquireLease. -type ContainerAcquireLeaseResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // LeaseID contains the information returned from the x-ms-lease-id header response. - LeaseID *string - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// ContainerBreakLeaseResponse contains the response from method Container.BreakLease. -type ContainerBreakLeaseResponse struct { - ContainerBreakLeaseResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// ContainerBreakLeaseResult contains the result from method Container.BreakLease. -type ContainerBreakLeaseResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // LeaseTime contains the information returned from the x-ms-lease-time header response. - LeaseTime *int32 - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// ContainerChangeLeaseResponse contains the response from method Container.ChangeLease. -type ContainerChangeLeaseResponse struct { - ContainerChangeLeaseResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// ContainerChangeLeaseResult contains the result from method Container.ChangeLease. -type ContainerChangeLeaseResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // LeaseID contains the information returned from the x-ms-lease-id header response. - LeaseID *string - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// ContainerCreateResponse contains the response from method Container.Create. -type ContainerCreateResponse struct { - ContainerCreateResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// ContainerCreateResult contains the result from method Container.Create. -type ContainerCreateResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// ContainerDeleteResponse contains the response from method Container.Delete. -type ContainerDeleteResponse struct { - ContainerDeleteResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// ContainerDeleteResult contains the result from method Container.Delete. -type ContainerDeleteResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// ContainerGetAccessPolicyResponse contains the response from method Container.GetAccessPolicy. -type ContainerGetAccessPolicyResponse struct { - ContainerGetAccessPolicyResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// ContainerGetAccessPolicyResult contains the result from method Container.GetAccessPolicy. -type ContainerGetAccessPolicyResult struct { - // BlobPublicAccess contains the information returned from the x-ms-blob-public-access header response. - BlobPublicAccess *PublicAccessType `xml:"BlobPublicAccess"` - - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string `xml:"ClientRequestID"` - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time `xml:"Date"` - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string `xml:"ETag"` - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time `xml:"LastModified"` - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string `xml:"RequestID"` - - // a collection of signed identifiers - SignedIdentifiers []*SignedIdentifier `xml:"SignedIdentifier"` - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string `xml:"Version"` -} - -// ContainerGetAccountInfoResponse contains the response from method Container.GetAccountInfo. -type ContainerGetAccountInfoResponse struct { - ContainerGetAccountInfoResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// ContainerGetAccountInfoResult contains the result from method Container.GetAccountInfo. -type ContainerGetAccountInfoResult struct { - // AccountKind contains the information returned from the x-ms-account-kind header response. - AccountKind *AccountKind - - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // SKUName contains the information returned from the x-ms-sku-name header response. - SKUName *SKUName - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// ContainerGetPropertiesResponse contains the response from method Container.GetProperties. -type ContainerGetPropertiesResponse struct { - ContainerGetPropertiesResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// ContainerGetPropertiesResult contains the result from method Container.GetProperties. -type ContainerGetPropertiesResult struct { - // BlobPublicAccess contains the information returned from the x-ms-blob-public-access header response. - BlobPublicAccess *PublicAccessType - - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // DefaultEncryptionScope contains the information returned from the x-ms-default-encryption-scope header response. - DefaultEncryptionScope *string - - // DenyEncryptionScopeOverride contains the information returned from the x-ms-deny-encryption-scope-override header response. - DenyEncryptionScopeOverride *bool - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // HasImmutabilityPolicy contains the information returned from the x-ms-has-immutability-policy header response. - HasImmutabilityPolicy *bool - - // HasLegalHold contains the information returned from the x-ms-has-legal-hold header response. - HasLegalHold *bool - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // LeaseDuration contains the information returned from the x-ms-lease-duration header response. - LeaseDuration *LeaseDurationType - - // LeaseState contains the information returned from the x-ms-lease-state header response. - LeaseState *LeaseStateType - - // LeaseStatus contains the information returned from the x-ms-lease-status header response. - LeaseStatus *LeaseStatusType - - // Metadata contains the information returned from the x-ms-meta header response. - Metadata map[string]string - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentResponse contains the response from method Container.ListBlobFlatSegment. -type ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentResponse struct { - ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentResult contains the result from method Container.ListBlobFlatSegment. -type ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentResult struct { - ListBlobsFlatSegmentResponse - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string `xml:"ClientRequestID"` - - // ContentType contains the information returned from the Content-Type header response. - ContentType *string `xml:"ContentType"` - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time `xml:"Date"` - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string `xml:"RequestID"` - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string `xml:"Version"` -} - -// ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentResponse contains the response from method Container.ListBlobHierarchySegment. -type ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentResponse struct { - ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentResult contains the result from method Container.ListBlobHierarchySegment. -type ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentResult struct { - ListBlobsHierarchySegmentResponse - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string `xml:"ClientRequestID"` - - // ContentType contains the information returned from the Content-Type header response. - ContentType *string `xml:"ContentType"` - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time `xml:"Date"` - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string `xml:"RequestID"` - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string `xml:"Version"` -} - -// ContainerReleaseLeaseResponse contains the response from method Container.ReleaseLease. -type ContainerReleaseLeaseResponse struct { - ContainerReleaseLeaseResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// ContainerReleaseLeaseResult contains the result from method Container.ReleaseLease. -type ContainerReleaseLeaseResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// ContainerRenewLeaseResponse contains the response from method Container.RenewLease. -type ContainerRenewLeaseResponse struct { - ContainerRenewLeaseResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// ContainerRenewLeaseResult contains the result from method Container.RenewLease. -type ContainerRenewLeaseResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // LeaseID contains the information returned from the x-ms-lease-id header response. - LeaseID *string - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// ContainerRestoreResponse contains the response from method Container.Restore. -type ContainerRestoreResponse struct { - ContainerRestoreResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// ContainerRestoreResult contains the result from method Container.Restore. -type ContainerRestoreResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// ContainerSetAccessPolicyResponse contains the response from method Container.SetAccessPolicy. -type ContainerSetAccessPolicyResponse struct { - ContainerSetAccessPolicyResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// ContainerSetAccessPolicyResult contains the result from method Container.SetAccessPolicy. -type ContainerSetAccessPolicyResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// ContainerSetMetadataResponse contains the response from method Container.SetMetadata. -type ContainerSetMetadataResponse struct { - ContainerSetMetadataResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// ContainerSetMetadataResult contains the result from method Container.SetMetadata. -type ContainerSetMetadataResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// DirectoryCreateResponse contains the response from method Directory.Create. -type DirectoryCreateResponse struct { - DirectoryCreateResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// DirectoryCreateResult contains the result from method Directory.Create. -type DirectoryCreateResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // ContentLength contains the information returned from the Content-Length header response. - ContentLength *int64 - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// DirectoryDeleteResponse contains the response from method Directory.Delete. -type DirectoryDeleteResponse struct { - DirectoryDeleteResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// DirectoryDeleteResult contains the result from method Directory.Delete. -type DirectoryDeleteResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // Marker contains the information returned from the x-ms-continuation header response. - Marker *string - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// DirectoryGetAccessControlResponse contains the response from method Directory.GetAccessControl. -type DirectoryGetAccessControlResponse struct { - DirectoryGetAccessControlResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// DirectoryGetAccessControlResult contains the result from method Directory.GetAccessControl. -type DirectoryGetAccessControlResult struct { - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string - - // XMSACL contains the information returned from the x-ms-acl header response. - XMSACL *string - - // XMSGroup contains the information returned from the x-ms-group header response. - XMSGroup *string - - // XMSOwner contains the information returned from the x-ms-owner header response. - XMSOwner *string - - // XMSPermissions contains the information returned from the x-ms-permissions header response. - XMSPermissions *string -} - -// DirectoryRenameResponse contains the response from method Directory.Rename. -type DirectoryRenameResponse struct { - DirectoryRenameResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// DirectoryRenameResult contains the result from method Directory.Rename. -type DirectoryRenameResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // ContentLength contains the information returned from the Content-Length header response. - ContentLength *int64 - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // Marker contains the information returned from the x-ms-continuation header response. - Marker *string - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// DirectorySetAccessControlResponse contains the response from method Directory.SetAccessControl. -type DirectorySetAccessControlResponse struct { - DirectorySetAccessControlResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// DirectorySetAccessControlResult contains the result from method Directory.SetAccessControl. -type DirectorySetAccessControlResult struct { - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// PageBlobClearPagesResponse contains the response from method PageBlob.ClearPages. -type PageBlobClearPagesResponse struct { - PageBlobClearPagesResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// PageBlobClearPagesResult contains the result from method PageBlob.ClearPages. -type PageBlobClearPagesResult struct { - // BlobSequenceNumber contains the information returned from the x-ms-blob-sequence-number header response. - BlobSequenceNumber *int64 - - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // ContentMD5 contains the information returned from the Content-MD5 header response. - ContentMD5 []byte - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string - - // XMSContentCRC64 contains the information returned from the x-ms-content-crc64 header response. - XMSContentCRC64 []byte -} - -// PageBlobCopyIncrementalResponse contains the response from method PageBlob.CopyIncremental. -type PageBlobCopyIncrementalResponse struct { - PageBlobCopyIncrementalResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// PageBlobCopyIncrementalResult contains the result from method PageBlob.CopyIncremental. -type PageBlobCopyIncrementalResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // CopyID contains the information returned from the x-ms-copy-id header response. - CopyID *string - - // CopyStatus contains the information returned from the x-ms-copy-status header response. - CopyStatus *CopyStatusType - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// PageBlobCreateResponse contains the response from method PageBlob.Create. -type PageBlobCreateResponse struct { - PageBlobCreateResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// PageBlobCreateResult contains the result from method PageBlob.Create. -type PageBlobCreateResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // ContentMD5 contains the information returned from the Content-MD5 header response. - ContentMD5 []byte - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // EncryptionKeySHA256 contains the information returned from the x-ms-encryption-key-sha256 header response. - EncryptionKeySHA256 *string - - // EncryptionScope contains the information returned from the x-ms-encryption-scope header response. - EncryptionScope *string - - // IsServerEncrypted contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-server-encrypted header response. - IsServerEncrypted *bool - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string - - // VersionID contains the information returned from the x-ms-version-id header response. - VersionID *string -} - -// PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffResponse contains the response from method PageBlob.GetPageRangesDiff. -type PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffResponse struct { - PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffResult contains the result from method PageBlob.GetPageRangesDiff. -type PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffResult struct { - PageList - // BlobContentLength contains the information returned from the x-ms-blob-content-length header response. - BlobContentLength *int64 `xml:"BlobContentLength"` - - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string `xml:"ClientRequestID"` - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time `xml:"Date"` - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string `xml:"ETag"` - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time `xml:"LastModified"` - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string `xml:"RequestID"` - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string `xml:"Version"` -} - -// PageBlobGetPageRangesResponse contains the response from method PageBlob.GetPageRanges. -type PageBlobGetPageRangesResponse struct { - PageBlobGetPageRangesResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// PageBlobGetPageRangesResult contains the result from method PageBlob.GetPageRanges. -type PageBlobGetPageRangesResult struct { - PageList - // BlobContentLength contains the information returned from the x-ms-blob-content-length header response. - BlobContentLength *int64 `xml:"BlobContentLength"` - - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string `xml:"ClientRequestID"` - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time `xml:"Date"` - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string `xml:"ETag"` - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time `xml:"LastModified"` - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string `xml:"RequestID"` - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string `xml:"Version"` -} - -// PageBlobResizeResponse contains the response from method PageBlob.Resize. -type PageBlobResizeResponse struct { - PageBlobResizeResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// PageBlobResizeResult contains the result from method PageBlob.Resize. -type PageBlobResizeResult struct { - // BlobSequenceNumber contains the information returned from the x-ms-blob-sequence-number header response. - BlobSequenceNumber *int64 - - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberResponse contains the response from method PageBlob.UpdateSequenceNumber. -type PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberResponse struct { - PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberResult contains the result from method PageBlob.UpdateSequenceNumber. -type PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberResult struct { - // BlobSequenceNumber contains the information returned from the x-ms-blob-sequence-number header response. - BlobSequenceNumber *int64 - - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLResponse contains the response from method PageBlob.UploadPagesFromURL. -type PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLResponse struct { - PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLResult contains the result from method PageBlob.UploadPagesFromURL. -type PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLResult struct { - // BlobSequenceNumber contains the information returned from the x-ms-blob-sequence-number header response. - BlobSequenceNumber *int64 - - // ContentMD5 contains the information returned from the Content-MD5 header response. - ContentMD5 []byte - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // EncryptionKeySHA256 contains the information returned from the x-ms-encryption-key-sha256 header response. - EncryptionKeySHA256 *string - - // EncryptionScope contains the information returned from the x-ms-encryption-scope header response. - EncryptionScope *string - - // IsServerEncrypted contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-server-encrypted header response. - IsServerEncrypted *bool - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string - - // XMSContentCRC64 contains the information returned from the x-ms-content-crc64 header response. - XMSContentCRC64 []byte -} - -// PageBlobUploadPagesResponse contains the response from method PageBlob.UploadPages. -type PageBlobUploadPagesResponse struct { - PageBlobUploadPagesResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// PageBlobUploadPagesResult contains the result from method PageBlob.UploadPages. -type PageBlobUploadPagesResult struct { - // BlobSequenceNumber contains the information returned from the x-ms-blob-sequence-number header response. - BlobSequenceNumber *int64 - - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // ContentMD5 contains the information returned from the Content-MD5 header response. - ContentMD5 []byte - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // ETag contains the information returned from the ETag header response. - ETag *string - - // EncryptionKeySHA256 contains the information returned from the x-ms-encryption-key-sha256 header response. - EncryptionKeySHA256 *string - - // EncryptionScope contains the information returned from the x-ms-encryption-scope header response. - EncryptionScope *string - - // IsServerEncrypted contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-server-encrypted header response. - IsServerEncrypted *bool - - // LastModified contains the information returned from the Last-Modified header response. - LastModified *time.Time - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string - - // XMSContentCRC64 contains the information returned from the x-ms-content-crc64 header response. - XMSContentCRC64 []byte -} - -// ServiceFilterBlobsResponse contains the response from method Service.FilterBlobs. -type ServiceFilterBlobsResponse struct { - ServiceFilterBlobsResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// ServiceFilterBlobsResult contains the result from method Service.FilterBlobs. -type ServiceFilterBlobsResult struct { - FilterBlobSegment - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string `xml:"ClientRequestID"` - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time `xml:"Date"` - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string `xml:"RequestID"` - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string `xml:"Version"` -} - -// ServiceGetAccountInfoResponse contains the response from method Service.GetAccountInfo. -type ServiceGetAccountInfoResponse struct { - ServiceGetAccountInfoResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// ServiceGetAccountInfoResult contains the result from method Service.GetAccountInfo. -type ServiceGetAccountInfoResult struct { - // AccountKind contains the information returned from the x-ms-account-kind header response. - AccountKind *AccountKind - - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time - - // IsHierarchicalNamespaceEnabled contains the information returned from the x-ms-is-hns-enabled header response. - IsHierarchicalNamespaceEnabled *bool - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // SKUName contains the information returned from the x-ms-sku-name header response. - SKUName *SKUName - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// ServiceGetPropertiesResponse contains the response from method Service.GetProperties. -type ServiceGetPropertiesResponse struct { - ServiceGetPropertiesResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// ServiceGetPropertiesResult contains the result from method Service.GetProperties. -type ServiceGetPropertiesResult struct { - StorageServiceProperties - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string `xml:"ClientRequestID"` - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string `xml:"RequestID"` - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string `xml:"Version"` -} - -// ServiceGetStatisticsResponse contains the response from method Service.GetStatistics. -type ServiceGetStatisticsResponse struct { - ServiceGetStatisticsResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// ServiceGetStatisticsResult contains the result from method Service.GetStatistics. -type ServiceGetStatisticsResult struct { - StorageServiceStats - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string `xml:"ClientRequestID"` - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time `xml:"Date"` - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string `xml:"RequestID"` - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string `xml:"Version"` -} - -// ServiceGetUserDelegationKeyResponse contains the response from method Service.GetUserDelegationKey. -type ServiceGetUserDelegationKeyResponse struct { - ServiceGetUserDelegationKeyResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// ServiceGetUserDelegationKeyResult contains the result from method Service.GetUserDelegationKey. -type ServiceGetUserDelegationKeyResult struct { - UserDelegationKey - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string `xml:"ClientRequestID"` - - // Date contains the information returned from the Date header response. - Date *time.Time `xml:"Date"` - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string `xml:"RequestID"` - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string `xml:"Version"` -} - -// ServiceListContainersSegmentResponse contains the response from method Service.ListContainers. -type ServiceListContainersSegmentResponse struct { - ServiceListContainersSegmentResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// ServiceListContainersSegmentResult contains the result from method Service.ListContainers. -type ServiceListContainersSegmentResult struct { - ListContainersSegmentResponse - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string `xml:"ClientRequestID"` - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string `xml:"RequestID"` - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string `xml:"Version"` -} - -// ServiceSetPropertiesResponse contains the response from method Service.SetProperties. -type ServiceSetPropertiesResponse struct { - ServiceSetPropertiesResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// ServiceSetPropertiesResult contains the result from method Service.SetProperties. -type ServiceSetPropertiesResult struct { - // ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response. - ClientRequestID *string - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} - -// ServiceSubmitBatchResponse contains the response from method Service.SubmitBatch. -type ServiceSubmitBatchResponse struct { - ServiceSubmitBatchResult - // RawResponse contains the underlying HTTP response. - RawResponse *http.Response -} - -// ServiceSubmitBatchResult contains the result from method Service.SubmitBatch. -type ServiceSubmitBatchResult struct { - // ContentType contains the information returned from the Content-Type header response. - ContentType *string - - // RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response. - RequestID *string - - // Version contains the information returned from the x-ms-version header response. - Version *string -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_service_client.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_service_client.go deleted file mode 100644 index d4fa7768a10a..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_service_client.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,523 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. -// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. -// Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. - -package azblob - -import ( - "context" - "fmt" - "io" - "net/http" - "strconv" - "strings" - "time" - - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" - "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime" -) - -type serviceClient struct { - con *connection -} - -// FilterBlobs - The Filter Blobs operation enables callers to list blobs across all containers whose tags match a given search expression. Filter blobs -// searches across all containers within a storage account but can -// be scoped within the expression to a single container. -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *serviceClient) FilterBlobs(ctx context.Context, options *ServiceFilterBlobsOptions) (ServiceFilterBlobsResponse, error) { - req, err := client.filterBlobsCreateRequest(ctx, options) - if err != nil { - return ServiceFilterBlobsResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return ServiceFilterBlobsResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - return ServiceFilterBlobsResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.filterBlobsHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// filterBlobsCreateRequest creates the FilterBlobs request. -func (client *serviceClient) filterBlobsCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, options *ServiceFilterBlobsOptions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "blobs") - if options != nil && options.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*options.Timeout), 10)) - } - if options != nil && options.Where != nil { - reqQP.Set("where", *options.Where) - } - if options != nil && options.Marker != nil { - reqQP.Set("marker", *options.Marker) - } - if options != nil && options.Maxresults != nil { - reqQP.Set("maxresults", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*options.Maxresults), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if options != nil && options.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *options.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// filterBlobsHandleResponse handles the FilterBlobs response. -func (client *serviceClient) filterBlobsHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (ServiceFilterBlobsResponse, error) { - result := ServiceFilterBlobsResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return ServiceFilterBlobsResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if err := runtime.UnmarshalAsXML(resp, &result.FilterBlobSegment); err != nil { - return ServiceFilterBlobsResponse{}, err - } - return result, nil -} - -// GetAccountInfo - Returns the sku name and account kind -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *serviceClient) GetAccountInfo(ctx context.Context, options *ServiceGetAccountInfoOptions) (ServiceGetAccountInfoResponse, error) { - req, err := client.getAccountInfoCreateRequest(ctx, options) - if err != nil { - return ServiceGetAccountInfoResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return ServiceGetAccountInfoResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - return ServiceGetAccountInfoResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.getAccountInfoHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// getAccountInfoCreateRequest creates the GetAccountInfo request. -func (client *serviceClient) getAccountInfoCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, options *ServiceGetAccountInfoOptions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("restype", "account") - reqQP.Set("comp", "properties") - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// getAccountInfoHandleResponse handles the GetAccountInfo response. -func (client *serviceClient) getAccountInfoHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (ServiceGetAccountInfoResponse, error) { - result := ServiceGetAccountInfoResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return ServiceGetAccountInfoResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-sku-name"); val != "" { - result.SKUName = (*SKUName)(&val) - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-account-kind"); val != "" { - result.AccountKind = (*AccountKind)(&val) - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-is-hns-enabled"); val != "" { - isHierarchicalNamespaceEnabled, err := strconv.ParseBool(val) - if err != nil { - return ServiceGetAccountInfoResponse{}, err - } - result.IsHierarchicalNamespaceEnabled = &isHierarchicalNamespaceEnabled - } - return result, nil -} - -// GetProperties - gets the properties of a storage account's Blob service, including properties for Storage Analytics and CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) -// rules. -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *serviceClient) GetProperties(ctx context.Context, options *ServiceGetPropertiesOptions) (ServiceGetPropertiesResponse, error) { - req, err := client.getPropertiesCreateRequest(ctx, options) - if err != nil { - return ServiceGetPropertiesResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return ServiceGetPropertiesResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - return ServiceGetPropertiesResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.getPropertiesHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// getPropertiesCreateRequest creates the GetProperties request. -func (client *serviceClient) getPropertiesCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, options *ServiceGetPropertiesOptions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("restype", "service") - reqQP.Set("comp", "properties") - if options != nil && options.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*options.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if options != nil && options.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *options.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// getPropertiesHandleResponse handles the GetProperties response. -func (client *serviceClient) getPropertiesHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (ServiceGetPropertiesResponse, error) { - result := ServiceGetPropertiesResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if err := runtime.UnmarshalAsXML(resp, &result.StorageServiceProperties); err != nil { - return ServiceGetPropertiesResponse{}, err - } - return result, nil -} - -// GetStatistics - Retrieves statistics related to replication for the Blob service. It is only available on the secondary location endpoint when read-access -// geo-redundant replication is enabled for the storage account. -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *serviceClient) GetStatistics(ctx context.Context, options *ServiceGetStatisticsOptions) (ServiceGetStatisticsResponse, error) { - req, err := client.getStatisticsCreateRequest(ctx, options) - if err != nil { - return ServiceGetStatisticsResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return ServiceGetStatisticsResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - return ServiceGetStatisticsResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.getStatisticsHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// getStatisticsCreateRequest creates the GetStatistics request. -func (client *serviceClient) getStatisticsCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, options *ServiceGetStatisticsOptions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("restype", "service") - reqQP.Set("comp", "stats") - if options != nil && options.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*options.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if options != nil && options.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *options.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// getStatisticsHandleResponse handles the GetStatistics response. -func (client *serviceClient) getStatisticsHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (ServiceGetStatisticsResponse, error) { - result := ServiceGetStatisticsResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return ServiceGetStatisticsResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if err := runtime.UnmarshalAsXML(resp, &result.StorageServiceStats); err != nil { - return ServiceGetStatisticsResponse{}, err - } - return result, nil -} - -// GetUserDelegationKey - Retrieves a user delegation key for the Blob service. This is only a valid operation when using bearer token authentication. -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *serviceClient) GetUserDelegationKey(ctx context.Context, keyInfo KeyInfo, options *ServiceGetUserDelegationKeyOptions) (ServiceGetUserDelegationKeyResponse, error) { - req, err := client.getUserDelegationKeyCreateRequest(ctx, keyInfo, options) - if err != nil { - return ServiceGetUserDelegationKeyResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return ServiceGetUserDelegationKeyResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - return ServiceGetUserDelegationKeyResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.getUserDelegationKeyHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// getUserDelegationKeyCreateRequest creates the GetUserDelegationKey request. -func (client *serviceClient) getUserDelegationKeyCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, keyInfo KeyInfo, options *ServiceGetUserDelegationKeyOptions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPost, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("restype", "service") - reqQP.Set("comp", "userdelegationkey") - if options != nil && options.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*options.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if options != nil && options.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *options.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, runtime.MarshalAsXML(req, keyInfo) -} - -// getUserDelegationKeyHandleResponse handles the GetUserDelegationKey response. -func (client *serviceClient) getUserDelegationKeyHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (ServiceGetUserDelegationKeyResponse, error) { - result := ServiceGetUserDelegationKeyResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("Date"); val != "" { - date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val) - if err != nil { - return ServiceGetUserDelegationKeyResponse{}, err - } - result.Date = &date - } - if err := runtime.UnmarshalAsXML(resp, &result.UserDelegationKey); err != nil { - return ServiceGetUserDelegationKeyResponse{}, err - } - return result, nil -} - -// ListContainersSegment - The List Containers Segment operation returns a list of the containers under the specified account -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *serviceClient) ListContainersSegment(options *ServiceListContainersSegmentOptions) *ServiceListContainersSegmentPager { - return &ServiceListContainersSegmentPager{ - client: client, - requester: func(ctx context.Context) (*policy.Request, error) { - return client.listContainersSegmentCreateRequest(ctx, options) - }, - advancer: func(ctx context.Context, resp ServiceListContainersSegmentResponse) (*policy.Request, error) { - return runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, *resp.ListContainersSegmentResponse.NextMarker) - }, - } -} - -// listContainersSegmentCreateRequest creates the ListContainersSegment request. -func (client *serviceClient) listContainersSegmentCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, options *ServiceListContainersSegmentOptions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "list") - if options != nil && options.Prefix != nil { - reqQP.Set("prefix", *options.Prefix) - } - if options != nil && options.Marker != nil { - reqQP.Set("marker", *options.Marker) - } - if options != nil && options.Maxresults != nil { - reqQP.Set("maxresults", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*options.Maxresults), 10)) - } - if options != nil && options.Include != nil { - reqQP.Set("include", strings.Join(strings.Fields(strings.Trim(fmt.Sprint(options.Include), "[]")), ",")) - } - if options != nil && options.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*options.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if options != nil && options.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *options.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, nil -} - -// listContainersSegmentHandleResponse handles the ListContainersSegment response. -func (client *serviceClient) listContainersSegmentHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (ServiceListContainersSegmentResponse, error) { - result := ServiceListContainersSegmentResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - if err := runtime.UnmarshalAsXML(resp, &result.ListContainersSegmentResponse); err != nil { - return ServiceListContainersSegmentResponse{}, err - } - return result, nil -} - -// SetProperties - Sets properties for a storage account's Blob service endpoint, including properties for Storage Analytics and CORS (Cross-Origin Resource -// Sharing) rules -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *serviceClient) SetProperties(ctx context.Context, storageServiceProperties StorageServiceProperties, options *ServiceSetPropertiesOptions) (ServiceSetPropertiesResponse, error) { - req, err := client.setPropertiesCreateRequest(ctx, storageServiceProperties, options) - if err != nil { - return ServiceSetPropertiesResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return ServiceSetPropertiesResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusAccepted) { - return ServiceSetPropertiesResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.setPropertiesHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// setPropertiesCreateRequest creates the SetProperties request. -func (client *serviceClient) setPropertiesCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, storageServiceProperties StorageServiceProperties, options *ServiceSetPropertiesOptions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("restype", "service") - reqQP.Set("comp", "properties") - if options != nil && options.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*options.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if options != nil && options.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *options.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, runtime.MarshalAsXML(req, storageServiceProperties) -} - -// setPropertiesHandleResponse handles the SetProperties response. -func (client *serviceClient) setPropertiesHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (ServiceSetPropertiesResponse, error) { - result := ServiceSetPropertiesResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id"); val != "" { - result.ClientRequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - return result, nil -} - -// SubmitBatch - The Batch operation allows multiple API calls to be embedded into a single HTTP request. -// If the operation fails it returns the *StorageError error type. -func (client *serviceClient) SubmitBatch(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, multipartContentType string, body io.ReadSeekCloser, options *ServiceSubmitBatchOptions) (ServiceSubmitBatchResponse, error) { - req, err := client.submitBatchCreateRequest(ctx, contentLength, multipartContentType, body, options) - if err != nil { - return ServiceSubmitBatchResponse{}, err - } - resp, err := client.con.Pipeline().Do(req) - if err != nil { - return ServiceSubmitBatchResponse{}, err - } - if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { - return ServiceSubmitBatchResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) - } - return client.submitBatchHandleResponse(resp) -} - -// submitBatchCreateRequest creates the SubmitBatch request. -func (client *serviceClient) submitBatchCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, multipartContentType string, body io.ReadSeekCloser, options *ServiceSubmitBatchOptions) (*policy.Request, error) { - req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPost, client.con.Endpoint()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - reqQP := req.Raw().URL.Query() - reqQP.Set("comp", "batch") - if options != nil && options.Timeout != nil { - reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*options.Timeout), 10)) - } - req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode() - runtime.SkipBodyDownload(req) - req.Raw().Header.Set("Content-Length", strconv.FormatInt(contentLength, 10)) - req.Raw().Header.Set("Content-Type", multipartContentType) - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-version", "2019-12-12") - if options != nil && options.RequestID != nil { - req.Raw().Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *options.RequestID) - } - req.Raw().Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml") - return req, runtime.MarshalAsXML(req, body) -} - -// submitBatchHandleResponse handles the SubmitBatch response. -func (client *serviceClient) submitBatchHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (ServiceSubmitBatchResponse, error) { - result := ServiceSubmitBatchResponse{RawResponse: resp} - if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-Type"); val != "" { - result.ContentType = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id"); val != "" { - result.RequestID = &val - } - if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-version"); val != "" { - result.Version = &val - } - return result, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_time_rfc1123.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_time_rfc1123.go deleted file mode 100644 index a95cc9b132ff..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_time_rfc1123.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. -// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. -// Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. - -package azblob - -import ( - "strings" - "time" -) - -const ( - rfc1123JSON = `"` + time.RFC1123 + `"` -) - -type timeRFC1123 time.Time - -func (t timeRFC1123) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - b := []byte(time.Time(t).Format(rfc1123JSON)) - return b, nil -} - -func (t timeRFC1123) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) { - b := []byte(time.Time(t).Format(time.RFC1123)) - return b, nil -} - -func (t *timeRFC1123) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { - p, err := time.Parse(rfc1123JSON, strings.ToUpper(string(data))) - *t = timeRFC1123(p) - return err -} - -func (t *timeRFC1123) UnmarshalText(data []byte) error { - p, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, string(data)) - *t = timeRFC1123(p) - return err -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_time_rfc3339.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_time_rfc3339.go deleted file mode 100644 index 79dc2501e951..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_time_rfc3339.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,58 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. -// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. -// Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. - -package azblob - -import ( - "regexp" - "strings" - "time" -) - -const ( - utcLayoutJSON = `"2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999"` - utcLayout = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999" - rfc3339JSON = `"` + time.RFC3339Nano + `"` -) - -// Azure reports time in UTC but it doesn't include the 'Z' time zone suffix in some cases. -var tzOffsetRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`(Z|z|\+|-)(\d+:\d+)*"*$`) - -type timeRFC3339 time.Time - -func (t timeRFC3339) MarshalJSON() (json []byte, err error) { - tt := time.Time(t) - return tt.MarshalJSON() -} - -func (t timeRFC3339) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error) { - tt := time.Time(t) - return tt.MarshalText() -} - -func (t *timeRFC3339) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { - layout := utcLayoutJSON - if tzOffsetRegex.Match(data) { - layout = rfc3339JSON - } - return t.Parse(layout, string(data)) -} - -func (t *timeRFC3339) UnmarshalText(data []byte) (err error) { - layout := utcLayout - if tzOffsetRegex.Match(data) { - layout = time.RFC3339Nano - } - return t.Parse(layout, string(data)) -} - -func (t *timeRFC3339) Parse(layout, value string) error { - p, err := time.Parse(layout, strings.ToUpper(value)) - *t = timeRFC3339(p) - return err -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_xml_helper.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_xml_helper.go deleted file mode 100644 index 93b99d259ff1..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/zz_generated_xml_helper.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. -// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. -// Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. - -package azblob - -import ( - "encoding/xml" - "strings" -) - -type additionalProperties map[string]*string - -// UnmarshalXML implements the xml.Unmarshaler interface for additionalProperties. -func (ap *additionalProperties) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { - tokName := "" - for t, err := d.Token(); err == nil; t, err = d.Token() { - switch tt := t.(type) { - case xml.StartElement: - tokName = strings.ToLower(tt.Name.Local) - break - case xml.CharData: - if tokName == "" { - continue - } - if *ap == nil { - *ap = additionalProperties{} - } - s := string(tt) - (*ap)[tokName] = &s - tokName = "" - break - } - } - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/CHANGELOG.md b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/CHANGELOG.md deleted file mode 100644 index 52911e4cc5e4..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/CHANGELOG.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -# Change History - diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/_meta.json b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/_meta.json deleted file mode 100644 index bf3d0a857a2c..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/_meta.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -{ - "commit": "3c764635e7d442b3e74caf593029fcd440b3ef82", - "readme": "/_/azure-rest-api-specs/specification/compute/resource-manager/readme.md", - "tag": "package-2018-10-01", - "use": "@microsoft.azure/autorest.go@2.1.187", - "repository_url": "https://github.com/Azure/azure-rest-api-specs.git", - "autorest_command": "autorest --use=@microsoft.azure/autorest.go@2.1.187 --tag=package-2018-10-01 --go-sdk-folder=/_/azure-sdk-for-go --go --verbose --use-onever --version=V2 --go.license-header=MICROSOFT_MIT_NO_VERSION /_/azure-rest-api-specs/specification/compute/resource-manager/readme.md", - "additional_properties": { - "additional_options": "--go --verbose --use-onever --version=V2 --go.license-header=MICROSOFT_MIT_NO_VERSION" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/availabilitysets.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/availabilitysets.go index 8c5fed693191..d8e9208e34d2 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/availabilitysets.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/availabilitysets.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package compute -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,9 +35,7 @@ func NewAvailabilitySetsClient(subscriptionID string) AvailabilitySetsClient { return NewAvailabilitySetsClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewAvailabilitySetsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the AvailabilitySetsClient client using a custom -// endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure -// stack). +// NewAvailabilitySetsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the AvailabilitySetsClient client. func NewAvailabilitySetsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) AvailabilitySetsClient { return AvailabilitySetsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -63,7 +72,6 @@ func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourc result, err = client.CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.AvailabilitySetsClient", "CreateOrUpdate", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // CreateOrUpdateResponder handles the response to the CreateOrUpdate request. The method always @@ -103,6 +112,7 @@ func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (*h func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result AvailabilitySet, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -141,7 +151,6 @@ func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNa result, err = client.DeleteResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.AvailabilitySetsClient", "Delete", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -171,7 +180,8 @@ func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourc // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // DeleteResponder handles the response to the Delete request. The method always @@ -179,6 +189,7 @@ func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Resp func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -216,7 +227,6 @@ func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.AvailabilitySetsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -246,7 +256,8 @@ func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGr // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -254,6 +265,7 @@ func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Respons func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result AvailabilitySet, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -292,11 +304,6 @@ func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) List(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName result.aslr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.AvailabilitySetsClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.aslr.hasNextLink() && result.aslr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -325,7 +332,8 @@ func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceG // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -333,6 +341,7 @@ func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Respon func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result AvailabilitySetListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -409,7 +418,6 @@ func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) ListAvailableSizes(ctx context.Context, res result, err = client.ListAvailableSizesResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.AvailabilitySetsClient", "ListAvailableSizes", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -439,7 +447,8 @@ func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) ListAvailableSizesPreparer(ctx context.Cont // ListAvailableSizesSender sends the ListAvailableSizes request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) ListAvailableSizesSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListAvailableSizesResponder handles the response to the ListAvailableSizes request. The method always @@ -447,6 +456,7 @@ func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) ListAvailableSizesSender(req *http.Request) func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) ListAvailableSizesResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualMachineSizeListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -456,7 +466,7 @@ func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) ListAvailableSizesResponder(resp *http.Resp // ListBySubscription lists all availability sets in a subscription. // Parameters: -// expand - the expand expression to apply to the operation. Allowed values are 'instanceView'. +// expand - the expand expression to apply to the operation. func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) ListBySubscription(ctx context.Context, expand string) (result AvailabilitySetListResultPage, err error) { if tracing.IsEnabled() { ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/AvailabilitySetsClient.ListBySubscription") @@ -485,11 +495,6 @@ func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) ListBySubscription(ctx context.Context, exp result.aslr, err = client.ListBySubscriptionResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.AvailabilitySetsClient", "ListBySubscription", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.aslr.hasNextLink() && result.aslr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -520,7 +525,8 @@ func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) ListBySubscriptionPreparer(ctx context.Cont // ListBySubscriptionSender sends the ListBySubscription request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) ListBySubscriptionSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListBySubscriptionResponder handles the response to the ListBySubscription request. The method always @@ -528,6 +534,7 @@ func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) ListBySubscriptionSender(req *http.Request) func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) ListBySubscriptionResponder(resp *http.Response) (result AvailabilitySetListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -604,7 +611,6 @@ func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) Update(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNa result, err = client.UpdateResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.AvailabilitySetsClient", "Update", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -636,7 +642,8 @@ func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) UpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourc // UpdateSender sends the Update request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) UpdateSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // UpdateResponder handles the response to the Update request. The method always @@ -644,6 +651,7 @@ func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) UpdateSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Resp func (client AvailabilitySetsClient) UpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result AvailabilitySet, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/client.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/client.go index 1812f27feb99..b23c9ca74268 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/client.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/client.go @@ -3,8 +3,19 @@ // Compute Client package compute -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -30,8 +41,7 @@ func New(subscriptionID string) BaseClient { return NewWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewWithBaseURI creates an instance of the BaseClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with -// an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// NewWithBaseURI creates an instance of the BaseClient client. func NewWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) BaseClient { return BaseClient{ Client: autorest.NewClientWithUserAgent(UserAgent()), diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/containerservices.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/containerservices.go index b1c854615c25..d3192f0de414 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/containerservices.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/containerservices.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package compute -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,9 +36,7 @@ func NewContainerServicesClient(subscriptionID string) ContainerServicesClient { return NewContainerServicesClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewContainerServicesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ContainerServicesClient client using a custom -// endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure -// stack). +// NewContainerServicesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ContainerServicesClient client. func NewContainerServicesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) ContainerServicesClient { return ContainerServicesClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -43,8 +52,8 @@ func (client ContainerServicesClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resour ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ContainerServicesClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -121,16 +130,13 @@ func (client ContainerServicesClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ContainerServicesClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future ContainerServicesCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -139,6 +145,7 @@ func (client ContainerServicesClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (f func (client ContainerServicesClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ContainerService, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -158,8 +165,8 @@ func (client ContainerServicesClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupN ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ContainerServicesClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -203,16 +210,13 @@ func (client ContainerServicesClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, resour // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ContainerServicesClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future ContainerServicesDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -221,6 +225,7 @@ func (client ContainerServicesClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future Co func (client ContainerServicesClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -260,7 +265,6 @@ func (client ContainerServicesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.ContainerServicesClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -290,7 +294,8 @@ func (client ContainerServicesClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceG // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ContainerServicesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -298,6 +303,7 @@ func (client ContainerServicesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Respon func (client ContainerServicesClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ContainerService, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -335,11 +341,6 @@ func (client ContainerServicesClient) List(ctx context.Context) (result Containe result.cslr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.ContainerServicesClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.cslr.hasNextLink() && result.cslr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -367,7 +368,8 @@ func (client ContainerServicesClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.R // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ContainerServicesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -375,6 +377,7 @@ func (client ContainerServicesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Respo func (client ContainerServicesClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ContainerServiceListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -452,11 +455,6 @@ func (client ContainerServicesClient) ListByResourceGroup(ctx context.Context, r result.cslr, err = client.ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.ContainerServicesClient", "ListByResourceGroup", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.cslr.hasNextLink() && result.cslr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -485,7 +483,8 @@ func (client ContainerServicesClient) ListByResourceGroupPreparer(ctx context.Co // ListByResourceGroupSender sends the ListByResourceGroup request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ContainerServicesClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListByResourceGroupResponder handles the response to the ListByResourceGroup request. The method always @@ -493,6 +492,7 @@ func (client ContainerServicesClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http.Reques func (client ContainerServicesClient) ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ContainerServiceListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/disks.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/disks.go index 6799ee09cfaf..1f13b7ea2042 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/disks.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/disks.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package compute -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,8 +36,7 @@ func NewDisksClient(subscriptionID string) DisksClient { return NewDisksClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewDisksClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the DisksClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when -// interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// NewDisksClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the DisksClient client. func NewDisksClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) DisksClient { return DisksClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -43,8 +53,8 @@ func (client DisksClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/DisksClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -112,16 +122,13 @@ func (client DisksClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGr // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client DisksClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future DisksCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -130,6 +137,7 @@ func (client DisksClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future DisksC func (client DisksClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Disk, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -148,8 +156,8 @@ func (client DisksClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/DisksClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -193,16 +201,13 @@ func (client DisksClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client DisksClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future DisksDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -211,6 +216,7 @@ func (client DisksClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future DisksDeleteFut func (client DisksClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -250,7 +256,6 @@ func (client DisksClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, dis result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.DisksClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -280,7 +285,8 @@ func (client DisksClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName str // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client DisksClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -288,6 +294,7 @@ func (client DisksClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { func (client DisksClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Disk, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -307,8 +314,8 @@ func (client DisksClient) GrantAccess(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName str ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/DisksClient.GrantAccess") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -360,16 +367,13 @@ func (client DisksClient) GrantAccessPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroup // GrantAccessSender sends the GrantAccess request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client DisksClient) GrantAccessSender(req *http.Request) (future DisksGrantAccessFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -378,6 +382,7 @@ func (client DisksClient) GrantAccessSender(req *http.Request) (future DisksGran func (client DisksClient) GrantAccessResponder(resp *http.Response) (result AccessURI, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -414,11 +419,6 @@ func (client DisksClient) List(ctx context.Context) (result DiskListPage, err er result.dl, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.DisksClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.dl.hasNextLink() && result.dl.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -446,7 +446,8 @@ func (client DisksClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, erro // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client DisksClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -454,6 +455,7 @@ func (client DisksClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) func (client DisksClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result DiskList, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -529,11 +531,6 @@ func (client DisksClient) ListByResourceGroup(ctx context.Context, resourceGroup result.dl, err = client.ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.DisksClient", "ListByResourceGroup", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.dl.hasNextLink() && result.dl.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -562,7 +559,8 @@ func (client DisksClient) ListByResourceGroupPreparer(ctx context.Context, resou // ListByResourceGroupSender sends the ListByResourceGroup request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client DisksClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListByResourceGroupResponder handles the response to the ListByResourceGroup request. The method always @@ -570,6 +568,7 @@ func (client DisksClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Re func (client DisksClient) ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp *http.Response) (result DiskList, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -625,8 +624,8 @@ func (client DisksClient) RevokeAccess(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName st ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/DisksClient.RevokeAccess") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -670,16 +669,13 @@ func (client DisksClient) RevokeAccessPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGrou // RevokeAccessSender sends the RevokeAccess request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client DisksClient) RevokeAccessSender(req *http.Request) (future DisksRevokeAccessFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -688,6 +684,7 @@ func (client DisksClient) RevokeAccessSender(req *http.Request) (future DisksRev func (client DisksClient) RevokeAccessResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -706,8 +703,8 @@ func (client DisksClient) Update(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/DisksClient.Update") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -753,16 +750,13 @@ func (client DisksClient) UpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName // UpdateSender sends the Update request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client DisksClient) UpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future DisksUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -771,6 +765,7 @@ func (client DisksClient) UpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future DisksUpdateFut func (client DisksClient) UpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Disk, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/enums.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/enums.go deleted file mode 100644 index 4ff08cdd53be..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/enums.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1148 +0,0 @@ -package compute - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. -// -// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. -// Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. - -// AccessLevel enumerates the values for access level. -type AccessLevel string - -const ( - // None ... - None AccessLevel = "None" - // Read ... - Read AccessLevel = "Read" -) - -// PossibleAccessLevelValues returns an array of possible values for the AccessLevel const type. -func PossibleAccessLevelValues() []AccessLevel { - return []AccessLevel{None, Read} -} - -// AggregatedReplicationState enumerates the values for aggregated replication state. -type AggregatedReplicationState string - -const ( - // Completed ... - Completed AggregatedReplicationState = "Completed" - // Failed ... - Failed AggregatedReplicationState = "Failed" - // InProgress ... - InProgress AggregatedReplicationState = "InProgress" - // Unknown ... - Unknown AggregatedReplicationState = "Unknown" -) - -// PossibleAggregatedReplicationStateValues returns an array of possible values for the AggregatedReplicationState const type. -func PossibleAggregatedReplicationStateValues() []AggregatedReplicationState { - return []AggregatedReplicationState{Completed, Failed, InProgress, Unknown} -} - -// AvailabilitySetSkuTypes enumerates the values for availability set sku types. -type AvailabilitySetSkuTypes string - -const ( - // Aligned ... - Aligned AvailabilitySetSkuTypes = "Aligned" - // Classic ... - Classic AvailabilitySetSkuTypes = "Classic" -) - -// PossibleAvailabilitySetSkuTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the AvailabilitySetSkuTypes const type. -func PossibleAvailabilitySetSkuTypesValues() []AvailabilitySetSkuTypes { - return []AvailabilitySetSkuTypes{Aligned, Classic} -} - -// CachingTypes enumerates the values for caching types. -type CachingTypes string - -const ( - // CachingTypesNone ... - CachingTypesNone CachingTypes = "None" - // CachingTypesReadOnly ... - CachingTypesReadOnly CachingTypes = "ReadOnly" - // CachingTypesReadWrite ... - CachingTypesReadWrite CachingTypes = "ReadWrite" -) - -// PossibleCachingTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the CachingTypes const type. -func PossibleCachingTypesValues() []CachingTypes { - return []CachingTypes{CachingTypesNone, CachingTypesReadOnly, CachingTypesReadWrite} -} - -// ComponentNames enumerates the values for component names. -type ComponentNames string - -const ( - // MicrosoftWindowsShellSetup ... - MicrosoftWindowsShellSetup ComponentNames = "Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" -) - -// PossibleComponentNamesValues returns an array of possible values for the ComponentNames const type. -func PossibleComponentNamesValues() []ComponentNames { - return []ComponentNames{MicrosoftWindowsShellSetup} -} - -// ContainerServiceOrchestratorTypes enumerates the values for container service orchestrator types. -type ContainerServiceOrchestratorTypes string - -const ( - // Custom ... - Custom ContainerServiceOrchestratorTypes = "Custom" - // DCOS ... - DCOS ContainerServiceOrchestratorTypes = "DCOS" - // Kubernetes ... - Kubernetes ContainerServiceOrchestratorTypes = "Kubernetes" - // Swarm ... - Swarm ContainerServiceOrchestratorTypes = "Swarm" -) - -// PossibleContainerServiceOrchestratorTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the ContainerServiceOrchestratorTypes const type. -func PossibleContainerServiceOrchestratorTypesValues() []ContainerServiceOrchestratorTypes { - return []ContainerServiceOrchestratorTypes{Custom, DCOS, Kubernetes, Swarm} -} - -// ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes enumerates the values for container service vm size types. -type ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes string - -const ( - // StandardA0 ... - StandardA0 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_A0" - // StandardA1 ... - StandardA1 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_A1" - // StandardA10 ... - StandardA10 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_A10" - // StandardA11 ... - StandardA11 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_A11" - // StandardA2 ... - StandardA2 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_A2" - // StandardA3 ... - StandardA3 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_A3" - // StandardA4 ... - StandardA4 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_A4" - // StandardA5 ... - StandardA5 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_A5" - // StandardA6 ... - StandardA6 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_A6" - // StandardA7 ... - StandardA7 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_A7" - // StandardA8 ... - StandardA8 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_A8" - // StandardA9 ... - StandardA9 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_A9" - // StandardD1 ... - StandardD1 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_D1" - // StandardD11 ... - StandardD11 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_D11" - // StandardD11V2 ... - StandardD11V2 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_D11_v2" - // StandardD12 ... - StandardD12 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_D12" - // StandardD12V2 ... - StandardD12V2 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_D12_v2" - // StandardD13 ... - StandardD13 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_D13" - // StandardD13V2 ... - StandardD13V2 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_D13_v2" - // StandardD14 ... - StandardD14 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_D14" - // StandardD14V2 ... - StandardD14V2 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_D14_v2" - // StandardD1V2 ... - StandardD1V2 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_D1_v2" - // StandardD2 ... - StandardD2 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_D2" - // StandardD2V2 ... - StandardD2V2 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_D2_v2" - // StandardD3 ... - StandardD3 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_D3" - // StandardD3V2 ... - StandardD3V2 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_D3_v2" - // StandardD4 ... - StandardD4 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_D4" - // StandardD4V2 ... - StandardD4V2 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_D4_v2" - // StandardD5V2 ... - StandardD5V2 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_D5_v2" - // StandardDS1 ... - StandardDS1 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_DS1" - // StandardDS11 ... - StandardDS11 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_DS11" - // StandardDS12 ... - StandardDS12 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_DS12" - // StandardDS13 ... - StandardDS13 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_DS13" - // StandardDS14 ... - StandardDS14 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_DS14" - // StandardDS2 ... - StandardDS2 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_DS2" - // StandardDS3 ... - StandardDS3 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_DS3" - // StandardDS4 ... - StandardDS4 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_DS4" - // StandardG1 ... - StandardG1 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_G1" - // StandardG2 ... - StandardG2 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_G2" - // StandardG3 ... - StandardG3 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_G3" - // StandardG4 ... - StandardG4 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_G4" - // StandardG5 ... - StandardG5 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_G5" - // StandardGS1 ... - StandardGS1 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_GS1" - // StandardGS2 ... - StandardGS2 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_GS2" - // StandardGS3 ... - StandardGS3 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_GS3" - // StandardGS4 ... - StandardGS4 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_GS4" - // StandardGS5 ... - StandardGS5 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_GS5" -) - -// PossibleContainerServiceVMSizeTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes const type. -func PossibleContainerServiceVMSizeTypesValues() []ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes { - return []ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes{StandardA0, StandardA1, StandardA10, StandardA11, StandardA2, StandardA3, StandardA4, StandardA5, StandardA6, StandardA7, StandardA8, StandardA9, StandardD1, StandardD11, StandardD11V2, StandardD12, StandardD12V2, StandardD13, StandardD13V2, StandardD14, StandardD14V2, StandardD1V2, StandardD2, StandardD2V2, StandardD3, StandardD3V2, StandardD4, StandardD4V2, StandardD5V2, StandardDS1, StandardDS11, StandardDS12, StandardDS13, StandardDS14, StandardDS2, StandardDS3, StandardDS4, StandardG1, StandardG2, StandardG3, StandardG4, StandardG5, StandardGS1, StandardGS2, StandardGS3, StandardGS4, StandardGS5} -} - -// DiffDiskOptions enumerates the values for diff disk options. -type DiffDiskOptions string - -const ( - // Local ... - Local DiffDiskOptions = "Local" -) - -// PossibleDiffDiskOptionsValues returns an array of possible values for the DiffDiskOptions const type. -func PossibleDiffDiskOptionsValues() []DiffDiskOptions { - return []DiffDiskOptions{Local} -} - -// DiskCreateOption enumerates the values for disk create option. -type DiskCreateOption string - -const ( - // Attach ... - Attach DiskCreateOption = "Attach" - // Copy ... - Copy DiskCreateOption = "Copy" - // Empty ... - Empty DiskCreateOption = "Empty" - // FromImage ... - FromImage DiskCreateOption = "FromImage" - // Import ... - Import DiskCreateOption = "Import" - // Restore ... - Restore DiskCreateOption = "Restore" -) - -// PossibleDiskCreateOptionValues returns an array of possible values for the DiskCreateOption const type. -func PossibleDiskCreateOptionValues() []DiskCreateOption { - return []DiskCreateOption{Attach, Copy, Empty, FromImage, Import, Restore} -} - -// DiskCreateOptionTypes enumerates the values for disk create option types. -type DiskCreateOptionTypes string - -const ( - // DiskCreateOptionTypesAttach ... - DiskCreateOptionTypesAttach DiskCreateOptionTypes = "Attach" - // DiskCreateOptionTypesEmpty ... - DiskCreateOptionTypesEmpty DiskCreateOptionTypes = "Empty" - // DiskCreateOptionTypesFromImage ... - DiskCreateOptionTypesFromImage DiskCreateOptionTypes = "FromImage" -) - -// PossibleDiskCreateOptionTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the DiskCreateOptionTypes const type. -func PossibleDiskCreateOptionTypesValues() []DiskCreateOptionTypes { - return []DiskCreateOptionTypes{DiskCreateOptionTypesAttach, DiskCreateOptionTypesEmpty, DiskCreateOptionTypesFromImage} -} - -// DiskStorageAccountTypes enumerates the values for disk storage account types. -type DiskStorageAccountTypes string - -const ( - // PremiumLRS ... - PremiumLRS DiskStorageAccountTypes = "Premium_LRS" - // StandardLRS ... - StandardLRS DiskStorageAccountTypes = "Standard_LRS" - // StandardSSDLRS ... - StandardSSDLRS DiskStorageAccountTypes = "StandardSSD_LRS" - // UltraSSDLRS ... - UltraSSDLRS DiskStorageAccountTypes = "UltraSSD_LRS" -) - -// PossibleDiskStorageAccountTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the DiskStorageAccountTypes const type. -func PossibleDiskStorageAccountTypesValues() []DiskStorageAccountTypes { - return []DiskStorageAccountTypes{PremiumLRS, StandardLRS, StandardSSDLRS, UltraSSDLRS} -} - -// HostCaching enumerates the values for host caching. -type HostCaching string - -const ( - // HostCachingNone ... - HostCachingNone HostCaching = "None" - // HostCachingReadOnly ... - HostCachingReadOnly HostCaching = "ReadOnly" - // HostCachingReadWrite ... - HostCachingReadWrite HostCaching = "ReadWrite" -) - -// PossibleHostCachingValues returns an array of possible values for the HostCaching const type. -func PossibleHostCachingValues() []HostCaching { - return []HostCaching{HostCachingNone, HostCachingReadOnly, HostCachingReadWrite} -} - -// InstanceViewTypes enumerates the values for instance view types. -type InstanceViewTypes string - -const ( - // InstanceView ... - InstanceView InstanceViewTypes = "instanceView" -) - -// PossibleInstanceViewTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the InstanceViewTypes const type. -func PossibleInstanceViewTypesValues() []InstanceViewTypes { - return []InstanceViewTypes{InstanceView} -} - -// IntervalInMins enumerates the values for interval in mins. -type IntervalInMins string - -const ( - // FiveMins ... - FiveMins IntervalInMins = "FiveMins" - // SixtyMins ... - SixtyMins IntervalInMins = "SixtyMins" - // ThirtyMins ... - ThirtyMins IntervalInMins = "ThirtyMins" - // ThreeMins ... - ThreeMins IntervalInMins = "ThreeMins" -) - -// PossibleIntervalInMinsValues returns an array of possible values for the IntervalInMins const type. -func PossibleIntervalInMinsValues() []IntervalInMins { - return []IntervalInMins{FiveMins, SixtyMins, ThirtyMins, ThreeMins} -} - -// IPVersion enumerates the values for ip version. -type IPVersion string - -const ( - // IPv4 ... - IPv4 IPVersion = "IPv4" - // IPv6 ... - IPv6 IPVersion = "IPv6" -) - -// PossibleIPVersionValues returns an array of possible values for the IPVersion const type. -func PossibleIPVersionValues() []IPVersion { - return []IPVersion{IPv4, IPv6} -} - -// MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypes enumerates the values for maintenance operation result code types. -type MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypes string - -const ( - // MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypesMaintenanceAborted ... - MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypesMaintenanceAborted MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypes = "MaintenanceAborted" - // MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypesMaintenanceCompleted ... - MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypesMaintenanceCompleted MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypes = "MaintenanceCompleted" - // MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypesNone ... - MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypesNone MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypes = "None" - // MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypesRetryLater ... - MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypesRetryLater MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypes = "RetryLater" -) - -// PossibleMaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypes const type. -func PossibleMaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypesValues() []MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypes { - return []MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypes{MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypesMaintenanceAborted, MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypesMaintenanceCompleted, MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypesNone, MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypesRetryLater} -} - -// OperatingSystemStateTypes enumerates the values for operating system state types. -type OperatingSystemStateTypes string - -const ( - // Generalized ... - Generalized OperatingSystemStateTypes = "Generalized" - // Specialized ... - Specialized OperatingSystemStateTypes = "Specialized" -) - -// PossibleOperatingSystemStateTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the OperatingSystemStateTypes const type. -func PossibleOperatingSystemStateTypesValues() []OperatingSystemStateTypes { - return []OperatingSystemStateTypes{Generalized, Specialized} -} - -// OperatingSystemTypes enumerates the values for operating system types. -type OperatingSystemTypes string - -const ( - // Linux ... - Linux OperatingSystemTypes = "Linux" - // Windows ... - Windows OperatingSystemTypes = "Windows" -) - -// PossibleOperatingSystemTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the OperatingSystemTypes const type. -func PossibleOperatingSystemTypesValues() []OperatingSystemTypes { - return []OperatingSystemTypes{Linux, Windows} -} - -// PassNames enumerates the values for pass names. -type PassNames string - -const ( - // OobeSystem ... - OobeSystem PassNames = "OobeSystem" -) - -// PossiblePassNamesValues returns an array of possible values for the PassNames const type. -func PossiblePassNamesValues() []PassNames { - return []PassNames{OobeSystem} -} - -// ProtocolTypes enumerates the values for protocol types. -type ProtocolTypes string - -const ( - // HTTP ... - HTTP ProtocolTypes = "Http" - // HTTPS ... - HTTPS ProtocolTypes = "Https" -) - -// PossibleProtocolTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the ProtocolTypes const type. -func PossibleProtocolTypesValues() []ProtocolTypes { - return []ProtocolTypes{HTTP, HTTPS} -} - -// ProvisioningState enumerates the values for provisioning state. -type ProvisioningState string - -const ( - // ProvisioningStateCreating ... - ProvisioningStateCreating ProvisioningState = "Creating" - // ProvisioningStateDeleting ... - ProvisioningStateDeleting ProvisioningState = "Deleting" - // ProvisioningStateFailed ... - ProvisioningStateFailed ProvisioningState = "Failed" - // ProvisioningStateMigrating ... - ProvisioningStateMigrating ProvisioningState = "Migrating" - // ProvisioningStateSucceeded ... - ProvisioningStateSucceeded ProvisioningState = "Succeeded" - // ProvisioningStateUpdating ... - ProvisioningStateUpdating ProvisioningState = "Updating" -) - -// PossibleProvisioningStateValues returns an array of possible values for the ProvisioningState const type. -func PossibleProvisioningStateValues() []ProvisioningState { - return []ProvisioningState{ProvisioningStateCreating, ProvisioningStateDeleting, ProvisioningStateFailed, ProvisioningStateMigrating, ProvisioningStateSucceeded, ProvisioningStateUpdating} -} - -// ProvisioningState1 enumerates the values for provisioning state 1. -type ProvisioningState1 string - -const ( - // ProvisioningState1Creating ... - ProvisioningState1Creating ProvisioningState1 = "Creating" - // ProvisioningState1Deleting ... - ProvisioningState1Deleting ProvisioningState1 = "Deleting" - // ProvisioningState1Failed ... - ProvisioningState1Failed ProvisioningState1 = "Failed" - // ProvisioningState1Migrating ... - ProvisioningState1Migrating ProvisioningState1 = "Migrating" - // ProvisioningState1Succeeded ... - ProvisioningState1Succeeded ProvisioningState1 = "Succeeded" - // ProvisioningState1Updating ... - ProvisioningState1Updating ProvisioningState1 = "Updating" -) - -// PossibleProvisioningState1Values returns an array of possible values for the ProvisioningState1 const type. -func PossibleProvisioningState1Values() []ProvisioningState1 { - return []ProvisioningState1{ProvisioningState1Creating, ProvisioningState1Deleting, ProvisioningState1Failed, ProvisioningState1Migrating, ProvisioningState1Succeeded, ProvisioningState1Updating} -} - -// ProvisioningState2 enumerates the values for provisioning state 2. -type ProvisioningState2 string - -const ( - // ProvisioningState2Creating ... - ProvisioningState2Creating ProvisioningState2 = "Creating" - // ProvisioningState2Deleting ... - ProvisioningState2Deleting ProvisioningState2 = "Deleting" - // ProvisioningState2Failed ... - ProvisioningState2Failed ProvisioningState2 = "Failed" - // ProvisioningState2Migrating ... - ProvisioningState2Migrating ProvisioningState2 = "Migrating" - // ProvisioningState2Succeeded ... - ProvisioningState2Succeeded ProvisioningState2 = "Succeeded" - // ProvisioningState2Updating ... - ProvisioningState2Updating ProvisioningState2 = "Updating" -) - -// PossibleProvisioningState2Values returns an array of possible values for the ProvisioningState2 const type. -func PossibleProvisioningState2Values() []ProvisioningState2 { - return []ProvisioningState2{ProvisioningState2Creating, ProvisioningState2Deleting, ProvisioningState2Failed, ProvisioningState2Migrating, ProvisioningState2Succeeded, ProvisioningState2Updating} -} - -// ProximityPlacementGroupType enumerates the values for proximity placement group type. -type ProximityPlacementGroupType string - -const ( - // Standard ... - Standard ProximityPlacementGroupType = "Standard" - // Ultra ... - Ultra ProximityPlacementGroupType = "Ultra" -) - -// PossibleProximityPlacementGroupTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the ProximityPlacementGroupType const type. -func PossibleProximityPlacementGroupTypeValues() []ProximityPlacementGroupType { - return []ProximityPlacementGroupType{Standard, Ultra} -} - -// ReplicationState enumerates the values for replication state. -type ReplicationState string - -const ( - // ReplicationStateCompleted ... - ReplicationStateCompleted ReplicationState = "Completed" - // ReplicationStateFailed ... - ReplicationStateFailed ReplicationState = "Failed" - // ReplicationStateReplicating ... - ReplicationStateReplicating ReplicationState = "Replicating" - // ReplicationStateUnknown ... - ReplicationStateUnknown ReplicationState = "Unknown" -) - -// PossibleReplicationStateValues returns an array of possible values for the ReplicationState const type. -func PossibleReplicationStateValues() []ReplicationState { - return []ReplicationState{ReplicationStateCompleted, ReplicationStateFailed, ReplicationStateReplicating, ReplicationStateUnknown} -} - -// ReplicationStatusTypes enumerates the values for replication status types. -type ReplicationStatusTypes string - -const ( - // ReplicationStatusTypesReplicationStatus ... - ReplicationStatusTypesReplicationStatus ReplicationStatusTypes = "ReplicationStatus" -) - -// PossibleReplicationStatusTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the ReplicationStatusTypes const type. -func PossibleReplicationStatusTypesValues() []ReplicationStatusTypes { - return []ReplicationStatusTypes{ReplicationStatusTypesReplicationStatus} -} - -// ResourceIdentityType enumerates the values for resource identity type. -type ResourceIdentityType string - -const ( - // ResourceIdentityTypeNone ... - ResourceIdentityTypeNone ResourceIdentityType = "None" - // ResourceIdentityTypeSystemAssigned ... - ResourceIdentityTypeSystemAssigned ResourceIdentityType = "SystemAssigned" - // ResourceIdentityTypeSystemAssignedUserAssigned ... - ResourceIdentityTypeSystemAssignedUserAssigned ResourceIdentityType = "SystemAssigned, UserAssigned" - // ResourceIdentityTypeUserAssigned ... - ResourceIdentityTypeUserAssigned ResourceIdentityType = "UserAssigned" -) - -// PossibleResourceIdentityTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the ResourceIdentityType const type. -func PossibleResourceIdentityTypeValues() []ResourceIdentityType { - return []ResourceIdentityType{ResourceIdentityTypeNone, ResourceIdentityTypeSystemAssigned, ResourceIdentityTypeSystemAssignedUserAssigned, ResourceIdentityTypeUserAssigned} -} - -// ResourceSkuCapacityScaleType enumerates the values for resource sku capacity scale type. -type ResourceSkuCapacityScaleType string - -const ( - // ResourceSkuCapacityScaleTypeAutomatic ... - ResourceSkuCapacityScaleTypeAutomatic ResourceSkuCapacityScaleType = "Automatic" - // ResourceSkuCapacityScaleTypeManual ... - ResourceSkuCapacityScaleTypeManual ResourceSkuCapacityScaleType = "Manual" - // ResourceSkuCapacityScaleTypeNone ... - ResourceSkuCapacityScaleTypeNone ResourceSkuCapacityScaleType = "None" -) - -// PossibleResourceSkuCapacityScaleTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the ResourceSkuCapacityScaleType const type. -func PossibleResourceSkuCapacityScaleTypeValues() []ResourceSkuCapacityScaleType { - return []ResourceSkuCapacityScaleType{ResourceSkuCapacityScaleTypeAutomatic, ResourceSkuCapacityScaleTypeManual, ResourceSkuCapacityScaleTypeNone} -} - -// ResourceSkuRestrictionsReasonCode enumerates the values for resource sku restrictions reason code. -type ResourceSkuRestrictionsReasonCode string - -const ( - // NotAvailableForSubscription ... - NotAvailableForSubscription ResourceSkuRestrictionsReasonCode = "NotAvailableForSubscription" - // QuotaID ... - QuotaID ResourceSkuRestrictionsReasonCode = "QuotaId" -) - -// PossibleResourceSkuRestrictionsReasonCodeValues returns an array of possible values for the ResourceSkuRestrictionsReasonCode const type. -func PossibleResourceSkuRestrictionsReasonCodeValues() []ResourceSkuRestrictionsReasonCode { - return []ResourceSkuRestrictionsReasonCode{NotAvailableForSubscription, QuotaID} -} - -// ResourceSkuRestrictionsType enumerates the values for resource sku restrictions type. -type ResourceSkuRestrictionsType string - -const ( - // Location ... - Location ResourceSkuRestrictionsType = "Location" - // Zone ... - Zone ResourceSkuRestrictionsType = "Zone" -) - -// PossibleResourceSkuRestrictionsTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the ResourceSkuRestrictionsType const type. -func PossibleResourceSkuRestrictionsTypeValues() []ResourceSkuRestrictionsType { - return []ResourceSkuRestrictionsType{Location, Zone} -} - -// RollingUpgradeActionType enumerates the values for rolling upgrade action type. -type RollingUpgradeActionType string - -const ( - // Cancel ... - Cancel RollingUpgradeActionType = "Cancel" - // Start ... - Start RollingUpgradeActionType = "Start" -) - -// PossibleRollingUpgradeActionTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the RollingUpgradeActionType const type. -func PossibleRollingUpgradeActionTypeValues() []RollingUpgradeActionType { - return []RollingUpgradeActionType{Cancel, Start} -} - -// RollingUpgradeStatusCode enumerates the values for rolling upgrade status code. -type RollingUpgradeStatusCode string - -const ( - // RollingUpgradeStatusCodeCancelled ... - RollingUpgradeStatusCodeCancelled RollingUpgradeStatusCode = "Cancelled" - // RollingUpgradeStatusCodeCompleted ... - RollingUpgradeStatusCodeCompleted RollingUpgradeStatusCode = "Completed" - // RollingUpgradeStatusCodeFaulted ... - RollingUpgradeStatusCodeFaulted RollingUpgradeStatusCode = "Faulted" - // RollingUpgradeStatusCodeRollingForward ... - RollingUpgradeStatusCodeRollingForward RollingUpgradeStatusCode = "RollingForward" -) - -// PossibleRollingUpgradeStatusCodeValues returns an array of possible values for the RollingUpgradeStatusCode const type. -func PossibleRollingUpgradeStatusCodeValues() []RollingUpgradeStatusCode { - return []RollingUpgradeStatusCode{RollingUpgradeStatusCodeCancelled, RollingUpgradeStatusCodeCompleted, RollingUpgradeStatusCodeFaulted, RollingUpgradeStatusCodeRollingForward} -} - -// SettingNames enumerates the values for setting names. -type SettingNames string - -const ( - // AutoLogon ... - AutoLogon SettingNames = "AutoLogon" - // FirstLogonCommands ... - FirstLogonCommands SettingNames = "FirstLogonCommands" -) - -// PossibleSettingNamesValues returns an array of possible values for the SettingNames const type. -func PossibleSettingNamesValues() []SettingNames { - return []SettingNames{AutoLogon, FirstLogonCommands} -} - -// SnapshotStorageAccountTypes enumerates the values for snapshot storage account types. -type SnapshotStorageAccountTypes string - -const ( - // SnapshotStorageAccountTypesPremiumLRS ... - SnapshotStorageAccountTypesPremiumLRS SnapshotStorageAccountTypes = "Premium_LRS" - // SnapshotStorageAccountTypesStandardLRS ... - SnapshotStorageAccountTypesStandardLRS SnapshotStorageAccountTypes = "Standard_LRS" - // SnapshotStorageAccountTypesStandardZRS ... - SnapshotStorageAccountTypesStandardZRS SnapshotStorageAccountTypes = "Standard_ZRS" -) - -// PossibleSnapshotStorageAccountTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the SnapshotStorageAccountTypes const type. -func PossibleSnapshotStorageAccountTypesValues() []SnapshotStorageAccountTypes { - return []SnapshotStorageAccountTypes{SnapshotStorageAccountTypesPremiumLRS, SnapshotStorageAccountTypesStandardLRS, SnapshotStorageAccountTypesStandardZRS} -} - -// StatusLevelTypes enumerates the values for status level types. -type StatusLevelTypes string - -const ( - // Error ... - Error StatusLevelTypes = "Error" - // Info ... - Info StatusLevelTypes = "Info" - // Warning ... - Warning StatusLevelTypes = "Warning" -) - -// PossibleStatusLevelTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the StatusLevelTypes const type. -func PossibleStatusLevelTypesValues() []StatusLevelTypes { - return []StatusLevelTypes{Error, Info, Warning} -} - -// StorageAccountTypes enumerates the values for storage account types. -type StorageAccountTypes string - -const ( - // StorageAccountTypesPremiumLRS ... - StorageAccountTypesPremiumLRS StorageAccountTypes = "Premium_LRS" - // StorageAccountTypesStandardLRS ... - StorageAccountTypesStandardLRS StorageAccountTypes = "Standard_LRS" - // StorageAccountTypesStandardSSDLRS ... - StorageAccountTypesStandardSSDLRS StorageAccountTypes = "StandardSSD_LRS" - // StorageAccountTypesUltraSSDLRS ... - StorageAccountTypesUltraSSDLRS StorageAccountTypes = "UltraSSD_LRS" -) - -// PossibleStorageAccountTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the StorageAccountTypes const type. -func PossibleStorageAccountTypesValues() []StorageAccountTypes { - return []StorageAccountTypes{StorageAccountTypesPremiumLRS, StorageAccountTypesStandardLRS, StorageAccountTypesStandardSSDLRS, StorageAccountTypesUltraSSDLRS} -} - -// UpgradeMode enumerates the values for upgrade mode. -type UpgradeMode string - -const ( - // Automatic ... - Automatic UpgradeMode = "Automatic" - // Manual ... - Manual UpgradeMode = "Manual" - // Rolling ... - Rolling UpgradeMode = "Rolling" -) - -// PossibleUpgradeModeValues returns an array of possible values for the UpgradeMode const type. -func PossibleUpgradeModeValues() []UpgradeMode { - return []UpgradeMode{Automatic, Manual, Rolling} -} - -// UpgradeOperationInvoker enumerates the values for upgrade operation invoker. -type UpgradeOperationInvoker string - -const ( - // UpgradeOperationInvokerPlatform ... - UpgradeOperationInvokerPlatform UpgradeOperationInvoker = "Platform" - // UpgradeOperationInvokerUnknown ... - UpgradeOperationInvokerUnknown UpgradeOperationInvoker = "Unknown" - // UpgradeOperationInvokerUser ... - UpgradeOperationInvokerUser UpgradeOperationInvoker = "User" -) - -// PossibleUpgradeOperationInvokerValues returns an array of possible values for the UpgradeOperationInvoker const type. -func PossibleUpgradeOperationInvokerValues() []UpgradeOperationInvoker { - return []UpgradeOperationInvoker{UpgradeOperationInvokerPlatform, UpgradeOperationInvokerUnknown, UpgradeOperationInvokerUser} -} - -// UpgradeState enumerates the values for upgrade state. -type UpgradeState string - -const ( - // UpgradeStateCancelled ... - UpgradeStateCancelled UpgradeState = "Cancelled" - // UpgradeStateCompleted ... - UpgradeStateCompleted UpgradeState = "Completed" - // UpgradeStateFaulted ... - UpgradeStateFaulted UpgradeState = "Faulted" - // UpgradeStateRollingForward ... - UpgradeStateRollingForward UpgradeState = "RollingForward" -) - -// PossibleUpgradeStateValues returns an array of possible values for the UpgradeState const type. -func PossibleUpgradeStateValues() []UpgradeState { - return []UpgradeState{UpgradeStateCancelled, UpgradeStateCompleted, UpgradeStateFaulted, UpgradeStateRollingForward} -} - -// VirtualMachineEvictionPolicyTypes enumerates the values for virtual machine eviction policy types. -type VirtualMachineEvictionPolicyTypes string - -const ( - // Deallocate ... - Deallocate VirtualMachineEvictionPolicyTypes = "Deallocate" - // Delete ... - Delete VirtualMachineEvictionPolicyTypes = "Delete" -) - -// PossibleVirtualMachineEvictionPolicyTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the VirtualMachineEvictionPolicyTypes const type. -func PossibleVirtualMachineEvictionPolicyTypesValues() []VirtualMachineEvictionPolicyTypes { - return []VirtualMachineEvictionPolicyTypes{Deallocate, Delete} -} - -// VirtualMachinePriorityTypes enumerates the values for virtual machine priority types. -type VirtualMachinePriorityTypes string - -const ( - // Low ... - Low VirtualMachinePriorityTypes = "Low" - // Regular ... - Regular VirtualMachinePriorityTypes = "Regular" -) - -// PossibleVirtualMachinePriorityTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the VirtualMachinePriorityTypes const type. -func PossibleVirtualMachinePriorityTypesValues() []VirtualMachinePriorityTypes { - return []VirtualMachinePriorityTypes{Low, Regular} -} - -// VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuScaleType enumerates the values for virtual machine scale set sku scale type. -type VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuScaleType string - -const ( - // VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuScaleTypeAutomatic ... - VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuScaleTypeAutomatic VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuScaleType = "Automatic" - // VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuScaleTypeNone ... - VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuScaleTypeNone VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuScaleType = "None" -) - -// PossibleVirtualMachineScaleSetSkuScaleTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuScaleType const type. -func PossibleVirtualMachineScaleSetSkuScaleTypeValues() []VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuScaleType { - return []VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuScaleType{VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuScaleTypeAutomatic, VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuScaleTypeNone} -} - -// VirtualMachineSizeTypes enumerates the values for virtual machine size types. -type VirtualMachineSizeTypes string - -const ( - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesBasicA0 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesBasicA0 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Basic_A0" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesBasicA1 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesBasicA1 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Basic_A1" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesBasicA2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesBasicA2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Basic_A2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesBasicA3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesBasicA3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Basic_A3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesBasicA4 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesBasicA4 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Basic_A4" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA0 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA0 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A0" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA1 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA1 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A1" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA10 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA10 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A10" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA11 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA11 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A11" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA1V2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA1V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A1_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA2mV2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA2mV2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A2m_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA2V2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA2V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A2_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA4 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA4 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A4" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA4mV2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA4mV2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A4m_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA4V2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA4V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A4_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA5 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA5 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A5" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA6 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA6 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A6" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA7 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA7 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A7" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA8 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA8 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A8" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA8mV2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA8mV2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A8m_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA8V2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA8V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A8_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA9 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA9 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A9" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB1ms ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB1ms VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_B1ms" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB1s ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB1s VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_B1s" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB2ms ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB2ms VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_B2ms" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB2s ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB2s VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_B2s" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB4ms ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB4ms VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_B4ms" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB8ms ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB8ms VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_B8ms" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD1 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD1 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D1" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD11 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD11 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D11" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD11V2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD11V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D11_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD12 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD12 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D12" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD12V2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD12V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D12_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD13 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD13 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D13" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD13V2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD13V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D13_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD14 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD14 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D14" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD14V2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD14V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D14_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD15V2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD15V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D15_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD16sV3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD16sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D16s_v3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD16V3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD16V3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D16_v3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD1V2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD1V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D1_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD2sV3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD2sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D2s_v3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD2V2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD2V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D2_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD2V3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD2V3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D2_v3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD32sV3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD32sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D32s_v3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD32V3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD32V3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D32_v3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD3V2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD3V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D3_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD4 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD4 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D4" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD4sV3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD4sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D4s_v3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD4V2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD4V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D4_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD4V3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD4V3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D4_v3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD5V2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD5V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D5_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD64sV3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD64sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D64s_v3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD64V3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD64V3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D64_v3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD8sV3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD8sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D8s_v3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD8V3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD8V3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D8_v3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS1 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS1 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS1" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS11 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS11 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS11" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS11V2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS11V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS11_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS12 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS12 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS12" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS12V2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS12V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS12_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS13 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS13 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS13" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS132V2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS132V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS13-2_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS134V2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS134V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS13-4_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS13V2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS13V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS13_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS14 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS14 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS14" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS144V2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS144V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS14-4_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS148V2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS148V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS14-8_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS14V2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS14V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS14_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS15V2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS15V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS15_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS1V2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS1V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS1_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS2V2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS2V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS2_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS3V2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS3V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS3_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS4 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS4 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS4" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS4V2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS4V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS4_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS5V2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS5V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS5_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE16sV3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE16sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_E16s_v3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE16V3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE16V3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_E16_v3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE2sV3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE2sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_E2s_v3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE2V3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE2V3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_E2_v3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE3216V3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE3216V3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_E32-16_v3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE328sV3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE328sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_E32-8s_v3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE32sV3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE32sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_E32s_v3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE32V3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE32V3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_E32_v3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE4sV3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE4sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_E4s_v3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE4V3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE4V3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_E4_v3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE6416sV3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE6416sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_E64-16s_v3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE6432sV3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE6432sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_E64-32s_v3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE64sV3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE64sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_E64s_v3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE64V3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE64V3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_E64_v3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE8sV3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE8sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_E8s_v3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE8V3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE8V3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_E8_v3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF1 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF1 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_F1" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF16 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF16 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_F16" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF16s ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF16s VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_F16s" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF16sV2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF16sV2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_F16s_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF1s ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF1s VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_F1s" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_F2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF2s ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF2s VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_F2s" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF2sV2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF2sV2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_F2s_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF32sV2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF32sV2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_F32s_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF4 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF4 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_F4" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF4s ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF4s VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_F4s" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF4sV2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF4sV2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_F4s_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF64sV2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF64sV2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_F64s_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF72sV2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF72sV2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_F72s_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF8 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF8 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_F8" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF8s ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF8s VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_F8s" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF8sV2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF8sV2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_F8s_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardG1 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardG1 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_G1" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardG2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardG2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_G2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardG3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardG3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_G3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardG4 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardG4 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_G4" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardG5 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardG5 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_G5" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS1 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS1 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_GS1" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_GS2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_GS3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS4 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS4 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_GS4" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS44 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS44 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_GS4-4" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS48 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS48 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_GS4-8" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS5 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS5 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_GS5" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS516 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS516 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_GS5-16" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS58 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS58 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_GS5-8" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH16 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH16 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_H16" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH16m ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH16m VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_H16m" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH16mr ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH16mr VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_H16mr" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH16r ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH16r VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_H16r" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH8 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH8 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_H8" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH8m ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH8m VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_H8m" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardL16s ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardL16s VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_L16s" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardL32s ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardL32s VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_L32s" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardL4s ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardL4s VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_L4s" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardL8s ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardL8s VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_L8s" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM12832ms ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM12832ms VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_M128-32ms" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM12864ms ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM12864ms VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_M128-64ms" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM128ms ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM128ms VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_M128ms" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM128s ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM128s VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_M128s" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM6416ms ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM6416ms VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_M64-16ms" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM6432ms ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM6432ms VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_M64-32ms" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM64ms ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM64ms VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_M64ms" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM64s ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM64s VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_M64s" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC12 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC12 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_NC12" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC12sV2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC12sV2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_NC12s_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC12sV3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC12sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_NC12s_v3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_NC24" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24r ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24r VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_NC24r" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24rsV2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24rsV2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_NC24rs_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24rsV3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24rsV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_NC24rs_v3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24sV2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24sV2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_NC24s_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24sV3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_NC24s_v3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC6 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC6 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_NC6" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC6sV2 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC6sV2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_NC6s_v2" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC6sV3 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC6sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_NC6s_v3" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardND12s ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardND12s VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_ND12s" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardND24rs ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardND24rs VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_ND24rs" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardND24s ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardND24s VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_ND24s" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardND6s ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardND6s VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_ND6s" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNV12 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNV12 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_NV12" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNV24 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNV24 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_NV24" - // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNV6 ... - VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNV6 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_NV6" -) - -// PossibleVirtualMachineSizeTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the VirtualMachineSizeTypes const type. -func PossibleVirtualMachineSizeTypesValues() []VirtualMachineSizeTypes { - return []VirtualMachineSizeTypes{VirtualMachineSizeTypesBasicA0, VirtualMachineSizeTypesBasicA1, VirtualMachineSizeTypesBasicA2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesBasicA3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesBasicA4, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA0, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA1, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA10, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA11, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA1V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA2mV2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA2V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA4, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA4mV2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA4V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA5, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA6, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA7, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA8, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA8mV2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA8V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA9, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB1ms, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB1s, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB2ms, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB2s, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB4ms, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB8ms, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD1, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD11, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD11V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD12, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD12V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD13, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD13V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD14, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD14V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD15V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD16sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD16V3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD1V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD2sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD2V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD2V3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD32sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD32V3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD3V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD4, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD4sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD4V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD4V3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD5V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD64sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD64V3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD8sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD8V3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS1, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS11, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS11V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS12, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS12V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS13, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS132V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS134V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS13V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS14, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS144V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS148V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS14V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS15V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS1V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS2V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS3V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS4, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS4V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS5V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE16sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE16V3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE2sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE2V3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE3216V3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE328sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE32sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE32V3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE4sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE4V3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE6416sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE6432sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE64sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE64V3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE8sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE8V3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF1, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF16, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF16s, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF16sV2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF1s, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF2s, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF2sV2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF32sV2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF4, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF4s, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF4sV2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF64sV2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF72sV2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF8, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF8s, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF8sV2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardG1, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardG2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardG3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardG4, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardG5, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS1, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS4, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS44, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS48, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS5, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS516, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS58, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH16, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH16m, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH16mr, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH16r, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH8, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH8m, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardL16s, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardL32s, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardL4s, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardL8s, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM12832ms, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM12864ms, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM128ms, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM128s, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM6416ms, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM6432ms, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM64ms, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM64s, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC12, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC12sV2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC12sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24r, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24rsV2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24rsV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24sV2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC6, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC6sV2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC6sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardND12s, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardND24rs, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardND24s, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardND6s, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNV12, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNV24, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNV6} -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/galleries.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/galleries.go index ab5af41db38c..6cccf1458fdf 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/galleries.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/galleries.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package compute -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,8 +35,7 @@ func NewGalleriesClient(subscriptionID string) GalleriesClient { return NewGalleriesClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewGalleriesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the GalleriesClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this -// when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// NewGalleriesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the GalleriesClient client. func NewGalleriesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) GalleriesClient { return GalleriesClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -41,8 +51,8 @@ func (client GalleriesClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupN ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/GalleriesClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -88,16 +98,13 @@ func (client GalleriesClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, resour // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client GalleriesClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future GalleriesCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -106,6 +113,7 @@ func (client GalleriesClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future Ga func (client GalleriesClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Gallery, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -122,8 +130,8 @@ func (client GalleriesClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName stri ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/GalleriesClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -167,16 +175,13 @@ func (client GalleriesClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupN // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client GalleriesClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future GalleriesDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -185,6 +190,7 @@ func (client GalleriesClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future GalleriesD func (client GalleriesClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -222,7 +228,6 @@ func (client GalleriesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.GalleriesClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -252,7 +257,8 @@ func (client GalleriesClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client GalleriesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -260,6 +266,7 @@ func (client GalleriesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, erro func (client GalleriesClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Gallery, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -296,11 +303,6 @@ func (client GalleriesClient) List(ctx context.Context) (result GalleryListPage, result.gl, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.GalleriesClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.gl.hasNextLink() && result.gl.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -328,7 +330,8 @@ func (client GalleriesClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client GalleriesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -336,6 +339,7 @@ func (client GalleriesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, err func (client GalleriesClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result GalleryList, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -411,11 +415,6 @@ func (client GalleriesClient) ListByResourceGroup(ctx context.Context, resourceG result.gl, err = client.ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.GalleriesClient", "ListByResourceGroup", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.gl.hasNextLink() && result.gl.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -444,7 +443,8 @@ func (client GalleriesClient) ListByResourceGroupPreparer(ctx context.Context, r // ListByResourceGroupSender sends the ListByResourceGroup request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client GalleriesClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListByResourceGroupResponder handles the response to the ListByResourceGroup request. The method always @@ -452,6 +452,7 @@ func (client GalleriesClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http.Request) (*htt func (client GalleriesClient) ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp *http.Response) (result GalleryList, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/galleryimages.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/galleryimages.go index 9e2499adaddf..843bc13d6bfc 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/galleryimages.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/galleryimages.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package compute -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,8 +36,7 @@ func NewGalleryImagesClient(subscriptionID string) GalleryImagesClient { return NewGalleryImagesClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewGalleryImagesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the GalleryImagesClient client using a custom endpoint. -// Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// NewGalleryImagesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the GalleryImagesClient client. func NewGalleryImagesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) GalleryImagesClient { return GalleryImagesClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -44,8 +54,8 @@ func (client GalleryImagesClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceGr ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/GalleryImagesClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -104,16 +114,13 @@ func (client GalleryImagesClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, re // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client GalleryImagesClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future GalleryImagesCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -122,6 +129,7 @@ func (client GalleryImagesClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (futur func (client GalleryImagesClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result GalleryImage, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -139,8 +147,8 @@ func (client GalleryImagesClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/GalleryImagesClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -185,16 +193,13 @@ func (client GalleryImagesClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGr // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client GalleryImagesClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future GalleryImagesDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -203,6 +208,7 @@ func (client GalleryImagesClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future Galler func (client GalleryImagesClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -241,7 +247,6 @@ func (client GalleryImagesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName str result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.GalleryImagesClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -272,7 +277,8 @@ func (client GalleryImagesClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroup // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client GalleryImagesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -280,6 +286,7 @@ func (client GalleryImagesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, func (client GalleryImagesClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result GalleryImage, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -319,11 +326,6 @@ func (client GalleryImagesClient) ListByGallery(ctx context.Context, resourceGro result.gil, err = client.ListByGalleryResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.GalleryImagesClient", "ListByGallery", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.gil.hasNextLink() && result.gil.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -353,7 +355,8 @@ func (client GalleryImagesClient) ListByGalleryPreparer(ctx context.Context, res // ListByGallerySender sends the ListByGallery request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client GalleryImagesClient) ListByGallerySender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListByGalleryResponder handles the response to the ListByGallery request. The method always @@ -361,6 +364,7 @@ func (client GalleryImagesClient) ListByGallerySender(req *http.Request) (*http. func (client GalleryImagesClient) ListByGalleryResponder(resp *http.Response) (result GalleryImageList, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/galleryimageversions.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/galleryimageversions.go index b61e419dc8ec..aac4dcfaf585 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/galleryimageversions.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/galleryimageversions.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package compute -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,9 +36,7 @@ func NewGalleryImageVersionsClient(subscriptionID string) GalleryImageVersionsCl return NewGalleryImageVersionsClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewGalleryImageVersionsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the GalleryImageVersionsClient client using a custom -// endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure -// stack). +// NewGalleryImageVersionsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the GalleryImageVersionsClient client. func NewGalleryImageVersionsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) GalleryImageVersionsClient { return GalleryImageVersionsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -46,8 +55,8 @@ func (client GalleryImageVersionsClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, res ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/GalleryImageVersionsClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -102,16 +111,13 @@ func (client GalleryImageVersionsClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Cont // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client GalleryImageVersionsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future GalleryImageVersionsCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -120,6 +126,7 @@ func (client GalleryImageVersionsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) func (client GalleryImageVersionsClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result GalleryImageVersion, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -138,8 +145,8 @@ func (client GalleryImageVersionsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGro ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/GalleryImageVersionsClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -185,16 +192,13 @@ func (client GalleryImageVersionsClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, res // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client GalleryImageVersionsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future GalleryImageVersionsDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -203,6 +207,7 @@ func (client GalleryImageVersionsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future func (client GalleryImageVersionsClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -243,7 +248,6 @@ func (client GalleryImageVersionsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupN result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.GalleryImageVersionsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -278,7 +282,8 @@ func (client GalleryImageVersionsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resour // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client GalleryImageVersionsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -286,6 +291,7 @@ func (client GalleryImageVersionsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Res func (client GalleryImageVersionsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result GalleryImageVersion, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -327,11 +333,6 @@ func (client GalleryImageVersionsClient) ListByGalleryImage(ctx context.Context, result.givl, err = client.ListByGalleryImageResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.GalleryImageVersionsClient", "ListByGalleryImage", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.givl.hasNextLink() && result.givl.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -362,7 +363,8 @@ func (client GalleryImageVersionsClient) ListByGalleryImagePreparer(ctx context. // ListByGalleryImageSender sends the ListByGalleryImage request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client GalleryImageVersionsClient) ListByGalleryImageSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListByGalleryImageResponder handles the response to the ListByGalleryImage request. The method always @@ -370,6 +372,7 @@ func (client GalleryImageVersionsClient) ListByGalleryImageSender(req *http.Requ func (client GalleryImageVersionsClient) ListByGalleryImageResponder(resp *http.Response) (result GalleryImageVersionList, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/images.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/images.go index 12fdabd9f66f..421ea902bfec 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/images.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/images.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package compute -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,8 +35,7 @@ func NewImagesClient(subscriptionID string) ImagesClient { return NewImagesClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewImagesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ImagesClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when -// interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// NewImagesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ImagesClient client. func NewImagesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) ImagesClient { return ImagesClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -40,8 +50,8 @@ func (client ImagesClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ImagesClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -87,16 +97,13 @@ func (client ImagesClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceG // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ImagesClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future ImagesCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -105,6 +112,7 @@ func (client ImagesClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future Image func (client ImagesClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Image, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -121,8 +129,8 @@ func (client ImagesClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ImagesClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -166,16 +174,13 @@ func (client ImagesClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ImagesClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future ImagesDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -184,6 +189,7 @@ func (client ImagesClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future ImagesDeleteF func (client ImagesClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -222,7 +228,6 @@ func (client ImagesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, im result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.ImagesClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -255,7 +260,8 @@ func (client ImagesClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName st // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ImagesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -263,6 +269,7 @@ func (client ImagesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) func (client ImagesClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Image, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -300,11 +307,6 @@ func (client ImagesClient) List(ctx context.Context) (result ImageListResultPage result.ilr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.ImagesClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.ilr.hasNextLink() && result.ilr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -332,7 +334,8 @@ func (client ImagesClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, err // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ImagesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -340,6 +343,7 @@ func (client ImagesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) func (client ImagesClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ImageListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -415,11 +419,6 @@ func (client ImagesClient) ListByResourceGroup(ctx context.Context, resourceGrou result.ilr, err = client.ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.ImagesClient", "ListByResourceGroup", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.ilr.hasNextLink() && result.ilr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -448,7 +447,8 @@ func (client ImagesClient) ListByResourceGroupPreparer(ctx context.Context, reso // ListByResourceGroupSender sends the ListByResourceGroup request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ImagesClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListByResourceGroupResponder handles the response to the ListByResourceGroup request. The method always @@ -456,6 +456,7 @@ func (client ImagesClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http.Request) (*http.R func (client ImagesClient) ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ImageListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -510,8 +511,8 @@ func (client ImagesClient) Update(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ImagesClient.Update") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -557,16 +558,13 @@ func (client ImagesClient) UpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName // UpdateSender sends the Update request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ImagesClient) UpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future ImagesUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -575,6 +573,7 @@ func (client ImagesClient) UpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future ImagesUpdateF func (client ImagesClient) UpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Image, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/loganalytics.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/loganalytics.go index 299f7c18413a..f606e0f2f169 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/loganalytics.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/loganalytics.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package compute -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,8 +36,7 @@ func NewLogAnalyticsClient(subscriptionID string) LogAnalyticsClient { return NewLogAnalyticsClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewLogAnalyticsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the LogAnalyticsClient client using a custom endpoint. Use -// this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// NewLogAnalyticsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the LogAnalyticsClient client. func NewLogAnalyticsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) LogAnalyticsClient { return LogAnalyticsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -41,8 +51,8 @@ func (client LogAnalyticsClient) ExportRequestRateByInterval(ctx context.Context ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/LogAnalyticsClient.ExportRequestRateByInterval") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -93,16 +103,13 @@ func (client LogAnalyticsClient) ExportRequestRateByIntervalPreparer(ctx context // ExportRequestRateByIntervalSender sends the ExportRequestRateByInterval request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client LogAnalyticsClient) ExportRequestRateByIntervalSender(req *http.Request) (future LogAnalyticsExportRequestRateByIntervalFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -111,6 +118,7 @@ func (client LogAnalyticsClient) ExportRequestRateByIntervalSender(req *http.Req func (client LogAnalyticsClient) ExportRequestRateByIntervalResponder(resp *http.Response) (result LogAnalyticsOperationResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -128,8 +136,8 @@ func (client LogAnalyticsClient) ExportThrottledRequests(ctx context.Context, pa ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/LogAnalyticsClient.ExportThrottledRequests") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -180,16 +188,13 @@ func (client LogAnalyticsClient) ExportThrottledRequestsPreparer(ctx context.Con // ExportThrottledRequestsSender sends the ExportThrottledRequests request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client LogAnalyticsClient) ExportThrottledRequestsSender(req *http.Request) (future LogAnalyticsExportThrottledRequestsFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -198,6 +203,7 @@ func (client LogAnalyticsClient) ExportThrottledRequestsSender(req *http.Request func (client LogAnalyticsClient) ExportThrottledRequestsResponder(resp *http.Response) (result LogAnalyticsOperationResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/models.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/models.go index 9aed45caac93..8e8a1ec5ffe2 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/models.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/models.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package compute -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -20,6 +31,1147 @@ import ( // The package's fully qualified name. const fqdn = "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute" +// AccessLevel enumerates the values for access level. +type AccessLevel string + +const ( + // None ... + None AccessLevel = "None" + // Read ... + Read AccessLevel = "Read" +) + +// PossibleAccessLevelValues returns an array of possible values for the AccessLevel const type. +func PossibleAccessLevelValues() []AccessLevel { + return []AccessLevel{None, Read} +} + +// AggregatedReplicationState enumerates the values for aggregated replication state. +type AggregatedReplicationState string + +const ( + // Completed ... + Completed AggregatedReplicationState = "Completed" + // Failed ... + Failed AggregatedReplicationState = "Failed" + // InProgress ... + InProgress AggregatedReplicationState = "InProgress" + // Unknown ... + Unknown AggregatedReplicationState = "Unknown" +) + +// PossibleAggregatedReplicationStateValues returns an array of possible values for the AggregatedReplicationState const type. +func PossibleAggregatedReplicationStateValues() []AggregatedReplicationState { + return []AggregatedReplicationState{Completed, Failed, InProgress, Unknown} +} + +// AvailabilitySetSkuTypes enumerates the values for availability set sku types. +type AvailabilitySetSkuTypes string + +const ( + // Aligned ... + Aligned AvailabilitySetSkuTypes = "Aligned" + // Classic ... + Classic AvailabilitySetSkuTypes = "Classic" +) + +// PossibleAvailabilitySetSkuTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the AvailabilitySetSkuTypes const type. +func PossibleAvailabilitySetSkuTypesValues() []AvailabilitySetSkuTypes { + return []AvailabilitySetSkuTypes{Aligned, Classic} +} + +// CachingTypes enumerates the values for caching types. +type CachingTypes string + +const ( + // CachingTypesNone ... + CachingTypesNone CachingTypes = "None" + // CachingTypesReadOnly ... + CachingTypesReadOnly CachingTypes = "ReadOnly" + // CachingTypesReadWrite ... + CachingTypesReadWrite CachingTypes = "ReadWrite" +) + +// PossibleCachingTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the CachingTypes const type. +func PossibleCachingTypesValues() []CachingTypes { + return []CachingTypes{CachingTypesNone, CachingTypesReadOnly, CachingTypesReadWrite} +} + +// ComponentNames enumerates the values for component names. +type ComponentNames string + +const ( + // MicrosoftWindowsShellSetup ... + MicrosoftWindowsShellSetup ComponentNames = "Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" +) + +// PossibleComponentNamesValues returns an array of possible values for the ComponentNames const type. +func PossibleComponentNamesValues() []ComponentNames { + return []ComponentNames{MicrosoftWindowsShellSetup} +} + +// ContainerServiceOrchestratorTypes enumerates the values for container service orchestrator types. +type ContainerServiceOrchestratorTypes string + +const ( + // Custom ... + Custom ContainerServiceOrchestratorTypes = "Custom" + // DCOS ... + DCOS ContainerServiceOrchestratorTypes = "DCOS" + // Kubernetes ... + Kubernetes ContainerServiceOrchestratorTypes = "Kubernetes" + // Swarm ... + Swarm ContainerServiceOrchestratorTypes = "Swarm" +) + +// PossibleContainerServiceOrchestratorTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the ContainerServiceOrchestratorTypes const type. +func PossibleContainerServiceOrchestratorTypesValues() []ContainerServiceOrchestratorTypes { + return []ContainerServiceOrchestratorTypes{Custom, DCOS, Kubernetes, Swarm} +} + +// ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes enumerates the values for container service vm size types. +type ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes string + +const ( + // StandardA0 ... + StandardA0 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_A0" + // StandardA1 ... + StandardA1 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_A1" + // StandardA10 ... + StandardA10 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_A10" + // StandardA11 ... + StandardA11 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_A11" + // StandardA2 ... + StandardA2 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_A2" + // StandardA3 ... + StandardA3 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_A3" + // StandardA4 ... + StandardA4 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_A4" + // StandardA5 ... + StandardA5 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_A5" + // StandardA6 ... + StandardA6 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_A6" + // StandardA7 ... + StandardA7 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_A7" + // StandardA8 ... + StandardA8 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_A8" + // StandardA9 ... + StandardA9 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_A9" + // StandardD1 ... + StandardD1 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_D1" + // StandardD11 ... + StandardD11 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_D11" + // StandardD11V2 ... + StandardD11V2 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_D11_v2" + // StandardD12 ... + StandardD12 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_D12" + // StandardD12V2 ... + StandardD12V2 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_D12_v2" + // StandardD13 ... + StandardD13 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_D13" + // StandardD13V2 ... + StandardD13V2 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_D13_v2" + // StandardD14 ... + StandardD14 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_D14" + // StandardD14V2 ... + StandardD14V2 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_D14_v2" + // StandardD1V2 ... + StandardD1V2 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_D1_v2" + // StandardD2 ... + StandardD2 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_D2" + // StandardD2V2 ... + StandardD2V2 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_D2_v2" + // StandardD3 ... + StandardD3 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_D3" + // StandardD3V2 ... + StandardD3V2 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_D3_v2" + // StandardD4 ... + StandardD4 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_D4" + // StandardD4V2 ... + StandardD4V2 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_D4_v2" + // StandardD5V2 ... + StandardD5V2 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_D5_v2" + // StandardDS1 ... + StandardDS1 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_DS1" + // StandardDS11 ... + StandardDS11 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_DS11" + // StandardDS12 ... + StandardDS12 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_DS12" + // StandardDS13 ... + StandardDS13 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_DS13" + // StandardDS14 ... + StandardDS14 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_DS14" + // StandardDS2 ... + StandardDS2 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_DS2" + // StandardDS3 ... + StandardDS3 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_DS3" + // StandardDS4 ... + StandardDS4 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_DS4" + // StandardG1 ... + StandardG1 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_G1" + // StandardG2 ... + StandardG2 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_G2" + // StandardG3 ... + StandardG3 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_G3" + // StandardG4 ... + StandardG4 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_G4" + // StandardG5 ... + StandardG5 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_G5" + // StandardGS1 ... + StandardGS1 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_GS1" + // StandardGS2 ... + StandardGS2 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_GS2" + // StandardGS3 ... + StandardGS3 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_GS3" + // StandardGS4 ... + StandardGS4 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_GS4" + // StandardGS5 ... + StandardGS5 ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes = "Standard_GS5" +) + +// PossibleContainerServiceVMSizeTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes const type. +func PossibleContainerServiceVMSizeTypesValues() []ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes { + return []ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes{StandardA0, StandardA1, StandardA10, StandardA11, StandardA2, StandardA3, StandardA4, StandardA5, StandardA6, StandardA7, StandardA8, StandardA9, StandardD1, StandardD11, StandardD11V2, StandardD12, StandardD12V2, StandardD13, StandardD13V2, StandardD14, StandardD14V2, StandardD1V2, StandardD2, StandardD2V2, StandardD3, StandardD3V2, StandardD4, StandardD4V2, StandardD5V2, StandardDS1, StandardDS11, StandardDS12, StandardDS13, StandardDS14, StandardDS2, StandardDS3, StandardDS4, StandardG1, StandardG2, StandardG3, StandardG4, StandardG5, StandardGS1, StandardGS2, StandardGS3, StandardGS4, StandardGS5} +} + +// DiffDiskOptions enumerates the values for diff disk options. +type DiffDiskOptions string + +const ( + // Local ... + Local DiffDiskOptions = "Local" +) + +// PossibleDiffDiskOptionsValues returns an array of possible values for the DiffDiskOptions const type. +func PossibleDiffDiskOptionsValues() []DiffDiskOptions { + return []DiffDiskOptions{Local} +} + +// DiskCreateOption enumerates the values for disk create option. +type DiskCreateOption string + +const ( + // Attach ... + Attach DiskCreateOption = "Attach" + // Copy ... + Copy DiskCreateOption = "Copy" + // Empty ... + Empty DiskCreateOption = "Empty" + // FromImage ... + FromImage DiskCreateOption = "FromImage" + // Import ... + Import DiskCreateOption = "Import" + // Restore ... + Restore DiskCreateOption = "Restore" +) + +// PossibleDiskCreateOptionValues returns an array of possible values for the DiskCreateOption const type. +func PossibleDiskCreateOptionValues() []DiskCreateOption { + return []DiskCreateOption{Attach, Copy, Empty, FromImage, Import, Restore} +} + +// DiskCreateOptionTypes enumerates the values for disk create option types. +type DiskCreateOptionTypes string + +const ( + // DiskCreateOptionTypesAttach ... + DiskCreateOptionTypesAttach DiskCreateOptionTypes = "Attach" + // DiskCreateOptionTypesEmpty ... + DiskCreateOptionTypesEmpty DiskCreateOptionTypes = "Empty" + // DiskCreateOptionTypesFromImage ... + DiskCreateOptionTypesFromImage DiskCreateOptionTypes = "FromImage" +) + +// PossibleDiskCreateOptionTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the DiskCreateOptionTypes const type. +func PossibleDiskCreateOptionTypesValues() []DiskCreateOptionTypes { + return []DiskCreateOptionTypes{DiskCreateOptionTypesAttach, DiskCreateOptionTypesEmpty, DiskCreateOptionTypesFromImage} +} + +// DiskStorageAccountTypes enumerates the values for disk storage account types. +type DiskStorageAccountTypes string + +const ( + // PremiumLRS ... + PremiumLRS DiskStorageAccountTypes = "Premium_LRS" + // StandardLRS ... + StandardLRS DiskStorageAccountTypes = "Standard_LRS" + // StandardSSDLRS ... + StandardSSDLRS DiskStorageAccountTypes = "StandardSSD_LRS" + // UltraSSDLRS ... + UltraSSDLRS DiskStorageAccountTypes = "UltraSSD_LRS" +) + +// PossibleDiskStorageAccountTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the DiskStorageAccountTypes const type. +func PossibleDiskStorageAccountTypesValues() []DiskStorageAccountTypes { + return []DiskStorageAccountTypes{PremiumLRS, StandardLRS, StandardSSDLRS, UltraSSDLRS} +} + +// HostCaching enumerates the values for host caching. +type HostCaching string + +const ( + // HostCachingNone ... + HostCachingNone HostCaching = "None" + // HostCachingReadOnly ... + HostCachingReadOnly HostCaching = "ReadOnly" + // HostCachingReadWrite ... + HostCachingReadWrite HostCaching = "ReadWrite" +) + +// PossibleHostCachingValues returns an array of possible values for the HostCaching const type. +func PossibleHostCachingValues() []HostCaching { + return []HostCaching{HostCachingNone, HostCachingReadOnly, HostCachingReadWrite} +} + +// InstanceViewTypes enumerates the values for instance view types. +type InstanceViewTypes string + +const ( + // InstanceView ... + InstanceView InstanceViewTypes = "instanceView" +) + +// PossibleInstanceViewTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the InstanceViewTypes const type. +func PossibleInstanceViewTypesValues() []InstanceViewTypes { + return []InstanceViewTypes{InstanceView} +} + +// IntervalInMins enumerates the values for interval in mins. +type IntervalInMins string + +const ( + // FiveMins ... + FiveMins IntervalInMins = "FiveMins" + // SixtyMins ... + SixtyMins IntervalInMins = "SixtyMins" + // ThirtyMins ... + ThirtyMins IntervalInMins = "ThirtyMins" + // ThreeMins ... + ThreeMins IntervalInMins = "ThreeMins" +) + +// PossibleIntervalInMinsValues returns an array of possible values for the IntervalInMins const type. +func PossibleIntervalInMinsValues() []IntervalInMins { + return []IntervalInMins{FiveMins, SixtyMins, ThirtyMins, ThreeMins} +} + +// IPVersion enumerates the values for ip version. +type IPVersion string + +const ( + // IPv4 ... + IPv4 IPVersion = "IPv4" + // IPv6 ... + IPv6 IPVersion = "IPv6" +) + +// PossibleIPVersionValues returns an array of possible values for the IPVersion const type. +func PossibleIPVersionValues() []IPVersion { + return []IPVersion{IPv4, IPv6} +} + +// MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypes enumerates the values for maintenance operation result code types. +type MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypes string + +const ( + // MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypesMaintenanceAborted ... + MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypesMaintenanceAborted MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypes = "MaintenanceAborted" + // MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypesMaintenanceCompleted ... + MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypesMaintenanceCompleted MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypes = "MaintenanceCompleted" + // MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypesNone ... + MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypesNone MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypes = "None" + // MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypesRetryLater ... + MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypesRetryLater MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypes = "RetryLater" +) + +// PossibleMaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypes const type. +func PossibleMaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypesValues() []MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypes { + return []MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypes{MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypesMaintenanceAborted, MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypesMaintenanceCompleted, MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypesNone, MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypesRetryLater} +} + +// OperatingSystemStateTypes enumerates the values for operating system state types. +type OperatingSystemStateTypes string + +const ( + // Generalized ... + Generalized OperatingSystemStateTypes = "Generalized" + // Specialized ... + Specialized OperatingSystemStateTypes = "Specialized" +) + +// PossibleOperatingSystemStateTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the OperatingSystemStateTypes const type. +func PossibleOperatingSystemStateTypesValues() []OperatingSystemStateTypes { + return []OperatingSystemStateTypes{Generalized, Specialized} +} + +// OperatingSystemTypes enumerates the values for operating system types. +type OperatingSystemTypes string + +const ( + // Linux ... + Linux OperatingSystemTypes = "Linux" + // Windows ... + Windows OperatingSystemTypes = "Windows" +) + +// PossibleOperatingSystemTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the OperatingSystemTypes const type. +func PossibleOperatingSystemTypesValues() []OperatingSystemTypes { + return []OperatingSystemTypes{Linux, Windows} +} + +// PassNames enumerates the values for pass names. +type PassNames string + +const ( + // OobeSystem ... + OobeSystem PassNames = "OobeSystem" +) + +// PossiblePassNamesValues returns an array of possible values for the PassNames const type. +func PossiblePassNamesValues() []PassNames { + return []PassNames{OobeSystem} +} + +// ProtocolTypes enumerates the values for protocol types. +type ProtocolTypes string + +const ( + // HTTP ... + HTTP ProtocolTypes = "Http" + // HTTPS ... + HTTPS ProtocolTypes = "Https" +) + +// PossibleProtocolTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the ProtocolTypes const type. +func PossibleProtocolTypesValues() []ProtocolTypes { + return []ProtocolTypes{HTTP, HTTPS} +} + +// ProvisioningState enumerates the values for provisioning state. +type ProvisioningState string + +const ( + // ProvisioningStateCreating ... + ProvisioningStateCreating ProvisioningState = "Creating" + // ProvisioningStateDeleting ... + ProvisioningStateDeleting ProvisioningState = "Deleting" + // ProvisioningStateFailed ... + ProvisioningStateFailed ProvisioningState = "Failed" + // ProvisioningStateMigrating ... + ProvisioningStateMigrating ProvisioningState = "Migrating" + // ProvisioningStateSucceeded ... + ProvisioningStateSucceeded ProvisioningState = "Succeeded" + // ProvisioningStateUpdating ... + ProvisioningStateUpdating ProvisioningState = "Updating" +) + +// PossibleProvisioningStateValues returns an array of possible values for the ProvisioningState const type. +func PossibleProvisioningStateValues() []ProvisioningState { + return []ProvisioningState{ProvisioningStateCreating, ProvisioningStateDeleting, ProvisioningStateFailed, ProvisioningStateMigrating, ProvisioningStateSucceeded, ProvisioningStateUpdating} +} + +// ProvisioningState1 enumerates the values for provisioning state 1. +type ProvisioningState1 string + +const ( + // ProvisioningState1Creating ... + ProvisioningState1Creating ProvisioningState1 = "Creating" + // ProvisioningState1Deleting ... + ProvisioningState1Deleting ProvisioningState1 = "Deleting" + // ProvisioningState1Failed ... + ProvisioningState1Failed ProvisioningState1 = "Failed" + // ProvisioningState1Migrating ... + ProvisioningState1Migrating ProvisioningState1 = "Migrating" + // ProvisioningState1Succeeded ... + ProvisioningState1Succeeded ProvisioningState1 = "Succeeded" + // ProvisioningState1Updating ... + ProvisioningState1Updating ProvisioningState1 = "Updating" +) + +// PossibleProvisioningState1Values returns an array of possible values for the ProvisioningState1 const type. +func PossibleProvisioningState1Values() []ProvisioningState1 { + return []ProvisioningState1{ProvisioningState1Creating, ProvisioningState1Deleting, ProvisioningState1Failed, ProvisioningState1Migrating, ProvisioningState1Succeeded, ProvisioningState1Updating} +} + +// ProvisioningState2 enumerates the values for provisioning state 2. +type ProvisioningState2 string + +const ( + // ProvisioningState2Creating ... + ProvisioningState2Creating ProvisioningState2 = "Creating" + // ProvisioningState2Deleting ... + ProvisioningState2Deleting ProvisioningState2 = "Deleting" + // ProvisioningState2Failed ... + ProvisioningState2Failed ProvisioningState2 = "Failed" + // ProvisioningState2Migrating ... + ProvisioningState2Migrating ProvisioningState2 = "Migrating" + // ProvisioningState2Succeeded ... + ProvisioningState2Succeeded ProvisioningState2 = "Succeeded" + // ProvisioningState2Updating ... + ProvisioningState2Updating ProvisioningState2 = "Updating" +) + +// PossibleProvisioningState2Values returns an array of possible values for the ProvisioningState2 const type. +func PossibleProvisioningState2Values() []ProvisioningState2 { + return []ProvisioningState2{ProvisioningState2Creating, ProvisioningState2Deleting, ProvisioningState2Failed, ProvisioningState2Migrating, ProvisioningState2Succeeded, ProvisioningState2Updating} +} + +// ProximityPlacementGroupType enumerates the values for proximity placement group type. +type ProximityPlacementGroupType string + +const ( + // Standard ... + Standard ProximityPlacementGroupType = "Standard" + // Ultra ... + Ultra ProximityPlacementGroupType = "Ultra" +) + +// PossibleProximityPlacementGroupTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the ProximityPlacementGroupType const type. +func PossibleProximityPlacementGroupTypeValues() []ProximityPlacementGroupType { + return []ProximityPlacementGroupType{Standard, Ultra} +} + +// ReplicationState enumerates the values for replication state. +type ReplicationState string + +const ( + // ReplicationStateCompleted ... + ReplicationStateCompleted ReplicationState = "Completed" + // ReplicationStateFailed ... + ReplicationStateFailed ReplicationState = "Failed" + // ReplicationStateReplicating ... + ReplicationStateReplicating ReplicationState = "Replicating" + // ReplicationStateUnknown ... + ReplicationStateUnknown ReplicationState = "Unknown" +) + +// PossibleReplicationStateValues returns an array of possible values for the ReplicationState const type. +func PossibleReplicationStateValues() []ReplicationState { + return []ReplicationState{ReplicationStateCompleted, ReplicationStateFailed, ReplicationStateReplicating, ReplicationStateUnknown} +} + +// ReplicationStatusTypes enumerates the values for replication status types. +type ReplicationStatusTypes string + +const ( + // ReplicationStatusTypesReplicationStatus ... + ReplicationStatusTypesReplicationStatus ReplicationStatusTypes = "ReplicationStatus" +) + +// PossibleReplicationStatusTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the ReplicationStatusTypes const type. +func PossibleReplicationStatusTypesValues() []ReplicationStatusTypes { + return []ReplicationStatusTypes{ReplicationStatusTypesReplicationStatus} +} + +// ResourceIdentityType enumerates the values for resource identity type. +type ResourceIdentityType string + +const ( + // ResourceIdentityTypeNone ... + ResourceIdentityTypeNone ResourceIdentityType = "None" + // ResourceIdentityTypeSystemAssigned ... + ResourceIdentityTypeSystemAssigned ResourceIdentityType = "SystemAssigned" + // ResourceIdentityTypeSystemAssignedUserAssigned ... + ResourceIdentityTypeSystemAssignedUserAssigned ResourceIdentityType = "SystemAssigned, UserAssigned" + // ResourceIdentityTypeUserAssigned ... + ResourceIdentityTypeUserAssigned ResourceIdentityType = "UserAssigned" +) + +// PossibleResourceIdentityTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the ResourceIdentityType const type. +func PossibleResourceIdentityTypeValues() []ResourceIdentityType { + return []ResourceIdentityType{ResourceIdentityTypeNone, ResourceIdentityTypeSystemAssigned, ResourceIdentityTypeSystemAssignedUserAssigned, ResourceIdentityTypeUserAssigned} +} + +// ResourceSkuCapacityScaleType enumerates the values for resource sku capacity scale type. +type ResourceSkuCapacityScaleType string + +const ( + // ResourceSkuCapacityScaleTypeAutomatic ... + ResourceSkuCapacityScaleTypeAutomatic ResourceSkuCapacityScaleType = "Automatic" + // ResourceSkuCapacityScaleTypeManual ... + ResourceSkuCapacityScaleTypeManual ResourceSkuCapacityScaleType = "Manual" + // ResourceSkuCapacityScaleTypeNone ... + ResourceSkuCapacityScaleTypeNone ResourceSkuCapacityScaleType = "None" +) + +// PossibleResourceSkuCapacityScaleTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the ResourceSkuCapacityScaleType const type. +func PossibleResourceSkuCapacityScaleTypeValues() []ResourceSkuCapacityScaleType { + return []ResourceSkuCapacityScaleType{ResourceSkuCapacityScaleTypeAutomatic, ResourceSkuCapacityScaleTypeManual, ResourceSkuCapacityScaleTypeNone} +} + +// ResourceSkuRestrictionsReasonCode enumerates the values for resource sku restrictions reason code. +type ResourceSkuRestrictionsReasonCode string + +const ( + // NotAvailableForSubscription ... + NotAvailableForSubscription ResourceSkuRestrictionsReasonCode = "NotAvailableForSubscription" + // QuotaID ... + QuotaID ResourceSkuRestrictionsReasonCode = "QuotaId" +) + +// PossibleResourceSkuRestrictionsReasonCodeValues returns an array of possible values for the ResourceSkuRestrictionsReasonCode const type. +func PossibleResourceSkuRestrictionsReasonCodeValues() []ResourceSkuRestrictionsReasonCode { + return []ResourceSkuRestrictionsReasonCode{NotAvailableForSubscription, QuotaID} +} + +// ResourceSkuRestrictionsType enumerates the values for resource sku restrictions type. +type ResourceSkuRestrictionsType string + +const ( + // Location ... + Location ResourceSkuRestrictionsType = "Location" + // Zone ... + Zone ResourceSkuRestrictionsType = "Zone" +) + +// PossibleResourceSkuRestrictionsTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the ResourceSkuRestrictionsType const type. +func PossibleResourceSkuRestrictionsTypeValues() []ResourceSkuRestrictionsType { + return []ResourceSkuRestrictionsType{Location, Zone} +} + +// RollingUpgradeActionType enumerates the values for rolling upgrade action type. +type RollingUpgradeActionType string + +const ( + // Cancel ... + Cancel RollingUpgradeActionType = "Cancel" + // Start ... + Start RollingUpgradeActionType = "Start" +) + +// PossibleRollingUpgradeActionTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the RollingUpgradeActionType const type. +func PossibleRollingUpgradeActionTypeValues() []RollingUpgradeActionType { + return []RollingUpgradeActionType{Cancel, Start} +} + +// RollingUpgradeStatusCode enumerates the values for rolling upgrade status code. +type RollingUpgradeStatusCode string + +const ( + // RollingUpgradeStatusCodeCancelled ... + RollingUpgradeStatusCodeCancelled RollingUpgradeStatusCode = "Cancelled" + // RollingUpgradeStatusCodeCompleted ... + RollingUpgradeStatusCodeCompleted RollingUpgradeStatusCode = "Completed" + // RollingUpgradeStatusCodeFaulted ... + RollingUpgradeStatusCodeFaulted RollingUpgradeStatusCode = "Faulted" + // RollingUpgradeStatusCodeRollingForward ... + RollingUpgradeStatusCodeRollingForward RollingUpgradeStatusCode = "RollingForward" +) + +// PossibleRollingUpgradeStatusCodeValues returns an array of possible values for the RollingUpgradeStatusCode const type. +func PossibleRollingUpgradeStatusCodeValues() []RollingUpgradeStatusCode { + return []RollingUpgradeStatusCode{RollingUpgradeStatusCodeCancelled, RollingUpgradeStatusCodeCompleted, RollingUpgradeStatusCodeFaulted, RollingUpgradeStatusCodeRollingForward} +} + +// SettingNames enumerates the values for setting names. +type SettingNames string + +const ( + // AutoLogon ... + AutoLogon SettingNames = "AutoLogon" + // FirstLogonCommands ... + FirstLogonCommands SettingNames = "FirstLogonCommands" +) + +// PossibleSettingNamesValues returns an array of possible values for the SettingNames const type. +func PossibleSettingNamesValues() []SettingNames { + return []SettingNames{AutoLogon, FirstLogonCommands} +} + +// SnapshotStorageAccountTypes enumerates the values for snapshot storage account types. +type SnapshotStorageAccountTypes string + +const ( + // SnapshotStorageAccountTypesPremiumLRS ... + SnapshotStorageAccountTypesPremiumLRS SnapshotStorageAccountTypes = "Premium_LRS" + // SnapshotStorageAccountTypesStandardLRS ... + SnapshotStorageAccountTypesStandardLRS SnapshotStorageAccountTypes = "Standard_LRS" + // SnapshotStorageAccountTypesStandardZRS ... + SnapshotStorageAccountTypesStandardZRS SnapshotStorageAccountTypes = "Standard_ZRS" +) + +// PossibleSnapshotStorageAccountTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the SnapshotStorageAccountTypes const type. +func PossibleSnapshotStorageAccountTypesValues() []SnapshotStorageAccountTypes { + return []SnapshotStorageAccountTypes{SnapshotStorageAccountTypesPremiumLRS, SnapshotStorageAccountTypesStandardLRS, SnapshotStorageAccountTypesStandardZRS} +} + +// StatusLevelTypes enumerates the values for status level types. +type StatusLevelTypes string + +const ( + // Error ... + Error StatusLevelTypes = "Error" + // Info ... + Info StatusLevelTypes = "Info" + // Warning ... + Warning StatusLevelTypes = "Warning" +) + +// PossibleStatusLevelTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the StatusLevelTypes const type. +func PossibleStatusLevelTypesValues() []StatusLevelTypes { + return []StatusLevelTypes{Error, Info, Warning} +} + +// StorageAccountTypes enumerates the values for storage account types. +type StorageAccountTypes string + +const ( + // StorageAccountTypesPremiumLRS ... + StorageAccountTypesPremiumLRS StorageAccountTypes = "Premium_LRS" + // StorageAccountTypesStandardLRS ... + StorageAccountTypesStandardLRS StorageAccountTypes = "Standard_LRS" + // StorageAccountTypesStandardSSDLRS ... + StorageAccountTypesStandardSSDLRS StorageAccountTypes = "StandardSSD_LRS" + // StorageAccountTypesUltraSSDLRS ... + StorageAccountTypesUltraSSDLRS StorageAccountTypes = "UltraSSD_LRS" +) + +// PossibleStorageAccountTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the StorageAccountTypes const type. +func PossibleStorageAccountTypesValues() []StorageAccountTypes { + return []StorageAccountTypes{StorageAccountTypesPremiumLRS, StorageAccountTypesStandardLRS, StorageAccountTypesStandardSSDLRS, StorageAccountTypesUltraSSDLRS} +} + +// UpgradeMode enumerates the values for upgrade mode. +type UpgradeMode string + +const ( + // Automatic ... + Automatic UpgradeMode = "Automatic" + // Manual ... + Manual UpgradeMode = "Manual" + // Rolling ... + Rolling UpgradeMode = "Rolling" +) + +// PossibleUpgradeModeValues returns an array of possible values for the UpgradeMode const type. +func PossibleUpgradeModeValues() []UpgradeMode { + return []UpgradeMode{Automatic, Manual, Rolling} +} + +// UpgradeOperationInvoker enumerates the values for upgrade operation invoker. +type UpgradeOperationInvoker string + +const ( + // UpgradeOperationInvokerPlatform ... + UpgradeOperationInvokerPlatform UpgradeOperationInvoker = "Platform" + // UpgradeOperationInvokerUnknown ... + UpgradeOperationInvokerUnknown UpgradeOperationInvoker = "Unknown" + // UpgradeOperationInvokerUser ... + UpgradeOperationInvokerUser UpgradeOperationInvoker = "User" +) + +// PossibleUpgradeOperationInvokerValues returns an array of possible values for the UpgradeOperationInvoker const type. +func PossibleUpgradeOperationInvokerValues() []UpgradeOperationInvoker { + return []UpgradeOperationInvoker{UpgradeOperationInvokerPlatform, UpgradeOperationInvokerUnknown, UpgradeOperationInvokerUser} +} + +// UpgradeState enumerates the values for upgrade state. +type UpgradeState string + +const ( + // UpgradeStateCancelled ... + UpgradeStateCancelled UpgradeState = "Cancelled" + // UpgradeStateCompleted ... + UpgradeStateCompleted UpgradeState = "Completed" + // UpgradeStateFaulted ... + UpgradeStateFaulted UpgradeState = "Faulted" + // UpgradeStateRollingForward ... + UpgradeStateRollingForward UpgradeState = "RollingForward" +) + +// PossibleUpgradeStateValues returns an array of possible values for the UpgradeState const type. +func PossibleUpgradeStateValues() []UpgradeState { + return []UpgradeState{UpgradeStateCancelled, UpgradeStateCompleted, UpgradeStateFaulted, UpgradeStateRollingForward} +} + +// VirtualMachineEvictionPolicyTypes enumerates the values for virtual machine eviction policy types. +type VirtualMachineEvictionPolicyTypes string + +const ( + // Deallocate ... + Deallocate VirtualMachineEvictionPolicyTypes = "Deallocate" + // Delete ... + Delete VirtualMachineEvictionPolicyTypes = "Delete" +) + +// PossibleVirtualMachineEvictionPolicyTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the VirtualMachineEvictionPolicyTypes const type. +func PossibleVirtualMachineEvictionPolicyTypesValues() []VirtualMachineEvictionPolicyTypes { + return []VirtualMachineEvictionPolicyTypes{Deallocate, Delete} +} + +// VirtualMachinePriorityTypes enumerates the values for virtual machine priority types. +type VirtualMachinePriorityTypes string + +const ( + // Low ... + Low VirtualMachinePriorityTypes = "Low" + // Regular ... + Regular VirtualMachinePriorityTypes = "Regular" +) + +// PossibleVirtualMachinePriorityTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the VirtualMachinePriorityTypes const type. +func PossibleVirtualMachinePriorityTypesValues() []VirtualMachinePriorityTypes { + return []VirtualMachinePriorityTypes{Low, Regular} +} + +// VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuScaleType enumerates the values for virtual machine scale set sku scale type. +type VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuScaleType string + +const ( + // VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuScaleTypeAutomatic ... + VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuScaleTypeAutomatic VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuScaleType = "Automatic" + // VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuScaleTypeNone ... + VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuScaleTypeNone VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuScaleType = "None" +) + +// PossibleVirtualMachineScaleSetSkuScaleTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuScaleType const type. +func PossibleVirtualMachineScaleSetSkuScaleTypeValues() []VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuScaleType { + return []VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuScaleType{VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuScaleTypeAutomatic, VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuScaleTypeNone} +} + +// VirtualMachineSizeTypes enumerates the values for virtual machine size types. +type VirtualMachineSizeTypes string + +const ( + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesBasicA0 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesBasicA0 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Basic_A0" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesBasicA1 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesBasicA1 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Basic_A1" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesBasicA2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesBasicA2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Basic_A2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesBasicA3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesBasicA3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Basic_A3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesBasicA4 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesBasicA4 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Basic_A4" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA0 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA0 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A0" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA1 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA1 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A1" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA10 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA10 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A10" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA11 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA11 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A11" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA1V2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA1V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A1_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA2mV2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA2mV2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A2m_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA2V2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA2V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A2_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA4 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA4 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A4" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA4mV2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA4mV2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A4m_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA4V2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA4V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A4_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA5 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA5 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A5" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA6 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA6 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A6" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA7 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA7 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A7" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA8 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA8 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A8" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA8mV2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA8mV2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A8m_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA8V2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA8V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A8_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA9 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA9 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_A9" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB1ms ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB1ms VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_B1ms" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB1s ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB1s VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_B1s" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB2ms ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB2ms VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_B2ms" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB2s ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB2s VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_B2s" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB4ms ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB4ms VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_B4ms" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB8ms ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB8ms VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_B8ms" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD1 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD1 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D1" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD11 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD11 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D11" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD11V2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD11V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D11_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD12 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD12 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D12" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD12V2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD12V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D12_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD13 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD13 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D13" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD13V2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD13V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D13_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD14 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD14 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D14" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD14V2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD14V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D14_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD15V2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD15V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D15_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD16sV3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD16sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D16s_v3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD16V3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD16V3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D16_v3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD1V2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD1V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D1_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD2sV3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD2sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D2s_v3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD2V2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD2V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D2_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD2V3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD2V3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D2_v3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD32sV3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD32sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D32s_v3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD32V3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD32V3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D32_v3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD3V2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD3V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D3_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD4 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD4 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D4" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD4sV3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD4sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D4s_v3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD4V2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD4V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D4_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD4V3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD4V3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D4_v3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD5V2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD5V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D5_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD64sV3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD64sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D64s_v3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD64V3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD64V3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D64_v3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD8sV3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD8sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D8s_v3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD8V3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD8V3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_D8_v3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS1 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS1 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS1" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS11 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS11 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS11" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS11V2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS11V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS11_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS12 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS12 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS12" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS12V2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS12V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS12_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS13 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS13 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS13" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS132V2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS132V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS13-2_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS134V2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS134V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS13-4_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS13V2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS13V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS13_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS14 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS14 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS14" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS144V2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS144V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS14-4_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS148V2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS148V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS14-8_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS14V2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS14V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS14_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS15V2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS15V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS15_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS1V2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS1V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS1_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS2V2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS2V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS2_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS3V2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS3V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS3_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS4 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS4 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS4" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS4V2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS4V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS4_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS5V2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS5V2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_DS5_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE16sV3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE16sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_E16s_v3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE16V3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE16V3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_E16_v3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE2sV3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE2sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_E2s_v3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE2V3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE2V3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_E2_v3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE3216V3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE3216V3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_E32-16_v3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE328sV3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE328sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_E32-8s_v3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE32sV3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE32sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_E32s_v3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE32V3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE32V3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_E32_v3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE4sV3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE4sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_E4s_v3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE4V3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE4V3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_E4_v3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE6416sV3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE6416sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_E64-16s_v3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE6432sV3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE6432sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_E64-32s_v3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE64sV3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE64sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_E64s_v3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE64V3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE64V3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_E64_v3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE8sV3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE8sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_E8s_v3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE8V3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE8V3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_E8_v3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF1 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF1 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_F1" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF16 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF16 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_F16" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF16s ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF16s VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_F16s" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF16sV2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF16sV2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_F16s_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF1s ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF1s VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_F1s" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_F2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF2s ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF2s VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_F2s" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF2sV2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF2sV2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_F2s_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF32sV2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF32sV2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_F32s_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF4 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF4 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_F4" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF4s ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF4s VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_F4s" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF4sV2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF4sV2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_F4s_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF64sV2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF64sV2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_F64s_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF72sV2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF72sV2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_F72s_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF8 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF8 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_F8" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF8s ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF8s VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_F8s" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF8sV2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF8sV2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_F8s_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardG1 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardG1 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_G1" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardG2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardG2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_G2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardG3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardG3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_G3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardG4 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardG4 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_G4" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardG5 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardG5 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_G5" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS1 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS1 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_GS1" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_GS2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_GS3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS4 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS4 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_GS4" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS44 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS44 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_GS4-4" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS48 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS48 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_GS4-8" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS5 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS5 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_GS5" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS516 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS516 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_GS5-16" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS58 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS58 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_GS5-8" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH16 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH16 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_H16" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH16m ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH16m VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_H16m" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH16mr ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH16mr VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_H16mr" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH16r ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH16r VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_H16r" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH8 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH8 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_H8" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH8m ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH8m VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_H8m" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardL16s ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardL16s VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_L16s" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardL32s ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardL32s VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_L32s" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardL4s ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardL4s VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_L4s" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardL8s ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardL8s VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_L8s" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM12832ms ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM12832ms VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_M128-32ms" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM12864ms ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM12864ms VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_M128-64ms" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM128ms ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM128ms VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_M128ms" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM128s ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM128s VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_M128s" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM6416ms ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM6416ms VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_M64-16ms" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM6432ms ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM6432ms VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_M64-32ms" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM64ms ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM64ms VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_M64ms" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM64s ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM64s VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_M64s" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC12 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC12 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_NC12" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC12sV2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC12sV2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_NC12s_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC12sV3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC12sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_NC12s_v3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_NC24" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24r ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24r VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_NC24r" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24rsV2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24rsV2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_NC24rs_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24rsV3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24rsV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_NC24rs_v3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24sV2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24sV2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_NC24s_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24sV3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_NC24s_v3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC6 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC6 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_NC6" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC6sV2 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC6sV2 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_NC6s_v2" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC6sV3 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC6sV3 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_NC6s_v3" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardND12s ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardND12s VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_ND12s" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardND24rs ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardND24rs VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_ND24rs" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardND24s ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardND24s VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_ND24s" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardND6s ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardND6s VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_ND6s" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNV12 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNV12 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_NV12" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNV24 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNV24 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_NV24" + // VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNV6 ... + VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNV6 VirtualMachineSizeTypes = "Standard_NV6" +) + +// PossibleVirtualMachineSizeTypesValues returns an array of possible values for the VirtualMachineSizeTypes const type. +func PossibleVirtualMachineSizeTypesValues() []VirtualMachineSizeTypes { + return []VirtualMachineSizeTypes{VirtualMachineSizeTypesBasicA0, VirtualMachineSizeTypesBasicA1, VirtualMachineSizeTypesBasicA2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesBasicA3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesBasicA4, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA0, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA1, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA10, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA11, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA1V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA2mV2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA2V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA4, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA4mV2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA4V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA5, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA6, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA7, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA8, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA8mV2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA8V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardA9, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB1ms, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB1s, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB2ms, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB2s, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB4ms, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardB8ms, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD1, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD11, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD11V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD12, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD12V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD13, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD13V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD14, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD14V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD15V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD16sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD16V3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD1V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD2sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD2V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD2V3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD32sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD32V3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD3V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD4, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD4sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD4V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD4V3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD5V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD64sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD64V3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD8sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardD8V3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS1, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS11, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS11V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS12, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS12V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS13, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS132V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS134V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS13V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS14, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS144V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS148V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS14V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS15V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS1V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS2V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS3V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS4, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS4V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardDS5V2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE16sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE16V3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE2sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE2V3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE3216V3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE328sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE32sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE32V3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE4sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE4V3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE6416sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE6432sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE64sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE64V3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE8sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardE8V3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF1, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF16, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF16s, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF16sV2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF1s, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF2s, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF2sV2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF32sV2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF4, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF4s, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF4sV2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF64sV2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF72sV2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF8, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF8s, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardF8sV2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardG1, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardG2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardG3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardG4, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardG5, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS1, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS4, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS44, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS48, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS5, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS516, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardGS58, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH16, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH16m, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH16mr, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH16r, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH8, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardH8m, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardL16s, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardL32s, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardL4s, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardL8s, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM12832ms, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM12864ms, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM128ms, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM128s, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM6416ms, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM6432ms, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM64ms, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardM64s, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC12, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC12sV2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC12sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24r, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24rsV2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24rsV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24sV2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC24sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC6, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC6sV2, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNC6sV3, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardND12s, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardND24rs, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardND24s, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardND6s, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNV12, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNV24, VirtualMachineSizeTypesStandardNV6} +} + // AccessURI a disk access SAS uri. type AccessURI struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` @@ -27,12 +1179,6 @@ type AccessURI struct { AccessSAS *string `json:"accessSAS,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for AccessURI. -func (au AccessURI) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // AdditionalCapabilities enables or disables a capability on the virtual machine or virtual machine scale // set. type AdditionalCapabilities struct { @@ -103,8 +1249,10 @@ type AutomaticOSUpgradeProperties struct { type AutomaticRepairsPolicy struct { // Enabled - Specifies whether automatic repairs should be enabled on the virtual machine scale set. The default value is false. Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` - // GracePeriod - The amount of time for which automatic repairs are suspended due to a state change on VM. The grace time starts after the state change has completed. This helps avoid premature or accidental repairs. The time duration should be specified in ISO 8601 format. The minimum allowed grace period is 30 minutes (PT30M), which is also the default value. The maximum allowed grace period is 90 minutes (PT90M). + // GracePeriod - The amount of time for which automatic repairs are suspended due to a state change on VM. The grace time starts after the state change has completed. This helps avoid premature or accidental repairs. The time duration should be specified in ISO 8601 format. The default value is 5 minutes (PT5M). GracePeriod *string `json:"gracePeriod,omitempty"` + // MaxInstanceRepairsPercent - The percentage (capacity of scaleset) of virtual machines that will be simultaneously repaired. The default value is 20%. + MaxInstanceRepairsPercent *int32 `json:"maxInstanceRepairsPercent,omitempty"` } // AvailabilitySet specifies information about the availability set that the virtual machine should be @@ -307,15 +1455,10 @@ func (aslr AvailabilitySetListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return aslr.Value == nil || len(*aslr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (aslr AvailabilitySetListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return aslr.NextLink != nil && len(*aslr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // availabilitySetListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (aslr AvailabilitySetListResult) availabilitySetListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !aslr.hasNextLink() { + if aslr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(aslr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -343,16 +1486,11 @@ func (page *AvailabilitySetListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.aslr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.aslr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.aslr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.aslr = next return nil } @@ -382,11 +1520,8 @@ func (page AvailabilitySetListResultPage) Values() []AvailabilitySet { } // Creates a new instance of the AvailabilitySetListResultPage type. -func NewAvailabilitySetListResultPage(cur AvailabilitySetListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, AvailabilitySetListResult) (AvailabilitySetListResult, error)) AvailabilitySetListResultPage { - return AvailabilitySetListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - aslr: cur, - } +func NewAvailabilitySetListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, AvailabilitySetListResult) (AvailabilitySetListResult, error)) AvailabilitySetListResultPage { + return AvailabilitySetListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // AvailabilitySetProperties the instance view of a resource. @@ -403,24 +1538,6 @@ type AvailabilitySetProperties struct { Statuses *[]InstanceViewStatus `json:"statuses,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for AvailabilitySetProperties. -func (asp AvailabilitySetProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if asp.PlatformUpdateDomainCount != nil { - objectMap["platformUpdateDomainCount"] = asp.PlatformUpdateDomainCount - } - if asp.PlatformFaultDomainCount != nil { - objectMap["platformFaultDomainCount"] = asp.PlatformFaultDomainCount - } - if asp.VirtualMachines != nil { - objectMap["virtualMachines"] = asp.VirtualMachines - } - if asp.ProximityPlacementGroup != nil { - objectMap["proximityPlacementGroup"] = asp.ProximityPlacementGroup - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // AvailabilitySetUpdate specifies information about the availability set that the virtual machine should // be assigned to. Only tags may be updated. type AvailabilitySetUpdate struct { @@ -508,12 +1625,6 @@ type BootDiagnosticsInstanceView struct { Status *InstanceViewStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for BootDiagnosticsInstanceView. -func (bdiv BootDiagnosticsInstanceView) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // CloudError an error response from the Gallery service. type CloudError struct { Error *APIError `json:"error,omitempty"` @@ -633,24 +1744,6 @@ type ContainerServiceAgentPoolProfile struct { Fqdn *string `json:"fqdn,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ContainerServiceAgentPoolProfile. -func (csapp ContainerServiceAgentPoolProfile) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if csapp.Name != nil { - objectMap["name"] = csapp.Name - } - if csapp.Count != nil { - objectMap["count"] = csapp.Count - } - if csapp.VMSize != "" { - objectMap["vmSize"] = csapp.VMSize - } - if csapp.DNSPrefix != nil { - objectMap["dnsPrefix"] = csapp.DNSPrefix - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ContainerServiceCustomProfile properties to configure a custom container service cluster. type ContainerServiceCustomProfile struct { // Orchestrator - The name of the custom orchestrator to use. @@ -748,15 +1841,10 @@ func (cslr ContainerServiceListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return cslr.Value == nil || len(*cslr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (cslr ContainerServiceListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return cslr.NextLink != nil && len(*cslr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // containerServiceListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (cslr ContainerServiceListResult) containerServiceListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !cslr.hasNextLink() { + if cslr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(cslr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -784,16 +1872,11 @@ func (page *ContainerServiceListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.cslr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.cslr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.cslr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.cslr = next return nil } @@ -823,11 +1906,8 @@ func (page ContainerServiceListResultPage) Values() []ContainerService { } // Creates a new instance of the ContainerServiceListResultPage type. -func NewContainerServiceListResultPage(cur ContainerServiceListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, ContainerServiceListResult) (ContainerServiceListResult, error)) ContainerServiceListResultPage { - return ContainerServiceListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - cslr: cur, - } +func NewContainerServiceListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, ContainerServiceListResult) (ContainerServiceListResult, error)) ContainerServiceListResultPage { + return ContainerServiceListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // ContainerServiceMasterProfile profile for the container service master. @@ -840,18 +1920,6 @@ type ContainerServiceMasterProfile struct { Fqdn *string `json:"fqdn,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ContainerServiceMasterProfile. -func (csmp ContainerServiceMasterProfile) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if csmp.Count != nil { - objectMap["count"] = csmp.Count - } - if csmp.DNSPrefix != nil { - objectMap["dnsPrefix"] = csmp.DNSPrefix - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ContainerServiceOrchestratorProfile profile for the container service orchestrator. type ContainerServiceOrchestratorProfile struct { // OrchestratorType - The orchestrator to use to manage container service cluster resources. Valid values are Swarm, DCOS, and Custom. Possible values include: 'Swarm', 'DCOS', 'Custom', 'Kubernetes' @@ -880,58 +1948,15 @@ type ContainerServiceProperties struct { DiagnosticsProfile *ContainerServiceDiagnosticsProfile `json:"diagnosticsProfile,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ContainerServiceProperties. -func (csp ContainerServiceProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if csp.OrchestratorProfile != nil { - objectMap["orchestratorProfile"] = csp.OrchestratorProfile - } - if csp.CustomProfile != nil { - objectMap["customProfile"] = csp.CustomProfile - } - if csp.ServicePrincipalProfile != nil { - objectMap["servicePrincipalProfile"] = csp.ServicePrincipalProfile - } - if csp.MasterProfile != nil { - objectMap["masterProfile"] = csp.MasterProfile - } - if csp.AgentPoolProfiles != nil { - objectMap["agentPoolProfiles"] = csp.AgentPoolProfiles - } - if csp.WindowsProfile != nil { - objectMap["windowsProfile"] = csp.WindowsProfile - } - if csp.LinuxProfile != nil { - objectMap["linuxProfile"] = csp.LinuxProfile - } - if csp.DiagnosticsProfile != nil { - objectMap["diagnosticsProfile"] = csp.DiagnosticsProfile - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ContainerServicesCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type ContainerServicesCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ContainerServicesClient) (ContainerService, error) + azure.Future } -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ContainerServicesCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil -} - -// result is the default implementation for ContainerServicesCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *ContainerServicesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client ContainerServicesClient) (cs ContainerService, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ContainerServicesCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client ContainerServicesClient) (cs ContainerService, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -939,7 +1964,6 @@ func (future *ContainerServicesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client ContainerServ return } if !done { - cs.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.ContainerServicesCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -956,25 +1980,12 @@ func (future *ContainerServicesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client ContainerServ // ContainerServicesDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type ContainerServicesDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ContainerServicesClient) (autorest.Response, error) + azure.Future } -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ContainerServicesDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil -} - -// result is the default implementation for ContainerServicesDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *ContainerServicesDeleteFuture) result(client ContainerServicesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ContainerServicesDeleteFuture) Result(client ContainerServicesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -982,7 +1993,6 @@ func (future *ContainerServicesDeleteFuture) result(client ContainerServicesClie return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.ContainerServicesDeleteFuture") return } @@ -1019,15 +2029,6 @@ type ContainerServiceVMDiagnostics struct { StorageURI *string `json:"storageUri,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ContainerServiceVMDiagnostics. -func (csvd ContainerServiceVMDiagnostics) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if csvd.Enabled != nil { - objectMap["enabled"] = csvd.Enabled - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ContainerServiceWindowsProfile profile for Windows VMs in the container service cluster. type ContainerServiceWindowsProfile struct { // AdminUsername - The administrator username to use for Windows VMs. @@ -1078,12 +2079,6 @@ type DataDiskImage struct { Lun *int32 `json:"lun,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for DataDiskImage. -func (ddi DataDiskImage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // DiagnosticsProfile specifies the boot diagnostic settings state.

Minimum api-version: // 2015-06-15. type DiagnosticsProfile struct { @@ -1339,15 +2334,10 @@ func (dl DiskList) IsEmpty() bool { return dl.Value == nil || len(*dl.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (dl DiskList) hasNextLink() bool { - return dl.NextLink != nil && len(*dl.NextLink) != 0 -} - // diskListPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (dl DiskList) diskListPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !dl.hasNextLink() { + if dl.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(dl.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -1375,16 +2365,11 @@ func (page *DiskListPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error) { tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.dl) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.dl = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.dl) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.dl = next return nil } @@ -1414,11 +2399,8 @@ func (page DiskListPage) Values() []Disk { } // Creates a new instance of the DiskListPage type. -func NewDiskListPage(cur DiskList, getNextPage func(context.Context, DiskList) (DiskList, error)) DiskListPage { - return DiskListPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - dl: cur, - } +func NewDiskListPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, DiskList) (DiskList, error)) DiskListPage { + return DiskListPage{fn: getNextPage} } // DiskProperties disk resource properties. @@ -1432,61 +2414,24 @@ type DiskProperties struct { // DiskSizeGB - If creationData.createOption is Empty, this field is mandatory and it indicates the size of the VHD to create. If this field is present for updates or creation with other options, it indicates a resize. Resizes are only allowed if the disk is not attached to a running VM, and can only increase the disk's size. DiskSizeGB *int32 `json:"diskSizeGB,omitempty"` // EncryptionSettings - Encryption settings for disk or snapshot - EncryptionSettings *EncryptionSettings `json:"encryptionSettings,omitempty"` - // ProvisioningState - READ-ONLY; The disk provisioning state. - ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` - // DiskIOPSReadWrite - The number of IOPS allowed for this disk; only settable for UltraSSD disks. One operation can transfer between 4k and 256k bytes. For a description of the range of values you can set, see [Ultra SSD Managed Disk Offerings](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/virtual-machines/windows/disks-ultra-ssd#ultra-ssd-managed-disk-offerings). - DiskIOPSReadWrite *int64 `json:"diskIOPSReadWrite,omitempty"` - // DiskMBpsReadWrite - The bandwidth allowed for this disk; only settable for UltraSSD disks. MBps means millions of bytes per second - MB here uses the ISO notation, of powers of 10. For a description of the range of values you can set, see [Ultra SSD Managed Disk Offerings](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/virtual-machines/windows/disks-ultra-ssd#ultra-ssd-managed-disk-offerings). - DiskMBpsReadWrite *int32 `json:"diskMBpsReadWrite,omitempty"` -} - -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for DiskProperties. -func (dp DiskProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if dp.OsType != "" { - objectMap["osType"] = dp.OsType - } - if dp.CreationData != nil { - objectMap["creationData"] = dp.CreationData - } - if dp.DiskSizeGB != nil { - objectMap["diskSizeGB"] = dp.DiskSizeGB - } - if dp.EncryptionSettings != nil { - objectMap["encryptionSettings"] = dp.EncryptionSettings - } - if dp.DiskIOPSReadWrite != nil { - objectMap["diskIOPSReadWrite"] = dp.DiskIOPSReadWrite - } - if dp.DiskMBpsReadWrite != nil { - objectMap["diskMBpsReadWrite"] = dp.DiskMBpsReadWrite - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) + EncryptionSettings *EncryptionSettings `json:"encryptionSettings,omitempty"` + // ProvisioningState - READ-ONLY; The disk provisioning state. + ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` + // DiskIOPSReadWrite - The number of IOPS allowed for this disk; only settable for UltraSSD disks. One operation can transfer between 4k and 256k bytes. For a description of the range of values you can set, see [Ultra SSD Managed Disk Offerings](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/virtual-machines/windows/disks-ultra-ssd#ultra-ssd-managed-disk-offerings). + DiskIOPSReadWrite *int64 `json:"diskIOPSReadWrite,omitempty"` + // DiskMBpsReadWrite - The bandwidth allowed for this disk; only settable for UltraSSD disks. MBps means millions of bytes per second - MB here uses the ISO notation, of powers of 10. For a description of the range of values you can set, see [Ultra SSD Managed Disk Offerings](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/virtual-machines/windows/disks-ultra-ssd#ultra-ssd-managed-disk-offerings). + DiskMBpsReadWrite *int32 `json:"diskMBpsReadWrite,omitempty"` } // DisksCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type DisksCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(DisksClient) (Disk, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *DisksCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for DisksCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *DisksCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client DisksClient) (d Disk, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *DisksCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client DisksClient) (d Disk, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -1494,7 +2439,6 @@ func (future *DisksCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client DisksClient) (d Disk, err return } if !done { - d.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.DisksCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -1510,25 +2454,12 @@ func (future *DisksCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client DisksClient) (d Disk, err // DisksDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running operation. type DisksDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(DisksClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *DisksDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for DisksDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *DisksDeleteFuture) result(client DisksClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *DisksDeleteFuture) Result(client DisksClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -1536,7 +2467,6 @@ func (future *DisksDeleteFuture) result(client DisksClient) (ar autorest.Respons return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.DisksDeleteFuture") return } @@ -1547,25 +2477,12 @@ func (future *DisksDeleteFuture) result(client DisksClient) (ar autorest.Respons // DisksGrantAccessFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type DisksGrantAccessFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(DisksClient) (AccessURI, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *DisksGrantAccessFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for DisksGrantAccessFuture.Result. -func (future *DisksGrantAccessFuture) result(client DisksClient) (au AccessURI, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *DisksGrantAccessFuture) Result(client DisksClient) (au AccessURI, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -1573,7 +2490,6 @@ func (future *DisksGrantAccessFuture) result(client DisksClient) (au AccessURI, return } if !done { - au.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.DisksGrantAccessFuture") return } @@ -1595,37 +2511,15 @@ type DiskSku struct { Tier *string `json:"tier,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for DiskSku. -func (ds DiskSku) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if ds.Name != "" { - objectMap["name"] = ds.Name - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // DisksRevokeAccessFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type DisksRevokeAccessFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(DisksClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *DisksRevokeAccessFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for DisksRevokeAccessFuture.Result. -func (future *DisksRevokeAccessFuture) result(client DisksClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *DisksRevokeAccessFuture) Result(client DisksClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -1633,7 +2527,6 @@ func (future *DisksRevokeAccessFuture) result(client DisksClient) (ar autorest.R return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.DisksRevokeAccessFuture") return } @@ -1643,25 +2536,12 @@ func (future *DisksRevokeAccessFuture) result(client DisksClient) (ar autorest.R // DisksUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running operation. type DisksUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(DisksClient) (Disk, error) + azure.Future } -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *DisksUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil -} - -// result is the default implementation for DisksUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *DisksUpdateFuture) result(client DisksClient) (d Disk, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *DisksUpdateFuture) Result(client DisksClient) (d Disk, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -1669,7 +2549,6 @@ func (future *DisksUpdateFuture) result(client DisksClient) (d Disk, err error) return } if !done { - d.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.DisksUpdateFuture") return } @@ -1775,25 +2654,12 @@ type EncryptionSettings struct { // GalleriesCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type GalleriesCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(GalleriesClient) (Gallery, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *GalleriesCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for GalleriesCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *GalleriesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client GalleriesClient) (g Gallery, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *GalleriesCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client GalleriesClient) (g Gallery, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -1801,7 +2667,6 @@ func (future *GalleriesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client GalleriesClient) (g G return } if !done { - g.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.GalleriesCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -1818,25 +2683,12 @@ func (future *GalleriesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client GalleriesClient) (g G // GalleriesDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type GalleriesDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(GalleriesClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *GalleriesDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for GalleriesDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *GalleriesDeleteFuture) result(client GalleriesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *GalleriesDeleteFuture) Result(client GalleriesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -1844,7 +2696,6 @@ func (future *GalleriesDeleteFuture) result(client GalleriesClient) (ar autorest return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.GalleriesDeleteFuture") return } @@ -1974,12 +2825,6 @@ type GalleryDataDiskImage struct { HostCaching HostCaching `json:"hostCaching,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for GalleryDataDiskImage. -func (gddi GalleryDataDiskImage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // GalleryDiskImage this is the disk image base class. type GalleryDiskImage struct { // SizeInGB - READ-ONLY; This property indicates the size of the VHD to be created. @@ -1988,24 +2833,12 @@ type GalleryDiskImage struct { HostCaching HostCaching `json:"hostCaching,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for GalleryDiskImage. -func (gdi GalleryDiskImage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // GalleryIdentifier describes the gallery unique name. type GalleryIdentifier struct { // UniqueName - READ-ONLY; The unique name of the Shared Image Gallery. This name is generated automatically by Azure. UniqueName *string `json:"uniqueName,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for GalleryIdentifier. -func (gi GalleryIdentifier) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // GalleryImage specifies information about the gallery Image Definition that you want to create or update. type GalleryImage struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` @@ -2193,15 +3026,10 @@ func (gil GalleryImageList) IsEmpty() bool { return gil.Value == nil || len(*gil.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (gil GalleryImageList) hasNextLink() bool { - return gil.NextLink != nil && len(*gil.NextLink) != 0 -} - // galleryImageListPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (gil GalleryImageList) galleryImageListPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !gil.hasNextLink() { + if gil.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(gil.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -2229,16 +3057,11 @@ func (page *GalleryImageListPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err erro tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.gil) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.gil = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.gil) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.gil = next return nil } @@ -2268,11 +3091,8 @@ func (page GalleryImageListPage) Values() []GalleryImage { } // Creates a new instance of the GalleryImageListPage type. -func NewGalleryImageListPage(cur GalleryImageList, getNextPage func(context.Context, GalleryImageList) (GalleryImageList, error)) GalleryImageListPage { - return GalleryImageListPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - gil: cur, - } +func NewGalleryImageListPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, GalleryImageList) (GalleryImageList, error)) GalleryImageListPage { + return GalleryImageListPage{fn: getNextPage} } // GalleryImageProperties describes the properties of a gallery Image Definition. @@ -2299,67 +3119,15 @@ type GalleryImageProperties struct { ProvisioningState ProvisioningState1 `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for GalleryImageProperties. -func (gip GalleryImageProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if gip.Description != nil { - objectMap["description"] = gip.Description - } - if gip.Eula != nil { - objectMap["eula"] = gip.Eula - } - if gip.PrivacyStatementURI != nil { - objectMap["privacyStatementUri"] = gip.PrivacyStatementURI - } - if gip.ReleaseNoteURI != nil { - objectMap["releaseNoteUri"] = gip.ReleaseNoteURI - } - if gip.OsType != "" { - objectMap["osType"] = gip.OsType - } - if gip.OsState != "" { - objectMap["osState"] = gip.OsState - } - if gip.EndOfLifeDate != nil { - objectMap["endOfLifeDate"] = gip.EndOfLifeDate - } - if gip.Identifier != nil { - objectMap["identifier"] = gip.Identifier - } - if gip.Recommended != nil { - objectMap["recommended"] = gip.Recommended - } - if gip.Disallowed != nil { - objectMap["disallowed"] = gip.Disallowed - } - if gip.PurchasePlan != nil { - objectMap["purchasePlan"] = gip.PurchasePlan - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // GalleryImagesCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type GalleryImagesCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(GalleryImagesClient) (GalleryImage, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *GalleryImagesCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for GalleryImagesCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *GalleryImagesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client GalleryImagesClient) (gi GalleryImage, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *GalleryImagesCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client GalleryImagesClient) (gi GalleryImage, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -2367,7 +3135,6 @@ func (future *GalleryImagesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client GalleryImagesClie return } if !done { - gi.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.GalleryImagesCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -2384,25 +3151,12 @@ func (future *GalleryImagesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client GalleryImagesClie // GalleryImagesDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type GalleryImagesDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(GalleryImagesClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *GalleryImagesDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for GalleryImagesDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *GalleryImagesDeleteFuture) result(client GalleryImagesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *GalleryImagesDeleteFuture) Result(client GalleryImagesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -2410,7 +3164,6 @@ func (future *GalleryImagesDeleteFuture) result(client GalleryImagesClient) (ar return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.GalleryImagesDeleteFuture") return } @@ -2596,15 +3349,10 @@ func (givl GalleryImageVersionList) IsEmpty() bool { return givl.Value == nil || len(*givl.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (givl GalleryImageVersionList) hasNextLink() bool { - return givl.NextLink != nil && len(*givl.NextLink) != 0 -} - // galleryImageVersionListPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (givl GalleryImageVersionList) galleryImageVersionListPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !givl.hasNextLink() { + if givl.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(givl.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -2632,16 +3380,11 @@ func (page *GalleryImageVersionListPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (e tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.givl) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.givl = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.givl) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.givl = next return nil } @@ -2671,11 +3414,8 @@ func (page GalleryImageVersionListPage) Values() []GalleryImageVersion { } // Creates a new instance of the GalleryImageVersionListPage type. -func NewGalleryImageVersionListPage(cur GalleryImageVersionList, getNextPage func(context.Context, GalleryImageVersionList) (GalleryImageVersionList, error)) GalleryImageVersionListPage { - return GalleryImageVersionListPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - givl: cur, - } +func NewGalleryImageVersionListPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, GalleryImageVersionList) (GalleryImageVersionList, error)) GalleryImageVersionListPage { + return GalleryImageVersionListPage{fn: getNextPage} } // GalleryImageVersionProperties describes the properties of a gallery Image Version. @@ -2689,15 +3429,6 @@ type GalleryImageVersionProperties struct { ReplicationStatus *ReplicationStatus `json:"replicationStatus,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for GalleryImageVersionProperties. -func (givp GalleryImageVersionProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if givp.PublishingProfile != nil { - objectMap["publishingProfile"] = givp.PublishingProfile - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // GalleryImageVersionPublishingProfile the publishing profile of a gallery Image Version. type GalleryImageVersionPublishingProfile struct { // ReplicaCount - The number of replicas of the Image Version to be created per region. This property would take effect for a region when regionalReplicaCount is not specified. This property is updatable. @@ -2713,49 +3444,15 @@ type GalleryImageVersionPublishingProfile struct { Source *GalleryArtifactSource `json:"source,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for GalleryImageVersionPublishingProfile. -func (givpp GalleryImageVersionPublishingProfile) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if givpp.ReplicaCount != nil { - objectMap["replicaCount"] = givpp.ReplicaCount - } - if givpp.ExcludeFromLatest != nil { - objectMap["excludeFromLatest"] = givpp.ExcludeFromLatest - } - if givpp.EndOfLifeDate != nil { - objectMap["endOfLifeDate"] = givpp.EndOfLifeDate - } - if givpp.TargetRegions != nil { - objectMap["targetRegions"] = givpp.TargetRegions - } - if givpp.Source != nil { - objectMap["source"] = givpp.Source - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // GalleryImageVersionsCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type GalleryImageVersionsCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(GalleryImageVersionsClient) (GalleryImageVersion, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *GalleryImageVersionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for GalleryImageVersionsCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *GalleryImageVersionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client GalleryImageVersionsClient) (giv GalleryImageVersion, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *GalleryImageVersionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client GalleryImageVersionsClient) (giv GalleryImageVersion, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -2763,7 +3460,6 @@ func (future *GalleryImageVersionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client GalleryIma return } if !done { - giv.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.GalleryImageVersionsCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -2780,25 +3476,12 @@ func (future *GalleryImageVersionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client GalleryIma // GalleryImageVersionsDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type GalleryImageVersionsDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(GalleryImageVersionsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *GalleryImageVersionsDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for GalleryImageVersionsDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *GalleryImageVersionsDeleteFuture) result(client GalleryImageVersionsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *GalleryImageVersionsDeleteFuture) Result(client GalleryImageVersionsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -2806,7 +3489,6 @@ func (future *GalleryImageVersionsDeleteFuture) result(client GalleryImageVersio return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.GalleryImageVersionsDeleteFuture") return } @@ -2822,12 +3504,6 @@ type GalleryImageVersionStorageProfile struct { DataDiskImages *[]GalleryDataDiskImage `json:"dataDiskImages,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for GalleryImageVersionStorageProfile. -func (givsp GalleryImageVersionStorageProfile) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // GalleryList the List Galleries operation response. type GalleryList struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` @@ -2905,15 +3581,10 @@ func (gl GalleryList) IsEmpty() bool { return gl.Value == nil || len(*gl.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (gl GalleryList) hasNextLink() bool { - return gl.NextLink != nil && len(*gl.NextLink) != 0 -} - // galleryListPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (gl GalleryList) galleryListPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !gl.hasNextLink() { + if gl.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(gl.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -2941,16 +3612,11 @@ func (page *GalleryListPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error) { tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.gl) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.gl = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.gl) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.gl = next return nil } @@ -2980,11 +3646,8 @@ func (page GalleryListPage) Values() []Gallery { } // Creates a new instance of the GalleryListPage type. -func NewGalleryListPage(cur GalleryList, getNextPage func(context.Context, GalleryList) (GalleryList, error)) GalleryListPage { - return GalleryListPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - gl: cur, - } +func NewGalleryListPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, GalleryList) (GalleryList, error)) GalleryListPage { + return GalleryListPage{fn: getNextPage} } // GalleryOSDiskImage this is the OS disk image. @@ -2995,12 +3658,6 @@ type GalleryOSDiskImage struct { HostCaching HostCaching `json:"hostCaching,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for GalleryOSDiskImage. -func (godi GalleryOSDiskImage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // GalleryProperties describes the properties of a Shared Image Gallery. type GalleryProperties struct { // Description - The description of this Shared Image Gallery resource. This property is updatable. @@ -3010,18 +3667,6 @@ type GalleryProperties struct { ProvisioningState ProvisioningState `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for GalleryProperties. -func (gp GalleryProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if gp.Description != nil { - objectMap["description"] = gp.Description - } - if gp.Identifier != nil { - objectMap["identifier"] = gp.Identifier - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // GrantAccessData data used for requesting a SAS. type GrantAccessData struct { // Access - Possible values include: 'None', 'Read' @@ -3241,15 +3886,10 @@ func (ilr ImageListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return ilr.Value == nil || len(*ilr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (ilr ImageListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return ilr.NextLink != nil && len(*ilr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // imageListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (ilr ImageListResult) imageListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !ilr.hasNextLink() { + if ilr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(ilr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -3277,16 +3917,11 @@ func (page *ImageListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.ilr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.ilr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.ilr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.ilr = next return nil } @@ -3316,11 +3951,8 @@ func (page ImageListResultPage) Values() []Image { } // Creates a new instance of the ImageListResultPage type. -func NewImageListResultPage(cur ImageListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, ImageListResult) (ImageListResult, error)) ImageListResultPage { - return ImageListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - ilr: cur, - } +func NewImageListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, ImageListResult) (ImageListResult, error)) ImageListResultPage { + return ImageListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // ImageOSDisk describes an Operating System disk. @@ -3353,18 +3985,6 @@ type ImageProperties struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ImageProperties. -func (IP ImageProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if IP.SourceVirtualMachine != nil { - objectMap["sourceVirtualMachine"] = IP.SourceVirtualMachine - } - if IP.StorageProfile != nil { - objectMap["storageProfile"] = IP.StorageProfile - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ImagePurchasePlan describes the gallery Image Definition purchase plan. This is used by marketplace // images. type ImagePurchasePlan struct { @@ -3379,7 +3999,7 @@ type ImagePurchasePlan struct { // ImageReference specifies information about the image to use. You can specify information about platform // images, marketplace images, or virtual machine images. This element is required when you want to use a // platform image, marketplace image, or virtual machine image, but is not used in other creation -// operations. NOTE: Image reference publisher and offer can only be set when you create the scale set. +// operations. type ImageReference struct { // Publisher - The image publisher. Publisher *string `json:"publisher,omitempty"` @@ -3396,25 +4016,12 @@ type ImageReference struct { // ImagesCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type ImagesCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ImagesClient) (Image, error) + azure.Future } -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ImagesCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil -} - -// result is the default implementation for ImagesCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *ImagesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client ImagesClient) (i Image, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ImagesCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client ImagesClient) (i Image, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -3422,7 +4029,6 @@ func (future *ImagesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client ImagesClient) (i Image, return } if !done { - i.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.ImagesCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -3438,25 +4044,12 @@ func (future *ImagesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client ImagesClient) (i Image, // ImagesDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running operation. type ImagesDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ImagesClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ImagesDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ImagesDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *ImagesDeleteFuture) result(client ImagesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ImagesDeleteFuture) Result(client ImagesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -3464,7 +4057,6 @@ func (future *ImagesDeleteFuture) result(client ImagesClient) (ar autorest.Respo return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.ImagesDeleteFuture") return } @@ -3484,25 +4076,12 @@ type ImageStorageProfile struct { // ImagesUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running operation. type ImagesUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ImagesClient) (Image, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ImagesUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ImagesUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *ImagesUpdateFuture) result(client ImagesClient) (i Image, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ImagesUpdateFuture) Result(client ImagesClient) (i Image, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -3510,7 +4089,6 @@ func (future *ImagesUpdateFuture) result(client ImagesClient) (i Image, err erro return } if !done { - i.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.ImagesUpdateFuture") return } @@ -3722,15 +4300,10 @@ func (lur ListUsagesResult) IsEmpty() bool { return lur.Value == nil || len(*lur.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (lur ListUsagesResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return lur.NextLink != nil && len(*lur.NextLink) != 0 -} - // listUsagesResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (lur ListUsagesResult) listUsagesResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !lur.hasNextLink() { + if lur.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(lur.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -3758,16 +4331,11 @@ func (page *ListUsagesResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err erro tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.lur) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.lur = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.lur) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.lur = next return nil } @@ -3797,11 +4365,8 @@ func (page ListUsagesResultPage) Values() []Usage { } // Creates a new instance of the ListUsagesResultPage type. -func NewListUsagesResultPage(cur ListUsagesResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, ListUsagesResult) (ListUsagesResult, error)) ListUsagesResultPage { - return ListUsagesResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - lur: cur, - } +func NewListUsagesResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, ListUsagesResult) (ListUsagesResult, error)) ListUsagesResultPage { + return ListUsagesResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // ListVirtualMachineExtensionImage ... @@ -3819,25 +4384,12 @@ type ListVirtualMachineImageResource struct { // LogAnalyticsExportRequestRateByIntervalFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results // of a long-running operation. type LogAnalyticsExportRequestRateByIntervalFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(LogAnalyticsClient) (LogAnalyticsOperationResult, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *LogAnalyticsExportRequestRateByIntervalFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for LogAnalyticsExportRequestRateByIntervalFuture.Result. -func (future *LogAnalyticsExportRequestRateByIntervalFuture) result(client LogAnalyticsClient) (laor LogAnalyticsOperationResult, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *LogAnalyticsExportRequestRateByIntervalFuture) Result(client LogAnalyticsClient) (laor LogAnalyticsOperationResult, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -3845,7 +4397,6 @@ func (future *LogAnalyticsExportRequestRateByIntervalFuture) result(client LogAn return } if !done { - laor.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.LogAnalyticsExportRequestRateByIntervalFuture") return } @@ -3862,25 +4413,12 @@ func (future *LogAnalyticsExportRequestRateByIntervalFuture) result(client LogAn // LogAnalyticsExportThrottledRequestsFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type LogAnalyticsExportThrottledRequestsFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(LogAnalyticsClient) (LogAnalyticsOperationResult, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *LogAnalyticsExportThrottledRequestsFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for LogAnalyticsExportThrottledRequestsFuture.Result. -func (future *LogAnalyticsExportThrottledRequestsFuture) result(client LogAnalyticsClient) (laor LogAnalyticsOperationResult, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *LogAnalyticsExportThrottledRequestsFuture) Result(client LogAnalyticsClient) (laor LogAnalyticsOperationResult, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -3888,7 +4426,6 @@ func (future *LogAnalyticsExportThrottledRequestsFuture) result(client LogAnalyt return } if !done { - laor.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.LogAnalyticsExportThrottledRequestsFuture") return } @@ -3925,24 +4462,12 @@ type LogAnalyticsOperationResult struct { Properties *LogAnalyticsOutput `json:"properties,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for LogAnalyticsOperationResult. -func (laor LogAnalyticsOperationResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // LogAnalyticsOutput logAnalytics output properties type LogAnalyticsOutput struct { // Output - READ-ONLY; Output file Uri path to blob container. Output *string `json:"output,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for LogAnalyticsOutput. -func (lao LogAnalyticsOutput) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // MaintenanceRedeployStatus maintenance Operation Status. type MaintenanceRedeployStatus struct { // IsCustomerInitiatedMaintenanceAllowed - True, if customer is allowed to perform Maintenance. @@ -4046,12 +4571,6 @@ type OperationListResult struct { Value *[]OperationValue `json:"value,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for OperationListResult. -func (olr OperationListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // OperationValue describes the properties of a Compute Operation value. type OperationValue struct { // Origin - READ-ONLY; The origin of the compute operation. @@ -4124,12 +4643,6 @@ type OperationValueDisplay struct { Provider *string `json:"provider,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for OperationValueDisplay. -func (ovd OperationValueDisplay) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // OSDisk specifies information about the operating system disk used by the virtual machine.

For // more information about disks, see [About disks and VHDs for Azure virtual // machines](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/virtual-machines/virtual-machines-windows-about-disks-vhds?toc=%2fazure%2fvirtual-machines%2fwindows%2ftoc.json). @@ -4379,15 +4892,10 @@ func (ppglr ProximityPlacementGroupListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return ppglr.Value == nil || len(*ppglr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (ppglr ProximityPlacementGroupListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return ppglr.NextLink != nil && len(*ppglr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // proximityPlacementGroupListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (ppglr ProximityPlacementGroupListResult) proximityPlacementGroupListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !ppglr.hasNextLink() { + if ppglr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(ppglr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -4415,16 +4923,11 @@ func (page *ProximityPlacementGroupListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.C tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.ppglr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.ppglr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.ppglr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.ppglr = next return nil } @@ -4454,11 +4957,8 @@ func (page ProximityPlacementGroupListResultPage) Values() []ProximityPlacementG } // Creates a new instance of the ProximityPlacementGroupListResultPage type. -func NewProximityPlacementGroupListResultPage(cur ProximityPlacementGroupListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, ProximityPlacementGroupListResult) (ProximityPlacementGroupListResult, error)) ProximityPlacementGroupListResultPage { - return ProximityPlacementGroupListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - ppglr: cur, - } +func NewProximityPlacementGroupListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, ProximityPlacementGroupListResult) (ProximityPlacementGroupListResult, error)) ProximityPlacementGroupListResultPage { + return ProximityPlacementGroupListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // ProximityPlacementGroupProperties describes the properties of a Proximity Placement Group. @@ -4473,15 +4973,6 @@ type ProximityPlacementGroupProperties struct { AvailabilitySets *[]SubResource `json:"availabilitySets,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ProximityPlacementGroupProperties. -func (ppgp ProximityPlacementGroupProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if ppgp.ProximityPlacementGroupType != "" { - objectMap["proximityPlacementGroupType"] = ppgp.ProximityPlacementGroupType - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ProximityPlacementGroupUpdate specifies information about the proximity placement group. type ProximityPlacementGroupUpdate struct { // Tags - Resource tags @@ -4523,12 +5014,6 @@ type RecoveryWalkResponse struct { NextPlatformUpdateDomain *int32 `json:"nextPlatformUpdateDomain,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for RecoveryWalkResponse. -func (rwr RecoveryWalkResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // RegionalReplicationStatus this is the regional replication status. type RegionalReplicationStatus struct { // Region - READ-ONLY; The region to which the gallery Image Version is being replicated to. @@ -4541,12 +5026,6 @@ type RegionalReplicationStatus struct { Progress *int32 `json:"progress,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for RegionalReplicationStatus. -func (rrs RegionalReplicationStatus) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ReplicationStatus this is the replication status of the gallery Image Version. type ReplicationStatus struct { // AggregatedState - READ-ONLY; This is the aggregated replication status based on all the regional replication status flags. Possible values include: 'Unknown', 'InProgress', 'Completed', 'Failed' @@ -4555,12 +5034,6 @@ type ReplicationStatus struct { Summary *[]RegionalReplicationStatus `json:"summary,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ReplicationStatus. -func (rs ReplicationStatus) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // RequestRateByIntervalInput api request input for LogAnalytics getRequestRateByInterval Api. type RequestRateByIntervalInput struct { // IntervalLength - Interval value in minutes used to create LogAnalytics call rate logs. Possible values include: 'ThreeMins', 'FiveMins', 'ThirtyMins', 'SixtyMins' @@ -4643,12 +5116,6 @@ type ResourceSku struct { Restrictions *[]ResourceSkuRestrictions `json:"restrictions,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ResourceSku. -func (rs ResourceSku) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ResourceSkuCapabilities describes The SKU capabilities object. type ResourceSkuCapabilities struct { // Name - READ-ONLY; An invariant to describe the feature. @@ -4657,12 +5124,6 @@ type ResourceSkuCapabilities struct { Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ResourceSkuCapabilities. -func (rsc ResourceSkuCapabilities) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ResourceSkuCapacity describes scaling information of a SKU. type ResourceSkuCapacity struct { // Minimum - READ-ONLY; The minimum capacity. @@ -4675,12 +5136,6 @@ type ResourceSkuCapacity struct { ScaleType ResourceSkuCapacityScaleType `json:"scaleType,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ResourceSkuCapacity. -func (rsc ResourceSkuCapacity) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ResourceSkuCosts describes metadata for retrieving price info. type ResourceSkuCosts struct { // MeterID - READ-ONLY; Used for querying price from commerce. @@ -4691,24 +5146,12 @@ type ResourceSkuCosts struct { ExtendedUnit *string `json:"extendedUnit,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ResourceSkuCosts. -func (rsc ResourceSkuCosts) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ResourceSkuLocationInfo ... type ResourceSkuLocationInfo struct { // Location - READ-ONLY; Location of the SKU Location *string `json:"location,omitempty"` - // Zones - READ-ONLY; List of availability zones where the SKU is supported. - Zones *[]string `json:"zones,omitempty"` -} - -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ResourceSkuLocationInfo. -func (rsli ResourceSkuLocationInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) + // Zones - READ-ONLY; List of availability zones where the SKU is supported. + Zones *[]string `json:"zones,omitempty"` } // ResourceSkuRestrictionInfo ... @@ -4719,12 +5162,6 @@ type ResourceSkuRestrictionInfo struct { Zones *[]string `json:"zones,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ResourceSkuRestrictionInfo. -func (rsri ResourceSkuRestrictionInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ResourceSkuRestrictions describes scaling information of a SKU. type ResourceSkuRestrictions struct { // Type - READ-ONLY; The type of restrictions. Possible values include: 'Location', 'Zone' @@ -4737,12 +5174,6 @@ type ResourceSkuRestrictions struct { ReasonCode ResourceSkuRestrictionsReasonCode `json:"reasonCode,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ResourceSkuRestrictions. -func (rsr ResourceSkuRestrictions) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ResourceSkusResult the List Resource Skus operation response. type ResourceSkusResult struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` @@ -4820,15 +5251,10 @@ func (rsr ResourceSkusResult) IsEmpty() bool { return rsr.Value == nil || len(*rsr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (rsr ResourceSkusResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return rsr.NextLink != nil && len(*rsr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // resourceSkusResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (rsr ResourceSkusResult) resourceSkusResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !rsr.hasNextLink() { + if rsr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(rsr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -4856,16 +5282,11 @@ func (page *ResourceSkusResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err er tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.rsr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.rsr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.rsr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.rsr = next return nil } @@ -4895,11 +5316,8 @@ func (page ResourceSkusResultPage) Values() []ResourceSku { } // Creates a new instance of the ResourceSkusResultPage type. -func NewResourceSkusResultPage(cur ResourceSkusResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, ResourceSkusResult) (ResourceSkusResult, error)) ResourceSkusResultPage { - return ResourceSkusResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - rsr: cur, - } +func NewResourceSkusResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, ResourceSkusResult) (ResourceSkusResult, error)) ResourceSkusResultPage { + return ResourceSkusResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // RollbackStatusInfo information about rollback on failed VM instances after a OS Upgrade operation. @@ -4912,12 +5330,6 @@ type RollbackStatusInfo struct { RollbackError *APIError `json:"rollbackError,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for RollbackStatusInfo. -func (rsi RollbackStatusInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // RollingUpgradePolicy the configuration parameters used while performing a rolling upgrade. type RollingUpgradePolicy struct { // MaxBatchInstancePercent - The maximum percent of total virtual machine instances that will be upgraded simultaneously by the rolling upgrade in one batch. As this is a maximum, unhealthy instances in previous or future batches can cause the percentage of instances in a batch to decrease to ensure higher reliability. The default value for this parameter is 20%. @@ -4943,12 +5355,6 @@ type RollingUpgradeProgressInfo struct { PendingInstanceCount *int32 `json:"pendingInstanceCount,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for RollingUpgradeProgressInfo. -func (rupi RollingUpgradeProgressInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // RollingUpgradeRunningStatus information about the current running state of the overall upgrade. type RollingUpgradeRunningStatus struct { // Code - READ-ONLY; Code indicating the current status of the upgrade. Possible values include: 'RollingUpgradeStatusCodeRollingForward', 'RollingUpgradeStatusCodeCancelled', 'RollingUpgradeStatusCodeCompleted', 'RollingUpgradeStatusCodeFaulted' @@ -4961,12 +5367,6 @@ type RollingUpgradeRunningStatus struct { LastActionTime *date.Time `json:"lastActionTime,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for RollingUpgradeRunningStatus. -func (rurs RollingUpgradeRunningStatus) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // RollingUpgradeStatusInfo the status of the latest virtual machine scale set rolling upgrade. type RollingUpgradeStatusInfo struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` @@ -5079,12 +5479,6 @@ type RollingUpgradeStatusInfoProperties struct { Error *APIError `json:"error,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for RollingUpgradeStatusInfoProperties. -func (rusip RollingUpgradeStatusInfoProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // RunCommandDocument describes the properties of a Run Command. type RunCommandDocument struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` @@ -5213,15 +5607,10 @@ func (rclr RunCommandListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return rclr.Value == nil || len(*rclr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (rclr RunCommandListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return rclr.NextLink != nil && len(*rclr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // runCommandListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (rclr RunCommandListResult) runCommandListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !rclr.hasNextLink() { + if rclr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(rclr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -5249,16 +5638,11 @@ func (page *RunCommandListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.rclr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.rclr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.rclr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.rclr = next return nil } @@ -5288,11 +5672,8 @@ func (page RunCommandListResultPage) Values() []RunCommandDocumentBase { } // Creates a new instance of the RunCommandListResultPage type. -func NewRunCommandListResultPage(cur RunCommandListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, RunCommandListResult) (RunCommandListResult, error)) RunCommandListResultPage { - return RunCommandListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - rclr: cur, - } +func NewRunCommandListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, RunCommandListResult) (RunCommandListResult, error)) RunCommandListResultPage { + return RunCommandListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // RunCommandParameterDefinition describes the properties of a run command parameter. @@ -5314,9 +5695,7 @@ type RunCommandResult struct { Value *[]InstanceViewStatus `json:"value,omitempty"` } -// Sku describes a virtual machine scale set sku. NOTE: If the new VM SKU is not supported on the hardware -// the scale set is currently on, you need to deallocate the VMs in the scale set before you modify the SKU -// name. +// Sku describes a virtual machine scale set sku. type Sku struct { // Name - The sku name. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` @@ -5527,15 +5906,10 @@ func (sl SnapshotList) IsEmpty() bool { return sl.Value == nil || len(*sl.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (sl SnapshotList) hasNextLink() bool { - return sl.NextLink != nil && len(*sl.NextLink) != 0 -} - // snapshotListPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (sl SnapshotList) snapshotListPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !sl.hasNextLink() { + if sl.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(sl.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -5563,16 +5937,11 @@ func (page *SnapshotListPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error) { tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.sl) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.sl = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.sl) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.sl = next return nil } @@ -5602,11 +5971,8 @@ func (page SnapshotListPage) Values() []Snapshot { } // Creates a new instance of the SnapshotListPage type. -func NewSnapshotListPage(cur SnapshotList, getNextPage func(context.Context, SnapshotList) (SnapshotList, error)) SnapshotListPage { - return SnapshotListPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - sl: cur, - } +func NewSnapshotListPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, SnapshotList) (SnapshotList, error)) SnapshotListPage { + return SnapshotListPage{fn: getNextPage} } // SnapshotProperties snapshot resource properties. @@ -5625,46 +5991,15 @@ type SnapshotProperties struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for SnapshotProperties. -func (sp SnapshotProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if sp.OsType != "" { - objectMap["osType"] = sp.OsType - } - if sp.CreationData != nil { - objectMap["creationData"] = sp.CreationData - } - if sp.DiskSizeGB != nil { - objectMap["diskSizeGB"] = sp.DiskSizeGB - } - if sp.EncryptionSettings != nil { - objectMap["encryptionSettings"] = sp.EncryptionSettings - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // SnapshotsCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type SnapshotsCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(SnapshotsClient) (Snapshot, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *SnapshotsCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for SnapshotsCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *SnapshotsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client SnapshotsClient) (s Snapshot, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *SnapshotsCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client SnapshotsClient) (s Snapshot, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -5672,7 +6007,6 @@ func (future *SnapshotsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client SnapshotsClient) (s S return } if !done { - s.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.SnapshotsCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -5689,25 +6023,12 @@ func (future *SnapshotsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client SnapshotsClient) (s S // SnapshotsDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type SnapshotsDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(SnapshotsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *SnapshotsDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for SnapshotsDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *SnapshotsDeleteFuture) result(client SnapshotsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *SnapshotsDeleteFuture) Result(client SnapshotsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -5715,7 +6036,6 @@ func (future *SnapshotsDeleteFuture) result(client SnapshotsClient) (ar autorest return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.SnapshotsDeleteFuture") return } @@ -5726,25 +6046,12 @@ func (future *SnapshotsDeleteFuture) result(client SnapshotsClient) (ar autorest // SnapshotsGrantAccessFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type SnapshotsGrantAccessFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(SnapshotsClient) (AccessURI, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *SnapshotsGrantAccessFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for SnapshotsGrantAccessFuture.Result. -func (future *SnapshotsGrantAccessFuture) result(client SnapshotsClient) (au AccessURI, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *SnapshotsGrantAccessFuture) Result(client SnapshotsClient) (au AccessURI, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -5752,7 +6059,6 @@ func (future *SnapshotsGrantAccessFuture) result(client SnapshotsClient) (au Acc return } if !done { - au.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.SnapshotsGrantAccessFuture") return } @@ -5774,37 +6080,15 @@ type SnapshotSku struct { Tier *string `json:"tier,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for SnapshotSku. -func (ss SnapshotSku) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if ss.Name != "" { - objectMap["name"] = ss.Name - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // SnapshotsRevokeAccessFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type SnapshotsRevokeAccessFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(SnapshotsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *SnapshotsRevokeAccessFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for SnapshotsRevokeAccessFuture.Result. -func (future *SnapshotsRevokeAccessFuture) result(client SnapshotsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *SnapshotsRevokeAccessFuture) Result(client SnapshotsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -5812,7 +6096,6 @@ func (future *SnapshotsRevokeAccessFuture) result(client SnapshotsClient) (ar au return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.SnapshotsRevokeAccessFuture") return } @@ -5823,25 +6106,12 @@ func (future *SnapshotsRevokeAccessFuture) result(client SnapshotsClient) (ar au // SnapshotsUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type SnapshotsUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(SnapshotsClient) (Snapshot, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *SnapshotsUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for SnapshotsUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *SnapshotsUpdateFuture) result(client SnapshotsClient) (s Snapshot, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *SnapshotsUpdateFuture) Result(client SnapshotsClient) (s Snapshot, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -5849,7 +6119,6 @@ func (future *SnapshotsUpdateFuture) result(client SnapshotsClient) (s Snapshot, return } if !done { - s.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.SnapshotsUpdateFuture") return } @@ -5982,12 +6251,6 @@ type SubResourceReadOnly struct { ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for SubResourceReadOnly. -func (srro SubResourceReadOnly) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // TargetRegion describes the target region information. type TargetRegion struct { // Name - The name of the region. @@ -6037,12 +6300,6 @@ type UpgradeOperationHistoricalStatusInfo struct { Location *string `json:"location,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for UpgradeOperationHistoricalStatusInfo. -func (uohsi UpgradeOperationHistoricalStatusInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // UpgradeOperationHistoricalStatusInfoProperties describes each OS upgrade on the Virtual Machine Scale // Set. type UpgradeOperationHistoricalStatusInfoProperties struct { @@ -6060,12 +6317,6 @@ type UpgradeOperationHistoricalStatusInfoProperties struct { RollbackInfo *RollbackStatusInfo `json:"rollbackInfo,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for UpgradeOperationHistoricalStatusInfoProperties. -func (uohsip UpgradeOperationHistoricalStatusInfoProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // UpgradeOperationHistoryStatus information about the current running state of the overall upgrade. type UpgradeOperationHistoryStatus struct { // Code - READ-ONLY; Code indicating the current status of the upgrade. Possible values include: 'UpgradeStateRollingForward', 'UpgradeStateCancelled', 'UpgradeStateCompleted', 'UpgradeStateFaulted' @@ -6076,12 +6327,6 @@ type UpgradeOperationHistoryStatus struct { EndTime *date.Time `json:"endTime,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for UpgradeOperationHistoryStatus. -func (uohs UpgradeOperationHistoryStatus) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // UpgradePolicy describes an upgrade policy - automatic, manual, or rolling. type UpgradePolicy struct { // Mode - Specifies the mode of an upgrade to virtual machines in the scale set.

Possible values are:

**Manual** - You control the application of updates to virtual machines in the scale set. You do this by using the manualUpgrade action.

**Automatic** - All virtual machines in the scale set are automatically updated at the same time. Possible values include: 'Automatic', 'Manual', 'Rolling' @@ -6323,15 +6568,6 @@ type VirtualMachineCaptureResult struct { ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VirtualMachineCaptureResult. -func (vmcr VirtualMachineCaptureResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if vmcr.ID != nil { - objectMap["id"] = vmcr.ID - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // VirtualMachineExtension describes a Virtual Machine Extension. type VirtualMachineExtension struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` @@ -6592,58 +6828,15 @@ type VirtualMachineExtensionProperties struct { InstanceView *VirtualMachineExtensionInstanceView `json:"instanceView,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VirtualMachineExtensionProperties. -func (vmep VirtualMachineExtensionProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if vmep.ForceUpdateTag != nil { - objectMap["forceUpdateTag"] = vmep.ForceUpdateTag - } - if vmep.Publisher != nil { - objectMap["publisher"] = vmep.Publisher - } - if vmep.Type != nil { - objectMap["type"] = vmep.Type - } - if vmep.TypeHandlerVersion != nil { - objectMap["typeHandlerVersion"] = vmep.TypeHandlerVersion - } - if vmep.AutoUpgradeMinorVersion != nil { - objectMap["autoUpgradeMinorVersion"] = vmep.AutoUpgradeMinorVersion - } - if vmep.Settings != nil { - objectMap["settings"] = vmep.Settings - } - if vmep.ProtectedSettings != nil { - objectMap["protectedSettings"] = vmep.ProtectedSettings - } - if vmep.InstanceView != nil { - objectMap["instanceView"] = vmep.InstanceView - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // VirtualMachineExtensionsCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of // a long-running operation. type VirtualMachineExtensionsCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachineExtensionsClient) (VirtualMachineExtension, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachineExtensionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachineExtensionsCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachineExtensionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client VirtualMachineExtensionsClient) (vme VirtualMachineExtension, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachineExtensionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client VirtualMachineExtensionsClient) (vme VirtualMachineExtension, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -6651,7 +6844,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineExtensionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client Virtua return } if !done { - vme.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachineExtensionsCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -6668,25 +6860,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineExtensionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client Virtua // VirtualMachineExtensionsDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualMachineExtensionsDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachineExtensionsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachineExtensionsDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachineExtensionsDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachineExtensionsDeleteFuture) result(client VirtualMachineExtensionsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachineExtensionsDeleteFuture) Result(client VirtualMachineExtensionsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -6694,7 +6873,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineExtensionsDeleteFuture) result(client VirtualMachine return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachineExtensionsDeleteFuture") return } @@ -6712,25 +6890,12 @@ type VirtualMachineExtensionsListResult struct { // VirtualMachineExtensionsUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualMachineExtensionsUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachineExtensionsClient) (VirtualMachineExtension, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachineExtensionsUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachineExtensionsUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachineExtensionsUpdateFuture) result(client VirtualMachineExtensionsClient) (vme VirtualMachineExtension, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachineExtensionsUpdateFuture) Result(client VirtualMachineExtensionsClient) (vme VirtualMachineExtension, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -6738,7 +6903,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineExtensionsUpdateFuture) result(client VirtualMachine return } if !done { - vme.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachineExtensionsUpdateFuture") return } @@ -6828,12 +6992,6 @@ type VirtualMachineHealthStatus struct { Status *InstanceViewStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VirtualMachineHealthStatus. -func (vmhs VirtualMachineHealthStatus) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // VirtualMachineIdentity identity for the virtual machine. type VirtualMachineIdentity struct { // PrincipalID - READ-ONLY; The principal id of virtual machine identity. This property will only be provided for a system assigned identity. @@ -6866,12 +7024,6 @@ type VirtualMachineIdentityUserAssignedIdentitiesValue struct { ClientID *string `json:"clientId,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VirtualMachineIdentityUserAssignedIdentitiesValue. -func (vmiAiv VirtualMachineIdentityUserAssignedIdentitiesValue) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // VirtualMachineImage describes a Virtual Machine Image. type VirtualMachineImage struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` @@ -7111,15 +7263,10 @@ func (vmlr VirtualMachineListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return vmlr.Value == nil || len(*vmlr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (vmlr VirtualMachineListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return vmlr.NextLink != nil && len(*vmlr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // virtualMachineListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (vmlr VirtualMachineListResult) virtualMachineListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !vmlr.hasNextLink() { + if vmlr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(vmlr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -7147,16 +7294,11 @@ func (page *VirtualMachineListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) ( tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.vmlr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.vmlr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.vmlr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.vmlr = next return nil } @@ -7186,11 +7328,8 @@ func (page VirtualMachineListResultPage) Values() []VirtualMachine { } // Creates a new instance of the VirtualMachineListResultPage type. -func NewVirtualMachineListResultPage(cur VirtualMachineListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, VirtualMachineListResult) (VirtualMachineListResult, error)) VirtualMachineListResultPage { - return VirtualMachineListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - vmlr: cur, - } +func NewVirtualMachineListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, VirtualMachineListResult) (VirtualMachineListResult, error)) VirtualMachineListResultPage { + return VirtualMachineListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // VirtualMachineProperties describes the properties of a Virtual Machine. @@ -7221,39 +7360,6 @@ type VirtualMachineProperties struct { VMID *string `json:"vmId,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VirtualMachineProperties. -func (vmp VirtualMachineProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if vmp.HardwareProfile != nil { - objectMap["hardwareProfile"] = vmp.HardwareProfile - } - if vmp.StorageProfile != nil { - objectMap["storageProfile"] = vmp.StorageProfile - } - if vmp.AdditionalCapabilities != nil { - objectMap["additionalCapabilities"] = vmp.AdditionalCapabilities - } - if vmp.OsProfile != nil { - objectMap["osProfile"] = vmp.OsProfile - } - if vmp.NetworkProfile != nil { - objectMap["networkProfile"] = vmp.NetworkProfile - } - if vmp.DiagnosticsProfile != nil { - objectMap["diagnosticsProfile"] = vmp.DiagnosticsProfile - } - if vmp.AvailabilitySet != nil { - objectMap["availabilitySet"] = vmp.AvailabilitySet - } - if vmp.ProximityPlacementGroup != nil { - objectMap["proximityPlacementGroup"] = vmp.ProximityPlacementGroup - } - if vmp.LicenseType != nil { - objectMap["licenseType"] = vmp.LicenseType - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // VirtualMachineReimageParameters parameters for Reimaging Virtual Machine. NOTE: Virtual Machine OS disk // will always be reimaged type VirtualMachineReimageParameters struct { @@ -7271,7 +7377,7 @@ type VirtualMachineScaleSet struct { *VirtualMachineScaleSetProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"` // Identity - The identity of the virtual machine scale set, if configured. Identity *VirtualMachineScaleSetIdentity `json:"identity,omitempty"` - // Zones - The virtual machine scale set zones. NOTE: Availability zones can only be set when you create the scale set. + // Zones - The virtual machine scale set zones. Zones *[]string `json:"zones,omitempty"` // ID - READ-ONLY; Resource Id ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` @@ -7577,15 +7683,10 @@ func (vmsselr VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return vmsselr.Value == nil || len(*vmsselr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (vmsselr VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return vmsselr.NextLink != nil && len(*vmsselr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // virtualMachineScaleSetExtensionListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (vmsselr VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionListResult) virtualMachineScaleSetExtensionListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !vmsselr.hasNextLink() { + if vmsselr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(vmsselr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -7613,16 +7714,11 @@ func (page *VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx c tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.vmsselr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.vmsselr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.vmsselr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.vmsselr = next return nil } @@ -7652,11 +7748,8 @@ func (page VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionListResultPage) Values() []VirtualMach } // Creates a new instance of the VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionListResultPage type. -func NewVirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionListResultPage(cur VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionListResult) (VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionListResult, error)) VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionListResultPage { - return VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - vmsselr: cur, - } +func NewVirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionListResult) (VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionListResult, error)) VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionListResultPage { + return VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionProfile describes a virtual machine scale set extension profile. @@ -7688,58 +7781,15 @@ type VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionProperties struct { ProvisionAfterExtensions *[]string `json:"provisionAfterExtensions,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionProperties. -func (vmssep VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if vmssep.ForceUpdateTag != nil { - objectMap["forceUpdateTag"] = vmssep.ForceUpdateTag - } - if vmssep.Publisher != nil { - objectMap["publisher"] = vmssep.Publisher - } - if vmssep.Type != nil { - objectMap["type"] = vmssep.Type - } - if vmssep.TypeHandlerVersion != nil { - objectMap["typeHandlerVersion"] = vmssep.TypeHandlerVersion - } - if vmssep.AutoUpgradeMinorVersion != nil { - objectMap["autoUpgradeMinorVersion"] = vmssep.AutoUpgradeMinorVersion - } - if vmssep.Settings != nil { - objectMap["settings"] = vmssep.Settings - } - if vmssep.ProtectedSettings != nil { - objectMap["protectedSettings"] = vmssep.ProtectedSettings - } - if vmssep.ProvisionAfterExtensions != nil { - objectMap["provisionAfterExtensions"] = vmssep.ProvisionAfterExtensions - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the // results of a long-running operation. type VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClient) (VirtualMachineScaleSetExtension, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClient) (vmsse VirtualMachineScaleSetExtension, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClient) (vmsse VirtualMachineScaleSetExtension, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -7747,7 +7797,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(clien return } if !done { - vmsse.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -7764,25 +7813,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(clien // VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of // a long-running operation. type VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsDeleteFuture) result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsDeleteFuture) Result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -7790,7 +7826,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsDeleteFuture) result(client Virtua return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsDeleteFuture") return } @@ -7830,12 +7865,6 @@ type VirtualMachineScaleSetIdentityUserAssignedIdentitiesValue struct { ClientID *string `json:"clientId,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VirtualMachineScaleSetIdentityUserAssignedIdentitiesValue. -func (vmssiAiv VirtualMachineScaleSetIdentityUserAssignedIdentitiesValue) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // VirtualMachineScaleSetInstanceView the instance view of a virtual machine scale set. type VirtualMachineScaleSetInstanceView struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` @@ -7847,15 +7876,6 @@ type VirtualMachineScaleSetInstanceView struct { Statuses *[]InstanceViewStatus `json:"statuses,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VirtualMachineScaleSetInstanceView. -func (vmssiv VirtualMachineScaleSetInstanceView) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if vmssiv.Statuses != nil { - objectMap["statuses"] = vmssiv.Statuses - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // VirtualMachineScaleSetInstanceViewStatusesSummary instance view statuses summary for virtual machines of // a virtual machine scale set. type VirtualMachineScaleSetInstanceViewStatusesSummary struct { @@ -7863,12 +7883,6 @@ type VirtualMachineScaleSetInstanceViewStatusesSummary struct { StatusesSummary *[]VirtualMachineStatusCodeCount `json:"statusesSummary,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VirtualMachineScaleSetInstanceViewStatusesSummary. -func (vmssivss VirtualMachineScaleSetInstanceViewStatusesSummary) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // VirtualMachineScaleSetIPConfiguration describes a virtual machine scale set network profile's IP // configuration. type VirtualMachineScaleSetIPConfiguration struct { @@ -8044,15 +8058,10 @@ func (vmsslouh VirtualMachineScaleSetListOSUpgradeHistory) IsEmpty() bool { return vmsslouh.Value == nil || len(*vmsslouh.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (vmsslouh VirtualMachineScaleSetListOSUpgradeHistory) hasNextLink() bool { - return vmsslouh.NextLink != nil && len(*vmsslouh.NextLink) != 0 -} - // virtualMachineScaleSetListOSUpgradeHistoryPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (vmsslouh VirtualMachineScaleSetListOSUpgradeHistory) virtualMachineScaleSetListOSUpgradeHistoryPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !vmsslouh.hasNextLink() { + if vmsslouh.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(vmsslouh.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -8081,16 +8090,11 @@ func (page *VirtualMachineScaleSetListOSUpgradeHistoryPage) NextWithContext(ctx tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.vmsslouh) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.vmsslouh = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.vmsslouh) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.vmsslouh = next return nil } @@ -8120,11 +8124,8 @@ func (page VirtualMachineScaleSetListOSUpgradeHistoryPage) Values() []UpgradeOpe } // Creates a new instance of the VirtualMachineScaleSetListOSUpgradeHistoryPage type. -func NewVirtualMachineScaleSetListOSUpgradeHistoryPage(cur VirtualMachineScaleSetListOSUpgradeHistory, getNextPage func(context.Context, VirtualMachineScaleSetListOSUpgradeHistory) (VirtualMachineScaleSetListOSUpgradeHistory, error)) VirtualMachineScaleSetListOSUpgradeHistoryPage { - return VirtualMachineScaleSetListOSUpgradeHistoryPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - vmsslouh: cur, - } +func NewVirtualMachineScaleSetListOSUpgradeHistoryPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, VirtualMachineScaleSetListOSUpgradeHistory) (VirtualMachineScaleSetListOSUpgradeHistory, error)) VirtualMachineScaleSetListOSUpgradeHistoryPage { + return VirtualMachineScaleSetListOSUpgradeHistoryPage{fn: getNextPage} } // VirtualMachineScaleSetListResult the List Virtual Machine operation response. @@ -8205,15 +8206,10 @@ func (vmsslr VirtualMachineScaleSetListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return vmsslr.Value == nil || len(*vmsslr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (vmsslr VirtualMachineScaleSetListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return vmsslr.NextLink != nil && len(*vmsslr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // virtualMachineScaleSetListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (vmsslr VirtualMachineScaleSetListResult) virtualMachineScaleSetListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !vmsslr.hasNextLink() { + if vmsslr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(vmsslr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -8241,16 +8237,11 @@ func (page *VirtualMachineScaleSetListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Co tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.vmsslr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.vmsslr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.vmsslr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.vmsslr = next return nil } @@ -8280,11 +8271,8 @@ func (page VirtualMachineScaleSetListResultPage) Values() []VirtualMachineScaleS } // Creates a new instance of the VirtualMachineScaleSetListResultPage type. -func NewVirtualMachineScaleSetListResultPage(cur VirtualMachineScaleSetListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, VirtualMachineScaleSetListResult) (VirtualMachineScaleSetListResult, error)) VirtualMachineScaleSetListResultPage { - return VirtualMachineScaleSetListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - vmsslr: cur, - } +func NewVirtualMachineScaleSetListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, VirtualMachineScaleSetListResult) (VirtualMachineScaleSetListResult, error)) VirtualMachineScaleSetListResultPage { + return VirtualMachineScaleSetListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // VirtualMachineScaleSetListSkusResult the Virtual Machine Scale Set List Skus operation response. @@ -8365,15 +8353,10 @@ func (vmsslsr VirtualMachineScaleSetListSkusResult) IsEmpty() bool { return vmsslsr.Value == nil || len(*vmsslsr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (vmsslsr VirtualMachineScaleSetListSkusResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return vmsslsr.NextLink != nil && len(*vmsslsr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // virtualMachineScaleSetListSkusResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (vmsslsr VirtualMachineScaleSetListSkusResult) virtualMachineScaleSetListSkusResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !vmsslsr.hasNextLink() { + if vmsslsr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(vmsslsr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -8401,16 +8384,11 @@ func (page *VirtualMachineScaleSetListSkusResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx contex tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.vmsslsr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.vmsslsr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.vmsslsr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.vmsslsr = next return nil } @@ -8440,11 +8418,8 @@ func (page VirtualMachineScaleSetListSkusResultPage) Values() []VirtualMachineSc } // Creates a new instance of the VirtualMachineScaleSetListSkusResultPage type. -func NewVirtualMachineScaleSetListSkusResultPage(cur VirtualMachineScaleSetListSkusResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, VirtualMachineScaleSetListSkusResult) (VirtualMachineScaleSetListSkusResult, error)) VirtualMachineScaleSetListSkusResultPage { - return VirtualMachineScaleSetListSkusResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - vmsslsr: cur, - } +func NewVirtualMachineScaleSetListSkusResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, VirtualMachineScaleSetListSkusResult) (VirtualMachineScaleSetListSkusResult, error)) VirtualMachineScaleSetListSkusResultPage { + return VirtualMachineScaleSetListSkusResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // VirtualMachineScaleSetListWithLinkResult the List Virtual Machine operation response. @@ -8525,15 +8500,10 @@ func (vmsslwlr VirtualMachineScaleSetListWithLinkResult) IsEmpty() bool { return vmsslwlr.Value == nil || len(*vmsslwlr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (vmsslwlr VirtualMachineScaleSetListWithLinkResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return vmsslwlr.NextLink != nil && len(*vmsslwlr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // virtualMachineScaleSetListWithLinkResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (vmsslwlr VirtualMachineScaleSetListWithLinkResult) virtualMachineScaleSetListWithLinkResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !vmsslwlr.hasNextLink() { + if vmsslwlr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(vmsslwlr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -8561,16 +8531,11 @@ func (page *VirtualMachineScaleSetListWithLinkResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx co tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.vmsslwlr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.vmsslwlr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.vmsslwlr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.vmsslwlr = next return nil } @@ -8600,11 +8565,8 @@ func (page VirtualMachineScaleSetListWithLinkResultPage) Values() []VirtualMachi } // Creates a new instance of the VirtualMachineScaleSetListWithLinkResultPage type. -func NewVirtualMachineScaleSetListWithLinkResultPage(cur VirtualMachineScaleSetListWithLinkResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, VirtualMachineScaleSetListWithLinkResult) (VirtualMachineScaleSetListWithLinkResult, error)) VirtualMachineScaleSetListWithLinkResultPage { - return VirtualMachineScaleSetListWithLinkResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - vmsslwlr: cur, - } +func NewVirtualMachineScaleSetListWithLinkResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, VirtualMachineScaleSetListWithLinkResult) (VirtualMachineScaleSetListWithLinkResult, error)) VirtualMachineScaleSetListWithLinkResultPage { + return VirtualMachineScaleSetListWithLinkResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // VirtualMachineScaleSetManagedDiskParameters describes the parameters of a ScaleSet managed disk. @@ -8775,42 +8737,9 @@ type VirtualMachineScaleSetProperties struct { // ZoneBalance - Whether to force strictly even Virtual Machine distribution cross x-zones in case there is zone outage. ZoneBalance *bool `json:"zoneBalance,omitempty"` // PlatformFaultDomainCount - Fault Domain count for each placement group. - PlatformFaultDomainCount *int32 `json:"platformFaultDomainCount,omitempty"` - // ProximityPlacementGroup - Specifies information about the proximity placement group that the virtual machine scale set should be assigned to.

Minimum api-version: 2018-04-01. - ProximityPlacementGroup *SubResource `json:"proximityPlacementGroup,omitempty"` -} - -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VirtualMachineScaleSetProperties. -func (vmssp VirtualMachineScaleSetProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if vmssp.UpgradePolicy != nil { - objectMap["upgradePolicy"] = vmssp.UpgradePolicy - } - if vmssp.AutomaticRepairsPolicy != nil { - objectMap["automaticRepairsPolicy"] = vmssp.AutomaticRepairsPolicy - } - if vmssp.VirtualMachineProfile != nil { - objectMap["virtualMachineProfile"] = vmssp.VirtualMachineProfile - } - if vmssp.Overprovision != nil { - objectMap["overprovision"] = vmssp.Overprovision - } - if vmssp.DoNotRunExtensionsOnOverprovisionedVMs != nil { - objectMap["doNotRunExtensionsOnOverprovisionedVMs"] = vmssp.DoNotRunExtensionsOnOverprovisionedVMs - } - if vmssp.SinglePlacementGroup != nil { - objectMap["singlePlacementGroup"] = vmssp.SinglePlacementGroup - } - if vmssp.ZoneBalance != nil { - objectMap["zoneBalance"] = vmssp.ZoneBalance - } - if vmssp.PlatformFaultDomainCount != nil { - objectMap["platformFaultDomainCount"] = vmssp.PlatformFaultDomainCount - } - if vmssp.ProximityPlacementGroup != nil { - objectMap["proximityPlacementGroup"] = vmssp.ProximityPlacementGroup - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) + PlatformFaultDomainCount *int32 `json:"platformFaultDomainCount,omitempty"` + // ProximityPlacementGroup - Specifies information about the proximity placement group that the virtual machine scale set should be assigned to.

Minimum api-version: 2018-04-01. + ProximityPlacementGroup *SubResource `json:"proximityPlacementGroup,omitempty"` } // VirtualMachineScaleSetPublicIPAddressConfiguration describes a virtual machines scale set IP @@ -8897,25 +8826,12 @@ type VirtualMachineScaleSetReimageParameters struct { // VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesCancelFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the // results of a long-running operation. type VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesCancelFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesCancelFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesCancelFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesCancelFuture) result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesCancelFuture) Result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -8923,7 +8839,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesCancelFuture) result(client V return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesCancelFuture") return } @@ -8934,25 +8849,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesCancelFuture) result(client V // VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesStartExtensionUpgradeFuture an abstraction for monitoring and // retrieving the results of a long-running operation. type VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesStartExtensionUpgradeFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient) (autorest.Response, error) + azure.Future } -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesStartExtensionUpgradeFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil -} - -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesStartExtensionUpgradeFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesStartExtensionUpgradeFuture) result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesStartExtensionUpgradeFuture) Result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -8960,7 +8862,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesStartExtensionUpgradeFuture) return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesStartExtensionUpgradeFuture") return } @@ -8971,25 +8872,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesStartExtensionUpgradeFuture) // VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesStartOSUpgradeFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving // the results of a long-running operation. type VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesStartOSUpgradeFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesStartOSUpgradeFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesStartOSUpgradeFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesStartOSUpgradeFuture) result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesStartOSUpgradeFuture) Result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -8997,7 +8885,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesStartOSUpgradeFuture) result( return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesStartOSUpgradeFuture") return } @@ -9008,25 +8895,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesStartOSUpgradeFuture) result( // VirtualMachineScaleSetsCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of // a long-running operation. type VirtualMachineScaleSetsCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (VirtualMachineScaleSet, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachineScaleSetsCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (vmss VirtualMachineScaleSet, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (vmss VirtualMachineScaleSet, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -9034,7 +8908,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client Virtual return } if !done { - vmss.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetsCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -9051,25 +8924,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client Virtual // VirtualMachineScaleSetsDeallocateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualMachineScaleSetsDeallocateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsDeallocateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachineScaleSetsDeallocateFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsDeallocateFuture) result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsDeallocateFuture) Result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -9077,7 +8937,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsDeallocateFuture) result(client VirtualMach return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetsDeallocateFuture") return } @@ -9088,25 +8947,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsDeallocateFuture) result(client VirtualMach // VirtualMachineScaleSetsDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualMachineScaleSetsDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachineScaleSetsDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsDeleteFuture) result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsDeleteFuture) Result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -9114,7 +8960,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsDeleteFuture) result(client VirtualMachineS return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetsDeleteFuture") return } @@ -9125,25 +8970,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsDeleteFuture) result(client VirtualMachineS // VirtualMachineScaleSetsDeleteInstancesFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of // a long-running operation. type VirtualMachineScaleSetsDeleteInstancesFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsDeleteInstancesFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachineScaleSetsDeleteInstancesFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsDeleteInstancesFuture) result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsDeleteInstancesFuture) Result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -9151,7 +8983,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsDeleteInstancesFuture) result(client Virtua return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetsDeleteInstancesFuture") return } @@ -9169,12 +9000,6 @@ type VirtualMachineScaleSetSku struct { Capacity *VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuCapacity `json:"capacity,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VirtualMachineScaleSetSku. -func (vmsss VirtualMachineScaleSetSku) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuCapacity describes scaling information of a sku. type VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuCapacity struct { // Minimum - READ-ONLY; The minimum capacity. @@ -9187,34 +9012,15 @@ type VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuCapacity struct { ScaleType VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuScaleType `json:"scaleType,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuCapacity. -func (vmsssc VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuCapacity) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // VirtualMachineScaleSetsPerformMaintenanceFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results // of a long-running operation. type VirtualMachineScaleSetsPerformMaintenanceFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsPerformMaintenanceFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachineScaleSetsPerformMaintenanceFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsPerformMaintenanceFuture) result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsPerformMaintenanceFuture) Result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -9222,7 +9028,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsPerformMaintenanceFuture) result(client Vir return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetsPerformMaintenanceFuture") return } @@ -9233,25 +9038,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsPerformMaintenanceFuture) result(client Vir // VirtualMachineScaleSetsPowerOffFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualMachineScaleSetsPowerOffFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsPowerOffFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachineScaleSetsPowerOffFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsPowerOffFuture) result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsPowerOffFuture) Result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -9259,7 +9051,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsPowerOffFuture) result(client VirtualMachin return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetsPowerOffFuture") return } @@ -9270,25 +9061,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsPowerOffFuture) result(client VirtualMachin // VirtualMachineScaleSetsRedeployFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualMachineScaleSetsRedeployFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (autorest.Response, error) + azure.Future } -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsRedeployFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil -} - -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachineScaleSetsRedeployFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsRedeployFuture) result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsRedeployFuture) Result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -9296,7 +9074,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsRedeployFuture) result(client VirtualMachin return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetsRedeployFuture") return } @@ -9307,25 +9084,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsRedeployFuture) result(client VirtualMachin // VirtualMachineScaleSetsReimageAllFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualMachineScaleSetsReimageAllFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsReimageAllFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachineScaleSetsReimageAllFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsReimageAllFuture) result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsReimageAllFuture) Result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -9333,7 +9097,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsReimageAllFuture) result(client VirtualMach return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetsReimageAllFuture") return } @@ -9344,25 +9107,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsReimageAllFuture) result(client VirtualMach // VirtualMachineScaleSetsReimageFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualMachineScaleSetsReimageFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsReimageFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachineScaleSetsReimageFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsReimageFuture) result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsReimageFuture) Result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -9370,7 +9120,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsReimageFuture) result(client VirtualMachine return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetsReimageFuture") return } @@ -9381,25 +9130,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsReimageFuture) result(client VirtualMachine // VirtualMachineScaleSetsRestartFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualMachineScaleSetsRestartFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsRestartFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachineScaleSetsRestartFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsRestartFuture) result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsRestartFuture) Result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -9407,7 +9143,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsRestartFuture) result(client VirtualMachine return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetsRestartFuture") return } @@ -9418,25 +9153,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsRestartFuture) result(client VirtualMachine // VirtualMachineScaleSetsStartFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualMachineScaleSetsStartFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsStartFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachineScaleSetsStartFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsStartFuture) result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsStartFuture) Result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -9444,7 +9166,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsStartFuture) result(client VirtualMachineSc return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetsStartFuture") return } @@ -9465,25 +9186,12 @@ type VirtualMachineScaleSetStorageProfile struct { // VirtualMachineScaleSetsUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualMachineScaleSetsUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (VirtualMachineScaleSet, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachineScaleSetsUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsUpdateFuture) result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (vmss VirtualMachineScaleSet, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsUpdateFuture) Result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (vmss VirtualMachineScaleSet, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -9491,7 +9199,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsUpdateFuture) result(client VirtualMachineS return } if !done { - vmss.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetsUpdateFuture") return } @@ -9508,25 +9215,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsUpdateFuture) result(client VirtualMachineS // VirtualMachineScaleSetsUpdateInstancesFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of // a long-running operation. type VirtualMachineScaleSetsUpdateInstancesFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsUpdateInstancesFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachineScaleSetsUpdateInstancesFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsUpdateInstancesFuture) result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsUpdateInstancesFuture) Result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -9534,7 +9228,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetsUpdateInstancesFuture) result(client Virtua return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetsUpdateInstancesFuture") return } @@ -9704,8 +9397,7 @@ func (vmssuic *VirtualMachineScaleSetUpdateIPConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON(body [ } // VirtualMachineScaleSetUpdateIPConfigurationProperties describes a virtual machine scale set network -// profile's IP configuration properties. NOTE: The subnet of a scale set may be modified as long as the -// original subnet and the new subnet are in the same virtual network. +// profile's IP configuration properties. type VirtualMachineScaleSetUpdateIPConfigurationProperties struct { // Subnet - The subnet. Subnet *APIEntityReference `json:"subnet,omitempty"` @@ -9857,10 +9549,8 @@ type VirtualMachineScaleSetUpdateProperties struct { Overprovision *bool `json:"overprovision,omitempty"` // DoNotRunExtensionsOnOverprovisionedVMs - When Overprovision is enabled, extensions are launched only on the requested number of VMs which are finally kept. This property will hence ensure that the extensions do not run on the extra overprovisioned VMs. DoNotRunExtensionsOnOverprovisionedVMs *bool `json:"doNotRunExtensionsOnOverprovisionedVMs,omitempty"` - // SinglePlacementGroup - When true this limits the scale set to a single placement group, of max size 100 virtual machines. NOTE: If singlePlacementGroup is true, it may be modified to false. However, if singlePlacementGroup is false, it may not be modified to true. + // SinglePlacementGroup - When true this limits the scale set to a single placement group, of max size 100 virtual machines. SinglePlacementGroup *bool `json:"singlePlacementGroup,omitempty"` - // ProximityPlacementGroup - Specifies information about the proximity placement group that the virtual machine scale set should be assigned to.

Minimum api-version: 2018-04-01. - ProximityPlacementGroup *SubResource `json:"proximityPlacementGroup,omitempty"` } // VirtualMachineScaleSetUpdatePublicIPAddressConfiguration describes a virtual machines scale set IP @@ -10118,12 +9808,6 @@ type VirtualMachineScaleSetVMExtensionsSummary struct { StatusesSummary *[]VirtualMachineStatusCodeCount `json:"statusesSummary,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VirtualMachineScaleSetVMExtensionsSummary. -func (vmssves VirtualMachineScaleSetVMExtensionsSummary) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // VirtualMachineScaleSetVMInstanceIDs specifies a list of virtual machine instance IDs from the VM scale // set. type VirtualMachineScaleSetVMInstanceIDs struct { @@ -10165,42 +9849,6 @@ type VirtualMachineScaleSetVMInstanceView struct { PlacementGroupID *string `json:"placementGroupId,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VirtualMachineScaleSetVMInstanceView. -func (vmssviv VirtualMachineScaleSetVMInstanceView) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if vmssviv.PlatformUpdateDomain != nil { - objectMap["platformUpdateDomain"] = vmssviv.PlatformUpdateDomain - } - if vmssviv.PlatformFaultDomain != nil { - objectMap["platformFaultDomain"] = vmssviv.PlatformFaultDomain - } - if vmssviv.RdpThumbPrint != nil { - objectMap["rdpThumbPrint"] = vmssviv.RdpThumbPrint - } - if vmssviv.VMAgent != nil { - objectMap["vmAgent"] = vmssviv.VMAgent - } - if vmssviv.MaintenanceRedeployStatus != nil { - objectMap["maintenanceRedeployStatus"] = vmssviv.MaintenanceRedeployStatus - } - if vmssviv.Disks != nil { - objectMap["disks"] = vmssviv.Disks - } - if vmssviv.Extensions != nil { - objectMap["extensions"] = vmssviv.Extensions - } - if vmssviv.BootDiagnostics != nil { - objectMap["bootDiagnostics"] = vmssviv.BootDiagnostics - } - if vmssviv.Statuses != nil { - objectMap["statuses"] = vmssviv.Statuses - } - if vmssviv.PlacementGroupID != nil { - objectMap["placementGroupId"] = vmssviv.PlacementGroupID - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // VirtualMachineScaleSetVMListResult the List Virtual Machine Scale Set VMs operation response. type VirtualMachineScaleSetVMListResult struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` @@ -10279,15 +9927,10 @@ func (vmssvlr VirtualMachineScaleSetVMListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return vmssvlr.Value == nil || len(*vmssvlr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (vmssvlr VirtualMachineScaleSetVMListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return vmssvlr.NextLink != nil && len(*vmssvlr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // virtualMachineScaleSetVMListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (vmssvlr VirtualMachineScaleSetVMListResult) virtualMachineScaleSetVMListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !vmssvlr.hasNextLink() { + if vmssvlr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(vmssvlr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -10315,16 +9958,11 @@ func (page *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context. tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.vmssvlr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.vmssvlr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.vmssvlr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.vmssvlr = next return nil } @@ -10354,11 +9992,8 @@ func (page VirtualMachineScaleSetVMListResultPage) Values() []VirtualMachineScal } // Creates a new instance of the VirtualMachineScaleSetVMListResultPage type. -func NewVirtualMachineScaleSetVMListResultPage(cur VirtualMachineScaleSetVMListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, VirtualMachineScaleSetVMListResult) (VirtualMachineScaleSetVMListResult, error)) VirtualMachineScaleSetVMListResultPage { - return VirtualMachineScaleSetVMListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - vmssvlr: cur, - } +func NewVirtualMachineScaleSetVMListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, VirtualMachineScaleSetVMListResult) (VirtualMachineScaleSetVMListResult, error)) VirtualMachineScaleSetVMListResultPage { + return VirtualMachineScaleSetVMListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // VirtualMachineScaleSetVMProfile describes a virtual machine scale set virtual machine profile. @@ -10412,36 +10047,6 @@ type VirtualMachineScaleSetVMProperties struct { LicenseType *string `json:"licenseType,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VirtualMachineScaleSetVMProperties. -func (vmssvp VirtualMachineScaleSetVMProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if vmssvp.HardwareProfile != nil { - objectMap["hardwareProfile"] = vmssvp.HardwareProfile - } - if vmssvp.StorageProfile != nil { - objectMap["storageProfile"] = vmssvp.StorageProfile - } - if vmssvp.AdditionalCapabilities != nil { - objectMap["additionalCapabilities"] = vmssvp.AdditionalCapabilities - } - if vmssvp.OsProfile != nil { - objectMap["osProfile"] = vmssvp.OsProfile - } - if vmssvp.NetworkProfile != nil { - objectMap["networkProfile"] = vmssvp.NetworkProfile - } - if vmssvp.DiagnosticsProfile != nil { - objectMap["diagnosticsProfile"] = vmssvp.DiagnosticsProfile - } - if vmssvp.AvailabilitySet != nil { - objectMap["availabilitySet"] = vmssvp.AvailabilitySet - } - if vmssvp.LicenseType != nil { - objectMap["licenseType"] = vmssvp.LicenseType - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // VirtualMachineScaleSetVMReimageParameters describes a Virtual Machine Scale Set VM Reimage Parameters. type VirtualMachineScaleSetVMReimageParameters struct { // TempDisk - Specifies whether to reimage temp disk. Default value: false. Note: This temp disk reimage parameter is only supported for VM/VMSS with Ephemeral OS disk. @@ -10451,25 +10056,12 @@ type VirtualMachineScaleSetVMReimageParameters struct { // VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsDeallocateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsDeallocateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsDeallocateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsDeallocateFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsDeallocateFuture) result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsDeallocateFuture) Result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -10477,7 +10069,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsDeallocateFuture) result(client VirtualMa return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsDeallocateFuture") return } @@ -10488,25 +10079,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsDeallocateFuture) result(client VirtualMa // VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsDeleteFuture) result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsDeleteFuture) Result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -10514,7 +10092,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsDeleteFuture) result(client VirtualMachin return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsDeleteFuture") return } @@ -10525,25 +10102,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsDeleteFuture) result(client VirtualMachin // VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsPerformMaintenanceFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the // results of a long-running operation. type VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsPerformMaintenanceFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsPerformMaintenanceFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsPerformMaintenanceFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsPerformMaintenanceFuture) result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsPerformMaintenanceFuture) Result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -10551,7 +10115,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsPerformMaintenanceFuture) result(client V return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsPerformMaintenanceFuture") return } @@ -10562,25 +10125,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsPerformMaintenanceFuture) result(client V // VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsPowerOffFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsPowerOffFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsPowerOffFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsPowerOffFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsPowerOffFuture) result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsPowerOffFuture) Result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -10588,7 +10138,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsPowerOffFuture) result(client VirtualMach return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsPowerOffFuture") return } @@ -10599,25 +10148,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsPowerOffFuture) result(client VirtualMach // VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsRedeployFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsRedeployFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) (autorest.Response, error) + azure.Future } -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsRedeployFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil -} - -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsRedeployFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsRedeployFuture) result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsRedeployFuture) Result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -10625,7 +10161,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsRedeployFuture) result(client VirtualMach return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsRedeployFuture") return } @@ -10636,25 +10171,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsRedeployFuture) result(client VirtualMach // VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsReimageAllFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsReimageAllFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsReimageAllFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsReimageAllFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsReimageAllFuture) result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsReimageAllFuture) Result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -10662,7 +10184,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsReimageAllFuture) result(client VirtualMa return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsReimageAllFuture") return } @@ -10673,25 +10194,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsReimageAllFuture) result(client VirtualMa // VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsReimageFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsReimageFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsReimageFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsReimageFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsReimageFuture) result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsReimageFuture) Result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -10699,7 +10207,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsReimageFuture) result(client VirtualMachi return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsReimageFuture") return } @@ -10710,25 +10217,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsReimageFuture) result(client VirtualMachi // VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsRestartFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsRestartFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsRestartFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsRestartFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsRestartFuture) result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsRestartFuture) Result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -10736,7 +10230,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsRestartFuture) result(client VirtualMachi return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsRestartFuture") return } @@ -10747,25 +10240,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsRestartFuture) result(client VirtualMachi // VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsRunCommandFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsRunCommandFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) (RunCommandResult, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsRunCommandFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsRunCommandFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsRunCommandFuture) result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) (rcr RunCommandResult, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsRunCommandFuture) Result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) (rcr RunCommandResult, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -10773,7 +10253,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsRunCommandFuture) result(client VirtualMa return } if !done { - rcr.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsRunCommandFuture") return } @@ -10790,25 +10269,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsRunCommandFuture) result(client VirtualMa // VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsStartFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsStartFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsStartFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsStartFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsStartFuture) result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsStartFuture) Result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -10816,7 +10282,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsStartFuture) result(client VirtualMachine return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsStartFuture") return } @@ -10827,25 +10292,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsStartFuture) result(client VirtualMachine // VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) (VirtualMachineScaleSetVM, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsUpdateFuture) result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) (vmssv VirtualMachineScaleSetVM, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsUpdateFuture) Result(client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) (vmssv VirtualMachineScaleSetVM, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -10853,7 +10305,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsUpdateFuture) result(client VirtualMachin return } if !done { - vmssv.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsUpdateFuture") return } @@ -10870,25 +10321,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsUpdateFuture) result(client VirtualMachin // VirtualMachinesCaptureFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type VirtualMachinesCaptureFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachinesClient) (VirtualMachineCaptureResult, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachinesCaptureFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachinesCaptureFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachinesCaptureFuture) result(client VirtualMachinesClient) (vmcr VirtualMachineCaptureResult, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachinesCaptureFuture) Result(client VirtualMachinesClient) (vmcr VirtualMachineCaptureResult, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -10896,7 +10334,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachinesCaptureFuture) result(client VirtualMachinesClient) return } if !done { - vmcr.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachinesCaptureFuture") return } @@ -10913,25 +10350,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachinesCaptureFuture) result(client VirtualMachinesClient) // VirtualMachinesConvertToManagedDisksFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualMachinesConvertToManagedDisksFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachinesClient) (autorest.Response, error) + azure.Future } -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachinesConvertToManagedDisksFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil -} - -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachinesConvertToManagedDisksFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachinesConvertToManagedDisksFuture) result(client VirtualMachinesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachinesConvertToManagedDisksFuture) Result(client VirtualMachinesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -10939,7 +10363,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachinesConvertToManagedDisksFuture) result(client VirtualM return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachinesConvertToManagedDisksFuture") return } @@ -10950,25 +10373,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachinesConvertToManagedDisksFuture) result(client VirtualM // VirtualMachinesCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualMachinesCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachinesClient) (VirtualMachine, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachinesCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachinesCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachinesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client VirtualMachinesClient) (VM VirtualMachine, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachinesCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client VirtualMachinesClient) (VM VirtualMachine, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -10976,7 +10386,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachinesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client VirtualMachines return } if !done { - VM.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachinesCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -10993,25 +10402,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachinesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client VirtualMachines // VirtualMachinesDeallocateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualMachinesDeallocateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachinesClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachinesDeallocateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachinesDeallocateFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachinesDeallocateFuture) result(client VirtualMachinesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachinesDeallocateFuture) Result(client VirtualMachinesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -11019,7 +10415,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachinesDeallocateFuture) result(client VirtualMachinesClie return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachinesDeallocateFuture") return } @@ -11030,25 +10425,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachinesDeallocateFuture) result(client VirtualMachinesClie // VirtualMachinesDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type VirtualMachinesDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachinesClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachinesDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachinesDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachinesDeleteFuture) result(client VirtualMachinesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachinesDeleteFuture) Result(client VirtualMachinesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -11056,7 +10438,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachinesDeleteFuture) result(client VirtualMachinesClient) return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachinesDeleteFuture") return } @@ -11090,25 +10471,12 @@ type VirtualMachineSizeListResult struct { // VirtualMachinesPerformMaintenanceFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualMachinesPerformMaintenanceFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachinesClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachinesPerformMaintenanceFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachinesPerformMaintenanceFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachinesPerformMaintenanceFuture) result(client VirtualMachinesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachinesPerformMaintenanceFuture) Result(client VirtualMachinesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -11116,7 +10484,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachinesPerformMaintenanceFuture) result(client VirtualMach return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachinesPerformMaintenanceFuture") return } @@ -11127,25 +10494,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachinesPerformMaintenanceFuture) result(client VirtualMach // VirtualMachinesPowerOffFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type VirtualMachinesPowerOffFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachinesClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachinesPowerOffFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachinesPowerOffFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachinesPowerOffFuture) result(client VirtualMachinesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachinesPowerOffFuture) Result(client VirtualMachinesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -11153,7 +10507,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachinesPowerOffFuture) result(client VirtualMachinesClient return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachinesPowerOffFuture") return } @@ -11164,25 +10517,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachinesPowerOffFuture) result(client VirtualMachinesClient // VirtualMachinesRedeployFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type VirtualMachinesRedeployFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachinesClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachinesRedeployFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachinesRedeployFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachinesRedeployFuture) result(client VirtualMachinesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachinesRedeployFuture) Result(client VirtualMachinesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -11190,7 +10530,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachinesRedeployFuture) result(client VirtualMachinesClient return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachinesRedeployFuture") return } @@ -11201,25 +10540,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachinesRedeployFuture) result(client VirtualMachinesClient // VirtualMachinesReimageFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type VirtualMachinesReimageFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachinesClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachinesReimageFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachinesReimageFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachinesReimageFuture) result(client VirtualMachinesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachinesReimageFuture) Result(client VirtualMachinesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -11227,7 +10553,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachinesReimageFuture) result(client VirtualMachinesClient) return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachinesReimageFuture") return } @@ -11238,25 +10563,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachinesReimageFuture) result(client VirtualMachinesClient) // VirtualMachinesRestartFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type VirtualMachinesRestartFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachinesClient) (autorest.Response, error) + azure.Future } -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachinesRestartFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil -} - -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachinesRestartFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachinesRestartFuture) result(client VirtualMachinesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachinesRestartFuture) Result(client VirtualMachinesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -11264,7 +10576,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachinesRestartFuture) result(client VirtualMachinesClient) return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachinesRestartFuture") return } @@ -11275,25 +10586,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachinesRestartFuture) result(client VirtualMachinesClient) // VirtualMachinesRunCommandFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualMachinesRunCommandFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachinesClient) (RunCommandResult, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachinesRunCommandFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachinesRunCommandFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachinesRunCommandFuture) result(client VirtualMachinesClient) (rcr RunCommandResult, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachinesRunCommandFuture) Result(client VirtualMachinesClient) (rcr RunCommandResult, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -11301,7 +10599,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachinesRunCommandFuture) result(client VirtualMachinesClie return } if !done { - rcr.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachinesRunCommandFuture") return } @@ -11318,25 +10615,12 @@ func (future *VirtualMachinesRunCommandFuture) result(client VirtualMachinesClie // VirtualMachinesStartFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type VirtualMachinesStartFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachinesClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachinesStartFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachinesStartFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachinesStartFuture) result(client VirtualMachinesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachinesStartFuture) Result(client VirtualMachinesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -11344,7 +10628,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachinesStartFuture) result(client VirtualMachinesClient) ( return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachinesStartFuture") return } @@ -11361,34 +10644,15 @@ type VirtualMachineStatusCodeCount struct { Count *int32 `json:"count,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VirtualMachineStatusCodeCount. -func (vmscc VirtualMachineStatusCodeCount) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // VirtualMachinesUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type VirtualMachinesUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualMachinesClient) (VirtualMachine, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualMachinesUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualMachinesUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualMachinesUpdateFuture) result(client VirtualMachinesClient) (VM VirtualMachine, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualMachinesUpdateFuture) Result(client VirtualMachinesClient) (VM VirtualMachine, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -11396,7 +10660,6 @@ func (future *VirtualMachinesUpdateFuture) result(client VirtualMachinesClient) return } if !done { - VM.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("compute.VirtualMachinesUpdateFuture") return } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/operations.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/operations.go index 72f4ddf52147..3e4e8b317018 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/operations.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/operations.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package compute -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,8 +35,7 @@ func NewOperationsClient(subscriptionID string) OperationsClient { return NewOperationsClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewOperationsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the OperationsClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this -// when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// NewOperationsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the OperationsClient client. func NewOperationsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) OperationsClient { return OperationsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -58,7 +68,6 @@ func (client OperationsClient) List(ctx context.Context) (result OperationListRe result, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.OperationsClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -82,7 +91,8 @@ func (client OperationsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client OperationsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, autorest.DoRetryForStatusCodes(client.RetryAttempts, client.RetryDuration, autorest.StatusCodesForRetry...)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), autorest.DoRetryForStatusCodes(client.RetryAttempts, client.RetryDuration, autorest.StatusCodesForRetry...)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -90,6 +100,7 @@ func (client OperationsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, er func (client OperationsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result OperationListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/proximityplacementgroups.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/proximityplacementgroups.go index 2a495e27e7f2..cc3a95d3716b 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/proximityplacementgroups.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/proximityplacementgroups.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package compute -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,9 +35,7 @@ func NewProximityPlacementGroupsClient(subscriptionID string) ProximityPlacement return NewProximityPlacementGroupsClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewProximityPlacementGroupsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ProximityPlacementGroupsClient client using -// a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign -// clouds, Azure stack). +// NewProximityPlacementGroupsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ProximityPlacementGroupsClient client. func NewProximityPlacementGroupsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) ProximityPlacementGroupsClient { return ProximityPlacementGroupsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -63,7 +72,6 @@ func (client ProximityPlacementGroupsClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, result, err = client.CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.ProximityPlacementGroupsClient", "CreateOrUpdate", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ func (client ProximityPlacementGroupsClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context. // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ProximityPlacementGroupsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // CreateOrUpdateResponder handles the response to the CreateOrUpdate request. The method always @@ -103,6 +112,7 @@ func (client ProximityPlacementGroupsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Requ func (client ProximityPlacementGroupsClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ProximityPlacementGroup, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -141,7 +151,6 @@ func (client ProximityPlacementGroupsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourc result, err = client.DeleteResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.ProximityPlacementGroupsClient", "Delete", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -171,7 +180,8 @@ func (client ProximityPlacementGroupsClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ProximityPlacementGroupsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // DeleteResponder handles the response to the Delete request. The method always @@ -179,6 +189,7 @@ func (client ProximityPlacementGroupsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (*h func (client ProximityPlacementGroupsClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -216,7 +227,6 @@ func (client ProximityPlacementGroupsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGr result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.ProximityPlacementGroupsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -246,7 +256,8 @@ func (client ProximityPlacementGroupsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, re // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ProximityPlacementGroupsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -254,6 +265,7 @@ func (client ProximityPlacementGroupsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http func (client ProximityPlacementGroupsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ProximityPlacementGroup, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -292,11 +304,6 @@ func (client ProximityPlacementGroupsClient) ListByResourceGroup(ctx context.Con result.ppglr, err = client.ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.ProximityPlacementGroupsClient", "ListByResourceGroup", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.ppglr.hasNextLink() && result.ppglr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -325,7 +332,8 @@ func (client ProximityPlacementGroupsClient) ListByResourceGroupPreparer(ctx con // ListByResourceGroupSender sends the ListByResourceGroup request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ProximityPlacementGroupsClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListByResourceGroupResponder handles the response to the ListByResourceGroup request. The method always @@ -333,6 +341,7 @@ func (client ProximityPlacementGroupsClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http func (client ProximityPlacementGroupsClient) ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ProximityPlacementGroupListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -406,11 +415,6 @@ func (client ProximityPlacementGroupsClient) ListBySubscription(ctx context.Cont result.ppglr, err = client.ListBySubscriptionResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.ProximityPlacementGroupsClient", "ListBySubscription", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.ppglr.hasNextLink() && result.ppglr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -438,7 +442,8 @@ func (client ProximityPlacementGroupsClient) ListBySubscriptionPreparer(ctx cont // ListBySubscriptionSender sends the ListBySubscription request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ProximityPlacementGroupsClient) ListBySubscriptionSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListBySubscriptionResponder handles the response to the ListBySubscription request. The method always @@ -446,6 +451,7 @@ func (client ProximityPlacementGroupsClient) ListBySubscriptionSender(req *http. func (client ProximityPlacementGroupsClient) ListBySubscriptionResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ProximityPlacementGroupListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -522,7 +528,6 @@ func (client ProximityPlacementGroupsClient) Update(ctx context.Context, resourc result, err = client.UpdateResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.ProximityPlacementGroupsClient", "Update", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -554,7 +559,8 @@ func (client ProximityPlacementGroupsClient) UpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, // UpdateSender sends the Update request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ProximityPlacementGroupsClient) UpdateSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // UpdateResponder handles the response to the Update request. The method always @@ -562,6 +568,7 @@ func (client ProximityPlacementGroupsClient) UpdateSender(req *http.Request) (*h func (client ProximityPlacementGroupsClient) UpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ProximityPlacementGroup, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/resourceskus.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/resourceskus.go index f42e100fce09..15b2a399d426 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/resourceskus.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/resourceskus.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package compute -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,8 +35,7 @@ func NewResourceSkusClient(subscriptionID string) ResourceSkusClient { return NewResourceSkusClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewResourceSkusClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ResourceSkusClient client using a custom endpoint. Use -// this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// NewResourceSkusClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ResourceSkusClient client. func NewResourceSkusClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) ResourceSkusClient { return ResourceSkusClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -59,11 +69,6 @@ func (client ResourceSkusClient) List(ctx context.Context) (result ResourceSkusR result.rsr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.ResourceSkusClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.rsr.hasNextLink() && result.rsr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -91,7 +96,8 @@ func (client ResourceSkusClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Reques // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ResourceSkusClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -99,6 +105,7 @@ func (client ResourceSkusClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, func (client ResourceSkusClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ResourceSkusResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/snapshots.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/snapshots.go index d93683fa77d2..53f86d2cac62 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/snapshots.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/snapshots.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package compute -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,8 +36,7 @@ func NewSnapshotsClient(subscriptionID string) SnapshotsClient { return NewSnapshotsClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewSnapshotsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the SnapshotsClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this -// when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// NewSnapshotsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the SnapshotsClient client. func NewSnapshotsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) SnapshotsClient { return SnapshotsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -42,8 +52,8 @@ func (client SnapshotsClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupN ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/SnapshotsClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -111,16 +121,13 @@ func (client SnapshotsClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, resour // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client SnapshotsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future SnapshotsCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -129,6 +136,7 @@ func (client SnapshotsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future Sn func (client SnapshotsClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Snapshot, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -146,8 +154,8 @@ func (client SnapshotsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName stri ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/SnapshotsClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -191,16 +199,13 @@ func (client SnapshotsClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupN // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client SnapshotsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future SnapshotsDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -209,6 +214,7 @@ func (client SnapshotsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future SnapshotsD func (client SnapshotsClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -247,7 +253,6 @@ func (client SnapshotsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.SnapshotsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -277,7 +282,8 @@ func (client SnapshotsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client SnapshotsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -285,6 +291,7 @@ func (client SnapshotsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, erro func (client SnapshotsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Snapshot, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -303,8 +310,8 @@ func (client SnapshotsClient) GrantAccess(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/SnapshotsClient.GrantAccess") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -356,16 +363,13 @@ func (client SnapshotsClient) GrantAccessPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceG // GrantAccessSender sends the GrantAccess request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client SnapshotsClient) GrantAccessSender(req *http.Request) (future SnapshotsGrantAccessFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -374,6 +378,7 @@ func (client SnapshotsClient) GrantAccessSender(req *http.Request) (future Snaps func (client SnapshotsClient) GrantAccessResponder(resp *http.Response) (result AccessURI, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -410,11 +415,6 @@ func (client SnapshotsClient) List(ctx context.Context) (result SnapshotListPage result.sl, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.SnapshotsClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.sl.hasNextLink() && result.sl.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -442,7 +442,8 @@ func (client SnapshotsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client SnapshotsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -450,6 +451,7 @@ func (client SnapshotsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, err func (client SnapshotsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result SnapshotList, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -525,11 +527,6 @@ func (client SnapshotsClient) ListByResourceGroup(ctx context.Context, resourceG result.sl, err = client.ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.SnapshotsClient", "ListByResourceGroup", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.sl.hasNextLink() && result.sl.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -558,7 +555,8 @@ func (client SnapshotsClient) ListByResourceGroupPreparer(ctx context.Context, r // ListByResourceGroupSender sends the ListByResourceGroup request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client SnapshotsClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListByResourceGroupResponder handles the response to the ListByResourceGroup request. The method always @@ -566,6 +564,7 @@ func (client SnapshotsClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http.Request) (*htt func (client SnapshotsClient) ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp *http.Response) (result SnapshotList, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -620,8 +619,8 @@ func (client SnapshotsClient) RevokeAccess(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNam ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/SnapshotsClient.RevokeAccess") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -665,16 +664,13 @@ func (client SnapshotsClient) RevokeAccessPreparer(ctx context.Context, resource // RevokeAccessSender sends the RevokeAccess request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client SnapshotsClient) RevokeAccessSender(req *http.Request) (future SnapshotsRevokeAccessFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -683,6 +679,7 @@ func (client SnapshotsClient) RevokeAccessSender(req *http.Request) (future Snap func (client SnapshotsClient) RevokeAccessResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -700,8 +697,8 @@ func (client SnapshotsClient) Update(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName stri ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/SnapshotsClient.Update") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -747,16 +744,13 @@ func (client SnapshotsClient) UpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupN // UpdateSender sends the Update request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client SnapshotsClient) UpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future SnapshotsUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -765,6 +759,7 @@ func (client SnapshotsClient) UpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future SnapshotsU func (client SnapshotsClient) UpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Snapshot, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/usage.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/usage.go index 5da784bce927..15ae57dc150f 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/usage.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/usage.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package compute -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,8 +36,7 @@ func NewUsageClient(subscriptionID string) UsageClient { return NewUsageClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewUsageClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the UsageClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when -// interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// NewUsageClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the UsageClient client. func NewUsageClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) UsageClient { return UsageClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -69,11 +79,6 @@ func (client UsageClient) List(ctx context.Context, location string) (result Lis result.lur, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.UsageClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.lur.hasNextLink() && result.lur.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -102,7 +107,8 @@ func (client UsageClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, location string) (*h // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client UsageClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -110,6 +116,7 @@ func (client UsageClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) func (client UsageClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ListUsagesResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/version.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/version.go index 986a65475c85..e28392b5b8e4 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/version.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/version.go @@ -2,15 +2,26 @@ package compute import "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/version" -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. // UserAgent returns the UserAgent string to use when sending http.Requests. func UserAgent() string { - return "Azure-SDK-For-Go/" + Version() + " compute/2018-10-01" + return "Azure-SDK-For-Go/" + version.Number + " compute/2018-10-01" } // Version returns the semantic version (see http://semver.org) of the client. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachineextensionimages.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachineextensionimages.go index d389b76c3c29..95f439e1fcd1 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachineextensionimages.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachineextensionimages.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package compute -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,8 +36,7 @@ func NewVirtualMachineExtensionImagesClient(subscriptionID string) VirtualMachin } // NewVirtualMachineExtensionImagesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the VirtualMachineExtensionImagesClient -// client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI -// (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// client. func NewVirtualMachineExtensionImagesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) VirtualMachineExtensionImagesClient { return VirtualMachineExtensionImagesClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -61,7 +71,6 @@ func (client VirtualMachineExtensionImagesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, locat result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.VirtualMachineExtensionImagesClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -93,7 +102,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineExtensionImagesClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Contex // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineExtensionImagesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -101,6 +111,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineExtensionImagesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) ( func (client VirtualMachineExtensionImagesClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualMachineExtensionImage, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -138,7 +149,6 @@ func (client VirtualMachineExtensionImagesClient) ListTypes(ctx context.Context, result, err = client.ListTypesResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.VirtualMachineExtensionImagesClient", "ListTypes", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -168,7 +178,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineExtensionImagesClient) ListTypesPreparer(ctx context. // ListTypesSender sends the ListTypes request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineExtensionImagesClient) ListTypesSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListTypesResponder handles the response to the ListTypes request. The method always @@ -176,6 +187,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineExtensionImagesClient) ListTypesSender(req *http.Requ func (client VirtualMachineExtensionImagesClient) ListTypesResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ListVirtualMachineExtensionImage, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result.Value), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -214,7 +226,6 @@ func (client VirtualMachineExtensionImagesClient) ListVersions(ctx context.Conte result, err = client.ListVersionsResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.VirtualMachineExtensionImagesClient", "ListVersions", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -254,7 +265,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineExtensionImagesClient) ListVersionsPreparer(ctx conte // ListVersionsSender sends the ListVersions request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineExtensionImagesClient) ListVersionsSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListVersionsResponder handles the response to the ListVersions request. The method always @@ -262,6 +274,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineExtensionImagesClient) ListVersionsSender(req *http.R func (client VirtualMachineExtensionImagesClient) ListVersionsResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ListVirtualMachineExtensionImage, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result.Value), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachineextensions.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachineextensions.go index 2fab31afa4c7..2f99154b4e3e 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachineextensions.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachineextensions.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package compute -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,9 +35,7 @@ func NewVirtualMachineExtensionsClient(subscriptionID string) VirtualMachineExte return NewVirtualMachineExtensionsClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewVirtualMachineExtensionsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the VirtualMachineExtensionsClient client using -// a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign -// clouds, Azure stack). +// NewVirtualMachineExtensionsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the VirtualMachineExtensionsClient client. func NewVirtualMachineExtensionsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) VirtualMachineExtensionsClient { return VirtualMachineExtensionsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -42,8 +51,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineExtensionsClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachineExtensionsClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -90,16 +99,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachineExtensionsClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context. // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineExtensionsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachineExtensionsCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -108,6 +114,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineExtensionsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Requ func (client VirtualMachineExtensionsClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualMachineExtension, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -125,8 +132,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineExtensionsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourc ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachineExtensionsClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -171,16 +178,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachineExtensionsClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineExtensionsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachineExtensionsDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -189,6 +193,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineExtensionsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (fu func (client VirtualMachineExtensionsClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -228,7 +233,6 @@ func (client VirtualMachineExtensionsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGr result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.VirtualMachineExtensionsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -262,7 +266,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineExtensionsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, re // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineExtensionsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -270,6 +275,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineExtensionsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http func (client VirtualMachineExtensionsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualMachineExtension, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -309,7 +315,6 @@ func (client VirtualMachineExtensionsClient) List(ctx context.Context, resourceG result, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.VirtualMachineExtensionsClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -342,7 +347,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineExtensionsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, r // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineExtensionsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -350,6 +356,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineExtensionsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*htt func (client VirtualMachineExtensionsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualMachineExtensionsListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -368,8 +375,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineExtensionsClient) Update(ctx context.Context, resourc ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachineExtensionsClient.Update") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -416,16 +423,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachineExtensionsClient) UpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, // UpdateSender sends the Update request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineExtensionsClient) UpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachineExtensionsUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -434,6 +438,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineExtensionsClient) UpdateSender(req *http.Request) (fu func (client VirtualMachineExtensionsClient) UpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualMachineExtension, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachineimages.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachineimages.go index 59450d69d05b..5d8d460c58ab 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachineimages.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachineimages.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package compute -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,9 +35,7 @@ func NewVirtualMachineImagesClient(subscriptionID string) VirtualMachineImagesCl return NewVirtualMachineImagesClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewVirtualMachineImagesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the VirtualMachineImagesClient client using a custom -// endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure -// stack). +// NewVirtualMachineImagesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the VirtualMachineImagesClient client. func NewVirtualMachineImagesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) VirtualMachineImagesClient { return VirtualMachineImagesClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -65,7 +74,6 @@ func (client VirtualMachineImagesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, location strin result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.VirtualMachineImagesClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -98,7 +106,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineImagesClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, locati // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineImagesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -106,6 +115,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineImagesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Res func (client VirtualMachineImagesClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualMachineImage, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -119,8 +129,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineImagesClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (resu // publisherName - a valid image publisher. // offer - a valid image publisher offer. // skus - a valid image SKU. -// expand - the expand expression to apply on the operation. -func (client VirtualMachineImagesClient) List(ctx context.Context, location string, publisherName string, offer string, skus string, expand string, top *int32, orderby string) (result ListVirtualMachineImageResource, err error) { +// filter - the filter to apply on the operation. +func (client VirtualMachineImagesClient) List(ctx context.Context, location string, publisherName string, offer string, skus string, filter string, top *int32, orderby string) (result ListVirtualMachineImageResource, err error) { if tracing.IsEnabled() { ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachineImagesClient.List") defer func() { @@ -131,7 +141,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineImagesClient) List(ctx context.Context, location stri tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - req, err := client.ListPreparer(ctx, location, publisherName, offer, skus, expand, top, orderby) + req, err := client.ListPreparer(ctx, location, publisherName, offer, skus, filter, top, orderby) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.VirtualMachineImagesClient", "List", nil, "Failure preparing request") return @@ -147,14 +157,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachineImagesClient) List(ctx context.Context, location stri result, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.VirtualMachineImagesClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return } // ListPreparer prepares the List request. -func (client VirtualMachineImagesClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, location string, publisherName string, offer string, skus string, expand string, top *int32, orderby string) (*http.Request, error) { +func (client VirtualMachineImagesClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, location string, publisherName string, offer string, skus string, filter string, top *int32, orderby string) (*http.Request, error) { pathParameters := map[string]interface{}{ "location": autorest.Encode("path", location), "offer": autorest.Encode("path", offer), @@ -167,8 +176,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineImagesClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, locat queryParameters := map[string]interface{}{ "api-version": APIVersion, } - if len(expand) > 0 { - queryParameters["$expand"] = autorest.Encode("query", expand) + if len(filter) > 0 { + queryParameters["$filter"] = autorest.Encode("query", filter) } if top != nil { queryParameters["$top"] = autorest.Encode("query", *top) @@ -188,7 +197,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineImagesClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, locat // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineImagesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -196,6 +206,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineImagesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Re func (client VirtualMachineImagesClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ListVirtualMachineImageResource, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result.Value), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -234,7 +245,6 @@ func (client VirtualMachineImagesClient) ListOffers(ctx context.Context, locatio result, err = client.ListOffersResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.VirtualMachineImagesClient", "ListOffers", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -264,7 +274,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineImagesClient) ListOffersPreparer(ctx context.Context, // ListOffersSender sends the ListOffers request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineImagesClient) ListOffersSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListOffersResponder handles the response to the ListOffers request. The method always @@ -272,6 +283,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineImagesClient) ListOffersSender(req *http.Request) (*h func (client VirtualMachineImagesClient) ListOffersResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ListVirtualMachineImageResource, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result.Value), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -309,7 +321,6 @@ func (client VirtualMachineImagesClient) ListPublishers(ctx context.Context, loc result, err = client.ListPublishersResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.VirtualMachineImagesClient", "ListPublishers", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -338,7 +349,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineImagesClient) ListPublishersPreparer(ctx context.Cont // ListPublishersSender sends the ListPublishers request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineImagesClient) ListPublishersSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListPublishersResponder handles the response to the ListPublishers request. The method always @@ -346,6 +358,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineImagesClient) ListPublishersSender(req *http.Request) func (client VirtualMachineImagesClient) ListPublishersResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ListVirtualMachineImageResource, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result.Value), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -385,7 +398,6 @@ func (client VirtualMachineImagesClient) ListSkus(ctx context.Context, location result, err = client.ListSkusResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.VirtualMachineImagesClient", "ListSkus", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -416,7 +428,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineImagesClient) ListSkusPreparer(ctx context.Context, l // ListSkusSender sends the ListSkus request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineImagesClient) ListSkusSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListSkusResponder handles the response to the ListSkus request. The method always @@ -424,6 +437,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineImagesClient) ListSkusSender(req *http.Request) (*htt func (client VirtualMachineImagesClient) ListSkusResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ListVirtualMachineImageResource, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result.Value), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachineruncommands.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachineruncommands.go index 0eb5fa41407c..bafdbffe244c 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachineruncommands.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachineruncommands.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package compute -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,9 +36,7 @@ func NewVirtualMachineRunCommandsClient(subscriptionID string) VirtualMachineRun return NewVirtualMachineRunCommandsClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewVirtualMachineRunCommandsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the VirtualMachineRunCommandsClient client -// using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign -// clouds, Azure stack). +// NewVirtualMachineRunCommandsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the VirtualMachineRunCommandsClient client. func NewVirtualMachineRunCommandsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) VirtualMachineRunCommandsClient { return VirtualMachineRunCommandsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -69,7 +78,6 @@ func (client VirtualMachineRunCommandsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, location result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.VirtualMachineRunCommandsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -99,7 +107,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineRunCommandsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, l // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineRunCommandsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -107,6 +116,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineRunCommandsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*htt func (client VirtualMachineRunCommandsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RunCommandDocument, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -151,11 +161,6 @@ func (client VirtualMachineRunCommandsClient) List(ctx context.Context, location result.rclr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.VirtualMachineRunCommandsClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.rclr.hasNextLink() && result.rclr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -184,7 +189,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineRunCommandsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineRunCommandsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -192,6 +198,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineRunCommandsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*ht func (client VirtualMachineRunCommandsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RunCommandListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachines.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachines.go index 60dd11943baf..0a51c651aeb1 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachines.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachines.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package compute -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,8 +36,7 @@ func NewVirtualMachinesClient(subscriptionID string) VirtualMachinesClient { return NewVirtualMachinesClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewVirtualMachinesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the VirtualMachinesClient client using a custom endpoint. -// Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// NewVirtualMachinesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the VirtualMachinesClient client. func NewVirtualMachinesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) VirtualMachinesClient { return VirtualMachinesClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -42,8 +52,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) Capture(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNa ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachinesClient.Capture") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -97,16 +107,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) CapturePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourc // CaptureSender sends the Capture request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachinesClient) CaptureSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachinesCaptureFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -115,6 +122,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) CaptureSender(req *http.Request) (future Vir func (client VirtualMachinesClient) CaptureResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualMachineCaptureResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -132,8 +140,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) ConvertToManagedDisks(ctx context.Context, r ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachinesClient.ConvertToManagedDisks") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -177,16 +185,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) ConvertToManagedDisksPreparer(ctx context.Co // ConvertToManagedDisksSender sends the ConvertToManagedDisks request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachinesClient) ConvertToManagedDisksSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachinesConvertToManagedDisksFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -195,6 +200,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) ConvertToManagedDisksSender(req *http.Reques func (client VirtualMachinesClient) ConvertToManagedDisksResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -211,8 +217,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resource ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachinesClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -280,16 +286,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachinesClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachinesCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -298,6 +301,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (fut func (client VirtualMachinesClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualMachine, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -315,8 +319,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) Deallocate(ctx context.Context, resourceGrou ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachinesClient.Deallocate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -360,16 +364,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) DeallocatePreparer(ctx context.Context, reso // DeallocateSender sends the Deallocate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachinesClient) DeallocateSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachinesDeallocateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -378,6 +379,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) DeallocateSender(req *http.Request) (future func (client VirtualMachinesClient) DeallocateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -393,8 +395,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNam ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachinesClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -438,16 +440,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, resource // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachinesClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachinesDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -456,6 +455,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future Virt func (client VirtualMachinesClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -493,7 +493,6 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) Generalize(ctx context.Context, resourceGrou result, err = client.GeneralizeResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.VirtualMachinesClient", "Generalize", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -523,7 +522,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) GeneralizePreparer(ctx context.Context, reso // GeneralizeSender sends the Generalize request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachinesClient) GeneralizeSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GeneralizeResponder handles the response to the Generalize request. The method always @@ -531,6 +531,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) GeneralizeSender(req *http.Request) (*http.R func (client VirtualMachinesClient) GeneralizeResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -569,7 +570,6 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName s result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.VirtualMachinesClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -602,7 +602,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGro // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachinesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -610,6 +611,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response func (client VirtualMachinesClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualMachine, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -648,7 +650,6 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) InstanceView(ctx context.Context, resourceGr result, err = client.InstanceViewResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.VirtualMachinesClient", "InstanceView", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -678,7 +679,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) InstanceViewPreparer(ctx context.Context, re // InstanceViewSender sends the InstanceView request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachinesClient) InstanceViewSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // InstanceViewResponder handles the response to the InstanceView request. The method always @@ -686,6 +688,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) InstanceViewSender(req *http.Request) (*http func (client VirtualMachinesClient) InstanceViewResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualMachineInstanceView, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -725,11 +728,6 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) List(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName result.vmlr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.VirtualMachinesClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.vmlr.hasNextLink() && result.vmlr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -758,7 +756,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGr // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachinesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -766,6 +765,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Respons func (client VirtualMachinesClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualMachineListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -840,11 +840,6 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) ListAll(ctx context.Context) (result Virtual result.vmlr, err = client.ListAllResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.VirtualMachinesClient", "ListAll", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.vmlr.hasNextLink() && result.vmlr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -872,7 +867,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) ListAllPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http. // ListAllSender sends the ListAll request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachinesClient) ListAllSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListAllResponder handles the response to the ListAll request. The method always @@ -880,6 +876,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) ListAllSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Resp func (client VirtualMachinesClient) ListAllResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualMachineListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -955,7 +952,6 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) ListAvailableSizes(ctx context.Context, reso result, err = client.ListAvailableSizesResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.VirtualMachinesClient", "ListAvailableSizes", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -985,7 +981,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) ListAvailableSizesPreparer(ctx context.Conte // ListAvailableSizesSender sends the ListAvailableSizes request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachinesClient) ListAvailableSizesSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListAvailableSizesResponder handles the response to the ListAvailableSizes request. The method always @@ -993,6 +990,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) ListAvailableSizesSender(req *http.Request) func (client VirtualMachinesClient) ListAvailableSizesResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualMachineSizeListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -1037,11 +1035,6 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) ListByLocation(ctx context.Context, location result.vmlr, err = client.ListByLocationResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.VirtualMachinesClient", "ListByLocation", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.vmlr.hasNextLink() && result.vmlr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -1070,7 +1063,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) ListByLocationPreparer(ctx context.Context, // ListByLocationSender sends the ListByLocation request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachinesClient) ListByLocationSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListByLocationResponder handles the response to the ListByLocation request. The method always @@ -1078,6 +1072,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) ListByLocationSender(req *http.Request) (*ht func (client VirtualMachinesClient) ListByLocationResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualMachineListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -1131,8 +1126,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) PerformMaintenance(ctx context.Context, reso ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachinesClient.PerformMaintenance") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -1176,16 +1171,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) PerformMaintenancePreparer(ctx context.Conte // PerformMaintenanceSender sends the PerformMaintenance request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachinesClient) PerformMaintenanceSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachinesPerformMaintenanceFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -1194,6 +1186,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) PerformMaintenanceSender(req *http.Request) func (client VirtualMachinesClient) PerformMaintenanceResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -1210,8 +1203,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) PowerOff(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupN ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachinesClient.PowerOff") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -1255,16 +1248,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) PowerOffPreparer(ctx context.Context, resour // PowerOffSender sends the PowerOff request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachinesClient) PowerOffSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachinesPowerOffFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -1273,6 +1263,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) PowerOffSender(req *http.Request) (future Vi func (client VirtualMachinesClient) PowerOffResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -1288,8 +1279,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) Redeploy(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupN ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachinesClient.Redeploy") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -1333,16 +1324,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) RedeployPreparer(ctx context.Context, resour // RedeploySender sends the Redeploy request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachinesClient) RedeploySender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachinesRedeployFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -1351,6 +1339,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) RedeploySender(req *http.Request) (future Vi func (client VirtualMachinesClient) RedeployResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -1367,8 +1356,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) Reimage(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNa ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachinesClient.Reimage") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -1417,16 +1406,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) ReimagePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourc // ReimageSender sends the Reimage request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachinesClient) ReimageSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachinesReimageFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -1435,6 +1421,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) ReimageSender(req *http.Request) (future Vir func (client VirtualMachinesClient) ReimageResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -1450,8 +1437,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) Restart(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNa ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachinesClient.Restart") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -1495,16 +1482,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) RestartPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourc // RestartSender sends the Restart request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachinesClient) RestartSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachinesRestartFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -1513,6 +1497,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) RestartSender(req *http.Request) (future Vir func (client VirtualMachinesClient) RestartResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -1529,8 +1514,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) RunCommand(ctx context.Context, resourceGrou ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachinesClient.RunCommand") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -1582,16 +1567,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) RunCommandPreparer(ctx context.Context, reso // RunCommandSender sends the RunCommand request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachinesClient) RunCommandSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachinesRunCommandFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -1600,6 +1582,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) RunCommandSender(req *http.Request) (future func (client VirtualMachinesClient) RunCommandResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RunCommandResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -1616,8 +1599,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) Start(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachinesClient.Start") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -1661,16 +1644,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) StartPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceG // StartSender sends the Start request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachinesClient) StartSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachinesStartFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -1679,6 +1659,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) StartSender(req *http.Request) (future Virtu func (client VirtualMachinesClient) StartResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -1695,8 +1676,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) Update(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNam ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachinesClient.Update") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -1742,16 +1723,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) UpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, resource // UpdateSender sends the Update request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachinesClient) UpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachinesUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -1760,6 +1738,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachinesClient) UpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future Virt func (client VirtualMachinesClient) UpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualMachine, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachinescalesetextensions.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachinescalesetextensions.go index b4ceb26b558a..216c0fa52ec9 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachinescalesetextensions.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachinescalesetextensions.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package compute -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,8 +36,7 @@ func NewVirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClient(subscriptionID string) VirtualMac } // NewVirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the -// VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure -// cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClient client. func NewVirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClient { return VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -42,8 +52,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context. ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -90,16 +100,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -108,6 +115,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *h func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualMachineScaleSetExtension, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -125,8 +133,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -171,16 +179,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context. // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -189,6 +194,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Requ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -228,7 +234,6 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, re result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -262,7 +267,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Con // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -270,6 +276,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualMachineScaleSetExtension, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -309,11 +316,6 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClient) List(ctx context.Context, r result.vmsselr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.vmsselr.hasNextLink() && result.vmsselr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -343,7 +345,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Co // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -351,6 +354,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClient) ListSender(req *http.Reques func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachinescalesetrollingupgrades.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachinescalesetrollingupgrades.go index 6c212f081915..cd103ee80094 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachinescalesetrollingupgrades.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachinescalesetrollingupgrades.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package compute -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -26,8 +37,7 @@ func NewVirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient(subscriptionID string) Virtu } // NewVirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the -// VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure -// cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient client. func NewVirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient { return VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -41,8 +51,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient) Cancel(ctx context.Con ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient.Cancel") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -86,16 +96,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient) CancelPreparer(ctx con // CancelSender sends the Cancel request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient) CancelSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesCancelFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -104,6 +111,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient) CancelSender(req *http func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient) CancelResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -141,7 +149,6 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient) GetLatest(ctx context. result, err = client.GetLatestResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient", "GetLatest", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -171,7 +178,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient) GetLatestPreparer(ctx // GetLatestSender sends the GetLatest request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient) GetLatestSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetLatestResponder handles the response to the GetLatest request. The method always @@ -179,6 +187,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient) GetLatestSender(req *h func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient) GetLatestResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RollingUpgradeStatusInfo, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -197,8 +206,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient) StartExtensionUpgrade( ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient.StartExtensionUpgrade") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -242,16 +251,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient) StartExtensionUpgradeP // StartExtensionUpgradeSender sends the StartExtensionUpgrade request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient) StartExtensionUpgradeSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesStartExtensionUpgradeFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -260,6 +266,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient) StartExtensionUpgradeS func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient) StartExtensionUpgradeResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -276,8 +283,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient) StartOSUpgrade(ctx con ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient.StartOSUpgrade") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -321,16 +328,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient) StartOSUpgradePreparer // StartOSUpgradeSender sends the StartOSUpgrade request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient) StartOSUpgradeSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesStartOSUpgradeFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -339,6 +343,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient) StartOSUpgradeSender(r func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetRollingUpgradesClient) StartOSUpgradeResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachinescalesets.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachinescalesets.go index bc4b5004c916..0d1b297012c8 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachinescalesets.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachinescalesets.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package compute -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,9 +36,7 @@ func NewVirtualMachineScaleSetsClient(subscriptionID string) VirtualMachineScale return NewVirtualMachineScaleSetsClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewVirtualMachineScaleSetsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient client using a -// custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, -// Azure stack). +// NewVirtualMachineScaleSetsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient client. func NewVirtualMachineScaleSetsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient { return VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -42,8 +51,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -55,15 +64,15 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, Chain: []validation.Constraint{{Target: "parameters.VirtualMachineScaleSetProperties.UpgradePolicy.RollingUpgradePolicy", Name: validation.Null, Rule: false, Chain: []validation.Constraint{{Target: "parameters.VirtualMachineScaleSetProperties.UpgradePolicy.RollingUpgradePolicy.MaxBatchInstancePercent", Name: validation.Null, Rule: false, Chain: []validation.Constraint{{Target: "parameters.VirtualMachineScaleSetProperties.UpgradePolicy.RollingUpgradePolicy.MaxBatchInstancePercent", Name: validation.InclusiveMaximum, Rule: int64(100), Chain: nil}, - {Target: "parameters.VirtualMachineScaleSetProperties.UpgradePolicy.RollingUpgradePolicy.MaxBatchInstancePercent", Name: validation.InclusiveMinimum, Rule: int64(5), Chain: nil}, + {Target: "parameters.VirtualMachineScaleSetProperties.UpgradePolicy.RollingUpgradePolicy.MaxBatchInstancePercent", Name: validation.InclusiveMinimum, Rule: 5, Chain: nil}, }}, {Target: "parameters.VirtualMachineScaleSetProperties.UpgradePolicy.RollingUpgradePolicy.MaxUnhealthyInstancePercent", Name: validation.Null, Rule: false, Chain: []validation.Constraint{{Target: "parameters.VirtualMachineScaleSetProperties.UpgradePolicy.RollingUpgradePolicy.MaxUnhealthyInstancePercent", Name: validation.InclusiveMaximum, Rule: int64(100), Chain: nil}, - {Target: "parameters.VirtualMachineScaleSetProperties.UpgradePolicy.RollingUpgradePolicy.MaxUnhealthyInstancePercent", Name: validation.InclusiveMinimum, Rule: int64(5), Chain: nil}, + {Target: "parameters.VirtualMachineScaleSetProperties.UpgradePolicy.RollingUpgradePolicy.MaxUnhealthyInstancePercent", Name: validation.InclusiveMinimum, Rule: 5, Chain: nil}, }}, {Target: "parameters.VirtualMachineScaleSetProperties.UpgradePolicy.RollingUpgradePolicy.MaxUnhealthyUpgradedInstancePercent", Name: validation.Null, Rule: false, Chain: []validation.Constraint{{Target: "parameters.VirtualMachineScaleSetProperties.UpgradePolicy.RollingUpgradePolicy.MaxUnhealthyUpgradedInstancePercent", Name: validation.InclusiveMaximum, Rule: int64(100), Chain: nil}, - {Target: "parameters.VirtualMachineScaleSetProperties.UpgradePolicy.RollingUpgradePolicy.MaxUnhealthyUpgradedInstancePercent", Name: validation.InclusiveMinimum, Rule: int64(0), Chain: nil}, + {Target: "parameters.VirtualMachineScaleSetProperties.UpgradePolicy.RollingUpgradePolicy.MaxUnhealthyUpgradedInstancePercent", Name: validation.InclusiveMinimum, Rule: 0, Chain: nil}, }}, }}, }}, @@ -112,16 +121,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.C // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachineScaleSetsCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -130,6 +136,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Reque func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualMachineScaleSet, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -148,8 +155,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) Deallocate(ctx context.Context, reso ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient.Deallocate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -198,16 +205,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) DeallocatePreparer(ctx context.Conte // DeallocateSender sends the Deallocate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) DeallocateSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachineScaleSetsDeallocateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -216,6 +220,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) DeallocateSender(req *http.Request) func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) DeallocateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -231,8 +236,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resource ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -276,16 +281,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachineScaleSetsDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -294,6 +296,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (fut func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -310,8 +313,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) DeleteInstances(ctx context.Context, ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient.DeleteInstances") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -363,16 +366,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) DeleteInstancesPreparer(ctx context. // DeleteInstancesSender sends the DeleteInstances request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) DeleteInstancesSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachineScaleSetsDeleteInstancesFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -381,6 +381,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) DeleteInstancesSender(req *http.Requ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) DeleteInstancesResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -420,7 +421,6 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) ForceRecoveryServiceFabricPlatformUp result, err = client.ForceRecoveryServiceFabricPlatformUpdateDomainWalkResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient", "ForceRecoveryServiceFabricPlatformUpdateDomainWalk", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -451,7 +451,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) ForceRecoveryServiceFabricPlatformUp // ForceRecoveryServiceFabricPlatformUpdateDomainWalkSender sends the ForceRecoveryServiceFabricPlatformUpdateDomainWalk request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) ForceRecoveryServiceFabricPlatformUpdateDomainWalkSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ForceRecoveryServiceFabricPlatformUpdateDomainWalkResponder handles the response to the ForceRecoveryServiceFabricPlatformUpdateDomainWalk request. The method always @@ -459,6 +460,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) ForceRecoveryServiceFabricPlatformUp func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) ForceRecoveryServiceFabricPlatformUpdateDomainWalkResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RecoveryWalkResponse, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -497,7 +499,6 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGro result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -527,7 +528,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, res // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -535,6 +537,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualMachineScaleSet, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -573,7 +576,6 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) GetInstanceView(ctx context.Context, result, err = client.GetInstanceViewResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient", "GetInstanceView", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -603,7 +605,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) GetInstanceViewPreparer(ctx context. // GetInstanceViewSender sends the GetInstanceView request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) GetInstanceViewSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetInstanceViewResponder handles the response to the GetInstanceView request. The method always @@ -611,6 +614,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) GetInstanceViewSender(req *http.Requ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) GetInstanceViewResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualMachineScaleSetInstanceView, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -650,11 +654,6 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) GetOSUpgradeHistory(ctx context.Cont result.vmsslouh, err = client.GetOSUpgradeHistoryResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient", "GetOSUpgradeHistory", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.vmsslouh.hasNextLink() && result.vmsslouh.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -684,7 +683,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) GetOSUpgradeHistoryPreparer(ctx cont // GetOSUpgradeHistorySender sends the GetOSUpgradeHistory request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) GetOSUpgradeHistorySender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetOSUpgradeHistoryResponder handles the response to the GetOSUpgradeHistory request. The method always @@ -692,6 +692,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) GetOSUpgradeHistorySender(req *http. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) GetOSUpgradeHistoryResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualMachineScaleSetListOSUpgradeHistory, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -767,11 +768,6 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) List(ctx context.Context, resourceGr result.vmsslr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.vmsslr.hasNextLink() && result.vmsslr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -800,7 +796,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, re // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -808,6 +805,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualMachineScaleSetListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -883,11 +881,6 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) ListAll(ctx context.Context) (result result.vmsslwlr, err = client.ListAllResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient", "ListAll", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.vmsslwlr.hasNextLink() && result.vmsslwlr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -915,7 +908,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) ListAllPreparer(ctx context.Context) // ListAllSender sends the ListAll request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) ListAllSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListAllResponder handles the response to the ListAll request. The method always @@ -923,6 +917,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) ListAllSender(req *http.Request) (*h func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) ListAllResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualMachineScaleSetListWithLinkResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -1000,11 +995,6 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) ListSkus(ctx context.Context, resour result.vmsslsr, err = client.ListSkusResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient", "ListSkus", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.vmsslsr.hasNextLink() && result.vmsslsr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -1034,7 +1024,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) ListSkusPreparer(ctx context.Context // ListSkusSender sends the ListSkus request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) ListSkusSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListSkusResponder handles the response to the ListSkus request. The method always @@ -1042,6 +1033,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) ListSkusSender(req *http.Request) (* func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) ListSkusResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualMachineScaleSetListSkusResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -1098,8 +1090,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) PerformMaintenance(ctx context.Conte ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient.PerformMaintenance") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -1148,16 +1140,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) PerformMaintenancePreparer(ctx conte // PerformMaintenanceSender sends the PerformMaintenance request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) PerformMaintenanceSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachineScaleSetsPerformMaintenanceFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -1166,6 +1155,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) PerformMaintenanceSender(req *http.R func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) PerformMaintenanceResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -1183,8 +1173,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) PowerOff(ctx context.Context, resour ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient.PowerOff") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -1233,16 +1223,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) PowerOffPreparer(ctx context.Context // PowerOffSender sends the PowerOff request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) PowerOffSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachineScaleSetsPowerOffFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -1251,6 +1238,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) PowerOffSender(req *http.Request) (f func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) PowerOffResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -1268,8 +1256,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) Redeploy(ctx context.Context, resour ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient.Redeploy") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -1318,16 +1306,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) RedeployPreparer(ctx context.Context // RedeploySender sends the Redeploy request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) RedeploySender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachineScaleSetsRedeployFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -1336,6 +1321,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) RedeploySender(req *http.Request) (f func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) RedeployResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -1353,8 +1339,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) Reimage(ctx context.Context, resourc ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient.Reimage") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -1403,16 +1389,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) ReimagePreparer(ctx context.Context, // ReimageSender sends the Reimage request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) ReimageSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachineScaleSetsReimageFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -1421,6 +1404,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) ReimageSender(req *http.Request) (fu func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) ReimageResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -1438,8 +1422,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) ReimageAll(ctx context.Context, reso ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient.ReimageAll") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -1488,16 +1472,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) ReimageAllPreparer(ctx context.Conte // ReimageAllSender sends the ReimageAll request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) ReimageAllSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachineScaleSetsReimageAllFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -1506,6 +1487,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) ReimageAllSender(req *http.Request) func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) ReimageAllResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -1522,8 +1504,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) Restart(ctx context.Context, resourc ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient.Restart") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -1572,16 +1554,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) RestartPreparer(ctx context.Context, // RestartSender sends the Restart request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) RestartSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachineScaleSetsRestartFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -1590,6 +1569,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) RestartSender(req *http.Request) (fu func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) RestartResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -1606,8 +1586,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) Start(ctx context.Context, resourceG ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient.Start") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -1656,16 +1636,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) StartPreparer(ctx context.Context, r // StartSender sends the Start request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) StartSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachineScaleSetsStartFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -1674,6 +1651,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) StartSender(req *http.Request) (futu func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) StartResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -1690,8 +1668,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) Update(ctx context.Context, resource ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient.Update") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -1737,16 +1715,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) UpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, // UpdateSender sends the Update request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) UpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachineScaleSetsUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -1755,6 +1730,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) UpdateSender(req *http.Request) (fut func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) UpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualMachineScaleSet, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -1772,8 +1748,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) UpdateInstances(ctx context.Context, ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient.UpdateInstances") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -1825,16 +1801,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) UpdateInstancesPreparer(ctx context. // UpdateInstancesSender sends the UpdateInstances request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) UpdateInstancesSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachineScaleSetsUpdateInstancesFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -1843,6 +1816,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) UpdateInstancesSender(req *http.Requ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetsClient) UpdateInstancesResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachinescalesetvms.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachinescalesetvms.go index 33e03053821a..8c9375d700d9 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachinescalesetvms.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachinescalesetvms.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package compute -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,9 +36,7 @@ func NewVirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient(subscriptionID string) VirtualMachineSca return NewVirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewVirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient client -// using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign -// clouds, Azure stack). +// NewVirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient client. func NewVirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient { return VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -44,8 +53,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) Deallocate(ctx context.Context, re ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient.Deallocate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -90,16 +99,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) DeallocatePreparer(ctx context.Con // DeallocateSender sends the Deallocate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) DeallocateSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsDeallocateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -108,6 +114,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) DeallocateSender(req *http.Request func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) DeallocateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -124,8 +131,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resour ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -170,16 +177,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -188,6 +192,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (f func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -226,7 +231,6 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceG result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -257,7 +261,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, r // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -265,6 +270,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*htt func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualMachineScaleSetVM, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -304,7 +310,6 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) GetInstanceView(ctx context.Contex result, err = client.GetInstanceViewResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient", "GetInstanceView", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -335,7 +340,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) GetInstanceViewPreparer(ctx contex // GetInstanceViewSender sends the GetInstanceView request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) GetInstanceViewSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetInstanceViewResponder handles the response to the GetInstanceView request. The method always @@ -343,6 +349,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) GetInstanceViewSender(req *http.Re func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) GetInstanceViewResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualMachineScaleSetVMInstanceView, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -354,10 +361,9 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) GetInstanceViewResponder(resp *htt // Parameters: // resourceGroupName - the name of the resource group. // virtualMachineScaleSetName - the name of the VM scale set. -// filter - the filter to apply to the operation. Allowed values are 'startswith(instanceView/statuses/code, -// 'PowerState') eq true', 'properties/latestModelApplied eq true', 'properties/latestModelApplied eq false'. -// selectParameter - the list parameters. Allowed values are 'instanceView', 'instanceView/statuses'. -// expand - the expand expression to apply to the operation. Allowed values are 'instanceView'. +// filter - the filter to apply to the operation. +// selectParameter - the list parameters. +// expand - the expand expression to apply to the operation. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) List(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, virtualMachineScaleSetName string, filter string, selectParameter string, expand string) (result VirtualMachineScaleSetVMListResultPage, err error) { if tracing.IsEnabled() { ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient.List") @@ -386,11 +392,6 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) List(ctx context.Context, resource result.vmssvlr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.vmssvlr.hasNextLink() && result.vmssvlr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -429,7 +430,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -437,6 +439,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*ht func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualMachineScaleSetVMListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -491,8 +494,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) PerformMaintenance(ctx context.Con ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient.PerformMaintenance") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -537,16 +540,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) PerformMaintenancePreparer(ctx con // PerformMaintenanceSender sends the PerformMaintenance request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) PerformMaintenanceSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsPerformMaintenanceFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -555,6 +555,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) PerformMaintenanceSender(req *http func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) PerformMaintenanceResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -572,8 +573,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) PowerOff(ctx context.Context, reso ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient.PowerOff") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -618,16 +619,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) PowerOffPreparer(ctx context.Conte // PowerOffSender sends the PowerOff request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) PowerOffSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsPowerOffFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -636,6 +634,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) PowerOffSender(req *http.Request) func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) PowerOffResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -653,8 +652,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) Redeploy(ctx context.Context, reso ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient.Redeploy") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -699,16 +698,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) RedeployPreparer(ctx context.Conte // RedeploySender sends the Redeploy request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) RedeploySender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsRedeployFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -717,6 +713,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) RedeploySender(req *http.Request) func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) RedeployResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -734,8 +731,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) Reimage(ctx context.Context, resou ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient.Reimage") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -785,16 +782,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) ReimagePreparer(ctx context.Contex // ReimageSender sends the Reimage request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) ReimageSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsReimageFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -803,6 +797,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) ReimageSender(req *http.Request) ( func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) ReimageResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -820,8 +815,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) ReimageAll(ctx context.Context, re ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient.ReimageAll") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -866,16 +861,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) ReimageAllPreparer(ctx context.Con // ReimageAllSender sends the ReimageAll request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) ReimageAllSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsReimageAllFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -884,6 +876,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) ReimageAllSender(req *http.Request func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) ReimageAllResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -900,8 +893,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) Restart(ctx context.Context, resou ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient.Restart") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -946,16 +939,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) RestartPreparer(ctx context.Contex // RestartSender sends the Restart request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) RestartSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsRestartFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -964,6 +954,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) RestartSender(req *http.Request) ( func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) RestartResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -981,8 +972,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) RunCommand(ctx context.Context, re ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient.RunCommand") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -1035,16 +1026,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) RunCommandPreparer(ctx context.Con // RunCommandSender sends the RunCommand request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) RunCommandSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsRunCommandFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -1053,6 +1041,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) RunCommandSender(req *http.Request func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) RunCommandResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RunCommandResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -1070,8 +1059,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) Start(ctx context.Context, resourc ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient.Start") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -1116,16 +1105,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) StartPreparer(ctx context.Context, // StartSender sends the Start request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) StartSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsStartFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -1134,6 +1120,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) StartSender(req *http.Request) (fu func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) StartResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -1151,8 +1138,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) Update(ctx context.Context, resour ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient.Update") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -1224,16 +1211,13 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) UpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context // UpdateSender sends the Update request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) UpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -1242,6 +1226,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) UpdateSender(req *http.Request) (f func (client VirtualMachineScaleSetVMsClient) UpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualMachineScaleSetVM, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachinesizes.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachinesizes.go index 449ce499a359..6039ddef61e0 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachinesizes.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute/virtualmachinesizes.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package compute -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,9 +36,7 @@ func NewVirtualMachineSizesClient(subscriptionID string) VirtualMachineSizesClie return NewVirtualMachineSizesClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewVirtualMachineSizesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the VirtualMachineSizesClient client using a custom -// endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure -// stack). +// NewVirtualMachineSizesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the VirtualMachineSizesClient client. func NewVirtualMachineSizesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) VirtualMachineSizesClient { return VirtualMachineSizesClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -69,7 +78,6 @@ func (client VirtualMachineSizesClient) List(ctx context.Context, location strin result, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "compute.VirtualMachineSizesClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -98,7 +106,8 @@ func (client VirtualMachineSizesClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, locati // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualMachineSizesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -106,6 +115,7 @@ func (client VirtualMachineSizesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Res func (client VirtualMachineSizesClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualMachineSizeListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/CHANGELOG.md b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/CHANGELOG.md deleted file mode 100644 index 52911e4cc5e4..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/CHANGELOG.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -# Change History - diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/_meta.json b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/_meta.json deleted file mode 100644 index 587f9e2db1e1..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/_meta.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -{ - "commit": "3c764635e7d442b3e74caf593029fcd440b3ef82", - "readme": "/_/azure-rest-api-specs/specification/network/resource-manager/readme.md", - "tag": "package-2018-10", - "use": "@microsoft.azure/autorest.go@2.1.187", - "repository_url": "https://github.com/Azure/azure-rest-api-specs.git", - "autorest_command": "autorest --use=@microsoft.azure/autorest.go@2.1.187 --tag=package-2018-10 --go-sdk-folder=/_/azure-sdk-for-go --go --verbose --use-onever --version=V2 --go.license-header=MICROSOFT_MIT_NO_VERSION /_/azure-rest-api-specs/specification/network/resource-manager/readme.md", - "additional_properties": { - "additional_options": "--go --verbose --use-onever --version=V2 --go.license-header=MICROSOFT_MIT_NO_VERSION" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/applicationgateways.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/applicationgateways.go index 7237c51f0906..ead98d25bffc 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/applicationgateways.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/applicationgateways.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,9 +36,7 @@ func NewApplicationGatewaysClient(subscriptionID string) ApplicationGatewaysClie return NewApplicationGatewaysClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewApplicationGatewaysClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ApplicationGatewaysClient client using a custom -// endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure -// stack). +// NewApplicationGatewaysClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ApplicationGatewaysClient client. func NewApplicationGatewaysClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) ApplicationGatewaysClient { return ApplicationGatewaysClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -42,8 +51,8 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) BackendHealth(ctx context.Context, resou ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ApplicationGatewaysClient.BackendHealth") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -90,16 +99,13 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) BackendHealthPreparer(ctx context.Contex // BackendHealthSender sends the BackendHealth request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) BackendHealthSender(req *http.Request) (future ApplicationGatewaysBackendHealthFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -108,6 +114,7 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) BackendHealthSender(req *http.Request) ( func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) BackendHealthResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ApplicationGatewayBackendHealth, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -125,8 +132,8 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, reso ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ApplicationGatewaysClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -140,20 +147,20 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, reso {Target: "parameters.ApplicationGatewayPropertiesFormat.WebApplicationFirewallConfiguration.RuleSetVersion", Name: validation.Null, Rule: true, Chain: nil}, {Target: "parameters.ApplicationGatewayPropertiesFormat.WebApplicationFirewallConfiguration.MaxRequestBodySize", Name: validation.Null, Rule: false, Chain: []validation.Constraint{{Target: "parameters.ApplicationGatewayPropertiesFormat.WebApplicationFirewallConfiguration.MaxRequestBodySize", Name: validation.InclusiveMaximum, Rule: int64(128), Chain: nil}, - {Target: "parameters.ApplicationGatewayPropertiesFormat.WebApplicationFirewallConfiguration.MaxRequestBodySize", Name: validation.InclusiveMinimum, Rule: int64(8), Chain: nil}, + {Target: "parameters.ApplicationGatewayPropertiesFormat.WebApplicationFirewallConfiguration.MaxRequestBodySize", Name: validation.InclusiveMinimum, Rule: 8, Chain: nil}, }}, {Target: "parameters.ApplicationGatewayPropertiesFormat.WebApplicationFirewallConfiguration.MaxRequestBodySizeInKb", Name: validation.Null, Rule: false, Chain: []validation.Constraint{{Target: "parameters.ApplicationGatewayPropertiesFormat.WebApplicationFirewallConfiguration.MaxRequestBodySizeInKb", Name: validation.InclusiveMaximum, Rule: int64(128), Chain: nil}, - {Target: "parameters.ApplicationGatewayPropertiesFormat.WebApplicationFirewallConfiguration.MaxRequestBodySizeInKb", Name: validation.InclusiveMinimum, Rule: int64(8), Chain: nil}, + {Target: "parameters.ApplicationGatewayPropertiesFormat.WebApplicationFirewallConfiguration.MaxRequestBodySizeInKb", Name: validation.InclusiveMinimum, Rule: 8, Chain: nil}, }}, {Target: "parameters.ApplicationGatewayPropertiesFormat.WebApplicationFirewallConfiguration.FileUploadLimitInMb", Name: validation.Null, Rule: false, Chain: []validation.Constraint{{Target: "parameters.ApplicationGatewayPropertiesFormat.WebApplicationFirewallConfiguration.FileUploadLimitInMb", Name: validation.InclusiveMaximum, Rule: int64(500), Chain: nil}, - {Target: "parameters.ApplicationGatewayPropertiesFormat.WebApplicationFirewallConfiguration.FileUploadLimitInMb", Name: validation.InclusiveMinimum, Rule: int64(0), Chain: nil}, + {Target: "parameters.ApplicationGatewayPropertiesFormat.WebApplicationFirewallConfiguration.FileUploadLimitInMb", Name: validation.InclusiveMinimum, Rule: 0, Chain: nil}, }}, }}, {Target: "parameters.ApplicationGatewayPropertiesFormat.AutoscaleConfiguration", Name: validation.Null, Rule: false, Chain: []validation.Constraint{{Target: "parameters.ApplicationGatewayPropertiesFormat.AutoscaleConfiguration.MinCapacity", Name: validation.Null, Rule: true, - Chain: []validation.Constraint{{Target: "parameters.ApplicationGatewayPropertiesFormat.AutoscaleConfiguration.MinCapacity", Name: validation.InclusiveMinimum, Rule: int64(2), Chain: nil}}}, + Chain: []validation.Constraint{{Target: "parameters.ApplicationGatewayPropertiesFormat.AutoscaleConfiguration.MinCapacity", Name: validation.InclusiveMinimum, Rule: 2, Chain: nil}}}, }}, }}}}}); err != nil { return result, validation.NewError("network.ApplicationGatewaysClient", "CreateOrUpdate", err.Error()) @@ -200,16 +207,13 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Conte // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future ApplicationGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -218,6 +222,7 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ApplicationGateway, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -234,8 +239,8 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGrou ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ApplicationGatewaysClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -279,16 +284,13 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, reso // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future ApplicationGatewaysDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -297,6 +299,7 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -334,7 +337,6 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNa result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ApplicationGatewaysClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -364,7 +366,8 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourc // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -372,6 +375,7 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Resp func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ApplicationGateway, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -409,7 +413,6 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) GetSslPredefinedPolicy(ctx context.Conte result, err = client.GetSslPredefinedPolicyResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ApplicationGatewaysClient", "GetSslPredefinedPolicy", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -438,7 +441,8 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) GetSslPredefinedPolicyPreparer(ctx conte // GetSslPredefinedPolicySender sends the GetSslPredefinedPolicy request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) GetSslPredefinedPolicySender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetSslPredefinedPolicyResponder handles the response to the GetSslPredefinedPolicy request. The method always @@ -446,6 +450,7 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) GetSslPredefinedPolicySender(req *http.R func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) GetSslPredefinedPolicyResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ApplicationGatewaySslPredefinedPolicy, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -484,11 +489,6 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) List(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupN result.aglr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ApplicationGatewaysClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.aglr.hasNextLink() && result.aglr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -517,7 +517,8 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, resour // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -525,6 +526,7 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Res func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ApplicationGatewayListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -598,11 +600,6 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) ListAll(ctx context.Context) (result App result.aglr, err = client.ListAllResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ApplicationGatewaysClient", "ListAll", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.aglr.hasNextLink() && result.aglr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -630,7 +627,8 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) ListAllPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*h // ListAllSender sends the ListAll request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) ListAllSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListAllResponder handles the response to the ListAll request. The method always @@ -638,6 +636,7 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) ListAllSender(req *http.Request) (*http. func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) ListAllResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ApplicationGatewayListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -710,7 +709,6 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) ListAvailableSslOptions(ctx context.Cont result, err = client.ListAvailableSslOptionsResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ApplicationGatewaysClient", "ListAvailableSslOptions", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -738,7 +736,8 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) ListAvailableSslOptionsPreparer(ctx cont // ListAvailableSslOptionsSender sends the ListAvailableSslOptions request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) ListAvailableSslOptionsSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListAvailableSslOptionsResponder handles the response to the ListAvailableSslOptions request. The method always @@ -746,6 +745,7 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) ListAvailableSslOptionsSender(req *http. func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) ListAvailableSslOptionsResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ApplicationGatewayAvailableSslOptions, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -782,11 +782,6 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) ListAvailableSslPredefinedPolicies(ctx c result.agaspp, err = client.ListAvailableSslPredefinedPoliciesResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ApplicationGatewaysClient", "ListAvailableSslPredefinedPolicies", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.agaspp.hasNextLink() && result.agaspp.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -814,7 +809,8 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) ListAvailableSslPredefinedPoliciesPrepar // ListAvailableSslPredefinedPoliciesSender sends the ListAvailableSslPredefinedPolicies request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) ListAvailableSslPredefinedPoliciesSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListAvailableSslPredefinedPoliciesResponder handles the response to the ListAvailableSslPredefinedPolicies request. The method always @@ -822,6 +818,7 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) ListAvailableSslPredefinedPoliciesSender func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) ListAvailableSslPredefinedPoliciesResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ApplicationGatewayAvailableSslPredefinedPolicies, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -894,7 +891,6 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) ListAvailableWafRuleSets(ctx context.Con result, err = client.ListAvailableWafRuleSetsResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ApplicationGatewaysClient", "ListAvailableWafRuleSets", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -922,7 +918,8 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) ListAvailableWafRuleSetsPreparer(ctx con // ListAvailableWafRuleSetsSender sends the ListAvailableWafRuleSets request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) ListAvailableWafRuleSetsSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListAvailableWafRuleSetsResponder handles the response to the ListAvailableWafRuleSets request. The method always @@ -930,6 +927,7 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) ListAvailableWafRuleSetsSender(req *http func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) ListAvailableWafRuleSetsResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ApplicationGatewayAvailableWafRuleSetsResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -946,8 +944,8 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) Start(ctx context.Context, resourceGroup ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ApplicationGatewaysClient.Start") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -991,16 +989,13 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) StartPreparer(ctx context.Context, resou // StartSender sends the Start request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) StartSender(req *http.Request) (future ApplicationGatewaysStartFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -1009,6 +1004,7 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) StartSender(req *http.Request) (future A func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) StartResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -1024,8 +1020,8 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) Stop(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupN ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ApplicationGatewaysClient.Stop") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -1069,16 +1065,13 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) StopPreparer(ctx context.Context, resour // StopSender sends the Stop request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) StopSender(req *http.Request) (future ApplicationGatewaysStopFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -1087,6 +1080,7 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) StopSender(req *http.Request) (future Ap func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) StopResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -1103,8 +1097,8 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) UpdateTags(ctx context.Context, resource ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ApplicationGatewaysClient.UpdateTags") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -1150,16 +1144,13 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) UpdateTagsPreparer(ctx context.Context, // UpdateTagsSender sends the UpdateTags request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (future ApplicationGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -1168,6 +1159,7 @@ func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (fut func (client ApplicationGatewaysClient) UpdateTagsResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ApplicationGateway, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/applicationsecuritygroups.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/applicationsecuritygroups.go index a4fef87b5c5d..067a6c7ba56b 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/applicationsecuritygroups.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/applicationsecuritygroups.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,9 +35,7 @@ func NewApplicationSecurityGroupsClient(subscriptionID string) ApplicationSecuri return NewApplicationSecurityGroupsClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewApplicationSecurityGroupsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient client -// using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign -// clouds, Azure stack). +// NewApplicationSecurityGroupsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient client. func NewApplicationSecurityGroupsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient { return ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -41,8 +50,8 @@ func (client ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -89,16 +98,13 @@ func (client ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future ApplicationSecurityGroupsCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -107,6 +113,7 @@ func (client ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Req func (client ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ApplicationSecurityGroup, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -123,8 +130,8 @@ func (client ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resour ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -168,16 +175,13 @@ func (client ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future ApplicationSecurityGroupsDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -186,6 +190,7 @@ func (client ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (f func (client ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -223,7 +228,6 @@ func (client ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceG result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -253,7 +257,8 @@ func (client ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, r // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -261,6 +266,7 @@ func (client ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*htt func (client ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ApplicationSecurityGroup, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -299,11 +305,6 @@ func (client ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient) List(ctx context.Context, resource result.asglr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.asglr.hasNextLink() && result.asglr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -332,7 +333,8 @@ func (client ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -340,6 +342,7 @@ func (client ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*ht func (client ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ApplicationSecurityGroupListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -413,11 +416,6 @@ func (client ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient) ListAll(ctx context.Context) (resu result.asglr, err = client.ListAllResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient", "ListAll", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.asglr.hasNextLink() && result.asglr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -445,7 +443,8 @@ func (client ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient) ListAllPreparer(ctx context.Contex // ListAllSender sends the ListAll request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient) ListAllSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListAllResponder handles the response to the ListAll request. The method always @@ -453,6 +452,7 @@ func (client ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient) ListAllSender(req *http.Request) ( func (client ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient) ListAllResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ApplicationSecurityGroupListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/availabledelegations.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/availabledelegations.go index 90a3d2b5c976..aa1e01eaf472 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/availabledelegations.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/availabledelegations.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,9 +35,7 @@ func NewAvailableDelegationsClient(subscriptionID string) AvailableDelegationsCl return NewAvailableDelegationsClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewAvailableDelegationsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the AvailableDelegationsClient client using a custom -// endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure -// stack). +// NewAvailableDelegationsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the AvailableDelegationsClient client. func NewAvailableDelegationsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) AvailableDelegationsClient { return AvailableDelegationsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -62,11 +71,6 @@ func (client AvailableDelegationsClient) List(ctx context.Context, location stri result.adr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.AvailableDelegationsClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.adr.hasNextLink() && result.adr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -95,7 +99,8 @@ func (client AvailableDelegationsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, locat // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client AvailableDelegationsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -103,6 +108,7 @@ func (client AvailableDelegationsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Re func (client AvailableDelegationsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result AvailableDelegationsResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/availableendpointservices.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/availableendpointservices.go index a9be34ca61e6..9e7f53f0b5cc 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/availableendpointservices.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/availableendpointservices.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,9 +35,7 @@ func NewAvailableEndpointServicesClient(subscriptionID string) AvailableEndpoint return NewAvailableEndpointServicesClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewAvailableEndpointServicesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the AvailableEndpointServicesClient client -// using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign -// clouds, Azure stack). +// NewAvailableEndpointServicesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the AvailableEndpointServicesClient client. func NewAvailableEndpointServicesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) AvailableEndpointServicesClient { return AvailableEndpointServicesClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -62,11 +71,6 @@ func (client AvailableEndpointServicesClient) List(ctx context.Context, location result.eslr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.AvailableEndpointServicesClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.eslr.hasNextLink() && result.eslr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -95,7 +99,8 @@ func (client AvailableEndpointServicesClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client AvailableEndpointServicesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -103,6 +108,7 @@ func (client AvailableEndpointServicesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*ht func (client AvailableEndpointServicesClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result EndpointServicesListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/availableresourcegroupdelegations.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/availableresourcegroupdelegations.go index 82dbc6b17f2d..09d3ba2a9850 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/availableresourcegroupdelegations.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/availableresourcegroupdelegations.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -26,8 +37,7 @@ func NewAvailableResourceGroupDelegationsClient(subscriptionID string) Available } // NewAvailableResourceGroupDelegationsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the -// AvailableResourceGroupDelegationsClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure -// cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// AvailableResourceGroupDelegationsClient client. func NewAvailableResourceGroupDelegationsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) AvailableResourceGroupDelegationsClient { return AvailableResourceGroupDelegationsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -64,11 +74,6 @@ func (client AvailableResourceGroupDelegationsClient) List(ctx context.Context, result.adr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.AvailableResourceGroupDelegationsClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.adr.hasNextLink() && result.adr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -98,7 +103,8 @@ func (client AvailableResourceGroupDelegationsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.C // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client AvailableResourceGroupDelegationsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -106,6 +112,7 @@ func (client AvailableResourceGroupDelegationsClient) ListSender(req *http.Reque func (client AvailableResourceGroupDelegationsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result AvailableDelegationsResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/azurefirewallfqdntags.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/azurefirewallfqdntags.go index b7e7da18bebd..1c31c0e95289 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/azurefirewallfqdntags.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/azurefirewallfqdntags.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,9 +35,7 @@ func NewAzureFirewallFqdnTagsClient(subscriptionID string) AzureFirewallFqdnTags return NewAzureFirewallFqdnTagsClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewAzureFirewallFqdnTagsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the AzureFirewallFqdnTagsClient client using a -// custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, -// Azure stack). +// NewAzureFirewallFqdnTagsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the AzureFirewallFqdnTagsClient client. func NewAzureFirewallFqdnTagsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) AzureFirewallFqdnTagsClient { return AzureFirewallFqdnTagsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -60,11 +69,6 @@ func (client AzureFirewallFqdnTagsClient) ListAll(ctx context.Context) (result A result.afftlr, err = client.ListAllResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.AzureFirewallFqdnTagsClient", "ListAll", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.afftlr.hasNextLink() && result.afftlr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -92,7 +96,8 @@ func (client AzureFirewallFqdnTagsClient) ListAllPreparer(ctx context.Context) ( // ListAllSender sends the ListAll request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client AzureFirewallFqdnTagsClient) ListAllSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListAllResponder handles the response to the ListAll request. The method always @@ -100,6 +105,7 @@ func (client AzureFirewallFqdnTagsClient) ListAllSender(req *http.Request) (*htt func (client AzureFirewallFqdnTagsClient) ListAllResponder(resp *http.Response) (result AzureFirewallFqdnTagListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/azurefirewalls.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/azurefirewalls.go index ffd77f2641e9..c5827e286b57 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/azurefirewalls.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/azurefirewalls.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,8 +35,7 @@ func NewAzureFirewallsClient(subscriptionID string) AzureFirewallsClient { return NewAzureFirewallsClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewAzureFirewallsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the AzureFirewallsClient client using a custom endpoint. -// Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// NewAzureFirewallsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the AzureFirewallsClient client. func NewAzureFirewallsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) AzureFirewallsClient { return AzureFirewallsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -40,8 +50,8 @@ func (client AzureFirewallsClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceG ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/AzureFirewallsClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -88,16 +98,13 @@ func (client AzureFirewallsClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, r // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client AzureFirewallsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future AzureFirewallsCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -106,6 +113,7 @@ func (client AzureFirewallsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (futu func (client AzureFirewallsClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result AzureFirewall, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -122,8 +130,8 @@ func (client AzureFirewallsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/AzureFirewallsClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -167,16 +175,13 @@ func (client AzureFirewallsClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceG // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client AzureFirewallsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future AzureFirewallsDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -185,6 +190,7 @@ func (client AzureFirewallsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future Azure func (client AzureFirewallsClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -222,7 +228,6 @@ func (client AzureFirewallsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName st result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.AzureFirewallsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -252,7 +257,8 @@ func (client AzureFirewallsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGrou // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client AzureFirewallsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -260,6 +266,7 @@ func (client AzureFirewallsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, func (client AzureFirewallsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result AzureFirewall, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -298,11 +305,6 @@ func (client AzureFirewallsClient) List(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName s result.aflr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.AzureFirewallsClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.aflr.hasNextLink() && result.aflr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -331,7 +333,8 @@ func (client AzureFirewallsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGro // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client AzureFirewallsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -339,6 +342,7 @@ func (client AzureFirewallsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response func (client AzureFirewallsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result AzureFirewallListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -412,11 +416,6 @@ func (client AzureFirewallsClient) ListAll(ctx context.Context) (result AzureFir result.aflr, err = client.ListAllResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.AzureFirewallsClient", "ListAll", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.aflr.hasNextLink() && result.aflr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -444,7 +443,8 @@ func (client AzureFirewallsClient) ListAllPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.R // ListAllSender sends the ListAll request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client AzureFirewallsClient) ListAllSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListAllResponder handles the response to the ListAll request. The method always @@ -452,6 +452,7 @@ func (client AzureFirewallsClient) ListAllSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Respo func (client AzureFirewallsClient) ListAllResponder(resp *http.Response) (result AzureFirewallListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/bgpservicecommunities.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/bgpservicecommunities.go index bef8d21b8079..4f34d25347f8 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/bgpservicecommunities.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/bgpservicecommunities.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,9 +35,7 @@ func NewBgpServiceCommunitiesClient(subscriptionID string) BgpServiceCommunities return NewBgpServiceCommunitiesClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewBgpServiceCommunitiesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the BgpServiceCommunitiesClient client using a -// custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, -// Azure stack). +// NewBgpServiceCommunitiesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the BgpServiceCommunitiesClient client. func NewBgpServiceCommunitiesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) BgpServiceCommunitiesClient { return BgpServiceCommunitiesClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -60,11 +69,6 @@ func (client BgpServiceCommunitiesClient) List(ctx context.Context) (result BgpS result.bsclr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.BgpServiceCommunitiesClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.bsclr.hasNextLink() && result.bsclr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -92,7 +96,8 @@ func (client BgpServiceCommunitiesClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*ht // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client BgpServiceCommunitiesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -100,6 +105,7 @@ func (client BgpServiceCommunitiesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.R func (client BgpServiceCommunitiesClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result BgpServiceCommunityListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/client.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/client.go index efb7a0f19dde..221e41d3a09f 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/client.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/client.go @@ -3,8 +3,19 @@ // Network Client package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -34,8 +45,7 @@ func New(subscriptionID string) BaseClient { return NewWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewWithBaseURI creates an instance of the BaseClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with -// an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// NewWithBaseURI creates an instance of the BaseClient client. func NewWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) BaseClient { return BaseClient{ Client: autorest.NewClientWithUserAgent(UserAgent()), @@ -76,7 +86,6 @@ func (client BaseClient) CheckDNSNameAvailability(ctx context.Context, location result, err = client.CheckDNSNameAvailabilityResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.BaseClient", "CheckDNSNameAvailability", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -106,7 +115,8 @@ func (client BaseClient) CheckDNSNameAvailabilityPreparer(ctx context.Context, l // CheckDNSNameAvailabilitySender sends the CheckDNSNameAvailability request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client BaseClient) CheckDNSNameAvailabilitySender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // CheckDNSNameAvailabilityResponder handles the response to the CheckDNSNameAvailability request. The method always @@ -114,6 +124,7 @@ func (client BaseClient) CheckDNSNameAvailabilitySender(req *http.Request) (*htt func (client BaseClient) CheckDNSNameAvailabilityResponder(resp *http.Response) (result DNSNameAvailabilityResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -152,7 +163,6 @@ func (client BaseClient) SupportedSecurityProviders(ctx context.Context, resourc result, err = client.SupportedSecurityProvidersResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.BaseClient", "SupportedSecurityProviders", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -182,7 +192,8 @@ func (client BaseClient) SupportedSecurityProvidersPreparer(ctx context.Context, // SupportedSecurityProvidersSender sends the SupportedSecurityProviders request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client BaseClient) SupportedSecurityProvidersSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // SupportedSecurityProvidersResponder handles the response to the SupportedSecurityProviders request. The method always @@ -190,6 +201,7 @@ func (client BaseClient) SupportedSecurityProvidersSender(req *http.Request) (*h func (client BaseClient) SupportedSecurityProvidersResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualWanSecurityProviders, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/connectionmonitors.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/connectionmonitors.go index d69dcc99a47b..1c0840933922 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/connectionmonitors.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/connectionmonitors.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,9 +36,7 @@ func NewConnectionMonitorsClient(subscriptionID string) ConnectionMonitorsClient return NewConnectionMonitorsClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewConnectionMonitorsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ConnectionMonitorsClient client using a custom -// endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure -// stack). +// NewConnectionMonitorsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ConnectionMonitorsClient client. func NewConnectionMonitorsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) ConnectionMonitorsClient { return ConnectionMonitorsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -43,8 +52,8 @@ func (client ConnectionMonitorsClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resou ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ConnectionMonitorsClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -101,16 +110,13 @@ func (client ConnectionMonitorsClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Contex // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ConnectionMonitorsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future ConnectionMonitorsCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -119,6 +125,7 @@ func (client ConnectionMonitorsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) ( func (client ConnectionMonitorsClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ConnectionMonitorResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -136,8 +143,8 @@ func (client ConnectionMonitorsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroup ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ConnectionMonitorsClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -182,16 +189,13 @@ func (client ConnectionMonitorsClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, resou // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ConnectionMonitorsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future ConnectionMonitorsDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -200,6 +204,7 @@ func (client ConnectionMonitorsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future C func (client ConnectionMonitorsClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -238,7 +243,6 @@ func (client ConnectionMonitorsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNam result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ConnectionMonitorsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -269,7 +273,8 @@ func (client ConnectionMonitorsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resource // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ConnectionMonitorsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -277,6 +282,7 @@ func (client ConnectionMonitorsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Respo func (client ConnectionMonitorsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ConnectionMonitorResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -315,7 +321,6 @@ func (client ConnectionMonitorsClient) List(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNa result, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ConnectionMonitorsClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -345,7 +350,8 @@ func (client ConnectionMonitorsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourc // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ConnectionMonitorsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -353,6 +359,7 @@ func (client ConnectionMonitorsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Resp func (client ConnectionMonitorsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ConnectionMonitorListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -370,8 +377,8 @@ func (client ConnectionMonitorsClient) Query(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupN ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ConnectionMonitorsClient.Query") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -416,16 +423,13 @@ func (client ConnectionMonitorsClient) QueryPreparer(ctx context.Context, resour // QuerySender sends the Query request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ConnectionMonitorsClient) QuerySender(req *http.Request) (future ConnectionMonitorsQueryFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -434,6 +438,7 @@ func (client ConnectionMonitorsClient) QuerySender(req *http.Request) (future Co func (client ConnectionMonitorsClient) QueryResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ConnectionMonitorQueryResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -451,8 +456,8 @@ func (client ConnectionMonitorsClient) Start(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupN ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ConnectionMonitorsClient.Start") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -497,16 +502,13 @@ func (client ConnectionMonitorsClient) StartPreparer(ctx context.Context, resour // StartSender sends the Start request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ConnectionMonitorsClient) StartSender(req *http.Request) (future ConnectionMonitorsStartFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -515,6 +517,7 @@ func (client ConnectionMonitorsClient) StartSender(req *http.Request) (future Co func (client ConnectionMonitorsClient) StartResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -531,8 +534,8 @@ func (client ConnectionMonitorsClient) Stop(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNa ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ConnectionMonitorsClient.Stop") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -577,16 +580,13 @@ func (client ConnectionMonitorsClient) StopPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourc // StopSender sends the Stop request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ConnectionMonitorsClient) StopSender(req *http.Request) (future ConnectionMonitorsStopFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -595,6 +595,7 @@ func (client ConnectionMonitorsClient) StopSender(req *http.Request) (future Con func (client ConnectionMonitorsClient) StopResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/ddosprotectionplans.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/ddosprotectionplans.go index 76f49bd1bff3..48ef701bd320 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/ddosprotectionplans.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/ddosprotectionplans.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,9 +35,7 @@ func NewDdosProtectionPlansClient(subscriptionID string) DdosProtectionPlansClie return NewDdosProtectionPlansClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewDdosProtectionPlansClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the DdosProtectionPlansClient client using a custom -// endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure -// stack). +// NewDdosProtectionPlansClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the DdosProtectionPlansClient client. func NewDdosProtectionPlansClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) DdosProtectionPlansClient { return DdosProtectionPlansClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -41,8 +50,8 @@ func (client DdosProtectionPlansClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, reso ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/DdosProtectionPlansClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -92,16 +101,13 @@ func (client DdosProtectionPlansClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Conte // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client DdosProtectionPlansClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future DdosProtectionPlansCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -110,6 +116,7 @@ func (client DdosProtectionPlansClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) func (client DdosProtectionPlansClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result DdosProtectionPlan, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -126,8 +133,8 @@ func (client DdosProtectionPlansClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGrou ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/DdosProtectionPlansClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -171,16 +178,13 @@ func (client DdosProtectionPlansClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, reso // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client DdosProtectionPlansClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future DdosProtectionPlansDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -189,6 +193,7 @@ func (client DdosProtectionPlansClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future func (client DdosProtectionPlansClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -226,7 +231,6 @@ func (client DdosProtectionPlansClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNa result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.DdosProtectionPlansClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -256,7 +260,8 @@ func (client DdosProtectionPlansClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourc // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client DdosProtectionPlansClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -264,6 +269,7 @@ func (client DdosProtectionPlansClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Resp func (client DdosProtectionPlansClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result DdosProtectionPlan, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -300,11 +306,6 @@ func (client DdosProtectionPlansClient) List(ctx context.Context) (result DdosPr result.dpplr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.DdosProtectionPlansClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.dpplr.hasNextLink() && result.dpplr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -332,7 +333,8 @@ func (client DdosProtectionPlansClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client DdosProtectionPlansClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -340,6 +342,7 @@ func (client DdosProtectionPlansClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Res func (client DdosProtectionPlansClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result DdosProtectionPlanListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -415,11 +418,6 @@ func (client DdosProtectionPlansClient) ListByResourceGroup(ctx context.Context, result.dpplr, err = client.ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.DdosProtectionPlansClient", "ListByResourceGroup", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.dpplr.hasNextLink() && result.dpplr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -448,7 +446,8 @@ func (client DdosProtectionPlansClient) ListByResourceGroupPreparer(ctx context. // ListByResourceGroupSender sends the ListByResourceGroup request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client DdosProtectionPlansClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListByResourceGroupResponder handles the response to the ListByResourceGroup request. The method always @@ -456,6 +455,7 @@ func (client DdosProtectionPlansClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http.Requ func (client DdosProtectionPlansClient) ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp *http.Response) (result DdosProtectionPlanListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/defaultsecurityrules.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/defaultsecurityrules.go index 4357a32ce8f0..37b9c64c6126 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/defaultsecurityrules.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/defaultsecurityrules.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,9 +35,7 @@ func NewDefaultSecurityRulesClient(subscriptionID string) DefaultSecurityRulesCl return NewDefaultSecurityRulesClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewDefaultSecurityRulesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the DefaultSecurityRulesClient client using a custom -// endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure -// stack). +// NewDefaultSecurityRulesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the DefaultSecurityRulesClient client. func NewDefaultSecurityRulesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) DefaultSecurityRulesClient { return DefaultSecurityRulesClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -63,7 +72,6 @@ func (client DefaultSecurityRulesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupN result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.DefaultSecurityRulesClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -94,7 +102,8 @@ func (client DefaultSecurityRulesClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resour // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client DefaultSecurityRulesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -102,6 +111,7 @@ func (client DefaultSecurityRulesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Res func (client DefaultSecurityRulesClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result SecurityRule, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -141,11 +151,6 @@ func (client DefaultSecurityRulesClient) List(ctx context.Context, resourceGroup result.srlr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.DefaultSecurityRulesClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.srlr.hasNextLink() && result.srlr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -175,7 +180,8 @@ func (client DefaultSecurityRulesClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, resou // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client DefaultSecurityRulesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -183,6 +189,7 @@ func (client DefaultSecurityRulesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Re func (client DefaultSecurityRulesClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result SecurityRuleListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/enums.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/enums.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0c115159ddba..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/enums.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1719 +0,0 @@ -package network - -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. -// -// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. -// Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. - -// Access enumerates the values for access. -type Access string - -const ( - // Allow ... - Allow Access = "Allow" - // Deny ... - Deny Access = "Deny" -) - -// PossibleAccessValues returns an array of possible values for the Access const type. -func PossibleAccessValues() []Access { - return []Access{Allow, Deny} -} - -// ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthServerHealth enumerates the values for application gateway backend health -// server health. -type ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthServerHealth string - -const ( - // Down ... - Down ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthServerHealth = "Down" - // Draining ... - Draining ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthServerHealth = "Draining" - // Partial ... - Partial ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthServerHealth = "Partial" - // Unknown ... - Unknown ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthServerHealth = "Unknown" - // Up ... - Up ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthServerHealth = "Up" -) - -// PossibleApplicationGatewayBackendHealthServerHealthValues returns an array of possible values for the ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthServerHealth const type. -func PossibleApplicationGatewayBackendHealthServerHealthValues() []ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthServerHealth { - return []ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthServerHealth{Down, Draining, Partial, Unknown, Up} -} - -// ApplicationGatewayCookieBasedAffinity enumerates the values for application gateway cookie based affinity. -type ApplicationGatewayCookieBasedAffinity string - -const ( - // Disabled ... - Disabled ApplicationGatewayCookieBasedAffinity = "Disabled" - // Enabled ... - Enabled ApplicationGatewayCookieBasedAffinity = "Enabled" -) - -// PossibleApplicationGatewayCookieBasedAffinityValues returns an array of possible values for the ApplicationGatewayCookieBasedAffinity const type. -func PossibleApplicationGatewayCookieBasedAffinityValues() []ApplicationGatewayCookieBasedAffinity { - return []ApplicationGatewayCookieBasedAffinity{Disabled, Enabled} -} - -// ApplicationGatewayCustomErrorStatusCode enumerates the values for application gateway custom error status -// code. -type ApplicationGatewayCustomErrorStatusCode string - -const ( - // HTTPStatus403 ... - HTTPStatus403 ApplicationGatewayCustomErrorStatusCode = "HttpStatus403" - // HTTPStatus502 ... - HTTPStatus502 ApplicationGatewayCustomErrorStatusCode = "HttpStatus502" -) - -// PossibleApplicationGatewayCustomErrorStatusCodeValues returns an array of possible values for the ApplicationGatewayCustomErrorStatusCode const type. -func PossibleApplicationGatewayCustomErrorStatusCodeValues() []ApplicationGatewayCustomErrorStatusCode { - return []ApplicationGatewayCustomErrorStatusCode{HTTPStatus403, HTTPStatus502} -} - -// ApplicationGatewayFirewallMode enumerates the values for application gateway firewall mode. -type ApplicationGatewayFirewallMode string - -const ( - // Detection ... - Detection ApplicationGatewayFirewallMode = "Detection" - // Prevention ... - Prevention ApplicationGatewayFirewallMode = "Prevention" -) - -// PossibleApplicationGatewayFirewallModeValues returns an array of possible values for the ApplicationGatewayFirewallMode const type. -func PossibleApplicationGatewayFirewallModeValues() []ApplicationGatewayFirewallMode { - return []ApplicationGatewayFirewallMode{Detection, Prevention} -} - -// ApplicationGatewayOperationalState enumerates the values for application gateway operational state. -type ApplicationGatewayOperationalState string - -const ( - // Running ... - Running ApplicationGatewayOperationalState = "Running" - // Starting ... - Starting ApplicationGatewayOperationalState = "Starting" - // Stopped ... - Stopped ApplicationGatewayOperationalState = "Stopped" - // Stopping ... - Stopping ApplicationGatewayOperationalState = "Stopping" -) - -// PossibleApplicationGatewayOperationalStateValues returns an array of possible values for the ApplicationGatewayOperationalState const type. -func PossibleApplicationGatewayOperationalStateValues() []ApplicationGatewayOperationalState { - return []ApplicationGatewayOperationalState{Running, Starting, Stopped, Stopping} -} - -// ApplicationGatewayProtocol enumerates the values for application gateway protocol. -type ApplicationGatewayProtocol string - -const ( - // HTTP ... - HTTP ApplicationGatewayProtocol = "Http" - // HTTPS ... - HTTPS ApplicationGatewayProtocol = "Https" -) - -// PossibleApplicationGatewayProtocolValues returns an array of possible values for the ApplicationGatewayProtocol const type. -func PossibleApplicationGatewayProtocolValues() []ApplicationGatewayProtocol { - return []ApplicationGatewayProtocol{HTTP, HTTPS} -} - -// ApplicationGatewayRedirectType enumerates the values for application gateway redirect type. -type ApplicationGatewayRedirectType string - -const ( - // Found ... - Found ApplicationGatewayRedirectType = "Found" - // Permanent ... - Permanent ApplicationGatewayRedirectType = "Permanent" - // SeeOther ... - SeeOther ApplicationGatewayRedirectType = "SeeOther" - // Temporary ... - Temporary ApplicationGatewayRedirectType = "Temporary" -) - -// PossibleApplicationGatewayRedirectTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the ApplicationGatewayRedirectType const type. -func PossibleApplicationGatewayRedirectTypeValues() []ApplicationGatewayRedirectType { - return []ApplicationGatewayRedirectType{Found, Permanent, SeeOther, Temporary} -} - -// ApplicationGatewayRequestRoutingRuleType enumerates the values for application gateway request routing rule -// type. -type ApplicationGatewayRequestRoutingRuleType string - -const ( - // Basic ... - Basic ApplicationGatewayRequestRoutingRuleType = "Basic" - // PathBasedRouting ... - PathBasedRouting ApplicationGatewayRequestRoutingRuleType = "PathBasedRouting" -) - -// PossibleApplicationGatewayRequestRoutingRuleTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the ApplicationGatewayRequestRoutingRuleType const type. -func PossibleApplicationGatewayRequestRoutingRuleTypeValues() []ApplicationGatewayRequestRoutingRuleType { - return []ApplicationGatewayRequestRoutingRuleType{Basic, PathBasedRouting} -} - -// ApplicationGatewaySkuName enumerates the values for application gateway sku name. -type ApplicationGatewaySkuName string - -const ( - // StandardLarge ... - StandardLarge ApplicationGatewaySkuName = "Standard_Large" - // StandardMedium ... - StandardMedium ApplicationGatewaySkuName = "Standard_Medium" - // StandardSmall ... - StandardSmall ApplicationGatewaySkuName = "Standard_Small" - // StandardV2 ... - StandardV2 ApplicationGatewaySkuName = "Standard_v2" - // WAFLarge ... - WAFLarge ApplicationGatewaySkuName = "WAF_Large" - // WAFMedium ... - WAFMedium ApplicationGatewaySkuName = "WAF_Medium" - // WAFV2 ... - WAFV2 ApplicationGatewaySkuName = "WAF_v2" -) - -// PossibleApplicationGatewaySkuNameValues returns an array of possible values for the ApplicationGatewaySkuName const type. -func PossibleApplicationGatewaySkuNameValues() []ApplicationGatewaySkuName { - return []ApplicationGatewaySkuName{StandardLarge, StandardMedium, StandardSmall, StandardV2, WAFLarge, WAFMedium, WAFV2} -} - -// ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite enumerates the values for application gateway ssl cipher suite. -type ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite string - -const ( - // TLSDHEDSSWITH3DESEDECBCSHA ... - TLSDHEDSSWITH3DESEDECBCSHA ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA" - // TLSDHEDSSWITHAES128CBCSHA ... - TLSDHEDSSWITHAES128CBCSHA ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA" - // TLSDHEDSSWITHAES128CBCSHA256 ... - TLSDHEDSSWITHAES128CBCSHA256 ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256" - // TLSDHEDSSWITHAES256CBCSHA ... - TLSDHEDSSWITHAES256CBCSHA ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA" - // TLSDHEDSSWITHAES256CBCSHA256 ... - TLSDHEDSSWITHAES256CBCSHA256 ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256" - // TLSDHERSAWITHAES128CBCSHA ... - TLSDHERSAWITHAES128CBCSHA ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA" - // TLSDHERSAWITHAES128GCMSHA256 ... - TLSDHERSAWITHAES128GCMSHA256 ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256" - // TLSDHERSAWITHAES256CBCSHA ... - TLSDHERSAWITHAES256CBCSHA ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA" - // TLSDHERSAWITHAES256GCMSHA384 ... - TLSDHERSAWITHAES256GCMSHA384 ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384" - // TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES128CBCSHA ... - TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES128CBCSHA ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA" - // TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES128CBCSHA256 ... - TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES128CBCSHA256 ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256" - // TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES128GCMSHA256 ... - TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES128GCMSHA256 ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256" - // TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES256CBCSHA ... - TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES256CBCSHA ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA" - // TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES256CBCSHA384 ... - TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES256CBCSHA384 ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384" - // TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES256GCMSHA384 ... - TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES256GCMSHA384 ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384" - // TLSECDHERSAWITHAES128CBCSHA ... - TLSECDHERSAWITHAES128CBCSHA ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA" - // TLSECDHERSAWITHAES128CBCSHA256 ... - TLSECDHERSAWITHAES128CBCSHA256 ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256" - // TLSECDHERSAWITHAES128GCMSHA256 ... - TLSECDHERSAWITHAES128GCMSHA256 ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256" - // TLSECDHERSAWITHAES256CBCSHA ... - TLSECDHERSAWITHAES256CBCSHA ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA" - // TLSECDHERSAWITHAES256CBCSHA384 ... - TLSECDHERSAWITHAES256CBCSHA384 ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384" - // TLSECDHERSAWITHAES256GCMSHA384 ... - TLSECDHERSAWITHAES256GCMSHA384 ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384" - // TLSRSAWITH3DESEDECBCSHA ... - TLSRSAWITH3DESEDECBCSHA ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA" - // TLSRSAWITHAES128CBCSHA ... - TLSRSAWITHAES128CBCSHA ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA" - // TLSRSAWITHAES128CBCSHA256 ... - TLSRSAWITHAES128CBCSHA256 ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256" - // TLSRSAWITHAES128GCMSHA256 ... - TLSRSAWITHAES128GCMSHA256 ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256" - // TLSRSAWITHAES256CBCSHA ... - TLSRSAWITHAES256CBCSHA ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA" - // TLSRSAWITHAES256CBCSHA256 ... - TLSRSAWITHAES256CBCSHA256 ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256" - // TLSRSAWITHAES256GCMSHA384 ... - TLSRSAWITHAES256GCMSHA384 ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384" -) - -// PossibleApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuiteValues returns an array of possible values for the ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite const type. -func PossibleApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuiteValues() []ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite { - return []ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite{TLSDHEDSSWITH3DESEDECBCSHA, TLSDHEDSSWITHAES128CBCSHA, TLSDHEDSSWITHAES128CBCSHA256, TLSDHEDSSWITHAES256CBCSHA, TLSDHEDSSWITHAES256CBCSHA256, TLSDHERSAWITHAES128CBCSHA, TLSDHERSAWITHAES128GCMSHA256, TLSDHERSAWITHAES256CBCSHA, TLSDHERSAWITHAES256GCMSHA384, TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES128CBCSHA, TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES128CBCSHA256, TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES128GCMSHA256, TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES256CBCSHA, TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES256CBCSHA384, TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES256GCMSHA384, TLSECDHERSAWITHAES128CBCSHA, TLSECDHERSAWITHAES128CBCSHA256, TLSECDHERSAWITHAES128GCMSHA256, TLSECDHERSAWITHAES256CBCSHA, TLSECDHERSAWITHAES256CBCSHA384, TLSECDHERSAWITHAES256GCMSHA384, TLSRSAWITH3DESEDECBCSHA, TLSRSAWITHAES128CBCSHA, TLSRSAWITHAES128CBCSHA256, TLSRSAWITHAES128GCMSHA256, TLSRSAWITHAES256CBCSHA, TLSRSAWITHAES256CBCSHA256, TLSRSAWITHAES256GCMSHA384} -} - -// ApplicationGatewaySslPolicyName enumerates the values for application gateway ssl policy name. -type ApplicationGatewaySslPolicyName string - -const ( - // AppGwSslPolicy20150501 ... - AppGwSslPolicy20150501 ApplicationGatewaySslPolicyName = "AppGwSslPolicy20150501" - // AppGwSslPolicy20170401 ... - AppGwSslPolicy20170401 ApplicationGatewaySslPolicyName = "AppGwSslPolicy20170401" - // AppGwSslPolicy20170401S ... - AppGwSslPolicy20170401S ApplicationGatewaySslPolicyName = "AppGwSslPolicy20170401S" -) - -// PossibleApplicationGatewaySslPolicyNameValues returns an array of possible values for the ApplicationGatewaySslPolicyName const type. -func PossibleApplicationGatewaySslPolicyNameValues() []ApplicationGatewaySslPolicyName { - return []ApplicationGatewaySslPolicyName{AppGwSslPolicy20150501, AppGwSslPolicy20170401, AppGwSslPolicy20170401S} -} - -// ApplicationGatewaySslPolicyType enumerates the values for application gateway ssl policy type. -type ApplicationGatewaySslPolicyType string - -const ( - // Custom ... - Custom ApplicationGatewaySslPolicyType = "Custom" - // Predefined ... - Predefined ApplicationGatewaySslPolicyType = "Predefined" -) - -// PossibleApplicationGatewaySslPolicyTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the ApplicationGatewaySslPolicyType const type. -func PossibleApplicationGatewaySslPolicyTypeValues() []ApplicationGatewaySslPolicyType { - return []ApplicationGatewaySslPolicyType{Custom, Predefined} -} - -// ApplicationGatewaySslProtocol enumerates the values for application gateway ssl protocol. -type ApplicationGatewaySslProtocol string - -const ( - // TLSv10 ... - TLSv10 ApplicationGatewaySslProtocol = "TLSv1_0" - // TLSv11 ... - TLSv11 ApplicationGatewaySslProtocol = "TLSv1_1" - // TLSv12 ... - TLSv12 ApplicationGatewaySslProtocol = "TLSv1_2" -) - -// PossibleApplicationGatewaySslProtocolValues returns an array of possible values for the ApplicationGatewaySslProtocol const type. -func PossibleApplicationGatewaySslProtocolValues() []ApplicationGatewaySslProtocol { - return []ApplicationGatewaySslProtocol{TLSv10, TLSv11, TLSv12} -} - -// ApplicationGatewayTier enumerates the values for application gateway tier. -type ApplicationGatewayTier string - -const ( - // ApplicationGatewayTierStandard ... - ApplicationGatewayTierStandard ApplicationGatewayTier = "Standard" - // ApplicationGatewayTierStandardV2 ... - ApplicationGatewayTierStandardV2 ApplicationGatewayTier = "Standard_v2" - // ApplicationGatewayTierWAF ... - ApplicationGatewayTierWAF ApplicationGatewayTier = "WAF" - // ApplicationGatewayTierWAFV2 ... - ApplicationGatewayTierWAFV2 ApplicationGatewayTier = "WAF_v2" -) - -// PossibleApplicationGatewayTierValues returns an array of possible values for the ApplicationGatewayTier const type. -func PossibleApplicationGatewayTierValues() []ApplicationGatewayTier { - return []ApplicationGatewayTier{ApplicationGatewayTierStandard, ApplicationGatewayTierStandardV2, ApplicationGatewayTierWAF, ApplicationGatewayTierWAFV2} -} - -// AssociationType enumerates the values for association type. -type AssociationType string - -const ( - // Associated ... - Associated AssociationType = "Associated" - // Contains ... - Contains AssociationType = "Contains" -) - -// PossibleAssociationTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the AssociationType const type. -func PossibleAssociationTypeValues() []AssociationType { - return []AssociationType{Associated, Contains} -} - -// AuthenticationMethod enumerates the values for authentication method. -type AuthenticationMethod string - -const ( - // EAPMSCHAPv2 ... - EAPMSCHAPv2 AuthenticationMethod = "EAPMSCHAPv2" - // EAPTLS ... - EAPTLS AuthenticationMethod = "EAPTLS" -) - -// PossibleAuthenticationMethodValues returns an array of possible values for the AuthenticationMethod const type. -func PossibleAuthenticationMethodValues() []AuthenticationMethod { - return []AuthenticationMethod{EAPMSCHAPv2, EAPTLS} -} - -// AuthorizationUseStatus enumerates the values for authorization use status. -type AuthorizationUseStatus string - -const ( - // Available ... - Available AuthorizationUseStatus = "Available" - // InUse ... - InUse AuthorizationUseStatus = "InUse" -) - -// PossibleAuthorizationUseStatusValues returns an array of possible values for the AuthorizationUseStatus const type. -func PossibleAuthorizationUseStatusValues() []AuthorizationUseStatus { - return []AuthorizationUseStatus{Available, InUse} -} - -// AzureFirewallApplicationRuleProtocolType enumerates the values for azure firewall application rule protocol -// type. -type AzureFirewallApplicationRuleProtocolType string - -const ( - // AzureFirewallApplicationRuleProtocolTypeHTTP ... - AzureFirewallApplicationRuleProtocolTypeHTTP AzureFirewallApplicationRuleProtocolType = "Http" - // AzureFirewallApplicationRuleProtocolTypeHTTPS ... - AzureFirewallApplicationRuleProtocolTypeHTTPS AzureFirewallApplicationRuleProtocolType = "Https" -) - -// PossibleAzureFirewallApplicationRuleProtocolTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the AzureFirewallApplicationRuleProtocolType const type. -func PossibleAzureFirewallApplicationRuleProtocolTypeValues() []AzureFirewallApplicationRuleProtocolType { - return []AzureFirewallApplicationRuleProtocolType{AzureFirewallApplicationRuleProtocolTypeHTTP, AzureFirewallApplicationRuleProtocolTypeHTTPS} -} - -// AzureFirewallNatRCActionType enumerates the values for azure firewall nat rc action type. -type AzureFirewallNatRCActionType string - -const ( - // Dnat ... - Dnat AzureFirewallNatRCActionType = "Dnat" - // Snat ... - Snat AzureFirewallNatRCActionType = "Snat" -) - -// PossibleAzureFirewallNatRCActionTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the AzureFirewallNatRCActionType const type. -func PossibleAzureFirewallNatRCActionTypeValues() []AzureFirewallNatRCActionType { - return []AzureFirewallNatRCActionType{Dnat, Snat} -} - -// AzureFirewallNetworkRuleProtocol enumerates the values for azure firewall network rule protocol. -type AzureFirewallNetworkRuleProtocol string - -const ( - // Any ... - Any AzureFirewallNetworkRuleProtocol = "Any" - // ICMP ... - ICMP AzureFirewallNetworkRuleProtocol = "ICMP" - // TCP ... - TCP AzureFirewallNetworkRuleProtocol = "TCP" - // UDP ... - UDP AzureFirewallNetworkRuleProtocol = "UDP" -) - -// PossibleAzureFirewallNetworkRuleProtocolValues returns an array of possible values for the AzureFirewallNetworkRuleProtocol const type. -func PossibleAzureFirewallNetworkRuleProtocolValues() []AzureFirewallNetworkRuleProtocol { - return []AzureFirewallNetworkRuleProtocol{Any, ICMP, TCP, UDP} -} - -// AzureFirewallRCActionType enumerates the values for azure firewall rc action type. -type AzureFirewallRCActionType string - -const ( - // AzureFirewallRCActionTypeAllow ... - AzureFirewallRCActionTypeAllow AzureFirewallRCActionType = "Allow" - // AzureFirewallRCActionTypeDeny ... - AzureFirewallRCActionTypeDeny AzureFirewallRCActionType = "Deny" -) - -// PossibleAzureFirewallRCActionTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the AzureFirewallRCActionType const type. -func PossibleAzureFirewallRCActionTypeValues() []AzureFirewallRCActionType { - return []AzureFirewallRCActionType{AzureFirewallRCActionTypeAllow, AzureFirewallRCActionTypeDeny} -} - -// BgpPeerState enumerates the values for bgp peer state. -type BgpPeerState string - -const ( - // BgpPeerStateConnected ... - BgpPeerStateConnected BgpPeerState = "Connected" - // BgpPeerStateConnecting ... - BgpPeerStateConnecting BgpPeerState = "Connecting" - // BgpPeerStateIdle ... - BgpPeerStateIdle BgpPeerState = "Idle" - // BgpPeerStateStopped ... - BgpPeerStateStopped BgpPeerState = "Stopped" - // BgpPeerStateUnknown ... - BgpPeerStateUnknown BgpPeerState = "Unknown" -) - -// PossibleBgpPeerStateValues returns an array of possible values for the BgpPeerState const type. -func PossibleBgpPeerStateValues() []BgpPeerState { - return []BgpPeerState{BgpPeerStateConnected, BgpPeerStateConnecting, BgpPeerStateIdle, BgpPeerStateStopped, BgpPeerStateUnknown} -} - -// CircuitConnectionStatus enumerates the values for circuit connection status. -type CircuitConnectionStatus string - -const ( - // Connected ... - Connected CircuitConnectionStatus = "Connected" - // Connecting ... - Connecting CircuitConnectionStatus = "Connecting" - // Disconnected ... - Disconnected CircuitConnectionStatus = "Disconnected" -) - -// PossibleCircuitConnectionStatusValues returns an array of possible values for the CircuitConnectionStatus const type. -func PossibleCircuitConnectionStatusValues() []CircuitConnectionStatus { - return []CircuitConnectionStatus{Connected, Connecting, Disconnected} -} - -// ConnectionMonitorSourceStatus enumerates the values for connection monitor source status. -type ConnectionMonitorSourceStatus string - -const ( - // Active ... - Active ConnectionMonitorSourceStatus = "Active" - // Inactive ... - Inactive ConnectionMonitorSourceStatus = "Inactive" - // Uknown ... - Uknown ConnectionMonitorSourceStatus = "Uknown" -) - -// PossibleConnectionMonitorSourceStatusValues returns an array of possible values for the ConnectionMonitorSourceStatus const type. -func PossibleConnectionMonitorSourceStatusValues() []ConnectionMonitorSourceStatus { - return []ConnectionMonitorSourceStatus{Active, Inactive, Uknown} -} - -// ConnectionState enumerates the values for connection state. -type ConnectionState string - -const ( - // ConnectionStateReachable ... - ConnectionStateReachable ConnectionState = "Reachable" - // ConnectionStateUnknown ... - ConnectionStateUnknown ConnectionState = "Unknown" - // ConnectionStateUnreachable ... - ConnectionStateUnreachable ConnectionState = "Unreachable" -) - -// PossibleConnectionStateValues returns an array of possible values for the ConnectionState const type. -func PossibleConnectionStateValues() []ConnectionState { - return []ConnectionState{ConnectionStateReachable, ConnectionStateUnknown, ConnectionStateUnreachable} -} - -// ConnectionStatus enumerates the values for connection status. -type ConnectionStatus string - -const ( - // ConnectionStatusConnected ... - ConnectionStatusConnected ConnectionStatus = "Connected" - // ConnectionStatusDegraded ... - ConnectionStatusDegraded ConnectionStatus = "Degraded" - // ConnectionStatusDisconnected ... - ConnectionStatusDisconnected ConnectionStatus = "Disconnected" - // ConnectionStatusUnknown ... - ConnectionStatusUnknown ConnectionStatus = "Unknown" -) - -// PossibleConnectionStatusValues returns an array of possible values for the ConnectionStatus const type. -func PossibleConnectionStatusValues() []ConnectionStatus { - return []ConnectionStatus{ConnectionStatusConnected, ConnectionStatusDegraded, ConnectionStatusDisconnected, ConnectionStatusUnknown} -} - -// DhGroup enumerates the values for dh group. -type DhGroup string - -const ( - // DHGroup1 ... - DHGroup1 DhGroup = "DHGroup1" - // DHGroup14 ... - DHGroup14 DhGroup = "DHGroup14" - // DHGroup2 ... - DHGroup2 DhGroup = "DHGroup2" - // DHGroup2048 ... - DHGroup2048 DhGroup = "DHGroup2048" - // DHGroup24 ... - DHGroup24 DhGroup = "DHGroup24" - // ECP256 ... - ECP256 DhGroup = "ECP256" - // ECP384 ... - ECP384 DhGroup = "ECP384" - // None ... - None DhGroup = "None" -) - -// PossibleDhGroupValues returns an array of possible values for the DhGroup const type. -func PossibleDhGroupValues() []DhGroup { - return []DhGroup{DHGroup1, DHGroup14, DHGroup2, DHGroup2048, DHGroup24, ECP256, ECP384, None} -} - -// Direction enumerates the values for direction. -type Direction string - -const ( - // Inbound ... - Inbound Direction = "Inbound" - // Outbound ... - Outbound Direction = "Outbound" -) - -// PossibleDirectionValues returns an array of possible values for the Direction const type. -func PossibleDirectionValues() []Direction { - return []Direction{Inbound, Outbound} -} - -// EffectiveRouteSource enumerates the values for effective route source. -type EffectiveRouteSource string - -const ( - // EffectiveRouteSourceDefault ... - EffectiveRouteSourceDefault EffectiveRouteSource = "Default" - // EffectiveRouteSourceUnknown ... - EffectiveRouteSourceUnknown EffectiveRouteSource = "Unknown" - // EffectiveRouteSourceUser ... - EffectiveRouteSourceUser EffectiveRouteSource = "User" - // EffectiveRouteSourceVirtualNetworkGateway ... - EffectiveRouteSourceVirtualNetworkGateway EffectiveRouteSource = "VirtualNetworkGateway" -) - -// PossibleEffectiveRouteSourceValues returns an array of possible values for the EffectiveRouteSource const type. -func PossibleEffectiveRouteSourceValues() []EffectiveRouteSource { - return []EffectiveRouteSource{EffectiveRouteSourceDefault, EffectiveRouteSourceUnknown, EffectiveRouteSourceUser, EffectiveRouteSourceVirtualNetworkGateway} -} - -// EffectiveRouteState enumerates the values for effective route state. -type EffectiveRouteState string - -const ( - // EffectiveRouteStateActive ... - EffectiveRouteStateActive EffectiveRouteState = "Active" - // EffectiveRouteStateInvalid ... - EffectiveRouteStateInvalid EffectiveRouteState = "Invalid" -) - -// PossibleEffectiveRouteStateValues returns an array of possible values for the EffectiveRouteState const type. -func PossibleEffectiveRouteStateValues() []EffectiveRouteState { - return []EffectiveRouteState{EffectiveRouteStateActive, EffectiveRouteStateInvalid} -} - -// EffectiveSecurityRuleProtocol enumerates the values for effective security rule protocol. -type EffectiveSecurityRuleProtocol string - -const ( - // EffectiveSecurityRuleProtocolAll ... - EffectiveSecurityRuleProtocolAll EffectiveSecurityRuleProtocol = "All" - // EffectiveSecurityRuleProtocolTCP ... - EffectiveSecurityRuleProtocolTCP EffectiveSecurityRuleProtocol = "Tcp" - // EffectiveSecurityRuleProtocolUDP ... - EffectiveSecurityRuleProtocolUDP EffectiveSecurityRuleProtocol = "Udp" -) - -// PossibleEffectiveSecurityRuleProtocolValues returns an array of possible values for the EffectiveSecurityRuleProtocol const type. -func PossibleEffectiveSecurityRuleProtocolValues() []EffectiveSecurityRuleProtocol { - return []EffectiveSecurityRuleProtocol{EffectiveSecurityRuleProtocolAll, EffectiveSecurityRuleProtocolTCP, EffectiveSecurityRuleProtocolUDP} -} - -// EvaluationState enumerates the values for evaluation state. -type EvaluationState string - -const ( - // Completed ... - Completed EvaluationState = "Completed" - // InProgress ... - InProgress EvaluationState = "InProgress" - // NotStarted ... - NotStarted EvaluationState = "NotStarted" -) - -// PossibleEvaluationStateValues returns an array of possible values for the EvaluationState const type. -func PossibleEvaluationStateValues() []EvaluationState { - return []EvaluationState{Completed, InProgress, NotStarted} -} - -// ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringAdvertisedPublicPrefixState enumerates the values for express route circuit -// peering advertised public prefix state. -type ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringAdvertisedPublicPrefixState string - -const ( - // Configured ... - Configured ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringAdvertisedPublicPrefixState = "Configured" - // Configuring ... - Configuring ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringAdvertisedPublicPrefixState = "Configuring" - // NotConfigured ... - NotConfigured ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringAdvertisedPublicPrefixState = "NotConfigured" - // ValidationNeeded ... - ValidationNeeded ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringAdvertisedPublicPrefixState = "ValidationNeeded" -) - -// PossibleExpressRouteCircuitPeeringAdvertisedPublicPrefixStateValues returns an array of possible values for the ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringAdvertisedPublicPrefixState const type. -func PossibleExpressRouteCircuitPeeringAdvertisedPublicPrefixStateValues() []ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringAdvertisedPublicPrefixState { - return []ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringAdvertisedPublicPrefixState{Configured, Configuring, NotConfigured, ValidationNeeded} -} - -// ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringState enumerates the values for express route circuit peering state. -type ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringState string - -const ( - // ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringStateDisabled ... - ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringStateDisabled ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringState = "Disabled" - // ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringStateEnabled ... - ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringStateEnabled ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringState = "Enabled" -) - -// PossibleExpressRouteCircuitPeeringStateValues returns an array of possible values for the ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringState const type. -func PossibleExpressRouteCircuitPeeringStateValues() []ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringState { - return []ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringState{ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringStateDisabled, ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringStateEnabled} -} - -// ExpressRouteCircuitSkuFamily enumerates the values for express route circuit sku family. -type ExpressRouteCircuitSkuFamily string - -const ( - // MeteredData ... - MeteredData ExpressRouteCircuitSkuFamily = "MeteredData" - // UnlimitedData ... - UnlimitedData ExpressRouteCircuitSkuFamily = "UnlimitedData" -) - -// PossibleExpressRouteCircuitSkuFamilyValues returns an array of possible values for the ExpressRouteCircuitSkuFamily const type. -func PossibleExpressRouteCircuitSkuFamilyValues() []ExpressRouteCircuitSkuFamily { - return []ExpressRouteCircuitSkuFamily{MeteredData, UnlimitedData} -} - -// ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTier enumerates the values for express route circuit sku tier. -type ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTier string - -const ( - // ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTierBasic ... - ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTierBasic ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTier = "Basic" - // ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTierPremium ... - ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTierPremium ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTier = "Premium" - // ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTierStandard ... - ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTierStandard ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTier = "Standard" -) - -// PossibleExpressRouteCircuitSkuTierValues returns an array of possible values for the ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTier const type. -func PossibleExpressRouteCircuitSkuTierValues() []ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTier { - return []ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTier{ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTierBasic, ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTierPremium, ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTierStandard} -} - -// ExpressRouteLinkAdminState enumerates the values for express route link admin state. -type ExpressRouteLinkAdminState string - -const ( - // ExpressRouteLinkAdminStateDisabled ... - ExpressRouteLinkAdminStateDisabled ExpressRouteLinkAdminState = "Disabled" - // ExpressRouteLinkAdminStateEnabled ... - ExpressRouteLinkAdminStateEnabled ExpressRouteLinkAdminState = "Enabled" -) - -// PossibleExpressRouteLinkAdminStateValues returns an array of possible values for the ExpressRouteLinkAdminState const type. -func PossibleExpressRouteLinkAdminStateValues() []ExpressRouteLinkAdminState { - return []ExpressRouteLinkAdminState{ExpressRouteLinkAdminStateDisabled, ExpressRouteLinkAdminStateEnabled} -} - -// ExpressRouteLinkConnectorType enumerates the values for express route link connector type. -type ExpressRouteLinkConnectorType string - -const ( - // LC ... - LC ExpressRouteLinkConnectorType = "LC" - // SC ... - SC ExpressRouteLinkConnectorType = "SC" -) - -// PossibleExpressRouteLinkConnectorTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the ExpressRouteLinkConnectorType const type. -func PossibleExpressRouteLinkConnectorTypeValues() []ExpressRouteLinkConnectorType { - return []ExpressRouteLinkConnectorType{LC, SC} -} - -// ExpressRoutePeeringState enumerates the values for express route peering state. -type ExpressRoutePeeringState string - -const ( - // ExpressRoutePeeringStateDisabled ... - ExpressRoutePeeringStateDisabled ExpressRoutePeeringState = "Disabled" - // ExpressRoutePeeringStateEnabled ... - ExpressRoutePeeringStateEnabled ExpressRoutePeeringState = "Enabled" -) - -// PossibleExpressRoutePeeringStateValues returns an array of possible values for the ExpressRoutePeeringState const type. -func PossibleExpressRoutePeeringStateValues() []ExpressRoutePeeringState { - return []ExpressRoutePeeringState{ExpressRoutePeeringStateDisabled, ExpressRoutePeeringStateEnabled} -} - -// ExpressRoutePeeringType enumerates the values for express route peering type. -type ExpressRoutePeeringType string - -const ( - // AzurePrivatePeering ... - AzurePrivatePeering ExpressRoutePeeringType = "AzurePrivatePeering" - // AzurePublicPeering ... - AzurePublicPeering ExpressRoutePeeringType = "AzurePublicPeering" - // MicrosoftPeering ... - MicrosoftPeering ExpressRoutePeeringType = "MicrosoftPeering" -) - -// PossibleExpressRoutePeeringTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the ExpressRoutePeeringType const type. -func PossibleExpressRoutePeeringTypeValues() []ExpressRoutePeeringType { - return []ExpressRoutePeeringType{AzurePrivatePeering, AzurePublicPeering, MicrosoftPeering} -} - -// ExpressRoutePortsEncapsulation enumerates the values for express route ports encapsulation. -type ExpressRoutePortsEncapsulation string - -const ( - // Dot1Q ... - Dot1Q ExpressRoutePortsEncapsulation = "Dot1Q" - // QinQ ... - QinQ ExpressRoutePortsEncapsulation = "QinQ" -) - -// PossibleExpressRoutePortsEncapsulationValues returns an array of possible values for the ExpressRoutePortsEncapsulation const type. -func PossibleExpressRoutePortsEncapsulationValues() []ExpressRoutePortsEncapsulation { - return []ExpressRoutePortsEncapsulation{Dot1Q, QinQ} -} - -// FlowLogFormatType enumerates the values for flow log format type. -type FlowLogFormatType string - -const ( - // JSON ... - JSON FlowLogFormatType = "JSON" -) - -// PossibleFlowLogFormatTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the FlowLogFormatType const type. -func PossibleFlowLogFormatTypeValues() []FlowLogFormatType { - return []FlowLogFormatType{JSON} -} - -// HTTPMethod enumerates the values for http method. -type HTTPMethod string - -const ( - // Get ... - Get HTTPMethod = "Get" -) - -// PossibleHTTPMethodValues returns an array of possible values for the HTTPMethod const type. -func PossibleHTTPMethodValues() []HTTPMethod { - return []HTTPMethod{Get} -} - -// HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatus enumerates the values for hub virtual network connection status. -type HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatus string - -const ( - // HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatusConnected ... - HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatusConnected HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatus = "Connected" - // HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatusConnecting ... - HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatusConnecting HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatus = "Connecting" - // HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatusNotConnected ... - HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatusNotConnected HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatus = "NotConnected" - // HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatusUnknown ... - HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatusUnknown HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatus = "Unknown" -) - -// PossibleHubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatusValues returns an array of possible values for the HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatus const type. -func PossibleHubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatusValues() []HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatus { - return []HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatus{HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatusConnected, HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatusConnecting, HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatusNotConnected, HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatusUnknown} -} - -// IkeEncryption enumerates the values for ike encryption. -type IkeEncryption string - -const ( - // AES128 ... - AES128 IkeEncryption = "AES128" - // AES192 ... - AES192 IkeEncryption = "AES192" - // AES256 ... - AES256 IkeEncryption = "AES256" - // DES ... - DES IkeEncryption = "DES" - // DES3 ... - DES3 IkeEncryption = "DES3" - // GCMAES128 ... - GCMAES128 IkeEncryption = "GCMAES128" - // GCMAES256 ... - GCMAES256 IkeEncryption = "GCMAES256" -) - -// PossibleIkeEncryptionValues returns an array of possible values for the IkeEncryption const type. -func PossibleIkeEncryptionValues() []IkeEncryption { - return []IkeEncryption{AES128, AES192, AES256, DES, DES3, GCMAES128, GCMAES256} -} - -// IkeIntegrity enumerates the values for ike integrity. -type IkeIntegrity string - -const ( - // IkeIntegrityGCMAES128 ... - IkeIntegrityGCMAES128 IkeIntegrity = "GCMAES128" - // IkeIntegrityGCMAES256 ... - IkeIntegrityGCMAES256 IkeIntegrity = "GCMAES256" - // IkeIntegrityMD5 ... - IkeIntegrityMD5 IkeIntegrity = "MD5" - // IkeIntegritySHA1 ... - IkeIntegritySHA1 IkeIntegrity = "SHA1" - // IkeIntegritySHA256 ... - IkeIntegritySHA256 IkeIntegrity = "SHA256" - // IkeIntegritySHA384 ... - IkeIntegritySHA384 IkeIntegrity = "SHA384" -) - -// PossibleIkeIntegrityValues returns an array of possible values for the IkeIntegrity const type. -func PossibleIkeIntegrityValues() []IkeIntegrity { - return []IkeIntegrity{IkeIntegrityGCMAES128, IkeIntegrityGCMAES256, IkeIntegrityMD5, IkeIntegritySHA1, IkeIntegritySHA256, IkeIntegritySHA384} -} - -// IPAllocationMethod enumerates the values for ip allocation method. -type IPAllocationMethod string - -const ( - // Dynamic ... - Dynamic IPAllocationMethod = "Dynamic" - // Static ... - Static IPAllocationMethod = "Static" -) - -// PossibleIPAllocationMethodValues returns an array of possible values for the IPAllocationMethod const type. -func PossibleIPAllocationMethodValues() []IPAllocationMethod { - return []IPAllocationMethod{Dynamic, Static} -} - -// IPFlowProtocol enumerates the values for ip flow protocol. -type IPFlowProtocol string - -const ( - // IPFlowProtocolTCP ... - IPFlowProtocolTCP IPFlowProtocol = "TCP" - // IPFlowProtocolUDP ... - IPFlowProtocolUDP IPFlowProtocol = "UDP" -) - -// PossibleIPFlowProtocolValues returns an array of possible values for the IPFlowProtocol const type. -func PossibleIPFlowProtocolValues() []IPFlowProtocol { - return []IPFlowProtocol{IPFlowProtocolTCP, IPFlowProtocolUDP} -} - -// IpsecEncryption enumerates the values for ipsec encryption. -type IpsecEncryption string - -const ( - // IpsecEncryptionAES128 ... - IpsecEncryptionAES128 IpsecEncryption = "AES128" - // IpsecEncryptionAES192 ... - IpsecEncryptionAES192 IpsecEncryption = "AES192" - // IpsecEncryptionAES256 ... - IpsecEncryptionAES256 IpsecEncryption = "AES256" - // IpsecEncryptionDES ... - IpsecEncryptionDES IpsecEncryption = "DES" - // IpsecEncryptionDES3 ... - IpsecEncryptionDES3 IpsecEncryption = "DES3" - // IpsecEncryptionGCMAES128 ... - IpsecEncryptionGCMAES128 IpsecEncryption = "GCMAES128" - // IpsecEncryptionGCMAES192 ... - IpsecEncryptionGCMAES192 IpsecEncryption = "GCMAES192" - // IpsecEncryptionGCMAES256 ... - IpsecEncryptionGCMAES256 IpsecEncryption = "GCMAES256" - // IpsecEncryptionNone ... - IpsecEncryptionNone IpsecEncryption = "None" -) - -// PossibleIpsecEncryptionValues returns an array of possible values for the IpsecEncryption const type. -func PossibleIpsecEncryptionValues() []IpsecEncryption { - return []IpsecEncryption{IpsecEncryptionAES128, IpsecEncryptionAES192, IpsecEncryptionAES256, IpsecEncryptionDES, IpsecEncryptionDES3, IpsecEncryptionGCMAES128, IpsecEncryptionGCMAES192, IpsecEncryptionGCMAES256, IpsecEncryptionNone} -} - -// IpsecIntegrity enumerates the values for ipsec integrity. -type IpsecIntegrity string - -const ( - // IpsecIntegrityGCMAES128 ... - IpsecIntegrityGCMAES128 IpsecIntegrity = "GCMAES128" - // IpsecIntegrityGCMAES192 ... - IpsecIntegrityGCMAES192 IpsecIntegrity = "GCMAES192" - // IpsecIntegrityGCMAES256 ... - IpsecIntegrityGCMAES256 IpsecIntegrity = "GCMAES256" - // IpsecIntegrityMD5 ... - IpsecIntegrityMD5 IpsecIntegrity = "MD5" - // IpsecIntegritySHA1 ... - IpsecIntegritySHA1 IpsecIntegrity = "SHA1" - // IpsecIntegritySHA256 ... - IpsecIntegritySHA256 IpsecIntegrity = "SHA256" -) - -// PossibleIpsecIntegrityValues returns an array of possible values for the IpsecIntegrity const type. -func PossibleIpsecIntegrityValues() []IpsecIntegrity { - return []IpsecIntegrity{IpsecIntegrityGCMAES128, IpsecIntegrityGCMAES192, IpsecIntegrityGCMAES256, IpsecIntegrityMD5, IpsecIntegritySHA1, IpsecIntegritySHA256} -} - -// IPVersion enumerates the values for ip version. -type IPVersion string - -const ( - // IPv4 ... - IPv4 IPVersion = "IPv4" - // IPv6 ... - IPv6 IPVersion = "IPv6" -) - -// PossibleIPVersionValues returns an array of possible values for the IPVersion const type. -func PossibleIPVersionValues() []IPVersion { - return []IPVersion{IPv4, IPv6} -} - -// IssueType enumerates the values for issue type. -type IssueType string - -const ( - // IssueTypeAgentStopped ... - IssueTypeAgentStopped IssueType = "AgentStopped" - // IssueTypeDNSResolution ... - IssueTypeDNSResolution IssueType = "DnsResolution" - // IssueTypeGuestFirewall ... - IssueTypeGuestFirewall IssueType = "GuestFirewall" - // IssueTypeNetworkSecurityRule ... - IssueTypeNetworkSecurityRule IssueType = "NetworkSecurityRule" - // IssueTypePlatform ... - IssueTypePlatform IssueType = "Platform" - // IssueTypePortThrottled ... - IssueTypePortThrottled IssueType = "PortThrottled" - // IssueTypeSocketBind ... - IssueTypeSocketBind IssueType = "SocketBind" - // IssueTypeUnknown ... - IssueTypeUnknown IssueType = "Unknown" - // IssueTypeUserDefinedRoute ... - IssueTypeUserDefinedRoute IssueType = "UserDefinedRoute" -) - -// PossibleIssueTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the IssueType const type. -func PossibleIssueTypeValues() []IssueType { - return []IssueType{IssueTypeAgentStopped, IssueTypeDNSResolution, IssueTypeGuestFirewall, IssueTypeNetworkSecurityRule, IssueTypePlatform, IssueTypePortThrottled, IssueTypeSocketBind, IssueTypeUnknown, IssueTypeUserDefinedRoute} -} - -// LoadBalancerSkuName enumerates the values for load balancer sku name. -type LoadBalancerSkuName string - -const ( - // LoadBalancerSkuNameBasic ... - LoadBalancerSkuNameBasic LoadBalancerSkuName = "Basic" - // LoadBalancerSkuNameStandard ... - LoadBalancerSkuNameStandard LoadBalancerSkuName = "Standard" -) - -// PossibleLoadBalancerSkuNameValues returns an array of possible values for the LoadBalancerSkuName const type. -func PossibleLoadBalancerSkuNameValues() []LoadBalancerSkuName { - return []LoadBalancerSkuName{LoadBalancerSkuNameBasic, LoadBalancerSkuNameStandard} -} - -// LoadDistribution enumerates the values for load distribution. -type LoadDistribution string - -const ( - // Default ... - Default LoadDistribution = "Default" - // SourceIP ... - SourceIP LoadDistribution = "SourceIP" - // SourceIPProtocol ... - SourceIPProtocol LoadDistribution = "SourceIPProtocol" -) - -// PossibleLoadDistributionValues returns an array of possible values for the LoadDistribution const type. -func PossibleLoadDistributionValues() []LoadDistribution { - return []LoadDistribution{Default, SourceIP, SourceIPProtocol} -} - -// NextHopType enumerates the values for next hop type. -type NextHopType string - -const ( - // NextHopTypeHyperNetGateway ... - NextHopTypeHyperNetGateway NextHopType = "HyperNetGateway" - // NextHopTypeInternet ... - NextHopTypeInternet NextHopType = "Internet" - // NextHopTypeNone ... - NextHopTypeNone NextHopType = "None" - // NextHopTypeVirtualAppliance ... - NextHopTypeVirtualAppliance NextHopType = "VirtualAppliance" - // NextHopTypeVirtualNetworkGateway ... - NextHopTypeVirtualNetworkGateway NextHopType = "VirtualNetworkGateway" - // NextHopTypeVnetLocal ... - NextHopTypeVnetLocal NextHopType = "VnetLocal" -) - -// PossibleNextHopTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the NextHopType const type. -func PossibleNextHopTypeValues() []NextHopType { - return []NextHopType{NextHopTypeHyperNetGateway, NextHopTypeInternet, NextHopTypeNone, NextHopTypeVirtualAppliance, NextHopTypeVirtualNetworkGateway, NextHopTypeVnetLocal} -} - -// OfficeTrafficCategory enumerates the values for office traffic category. -type OfficeTrafficCategory string - -const ( - // OfficeTrafficCategoryAll ... - OfficeTrafficCategoryAll OfficeTrafficCategory = "All" - // OfficeTrafficCategoryNone ... - OfficeTrafficCategoryNone OfficeTrafficCategory = "None" - // OfficeTrafficCategoryOptimize ... - OfficeTrafficCategoryOptimize OfficeTrafficCategory = "Optimize" - // OfficeTrafficCategoryOptimizeAndAllow ... - OfficeTrafficCategoryOptimizeAndAllow OfficeTrafficCategory = "OptimizeAndAllow" -) - -// PossibleOfficeTrafficCategoryValues returns an array of possible values for the OfficeTrafficCategory const type. -func PossibleOfficeTrafficCategoryValues() []OfficeTrafficCategory { - return []OfficeTrafficCategory{OfficeTrafficCategoryAll, OfficeTrafficCategoryNone, OfficeTrafficCategoryOptimize, OfficeTrafficCategoryOptimizeAndAllow} -} - -// OperationStatus enumerates the values for operation status. -type OperationStatus string - -const ( - // OperationStatusFailed ... - OperationStatusFailed OperationStatus = "Failed" - // OperationStatusInProgress ... - OperationStatusInProgress OperationStatus = "InProgress" - // OperationStatusSucceeded ... - OperationStatusSucceeded OperationStatus = "Succeeded" -) - -// PossibleOperationStatusValues returns an array of possible values for the OperationStatus const type. -func PossibleOperationStatusValues() []OperationStatus { - return []OperationStatus{OperationStatusFailed, OperationStatusInProgress, OperationStatusSucceeded} -} - -// Origin enumerates the values for origin. -type Origin string - -const ( - // OriginInbound ... - OriginInbound Origin = "Inbound" - // OriginLocal ... - OriginLocal Origin = "Local" - // OriginOutbound ... - OriginOutbound Origin = "Outbound" -) - -// PossibleOriginValues returns an array of possible values for the Origin const type. -func PossibleOriginValues() []Origin { - return []Origin{OriginInbound, OriginLocal, OriginOutbound} -} - -// PcError enumerates the values for pc error. -type PcError string - -const ( - // AgentStopped ... - AgentStopped PcError = "AgentStopped" - // CaptureFailed ... - CaptureFailed PcError = "CaptureFailed" - // InternalError ... - InternalError PcError = "InternalError" - // LocalFileFailed ... - LocalFileFailed PcError = "LocalFileFailed" - // StorageFailed ... - StorageFailed PcError = "StorageFailed" -) - -// PossiblePcErrorValues returns an array of possible values for the PcError const type. -func PossiblePcErrorValues() []PcError { - return []PcError{AgentStopped, CaptureFailed, InternalError, LocalFileFailed, StorageFailed} -} - -// PcProtocol enumerates the values for pc protocol. -type PcProtocol string - -const ( - // PcProtocolAny ... - PcProtocolAny PcProtocol = "Any" - // PcProtocolTCP ... - PcProtocolTCP PcProtocol = "TCP" - // PcProtocolUDP ... - PcProtocolUDP PcProtocol = "UDP" -) - -// PossiblePcProtocolValues returns an array of possible values for the PcProtocol const type. -func PossiblePcProtocolValues() []PcProtocol { - return []PcProtocol{PcProtocolAny, PcProtocolTCP, PcProtocolUDP} -} - -// PcStatus enumerates the values for pc status. -type PcStatus string - -const ( - // PcStatusError ... - PcStatusError PcStatus = "Error" - // PcStatusNotStarted ... - PcStatusNotStarted PcStatus = "NotStarted" - // PcStatusRunning ... - PcStatusRunning PcStatus = "Running" - // PcStatusStopped ... - PcStatusStopped PcStatus = "Stopped" - // PcStatusUnknown ... - PcStatusUnknown PcStatus = "Unknown" -) - -// PossiblePcStatusValues returns an array of possible values for the PcStatus const type. -func PossiblePcStatusValues() []PcStatus { - return []PcStatus{PcStatusError, PcStatusNotStarted, PcStatusRunning, PcStatusStopped, PcStatusUnknown} -} - -// PfsGroup enumerates the values for pfs group. -type PfsGroup string - -const ( - // PfsGroupECP256 ... - PfsGroupECP256 PfsGroup = "ECP256" - // PfsGroupECP384 ... - PfsGroupECP384 PfsGroup = "ECP384" - // PfsGroupNone ... - PfsGroupNone PfsGroup = "None" - // PfsGroupPFS1 ... - PfsGroupPFS1 PfsGroup = "PFS1" - // PfsGroupPFS14 ... - PfsGroupPFS14 PfsGroup = "PFS14" - // PfsGroupPFS2 ... - PfsGroupPFS2 PfsGroup = "PFS2" - // PfsGroupPFS2048 ... - PfsGroupPFS2048 PfsGroup = "PFS2048" - // PfsGroupPFS24 ... - PfsGroupPFS24 PfsGroup = "PFS24" - // PfsGroupPFSMM ... - PfsGroupPFSMM PfsGroup = "PFSMM" -) - -// PossiblePfsGroupValues returns an array of possible values for the PfsGroup const type. -func PossiblePfsGroupValues() []PfsGroup { - return []PfsGroup{PfsGroupECP256, PfsGroupECP384, PfsGroupNone, PfsGroupPFS1, PfsGroupPFS14, PfsGroupPFS2, PfsGroupPFS2048, PfsGroupPFS24, PfsGroupPFSMM} -} - -// ProbeProtocol enumerates the values for probe protocol. -type ProbeProtocol string - -const ( - // ProbeProtocolHTTP ... - ProbeProtocolHTTP ProbeProtocol = "Http" - // ProbeProtocolHTTPS ... - ProbeProtocolHTTPS ProbeProtocol = "Https" - // ProbeProtocolTCP ... - ProbeProtocolTCP ProbeProtocol = "Tcp" -) - -// PossibleProbeProtocolValues returns an array of possible values for the ProbeProtocol const type. -func PossibleProbeProtocolValues() []ProbeProtocol { - return []ProbeProtocol{ProbeProtocolHTTP, ProbeProtocolHTTPS, ProbeProtocolTCP} -} - -// ProcessorArchitecture enumerates the values for processor architecture. -type ProcessorArchitecture string - -const ( - // Amd64 ... - Amd64 ProcessorArchitecture = "Amd64" - // X86 ... - X86 ProcessorArchitecture = "X86" -) - -// PossibleProcessorArchitectureValues returns an array of possible values for the ProcessorArchitecture const type. -func PossibleProcessorArchitectureValues() []ProcessorArchitecture { - return []ProcessorArchitecture{Amd64, X86} -} - -// Protocol enumerates the values for protocol. -type Protocol string - -const ( - // ProtocolHTTP ... - ProtocolHTTP Protocol = "Http" - // ProtocolHTTPS ... - ProtocolHTTPS Protocol = "Https" - // ProtocolIcmp ... - ProtocolIcmp Protocol = "Icmp" - // ProtocolTCP ... - ProtocolTCP Protocol = "Tcp" -) - -// PossibleProtocolValues returns an array of possible values for the Protocol const type. -func PossibleProtocolValues() []Protocol { - return []Protocol{ProtocolHTTP, ProtocolHTTPS, ProtocolIcmp, ProtocolTCP} -} - -// Protocol1 enumerates the values for protocol 1. -type Protocol1 string - -const ( - // Protocol1All ... - Protocol1All Protocol1 = "All" - // Protocol1TCP ... - Protocol1TCP Protocol1 = "Tcp" - // Protocol1UDP ... - Protocol1UDP Protocol1 = "Udp" -) - -// PossibleProtocol1Values returns an array of possible values for the Protocol1 const type. -func PossibleProtocol1Values() []Protocol1 { - return []Protocol1{Protocol1All, Protocol1TCP, Protocol1UDP} -} - -// ProvisioningState enumerates the values for provisioning state. -type ProvisioningState string - -const ( - // Deleting ... - Deleting ProvisioningState = "Deleting" - // Failed ... - Failed ProvisioningState = "Failed" - // Succeeded ... - Succeeded ProvisioningState = "Succeeded" - // Updating ... - Updating ProvisioningState = "Updating" -) - -// PossibleProvisioningStateValues returns an array of possible values for the ProvisioningState const type. -func PossibleProvisioningStateValues() []ProvisioningState { - return []ProvisioningState{Deleting, Failed, Succeeded, Updating} -} - -// PublicIPAddressSkuName enumerates the values for public ip address sku name. -type PublicIPAddressSkuName string - -const ( - // PublicIPAddressSkuNameBasic ... - PublicIPAddressSkuNameBasic PublicIPAddressSkuName = "Basic" - // PublicIPAddressSkuNameStandard ... - PublicIPAddressSkuNameStandard PublicIPAddressSkuName = "Standard" -) - -// PossiblePublicIPAddressSkuNameValues returns an array of possible values for the PublicIPAddressSkuName const type. -func PossiblePublicIPAddressSkuNameValues() []PublicIPAddressSkuName { - return []PublicIPAddressSkuName{PublicIPAddressSkuNameBasic, PublicIPAddressSkuNameStandard} -} - -// PublicIPPrefixSkuName enumerates the values for public ip prefix sku name. -type PublicIPPrefixSkuName string - -const ( - // Standard ... - Standard PublicIPPrefixSkuName = "Standard" -) - -// PossiblePublicIPPrefixSkuNameValues returns an array of possible values for the PublicIPPrefixSkuName const type. -func PossiblePublicIPPrefixSkuNameValues() []PublicIPPrefixSkuName { - return []PublicIPPrefixSkuName{Standard} -} - -// ResourceIdentityType enumerates the values for resource identity type. -type ResourceIdentityType string - -const ( - // ResourceIdentityTypeNone ... - ResourceIdentityTypeNone ResourceIdentityType = "None" - // ResourceIdentityTypeSystemAssigned ... - ResourceIdentityTypeSystemAssigned ResourceIdentityType = "SystemAssigned" - // ResourceIdentityTypeSystemAssignedUserAssigned ... - ResourceIdentityTypeSystemAssignedUserAssigned ResourceIdentityType = "SystemAssigned, UserAssigned" - // ResourceIdentityTypeUserAssigned ... - ResourceIdentityTypeUserAssigned ResourceIdentityType = "UserAssigned" -) - -// PossibleResourceIdentityTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the ResourceIdentityType const type. -func PossibleResourceIdentityTypeValues() []ResourceIdentityType { - return []ResourceIdentityType{ResourceIdentityTypeNone, ResourceIdentityTypeSystemAssigned, ResourceIdentityTypeSystemAssignedUserAssigned, ResourceIdentityTypeUserAssigned} -} - -// RouteNextHopType enumerates the values for route next hop type. -type RouteNextHopType string - -const ( - // RouteNextHopTypeInternet ... - RouteNextHopTypeInternet RouteNextHopType = "Internet" - // RouteNextHopTypeNone ... - RouteNextHopTypeNone RouteNextHopType = "None" - // RouteNextHopTypeVirtualAppliance ... - RouteNextHopTypeVirtualAppliance RouteNextHopType = "VirtualAppliance" - // RouteNextHopTypeVirtualNetworkGateway ... - RouteNextHopTypeVirtualNetworkGateway RouteNextHopType = "VirtualNetworkGateway" - // RouteNextHopTypeVnetLocal ... - RouteNextHopTypeVnetLocal RouteNextHopType = "VnetLocal" -) - -// PossibleRouteNextHopTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the RouteNextHopType const type. -func PossibleRouteNextHopTypeValues() []RouteNextHopType { - return []RouteNextHopType{RouteNextHopTypeInternet, RouteNextHopTypeNone, RouteNextHopTypeVirtualAppliance, RouteNextHopTypeVirtualNetworkGateway, RouteNextHopTypeVnetLocal} -} - -// SecurityRuleAccess enumerates the values for security rule access. -type SecurityRuleAccess string - -const ( - // SecurityRuleAccessAllow ... - SecurityRuleAccessAllow SecurityRuleAccess = "Allow" - // SecurityRuleAccessDeny ... - SecurityRuleAccessDeny SecurityRuleAccess = "Deny" -) - -// PossibleSecurityRuleAccessValues returns an array of possible values for the SecurityRuleAccess const type. -func PossibleSecurityRuleAccessValues() []SecurityRuleAccess { - return []SecurityRuleAccess{SecurityRuleAccessAllow, SecurityRuleAccessDeny} -} - -// SecurityRuleDirection enumerates the values for security rule direction. -type SecurityRuleDirection string - -const ( - // SecurityRuleDirectionInbound ... - SecurityRuleDirectionInbound SecurityRuleDirection = "Inbound" - // SecurityRuleDirectionOutbound ... - SecurityRuleDirectionOutbound SecurityRuleDirection = "Outbound" -) - -// PossibleSecurityRuleDirectionValues returns an array of possible values for the SecurityRuleDirection const type. -func PossibleSecurityRuleDirectionValues() []SecurityRuleDirection { - return []SecurityRuleDirection{SecurityRuleDirectionInbound, SecurityRuleDirectionOutbound} -} - -// SecurityRuleProtocol enumerates the values for security rule protocol. -type SecurityRuleProtocol string - -const ( - // SecurityRuleProtocolAsterisk ... - SecurityRuleProtocolAsterisk SecurityRuleProtocol = "*" - // SecurityRuleProtocolTCP ... - SecurityRuleProtocolTCP SecurityRuleProtocol = "Tcp" - // SecurityRuleProtocolUDP ... - SecurityRuleProtocolUDP SecurityRuleProtocol = "Udp" -) - -// PossibleSecurityRuleProtocolValues returns an array of possible values for the SecurityRuleProtocol const type. -func PossibleSecurityRuleProtocolValues() []SecurityRuleProtocol { - return []SecurityRuleProtocol{SecurityRuleProtocolAsterisk, SecurityRuleProtocolTCP, SecurityRuleProtocolUDP} -} - -// ServiceProviderProvisioningState enumerates the values for service provider provisioning state. -type ServiceProviderProvisioningState string - -const ( - // Deprovisioning ... - Deprovisioning ServiceProviderProvisioningState = "Deprovisioning" - // NotProvisioned ... - NotProvisioned ServiceProviderProvisioningState = "NotProvisioned" - // Provisioned ... - Provisioned ServiceProviderProvisioningState = "Provisioned" - // Provisioning ... - Provisioning ServiceProviderProvisioningState = "Provisioning" -) - -// PossibleServiceProviderProvisioningStateValues returns an array of possible values for the ServiceProviderProvisioningState const type. -func PossibleServiceProviderProvisioningStateValues() []ServiceProviderProvisioningState { - return []ServiceProviderProvisioningState{Deprovisioning, NotProvisioned, Provisioned, Provisioning} -} - -// Severity enumerates the values for severity. -type Severity string - -const ( - // SeverityError ... - SeverityError Severity = "Error" - // SeverityWarning ... - SeverityWarning Severity = "Warning" -) - -// PossibleSeverityValues returns an array of possible values for the Severity const type. -func PossibleSeverityValues() []Severity { - return []Severity{SeverityError, SeverityWarning} -} - -// TransportProtocol enumerates the values for transport protocol. -type TransportProtocol string - -const ( - // TransportProtocolAll ... - TransportProtocolAll TransportProtocol = "All" - // TransportProtocolTCP ... - TransportProtocolTCP TransportProtocol = "Tcp" - // TransportProtocolUDP ... - TransportProtocolUDP TransportProtocol = "Udp" -) - -// PossibleTransportProtocolValues returns an array of possible values for the TransportProtocol const type. -func PossibleTransportProtocolValues() []TransportProtocol { - return []TransportProtocol{TransportProtocolAll, TransportProtocolTCP, TransportProtocolUDP} -} - -// TunnelConnectionStatus enumerates the values for tunnel connection status. -type TunnelConnectionStatus string - -const ( - // TunnelConnectionStatusConnected ... - TunnelConnectionStatusConnected TunnelConnectionStatus = "Connected" - // TunnelConnectionStatusConnecting ... - TunnelConnectionStatusConnecting TunnelConnectionStatus = "Connecting" - // TunnelConnectionStatusNotConnected ... - TunnelConnectionStatusNotConnected TunnelConnectionStatus = "NotConnected" - // TunnelConnectionStatusUnknown ... - TunnelConnectionStatusUnknown TunnelConnectionStatus = "Unknown" -) - -// PossibleTunnelConnectionStatusValues returns an array of possible values for the TunnelConnectionStatus const type. -func PossibleTunnelConnectionStatusValues() []TunnelConnectionStatus { - return []TunnelConnectionStatus{TunnelConnectionStatusConnected, TunnelConnectionStatusConnecting, TunnelConnectionStatusNotConnected, TunnelConnectionStatusUnknown} -} - -// VerbosityLevel enumerates the values for verbosity level. -type VerbosityLevel string - -const ( - // Full ... - Full VerbosityLevel = "Full" - // Minimum ... - Minimum VerbosityLevel = "Minimum" - // Normal ... - Normal VerbosityLevel = "Normal" -) - -// PossibleVerbosityLevelValues returns an array of possible values for the VerbosityLevel const type. -func PossibleVerbosityLevelValues() []VerbosityLevel { - return []VerbosityLevel{Full, Minimum, Normal} -} - -// VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionProtocol enumerates the values for virtual network gateway connection -// protocol. -type VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionProtocol string - -const ( - // IKEv1 ... - IKEv1 VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionProtocol = "IKEv1" - // IKEv2 ... - IKEv2 VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionProtocol = "IKEv2" -) - -// PossibleVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionProtocolValues returns an array of possible values for the VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionProtocol const type. -func PossibleVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionProtocolValues() []VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionProtocol { - return []VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionProtocol{IKEv1, IKEv2} -} - -// VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatus enumerates the values for virtual network gateway connection status. -type VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatus string - -const ( - // VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatusConnected ... - VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatusConnected VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatus = "Connected" - // VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatusConnecting ... - VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatusConnecting VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatus = "Connecting" - // VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatusNotConnected ... - VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatusNotConnected VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatus = "NotConnected" - // VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatusUnknown ... - VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatusUnknown VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatus = "Unknown" -) - -// PossibleVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatusValues returns an array of possible values for the VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatus const type. -func PossibleVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatusValues() []VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatus { - return []VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatus{VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatusConnected, VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatusConnecting, VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatusNotConnected, VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatusUnknown} -} - -// VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionType enumerates the values for virtual network gateway connection type. -type VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionType string - -const ( - // ExpressRoute ... - ExpressRoute VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionType = "ExpressRoute" - // IPsec ... - IPsec VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionType = "IPsec" - // Vnet2Vnet ... - Vnet2Vnet VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionType = "Vnet2Vnet" - // VPNClient ... - VPNClient VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionType = "VPNClient" -) - -// PossibleVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionType const type. -func PossibleVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionTypeValues() []VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionType { - return []VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionType{ExpressRoute, IPsec, Vnet2Vnet, VPNClient} -} - -// VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName enumerates the values for virtual network gateway sku name. -type VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName string - -const ( - // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameBasic ... - VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameBasic VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName = "Basic" - // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameErGw1AZ ... - VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameErGw1AZ VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName = "ErGw1AZ" - // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameErGw2AZ ... - VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameErGw2AZ VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName = "ErGw2AZ" - // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameErGw3AZ ... - VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameErGw3AZ VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName = "ErGw3AZ" - // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameHighPerformance ... - VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameHighPerformance VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName = "HighPerformance" - // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameStandard ... - VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameStandard VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName = "Standard" - // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameUltraPerformance ... - VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameUltraPerformance VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName = "UltraPerformance" - // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw1 ... - VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw1 VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName = "VpnGw1" - // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw1AZ ... - VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw1AZ VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName = "VpnGw1AZ" - // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw2 ... - VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw2 VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName = "VpnGw2" - // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw2AZ ... - VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw2AZ VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName = "VpnGw2AZ" - // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw3 ... - VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw3 VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName = "VpnGw3" - // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw3AZ ... - VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw3AZ VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName = "VpnGw3AZ" -) - -// PossibleVirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameValues returns an array of possible values for the VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName const type. -func PossibleVirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameValues() []VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName { - return []VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName{VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameBasic, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameErGw1AZ, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameErGw2AZ, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameErGw3AZ, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameHighPerformance, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameStandard, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameUltraPerformance, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw1, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw1AZ, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw2, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw2AZ, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw3, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw3AZ} -} - -// VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier enumerates the values for virtual network gateway sku tier. -type VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier string - -const ( - // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierBasic ... - VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierBasic VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier = "Basic" - // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierErGw1AZ ... - VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierErGw1AZ VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier = "ErGw1AZ" - // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierErGw2AZ ... - VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierErGw2AZ VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier = "ErGw2AZ" - // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierErGw3AZ ... - VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierErGw3AZ VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier = "ErGw3AZ" - // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierHighPerformance ... - VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierHighPerformance VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier = "HighPerformance" - // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierStandard ... - VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierStandard VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier = "Standard" - // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierUltraPerformance ... - VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierUltraPerformance VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier = "UltraPerformance" - // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw1 ... - VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw1 VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier = "VpnGw1" - // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw1AZ ... - VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw1AZ VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier = "VpnGw1AZ" - // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw2 ... - VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw2 VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier = "VpnGw2" - // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw2AZ ... - VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw2AZ VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier = "VpnGw2AZ" - // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw3 ... - VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw3 VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier = "VpnGw3" - // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw3AZ ... - VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw3AZ VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier = "VpnGw3AZ" -) - -// PossibleVirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierValues returns an array of possible values for the VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier const type. -func PossibleVirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierValues() []VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier { - return []VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier{VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierBasic, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierErGw1AZ, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierErGw2AZ, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierErGw3AZ, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierHighPerformance, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierStandard, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierUltraPerformance, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw1, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw1AZ, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw2, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw2AZ, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw3, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw3AZ} -} - -// VirtualNetworkGatewayType enumerates the values for virtual network gateway type. -type VirtualNetworkGatewayType string - -const ( - // VirtualNetworkGatewayTypeExpressRoute ... - VirtualNetworkGatewayTypeExpressRoute VirtualNetworkGatewayType = "ExpressRoute" - // VirtualNetworkGatewayTypeVpn ... - VirtualNetworkGatewayTypeVpn VirtualNetworkGatewayType = "Vpn" -) - -// PossibleVirtualNetworkGatewayTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the VirtualNetworkGatewayType const type. -func PossibleVirtualNetworkGatewayTypeValues() []VirtualNetworkGatewayType { - return []VirtualNetworkGatewayType{VirtualNetworkGatewayTypeExpressRoute, VirtualNetworkGatewayTypeVpn} -} - -// VirtualNetworkPeeringState enumerates the values for virtual network peering state. -type VirtualNetworkPeeringState string - -const ( - // VirtualNetworkPeeringStateConnected ... - VirtualNetworkPeeringStateConnected VirtualNetworkPeeringState = "Connected" - // VirtualNetworkPeeringStateDisconnected ... - VirtualNetworkPeeringStateDisconnected VirtualNetworkPeeringState = "Disconnected" - // VirtualNetworkPeeringStateInitiated ... - VirtualNetworkPeeringStateInitiated VirtualNetworkPeeringState = "Initiated" -) - -// PossibleVirtualNetworkPeeringStateValues returns an array of possible values for the VirtualNetworkPeeringState const type. -func PossibleVirtualNetworkPeeringStateValues() []VirtualNetworkPeeringState { - return []VirtualNetworkPeeringState{VirtualNetworkPeeringStateConnected, VirtualNetworkPeeringStateDisconnected, VirtualNetworkPeeringStateInitiated} -} - -// VirtualWanSecurityProviderType enumerates the values for virtual wan security provider type. -type VirtualWanSecurityProviderType string - -const ( - // External ... - External VirtualWanSecurityProviderType = "External" - // Native ... - Native VirtualWanSecurityProviderType = "Native" -) - -// PossibleVirtualWanSecurityProviderTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the VirtualWanSecurityProviderType const type. -func PossibleVirtualWanSecurityProviderTypeValues() []VirtualWanSecurityProviderType { - return []VirtualWanSecurityProviderType{External, Native} -} - -// VpnClientProtocol enumerates the values for vpn client protocol. -type VpnClientProtocol string - -const ( - // IkeV2 ... - IkeV2 VpnClientProtocol = "IkeV2" - // OpenVPN ... - OpenVPN VpnClientProtocol = "OpenVPN" - // SSTP ... - SSTP VpnClientProtocol = "SSTP" -) - -// PossibleVpnClientProtocolValues returns an array of possible values for the VpnClientProtocol const type. -func PossibleVpnClientProtocolValues() []VpnClientProtocol { - return []VpnClientProtocol{IkeV2, OpenVPN, SSTP} -} - -// VpnConnectionStatus enumerates the values for vpn connection status. -type VpnConnectionStatus string - -const ( - // VpnConnectionStatusConnected ... - VpnConnectionStatusConnected VpnConnectionStatus = "Connected" - // VpnConnectionStatusConnecting ... - VpnConnectionStatusConnecting VpnConnectionStatus = "Connecting" - // VpnConnectionStatusNotConnected ... - VpnConnectionStatusNotConnected VpnConnectionStatus = "NotConnected" - // VpnConnectionStatusUnknown ... - VpnConnectionStatusUnknown VpnConnectionStatus = "Unknown" -) - -// PossibleVpnConnectionStatusValues returns an array of possible values for the VpnConnectionStatus const type. -func PossibleVpnConnectionStatusValues() []VpnConnectionStatus { - return []VpnConnectionStatus{VpnConnectionStatusConnected, VpnConnectionStatusConnecting, VpnConnectionStatusNotConnected, VpnConnectionStatusUnknown} -} - -// VpnGatewayTunnelingProtocol enumerates the values for vpn gateway tunneling protocol. -type VpnGatewayTunnelingProtocol string - -const ( - // VpnGatewayTunnelingProtocolIkeV2 ... - VpnGatewayTunnelingProtocolIkeV2 VpnGatewayTunnelingProtocol = "IkeV2" - // VpnGatewayTunnelingProtocolOpenVPN ... - VpnGatewayTunnelingProtocolOpenVPN VpnGatewayTunnelingProtocol = "OpenVPN" -) - -// PossibleVpnGatewayTunnelingProtocolValues returns an array of possible values for the VpnGatewayTunnelingProtocol const type. -func PossibleVpnGatewayTunnelingProtocolValues() []VpnGatewayTunnelingProtocol { - return []VpnGatewayTunnelingProtocol{VpnGatewayTunnelingProtocolIkeV2, VpnGatewayTunnelingProtocolOpenVPN} -} - -// VpnType enumerates the values for vpn type. -type VpnType string - -const ( - // PolicyBased ... - PolicyBased VpnType = "PolicyBased" - // RouteBased ... - RouteBased VpnType = "RouteBased" -) - -// PossibleVpnTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the VpnType const type. -func PossibleVpnTypeValues() []VpnType { - return []VpnType{PolicyBased, RouteBased} -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressroutecircuitauthorizations.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressroutecircuitauthorizations.go index b634ce95aed8..3028d0d240aa 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressroutecircuitauthorizations.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressroutecircuitauthorizations.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -26,8 +37,7 @@ func NewExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClient(subscriptionID string) ExpressRo } // NewExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the -// ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure -// cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClient client. func NewExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClient { return ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -44,8 +54,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -93,16 +103,13 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -111,6 +118,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req * func (client ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorization, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -128,8 +136,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -174,16 +182,13 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -192,6 +197,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Req func (client ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -230,7 +236,6 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, r result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -261,7 +266,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Co // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -269,6 +275,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClient) GetSender(req *http.Reques func (client ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorization, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -308,11 +315,6 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClient) List(ctx context.Context, result.alr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.alr.hasNextLink() && result.alr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -342,7 +344,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.C // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -350,6 +353,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClient) ListSender(req *http.Reque func (client ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result AuthorizationListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressroutecircuitconnections.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressroutecircuitconnections.go index 35018f771d9e..beaf7691f294 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressroutecircuitconnections.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressroutecircuitconnections.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,8 +36,7 @@ func NewExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClient(subscriptionID string) ExpressRoute } // NewExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClient -// client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI -// (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// client. func NewExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClient { return ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -44,8 +54,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Co ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -94,16 +104,13 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx co // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -112,6 +119,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *htt func (client ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteCircuitConnection, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -130,8 +138,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, r ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -177,16 +185,13 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Co // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -195,6 +200,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Reques func (client ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -234,7 +240,6 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, reso result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -266,7 +271,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Conte // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -274,6 +280,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) func (client ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteCircuitConnection, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -314,11 +321,6 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClient) List(ctx context.Context, res result.ercclr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.ercclr.hasNextLink() && result.ercclr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -349,7 +351,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Cont // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -357,6 +360,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) func (client ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressroutecircuitpeerings.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressroutecircuitpeerings.go index 68513b833fa9..dfd80f2e586d 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressroutecircuitpeerings.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressroutecircuitpeerings.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,9 +36,7 @@ func NewExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient(subscriptionID string) ExpressRouteCir return NewExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient client -// using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign -// clouds, Azure stack). +// NewExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient client. func NewExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient { return ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -43,8 +52,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Conte ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -54,7 +63,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Conte Constraints: []validation.Constraint{{Target: "peeringParameters.ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringPropertiesFormat", Name: validation.Null, Rule: false, Chain: []validation.Constraint{{Target: "peeringParameters.ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringPropertiesFormat.PeerASN", Name: validation.Null, Rule: false, Chain: []validation.Constraint{{Target: "peeringParameters.ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringPropertiesFormat.PeerASN", Name: validation.InclusiveMaximum, Rule: int64(4294967295), Chain: nil}, - {Target: "peeringParameters.ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringPropertiesFormat.PeerASN", Name: validation.InclusiveMinimum, Rule: int64(1), Chain: nil}, + {Target: "peeringParameters.ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringPropertiesFormat.PeerASN", Name: validation.InclusiveMinimum, Rule: 1, Chain: nil}, }}, }}}}}); err != nil { return result, validation.NewError("network.ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient", "CreateOrUpdate", err.Error()) @@ -103,16 +112,13 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx conte // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -121,6 +127,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.R func (client ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteCircuitPeering, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -138,8 +145,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, reso ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -184,16 +191,13 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Conte // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -202,6 +206,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) func (client ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -240,7 +245,6 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourc result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -271,7 +275,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -279,6 +284,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*h func (client ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteCircuitPeering, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -318,11 +324,6 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient) List(ctx context.Context, resour result.ercplr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.ercplr.hasNextLink() && result.ercplr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -352,7 +353,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -360,6 +362,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (* func (client ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressroutecircuits.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressroutecircuits.go index 482d8137685f..080f8b0f2b6d 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressroutecircuits.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressroutecircuits.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,9 +35,7 @@ func NewExpressRouteCircuitsClient(subscriptionID string) ExpressRouteCircuitsCl return NewExpressRouteCircuitsClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewExpressRouteCircuitsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ExpressRouteCircuitsClient client using a custom -// endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure -// stack). +// NewExpressRouteCircuitsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ExpressRouteCircuitsClient client. func NewExpressRouteCircuitsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) ExpressRouteCircuitsClient { return ExpressRouteCircuitsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -41,8 +50,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, res ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ExpressRouteCircuitsClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -89,16 +98,13 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Cont // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future ExpressRouteCircuitsCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -107,6 +113,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteCircuit, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -123,8 +130,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGro ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ExpressRouteCircuitsClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -168,16 +175,13 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, res // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future ExpressRouteCircuitsDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -186,6 +190,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -223,7 +228,6 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupN result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ExpressRouteCircuitsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -253,7 +257,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resour // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -261,6 +266,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Res func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteCircuit, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -300,7 +306,6 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) GetPeeringStats(ctx context.Context, re result, err = client.GetPeeringStatsResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ExpressRouteCircuitsClient", "GetPeeringStats", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -331,7 +336,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) GetPeeringStatsPreparer(ctx context.Con // GetPeeringStatsSender sends the GetPeeringStats request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) GetPeeringStatsSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetPeeringStatsResponder handles the response to the GetPeeringStats request. The method always @@ -339,6 +345,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) GetPeeringStatsSender(req *http.Request func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) GetPeeringStatsResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteCircuitStats, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -377,7 +384,6 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) GetStats(ctx context.Context, resourceG result, err = client.GetStatsResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ExpressRouteCircuitsClient", "GetStats", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -407,7 +413,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) GetStatsPreparer(ctx context.Context, r // GetStatsSender sends the GetStats request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) GetStatsSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetStatsResponder handles the response to the GetStats request. The method always @@ -415,6 +422,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) GetStatsSender(req *http.Request) (*htt func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) GetStatsResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteCircuitStats, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -453,11 +461,6 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) List(ctx context.Context, resourceGroup result.erclr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ExpressRouteCircuitsClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.erclr.hasNextLink() && result.erclr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -486,7 +489,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, resou // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -494,6 +498,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Re func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteCircuitListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -567,11 +572,6 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) ListAll(ctx context.Context) (result Ex result.erclr, err = client.ListAllResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ExpressRouteCircuitsClient", "ListAll", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.erclr.hasNextLink() && result.erclr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -599,7 +599,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) ListAllPreparer(ctx context.Context) (* // ListAllSender sends the ListAll request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) ListAllSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListAllResponder handles the response to the ListAll request. The method always @@ -607,6 +608,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) ListAllSender(req *http.Request) (*http func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) ListAllResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteCircuitListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -662,8 +664,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) ListArpTable(ctx context.Context, resou ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ExpressRouteCircuitsClient.ListArpTable") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -709,16 +711,13 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) ListArpTablePreparer(ctx context.Contex // ListArpTableSender sends the ListArpTable request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) ListArpTableSender(req *http.Request) (future ExpressRouteCircuitsListArpTableFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -727,6 +726,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) ListArpTableSender(req *http.Request) ( func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) ListArpTableResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteCircuitsArpTableListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -746,8 +746,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) ListRoutesTable(ctx context.Context, re ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ExpressRouteCircuitsClient.ListRoutesTable") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -793,16 +793,13 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) ListRoutesTablePreparer(ctx context.Con // ListRoutesTableSender sends the ListRoutesTable request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) ListRoutesTableSender(req *http.Request) (future ExpressRouteCircuitsListRoutesTableFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -811,6 +808,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) ListRoutesTableSender(req *http.Request func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) ListRoutesTableResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteCircuitsRoutesTableListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -830,8 +828,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) ListRoutesTableSummary(ctx context.Cont ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ExpressRouteCircuitsClient.ListRoutesTableSummary") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -877,16 +875,13 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) ListRoutesTableSummaryPreparer(ctx cont // ListRoutesTableSummarySender sends the ListRoutesTableSummary request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) ListRoutesTableSummarySender(req *http.Request) (future ExpressRouteCircuitsListRoutesTableSummaryFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -895,6 +890,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) ListRoutesTableSummarySender(req *http. func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) ListRoutesTableSummaryResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteCircuitsRoutesTableSummaryListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -912,8 +908,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) UpdateTags(ctx context.Context, resourc ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ExpressRouteCircuitsClient.UpdateTags") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -959,16 +955,13 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) UpdateTagsPreparer(ctx context.Context, // UpdateTagsSender sends the UpdateTags request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (future ExpressRouteCircuitsUpdateTagsFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -977,6 +970,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (fu func (client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) UpdateTagsResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteCircuit, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressrouteconnections.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressrouteconnections.go index 46445ee1cbcd..5ff89f2e1dfa 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressrouteconnections.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressrouteconnections.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,9 +36,7 @@ func NewExpressRouteConnectionsClient(subscriptionID string) ExpressRouteConnect return NewExpressRouteConnectionsClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewExpressRouteConnectionsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ExpressRouteConnectionsClient client using a -// custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, -// Azure stack). +// NewExpressRouteConnectionsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ExpressRouteConnectionsClient client. func NewExpressRouteConnectionsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) ExpressRouteConnectionsClient { return ExpressRouteConnectionsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -43,8 +52,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteConnectionsClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ExpressRouteConnectionsClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -99,16 +108,13 @@ func (client ExpressRouteConnectionsClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.C // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteConnectionsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future ExpressRouteConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -117,6 +123,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteConnectionsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Reque func (client ExpressRouteConnectionsClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteConnection, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -134,8 +141,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteConnectionsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resource ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ExpressRouteConnectionsClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -180,16 +187,13 @@ func (client ExpressRouteConnectionsClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteConnectionsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future ExpressRouteConnectionsDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -198,6 +202,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteConnectionsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (fut func (client ExpressRouteConnectionsClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -236,7 +241,6 @@ func (client ExpressRouteConnectionsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGro result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ExpressRouteConnectionsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -267,7 +271,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteConnectionsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, res // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteConnectionsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -275,6 +280,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteConnectionsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http. func (client ExpressRouteConnectionsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteConnection, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -313,7 +319,6 @@ func (client ExpressRouteConnectionsClient) List(ctx context.Context, resourceGr result, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ExpressRouteConnectionsClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -343,7 +348,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteConnectionsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, re // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteConnectionsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -351,6 +357,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteConnectionsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http func (client ExpressRouteConnectionsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteConnectionList, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressroutecrossconnectionpeerings.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressroutecrossconnectionpeerings.go index 739fa96a9a6a..6e35ab2d83a8 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressroutecrossconnectionpeerings.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressroutecrossconnectionpeerings.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -27,8 +38,7 @@ func NewExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient(subscriptionID string) Express } // NewExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the -// ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure -// cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient client. func NewExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient { return ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -45,8 +55,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx conte ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -56,7 +66,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx conte Constraints: []validation.Constraint{{Target: "peeringParameters.ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringProperties", Name: validation.Null, Rule: false, Chain: []validation.Constraint{{Target: "peeringParameters.ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringProperties.PeerASN", Name: validation.Null, Rule: false, Chain: []validation.Constraint{{Target: "peeringParameters.ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringProperties.PeerASN", Name: validation.InclusiveMaximum, Rule: int64(4294967295), Chain: nil}, - {Target: "peeringParameters.ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringProperties.PeerASN", Name: validation.InclusiveMinimum, Rule: int64(1), Chain: nil}, + {Target: "peeringParameters.ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringProperties.PeerASN", Name: validation.InclusiveMinimum, Rule: 1, Chain: nil}, }}, }}}}}); err != nil { return result, validation.NewError("network.ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient", "CreateOrUpdate", err.Error()) @@ -105,16 +115,13 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(c // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -123,6 +130,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeering, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -140,8 +148,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient) Delete(ctx context.Conte ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -186,16 +194,13 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient) DeletePreparer(ctx conte // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -204,6 +209,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.R func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -242,7 +248,6 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -273,7 +278,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context. // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -281,6 +287,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient) GetSender(req *http.Requ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeering, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -320,11 +327,6 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient) List(ctx context.Context result.erccpl, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.erccpl.hasNextLink() && result.erccpl.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -354,7 +356,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -362,6 +365,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient) ListSender(req *http.Req func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringList, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressroutecrossconnections.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressroutecrossconnections.go index 449a9d624b8a..211c00a7f270 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressroutecrossconnections.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressroutecrossconnections.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,8 +36,7 @@ func NewExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient(subscriptionID string) ExpressRouteCr } // NewExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient -// client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI -// (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// client. func NewExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient { return ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -41,8 +51,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Cont ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -89,16 +99,13 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx cont // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -107,6 +114,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http. func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteCrossConnection, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -145,7 +153,6 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resour result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -175,7 +182,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -183,6 +191,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (* func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteCrossConnection, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -219,11 +228,6 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) List(ctx context.Context) (resu result.ercclr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.ercclr.hasNextLink() && result.ercclr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -251,7 +255,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Contex // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -259,6 +264,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) ( func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteCrossConnectionListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -315,8 +321,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) ListArpTable(ctx context.Contex ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient.ListArpTable") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -362,16 +368,13 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) ListArpTablePreparer(ctx contex // ListArpTableSender sends the ListArpTable request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) ListArpTableSender(req *http.Request) (future ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsListArpTableFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -380,6 +383,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) ListArpTableSender(req *http.Re func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) ListArpTableResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteCircuitsArpTableListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -418,11 +422,6 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) ListByResourceGroup(ctx context result.ercclr, err = client.ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient", "ListByResourceGroup", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.ercclr.hasNextLink() && result.ercclr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -451,7 +450,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) ListByResourceGroupPreparer(ctx // ListByResourceGroupSender sends the ListByResourceGroup request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListByResourceGroupResponder handles the response to the ListByResourceGroup request. The method always @@ -459,6 +459,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req * func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteCrossConnectionListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -515,8 +516,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) ListRoutesTable(ctx context.Con ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient.ListRoutesTable") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -562,16 +563,13 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) ListRoutesTablePreparer(ctx con // ListRoutesTableSender sends the ListRoutesTable request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) ListRoutesTableSender(req *http.Request) (future ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsListRoutesTableFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -580,6 +578,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) ListRoutesTableSender(req *http func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) ListRoutesTableResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteCircuitsRoutesTableListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -599,8 +598,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) ListRoutesTableSummary(ctx cont ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient.ListRoutesTableSummary") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -646,16 +645,13 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) ListRoutesTableSummaryPreparer( // ListRoutesTableSummarySender sends the ListRoutesTableSummary request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) ListRoutesTableSummarySender(req *http.Request) (future ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsListRoutesTableSummaryFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -664,6 +660,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) ListRoutesTableSummarySender(re func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) ListRoutesTableSummaryResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsRoutesTableSummaryListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -681,8 +678,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) UpdateTags(ctx context.Context, ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient.UpdateTags") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -728,16 +725,13 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) UpdateTagsPreparer(ctx context. // UpdateTagsSender sends the UpdateTags request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (future ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsUpdateTagsFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -746,6 +740,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Requ func (client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) UpdateTagsResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteCrossConnection, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressroutegateways.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressroutegateways.go index 69131989e379..4d71329547d7 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressroutegateways.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressroutegateways.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,9 +36,7 @@ func NewExpressRouteGatewaysClient(subscriptionID string) ExpressRouteGatewaysCl return NewExpressRouteGatewaysClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewExpressRouteGatewaysClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ExpressRouteGatewaysClient client using a custom -// endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure -// stack). +// NewExpressRouteGatewaysClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ExpressRouteGatewaysClient client. func NewExpressRouteGatewaysClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) ExpressRouteGatewaysClient { return ExpressRouteGatewaysClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -42,8 +51,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteGatewaysClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, res ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ExpressRouteGatewaysClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -97,16 +106,13 @@ func (client ExpressRouteGatewaysClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Cont // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteGatewaysClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future ExpressRouteGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -115,6 +121,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteGatewaysClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) func (client ExpressRouteGatewaysClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteGateway, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -132,8 +139,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteGatewaysClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGro ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ExpressRouteGatewaysClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -177,16 +184,13 @@ func (client ExpressRouteGatewaysClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, res // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteGatewaysClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future ExpressRouteGatewaysDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -195,6 +199,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteGatewaysClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future func (client ExpressRouteGatewaysClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -232,7 +237,6 @@ func (client ExpressRouteGatewaysClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupN result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ExpressRouteGatewaysClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -262,7 +266,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteGatewaysClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resour // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteGatewaysClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -270,6 +275,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteGatewaysClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Res func (client ExpressRouteGatewaysClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteGateway, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -307,7 +313,6 @@ func (client ExpressRouteGatewaysClient) ListByResourceGroup(ctx context.Context result, err = client.ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ExpressRouteGatewaysClient", "ListByResourceGroup", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -336,7 +341,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteGatewaysClient) ListByResourceGroupPreparer(ctx context // ListByResourceGroupSender sends the ListByResourceGroup request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteGatewaysClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListByResourceGroupResponder handles the response to the ListByResourceGroup request. The method always @@ -344,6 +350,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteGatewaysClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http.Req func (client ExpressRouteGatewaysClient) ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteGatewayList, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -379,7 +386,6 @@ func (client ExpressRouteGatewaysClient) ListBySubscription(ctx context.Context) result, err = client.ListBySubscriptionResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ExpressRouteGatewaysClient", "ListBySubscription", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -407,7 +413,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteGatewaysClient) ListBySubscriptionPreparer(ctx context. // ListBySubscriptionSender sends the ListBySubscription request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteGatewaysClient) ListBySubscriptionSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListBySubscriptionResponder handles the response to the ListBySubscription request. The method always @@ -415,6 +422,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteGatewaysClient) ListBySubscriptionSender(req *http.Requ func (client ExpressRouteGatewaysClient) ListBySubscriptionResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteGatewayList, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressroutelinks.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressroutelinks.go index 1c4d6060c6ae..b8a228f420da 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressroutelinks.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressroutelinks.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,9 +35,7 @@ func NewExpressRouteLinksClient(subscriptionID string) ExpressRouteLinksClient { return NewExpressRouteLinksClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewExpressRouteLinksClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ExpressRouteLinksClient client using a custom -// endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure -// stack). +// NewExpressRouteLinksClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ExpressRouteLinksClient client. func NewExpressRouteLinksClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) ExpressRouteLinksClient { return ExpressRouteLinksClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -63,7 +72,6 @@ func (client ExpressRouteLinksClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ExpressRouteLinksClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -94,7 +102,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteLinksClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceG // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteLinksClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -102,6 +111,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteLinksClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Respon func (client ExpressRouteLinksClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteLink, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -141,11 +151,6 @@ func (client ExpressRouteLinksClient) List(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNam result.erllr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ExpressRouteLinksClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.erllr.hasNextLink() && result.erllr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -175,7 +180,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteLinksClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, resource // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteLinksClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -183,6 +189,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteLinksClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Respo func (client ExpressRouteLinksClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteLinkListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressrouteports.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressrouteports.go index 08967764ba0f..aa5712d0a76d 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressrouteports.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressrouteports.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,9 +35,7 @@ func NewExpressRoutePortsClient(subscriptionID string) ExpressRoutePortsClient { return NewExpressRoutePortsClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewExpressRoutePortsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ExpressRoutePortsClient client using a custom -// endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure -// stack). +// NewExpressRoutePortsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ExpressRoutePortsClient client. func NewExpressRoutePortsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) ExpressRoutePortsClient { return ExpressRoutePortsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -41,8 +50,8 @@ func (client ExpressRoutePortsClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resour ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ExpressRoutePortsClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -89,16 +98,13 @@ func (client ExpressRoutePortsClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRoutePortsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future ExpressRoutePortsCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -107,6 +113,7 @@ func (client ExpressRoutePortsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (f func (client ExpressRoutePortsClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRoutePort, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -123,8 +130,8 @@ func (client ExpressRoutePortsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupN ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ExpressRoutePortsClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -168,16 +175,13 @@ func (client ExpressRoutePortsClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, resour // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRoutePortsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future ExpressRoutePortsDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -186,6 +190,7 @@ func (client ExpressRoutePortsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future Ex func (client ExpressRoutePortsClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -223,7 +228,6 @@ func (client ExpressRoutePortsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ExpressRoutePortsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -253,7 +257,8 @@ func (client ExpressRoutePortsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceG // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRoutePortsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -261,6 +266,7 @@ func (client ExpressRoutePortsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Respon func (client ExpressRoutePortsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRoutePort, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -297,11 +303,6 @@ func (client ExpressRoutePortsClient) List(ctx context.Context) (result ExpressR result.erplr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ExpressRoutePortsClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.erplr.hasNextLink() && result.erplr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -329,7 +330,8 @@ func (client ExpressRoutePortsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.R // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRoutePortsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -337,6 +339,7 @@ func (client ExpressRoutePortsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Respo func (client ExpressRoutePortsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRoutePortListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -412,11 +415,6 @@ func (client ExpressRoutePortsClient) ListByResourceGroup(ctx context.Context, r result.erplr, err = client.ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ExpressRoutePortsClient", "ListByResourceGroup", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.erplr.hasNextLink() && result.erplr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -445,7 +443,8 @@ func (client ExpressRoutePortsClient) ListByResourceGroupPreparer(ctx context.Co // ListByResourceGroupSender sends the ListByResourceGroup request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRoutePortsClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListByResourceGroupResponder handles the response to the ListByResourceGroup request. The method always @@ -453,6 +452,7 @@ func (client ExpressRoutePortsClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http.Reques func (client ExpressRoutePortsClient) ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRoutePortListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -507,8 +507,8 @@ func (client ExpressRoutePortsClient) UpdateTags(ctx context.Context, resourceGr ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ExpressRoutePortsClient.UpdateTags") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -554,16 +554,13 @@ func (client ExpressRoutePortsClient) UpdateTagsPreparer(ctx context.Context, re // UpdateTagsSender sends the UpdateTags request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRoutePortsClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (future ExpressRoutePortsUpdateTagsFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -572,6 +569,7 @@ func (client ExpressRoutePortsClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (futur func (client ExpressRoutePortsClient) UpdateTagsResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRoutePort, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressrouteportslocations.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressrouteportslocations.go index 4a11798add80..a81991dd4082 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressrouteportslocations.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressrouteportslocations.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,9 +35,7 @@ func NewExpressRoutePortsLocationsClient(subscriptionID string) ExpressRoutePort return NewExpressRoutePortsLocationsClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewExpressRoutePortsLocationsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ExpressRoutePortsLocationsClient client -// using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign -// clouds, Azure stack). +// NewExpressRoutePortsLocationsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ExpressRoutePortsLocationsClient client. func NewExpressRoutePortsLocationsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) ExpressRoutePortsLocationsClient { return ExpressRoutePortsLocationsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -62,7 +71,6 @@ func (client ExpressRoutePortsLocationsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, location result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ExpressRoutePortsLocationsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -91,7 +99,8 @@ func (client ExpressRoutePortsLocationsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRoutePortsLocationsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -99,6 +108,7 @@ func (client ExpressRoutePortsLocationsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*ht func (client ExpressRoutePortsLocationsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRoutePortsLocation, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -136,11 +146,6 @@ func (client ExpressRoutePortsLocationsClient) List(ctx context.Context) (result result.erpllr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ExpressRoutePortsLocationsClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.erpllr.hasNextLink() && result.erpllr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -168,7 +173,8 @@ func (client ExpressRoutePortsLocationsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context) // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRoutePortsLocationsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -176,6 +182,7 @@ func (client ExpressRoutePortsLocationsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*h func (client ExpressRoutePortsLocationsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRoutePortsLocationListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressrouteserviceproviders.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressrouteserviceproviders.go index 48de501459d4..e99520037ca7 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressrouteserviceproviders.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/expressrouteserviceproviders.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,8 +36,7 @@ func NewExpressRouteServiceProvidersClient(subscriptionID string) ExpressRouteSe } // NewExpressRouteServiceProvidersClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ExpressRouteServiceProvidersClient -// client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI -// (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// client. func NewExpressRouteServiceProvidersClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) ExpressRouteServiceProvidersClient { return ExpressRouteServiceProvidersClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -60,11 +70,6 @@ func (client ExpressRouteServiceProvidersClient) List(ctx context.Context) (resu result.ersplr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ExpressRouteServiceProvidersClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.ersplr.hasNextLink() && result.ersplr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -92,7 +97,8 @@ func (client ExpressRouteServiceProvidersClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Contex // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ExpressRouteServiceProvidersClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -100,6 +106,7 @@ func (client ExpressRouteServiceProvidersClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) ( func (client ExpressRouteServiceProvidersClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ExpressRouteServiceProviderListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/hubvirtualnetworkconnections.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/hubvirtualnetworkconnections.go index 7369edba5659..082baf188756 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/hubvirtualnetworkconnections.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/hubvirtualnetworkconnections.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,8 +36,7 @@ func NewHubVirtualNetworkConnectionsClient(subscriptionID string) HubVirtualNetw } // NewHubVirtualNetworkConnectionsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the HubVirtualNetworkConnectionsClient -// client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI -// (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// client. func NewHubVirtualNetworkConnectionsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) HubVirtualNetworkConnectionsClient { return HubVirtualNetworkConnectionsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -63,7 +73,6 @@ func (client HubVirtualNetworkConnectionsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resour result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.HubVirtualNetworkConnectionsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -94,7 +103,8 @@ func (client HubVirtualNetworkConnectionsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client HubVirtualNetworkConnectionsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -102,6 +112,7 @@ func (client HubVirtualNetworkConnectionsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (* func (client HubVirtualNetworkConnectionsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result HubVirtualNetworkConnection, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -141,11 +152,6 @@ func (client HubVirtualNetworkConnectionsClient) List(ctx context.Context, resou result.lhvncr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.HubVirtualNetworkConnectionsClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.lhvncr.hasNextLink() && result.lhvncr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -175,7 +181,8 @@ func (client HubVirtualNetworkConnectionsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Contex // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client HubVirtualNetworkConnectionsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -183,6 +190,7 @@ func (client HubVirtualNetworkConnectionsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) ( func (client HubVirtualNetworkConnectionsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ListHubVirtualNetworkConnectionsResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/inboundnatrules.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/inboundnatrules.go index decf6e4a81c0..0e4d45f01813 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/inboundnatrules.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/inboundnatrules.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,8 +36,7 @@ func NewInboundNatRulesClient(subscriptionID string) InboundNatRulesClient { return NewInboundNatRulesClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewInboundNatRulesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the InboundNatRulesClient client using a custom endpoint. -// Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// NewInboundNatRulesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the InboundNatRulesClient client. func NewInboundNatRulesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) InboundNatRulesClient { return InboundNatRulesClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -42,8 +52,8 @@ func (client InboundNatRulesClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resource ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/InboundNatRulesClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -109,16 +119,13 @@ func (client InboundNatRulesClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client InboundNatRulesClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future InboundNatRulesCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -127,6 +134,7 @@ func (client InboundNatRulesClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (fut func (client InboundNatRulesClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InboundNatRule, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -144,8 +152,8 @@ func (client InboundNatRulesClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNam ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/InboundNatRulesClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -190,16 +198,13 @@ func (client InboundNatRulesClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, resource // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client InboundNatRulesClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future InboundNatRulesDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -208,6 +213,7 @@ func (client InboundNatRulesClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future Inbo func (client InboundNatRulesClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -247,7 +253,6 @@ func (client InboundNatRulesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName s result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.InboundNatRulesClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -281,7 +286,8 @@ func (client InboundNatRulesClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGro // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client InboundNatRulesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -289,6 +295,7 @@ func (client InboundNatRulesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response func (client InboundNatRulesClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InboundNatRule, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -328,11 +335,6 @@ func (client InboundNatRulesClient) List(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName result.inrlr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.InboundNatRulesClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.inrlr.hasNextLink() && result.inrlr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -362,7 +364,8 @@ func (client InboundNatRulesClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGr // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client InboundNatRulesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -370,6 +373,7 @@ func (client InboundNatRulesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Respons func (client InboundNatRulesClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InboundNatRuleListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/interfaceendpoints.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/interfaceendpoints.go index d813e08e0a68..62b083e3b065 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/interfaceendpoints.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/interfaceendpoints.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,9 +35,7 @@ func NewInterfaceEndpointsClient(subscriptionID string) InterfaceEndpointsClient return NewInterfaceEndpointsClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewInterfaceEndpointsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the InterfaceEndpointsClient client using a custom -// endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure -// stack). +// NewInterfaceEndpointsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the InterfaceEndpointsClient client. func NewInterfaceEndpointsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) InterfaceEndpointsClient { return InterfaceEndpointsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -41,8 +50,8 @@ func (client InterfaceEndpointsClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resou ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/InterfaceEndpointsClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -88,16 +97,13 @@ func (client InterfaceEndpointsClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Contex // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client InterfaceEndpointsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future InterfaceEndpointsCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -106,6 +112,7 @@ func (client InterfaceEndpointsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) ( func (client InterfaceEndpointsClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InterfaceEndpoint, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -122,8 +129,8 @@ func (client InterfaceEndpointsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroup ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/InterfaceEndpointsClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -167,16 +174,13 @@ func (client InterfaceEndpointsClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, resou // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client InterfaceEndpointsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future InterfaceEndpointsDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -185,6 +189,7 @@ func (client InterfaceEndpointsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future I func (client InterfaceEndpointsClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -223,7 +228,6 @@ func (client InterfaceEndpointsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNam result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.InterfaceEndpointsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -256,7 +260,8 @@ func (client InterfaceEndpointsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resource // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client InterfaceEndpointsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -264,6 +269,7 @@ func (client InterfaceEndpointsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Respo func (client InterfaceEndpointsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InterfaceEndpoint, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -302,11 +308,6 @@ func (client InterfaceEndpointsClient) List(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNa result.ielr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.InterfaceEndpointsClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.ielr.hasNextLink() && result.ielr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -335,7 +336,8 @@ func (client InterfaceEndpointsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourc // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client InterfaceEndpointsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -343,6 +345,7 @@ func (client InterfaceEndpointsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Resp func (client InterfaceEndpointsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InterfaceEndpointListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -416,11 +419,6 @@ func (client InterfaceEndpointsClient) ListBySubscription(ctx context.Context) ( result.ielr, err = client.ListBySubscriptionResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.InterfaceEndpointsClient", "ListBySubscription", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.ielr.hasNextLink() && result.ielr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -448,7 +446,8 @@ func (client InterfaceEndpointsClient) ListBySubscriptionPreparer(ctx context.Co // ListBySubscriptionSender sends the ListBySubscription request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client InterfaceEndpointsClient) ListBySubscriptionSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListBySubscriptionResponder handles the response to the ListBySubscription request. The method always @@ -456,6 +455,7 @@ func (client InterfaceEndpointsClient) ListBySubscriptionSender(req *http.Reques func (client InterfaceEndpointsClient) ListBySubscriptionResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InterfaceEndpointListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/interfaceipconfigurations.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/interfaceipconfigurations.go index f3247fbd13b0..fe7eef5ef6b6 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/interfaceipconfigurations.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/interfaceipconfigurations.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,9 +35,7 @@ func NewInterfaceIPConfigurationsClient(subscriptionID string) InterfaceIPConfig return NewInterfaceIPConfigurationsClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewInterfaceIPConfigurationsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the InterfaceIPConfigurationsClient client -// using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign -// clouds, Azure stack). +// NewInterfaceIPConfigurationsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the InterfaceIPConfigurationsClient client. func NewInterfaceIPConfigurationsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) InterfaceIPConfigurationsClient { return InterfaceIPConfigurationsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -63,7 +72,6 @@ func (client InterfaceIPConfigurationsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceG result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.InterfaceIPConfigurationsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -94,7 +102,8 @@ func (client InterfaceIPConfigurationsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, r // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client InterfaceIPConfigurationsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -102,6 +111,7 @@ func (client InterfaceIPConfigurationsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*htt func (client InterfaceIPConfigurationsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InterfaceIPConfiguration, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -141,11 +151,6 @@ func (client InterfaceIPConfigurationsClient) List(ctx context.Context, resource result.iiclr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.InterfaceIPConfigurationsClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.iiclr.hasNextLink() && result.iiclr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -175,7 +180,8 @@ func (client InterfaceIPConfigurationsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client InterfaceIPConfigurationsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -183,6 +189,7 @@ func (client InterfaceIPConfigurationsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*ht func (client InterfaceIPConfigurationsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InterfaceIPConfigurationListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/interfaceloadbalancers.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/interfaceloadbalancers.go index 77302fafb329..5d5bc9f0e1da 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/interfaceloadbalancers.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/interfaceloadbalancers.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,9 +35,7 @@ func NewInterfaceLoadBalancersClient(subscriptionID string) InterfaceLoadBalance return NewInterfaceLoadBalancersClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewInterfaceLoadBalancersClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the InterfaceLoadBalancersClient client using a -// custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, -// Azure stack). +// NewInterfaceLoadBalancersClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the InterfaceLoadBalancersClient client. func NewInterfaceLoadBalancersClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) InterfaceLoadBalancersClient { return InterfaceLoadBalancersClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -63,11 +72,6 @@ func (client InterfaceLoadBalancersClient) List(ctx context.Context, resourceGro result.ilblr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.InterfaceLoadBalancersClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.ilblr.hasNextLink() && result.ilblr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -97,7 +101,8 @@ func (client InterfaceLoadBalancersClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, res // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client InterfaceLoadBalancersClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -105,6 +110,7 @@ func (client InterfaceLoadBalancersClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http. func (client InterfaceLoadBalancersClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InterfaceLoadBalancerListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/interfacesgroup.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/interfacesgroup.go index 367637ff1132..9f3b30389280 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/interfacesgroup.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/interfacesgroup.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,8 +35,7 @@ func NewInterfacesClient(subscriptionID string) InterfacesClient { return NewInterfacesClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewInterfacesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the InterfacesClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this -// when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// NewInterfacesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the InterfacesClient client. func NewInterfacesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) InterfacesClient { return InterfacesClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -40,8 +50,8 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceGroup ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/InterfacesClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -87,16 +97,13 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, resou // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client InterfacesClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future InterfacesCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -105,6 +112,7 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future I func (client InterfacesClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Interface, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -121,8 +129,8 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName str ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/InterfacesClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -166,16 +174,13 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroup // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client InterfacesClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future InterfacesDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -184,6 +189,7 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future Interface func (client InterfacesClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -222,7 +228,6 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.InterfacesClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -255,7 +260,8 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNam // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client InterfacesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -263,6 +269,7 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, err func (client InterfacesClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Interface, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -279,8 +286,8 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) GetEffectiveRouteTable(ctx context.Context, resou ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/InterfacesClient.GetEffectiveRouteTable") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -324,16 +331,13 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) GetEffectiveRouteTablePreparer(ctx context.Contex // GetEffectiveRouteTableSender sends the GetEffectiveRouteTable request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client InterfacesClient) GetEffectiveRouteTableSender(req *http.Request) (future InterfacesGetEffectiveRouteTableFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -342,6 +346,7 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) GetEffectiveRouteTableSender(req *http.Request) ( func (client InterfacesClient) GetEffectiveRouteTableResponder(resp *http.Response) (result EffectiveRouteListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -385,7 +390,6 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) GetVirtualMachineScaleSetIPConfiguration(ctx cont result, err = client.GetVirtualMachineScaleSetIPConfigurationResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.InterfacesClient", "GetVirtualMachineScaleSetIPConfiguration", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -421,7 +425,8 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) GetVirtualMachineScaleSetIPConfigurationPreparer( // GetVirtualMachineScaleSetIPConfigurationSender sends the GetVirtualMachineScaleSetIPConfiguration request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client InterfacesClient) GetVirtualMachineScaleSetIPConfigurationSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetVirtualMachineScaleSetIPConfigurationResponder handles the response to the GetVirtualMachineScaleSetIPConfiguration request. The method always @@ -429,6 +434,7 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) GetVirtualMachineScaleSetIPConfigurationSender(re func (client InterfacesClient) GetVirtualMachineScaleSetIPConfigurationResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InterfaceIPConfiguration, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -470,7 +476,6 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) GetVirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkInterface(ctx con result, err = client.GetVirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkInterfaceResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.InterfacesClient", "GetVirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkInterface", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -505,7 +510,8 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) GetVirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkInterfacePreparer // GetVirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkInterfaceSender sends the GetVirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkInterface request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client InterfacesClient) GetVirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkInterfaceSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetVirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkInterfaceResponder handles the response to the GetVirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkInterface request. The method always @@ -513,6 +519,7 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) GetVirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkInterfaceSender(r func (client InterfacesClient) GetVirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkInterfaceResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Interface, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -551,11 +558,6 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) List(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName strin result.ilr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.InterfacesClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.ilr.hasNextLink() && result.ilr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -584,7 +586,8 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNa // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client InterfacesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -592,6 +595,7 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, er func (client InterfacesClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InterfaceListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -665,11 +669,6 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) ListAll(ctx context.Context) (result InterfaceLis result.ilr, err = client.ListAllResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.InterfacesClient", "ListAll", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.ilr.hasNextLink() && result.ilr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -697,7 +696,8 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) ListAllPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Reque // ListAllSender sends the ListAll request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client InterfacesClient) ListAllSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListAllResponder handles the response to the ListAll request. The method always @@ -705,6 +705,7 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) ListAllSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, func (client InterfacesClient) ListAllResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InterfaceListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -758,8 +759,8 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) ListEffectiveNetworkSecurityGroups(ctx context.Co ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/InterfacesClient.ListEffectiveNetworkSecurityGroups") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -803,16 +804,13 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) ListEffectiveNetworkSecurityGroupsPreparer(ctx co // ListEffectiveNetworkSecurityGroupsSender sends the ListEffectiveNetworkSecurityGroups request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client InterfacesClient) ListEffectiveNetworkSecurityGroupsSender(req *http.Request) (future InterfacesListEffectiveNetworkSecurityGroupsFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -821,6 +819,7 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) ListEffectiveNetworkSecurityGroupsSender(req *htt func (client InterfacesClient) ListEffectiveNetworkSecurityGroupsResponder(resp *http.Response) (result EffectiveNetworkSecurityGroupListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -864,11 +863,6 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) ListVirtualMachineScaleSetIPConfigurations(ctx co result.iiclr, err = client.ListVirtualMachineScaleSetIPConfigurationsResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.InterfacesClient", "ListVirtualMachineScaleSetIPConfigurations", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.iiclr.hasNextLink() && result.iiclr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -903,7 +897,8 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) ListVirtualMachineScaleSetIPConfigurationsPrepare // ListVirtualMachineScaleSetIPConfigurationsSender sends the ListVirtualMachineScaleSetIPConfigurations request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client InterfacesClient) ListVirtualMachineScaleSetIPConfigurationsSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListVirtualMachineScaleSetIPConfigurationsResponder handles the response to the ListVirtualMachineScaleSetIPConfigurations request. The method always @@ -911,6 +906,7 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) ListVirtualMachineScaleSetIPConfigurationsSender( func (client InterfacesClient) ListVirtualMachineScaleSetIPConfigurationsResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InterfaceIPConfigurationListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -987,11 +983,6 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) ListVirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkInterfaces(ctx c result.ilr, err = client.ListVirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkInterfacesResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.InterfacesClient", "ListVirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkInterfaces", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.ilr.hasNextLink() && result.ilr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -1021,7 +1012,8 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) ListVirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkInterfacesPrepar // ListVirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkInterfacesSender sends the ListVirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkInterfaces request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client InterfacesClient) ListVirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkInterfacesSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListVirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkInterfacesResponder handles the response to the ListVirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkInterfaces request. The method always @@ -1029,6 +1021,7 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) ListVirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkInterfacesSender func (client InterfacesClient) ListVirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkInterfacesResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InterfaceListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -1107,11 +1100,6 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) ListVirtualMachineScaleSetVMNetworkInterfaces(ctx result.ilr, err = client.ListVirtualMachineScaleSetVMNetworkInterfacesResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.InterfacesClient", "ListVirtualMachineScaleSetVMNetworkInterfaces", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.ilr.hasNextLink() && result.ilr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -1142,7 +1130,8 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) ListVirtualMachineScaleSetVMNetworkInterfacesPrep // ListVirtualMachineScaleSetVMNetworkInterfacesSender sends the ListVirtualMachineScaleSetVMNetworkInterfaces request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client InterfacesClient) ListVirtualMachineScaleSetVMNetworkInterfacesSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListVirtualMachineScaleSetVMNetworkInterfacesResponder handles the response to the ListVirtualMachineScaleSetVMNetworkInterfaces request. The method always @@ -1150,6 +1139,7 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) ListVirtualMachineScaleSetVMNetworkInterfacesSend func (client InterfacesClient) ListVirtualMachineScaleSetVMNetworkInterfacesResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InterfaceListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -1204,8 +1194,8 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) UpdateTags(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/InterfacesClient.UpdateTags") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -1251,16 +1241,13 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) UpdateTagsPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceG // UpdateTagsSender sends the UpdateTags request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client InterfacesClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (future InterfacesUpdateTagsFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -1269,6 +1256,7 @@ func (client InterfacesClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (future Inter func (client InterfacesClient) UpdateTagsResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Interface, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/interfacetapconfigurations.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/interfacetapconfigurations.go index 9a0999f12788..680958cbe81e 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/interfacetapconfigurations.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/interfacetapconfigurations.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,9 +36,7 @@ func NewInterfaceTapConfigurationsClient(subscriptionID string) InterfaceTapConf return NewInterfaceTapConfigurationsClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewInterfaceTapConfigurationsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the InterfaceTapConfigurationsClient client -// using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign -// clouds, Azure stack). +// NewInterfaceTapConfigurationsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the InterfaceTapConfigurationsClient client. func NewInterfaceTapConfigurationsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) InterfaceTapConfigurationsClient { return InterfaceTapConfigurationsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -43,8 +52,8 @@ func (client InterfaceTapConfigurationsClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Contex ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/InterfaceTapConfigurationsClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -127,16 +136,13 @@ func (client InterfaceTapConfigurationsClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx contex // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client InterfaceTapConfigurationsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future InterfaceTapConfigurationsCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -145,6 +151,7 @@ func (client InterfaceTapConfigurationsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Re func (client InterfaceTapConfigurationsClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InterfaceTapConfiguration, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -162,8 +169,8 @@ func (client InterfaceTapConfigurationsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resou ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/InterfaceTapConfigurationsClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -208,16 +215,13 @@ func (client InterfaceTapConfigurationsClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Contex // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client InterfaceTapConfigurationsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future InterfaceTapConfigurationsDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -226,6 +230,7 @@ func (client InterfaceTapConfigurationsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) ( func (client InterfaceTapConfigurationsClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -264,7 +269,6 @@ func (client InterfaceTapConfigurationsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resource result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.InterfaceTapConfigurationsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -295,7 +299,8 @@ func (client InterfaceTapConfigurationsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client InterfaceTapConfigurationsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -303,6 +308,7 @@ func (client InterfaceTapConfigurationsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*ht func (client InterfaceTapConfigurationsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InterfaceTapConfiguration, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -342,11 +348,6 @@ func (client InterfaceTapConfigurationsClient) List(ctx context.Context, resourc result.itclr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.InterfaceTapConfigurationsClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.itclr.hasNextLink() && result.itclr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -376,7 +377,8 @@ func (client InterfaceTapConfigurationsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client InterfaceTapConfigurationsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -384,6 +386,7 @@ func (client InterfaceTapConfigurationsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*h func (client InterfaceTapConfigurationsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InterfaceTapConfigurationListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/loadbalancerbackendaddresspools.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/loadbalancerbackendaddresspools.go index 9c1f5a9b9b0e..09601ca69e8f 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/loadbalancerbackendaddresspools.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/loadbalancerbackendaddresspools.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,8 +36,7 @@ func NewLoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolsClient(subscriptionID string) LoadBalance } // NewLoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolsClient -// client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI -// (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// client. func NewLoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolsClient { return LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -63,7 +73,6 @@ func (client LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, res result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -94,7 +103,8 @@ func (client LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Cont // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -102,6 +112,7 @@ func (client LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) func (client LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result BackendAddressPool, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -141,11 +152,6 @@ func (client LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolsClient) List(ctx context.Context, re result.lbbaplr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolsClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.lbbaplr.hasNextLink() && result.lbbaplr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -175,7 +181,8 @@ func (client LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Con // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -183,6 +190,7 @@ func (client LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request func (client LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/loadbalancerfrontendipconfigurations.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/loadbalancerfrontendipconfigurations.go index 514e14bf2887..7b6724ed272c 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/loadbalancerfrontendipconfigurations.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/loadbalancerfrontendipconfigurations.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -26,8 +37,7 @@ func NewLoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationsClient(subscriptionID string) LoadBa } // NewLoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the -// LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationsClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure -// cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationsClient client. func NewLoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationsClient { return LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -64,7 +74,6 @@ func (client LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationsClient) Get(ctx context.Context result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -95,7 +104,8 @@ func (client LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -103,6 +113,7 @@ func (client LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationsClient) GetSender(req *http.Req func (client LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result FrontendIPConfiguration, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -142,11 +153,6 @@ func (client LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationsClient) List(ctx context.Contex result.lbficlr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationsClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.lbficlr.hasNextLink() && result.lbficlr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -176,7 +182,8 @@ func (client LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationsClient) ListPreparer(ctx contex // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -184,6 +191,7 @@ func (client LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationsClient) ListSender(req *http.Re func (client LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/loadbalancerloadbalancingrules.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/loadbalancerloadbalancingrules.go index d74adc96d729..048f25525a54 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/loadbalancerloadbalancingrules.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/loadbalancerloadbalancingrules.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,8 +36,7 @@ func NewLoadBalancerLoadBalancingRulesClient(subscriptionID string) LoadBalancer } // NewLoadBalancerLoadBalancingRulesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRulesClient -// client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI -// (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// client. func NewLoadBalancerLoadBalancingRulesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRulesClient { return LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRulesClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -63,7 +73,6 @@ func (client LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRulesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, reso result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRulesClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -94,7 +103,8 @@ func (client LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRulesClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Conte // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRulesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -102,6 +112,7 @@ func (client LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRulesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) func (client LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRulesClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result LoadBalancingRule, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -141,11 +152,6 @@ func (client LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRulesClient) List(ctx context.Context, res result.lblbrlr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRulesClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.lblbrlr.hasNextLink() && result.lblbrlr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -175,7 +181,8 @@ func (client LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRulesClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Cont // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRulesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -183,6 +190,7 @@ func (client LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRulesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) func (client LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRulesClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRuleListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/loadbalancernetworkinterfaces.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/loadbalancernetworkinterfaces.go index 47139911369b..2a2a8febf815 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/loadbalancernetworkinterfaces.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/loadbalancernetworkinterfaces.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,8 +36,7 @@ func NewLoadBalancerNetworkInterfacesClient(subscriptionID string) LoadBalancerN } // NewLoadBalancerNetworkInterfacesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the LoadBalancerNetworkInterfacesClient -// client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI -// (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// client. func NewLoadBalancerNetworkInterfacesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) LoadBalancerNetworkInterfacesClient { return LoadBalancerNetworkInterfacesClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -63,11 +73,6 @@ func (client LoadBalancerNetworkInterfacesClient) List(ctx context.Context, reso result.ilr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.LoadBalancerNetworkInterfacesClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.ilr.hasNextLink() && result.ilr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -97,7 +102,8 @@ func (client LoadBalancerNetworkInterfacesClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Conte // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client LoadBalancerNetworkInterfacesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -105,6 +111,7 @@ func (client LoadBalancerNetworkInterfacesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) func (client LoadBalancerNetworkInterfacesClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InterfaceListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/loadbalanceroutboundrules.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/loadbalanceroutboundrules.go index acfbed6ff353..4005d2bc9427 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/loadbalanceroutboundrules.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/loadbalanceroutboundrules.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,9 +35,7 @@ func NewLoadBalancerOutboundRulesClient(subscriptionID string) LoadBalancerOutbo return NewLoadBalancerOutboundRulesClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewLoadBalancerOutboundRulesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the LoadBalancerOutboundRulesClient client -// using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign -// clouds, Azure stack). +// NewLoadBalancerOutboundRulesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the LoadBalancerOutboundRulesClient client. func NewLoadBalancerOutboundRulesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) LoadBalancerOutboundRulesClient { return LoadBalancerOutboundRulesClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -63,7 +72,6 @@ func (client LoadBalancerOutboundRulesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceG result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.LoadBalancerOutboundRulesClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -94,7 +102,8 @@ func (client LoadBalancerOutboundRulesClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, r // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client LoadBalancerOutboundRulesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -102,6 +111,7 @@ func (client LoadBalancerOutboundRulesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*htt func (client LoadBalancerOutboundRulesClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result OutboundRule, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -141,11 +151,6 @@ func (client LoadBalancerOutboundRulesClient) List(ctx context.Context, resource result.lborlr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.LoadBalancerOutboundRulesClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.lborlr.hasNextLink() && result.lborlr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -175,7 +180,8 @@ func (client LoadBalancerOutboundRulesClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client LoadBalancerOutboundRulesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -183,6 +189,7 @@ func (client LoadBalancerOutboundRulesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*ht func (client LoadBalancerOutboundRulesClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result LoadBalancerOutboundRuleListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/loadbalancerprobes.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/loadbalancerprobes.go index bcfce8e84bb7..1821887ed321 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/loadbalancerprobes.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/loadbalancerprobes.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,9 +35,7 @@ func NewLoadBalancerProbesClient(subscriptionID string) LoadBalancerProbesClient return NewLoadBalancerProbesClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewLoadBalancerProbesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the LoadBalancerProbesClient client using a custom -// endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure -// stack). +// NewLoadBalancerProbesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the LoadBalancerProbesClient client. func NewLoadBalancerProbesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) LoadBalancerProbesClient { return LoadBalancerProbesClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -63,7 +72,6 @@ func (client LoadBalancerProbesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNam result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.LoadBalancerProbesClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -94,7 +102,8 @@ func (client LoadBalancerProbesClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resource // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client LoadBalancerProbesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -102,6 +111,7 @@ func (client LoadBalancerProbesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Respo func (client LoadBalancerProbesClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Probe, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -141,11 +151,6 @@ func (client LoadBalancerProbesClient) List(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNa result.lbplr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.LoadBalancerProbesClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.lbplr.hasNextLink() && result.lbplr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -175,7 +180,8 @@ func (client LoadBalancerProbesClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourc // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client LoadBalancerProbesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -183,6 +189,7 @@ func (client LoadBalancerProbesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Resp func (client LoadBalancerProbesClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result LoadBalancerProbeListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/loadbalancers.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/loadbalancers.go index 8d35f5d81f78..7200e50a3fdc 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/loadbalancers.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/loadbalancers.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,8 +35,7 @@ func NewLoadBalancersClient(subscriptionID string) LoadBalancersClient { return NewLoadBalancersClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewLoadBalancersClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the LoadBalancersClient client using a custom endpoint. -// Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// NewLoadBalancersClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the LoadBalancersClient client. func NewLoadBalancersClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) LoadBalancersClient { return LoadBalancersClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -40,8 +50,8 @@ func (client LoadBalancersClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceGr ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/LoadBalancersClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -87,16 +97,13 @@ func (client LoadBalancersClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, re // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client LoadBalancersClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future LoadBalancersCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -105,6 +112,7 @@ func (client LoadBalancersClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (futur func (client LoadBalancersClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result LoadBalancer, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -121,8 +129,8 @@ func (client LoadBalancersClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/LoadBalancersClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -166,16 +174,13 @@ func (client LoadBalancersClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGr // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client LoadBalancersClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future LoadBalancersDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -184,6 +189,7 @@ func (client LoadBalancersClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future LoadBa func (client LoadBalancersClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -222,7 +228,6 @@ func (client LoadBalancersClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName str result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.LoadBalancersClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -255,7 +260,8 @@ func (client LoadBalancersClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroup // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client LoadBalancersClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -263,6 +269,7 @@ func (client LoadBalancersClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, func (client LoadBalancersClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result LoadBalancer, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -301,11 +308,6 @@ func (client LoadBalancersClient) List(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName st result.lblr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.LoadBalancersClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.lblr.hasNextLink() && result.lblr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -334,7 +336,8 @@ func (client LoadBalancersClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGrou // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client LoadBalancersClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -342,6 +345,7 @@ func (client LoadBalancersClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, func (client LoadBalancersClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result LoadBalancerListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -415,11 +419,6 @@ func (client LoadBalancersClient) ListAll(ctx context.Context) (result LoadBalan result.lblr, err = client.ListAllResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.LoadBalancersClient", "ListAll", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.lblr.hasNextLink() && result.lblr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -447,7 +446,8 @@ func (client LoadBalancersClient) ListAllPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Re // ListAllSender sends the ListAll request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client LoadBalancersClient) ListAllSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListAllResponder handles the response to the ListAll request. The method always @@ -455,6 +455,7 @@ func (client LoadBalancersClient) ListAllSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Respon func (client LoadBalancersClient) ListAllResponder(resp *http.Response) (result LoadBalancerListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -509,8 +510,8 @@ func (client LoadBalancersClient) UpdateTags(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupN ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/LoadBalancersClient.UpdateTags") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -556,16 +557,13 @@ func (client LoadBalancersClient) UpdateTagsPreparer(ctx context.Context, resour // UpdateTagsSender sends the UpdateTags request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client LoadBalancersClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (future LoadBalancersUpdateTagsFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -574,6 +572,7 @@ func (client LoadBalancersClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (future Lo func (client LoadBalancersClient) UpdateTagsResponder(resp *http.Response) (result LoadBalancer, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/localnetworkgateways.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/localnetworkgateways.go index 4b3e53c0a6ce..bc305c2254fb 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/localnetworkgateways.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/localnetworkgateways.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,9 +36,7 @@ func NewLocalNetworkGatewaysClient(subscriptionID string) LocalNetworkGatewaysCl return NewLocalNetworkGatewaysClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewLocalNetworkGatewaysClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the LocalNetworkGatewaysClient client using a custom -// endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure -// stack). +// NewLocalNetworkGatewaysClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the LocalNetworkGatewaysClient client. func NewLocalNetworkGatewaysClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) LocalNetworkGatewaysClient { return LocalNetworkGatewaysClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -42,8 +51,8 @@ func (client LocalNetworkGatewaysClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, res ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/LocalNetworkGatewaysClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -97,16 +106,13 @@ func (client LocalNetworkGatewaysClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Cont // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client LocalNetworkGatewaysClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future LocalNetworkGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -115,6 +121,7 @@ func (client LocalNetworkGatewaysClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) func (client LocalNetworkGatewaysClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result LocalNetworkGateway, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -131,8 +138,8 @@ func (client LocalNetworkGatewaysClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGro ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/LocalNetworkGatewaysClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -182,16 +189,13 @@ func (client LocalNetworkGatewaysClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, res // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client LocalNetworkGatewaysClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future LocalNetworkGatewaysDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -200,6 +204,7 @@ func (client LocalNetworkGatewaysClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future func (client LocalNetworkGatewaysClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -243,7 +248,6 @@ func (client LocalNetworkGatewaysClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupN result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.LocalNetworkGatewaysClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -273,7 +277,8 @@ func (client LocalNetworkGatewaysClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resour // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client LocalNetworkGatewaysClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -281,6 +286,7 @@ func (client LocalNetworkGatewaysClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Res func (client LocalNetworkGatewaysClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result LocalNetworkGateway, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -319,11 +325,6 @@ func (client LocalNetworkGatewaysClient) List(ctx context.Context, resourceGroup result.lnglr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.LocalNetworkGatewaysClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.lnglr.hasNextLink() && result.lnglr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -352,7 +353,8 @@ func (client LocalNetworkGatewaysClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, resou // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client LocalNetworkGatewaysClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -360,6 +362,7 @@ func (client LocalNetworkGatewaysClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Re func (client LocalNetworkGatewaysClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result LocalNetworkGatewayListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -414,8 +417,8 @@ func (client LocalNetworkGatewaysClient) UpdateTags(ctx context.Context, resourc ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/LocalNetworkGatewaysClient.UpdateTags") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -467,16 +470,13 @@ func (client LocalNetworkGatewaysClient) UpdateTagsPreparer(ctx context.Context, // UpdateTagsSender sends the UpdateTags request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client LocalNetworkGatewaysClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (future LocalNetworkGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -485,6 +485,7 @@ func (client LocalNetworkGatewaysClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (fu func (client LocalNetworkGatewaysClient) UpdateTagsResponder(resp *http.Response) (result LocalNetworkGateway, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/models.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/models.go index 4e296dc54db8..279622c6b0ce 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/models.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/models.go @@ -1,24 +1,1747 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. -import ( - "context" - "encoding/json" - "github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest" - "github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/azure" - "github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/date" - "github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/to" - "github.com/Azure/go-autorest/tracing" - "net/http" +import ( + "context" + "encoding/json" + "github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest" + "github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/azure" + "github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/date" + "github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/to" + "github.com/Azure/go-autorest/tracing" + "net/http" +) + +// The package's fully qualified name. +const fqdn = "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network" + +// Access enumerates the values for access. +type Access string + +const ( + // Allow ... + Allow Access = "Allow" + // Deny ... + Deny Access = "Deny" +) + +// PossibleAccessValues returns an array of possible values for the Access const type. +func PossibleAccessValues() []Access { + return []Access{Allow, Deny} +} + +// ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthServerHealth enumerates the values for application gateway backend health +// server health. +type ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthServerHealth string + +const ( + // Down ... + Down ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthServerHealth = "Down" + // Draining ... + Draining ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthServerHealth = "Draining" + // Partial ... + Partial ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthServerHealth = "Partial" + // Unknown ... + Unknown ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthServerHealth = "Unknown" + // Up ... + Up ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthServerHealth = "Up" +) + +// PossibleApplicationGatewayBackendHealthServerHealthValues returns an array of possible values for the ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthServerHealth const type. +func PossibleApplicationGatewayBackendHealthServerHealthValues() []ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthServerHealth { + return []ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthServerHealth{Down, Draining, Partial, Unknown, Up} +} + +// ApplicationGatewayCookieBasedAffinity enumerates the values for application gateway cookie based affinity. +type ApplicationGatewayCookieBasedAffinity string + +const ( + // Disabled ... + Disabled ApplicationGatewayCookieBasedAffinity = "Disabled" + // Enabled ... + Enabled ApplicationGatewayCookieBasedAffinity = "Enabled" +) + +// PossibleApplicationGatewayCookieBasedAffinityValues returns an array of possible values for the ApplicationGatewayCookieBasedAffinity const type. +func PossibleApplicationGatewayCookieBasedAffinityValues() []ApplicationGatewayCookieBasedAffinity { + return []ApplicationGatewayCookieBasedAffinity{Disabled, Enabled} +} + +// ApplicationGatewayCustomErrorStatusCode enumerates the values for application gateway custom error status +// code. +type ApplicationGatewayCustomErrorStatusCode string + +const ( + // HTTPStatus403 ... + HTTPStatus403 ApplicationGatewayCustomErrorStatusCode = "HttpStatus403" + // HTTPStatus502 ... + HTTPStatus502 ApplicationGatewayCustomErrorStatusCode = "HttpStatus502" +) + +// PossibleApplicationGatewayCustomErrorStatusCodeValues returns an array of possible values for the ApplicationGatewayCustomErrorStatusCode const type. +func PossibleApplicationGatewayCustomErrorStatusCodeValues() []ApplicationGatewayCustomErrorStatusCode { + return []ApplicationGatewayCustomErrorStatusCode{HTTPStatus403, HTTPStatus502} +} + +// ApplicationGatewayFirewallMode enumerates the values for application gateway firewall mode. +type ApplicationGatewayFirewallMode string + +const ( + // Detection ... + Detection ApplicationGatewayFirewallMode = "Detection" + // Prevention ... + Prevention ApplicationGatewayFirewallMode = "Prevention" +) + +// PossibleApplicationGatewayFirewallModeValues returns an array of possible values for the ApplicationGatewayFirewallMode const type. +func PossibleApplicationGatewayFirewallModeValues() []ApplicationGatewayFirewallMode { + return []ApplicationGatewayFirewallMode{Detection, Prevention} +} + +// ApplicationGatewayOperationalState enumerates the values for application gateway operational state. +type ApplicationGatewayOperationalState string + +const ( + // Running ... + Running ApplicationGatewayOperationalState = "Running" + // Starting ... + Starting ApplicationGatewayOperationalState = "Starting" + // Stopped ... + Stopped ApplicationGatewayOperationalState = "Stopped" + // Stopping ... + Stopping ApplicationGatewayOperationalState = "Stopping" +) + +// PossibleApplicationGatewayOperationalStateValues returns an array of possible values for the ApplicationGatewayOperationalState const type. +func PossibleApplicationGatewayOperationalStateValues() []ApplicationGatewayOperationalState { + return []ApplicationGatewayOperationalState{Running, Starting, Stopped, Stopping} +} + +// ApplicationGatewayProtocol enumerates the values for application gateway protocol. +type ApplicationGatewayProtocol string + +const ( + // HTTP ... + HTTP ApplicationGatewayProtocol = "Http" + // HTTPS ... + HTTPS ApplicationGatewayProtocol = "Https" +) + +// PossibleApplicationGatewayProtocolValues returns an array of possible values for the ApplicationGatewayProtocol const type. +func PossibleApplicationGatewayProtocolValues() []ApplicationGatewayProtocol { + return []ApplicationGatewayProtocol{HTTP, HTTPS} +} + +// ApplicationGatewayRedirectType enumerates the values for application gateway redirect type. +type ApplicationGatewayRedirectType string + +const ( + // Found ... + Found ApplicationGatewayRedirectType = "Found" + // Permanent ... + Permanent ApplicationGatewayRedirectType = "Permanent" + // SeeOther ... + SeeOther ApplicationGatewayRedirectType = "SeeOther" + // Temporary ... + Temporary ApplicationGatewayRedirectType = "Temporary" +) + +// PossibleApplicationGatewayRedirectTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the ApplicationGatewayRedirectType const type. +func PossibleApplicationGatewayRedirectTypeValues() []ApplicationGatewayRedirectType { + return []ApplicationGatewayRedirectType{Found, Permanent, SeeOther, Temporary} +} + +// ApplicationGatewayRequestRoutingRuleType enumerates the values for application gateway request routing rule +// type. +type ApplicationGatewayRequestRoutingRuleType string + +const ( + // Basic ... + Basic ApplicationGatewayRequestRoutingRuleType = "Basic" + // PathBasedRouting ... + PathBasedRouting ApplicationGatewayRequestRoutingRuleType = "PathBasedRouting" +) + +// PossibleApplicationGatewayRequestRoutingRuleTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the ApplicationGatewayRequestRoutingRuleType const type. +func PossibleApplicationGatewayRequestRoutingRuleTypeValues() []ApplicationGatewayRequestRoutingRuleType { + return []ApplicationGatewayRequestRoutingRuleType{Basic, PathBasedRouting} +} + +// ApplicationGatewaySkuName enumerates the values for application gateway sku name. +type ApplicationGatewaySkuName string + +const ( + // StandardLarge ... + StandardLarge ApplicationGatewaySkuName = "Standard_Large" + // StandardMedium ... + StandardMedium ApplicationGatewaySkuName = "Standard_Medium" + // StandardSmall ... + StandardSmall ApplicationGatewaySkuName = "Standard_Small" + // StandardV2 ... + StandardV2 ApplicationGatewaySkuName = "Standard_v2" + // WAFLarge ... + WAFLarge ApplicationGatewaySkuName = "WAF_Large" + // WAFMedium ... + WAFMedium ApplicationGatewaySkuName = "WAF_Medium" + // WAFV2 ... + WAFV2 ApplicationGatewaySkuName = "WAF_v2" +) + +// PossibleApplicationGatewaySkuNameValues returns an array of possible values for the ApplicationGatewaySkuName const type. +func PossibleApplicationGatewaySkuNameValues() []ApplicationGatewaySkuName { + return []ApplicationGatewaySkuName{StandardLarge, StandardMedium, StandardSmall, StandardV2, WAFLarge, WAFMedium, WAFV2} +} + +// ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite enumerates the values for application gateway ssl cipher suite. +type ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite string + +const ( + // TLSDHEDSSWITH3DESEDECBCSHA ... + TLSDHEDSSWITH3DESEDECBCSHA ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA" + // TLSDHEDSSWITHAES128CBCSHA ... + TLSDHEDSSWITHAES128CBCSHA ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA" + // TLSDHEDSSWITHAES128CBCSHA256 ... + TLSDHEDSSWITHAES128CBCSHA256 ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256" + // TLSDHEDSSWITHAES256CBCSHA ... + TLSDHEDSSWITHAES256CBCSHA ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA" + // TLSDHEDSSWITHAES256CBCSHA256 ... + TLSDHEDSSWITHAES256CBCSHA256 ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256" + // TLSDHERSAWITHAES128CBCSHA ... + TLSDHERSAWITHAES128CBCSHA ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA" + // TLSDHERSAWITHAES128GCMSHA256 ... + TLSDHERSAWITHAES128GCMSHA256 ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256" + // TLSDHERSAWITHAES256CBCSHA ... + TLSDHERSAWITHAES256CBCSHA ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA" + // TLSDHERSAWITHAES256GCMSHA384 ... + TLSDHERSAWITHAES256GCMSHA384 ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384" + // TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES128CBCSHA ... + TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES128CBCSHA ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA" + // TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES128CBCSHA256 ... + TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES128CBCSHA256 ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256" + // TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES128GCMSHA256 ... + TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES128GCMSHA256 ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256" + // TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES256CBCSHA ... + TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES256CBCSHA ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA" + // TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES256CBCSHA384 ... + TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES256CBCSHA384 ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384" + // TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES256GCMSHA384 ... + TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES256GCMSHA384 ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384" + // TLSECDHERSAWITHAES128CBCSHA ... + TLSECDHERSAWITHAES128CBCSHA ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA" + // TLSECDHERSAWITHAES128CBCSHA256 ... + TLSECDHERSAWITHAES128CBCSHA256 ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256" + // TLSECDHERSAWITHAES128GCMSHA256 ... + TLSECDHERSAWITHAES128GCMSHA256 ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256" + // TLSECDHERSAWITHAES256CBCSHA ... + TLSECDHERSAWITHAES256CBCSHA ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA" + // TLSECDHERSAWITHAES256CBCSHA384 ... + TLSECDHERSAWITHAES256CBCSHA384 ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384" + // TLSECDHERSAWITHAES256GCMSHA384 ... + TLSECDHERSAWITHAES256GCMSHA384 ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384" + // TLSRSAWITH3DESEDECBCSHA ... + TLSRSAWITH3DESEDECBCSHA ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA" + // TLSRSAWITHAES128CBCSHA ... + TLSRSAWITHAES128CBCSHA ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA" + // TLSRSAWITHAES128CBCSHA256 ... + TLSRSAWITHAES128CBCSHA256 ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256" + // TLSRSAWITHAES128GCMSHA256 ... + TLSRSAWITHAES128GCMSHA256 ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256" + // TLSRSAWITHAES256CBCSHA ... + TLSRSAWITHAES256CBCSHA ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA" + // TLSRSAWITHAES256CBCSHA256 ... + TLSRSAWITHAES256CBCSHA256 ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256" + // TLSRSAWITHAES256GCMSHA384 ... + TLSRSAWITHAES256GCMSHA384 ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite = "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384" +) + +// PossibleApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuiteValues returns an array of possible values for the ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite const type. +func PossibleApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuiteValues() []ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite { + return []ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite{TLSDHEDSSWITH3DESEDECBCSHA, TLSDHEDSSWITHAES128CBCSHA, TLSDHEDSSWITHAES128CBCSHA256, TLSDHEDSSWITHAES256CBCSHA, TLSDHEDSSWITHAES256CBCSHA256, TLSDHERSAWITHAES128CBCSHA, TLSDHERSAWITHAES128GCMSHA256, TLSDHERSAWITHAES256CBCSHA, TLSDHERSAWITHAES256GCMSHA384, TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES128CBCSHA, TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES128CBCSHA256, TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES128GCMSHA256, TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES256CBCSHA, TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES256CBCSHA384, TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES256GCMSHA384, TLSECDHERSAWITHAES128CBCSHA, TLSECDHERSAWITHAES128CBCSHA256, TLSECDHERSAWITHAES128GCMSHA256, TLSECDHERSAWITHAES256CBCSHA, TLSECDHERSAWITHAES256CBCSHA384, TLSECDHERSAWITHAES256GCMSHA384, TLSRSAWITH3DESEDECBCSHA, TLSRSAWITHAES128CBCSHA, TLSRSAWITHAES128CBCSHA256, TLSRSAWITHAES128GCMSHA256, TLSRSAWITHAES256CBCSHA, TLSRSAWITHAES256CBCSHA256, TLSRSAWITHAES256GCMSHA384} +} + +// ApplicationGatewaySslPolicyName enumerates the values for application gateway ssl policy name. +type ApplicationGatewaySslPolicyName string + +const ( + // AppGwSslPolicy20150501 ... + AppGwSslPolicy20150501 ApplicationGatewaySslPolicyName = "AppGwSslPolicy20150501" + // AppGwSslPolicy20170401 ... + AppGwSslPolicy20170401 ApplicationGatewaySslPolicyName = "AppGwSslPolicy20170401" + // AppGwSslPolicy20170401S ... + AppGwSslPolicy20170401S ApplicationGatewaySslPolicyName = "AppGwSslPolicy20170401S" +) + +// PossibleApplicationGatewaySslPolicyNameValues returns an array of possible values for the ApplicationGatewaySslPolicyName const type. +func PossibleApplicationGatewaySslPolicyNameValues() []ApplicationGatewaySslPolicyName { + return []ApplicationGatewaySslPolicyName{AppGwSslPolicy20150501, AppGwSslPolicy20170401, AppGwSslPolicy20170401S} +} + +// ApplicationGatewaySslPolicyType enumerates the values for application gateway ssl policy type. +type ApplicationGatewaySslPolicyType string + +const ( + // Custom ... + Custom ApplicationGatewaySslPolicyType = "Custom" + // Predefined ... + Predefined ApplicationGatewaySslPolicyType = "Predefined" +) + +// PossibleApplicationGatewaySslPolicyTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the ApplicationGatewaySslPolicyType const type. +func PossibleApplicationGatewaySslPolicyTypeValues() []ApplicationGatewaySslPolicyType { + return []ApplicationGatewaySslPolicyType{Custom, Predefined} +} + +// ApplicationGatewaySslProtocol enumerates the values for application gateway ssl protocol. +type ApplicationGatewaySslProtocol string + +const ( + // TLSv10 ... + TLSv10 ApplicationGatewaySslProtocol = "TLSv1_0" + // TLSv11 ... + TLSv11 ApplicationGatewaySslProtocol = "TLSv1_1" + // TLSv12 ... + TLSv12 ApplicationGatewaySslProtocol = "TLSv1_2" +) + +// PossibleApplicationGatewaySslProtocolValues returns an array of possible values for the ApplicationGatewaySslProtocol const type. +func PossibleApplicationGatewaySslProtocolValues() []ApplicationGatewaySslProtocol { + return []ApplicationGatewaySslProtocol{TLSv10, TLSv11, TLSv12} +} + +// ApplicationGatewayTier enumerates the values for application gateway tier. +type ApplicationGatewayTier string + +const ( + // ApplicationGatewayTierStandard ... + ApplicationGatewayTierStandard ApplicationGatewayTier = "Standard" + // ApplicationGatewayTierStandardV2 ... + ApplicationGatewayTierStandardV2 ApplicationGatewayTier = "Standard_v2" + // ApplicationGatewayTierWAF ... + ApplicationGatewayTierWAF ApplicationGatewayTier = "WAF" + // ApplicationGatewayTierWAFV2 ... + ApplicationGatewayTierWAFV2 ApplicationGatewayTier = "WAF_v2" +) + +// PossibleApplicationGatewayTierValues returns an array of possible values for the ApplicationGatewayTier const type. +func PossibleApplicationGatewayTierValues() []ApplicationGatewayTier { + return []ApplicationGatewayTier{ApplicationGatewayTierStandard, ApplicationGatewayTierStandardV2, ApplicationGatewayTierWAF, ApplicationGatewayTierWAFV2} +} + +// AssociationType enumerates the values for association type. +type AssociationType string + +const ( + // Associated ... + Associated AssociationType = "Associated" + // Contains ... + Contains AssociationType = "Contains" +) + +// PossibleAssociationTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the AssociationType const type. +func PossibleAssociationTypeValues() []AssociationType { + return []AssociationType{Associated, Contains} +} + +// AuthenticationMethod enumerates the values for authentication method. +type AuthenticationMethod string + +const ( + // EAPMSCHAPv2 ... + EAPMSCHAPv2 AuthenticationMethod = "EAPMSCHAPv2" + // EAPTLS ... + EAPTLS AuthenticationMethod = "EAPTLS" +) + +// PossibleAuthenticationMethodValues returns an array of possible values for the AuthenticationMethod const type. +func PossibleAuthenticationMethodValues() []AuthenticationMethod { + return []AuthenticationMethod{EAPMSCHAPv2, EAPTLS} +} + +// AuthorizationUseStatus enumerates the values for authorization use status. +type AuthorizationUseStatus string + +const ( + // Available ... + Available AuthorizationUseStatus = "Available" + // InUse ... + InUse AuthorizationUseStatus = "InUse" +) + +// PossibleAuthorizationUseStatusValues returns an array of possible values for the AuthorizationUseStatus const type. +func PossibleAuthorizationUseStatusValues() []AuthorizationUseStatus { + return []AuthorizationUseStatus{Available, InUse} +} + +// AzureFirewallApplicationRuleProtocolType enumerates the values for azure firewall application rule protocol +// type. +type AzureFirewallApplicationRuleProtocolType string + +const ( + // AzureFirewallApplicationRuleProtocolTypeHTTP ... + AzureFirewallApplicationRuleProtocolTypeHTTP AzureFirewallApplicationRuleProtocolType = "Http" + // AzureFirewallApplicationRuleProtocolTypeHTTPS ... + AzureFirewallApplicationRuleProtocolTypeHTTPS AzureFirewallApplicationRuleProtocolType = "Https" +) + +// PossibleAzureFirewallApplicationRuleProtocolTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the AzureFirewallApplicationRuleProtocolType const type. +func PossibleAzureFirewallApplicationRuleProtocolTypeValues() []AzureFirewallApplicationRuleProtocolType { + return []AzureFirewallApplicationRuleProtocolType{AzureFirewallApplicationRuleProtocolTypeHTTP, AzureFirewallApplicationRuleProtocolTypeHTTPS} +} + +// AzureFirewallNatRCActionType enumerates the values for azure firewall nat rc action type. +type AzureFirewallNatRCActionType string + +const ( + // Dnat ... + Dnat AzureFirewallNatRCActionType = "Dnat" + // Snat ... + Snat AzureFirewallNatRCActionType = "Snat" +) + +// PossibleAzureFirewallNatRCActionTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the AzureFirewallNatRCActionType const type. +func PossibleAzureFirewallNatRCActionTypeValues() []AzureFirewallNatRCActionType { + return []AzureFirewallNatRCActionType{Dnat, Snat} +} + +// AzureFirewallNetworkRuleProtocol enumerates the values for azure firewall network rule protocol. +type AzureFirewallNetworkRuleProtocol string + +const ( + // Any ... + Any AzureFirewallNetworkRuleProtocol = "Any" + // ICMP ... + ICMP AzureFirewallNetworkRuleProtocol = "ICMP" + // TCP ... + TCP AzureFirewallNetworkRuleProtocol = "TCP" + // UDP ... + UDP AzureFirewallNetworkRuleProtocol = "UDP" +) + +// PossibleAzureFirewallNetworkRuleProtocolValues returns an array of possible values for the AzureFirewallNetworkRuleProtocol const type. +func PossibleAzureFirewallNetworkRuleProtocolValues() []AzureFirewallNetworkRuleProtocol { + return []AzureFirewallNetworkRuleProtocol{Any, ICMP, TCP, UDP} +} + +// AzureFirewallRCActionType enumerates the values for azure firewall rc action type. +type AzureFirewallRCActionType string + +const ( + // AzureFirewallRCActionTypeAllow ... + AzureFirewallRCActionTypeAllow AzureFirewallRCActionType = "Allow" + // AzureFirewallRCActionTypeDeny ... + AzureFirewallRCActionTypeDeny AzureFirewallRCActionType = "Deny" +) + +// PossibleAzureFirewallRCActionTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the AzureFirewallRCActionType const type. +func PossibleAzureFirewallRCActionTypeValues() []AzureFirewallRCActionType { + return []AzureFirewallRCActionType{AzureFirewallRCActionTypeAllow, AzureFirewallRCActionTypeDeny} +} + +// BgpPeerState enumerates the values for bgp peer state. +type BgpPeerState string + +const ( + // BgpPeerStateConnected ... + BgpPeerStateConnected BgpPeerState = "Connected" + // BgpPeerStateConnecting ... + BgpPeerStateConnecting BgpPeerState = "Connecting" + // BgpPeerStateIdle ... + BgpPeerStateIdle BgpPeerState = "Idle" + // BgpPeerStateStopped ... + BgpPeerStateStopped BgpPeerState = "Stopped" + // BgpPeerStateUnknown ... + BgpPeerStateUnknown BgpPeerState = "Unknown" +) + +// PossibleBgpPeerStateValues returns an array of possible values for the BgpPeerState const type. +func PossibleBgpPeerStateValues() []BgpPeerState { + return []BgpPeerState{BgpPeerStateConnected, BgpPeerStateConnecting, BgpPeerStateIdle, BgpPeerStateStopped, BgpPeerStateUnknown} +} + +// CircuitConnectionStatus enumerates the values for circuit connection status. +type CircuitConnectionStatus string + +const ( + // Connected ... + Connected CircuitConnectionStatus = "Connected" + // Connecting ... + Connecting CircuitConnectionStatus = "Connecting" + // Disconnected ... + Disconnected CircuitConnectionStatus = "Disconnected" +) + +// PossibleCircuitConnectionStatusValues returns an array of possible values for the CircuitConnectionStatus const type. +func PossibleCircuitConnectionStatusValues() []CircuitConnectionStatus { + return []CircuitConnectionStatus{Connected, Connecting, Disconnected} +} + +// ConnectionMonitorSourceStatus enumerates the values for connection monitor source status. +type ConnectionMonitorSourceStatus string + +const ( + // Active ... + Active ConnectionMonitorSourceStatus = "Active" + // Inactive ... + Inactive ConnectionMonitorSourceStatus = "Inactive" + // Uknown ... + Uknown ConnectionMonitorSourceStatus = "Uknown" +) + +// PossibleConnectionMonitorSourceStatusValues returns an array of possible values for the ConnectionMonitorSourceStatus const type. +func PossibleConnectionMonitorSourceStatusValues() []ConnectionMonitorSourceStatus { + return []ConnectionMonitorSourceStatus{Active, Inactive, Uknown} +} + +// ConnectionState enumerates the values for connection state. +type ConnectionState string + +const ( + // ConnectionStateReachable ... + ConnectionStateReachable ConnectionState = "Reachable" + // ConnectionStateUnknown ... + ConnectionStateUnknown ConnectionState = "Unknown" + // ConnectionStateUnreachable ... + ConnectionStateUnreachable ConnectionState = "Unreachable" +) + +// PossibleConnectionStateValues returns an array of possible values for the ConnectionState const type. +func PossibleConnectionStateValues() []ConnectionState { + return []ConnectionState{ConnectionStateReachable, ConnectionStateUnknown, ConnectionStateUnreachable} +} + +// ConnectionStatus enumerates the values for connection status. +type ConnectionStatus string + +const ( + // ConnectionStatusConnected ... + ConnectionStatusConnected ConnectionStatus = "Connected" + // ConnectionStatusDegraded ... + ConnectionStatusDegraded ConnectionStatus = "Degraded" + // ConnectionStatusDisconnected ... + ConnectionStatusDisconnected ConnectionStatus = "Disconnected" + // ConnectionStatusUnknown ... + ConnectionStatusUnknown ConnectionStatus = "Unknown" +) + +// PossibleConnectionStatusValues returns an array of possible values for the ConnectionStatus const type. +func PossibleConnectionStatusValues() []ConnectionStatus { + return []ConnectionStatus{ConnectionStatusConnected, ConnectionStatusDegraded, ConnectionStatusDisconnected, ConnectionStatusUnknown} +} + +// DhGroup enumerates the values for dh group. +type DhGroup string + +const ( + // DHGroup1 ... + DHGroup1 DhGroup = "DHGroup1" + // DHGroup14 ... + DHGroup14 DhGroup = "DHGroup14" + // DHGroup2 ... + DHGroup2 DhGroup = "DHGroup2" + // DHGroup2048 ... + DHGroup2048 DhGroup = "DHGroup2048" + // DHGroup24 ... + DHGroup24 DhGroup = "DHGroup24" + // ECP256 ... + ECP256 DhGroup = "ECP256" + // ECP384 ... + ECP384 DhGroup = "ECP384" + // None ... + None DhGroup = "None" +) + +// PossibleDhGroupValues returns an array of possible values for the DhGroup const type. +func PossibleDhGroupValues() []DhGroup { + return []DhGroup{DHGroup1, DHGroup14, DHGroup2, DHGroup2048, DHGroup24, ECP256, ECP384, None} +} + +// Direction enumerates the values for direction. +type Direction string + +const ( + // Inbound ... + Inbound Direction = "Inbound" + // Outbound ... + Outbound Direction = "Outbound" +) + +// PossibleDirectionValues returns an array of possible values for the Direction const type. +func PossibleDirectionValues() []Direction { + return []Direction{Inbound, Outbound} +} + +// EffectiveRouteSource enumerates the values for effective route source. +type EffectiveRouteSource string + +const ( + // EffectiveRouteSourceDefault ... + EffectiveRouteSourceDefault EffectiveRouteSource = "Default" + // EffectiveRouteSourceUnknown ... + EffectiveRouteSourceUnknown EffectiveRouteSource = "Unknown" + // EffectiveRouteSourceUser ... + EffectiveRouteSourceUser EffectiveRouteSource = "User" + // EffectiveRouteSourceVirtualNetworkGateway ... + EffectiveRouteSourceVirtualNetworkGateway EffectiveRouteSource = "VirtualNetworkGateway" +) + +// PossibleEffectiveRouteSourceValues returns an array of possible values for the EffectiveRouteSource const type. +func PossibleEffectiveRouteSourceValues() []EffectiveRouteSource { + return []EffectiveRouteSource{EffectiveRouteSourceDefault, EffectiveRouteSourceUnknown, EffectiveRouteSourceUser, EffectiveRouteSourceVirtualNetworkGateway} +} + +// EffectiveRouteState enumerates the values for effective route state. +type EffectiveRouteState string + +const ( + // EffectiveRouteStateActive ... + EffectiveRouteStateActive EffectiveRouteState = "Active" + // EffectiveRouteStateInvalid ... + EffectiveRouteStateInvalid EffectiveRouteState = "Invalid" +) + +// PossibleEffectiveRouteStateValues returns an array of possible values for the EffectiveRouteState const type. +func PossibleEffectiveRouteStateValues() []EffectiveRouteState { + return []EffectiveRouteState{EffectiveRouteStateActive, EffectiveRouteStateInvalid} +} + +// EffectiveSecurityRuleProtocol enumerates the values for effective security rule protocol. +type EffectiveSecurityRuleProtocol string + +const ( + // EffectiveSecurityRuleProtocolAll ... + EffectiveSecurityRuleProtocolAll EffectiveSecurityRuleProtocol = "All" + // EffectiveSecurityRuleProtocolTCP ... + EffectiveSecurityRuleProtocolTCP EffectiveSecurityRuleProtocol = "Tcp" + // EffectiveSecurityRuleProtocolUDP ... + EffectiveSecurityRuleProtocolUDP EffectiveSecurityRuleProtocol = "Udp" +) + +// PossibleEffectiveSecurityRuleProtocolValues returns an array of possible values for the EffectiveSecurityRuleProtocol const type. +func PossibleEffectiveSecurityRuleProtocolValues() []EffectiveSecurityRuleProtocol { + return []EffectiveSecurityRuleProtocol{EffectiveSecurityRuleProtocolAll, EffectiveSecurityRuleProtocolTCP, EffectiveSecurityRuleProtocolUDP} +} + +// EvaluationState enumerates the values for evaluation state. +type EvaluationState string + +const ( + // Completed ... + Completed EvaluationState = "Completed" + // InProgress ... + InProgress EvaluationState = "InProgress" + // NotStarted ... + NotStarted EvaluationState = "NotStarted" +) + +// PossibleEvaluationStateValues returns an array of possible values for the EvaluationState const type. +func PossibleEvaluationStateValues() []EvaluationState { + return []EvaluationState{Completed, InProgress, NotStarted} +} + +// ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringAdvertisedPublicPrefixState enumerates the values for express route circuit +// peering advertised public prefix state. +type ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringAdvertisedPublicPrefixState string + +const ( + // Configured ... + Configured ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringAdvertisedPublicPrefixState = "Configured" + // Configuring ... + Configuring ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringAdvertisedPublicPrefixState = "Configuring" + // NotConfigured ... + NotConfigured ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringAdvertisedPublicPrefixState = "NotConfigured" + // ValidationNeeded ... + ValidationNeeded ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringAdvertisedPublicPrefixState = "ValidationNeeded" +) + +// PossibleExpressRouteCircuitPeeringAdvertisedPublicPrefixStateValues returns an array of possible values for the ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringAdvertisedPublicPrefixState const type. +func PossibleExpressRouteCircuitPeeringAdvertisedPublicPrefixStateValues() []ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringAdvertisedPublicPrefixState { + return []ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringAdvertisedPublicPrefixState{Configured, Configuring, NotConfigured, ValidationNeeded} +} + +// ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringState enumerates the values for express route circuit peering state. +type ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringState string + +const ( + // ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringStateDisabled ... + ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringStateDisabled ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringState = "Disabled" + // ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringStateEnabled ... + ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringStateEnabled ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringState = "Enabled" +) + +// PossibleExpressRouteCircuitPeeringStateValues returns an array of possible values for the ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringState const type. +func PossibleExpressRouteCircuitPeeringStateValues() []ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringState { + return []ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringState{ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringStateDisabled, ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringStateEnabled} +} + +// ExpressRouteCircuitSkuFamily enumerates the values for express route circuit sku family. +type ExpressRouteCircuitSkuFamily string + +const ( + // MeteredData ... + MeteredData ExpressRouteCircuitSkuFamily = "MeteredData" + // UnlimitedData ... + UnlimitedData ExpressRouteCircuitSkuFamily = "UnlimitedData" +) + +// PossibleExpressRouteCircuitSkuFamilyValues returns an array of possible values for the ExpressRouteCircuitSkuFamily const type. +func PossibleExpressRouteCircuitSkuFamilyValues() []ExpressRouteCircuitSkuFamily { + return []ExpressRouteCircuitSkuFamily{MeteredData, UnlimitedData} +} + +// ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTier enumerates the values for express route circuit sku tier. +type ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTier string + +const ( + // ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTierBasic ... + ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTierBasic ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTier = "Basic" + // ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTierPremium ... + ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTierPremium ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTier = "Premium" + // ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTierStandard ... + ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTierStandard ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTier = "Standard" +) + +// PossibleExpressRouteCircuitSkuTierValues returns an array of possible values for the ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTier const type. +func PossibleExpressRouteCircuitSkuTierValues() []ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTier { + return []ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTier{ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTierBasic, ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTierPremium, ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTierStandard} +} + +// ExpressRouteLinkAdminState enumerates the values for express route link admin state. +type ExpressRouteLinkAdminState string + +const ( + // ExpressRouteLinkAdminStateDisabled ... + ExpressRouteLinkAdminStateDisabled ExpressRouteLinkAdminState = "Disabled" + // ExpressRouteLinkAdminStateEnabled ... + ExpressRouteLinkAdminStateEnabled ExpressRouteLinkAdminState = "Enabled" +) + +// PossibleExpressRouteLinkAdminStateValues returns an array of possible values for the ExpressRouteLinkAdminState const type. +func PossibleExpressRouteLinkAdminStateValues() []ExpressRouteLinkAdminState { + return []ExpressRouteLinkAdminState{ExpressRouteLinkAdminStateDisabled, ExpressRouteLinkAdminStateEnabled} +} + +// ExpressRouteLinkConnectorType enumerates the values for express route link connector type. +type ExpressRouteLinkConnectorType string + +const ( + // LC ... + LC ExpressRouteLinkConnectorType = "LC" + // SC ... + SC ExpressRouteLinkConnectorType = "SC" +) + +// PossibleExpressRouteLinkConnectorTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the ExpressRouteLinkConnectorType const type. +func PossibleExpressRouteLinkConnectorTypeValues() []ExpressRouteLinkConnectorType { + return []ExpressRouteLinkConnectorType{LC, SC} +} + +// ExpressRoutePeeringState enumerates the values for express route peering state. +type ExpressRoutePeeringState string + +const ( + // ExpressRoutePeeringStateDisabled ... + ExpressRoutePeeringStateDisabled ExpressRoutePeeringState = "Disabled" + // ExpressRoutePeeringStateEnabled ... + ExpressRoutePeeringStateEnabled ExpressRoutePeeringState = "Enabled" +) + +// PossibleExpressRoutePeeringStateValues returns an array of possible values for the ExpressRoutePeeringState const type. +func PossibleExpressRoutePeeringStateValues() []ExpressRoutePeeringState { + return []ExpressRoutePeeringState{ExpressRoutePeeringStateDisabled, ExpressRoutePeeringStateEnabled} +} + +// ExpressRoutePeeringType enumerates the values for express route peering type. +type ExpressRoutePeeringType string + +const ( + // AzurePrivatePeering ... + AzurePrivatePeering ExpressRoutePeeringType = "AzurePrivatePeering" + // AzurePublicPeering ... + AzurePublicPeering ExpressRoutePeeringType = "AzurePublicPeering" + // MicrosoftPeering ... + MicrosoftPeering ExpressRoutePeeringType = "MicrosoftPeering" +) + +// PossibleExpressRoutePeeringTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the ExpressRoutePeeringType const type. +func PossibleExpressRoutePeeringTypeValues() []ExpressRoutePeeringType { + return []ExpressRoutePeeringType{AzurePrivatePeering, AzurePublicPeering, MicrosoftPeering} +} + +// ExpressRoutePortsEncapsulation enumerates the values for express route ports encapsulation. +type ExpressRoutePortsEncapsulation string + +const ( + // Dot1Q ... + Dot1Q ExpressRoutePortsEncapsulation = "Dot1Q" + // QinQ ... + QinQ ExpressRoutePortsEncapsulation = "QinQ" +) + +// PossibleExpressRoutePortsEncapsulationValues returns an array of possible values for the ExpressRoutePortsEncapsulation const type. +func PossibleExpressRoutePortsEncapsulationValues() []ExpressRoutePortsEncapsulation { + return []ExpressRoutePortsEncapsulation{Dot1Q, QinQ} +} + +// FlowLogFormatType enumerates the values for flow log format type. +type FlowLogFormatType string + +const ( + // JSON ... + JSON FlowLogFormatType = "JSON" +) + +// PossibleFlowLogFormatTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the FlowLogFormatType const type. +func PossibleFlowLogFormatTypeValues() []FlowLogFormatType { + return []FlowLogFormatType{JSON} +} + +// HTTPMethod enumerates the values for http method. +type HTTPMethod string + +const ( + // Get ... + Get HTTPMethod = "Get" +) + +// PossibleHTTPMethodValues returns an array of possible values for the HTTPMethod const type. +func PossibleHTTPMethodValues() []HTTPMethod { + return []HTTPMethod{Get} +} + +// HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatus enumerates the values for hub virtual network connection status. +type HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatus string + +const ( + // HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatusConnected ... + HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatusConnected HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatus = "Connected" + // HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatusConnecting ... + HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatusConnecting HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatus = "Connecting" + // HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatusNotConnected ... + HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatusNotConnected HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatus = "NotConnected" + // HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatusUnknown ... + HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatusUnknown HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatus = "Unknown" +) + +// PossibleHubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatusValues returns an array of possible values for the HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatus const type. +func PossibleHubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatusValues() []HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatus { + return []HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatus{HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatusConnected, HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatusConnecting, HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatusNotConnected, HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatusUnknown} +} + +// IkeEncryption enumerates the values for ike encryption. +type IkeEncryption string + +const ( + // AES128 ... + AES128 IkeEncryption = "AES128" + // AES192 ... + AES192 IkeEncryption = "AES192" + // AES256 ... + AES256 IkeEncryption = "AES256" + // DES ... + DES IkeEncryption = "DES" + // DES3 ... + DES3 IkeEncryption = "DES3" + // GCMAES128 ... + GCMAES128 IkeEncryption = "GCMAES128" + // GCMAES256 ... + GCMAES256 IkeEncryption = "GCMAES256" +) + +// PossibleIkeEncryptionValues returns an array of possible values for the IkeEncryption const type. +func PossibleIkeEncryptionValues() []IkeEncryption { + return []IkeEncryption{AES128, AES192, AES256, DES, DES3, GCMAES128, GCMAES256} +} + +// IkeIntegrity enumerates the values for ike integrity. +type IkeIntegrity string + +const ( + // IkeIntegrityGCMAES128 ... + IkeIntegrityGCMAES128 IkeIntegrity = "GCMAES128" + // IkeIntegrityGCMAES256 ... + IkeIntegrityGCMAES256 IkeIntegrity = "GCMAES256" + // IkeIntegrityMD5 ... + IkeIntegrityMD5 IkeIntegrity = "MD5" + // IkeIntegritySHA1 ... + IkeIntegritySHA1 IkeIntegrity = "SHA1" + // IkeIntegritySHA256 ... + IkeIntegritySHA256 IkeIntegrity = "SHA256" + // IkeIntegritySHA384 ... + IkeIntegritySHA384 IkeIntegrity = "SHA384" +) + +// PossibleIkeIntegrityValues returns an array of possible values for the IkeIntegrity const type. +func PossibleIkeIntegrityValues() []IkeIntegrity { + return []IkeIntegrity{IkeIntegrityGCMAES128, IkeIntegrityGCMAES256, IkeIntegrityMD5, IkeIntegritySHA1, IkeIntegritySHA256, IkeIntegritySHA384} +} + +// IPAllocationMethod enumerates the values for ip allocation method. +type IPAllocationMethod string + +const ( + // Dynamic ... + Dynamic IPAllocationMethod = "Dynamic" + // Static ... + Static IPAllocationMethod = "Static" +) + +// PossibleIPAllocationMethodValues returns an array of possible values for the IPAllocationMethod const type. +func PossibleIPAllocationMethodValues() []IPAllocationMethod { + return []IPAllocationMethod{Dynamic, Static} +} + +// IPFlowProtocol enumerates the values for ip flow protocol. +type IPFlowProtocol string + +const ( + // IPFlowProtocolTCP ... + IPFlowProtocolTCP IPFlowProtocol = "TCP" + // IPFlowProtocolUDP ... + IPFlowProtocolUDP IPFlowProtocol = "UDP" +) + +// PossibleIPFlowProtocolValues returns an array of possible values for the IPFlowProtocol const type. +func PossibleIPFlowProtocolValues() []IPFlowProtocol { + return []IPFlowProtocol{IPFlowProtocolTCP, IPFlowProtocolUDP} +} + +// IpsecEncryption enumerates the values for ipsec encryption. +type IpsecEncryption string + +const ( + // IpsecEncryptionAES128 ... + IpsecEncryptionAES128 IpsecEncryption = "AES128" + // IpsecEncryptionAES192 ... + IpsecEncryptionAES192 IpsecEncryption = "AES192" + // IpsecEncryptionAES256 ... + IpsecEncryptionAES256 IpsecEncryption = "AES256" + // IpsecEncryptionDES ... + IpsecEncryptionDES IpsecEncryption = "DES" + // IpsecEncryptionDES3 ... + IpsecEncryptionDES3 IpsecEncryption = "DES3" + // IpsecEncryptionGCMAES128 ... + IpsecEncryptionGCMAES128 IpsecEncryption = "GCMAES128" + // IpsecEncryptionGCMAES192 ... + IpsecEncryptionGCMAES192 IpsecEncryption = "GCMAES192" + // IpsecEncryptionGCMAES256 ... + IpsecEncryptionGCMAES256 IpsecEncryption = "GCMAES256" + // IpsecEncryptionNone ... + IpsecEncryptionNone IpsecEncryption = "None" +) + +// PossibleIpsecEncryptionValues returns an array of possible values for the IpsecEncryption const type. +func PossibleIpsecEncryptionValues() []IpsecEncryption { + return []IpsecEncryption{IpsecEncryptionAES128, IpsecEncryptionAES192, IpsecEncryptionAES256, IpsecEncryptionDES, IpsecEncryptionDES3, IpsecEncryptionGCMAES128, IpsecEncryptionGCMAES192, IpsecEncryptionGCMAES256, IpsecEncryptionNone} +} + +// IpsecIntegrity enumerates the values for ipsec integrity. +type IpsecIntegrity string + +const ( + // IpsecIntegrityGCMAES128 ... + IpsecIntegrityGCMAES128 IpsecIntegrity = "GCMAES128" + // IpsecIntegrityGCMAES192 ... + IpsecIntegrityGCMAES192 IpsecIntegrity = "GCMAES192" + // IpsecIntegrityGCMAES256 ... + IpsecIntegrityGCMAES256 IpsecIntegrity = "GCMAES256" + // IpsecIntegrityMD5 ... + IpsecIntegrityMD5 IpsecIntegrity = "MD5" + // IpsecIntegritySHA1 ... + IpsecIntegritySHA1 IpsecIntegrity = "SHA1" + // IpsecIntegritySHA256 ... + IpsecIntegritySHA256 IpsecIntegrity = "SHA256" +) + +// PossibleIpsecIntegrityValues returns an array of possible values for the IpsecIntegrity const type. +func PossibleIpsecIntegrityValues() []IpsecIntegrity { + return []IpsecIntegrity{IpsecIntegrityGCMAES128, IpsecIntegrityGCMAES192, IpsecIntegrityGCMAES256, IpsecIntegrityMD5, IpsecIntegritySHA1, IpsecIntegritySHA256} +} + +// IPVersion enumerates the values for ip version. +type IPVersion string + +const ( + // IPv4 ... + IPv4 IPVersion = "IPv4" + // IPv6 ... + IPv6 IPVersion = "IPv6" +) + +// PossibleIPVersionValues returns an array of possible values for the IPVersion const type. +func PossibleIPVersionValues() []IPVersion { + return []IPVersion{IPv4, IPv6} +} + +// IssueType enumerates the values for issue type. +type IssueType string + +const ( + // IssueTypeAgentStopped ... + IssueTypeAgentStopped IssueType = "AgentStopped" + // IssueTypeDNSResolution ... + IssueTypeDNSResolution IssueType = "DnsResolution" + // IssueTypeGuestFirewall ... + IssueTypeGuestFirewall IssueType = "GuestFirewall" + // IssueTypeNetworkSecurityRule ... + IssueTypeNetworkSecurityRule IssueType = "NetworkSecurityRule" + // IssueTypePlatform ... + IssueTypePlatform IssueType = "Platform" + // IssueTypePortThrottled ... + IssueTypePortThrottled IssueType = "PortThrottled" + // IssueTypeSocketBind ... + IssueTypeSocketBind IssueType = "SocketBind" + // IssueTypeUnknown ... + IssueTypeUnknown IssueType = "Unknown" + // IssueTypeUserDefinedRoute ... + IssueTypeUserDefinedRoute IssueType = "UserDefinedRoute" +) + +// PossibleIssueTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the IssueType const type. +func PossibleIssueTypeValues() []IssueType { + return []IssueType{IssueTypeAgentStopped, IssueTypeDNSResolution, IssueTypeGuestFirewall, IssueTypeNetworkSecurityRule, IssueTypePlatform, IssueTypePortThrottled, IssueTypeSocketBind, IssueTypeUnknown, IssueTypeUserDefinedRoute} +} + +// LoadBalancerSkuName enumerates the values for load balancer sku name. +type LoadBalancerSkuName string + +const ( + // LoadBalancerSkuNameBasic ... + LoadBalancerSkuNameBasic LoadBalancerSkuName = "Basic" + // LoadBalancerSkuNameStandard ... + LoadBalancerSkuNameStandard LoadBalancerSkuName = "Standard" +) + +// PossibleLoadBalancerSkuNameValues returns an array of possible values for the LoadBalancerSkuName const type. +func PossibleLoadBalancerSkuNameValues() []LoadBalancerSkuName { + return []LoadBalancerSkuName{LoadBalancerSkuNameBasic, LoadBalancerSkuNameStandard} +} + +// LoadDistribution enumerates the values for load distribution. +type LoadDistribution string + +const ( + // Default ... + Default LoadDistribution = "Default" + // SourceIP ... + SourceIP LoadDistribution = "SourceIP" + // SourceIPProtocol ... + SourceIPProtocol LoadDistribution = "SourceIPProtocol" +) + +// PossibleLoadDistributionValues returns an array of possible values for the LoadDistribution const type. +func PossibleLoadDistributionValues() []LoadDistribution { + return []LoadDistribution{Default, SourceIP, SourceIPProtocol} +} + +// NextHopType enumerates the values for next hop type. +type NextHopType string + +const ( + // NextHopTypeHyperNetGateway ... + NextHopTypeHyperNetGateway NextHopType = "HyperNetGateway" + // NextHopTypeInternet ... + NextHopTypeInternet NextHopType = "Internet" + // NextHopTypeNone ... + NextHopTypeNone NextHopType = "None" + // NextHopTypeVirtualAppliance ... + NextHopTypeVirtualAppliance NextHopType = "VirtualAppliance" + // NextHopTypeVirtualNetworkGateway ... + NextHopTypeVirtualNetworkGateway NextHopType = "VirtualNetworkGateway" + // NextHopTypeVnetLocal ... + NextHopTypeVnetLocal NextHopType = "VnetLocal" +) + +// PossibleNextHopTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the NextHopType const type. +func PossibleNextHopTypeValues() []NextHopType { + return []NextHopType{NextHopTypeHyperNetGateway, NextHopTypeInternet, NextHopTypeNone, NextHopTypeVirtualAppliance, NextHopTypeVirtualNetworkGateway, NextHopTypeVnetLocal} +} + +// OfficeTrafficCategory enumerates the values for office traffic category. +type OfficeTrafficCategory string + +const ( + // OfficeTrafficCategoryAll ... + OfficeTrafficCategoryAll OfficeTrafficCategory = "All" + // OfficeTrafficCategoryNone ... + OfficeTrafficCategoryNone OfficeTrafficCategory = "None" + // OfficeTrafficCategoryOptimize ... + OfficeTrafficCategoryOptimize OfficeTrafficCategory = "Optimize" + // OfficeTrafficCategoryOptimizeAndAllow ... + OfficeTrafficCategoryOptimizeAndAllow OfficeTrafficCategory = "OptimizeAndAllow" +) + +// PossibleOfficeTrafficCategoryValues returns an array of possible values for the OfficeTrafficCategory const type. +func PossibleOfficeTrafficCategoryValues() []OfficeTrafficCategory { + return []OfficeTrafficCategory{OfficeTrafficCategoryAll, OfficeTrafficCategoryNone, OfficeTrafficCategoryOptimize, OfficeTrafficCategoryOptimizeAndAllow} +} + +// OperationStatus enumerates the values for operation status. +type OperationStatus string + +const ( + // OperationStatusFailed ... + OperationStatusFailed OperationStatus = "Failed" + // OperationStatusInProgress ... + OperationStatusInProgress OperationStatus = "InProgress" + // OperationStatusSucceeded ... + OperationStatusSucceeded OperationStatus = "Succeeded" +) + +// PossibleOperationStatusValues returns an array of possible values for the OperationStatus const type. +func PossibleOperationStatusValues() []OperationStatus { + return []OperationStatus{OperationStatusFailed, OperationStatusInProgress, OperationStatusSucceeded} +} + +// Origin enumerates the values for origin. +type Origin string + +const ( + // OriginInbound ... + OriginInbound Origin = "Inbound" + // OriginLocal ... + OriginLocal Origin = "Local" + // OriginOutbound ... + OriginOutbound Origin = "Outbound" +) + +// PossibleOriginValues returns an array of possible values for the Origin const type. +func PossibleOriginValues() []Origin { + return []Origin{OriginInbound, OriginLocal, OriginOutbound} +} + +// PcError enumerates the values for pc error. +type PcError string + +const ( + // AgentStopped ... + AgentStopped PcError = "AgentStopped" + // CaptureFailed ... + CaptureFailed PcError = "CaptureFailed" + // InternalError ... + InternalError PcError = "InternalError" + // LocalFileFailed ... + LocalFileFailed PcError = "LocalFileFailed" + // StorageFailed ... + StorageFailed PcError = "StorageFailed" +) + +// PossiblePcErrorValues returns an array of possible values for the PcError const type. +func PossiblePcErrorValues() []PcError { + return []PcError{AgentStopped, CaptureFailed, InternalError, LocalFileFailed, StorageFailed} +} + +// PcProtocol enumerates the values for pc protocol. +type PcProtocol string + +const ( + // PcProtocolAny ... + PcProtocolAny PcProtocol = "Any" + // PcProtocolTCP ... + PcProtocolTCP PcProtocol = "TCP" + // PcProtocolUDP ... + PcProtocolUDP PcProtocol = "UDP" +) + +// PossiblePcProtocolValues returns an array of possible values for the PcProtocol const type. +func PossiblePcProtocolValues() []PcProtocol { + return []PcProtocol{PcProtocolAny, PcProtocolTCP, PcProtocolUDP} +} + +// PcStatus enumerates the values for pc status. +type PcStatus string + +const ( + // PcStatusError ... + PcStatusError PcStatus = "Error" + // PcStatusNotStarted ... + PcStatusNotStarted PcStatus = "NotStarted" + // PcStatusRunning ... + PcStatusRunning PcStatus = "Running" + // PcStatusStopped ... + PcStatusStopped PcStatus = "Stopped" + // PcStatusUnknown ... + PcStatusUnknown PcStatus = "Unknown" +) + +// PossiblePcStatusValues returns an array of possible values for the PcStatus const type. +func PossiblePcStatusValues() []PcStatus { + return []PcStatus{PcStatusError, PcStatusNotStarted, PcStatusRunning, PcStatusStopped, PcStatusUnknown} +} + +// PfsGroup enumerates the values for pfs group. +type PfsGroup string + +const ( + // PfsGroupECP256 ... + PfsGroupECP256 PfsGroup = "ECP256" + // PfsGroupECP384 ... + PfsGroupECP384 PfsGroup = "ECP384" + // PfsGroupNone ... + PfsGroupNone PfsGroup = "None" + // PfsGroupPFS1 ... + PfsGroupPFS1 PfsGroup = "PFS1" + // PfsGroupPFS14 ... + PfsGroupPFS14 PfsGroup = "PFS14" + // PfsGroupPFS2 ... + PfsGroupPFS2 PfsGroup = "PFS2" + // PfsGroupPFS2048 ... + PfsGroupPFS2048 PfsGroup = "PFS2048" + // PfsGroupPFS24 ... + PfsGroupPFS24 PfsGroup = "PFS24" + // PfsGroupPFSMM ... + PfsGroupPFSMM PfsGroup = "PFSMM" +) + +// PossiblePfsGroupValues returns an array of possible values for the PfsGroup const type. +func PossiblePfsGroupValues() []PfsGroup { + return []PfsGroup{PfsGroupECP256, PfsGroupECP384, PfsGroupNone, PfsGroupPFS1, PfsGroupPFS14, PfsGroupPFS2, PfsGroupPFS2048, PfsGroupPFS24, PfsGroupPFSMM} +} + +// ProbeProtocol enumerates the values for probe protocol. +type ProbeProtocol string + +const ( + // ProbeProtocolHTTP ... + ProbeProtocolHTTP ProbeProtocol = "Http" + // ProbeProtocolHTTPS ... + ProbeProtocolHTTPS ProbeProtocol = "Https" + // ProbeProtocolTCP ... + ProbeProtocolTCP ProbeProtocol = "Tcp" +) + +// PossibleProbeProtocolValues returns an array of possible values for the ProbeProtocol const type. +func PossibleProbeProtocolValues() []ProbeProtocol { + return []ProbeProtocol{ProbeProtocolHTTP, ProbeProtocolHTTPS, ProbeProtocolTCP} +} + +// ProcessorArchitecture enumerates the values for processor architecture. +type ProcessorArchitecture string + +const ( + // Amd64 ... + Amd64 ProcessorArchitecture = "Amd64" + // X86 ... + X86 ProcessorArchitecture = "X86" +) + +// PossibleProcessorArchitectureValues returns an array of possible values for the ProcessorArchitecture const type. +func PossibleProcessorArchitectureValues() []ProcessorArchitecture { + return []ProcessorArchitecture{Amd64, X86} +} + +// Protocol enumerates the values for protocol. +type Protocol string + +const ( + // ProtocolHTTP ... + ProtocolHTTP Protocol = "Http" + // ProtocolHTTPS ... + ProtocolHTTPS Protocol = "Https" + // ProtocolIcmp ... + ProtocolIcmp Protocol = "Icmp" + // ProtocolTCP ... + ProtocolTCP Protocol = "Tcp" +) + +// PossibleProtocolValues returns an array of possible values for the Protocol const type. +func PossibleProtocolValues() []Protocol { + return []Protocol{ProtocolHTTP, ProtocolHTTPS, ProtocolIcmp, ProtocolTCP} +} + +// Protocol1 enumerates the values for protocol 1. +type Protocol1 string + +const ( + // Protocol1All ... + Protocol1All Protocol1 = "All" + // Protocol1TCP ... + Protocol1TCP Protocol1 = "Tcp" + // Protocol1UDP ... + Protocol1UDP Protocol1 = "Udp" +) + +// PossibleProtocol1Values returns an array of possible values for the Protocol1 const type. +func PossibleProtocol1Values() []Protocol1 { + return []Protocol1{Protocol1All, Protocol1TCP, Protocol1UDP} +} + +// ProvisioningState enumerates the values for provisioning state. +type ProvisioningState string + +const ( + // Deleting ... + Deleting ProvisioningState = "Deleting" + // Failed ... + Failed ProvisioningState = "Failed" + // Succeeded ... + Succeeded ProvisioningState = "Succeeded" + // Updating ... + Updating ProvisioningState = "Updating" +) + +// PossibleProvisioningStateValues returns an array of possible values for the ProvisioningState const type. +func PossibleProvisioningStateValues() []ProvisioningState { + return []ProvisioningState{Deleting, Failed, Succeeded, Updating} +} + +// PublicIPAddressSkuName enumerates the values for public ip address sku name. +type PublicIPAddressSkuName string + +const ( + // PublicIPAddressSkuNameBasic ... + PublicIPAddressSkuNameBasic PublicIPAddressSkuName = "Basic" + // PublicIPAddressSkuNameStandard ... + PublicIPAddressSkuNameStandard PublicIPAddressSkuName = "Standard" +) + +// PossiblePublicIPAddressSkuNameValues returns an array of possible values for the PublicIPAddressSkuName const type. +func PossiblePublicIPAddressSkuNameValues() []PublicIPAddressSkuName { + return []PublicIPAddressSkuName{PublicIPAddressSkuNameBasic, PublicIPAddressSkuNameStandard} +} + +// PublicIPPrefixSkuName enumerates the values for public ip prefix sku name. +type PublicIPPrefixSkuName string + +const ( + // Standard ... + Standard PublicIPPrefixSkuName = "Standard" +) + +// PossiblePublicIPPrefixSkuNameValues returns an array of possible values for the PublicIPPrefixSkuName const type. +func PossiblePublicIPPrefixSkuNameValues() []PublicIPPrefixSkuName { + return []PublicIPPrefixSkuName{Standard} +} + +// ResourceIdentityType enumerates the values for resource identity type. +type ResourceIdentityType string + +const ( + // ResourceIdentityTypeNone ... + ResourceIdentityTypeNone ResourceIdentityType = "None" + // ResourceIdentityTypeSystemAssigned ... + ResourceIdentityTypeSystemAssigned ResourceIdentityType = "SystemAssigned" + // ResourceIdentityTypeSystemAssignedUserAssigned ... + ResourceIdentityTypeSystemAssignedUserAssigned ResourceIdentityType = "SystemAssigned, UserAssigned" + // ResourceIdentityTypeUserAssigned ... + ResourceIdentityTypeUserAssigned ResourceIdentityType = "UserAssigned" +) + +// PossibleResourceIdentityTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the ResourceIdentityType const type. +func PossibleResourceIdentityTypeValues() []ResourceIdentityType { + return []ResourceIdentityType{ResourceIdentityTypeNone, ResourceIdentityTypeSystemAssigned, ResourceIdentityTypeSystemAssignedUserAssigned, ResourceIdentityTypeUserAssigned} +} + +// RouteNextHopType enumerates the values for route next hop type. +type RouteNextHopType string + +const ( + // RouteNextHopTypeInternet ... + RouteNextHopTypeInternet RouteNextHopType = "Internet" + // RouteNextHopTypeNone ... + RouteNextHopTypeNone RouteNextHopType = "None" + // RouteNextHopTypeVirtualAppliance ... + RouteNextHopTypeVirtualAppliance RouteNextHopType = "VirtualAppliance" + // RouteNextHopTypeVirtualNetworkGateway ... + RouteNextHopTypeVirtualNetworkGateway RouteNextHopType = "VirtualNetworkGateway" + // RouteNextHopTypeVnetLocal ... + RouteNextHopTypeVnetLocal RouteNextHopType = "VnetLocal" +) + +// PossibleRouteNextHopTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the RouteNextHopType const type. +func PossibleRouteNextHopTypeValues() []RouteNextHopType { + return []RouteNextHopType{RouteNextHopTypeInternet, RouteNextHopTypeNone, RouteNextHopTypeVirtualAppliance, RouteNextHopTypeVirtualNetworkGateway, RouteNextHopTypeVnetLocal} +} + +// SecurityRuleAccess enumerates the values for security rule access. +type SecurityRuleAccess string + +const ( + // SecurityRuleAccessAllow ... + SecurityRuleAccessAllow SecurityRuleAccess = "Allow" + // SecurityRuleAccessDeny ... + SecurityRuleAccessDeny SecurityRuleAccess = "Deny" +) + +// PossibleSecurityRuleAccessValues returns an array of possible values for the SecurityRuleAccess const type. +func PossibleSecurityRuleAccessValues() []SecurityRuleAccess { + return []SecurityRuleAccess{SecurityRuleAccessAllow, SecurityRuleAccessDeny} +} + +// SecurityRuleDirection enumerates the values for security rule direction. +type SecurityRuleDirection string + +const ( + // SecurityRuleDirectionInbound ... + SecurityRuleDirectionInbound SecurityRuleDirection = "Inbound" + // SecurityRuleDirectionOutbound ... + SecurityRuleDirectionOutbound SecurityRuleDirection = "Outbound" +) + +// PossibleSecurityRuleDirectionValues returns an array of possible values for the SecurityRuleDirection const type. +func PossibleSecurityRuleDirectionValues() []SecurityRuleDirection { + return []SecurityRuleDirection{SecurityRuleDirectionInbound, SecurityRuleDirectionOutbound} +} + +// SecurityRuleProtocol enumerates the values for security rule protocol. +type SecurityRuleProtocol string + +const ( + // SecurityRuleProtocolAsterisk ... + SecurityRuleProtocolAsterisk SecurityRuleProtocol = "*" + // SecurityRuleProtocolTCP ... + SecurityRuleProtocolTCP SecurityRuleProtocol = "Tcp" + // SecurityRuleProtocolUDP ... + SecurityRuleProtocolUDP SecurityRuleProtocol = "Udp" +) + +// PossibleSecurityRuleProtocolValues returns an array of possible values for the SecurityRuleProtocol const type. +func PossibleSecurityRuleProtocolValues() []SecurityRuleProtocol { + return []SecurityRuleProtocol{SecurityRuleProtocolAsterisk, SecurityRuleProtocolTCP, SecurityRuleProtocolUDP} +} + +// ServiceProviderProvisioningState enumerates the values for service provider provisioning state. +type ServiceProviderProvisioningState string + +const ( + // Deprovisioning ... + Deprovisioning ServiceProviderProvisioningState = "Deprovisioning" + // NotProvisioned ... + NotProvisioned ServiceProviderProvisioningState = "NotProvisioned" + // Provisioned ... + Provisioned ServiceProviderProvisioningState = "Provisioned" + // Provisioning ... + Provisioning ServiceProviderProvisioningState = "Provisioning" +) + +// PossibleServiceProviderProvisioningStateValues returns an array of possible values for the ServiceProviderProvisioningState const type. +func PossibleServiceProviderProvisioningStateValues() []ServiceProviderProvisioningState { + return []ServiceProviderProvisioningState{Deprovisioning, NotProvisioned, Provisioned, Provisioning} +} + +// Severity enumerates the values for severity. +type Severity string + +const ( + // SeverityError ... + SeverityError Severity = "Error" + // SeverityWarning ... + SeverityWarning Severity = "Warning" +) + +// PossibleSeverityValues returns an array of possible values for the Severity const type. +func PossibleSeverityValues() []Severity { + return []Severity{SeverityError, SeverityWarning} +} + +// TransportProtocol enumerates the values for transport protocol. +type TransportProtocol string + +const ( + // TransportProtocolAll ... + TransportProtocolAll TransportProtocol = "All" + // TransportProtocolTCP ... + TransportProtocolTCP TransportProtocol = "Tcp" + // TransportProtocolUDP ... + TransportProtocolUDP TransportProtocol = "Udp" +) + +// PossibleTransportProtocolValues returns an array of possible values for the TransportProtocol const type. +func PossibleTransportProtocolValues() []TransportProtocol { + return []TransportProtocol{TransportProtocolAll, TransportProtocolTCP, TransportProtocolUDP} +} + +// TunnelConnectionStatus enumerates the values for tunnel connection status. +type TunnelConnectionStatus string + +const ( + // TunnelConnectionStatusConnected ... + TunnelConnectionStatusConnected TunnelConnectionStatus = "Connected" + // TunnelConnectionStatusConnecting ... + TunnelConnectionStatusConnecting TunnelConnectionStatus = "Connecting" + // TunnelConnectionStatusNotConnected ... + TunnelConnectionStatusNotConnected TunnelConnectionStatus = "NotConnected" + // TunnelConnectionStatusUnknown ... + TunnelConnectionStatusUnknown TunnelConnectionStatus = "Unknown" +) + +// PossibleTunnelConnectionStatusValues returns an array of possible values for the TunnelConnectionStatus const type. +func PossibleTunnelConnectionStatusValues() []TunnelConnectionStatus { + return []TunnelConnectionStatus{TunnelConnectionStatusConnected, TunnelConnectionStatusConnecting, TunnelConnectionStatusNotConnected, TunnelConnectionStatusUnknown} +} + +// VerbosityLevel enumerates the values for verbosity level. +type VerbosityLevel string + +const ( + // Full ... + Full VerbosityLevel = "Full" + // Minimum ... + Minimum VerbosityLevel = "Minimum" + // Normal ... + Normal VerbosityLevel = "Normal" +) + +// PossibleVerbosityLevelValues returns an array of possible values for the VerbosityLevel const type. +func PossibleVerbosityLevelValues() []VerbosityLevel { + return []VerbosityLevel{Full, Minimum, Normal} +} + +// VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionProtocol enumerates the values for virtual network gateway connection +// protocol. +type VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionProtocol string + +const ( + // IKEv1 ... + IKEv1 VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionProtocol = "IKEv1" + // IKEv2 ... + IKEv2 VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionProtocol = "IKEv2" +) + +// PossibleVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionProtocolValues returns an array of possible values for the VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionProtocol const type. +func PossibleVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionProtocolValues() []VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionProtocol { + return []VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionProtocol{IKEv1, IKEv2} +} + +// VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatus enumerates the values for virtual network gateway connection status. +type VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatus string + +const ( + // VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatusConnected ... + VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatusConnected VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatus = "Connected" + // VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatusConnecting ... + VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatusConnecting VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatus = "Connecting" + // VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatusNotConnected ... + VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatusNotConnected VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatus = "NotConnected" + // VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatusUnknown ... + VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatusUnknown VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatus = "Unknown" +) + +// PossibleVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatusValues returns an array of possible values for the VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatus const type. +func PossibleVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatusValues() []VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatus { + return []VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatus{VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatusConnected, VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatusConnecting, VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatusNotConnected, VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatusUnknown} +} + +// VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionType enumerates the values for virtual network gateway connection type. +type VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionType string + +const ( + // ExpressRoute ... + ExpressRoute VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionType = "ExpressRoute" + // IPsec ... + IPsec VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionType = "IPsec" + // Vnet2Vnet ... + Vnet2Vnet VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionType = "Vnet2Vnet" + // VPNClient ... + VPNClient VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionType = "VPNClient" ) -// The package's fully qualified name. -const fqdn = "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network" +// PossibleVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionType const type. +func PossibleVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionTypeValues() []VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionType { + return []VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionType{ExpressRoute, IPsec, Vnet2Vnet, VPNClient} +} + +// VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName enumerates the values for virtual network gateway sku name. +type VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName string + +const ( + // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameBasic ... + VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameBasic VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName = "Basic" + // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameErGw1AZ ... + VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameErGw1AZ VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName = "ErGw1AZ" + // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameErGw2AZ ... + VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameErGw2AZ VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName = "ErGw2AZ" + // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameErGw3AZ ... + VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameErGw3AZ VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName = "ErGw3AZ" + // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameHighPerformance ... + VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameHighPerformance VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName = "HighPerformance" + // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameStandard ... + VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameStandard VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName = "Standard" + // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameUltraPerformance ... + VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameUltraPerformance VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName = "UltraPerformance" + // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw1 ... + VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw1 VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName = "VpnGw1" + // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw1AZ ... + VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw1AZ VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName = "VpnGw1AZ" + // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw2 ... + VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw2 VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName = "VpnGw2" + // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw2AZ ... + VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw2AZ VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName = "VpnGw2AZ" + // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw3 ... + VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw3 VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName = "VpnGw3" + // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw3AZ ... + VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw3AZ VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName = "VpnGw3AZ" +) + +// PossibleVirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameValues returns an array of possible values for the VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName const type. +func PossibleVirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameValues() []VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName { + return []VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName{VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameBasic, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameErGw1AZ, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameErGw2AZ, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameErGw3AZ, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameHighPerformance, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameStandard, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameUltraPerformance, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw1, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw1AZ, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw2, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw2AZ, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw3, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuNameVpnGw3AZ} +} + +// VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier enumerates the values for virtual network gateway sku tier. +type VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier string + +const ( + // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierBasic ... + VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierBasic VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier = "Basic" + // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierErGw1AZ ... + VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierErGw1AZ VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier = "ErGw1AZ" + // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierErGw2AZ ... + VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierErGw2AZ VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier = "ErGw2AZ" + // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierErGw3AZ ... + VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierErGw3AZ VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier = "ErGw3AZ" + // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierHighPerformance ... + VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierHighPerformance VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier = "HighPerformance" + // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierStandard ... + VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierStandard VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier = "Standard" + // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierUltraPerformance ... + VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierUltraPerformance VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier = "UltraPerformance" + // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw1 ... + VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw1 VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier = "VpnGw1" + // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw1AZ ... + VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw1AZ VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier = "VpnGw1AZ" + // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw2 ... + VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw2 VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier = "VpnGw2" + // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw2AZ ... + VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw2AZ VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier = "VpnGw2AZ" + // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw3 ... + VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw3 VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier = "VpnGw3" + // VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw3AZ ... + VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw3AZ VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier = "VpnGw3AZ" +) + +// PossibleVirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierValues returns an array of possible values for the VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier const type. +func PossibleVirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierValues() []VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier { + return []VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier{VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierBasic, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierErGw1AZ, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierErGw2AZ, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierErGw3AZ, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierHighPerformance, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierStandard, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierUltraPerformance, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw1, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw1AZ, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw2, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw2AZ, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw3, VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTierVpnGw3AZ} +} + +// VirtualNetworkGatewayType enumerates the values for virtual network gateway type. +type VirtualNetworkGatewayType string + +const ( + // VirtualNetworkGatewayTypeExpressRoute ... + VirtualNetworkGatewayTypeExpressRoute VirtualNetworkGatewayType = "ExpressRoute" + // VirtualNetworkGatewayTypeVpn ... + VirtualNetworkGatewayTypeVpn VirtualNetworkGatewayType = "Vpn" +) + +// PossibleVirtualNetworkGatewayTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the VirtualNetworkGatewayType const type. +func PossibleVirtualNetworkGatewayTypeValues() []VirtualNetworkGatewayType { + return []VirtualNetworkGatewayType{VirtualNetworkGatewayTypeExpressRoute, VirtualNetworkGatewayTypeVpn} +} + +// VirtualNetworkPeeringState enumerates the values for virtual network peering state. +type VirtualNetworkPeeringState string + +const ( + // VirtualNetworkPeeringStateConnected ... + VirtualNetworkPeeringStateConnected VirtualNetworkPeeringState = "Connected" + // VirtualNetworkPeeringStateDisconnected ... + VirtualNetworkPeeringStateDisconnected VirtualNetworkPeeringState = "Disconnected" + // VirtualNetworkPeeringStateInitiated ... + VirtualNetworkPeeringStateInitiated VirtualNetworkPeeringState = "Initiated" +) + +// PossibleVirtualNetworkPeeringStateValues returns an array of possible values for the VirtualNetworkPeeringState const type. +func PossibleVirtualNetworkPeeringStateValues() []VirtualNetworkPeeringState { + return []VirtualNetworkPeeringState{VirtualNetworkPeeringStateConnected, VirtualNetworkPeeringStateDisconnected, VirtualNetworkPeeringStateInitiated} +} + +// VirtualWanSecurityProviderType enumerates the values for virtual wan security provider type. +type VirtualWanSecurityProviderType string + +const ( + // External ... + External VirtualWanSecurityProviderType = "External" + // Native ... + Native VirtualWanSecurityProviderType = "Native" +) + +// PossibleVirtualWanSecurityProviderTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the VirtualWanSecurityProviderType const type. +func PossibleVirtualWanSecurityProviderTypeValues() []VirtualWanSecurityProviderType { + return []VirtualWanSecurityProviderType{External, Native} +} + +// VpnClientProtocol enumerates the values for vpn client protocol. +type VpnClientProtocol string + +const ( + // IkeV2 ... + IkeV2 VpnClientProtocol = "IkeV2" + // OpenVPN ... + OpenVPN VpnClientProtocol = "OpenVPN" + // SSTP ... + SSTP VpnClientProtocol = "SSTP" +) + +// PossibleVpnClientProtocolValues returns an array of possible values for the VpnClientProtocol const type. +func PossibleVpnClientProtocolValues() []VpnClientProtocol { + return []VpnClientProtocol{IkeV2, OpenVPN, SSTP} +} + +// VpnConnectionStatus enumerates the values for vpn connection status. +type VpnConnectionStatus string + +const ( + // VpnConnectionStatusConnected ... + VpnConnectionStatusConnected VpnConnectionStatus = "Connected" + // VpnConnectionStatusConnecting ... + VpnConnectionStatusConnecting VpnConnectionStatus = "Connecting" + // VpnConnectionStatusNotConnected ... + VpnConnectionStatusNotConnected VpnConnectionStatus = "NotConnected" + // VpnConnectionStatusUnknown ... + VpnConnectionStatusUnknown VpnConnectionStatus = "Unknown" +) + +// PossibleVpnConnectionStatusValues returns an array of possible values for the VpnConnectionStatus const type. +func PossibleVpnConnectionStatusValues() []VpnConnectionStatus { + return []VpnConnectionStatus{VpnConnectionStatusConnected, VpnConnectionStatusConnecting, VpnConnectionStatusNotConnected, VpnConnectionStatusUnknown} +} + +// VpnGatewayTunnelingProtocol enumerates the values for vpn gateway tunneling protocol. +type VpnGatewayTunnelingProtocol string + +const ( + // VpnGatewayTunnelingProtocolIkeV2 ... + VpnGatewayTunnelingProtocolIkeV2 VpnGatewayTunnelingProtocol = "IkeV2" + // VpnGatewayTunnelingProtocolOpenVPN ... + VpnGatewayTunnelingProtocolOpenVPN VpnGatewayTunnelingProtocol = "OpenVPN" +) + +// PossibleVpnGatewayTunnelingProtocolValues returns an array of possible values for the VpnGatewayTunnelingProtocol const type. +func PossibleVpnGatewayTunnelingProtocolValues() []VpnGatewayTunnelingProtocol { + return []VpnGatewayTunnelingProtocol{VpnGatewayTunnelingProtocolIkeV2, VpnGatewayTunnelingProtocolOpenVPN} +} + +// VpnType enumerates the values for vpn type. +type VpnType string + +const ( + // PolicyBased ... + PolicyBased VpnType = "PolicyBased" + // RouteBased ... + RouteBased VpnType = "RouteBased" +) + +// PossibleVpnTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the VpnType const type. +func PossibleVpnTypeValues() []VpnType { + return []VpnType{PolicyBased, RouteBased} +} // AddressSpace addressSpace contains an array of IP address ranges that can be used by subnets of the // virtual network. @@ -477,15 +2200,10 @@ func (agaspp ApplicationGatewayAvailableSslPredefinedPolicies) IsEmpty() bool { return agaspp.Value == nil || len(*agaspp.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (agaspp ApplicationGatewayAvailableSslPredefinedPolicies) hasNextLink() bool { - return agaspp.NextLink != nil && len(*agaspp.NextLink) != 0 -} - // applicationGatewayAvailableSslPredefinedPoliciesPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (agaspp ApplicationGatewayAvailableSslPredefinedPolicies) applicationGatewayAvailableSslPredefinedPoliciesPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !agaspp.hasNextLink() { + if agaspp.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(agaspp.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -514,16 +2232,11 @@ func (page *ApplicationGatewayAvailableSslPredefinedPoliciesPage) NextWithContex tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.agaspp) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.agaspp = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.agaspp) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.agaspp = next return nil } @@ -553,11 +2266,8 @@ func (page ApplicationGatewayAvailableSslPredefinedPoliciesPage) Values() []Appl } // Creates a new instance of the ApplicationGatewayAvailableSslPredefinedPoliciesPage type. -func NewApplicationGatewayAvailableSslPredefinedPoliciesPage(cur ApplicationGatewayAvailableSslPredefinedPolicies, getNextPage func(context.Context, ApplicationGatewayAvailableSslPredefinedPolicies) (ApplicationGatewayAvailableSslPredefinedPolicies, error)) ApplicationGatewayAvailableSslPredefinedPoliciesPage { - return ApplicationGatewayAvailableSslPredefinedPoliciesPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - agaspp: cur, - } +func NewApplicationGatewayAvailableSslPredefinedPoliciesPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, ApplicationGatewayAvailableSslPredefinedPolicies) (ApplicationGatewayAvailableSslPredefinedPolicies, error)) ApplicationGatewayAvailableSslPredefinedPoliciesPage { + return ApplicationGatewayAvailableSslPredefinedPoliciesPage{fn: getNextPage} } // ApplicationGatewayAvailableWafRuleSetsResult response for ApplicationGatewayAvailableWafRuleSets API @@ -1523,15 +3233,10 @@ func (aglr ApplicationGatewayListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return aglr.Value == nil || len(*aglr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (aglr ApplicationGatewayListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return aglr.NextLink != nil && len(*aglr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // applicationGatewayListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (aglr ApplicationGatewayListResult) applicationGatewayListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !aglr.hasNextLink() { + if aglr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(aglr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -1559,16 +3264,11 @@ func (page *ApplicationGatewayListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Contex tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.aglr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.aglr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.aglr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.aglr = next return nil } @@ -1598,11 +3298,8 @@ func (page ApplicationGatewayListResultPage) Values() []ApplicationGateway { } // Creates a new instance of the ApplicationGatewayListResultPage type. -func NewApplicationGatewayListResultPage(cur ApplicationGatewayListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, ApplicationGatewayListResult) (ApplicationGatewayListResult, error)) ApplicationGatewayListResultPage { - return ApplicationGatewayListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - aglr: cur, - } +func NewApplicationGatewayListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, ApplicationGatewayListResult) (ApplicationGatewayListResult, error)) ApplicationGatewayListResultPage { + return ApplicationGatewayListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // ApplicationGatewayPathRule path rule of URL path map of an application gateway. @@ -1893,81 +3590,6 @@ type ApplicationGatewayPropertiesFormat struct { CustomErrorConfigurations *[]ApplicationGatewayCustomError `json:"customErrorConfigurations,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ApplicationGatewayPropertiesFormat. -func (agpf ApplicationGatewayPropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if agpf.Sku != nil { - objectMap["sku"] = agpf.Sku - } - if agpf.SslPolicy != nil { - objectMap["sslPolicy"] = agpf.SslPolicy - } - if agpf.GatewayIPConfigurations != nil { - objectMap["gatewayIPConfigurations"] = agpf.GatewayIPConfigurations - } - if agpf.AuthenticationCertificates != nil { - objectMap["authenticationCertificates"] = agpf.AuthenticationCertificates - } - if agpf.TrustedRootCertificates != nil { - objectMap["trustedRootCertificates"] = agpf.TrustedRootCertificates - } - if agpf.SslCertificates != nil { - objectMap["sslCertificates"] = agpf.SslCertificates - } - if agpf.FrontendIPConfigurations != nil { - objectMap["frontendIPConfigurations"] = agpf.FrontendIPConfigurations - } - if agpf.FrontendPorts != nil { - objectMap["frontendPorts"] = agpf.FrontendPorts - } - if agpf.Probes != nil { - objectMap["probes"] = agpf.Probes - } - if agpf.BackendAddressPools != nil { - objectMap["backendAddressPools"] = agpf.BackendAddressPools - } - if agpf.BackendHTTPSettingsCollection != nil { - objectMap["backendHttpSettingsCollection"] = agpf.BackendHTTPSettingsCollection - } - if agpf.HTTPListeners != nil { - objectMap["httpListeners"] = agpf.HTTPListeners - } - if agpf.URLPathMaps != nil { - objectMap["urlPathMaps"] = agpf.URLPathMaps - } - if agpf.RequestRoutingRules != nil { - objectMap["requestRoutingRules"] = agpf.RequestRoutingRules - } - if agpf.RewriteRuleSets != nil { - objectMap["rewriteRuleSets"] = agpf.RewriteRuleSets - } - if agpf.RedirectConfigurations != nil { - objectMap["redirectConfigurations"] = agpf.RedirectConfigurations - } - if agpf.WebApplicationFirewallConfiguration != nil { - objectMap["webApplicationFirewallConfiguration"] = agpf.WebApplicationFirewallConfiguration - } - if agpf.EnableHTTP2 != nil { - objectMap["enableHttp2"] = agpf.EnableHTTP2 - } - if agpf.EnableFips != nil { - objectMap["enableFips"] = agpf.EnableFips - } - if agpf.AutoscaleConfiguration != nil { - objectMap["autoscaleConfiguration"] = agpf.AutoscaleConfiguration - } - if agpf.ResourceGUID != nil { - objectMap["resourceGuid"] = agpf.ResourceGUID - } - if agpf.ProvisioningState != nil { - objectMap["provisioningState"] = agpf.ProvisioningState - } - if agpf.CustomErrorConfigurations != nil { - objectMap["customErrorConfigurations"] = agpf.CustomErrorConfigurations - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ApplicationGatewayRedirectConfiguration redirect configuration of an application gateway. type ApplicationGatewayRedirectConfiguration struct { *ApplicationGatewayRedirectConfigurationPropertiesFormat `json:"properties,omitempty"` @@ -2300,37 +3922,15 @@ type ApplicationGatewayRewriteRuleSetPropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ApplicationGatewayRewriteRuleSetPropertiesFormat. -func (agrrspf ApplicationGatewayRewriteRuleSetPropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if agrrspf.RewriteRules != nil { - objectMap["rewriteRules"] = agrrspf.RewriteRules - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ApplicationGatewaysBackendHealthFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type ApplicationGatewaysBackendHealthFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ApplicationGatewaysClient) (ApplicationGatewayBackendHealth, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ApplicationGatewaysBackendHealthFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ApplicationGatewaysBackendHealthFuture.Result. -func (future *ApplicationGatewaysBackendHealthFuture) result(client ApplicationGatewaysClient) (agbh ApplicationGatewayBackendHealth, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ApplicationGatewaysBackendHealthFuture) Result(client ApplicationGatewaysClient) (agbh ApplicationGatewayBackendHealth, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -2338,7 +3938,6 @@ func (future *ApplicationGatewaysBackendHealthFuture) result(client ApplicationG return } if !done { - agbh.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ApplicationGatewaysBackendHealthFuture") return } @@ -2355,25 +3954,12 @@ func (future *ApplicationGatewaysBackendHealthFuture) result(client ApplicationG // ApplicationGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type ApplicationGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ApplicationGatewaysClient) (ApplicationGateway, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ApplicationGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ApplicationGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *ApplicationGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client ApplicationGatewaysClient) (ag ApplicationGateway, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ApplicationGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client ApplicationGatewaysClient) (ag ApplicationGateway, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -2381,7 +3967,6 @@ func (future *ApplicationGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client Application return } if !done { - ag.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ApplicationGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -2398,25 +3983,12 @@ func (future *ApplicationGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client Application // ApplicationGatewaysDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type ApplicationGatewaysDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ApplicationGatewaysClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ApplicationGatewaysDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ApplicationGatewaysDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *ApplicationGatewaysDeleteFuture) result(client ApplicationGatewaysClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ApplicationGatewaysDeleteFuture) Result(client ApplicationGatewaysClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -2424,7 +3996,6 @@ func (future *ApplicationGatewaysDeleteFuture) result(client ApplicationGateways return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ApplicationGatewaysDeleteFuture") return } @@ -2644,25 +4215,12 @@ type ApplicationGatewaySslPredefinedPolicyPropertiesFormat struct { // ApplicationGatewaysStartFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type ApplicationGatewaysStartFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ApplicationGatewaysClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ApplicationGatewaysStartFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ApplicationGatewaysStartFuture.Result. -func (future *ApplicationGatewaysStartFuture) result(client ApplicationGatewaysClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ApplicationGatewaysStartFuture) Result(client ApplicationGatewaysClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -2670,7 +4228,6 @@ func (future *ApplicationGatewaysStartFuture) result(client ApplicationGatewaysC return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ApplicationGatewaysStartFuture") return } @@ -2681,25 +4238,12 @@ func (future *ApplicationGatewaysStartFuture) result(client ApplicationGatewaysC // ApplicationGatewaysStopFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type ApplicationGatewaysStopFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ApplicationGatewaysClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ApplicationGatewaysStopFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ApplicationGatewaysStopFuture.Result. -func (future *ApplicationGatewaysStopFuture) result(client ApplicationGatewaysClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ApplicationGatewaysStopFuture) Result(client ApplicationGatewaysClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -2707,7 +4251,6 @@ func (future *ApplicationGatewaysStopFuture) result(client ApplicationGatewaysCl return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ApplicationGatewaysStopFuture") return } @@ -2718,25 +4261,12 @@ func (future *ApplicationGatewaysStopFuture) result(client ApplicationGatewaysCl // ApplicationGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type ApplicationGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ApplicationGatewaysClient) (ApplicationGateway, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ApplicationGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ApplicationGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture.Result. -func (future *ApplicationGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture) result(client ApplicationGatewaysClient) (ag ApplicationGateway, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ApplicationGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture) Result(client ApplicationGatewaysClient) (ag ApplicationGateway, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -2744,7 +4274,6 @@ func (future *ApplicationGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture) result(client ApplicationGate return } if !done { - ag.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ApplicationGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture") return } @@ -3123,15 +4652,6 @@ type ApplicationSecurityGroupListResult struct { NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ApplicationSecurityGroupListResult. -func (asglr ApplicationSecurityGroupListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if asglr.Value != nil { - objectMap["value"] = asglr.Value - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ApplicationSecurityGroupListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of // ApplicationSecurityGroup values. type ApplicationSecurityGroupListResultIterator struct { @@ -3201,15 +4721,10 @@ func (asglr ApplicationSecurityGroupListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return asglr.Value == nil || len(*asglr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (asglr ApplicationSecurityGroupListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return asglr.NextLink != nil && len(*asglr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // applicationSecurityGroupListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (asglr ApplicationSecurityGroupListResult) applicationSecurityGroupListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !asglr.hasNextLink() { + if asglr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(asglr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -3237,16 +4752,11 @@ func (page *ApplicationSecurityGroupListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context. tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.asglr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.asglr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.asglr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.asglr = next return nil } @@ -3276,11 +4786,8 @@ func (page ApplicationSecurityGroupListResultPage) Values() []ApplicationSecurit } // Creates a new instance of the ApplicationSecurityGroupListResultPage type. -func NewApplicationSecurityGroupListResultPage(cur ApplicationSecurityGroupListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, ApplicationSecurityGroupListResult) (ApplicationSecurityGroupListResult, error)) ApplicationSecurityGroupListResultPage { - return ApplicationSecurityGroupListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - asglr: cur, - } +func NewApplicationSecurityGroupListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, ApplicationSecurityGroupListResult) (ApplicationSecurityGroupListResult, error)) ApplicationSecurityGroupListResultPage { + return ApplicationSecurityGroupListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // ApplicationSecurityGroupPropertiesFormat application security group properties. @@ -3291,34 +4798,15 @@ type ApplicationSecurityGroupPropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ApplicationSecurityGroupPropertiesFormat. -func (asgpf ApplicationSecurityGroupPropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ApplicationSecurityGroupsCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results // of a long-running operation. type ApplicationSecurityGroupsCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient) (ApplicationSecurityGroup, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ApplicationSecurityGroupsCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ApplicationSecurityGroupsCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *ApplicationSecurityGroupsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient) (asg ApplicationSecurityGroup, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ApplicationSecurityGroupsCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient) (asg ApplicationSecurityGroup, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -3326,7 +4814,6 @@ func (future *ApplicationSecurityGroupsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client Appli return } if !done { - asg.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ApplicationSecurityGroupsCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -3343,25 +4830,12 @@ func (future *ApplicationSecurityGroupsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client Appli // ApplicationSecurityGroupsDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type ApplicationSecurityGroupsDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ApplicationSecurityGroupsDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ApplicationSecurityGroupsDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *ApplicationSecurityGroupsDeleteFuture) result(client ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ApplicationSecurityGroupsDeleteFuture) Result(client ApplicationSecurityGroupsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -3369,7 +4843,6 @@ func (future *ApplicationSecurityGroupsDeleteFuture) result(client ApplicationSe return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ApplicationSecurityGroupsDeleteFuture") return } @@ -3456,15 +4929,10 @@ func (alr AuthorizationListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return alr.Value == nil || len(*alr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (alr AuthorizationListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return alr.NextLink != nil && len(*alr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // authorizationListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (alr AuthorizationListResult) authorizationListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !alr.hasNextLink() { + if alr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(alr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -3492,16 +4960,11 @@ func (page *AuthorizationListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (e tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.alr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.alr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.alr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.alr = next return nil } @@ -3531,11 +4994,8 @@ func (page AuthorizationListResultPage) Values() []ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizat } // Creates a new instance of the AuthorizationListResultPage type. -func NewAuthorizationListResultPage(cur AuthorizationListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, AuthorizationListResult) (AuthorizationListResult, error)) AuthorizationListResultPage { - return AuthorizationListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - alr: cur, - } +func NewAuthorizationListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, AuthorizationListResult) (AuthorizationListResult, error)) AuthorizationListResultPage { + return AuthorizationListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // AuthorizationPropertiesFormat ... @@ -3582,15 +5042,6 @@ type AvailableDelegationsResult struct { NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for AvailableDelegationsResult. -func (adr AvailableDelegationsResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if adr.Value != nil { - objectMap["value"] = adr.Value - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // AvailableDelegationsResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of AvailableDelegation values. type AvailableDelegationsResultIterator struct { i int @@ -3659,15 +5110,10 @@ func (adr AvailableDelegationsResult) IsEmpty() bool { return adr.Value == nil || len(*adr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (adr AvailableDelegationsResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return adr.NextLink != nil && len(*adr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // availableDelegationsResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (adr AvailableDelegationsResult) availableDelegationsResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !adr.hasNextLink() { + if adr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(adr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -3695,16 +5141,11 @@ func (page *AvailableDelegationsResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.adr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.adr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.adr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.adr = next return nil } @@ -3734,11 +5175,8 @@ func (page AvailableDelegationsResultPage) Values() []AvailableDelegation { } // Creates a new instance of the AvailableDelegationsResultPage type. -func NewAvailableDelegationsResultPage(cur AvailableDelegationsResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, AvailableDelegationsResult) (AvailableDelegationsResult, error)) AvailableDelegationsResultPage { - return AvailableDelegationsResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - adr: cur, - } +func NewAvailableDelegationsResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, AvailableDelegationsResult) (AvailableDelegationsResult, error)) AvailableDelegationsResultPage { + return AvailableDelegationsResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // AvailableProvidersList list of available countries with details. @@ -4219,15 +5657,10 @@ func (afftlr AzureFirewallFqdnTagListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return afftlr.Value == nil || len(*afftlr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (afftlr AzureFirewallFqdnTagListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return afftlr.NextLink != nil && len(*afftlr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // azureFirewallFqdnTagListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (afftlr AzureFirewallFqdnTagListResult) azureFirewallFqdnTagListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !afftlr.hasNextLink() { + if afftlr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(afftlr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -4255,16 +5688,11 @@ func (page *AzureFirewallFqdnTagListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Cont tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.afftlr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.afftlr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.afftlr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.afftlr = next return nil } @@ -4294,11 +5722,8 @@ func (page AzureFirewallFqdnTagListResultPage) Values() []AzureFirewallFqdnTag { } // Creates a new instance of the AzureFirewallFqdnTagListResultPage type. -func NewAzureFirewallFqdnTagListResultPage(cur AzureFirewallFqdnTagListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, AzureFirewallFqdnTagListResult) (AzureFirewallFqdnTagListResult, error)) AzureFirewallFqdnTagListResultPage { - return AzureFirewallFqdnTagListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - afftlr: cur, - } +func NewAzureFirewallFqdnTagListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, AzureFirewallFqdnTagListResult) (AzureFirewallFqdnTagListResult, error)) AzureFirewallFqdnTagListResultPage { + return AzureFirewallFqdnTagListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // AzureFirewallFqdnTagPropertiesFormat azure Firewall FQDN Tag Properties @@ -4309,12 +5734,6 @@ type AzureFirewallFqdnTagPropertiesFormat struct { FqdnTagName *string `json:"fqdnTagName,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for AzureFirewallFqdnTagPropertiesFormat. -func (afftpf AzureFirewallFqdnTagPropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // AzureFirewallIPConfiguration IP configuration of an Azure Firewall. type AzureFirewallIPConfiguration struct { *AzureFirewallIPConfigurationPropertiesFormat `json:"properties,omitempty"` @@ -4404,21 +5823,6 @@ type AzureFirewallIPConfigurationPropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState ProvisioningState `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for AzureFirewallIPConfigurationPropertiesFormat. -func (aficpf AzureFirewallIPConfigurationPropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if aficpf.Subnet != nil { - objectMap["subnet"] = aficpf.Subnet - } - if aficpf.PublicIPAddress != nil { - objectMap["publicIPAddress"] = aficpf.PublicIPAddress - } - if aficpf.ProvisioningState != "" { - objectMap["provisioningState"] = aficpf.ProvisioningState - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // AzureFirewallListResult response for ListAzureFirewalls API service call. type AzureFirewallListResult struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` @@ -4496,15 +5900,10 @@ func (aflr AzureFirewallListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return aflr.Value == nil || len(*aflr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (aflr AzureFirewallListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return aflr.NextLink != nil && len(*aflr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // azureFirewallListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (aflr AzureFirewallListResult) azureFirewallListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !aflr.hasNextLink() { + if aflr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(aflr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -4532,16 +5931,11 @@ func (page *AzureFirewallListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (e tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.aflr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.aflr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.aflr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.aflr = next return nil } @@ -4571,11 +5965,8 @@ func (page AzureFirewallListResultPage) Values() []AzureFirewall { } // Creates a new instance of the AzureFirewallListResultPage type. -func NewAzureFirewallListResultPage(cur AzureFirewallListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, AzureFirewallListResult) (AzureFirewallListResult, error)) AzureFirewallListResultPage { - return AzureFirewallListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - aflr: cur, - } +func NewAzureFirewallListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, AzureFirewallListResult) (AzureFirewallListResult, error)) AzureFirewallListResultPage { + return AzureFirewallListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // AzureFirewallNatRCAction azureFirewall NAT Rule Collection Action. @@ -4821,25 +6212,12 @@ type AzureFirewallRCAction struct { // AzureFirewallsCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type AzureFirewallsCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(AzureFirewallsClient) (AzureFirewall, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *AzureFirewallsCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for AzureFirewallsCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *AzureFirewallsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client AzureFirewallsClient) (af AzureFirewall, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *AzureFirewallsCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client AzureFirewallsClient) (af AzureFirewall, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -4847,7 +6225,6 @@ func (future *AzureFirewallsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client AzureFirewallsCl return } if !done { - af.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.AzureFirewallsCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -4864,25 +6241,12 @@ func (future *AzureFirewallsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client AzureFirewallsCl // AzureFirewallsDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type AzureFirewallsDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(AzureFirewallsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *AzureFirewallsDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for AzureFirewallsDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *AzureFirewallsDeleteFuture) result(client AzureFirewallsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *AzureFirewallsDeleteFuture) Result(client AzureFirewallsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -4890,7 +6254,6 @@ func (future *AzureFirewallsDeleteFuture) result(client AzureFirewallsClient) (a return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.AzureFirewallsDeleteFuture") return } @@ -5045,15 +6408,6 @@ type BackendAddressPoolPropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for BackendAddressPoolPropertiesFormat. -func (bappf BackendAddressPoolPropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if bappf.ProvisioningState != nil { - objectMap["provisioningState"] = bappf.ProvisioningState - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // BGPCommunity contains bgp community information offered in Service Community resources. type BGPCommunity struct { // ServiceSupportedRegion - The region which the service support. e.g. For O365, region is Global. @@ -5090,12 +6444,6 @@ type BgpPeerStatus struct { MessagesReceived *int64 `json:"messagesReceived,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for BgpPeerStatus. -func (bps BgpPeerStatus) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // BgpPeerStatusListResult response for list BGP peer status API service call type BgpPeerStatusListResult struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` @@ -5283,15 +6631,10 @@ func (bsclr BgpServiceCommunityListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return bsclr.Value == nil || len(*bsclr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (bsclr BgpServiceCommunityListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return bsclr.NextLink != nil && len(*bsclr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // bgpServiceCommunityListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (bsclr BgpServiceCommunityListResult) bgpServiceCommunityListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !bsclr.hasNextLink() { + if bsclr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(bsclr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -5319,16 +6662,11 @@ func (page *BgpServiceCommunityListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Conte tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.bsclr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.bsclr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.bsclr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.bsclr = next return nil } @@ -5358,11 +6696,8 @@ func (page BgpServiceCommunityListResultPage) Values() []BgpServiceCommunity { } // Creates a new instance of the BgpServiceCommunityListResultPage type. -func NewBgpServiceCommunityListResultPage(cur BgpServiceCommunityListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, BgpServiceCommunityListResult) (BgpServiceCommunityListResult, error)) BgpServiceCommunityListResultPage { - return BgpServiceCommunityListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - bsclr: cur, - } +func NewBgpServiceCommunityListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, BgpServiceCommunityListResult) (BgpServiceCommunityListResult, error)) BgpServiceCommunityListResultPage { + return BgpServiceCommunityListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // BgpServiceCommunityPropertiesFormat properties of Service Community. @@ -5414,12 +6749,6 @@ type ConfigurationDiagnosticResponse struct { Results *[]ConfigurationDiagnosticResult `json:"results,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ConfigurationDiagnosticResponse. -func (cdr ConfigurationDiagnosticResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ConfigurationDiagnosticResult network configuration diagnostic result corresponded to provided traffic // query. type ConfigurationDiagnosticResult struct { @@ -5661,25 +6990,12 @@ type ConnectionMonitorResultProperties struct { // ConnectionMonitorsCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type ConnectionMonitorsCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ConnectionMonitorsClient) (ConnectionMonitorResult, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ConnectionMonitorsCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ConnectionMonitorsCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *ConnectionMonitorsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client ConnectionMonitorsClient) (cmr ConnectionMonitorResult, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ConnectionMonitorsCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client ConnectionMonitorsClient) (cmr ConnectionMonitorResult, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -5687,7 +7003,6 @@ func (future *ConnectionMonitorsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client ConnectionMo return } if !done { - cmr.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ConnectionMonitorsCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -5704,25 +7019,12 @@ func (future *ConnectionMonitorsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client ConnectionMo // ConnectionMonitorsDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type ConnectionMonitorsDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ConnectionMonitorsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ConnectionMonitorsDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ConnectionMonitorsDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *ConnectionMonitorsDeleteFuture) result(client ConnectionMonitorsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ConnectionMonitorsDeleteFuture) Result(client ConnectionMonitorsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -5730,7 +7032,6 @@ func (future *ConnectionMonitorsDeleteFuture) result(client ConnectionMonitorsCl return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ConnectionMonitorsDeleteFuture") return } @@ -5745,29 +7046,16 @@ type ConnectionMonitorSource struct { // Port - The source port used by connection monitor. Port *int32 `json:"port,omitempty"` } - -// ConnectionMonitorsQueryFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running -// operation. -type ConnectionMonitorsQueryFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ConnectionMonitorsClient) (ConnectionMonitorQueryResult, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ConnectionMonitorsQueryFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + +// ConnectionMonitorsQueryFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running +// operation. +type ConnectionMonitorsQueryFuture struct { + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ConnectionMonitorsQueryFuture.Result. -func (future *ConnectionMonitorsQueryFuture) result(client ConnectionMonitorsClient) (cmqr ConnectionMonitorQueryResult, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ConnectionMonitorsQueryFuture) Result(client ConnectionMonitorsClient) (cmqr ConnectionMonitorQueryResult, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -5775,7 +7063,6 @@ func (future *ConnectionMonitorsQueryFuture) result(client ConnectionMonitorsCli return } if !done { - cmqr.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ConnectionMonitorsQueryFuture") return } @@ -5792,25 +7079,12 @@ func (future *ConnectionMonitorsQueryFuture) result(client ConnectionMonitorsCli // ConnectionMonitorsStartFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type ConnectionMonitorsStartFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ConnectionMonitorsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ConnectionMonitorsStartFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ConnectionMonitorsStartFuture.Result. -func (future *ConnectionMonitorsStartFuture) result(client ConnectionMonitorsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ConnectionMonitorsStartFuture) Result(client ConnectionMonitorsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -5818,7 +7092,6 @@ func (future *ConnectionMonitorsStartFuture) result(client ConnectionMonitorsCli return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ConnectionMonitorsStartFuture") return } @@ -5829,25 +7102,12 @@ func (future *ConnectionMonitorsStartFuture) result(client ConnectionMonitorsCli // ConnectionMonitorsStopFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type ConnectionMonitorsStopFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ConnectionMonitorsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ConnectionMonitorsStopFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ConnectionMonitorsStopFuture.Result. -func (future *ConnectionMonitorsStopFuture) result(client ConnectionMonitorsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ConnectionMonitorsStopFuture) Result(client ConnectionMonitorsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -5855,7 +7115,6 @@ func (future *ConnectionMonitorsStopFuture) result(client ConnectionMonitorsClie return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ConnectionMonitorsStopFuture") return } @@ -5903,39 +7162,6 @@ type ConnectionStateSnapshot struct { Hops *[]ConnectivityHop `json:"hops,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ConnectionStateSnapshot. -func (CSS ConnectionStateSnapshot) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if CSS.ConnectionState != "" { - objectMap["connectionState"] = CSS.ConnectionState - } - if CSS.StartTime != nil { - objectMap["startTime"] = CSS.StartTime - } - if CSS.EndTime != nil { - objectMap["endTime"] = CSS.EndTime - } - if CSS.EvaluationState != "" { - objectMap["evaluationState"] = CSS.EvaluationState - } - if CSS.AvgLatencyInMs != nil { - objectMap["avgLatencyInMs"] = CSS.AvgLatencyInMs - } - if CSS.MinLatencyInMs != nil { - objectMap["minLatencyInMs"] = CSS.MinLatencyInMs - } - if CSS.MaxLatencyInMs != nil { - objectMap["maxLatencyInMs"] = CSS.MaxLatencyInMs - } - if CSS.ProbesSent != nil { - objectMap["probesSent"] = CSS.ProbesSent - } - if CSS.ProbesFailed != nil { - objectMap["probesFailed"] = CSS.ProbesFailed - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ConnectivityDestination parameters that define destination of connection. type ConnectivityDestination struct { // ResourceID - The ID of the resource to which a connection attempt will be made. @@ -5962,12 +7188,6 @@ type ConnectivityHop struct { Issues *[]ConnectivityIssue `json:"issues,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ConnectivityHop. -func (ch ConnectivityHop) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ConnectivityInformation information on the connectivity status. type ConnectivityInformation struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` @@ -5987,12 +7207,6 @@ type ConnectivityInformation struct { ProbesFailed *int32 `json:"probesFailed,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ConnectivityInformation. -func (ci ConnectivityInformation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ConnectivityIssue information about an issue encountered in the process of checking for connectivity. type ConnectivityIssue struct { // Origin - READ-ONLY; The origin of the issue. Possible values include: 'OriginLocal', 'OriginInbound', 'OriginOutbound' @@ -6005,12 +7219,6 @@ type ConnectivityIssue struct { Context *[]map[string]*string `json:"context,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ConnectivityIssue. -func (ci ConnectivityIssue) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ConnectivityParameters parameters that determine how the connectivity check will be performed. type ConnectivityParameters struct { Source *ConnectivitySource `json:"source,omitempty"` @@ -6229,18 +7437,6 @@ type ContainerNetworkInterfaceConfigurationPropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ContainerNetworkInterfaceConfigurationPropertiesFormat. -func (cnicpf ContainerNetworkInterfaceConfigurationPropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if cnicpf.IPConfigurations != nil { - objectMap["ipConfigurations"] = cnicpf.IPConfigurations - } - if cnicpf.ContainerNetworkInterfaces != nil { - objectMap["containerNetworkInterfaces"] = cnicpf.ContainerNetworkInterfaces - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ContainerNetworkInterfaceIPConfiguration the ip configuration for a container network interface. type ContainerNetworkInterfaceIPConfiguration struct { // ContainerNetworkInterfaceIPConfigurationPropertiesFormat - Properties of the container network interface IP configuration. @@ -6326,12 +7522,6 @@ type ContainerNetworkInterfaceIPConfigurationPropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ContainerNetworkInterfaceIPConfigurationPropertiesFormat. -func (cniicpf ContainerNetworkInterfaceIPConfigurationPropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ContainerNetworkInterfacePropertiesFormat ... type ContainerNetworkInterfacePropertiesFormat struct { // ContainerNetworkInterfaceConfiguration - Container network interface configuration from which this container network interface is created. @@ -6344,21 +7534,6 @@ type ContainerNetworkInterfacePropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ContainerNetworkInterfacePropertiesFormat. -func (cnipf ContainerNetworkInterfacePropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if cnipf.ContainerNetworkInterfaceConfiguration != nil { - objectMap["containerNetworkInterfaceConfiguration"] = cnipf.ContainerNetworkInterfaceConfiguration - } - if cnipf.Container != nil { - objectMap["container"] = cnipf.Container - } - if cnipf.IPConfigurations != nil { - objectMap["ipConfigurations"] = cnipf.IPConfigurations - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // DdosProtectionPlan a DDoS protection plan in a resource group. type DdosProtectionPlan struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` @@ -6480,15 +7655,6 @@ type DdosProtectionPlanListResult struct { NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for DdosProtectionPlanListResult. -func (dpplr DdosProtectionPlanListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if dpplr.Value != nil { - objectMap["value"] = dpplr.Value - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // DdosProtectionPlanListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of DdosProtectionPlan values. type DdosProtectionPlanListResultIterator struct { i int @@ -6557,15 +7723,10 @@ func (dpplr DdosProtectionPlanListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return dpplr.Value == nil || len(*dpplr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (dpplr DdosProtectionPlanListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return dpplr.NextLink != nil && len(*dpplr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // ddosProtectionPlanListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (dpplr DdosProtectionPlanListResult) ddosProtectionPlanListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !dpplr.hasNextLink() { + if dpplr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(dpplr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -6593,16 +7754,11 @@ func (page *DdosProtectionPlanListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Contex tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.dpplr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.dpplr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.dpplr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.dpplr = next return nil } @@ -6632,11 +7788,8 @@ func (page DdosProtectionPlanListResultPage) Values() []DdosProtectionPlan { } // Creates a new instance of the DdosProtectionPlanListResultPage type. -func NewDdosProtectionPlanListResultPage(cur DdosProtectionPlanListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, DdosProtectionPlanListResult) (DdosProtectionPlanListResult, error)) DdosProtectionPlanListResultPage { - return DdosProtectionPlanListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - dpplr: cur, - } +func NewDdosProtectionPlanListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, DdosProtectionPlanListResult) (DdosProtectionPlanListResult, error)) DdosProtectionPlanListResultPage { + return DdosProtectionPlanListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // DdosProtectionPlanPropertiesFormat dDoS protection plan properties. @@ -6649,34 +7802,15 @@ type DdosProtectionPlanPropertiesFormat struct { VirtualNetworks *[]SubResource `json:"virtualNetworks,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for DdosProtectionPlanPropertiesFormat. -func (dpppf DdosProtectionPlanPropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // DdosProtectionPlansCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type DdosProtectionPlansCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(DdosProtectionPlansClient) (DdosProtectionPlan, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *DdosProtectionPlansCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for DdosProtectionPlansCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *DdosProtectionPlansCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client DdosProtectionPlansClient) (dpp DdosProtectionPlan, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *DdosProtectionPlansCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client DdosProtectionPlansClient) (dpp DdosProtectionPlan, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -6684,7 +7818,6 @@ func (future *DdosProtectionPlansCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client DdosProtect return } if !done { - dpp.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.DdosProtectionPlansCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -6701,25 +7834,12 @@ func (future *DdosProtectionPlansCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client DdosProtect // DdosProtectionPlansDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type DdosProtectionPlansDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(DdosProtectionPlansClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *DdosProtectionPlansDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for DdosProtectionPlansDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *DdosProtectionPlansDeleteFuture) result(client DdosProtectionPlansClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *DdosProtectionPlansDeleteFuture) Result(client DdosProtectionPlansClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -6727,7 +7847,6 @@ func (future *DdosProtectionPlansDeleteFuture) result(client DdosProtectionPlans return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.DdosProtectionPlansDeleteFuture") return } @@ -6898,15 +8017,6 @@ type EffectiveNetworkSecurityGroupListResult struct { NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for EffectiveNetworkSecurityGroupListResult. -func (ensglr EffectiveNetworkSecurityGroupListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if ensglr.Value != nil { - objectMap["value"] = ensglr.Value - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // EffectiveNetworkSecurityRule effective network security rules. type EffectiveNetworkSecurityRule struct { // Name - The name of the security rule specified by the user (if created by the user). @@ -6966,15 +8076,6 @@ type EffectiveRouteListResult struct { NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for EffectiveRouteListResult. -func (erlr EffectiveRouteListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if erlr.Value != nil { - objectMap["value"] = erlr.Value - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // EndpointService identifies the service being brought into the virtual network. type EndpointService struct { // ID - A unique identifier of the service being referenced by the interface endpoint. @@ -6991,15 +8092,6 @@ type EndpointServiceResult struct { ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for EndpointServiceResult. -func (esr EndpointServiceResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if esr.ID != nil { - objectMap["id"] = esr.ID - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // EndpointServicesListResult response for the ListAvailableEndpointServices API service call. type EndpointServicesListResult struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` @@ -7078,15 +8170,10 @@ func (eslr EndpointServicesListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return eslr.Value == nil || len(*eslr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (eslr EndpointServicesListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return eslr.NextLink != nil && len(*eslr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // endpointServicesListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (eslr EndpointServicesListResult) endpointServicesListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !eslr.hasNextLink() { + if eslr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(eslr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -7114,16 +8201,11 @@ func (page *EndpointServicesListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.eslr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.eslr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.eslr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.eslr = next return nil } @@ -7153,11 +8235,8 @@ func (page EndpointServicesListResultPage) Values() []EndpointServiceResult { } // Creates a new instance of the EndpointServicesListResultPage type. -func NewEndpointServicesListResultPage(cur EndpointServicesListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, EndpointServicesListResult) (EndpointServicesListResult, error)) EndpointServicesListResultPage { - return EndpointServicesListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - eslr: cur, - } +func NewEndpointServicesListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, EndpointServicesListResult) (EndpointServicesListResult, error)) EndpointServicesListResultPage { + return EndpointServicesListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // Error ... @@ -7192,21 +8271,6 @@ type EvaluatedNetworkSecurityGroup struct { RulesEvaluationResult *[]SecurityRulesEvaluationResult `json:"rulesEvaluationResult,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for EvaluatedNetworkSecurityGroup. -func (ensg EvaluatedNetworkSecurityGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if ensg.NetworkSecurityGroupID != nil { - objectMap["networkSecurityGroupId"] = ensg.NetworkSecurityGroupID - } - if ensg.AppliedTo != nil { - objectMap["appliedTo"] = ensg.AppliedTo - } - if ensg.MatchedRule != nil { - objectMap["matchedRule"] = ensg.MatchedRule - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ExpressRouteCircuit expressRouteCircuit resource type ExpressRouteCircuit struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` @@ -7428,25 +8492,12 @@ func (erca *ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorization) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { // ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the // results of a long-running operation. type ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClient) (ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorization, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClient) (erca ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorization, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClient) (erca ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorization, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -7454,7 +8505,6 @@ func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(clie return } if !done { - erca.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -7471,25 +8521,12 @@ func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(clie // ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results // of a long-running operation. type ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsDeleteFuture) result(client ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsDeleteFuture) Result(client ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -7497,7 +8534,6 @@ func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsDeleteFuture) result(client Expre return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsDeleteFuture") return } @@ -7663,15 +8699,10 @@ func (ercclr ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return ercclr.Value == nil || len(*ercclr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (ercclr ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return ercclr.NextLink != nil && len(*ercclr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // expressRouteCircuitConnectionListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (ercclr ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionListResult) expressRouteCircuitConnectionListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !ercclr.hasNextLink() { + if ercclr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(ercclr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -7699,16 +8730,11 @@ func (page *ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx con tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.ercclr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.ercclr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.ercclr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.ercclr = next return nil } @@ -7738,11 +8764,8 @@ func (page ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionListResultPage) Values() []ExpressRouteC } // Creates a new instance of the ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionListResultPage type. -func NewExpressRouteCircuitConnectionListResultPage(cur ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionListResult) (ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionListResult, error)) ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionListResultPage { - return ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - ercclr: cur, - } +func NewExpressRouteCircuitConnectionListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionListResult) (ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionListResult, error)) ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionListResultPage { + return ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionPropertiesFormat ... @@ -7761,46 +8784,15 @@ type ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionPropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionPropertiesFormat. -func (erccpf ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionPropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if erccpf.ExpressRouteCircuitPeering != nil { - objectMap["expressRouteCircuitPeering"] = erccpf.ExpressRouteCircuitPeering - } - if erccpf.PeerExpressRouteCircuitPeering != nil { - objectMap["peerExpressRouteCircuitPeering"] = erccpf.PeerExpressRouteCircuitPeering - } - if erccpf.AddressPrefix != nil { - objectMap["addressPrefix"] = erccpf.AddressPrefix - } - if erccpf.AuthorizationKey != nil { - objectMap["authorizationKey"] = erccpf.AuthorizationKey - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the // results of a long-running operation. type ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClient) (ExpressRouteCircuitConnection, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClient) (ercc ExpressRouteCircuitConnection, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClient) (ercc ExpressRouteCircuitConnection, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -7808,7 +8800,6 @@ func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client return } if !done { - ercc.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -7825,25 +8816,12 @@ func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client // ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClient) (autorest.Response, error) + azure.Future } -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil -} - -// result is the default implementation for ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsDeleteFuture) result(client ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsDeleteFuture) Result(client ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -7851,7 +8829,6 @@ func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsDeleteFuture) result(client ExpressR return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsDeleteFuture") return } @@ -7937,15 +8914,10 @@ func (erclr ExpressRouteCircuitListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return erclr.Value == nil || len(*erclr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (erclr ExpressRouteCircuitListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return erclr.NextLink != nil && len(*erclr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // expressRouteCircuitListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (erclr ExpressRouteCircuitListResult) expressRouteCircuitListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !erclr.hasNextLink() { + if erclr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(erclr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -7973,16 +8945,11 @@ func (page *ExpressRouteCircuitListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Conte tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.erclr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.erclr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.erclr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.erclr = next return nil } @@ -8012,11 +8979,8 @@ func (page ExpressRouteCircuitListResultPage) Values() []ExpressRouteCircuit { } // Creates a new instance of the ExpressRouteCircuitListResultPage type. -func NewExpressRouteCircuitListResultPage(cur ExpressRouteCircuitListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, ExpressRouteCircuitListResult) (ExpressRouteCircuitListResult, error)) ExpressRouteCircuitListResultPage { - return ExpressRouteCircuitListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - erclr: cur, - } +func NewExpressRouteCircuitListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, ExpressRouteCircuitListResult) (ExpressRouteCircuitListResult, error)) ExpressRouteCircuitListResultPage { + return ExpressRouteCircuitListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // ExpressRouteCircuitPeering peering in an ExpressRouteCircuit resource. @@ -8198,15 +9162,10 @@ func (ercplr ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return ercplr.Value == nil || len(*ercplr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (ercplr ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return ercplr.NextLink != nil && len(*ercplr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // expressRouteCircuitPeeringListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (ercplr ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringListResult) expressRouteCircuitPeeringListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !ercplr.hasNextLink() { + if ercplr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(ercplr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -8234,16 +9193,11 @@ func (page *ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx contex tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.ercplr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.ercplr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.ercplr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.ercplr = next return nil } @@ -8273,11 +9227,8 @@ func (page ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringListResultPage) Values() []ExpressRouteCirc } // Creates a new instance of the ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringListResultPage type. -func NewExpressRouteCircuitPeeringListResultPage(cur ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringListResult) (ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringListResult, error)) ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringListResultPage { - return ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - ercplr: cur, - } +func NewExpressRouteCircuitPeeringListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringListResult) (ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringListResult, error)) ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringListResultPage { + return ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringPropertiesFormat ... @@ -8325,25 +9276,12 @@ type ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringPropertiesFormat struct { // ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results // of a long-running operation. type ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient) (ExpressRouteCircuitPeering, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient) (ercp ExpressRouteCircuitPeering, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient) (ercp ExpressRouteCircuitPeering, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -8351,7 +9289,6 @@ func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client Exp return } if !done { - ercp.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -8368,25 +9305,12 @@ func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client Exp // ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsDeleteFuture) result(client ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsDeleteFuture) Result(client ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -8394,7 +9318,6 @@ func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsDeleteFuture) result(client ExpressRout return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringsDeleteFuture") return } @@ -8434,51 +9357,6 @@ type ExpressRouteCircuitPropertiesFormat struct { AllowGlobalReach *bool `json:"allowGlobalReach,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ExpressRouteCircuitPropertiesFormat. -func (ercpf ExpressRouteCircuitPropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if ercpf.AllowClassicOperations != nil { - objectMap["allowClassicOperations"] = ercpf.AllowClassicOperations - } - if ercpf.CircuitProvisioningState != nil { - objectMap["circuitProvisioningState"] = ercpf.CircuitProvisioningState - } - if ercpf.ServiceProviderProvisioningState != "" { - objectMap["serviceProviderProvisioningState"] = ercpf.ServiceProviderProvisioningState - } - if ercpf.Authorizations != nil { - objectMap["authorizations"] = ercpf.Authorizations - } - if ercpf.Peerings != nil { - objectMap["peerings"] = ercpf.Peerings - } - if ercpf.ServiceKey != nil { - objectMap["serviceKey"] = ercpf.ServiceKey - } - if ercpf.ServiceProviderNotes != nil { - objectMap["serviceProviderNotes"] = ercpf.ServiceProviderNotes - } - if ercpf.ServiceProviderProperties != nil { - objectMap["serviceProviderProperties"] = ercpf.ServiceProviderProperties - } - if ercpf.ExpressRoutePort != nil { - objectMap["expressRoutePort"] = ercpf.ExpressRoutePort - } - if ercpf.BandwidthInGbps != nil { - objectMap["bandwidthInGbps"] = ercpf.BandwidthInGbps - } - if ercpf.ProvisioningState != nil { - objectMap["provisioningState"] = ercpf.ProvisioningState - } - if ercpf.GatewayManagerEtag != nil { - objectMap["gatewayManagerEtag"] = ercpf.GatewayManagerEtag - } - if ercpf.AllowGlobalReach != nil { - objectMap["allowGlobalReach"] = ercpf.AllowGlobalReach - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ExpressRouteCircuitReference ... type ExpressRouteCircuitReference struct { // ID - Corresponding Express Route Circuit Id. @@ -8526,25 +9404,12 @@ type ExpressRouteCircuitsArpTableListResult struct { // ExpressRouteCircuitsCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type ExpressRouteCircuitsCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) (ExpressRouteCircuit, error) + azure.Future } -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitsCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil -} - -// result is the default implementation for ExpressRouteCircuitsCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) (erc ExpressRouteCircuit, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitsCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) (erc ExpressRouteCircuit, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -8552,7 +9417,6 @@ func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client ExpressRou return } if !done { - erc.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ExpressRouteCircuitsCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -8569,25 +9433,12 @@ func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client ExpressRou // ExpressRouteCircuitsDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type ExpressRouteCircuitsDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitsDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ExpressRouteCircuitsDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitsDeleteFuture) result(client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitsDeleteFuture) Result(client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -8595,7 +9446,6 @@ func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitsDeleteFuture) result(client ExpressRouteCircui return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ExpressRouteCircuitsDeleteFuture") return } @@ -8627,25 +9477,12 @@ type ExpressRouteCircuitSku struct { // ExpressRouteCircuitsListArpTableFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type ExpressRouteCircuitsListArpTableFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) (ExpressRouteCircuitsArpTableListResult, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitsListArpTableFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ExpressRouteCircuitsListArpTableFuture.Result. -func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitsListArpTableFuture) result(client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) (ercatlr ExpressRouteCircuitsArpTableListResult, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitsListArpTableFuture) Result(client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) (ercatlr ExpressRouteCircuitsArpTableListResult, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -8653,7 +9490,6 @@ func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitsListArpTableFuture) result(client ExpressRoute return } if !done { - ercatlr.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ExpressRouteCircuitsListArpTableFuture") return } @@ -8670,25 +9506,12 @@ func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitsListArpTableFuture) result(client ExpressRoute // ExpressRouteCircuitsListRoutesTableFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type ExpressRouteCircuitsListRoutesTableFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) (ExpressRouteCircuitsRoutesTableListResult, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitsListRoutesTableFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ExpressRouteCircuitsListRoutesTableFuture.Result. -func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitsListRoutesTableFuture) result(client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) (ercrtlr ExpressRouteCircuitsRoutesTableListResult, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitsListRoutesTableFuture) Result(client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) (ercrtlr ExpressRouteCircuitsRoutesTableListResult, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -8696,7 +9519,6 @@ func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitsListRoutesTableFuture) result(client ExpressRo return } if !done { - ercrtlr.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ExpressRouteCircuitsListRoutesTableFuture") return } @@ -8713,25 +9535,12 @@ func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitsListRoutesTableFuture) result(client ExpressRo // ExpressRouteCircuitsListRoutesTableSummaryFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the // results of a long-running operation. type ExpressRouteCircuitsListRoutesTableSummaryFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) (ExpressRouteCircuitsRoutesTableSummaryListResult, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitsListRoutesTableSummaryFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ExpressRouteCircuitsListRoutesTableSummaryFuture.Result. -func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitsListRoutesTableSummaryFuture) result(client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) (ercrtslr ExpressRouteCircuitsRoutesTableSummaryListResult, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitsListRoutesTableSummaryFuture) Result(client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) (ercrtslr ExpressRouteCircuitsRoutesTableSummaryListResult, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -8739,7 +9548,6 @@ func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitsListRoutesTableSummaryFuture) result(client Ex return } if !done { - ercrtslr.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ExpressRouteCircuitsListRoutesTableSummaryFuture") return } @@ -8789,25 +9597,12 @@ type ExpressRouteCircuitStats struct { // ExpressRouteCircuitsUpdateTagsFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type ExpressRouteCircuitsUpdateTagsFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) (ExpressRouteCircuit, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitsUpdateTagsFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ExpressRouteCircuitsUpdateTagsFuture.Result. -func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitsUpdateTagsFuture) result(client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) (erc ExpressRouteCircuit, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitsUpdateTagsFuture) Result(client ExpressRouteCircuitsClient) (erc ExpressRouteCircuit, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -8815,7 +9610,6 @@ func (future *ExpressRouteCircuitsUpdateTagsFuture) result(client ExpressRouteCi return } if !done { - erc.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ExpressRouteCircuitsUpdateTagsFuture") return } @@ -8902,12 +9696,6 @@ type ExpressRouteConnectionID struct { ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ExpressRouteConnectionID. -func (erci ExpressRouteConnectionID) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ExpressRouteConnectionList expressRouteConnection list type ExpressRouteConnectionList struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` @@ -8927,43 +9715,15 @@ type ExpressRouteConnectionProperties struct { RoutingWeight *int32 `json:"routingWeight,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ExpressRouteConnectionProperties. -func (ercp ExpressRouteConnectionProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if ercp.ExpressRouteCircuitPeering != nil { - objectMap["expressRouteCircuitPeering"] = ercp.ExpressRouteCircuitPeering - } - if ercp.AuthorizationKey != nil { - objectMap["authorizationKey"] = ercp.AuthorizationKey - } - if ercp.RoutingWeight != nil { - objectMap["routingWeight"] = ercp.RoutingWeight - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ExpressRouteConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of // a long-running operation. type ExpressRouteConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ExpressRouteConnectionsClient) (ExpressRouteConnection, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ExpressRouteConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ExpressRouteConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *ExpressRouteConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client ExpressRouteConnectionsClient) (erc ExpressRouteConnection, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ExpressRouteConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client ExpressRouteConnectionsClient) (erc ExpressRouteConnection, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -8971,7 +9731,6 @@ func (future *ExpressRouteConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client Express return } if !done { - erc.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ExpressRouteConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -8988,25 +9747,12 @@ func (future *ExpressRouteConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client Express // ExpressRouteConnectionsDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type ExpressRouteConnectionsDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ExpressRouteConnectionsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ExpressRouteConnectionsDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ExpressRouteConnectionsDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *ExpressRouteConnectionsDeleteFuture) result(client ExpressRouteConnectionsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ExpressRouteConnectionsDeleteFuture) Result(client ExpressRouteConnectionsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -9014,7 +9760,6 @@ func (future *ExpressRouteConnectionsDeleteFuture) result(client ExpressRouteCon return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ExpressRouteConnectionsDeleteFuture") return } @@ -9145,15 +9890,6 @@ type ExpressRouteCrossConnectionListResult struct { NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ExpressRouteCrossConnectionListResult. -func (ercclr ExpressRouteCrossConnectionListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if ercclr.Value != nil { - objectMap["value"] = ercclr.Value - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ExpressRouteCrossConnectionListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of // ExpressRouteCrossConnection values. type ExpressRouteCrossConnectionListResultIterator struct { @@ -9223,15 +9959,10 @@ func (ercclr ExpressRouteCrossConnectionListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return ercclr.Value == nil || len(*ercclr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (ercclr ExpressRouteCrossConnectionListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return ercclr.NextLink != nil && len(*ercclr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // expressRouteCrossConnectionListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (ercclr ExpressRouteCrossConnectionListResult) expressRouteCrossConnectionListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !ercclr.hasNextLink() { + if ercclr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(ercclr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -9259,16 +9990,11 @@ func (page *ExpressRouteCrossConnectionListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx conte tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.ercclr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.ercclr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.ercclr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.ercclr = next return nil } @@ -9298,11 +10024,8 @@ func (page ExpressRouteCrossConnectionListResultPage) Values() []ExpressRouteCro } // Creates a new instance of the ExpressRouteCrossConnectionListResultPage type. -func NewExpressRouteCrossConnectionListResultPage(cur ExpressRouteCrossConnectionListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, ExpressRouteCrossConnectionListResult) (ExpressRouteCrossConnectionListResult, error)) ExpressRouteCrossConnectionListResultPage { - return ExpressRouteCrossConnectionListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - ercclr: cur, - } +func NewExpressRouteCrossConnectionListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, ExpressRouteCrossConnectionListResult) (ExpressRouteCrossConnectionListResult, error)) ExpressRouteCrossConnectionListResultPage { + return ExpressRouteCrossConnectionListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeering peering in an ExpressRoute Cross Connection resource. @@ -9393,15 +10116,6 @@ type ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringList struct { NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringList. -func (erccpl ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringList) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if erccpl.Value != nil { - objectMap["value"] = erccpl.Value - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringListIterator provides access to a complete listing of // ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeering values. type ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringListIterator struct { @@ -9471,15 +10185,10 @@ func (erccpl ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringList) IsEmpty() bool { return erccpl.Value == nil || len(*erccpl.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (erccpl ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringList) hasNextLink() bool { - return erccpl.NextLink != nil && len(*erccpl.NextLink) != 0 -} - // expressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringListPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (erccpl ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringList) expressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringListPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !erccpl.hasNextLink() { + if erccpl.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(erccpl.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -9507,16 +10216,11 @@ func (page *ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringListPage) NextWithContext(ctx cont tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.erccpl) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.erccpl = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.erccpl) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.erccpl = next return nil } @@ -9546,11 +10250,8 @@ func (page ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringListPage) Values() []ExpressRouteCr } // Creates a new instance of the ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringListPage type. -func NewExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringListPage(cur ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringList, getNextPage func(context.Context, ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringList) (ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringList, error)) ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringListPage { - return ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringListPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - erccpl: cur, - } +func NewExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringListPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringList) (ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringList, error)) ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringListPage { + return ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringListPage{fn: getNextPage} } // ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringProperties ... @@ -9587,67 +10288,15 @@ type ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringProperties struct { Ipv6PeeringConfig *Ipv6ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringConfig `json:"ipv6PeeringConfig,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringProperties. -func (erccpp ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if erccpp.PeeringType != "" { - objectMap["peeringType"] = erccpp.PeeringType - } - if erccpp.State != "" { - objectMap["state"] = erccpp.State - } - if erccpp.PeerASN != nil { - objectMap["peerASN"] = erccpp.PeerASN - } - if erccpp.PrimaryPeerAddressPrefix != nil { - objectMap["primaryPeerAddressPrefix"] = erccpp.PrimaryPeerAddressPrefix - } - if erccpp.SecondaryPeerAddressPrefix != nil { - objectMap["secondaryPeerAddressPrefix"] = erccpp.SecondaryPeerAddressPrefix - } - if erccpp.SharedKey != nil { - objectMap["sharedKey"] = erccpp.SharedKey - } - if erccpp.VlanID != nil { - objectMap["vlanId"] = erccpp.VlanID - } - if erccpp.MicrosoftPeeringConfig != nil { - objectMap["microsoftPeeringConfig"] = erccpp.MicrosoftPeeringConfig - } - if erccpp.GatewayManagerEtag != nil { - objectMap["gatewayManagerEtag"] = erccpp.GatewayManagerEtag - } - if erccpp.LastModifiedBy != nil { - objectMap["lastModifiedBy"] = erccpp.LastModifiedBy - } - if erccpp.Ipv6PeeringConfig != nil { - objectMap["ipv6PeeringConfig"] = erccpp.Ipv6PeeringConfig - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the // results of a long-running operation. type ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient) (ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeering, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient) (erccp ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeering, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient) (erccp ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeering, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -9655,7 +10304,6 @@ func (future *ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(cl return } if !done { - erccp.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -9672,25 +10320,12 @@ func (future *ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(cl // ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results // of a long-running operation. type ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsDeleteFuture) result(client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsDeleteFuture) Result(client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -9698,7 +10333,6 @@ func (future *ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsDeleteFuture) result(client Exp return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringsDeleteFuture") return } @@ -9730,30 +10364,6 @@ type ExpressRouteCrossConnectionProperties struct { Peerings *[]ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeering `json:"peerings,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ExpressRouteCrossConnectionProperties. -func (erccp ExpressRouteCrossConnectionProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if erccp.PeeringLocation != nil { - objectMap["peeringLocation"] = erccp.PeeringLocation - } - if erccp.BandwidthInMbps != nil { - objectMap["bandwidthInMbps"] = erccp.BandwidthInMbps - } - if erccp.ExpressRouteCircuit != nil { - objectMap["expressRouteCircuit"] = erccp.ExpressRouteCircuit - } - if erccp.ServiceProviderProvisioningState != "" { - objectMap["serviceProviderProvisioningState"] = erccp.ServiceProviderProvisioningState - } - if erccp.ServiceProviderNotes != nil { - objectMap["serviceProviderNotes"] = erccp.ServiceProviderNotes - } - if erccp.Peerings != nil { - objectMap["peerings"] = erccp.Peerings - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ExpressRouteCrossConnectionRoutesTableSummary the routes table associated with the ExpressRouteCircuit. type ExpressRouteCrossConnectionRoutesTableSummary struct { // Neighbor - IP address of Neighbor router @@ -9769,25 +10379,12 @@ type ExpressRouteCrossConnectionRoutesTableSummary struct { // ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the // results of a long-running operation. type ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) (ExpressRouteCrossConnection, error) + azure.Future } -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil -} - -// result is the default implementation for ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) (ercc ExpressRouteCrossConnection, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) (ercc ExpressRouteCrossConnection, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -9795,7 +10392,6 @@ func (future *ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client Ex return } if !done { - ercc.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -9812,25 +10408,12 @@ func (future *ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client Ex // ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsListArpTableFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results // of a long-running operation. type ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsListArpTableFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) (ExpressRouteCircuitsArpTableListResult, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsListArpTableFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsListArpTableFuture.Result. -func (future *ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsListArpTableFuture) result(client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) (ercatlr ExpressRouteCircuitsArpTableListResult, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsListArpTableFuture) Result(client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) (ercatlr ExpressRouteCircuitsArpTableListResult, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -9838,7 +10421,6 @@ func (future *ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsListArpTableFuture) result(client Expr return } if !done { - ercatlr.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsListArpTableFuture") return } @@ -9855,25 +10437,12 @@ func (future *ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsListArpTableFuture) result(client Expr // ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsListRoutesTableFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the // results of a long-running operation. type ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsListRoutesTableFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) (ExpressRouteCircuitsRoutesTableListResult, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsListRoutesTableFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsListRoutesTableFuture.Result. -func (future *ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsListRoutesTableFuture) result(client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) (ercrtlr ExpressRouteCircuitsRoutesTableListResult, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsListRoutesTableFuture) Result(client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) (ercrtlr ExpressRouteCircuitsRoutesTableListResult, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -9881,7 +10450,6 @@ func (future *ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsListRoutesTableFuture) result(client E return } if !done { - ercrtlr.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsListRoutesTableFuture") return } @@ -9898,25 +10466,12 @@ func (future *ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsListRoutesTableFuture) result(client E // ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsListRoutesTableSummaryFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving // the results of a long-running operation. type ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsListRoutesTableSummaryFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) (ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsRoutesTableSummaryListResult, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsListRoutesTableSummaryFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsListRoutesTableSummaryFuture.Result. -func (future *ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsListRoutesTableSummaryFuture) result(client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) (erccrtslr ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsRoutesTableSummaryListResult, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsListRoutesTableSummaryFuture) Result(client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) (erccrtslr ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsRoutesTableSummaryListResult, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -9924,7 +10479,6 @@ func (future *ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsListRoutesTableSummaryFuture) result(c return } if !done { - erccrtslr.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsListRoutesTableSummaryFuture") return } @@ -9948,37 +10502,15 @@ type ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsRoutesTableSummaryListResult struct { NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsRoutesTableSummaryListResult. -func (erccrtslr ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsRoutesTableSummaryListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if erccrtslr.Value != nil { - objectMap["value"] = erccrtslr.Value - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsUpdateTagsFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of // a long-running operation. type ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsUpdateTagsFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) (ExpressRouteCrossConnection, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsUpdateTagsFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsUpdateTagsFuture.Result. -func (future *ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsUpdateTagsFuture) result(client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) (ercc ExpressRouteCrossConnection, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsUpdateTagsFuture) Result(client ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsClient) (ercc ExpressRouteCrossConnection, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -9986,7 +10518,6 @@ func (future *ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsUpdateTagsFuture) result(client Expres return } if !done { - ercc.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ExpressRouteCrossConnectionsUpdateTagsFuture") return } @@ -10133,18 +10664,6 @@ type ExpressRouteGatewayProperties struct { VirtualHub *VirtualHubID `json:"virtualHub,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ExpressRouteGatewayProperties. -func (ergp ExpressRouteGatewayProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if ergp.AutoScaleConfiguration != nil { - objectMap["autoScaleConfiguration"] = ergp.AutoScaleConfiguration - } - if ergp.VirtualHub != nil { - objectMap["virtualHub"] = ergp.VirtualHub - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ExpressRouteGatewayPropertiesAutoScaleConfiguration configuration for auto scaling. type ExpressRouteGatewayPropertiesAutoScaleConfiguration struct { // Bounds - Minimum and maximum number of scale units to deploy. @@ -10163,25 +10682,12 @@ type ExpressRouteGatewayPropertiesAutoScaleConfigurationBounds struct { // ExpressRouteGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type ExpressRouteGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ExpressRouteGatewaysClient) (ExpressRouteGateway, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ExpressRouteGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ExpressRouteGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *ExpressRouteGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client ExpressRouteGatewaysClient) (erg ExpressRouteGateway, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ExpressRouteGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client ExpressRouteGatewaysClient) (erg ExpressRouteGateway, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -10189,7 +10695,6 @@ func (future *ExpressRouteGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client ExpressRou return } if !done { - erg.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ExpressRouteGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -10206,25 +10711,12 @@ func (future *ExpressRouteGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client ExpressRou // ExpressRouteGatewaysDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type ExpressRouteGatewaysDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ExpressRouteGatewaysClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ExpressRouteGatewaysDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ExpressRouteGatewaysDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *ExpressRouteGatewaysDeleteFuture) result(client ExpressRouteGatewaysClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ExpressRouteGatewaysDeleteFuture) Result(client ExpressRouteGatewaysClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -10232,7 +10724,6 @@ func (future *ExpressRouteGatewaysDeleteFuture) result(client ExpressRouteGatewa return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ExpressRouteGatewaysDeleteFuture") return } @@ -10396,15 +10887,10 @@ func (erllr ExpressRouteLinkListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return erllr.Value == nil || len(*erllr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (erllr ExpressRouteLinkListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return erllr.NextLink != nil && len(*erllr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // expressRouteLinkListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (erllr ExpressRouteLinkListResult) expressRouteLinkListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !erllr.hasNextLink() { + if erllr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(erllr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -10432,16 +10918,11 @@ func (page *ExpressRouteLinkListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.erllr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.erllr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.erllr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.erllr = next return nil } @@ -10471,11 +10952,8 @@ func (page ExpressRouteLinkListResultPage) Values() []ExpressRouteLink { } // Creates a new instance of the ExpressRouteLinkListResultPage type. -func NewExpressRouteLinkListResultPage(cur ExpressRouteLinkListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, ExpressRouteLinkListResult) (ExpressRouteLinkListResult, error)) ExpressRouteLinkListResultPage { - return ExpressRouteLinkListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - erllr: cur, - } +func NewExpressRouteLinkListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, ExpressRouteLinkListResult) (ExpressRouteLinkListResult, error)) ExpressRouteLinkListResultPage { + return ExpressRouteLinkListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // ExpressRouteLinkPropertiesFormat properties specific to ExpressRouteLink resources. @@ -10496,15 +10974,6 @@ type ExpressRouteLinkPropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ExpressRouteLinkPropertiesFormat. -func (erlpf ExpressRouteLinkPropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if erlpf.AdminState != "" { - objectMap["adminState"] = erlpf.AdminState - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ExpressRoutePort expressRoutePort resource definition. type ExpressRoutePort struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` @@ -10697,15 +11166,10 @@ func (erplr ExpressRoutePortListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return erplr.Value == nil || len(*erplr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (erplr ExpressRoutePortListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return erplr.NextLink != nil && len(*erplr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // expressRoutePortListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (erplr ExpressRoutePortListResult) expressRoutePortListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !erplr.hasNextLink() { + if erplr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(erplr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -10733,16 +11197,11 @@ func (page *ExpressRoutePortListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.erplr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.erplr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.erplr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.erplr = next return nil } @@ -10772,11 +11231,8 @@ func (page ExpressRoutePortListResultPage) Values() []ExpressRoutePort { } // Creates a new instance of the ExpressRoutePortListResultPage type. -func NewExpressRoutePortListResultPage(cur ExpressRoutePortListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, ExpressRoutePortListResult) (ExpressRoutePortListResult, error)) ExpressRoutePortListResultPage { - return ExpressRoutePortListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - erplr: cur, - } +func NewExpressRoutePortListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, ExpressRoutePortListResult) (ExpressRoutePortListResult, error)) ExpressRoutePortListResultPage { + return ExpressRoutePortListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // ExpressRoutePortPropertiesFormat properties specific to ExpressRoutePort resources. @@ -10805,49 +11261,15 @@ type ExpressRoutePortPropertiesFormat struct { ResourceGUID *string `json:"resourceGuid,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ExpressRoutePortPropertiesFormat. -func (erppf ExpressRoutePortPropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if erppf.PeeringLocation != nil { - objectMap["peeringLocation"] = erppf.PeeringLocation - } - if erppf.BandwidthInGbps != nil { - objectMap["bandwidthInGbps"] = erppf.BandwidthInGbps - } - if erppf.Encapsulation != "" { - objectMap["encapsulation"] = erppf.Encapsulation - } - if erppf.Links != nil { - objectMap["links"] = erppf.Links - } - if erppf.ResourceGUID != nil { - objectMap["resourceGuid"] = erppf.ResourceGUID - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ExpressRoutePortsCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type ExpressRoutePortsCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ExpressRoutePortsClient) (ExpressRoutePort, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ExpressRoutePortsCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ExpressRoutePortsCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *ExpressRoutePortsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client ExpressRoutePortsClient) (erp ExpressRoutePort, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ExpressRoutePortsCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client ExpressRoutePortsClient) (erp ExpressRoutePort, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -10855,7 +11277,6 @@ func (future *ExpressRoutePortsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client ExpressRouteP return } if !done { - erp.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ExpressRoutePortsCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -10872,25 +11293,12 @@ func (future *ExpressRoutePortsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client ExpressRouteP // ExpressRoutePortsDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type ExpressRoutePortsDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ExpressRoutePortsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ExpressRoutePortsDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ExpressRoutePortsDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *ExpressRoutePortsDeleteFuture) result(client ExpressRoutePortsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ExpressRoutePortsDeleteFuture) Result(client ExpressRoutePortsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -10898,7 +11306,6 @@ func (future *ExpressRoutePortsDeleteFuture) result(client ExpressRoutePortsClie return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ExpressRoutePortsDeleteFuture") return } @@ -11018,12 +11425,6 @@ type ExpressRoutePortsLocationBandwidths struct { ValueInGbps *int32 `json:"valueInGbps,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ExpressRoutePortsLocationBandwidths. -func (erplb ExpressRoutePortsLocationBandwidths) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ExpressRoutePortsLocationListResult response for ListExpressRoutePortsLocations API service call. type ExpressRoutePortsLocationListResult struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` @@ -11102,15 +11503,10 @@ func (erpllr ExpressRoutePortsLocationListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return erpllr.Value == nil || len(*erpllr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (erpllr ExpressRoutePortsLocationListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return erpllr.NextLink != nil && len(*erpllr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // expressRoutePortsLocationListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (erpllr ExpressRoutePortsLocationListResult) expressRoutePortsLocationListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !erpllr.hasNextLink() { + if erpllr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(erpllr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -11138,16 +11534,11 @@ func (page *ExpressRoutePortsLocationListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.erpllr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.erpllr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.erpllr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.erpllr = next return nil } @@ -11177,11 +11568,8 @@ func (page ExpressRoutePortsLocationListResultPage) Values() []ExpressRoutePorts } // Creates a new instance of the ExpressRoutePortsLocationListResultPage type. -func NewExpressRoutePortsLocationListResultPage(cur ExpressRoutePortsLocationListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, ExpressRoutePortsLocationListResult) (ExpressRoutePortsLocationListResult, error)) ExpressRoutePortsLocationListResultPage { - return ExpressRoutePortsLocationListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - erpllr: cur, - } +func NewExpressRoutePortsLocationListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, ExpressRoutePortsLocationListResult) (ExpressRoutePortsLocationListResult, error)) ExpressRoutePortsLocationListResultPage { + return ExpressRoutePortsLocationListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // ExpressRoutePortsLocationPropertiesFormat properties specific to ExpressRoutePorts peering location @@ -11197,37 +11585,15 @@ type ExpressRoutePortsLocationPropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ExpressRoutePortsLocationPropertiesFormat. -func (erplpf ExpressRoutePortsLocationPropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if erplpf.AvailableBandwidths != nil { - objectMap["availableBandwidths"] = erplpf.AvailableBandwidths - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ExpressRoutePortsUpdateTagsFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type ExpressRoutePortsUpdateTagsFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ExpressRoutePortsClient) (ExpressRoutePort, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ExpressRoutePortsUpdateTagsFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ExpressRoutePortsUpdateTagsFuture.Result. -func (future *ExpressRoutePortsUpdateTagsFuture) result(client ExpressRoutePortsClient) (erp ExpressRoutePort, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ExpressRoutePortsUpdateTagsFuture) Result(client ExpressRoutePortsClient) (erp ExpressRoutePort, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -11235,7 +11601,6 @@ func (future *ExpressRoutePortsUpdateTagsFuture) result(client ExpressRoutePorts return } if !done { - erp.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ExpressRoutePortsUpdateTagsFuture") return } @@ -11438,15 +11803,10 @@ func (ersplr ExpressRouteServiceProviderListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return ersplr.Value == nil || len(*ersplr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (ersplr ExpressRouteServiceProviderListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return ersplr.NextLink != nil && len(*ersplr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // expressRouteServiceProviderListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (ersplr ExpressRouteServiceProviderListResult) expressRouteServiceProviderListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !ersplr.hasNextLink() { + if ersplr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(ersplr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -11474,16 +11834,11 @@ func (page *ExpressRouteServiceProviderListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx conte tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.ersplr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.ersplr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.ersplr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.ersplr = next return nil } @@ -11513,11 +11868,8 @@ func (page ExpressRouteServiceProviderListResultPage) Values() []ExpressRouteSer } // Creates a new instance of the ExpressRouteServiceProviderListResultPage type. -func NewExpressRouteServiceProviderListResultPage(cur ExpressRouteServiceProviderListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, ExpressRouteServiceProviderListResult) (ExpressRouteServiceProviderListResult, error)) ExpressRouteServiceProviderListResultPage { - return ExpressRouteServiceProviderListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - ersplr: cur, - } +func NewExpressRouteServiceProviderListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, ExpressRouteServiceProviderListResult) (ExpressRouteServiceProviderListResult, error)) ExpressRouteServiceProviderListResultPage { + return ExpressRouteServiceProviderListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // ExpressRouteServiceProviderPropertiesFormat properties of ExpressRouteServiceProvider. @@ -11741,30 +12093,6 @@ type FrontendIPConfigurationPropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for FrontendIPConfigurationPropertiesFormat. -func (ficpf FrontendIPConfigurationPropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if ficpf.PrivateIPAddress != nil { - objectMap["privateIPAddress"] = ficpf.PrivateIPAddress - } - if ficpf.PrivateIPAllocationMethod != "" { - objectMap["privateIPAllocationMethod"] = ficpf.PrivateIPAllocationMethod - } - if ficpf.Subnet != nil { - objectMap["subnet"] = ficpf.Subnet - } - if ficpf.PublicIPAddress != nil { - objectMap["publicIPAddress"] = ficpf.PublicIPAddress - } - if ficpf.PublicIPPrefix != nil { - objectMap["publicIPPrefix"] = ficpf.PublicIPPrefix - } - if ficpf.ProvisioningState != nil { - objectMap["provisioningState"] = ficpf.ProvisioningState - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // GatewayRoute gateway routing details type GatewayRoute struct { // LocalAddress - READ-ONLY; The gateway's local address @@ -11783,12 +12111,6 @@ type GatewayRoute struct { Weight *int32 `json:"weight,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for GatewayRoute. -func (gr GatewayRoute) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // GatewayRouteListResult list of virtual network gateway routes type GatewayRouteListResult struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` @@ -12108,15 +12430,6 @@ type InboundNatRuleListResult struct { NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for InboundNatRuleListResult. -func (inrlr InboundNatRuleListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if inrlr.Value != nil { - objectMap["value"] = inrlr.Value - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // InboundNatRuleListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of InboundNatRule values. type InboundNatRuleListResultIterator struct { i int @@ -12185,15 +12498,10 @@ func (inrlr InboundNatRuleListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return inrlr.Value == nil || len(*inrlr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (inrlr InboundNatRuleListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return inrlr.NextLink != nil && len(*inrlr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // inboundNatRuleListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (inrlr InboundNatRuleListResult) inboundNatRuleListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !inrlr.hasNextLink() { + if inrlr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(inrlr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -12221,16 +12529,11 @@ func (page *InboundNatRuleListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) ( tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.inrlr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.inrlr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.inrlr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.inrlr = next return nil } @@ -12260,11 +12563,8 @@ func (page InboundNatRuleListResultPage) Values() []InboundNatRule { } // Creates a new instance of the InboundNatRuleListResultPage type. -func NewInboundNatRuleListResultPage(cur InboundNatRuleListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, InboundNatRuleListResult) (InboundNatRuleListResult, error)) InboundNatRuleListResultPage { - return InboundNatRuleListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - inrlr: cur, - } +func NewInboundNatRuleListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, InboundNatRuleListResult) (InboundNatRuleListResult, error)) InboundNatRuleListResultPage { + return InboundNatRuleListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // InboundNatRulePropertiesFormat properties of the inbound NAT rule. @@ -12289,58 +12589,15 @@ type InboundNatRulePropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for InboundNatRulePropertiesFormat. -func (inrpf InboundNatRulePropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if inrpf.FrontendIPConfiguration != nil { - objectMap["frontendIPConfiguration"] = inrpf.FrontendIPConfiguration - } - if inrpf.Protocol != "" { - objectMap["protocol"] = inrpf.Protocol - } - if inrpf.FrontendPort != nil { - objectMap["frontendPort"] = inrpf.FrontendPort - } - if inrpf.BackendPort != nil { - objectMap["backendPort"] = inrpf.BackendPort - } - if inrpf.IdleTimeoutInMinutes != nil { - objectMap["idleTimeoutInMinutes"] = inrpf.IdleTimeoutInMinutes - } - if inrpf.EnableFloatingIP != nil { - objectMap["enableFloatingIP"] = inrpf.EnableFloatingIP - } - if inrpf.EnableTCPReset != nil { - objectMap["enableTcpReset"] = inrpf.EnableTCPReset - } - if inrpf.ProvisioningState != nil { - objectMap["provisioningState"] = inrpf.ProvisioningState - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // InboundNatRulesCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type InboundNatRulesCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(InboundNatRulesClient) (InboundNatRule, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *InboundNatRulesCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for InboundNatRulesCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *InboundNatRulesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client InboundNatRulesClient) (inr InboundNatRule, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *InboundNatRulesCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client InboundNatRulesClient) (inr InboundNatRule, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -12348,7 +12605,6 @@ func (future *InboundNatRulesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client InboundNatRules return } if !done { - inr.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.InboundNatRulesCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -12365,25 +12621,12 @@ func (future *InboundNatRulesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client InboundNatRules // InboundNatRulesDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type InboundNatRulesDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(InboundNatRulesClient) (autorest.Response, error) + azure.Future } -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *InboundNatRulesDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil -} - -// result is the default implementation for InboundNatRulesDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *InboundNatRulesDeleteFuture) result(client InboundNatRulesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *InboundNatRulesDeleteFuture) Result(client InboundNatRulesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -12391,7 +12634,6 @@ func (future *InboundNatRulesDeleteFuture) result(client InboundNatRulesClient) return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.InboundNatRulesDeleteFuture") return } @@ -12525,15 +12767,6 @@ type InterfaceAssociation struct { SecurityRules *[]SecurityRule `json:"securityRules,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for InterfaceAssociation. -func (ia InterfaceAssociation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if ia.SecurityRules != nil { - objectMap["securityRules"] = ia.SecurityRules - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // InterfaceDNSSettings DNS settings of a network interface. type InterfaceDNSSettings struct { // DNSServers - List of DNS servers IP addresses. Use 'AzureProvidedDNS' to switch to azure provided DNS resolution. 'AzureProvidedDNS' value cannot be combined with other IPs, it must be the only value in dnsServers collection. @@ -12675,15 +12908,6 @@ type InterfaceEndpointListResult struct { NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for InterfaceEndpointListResult. -func (ielr InterfaceEndpointListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if ielr.Value != nil { - objectMap["value"] = ielr.Value - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // InterfaceEndpointListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of InterfaceEndpoint values. type InterfaceEndpointListResultIterator struct { i int @@ -12752,15 +12976,10 @@ func (ielr InterfaceEndpointListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return ielr.Value == nil || len(*ielr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (ielr InterfaceEndpointListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return ielr.NextLink != nil && len(*ielr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // interfaceEndpointListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (ielr InterfaceEndpointListResult) interfaceEndpointListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !ielr.hasNextLink() { + if ielr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(ielr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -12788,16 +13007,11 @@ func (page *InterfaceEndpointListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.ielr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.ielr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.ielr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.ielr = next return nil } @@ -12827,11 +13041,8 @@ func (page InterfaceEndpointListResultPage) Values() []InterfaceEndpoint { } // Creates a new instance of the InterfaceEndpointListResultPage type. -func NewInterfaceEndpointListResultPage(cur InterfaceEndpointListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, InterfaceEndpointListResult) (InterfaceEndpointListResult, error)) InterfaceEndpointListResultPage { - return InterfaceEndpointListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - ielr: cur, - } +func NewInterfaceEndpointListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, InterfaceEndpointListResult) (InterfaceEndpointListResult, error)) InterfaceEndpointListResultPage { + return InterfaceEndpointListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // InterfaceEndpointProperties properties of the interface endpoint. @@ -12850,43 +13061,15 @@ type InterfaceEndpointProperties struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for InterfaceEndpointProperties. -func (iep InterfaceEndpointProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if iep.Fqdn != nil { - objectMap["fqdn"] = iep.Fqdn - } - if iep.EndpointService != nil { - objectMap["endpointService"] = iep.EndpointService - } - if iep.Subnet != nil { - objectMap["subnet"] = iep.Subnet - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // InterfaceEndpointsCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type InterfaceEndpointsCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(InterfaceEndpointsClient) (InterfaceEndpoint, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *InterfaceEndpointsCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for InterfaceEndpointsCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *InterfaceEndpointsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client InterfaceEndpointsClient) (ie InterfaceEndpoint, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *InterfaceEndpointsCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client InterfaceEndpointsClient) (ie InterfaceEndpoint, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -12894,7 +13077,6 @@ func (future *InterfaceEndpointsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client InterfaceEnd return } if !done { - ie.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.InterfaceEndpointsCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -12911,25 +13093,12 @@ func (future *InterfaceEndpointsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client InterfaceEnd // InterfaceEndpointsDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type InterfaceEndpointsDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(InterfaceEndpointsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *InterfaceEndpointsDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for InterfaceEndpointsDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *InterfaceEndpointsDeleteFuture) result(client InterfaceEndpointsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *InterfaceEndpointsDeleteFuture) Result(client InterfaceEndpointsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -12937,7 +13106,6 @@ func (future *InterfaceEndpointsDeleteFuture) result(client InterfaceEndpointsCl return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.InterfaceEndpointsDeleteFuture") return } @@ -13031,18 +13199,9 @@ func (iic *InterfaceIPConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { type InterfaceIPConfigurationListResult struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` // Value - A list of ip configurations. - Value *[]InterfaceIPConfiguration `json:"value,omitempty"` - // NextLink - READ-ONLY; The URL to get the next set of results. - NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` -} - -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for InterfaceIPConfigurationListResult. -func (iiclr InterfaceIPConfigurationListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if iiclr.Value != nil { - objectMap["value"] = iiclr.Value - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) + Value *[]InterfaceIPConfiguration `json:"value,omitempty"` + // NextLink - READ-ONLY; The URL to get the next set of results. + NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` } // InterfaceIPConfigurationListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of @@ -13114,15 +13273,10 @@ func (iiclr InterfaceIPConfigurationListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return iiclr.Value == nil || len(*iiclr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (iiclr InterfaceIPConfigurationListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return iiclr.NextLink != nil && len(*iiclr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // interfaceIPConfigurationListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (iiclr InterfaceIPConfigurationListResult) interfaceIPConfigurationListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !iiclr.hasNextLink() { + if iiclr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(iiclr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -13150,16 +13304,11 @@ func (page *InterfaceIPConfigurationListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context. tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.iiclr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.iiclr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.iiclr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.iiclr = next return nil } @@ -13189,11 +13338,8 @@ func (page InterfaceIPConfigurationListResultPage) Values() []InterfaceIPConfigu } // Creates a new instance of the InterfaceIPConfigurationListResultPage type. -func NewInterfaceIPConfigurationListResultPage(cur InterfaceIPConfigurationListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, InterfaceIPConfigurationListResult) (InterfaceIPConfigurationListResult, error)) InterfaceIPConfigurationListResultPage { - return InterfaceIPConfigurationListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - iiclr: cur, - } +func NewInterfaceIPConfigurationListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, InterfaceIPConfigurationListResult) (InterfaceIPConfigurationListResult, error)) InterfaceIPConfigurationListResultPage { + return InterfaceIPConfigurationListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // InterfaceIPConfigurationPropertiesFormat properties of IP configuration. @@ -13233,15 +13379,6 @@ type InterfaceListResult struct { NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for InterfaceListResult. -func (ilr InterfaceListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if ilr.Value != nil { - objectMap["value"] = ilr.Value - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // InterfaceListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of Interface values. type InterfaceListResultIterator struct { i int @@ -13310,15 +13447,10 @@ func (ilr InterfaceListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return ilr.Value == nil || len(*ilr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (ilr InterfaceListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return ilr.NextLink != nil && len(*ilr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // interfaceListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (ilr InterfaceListResult) interfaceListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !ilr.hasNextLink() { + if ilr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(ilr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -13346,16 +13478,11 @@ func (page *InterfaceListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err e tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.ilr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.ilr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.ilr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.ilr = next return nil } @@ -13385,11 +13512,8 @@ func (page InterfaceListResultPage) Values() []Interface { } // Creates a new instance of the InterfaceListResultPage type. -func NewInterfaceListResultPage(cur InterfaceListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, InterfaceListResult) (InterfaceListResult, error)) InterfaceListResultPage { - return InterfaceListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - ilr: cur, - } +func NewInterfaceListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, InterfaceListResult) (InterfaceListResult, error)) InterfaceListResultPage { + return InterfaceListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // InterfaceLoadBalancerListResult response for list ip configurations API service call. @@ -13401,15 +13525,6 @@ type InterfaceLoadBalancerListResult struct { NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for InterfaceLoadBalancerListResult. -func (ilblr InterfaceLoadBalancerListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if ilblr.Value != nil { - objectMap["value"] = ilblr.Value - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // InterfaceLoadBalancerListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of LoadBalancer values. type InterfaceLoadBalancerListResultIterator struct { i int @@ -13478,15 +13593,10 @@ func (ilblr InterfaceLoadBalancerListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return ilblr.Value == nil || len(*ilblr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (ilblr InterfaceLoadBalancerListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return ilblr.NextLink != nil && len(*ilblr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // interfaceLoadBalancerListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (ilblr InterfaceLoadBalancerListResult) interfaceLoadBalancerListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !ilblr.hasNextLink() { + if ilblr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(ilblr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -13514,16 +13624,11 @@ func (page *InterfaceLoadBalancerListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Con tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.ilblr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.ilblr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.ilblr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.ilblr = next return nil } @@ -13553,11 +13658,8 @@ func (page InterfaceLoadBalancerListResultPage) Values() []LoadBalancer { } // Creates a new instance of the InterfaceLoadBalancerListResultPage type. -func NewInterfaceLoadBalancerListResultPage(cur InterfaceLoadBalancerListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, InterfaceLoadBalancerListResult) (InterfaceLoadBalancerListResult, error)) InterfaceLoadBalancerListResultPage { - return InterfaceLoadBalancerListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - ilblr: cur, - } +func NewInterfaceLoadBalancerListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, InterfaceLoadBalancerListResult) (InterfaceLoadBalancerListResult, error)) InterfaceLoadBalancerListResultPage { + return InterfaceLoadBalancerListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // InterfacePropertiesFormat networkInterface properties. @@ -13590,64 +13692,15 @@ type InterfacePropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for InterfacePropertiesFormat. -func (ipf InterfacePropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if ipf.NetworkSecurityGroup != nil { - objectMap["networkSecurityGroup"] = ipf.NetworkSecurityGroup - } - if ipf.IPConfigurations != nil { - objectMap["ipConfigurations"] = ipf.IPConfigurations - } - if ipf.TapConfigurations != nil { - objectMap["tapConfigurations"] = ipf.TapConfigurations - } - if ipf.DNSSettings != nil { - objectMap["dnsSettings"] = ipf.DNSSettings - } - if ipf.MacAddress != nil { - objectMap["macAddress"] = ipf.MacAddress - } - if ipf.Primary != nil { - objectMap["primary"] = ipf.Primary - } - if ipf.EnableAcceleratedNetworking != nil { - objectMap["enableAcceleratedNetworking"] = ipf.EnableAcceleratedNetworking - } - if ipf.EnableIPForwarding != nil { - objectMap["enableIPForwarding"] = ipf.EnableIPForwarding - } - if ipf.ResourceGUID != nil { - objectMap["resourceGuid"] = ipf.ResourceGUID - } - if ipf.ProvisioningState != nil { - objectMap["provisioningState"] = ipf.ProvisioningState - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // InterfacesCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type InterfacesCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(InterfacesClient) (Interface, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *InterfacesCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for InterfacesCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *InterfacesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client InterfacesClient) (i Interface, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *InterfacesCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client InterfacesClient) (i Interface, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -13655,7 +13708,6 @@ func (future *InterfacesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client InterfacesClient) (i return } if !done { - i.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.InterfacesCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -13672,25 +13724,12 @@ func (future *InterfacesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client InterfacesClient) (i // InterfacesDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type InterfacesDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(InterfacesClient) (autorest.Response, error) + azure.Future } -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *InterfacesDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil -} - -// result is the default implementation for InterfacesDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *InterfacesDeleteFuture) result(client InterfacesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *InterfacesDeleteFuture) Result(client InterfacesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -13698,7 +13737,6 @@ func (future *InterfacesDeleteFuture) result(client InterfacesClient) (ar autore return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.InterfacesDeleteFuture") return } @@ -13709,25 +13747,12 @@ func (future *InterfacesDeleteFuture) result(client InterfacesClient) (ar autore // InterfacesGetEffectiveRouteTableFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type InterfacesGetEffectiveRouteTableFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(InterfacesClient) (EffectiveRouteListResult, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *InterfacesGetEffectiveRouteTableFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for InterfacesGetEffectiveRouteTableFuture.Result. -func (future *InterfacesGetEffectiveRouteTableFuture) result(client InterfacesClient) (erlr EffectiveRouteListResult, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *InterfacesGetEffectiveRouteTableFuture) Result(client InterfacesClient) (erlr EffectiveRouteListResult, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -13735,7 +13760,6 @@ func (future *InterfacesGetEffectiveRouteTableFuture) result(client InterfacesCl return } if !done { - erlr.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.InterfacesGetEffectiveRouteTableFuture") return } @@ -13752,25 +13776,12 @@ func (future *InterfacesGetEffectiveRouteTableFuture) result(client InterfacesCl // InterfacesListEffectiveNetworkSecurityGroupsFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the // results of a long-running operation. type InterfacesListEffectiveNetworkSecurityGroupsFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(InterfacesClient) (EffectiveNetworkSecurityGroupListResult, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *InterfacesListEffectiveNetworkSecurityGroupsFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for InterfacesListEffectiveNetworkSecurityGroupsFuture.Result. -func (future *InterfacesListEffectiveNetworkSecurityGroupsFuture) result(client InterfacesClient) (ensglr EffectiveNetworkSecurityGroupListResult, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *InterfacesListEffectiveNetworkSecurityGroupsFuture) Result(client InterfacesClient) (ensglr EffectiveNetworkSecurityGroupListResult, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -13778,7 +13789,6 @@ func (future *InterfacesListEffectiveNetworkSecurityGroupsFuture) result(client return } if !done { - ensglr.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.InterfacesListEffectiveNetworkSecurityGroupsFuture") return } @@ -13795,25 +13805,12 @@ func (future *InterfacesListEffectiveNetworkSecurityGroupsFuture) result(client // InterfacesUpdateTagsFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type InterfacesUpdateTagsFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(InterfacesClient) (Interface, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *InterfacesUpdateTagsFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for InterfacesUpdateTagsFuture.Result. -func (future *InterfacesUpdateTagsFuture) result(client InterfacesClient) (i Interface, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *InterfacesUpdateTagsFuture) Result(client InterfacesClient) (i Interface, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -13821,7 +13818,6 @@ func (future *InterfacesUpdateTagsFuture) result(client InterfacesClient) (i Int return } if !done { - i.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.InterfacesUpdateTagsFuture") return } @@ -13937,15 +13933,6 @@ type InterfaceTapConfigurationListResult struct { NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for InterfaceTapConfigurationListResult. -func (itclr InterfaceTapConfigurationListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if itclr.Value != nil { - objectMap["value"] = itclr.Value - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // InterfaceTapConfigurationListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of // InterfaceTapConfiguration values. type InterfaceTapConfigurationListResultIterator struct { @@ -14015,15 +14002,10 @@ func (itclr InterfaceTapConfigurationListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return itclr.Value == nil || len(*itclr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (itclr InterfaceTapConfigurationListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return itclr.NextLink != nil && len(*itclr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // interfaceTapConfigurationListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (itclr InterfaceTapConfigurationListResult) interfaceTapConfigurationListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !itclr.hasNextLink() { + if itclr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(itclr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -14051,16 +14033,11 @@ func (page *InterfaceTapConfigurationListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.itclr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.itclr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.itclr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.itclr = next return nil } @@ -14090,11 +14067,8 @@ func (page InterfaceTapConfigurationListResultPage) Values() []InterfaceTapConfi } // Creates a new instance of the InterfaceTapConfigurationListResultPage type. -func NewInterfaceTapConfigurationListResultPage(cur InterfaceTapConfigurationListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, InterfaceTapConfigurationListResult) (InterfaceTapConfigurationListResult, error)) InterfaceTapConfigurationListResultPage { - return InterfaceTapConfigurationListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - itclr: cur, - } +func NewInterfaceTapConfigurationListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, InterfaceTapConfigurationListResult) (InterfaceTapConfigurationListResult, error)) InterfaceTapConfigurationListResultPage { + return InterfaceTapConfigurationListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // InterfaceTapConfigurationPropertiesFormat properties of Virtual Network Tap configuration. @@ -14105,37 +14079,15 @@ type InterfaceTapConfigurationPropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for InterfaceTapConfigurationPropertiesFormat. -func (itcpf InterfaceTapConfigurationPropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if itcpf.VirtualNetworkTap != nil { - objectMap["virtualNetworkTap"] = itcpf.VirtualNetworkTap - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // InterfaceTapConfigurationsCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results // of a long-running operation. type InterfaceTapConfigurationsCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(InterfaceTapConfigurationsClient) (InterfaceTapConfiguration, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *InterfaceTapConfigurationsCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for InterfaceTapConfigurationsCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *InterfaceTapConfigurationsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client InterfaceTapConfigurationsClient) (itc InterfaceTapConfiguration, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *InterfaceTapConfigurationsCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client InterfaceTapConfigurationsClient) (itc InterfaceTapConfiguration, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -14143,7 +14095,6 @@ func (future *InterfaceTapConfigurationsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client Inte return } if !done { - itc.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.InterfaceTapConfigurationsCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -14160,25 +14111,12 @@ func (future *InterfaceTapConfigurationsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client Inte // InterfaceTapConfigurationsDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type InterfaceTapConfigurationsDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(InterfaceTapConfigurationsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *InterfaceTapConfigurationsDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for InterfaceTapConfigurationsDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *InterfaceTapConfigurationsDeleteFuture) result(client InterfaceTapConfigurationsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *InterfaceTapConfigurationsDeleteFuture) Result(client InterfaceTapConfigurationsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -14186,7 +14124,6 @@ func (future *InterfaceTapConfigurationsDeleteFuture) result(client InterfaceTap return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.InterfaceTapConfigurationsDeleteFuture") return } @@ -14384,15 +14321,6 @@ type IPConfigurationProfilePropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for IPConfigurationProfilePropertiesFormat. -func (icppf IPConfigurationProfilePropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if icppf.Subnet != nil { - objectMap["subnet"] = icppf.Subnet - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // IPConfigurationPropertiesFormat properties of IP configuration. type IPConfigurationPropertiesFormat struct { // PrivateIPAddress - The private IP address of the IP configuration. @@ -14528,15 +14456,10 @@ func (lhvncr ListHubVirtualNetworkConnectionsResult) IsEmpty() bool { return lhvncr.Value == nil || len(*lhvncr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (lhvncr ListHubVirtualNetworkConnectionsResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return lhvncr.NextLink != nil && len(*lhvncr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // listHubVirtualNetworkConnectionsResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (lhvncr ListHubVirtualNetworkConnectionsResult) listHubVirtualNetworkConnectionsResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !lhvncr.hasNextLink() { + if lhvncr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(lhvncr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -14564,16 +14487,11 @@ func (page *ListHubVirtualNetworkConnectionsResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx cont tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.lhvncr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.lhvncr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.lhvncr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.lhvncr = next return nil } @@ -14603,11 +14521,8 @@ func (page ListHubVirtualNetworkConnectionsResultPage) Values() []HubVirtualNetw } // Creates a new instance of the ListHubVirtualNetworkConnectionsResultPage type. -func NewListHubVirtualNetworkConnectionsResultPage(cur ListHubVirtualNetworkConnectionsResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, ListHubVirtualNetworkConnectionsResult) (ListHubVirtualNetworkConnectionsResult, error)) ListHubVirtualNetworkConnectionsResultPage { - return ListHubVirtualNetworkConnectionsResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - lhvncr: cur, - } +func NewListHubVirtualNetworkConnectionsResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, ListHubVirtualNetworkConnectionsResult) (ListHubVirtualNetworkConnectionsResult, error)) ListHubVirtualNetworkConnectionsResultPage { + return ListHubVirtualNetworkConnectionsResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // ListP2SVpnGatewaysResult result of the request to list P2SVpnGateways. It contains a list of @@ -14688,15 +14603,10 @@ func (lpvgr ListP2SVpnGatewaysResult) IsEmpty() bool { return lpvgr.Value == nil || len(*lpvgr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (lpvgr ListP2SVpnGatewaysResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return lpvgr.NextLink != nil && len(*lpvgr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // listP2SVpnGatewaysResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (lpvgr ListP2SVpnGatewaysResult) listP2SVpnGatewaysResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !lpvgr.hasNextLink() { + if lpvgr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(lpvgr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -14724,16 +14634,11 @@ func (page *ListP2SVpnGatewaysResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) ( tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.lpvgr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.lpvgr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.lpvgr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.lpvgr = next return nil } @@ -14763,11 +14668,8 @@ func (page ListP2SVpnGatewaysResultPage) Values() []P2SVpnGateway { } // Creates a new instance of the ListP2SVpnGatewaysResultPage type. -func NewListP2SVpnGatewaysResultPage(cur ListP2SVpnGatewaysResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, ListP2SVpnGatewaysResult) (ListP2SVpnGatewaysResult, error)) ListP2SVpnGatewaysResultPage { - return ListP2SVpnGatewaysResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - lpvgr: cur, - } +func NewListP2SVpnGatewaysResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, ListP2SVpnGatewaysResult) (ListP2SVpnGatewaysResult, error)) ListP2SVpnGatewaysResultPage { + return ListP2SVpnGatewaysResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // ListP2SVpnServerConfigurationsResult result of the request to list all P2SVpnServerConfigurations @@ -14850,15 +14752,10 @@ func (lpvscr ListP2SVpnServerConfigurationsResult) IsEmpty() bool { return lpvscr.Value == nil || len(*lpvscr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (lpvscr ListP2SVpnServerConfigurationsResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return lpvscr.NextLink != nil && len(*lpvscr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // listP2SVpnServerConfigurationsResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (lpvscr ListP2SVpnServerConfigurationsResult) listP2SVpnServerConfigurationsResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !lpvscr.hasNextLink() { + if lpvscr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(lpvscr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -14886,16 +14783,11 @@ func (page *ListP2SVpnServerConfigurationsResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx contex tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.lpvscr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.lpvscr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.lpvscr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.lpvscr = next return nil } @@ -14925,11 +14817,8 @@ func (page ListP2SVpnServerConfigurationsResultPage) Values() []P2SVpnServerConf } // Creates a new instance of the ListP2SVpnServerConfigurationsResultPage type. -func NewListP2SVpnServerConfigurationsResultPage(cur ListP2SVpnServerConfigurationsResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, ListP2SVpnServerConfigurationsResult) (ListP2SVpnServerConfigurationsResult, error)) ListP2SVpnServerConfigurationsResultPage { - return ListP2SVpnServerConfigurationsResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - lpvscr: cur, - } +func NewListP2SVpnServerConfigurationsResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, ListP2SVpnServerConfigurationsResult) (ListP2SVpnServerConfigurationsResult, error)) ListP2SVpnServerConfigurationsResultPage { + return ListP2SVpnServerConfigurationsResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // ListVirtualHubsResult result of the request to list VirtualHubs. It contains a list of VirtualHubs and a @@ -15010,15 +14899,10 @@ func (lvhr ListVirtualHubsResult) IsEmpty() bool { return lvhr.Value == nil || len(*lvhr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (lvhr ListVirtualHubsResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return lvhr.NextLink != nil && len(*lvhr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // listVirtualHubsResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (lvhr ListVirtualHubsResult) listVirtualHubsResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !lvhr.hasNextLink() { + if lvhr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(lvhr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -15046,16 +14930,11 @@ func (page *ListVirtualHubsResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.lvhr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.lvhr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.lvhr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.lvhr = next return nil } @@ -15085,11 +14964,8 @@ func (page ListVirtualHubsResultPage) Values() []VirtualHub { } // Creates a new instance of the ListVirtualHubsResultPage type. -func NewListVirtualHubsResultPage(cur ListVirtualHubsResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, ListVirtualHubsResult) (ListVirtualHubsResult, error)) ListVirtualHubsResultPage { - return ListVirtualHubsResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - lvhr: cur, - } +func NewListVirtualHubsResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, ListVirtualHubsResult) (ListVirtualHubsResult, error)) ListVirtualHubsResultPage { + return ListVirtualHubsResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // ListVirtualWANsResult result of the request to list VirtualWANs. It contains a list of VirtualWANs and a @@ -15170,15 +15046,10 @@ func (lvwnr ListVirtualWANsResult) IsEmpty() bool { return lvwnr.Value == nil || len(*lvwnr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (lvwnr ListVirtualWANsResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return lvwnr.NextLink != nil && len(*lvwnr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // listVirtualWANsResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (lvwnr ListVirtualWANsResult) listVirtualWANsResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !lvwnr.hasNextLink() { + if lvwnr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(lvwnr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -15206,16 +15077,11 @@ func (page *ListVirtualWANsResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.lvwnr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.lvwnr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.lvwnr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.lvwnr = next return nil } @@ -15245,11 +15111,8 @@ func (page ListVirtualWANsResultPage) Values() []VirtualWAN { } // Creates a new instance of the ListVirtualWANsResultPage type. -func NewListVirtualWANsResultPage(cur ListVirtualWANsResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, ListVirtualWANsResult) (ListVirtualWANsResult, error)) ListVirtualWANsResultPage { - return ListVirtualWANsResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - lvwnr: cur, - } +func NewListVirtualWANsResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, ListVirtualWANsResult) (ListVirtualWANsResult, error)) ListVirtualWANsResultPage { + return ListVirtualWANsResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // ListVpnConnectionsResult result of the request to list all vpn connections to a virtual wan vpn gateway. @@ -15330,15 +15193,10 @@ func (lvcr ListVpnConnectionsResult) IsEmpty() bool { return lvcr.Value == nil || len(*lvcr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (lvcr ListVpnConnectionsResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return lvcr.NextLink != nil && len(*lvcr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // listVpnConnectionsResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (lvcr ListVpnConnectionsResult) listVpnConnectionsResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !lvcr.hasNextLink() { + if lvcr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(lvcr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -15366,16 +15224,11 @@ func (page *ListVpnConnectionsResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) ( tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.lvcr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.lvcr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.lvcr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.lvcr = next return nil } @@ -15405,11 +15258,8 @@ func (page ListVpnConnectionsResultPage) Values() []VpnConnection { } // Creates a new instance of the ListVpnConnectionsResultPage type. -func NewListVpnConnectionsResultPage(cur ListVpnConnectionsResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, ListVpnConnectionsResult) (ListVpnConnectionsResult, error)) ListVpnConnectionsResultPage { - return ListVpnConnectionsResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - lvcr: cur, - } +func NewListVpnConnectionsResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, ListVpnConnectionsResult) (ListVpnConnectionsResult, error)) ListVpnConnectionsResultPage { + return ListVpnConnectionsResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // ListVpnGatewaysResult result of the request to list VpnGateways. It contains a list of VpnGateways and a @@ -15490,15 +15340,10 @@ func (lvgr ListVpnGatewaysResult) IsEmpty() bool { return lvgr.Value == nil || len(*lvgr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (lvgr ListVpnGatewaysResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return lvgr.NextLink != nil && len(*lvgr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // listVpnGatewaysResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (lvgr ListVpnGatewaysResult) listVpnGatewaysResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !lvgr.hasNextLink() { + if lvgr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(lvgr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -15526,16 +15371,11 @@ func (page *ListVpnGatewaysResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.lvgr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.lvgr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.lvgr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.lvgr = next return nil } @@ -15565,11 +15405,8 @@ func (page ListVpnGatewaysResultPage) Values() []VpnGateway { } // Creates a new instance of the ListVpnGatewaysResultPage type. -func NewListVpnGatewaysResultPage(cur ListVpnGatewaysResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, ListVpnGatewaysResult) (ListVpnGatewaysResult, error)) ListVpnGatewaysResultPage { - return ListVpnGatewaysResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - lvgr: cur, - } +func NewListVpnGatewaysResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, ListVpnGatewaysResult) (ListVpnGatewaysResult, error)) ListVpnGatewaysResultPage { + return ListVpnGatewaysResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // ListVpnSitesResult result of the request to list VpnSites. It contains a list of VpnSites and a URL @@ -15650,15 +15487,10 @@ func (lvsr ListVpnSitesResult) IsEmpty() bool { return lvsr.Value == nil || len(*lvsr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (lvsr ListVpnSitesResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return lvsr.NextLink != nil && len(*lvsr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // listVpnSitesResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (lvsr ListVpnSitesResult) listVpnSitesResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !lvsr.hasNextLink() { + if lvsr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(lvsr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -15686,16 +15518,11 @@ func (page *ListVpnSitesResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err er tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.lvsr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.lvsr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.lvsr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.lvsr = next return nil } @@ -15725,11 +15552,8 @@ func (page ListVpnSitesResultPage) Values() []VpnSite { } // Creates a new instance of the ListVpnSitesResultPage type. -func NewListVpnSitesResultPage(cur ListVpnSitesResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, ListVpnSitesResult) (ListVpnSitesResult, error)) ListVpnSitesResultPage { - return ListVpnSitesResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - lvsr: cur, - } +func NewListVpnSitesResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, ListVpnSitesResult) (ListVpnSitesResult, error)) ListVpnSitesResultPage { + return ListVpnSitesResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // LoadBalancer loadBalancer resource @@ -15873,15 +15697,6 @@ type LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolListResult struct { NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolListResult. -func (lbbaplr LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if lbbaplr.Value != nil { - objectMap["value"] = lbbaplr.Value - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of // BackendAddressPool values. type LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolListResultIterator struct { @@ -15951,15 +15766,10 @@ func (lbbaplr LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return lbbaplr.Value == nil || len(*lbbaplr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (lbbaplr LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return lbbaplr.NextLink != nil && len(*lbbaplr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // loadBalancerBackendAddressPoolListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (lbbaplr LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolListResult) loadBalancerBackendAddressPoolListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !lbbaplr.hasNextLink() { + if lbbaplr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(lbbaplr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -15987,16 +15797,11 @@ func (page *LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx co tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.lbbaplr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.lbbaplr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.lbbaplr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.lbbaplr = next return nil } @@ -16026,11 +15831,8 @@ func (page LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolListResultPage) Values() []BackendAddre } // Creates a new instance of the LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolListResultPage type. -func NewLoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolListResultPage(cur LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolListResult) (LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolListResult, error)) LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolListResultPage { - return LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - lbbaplr: cur, - } +func NewLoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolListResult) (LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolListResult, error)) LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolListResultPage { + return LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationListResult response for ListFrontendIPConfiguration API service call. @@ -16042,15 +15844,6 @@ type LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationListResult struct { NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationListResult. -func (lbficlr LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if lbficlr.Value != nil { - objectMap["value"] = lbficlr.Value - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of // FrontendIPConfiguration values. type LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationListResultIterator struct { @@ -16120,15 +15913,10 @@ func (lbficlr LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return lbficlr.Value == nil || len(*lbficlr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (lbficlr LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return lbficlr.NextLink != nil && len(*lbficlr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // loadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (lbficlr LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationListResult) loadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !lbficlr.hasNextLink() { + if lbficlr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(lbficlr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -16156,16 +15944,11 @@ func (page *LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationListResultPage) NextWithContext(c tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.lbficlr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.lbficlr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.lbficlr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.lbficlr = next return nil } @@ -16195,11 +15978,8 @@ func (page LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationListResultPage) Values() []Fronten } // Creates a new instance of the LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationListResultPage type. -func NewLoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationListResultPage(cur LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationListResult) (LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationListResult, error)) LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationListResultPage { - return LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - lbficlr: cur, - } +func NewLoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationListResult) (LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationListResult, error)) LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationListResultPage { + return LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // LoadBalancerListResult response for ListLoadBalancers API service call. @@ -16211,15 +15991,6 @@ type LoadBalancerListResult struct { NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for LoadBalancerListResult. -func (lblr LoadBalancerListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if lblr.Value != nil { - objectMap["value"] = lblr.Value - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // LoadBalancerListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of LoadBalancer values. type LoadBalancerListResultIterator struct { i int @@ -16288,15 +16059,10 @@ func (lblr LoadBalancerListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return lblr.Value == nil || len(*lblr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (lblr LoadBalancerListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return lblr.NextLink != nil && len(*lblr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // loadBalancerListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (lblr LoadBalancerListResult) loadBalancerListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !lblr.hasNextLink() { + if lblr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(lblr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -16324,16 +16090,11 @@ func (page *LoadBalancerListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (er tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.lblr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.lblr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.lblr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.lblr = next return nil } @@ -16363,11 +16124,8 @@ func (page LoadBalancerListResultPage) Values() []LoadBalancer { } // Creates a new instance of the LoadBalancerListResultPage type. -func NewLoadBalancerListResultPage(cur LoadBalancerListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, LoadBalancerListResult) (LoadBalancerListResult, error)) LoadBalancerListResultPage { - return LoadBalancerListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - lblr: cur, - } +func NewLoadBalancerListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, LoadBalancerListResult) (LoadBalancerListResult, error)) LoadBalancerListResultPage { + return LoadBalancerListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRuleListResult response for ListLoadBalancingRule API service call. @@ -16379,15 +16137,6 @@ type LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRuleListResult struct { NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRuleListResult. -func (lblbrlr LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRuleListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if lblbrlr.Value != nil { - objectMap["value"] = lblbrlr.Value - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRuleListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of // LoadBalancingRule values. type LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRuleListResultIterator struct { @@ -16457,15 +16206,10 @@ func (lblbrlr LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRuleListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return lblbrlr.Value == nil || len(*lblbrlr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (lblbrlr LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRuleListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return lblbrlr.NextLink != nil && len(*lblbrlr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // loadBalancerLoadBalancingRuleListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (lblbrlr LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRuleListResult) loadBalancerLoadBalancingRuleListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !lblbrlr.hasNextLink() { + if lblbrlr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(lblbrlr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -16493,16 +16237,11 @@ func (page *LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRuleListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx con tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.lblbrlr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.lblbrlr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.lblbrlr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.lblbrlr = next return nil } @@ -16532,11 +16271,8 @@ func (page LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRuleListResultPage) Values() []LoadBalancing } // Creates a new instance of the LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRuleListResultPage type. -func NewLoadBalancerLoadBalancingRuleListResultPage(cur LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRuleListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRuleListResult) (LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRuleListResult, error)) LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRuleListResultPage { - return LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRuleListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - lblbrlr: cur, - } +func NewLoadBalancerLoadBalancingRuleListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRuleListResult) (LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRuleListResult, error)) LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRuleListResultPage { + return LoadBalancerLoadBalancingRuleListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // LoadBalancerOutboundRuleListResult response for ListOutboundRule API service call. @@ -16548,15 +16284,6 @@ type LoadBalancerOutboundRuleListResult struct { NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for LoadBalancerOutboundRuleListResult. -func (lborlr LoadBalancerOutboundRuleListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if lborlr.Value != nil { - objectMap["value"] = lborlr.Value - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // LoadBalancerOutboundRuleListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of OutboundRule values. type LoadBalancerOutboundRuleListResultIterator struct { i int @@ -16625,15 +16352,10 @@ func (lborlr LoadBalancerOutboundRuleListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return lborlr.Value == nil || len(*lborlr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (lborlr LoadBalancerOutboundRuleListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return lborlr.NextLink != nil && len(*lborlr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // loadBalancerOutboundRuleListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (lborlr LoadBalancerOutboundRuleListResult) loadBalancerOutboundRuleListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !lborlr.hasNextLink() { + if lborlr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(lborlr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -16661,16 +16383,11 @@ func (page *LoadBalancerOutboundRuleListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context. tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.lborlr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.lborlr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.lborlr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.lborlr = next return nil } @@ -16700,11 +16417,8 @@ func (page LoadBalancerOutboundRuleListResultPage) Values() []OutboundRule { } // Creates a new instance of the LoadBalancerOutboundRuleListResultPage type. -func NewLoadBalancerOutboundRuleListResultPage(cur LoadBalancerOutboundRuleListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, LoadBalancerOutboundRuleListResult) (LoadBalancerOutboundRuleListResult, error)) LoadBalancerOutboundRuleListResultPage { - return LoadBalancerOutboundRuleListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - lborlr: cur, - } +func NewLoadBalancerOutboundRuleListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, LoadBalancerOutboundRuleListResult) (LoadBalancerOutboundRuleListResult, error)) LoadBalancerOutboundRuleListResultPage { + return LoadBalancerOutboundRuleListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // LoadBalancerProbeListResult response for ListProbe API service call. @@ -16716,15 +16430,6 @@ type LoadBalancerProbeListResult struct { NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for LoadBalancerProbeListResult. -func (lbplr LoadBalancerProbeListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if lbplr.Value != nil { - objectMap["value"] = lbplr.Value - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // LoadBalancerProbeListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of Probe values. type LoadBalancerProbeListResultIterator struct { i int @@ -16793,15 +16498,10 @@ func (lbplr LoadBalancerProbeListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return lbplr.Value == nil || len(*lbplr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (lbplr LoadBalancerProbeListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return lbplr.NextLink != nil && len(*lbplr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // loadBalancerProbeListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (lbplr LoadBalancerProbeListResult) loadBalancerProbeListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !lbplr.hasNextLink() { + if lbplr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(lbplr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -16829,16 +16529,11 @@ func (page *LoadBalancerProbeListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.lbplr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.lbplr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.lbplr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.lbplr = next return nil } @@ -16868,11 +16563,8 @@ func (page LoadBalancerProbeListResultPage) Values() []Probe { } // Creates a new instance of the LoadBalancerProbeListResultPage type. -func NewLoadBalancerProbeListResultPage(cur LoadBalancerProbeListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, LoadBalancerProbeListResult) (LoadBalancerProbeListResult, error)) LoadBalancerProbeListResultPage { - return LoadBalancerProbeListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - lbplr: cur, - } +func NewLoadBalancerProbeListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, LoadBalancerProbeListResult) (LoadBalancerProbeListResult, error)) LoadBalancerProbeListResultPage { + return LoadBalancerProbeListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // LoadBalancerPropertiesFormat properties of the load balancer. @@ -16900,25 +16592,12 @@ type LoadBalancerPropertiesFormat struct { // LoadBalancersCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type LoadBalancersCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(LoadBalancersClient) (LoadBalancer, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *LoadBalancersCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for LoadBalancersCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *LoadBalancersCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client LoadBalancersClient) (lb LoadBalancer, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *LoadBalancersCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client LoadBalancersClient) (lb LoadBalancer, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -16926,7 +16605,6 @@ func (future *LoadBalancersCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client LoadBalancersClie return } if !done { - lb.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.LoadBalancersCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -16943,25 +16621,12 @@ func (future *LoadBalancersCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client LoadBalancersClie // LoadBalancersDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type LoadBalancersDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(LoadBalancersClient) (autorest.Response, error) + azure.Future } -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *LoadBalancersDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil -} - -// result is the default implementation for LoadBalancersDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *LoadBalancersDeleteFuture) result(client LoadBalancersClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *LoadBalancersDeleteFuture) Result(client LoadBalancersClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -16969,7 +16634,6 @@ func (future *LoadBalancersDeleteFuture) result(client LoadBalancersClient) (ar return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.LoadBalancersDeleteFuture") return } @@ -16986,25 +16650,12 @@ type LoadBalancerSku struct { // LoadBalancersUpdateTagsFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type LoadBalancersUpdateTagsFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(LoadBalancersClient) (LoadBalancer, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *LoadBalancersUpdateTagsFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for LoadBalancersUpdateTagsFuture.Result. -func (future *LoadBalancersUpdateTagsFuture) result(client LoadBalancersClient) (lb LoadBalancer, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *LoadBalancersUpdateTagsFuture) Result(client LoadBalancersClient) (lb LoadBalancer, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -17012,7 +16663,6 @@ func (future *LoadBalancersUpdateTagsFuture) result(client LoadBalancersClient) return } if !done { - lb.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.LoadBalancersUpdateTagsFuture") return } @@ -17263,15 +16913,6 @@ type LocalNetworkGatewayListResult struct { NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for LocalNetworkGatewayListResult. -func (lnglr LocalNetworkGatewayListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if lnglr.Value != nil { - objectMap["value"] = lnglr.Value - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // LocalNetworkGatewayListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of LocalNetworkGateway // values. type LocalNetworkGatewayListResultIterator struct { @@ -17341,15 +16982,10 @@ func (lnglr LocalNetworkGatewayListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return lnglr.Value == nil || len(*lnglr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (lnglr LocalNetworkGatewayListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return lnglr.NextLink != nil && len(*lnglr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // localNetworkGatewayListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (lnglr LocalNetworkGatewayListResult) localNetworkGatewayListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !lnglr.hasNextLink() { + if lnglr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(lnglr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -17377,16 +17013,11 @@ func (page *LocalNetworkGatewayListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Conte tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.lnglr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.lnglr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.lnglr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.lnglr = next return nil } @@ -17416,11 +17047,8 @@ func (page LocalNetworkGatewayListResultPage) Values() []LocalNetworkGateway { } // Creates a new instance of the LocalNetworkGatewayListResultPage type. -func NewLocalNetworkGatewayListResultPage(cur LocalNetworkGatewayListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, LocalNetworkGatewayListResult) (LocalNetworkGatewayListResult, error)) LocalNetworkGatewayListResultPage { - return LocalNetworkGatewayListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - lnglr: cur, - } +func NewLocalNetworkGatewayListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, LocalNetworkGatewayListResult) (LocalNetworkGatewayListResult, error)) LocalNetworkGatewayListResultPage { + return LocalNetworkGatewayListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // LocalNetworkGatewayPropertiesFormat localNetworkGateway properties @@ -17437,46 +17065,15 @@ type LocalNetworkGatewayPropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for LocalNetworkGatewayPropertiesFormat. -func (lngpf LocalNetworkGatewayPropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if lngpf.LocalNetworkAddressSpace != nil { - objectMap["localNetworkAddressSpace"] = lngpf.LocalNetworkAddressSpace - } - if lngpf.GatewayIPAddress != nil { - objectMap["gatewayIpAddress"] = lngpf.GatewayIPAddress - } - if lngpf.BgpSettings != nil { - objectMap["bgpSettings"] = lngpf.BgpSettings - } - if lngpf.ResourceGUID != nil { - objectMap["resourceGuid"] = lngpf.ResourceGUID - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // LocalNetworkGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type LocalNetworkGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(LocalNetworkGatewaysClient) (LocalNetworkGateway, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *LocalNetworkGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for LocalNetworkGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *LocalNetworkGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client LocalNetworkGatewaysClient) (lng LocalNetworkGateway, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *LocalNetworkGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client LocalNetworkGatewaysClient) (lng LocalNetworkGateway, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -17484,7 +17081,6 @@ func (future *LocalNetworkGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client LocalNetwo return } if !done { - lng.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.LocalNetworkGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -17501,25 +17097,12 @@ func (future *LocalNetworkGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client LocalNetwo // LocalNetworkGatewaysDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type LocalNetworkGatewaysDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(LocalNetworkGatewaysClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *LocalNetworkGatewaysDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for LocalNetworkGatewaysDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *LocalNetworkGatewaysDeleteFuture) result(client LocalNetworkGatewaysClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *LocalNetworkGatewaysDeleteFuture) Result(client LocalNetworkGatewaysClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -17527,7 +17110,6 @@ func (future *LocalNetworkGatewaysDeleteFuture) result(client LocalNetworkGatewa return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.LocalNetworkGatewaysDeleteFuture") return } @@ -17538,25 +17120,12 @@ func (future *LocalNetworkGatewaysDeleteFuture) result(client LocalNetworkGatewa // LocalNetworkGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type LocalNetworkGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(LocalNetworkGatewaysClient) (LocalNetworkGateway, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *LocalNetworkGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for LocalNetworkGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture.Result. -func (future *LocalNetworkGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture) result(client LocalNetworkGatewaysClient) (lng LocalNetworkGateway, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *LocalNetworkGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture) Result(client LocalNetworkGatewaysClient) (lng LocalNetworkGateway, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -17564,7 +17133,6 @@ func (future *LocalNetworkGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture) result(client LocalNetworkGa return } if !done { - lng.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.LocalNetworkGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture") return } @@ -17620,12 +17188,6 @@ type ManagedServiceIdentityUserAssignedIdentitiesValue struct { ClientID *string `json:"clientId,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ManagedServiceIdentityUserAssignedIdentitiesValue. -func (msiAiv ManagedServiceIdentityUserAssignedIdentitiesValue) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // MatchedRule matched rule. type MatchedRule struct { // RuleName - Name of the matched network security rule. @@ -17860,15 +17422,10 @@ func (olr OperationListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return olr.Value == nil || len(*olr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (olr OperationListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return olr.NextLink != nil && len(*olr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // operationListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (olr OperationListResult) operationListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !olr.hasNextLink() { + if olr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(olr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -17896,16 +17453,11 @@ func (page *OperationListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err e tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.olr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.olr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.olr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.olr = next return nil } @@ -17935,11 +17487,8 @@ func (page OperationListResultPage) Values() []Operation { } // Creates a new instance of the OperationListResultPage type. -func NewOperationListResultPage(cur OperationListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, OperationListResult) (OperationListResult, error)) OperationListResultPage { - return OperationListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - olr: cur, - } +func NewOperationListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, OperationListResult) (OperationListResult, error)) OperationListResultPage { + return OperationListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // OperationPropertiesFormat description of operation properties format. @@ -18186,49 +17735,15 @@ type P2SVpnGatewayProperties struct { VpnClientConnectionHealth *VpnClientConnectionHealth `json:"vpnClientConnectionHealth,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for P2SVpnGatewayProperties. -func (pvgp P2SVpnGatewayProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if pvgp.VirtualHub != nil { - objectMap["virtualHub"] = pvgp.VirtualHub - } - if pvgp.ProvisioningState != "" { - objectMap["provisioningState"] = pvgp.ProvisioningState - } - if pvgp.VpnGatewayScaleUnit != nil { - objectMap["vpnGatewayScaleUnit"] = pvgp.VpnGatewayScaleUnit - } - if pvgp.P2SVpnServerConfiguration != nil { - objectMap["p2SVpnServerConfiguration"] = pvgp.P2SVpnServerConfiguration - } - if pvgp.VpnClientAddressPool != nil { - objectMap["vpnClientAddressPool"] = pvgp.VpnClientAddressPool - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // P2sVpnGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type P2sVpnGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(P2sVpnGatewaysClient) (P2SVpnGateway, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *P2sVpnGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for P2sVpnGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *P2sVpnGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) (pvg P2SVpnGateway, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *P2sVpnGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) (pvg P2SVpnGateway, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -18236,7 +17751,6 @@ func (future *P2sVpnGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client P2sVpnGatewaysCl return } if !done { - pvg.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.P2sVpnGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -18253,25 +17767,12 @@ func (future *P2sVpnGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client P2sVpnGatewaysCl // P2sVpnGatewaysDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type P2sVpnGatewaysDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(P2sVpnGatewaysClient) (autorest.Response, error) + azure.Future } -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *P2sVpnGatewaysDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil -} - -// result is the default implementation for P2sVpnGatewaysDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *P2sVpnGatewaysDeleteFuture) result(client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *P2sVpnGatewaysDeleteFuture) Result(client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -18279,7 +17780,6 @@ func (future *P2sVpnGatewaysDeleteFuture) result(client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) (a return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.P2sVpnGatewaysDeleteFuture") return } @@ -18290,25 +17790,12 @@ func (future *P2sVpnGatewaysDeleteFuture) result(client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) (a // P2sVpnGatewaysGenerateVpnProfileFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type P2sVpnGatewaysGenerateVpnProfileFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(P2sVpnGatewaysClient) (VpnProfileResponse, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *P2sVpnGatewaysGenerateVpnProfileFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for P2sVpnGatewaysGenerateVpnProfileFuture.Result. -func (future *P2sVpnGatewaysGenerateVpnProfileFuture) result(client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) (vpr VpnProfileResponse, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *P2sVpnGatewaysGenerateVpnProfileFuture) Result(client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) (vpr VpnProfileResponse, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -18316,7 +17803,6 @@ func (future *P2sVpnGatewaysGenerateVpnProfileFuture) result(client P2sVpnGatewa return } if !done { - vpr.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.P2sVpnGatewaysGenerateVpnProfileFuture") return } @@ -18333,25 +17819,12 @@ func (future *P2sVpnGatewaysGenerateVpnProfileFuture) result(client P2sVpnGatewa // P2sVpnGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type P2sVpnGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(P2sVpnGatewaysClient) (P2SVpnGateway, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *P2sVpnGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for P2sVpnGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture.Result. -func (future *P2sVpnGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture) result(client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) (pvg P2SVpnGateway, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *P2sVpnGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture) Result(client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) (pvg P2SVpnGateway, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -18359,7 +17832,6 @@ func (future *P2sVpnGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture) result(client P2sVpnGatewaysClient return } if !done { - pvg.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.P2sVpnGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture") return } @@ -18470,15 +17942,6 @@ type P2SVpnServerConfigRadiusClientRootCertificatePropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for P2SVpnServerConfigRadiusClientRootCertificatePropertiesFormat. -func (pvscrcrcpf P2SVpnServerConfigRadiusClientRootCertificatePropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if pvscrcrcpf.Thumbprint != nil { - objectMap["thumbprint"] = pvscrcrcpf.Thumbprint - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // P2SVpnServerConfigRadiusServerRootCertificate radius Server root certificate of // P2SVpnServerConfiguration. type P2SVpnServerConfigRadiusServerRootCertificate struct { @@ -18570,15 +18033,6 @@ type P2SVpnServerConfigRadiusServerRootCertificatePropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for P2SVpnServerConfigRadiusServerRootCertificatePropertiesFormat. -func (pvscrsrcpf P2SVpnServerConfigRadiusServerRootCertificatePropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if pvscrsrcpf.PublicCertData != nil { - objectMap["publicCertData"] = pvscrsrcpf.PublicCertData - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // P2SVpnServerConfiguration p2SVpnServerConfiguration Resource. type P2SVpnServerConfiguration struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` @@ -18685,64 +18139,15 @@ type P2SVpnServerConfigurationProperties struct { Etag *string `json:"etag,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for P2SVpnServerConfigurationProperties. -func (pvscp P2SVpnServerConfigurationProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if pvscp.Name != nil { - objectMap["name"] = pvscp.Name - } - if pvscp.VpnProtocols != nil { - objectMap["vpnProtocols"] = pvscp.VpnProtocols - } - if pvscp.P2SVpnServerConfigVpnClientRootCertificates != nil { - objectMap["p2SVpnServerConfigVpnClientRootCertificates"] = pvscp.P2SVpnServerConfigVpnClientRootCertificates - } - if pvscp.P2SVpnServerConfigVpnClientRevokedCertificates != nil { - objectMap["p2SVpnServerConfigVpnClientRevokedCertificates"] = pvscp.P2SVpnServerConfigVpnClientRevokedCertificates - } - if pvscp.P2SVpnServerConfigRadiusServerRootCertificates != nil { - objectMap["p2SVpnServerConfigRadiusServerRootCertificates"] = pvscp.P2SVpnServerConfigRadiusServerRootCertificates - } - if pvscp.P2SVpnServerConfigRadiusClientRootCertificates != nil { - objectMap["p2SVpnServerConfigRadiusClientRootCertificates"] = pvscp.P2SVpnServerConfigRadiusClientRootCertificates - } - if pvscp.VpnClientIpsecPolicies != nil { - objectMap["vpnClientIpsecPolicies"] = pvscp.VpnClientIpsecPolicies - } - if pvscp.RadiusServerAddress != nil { - objectMap["radiusServerAddress"] = pvscp.RadiusServerAddress - } - if pvscp.RadiusServerSecret != nil { - objectMap["radiusServerSecret"] = pvscp.RadiusServerSecret - } - if pvscp.Etag != nil { - objectMap["etag"] = pvscp.Etag - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // P2sVpnServerConfigurationsCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results // of a long-running operation. type P2sVpnServerConfigurationsCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(P2sVpnServerConfigurationsClient) (P2SVpnServerConfiguration, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *P2sVpnServerConfigurationsCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for P2sVpnServerConfigurationsCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *P2sVpnServerConfigurationsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client P2sVpnServerConfigurationsClient) (pvsc P2SVpnServerConfiguration, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *P2sVpnServerConfigurationsCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client P2sVpnServerConfigurationsClient) (pvsc P2SVpnServerConfiguration, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -18750,7 +18155,6 @@ func (future *P2sVpnServerConfigurationsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client P2sV return } if !done { - pvsc.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.P2sVpnServerConfigurationsCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -18767,25 +18171,12 @@ func (future *P2sVpnServerConfigurationsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client P2sV // P2sVpnServerConfigurationsDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type P2sVpnServerConfigurationsDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(P2sVpnServerConfigurationsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *P2sVpnServerConfigurationsDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for P2sVpnServerConfigurationsDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *P2sVpnServerConfigurationsDeleteFuture) result(client P2sVpnServerConfigurationsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *P2sVpnServerConfigurationsDeleteFuture) Result(client P2sVpnServerConfigurationsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -18793,7 +18184,6 @@ func (future *P2sVpnServerConfigurationsDeleteFuture) result(client P2sVpnServer return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.P2sVpnServerConfigurationsDeleteFuture") return } @@ -18892,15 +18282,6 @@ type P2SVpnServerConfigVpnClientRevokedCertificatePropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for P2SVpnServerConfigVpnClientRevokedCertificatePropertiesFormat. -func (pvscvcrcpf P2SVpnServerConfigVpnClientRevokedCertificatePropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if pvscvcrcpf.Thumbprint != nil { - objectMap["thumbprint"] = pvscvcrcpf.Thumbprint - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // P2SVpnServerConfigVpnClientRootCertificate VPN client root certificate of P2SVpnServerConfiguration. type P2SVpnServerConfigVpnClientRootCertificate struct { // P2SVpnServerConfigVpnClientRootCertificatePropertiesFormat - Properties of the P2SVpnServerConfiguration VPN client root certificate. @@ -18991,15 +18372,6 @@ type P2SVpnServerConfigVpnClientRootCertificatePropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for P2SVpnServerConfigVpnClientRootCertificatePropertiesFormat. -func (pvscvcrcpf P2SVpnServerConfigVpnClientRootCertificatePropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if pvscvcrcpf.PublicCertData != nil { - objectMap["publicCertData"] = pvscvcrcpf.PublicCertData - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // PacketCapture parameters that define the create packet capture operation. type PacketCapture struct { *PacketCaptureParameters `json:"properties,omitempty"` @@ -19183,25 +18555,12 @@ type PacketCaptureResultProperties struct { // PacketCapturesCreateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type PacketCapturesCreateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(PacketCapturesClient) (PacketCaptureResult, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *PacketCapturesCreateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for PacketCapturesCreateFuture.Result. -func (future *PacketCapturesCreateFuture) result(client PacketCapturesClient) (pcr PacketCaptureResult, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *PacketCapturesCreateFuture) Result(client PacketCapturesClient) (pcr PacketCaptureResult, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -19209,7 +18568,6 @@ func (future *PacketCapturesCreateFuture) result(client PacketCapturesClient) (p return } if !done { - pcr.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.PacketCapturesCreateFuture") return } @@ -19226,25 +18584,12 @@ func (future *PacketCapturesCreateFuture) result(client PacketCapturesClient) (p // PacketCapturesDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type PacketCapturesDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(PacketCapturesClient) (autorest.Response, error) + azure.Future } -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *PacketCapturesDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil -} - -// result is the default implementation for PacketCapturesDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *PacketCapturesDeleteFuture) result(client PacketCapturesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *PacketCapturesDeleteFuture) Result(client PacketCapturesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -19252,7 +18597,6 @@ func (future *PacketCapturesDeleteFuture) result(client PacketCapturesClient) (a return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.PacketCapturesDeleteFuture") return } @@ -19263,25 +18607,12 @@ func (future *PacketCapturesDeleteFuture) result(client PacketCapturesClient) (a // PacketCapturesGetStatusFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type PacketCapturesGetStatusFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(PacketCapturesClient) (PacketCaptureQueryStatusResult, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *PacketCapturesGetStatusFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for PacketCapturesGetStatusFuture.Result. -func (future *PacketCapturesGetStatusFuture) result(client PacketCapturesClient) (pcqsr PacketCaptureQueryStatusResult, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *PacketCapturesGetStatusFuture) Result(client PacketCapturesClient) (pcqsr PacketCaptureQueryStatusResult, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -19289,7 +18620,6 @@ func (future *PacketCapturesGetStatusFuture) result(client PacketCapturesClient) return } if !done { - pcqsr.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.PacketCapturesGetStatusFuture") return } @@ -19306,25 +18636,12 @@ func (future *PacketCapturesGetStatusFuture) result(client PacketCapturesClient) // PacketCapturesStopFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type PacketCapturesStopFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(PacketCapturesClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *PacketCapturesStopFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for PacketCapturesStopFuture.Result. -func (future *PacketCapturesStopFuture) result(client PacketCapturesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *PacketCapturesStopFuture) Result(client PacketCapturesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -19332,7 +18649,6 @@ func (future *PacketCapturesStopFuture) result(client PacketCapturesClient) (ar return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.PacketCapturesStopFuture") return } @@ -19623,30 +18939,6 @@ type ProbePropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ProbePropertiesFormat. -func (ppf ProbePropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if ppf.Protocol != "" { - objectMap["protocol"] = ppf.Protocol - } - if ppf.Port != nil { - objectMap["port"] = ppf.Port - } - if ppf.IntervalInSeconds != nil { - objectMap["intervalInSeconds"] = ppf.IntervalInSeconds - } - if ppf.NumberOfProbes != nil { - objectMap["numberOfProbes"] = ppf.NumberOfProbes - } - if ppf.RequestPath != nil { - objectMap["requestPath"] = ppf.RequestPath - } - if ppf.ProvisioningState != nil { - objectMap["provisioningState"] = ppf.ProvisioningState - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // Profile network profile resource. type Profile struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` @@ -19842,15 +19134,10 @@ func (plr ProfileListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return plr.Value == nil || len(*plr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (plr ProfileListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return plr.NextLink != nil && len(*plr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // profileListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (plr ProfileListResult) profileListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !plr.hasNextLink() { + if plr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(plr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -19878,16 +19165,11 @@ func (page *ProfileListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err err tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.plr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.plr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.plr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.plr = next return nil } @@ -19917,11 +19199,8 @@ func (page ProfileListResultPage) Values() []Profile { } // Creates a new instance of the ProfileListResultPage type. -func NewProfileListResultPage(cur ProfileListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, ProfileListResult) (ProfileListResult, error)) ProfileListResultPage { - return ProfileListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - plr: cur, - } +func NewProfileListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, ProfileListResult) (ProfileListResult, error)) ProfileListResultPage { + return ProfileListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // ProfilePropertiesFormat network profile properties. @@ -19936,40 +19215,15 @@ type ProfilePropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ProfilePropertiesFormat. -func (ppf ProfilePropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if ppf.ContainerNetworkInterfaces != nil { - objectMap["containerNetworkInterfaces"] = ppf.ContainerNetworkInterfaces - } - if ppf.ContainerNetworkInterfaceConfigurations != nil { - objectMap["containerNetworkInterfaceConfigurations"] = ppf.ContainerNetworkInterfaceConfigurations - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ProfilesDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type ProfilesDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ProfilesClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ProfilesDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ProfilesDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *ProfilesDeleteFuture) result(client ProfilesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ProfilesDeleteFuture) Result(client ProfilesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -19977,7 +19231,6 @@ func (future *ProfilesDeleteFuture) result(client ProfilesClient) (ar autorest.R return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ProfilesDeleteFuture") return } @@ -20149,25 +19402,12 @@ type PublicIPAddressDNSSettings struct { // PublicIPAddressesCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type PublicIPAddressesCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(PublicIPAddressesClient) (PublicIPAddress, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *PublicIPAddressesCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for PublicIPAddressesCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *PublicIPAddressesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client PublicIPAddressesClient) (pia PublicIPAddress, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *PublicIPAddressesCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client PublicIPAddressesClient) (pia PublicIPAddress, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -20175,7 +19415,6 @@ func (future *PublicIPAddressesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client PublicIPAddre return } if !done { - pia.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.PublicIPAddressesCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -20192,25 +19431,12 @@ func (future *PublicIPAddressesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client PublicIPAddre // PublicIPAddressesDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type PublicIPAddressesDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(PublicIPAddressesClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *PublicIPAddressesDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for PublicIPAddressesDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *PublicIPAddressesDeleteFuture) result(client PublicIPAddressesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *PublicIPAddressesDeleteFuture) Result(client PublicIPAddressesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -20218,7 +19444,6 @@ func (future *PublicIPAddressesDeleteFuture) result(client PublicIPAddressesClie return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.PublicIPAddressesDeleteFuture") return } @@ -20229,25 +19454,12 @@ func (future *PublicIPAddressesDeleteFuture) result(client PublicIPAddressesClie // PublicIPAddressesUpdateTagsFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type PublicIPAddressesUpdateTagsFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(PublicIPAddressesClient) (PublicIPAddress, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *PublicIPAddressesUpdateTagsFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for PublicIPAddressesUpdateTagsFuture.Result. -func (future *PublicIPAddressesUpdateTagsFuture) result(client PublicIPAddressesClient) (pia PublicIPAddress, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *PublicIPAddressesUpdateTagsFuture) Result(client PublicIPAddressesClient) (pia PublicIPAddress, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -20255,7 +19467,6 @@ func (future *PublicIPAddressesUpdateTagsFuture) result(client PublicIPAddresses return } if !done { - pia.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.PublicIPAddressesUpdateTagsFuture") return } @@ -20346,15 +19557,10 @@ func (pialr PublicIPAddressListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return pialr.Value == nil || len(*pialr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (pialr PublicIPAddressListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return pialr.NextLink != nil && len(*pialr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // publicIPAddressListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (pialr PublicIPAddressListResult) publicIPAddressListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !pialr.hasNextLink() { + if pialr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(pialr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -20382,16 +19588,11 @@ func (page *PublicIPAddressListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.pialr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.pialr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.pialr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.pialr = next return nil } @@ -20421,11 +19622,8 @@ func (page PublicIPAddressListResultPage) Values() []PublicIPAddress { } // Creates a new instance of the PublicIPAddressListResultPage type. -func NewPublicIPAddressListResultPage(cur PublicIPAddressListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, PublicIPAddressListResult) (PublicIPAddressListResult, error)) PublicIPAddressListResultPage { - return PublicIPAddressListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - pialr: cur, - } +func NewPublicIPAddressListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, PublicIPAddressListResult) (PublicIPAddressListResult, error)) PublicIPAddressListResultPage { + return PublicIPAddressListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // PublicIPAddressPropertiesFormat public IP address properties. @@ -20452,39 +19650,6 @@ type PublicIPAddressPropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for PublicIPAddressPropertiesFormat. -func (piapf PublicIPAddressPropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if piapf.PublicIPAllocationMethod != "" { - objectMap["publicIPAllocationMethod"] = piapf.PublicIPAllocationMethod - } - if piapf.PublicIPAddressVersion != "" { - objectMap["publicIPAddressVersion"] = piapf.PublicIPAddressVersion - } - if piapf.DNSSettings != nil { - objectMap["dnsSettings"] = piapf.DNSSettings - } - if piapf.IPTags != nil { - objectMap["ipTags"] = piapf.IPTags - } - if piapf.IPAddress != nil { - objectMap["ipAddress"] = piapf.IPAddress - } - if piapf.PublicIPPrefix != nil { - objectMap["publicIPPrefix"] = piapf.PublicIPPrefix - } - if piapf.IdleTimeoutInMinutes != nil { - objectMap["idleTimeoutInMinutes"] = piapf.IdleTimeoutInMinutes - } - if piapf.ResourceGUID != nil { - objectMap["resourceGuid"] = piapf.ResourceGUID - } - if piapf.ProvisioningState != nil { - objectMap["provisioningState"] = piapf.ProvisioningState - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // PublicIPAddressSku SKU of a public IP address type PublicIPAddressSku struct { // Name - Name of a public IP address SKU. Possible values include: 'PublicIPAddressSkuNameBasic', 'PublicIPAddressSkuNameStandard' @@ -20640,25 +19805,12 @@ func (pip *PublicIPPrefix) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { // PublicIPPrefixesCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type PublicIPPrefixesCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(PublicIPPrefixesClient) (PublicIPPrefix, error) + azure.Future } -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *PublicIPPrefixesCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil -} - -// result is the default implementation for PublicIPPrefixesCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *PublicIPPrefixesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client PublicIPPrefixesClient) (pip PublicIPPrefix, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *PublicIPPrefixesCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client PublicIPPrefixesClient) (pip PublicIPPrefix, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -20666,7 +19818,6 @@ func (future *PublicIPPrefixesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client PublicIPPrefix return } if !done { - pip.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.PublicIPPrefixesCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -20683,25 +19834,12 @@ func (future *PublicIPPrefixesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client PublicIPPrefix // PublicIPPrefixesDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type PublicIPPrefixesDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(PublicIPPrefixesClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *PublicIPPrefixesDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for PublicIPPrefixesDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *PublicIPPrefixesDeleteFuture) result(client PublicIPPrefixesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *PublicIPPrefixesDeleteFuture) Result(client PublicIPPrefixesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -20709,7 +19847,6 @@ func (future *PublicIPPrefixesDeleteFuture) result(client PublicIPPrefixesClient return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.PublicIPPrefixesDeleteFuture") return } @@ -20720,25 +19857,12 @@ func (future *PublicIPPrefixesDeleteFuture) result(client PublicIPPrefixesClient // PublicIPPrefixesUpdateTagsFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type PublicIPPrefixesUpdateTagsFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(PublicIPPrefixesClient) (PublicIPPrefix, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *PublicIPPrefixesUpdateTagsFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for PublicIPPrefixesUpdateTagsFuture.Result. -func (future *PublicIPPrefixesUpdateTagsFuture) result(client PublicIPPrefixesClient) (pip PublicIPPrefix, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *PublicIPPrefixesUpdateTagsFuture) Result(client PublicIPPrefixesClient) (pip PublicIPPrefix, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -20746,7 +19870,6 @@ func (future *PublicIPPrefixesUpdateTagsFuture) result(client PublicIPPrefixesCl return } if !done { - pip.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.PublicIPPrefixesUpdateTagsFuture") return } @@ -20837,15 +19960,10 @@ func (piplr PublicIPPrefixListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return piplr.Value == nil || len(*piplr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (piplr PublicIPPrefixListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return piplr.NextLink != nil && len(*piplr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // publicIPPrefixListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (piplr PublicIPPrefixListResult) publicIPPrefixListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !piplr.hasNextLink() { + if piplr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(piplr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -20873,16 +19991,11 @@ func (page *PublicIPPrefixListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) ( tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.piplr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.piplr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.piplr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.piplr = next return nil } @@ -20912,11 +20025,8 @@ func (page PublicIPPrefixListResultPage) Values() []PublicIPPrefix { } // Creates a new instance of the PublicIPPrefixListResultPage type. -func NewPublicIPPrefixListResultPage(cur PublicIPPrefixListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, PublicIPPrefixListResult) (PublicIPPrefixListResult, error)) PublicIPPrefixListResultPage { - return PublicIPPrefixListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - piplr: cur, - } +func NewPublicIPPrefixListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, PublicIPPrefixListResult) (PublicIPPrefixListResult, error)) PublicIPPrefixListResultPage { + return PublicIPPrefixListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // PublicIPPrefixPropertiesFormat public IP prefix properties. @@ -20931,39 +20041,12 @@ type PublicIPPrefixPropertiesFormat struct { IPPrefix *string `json:"ipPrefix,omitempty"` // PublicIPAddresses - The list of all referenced PublicIPAddresses PublicIPAddresses *[]ReferencedPublicIPAddress `json:"publicIPAddresses,omitempty"` - // LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfiguration - READ-ONLY; The reference to load balancer frontend IP configuration associated with the public IP prefix. - LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfiguration *SubResource `json:"loadBalancerFrontendIpConfiguration,omitempty"` - // ResourceGUID - The resource GUID property of the public IP prefix resource. - ResourceGUID *string `json:"resourceGuid,omitempty"` - // ProvisioningState - The provisioning state of the Public IP prefix resource. Possible values are: 'Updating', 'Deleting', and 'Failed'. - ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` -} - -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for PublicIPPrefixPropertiesFormat. -func (pippf PublicIPPrefixPropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if pippf.PublicIPAddressVersion != "" { - objectMap["publicIPAddressVersion"] = pippf.PublicIPAddressVersion - } - if pippf.IPTags != nil { - objectMap["ipTags"] = pippf.IPTags - } - if pippf.PrefixLength != nil { - objectMap["prefixLength"] = pippf.PrefixLength - } - if pippf.IPPrefix != nil { - objectMap["ipPrefix"] = pippf.IPPrefix - } - if pippf.PublicIPAddresses != nil { - objectMap["publicIPAddresses"] = pippf.PublicIPAddresses - } - if pippf.ResourceGUID != nil { - objectMap["resourceGuid"] = pippf.ResourceGUID - } - if pippf.ProvisioningState != nil { - objectMap["provisioningState"] = pippf.ProvisioningState - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) + // LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfiguration - READ-ONLY; The reference to load balancer frontend IP configuration associated with the public IP prefix. + LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfiguration *SubResource `json:"loadBalancerFrontendIpConfiguration,omitempty"` + // ResourceGUID - The resource GUID property of the public IP prefix resource. + ResourceGUID *string `json:"resourceGuid,omitempty"` + // ProvisioningState - The provisioning state of the Public IP prefix resource. Possible values are: 'Updating', 'Deleting', and 'Failed'. + ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } // PublicIPPrefixSku SKU of a public IP prefix @@ -21101,18 +20184,6 @@ type ResourceNavigationLinkFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ResourceNavigationLinkFormat. -func (rnlf ResourceNavigationLinkFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if rnlf.LinkedResourceType != nil { - objectMap["linkedResourceType"] = rnlf.LinkedResourceType - } - if rnlf.Link != nil { - objectMap["link"] = rnlf.Link - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // RetentionPolicyParameters parameters that define the retention policy for flow log. type RetentionPolicyParameters struct { // Days - Number of days to retain flow log records. @@ -21394,15 +20465,10 @@ func (rflr RouteFilterListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return rflr.Value == nil || len(*rflr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (rflr RouteFilterListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return rflr.NextLink != nil && len(*rflr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // routeFilterListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (rflr RouteFilterListResult) routeFilterListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !rflr.hasNextLink() { + if rflr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(rflr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -21430,16 +20496,11 @@ func (page *RouteFilterListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.rflr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.rflr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.rflr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.rflr = next return nil } @@ -21469,11 +20530,8 @@ func (page RouteFilterListResultPage) Values() []RouteFilter { } // Creates a new instance of the RouteFilterListResultPage type. -func NewRouteFilterListResultPage(cur RouteFilterListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, RouteFilterListResult) (RouteFilterListResult, error)) RouteFilterListResultPage { - return RouteFilterListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - rflr: cur, - } +func NewRouteFilterListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, RouteFilterListResult) (RouteFilterListResult, error)) RouteFilterListResultPage { + return RouteFilterListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // RouteFilterPropertiesFormat route Filter Resource @@ -21486,18 +20544,6 @@ type RouteFilterPropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for RouteFilterPropertiesFormat. -func (rfpf RouteFilterPropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if rfpf.Rules != nil { - objectMap["rules"] = rfpf.Rules - } - if rfpf.Peerings != nil { - objectMap["peerings"] = rfpf.Peerings - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // RouteFilterRule route Filter Rule Resource type RouteFilterRule struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` @@ -21667,15 +20713,10 @@ func (rfrlr RouteFilterRuleListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return rfrlr.Value == nil || len(*rfrlr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (rfrlr RouteFilterRuleListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return rfrlr.NextLink != nil && len(*rfrlr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // routeFilterRuleListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (rfrlr RouteFilterRuleListResult) routeFilterRuleListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !rfrlr.hasNextLink() { + if rfrlr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(rfrlr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -21703,16 +20744,11 @@ func (page *RouteFilterRuleListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.rfrlr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.rfrlr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.rfrlr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.rfrlr = next return nil } @@ -21742,11 +20778,8 @@ func (page RouteFilterRuleListResultPage) Values() []RouteFilterRule { } // Creates a new instance of the RouteFilterRuleListResultPage type. -func NewRouteFilterRuleListResultPage(cur RouteFilterRuleListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, RouteFilterRuleListResult) (RouteFilterRuleListResult, error)) RouteFilterRuleListResultPage { - return RouteFilterRuleListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - rfrlr: cur, - } +func NewRouteFilterRuleListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, RouteFilterRuleListResult) (RouteFilterRuleListResult, error)) RouteFilterRuleListResultPage { + return RouteFilterRuleListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // RouteFilterRulePropertiesFormat route Filter Rule Resource @@ -21761,43 +20794,15 @@ type RouteFilterRulePropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for RouteFilterRulePropertiesFormat. -func (rfrpf RouteFilterRulePropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if rfrpf.Access != "" { - objectMap["access"] = rfrpf.Access - } - if rfrpf.RouteFilterRuleType != nil { - objectMap["routeFilterRuleType"] = rfrpf.RouteFilterRuleType - } - if rfrpf.Communities != nil { - objectMap["communities"] = rfrpf.Communities - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // RouteFilterRulesCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type RouteFilterRulesCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(RouteFilterRulesClient) (RouteFilterRule, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *RouteFilterRulesCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for RouteFilterRulesCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *RouteFilterRulesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client RouteFilterRulesClient) (rfr RouteFilterRule, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *RouteFilterRulesCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client RouteFilterRulesClient) (rfr RouteFilterRule, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -21805,7 +20810,6 @@ func (future *RouteFilterRulesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client RouteFilterRul return } if !done { - rfr.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.RouteFilterRulesCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -21822,25 +20826,12 @@ func (future *RouteFilterRulesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client RouteFilterRul // RouteFilterRulesDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type RouteFilterRulesDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(RouteFilterRulesClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *RouteFilterRulesDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for RouteFilterRulesDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *RouteFilterRulesDeleteFuture) result(client RouteFilterRulesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *RouteFilterRulesDeleteFuture) Result(client RouteFilterRulesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -21848,7 +20839,6 @@ func (future *RouteFilterRulesDeleteFuture) result(client RouteFilterRulesClient return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.RouteFilterRulesDeleteFuture") return } @@ -21859,25 +20849,12 @@ func (future *RouteFilterRulesDeleteFuture) result(client RouteFilterRulesClient // RouteFilterRulesUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type RouteFilterRulesUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(RouteFilterRulesClient) (RouteFilterRule, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *RouteFilterRulesUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for RouteFilterRulesUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *RouteFilterRulesUpdateFuture) result(client RouteFilterRulesClient) (rfr RouteFilterRule, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *RouteFilterRulesUpdateFuture) Result(client RouteFilterRulesClient) (rfr RouteFilterRule, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -21885,7 +20862,6 @@ func (future *RouteFilterRulesUpdateFuture) result(client RouteFilterRulesClient return } if !done { - rfr.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.RouteFilterRulesUpdateFuture") return } @@ -21902,25 +20878,12 @@ func (future *RouteFilterRulesUpdateFuture) result(client RouteFilterRulesClient // RouteFiltersCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type RouteFiltersCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(RouteFiltersClient) (RouteFilter, error) + azure.Future } -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *RouteFiltersCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil -} - -// result is the default implementation for RouteFiltersCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *RouteFiltersCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client RouteFiltersClient) (rf RouteFilter, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *RouteFiltersCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client RouteFiltersClient) (rf RouteFilter, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -21928,7 +20891,6 @@ func (future *RouteFiltersCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client RouteFiltersClient return } if !done { - rf.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.RouteFiltersCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -21945,25 +20907,12 @@ func (future *RouteFiltersCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client RouteFiltersClient // RouteFiltersDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type RouteFiltersDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(RouteFiltersClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *RouteFiltersDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for RouteFiltersDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *RouteFiltersDeleteFuture) result(client RouteFiltersClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *RouteFiltersDeleteFuture) Result(client RouteFiltersClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -21971,7 +20920,6 @@ func (future *RouteFiltersDeleteFuture) result(client RouteFiltersClient) (ar au return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.RouteFiltersDeleteFuture") return } @@ -21982,25 +20930,12 @@ func (future *RouteFiltersDeleteFuture) result(client RouteFiltersClient) (ar au // RouteFiltersUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type RouteFiltersUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(RouteFiltersClient) (RouteFilter, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *RouteFiltersUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for RouteFiltersUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *RouteFiltersUpdateFuture) result(client RouteFiltersClient) (rf RouteFilter, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *RouteFiltersUpdateFuture) Result(client RouteFiltersClient) (rf RouteFilter, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -22008,7 +20943,6 @@ func (future *RouteFiltersUpdateFuture) result(client RouteFiltersClient) (rf Ro return } if !done { - rf.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.RouteFiltersUpdateFuture") return } @@ -22099,15 +21033,10 @@ func (rlr RouteListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return rlr.Value == nil || len(*rlr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (rlr RouteListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return rlr.NextLink != nil && len(*rlr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // routeListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (rlr RouteListResult) routeListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !rlr.hasNextLink() { + if rlr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(rlr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -22135,16 +21064,11 @@ func (page *RouteListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.rlr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.rlr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.rlr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.rlr = next return nil } @@ -22174,11 +21098,8 @@ func (page RouteListResultPage) Values() []Route { } // Creates a new instance of the RouteListResultPage type. -func NewRouteListResultPage(cur RouteListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, RouteListResult) (RouteListResult, error)) RouteListResultPage { - return RouteListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - rlr: cur, - } +func NewRouteListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, RouteListResult) (RouteListResult, error)) RouteListResultPage { + return RouteListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // RoutePropertiesFormat route resource @@ -22196,25 +21117,12 @@ type RoutePropertiesFormat struct { // RoutesCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type RoutesCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(RoutesClient) (Route, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *RoutesCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for RoutesCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *RoutesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client RoutesClient) (r Route, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *RoutesCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client RoutesClient) (r Route, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -22222,7 +21130,6 @@ func (future *RoutesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client RoutesClient) (r Route, return } if !done { - r.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.RoutesCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -22238,25 +21145,12 @@ func (future *RoutesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client RoutesClient) (r Route, // RoutesDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running operation. type RoutesDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(RoutesClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *RoutesDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for RoutesDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *RoutesDeleteFuture) result(client RoutesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *RoutesDeleteFuture) Result(client RoutesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -22264,7 +21158,6 @@ func (future *RoutesDeleteFuture) result(client RoutesClient) (ar autorest.Respo return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.RoutesDeleteFuture") return } @@ -22467,15 +21360,10 @@ func (rtlr RouteTableListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return rtlr.Value == nil || len(*rtlr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (rtlr RouteTableListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return rtlr.NextLink != nil && len(*rtlr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // routeTableListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (rtlr RouteTableListResult) routeTableListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !rtlr.hasNextLink() { + if rtlr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(rtlr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -22503,16 +21391,11 @@ func (page *RouteTableListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.rtlr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.rtlr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.rtlr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.rtlr = next return nil } @@ -22542,11 +21425,8 @@ func (page RouteTableListResultPage) Values() []RouteTable { } // Creates a new instance of the RouteTableListResultPage type. -func NewRouteTableListResultPage(cur RouteTableListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, RouteTableListResult) (RouteTableListResult, error)) RouteTableListResultPage { - return RouteTableListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - rtlr: cur, - } +func NewRouteTableListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, RouteTableListResult) (RouteTableListResult, error)) RouteTableListResultPage { + return RouteTableListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // RouteTablePropertiesFormat route Table resource @@ -22561,43 +21441,15 @@ type RouteTablePropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for RouteTablePropertiesFormat. -func (rtpf RouteTablePropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if rtpf.Routes != nil { - objectMap["routes"] = rtpf.Routes - } - if rtpf.DisableBgpRoutePropagation != nil { - objectMap["disableBgpRoutePropagation"] = rtpf.DisableBgpRoutePropagation - } - if rtpf.ProvisioningState != nil { - objectMap["provisioningState"] = rtpf.ProvisioningState - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // RouteTablesCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type RouteTablesCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(RouteTablesClient) (RouteTable, error) + azure.Future } -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *RouteTablesCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil -} - -// result is the default implementation for RouteTablesCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *RouteTablesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client RouteTablesClient) (rt RouteTable, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *RouteTablesCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client RouteTablesClient) (rt RouteTable, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -22605,7 +21457,6 @@ func (future *RouteTablesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client RouteTablesClient) return } if !done { - rt.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.RouteTablesCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -22622,25 +21473,12 @@ func (future *RouteTablesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client RouteTablesClient) // RouteTablesDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type RouteTablesDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(RouteTablesClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *RouteTablesDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for RouteTablesDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *RouteTablesDeleteFuture) result(client RouteTablesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *RouteTablesDeleteFuture) Result(client RouteTablesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -22648,7 +21486,6 @@ func (future *RouteTablesDeleteFuture) result(client RouteTablesClient) (ar auto return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.RouteTablesDeleteFuture") return } @@ -22659,25 +21496,12 @@ func (future *RouteTablesDeleteFuture) result(client RouteTablesClient) (ar auto // RouteTablesUpdateTagsFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type RouteTablesUpdateTagsFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(RouteTablesClient) (RouteTable, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *RouteTablesUpdateTagsFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for RouteTablesUpdateTagsFuture.Result. -func (future *RouteTablesUpdateTagsFuture) result(client RouteTablesClient) (rt RouteTable, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *RouteTablesUpdateTagsFuture) Result(client RouteTablesClient) (rt RouteTable, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -22685,7 +21509,6 @@ func (future *RouteTablesUpdateTagsFuture) result(client RouteTablesClient) (rt return } if !done { - rt.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.RouteTablesUpdateTagsFuture") return } @@ -22894,15 +21717,10 @@ func (sglr SecurityGroupListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return sglr.Value == nil || len(*sglr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (sglr SecurityGroupListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return sglr.NextLink != nil && len(*sglr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // securityGroupListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (sglr SecurityGroupListResult) securityGroupListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !sglr.hasNextLink() { + if sglr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(sglr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -22930,16 +21748,11 @@ func (page *SecurityGroupListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (e tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.sglr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.sglr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.sglr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.sglr = next return nil } @@ -22969,11 +21782,8 @@ func (page SecurityGroupListResultPage) Values() []SecurityGroup { } // Creates a new instance of the SecurityGroupListResultPage type. -func NewSecurityGroupListResultPage(cur SecurityGroupListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, SecurityGroupListResult) (SecurityGroupListResult, error)) SecurityGroupListResultPage { - return SecurityGroupListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - sglr: cur, - } +func NewSecurityGroupListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, SecurityGroupListResult) (SecurityGroupListResult, error)) SecurityGroupListResultPage { + return SecurityGroupListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // SecurityGroupNetworkInterface network interface and all its associated security rules. @@ -22999,24 +21809,6 @@ type SecurityGroupPropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for SecurityGroupPropertiesFormat. -func (sgpf SecurityGroupPropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if sgpf.SecurityRules != nil { - objectMap["securityRules"] = sgpf.SecurityRules - } - if sgpf.DefaultSecurityRules != nil { - objectMap["defaultSecurityRules"] = sgpf.DefaultSecurityRules - } - if sgpf.ResourceGUID != nil { - objectMap["resourceGuid"] = sgpf.ResourceGUID - } - if sgpf.ProvisioningState != nil { - objectMap["provisioningState"] = sgpf.ProvisioningState - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // SecurityGroupResult network configuration diagnostic result corresponded provided traffic query. type SecurityGroupResult struct { // SecurityRuleAccessResult - The network traffic is allowed or denied. Possible values are 'Allow' and 'Deny'. Possible values include: 'SecurityRuleAccessAllow', 'SecurityRuleAccessDeny' @@ -23025,37 +21817,15 @@ type SecurityGroupResult struct { EvaluatedNetworkSecurityGroups *[]EvaluatedNetworkSecurityGroup `json:"evaluatedNetworkSecurityGroups,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for SecurityGroupResult. -func (sgr SecurityGroupResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if sgr.SecurityRuleAccessResult != "" { - objectMap["securityRuleAccessResult"] = sgr.SecurityRuleAccessResult - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // SecurityGroupsCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type SecurityGroupsCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(SecurityGroupsClient) (SecurityGroup, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *SecurityGroupsCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for SecurityGroupsCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *SecurityGroupsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client SecurityGroupsClient) (sg SecurityGroup, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *SecurityGroupsCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client SecurityGroupsClient) (sg SecurityGroup, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -23063,7 +21833,6 @@ func (future *SecurityGroupsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client SecurityGroupsCl return } if !done { - sg.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.SecurityGroupsCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -23080,25 +21849,12 @@ func (future *SecurityGroupsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client SecurityGroupsCl // SecurityGroupsDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type SecurityGroupsDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(SecurityGroupsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *SecurityGroupsDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for SecurityGroupsDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *SecurityGroupsDeleteFuture) result(client SecurityGroupsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *SecurityGroupsDeleteFuture) Result(client SecurityGroupsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -23106,7 +21862,6 @@ func (future *SecurityGroupsDeleteFuture) result(client SecurityGroupsClient) (a return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.SecurityGroupsDeleteFuture") return } @@ -23117,25 +21872,12 @@ func (future *SecurityGroupsDeleteFuture) result(client SecurityGroupsClient) (a // SecurityGroupsUpdateTagsFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type SecurityGroupsUpdateTagsFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(SecurityGroupsClient) (SecurityGroup, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *SecurityGroupsUpdateTagsFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for SecurityGroupsUpdateTagsFuture.Result. -func (future *SecurityGroupsUpdateTagsFuture) result(client SecurityGroupsClient) (sg SecurityGroup, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *SecurityGroupsUpdateTagsFuture) Result(client SecurityGroupsClient) (sg SecurityGroup, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -23143,7 +21885,6 @@ func (future *SecurityGroupsUpdateTagsFuture) result(client SecurityGroupsClient return } if !done { - sg.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.SecurityGroupsUpdateTagsFuture") return } @@ -23340,15 +22081,10 @@ func (srlr SecurityRuleListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return srlr.Value == nil || len(*srlr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (srlr SecurityRuleListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return srlr.NextLink != nil && len(*srlr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // securityRuleListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (srlr SecurityRuleListResult) securityRuleListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !srlr.hasNextLink() { + if srlr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(srlr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -23376,16 +22112,11 @@ func (page *SecurityRuleListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (er tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.srlr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.srlr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.srlr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.srlr = next return nil } @@ -23415,11 +22146,8 @@ func (page SecurityRuleListResultPage) Values() []SecurityRule { } // Creates a new instance of the SecurityRuleListResultPage type. -func NewSecurityRuleListResultPage(cur SecurityRuleListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, SecurityRuleListResult) (SecurityRuleListResult, error)) SecurityRuleListResultPage { - return SecurityRuleListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - srlr: cur, - } +func NewSecurityRuleListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, SecurityRuleListResult) (SecurityRuleListResult, error)) SecurityRuleListResultPage { + return SecurityRuleListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // SecurityRulePropertiesFormat security rule resource. @@ -23461,25 +22189,12 @@ type SecurityRulePropertiesFormat struct { // SecurityRulesCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type SecurityRulesCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(SecurityRulesClient) (SecurityRule, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *SecurityRulesCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for SecurityRulesCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *SecurityRulesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client SecurityRulesClient) (sr SecurityRule, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *SecurityRulesCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client SecurityRulesClient) (sr SecurityRule, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -23487,7 +22202,6 @@ func (future *SecurityRulesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client SecurityRulesClie return } if !done { - sr.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.SecurityRulesCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -23504,25 +22218,12 @@ func (future *SecurityRulesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client SecurityRulesClie // SecurityRulesDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type SecurityRulesDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(SecurityRulesClient) (autorest.Response, error) + azure.Future } -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *SecurityRulesDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil -} - -// result is the default implementation for SecurityRulesDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *SecurityRulesDeleteFuture) result(client SecurityRulesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *SecurityRulesDeleteFuture) Result(client SecurityRulesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -23530,7 +22231,6 @@ func (future *SecurityRulesDeleteFuture) result(client SecurityRulesClient) (ar return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.SecurityRulesDeleteFuture") return } @@ -23642,18 +22342,6 @@ type ServiceAssociationLinkPropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ServiceAssociationLinkPropertiesFormat. -func (salpf ServiceAssociationLinkPropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if salpf.LinkedResourceType != nil { - objectMap["linkedResourceType"] = salpf.LinkedResourceType - } - if salpf.Link != nil { - objectMap["link"] = salpf.Link - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ServiceDelegationPropertiesFormat properties of a service delegation. type ServiceDelegationPropertiesFormat struct { // ServiceName - The name of the service to whom the subnet should be delegated (e.g. Microsoft.Sql/servers) @@ -23664,40 +22352,15 @@ type ServiceDelegationPropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ServiceDelegationPropertiesFormat. -func (sdpf ServiceDelegationPropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if sdpf.ServiceName != nil { - objectMap["serviceName"] = sdpf.ServiceName - } - if sdpf.Actions != nil { - objectMap["actions"] = sdpf.Actions - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ServiceEndpointPoliciesCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of // a long-running operation. type ServiceEndpointPoliciesCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) (ServiceEndpointPolicy, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ServiceEndpointPoliciesCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ServiceEndpointPoliciesCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *ServiceEndpointPoliciesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) (sep ServiceEndpointPolicy, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ServiceEndpointPoliciesCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) (sep ServiceEndpointPolicy, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -23705,7 +22368,6 @@ func (future *ServiceEndpointPoliciesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client Service return } if !done { - sep.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ServiceEndpointPoliciesCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -23722,25 +22384,12 @@ func (future *ServiceEndpointPoliciesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client Service // ServiceEndpointPoliciesDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type ServiceEndpointPoliciesDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ServiceEndpointPoliciesDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ServiceEndpointPoliciesDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *ServiceEndpointPoliciesDeleteFuture) result(client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ServiceEndpointPoliciesDeleteFuture) Result(client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -23748,7 +22397,6 @@ func (future *ServiceEndpointPoliciesDeleteFuture) result(client ServiceEndpoint return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ServiceEndpointPoliciesDeleteFuture") return } @@ -23759,25 +22407,12 @@ func (future *ServiceEndpointPoliciesDeleteFuture) result(client ServiceEndpoint // ServiceEndpointPoliciesUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type ServiceEndpointPoliciesUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) (ServiceEndpointPolicy, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ServiceEndpointPoliciesUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ServiceEndpointPoliciesUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *ServiceEndpointPoliciesUpdateFuture) result(client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) (sep ServiceEndpointPolicy, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ServiceEndpointPoliciesUpdateFuture) Result(client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) (sep ServiceEndpointPolicy, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -23785,7 +22420,6 @@ func (future *ServiceEndpointPoliciesUpdateFuture) result(client ServiceEndpoint return } if !done { - sep.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ServiceEndpointPoliciesUpdateFuture") return } @@ -24078,15 +22712,10 @@ func (sepdlr ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return sepdlr.Value == nil || len(*sepdlr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (sepdlr ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return sepdlr.NextLink != nil && len(*sepdlr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // serviceEndpointPolicyDefinitionListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (sepdlr ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionListResult) serviceEndpointPolicyDefinitionListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !sepdlr.hasNextLink() { + if sepdlr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(sepdlr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -24114,16 +22743,11 @@ func (page *ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx c tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.sepdlr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.sepdlr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.sepdlr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.sepdlr = next return nil } @@ -24153,11 +22777,8 @@ func (page ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionListResultPage) Values() []ServiceEndp } // Creates a new instance of the ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionListResultPage type. -func NewServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionListResultPage(cur ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionListResult) (ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionListResult, error)) ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionListResultPage { - return ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - sepdlr: cur, - } +func NewServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionListResult) (ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionListResult, error)) ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionListResultPage { + return ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionPropertiesFormat service Endpoint policy definition resource. @@ -24172,43 +22793,15 @@ type ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionPropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionPropertiesFormat. -func (sepdpf ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionPropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if sepdpf.Description != nil { - objectMap["description"] = sepdpf.Description - } - if sepdpf.Service != nil { - objectMap["service"] = sepdpf.Service - } - if sepdpf.ServiceResources != nil { - objectMap["serviceResources"] = sepdpf.ServiceResources - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the // results of a long-running operation. type ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClient) (ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinition, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClient) (sepd ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinition, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClient) (sepd ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinition, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -24216,7 +22809,6 @@ func (future *ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(clien return } if !done { - sepd.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -24233,25 +22825,12 @@ func (future *ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(clien // ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of // a long-running operation. type ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsDeleteFuture) result(client ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsDeleteFuture) Result(client ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -24259,7 +22838,6 @@ func (future *ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsDeleteFuture) result(client Servic return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsDeleteFuture") return } @@ -24276,15 +22854,6 @@ type ServiceEndpointPolicyListResult struct { NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ServiceEndpointPolicyListResult. -func (seplr ServiceEndpointPolicyListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if seplr.Value != nil { - objectMap["value"] = seplr.Value - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ServiceEndpointPolicyListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of ServiceEndpointPolicy // values. type ServiceEndpointPolicyListResultIterator struct { @@ -24354,15 +22923,10 @@ func (seplr ServiceEndpointPolicyListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return seplr.Value == nil || len(*seplr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (seplr ServiceEndpointPolicyListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return seplr.NextLink != nil && len(*seplr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // serviceEndpointPolicyListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (seplr ServiceEndpointPolicyListResult) serviceEndpointPolicyListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !seplr.hasNextLink() { + if seplr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(seplr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -24390,16 +22954,11 @@ func (page *ServiceEndpointPolicyListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Con tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.seplr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.seplr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.seplr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.seplr = next return nil } @@ -24429,11 +22988,8 @@ func (page ServiceEndpointPolicyListResultPage) Values() []ServiceEndpointPolicy } // Creates a new instance of the ServiceEndpointPolicyListResultPage type. -func NewServiceEndpointPolicyListResultPage(cur ServiceEndpointPolicyListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, ServiceEndpointPolicyListResult) (ServiceEndpointPolicyListResult, error)) ServiceEndpointPolicyListResultPage { - return ServiceEndpointPolicyListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - seplr: cur, - } +func NewServiceEndpointPolicyListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, ServiceEndpointPolicyListResult) (ServiceEndpointPolicyListResult, error)) ServiceEndpointPolicyListResultPage { + return ServiceEndpointPolicyListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // ServiceEndpointPolicyPropertiesFormat service Endpoint Policy resource. @@ -24448,15 +23004,6 @@ type ServiceEndpointPolicyPropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ServiceEndpointPolicyPropertiesFormat. -func (seppf ServiceEndpointPolicyPropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if seppf.ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitions != nil { - objectMap["serviceEndpointPolicyDefinitions"] = seppf.ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitions - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // ServiceEndpointPropertiesFormat the service endpoint properties. type ServiceEndpointPropertiesFormat struct { // Service - The type of the endpoint service. @@ -24563,15 +23110,6 @@ type SubnetAssociation struct { SecurityRules *[]SecurityRule `json:"securityRules,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for SubnetAssociation. -func (sa SubnetAssociation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if sa.SecurityRules != nil { - objectMap["securityRules"] = sa.SecurityRules - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // SubnetListResult response for ListSubnets API service callRetrieves all subnet that belongs to a virtual // network type SubnetListResult struct { @@ -24650,15 +23188,10 @@ func (slr SubnetListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return slr.Value == nil || len(*slr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (slr SubnetListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return slr.NextLink != nil && len(*slr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // subnetListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (slr SubnetListResult) subnetListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !slr.hasNextLink() { + if slr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(slr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -24686,16 +23219,11 @@ func (page *SubnetListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err erro tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.slr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.slr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.slr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.slr = next return nil } @@ -24725,11 +23253,8 @@ func (page SubnetListResultPage) Values() []Subnet { } // Creates a new instance of the SubnetListResultPage type. -func NewSubnetListResultPage(cur SubnetListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, SubnetListResult) (SubnetListResult, error)) SubnetListResultPage { - return SubnetListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - slr: cur, - } +func NewSubnetListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, SubnetListResult) (SubnetListResult, error)) SubnetListResultPage { + return SubnetListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // SubnetPropertiesFormat properties of the subnet. @@ -24764,64 +23289,15 @@ type SubnetPropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for SubnetPropertiesFormat. -func (spf SubnetPropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if spf.AddressPrefix != nil { - objectMap["addressPrefix"] = spf.AddressPrefix - } - if spf.AddressPrefixes != nil { - objectMap["addressPrefixes"] = spf.AddressPrefixes - } - if spf.NetworkSecurityGroup != nil { - objectMap["networkSecurityGroup"] = spf.NetworkSecurityGroup - } - if spf.RouteTable != nil { - objectMap["routeTable"] = spf.RouteTable - } - if spf.ServiceEndpoints != nil { - objectMap["serviceEndpoints"] = spf.ServiceEndpoints - } - if spf.ServiceEndpointPolicies != nil { - objectMap["serviceEndpointPolicies"] = spf.ServiceEndpointPolicies - } - if spf.ResourceNavigationLinks != nil { - objectMap["resourceNavigationLinks"] = spf.ResourceNavigationLinks - } - if spf.ServiceAssociationLinks != nil { - objectMap["serviceAssociationLinks"] = spf.ServiceAssociationLinks - } - if spf.Delegations != nil { - objectMap["delegations"] = spf.Delegations - } - if spf.ProvisioningState != nil { - objectMap["provisioningState"] = spf.ProvisioningState - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // SubnetsCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type SubnetsCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(SubnetsClient) (Subnet, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *SubnetsCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for SubnetsCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *SubnetsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client SubnetsClient) (s Subnet, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *SubnetsCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client SubnetsClient) (s Subnet, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -24829,7 +23305,6 @@ func (future *SubnetsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client SubnetsClient) (s Subne return } if !done { - s.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.SubnetsCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -24846,25 +23321,12 @@ func (future *SubnetsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client SubnetsClient) (s Subne // SubnetsDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type SubnetsDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(SubnetsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *SubnetsDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for SubnetsDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *SubnetsDeleteFuture) result(client SubnetsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *SubnetsDeleteFuture) Result(client SubnetsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -24872,7 +23334,6 @@ func (future *SubnetsDeleteFuture) result(client SubnetsClient) (ar autorest.Res return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.SubnetsDeleteFuture") return } @@ -24913,15 +23374,6 @@ type Topology struct { Resources *[]TopologyResource `json:"resources,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for Topology. -func (t Topology) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if t.Resources != nil { - objectMap["resources"] = t.Resources - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // TopologyAssociation resources that have an association with the parent resource. type TopologyAssociation struct { // Name - The name of the resource that is associated with the parent resource. @@ -25086,12 +23538,6 @@ type TunnelConnectionHealth struct { LastConnectionEstablishedUtcTime *string `json:"lastConnectionEstablishedUtcTime,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for TunnelConnectionHealth. -func (tch TunnelConnectionHealth) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // Usage describes network resource usage. type Usage struct { // ID - READ-ONLY; Resource identifier. @@ -25106,24 +23552,6 @@ type Usage struct { Name *UsageName `json:"name,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for Usage. -func (u Usage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if u.Unit != nil { - objectMap["unit"] = u.Unit - } - if u.CurrentValue != nil { - objectMap["currentValue"] = u.CurrentValue - } - if u.Limit != nil { - objectMap["limit"] = u.Limit - } - if u.Name != nil { - objectMap["name"] = u.Name - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // UsageName the usage names. type UsageName struct { // Value - A string describing the resource name. @@ -25209,15 +23637,10 @@ func (ulr UsagesListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return ulr.Value == nil || len(*ulr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (ulr UsagesListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return ulr.NextLink != nil && len(*ulr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // usagesListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (ulr UsagesListResult) usagesListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !ulr.hasNextLink() { + if ulr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(ulr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -25245,16 +23668,11 @@ func (page *UsagesListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err erro tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.ulr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.ulr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.ulr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.ulr = next return nil } @@ -25284,11 +23702,8 @@ func (page UsagesListResultPage) Values() []Usage { } // Creates a new instance of the UsagesListResultPage type. -func NewUsagesListResultPage(cur UsagesListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, UsagesListResult) (UsagesListResult, error)) UsagesListResultPage { - return UsagesListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - ulr: cur, - } +func NewUsagesListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, UsagesListResult) (UsagesListResult, error)) UsagesListResultPage { + return UsagesListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // VerificationIPFlowParameters parameters that define the IP flow to be verified. @@ -25477,25 +23892,12 @@ type VirtualHubRouteTable struct { // VirtualHubsCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualHubsCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualHubsClient) (VirtualHub, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualHubsCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualHubsCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualHubsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client VirtualHubsClient) (vh VirtualHub, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualHubsCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client VirtualHubsClient) (vh VirtualHub, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -25503,7 +23905,6 @@ func (future *VirtualHubsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client VirtualHubsClient) return } if !done { - vh.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VirtualHubsCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -25520,25 +23921,12 @@ func (future *VirtualHubsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client VirtualHubsClient) // VirtualHubsDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type VirtualHubsDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualHubsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualHubsDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualHubsDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualHubsDeleteFuture) result(client VirtualHubsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualHubsDeleteFuture) Result(client VirtualHubsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -25546,7 +23934,6 @@ func (future *VirtualHubsDeleteFuture) result(client VirtualHubsClient) (ar auto return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VirtualHubsDeleteFuture") return } @@ -25557,25 +23944,12 @@ func (future *VirtualHubsDeleteFuture) result(client VirtualHubsClient) (ar auto // VirtualHubsUpdateTagsFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type VirtualHubsUpdateTagsFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualHubsClient) (VirtualHub, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualHubsUpdateTagsFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualHubsUpdateTagsFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualHubsUpdateTagsFuture) result(client VirtualHubsClient) (vh VirtualHub, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualHubsUpdateTagsFuture) Result(client VirtualHubsClient) (vh VirtualHub, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -25583,7 +23957,6 @@ func (future *VirtualHubsUpdateTagsFuture) result(client VirtualHubsClient) (vh return } if !done { - vh.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VirtualHubsUpdateTagsFuture") return } @@ -26117,54 +24490,6 @@ type VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListEntityPropertiesFormat struct { ExpressRouteGatewayBypass *bool `json:"expressRouteGatewayBypass,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListEntityPropertiesFormat. -func (vngclepf VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListEntityPropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if vngclepf.AuthorizationKey != nil { - objectMap["authorizationKey"] = vngclepf.AuthorizationKey - } - if vngclepf.VirtualNetworkGateway1 != nil { - objectMap["virtualNetworkGateway1"] = vngclepf.VirtualNetworkGateway1 - } - if vngclepf.VirtualNetworkGateway2 != nil { - objectMap["virtualNetworkGateway2"] = vngclepf.VirtualNetworkGateway2 - } - if vngclepf.LocalNetworkGateway2 != nil { - objectMap["localNetworkGateway2"] = vngclepf.LocalNetworkGateway2 - } - if vngclepf.ConnectionType != "" { - objectMap["connectionType"] = vngclepf.ConnectionType - } - if vngclepf.ConnectionProtocol != "" { - objectMap["connectionProtocol"] = vngclepf.ConnectionProtocol - } - if vngclepf.RoutingWeight != nil { - objectMap["routingWeight"] = vngclepf.RoutingWeight - } - if vngclepf.SharedKey != nil { - objectMap["sharedKey"] = vngclepf.SharedKey - } - if vngclepf.Peer != nil { - objectMap["peer"] = vngclepf.Peer - } - if vngclepf.EnableBgp != nil { - objectMap["enableBgp"] = vngclepf.EnableBgp - } - if vngclepf.UsePolicyBasedTrafficSelectors != nil { - objectMap["usePolicyBasedTrafficSelectors"] = vngclepf.UsePolicyBasedTrafficSelectors - } - if vngclepf.IpsecPolicies != nil { - objectMap["ipsecPolicies"] = vngclepf.IpsecPolicies - } - if vngclepf.ResourceGUID != nil { - objectMap["resourceGuid"] = vngclepf.ResourceGUID - } - if vngclepf.ExpressRouteGatewayBypass != nil { - objectMap["expressRouteGatewayBypass"] = vngclepf.ExpressRouteGatewayBypass - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListResult response for the ListVirtualNetworkGatewayConnections API // service call type VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListResult struct { @@ -26175,15 +24500,6 @@ type VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListResult struct { NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListResult. -func (vngclr VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if vngclr.Value != nil { - objectMap["value"] = vngclr.Value - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of // VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection values. type VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListResultIterator struct { @@ -26253,15 +24569,10 @@ func (vngclr VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return vngclr.Value == nil || len(*vngclr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (vngclr VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return vngclr.NextLink != nil && len(*vngclr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // virtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (vngclr VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListResult) virtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !vngclr.hasNextLink() { + if vngclr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(vngclr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -26289,16 +24600,11 @@ func (page *VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx c tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.vngclr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.vngclr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.vngclr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.vngclr = next return nil } @@ -26328,11 +24634,8 @@ func (page VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListResultPage) Values() []VirtualNetw } // Creates a new instance of the VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListResultPage type. -func NewVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListResultPage(cur VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListResult) (VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListResult, error)) VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListResultPage { - return VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - vngclr: cur, - } +func NewVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListResult) (VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListResult, error)) VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListResultPage { + return VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionPropertiesFormat virtualNetworkGatewayConnection properties @@ -26377,76 +24680,15 @@ type VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionPropertiesFormat struct { ExpressRouteGatewayBypass *bool `json:"expressRouteGatewayBypass,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionPropertiesFormat. -func (vngcpf VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionPropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if vngcpf.AuthorizationKey != nil { - objectMap["authorizationKey"] = vngcpf.AuthorizationKey - } - if vngcpf.VirtualNetworkGateway1 != nil { - objectMap["virtualNetworkGateway1"] = vngcpf.VirtualNetworkGateway1 - } - if vngcpf.VirtualNetworkGateway2 != nil { - objectMap["virtualNetworkGateway2"] = vngcpf.VirtualNetworkGateway2 - } - if vngcpf.LocalNetworkGateway2 != nil { - objectMap["localNetworkGateway2"] = vngcpf.LocalNetworkGateway2 - } - if vngcpf.ConnectionType != "" { - objectMap["connectionType"] = vngcpf.ConnectionType - } - if vngcpf.ConnectionProtocol != "" { - objectMap["connectionProtocol"] = vngcpf.ConnectionProtocol - } - if vngcpf.RoutingWeight != nil { - objectMap["routingWeight"] = vngcpf.RoutingWeight - } - if vngcpf.SharedKey != nil { - objectMap["sharedKey"] = vngcpf.SharedKey - } - if vngcpf.Peer != nil { - objectMap["peer"] = vngcpf.Peer - } - if vngcpf.EnableBgp != nil { - objectMap["enableBgp"] = vngcpf.EnableBgp - } - if vngcpf.UsePolicyBasedTrafficSelectors != nil { - objectMap["usePolicyBasedTrafficSelectors"] = vngcpf.UsePolicyBasedTrafficSelectors - } - if vngcpf.IpsecPolicies != nil { - objectMap["ipsecPolicies"] = vngcpf.IpsecPolicies - } - if vngcpf.ResourceGUID != nil { - objectMap["resourceGuid"] = vngcpf.ResourceGUID - } - if vngcpf.ExpressRouteGatewayBypass != nil { - objectMap["expressRouteGatewayBypass"] = vngcpf.ExpressRouteGatewayBypass - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the // results of a long-running operation. type VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) (VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) (vngc VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) (vngc VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -26454,7 +24696,6 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(clien return } if !done { - vngc.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -26471,25 +24712,12 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(clien // VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of // a long-running operation. type VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsDeleteFuture) result(client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsDeleteFuture) Result(client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -26497,7 +24725,6 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsDeleteFuture) result(client Virtua return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsDeleteFuture") return } @@ -26508,25 +24735,12 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsDeleteFuture) result(client Virtua // VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsResetSharedKeyFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the // results of a long-running operation. type VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsResetSharedKeyFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) (ConnectionResetSharedKey, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsResetSharedKeyFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsResetSharedKeyFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsResetSharedKeyFuture) result(client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) (crsk ConnectionResetSharedKey, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsResetSharedKeyFuture) Result(client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) (crsk ConnectionResetSharedKey, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -26534,7 +24748,6 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsResetSharedKeyFuture) result(clien return } if !done { - crsk.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsResetSharedKeyFuture") return } @@ -26551,25 +24764,12 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsResetSharedKeyFuture) result(clien // VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsSetSharedKeyFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the // results of a long-running operation. type VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsSetSharedKeyFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) (ConnectionSharedKey, error) + azure.Future } -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsSetSharedKeyFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil -} - -// result is the default implementation for VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsSetSharedKeyFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsSetSharedKeyFuture) result(client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) (csk ConnectionSharedKey, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsSetSharedKeyFuture) Result(client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) (csk ConnectionSharedKey, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -26577,7 +24777,6 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsSetSharedKeyFuture) result(client return } if !done { - csk.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsSetSharedKeyFuture") return } @@ -26594,25 +24793,12 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsSetSharedKeyFuture) result(client // VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsUpdateTagsFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the // results of a long-running operation. type VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsUpdateTagsFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) (VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsUpdateTagsFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsUpdateTagsFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsUpdateTagsFuture) result(client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) (vngc VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsUpdateTagsFuture) Result(client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) (vngc VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -26620,7 +24806,6 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsUpdateTagsFuture) result(client Vi return } if !done { - vngc.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsUpdateTagsFuture") return } @@ -26727,21 +24912,6 @@ type VirtualNetworkGatewayIPConfigurationPropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VirtualNetworkGatewayIPConfigurationPropertiesFormat. -func (vngicpf VirtualNetworkGatewayIPConfigurationPropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if vngicpf.PrivateIPAllocationMethod != "" { - objectMap["privateIPAllocationMethod"] = vngicpf.PrivateIPAllocationMethod - } - if vngicpf.Subnet != nil { - objectMap["subnet"] = vngicpf.Subnet - } - if vngicpf.PublicIPAddress != nil { - objectMap["publicIPAddress"] = vngicpf.PublicIPAddress - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // VirtualNetworkGatewayListConnectionsResult response for the VirtualNetworkGatewayListConnections API // service call type VirtualNetworkGatewayListConnectionsResult struct { @@ -26752,15 +24922,6 @@ type VirtualNetworkGatewayListConnectionsResult struct { NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VirtualNetworkGatewayListConnectionsResult. -func (vnglcr VirtualNetworkGatewayListConnectionsResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if vnglcr.Value != nil { - objectMap["value"] = vnglcr.Value - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // VirtualNetworkGatewayListConnectionsResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of // VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListEntity values. type VirtualNetworkGatewayListConnectionsResultIterator struct { @@ -26830,15 +24991,10 @@ func (vnglcr VirtualNetworkGatewayListConnectionsResult) IsEmpty() bool { return vnglcr.Value == nil || len(*vnglcr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (vnglcr VirtualNetworkGatewayListConnectionsResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return vnglcr.NextLink != nil && len(*vnglcr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // virtualNetworkGatewayListConnectionsResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (vnglcr VirtualNetworkGatewayListConnectionsResult) virtualNetworkGatewayListConnectionsResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !vnglcr.hasNextLink() { + if vnglcr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(vnglcr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -26867,16 +25023,11 @@ func (page *VirtualNetworkGatewayListConnectionsResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.vnglcr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.vnglcr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.vnglcr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.vnglcr = next return nil } @@ -26906,11 +25057,8 @@ func (page VirtualNetworkGatewayListConnectionsResultPage) Values() []VirtualNet } // Creates a new instance of the VirtualNetworkGatewayListConnectionsResultPage type. -func NewVirtualNetworkGatewayListConnectionsResultPage(cur VirtualNetworkGatewayListConnectionsResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, VirtualNetworkGatewayListConnectionsResult) (VirtualNetworkGatewayListConnectionsResult, error)) VirtualNetworkGatewayListConnectionsResultPage { - return VirtualNetworkGatewayListConnectionsResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - vnglcr: cur, - } +func NewVirtualNetworkGatewayListConnectionsResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, VirtualNetworkGatewayListConnectionsResult) (VirtualNetworkGatewayListConnectionsResult, error)) VirtualNetworkGatewayListConnectionsResultPage { + return VirtualNetworkGatewayListConnectionsResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // VirtualNetworkGatewayListResult response for the ListVirtualNetworkGateways API service call. @@ -26922,15 +25070,6 @@ type VirtualNetworkGatewayListResult struct { NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VirtualNetworkGatewayListResult. -func (vnglr VirtualNetworkGatewayListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if vnglr.Value != nil { - objectMap["value"] = vnglr.Value - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // VirtualNetworkGatewayListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of VirtualNetworkGateway // values. type VirtualNetworkGatewayListResultIterator struct { @@ -27000,15 +25139,10 @@ func (vnglr VirtualNetworkGatewayListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return vnglr.Value == nil || len(*vnglr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (vnglr VirtualNetworkGatewayListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return vnglr.NextLink != nil && len(*vnglr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // virtualNetworkGatewayListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (vnglr VirtualNetworkGatewayListResult) virtualNetworkGatewayListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !vnglr.hasNextLink() { + if vnglr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(vnglr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -27036,16 +25170,11 @@ func (page *VirtualNetworkGatewayListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Con tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.vnglr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.vnglr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.vnglr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.vnglr = next return nil } @@ -27075,11 +25204,8 @@ func (page VirtualNetworkGatewayListResultPage) Values() []VirtualNetworkGateway } // Creates a new instance of the VirtualNetworkGatewayListResultPage type. -func NewVirtualNetworkGatewayListResultPage(cur VirtualNetworkGatewayListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, VirtualNetworkGatewayListResult) (VirtualNetworkGatewayListResult, error)) VirtualNetworkGatewayListResultPage { - return VirtualNetworkGatewayListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - vnglr: cur, - } +func NewVirtualNetworkGatewayListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, VirtualNetworkGatewayListResult) (VirtualNetworkGatewayListResult, error)) VirtualNetworkGatewayListResultPage { + return VirtualNetworkGatewayListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // VirtualNetworkGatewayPropertiesFormat virtualNetworkGateway properties @@ -27108,64 +25234,15 @@ type VirtualNetworkGatewayPropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VirtualNetworkGatewayPropertiesFormat. -func (vngpf VirtualNetworkGatewayPropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if vngpf.IPConfigurations != nil { - objectMap["ipConfigurations"] = vngpf.IPConfigurations - } - if vngpf.GatewayType != "" { - objectMap["gatewayType"] = vngpf.GatewayType - } - if vngpf.VpnType != "" { - objectMap["vpnType"] = vngpf.VpnType - } - if vngpf.EnableBgp != nil { - objectMap["enableBgp"] = vngpf.EnableBgp - } - if vngpf.ActiveActive != nil { - objectMap["activeActive"] = vngpf.ActiveActive - } - if vngpf.GatewayDefaultSite != nil { - objectMap["gatewayDefaultSite"] = vngpf.GatewayDefaultSite - } - if vngpf.Sku != nil { - objectMap["sku"] = vngpf.Sku - } - if vngpf.VpnClientConfiguration != nil { - objectMap["vpnClientConfiguration"] = vngpf.VpnClientConfiguration - } - if vngpf.BgpSettings != nil { - objectMap["bgpSettings"] = vngpf.BgpSettings - } - if vngpf.ResourceGUID != nil { - objectMap["resourceGuid"] = vngpf.ResourceGUID - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // VirtualNetworkGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualNetworkGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (VirtualNetworkGateway, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualNetworkGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (vng VirtualNetworkGateway, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (vng VirtualNetworkGateway, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -27173,7 +25250,6 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client VirtualN return } if !done { - vng.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VirtualNetworkGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -27190,25 +25266,12 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client VirtualN // VirtualNetworkGatewaysDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualNetworkGatewaysDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualNetworkGatewaysDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysDeleteFuture) result(client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysDeleteFuture) Result(client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -27216,7 +25279,6 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysDeleteFuture) result(client VirtualNetworkGa return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VirtualNetworkGatewaysDeleteFuture") return } @@ -27227,25 +25289,12 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysDeleteFuture) result(client VirtualNetworkGa // VirtualNetworkGatewaysGeneratevpnclientpackageFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the // results of a long-running operation. type VirtualNetworkGatewaysGeneratevpnclientpackageFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (String, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysGeneratevpnclientpackageFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualNetworkGatewaysGeneratevpnclientpackageFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysGeneratevpnclientpackageFuture) result(client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (s String, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysGeneratevpnclientpackageFuture) Result(client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (s String, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -27253,7 +25302,6 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysGeneratevpnclientpackageFuture) result(clien return } if !done { - s.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VirtualNetworkGatewaysGeneratevpnclientpackageFuture") return } @@ -27270,25 +25318,12 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysGeneratevpnclientpackageFuture) result(clien // VirtualNetworkGatewaysGenerateVpnProfileFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results // of a long-running operation. type VirtualNetworkGatewaysGenerateVpnProfileFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (String, error) + azure.Future } -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysGenerateVpnProfileFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil -} - -// result is the default implementation for VirtualNetworkGatewaysGenerateVpnProfileFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysGenerateVpnProfileFuture) result(client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (s String, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysGenerateVpnProfileFuture) Result(client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (s String, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -27296,7 +25331,6 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysGenerateVpnProfileFuture) result(client Virt return } if !done { - s.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VirtualNetworkGatewaysGenerateVpnProfileFuture") return } @@ -27313,25 +25347,12 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysGenerateVpnProfileFuture) result(client Virt // VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetAdvertisedRoutesFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results // of a long-running operation. type VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetAdvertisedRoutesFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (GatewayRouteListResult, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetAdvertisedRoutesFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetAdvertisedRoutesFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetAdvertisedRoutesFuture) result(client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (grlr GatewayRouteListResult, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetAdvertisedRoutesFuture) Result(client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (grlr GatewayRouteListResult, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -27339,7 +25360,6 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetAdvertisedRoutesFuture) result(client Vir return } if !done { - grlr.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetAdvertisedRoutesFuture") return } @@ -27356,25 +25376,12 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetAdvertisedRoutesFuture) result(client Vir // VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetBgpPeerStatusFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of // a long-running operation. type VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetBgpPeerStatusFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (BgpPeerStatusListResult, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetBgpPeerStatusFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetBgpPeerStatusFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetBgpPeerStatusFuture) result(client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (bpslr BgpPeerStatusListResult, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetBgpPeerStatusFuture) Result(client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (bpslr BgpPeerStatusListResult, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -27382,7 +25389,6 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetBgpPeerStatusFuture) result(client Virtua return } if !done { - bpslr.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetBgpPeerStatusFuture") return } @@ -27399,25 +25405,12 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetBgpPeerStatusFuture) result(client Virtua // VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetLearnedRoutesFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of // a long-running operation. type VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetLearnedRoutesFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (GatewayRouteListResult, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetLearnedRoutesFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetLearnedRoutesFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetLearnedRoutesFuture) result(client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (grlr GatewayRouteListResult, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetLearnedRoutesFuture) Result(client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (grlr GatewayRouteListResult, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -27425,7 +25418,6 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetLearnedRoutesFuture) result(client Virtua return } if !done { - grlr.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetLearnedRoutesFuture") return } @@ -27442,25 +25434,12 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetLearnedRoutesFuture) result(client Virtua // VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetVpnclientIpsecParametersFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the // results of a long-running operation. type VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetVpnclientIpsecParametersFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (VpnClientIPsecParameters, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetVpnclientIpsecParametersFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetVpnclientIpsecParametersFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetVpnclientIpsecParametersFuture) result(client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (vcipp VpnClientIPsecParameters, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetVpnclientIpsecParametersFuture) Result(client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (vcipp VpnClientIPsecParameters, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -27468,7 +25447,6 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetVpnclientIpsecParametersFuture) result(cl return } if !done { - vcipp.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetVpnclientIpsecParametersFuture") return } @@ -27485,25 +25463,12 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetVpnclientIpsecParametersFuture) result(cl // VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetVpnProfilePackageURLFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the // results of a long-running operation. type VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetVpnProfilePackageURLFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (String, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetVpnProfilePackageURLFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetVpnProfilePackageURLFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetVpnProfilePackageURLFuture) result(client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (s String, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetVpnProfilePackageURLFuture) Result(client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (s String, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -27511,7 +25476,6 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetVpnProfilePackageURLFuture) result(client return } if !done { - s.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetVpnProfilePackageURLFuture") return } @@ -27538,25 +25502,12 @@ type VirtualNetworkGatewaySku struct { // VirtualNetworkGatewaysResetFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualNetworkGatewaysResetFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (VirtualNetworkGateway, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysResetFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualNetworkGatewaysResetFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysResetFuture) result(client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (vng VirtualNetworkGateway, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysResetFuture) Result(client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (vng VirtualNetworkGateway, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -27564,7 +25515,6 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysResetFuture) result(client VirtualNetworkGat return } if !done { - vng.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VirtualNetworkGatewaysResetFuture") return } @@ -27581,25 +25531,12 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysResetFuture) result(client VirtualNetworkGat // VirtualNetworkGatewaysResetVpnClientSharedKeyFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the // results of a long-running operation. type VirtualNetworkGatewaysResetVpnClientSharedKeyFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysResetVpnClientSharedKeyFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualNetworkGatewaysResetVpnClientSharedKeyFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysResetVpnClientSharedKeyFuture) result(client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysResetVpnClientSharedKeyFuture) Result(client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -27607,7 +25544,6 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysResetVpnClientSharedKeyFuture) result(client return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VirtualNetworkGatewaysResetVpnClientSharedKeyFuture") return } @@ -27618,25 +25554,12 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysResetVpnClientSharedKeyFuture) result(client // VirtualNetworkGatewaysSetVpnclientIpsecParametersFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the // results of a long-running operation. type VirtualNetworkGatewaysSetVpnclientIpsecParametersFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (VpnClientIPsecParameters, error) + azure.Future } -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysSetVpnclientIpsecParametersFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil -} - -// result is the default implementation for VirtualNetworkGatewaysSetVpnclientIpsecParametersFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysSetVpnclientIpsecParametersFuture) result(client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (vcipp VpnClientIPsecParameters, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysSetVpnclientIpsecParametersFuture) Result(client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (vcipp VpnClientIPsecParameters, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -27644,7 +25567,6 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysSetVpnclientIpsecParametersFuture) result(cl return } if !done { - vcipp.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VirtualNetworkGatewaysSetVpnclientIpsecParametersFuture") return } @@ -27661,25 +25583,12 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysSetVpnclientIpsecParametersFuture) result(cl // VirtualNetworkGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualNetworkGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (VirtualNetworkGateway, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualNetworkGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture) result(client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (vng VirtualNetworkGateway, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture) Result(client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) (vng VirtualNetworkGateway, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -27687,7 +25596,6 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture) result(client VirtualNetwo return } if !done { - vng.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VirtualNetworkGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture") return } @@ -27778,15 +25686,10 @@ func (vnlr VirtualNetworkListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return vnlr.Value == nil || len(*vnlr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (vnlr VirtualNetworkListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return vnlr.NextLink != nil && len(*vnlr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // virtualNetworkListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (vnlr VirtualNetworkListResult) virtualNetworkListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !vnlr.hasNextLink() { + if vnlr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(vnlr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -27814,16 +25717,11 @@ func (page *VirtualNetworkListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) ( tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.vnlr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.vnlr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.vnlr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.vnlr = next return nil } @@ -27853,11 +25751,8 @@ func (page VirtualNetworkListResultPage) Values() []VirtualNetwork { } // Creates a new instance of the VirtualNetworkListResultPage type. -func NewVirtualNetworkListResultPage(cur VirtualNetworkListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, VirtualNetworkListResult) (VirtualNetworkListResult, error)) VirtualNetworkListResultPage { - return VirtualNetworkListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - vnlr: cur, - } +func NewVirtualNetworkListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, VirtualNetworkListResult) (VirtualNetworkListResult, error)) VirtualNetworkListResultPage { + return VirtualNetworkListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // VirtualNetworkListUsageResult response for the virtual networks GetUsage API service call. @@ -27869,15 +25764,6 @@ type VirtualNetworkListUsageResult struct { NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VirtualNetworkListUsageResult. -func (vnlur VirtualNetworkListUsageResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if vnlur.NextLink != nil { - objectMap["nextLink"] = vnlur.NextLink - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // VirtualNetworkListUsageResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of VirtualNetworkUsage // values. type VirtualNetworkListUsageResultIterator struct { @@ -27947,15 +25833,10 @@ func (vnlur VirtualNetworkListUsageResult) IsEmpty() bool { return vnlur.Value == nil || len(*vnlur.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (vnlur VirtualNetworkListUsageResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return vnlur.NextLink != nil && len(*vnlur.NextLink) != 0 -} - // virtualNetworkListUsageResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (vnlur VirtualNetworkListUsageResult) virtualNetworkListUsageResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !vnlur.hasNextLink() { + if vnlur.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(vnlur.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -27983,16 +25864,11 @@ func (page *VirtualNetworkListUsageResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Conte tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.vnlur) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.vnlur = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.vnlur) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.vnlur = next return nil } @@ -28022,11 +25898,8 @@ func (page VirtualNetworkListUsageResultPage) Values() []VirtualNetworkUsage { } // Creates a new instance of the VirtualNetworkListUsageResultPage type. -func NewVirtualNetworkListUsageResultPage(cur VirtualNetworkListUsageResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, VirtualNetworkListUsageResult) (VirtualNetworkListUsageResult, error)) VirtualNetworkListUsageResultPage { - return VirtualNetworkListUsageResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - vnlur: cur, - } +func NewVirtualNetworkListUsageResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, VirtualNetworkListUsageResult) (VirtualNetworkListUsageResult, error)) VirtualNetworkListUsageResultPage { + return VirtualNetworkListUsageResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // VirtualNetworkPeering peerings in a virtual network resource. @@ -28190,15 +26063,10 @@ func (vnplr VirtualNetworkPeeringListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return vnplr.Value == nil || len(*vnplr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (vnplr VirtualNetworkPeeringListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return vnplr.NextLink != nil && len(*vnplr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // virtualNetworkPeeringListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (vnplr VirtualNetworkPeeringListResult) virtualNetworkPeeringListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !vnplr.hasNextLink() { + if vnplr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(vnplr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -28226,16 +26094,11 @@ func (page *VirtualNetworkPeeringListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Con tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.vnplr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.vnplr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.vnplr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.vnplr = next return nil } @@ -28265,11 +26128,8 @@ func (page VirtualNetworkPeeringListResultPage) Values() []VirtualNetworkPeering } // Creates a new instance of the VirtualNetworkPeeringListResultPage type. -func NewVirtualNetworkPeeringListResultPage(cur VirtualNetworkPeeringListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, VirtualNetworkPeeringListResult) (VirtualNetworkPeeringListResult, error)) VirtualNetworkPeeringListResultPage { - return VirtualNetworkPeeringListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - vnplr: cur, - } +func NewVirtualNetworkPeeringListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, VirtualNetworkPeeringListResult) (VirtualNetworkPeeringListResult, error)) VirtualNetworkPeeringListResultPage { + return VirtualNetworkPeeringListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // VirtualNetworkPeeringPropertiesFormat properties of the virtual network peering. @@ -28295,25 +26155,12 @@ type VirtualNetworkPeeringPropertiesFormat struct { // VirtualNetworkPeeringsCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualNetworkPeeringsCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualNetworkPeeringsClient) (VirtualNetworkPeering, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualNetworkPeeringsCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualNetworkPeeringsCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualNetworkPeeringsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client VirtualNetworkPeeringsClient) (vnp VirtualNetworkPeering, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualNetworkPeeringsCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client VirtualNetworkPeeringsClient) (vnp VirtualNetworkPeering, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -28321,7 +26168,6 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkPeeringsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client VirtualN return } if !done { - vnp.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VirtualNetworkPeeringsCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -28338,25 +26184,12 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkPeeringsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client VirtualN // VirtualNetworkPeeringsDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualNetworkPeeringsDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualNetworkPeeringsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualNetworkPeeringsDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualNetworkPeeringsDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualNetworkPeeringsDeleteFuture) result(client VirtualNetworkPeeringsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualNetworkPeeringsDeleteFuture) Result(client VirtualNetworkPeeringsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -28364,7 +26197,6 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkPeeringsDeleteFuture) result(client VirtualNetworkPe return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VirtualNetworkPeeringsDeleteFuture") return } @@ -28397,25 +26229,12 @@ type VirtualNetworkPropertiesFormat struct { // VirtualNetworksCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualNetworksCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualNetworksClient) (VirtualNetwork, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualNetworksCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualNetworksCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualNetworksCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client VirtualNetworksClient) (vn VirtualNetwork, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualNetworksCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client VirtualNetworksClient) (vn VirtualNetwork, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -28423,7 +26242,6 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworksCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client VirtualNetworks return } if !done { - vn.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VirtualNetworksCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -28440,25 +26258,12 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworksCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client VirtualNetworks // VirtualNetworksDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type VirtualNetworksDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualNetworksClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualNetworksDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualNetworksDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualNetworksDeleteFuture) result(client VirtualNetworksClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualNetworksDeleteFuture) Result(client VirtualNetworksClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -28466,7 +26271,6 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworksDeleteFuture) result(client VirtualNetworksClient) return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VirtualNetworksDeleteFuture") return } @@ -28477,25 +26281,12 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworksDeleteFuture) result(client VirtualNetworksClient) // VirtualNetworksUpdateTagsFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualNetworksUpdateTagsFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualNetworksClient) (VirtualNetwork, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualNetworksUpdateTagsFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualNetworksUpdateTagsFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualNetworksUpdateTagsFuture) result(client VirtualNetworksClient) (vn VirtualNetwork, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualNetworksUpdateTagsFuture) Result(client VirtualNetworksClient) (vn VirtualNetwork, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -28503,7 +26294,6 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworksUpdateTagsFuture) result(client VirtualNetworksClie return } if !done { - vn.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VirtualNetworksUpdateTagsFuture") return } @@ -28712,15 +26502,10 @@ func (vntlr VirtualNetworkTapListResult) IsEmpty() bool { return vntlr.Value == nil || len(*vntlr.Value) == 0 } -// hasNextLink returns true if the NextLink is not empty. -func (vntlr VirtualNetworkTapListResult) hasNextLink() bool { - return vntlr.NextLink != nil && len(*vntlr.NextLink) != 0 -} - // virtualNetworkTapListResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results. // It returns nil if no more results exist. func (vntlr VirtualNetworkTapListResult) virtualNetworkTapListResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) { - if !vntlr.hasNextLink() { + if vntlr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(vntlr.NextLink)) < 1 { return nil, nil } return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx), @@ -28748,16 +26533,11 @@ func (page *VirtualNetworkTapListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() } - for { - next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.vntlr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - page.vntlr = next - if !next.hasNextLink() || !next.IsEmpty() { - break - } + next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.vntlr) + if err != nil { + return err } + page.vntlr = next return nil } @@ -28787,11 +26567,8 @@ func (page VirtualNetworkTapListResultPage) Values() []VirtualNetworkTap { } // Creates a new instance of the VirtualNetworkTapListResultPage type. -func NewVirtualNetworkTapListResultPage(cur VirtualNetworkTapListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, VirtualNetworkTapListResult) (VirtualNetworkTapListResult, error)) VirtualNetworkTapListResultPage { - return VirtualNetworkTapListResultPage{ - fn: getNextPage, - vntlr: cur, - } +func NewVirtualNetworkTapListResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, VirtualNetworkTapListResult) (VirtualNetworkTapListResult, error)) VirtualNetworkTapListResultPage { + return VirtualNetworkTapListResultPage{fn: getNextPage} } // VirtualNetworkTapPropertiesFormat virtual Network Tap properties. @@ -28810,43 +26587,15 @@ type VirtualNetworkTapPropertiesFormat struct { DestinationPort *int32 `json:"destinationPort,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VirtualNetworkTapPropertiesFormat. -func (vntpf VirtualNetworkTapPropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if vntpf.DestinationNetworkInterfaceIPConfiguration != nil { - objectMap["destinationNetworkInterfaceIPConfiguration"] = vntpf.DestinationNetworkInterfaceIPConfiguration - } - if vntpf.DestinationLoadBalancerFrontEndIPConfiguration != nil { - objectMap["destinationLoadBalancerFrontEndIPConfiguration"] = vntpf.DestinationLoadBalancerFrontEndIPConfiguration - } - if vntpf.DestinationPort != nil { - objectMap["destinationPort"] = vntpf.DestinationPort - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // VirtualNetworkTapsCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualNetworkTapsCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualNetworkTapsClient) (VirtualNetworkTap, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualNetworkTapsCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualNetworkTapsCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualNetworkTapsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) (vnt VirtualNetworkTap, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualNetworkTapsCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) (vnt VirtualNetworkTap, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -28854,7 +26603,6 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkTapsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client VirtualNetwo return } if !done { - vnt.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VirtualNetworkTapsCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -28871,25 +26619,12 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkTapsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client VirtualNetwo // VirtualNetworkTapsDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualNetworkTapsDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualNetworkTapsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualNetworkTapsDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualNetworkTapsDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualNetworkTapsDeleteFuture) result(client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualNetworkTapsDeleteFuture) Result(client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -28897,7 +26632,6 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkTapsDeleteFuture) result(client VirtualNetworkTapsCl return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VirtualNetworkTapsDeleteFuture") return } @@ -28908,25 +26642,12 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkTapsDeleteFuture) result(client VirtualNetworkTapsCl // VirtualNetworkTapsUpdateTagsFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualNetworkTapsUpdateTagsFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualNetworkTapsClient) (VirtualNetworkTap, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualNetworkTapsUpdateTagsFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualNetworkTapsUpdateTagsFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualNetworkTapsUpdateTagsFuture) result(client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) (vnt VirtualNetworkTap, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualNetworkTapsUpdateTagsFuture) Result(client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) (vnt VirtualNetworkTap, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -28934,7 +26655,6 @@ func (future *VirtualNetworkTapsUpdateTagsFuture) result(client VirtualNetworkTa return } if !done { - vnt.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VirtualNetworkTapsUpdateTagsFuture") return } @@ -28962,12 +26682,6 @@ type VirtualNetworkUsage struct { Unit *string `json:"unit,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VirtualNetworkUsage. -func (vnu VirtualNetworkUsage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // VirtualNetworkUsageName usage strings container. type VirtualNetworkUsageName struct { // LocalizedValue - READ-ONLY; Localized subnet size and usage string. @@ -28976,12 +26690,6 @@ type VirtualNetworkUsageName struct { Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VirtualNetworkUsageName. -func (vnun VirtualNetworkUsageName) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // VirtualWAN virtualWAN Resource. type VirtualWAN struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` @@ -29118,55 +26826,15 @@ type VirtualWanProperties struct { ProvisioningState ProvisioningState `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VirtualWanProperties. -func (vwp VirtualWanProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if vwp.DisableVpnEncryption != nil { - objectMap["disableVpnEncryption"] = vwp.DisableVpnEncryption - } - if vwp.SecurityProviderName != nil { - objectMap["securityProviderName"] = vwp.SecurityProviderName - } - if vwp.AllowBranchToBranchTraffic != nil { - objectMap["allowBranchToBranchTraffic"] = vwp.AllowBranchToBranchTraffic - } - if vwp.AllowVnetToVnetTraffic != nil { - objectMap["allowVnetToVnetTraffic"] = vwp.AllowVnetToVnetTraffic - } - if vwp.Office365LocalBreakoutCategory != "" { - objectMap["office365LocalBreakoutCategory"] = vwp.Office365LocalBreakoutCategory - } - if vwp.P2SVpnServerConfigurations != nil { - objectMap["p2SVpnServerConfigurations"] = vwp.P2SVpnServerConfigurations - } - if vwp.ProvisioningState != "" { - objectMap["provisioningState"] = vwp.ProvisioningState - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // VirtualWansCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VirtualWansCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualWansClient) (VirtualWAN, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualWansCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualWansCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualWansCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client VirtualWansClient) (vw VirtualWAN, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualWansCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client VirtualWansClient) (vw VirtualWAN, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -29174,7 +26842,6 @@ func (future *VirtualWansCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client VirtualWansClient) return } if !done { - vw.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VirtualWansCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -29191,25 +26858,12 @@ func (future *VirtualWansCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client VirtualWansClient) // VirtualWansDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type VirtualWansDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualWansClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualWansDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualWansDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualWansDeleteFuture) result(client VirtualWansClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualWansDeleteFuture) Result(client VirtualWansClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -29217,7 +26871,6 @@ func (future *VirtualWansDeleteFuture) result(client VirtualWansClient) (ar auto return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VirtualWansDeleteFuture") return } @@ -29244,25 +26897,12 @@ type VirtualWanSecurityProviders struct { // VirtualWansUpdateTagsFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type VirtualWansUpdateTagsFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VirtualWansClient) (VirtualWAN, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VirtualWansUpdateTagsFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VirtualWansUpdateTagsFuture.Result. -func (future *VirtualWansUpdateTagsFuture) result(client VirtualWansClient) (vw VirtualWAN, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VirtualWansUpdateTagsFuture) Result(client VirtualWansClient) (vw VirtualWAN, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -29270,7 +26910,6 @@ func (future *VirtualWansUpdateTagsFuture) result(client VirtualWansClient) (vw return } if !done { - vw.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VirtualWansUpdateTagsFuture") return } @@ -29314,18 +26953,6 @@ type VpnClientConnectionHealth struct { AllocatedIPAddresses *[]string `json:"allocatedIpAddresses,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VpnClientConnectionHealth. -func (vcch VpnClientConnectionHealth) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if vcch.VpnClientConnectionsCount != nil { - objectMap["vpnClientConnectionsCount"] = vcch.VpnClientConnectionsCount - } - if vcch.AllocatedIPAddresses != nil { - objectMap["allocatedIpAddresses"] = vcch.AllocatedIPAddresses - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // VpnClientIPsecParameters an IPSec parameters for a virtual network gateway P2S connection. type VpnClientIPsecParameters struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` @@ -29449,15 +27076,6 @@ type VpnClientRevokedCertificatePropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VpnClientRevokedCertificatePropertiesFormat. -func (vcrcpf VpnClientRevokedCertificatePropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if vcrcpf.Thumbprint != nil { - objectMap["thumbprint"] = vcrcpf.Thumbprint - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // VpnClientRootCertificate VPN client root certificate of virtual network gateway type VpnClientRootCertificate struct { // VpnClientRootCertificatePropertiesFormat - Properties of the vpn client root certificate. @@ -29547,15 +27165,6 @@ type VpnClientRootCertificatePropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState *string `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VpnClientRootCertificatePropertiesFormat. -func (vcrcpf VpnClientRootCertificatePropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if vcrcpf.PublicCertData != nil { - objectMap["publicCertData"] = vcrcpf.PublicCertData - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // VpnConnection vpnConnection Resource. type VpnConnection struct { autorest.Response `json:"-"` @@ -29664,67 +27273,15 @@ type VpnConnectionProperties struct { ProvisioningState ProvisioningState `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VpnConnectionProperties. -func (vcp VpnConnectionProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - if vcp.RemoteVpnSite != nil { - objectMap["remoteVpnSite"] = vcp.RemoteVpnSite - } - if vcp.RoutingWeight != nil { - objectMap["routingWeight"] = vcp.RoutingWeight - } - if vcp.ConnectionStatus != "" { - objectMap["connectionStatus"] = vcp.ConnectionStatus - } - if vcp.VpnConnectionProtocolType != "" { - objectMap["vpnConnectionProtocolType"] = vcp.VpnConnectionProtocolType - } - if vcp.ConnectionBandwidth != nil { - objectMap["connectionBandwidth"] = vcp.ConnectionBandwidth - } - if vcp.SharedKey != nil { - objectMap["sharedKey"] = vcp.SharedKey - } - if vcp.EnableBgp != nil { - objectMap["enableBgp"] = vcp.EnableBgp - } - if vcp.IpsecPolicies != nil { - objectMap["ipsecPolicies"] = vcp.IpsecPolicies - } - if vcp.EnableRateLimiting != nil { - objectMap["enableRateLimiting"] = vcp.EnableRateLimiting - } - if vcp.EnableInternetSecurity != nil { - objectMap["enableInternetSecurity"] = vcp.EnableInternetSecurity - } - if vcp.ProvisioningState != "" { - objectMap["provisioningState"] = vcp.ProvisioningState - } - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // VpnConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VpnConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VpnConnectionsClient) (VpnConnection, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VpnConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VpnConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *VpnConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client VpnConnectionsClient) (vc VpnConnection, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VpnConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client VpnConnectionsClient) (vc VpnConnection, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -29732,7 +27289,6 @@ func (future *VpnConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client VpnConnectionsCl return } if !done { - vc.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VpnConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -29749,25 +27305,12 @@ func (future *VpnConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client VpnConnectionsCl // VpnConnectionsDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type VpnConnectionsDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VpnConnectionsClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VpnConnectionsDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VpnConnectionsDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *VpnConnectionsDeleteFuture) result(client VpnConnectionsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VpnConnectionsDeleteFuture) Result(client VpnConnectionsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -29775,7 +27318,6 @@ func (future *VpnConnectionsDeleteFuture) result(client VpnConnectionsClient) (a return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VpnConnectionsDeleteFuture") return } @@ -29924,25 +27466,12 @@ type VpnGatewayProperties struct { // VpnGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VpnGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VpnGatewaysClient) (VpnGateway, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VpnGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VpnGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *VpnGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client VpnGatewaysClient) (vg VpnGateway, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VpnGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client VpnGatewaysClient) (vg VpnGateway, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -29950,7 +27479,6 @@ func (future *VpnGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client VpnGatewaysClient) return } if !done { - vg.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VpnGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -29967,25 +27495,12 @@ func (future *VpnGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client VpnGatewaysClient) // VpnGatewaysDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type VpnGatewaysDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VpnGatewaysClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VpnGatewaysDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VpnGatewaysDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *VpnGatewaysDeleteFuture) result(client VpnGatewaysClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VpnGatewaysDeleteFuture) Result(client VpnGatewaysClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -29993,7 +27508,6 @@ func (future *VpnGatewaysDeleteFuture) result(client VpnGatewaysClient) (ar auto return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VpnGatewaysDeleteFuture") return } @@ -30004,25 +27518,12 @@ func (future *VpnGatewaysDeleteFuture) result(client VpnGatewaysClient) (ar auto // VpnGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type VpnGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VpnGatewaysClient) (VpnGateway, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VpnGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VpnGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture.Result. -func (future *VpnGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture) result(client VpnGatewaysClient) (vg VpnGateway, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VpnGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture) Result(client VpnGatewaysClient) (vg VpnGateway, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -30030,7 +27531,6 @@ func (future *VpnGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture) result(client VpnGatewaysClient) (vg return } if !done { - vg.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VpnGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture") return } @@ -30171,12 +27671,6 @@ type VpnSiteID struct { VpnSite *string `json:"vpnSite,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VpnSiteID. -func (vsi VpnSiteID) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // VpnSiteProperties parameters for VpnSite type VpnSiteProperties struct { // VirtualWan - The VirtualWAN to which the vpnSite belongs @@ -30200,25 +27694,12 @@ type VpnSiteProperties struct { // VpnSitesConfigurationDownloadFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type VpnSitesConfigurationDownloadFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VpnSitesConfigurationClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VpnSitesConfigurationDownloadFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VpnSitesConfigurationDownloadFuture.Result. -func (future *VpnSitesConfigurationDownloadFuture) result(client VpnSitesConfigurationClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VpnSitesConfigurationDownloadFuture) Result(client VpnSitesConfigurationClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -30226,7 +27707,6 @@ func (future *VpnSitesConfigurationDownloadFuture) result(client VpnSitesConfigu return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VpnSitesConfigurationDownloadFuture") return } @@ -30237,25 +27717,12 @@ func (future *VpnSitesConfigurationDownloadFuture) result(client VpnSitesConfigu // VpnSitesCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type VpnSitesCreateOrUpdateFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VpnSitesClient) (VpnSite, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VpnSitesCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VpnSitesCreateOrUpdateFuture.Result. -func (future *VpnSitesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client VpnSitesClient) (vs VpnSite, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VpnSitesCreateOrUpdateFuture) Result(client VpnSitesClient) (vs VpnSite, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -30263,7 +27730,6 @@ func (future *VpnSitesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client VpnSitesClient) (vs Vp return } if !done { - vs.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VpnSitesCreateOrUpdateFuture") return } @@ -30280,25 +27746,12 @@ func (future *VpnSitesCreateOrUpdateFuture) result(client VpnSitesClient) (vs Vp // VpnSitesDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type VpnSitesDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VpnSitesClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VpnSitesDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VpnSitesDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *VpnSitesDeleteFuture) result(client VpnSitesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VpnSitesDeleteFuture) Result(client VpnSitesClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -30306,7 +27759,6 @@ func (future *VpnSitesDeleteFuture) result(client VpnSitesClient) (ar autorest.R return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VpnSitesDeleteFuture") return } @@ -30317,25 +27769,12 @@ func (future *VpnSitesDeleteFuture) result(client VpnSitesClient) (ar autorest.R // VpnSitesUpdateTagsFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type VpnSitesUpdateTagsFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(VpnSitesClient) (VpnSite, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *VpnSitesUpdateTagsFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for VpnSitesUpdateTagsFuture.Result. -func (future *VpnSitesUpdateTagsFuture) result(client VpnSitesClient) (vs VpnSite, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *VpnSitesUpdateTagsFuture) Result(client VpnSitesClient) (vs VpnSite, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -30343,7 +27782,6 @@ func (future *VpnSitesUpdateTagsFuture) result(client VpnSitesClient) (vs VpnSit return } if !done { - vs.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.VpnSitesUpdateTagsFuture") return } @@ -30486,34 +27924,15 @@ type WatcherPropertiesFormat struct { ProvisioningState ProvisioningState `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"` } -// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for WatcherPropertiesFormat. -func (wpf WatcherPropertiesFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - objectMap := make(map[string]interface{}) - return json.Marshal(objectMap) -} - // WatchersCheckConnectivityFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type WatchersCheckConnectivityFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(WatchersClient) (ConnectivityInformation, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *WatchersCheckConnectivityFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for WatchersCheckConnectivityFuture.Result. -func (future *WatchersCheckConnectivityFuture) result(client WatchersClient) (ci ConnectivityInformation, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *WatchersCheckConnectivityFuture) Result(client WatchersClient) (ci ConnectivityInformation, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -30521,7 +27940,6 @@ func (future *WatchersCheckConnectivityFuture) result(client WatchersClient) (ci return } if !done { - ci.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.WatchersCheckConnectivityFuture") return } @@ -30538,25 +27956,12 @@ func (future *WatchersCheckConnectivityFuture) result(client WatchersClient) (ci // WatchersDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type WatchersDeleteFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(WatchersClient) (autorest.Response, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *WatchersDeleteFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for WatchersDeleteFuture.Result. -func (future *WatchersDeleteFuture) result(client WatchersClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *WatchersDeleteFuture) Result(client WatchersClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -30564,7 +27969,6 @@ func (future *WatchersDeleteFuture) result(client WatchersClient) (ar autorest.R return } if !done { - ar.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.WatchersDeleteFuture") return } @@ -30575,25 +27979,12 @@ func (future *WatchersDeleteFuture) result(client WatchersClient) (ar autorest.R // WatchersGetAzureReachabilityReportFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type WatchersGetAzureReachabilityReportFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(WatchersClient) (AzureReachabilityReport, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *WatchersGetAzureReachabilityReportFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for WatchersGetAzureReachabilityReportFuture.Result. -func (future *WatchersGetAzureReachabilityReportFuture) result(client WatchersClient) (arr AzureReachabilityReport, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *WatchersGetAzureReachabilityReportFuture) Result(client WatchersClient) (arr AzureReachabilityReport, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -30601,7 +27992,6 @@ func (future *WatchersGetAzureReachabilityReportFuture) result(client WatchersCl return } if !done { - arr.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.WatchersGetAzureReachabilityReportFuture") return } @@ -30618,25 +28008,12 @@ func (future *WatchersGetAzureReachabilityReportFuture) result(client WatchersCl // WatchersGetFlowLogStatusFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type WatchersGetFlowLogStatusFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(WatchersClient) (FlowLogInformation, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *WatchersGetFlowLogStatusFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for WatchersGetFlowLogStatusFuture.Result. -func (future *WatchersGetFlowLogStatusFuture) result(client WatchersClient) (fli FlowLogInformation, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *WatchersGetFlowLogStatusFuture) Result(client WatchersClient) (fli FlowLogInformation, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -30644,7 +28021,6 @@ func (future *WatchersGetFlowLogStatusFuture) result(client WatchersClient) (fli return } if !done { - fli.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.WatchersGetFlowLogStatusFuture") return } @@ -30661,25 +28037,12 @@ func (future *WatchersGetFlowLogStatusFuture) result(client WatchersClient) (fli // WatchersGetNetworkConfigurationDiagnosticFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results // of a long-running operation. type WatchersGetNetworkConfigurationDiagnosticFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(WatchersClient) (ConfigurationDiagnosticResponse, error) + azure.Future } -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *WatchersGetNetworkConfigurationDiagnosticFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil -} - -// result is the default implementation for WatchersGetNetworkConfigurationDiagnosticFuture.Result. -func (future *WatchersGetNetworkConfigurationDiagnosticFuture) result(client WatchersClient) (cdr ConfigurationDiagnosticResponse, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *WatchersGetNetworkConfigurationDiagnosticFuture) Result(client WatchersClient) (cdr ConfigurationDiagnosticResponse, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -30687,7 +28050,6 @@ func (future *WatchersGetNetworkConfigurationDiagnosticFuture) result(client Wat return } if !done { - cdr.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.WatchersGetNetworkConfigurationDiagnosticFuture") return } @@ -30704,25 +28066,12 @@ func (future *WatchersGetNetworkConfigurationDiagnosticFuture) result(client Wat // WatchersGetNextHopFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type WatchersGetNextHopFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(WatchersClient) (NextHopResult, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *WatchersGetNextHopFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for WatchersGetNextHopFuture.Result. -func (future *WatchersGetNextHopFuture) result(client WatchersClient) (nhr NextHopResult, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *WatchersGetNextHopFuture) Result(client WatchersClient) (nhr NextHopResult, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -30730,7 +28079,6 @@ func (future *WatchersGetNextHopFuture) result(client WatchersClient) (nhr NextH return } if !done { - nhr.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.WatchersGetNextHopFuture") return } @@ -30747,25 +28095,12 @@ func (future *WatchersGetNextHopFuture) result(client WatchersClient) (nhr NextH // WatchersGetTroubleshootingFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type WatchersGetTroubleshootingFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(WatchersClient) (TroubleshootingResult, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *WatchersGetTroubleshootingFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for WatchersGetTroubleshootingFuture.Result. -func (future *WatchersGetTroubleshootingFuture) result(client WatchersClient) (tr TroubleshootingResult, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *WatchersGetTroubleshootingFuture) Result(client WatchersClient) (tr TroubleshootingResult, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -30773,7 +28108,6 @@ func (future *WatchersGetTroubleshootingFuture) result(client WatchersClient) (t return } if !done { - tr.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.WatchersGetTroubleshootingFuture") return } @@ -30790,25 +28124,12 @@ func (future *WatchersGetTroubleshootingFuture) result(client WatchersClient) (t // WatchersGetTroubleshootingResultFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type WatchersGetTroubleshootingResultFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(WatchersClient) (TroubleshootingResult, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *WatchersGetTroubleshootingResultFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for WatchersGetTroubleshootingResultFuture.Result. -func (future *WatchersGetTroubleshootingResultFuture) result(client WatchersClient) (tr TroubleshootingResult, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *WatchersGetTroubleshootingResultFuture) Result(client WatchersClient) (tr TroubleshootingResult, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -30816,7 +28137,6 @@ func (future *WatchersGetTroubleshootingResultFuture) result(client WatchersClie return } if !done { - tr.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.WatchersGetTroubleshootingResultFuture") return } @@ -30833,25 +28153,12 @@ func (future *WatchersGetTroubleshootingResultFuture) result(client WatchersClie // WatchersGetVMSecurityRulesFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type WatchersGetVMSecurityRulesFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(WatchersClient) (SecurityGroupViewResult, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *WatchersGetVMSecurityRulesFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for WatchersGetVMSecurityRulesFuture.Result. -func (future *WatchersGetVMSecurityRulesFuture) result(client WatchersClient) (sgvr SecurityGroupViewResult, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *WatchersGetVMSecurityRulesFuture) Result(client WatchersClient) (sgvr SecurityGroupViewResult, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -30859,7 +28166,6 @@ func (future *WatchersGetVMSecurityRulesFuture) result(client WatchersClient) (s return } if !done { - sgvr.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.WatchersGetVMSecurityRulesFuture") return } @@ -30876,25 +28182,12 @@ func (future *WatchersGetVMSecurityRulesFuture) result(client WatchersClient) (s // WatchersListAvailableProvidersFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type WatchersListAvailableProvidersFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(WatchersClient) (AvailableProvidersList, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *WatchersListAvailableProvidersFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for WatchersListAvailableProvidersFuture.Result. -func (future *WatchersListAvailableProvidersFuture) result(client WatchersClient) (apl AvailableProvidersList, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *WatchersListAvailableProvidersFuture) Result(client WatchersClient) (apl AvailableProvidersList, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -30902,7 +28195,6 @@ func (future *WatchersListAvailableProvidersFuture) result(client WatchersClient return } if !done { - apl.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.WatchersListAvailableProvidersFuture") return } @@ -30919,25 +28211,12 @@ func (future *WatchersListAvailableProvidersFuture) result(client WatchersClient // WatchersSetFlowLogConfigurationFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a // long-running operation. type WatchersSetFlowLogConfigurationFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(WatchersClient) (FlowLogInformation, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *WatchersSetFlowLogConfigurationFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for WatchersSetFlowLogConfigurationFuture.Result. -func (future *WatchersSetFlowLogConfigurationFuture) result(client WatchersClient) (fli FlowLogInformation, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *WatchersSetFlowLogConfigurationFuture) Result(client WatchersClient) (fli FlowLogInformation, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -30945,7 +28224,6 @@ func (future *WatchersSetFlowLogConfigurationFuture) result(client WatchersClien return } if !done { - fli.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.WatchersSetFlowLogConfigurationFuture") return } @@ -30962,25 +28240,12 @@ func (future *WatchersSetFlowLogConfigurationFuture) result(client WatchersClien // WatchersVerifyIPFlowFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running // operation. type WatchersVerifyIPFlowFuture struct { - azure.FutureAPI - // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. - // If the operation has not completed it will return an error. - Result func(WatchersClient) (VerificationIPFlowResult, error) -} - -// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture. -func (future *WatchersVerifyIPFlowFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error { - var azFuture azure.Future - if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &azFuture); err != nil { - return err - } - future.FutureAPI = &azFuture - future.Result = future.result - return nil + azure.Future } -// result is the default implementation for WatchersVerifyIPFlowFuture.Result. -func (future *WatchersVerifyIPFlowFuture) result(client WatchersClient) (vifr VerificationIPFlowResult, err error) { +// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation. +// If the operation has not completed it will return an error. +func (future *WatchersVerifyIPFlowFuture) Result(client WatchersClient) (vifr VerificationIPFlowResult, err error) { var done bool done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client) if err != nil { @@ -30988,7 +28253,6 @@ func (future *WatchersVerifyIPFlowFuture) result(client WatchersClient) (vifr Ve return } if !done { - vifr.Response.Response = future.Response() err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("network.WatchersVerifyIPFlowFuture") return } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/operations.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/operations.go index 2460d3810737..ac506d639cb5 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/operations.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/operations.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,8 +35,7 @@ func NewOperationsClient(subscriptionID string) OperationsClient { return NewOperationsClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewOperationsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the OperationsClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this -// when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// NewOperationsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the OperationsClient client. func NewOperationsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) OperationsClient { return OperationsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -59,11 +69,6 @@ func (client OperationsClient) List(ctx context.Context) (result OperationListRe result.olr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.OperationsClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.olr.hasNextLink() && result.olr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -87,7 +92,8 @@ func (client OperationsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client OperationsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, autorest.DoRetryForStatusCodes(client.RetryAttempts, client.RetryDuration, autorest.StatusCodesForRetry...)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), autorest.DoRetryForStatusCodes(client.RetryAttempts, client.RetryDuration, autorest.StatusCodesForRetry...)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -95,6 +101,7 @@ func (client OperationsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, er func (client OperationsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result OperationListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/p2svpngateways.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/p2svpngateways.go index d1aaa53bea78..be9a66b39f83 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/p2svpngateways.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/p2svpngateways.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,8 +35,7 @@ func NewP2sVpnGatewaysClient(subscriptionID string) P2sVpnGatewaysClient { return NewP2sVpnGatewaysClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewP2sVpnGatewaysClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the P2sVpnGatewaysClient client using a custom endpoint. -// Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// NewP2sVpnGatewaysClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the P2sVpnGatewaysClient client. func NewP2sVpnGatewaysClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) P2sVpnGatewaysClient { return P2sVpnGatewaysClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -40,8 +50,8 @@ func (client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceG ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/P2sVpnGatewaysClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -88,16 +98,13 @@ func (client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, r // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future P2sVpnGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -106,6 +113,7 @@ func (client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (futu func (client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result P2SVpnGateway, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -122,8 +130,8 @@ func (client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/P2sVpnGatewaysClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -167,16 +175,13 @@ func (client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceG // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future P2sVpnGatewaysDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -185,6 +190,7 @@ func (client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future P2sVp func (client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -201,8 +207,8 @@ func (client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) GenerateVpnProfile(ctx context.Context, resou ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/P2sVpnGatewaysClient.GenerateVpnProfile") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -248,16 +254,13 @@ func (client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) GenerateVpnProfilePreparer(ctx context.Contex // GenerateVpnProfileSender sends the GenerateVpnProfile request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) GenerateVpnProfileSender(req *http.Request) (future P2sVpnGatewaysGenerateVpnProfileFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -266,6 +269,7 @@ func (client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) GenerateVpnProfileSender(req *http.Request) ( func (client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) GenerateVpnProfileResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VpnProfileResponse, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -304,7 +308,6 @@ func (client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName st result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.P2sVpnGatewaysClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -334,7 +337,8 @@ func (client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGrou // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -342,6 +346,7 @@ func (client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, func (client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result P2SVpnGateway, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -378,11 +383,6 @@ func (client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) List(ctx context.Context) (result ListP2SVpnG result.lpvgr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.P2sVpnGatewaysClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.lpvgr.hasNextLink() && result.lpvgr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -410,7 +410,8 @@ func (client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Requ // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -418,6 +419,7 @@ func (client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response func (client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ListP2SVpnGatewaysResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -493,11 +495,6 @@ func (client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) ListByResourceGroup(ctx context.Context, reso result.lpvgr, err = client.ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.P2sVpnGatewaysClient", "ListByResourceGroup", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.lpvgr.hasNextLink() && result.lpvgr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -526,7 +523,8 @@ func (client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) ListByResourceGroupPreparer(ctx context.Conte // ListByResourceGroupSender sends the ListByResourceGroup request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListByResourceGroupResponder handles the response to the ListByResourceGroup request. The method always @@ -534,6 +532,7 @@ func (client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http.Request) func (client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ListP2SVpnGatewaysResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -588,8 +587,8 @@ func (client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) UpdateTags(ctx context.Context, resourceGroup ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/P2sVpnGatewaysClient.UpdateTags") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -635,16 +634,13 @@ func (client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) UpdateTagsPreparer(ctx context.Context, resou // UpdateTagsSender sends the UpdateTags request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (future P2sVpnGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -653,6 +649,7 @@ func (client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (future P func (client P2sVpnGatewaysClient) UpdateTagsResponder(resp *http.Response) (result P2SVpnGateway, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/p2svpnserverconfigurations.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/p2svpnserverconfigurations.go index 259ca01158d3..00c813d662d4 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/p2svpnserverconfigurations.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/p2svpnserverconfigurations.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,9 +35,7 @@ func NewP2sVpnServerConfigurationsClient(subscriptionID string) P2sVpnServerConf return NewP2sVpnServerConfigurationsClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewP2sVpnServerConfigurationsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the P2sVpnServerConfigurationsClient client -// using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign -// clouds, Azure stack). +// NewP2sVpnServerConfigurationsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the P2sVpnServerConfigurationsClient client. func NewP2sVpnServerConfigurationsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) P2sVpnServerConfigurationsClient { return P2sVpnServerConfigurationsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -43,8 +52,8 @@ func (client P2sVpnServerConfigurationsClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Contex ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/P2sVpnServerConfigurationsClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -92,16 +101,13 @@ func (client P2sVpnServerConfigurationsClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx contex // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client P2sVpnServerConfigurationsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future P2sVpnServerConfigurationsCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -110,6 +116,7 @@ func (client P2sVpnServerConfigurationsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Re func (client P2sVpnServerConfigurationsClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result P2SVpnServerConfiguration, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -127,8 +134,8 @@ func (client P2sVpnServerConfigurationsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resou ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/P2sVpnServerConfigurationsClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -173,16 +180,13 @@ func (client P2sVpnServerConfigurationsClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Contex // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client P2sVpnServerConfigurationsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future P2sVpnServerConfigurationsDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -191,6 +195,7 @@ func (client P2sVpnServerConfigurationsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) ( func (client P2sVpnServerConfigurationsClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -229,7 +234,6 @@ func (client P2sVpnServerConfigurationsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resource result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.P2sVpnServerConfigurationsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -260,7 +264,8 @@ func (client P2sVpnServerConfigurationsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client P2sVpnServerConfigurationsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -268,6 +273,7 @@ func (client P2sVpnServerConfigurationsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*ht func (client P2sVpnServerConfigurationsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result P2SVpnServerConfiguration, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -307,11 +313,6 @@ func (client P2sVpnServerConfigurationsClient) ListByVirtualWan(ctx context.Cont result.lpvscr, err = client.ListByVirtualWanResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.P2sVpnServerConfigurationsClient", "ListByVirtualWan", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.lpvscr.hasNextLink() && result.lpvscr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -341,7 +342,8 @@ func (client P2sVpnServerConfigurationsClient) ListByVirtualWanPreparer(ctx cont // ListByVirtualWanSender sends the ListByVirtualWan request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client P2sVpnServerConfigurationsClient) ListByVirtualWanSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListByVirtualWanResponder handles the response to the ListByVirtualWan request. The method always @@ -349,6 +351,7 @@ func (client P2sVpnServerConfigurationsClient) ListByVirtualWanSender(req *http. func (client P2sVpnServerConfigurationsClient) ListByVirtualWanResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ListP2SVpnServerConfigurationsResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/packetcaptures.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/packetcaptures.go index c147f9fcb57c..416fedbaeadf 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/packetcaptures.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/packetcaptures.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,8 +36,7 @@ func NewPacketCapturesClient(subscriptionID string) PacketCapturesClient { return NewPacketCapturesClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewPacketCapturesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the PacketCapturesClient client using a custom endpoint. -// Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// NewPacketCapturesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the PacketCapturesClient client. func NewPacketCapturesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) PacketCapturesClient { return PacketCapturesClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -42,8 +52,8 @@ func (client PacketCapturesClient) Create(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/PacketCapturesClient.Create") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -99,16 +109,13 @@ func (client PacketCapturesClient) CreatePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceG // CreateSender sends the Create request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client PacketCapturesClient) CreateSender(req *http.Request) (future PacketCapturesCreateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -117,6 +124,7 @@ func (client PacketCapturesClient) CreateSender(req *http.Request) (future Packe func (client PacketCapturesClient) CreateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result PacketCaptureResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -134,8 +142,8 @@ func (client PacketCapturesClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/PacketCapturesClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -180,16 +188,13 @@ func (client PacketCapturesClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceG // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client PacketCapturesClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future PacketCapturesDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -198,6 +203,7 @@ func (client PacketCapturesClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future Packe func (client PacketCapturesClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -236,7 +242,6 @@ func (client PacketCapturesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName st result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.PacketCapturesClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -267,7 +272,8 @@ func (client PacketCapturesClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGrou // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client PacketCapturesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -275,6 +281,7 @@ func (client PacketCapturesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, func (client PacketCapturesClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result PacketCaptureResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -292,8 +299,8 @@ func (client PacketCapturesClient) GetStatus(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupN ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/PacketCapturesClient.GetStatus") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -338,16 +345,13 @@ func (client PacketCapturesClient) GetStatusPreparer(ctx context.Context, resour // GetStatusSender sends the GetStatus request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client PacketCapturesClient) GetStatusSender(req *http.Request) (future PacketCapturesGetStatusFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -356,6 +360,7 @@ func (client PacketCapturesClient) GetStatusSender(req *http.Request) (future Pa func (client PacketCapturesClient) GetStatusResponder(resp *http.Response) (result PacketCaptureQueryStatusResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -394,7 +399,6 @@ func (client PacketCapturesClient) List(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName s result, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.PacketCapturesClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -424,7 +428,8 @@ func (client PacketCapturesClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGro // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client PacketCapturesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -432,6 +437,7 @@ func (client PacketCapturesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response func (client PacketCapturesClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result PacketCaptureListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -449,8 +455,8 @@ func (client PacketCapturesClient) Stop(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName s ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/PacketCapturesClient.Stop") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -495,16 +501,13 @@ func (client PacketCapturesClient) StopPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGro // StopSender sends the Stop request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client PacketCapturesClient) StopSender(req *http.Request) (future PacketCapturesStopFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -513,6 +516,7 @@ func (client PacketCapturesClient) StopSender(req *http.Request) (future PacketC func (client PacketCapturesClient) StopResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/profiles.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/profiles.go index d86376e9e335..f21c6fe5166f 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/profiles.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/profiles.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,8 +35,7 @@ func NewProfilesClient(subscriptionID string) ProfilesClient { return NewProfilesClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewProfilesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ProfilesClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this -// when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// NewProfilesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ProfilesClient client. func NewProfilesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) ProfilesClient { return ProfilesClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -62,7 +72,6 @@ func (client ProfilesClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNa result, err = client.CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ProfilesClient", "CreateOrUpdate", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -94,7 +103,8 @@ func (client ProfilesClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourc // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ProfilesClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // CreateOrUpdateResponder handles the response to the CreateOrUpdate request. The method always @@ -102,6 +112,7 @@ func (client ProfilesClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Resp func (client ProfilesClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Profile, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -118,8 +129,8 @@ func (client ProfilesClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName strin ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ProfilesClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -163,16 +174,13 @@ func (client ProfilesClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNa // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ProfilesClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future ProfilesDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -181,6 +189,7 @@ func (client ProfilesClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future ProfilesDel func (client ProfilesClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -219,7 +228,6 @@ func (client ProfilesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ProfilesClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -252,7 +260,8 @@ func (client ProfilesClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ProfilesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -260,6 +269,7 @@ func (client ProfilesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error func (client ProfilesClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Profile, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -298,11 +308,6 @@ func (client ProfilesClient) List(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string) result.plr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ProfilesClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.plr.hasNextLink() && result.plr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -331,7 +336,8 @@ func (client ProfilesClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ProfilesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -339,6 +345,7 @@ func (client ProfilesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, erro func (client ProfilesClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ProfileListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -412,11 +419,6 @@ func (client ProfilesClient) ListAll(ctx context.Context) (result ProfileListRes result.plr, err = client.ListAllResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ProfilesClient", "ListAll", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.plr.hasNextLink() && result.plr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -444,7 +446,8 @@ func (client ProfilesClient) ListAllPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request // ListAllSender sends the ListAll request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ProfilesClient) ListAllSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListAllResponder handles the response to the ListAll request. The method always @@ -452,6 +455,7 @@ func (client ProfilesClient) ListAllSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, e func (client ProfilesClient) ListAllResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ProfileListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -528,7 +532,6 @@ func (client ProfilesClient) UpdateTags(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName s result, err = client.UpdateTagsResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ProfilesClient", "UpdateTags", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -560,7 +563,8 @@ func (client ProfilesClient) UpdateTagsPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGro // UpdateTagsSender sends the UpdateTags request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ProfilesClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // UpdateTagsResponder handles the response to the UpdateTags request. The method always @@ -568,6 +572,7 @@ func (client ProfilesClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response func (client ProfilesClient) UpdateTagsResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Profile, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/publicipaddresses.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/publicipaddresses.go index c15c36e51e45..54cd993d71f4 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/publicipaddresses.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/publicipaddresses.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,9 +36,7 @@ func NewPublicIPAddressesClient(subscriptionID string) PublicIPAddressesClient { return NewPublicIPAddressesClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewPublicIPAddressesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the PublicIPAddressesClient client using a custom -// endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure -// stack). +// NewPublicIPAddressesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the PublicIPAddressesClient client. func NewPublicIPAddressesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) PublicIPAddressesClient { return PublicIPAddressesClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -42,8 +51,8 @@ func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resour ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/PublicIPAddressesClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -100,16 +109,13 @@ func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future PublicIPAddressesCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -118,6 +124,7 @@ func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (f func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result PublicIPAddress, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -134,8 +141,8 @@ func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupN ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/PublicIPAddressesClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -179,16 +186,13 @@ func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, resour // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future PublicIPAddressesDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -197,6 +201,7 @@ func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future Pu func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -235,7 +240,6 @@ func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.PublicIPAddressesClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -268,7 +272,8 @@ func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceG // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -276,6 +281,7 @@ func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Respon func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result PublicIPAddress, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -319,7 +325,6 @@ func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) GetVirtualMachineScaleSetPublicIPAddress(c result, err = client.GetVirtualMachineScaleSetPublicIPAddressResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.PublicIPAddressesClient", "GetVirtualMachineScaleSetPublicIPAddress", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -356,7 +361,8 @@ func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) GetVirtualMachineScaleSetPublicIPAddressPr // GetVirtualMachineScaleSetPublicIPAddressSender sends the GetVirtualMachineScaleSetPublicIPAddress request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) GetVirtualMachineScaleSetPublicIPAddressSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetVirtualMachineScaleSetPublicIPAddressResponder handles the response to the GetVirtualMachineScaleSetPublicIPAddress request. The method always @@ -364,6 +370,7 @@ func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) GetVirtualMachineScaleSetPublicIPAddressSe func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) GetVirtualMachineScaleSetPublicIPAddressResponder(resp *http.Response) (result PublicIPAddress, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -402,11 +409,6 @@ func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) List(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNam result.pialr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.PublicIPAddressesClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.pialr.hasNextLink() && result.pialr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -435,7 +437,8 @@ func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, resource // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -443,6 +446,7 @@ func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Respo func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result PublicIPAddressListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -516,11 +520,6 @@ func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) ListAll(ctx context.Context) (result Publi result.pialr, err = client.ListAllResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.PublicIPAddressesClient", "ListAll", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.pialr.hasNextLink() && result.pialr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -548,7 +547,8 @@ func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) ListAllPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*htt // ListAllSender sends the ListAll request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) ListAllSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListAllResponder handles the response to the ListAll request. The method always @@ -556,6 +556,7 @@ func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) ListAllSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Re func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) ListAllResponder(resp *http.Response) (result PublicIPAddressListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -633,11 +634,6 @@ func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) ListVirtualMachineScaleSetPublicIPAddresse result.pialr, err = client.ListVirtualMachineScaleSetPublicIPAddressesResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.PublicIPAddressesClient", "ListVirtualMachineScaleSetPublicIPAddresses", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.pialr.hasNextLink() && result.pialr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -667,7 +663,8 @@ func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) ListVirtualMachineScaleSetPublicIPAddresse // ListVirtualMachineScaleSetPublicIPAddressesSender sends the ListVirtualMachineScaleSetPublicIPAddresses request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) ListVirtualMachineScaleSetPublicIPAddressesSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListVirtualMachineScaleSetPublicIPAddressesResponder handles the response to the ListVirtualMachineScaleSetPublicIPAddresses request. The method always @@ -675,6 +672,7 @@ func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) ListVirtualMachineScaleSetPublicIPAddresse func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) ListVirtualMachineScaleSetPublicIPAddressesResponder(resp *http.Response) (result PublicIPAddressListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -755,11 +753,6 @@ func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) ListVirtualMachineScaleSetVMPublicIPAddres result.pialr, err = client.ListVirtualMachineScaleSetVMPublicIPAddressesResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.PublicIPAddressesClient", "ListVirtualMachineScaleSetVMPublicIPAddresses", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.pialr.hasNextLink() && result.pialr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -792,7 +785,8 @@ func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) ListVirtualMachineScaleSetVMPublicIPAddres // ListVirtualMachineScaleSetVMPublicIPAddressesSender sends the ListVirtualMachineScaleSetVMPublicIPAddresses request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) ListVirtualMachineScaleSetVMPublicIPAddressesSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListVirtualMachineScaleSetVMPublicIPAddressesResponder handles the response to the ListVirtualMachineScaleSetVMPublicIPAddresses request. The method always @@ -800,6 +794,7 @@ func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) ListVirtualMachineScaleSetVMPublicIPAddres func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) ListVirtualMachineScaleSetVMPublicIPAddressesResponder(resp *http.Response) (result PublicIPAddressListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -854,8 +849,8 @@ func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) UpdateTags(ctx context.Context, resourceGr ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/PublicIPAddressesClient.UpdateTags") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -901,16 +896,13 @@ func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) UpdateTagsPreparer(ctx context.Context, re // UpdateTagsSender sends the UpdateTags request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (future PublicIPAddressesUpdateTagsFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -919,6 +911,7 @@ func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (futur func (client PublicIPAddressesClient) UpdateTagsResponder(resp *http.Response) (result PublicIPAddress, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/publicipprefixes.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/publicipprefixes.go index 5ec713bcc383..5b0a2d8af239 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/publicipprefixes.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/publicipprefixes.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,9 +35,7 @@ func NewPublicIPPrefixesClient(subscriptionID string) PublicIPPrefixesClient { return NewPublicIPPrefixesClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewPublicIPPrefixesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the PublicIPPrefixesClient client using a custom -// endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure -// stack). +// NewPublicIPPrefixesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the PublicIPPrefixesClient client. func NewPublicIPPrefixesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) PublicIPPrefixesClient { return PublicIPPrefixesClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -41,8 +50,8 @@ func (client PublicIPPrefixesClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourc ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/PublicIPPrefixesClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -88,16 +97,13 @@ func (client PublicIPPrefixesClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client PublicIPPrefixesClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future PublicIPPrefixesCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -106,6 +112,7 @@ func (client PublicIPPrefixesClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (fu func (client PublicIPPrefixesClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result PublicIPPrefix, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -122,8 +129,8 @@ func (client PublicIPPrefixesClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNa ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/PublicIPPrefixesClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -167,16 +174,13 @@ func (client PublicIPPrefixesClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourc // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client PublicIPPrefixesClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future PublicIPPrefixesDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -185,6 +189,7 @@ func (client PublicIPPrefixesClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future Pub func (client PublicIPPrefixesClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -223,7 +228,6 @@ func (client PublicIPPrefixesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.PublicIPPrefixesClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -256,7 +260,8 @@ func (client PublicIPPrefixesClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGr // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client PublicIPPrefixesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -264,6 +269,7 @@ func (client PublicIPPrefixesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Respons func (client PublicIPPrefixesClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result PublicIPPrefix, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -302,11 +308,6 @@ func (client PublicIPPrefixesClient) List(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName result.piplr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.PublicIPPrefixesClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.piplr.hasNextLink() && result.piplr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -335,7 +336,8 @@ func (client PublicIPPrefixesClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceG // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client PublicIPPrefixesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -343,6 +345,7 @@ func (client PublicIPPrefixesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Respon func (client PublicIPPrefixesClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result PublicIPPrefixListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -416,11 +419,6 @@ func (client PublicIPPrefixesClient) ListAll(ctx context.Context) (result Public result.piplr, err = client.ListAllResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.PublicIPPrefixesClient", "ListAll", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.piplr.hasNextLink() && result.piplr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -448,7 +446,8 @@ func (client PublicIPPrefixesClient) ListAllPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http // ListAllSender sends the ListAll request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client PublicIPPrefixesClient) ListAllSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListAllResponder handles the response to the ListAll request. The method always @@ -456,6 +455,7 @@ func (client PublicIPPrefixesClient) ListAllSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Res func (client PublicIPPrefixesClient) ListAllResponder(resp *http.Response) (result PublicIPPrefixListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -510,8 +510,8 @@ func (client PublicIPPrefixesClient) UpdateTags(ctx context.Context, resourceGro ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/PublicIPPrefixesClient.UpdateTags") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -557,16 +557,13 @@ func (client PublicIPPrefixesClient) UpdateTagsPreparer(ctx context.Context, res // UpdateTagsSender sends the UpdateTags request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client PublicIPPrefixesClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (future PublicIPPrefixesUpdateTagsFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -575,6 +572,7 @@ func (client PublicIPPrefixesClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (future func (client PublicIPPrefixesClient) UpdateTagsResponder(resp *http.Response) (result PublicIPPrefix, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/routefilterrules.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/routefilterrules.go index 88f77bdae3b0..6435b4936a32 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/routefilterrules.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/routefilterrules.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,9 +36,7 @@ func NewRouteFilterRulesClient(subscriptionID string) RouteFilterRulesClient { return NewRouteFilterRulesClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewRouteFilterRulesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the RouteFilterRulesClient client using a custom -// endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure -// stack). +// NewRouteFilterRulesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the RouteFilterRulesClient client. func NewRouteFilterRulesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) RouteFilterRulesClient { return RouteFilterRulesClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -43,8 +52,8 @@ func (client RouteFilterRulesClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourc ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/RouteFilterRulesClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -101,16 +110,13 @@ func (client RouteFilterRulesClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client RouteFilterRulesClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future RouteFilterRulesCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -119,6 +125,7 @@ func (client RouteFilterRulesClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (fu func (client RouteFilterRulesClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RouteFilterRule, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -136,8 +143,8 @@ func (client RouteFilterRulesClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNa ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/RouteFilterRulesClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -182,16 +189,13 @@ func (client RouteFilterRulesClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourc // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client RouteFilterRulesClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future RouteFilterRulesDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -200,6 +204,7 @@ func (client RouteFilterRulesClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future Rou func (client RouteFilterRulesClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -238,7 +243,6 @@ func (client RouteFilterRulesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.RouteFilterRulesClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -269,7 +273,8 @@ func (client RouteFilterRulesClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGr // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client RouteFilterRulesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -277,6 +282,7 @@ func (client RouteFilterRulesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Respons func (client RouteFilterRulesClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RouteFilterRule, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -316,11 +322,6 @@ func (client RouteFilterRulesClient) ListByRouteFilter(ctx context.Context, reso result.rfrlr, err = client.ListByRouteFilterResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.RouteFilterRulesClient", "ListByRouteFilter", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.rfrlr.hasNextLink() && result.rfrlr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -350,7 +351,8 @@ func (client RouteFilterRulesClient) ListByRouteFilterPreparer(ctx context.Conte // ListByRouteFilterSender sends the ListByRouteFilter request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client RouteFilterRulesClient) ListByRouteFilterSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListByRouteFilterResponder handles the response to the ListByRouteFilter request. The method always @@ -358,6 +360,7 @@ func (client RouteFilterRulesClient) ListByRouteFilterSender(req *http.Request) func (client RouteFilterRulesClient) ListByRouteFilterResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RouteFilterRuleListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -413,8 +416,8 @@ func (client RouteFilterRulesClient) Update(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNa ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/RouteFilterRulesClient.Update") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -463,16 +466,13 @@ func (client RouteFilterRulesClient) UpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourc // UpdateSender sends the Update request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client RouteFilterRulesClient) UpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future RouteFilterRulesUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -481,6 +481,7 @@ func (client RouteFilterRulesClient) UpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future Rou func (client RouteFilterRulesClient) UpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RouteFilterRule, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/routefilters.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/routefilters.go index 972aabec547d..1dcaaef0e13a 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/routefilters.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/routefilters.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,8 +35,7 @@ func NewRouteFiltersClient(subscriptionID string) RouteFiltersClient { return NewRouteFiltersClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewRouteFiltersClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the RouteFiltersClient client using a custom endpoint. Use -// this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// NewRouteFiltersClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the RouteFiltersClient client. func NewRouteFiltersClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) RouteFiltersClient { return RouteFiltersClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -40,8 +50,8 @@ func (client RouteFiltersClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceGro ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/RouteFiltersClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -88,16 +98,13 @@ func (client RouteFiltersClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, res // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client RouteFiltersClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future RouteFiltersCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -106,6 +113,7 @@ func (client RouteFiltersClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future func (client RouteFiltersClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RouteFilter, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -122,8 +130,8 @@ func (client RouteFiltersClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName s ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/RouteFiltersClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -167,16 +175,13 @@ func (client RouteFiltersClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGro // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client RouteFiltersClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future RouteFiltersDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -185,6 +190,7 @@ func (client RouteFiltersClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future RouteFi func (client RouteFiltersClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -223,7 +229,6 @@ func (client RouteFiltersClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName stri result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.RouteFiltersClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -256,7 +261,8 @@ func (client RouteFiltersClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupN // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client RouteFiltersClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -264,6 +270,7 @@ func (client RouteFiltersClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, e func (client RouteFiltersClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RouteFilter, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -300,11 +307,6 @@ func (client RouteFiltersClient) List(ctx context.Context) (result RouteFilterLi result.rflr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.RouteFiltersClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.rflr.hasNextLink() && result.rflr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -332,7 +334,8 @@ func (client RouteFiltersClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Reques // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client RouteFiltersClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -340,6 +343,7 @@ func (client RouteFiltersClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, func (client RouteFiltersClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RouteFilterListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -415,11 +419,6 @@ func (client RouteFiltersClient) ListByResourceGroup(ctx context.Context, resour result.rflr, err = client.ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.RouteFiltersClient", "ListByResourceGroup", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.rflr.hasNextLink() && result.rflr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -448,7 +447,8 @@ func (client RouteFiltersClient) ListByResourceGroupPreparer(ctx context.Context // ListByResourceGroupSender sends the ListByResourceGroup request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client RouteFiltersClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListByResourceGroupResponder handles the response to the ListByResourceGroup request. The method always @@ -456,6 +456,7 @@ func (client RouteFiltersClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http.Request) (* func (client RouteFiltersClient) ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RouteFilterListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -510,8 +511,8 @@ func (client RouteFiltersClient) Update(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName s ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/RouteFiltersClient.Update") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -560,16 +561,13 @@ func (client RouteFiltersClient) UpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGro // UpdateSender sends the Update request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client RouteFiltersClient) UpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future RouteFiltersUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -578,6 +576,7 @@ func (client RouteFiltersClient) UpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future RouteFi func (client RouteFiltersClient) UpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RouteFilter, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/routes.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/routes.go index 29b268b2108d..c5506c1deed3 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/routes.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/routes.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,8 +35,7 @@ func NewRoutesClient(subscriptionID string) RoutesClient { return NewRoutesClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewRoutesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the RoutesClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when -// interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// NewRoutesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the RoutesClient client. func NewRoutesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) RoutesClient { return RoutesClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -41,8 +51,8 @@ func (client RoutesClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/RoutesClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -89,16 +99,13 @@ func (client RoutesClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceG // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client RoutesClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future RoutesCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -107,6 +114,7 @@ func (client RoutesClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future Route func (client RoutesClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Route, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -124,8 +132,8 @@ func (client RoutesClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/RoutesClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -170,16 +178,13 @@ func (client RoutesClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client RoutesClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future RoutesDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -188,6 +193,7 @@ func (client RoutesClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future RoutesDeleteF func (client RoutesClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -226,7 +232,6 @@ func (client RoutesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, ro result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.RoutesClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -257,7 +262,8 @@ func (client RoutesClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName st // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client RoutesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -265,6 +271,7 @@ func (client RoutesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) func (client RoutesClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Route, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -304,11 +311,6 @@ func (client RoutesClient) List(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, r result.rlr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.RoutesClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.rlr.hasNextLink() && result.rlr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -338,7 +340,8 @@ func (client RoutesClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName s // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client RoutesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -346,6 +349,7 @@ func (client RoutesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) func (client RoutesClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RouteListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/routetables.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/routetables.go index c0f333e317c3..15e06db242c7 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/routetables.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/routetables.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,8 +35,7 @@ func NewRouteTablesClient(subscriptionID string) RouteTablesClient { return NewRouteTablesClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewRouteTablesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the RouteTablesClient client using a custom endpoint. Use -// this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// NewRouteTablesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the RouteTablesClient client. func NewRouteTablesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) RouteTablesClient { return RouteTablesClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -40,8 +50,8 @@ func (client RouteTablesClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceGrou ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/RouteTablesClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -87,16 +97,13 @@ func (client RouteTablesClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, reso // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client RouteTablesClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future RouteTablesCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -105,6 +112,7 @@ func (client RouteTablesClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future func (client RouteTablesClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RouteTable, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -121,8 +129,8 @@ func (client RouteTablesClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName st ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/RouteTablesClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -166,16 +174,13 @@ func (client RouteTablesClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGrou // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client RouteTablesClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future RouteTablesDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -184,6 +189,7 @@ func (client RouteTablesClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future RouteTab func (client RouteTablesClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -222,7 +228,6 @@ func (client RouteTablesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName strin result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.RouteTablesClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -255,7 +260,8 @@ func (client RouteTablesClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNa // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client RouteTablesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -263,6 +269,7 @@ func (client RouteTablesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, er func (client RouteTablesClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RouteTable, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -301,11 +308,6 @@ func (client RouteTablesClient) List(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName stri result.rtlr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.RouteTablesClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.rtlr.hasNextLink() && result.rtlr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -334,7 +336,8 @@ func (client RouteTablesClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupN // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client RouteTablesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -342,6 +345,7 @@ func (client RouteTablesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, e func (client RouteTablesClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RouteTableListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -415,11 +419,6 @@ func (client RouteTablesClient) ListAll(ctx context.Context) (result RouteTableL result.rtlr, err = client.ListAllResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.RouteTablesClient", "ListAll", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.rtlr.hasNextLink() && result.rtlr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -447,7 +446,8 @@ func (client RouteTablesClient) ListAllPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Requ // ListAllSender sends the ListAll request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client RouteTablesClient) ListAllSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListAllResponder handles the response to the ListAll request. The method always @@ -455,6 +455,7 @@ func (client RouteTablesClient) ListAllSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response func (client RouteTablesClient) ListAllResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RouteTableListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -509,8 +510,8 @@ func (client RouteTablesClient) UpdateTags(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNam ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/RouteTablesClient.UpdateTags") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -556,16 +557,13 @@ func (client RouteTablesClient) UpdateTagsPreparer(ctx context.Context, resource // UpdateTagsSender sends the UpdateTags request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client RouteTablesClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (future RouteTablesUpdateTagsFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -574,6 +572,7 @@ func (client RouteTablesClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (future Rout func (client RouteTablesClient) UpdateTagsResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RouteTable, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/securitygroups.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/securitygroups.go index aa1a05618971..75b8d454aeac 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/securitygroups.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/securitygroups.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,8 +35,7 @@ func NewSecurityGroupsClient(subscriptionID string) SecurityGroupsClient { return NewSecurityGroupsClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewSecurityGroupsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the SecurityGroupsClient client using a custom endpoint. -// Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// NewSecurityGroupsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the SecurityGroupsClient client. func NewSecurityGroupsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) SecurityGroupsClient { return SecurityGroupsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -40,8 +50,8 @@ func (client SecurityGroupsClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceG ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/SecurityGroupsClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -87,16 +97,13 @@ func (client SecurityGroupsClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, r // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client SecurityGroupsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future SecurityGroupsCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -105,6 +112,7 @@ func (client SecurityGroupsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (futu func (client SecurityGroupsClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result SecurityGroup, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -121,8 +129,8 @@ func (client SecurityGroupsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/SecurityGroupsClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -166,16 +174,13 @@ func (client SecurityGroupsClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceG // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client SecurityGroupsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future SecurityGroupsDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -184,6 +189,7 @@ func (client SecurityGroupsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future Secur func (client SecurityGroupsClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -222,7 +228,6 @@ func (client SecurityGroupsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName st result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.SecurityGroupsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -255,7 +260,8 @@ func (client SecurityGroupsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGrou // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client SecurityGroupsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -263,6 +269,7 @@ func (client SecurityGroupsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, func (client SecurityGroupsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result SecurityGroup, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -301,11 +308,6 @@ func (client SecurityGroupsClient) List(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName s result.sglr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.SecurityGroupsClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.sglr.hasNextLink() && result.sglr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -334,7 +336,8 @@ func (client SecurityGroupsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGro // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client SecurityGroupsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -342,6 +345,7 @@ func (client SecurityGroupsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response func (client SecurityGroupsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result SecurityGroupListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -415,11 +419,6 @@ func (client SecurityGroupsClient) ListAll(ctx context.Context) (result Security result.sglr, err = client.ListAllResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.SecurityGroupsClient", "ListAll", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.sglr.hasNextLink() && result.sglr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -447,7 +446,8 @@ func (client SecurityGroupsClient) ListAllPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.R // ListAllSender sends the ListAll request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client SecurityGroupsClient) ListAllSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListAllResponder handles the response to the ListAll request. The method always @@ -455,6 +455,7 @@ func (client SecurityGroupsClient) ListAllSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Respo func (client SecurityGroupsClient) ListAllResponder(resp *http.Response) (result SecurityGroupListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -509,8 +510,8 @@ func (client SecurityGroupsClient) UpdateTags(ctx context.Context, resourceGroup ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/SecurityGroupsClient.UpdateTags") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -556,16 +557,13 @@ func (client SecurityGroupsClient) UpdateTagsPreparer(ctx context.Context, resou // UpdateTagsSender sends the UpdateTags request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client SecurityGroupsClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (future SecurityGroupsUpdateTagsFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -574,6 +572,7 @@ func (client SecurityGroupsClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (future S func (client SecurityGroupsClient) UpdateTagsResponder(resp *http.Response) (result SecurityGroup, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/securityrules.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/securityrules.go index 18e1067887fd..e185b82f0613 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/securityrules.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/securityrules.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,8 +35,7 @@ func NewSecurityRulesClient(subscriptionID string) SecurityRulesClient { return NewSecurityRulesClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewSecurityRulesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the SecurityRulesClient client using a custom endpoint. -// Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// NewSecurityRulesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the SecurityRulesClient client. func NewSecurityRulesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) SecurityRulesClient { return SecurityRulesClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -41,8 +51,8 @@ func (client SecurityRulesClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceGr ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/SecurityRulesClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -89,16 +99,13 @@ func (client SecurityRulesClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, re // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client SecurityRulesClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future SecurityRulesCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -107,6 +114,7 @@ func (client SecurityRulesClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (futur func (client SecurityRulesClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result SecurityRule, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -124,8 +132,8 @@ func (client SecurityRulesClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/SecurityRulesClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -170,16 +178,13 @@ func (client SecurityRulesClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGr // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client SecurityRulesClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future SecurityRulesDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -188,6 +193,7 @@ func (client SecurityRulesClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future Securi func (client SecurityRulesClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -226,7 +232,6 @@ func (client SecurityRulesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName str result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.SecurityRulesClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -257,7 +262,8 @@ func (client SecurityRulesClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroup // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client SecurityRulesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -265,6 +271,7 @@ func (client SecurityRulesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, func (client SecurityRulesClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result SecurityRule, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -304,11 +311,6 @@ func (client SecurityRulesClient) List(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName st result.srlr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.SecurityRulesClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.srlr.hasNextLink() && result.srlr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -338,7 +340,8 @@ func (client SecurityRulesClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGrou // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client SecurityRulesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -346,6 +349,7 @@ func (client SecurityRulesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, func (client SecurityRulesClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result SecurityRuleListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/serviceendpointpolicies.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/serviceendpointpolicies.go index 095db1b88e18..7d45d05192bf 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/serviceendpointpolicies.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/serviceendpointpolicies.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,9 +35,7 @@ func NewServiceEndpointPoliciesClient(subscriptionID string) ServiceEndpointPoli return NewServiceEndpointPoliciesClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewServiceEndpointPoliciesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient client using a -// custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, -// Azure stack). +// NewServiceEndpointPoliciesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient client. func NewServiceEndpointPoliciesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient { return ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -41,8 +50,8 @@ func (client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -88,16 +97,13 @@ func (client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.C // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future ServiceEndpointPoliciesCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -106,6 +112,7 @@ func (client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Reque func (client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ServiceEndpointPolicy, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -122,8 +129,8 @@ func (client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resource ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -167,16 +174,13 @@ func (client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future ServiceEndpointPoliciesDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -185,6 +189,7 @@ func (client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (fut func (client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -223,7 +228,6 @@ func (client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGro result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -256,7 +260,8 @@ func (client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, res // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -264,6 +269,7 @@ func (client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http. func (client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ServiceEndpointPolicy, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -300,11 +306,6 @@ func (client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) List(ctx context.Context) (result Se result.seplr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.seplr.hasNextLink() && result.seplr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -332,7 +333,8 @@ func (client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context) (* // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -340,6 +342,7 @@ func (client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http func (client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ServiceEndpointPolicyListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -415,11 +418,6 @@ func (client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) ListByResourceGroup(ctx context.Cont result.seplr, err = client.ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient", "ListByResourceGroup", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.seplr.hasNextLink() && result.seplr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -448,7 +446,8 @@ func (client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) ListByResourceGroupPreparer(ctx cont // ListByResourceGroupSender sends the ListByResourceGroup request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListByResourceGroupResponder handles the response to the ListByResourceGroup request. The method always @@ -456,6 +455,7 @@ func (client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http. func (client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ServiceEndpointPolicyListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -510,8 +510,8 @@ func (client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) Update(ctx context.Context, resource ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient.Update") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -557,16 +557,13 @@ func (client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) UpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, // UpdateSender sends the Update request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) UpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future ServiceEndpointPoliciesUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -575,6 +572,7 @@ func (client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) UpdateSender(req *http.Request) (fut func (client ServiceEndpointPoliciesClient) UpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ServiceEndpointPolicy, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/serviceendpointpolicydefinitions.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/serviceendpointpolicydefinitions.go index 487e63eb7598..0e39f573af7c 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/serviceendpointpolicydefinitions.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/serviceendpointpolicydefinitions.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,8 +36,7 @@ func NewServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClient(subscriptionID string) ServiceEnd } // NewServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the -// ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure -// cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClient client. func NewServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClient { return ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -43,8 +53,8 @@ func (client ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context. ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -91,16 +101,13 @@ func (client ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -109,6 +116,7 @@ func (client ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *h func (client ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinition, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -126,8 +134,8 @@ func (client ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -172,16 +180,13 @@ func (client ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context. // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -190,6 +195,7 @@ func (client ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Requ func (client ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -228,7 +234,6 @@ func (client ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, re result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -259,7 +264,8 @@ func (client ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Con // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -267,6 +273,7 @@ func (client ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request func (client ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinition, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -306,11 +313,6 @@ func (client ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClient) ListByResourceGroup(ctx con result.sepdlr, err = client.ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClient", "ListByResourceGroup", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.sepdlr.hasNextLink() && result.sepdlr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -340,7 +342,8 @@ func (client ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClient) ListByResourceGroupPreparer // ListByResourceGroupSender sends the ListByResourceGroup request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListByResourceGroupResponder handles the response to the ListByResourceGroup request. The method always @@ -348,6 +351,7 @@ func (client ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(r func (client ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsClient) ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/subnets.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/subnets.go index 8446bbd167e8..0867512d4aa7 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/subnets.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/subnets.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,8 +35,7 @@ func NewSubnetsClient(subscriptionID string) SubnetsClient { return NewSubnetsClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewSubnetsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the SubnetsClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when -// interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// NewSubnetsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the SubnetsClient client. func NewSubnetsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) SubnetsClient { return SubnetsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -41,8 +51,8 @@ func (client SubnetsClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNam ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/SubnetsClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -89,16 +99,13 @@ func (client SubnetsClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, resource // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client SubnetsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future SubnetsCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -107,6 +114,7 @@ func (client SubnetsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future Subn func (client SubnetsClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Subnet, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -124,8 +132,8 @@ func (client SubnetsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/SubnetsClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -170,16 +178,13 @@ func (client SubnetsClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNam // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client SubnetsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future SubnetsDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -188,6 +193,7 @@ func (client SubnetsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future SubnetsDelet func (client SubnetsClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -227,7 +233,6 @@ func (client SubnetsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, v result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.SubnetsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -261,7 +266,8 @@ func (client SubnetsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName s // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client SubnetsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -269,6 +275,7 @@ func (client SubnetsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) func (client SubnetsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Subnet, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -308,11 +315,6 @@ func (client SubnetsClient) List(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, result.slr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.SubnetsClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.slr.hasNextLink() && result.slr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -342,7 +344,8 @@ func (client SubnetsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client SubnetsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -350,6 +353,7 @@ func (client SubnetsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error func (client SubnetsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result SubnetListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/usages.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/usages.go index 7c0d39b643f3..3c96a4f2c516 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/usages.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/usages.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,8 +36,7 @@ func NewUsagesClient(subscriptionID string) UsagesClient { return NewUsagesClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewUsagesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the UsagesClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when -// interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// NewUsagesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the UsagesClient client. func NewUsagesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) UsagesClient { return UsagesClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -68,11 +78,6 @@ func (client UsagesClient) List(ctx context.Context, location string) (result Us result.ulr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.UsagesClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.ulr.hasNextLink() && result.ulr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -101,7 +106,8 @@ func (client UsagesClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, location string) (* // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client UsagesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -109,6 +115,7 @@ func (client UsagesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) func (client UsagesClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result UsagesListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/version.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/version.go index aea31f6cab36..5cabdbcdcc4b 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/version.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/version.go @@ -2,15 +2,26 @@ package network import "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/version" -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. // UserAgent returns the UserAgent string to use when sending http.Requests. func UserAgent() string { - return "Azure-SDK-For-Go/" + Version() + " network/2018-10-01" + return "Azure-SDK-For-Go/" + version.Number + " network/2018-10-01" } // Version returns the semantic version (see http://semver.org) of the client. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/virtualhubs.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/virtualhubs.go index 9752a33fbb7f..d7d6f54b4cca 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/virtualhubs.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/virtualhubs.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,8 +35,7 @@ func NewVirtualHubsClient(subscriptionID string) VirtualHubsClient { return NewVirtualHubsClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewVirtualHubsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the VirtualHubsClient client using a custom endpoint. Use -// this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// NewVirtualHubsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the VirtualHubsClient client. func NewVirtualHubsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) VirtualHubsClient { return VirtualHubsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -40,8 +50,8 @@ func (client VirtualHubsClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceGrou ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualHubsClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -88,16 +98,13 @@ func (client VirtualHubsClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, reso // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualHubsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualHubsCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -106,6 +113,7 @@ func (client VirtualHubsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future func (client VirtualHubsClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualHub, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -122,8 +130,8 @@ func (client VirtualHubsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName st ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualHubsClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -167,16 +175,13 @@ func (client VirtualHubsClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGrou // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualHubsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualHubsDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -185,6 +190,7 @@ func (client VirtualHubsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualH func (client VirtualHubsClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -222,7 +228,6 @@ func (client VirtualHubsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName strin result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.VirtualHubsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -252,7 +257,8 @@ func (client VirtualHubsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNa // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualHubsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -260,6 +266,7 @@ func (client VirtualHubsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, er func (client VirtualHubsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualHub, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -296,11 +303,6 @@ func (client VirtualHubsClient) List(ctx context.Context) (result ListVirtualHub result.lvhr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.VirtualHubsClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.lvhr.hasNextLink() && result.lvhr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -328,7 +330,8 @@ func (client VirtualHubsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualHubsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -336,6 +339,7 @@ func (client VirtualHubsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, e func (client VirtualHubsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ListVirtualHubsResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -411,11 +415,6 @@ func (client VirtualHubsClient) ListByResourceGroup(ctx context.Context, resourc result.lvhr, err = client.ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.VirtualHubsClient", "ListByResourceGroup", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.lvhr.hasNextLink() && result.lvhr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -444,7 +443,8 @@ func (client VirtualHubsClient) ListByResourceGroupPreparer(ctx context.Context, // ListByResourceGroupSender sends the ListByResourceGroup request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualHubsClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListByResourceGroupResponder handles the response to the ListByResourceGroup request. The method always @@ -452,6 +452,7 @@ func (client VirtualHubsClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http.Request) (*h func (client VirtualHubsClient) ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ListVirtualHubsResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -506,8 +507,8 @@ func (client VirtualHubsClient) UpdateTags(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNam ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualHubsClient.UpdateTags") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -553,16 +554,13 @@ func (client VirtualHubsClient) UpdateTagsPreparer(ctx context.Context, resource // UpdateTagsSender sends the UpdateTags request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualHubsClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualHubsUpdateTagsFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -571,6 +569,7 @@ func (client VirtualHubsClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (future Virt func (client VirtualHubsClient) UpdateTagsResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualHub, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/virtualnetworkgatewayconnections.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/virtualnetworkgatewayconnections.go index 664e42a3e037..dbe1e3cde9e3 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/virtualnetworkgatewayconnections.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/virtualnetworkgatewayconnections.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -26,8 +37,7 @@ func NewVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient(subscriptionID string) VirtualNet } // NewVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the -// VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure -// cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient client. func NewVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient { return VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -42,8 +52,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context. ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -102,16 +112,13 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -120,6 +127,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *h func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -136,8 +144,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -181,16 +189,13 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context. // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -199,6 +204,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Requ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -236,7 +242,6 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, re result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -266,7 +271,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Con // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -274,6 +280,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -313,7 +320,6 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) GetSharedKey(ctx context.Co result, err = client.GetSharedKeyResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient", "GetSharedKey", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -343,7 +349,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) GetSharedKeyPreparer(ctx co // GetSharedKeySender sends the GetSharedKey request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) GetSharedKeySender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetSharedKeyResponder handles the response to the GetSharedKey request. The method always @@ -351,6 +358,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) GetSharedKeySender(req *htt func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) GetSharedKeyResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ConnectionSharedKey, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -390,11 +398,6 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) List(ctx context.Context, r result.vngclr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.vngclr.hasNextLink() && result.vngclr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -423,7 +426,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Co // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -431,6 +435,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) ListSender(req *http.Reques func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -488,8 +493,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) ResetSharedKey(ctx context. ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient.ResetSharedKey") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -498,7 +503,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) ResetSharedKey(ctx context. {TargetValue: parameters, Constraints: []validation.Constraint{{Target: "parameters.KeyLength", Name: validation.Null, Rule: true, Chain: []validation.Constraint{{Target: "parameters.KeyLength", Name: validation.InclusiveMaximum, Rule: int64(128), Chain: nil}, - {Target: "parameters.KeyLength", Name: validation.InclusiveMinimum, Rule: int64(1), Chain: nil}, + {Target: "parameters.KeyLength", Name: validation.InclusiveMinimum, Rule: 1, Chain: nil}, }}}}}); err != nil { return result, validation.NewError("network.VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient", "ResetSharedKey", err.Error()) } @@ -544,16 +549,13 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) ResetSharedKeyPreparer(ctx // ResetSharedKeySender sends the ResetSharedKey request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) ResetSharedKeySender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsResetSharedKeyFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -562,6 +564,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) ResetSharedKeySender(req *h func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) ResetSharedKeyResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ConnectionResetSharedKey, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -582,8 +585,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) SetSharedKey(ctx context.Co ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient.SetSharedKey") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -635,16 +638,13 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) SetSharedKeyPreparer(ctx co // SetSharedKeySender sends the SetSharedKey request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) SetSharedKeySender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsSetSharedKeyFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -653,6 +653,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) SetSharedKeySender(req *htt func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) SetSharedKeyResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ConnectionSharedKey, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -670,8 +671,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) UpdateTags(ctx context.Cont ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient.UpdateTags") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -717,16 +718,13 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) UpdateTagsPreparer(ctx cont // UpdateTagsSender sends the UpdateTags request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsUpdateTagsFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -735,6 +733,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http. func (client VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsClient) UpdateTagsResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/virtualnetworkgateways.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/virtualnetworkgateways.go index 3dc45de4adf7..16610c29b670 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/virtualnetworkgateways.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/virtualnetworkgateways.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,9 +36,7 @@ func NewVirtualNetworkGatewaysClient(subscriptionID string) VirtualNetworkGatewa return NewVirtualNetworkGatewaysClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewVirtualNetworkGatewaysClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient client using a -// custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, -// Azure stack). +// NewVirtualNetworkGatewaysClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient client. func NewVirtualNetworkGatewaysClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient { return VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -42,8 +51,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, r ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -95,16 +104,13 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Co // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualNetworkGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -113,6 +119,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Reques func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualNetworkGateway, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -129,8 +136,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceG ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -174,16 +181,13 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, r // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualNetworkGatewaysDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -192,6 +196,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (futu func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -209,8 +214,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) Generatevpnclientpackage(ctx context. ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient.Generatevpnclientpackage") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -256,16 +261,13 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GeneratevpnclientpackagePreparer(ctx // GeneratevpnclientpackageSender sends the Generatevpnclientpackage request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GeneratevpnclientpackageSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualNetworkGatewaysGeneratevpnclientpackageFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -274,8 +276,9 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GeneratevpnclientpackageSender(req *h func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GeneratevpnclientpackageResponder(resp *http.Response) (result String, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), - autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result.Value), + autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = autorest.Response{Response: resp} return @@ -292,8 +295,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GenerateVpnProfile(ctx context.Contex ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient.GenerateVpnProfile") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -339,16 +342,13 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GenerateVpnProfilePreparer(ctx contex // GenerateVpnProfileSender sends the GenerateVpnProfile request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GenerateVpnProfileSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualNetworkGatewaysGenerateVpnProfileFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -357,8 +357,9 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GenerateVpnProfileSender(req *http.Re func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GenerateVpnProfileResponder(resp *http.Response) (result String, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), - autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result.Value), + autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = autorest.Response{Response: resp} return @@ -395,7 +396,6 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGrou result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -425,7 +425,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, reso // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -433,6 +434,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.R func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualNetworkGateway, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -451,8 +453,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GetAdvertisedRoutes(ctx context.Conte ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient.GetAdvertisedRoutes") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -497,16 +499,13 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GetAdvertisedRoutesPreparer(ctx conte // GetAdvertisedRoutesSender sends the GetAdvertisedRoutes request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GetAdvertisedRoutesSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetAdvertisedRoutesFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -515,6 +514,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GetAdvertisedRoutesSender(req *http.R func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GetAdvertisedRoutesResponder(resp *http.Response) (result GatewayRouteListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -532,8 +532,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GetBgpPeerStatus(ctx context.Context, ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient.GetBgpPeerStatus") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -580,16 +580,13 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GetBgpPeerStatusPreparer(ctx context. // GetBgpPeerStatusSender sends the GetBgpPeerStatus request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GetBgpPeerStatusSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetBgpPeerStatusFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -598,6 +595,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GetBgpPeerStatusSender(req *http.Requ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GetBgpPeerStatusResponder(resp *http.Response) (result BgpPeerStatusListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -615,8 +613,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GetLearnedRoutes(ctx context.Context, ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient.GetLearnedRoutes") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -660,16 +658,13 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GetLearnedRoutesPreparer(ctx context. // GetLearnedRoutesSender sends the GetLearnedRoutes request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GetLearnedRoutesSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetLearnedRoutesFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -678,6 +673,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GetLearnedRoutesSender(req *http.Requ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GetLearnedRoutesResponder(resp *http.Response) (result GatewayRouteListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -696,8 +692,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GetVpnclientIpsecParameters(ctx conte ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient.GetVpnclientIpsecParameters") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -741,16 +737,13 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GetVpnclientIpsecParametersPreparer(c // GetVpnclientIpsecParametersSender sends the GetVpnclientIpsecParameters request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GetVpnclientIpsecParametersSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetVpnclientIpsecParametersFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -759,6 +752,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GetVpnclientIpsecParametersSender(req func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GetVpnclientIpsecParametersResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VpnClientIPsecParameters, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -776,8 +770,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GetVpnProfilePackageURL(ctx context.C ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient.GetVpnProfilePackageURL") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -821,16 +815,13 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GetVpnProfilePackageURLPreparer(ctx c // GetVpnProfilePackageURLSender sends the GetVpnProfilePackageURL request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GetVpnProfilePackageURLSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualNetworkGatewaysGetVpnProfilePackageURLFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -839,8 +830,9 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GetVpnProfilePackageURLSender(req *ht func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) GetVpnProfilePackageURLResponder(resp *http.Response) (result String, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), - autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result.Value), + autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = autorest.Response{Response: resp} return @@ -877,11 +869,6 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) List(ctx context.Context, resourceGro result.vnglr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.vnglr.hasNextLink() && result.vnglr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -910,7 +897,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, res // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -918,6 +906,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http. func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualNetworkGatewayListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -994,11 +983,6 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) ListConnections(ctx context.Context, result.vnglcr, err = client.ListConnectionsResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient", "ListConnections", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.vnglcr.hasNextLink() && result.vnglcr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -1028,7 +1012,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) ListConnectionsPreparer(ctx context.C // ListConnectionsSender sends the ListConnections request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) ListConnectionsSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListConnectionsResponder handles the response to the ListConnections request. The method always @@ -1036,6 +1021,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) ListConnectionsSender(req *http.Reque func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) ListConnectionsResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualNetworkGatewayListConnectionsResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -1091,8 +1077,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) Reset(ctx context.Context, resourceGr ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient.Reset") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -1139,16 +1125,13 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) ResetPreparer(ctx context.Context, re // ResetSender sends the Reset request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) ResetSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualNetworkGatewaysResetFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -1157,6 +1140,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) ResetSender(req *http.Request) (futur func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) ResetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualNetworkGateway, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -1174,8 +1158,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) ResetVpnClientSharedKey(ctx context.C ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient.ResetVpnClientSharedKey") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -1219,16 +1203,13 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) ResetVpnClientSharedKeyPreparer(ctx c // ResetVpnClientSharedKeySender sends the ResetVpnClientSharedKey request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) ResetVpnClientSharedKeySender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualNetworkGatewaysResetVpnClientSharedKeyFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -1237,6 +1218,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) ResetVpnClientSharedKeySender(req *ht func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) ResetVpnClientSharedKeyResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -1255,8 +1237,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) SetVpnclientIpsecParameters(ctx conte ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient.SetVpnclientIpsecParameters") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -1309,16 +1291,13 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) SetVpnclientIpsecParametersPreparer(c // SetVpnclientIpsecParametersSender sends the SetVpnclientIpsecParameters request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) SetVpnclientIpsecParametersSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualNetworkGatewaysSetVpnclientIpsecParametersFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -1327,6 +1306,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) SetVpnclientIpsecParametersSender(req func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) SetVpnclientIpsecParametersResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VpnClientIPsecParameters, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -1365,7 +1345,6 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) SupportedVpnDevices(ctx context.Conte result, err = client.SupportedVpnDevicesResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient", "SupportedVpnDevices", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -1395,7 +1374,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) SupportedVpnDevicesPreparer(ctx conte // SupportedVpnDevicesSender sends the SupportedVpnDevices request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) SupportedVpnDevicesSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // SupportedVpnDevicesResponder handles the response to the SupportedVpnDevices request. The method always @@ -1403,6 +1383,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) SupportedVpnDevicesSender(req *http.R func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) SupportedVpnDevicesResponder(resp *http.Response) (result String, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result.Value), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -1420,8 +1401,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) UpdateTags(ctx context.Context, resou ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient.UpdateTags") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -1467,16 +1448,13 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) UpdateTagsPreparer(ctx context.Contex // UpdateTagsSender sends the UpdateTags request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualNetworkGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -1485,6 +1463,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) ( func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) UpdateTagsResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualNetworkGateway, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -1525,7 +1504,6 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) VpnDeviceConfigurationScript(ctx cont result, err = client.VpnDeviceConfigurationScriptResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient", "VpnDeviceConfigurationScript", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -1557,7 +1535,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) VpnDeviceConfigurationScriptPreparer( // VpnDeviceConfigurationScriptSender sends the VpnDeviceConfigurationScript request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) VpnDeviceConfigurationScriptSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // VpnDeviceConfigurationScriptResponder handles the response to the VpnDeviceConfigurationScript request. The method always @@ -1565,6 +1544,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) VpnDeviceConfigurationScriptSender(re func (client VirtualNetworkGatewaysClient) VpnDeviceConfigurationScriptResponder(resp *http.Response) (result String, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result.Value), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/virtualnetworkpeerings.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/virtualnetworkpeerings.go index 2c72cd4f1c11..707cbbda2040 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/virtualnetworkpeerings.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/virtualnetworkpeerings.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,9 +35,7 @@ func NewVirtualNetworkPeeringsClient(subscriptionID string) VirtualNetworkPeerin return NewVirtualNetworkPeeringsClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewVirtualNetworkPeeringsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the VirtualNetworkPeeringsClient client using a -// custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, -// Azure stack). +// NewVirtualNetworkPeeringsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the VirtualNetworkPeeringsClient client. func NewVirtualNetworkPeeringsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) VirtualNetworkPeeringsClient { return VirtualNetworkPeeringsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -43,8 +52,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkPeeringsClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, r ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualNetworkPeeringsClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -91,16 +100,13 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkPeeringsClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Co // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkPeeringsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualNetworkPeeringsCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -109,6 +115,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkPeeringsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Reques func (client VirtualNetworkPeeringsClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualNetworkPeering, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -126,8 +133,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkPeeringsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceG ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualNetworkPeeringsClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -172,16 +179,13 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkPeeringsClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, r // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkPeeringsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualNetworkPeeringsDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -190,6 +194,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkPeeringsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (futu func (client VirtualNetworkPeeringsClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -228,7 +233,6 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkPeeringsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGrou result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.VirtualNetworkPeeringsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -259,7 +263,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkPeeringsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, reso // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkPeeringsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -267,6 +272,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkPeeringsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.R func (client VirtualNetworkPeeringsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualNetworkPeering, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -306,11 +312,6 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkPeeringsClient) List(ctx context.Context, resourceGro result.vnplr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.VirtualNetworkPeeringsClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.vnplr.hasNextLink() && result.vnplr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -340,7 +341,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkPeeringsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, res // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkPeeringsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -348,6 +350,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkPeeringsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http. func (client VirtualNetworkPeeringsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualNetworkPeeringListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/virtualnetworks.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/virtualnetworks.go index a7a3c56b3f32..a368a97be24a 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/virtualnetworks.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/virtualnetworks.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,8 +35,7 @@ func NewVirtualNetworksClient(subscriptionID string) VirtualNetworksClient { return NewVirtualNetworksClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewVirtualNetworksClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the VirtualNetworksClient client using a custom endpoint. -// Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// NewVirtualNetworksClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the VirtualNetworksClient client. func NewVirtualNetworksClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) VirtualNetworksClient { return VirtualNetworksClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -62,7 +72,6 @@ func (client VirtualNetworksClient) CheckIPAddressAvailability(ctx context.Conte result, err = client.CheckIPAddressAvailabilityResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.VirtualNetworksClient", "CheckIPAddressAvailability", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -93,7 +102,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworksClient) CheckIPAddressAvailabilityPreparer(ctx conte // CheckIPAddressAvailabilitySender sends the CheckIPAddressAvailability request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworksClient) CheckIPAddressAvailabilitySender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // CheckIPAddressAvailabilityResponder handles the response to the CheckIPAddressAvailability request. The method always @@ -101,6 +111,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworksClient) CheckIPAddressAvailabilitySender(req *http.R func (client VirtualNetworksClient) CheckIPAddressAvailabilityResponder(resp *http.Response) (result IPAddressAvailabilityResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -118,8 +129,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworksClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resource ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualNetworksClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -165,16 +176,13 @@ func (client VirtualNetworksClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworksClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualNetworksCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -183,6 +191,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworksClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (fut func (client VirtualNetworksClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualNetwork, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -199,8 +208,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworksClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNam ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualNetworksClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -244,16 +253,13 @@ func (client VirtualNetworksClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, resource // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworksClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualNetworksDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -262,6 +268,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworksClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future Virt func (client VirtualNetworksClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -300,7 +307,6 @@ func (client VirtualNetworksClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName s result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.VirtualNetworksClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -333,7 +339,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworksClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGro // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworksClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -341,6 +348,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworksClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response func (client VirtualNetworksClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualNetwork, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -379,11 +387,6 @@ func (client VirtualNetworksClient) List(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName result.vnlr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.VirtualNetworksClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.vnlr.hasNextLink() && result.vnlr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -412,7 +415,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworksClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGr // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworksClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -420,6 +424,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworksClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Respons func (client VirtualNetworksClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualNetworkListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -493,11 +498,6 @@ func (client VirtualNetworksClient) ListAll(ctx context.Context) (result Virtual result.vnlr, err = client.ListAllResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.VirtualNetworksClient", "ListAll", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.vnlr.hasNextLink() && result.vnlr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -525,7 +525,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworksClient) ListAllPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http. // ListAllSender sends the ListAll request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworksClient) ListAllSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListAllResponder handles the response to the ListAll request. The method always @@ -533,6 +534,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworksClient) ListAllSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Resp func (client VirtualNetworksClient) ListAllResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualNetworkListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -609,11 +611,6 @@ func (client VirtualNetworksClient) ListUsage(ctx context.Context, resourceGroup result.vnlur, err = client.ListUsageResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.VirtualNetworksClient", "ListUsage", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.vnlur.hasNextLink() && result.vnlur.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -643,7 +640,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworksClient) ListUsagePreparer(ctx context.Context, resou // ListUsageSender sends the ListUsage request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworksClient) ListUsageSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListUsageResponder handles the response to the ListUsage request. The method always @@ -651,6 +649,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworksClient) ListUsageSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Re func (client VirtualNetworksClient) ListUsageResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualNetworkListUsageResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -705,8 +704,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworksClient) UpdateTags(ctx context.Context, resourceGrou ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualNetworksClient.UpdateTags") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -752,16 +751,13 @@ func (client VirtualNetworksClient) UpdateTagsPreparer(ctx context.Context, reso // UpdateTagsSender sends the UpdateTags request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworksClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualNetworksUpdateTagsFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -770,6 +766,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworksClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (future func (client VirtualNetworksClient) UpdateTagsResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualNetwork, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/virtualnetworktaps.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/virtualnetworktaps.go index 377f9311ecce..49b46f2bec4b 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/virtualnetworktaps.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/virtualnetworktaps.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,9 +36,7 @@ func NewVirtualNetworkTapsClient(subscriptionID string) VirtualNetworkTapsClient return NewVirtualNetworkTapsClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewVirtualNetworkTapsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the VirtualNetworkTapsClient client using a custom -// endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure -// stack). +// NewVirtualNetworkTapsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the VirtualNetworkTapsClient client. func NewVirtualNetworkTapsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) VirtualNetworkTapsClient { return VirtualNetworkTapsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -42,8 +51,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resou ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualNetworkTapsClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -120,16 +129,13 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Contex // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualNetworkTapsCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -138,6 +144,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) ( func (client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualNetworkTap, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -154,8 +161,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroup ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualNetworkTapsClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -199,16 +206,13 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, resou // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualNetworkTapsDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -217,6 +221,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future V func (client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -254,7 +259,6 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNam result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.VirtualNetworkTapsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -284,7 +288,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resource // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -292,6 +297,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Respo func (client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualNetworkTap, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -328,11 +334,6 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) ListAll(ctx context.Context) (result Virt result.vntlr, err = client.ListAllResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.VirtualNetworkTapsClient", "ListAll", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.vntlr.hasNextLink() && result.vntlr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -360,7 +361,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) ListAllPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*ht // ListAllSender sends the ListAll request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) ListAllSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListAllResponder handles the response to the ListAll request. The method always @@ -368,6 +370,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) ListAllSender(req *http.Request) (*http.R func (client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) ListAllResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualNetworkTapListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -443,11 +446,6 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) ListByResourceGroup(ctx context.Context, result.vntlr, err = client.ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.VirtualNetworkTapsClient", "ListByResourceGroup", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.vntlr.hasNextLink() && result.vntlr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -476,7 +474,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) ListByResourceGroupPreparer(ctx context.C // ListByResourceGroupSender sends the ListByResourceGroup request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListByResourceGroupResponder handles the response to the ListByResourceGroup request. The method always @@ -484,6 +483,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http.Reque func (client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualNetworkTapListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -538,8 +538,8 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) UpdateTags(ctx context.Context, resourceG ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualNetworkTapsClient.UpdateTags") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -585,16 +585,13 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) UpdateTagsPreparer(ctx context.Context, r // UpdateTagsSender sends the UpdateTags request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualNetworkTapsUpdateTagsFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -603,6 +600,7 @@ func (client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (futu func (client VirtualNetworkTapsClient) UpdateTagsResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualNetworkTap, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/virtualwans.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/virtualwans.go index eb80b68986fa..7758156310a6 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/virtualwans.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/virtualwans.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,8 +35,7 @@ func NewVirtualWansClient(subscriptionID string) VirtualWansClient { return NewVirtualWansClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewVirtualWansClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the VirtualWansClient client using a custom endpoint. Use -// this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// NewVirtualWansClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the VirtualWansClient client. func NewVirtualWansClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) VirtualWansClient { return VirtualWansClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -40,8 +50,8 @@ func (client VirtualWansClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceGrou ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualWansClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -88,16 +98,13 @@ func (client VirtualWansClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, reso // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualWansClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualWansCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -106,6 +113,7 @@ func (client VirtualWansClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future func (client VirtualWansClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualWAN, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -122,8 +130,8 @@ func (client VirtualWansClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName st ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualWansClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -167,16 +175,13 @@ func (client VirtualWansClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGrou // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualWansClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualWansDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -185,6 +190,7 @@ func (client VirtualWansClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualW func (client VirtualWansClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -222,7 +228,6 @@ func (client VirtualWansClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName strin result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.VirtualWansClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -252,7 +257,8 @@ func (client VirtualWansClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNa // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualWansClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -260,6 +266,7 @@ func (client VirtualWansClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, er func (client VirtualWansClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualWAN, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -296,11 +303,6 @@ func (client VirtualWansClient) List(ctx context.Context) (result ListVirtualWAN result.lvwnr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.VirtualWansClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.lvwnr.hasNextLink() && result.lvwnr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -328,7 +330,8 @@ func (client VirtualWansClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualWansClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -336,6 +339,7 @@ func (client VirtualWansClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, e func (client VirtualWansClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ListVirtualWANsResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -411,11 +415,6 @@ func (client VirtualWansClient) ListByResourceGroup(ctx context.Context, resourc result.lvwnr, err = client.ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.VirtualWansClient", "ListByResourceGroup", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.lvwnr.hasNextLink() && result.lvwnr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -444,7 +443,8 @@ func (client VirtualWansClient) ListByResourceGroupPreparer(ctx context.Context, // ListByResourceGroupSender sends the ListByResourceGroup request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualWansClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListByResourceGroupResponder handles the response to the ListByResourceGroup request. The method always @@ -452,6 +452,7 @@ func (client VirtualWansClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http.Request) (*h func (client VirtualWansClient) ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ListVirtualWANsResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -506,8 +507,8 @@ func (client VirtualWansClient) UpdateTags(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNam ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VirtualWansClient.UpdateTags") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -553,16 +554,13 @@ func (client VirtualWansClient) UpdateTagsPreparer(ctx context.Context, resource // UpdateTagsSender sends the UpdateTags request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VirtualWansClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (future VirtualWansUpdateTagsFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -571,6 +569,7 @@ func (client VirtualWansClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (future Virt func (client VirtualWansClient) UpdateTagsResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VirtualWAN, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/vpnconnections.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/vpnconnections.go index 69f742e4651e..e4571993177b 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/vpnconnections.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/vpnconnections.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,8 +35,7 @@ func NewVpnConnectionsClient(subscriptionID string) VpnConnectionsClient { return NewVpnConnectionsClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewVpnConnectionsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the VpnConnectionsClient client using a custom endpoint. -// Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// NewVpnConnectionsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the VpnConnectionsClient client. func NewVpnConnectionsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) VpnConnectionsClient { return VpnConnectionsClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -42,8 +52,8 @@ func (client VpnConnectionsClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceG ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VpnConnectionsClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -91,16 +101,13 @@ func (client VpnConnectionsClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, r // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VpnConnectionsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future VpnConnectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -109,6 +116,7 @@ func (client VpnConnectionsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (futu func (client VpnConnectionsClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VpnConnection, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -126,8 +134,8 @@ func (client VpnConnectionsClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VpnConnectionsClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -172,16 +180,13 @@ func (client VpnConnectionsClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceG // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VpnConnectionsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future VpnConnectionsDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -190,6 +195,7 @@ func (client VpnConnectionsClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future VpnCo func (client VpnConnectionsClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -228,7 +234,6 @@ func (client VpnConnectionsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName st result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.VpnConnectionsClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -259,7 +264,8 @@ func (client VpnConnectionsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGrou // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VpnConnectionsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -267,6 +273,7 @@ func (client VpnConnectionsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, func (client VpnConnectionsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VpnConnection, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -306,11 +313,6 @@ func (client VpnConnectionsClient) ListByVpnGateway(ctx context.Context, resourc result.lvcr, err = client.ListByVpnGatewayResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.VpnConnectionsClient", "ListByVpnGateway", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.lvcr.hasNextLink() && result.lvcr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -340,7 +342,8 @@ func (client VpnConnectionsClient) ListByVpnGatewayPreparer(ctx context.Context, // ListByVpnGatewaySender sends the ListByVpnGateway request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VpnConnectionsClient) ListByVpnGatewaySender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListByVpnGatewayResponder handles the response to the ListByVpnGateway request. The method always @@ -348,6 +351,7 @@ func (client VpnConnectionsClient) ListByVpnGatewaySender(req *http.Request) (*h func (client VpnConnectionsClient) ListByVpnGatewayResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ListVpnConnectionsResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/vpngateways.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/vpngateways.go index 99b2a672fea5..2278c7105413 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/vpngateways.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/vpngateways.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,8 +35,7 @@ func NewVpnGatewaysClient(subscriptionID string) VpnGatewaysClient { return NewVpnGatewaysClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewVpnGatewaysClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the VpnGatewaysClient client using a custom endpoint. Use -// this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// NewVpnGatewaysClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the VpnGatewaysClient client. func NewVpnGatewaysClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) VpnGatewaysClient { return VpnGatewaysClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -40,8 +50,8 @@ func (client VpnGatewaysClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceGrou ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VpnGatewaysClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -88,16 +98,13 @@ func (client VpnGatewaysClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, reso // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VpnGatewaysClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future VpnGatewaysCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -106,6 +113,7 @@ func (client VpnGatewaysClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future func (client VpnGatewaysClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VpnGateway, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -122,8 +130,8 @@ func (client VpnGatewaysClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName st ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VpnGatewaysClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -167,16 +175,13 @@ func (client VpnGatewaysClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGrou // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VpnGatewaysClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future VpnGatewaysDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -185,6 +190,7 @@ func (client VpnGatewaysClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future VpnGatew func (client VpnGatewaysClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -222,7 +228,6 @@ func (client VpnGatewaysClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName strin result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.VpnGatewaysClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -252,7 +257,8 @@ func (client VpnGatewaysClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNa // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VpnGatewaysClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -260,6 +266,7 @@ func (client VpnGatewaysClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, er func (client VpnGatewaysClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VpnGateway, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -296,11 +303,6 @@ func (client VpnGatewaysClient) List(ctx context.Context) (result ListVpnGateway result.lvgr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.VpnGatewaysClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.lvgr.hasNextLink() && result.lvgr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -328,7 +330,8 @@ func (client VpnGatewaysClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VpnGatewaysClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -336,6 +339,7 @@ func (client VpnGatewaysClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, e func (client VpnGatewaysClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ListVpnGatewaysResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -411,11 +415,6 @@ func (client VpnGatewaysClient) ListByResourceGroup(ctx context.Context, resourc result.lvgr, err = client.ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.VpnGatewaysClient", "ListByResourceGroup", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.lvgr.hasNextLink() && result.lvgr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -444,7 +443,8 @@ func (client VpnGatewaysClient) ListByResourceGroupPreparer(ctx context.Context, // ListByResourceGroupSender sends the ListByResourceGroup request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VpnGatewaysClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListByResourceGroupResponder handles the response to the ListByResourceGroup request. The method always @@ -452,6 +452,7 @@ func (client VpnGatewaysClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http.Request) (*h func (client VpnGatewaysClient) ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ListVpnGatewaysResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -506,8 +507,8 @@ func (client VpnGatewaysClient) UpdateTags(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNam ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VpnGatewaysClient.UpdateTags") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -553,16 +554,13 @@ func (client VpnGatewaysClient) UpdateTagsPreparer(ctx context.Context, resource // UpdateTagsSender sends the UpdateTags request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VpnGatewaysClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (future VpnGatewaysUpdateTagsFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -571,6 +569,7 @@ func (client VpnGatewaysClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (future VpnG func (client VpnGatewaysClient) UpdateTagsResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VpnGateway, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/vpnsites.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/vpnsites.go index f54871cb4daa..b6e8ac26e9dd 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/vpnsites.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/vpnsites.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,8 +35,7 @@ func NewVpnSitesClient(subscriptionID string) VpnSitesClient { return NewVpnSitesClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewVpnSitesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the VpnSitesClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this -// when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// NewVpnSitesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the VpnSitesClient client. func NewVpnSitesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) VpnSitesClient { return VpnSitesClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -40,8 +50,8 @@ func (client VpnSitesClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNa ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VpnSitesClient.CreateOrUpdate") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -88,16 +98,13 @@ func (client VpnSitesClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourc // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VpnSitesClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future VpnSitesCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -106,6 +113,7 @@ func (client VpnSitesClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future Vpn func (client VpnSitesClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VpnSite, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -122,8 +130,8 @@ func (client VpnSitesClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName strin ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VpnSitesClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -167,16 +175,13 @@ func (client VpnSitesClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNa // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VpnSitesClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future VpnSitesDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -185,6 +190,7 @@ func (client VpnSitesClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future VpnSitesDel func (client VpnSitesClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -222,7 +228,6 @@ func (client VpnSitesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.VpnSitesClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -252,7 +257,8 @@ func (client VpnSitesClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VpnSitesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -260,6 +266,7 @@ func (client VpnSitesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error func (client VpnSitesClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VpnSite, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -296,11 +303,6 @@ func (client VpnSitesClient) List(ctx context.Context) (result ListVpnSitesResul result.lvsr, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.VpnSitesClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.lvsr.hasNextLink() && result.lvsr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -328,7 +330,8 @@ func (client VpnSitesClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, e // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VpnSitesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -336,6 +339,7 @@ func (client VpnSitesClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, erro func (client VpnSitesClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ListVpnSitesResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -411,11 +415,6 @@ func (client VpnSitesClient) ListByResourceGroup(ctx context.Context, resourceGr result.lvsr, err = client.ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.VpnSitesClient", "ListByResourceGroup", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return - } - if result.lvsr.hasNextLink() && result.lvsr.IsEmpty() { - err = result.NextWithContext(ctx) - return } return @@ -444,7 +443,8 @@ func (client VpnSitesClient) ListByResourceGroupPreparer(ctx context.Context, re // ListByResourceGroupSender sends the ListByResourceGroup request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VpnSitesClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListByResourceGroupResponder handles the response to the ListByResourceGroup request. The method always @@ -452,6 +452,7 @@ func (client VpnSitesClient) ListByResourceGroupSender(req *http.Request) (*http func (client VpnSitesClient) ListByResourceGroupResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ListVpnSitesResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -506,8 +507,8 @@ func (client VpnSitesClient) UpdateTags(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName s ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VpnSitesClient.UpdateTags") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -553,16 +554,13 @@ func (client VpnSitesClient) UpdateTagsPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGro // UpdateTagsSender sends the UpdateTags request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VpnSitesClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (future VpnSitesUpdateTagsFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -571,6 +569,7 @@ func (client VpnSitesClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (future VpnSite func (client VpnSitesClient) UpdateTagsResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VpnSite, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/vpnsitesconfiguration.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/vpnsitesconfiguration.go index a9c40f76b0fe..888b91a434b7 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/vpnsitesconfiguration.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/vpnsitesconfiguration.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -24,9 +35,7 @@ func NewVpnSitesConfigurationClient(subscriptionID string) VpnSitesConfiguration return NewVpnSitesConfigurationClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewVpnSitesConfigurationClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the VpnSitesConfigurationClient client using a -// custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, -// Azure stack). +// NewVpnSitesConfigurationClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the VpnSitesConfigurationClient client. func NewVpnSitesConfigurationClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) VpnSitesConfigurationClient { return VpnSitesConfigurationClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -41,8 +50,8 @@ func (client VpnSitesConfigurationClient) Download(ctx context.Context, resource ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/VpnSitesConfigurationClient.Download") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -88,16 +97,13 @@ func (client VpnSitesConfigurationClient) DownloadPreparer(ctx context.Context, // DownloadSender sends the Download request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client VpnSitesConfigurationClient) DownloadSender(req *http.Request) (future VpnSitesConfigurationDownloadFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -106,6 +112,7 @@ func (client VpnSitesConfigurationClient) DownloadSender(req *http.Request) (fut func (client VpnSitesConfigurationClient) DownloadResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/watchers.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/watchers.go index 6233d7509749..365b2aceec97 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/watchers.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network/watchers.go @@ -1,7 +1,18 @@ package network -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. // // Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. @@ -25,8 +36,7 @@ func NewWatchersClient(subscriptionID string) WatchersClient { return NewWatchersClientWithBaseURI(DefaultBaseURI, subscriptionID) } -// NewWatchersClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the WatchersClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this -// when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack). +// NewWatchersClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the WatchersClient client. func NewWatchersClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) WatchersClient { return WatchersClient{NewWithBaseURI(baseURI, subscriptionID)} } @@ -42,8 +52,8 @@ func (client WatchersClient) CheckConnectivity(ctx context.Context, resourceGrou ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/WatchersClient.CheckConnectivity") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -97,16 +107,13 @@ func (client WatchersClient) CheckConnectivityPreparer(ctx context.Context, reso // CheckConnectivitySender sends the CheckConnectivity request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client WatchersClient) CheckConnectivitySender(req *http.Request) (future WatchersCheckConnectivityFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -115,6 +122,7 @@ func (client WatchersClient) CheckConnectivitySender(req *http.Request) (future func (client WatchersClient) CheckConnectivityResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ConnectivityInformation, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -154,7 +162,6 @@ func (client WatchersClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNa result, err = client.CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.WatchersClient", "CreateOrUpdate", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -186,7 +193,8 @@ func (client WatchersClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourc // CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client WatchersClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // CreateOrUpdateResponder handles the response to the CreateOrUpdate request. The method always @@ -194,6 +202,7 @@ func (client WatchersClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Resp func (client WatchersClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Watcher, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -210,8 +219,8 @@ func (client WatchersClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName strin ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/WatchersClient.Delete") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -255,16 +264,13 @@ func (client WatchersClient) DeletePreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupNa // DeleteSender sends the Delete request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client WatchersClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future WatchersDeleteFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -273,6 +279,7 @@ func (client WatchersClient) DeleteSender(req *http.Request) (future WatchersDel func (client WatchersClient) DeleteResponder(resp *http.Response) (result autorest.Response, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent), autorest.ByClosing()) result.Response = resp @@ -310,7 +317,6 @@ func (client WatchersClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, result, err = client.GetResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.WatchersClient", "Get", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -340,7 +346,8 @@ func (client WatchersClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName // GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client WatchersClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always @@ -348,6 +355,7 @@ func (client WatchersClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error func (client WatchersClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Watcher, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -366,8 +374,8 @@ func (client WatchersClient) GetAzureReachabilityReport(ctx context.Context, res ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/WatchersClient.GetAzureReachabilityReport") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -422,16 +430,13 @@ func (client WatchersClient) GetAzureReachabilityReportPreparer(ctx context.Cont // GetAzureReachabilityReportSender sends the GetAzureReachabilityReport request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client WatchersClient) GetAzureReachabilityReportSender(req *http.Request) (future WatchersGetAzureReachabilityReportFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -440,6 +445,7 @@ func (client WatchersClient) GetAzureReachabilityReportSender(req *http.Request) func (client WatchersClient) GetAzureReachabilityReportResponder(resp *http.Response) (result AzureReachabilityReport, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -457,8 +463,8 @@ func (client WatchersClient) GetFlowLogStatus(ctx context.Context, resourceGroup ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/WatchersClient.GetFlowLogStatus") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -510,16 +516,13 @@ func (client WatchersClient) GetFlowLogStatusPreparer(ctx context.Context, resou // GetFlowLogStatusSender sends the GetFlowLogStatus request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client WatchersClient) GetFlowLogStatusSender(req *http.Request) (future WatchersGetFlowLogStatusFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -528,6 +531,7 @@ func (client WatchersClient) GetFlowLogStatusSender(req *http.Request) (future W func (client WatchersClient) GetFlowLogStatusResponder(resp *http.Response) (result FlowLogInformation, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -545,8 +549,8 @@ func (client WatchersClient) GetNetworkConfigurationDiagnostic(ctx context.Conte ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/WatchersClient.GetNetworkConfigurationDiagnostic") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -599,16 +603,13 @@ func (client WatchersClient) GetNetworkConfigurationDiagnosticPreparer(ctx conte // GetNetworkConfigurationDiagnosticSender sends the GetNetworkConfigurationDiagnostic request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client WatchersClient) GetNetworkConfigurationDiagnosticSender(req *http.Request) (future WatchersGetNetworkConfigurationDiagnosticFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -617,6 +618,7 @@ func (client WatchersClient) GetNetworkConfigurationDiagnosticSender(req *http.R func (client WatchersClient) GetNetworkConfigurationDiagnosticResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ConfigurationDiagnosticResponse, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -634,8 +636,8 @@ func (client WatchersClient) GetNextHop(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName s ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/WatchersClient.GetNextHop") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -689,16 +691,13 @@ func (client WatchersClient) GetNextHopPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGro // GetNextHopSender sends the GetNextHop request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client WatchersClient) GetNextHopSender(req *http.Request) (future WatchersGetNextHopFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -707,6 +706,7 @@ func (client WatchersClient) GetNextHopSender(req *http.Request) (future Watcher func (client WatchersClient) GetNextHopResponder(resp *http.Response) (result NextHopResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -746,7 +746,6 @@ func (client WatchersClient) GetTopology(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName result, err = client.GetTopologyResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.WatchersClient", "GetTopology", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -778,7 +777,8 @@ func (client WatchersClient) GetTopologyPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGr // GetTopologySender sends the GetTopology request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client WatchersClient) GetTopologySender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // GetTopologyResponder handles the response to the GetTopology request. The method always @@ -786,6 +786,7 @@ func (client WatchersClient) GetTopologySender(req *http.Request) (*http.Respons func (client WatchersClient) GetTopologyResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Topology, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -803,8 +804,8 @@ func (client WatchersClient) GetTroubleshooting(ctx context.Context, resourceGro ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/WatchersClient.GetTroubleshooting") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -860,16 +861,13 @@ func (client WatchersClient) GetTroubleshootingPreparer(ctx context.Context, res // GetTroubleshootingSender sends the GetTroubleshooting request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client WatchersClient) GetTroubleshootingSender(req *http.Request) (future WatchersGetTroubleshootingFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -878,6 +876,7 @@ func (client WatchersClient) GetTroubleshootingSender(req *http.Request) (future func (client WatchersClient) GetTroubleshootingResponder(resp *http.Response) (result TroubleshootingResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -895,8 +894,8 @@ func (client WatchersClient) GetTroubleshootingResult(ctx context.Context, resou ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/WatchersClient.GetTroubleshootingResult") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -948,16 +947,13 @@ func (client WatchersClient) GetTroubleshootingResultPreparer(ctx context.Contex // GetTroubleshootingResultSender sends the GetTroubleshootingResult request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client WatchersClient) GetTroubleshootingResultSender(req *http.Request) (future WatchersGetTroubleshootingResultFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -966,6 +962,7 @@ func (client WatchersClient) GetTroubleshootingResultSender(req *http.Request) ( func (client WatchersClient) GetTroubleshootingResultResponder(resp *http.Response) (result TroubleshootingResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -983,8 +980,8 @@ func (client WatchersClient) GetVMSecurityRules(ctx context.Context, resourceGro ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/WatchersClient.GetVMSecurityRules") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -1036,16 +1033,13 @@ func (client WatchersClient) GetVMSecurityRulesPreparer(ctx context.Context, res // GetVMSecurityRulesSender sends the GetVMSecurityRules request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client WatchersClient) GetVMSecurityRulesSender(req *http.Request) (future WatchersGetVMSecurityRulesFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -1054,6 +1048,7 @@ func (client WatchersClient) GetVMSecurityRulesSender(req *http.Request) (future func (client WatchersClient) GetVMSecurityRulesResponder(resp *http.Response) (result SecurityGroupViewResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -1091,7 +1086,6 @@ func (client WatchersClient) List(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string) result, err = client.ListResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.WatchersClient", "List", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -1120,7 +1114,8 @@ func (client WatchersClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName // ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client WatchersClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always @@ -1128,6 +1123,7 @@ func (client WatchersClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, erro func (client WatchersClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result WatcherListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -1163,7 +1159,6 @@ func (client WatchersClient) ListAll(ctx context.Context) (result WatcherListRes result, err = client.ListAllResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.WatchersClient", "ListAll", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -1191,7 +1186,8 @@ func (client WatchersClient) ListAllPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request // ListAllSender sends the ListAll request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client WatchersClient) ListAllSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // ListAllResponder handles the response to the ListAll request. The method always @@ -1199,6 +1195,7 @@ func (client WatchersClient) ListAllSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, e func (client WatchersClient) ListAllResponder(resp *http.Response) (result WatcherListResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -1216,8 +1213,8 @@ func (client WatchersClient) ListAvailableProviders(ctx context.Context, resourc ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/WatchersClient.ListAvailableProviders") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -1263,16 +1260,13 @@ func (client WatchersClient) ListAvailableProvidersPreparer(ctx context.Context, // ListAvailableProvidersSender sends the ListAvailableProviders request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client WatchersClient) ListAvailableProvidersSender(req *http.Request) (future WatchersListAvailableProvidersFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -1281,6 +1275,7 @@ func (client WatchersClient) ListAvailableProvidersSender(req *http.Request) (fu func (client WatchersClient) ListAvailableProvidersResponder(resp *http.Response) (result AvailableProvidersList, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -1298,8 +1293,8 @@ func (client WatchersClient) SetFlowLogConfiguration(ctx context.Context, resour ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/WatchersClient.SetFlowLogConfiguration") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -1363,16 +1358,13 @@ func (client WatchersClient) SetFlowLogConfigurationPreparer(ctx context.Context // SetFlowLogConfigurationSender sends the SetFlowLogConfiguration request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client WatchersClient) SetFlowLogConfigurationSender(req *http.Request) (future WatchersSetFlowLogConfigurationFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -1381,6 +1373,7 @@ func (client WatchersClient) SetFlowLogConfigurationSender(req *http.Request) (f func (client WatchersClient) SetFlowLogConfigurationResponder(resp *http.Response) (result FlowLogInformation, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -1420,7 +1413,6 @@ func (client WatchersClient) UpdateTags(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName s result, err = client.UpdateTagsResponder(resp) if err != nil { err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "network.WatchersClient", "UpdateTags", resp, "Failure responding to request") - return } return @@ -1452,7 +1444,8 @@ func (client WatchersClient) UpdateTagsPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceGro // UpdateTagsSender sends the UpdateTags request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client WatchersClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - return client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + return autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) } // UpdateTagsResponder handles the response to the UpdateTags request. The method always @@ -1460,6 +1453,7 @@ func (client WatchersClient) UpdateTagsSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response func (client WatchersClient) UpdateTagsResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Watcher, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) @@ -1477,8 +1471,8 @@ func (client WatchersClient) VerifyIPFlow(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/WatchersClient.VerifyIPFlow") defer func() { sc := -1 - if result.FutureAPI != nil && result.FutureAPI.Response() != nil { - sc = result.FutureAPI.Response().StatusCode + if result.Response() != nil { + sc = result.Response().StatusCode } tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err) }() @@ -1534,16 +1528,13 @@ func (client WatchersClient) VerifyIPFlowPreparer(ctx context.Context, resourceG // VerifyIPFlowSender sends the VerifyIPFlow request. The method will close the // http.Response Body if it receives an error. func (client WatchersClient) VerifyIPFlowSender(req *http.Request) (future WatchersVerifyIPFlowFuture, err error) { + sd := autorest.GetSendDecorators(req.Context(), azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) var resp *http.Response - future.FutureAPI = &azure.Future{} - resp, err = client.Send(req, azure.DoRetryWithRegistration(client.Client)) + resp, err = autorest.SendWithSender(client, req, sd...) if err != nil { return } - var azf azure.Future - azf, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) - future.FutureAPI = &azf - future.Result = future.result + future.Future, err = azure.NewFutureFromResponse(resp) return } @@ -1552,6 +1543,7 @@ func (client WatchersClient) VerifyIPFlowSender(req *http.Request) (future Watch func (client WatchersClient) VerifyIPFlowResponder(resp *http.Response) (result VerificationIPFlowResult, err error) { err = autorest.Respond( resp, + client.ByInspecting(), azure.WithErrorUnlessStatusCode(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted), autorest.ByUnmarshallingJSON(&result), autorest.ByClosing()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/version/version.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/version/version.go index 27a1fe4231e1..073281bb853f 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/version/version.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/version/version.go @@ -1,7 +1,21 @@ package version -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. +// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// +// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. +// Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. // Number contains the semantic version of this SDK. -const Number = "v58.3.0" +const Number = "v36.2.0" diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/chunkwriting.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/chunkwriting.go index b7dc0d739c4f..35e953146b37 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/chunkwriting.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/chunkwriting.go @@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ func copyFromReader(ctx context.Context, from io.Reader, to blockWriter, o Uploa } // If the error is not EOF, then we have a problem. if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, io.EOF) { + _ = cp.waitForFinish() return nil, err } @@ -165,19 +166,17 @@ func (c *copier) write(chunk copierChunk) { if err := c.ctx.Err(); err != nil { return } + _, err := c.to.StageBlock(c.ctx, chunk.id, bytes.NewReader(chunk.buffer), c.o.AccessConditions.LeaseAccessConditions, nil, c.o.ClientProvidedKeyOptions) if err != nil { c.errCh <- fmt.Errorf("write error: %w", err) return } - return } // close commits our blocks to blob storage and closes our writer. func (c *copier) close() error { - c.wg.Wait() - - if err := c.getErr(); err != nil { + if err := c.waitForFinish(); err != nil { return err } @@ -186,6 +185,44 @@ func (c *copier) close() error { return err } +// waitForFinish waits for all writes to complete while combining errors from errCh +func (c *copier) waitForFinish() error { + var err error + done := make(chan struct{}) + go func() { + // when write latencies are long, several errors might have occurred + // drain them all as we wait for writes to complete. + err = c.drainErrs(done) + }() + + c.wg.Wait() + close(done) + return err +} + +// drainErrs drains all outstanding errors from writes +func (c *copier) drainErrs(done chan struct{}) error { + var err error + for { + select { + case <-done: + return err + default: + if writeErr := c.getErr(); writeErr != nil { + err = combineErrs(err, writeErr) + } + } + } +} + +// combineErrs combines err with newErr so multiple errors can be represented +func combineErrs(err, newErr error) error { + if err == nil { + return newErr + } + return fmt.Errorf("%s, %w", err.Error(), newErr) +} + // id allows the creation of unique IDs based on UUID4 + an int32. This auto-increments. type id struct { u [64]byte diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/url_blob.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/url_blob.go index 6f453e669876..7670f987001b 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/url_blob.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/url_blob.go @@ -2,9 +2,10 @@ package azblob import ( "context" - "github.com/Azure/azure-pipeline-go/pipeline" "net/url" "strings" + + "github.com/Azure/azure-pipeline-go/pipeline" ) // A BlobURL represents a URL to an Azure Storage blob; the blob may be a block blob, append blob, or page blob. @@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ func (b BlobURL) ToPageBlobURL() PageBlobURL { } func SerializeBlobTagsHeader(blobTagsMap BlobTagsMap) *string { - if blobTagsMap == nil { + if len(blobTagsMap) == 0 { return nil } tags := make([]string, 0) @@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ func SerializeBlobTagsHeader(blobTagsMap BlobTagsMap) *string { } func SerializeBlobTags(blobTagsMap BlobTagsMap) BlobTags { - if blobTagsMap == nil { + if len(blobTagsMap) == 0 { return BlobTags{} } blobTagSet := make([]BlobTag, 0, len(blobTagsMap)) @@ -139,22 +140,22 @@ func (b BlobURL) Delete(ctx context.Context, deleteOptions DeleteSnapshotsOption return b.blobClient.Delete(ctx, nil, nil, nil, ac.LeaseAccessConditions.pointers(), deleteOptions, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, ifMatchETag, ifNoneMatchETag, nil, // Blob ifTags - nil) + nil, BlobDeleteNone) } // SetTags operation enables users to set tags on a blob or specific blob version, but not snapshot. // Each call to this operation replaces all existing tags attached to the blob. // To remove all tags from the blob, call this operation with no tags set. // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/set-blob-tags -func (b BlobURL) SetTags(ctx context.Context, timeout *int32, versionID *string, transactionalContentMD5 []byte, transactionalContentCrc64 []byte, requestID *string, ifTags *string, blobTagsMap BlobTagsMap) (*BlobSetTagsResponse, error) { +func (b BlobURL) SetTags(ctx context.Context, transactionalContentMD5 []byte, transactionalContentCrc64 []byte, ifTags *string, blobTagsMap BlobTagsMap) (*BlobSetTagsResponse, error) { tags := SerializeBlobTags(blobTagsMap) - return b.blobClient.SetTags(ctx, timeout, versionID, transactionalContentMD5, transactionalContentCrc64, requestID, ifTags, &tags) + return b.blobClient.SetTags(ctx, nil, nil, transactionalContentMD5, transactionalContentCrc64, nil, ifTags, nil, &tags) } // GetTags operation enables users to get tags on a blob or specific blob version, or snapshot. // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/get-blob-tags -func (b BlobURL) GetTags(ctx context.Context, timeout *int32, requestID *string, snapshot *string, versionID *string, ifTags *string) (*BlobTags, error) { - return b.blobClient.GetTags(ctx, timeout, requestID, snapshot, versionID, ifTags) +func (b BlobURL) GetTags(ctx context.Context, ifTags *string) (*BlobTags, error) { + return b.blobClient.GetTags(ctx, nil, nil, nil, nil, ifTags, nil) } // Undelete restores the contents and metadata of a soft-deleted blob and any associated soft-deleted snapshots. @@ -173,7 +174,8 @@ func (b BlobURL) Undelete(ctx context.Context) (*BlobUndeleteResponse, error) { func (b BlobURL) SetTier(ctx context.Context, tier AccessTierType, lac LeaseAccessConditions) (*BlobSetTierResponse, error) { return b.blobClient.SetTier(ctx, tier, nil, nil, // Blob versioning - nil, RehydratePriorityNone, nil, lac.pointers()) + nil, RehydratePriorityNone, nil, lac.pointers(), + nil) // Blob ifTags } // GetProperties returns the blob's properties. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/url_block_blob.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/url_block_blob.go index c47ed81b95ab..7775559cce62 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/url_block_blob.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/url_block_blob.go @@ -154,6 +154,22 @@ func (bb BlockBlobURL) CopyFromURL(ctx context.Context, source url.URL, metadata nil, // Blob ifTags dstLeaseID, nil, srcContentMD5, blobTagsString, // Blob tags - nil, // seal Blob ) } + +// PutBlobFromURL synchronously creates a new Block Blob with data from the source URL up to a max length of 256MB. +// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/put-blob-from-url. +func (bb BlockBlobURL) PutBlobFromURL(ctx context.Context, h BlobHTTPHeaders, source url.URL, metadata Metadata, srcac ModifiedAccessConditions, dstac BlobAccessConditions, srcContentMD5 []byte, dstContentMD5 []byte, tier AccessTierType, blobTagsMap BlobTagsMap, cpk ClientProvidedKeyOptions) (*BlockBlobPutBlobFromURLResponse, error) { + + srcIfModifiedSince, srcIfUnmodifiedSince, srcIfMatchETag, srcIfNoneMatchETag := srcac.pointers() + dstIfModifiedSince, dstIfUnmodifiedSince, dstIfMatchETag, dstIfNoneMatchETag := dstac.ModifiedAccessConditions.pointers() + dstLeaseID := dstac.LeaseAccessConditions.pointers() + blobTagsString := SerializeBlobTagsHeader(blobTagsMap) + + return bb.bbClient.PutBlobFromURL(ctx, 0, source.String(), nil, nil, + &h.ContentType, &h.ContentEncoding, &h.ContentLanguage, dstContentMD5, &h.CacheControl, + metadata, dstLeaseID, &h.ContentDisposition, cpk.EncryptionKey, cpk.EncryptionKeySha256, + cpk.EncryptionAlgorithm, cpk.EncryptionScope, tier, dstIfModifiedSince, dstIfUnmodifiedSince, + dstIfMatchETag, dstIfNoneMatchETag, nil, srcIfModifiedSince, srcIfUnmodifiedSince, + srcIfMatchETag, srcIfNoneMatchETag, nil, nil, srcContentMD5, blobTagsString, nil) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/url_page_blob.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/url_page_blob.go index d02eff48d4d7..624b144b7c07 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/url_page_blob.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/url_page_blob.go @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ func (pb PageBlobURL) ClearPages(ctx context.Context, offset int64, count int64, cpk.EncryptionKey, cpk.EncryptionKeySha256, cpk.EncryptionAlgorithm, // CPK cpk.EncryptionScope, // CPK-N ifSequenceNumberLessThanOrEqual, ifSequenceNumberLessThan, - ifSequenceNumberEqual, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, ifMatchETag, ifNoneMatchETag, nil) + ifSequenceNumberEqual, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, ifMatchETag, ifNoneMatchETag, nil, nil) } // GetPageRanges returns the list of valid page ranges for a page blob or snapshot of a page blob. @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ func (pb PageBlobURL) Resize(ctx context.Context, size int64, ac BlobAccessCondi return pb.pbClient.Resize(ctx, size, nil, ac.LeaseAccessConditions.pointers(), cpk.EncryptionKey, cpk.EncryptionKeySha256, cpk.EncryptionAlgorithm, // CPK cpk.EncryptionScope, // CPK-N - ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, ifMatchETag, ifNoneMatchETag, nil) + ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, ifMatchETag, ifNoneMatchETag, nil, nil) } // UpdateSequenceNumber sets the page blob's sequence number. @@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ func (pb PageBlobURL) UpdateSequenceNumber(ctx context.Context, action SequenceN ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch := ac.ModifiedAccessConditions.pointers() return pb.pbClient.UpdateSequenceNumber(ctx, action, nil, ac.LeaseAccessConditions.pointers(), ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, - sn, nil) + nil, sn, nil) } // StartCopyIncremental begins an operation to start an incremental copy from one page blob's snapshot to this page blob. @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ func (pb PageBlobURL) StartCopyIncremental(ctx context.Context, source url.URL, qp.Set("snapshot", snapshot) source.RawQuery = qp.Encode() return pb.pbClient.CopyIncremental(ctx, source.String(), nil, - ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, ifMatchETag, ifNoneMatchETag, nil) + ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, ifMatchETag, ifNoneMatchETag, nil, nil) } func (pr PageRange) pointers() *string { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/url_service.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/url_service.go index 2d756782eb1f..ce3ac97dc70a 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/url_service.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/url_service.go @@ -123,7 +123,10 @@ func (o *ListContainersSegmentOptions) pointers() (prefix *string, include []Lis if o.MaxResults != 0 { maxResults = &o.MaxResults } - include = []ListContainersIncludeType{ListContainersIncludeType(o.Detail.string())} + details := o.Detail.string() + if len(details) > 0 { + include = []ListContainersIncludeType{ListContainersIncludeType(details)} + } return } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/version.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/version.go index 287e1e4b844d..1df7e096a486 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/version.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/version.go @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ package azblob -const serviceLibVersion = "0.13" +const serviceLibVersion = "0.14" diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zc_credential_shared_key.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zc_credential_shared_key.go index 3e27552f24ee..cc59cbbed5d4 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zc_credential_shared_key.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zc_credential_shared_key.go @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ func buildCanonicalizedHeader(headers http.Header) string { ch.WriteRune(':') ch.WriteString(strings.Join(cm[key], ",")) } - return string(ch.Bytes()) + return ch.String() } func (f *SharedKeyCredential) buildCanonicalizedResource(u *url.URL) (string, error) { @@ -201,5 +201,5 @@ func (f *SharedKeyCredential) buildCanonicalizedResource(u *url.URL) (string, er cr.WriteString("\n" + paramName + ":" + strings.Join(paramValues, ",")) } } - return string(cr.Bytes()), nil + return cr.String(), nil } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zc_credential_token.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zc_credential_token.go index 7e78d25f15ac..c3b8b0744e59 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zc_credential_token.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zc_credential_token.go @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ type TokenCredential interface { // TokenCredential's token value by calling SetToken. Your tokenRefresher function must return a time.Duration // indicating how long the TokenCredential object should wait before calling your tokenRefresher function again. // If your tokenRefresher callback fails to refresh the token, you can return a duration of 0 to stop your -// TokenCredential object from ever invoking tokenRefresher again. Also, oen way to deal with failing to refresh a +// TokenCredential object from ever invoking tokenRefresher again. Also, one way to deal with failing to refresh a // token is to cancel a context.Context object used by requests that have the TokenCredential object in their pipeline. func NewTokenCredential(initialToken string, tokenRefresher TokenRefresher) TokenCredential { tc := &tokenCredential{} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zc_policy_request_log.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zc_policy_request_log.go index 29a99a844f34..ddc83cc787e7 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zc_policy_request_log.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zc_policy_request_log.go @@ -18,6 +18,11 @@ type RequestLogOptions struct { // LogWarningIfTryOverThreshold logs a warning if a tried operation takes longer than the specified // duration (-1=no logging; 0=default threshold). LogWarningIfTryOverThreshold time.Duration + + // SyslogDisabled is a flag to check if logging to Syslog/Windows-Event-Logger is enabled or not + // We by default print to Syslog/Windows-Event-Logger. + // If SyslogDisabled is not provided explicitly, the default value will be false. + SyslogDisabled bool } func (o RequestLogOptions) defaults() RequestLogOptions { @@ -59,7 +64,7 @@ func NewRequestLogPolicyFactory(o RequestLogOptions) pipeline.Factory { // If the response took too long, we'll upgrade to warning. if o.LogWarningIfTryOverThreshold > 0 && tryDuration > o.LogWarningIfTryOverThreshold { // Log a warning if the try duration exceeded the specified threshold - logLevel, forceLog = pipeline.LogWarning, true + logLevel, forceLog = pipeline.LogWarning, !o.SyslogDisabled } var sc int @@ -73,8 +78,9 @@ func NewRequestLogPolicyFactory(o RequestLogOptions) pipeline.Factory { } } - if sc == 0 || ((sc >= 400 && sc <= 499) && sc != http.StatusNotFound && sc != http.StatusConflict && sc != http.StatusPreconditionFailed && sc != http.StatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable) || (sc >= 500 && sc <= 599) { - logLevel, forceLog = pipeline.LogError, true // Promote to Error any 4xx (except those listed is an error) or any 5xx + if sc == 0 || ((sc >= 400 && sc <= 499) && sc != http.StatusNotFound && sc != http.StatusConflict && + sc != http.StatusPreconditionFailed && sc != http.StatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable) || (sc >= 500 && sc <= 599) { + logLevel, forceLog = pipeline.LogError, !o.SyslogDisabled // Promote to Error any 4xx (except those listed is an error) or any 5xx } else { // For other status codes, we leave the level as is. } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zc_policy_retry.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zc_policy_retry.go index 0894fcc3241c..f4706edf7df0 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zc_policy_retry.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zc_policy_retry.go @@ -181,25 +181,25 @@ func NewRetryPolicyFactory(o RetryOptions) pipeline.Factory { } // Set the server-side timeout query parameter "timeout=[seconds]" - timeout := int32(o.TryTimeout.Seconds()) // Max seconds per try - if deadline, ok := ctx.Deadline(); ok { // If user's ctx has a deadline, make the timeout the smaller of the two - t := int32(deadline.Sub(time.Now()).Seconds()) // Duration from now until user's ctx reaches its deadline - logf("MaxTryTimeout=%d secs, TimeTilDeadline=%d sec\n", timeout, t) + timeout := o.TryTimeout // Max time per try + if deadline, ok := ctx.Deadline(); ok { // If user's ctx has a deadline, make the timeout the smaller of the two + t := deadline.Sub(time.Now()) // Duration from now until user's ctx reaches its deadline + logf("MaxTryTimeout=%d secs, TimeTilDeadline=%d sec\n", int32(timeout.Seconds()), int32(t.Seconds())) if t < timeout { timeout = t } if timeout < 0 { timeout = 0 // If timeout ever goes negative, set it to zero; this happen while debugging } - logf("TryTimeout adjusted to=%d sec\n", timeout) + logf("TryTimeout adjusted to=%d sec\n", int32(timeout.Seconds())) } q := requestCopy.Request.URL.Query() - q.Set("timeout", strconv.Itoa(int(timeout+1))) // Add 1 to "round up" + q.Set("timeout", strconv.Itoa(int(timeout.Seconds()+1))) // Add 1 to "round up" requestCopy.Request.URL.RawQuery = q.Encode() logf("Url=%s\n", requestCopy.Request.URL.String()) // Set the time for this particular retry operation and then Do the operation. - tryCtx, tryCancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Second*time.Duration(timeout)) + tryCtx, tryCancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, timeout) //requestCopy.Body = &deadlineExceededReadCloser{r: requestCopy.Request.Body} response, err = next.Do(tryCtx, requestCopy) // Make the request /*err = improveDeadlineExceeded(err) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zc_policy_unique_request_id.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zc_policy_unique_request_id.go index db8cee7b4014..1f7817d2df6c 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zc_policy_unique_request_id.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zc_policy_unique_request_id.go @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package azblob import ( "context" "errors" + "github.com/Azure/azure-pipeline-go/pipeline" ) @@ -21,11 +22,9 @@ func NewUniqueRequestIDPolicyFactory() pipeline.Factory { resp, err := next.Do(ctx, request) if err == nil && resp != nil { - val := resp.Response().Header.Values(xMsClientRequestID) - if len(val) > 0 { - if val[0] != id { - err = errors.New("client Request ID from request and response does not match") - } + crId := resp.Response().Header.Get(xMsClientRequestID) + if crId != "" && crId != id { + err = errors.New("client Request ID from request and response does not match") } } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zz_generated_blob.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zz_generated_blob.go index 036bbfcfadd3..1b222b6b1f98 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zz_generated_blob.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zz_generated_blob.go @@ -366,16 +366,15 @@ func (client blobClient) changeLeaseResponder(resp pipeline.Response) (pipeline. // only succeeds if the resource's lease is active and matches this ID. requestID is provides a client-generated, // opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is // enabled. sourceContentMD5 is specify the md5 calculated for the range of bytes that must be read from the copy -// source. blobTagsString is optional. Used to set blob tags in various blob operations. sealBlob is overrides the -// sealed state of the destination blob. Service version 2019-12-12 and newer. -func (client blobClient) CopyFromURL(ctx context.Context, copySource string, timeout *int32, metadata map[string]string, tier AccessTierType, sourceIfModifiedSince *time.Time, sourceIfUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, sourceIfMatch *ETag, sourceIfNoneMatch *ETag, ifModifiedSince *time.Time, ifUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, ifMatch *ETag, ifNoneMatch *ETag, ifTags *string, leaseID *string, requestID *string, sourceContentMD5 []byte, blobTagsString *string, sealBlob *bool) (*BlobCopyFromURLResponse, error) { +// source. blobTagsString is optional. Used to set blob tags in various blob operations. +func (client blobClient) CopyFromURL(ctx context.Context, copySource string, timeout *int32, metadata map[string]string, tier AccessTierType, sourceIfModifiedSince *time.Time, sourceIfUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, sourceIfMatch *ETag, sourceIfNoneMatch *ETag, ifModifiedSince *time.Time, ifUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, ifMatch *ETag, ifNoneMatch *ETag, ifTags *string, leaseID *string, requestID *string, sourceContentMD5 []byte, blobTagsString *string) (*BlobCopyFromURLResponse, error) { if err := validate([]validation{ {targetValue: timeout, constraints: []constraint{{target: "timeout", name: null, rule: false, chain: []constraint{{target: "timeout", name: inclusiveMinimum, rule: 0, chain: nil}}}}}}); err != nil { return nil, err } - req, err := client.copyFromURLPreparer(copySource, timeout, metadata, tier, sourceIfModifiedSince, sourceIfUnmodifiedSince, sourceIfMatch, sourceIfNoneMatch, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags, leaseID, requestID, sourceContentMD5, blobTagsString, sealBlob) + req, err := client.copyFromURLPreparer(copySource, timeout, metadata, tier, sourceIfModifiedSince, sourceIfUnmodifiedSince, sourceIfMatch, sourceIfNoneMatch, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags, leaseID, requestID, sourceContentMD5, blobTagsString) if err != nil { return nil, err } @@ -387,7 +386,7 @@ func (client blobClient) CopyFromURL(ctx context.Context, copySource string, tim } // copyFromURLPreparer prepares the CopyFromURL request. -func (client blobClient) copyFromURLPreparer(copySource string, timeout *int32, metadata map[string]string, tier AccessTierType, sourceIfModifiedSince *time.Time, sourceIfUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, sourceIfMatch *ETag, sourceIfNoneMatch *ETag, ifModifiedSince *time.Time, ifUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, ifMatch *ETag, ifNoneMatch *ETag, ifTags *string, leaseID *string, requestID *string, sourceContentMD5 []byte, blobTagsString *string, sealBlob *bool) (pipeline.Request, error) { +func (client blobClient) copyFromURLPreparer(copySource string, timeout *int32, metadata map[string]string, tier AccessTierType, sourceIfModifiedSince *time.Time, sourceIfUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, sourceIfMatch *ETag, sourceIfNoneMatch *ETag, ifModifiedSince *time.Time, ifUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, ifMatch *ETag, ifNoneMatch *ETag, ifTags *string, leaseID *string, requestID *string, sourceContentMD5 []byte, blobTagsString *string) (pipeline.Request, error) { req, err := pipeline.NewRequest("PUT", client.url, nil) if err != nil { return req, pipeline.NewError(err, "failed to create request") @@ -446,9 +445,6 @@ func (client blobClient) copyFromURLPreparer(copySource string, timeout *int32, if blobTagsString != nil { req.Header.Set("x-ms-tags", *blobTagsString) } - if sealBlob != nil { - req.Header.Set("x-ms-seal-blob", strconv.FormatBool(*sealBlob)) - } req.Header.Set("x-ms-requires-sync", "true") return req, nil } @@ -599,15 +595,16 @@ func (client blobClient) createSnapshotResponder(resp pipeline.Response) (pipeli // blobs with a matching value. ifNoneMatch is specify an ETag value to operate only on blobs without a matching value. // ifTags is specify a SQL where clause on blob tags to operate only on blobs with a matching value. requestID is // provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when -// storage analytics logging is enabled. -func (client blobClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, snapshot *string, versionID *string, timeout *int32, leaseID *string, deleteSnapshots DeleteSnapshotsOptionType, ifModifiedSince *time.Time, ifUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, ifMatch *ETag, ifNoneMatch *ETag, ifTags *string, requestID *string) (*BlobDeleteResponse, error) { +// storage analytics logging is enabled. blobDeleteType is optional. Only possible value is 'permanent', which +// specifies to permanently delete a blob if blob soft delete is enabled. +func (client blobClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, snapshot *string, versionID *string, timeout *int32, leaseID *string, deleteSnapshots DeleteSnapshotsOptionType, ifModifiedSince *time.Time, ifUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, ifMatch *ETag, ifNoneMatch *ETag, ifTags *string, requestID *string, blobDeleteType BlobDeleteType) (*BlobDeleteResponse, error) { if err := validate([]validation{ {targetValue: timeout, constraints: []constraint{{target: "timeout", name: null, rule: false, chain: []constraint{{target: "timeout", name: inclusiveMinimum, rule: 0, chain: nil}}}}}}); err != nil { return nil, err } - req, err := client.deletePreparer(snapshot, versionID, timeout, leaseID, deleteSnapshots, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags, requestID) + req, err := client.deletePreparer(snapshot, versionID, timeout, leaseID, deleteSnapshots, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags, requestID, blobDeleteType) if err != nil { return nil, err } @@ -619,7 +616,7 @@ func (client blobClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, snapshot *string, versionID } // deletePreparer prepares the Delete request. -func (client blobClient) deletePreparer(snapshot *string, versionID *string, timeout *int32, leaseID *string, deleteSnapshots DeleteSnapshotsOptionType, ifModifiedSince *time.Time, ifUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, ifMatch *ETag, ifNoneMatch *ETag, ifTags *string, requestID *string) (pipeline.Request, error) { +func (client blobClient) deletePreparer(snapshot *string, versionID *string, timeout *int32, leaseID *string, deleteSnapshots DeleteSnapshotsOptionType, ifModifiedSince *time.Time, ifUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, ifMatch *ETag, ifNoneMatch *ETag, ifTags *string, requestID *string, blobDeleteType BlobDeleteType) (pipeline.Request, error) { req, err := pipeline.NewRequest("DELETE", client.url, nil) if err != nil { return req, pipeline.NewError(err, "failed to create request") @@ -634,6 +631,9 @@ func (client blobClient) deletePreparer(snapshot *string, versionID *string, tim if timeout != nil { params.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*timeout), 10)) } + if blobDeleteType != BlobDeleteNone { + params.Set("deletetype", string(blobDeleteType)) + } req.URL.RawQuery = params.Encode() if leaseID != nil { req.Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseID) @@ -1020,15 +1020,16 @@ func (client blobClient) getPropertiesResponder(resp pipeline.Response) (pipelin // href="https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/creating-a-snapshot-of-a-blob">Creating // a Snapshot of a Blob. versionID is the version id parameter is an opaque DateTime value that, when present, // specifies the version of the blob to operate on. It's for service version 2019-10-10 and newer. ifTags is specify a -// SQL where clause on blob tags to operate only on blobs with a matching value. -func (client blobClient) GetTags(ctx context.Context, timeout *int32, requestID *string, snapshot *string, versionID *string, ifTags *string) (*BlobTags, error) { +// SQL where clause on blob tags to operate only on blobs with a matching value. leaseID is if specified, the operation +// only succeeds if the resource's lease is active and matches this ID. +func (client blobClient) GetTags(ctx context.Context, timeout *int32, requestID *string, snapshot *string, versionID *string, ifTags *string, leaseID *string) (*BlobTags, error) { if err := validate([]validation{ {targetValue: timeout, constraints: []constraint{{target: "timeout", name: null, rule: false, chain: []constraint{{target: "timeout", name: inclusiveMinimum, rule: 0, chain: nil}}}}}}); err != nil { return nil, err } - req, err := client.getTagsPreparer(timeout, requestID, snapshot, versionID, ifTags) + req, err := client.getTagsPreparer(timeout, requestID, snapshot, versionID, ifTags, leaseID) if err != nil { return nil, err } @@ -1040,7 +1041,7 @@ func (client blobClient) GetTags(ctx context.Context, timeout *int32, requestID } // getTagsPreparer prepares the GetTags request. -func (client blobClient) getTagsPreparer(timeout *int32, requestID *string, snapshot *string, versionID *string, ifTags *string) (pipeline.Request, error) { +func (client blobClient) getTagsPreparer(timeout *int32, requestID *string, snapshot *string, versionID *string, ifTags *string, leaseID *string) (pipeline.Request, error) { req, err := pipeline.NewRequest("GET", client.url, nil) if err != nil { return req, pipeline.NewError(err, "failed to create request") @@ -1064,6 +1065,9 @@ func (client blobClient) getTagsPreparer(timeout *int32, requestID *string, snap if ifTags != nil { req.Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *ifTags) } + if leaseID != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseID) + } return req, nil } @@ -1092,107 +1096,111 @@ func (client blobClient) getTagsResponder(resp pipeline.Response) (pipeline.Resp return result, nil } -// TODO funky quick query code -//// Query the Query operation enables users to select/project on blob data by providing simple query expressions. -//// -//// snapshot is the snapshot parameter is an opaque DateTime value that, when present, specifies the blob snapshot to -//// retrieve. For more information on working with blob snapshots, see Creating -//// a Snapshot of a Blob. timeout is the timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting -//// Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. leaseID is if specified, the operation only succeeds if the resource's -//// lease is active and matches this ID. encryptionKey is optional. Specifies the encryption key to use to encrypt the -//// data provided in the request. If not specified, encryption is performed with the root account encryption key. For -//// more information, see Encryption at Rest for Azure Storage Services. encryptionKeySha256 is the SHA-256 hash of the -//// provided encryption key. Must be provided if the x-ms-encryption-key header is provided. encryptionAlgorithm is the -//// algorithm used to produce the encryption key hash. Currently, the only accepted value is "AES256". Must be provided -//// if the x-ms-encryption-key header is provided. ifModifiedSince is specify this header value to operate only on a -//// blob if it has been modified since the specified date/time. ifUnmodifiedSince is specify this header value to -//// operate only on a blob if it has not been modified since the specified date/time. ifMatch is specify an ETag value -//// to operate only on blobs with a matching value. ifNoneMatch is specify an ETag value to operate only on blobs -//// without a matching value. requestID is provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is -//// recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. -//func (client blobClient) Query(ctx context.Context, snapshot *string, timeout *int32, leaseID *string, encryptionKey *string, encryptionKeySha256 *string, encryptionAlgorithm EncryptionAlgorithmType, ifModifiedSince *time.Time, ifUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, ifMatch *ETag, ifNoneMatch *ETag, requestID *string) (*QueryResponse, error) { -// if err := validate([]validation{ -// {targetValue: timeout, -// constraints: []constraint{{target: "timeout", name: null, rule: false, -// chain: []constraint{{target: "timeout", name: inclusiveMinimum, rule: 0, chain: nil}}}}}}); err != nil { -// return nil, err -// } -// req, err := client.queryPreparer(snapshot, timeout, leaseID, encryptionKey, encryptionKeySha256, encryptionAlgorithm, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, requestID) -// if err != nil { -// return nil, err -// } -// resp, err := client.Pipeline().Do(ctx, responderPolicyFactory{responder: client.queryResponder}, req) -// if err != nil { -// return nil, err -// } -// return resp.(*QueryResponse), err -//} +// todo funky quick query code +// // Query the Query operation enables users to select/project on blob data by providing simple query expressions. +// // +// // snapshot is the snapshot parameter is an opaque DateTime value that, when present, specifies the blob snapshot to +// // retrieve. For more information on working with blob snapshots, see Creating +// // a Snapshot of a Blob. timeout is the timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting +// // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. leaseID is if specified, the operation only succeeds if the resource's +// // lease is active and matches this ID. encryptionKey is optional. Specifies the encryption key to use to encrypt the +// // data provided in the request. If not specified, encryption is performed with the root account encryption key. For +// // more information, see Encryption at Rest for Azure Storage Services. encryptionKeySha256 is the SHA-256 hash of the +// // provided encryption key. Must be provided if the x-ms-encryption-key header is provided. encryptionAlgorithm is the +// // algorithm used to produce the encryption key hash. Currently, the only accepted value is "AES256". Must be provided +// // if the x-ms-encryption-key header is provided. ifModifiedSince is specify this header value to operate only on a +// // blob if it has been modified since the specified date/time. ifUnmodifiedSince is specify this header value to +// // operate only on a blob if it has not been modified since the specified date/time. ifMatch is specify an ETag value +// // to operate only on blobs with a matching value. ifNoneMatch is specify an ETag value to operate only on blobs +// // without a matching value. ifTags is specify a SQL where clause on blob tags to operate only on blobs with a matching +// // value. requestID is provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the +// // analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. +// func (client blobClient) Query(ctx context.Context, snapshot *string, timeout *int32, leaseID *string, encryptionKey *string, encryptionKeySha256 *string, encryptionAlgorithm EncryptionAlgorithmType, ifModifiedSince *time.Time, ifUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, ifMatch *ETag, ifNoneMatch *ETag, ifTags *string, requestID *string) (*QueryResponse, error) { +// if err := validate([]validation{ +// {targetValue: timeout, +// constraints: []constraint{{target: "timeout", name: null, rule: false, +// chain: []constraint{{target: "timeout", name: inclusiveMinimum, rule: 0, chain: nil}}}}}}); err != nil { +// return nil, err +// } +// req, err := client.queryPreparer(snapshot, timeout, leaseID, encryptionKey, encryptionKeySha256, encryptionAlgorithm, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags, requestID) +// if err != nil { +// return nil, err +// } +// resp, err := client.Pipeline().Do(ctx, responderPolicyFactory{responder: client.queryResponder}, req) +// if err != nil { +// return nil, err +// } +// return resp.(*QueryResponse), err +// } // -//// queryPreparer prepares the Query request. -//func (client blobClient) queryPreparer(snapshot *string, timeout *int32, leaseID *string, encryptionKey *string, encryptionKeySha256 *string, encryptionAlgorithm EncryptionAlgorithmType, ifModifiedSince *time.Time, ifUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, ifMatch *ETag, ifNoneMatch *ETag, requestID *string) (pipeline.Request, error) { -// req, err := pipeline.NewRequest("POST", client.url, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return req, pipeline.NewError(err, "failed to create request") -// } -// params := req.URL.Query() -// if snapshot != nil && len(*snapshot) > 0 { -// params.Set("snapshot", *snapshot) -// } -// if timeout != nil { -// params.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*timeout), 10)) -// } -// params.Set("comp", "query") -// req.URL.RawQuery = params.Encode() -// if leaseID != nil { -// req.Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseID) -// } -// if encryptionKey != nil { -// req.Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key", *encryptionKey) -// } -// if encryptionKeySha256 != nil { -// req.Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", *encryptionKeySha256) -// } -// if encryptionAlgorithm != EncryptionAlgorithmNone { -// req.Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-algorithm", string(encryptionAlgorithm)) -// } -// if ifModifiedSince != nil { -// req.Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", (*ifModifiedSince).In(gmt).Format(time.RFC1123)) -// } -// if ifUnmodifiedSince != nil { -// req.Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", (*ifUnmodifiedSince).In(gmt).Format(time.RFC1123)) -// } -// if ifMatch != nil { -// req.Header.Set("If-Match", string(*ifMatch)) -// } -// if ifNoneMatch != nil { -// req.Header.Set("If-None-Match", string(*ifNoneMatch)) -// } -// req.Header.Set("x-ms-version", ServiceVersion) -// if requestID != nil { -// req.Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *requestID) -// } -// b, err := xml.Marshal(queryRequest) -// if err != nil { -// return req, pipeline.NewError(err, "failed to marshal request body") -// } -// req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/xml") -// err = req.SetBody(bytes.NewReader(b)) -// if err != nil { -// return req, pipeline.NewError(err, "failed to set request body") -// } -// return req, nil -//} +// // queryPreparer prepares the Query request. +// func (client blobClient) queryPreparer(snapshot *string, timeout *int32, leaseID *string, encryptionKey *string, encryptionKeySha256 *string, encryptionAlgorithm EncryptionAlgorithmType, ifModifiedSince *time.Time, ifUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, ifMatch *ETag, ifNoneMatch *ETag, ifTags *string, requestID *string) (pipeline.Request, error) { +// req, err := pipeline.NewRequest("POST", client.url, nil) +// if err != nil { +// return req, pipeline.NewError(err, "failed to create request") +// } +// params := req.URL.Query() +// if snapshot != nil && len(*snapshot) > 0 { +// params.Set("snapshot", *snapshot) +// } +// if timeout != nil { +// params.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*timeout), 10)) +// } +// params.Set("comp", "query") +// req.URL.RawQuery = params.Encode() +// if leaseID != nil { +// req.Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseID) +// } +// if encryptionKey != nil { +// req.Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key", *encryptionKey) +// } +// if encryptionKeySha256 != nil { +// req.Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", *encryptionKeySha256) +// } +// if encryptionAlgorithm != EncryptionAlgorithmNone { +// req.Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-algorithm", string(encryptionAlgorithm)) +// } +// if ifModifiedSince != nil { +// req.Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", (*ifModifiedSince).In(gmt).Format(time.RFC1123)) +// } +// if ifUnmodifiedSince != nil { +// req.Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", (*ifUnmodifiedSince).In(gmt).Format(time.RFC1123)) +// } +// if ifMatch != nil { +// req.Header.Set("If-Match", string(*ifMatch)) +// } +// if ifNoneMatch != nil { +// req.Header.Set("If-None-Match", string(*ifNoneMatch)) +// } +// if ifTags != nil { +// req.Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *ifTags) +// } +// req.Header.Set("x-ms-version", ServiceVersion) +// if requestID != nil { +// req.Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *requestID) +// } +// b, err := xml.Marshal(queryRequest) +// if err != nil { +// return req, pipeline.NewError(err, "failed to marshal request body") +// } +// req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/xml") +// err = req.SetBody(bytes.NewReader(b)) +// if err != nil { +// return req, pipeline.NewError(err, "failed to set request body") +// } +// return req, nil +// } // -//// queryResponder handles the response to the Query request. -//func (client blobClient) queryResponder(resp pipeline.Response) (pipeline.Response, error) { -// err := validateResponse(resp, http.StatusOK, http.StatusPartialContent) -// if resp == nil { -// return nil, err -// } -// return &QueryResponse{rawResponse: resp.Response()}, err -//} +// // queryResponder handles the response to the Query request. +// func (client blobClient) queryResponder(resp pipeline.Response) (pipeline.Response, error) { +// err := validateResponse(resp, http.StatusOK, http.StatusPartialContent) +// if resp == nil { +// return nil, err +// } +// return &QueryResponse{rawResponse: resp.Response()}, err +// } // ReleaseLease [Update] The Lease Blob operation establishes and manages a lock on a blob for write and delete // operations @@ -1272,146 +1280,145 @@ func (client blobClient) releaseLeaseResponder(resp pipeline.Response) (pipeline return &BlobReleaseLeaseResponse{rawResponse: resp.Response()}, err } -// TODO funky rename API -//// Rename rename a blob/file. By default, the destination is overwritten and if the destination already exists and has -//// a lease the lease is broken. This operation supports conditional HTTP requests. For more information, see -//// [Specifying Conditional Headers for Blob Service -//// Operations](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/specifying-conditional-headers-for-blob-service-operations). -//// To fail if the destination already exists, use a conditional request with If-None-Match: "*". -//// -//// renameSource is the file or directory to be renamed. The value must have the following format: -//// "/{filesysystem}/{path}". If "x-ms-properties" is specified, the properties will overwrite the existing properties; -//// otherwise, the existing properties will be preserved. timeout is the timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For -//// more information, see Setting -//// Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. directoryProperties is optional. User-defined properties to be stored -//// with the file or directory, in the format of a comma-separated list of name and value pairs "n1=v1, n2=v2, ...", -//// where each value is base64 encoded. posixPermissions is optional and only valid if Hierarchical Namespace is enabled -//// for the account. Sets POSIX access permissions for the file owner, the file owning group, and others. Each class may -//// be granted read, write, or execute permission. The sticky bit is also supported. Both symbolic (rwxrw-rw-) and -//// 4-digit octal notation (e.g. 0766) are supported. posixUmask is only valid if Hierarchical Namespace is enabled for -//// the account. This umask restricts permission settings for file and directory, and will only be applied when default -//// Acl does not exist in parent directory. If the umask bit has set, it means that the corresponding permission will be -//// disabled. Otherwise the corresponding permission will be determined by the permission. A 4-digit octal notation -//// (e.g. 0022) is supported here. If no umask was specified, a default umask - 0027 will be used. cacheControl is cache -//// control for given resource contentType is content type for given resource contentEncoding is content encoding for -//// given resource contentLanguage is content language for given resource contentDisposition is content disposition for -//// given resource leaseID is if specified, the operation only succeeds if the resource's lease is active and matches -//// this ID. sourceLeaseID is a lease ID for the source path. If specified, the source path must have an active lease -//// and the lease ID must match. ifModifiedSince is specify this header value to operate only on a blob if it has been -//// modified since the specified date/time. ifUnmodifiedSince is specify this header value to operate only on a blob if -//// it has not been modified since the specified date/time. ifMatch is specify an ETag value to operate only on blobs -//// with a matching value. ifNoneMatch is specify an ETag value to operate only on blobs without a matching value. -//// sourceIfModifiedSince is specify this header value to operate only on a blob if it has been modified since the -//// specified date/time. sourceIfUnmodifiedSince is specify this header value to operate only on a blob if it has not -//// been modified since the specified date/time. sourceIfMatch is specify an ETag value to operate only on blobs with a -//// matching value. sourceIfNoneMatch is specify an ETag value to operate only on blobs without a matching value. -//// requestID is provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics -//// logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. -//func (client blobClient) Rename(ctx context.Context, renameSource string, timeout *int32, directoryProperties *string, posixPermissions *string, posixUmask *string, cacheControl *string, contentType *string, contentEncoding *string, contentLanguage *string, contentDisposition *string, leaseID *string, sourceLeaseID *string, ifModifiedSince *time.Time, ifUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, ifMatch *ETag, ifNoneMatch *ETag, sourceIfModifiedSince *time.Time, sourceIfUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, sourceIfMatch *ETag, sourceIfNoneMatch *ETag, requestID *string) (*BlobRenameResponse, error) { -// if err := validate([]validation{ -// {targetValue: timeout, -// constraints: []constraint{{target: "timeout", name: null, rule: false, -// chain: []constraint{{target: "timeout", name: inclusiveMinimum, rule: 0, chain: nil}}}}}}); err != nil { -// return nil, err -// } -// req, err := client.renamePreparer(renameSource, timeout, directoryProperties, posixPermissions, posixUmask, cacheControl, contentType, contentEncoding, contentLanguage, contentDisposition, leaseID, sourceLeaseID, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, sourceIfModifiedSince, sourceIfUnmodifiedSince, sourceIfMatch, sourceIfNoneMatch, requestID) -// if err != nil { -// return nil, err -// } -// resp, err := client.Pipeline().Do(ctx, responderPolicyFactory{responder: client.renameResponder}, req) -// if err != nil { -// return nil, err -// } -// return resp.(*BlobRenameResponse), err -//} +// Rename rename a blob/file. By default, the destination is overwritten and if the destination already exists and has +// a lease the lease is broken. This operation supports conditional HTTP requests. For more information, see +// [Specifying Conditional Headers for Blob Service +// Operations](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/specifying-conditional-headers-for-blob-service-operations). +// To fail if the destination already exists, use a conditional request with If-None-Match: "*". // -//// renamePreparer prepares the Rename request. -//func (client blobClient) renamePreparer(renameSource string, timeout *int32, directoryProperties *string, posixPermissions *string, posixUmask *string, cacheControl *string, contentType *string, contentEncoding *string, contentLanguage *string, contentDisposition *string, leaseID *string, sourceLeaseID *string, ifModifiedSince *time.Time, ifUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, ifMatch *ETag, ifNoneMatch *ETag, sourceIfModifiedSince *time.Time, sourceIfUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, sourceIfMatch *ETag, sourceIfNoneMatch *ETag, requestID *string) (pipeline.Request, error) { -// req, err := pipeline.NewRequest("PUT", client.url, nil) -// if err != nil { -// return req, pipeline.NewError(err, "failed to create request") -// } -// params := req.URL.Query() -// if timeout != nil { -// params.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*timeout), 10)) -// } -// if pathRenameMode != PathRenameModeNone { -// params.Set("mode", string(client.PathRenameMode)) -// } -// req.URL.RawQuery = params.Encode() -// req.Header.Set("x-ms-rename-source", renameSource) -// if directoryProperties != nil { -// req.Header.Set("x-ms-properties", *directoryProperties) -// } -// if posixPermissions != nil { -// req.Header.Set("x-ms-permissions", *posixPermissions) -// } -// if posixUmask != nil { -// req.Header.Set("x-ms-umask", *posixUmask) -// } -// if cacheControl != nil { -// req.Header.Set("x-ms-cache-control", *cacheControl) -// } -// if contentType != nil { -// req.Header.Set("x-ms-content-type", *contentType) -// } -// if contentEncoding != nil { -// req.Header.Set("x-ms-content-encoding", *contentEncoding) -// } -// if contentLanguage != nil { -// req.Header.Set("x-ms-content-language", *contentLanguage) -// } -// if contentDisposition != nil { -// req.Header.Set("x-ms-content-disposition", *contentDisposition) -// } -// if leaseID != nil { -// req.Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseID) -// } -// if sourceLeaseID != nil { -// req.Header.Set("x-ms-source-lease-id", *sourceLeaseID) -// } -// if ifModifiedSince != nil { -// req.Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", (*ifModifiedSince).In(gmt).Format(time.RFC1123)) -// } -// if ifUnmodifiedSince != nil { -// req.Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", (*ifUnmodifiedSince).In(gmt).Format(time.RFC1123)) -// } -// if ifMatch != nil { -// req.Header.Set("If-Match", string(*ifMatch)) -// } -// if ifNoneMatch != nil { -// req.Header.Set("If-None-Match", string(*ifNoneMatch)) -// } -// if sourceIfModifiedSince != nil { -// req.Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-modified-since", (*sourceIfModifiedSince).In(gmt).Format(time.RFC1123)) -// } -// if sourceIfUnmodifiedSince != nil { -// req.Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-unmodified-since", (*sourceIfUnmodifiedSince).In(gmt).Format(time.RFC1123)) -// } -// if sourceIfMatch != nil { -// req.Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-match", string(*sourceIfMatch)) -// } -// if sourceIfNoneMatch != nil { -// req.Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-none-match", string(*sourceIfNoneMatch)) -// } -// req.Header.Set("x-ms-version", ServiceVersion) -// if requestID != nil { -// req.Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *requestID) -// } -// return req, nil -//} -// -//// renameResponder handles the response to the Rename request. -//func (client blobClient) renameResponder(resp pipeline.Response) (pipeline.Response, error) { -// err := validateResponse(resp, http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated) -// if resp == nil { -// return nil, err -// } -// io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, resp.Response().Body) -// resp.Response().Body.Close() -// return &BlobRenameResponse{rawResponse: resp.Response()}, err -//} +// renameSource is the file or directory to be renamed. The value must have the following format: +// "/{filesysystem}/{path}". If "x-ms-properties" is specified, the properties will overwrite the existing properties; +// otherwise, the existing properties will be preserved. timeout is the timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For +// more information, see Setting +// Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. directoryProperties is optional. User-defined properties to be stored +// with the file or directory, in the format of a comma-separated list of name and value pairs "n1=v1, n2=v2, ...", +// where each value is base64 encoded. posixPermissions is optional and only valid if Hierarchical Namespace is enabled +// for the account. Sets POSIX access permissions for the file owner, the file owning group, and others. Each class may +// be granted read, write, or execute permission. The sticky bit is also supported. Both symbolic (rwxrw-rw-) and +// 4-digit octal notation (e.g. 0766) are supported. posixUmask is only valid if Hierarchical Namespace is enabled for +// the account. This umask restricts permission settings for file and directory, and will only be applied when default +// Acl does not exist in parent directory. If the umask bit has set, it means that the corresponding permission will be +// disabled. Otherwise the corresponding permission will be determined by the permission. A 4-digit octal notation +// (e.g. 0022) is supported here. If no umask was specified, a default umask - 0027 will be used. cacheControl is cache +// control for given resource contentType is content type for given resource contentEncoding is content encoding for +// given resource contentLanguage is content language for given resource contentDisposition is content disposition for +// given resource leaseID is if specified, the operation only succeeds if the resource's lease is active and matches +// this ID. sourceLeaseID is a lease ID for the source path. If specified, the source path must have an active lease +// and the lease ID must match. ifModifiedSince is specify this header value to operate only on a blob if it has been +// modified since the specified date/time. ifUnmodifiedSince is specify this header value to operate only on a blob if +// it has not been modified since the specified date/time. ifMatch is specify an ETag value to operate only on blobs +// with a matching value. ifNoneMatch is specify an ETag value to operate only on blobs without a matching value. +// sourceIfModifiedSince is specify this header value to operate only on a blob if it has been modified since the +// specified date/time. sourceIfUnmodifiedSince is specify this header value to operate only on a blob if it has not +// been modified since the specified date/time. sourceIfMatch is specify an ETag value to operate only on blobs with a +// matching value. sourceIfNoneMatch is specify an ETag value to operate only on blobs without a matching value. +// requestID is provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics +// logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. +func (client blobClient) Rename(ctx context.Context, renameSource string, timeout *int32, directoryProperties *string, posixPermissions *string, posixUmask *string, cacheControl *string, contentType *string, contentEncoding *string, contentLanguage *string, contentDisposition *string, leaseID *string, sourceLeaseID *string, ifModifiedSince *time.Time, ifUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, ifMatch *ETag, ifNoneMatch *ETag, sourceIfModifiedSince *time.Time, sourceIfUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, sourceIfMatch *ETag, sourceIfNoneMatch *ETag, requestID *string) (*BlobRenameResponse, error) { + if err := validate([]validation{ + {targetValue: timeout, + constraints: []constraint{{target: "timeout", name: null, rule: false, + chain: []constraint{{target: "timeout", name: inclusiveMinimum, rule: 0, chain: nil}}}}}}); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + req, err := client.renamePreparer(renameSource, timeout, directoryProperties, posixPermissions, posixUmask, cacheControl, contentType, contentEncoding, contentLanguage, contentDisposition, leaseID, sourceLeaseID, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, sourceIfModifiedSince, sourceIfUnmodifiedSince, sourceIfMatch, sourceIfNoneMatch, requestID) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + resp, err := client.Pipeline().Do(ctx, responderPolicyFactory{responder: client.renameResponder}, req) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return resp.(*BlobRenameResponse), err +} + +// renamePreparer prepares the Rename request. +func (client blobClient) renamePreparer(renameSource string, timeout *int32, directoryProperties *string, posixPermissions *string, posixUmask *string, cacheControl *string, contentType *string, contentEncoding *string, contentLanguage *string, contentDisposition *string, leaseID *string, sourceLeaseID *string, ifModifiedSince *time.Time, ifUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, ifMatch *ETag, ifNoneMatch *ETag, sourceIfModifiedSince *time.Time, sourceIfUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, sourceIfMatch *ETag, sourceIfNoneMatch *ETag, requestID *string) (pipeline.Request, error) { + req, err := pipeline.NewRequest("PUT", client.url, nil) + if err != nil { + return req, pipeline.NewError(err, "failed to create request") + } + params := req.URL.Query() + if timeout != nil { + params.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*timeout), 10)) + } + // if pathRenameMode != PathRenameModeNone { + // params.Set("mode", string(client.PathRenameMode)) + // } + req.URL.RawQuery = params.Encode() + req.Header.Set("x-ms-rename-source", renameSource) + if directoryProperties != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-properties", *directoryProperties) + } + if posixPermissions != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-permissions", *posixPermissions) + } + if posixUmask != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-umask", *posixUmask) + } + if cacheControl != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-cache-control", *cacheControl) + } + if contentType != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-content-type", *contentType) + } + if contentEncoding != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-content-encoding", *contentEncoding) + } + if contentLanguage != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-content-language", *contentLanguage) + } + if contentDisposition != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-content-disposition", *contentDisposition) + } + if leaseID != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseID) + } + if sourceLeaseID != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-source-lease-id", *sourceLeaseID) + } + if ifModifiedSince != nil { + req.Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", (*ifModifiedSince).In(gmt).Format(time.RFC1123)) + } + if ifUnmodifiedSince != nil { + req.Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", (*ifUnmodifiedSince).In(gmt).Format(time.RFC1123)) + } + if ifMatch != nil { + req.Header.Set("If-Match", string(*ifMatch)) + } + if ifNoneMatch != nil { + req.Header.Set("If-None-Match", string(*ifNoneMatch)) + } + if sourceIfModifiedSince != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-modified-since", (*sourceIfModifiedSince).In(gmt).Format(time.RFC1123)) + } + if sourceIfUnmodifiedSince != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-unmodified-since", (*sourceIfUnmodifiedSince).In(gmt).Format(time.RFC1123)) + } + if sourceIfMatch != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-match", string(*sourceIfMatch)) + } + if sourceIfNoneMatch != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-none-match", string(*sourceIfNoneMatch)) + } + req.Header.Set("x-ms-version", ServiceVersion) + if requestID != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *requestID) + } + return req, nil +} + +// renameResponder handles the response to the Rename request. +func (client blobClient) renameResponder(resp pipeline.Response) (pipeline.Response, error) { + err := validateResponse(resp, http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated) + if resp == nil { + return nil, err + } + io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, resp.Response().Body) + resp.Response().Body.Close() + return &BlobRenameResponse{rawResponse: resp.Response()}, err +} // RenewLease [Update] The Lease Blob operation establishes and manages a lock on a blob for write and delete // operations @@ -1866,15 +1873,16 @@ func (client blobClient) setMetadataResponder(resp pipeline.Response) (pipeline. // transactionalContentCrc64 is specify the transactional crc64 for the body, to be validated by the service. requestID // is provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when // storage analytics logging is enabled. ifTags is specify a SQL where clause on blob tags to operate only on blobs -// with a matching value. tags is blob tags -func (client blobClient) SetTags(ctx context.Context, timeout *int32, versionID *string, transactionalContentMD5 []byte, transactionalContentCrc64 []byte, requestID *string, ifTags *string, tags *BlobTags) (*BlobSetTagsResponse, error) { +// with a matching value. leaseID is if specified, the operation only succeeds if the resource's lease is active and +// matches this ID. tags is blob tags +func (client blobClient) SetTags(ctx context.Context, timeout *int32, versionID *string, transactionalContentMD5 []byte, transactionalContentCrc64 []byte, requestID *string, ifTags *string, leaseID *string, tags *BlobTags) (*BlobSetTagsResponse, error) { if err := validate([]validation{ {targetValue: timeout, constraints: []constraint{{target: "timeout", name: null, rule: false, chain: []constraint{{target: "timeout", name: inclusiveMinimum, rule: 0, chain: nil}}}}}}); err != nil { return nil, err } - req, err := client.setTagsPreparer(timeout, versionID, transactionalContentMD5, transactionalContentCrc64, requestID, ifTags, tags) + req, err := client.setTagsPreparer(timeout, versionID, transactionalContentMD5, transactionalContentCrc64, requestID, ifTags, leaseID, tags) if err != nil { return nil, err } @@ -1886,7 +1894,7 @@ func (client blobClient) SetTags(ctx context.Context, timeout *int32, versionID } // setTagsPreparer prepares the SetTags request. -func (client blobClient) setTagsPreparer(timeout *int32, versionID *string, transactionalContentMD5 []byte, transactionalContentCrc64 []byte, requestID *string, ifTags *string, tags *BlobTags) (pipeline.Request, error) { +func (client blobClient) setTagsPreparer(timeout *int32, versionID *string, transactionalContentMD5 []byte, transactionalContentCrc64 []byte, requestID *string, ifTags *string, leaseID *string, tags *BlobTags) (pipeline.Request, error) { req, err := pipeline.NewRequest("PUT", client.url, nil) if err != nil { return req, pipeline.NewError(err, "failed to create request") @@ -1913,6 +1921,9 @@ func (client blobClient) setTagsPreparer(timeout *int32, versionID *string, tran if ifTags != nil { req.Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *ifTags) } + if leaseID != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseID) + } b, err := xml.Marshal(tags) if err != nil { return req, pipeline.NewError(err, "failed to marshal request body") @@ -1952,15 +1963,16 @@ func (client blobClient) setTagsResponder(resp pipeline.Response) (pipeline.Resp // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. rehydratePriority is optional: Indicates the priority with which to // rehydrate an archived blob. requestID is provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that // is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. leaseID is if specified, the operation -// only succeeds if the resource's lease is active and matches this ID. -func (client blobClient) SetTier(ctx context.Context, tier AccessTierType, snapshot *string, versionID *string, timeout *int32, rehydratePriority RehydratePriorityType, requestID *string, leaseID *string) (*BlobSetTierResponse, error) { +// only succeeds if the resource's lease is active and matches this ID. ifTags is specify a SQL where clause on blob +// tags to operate only on blobs with a matching value. +func (client blobClient) SetTier(ctx context.Context, tier AccessTierType, snapshot *string, versionID *string, timeout *int32, rehydratePriority RehydratePriorityType, requestID *string, leaseID *string, ifTags *string) (*BlobSetTierResponse, error) { if err := validate([]validation{ {targetValue: timeout, constraints: []constraint{{target: "timeout", name: null, rule: false, chain: []constraint{{target: "timeout", name: inclusiveMinimum, rule: 0, chain: nil}}}}}}); err != nil { return nil, err } - req, err := client.setTierPreparer(tier, snapshot, versionID, timeout, rehydratePriority, requestID, leaseID) + req, err := client.setTierPreparer(tier, snapshot, versionID, timeout, rehydratePriority, requestID, leaseID, ifTags) if err != nil { return nil, err } @@ -1972,7 +1984,7 @@ func (client blobClient) SetTier(ctx context.Context, tier AccessTierType, snaps } // setTierPreparer prepares the SetTier request. -func (client blobClient) setTierPreparer(tier AccessTierType, snapshot *string, versionID *string, timeout *int32, rehydratePriority RehydratePriorityType, requestID *string, leaseID *string) (pipeline.Request, error) { +func (client blobClient) setTierPreparer(tier AccessTierType, snapshot *string, versionID *string, timeout *int32, rehydratePriority RehydratePriorityType, requestID *string, leaseID *string, ifTags *string) (pipeline.Request, error) { req, err := pipeline.NewRequest("PUT", client.url, nil) if err != nil { return req, pipeline.NewError(err, "failed to create request") @@ -2000,6 +2012,9 @@ func (client blobClient) setTierPreparer(tier AccessTierType, snapshot *string, if leaseID != nil { req.Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseID) } + if ifTags != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *ifTags) + } return req, nil } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zz_generated_block_blob.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zz_generated_block_blob.go index 0008273abc45..d350440ac25b 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zz_generated_block_blob.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zz_generated_block_blob.go @@ -275,6 +275,188 @@ func (client blockBlobClient) getBlockListResponder(resp pipeline.Response) (pip return result, nil } +// PutBlobFromURL the Put Blob from URL operation creates a new Block Blob where the contents of the blob are read from +// a given URL. This API is supported beginning with the 2020-04-08 version. Partial updates are not supported with +// Put Blob from URL; the content of an existing blob is overwritten with the content of the new blob. To perform +// partial updates to a block blob’s contents using a source URL, use the Put Block from URL API in conjunction with +// Put Block List. +// +// contentLength is the length of the request. copySource is specifies the name of the source page blob snapshot. This +// value is a URL of up to 2 KB in length that specifies a page blob snapshot. The value should be URL-encoded as it +// would appear in a request URI. The source blob must either be public or must be authenticated via a shared access +// signature. timeout is the timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting +// Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. transactionalContentMD5 is specify the transactional md5 for the body, to +// be validated by the service. blobContentType is optional. Sets the blob's content type. If specified, this property +// is stored with the blob and returned with a read request. blobContentEncoding is optional. Sets the blob's content +// encoding. If specified, this property is stored with the blob and returned with a read request. blobContentLanguage +// is optional. Set the blob's content language. If specified, this property is stored with the blob and returned with +// a read request. blobContentMD5 is optional. An MD5 hash of the blob content. Note that this hash is not validated, +// as the hashes for the individual blocks were validated when each was uploaded. blobCacheControl is optional. Sets +// the blob's cache control. If specified, this property is stored with the blob and returned with a read request. +// metadata is optional. Specifies a user-defined name-value pair associated with the blob. If no name-value pairs are +// specified, the operation will copy the metadata from the source blob or file to the destination blob. If one or more +// name-value pairs are specified, the destination blob is created with the specified metadata, and metadata is not +// copied from the source blob or file. Note that beginning with version 2009-09-19, metadata names must adhere to the +// naming rules for C# identifiers. See Naming and Referencing Containers, Blobs, and Metadata for more information. +// leaseID is if specified, the operation only succeeds if the resource's lease is active and matches this ID. +// blobContentDisposition is optional. Sets the blob's Content-Disposition header. encryptionKey is optional. Specifies +// the encryption key to use to encrypt the data provided in the request. If not specified, encryption is performed +// with the root account encryption key. For more information, see Encryption at Rest for Azure Storage Services. +// encryptionKeySha256 is the SHA-256 hash of the provided encryption key. Must be provided if the x-ms-encryption-key +// header is provided. encryptionAlgorithm is the algorithm used to produce the encryption key hash. Currently, the +// only accepted value is "AES256". Must be provided if the x-ms-encryption-key header is provided. encryptionScope is +// optional. Version 2019-07-07 and later. Specifies the name of the encryption scope to use to encrypt the data +// provided in the request. If not specified, encryption is performed with the default account encryption scope. For +// more information, see Encryption at Rest for Azure Storage Services. tier is optional. Indicates the tier to be set +// on the blob. ifModifiedSince is specify this header value to operate only on a blob if it has been modified since +// the specified date/time. ifUnmodifiedSince is specify this header value to operate only on a blob if it has not been +// modified since the specified date/time. ifMatch is specify an ETag value to operate only on blobs with a matching +// value. ifNoneMatch is specify an ETag value to operate only on blobs without a matching value. ifTags is specify a +// SQL where clause on blob tags to operate only on blobs with a matching value. sourceIfModifiedSince is specify this +// header value to operate only on a blob if it has been modified since the specified date/time. +// sourceIfUnmodifiedSince is specify this header value to operate only on a blob if it has not been modified since the +// specified date/time. sourceIfMatch is specify an ETag value to operate only on blobs with a matching value. +// sourceIfNoneMatch is specify an ETag value to operate only on blobs without a matching value. sourceIfTags is +// specify a SQL where clause on blob tags to operate only on blobs with a matching value. requestID is provides a +// client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage +// analytics logging is enabled. sourceContentMD5 is specify the md5 calculated for the range of bytes that must be +// read from the copy source. blobTagsString is optional. Used to set blob tags in various blob operations. +// copySourceBlobProperties is optional, default is true. Indicates if properties from the source blob should be +// copied. +func (client blockBlobClient) PutBlobFromURL(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, copySource string, timeout *int32, transactionalContentMD5 []byte, blobContentType *string, blobContentEncoding *string, blobContentLanguage *string, blobContentMD5 []byte, blobCacheControl *string, metadata map[string]string, leaseID *string, blobContentDisposition *string, encryptionKey *string, encryptionKeySha256 *string, encryptionAlgorithm EncryptionAlgorithmType, encryptionScope *string, tier AccessTierType, ifModifiedSince *time.Time, ifUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, ifMatch *ETag, ifNoneMatch *ETag, ifTags *string, sourceIfModifiedSince *time.Time, sourceIfUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, sourceIfMatch *ETag, sourceIfNoneMatch *ETag, sourceIfTags *string, requestID *string, sourceContentMD5 []byte, blobTagsString *string, copySourceBlobProperties *bool) (*BlockBlobPutBlobFromURLResponse, error) { + if err := validate([]validation{ + {targetValue: timeout, + constraints: []constraint{{target: "timeout", name: null, rule: false, + chain: []constraint{{target: "timeout", name: inclusiveMinimum, rule: 0, chain: nil}}}}}}); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + req, err := client.putBlobFromURLPreparer(contentLength, copySource, timeout, transactionalContentMD5, blobContentType, blobContentEncoding, blobContentLanguage, blobContentMD5, blobCacheControl, metadata, leaseID, blobContentDisposition, encryptionKey, encryptionKeySha256, encryptionAlgorithm, encryptionScope, tier, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags, sourceIfModifiedSince, sourceIfUnmodifiedSince, sourceIfMatch, sourceIfNoneMatch, sourceIfTags, requestID, sourceContentMD5, blobTagsString, copySourceBlobProperties) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + resp, err := client.Pipeline().Do(ctx, responderPolicyFactory{responder: client.putBlobFromURLResponder}, req) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return resp.(*BlockBlobPutBlobFromURLResponse), err +} + +// putBlobFromURLPreparer prepares the PutBlobFromURL request. +func (client blockBlobClient) putBlobFromURLPreparer(contentLength int64, copySource string, timeout *int32, transactionalContentMD5 []byte, blobContentType *string, blobContentEncoding *string, blobContentLanguage *string, blobContentMD5 []byte, blobCacheControl *string, metadata map[string]string, leaseID *string, blobContentDisposition *string, encryptionKey *string, encryptionKeySha256 *string, encryptionAlgorithm EncryptionAlgorithmType, encryptionScope *string, tier AccessTierType, ifModifiedSince *time.Time, ifUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, ifMatch *ETag, ifNoneMatch *ETag, ifTags *string, sourceIfModifiedSince *time.Time, sourceIfUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, sourceIfMatch *ETag, sourceIfNoneMatch *ETag, sourceIfTags *string, requestID *string, sourceContentMD5 []byte, blobTagsString *string, copySourceBlobProperties *bool) (pipeline.Request, error) { + req, err := pipeline.NewRequest("PUT", client.url, nil) + if err != nil { + return req, pipeline.NewError(err, "failed to create request") + } + params := req.URL.Query() + if timeout != nil { + params.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*timeout), 10)) + } + req.URL.RawQuery = params.Encode() + if transactionalContentMD5 != nil { + req.Header.Set("Content-MD5", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(transactionalContentMD5)) + } + req.Header.Set("Content-Length", strconv.FormatInt(contentLength, 10)) + if blobContentType != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-blob-content-type", *blobContentType) + } + if blobContentEncoding != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-blob-content-encoding", *blobContentEncoding) + } + if blobContentLanguage != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-blob-content-language", *blobContentLanguage) + } + if blobContentMD5 != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-blob-content-md5", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(blobContentMD5)) + } + if blobCacheControl != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-blob-cache-control", *blobCacheControl) + } + if metadata != nil { + for k, v := range metadata { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-meta-"+k, v) + } + } + if leaseID != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-lease-id", *leaseID) + } + if blobContentDisposition != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-blob-content-disposition", *blobContentDisposition) + } + if encryptionKey != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key", *encryptionKey) + } + if encryptionKeySha256 != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", *encryptionKeySha256) + } + if encryptionAlgorithm != EncryptionAlgorithmNone { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-algorithm", string(encryptionAlgorithm)) + } + if encryptionScope != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-encryption-scope", *encryptionScope) + } + if tier != AccessTierNone { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-access-tier", string(tier)) + } + if ifModifiedSince != nil { + req.Header.Set("If-Modified-Since", (*ifModifiedSince).In(gmt).Format(time.RFC1123)) + } + if ifUnmodifiedSince != nil { + req.Header.Set("If-Unmodified-Since", (*ifUnmodifiedSince).In(gmt).Format(time.RFC1123)) + } + if ifMatch != nil { + req.Header.Set("If-Match", string(*ifMatch)) + } + if ifNoneMatch != nil { + req.Header.Set("If-None-Match", string(*ifNoneMatch)) + } + if ifTags != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *ifTags) + } + if sourceIfModifiedSince != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-modified-since", (*sourceIfModifiedSince).In(gmt).Format(time.RFC1123)) + } + if sourceIfUnmodifiedSince != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-unmodified-since", (*sourceIfUnmodifiedSince).In(gmt).Format(time.RFC1123)) + } + if sourceIfMatch != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-match", string(*sourceIfMatch)) + } + if sourceIfNoneMatch != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-none-match", string(*sourceIfNoneMatch)) + } + if sourceIfTags != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-source-if-tags", *sourceIfTags) + } + req.Header.Set("x-ms-version", ServiceVersion) + if requestID != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *requestID) + } + if sourceContentMD5 != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-source-content-md5", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(sourceContentMD5)) + } + if blobTagsString != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-tags", *blobTagsString) + } + req.Header.Set("x-ms-copy-source", copySource) + if copySourceBlobProperties != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-copy-source-blob-properties", strconv.FormatBool(*copySourceBlobProperties)) + } + req.Header.Set("x-ms-blob-type", "BlockBlob") + return req, nil +} + +// putBlobFromURLResponder handles the response to the PutBlobFromURL request. +func (client blockBlobClient) putBlobFromURLResponder(resp pipeline.Response) (pipeline.Response, error) { + err := validateResponse(resp, http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated) + if resp == nil { + return nil, err + } + io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, resp.Response().Body) + resp.Response().Body.Close() + return &BlockBlobPutBlobFromURLResponse{rawResponse: resp.Response()}, err +} + // StageBlock the Stage Block operation creates a new block to be committed as part of a blob // // blockID is a valid Base64 string value that identifies the block. Prior to encoding, the string must be less than or diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zz_generated_client.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zz_generated_client.go index d697e37d7de4..24b9f1dd5a58 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zz_generated_client.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zz_generated_client.go @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import ( const ( // ServiceVersion specifies the version of the operations used in this package. - ServiceVersion = "2019-12-12" + ServiceVersion = "2020-04-08" ) // managementClient is the base client for Azblob. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zz_generated_container.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zz_generated_container.go index 88ff7df31176..2e2f176e5481 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zz_generated_container.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zz_generated_container.go @@ -823,6 +823,67 @@ func (client containerClient) releaseLeaseResponder(resp pipeline.Response) (pip return &ContainerReleaseLeaseResponse{rawResponse: resp.Response()}, err } +// Rename renames an existing container. +// +// sourceContainerName is required. Specifies the name of the container to rename. timeout is the timeout parameter is +// expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting +// Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. requestID is provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB +// character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. sourceLeaseID is a +// lease ID for the source path. If specified, the source path must have an active lease and the lease ID must match. +func (client containerClient) Rename(ctx context.Context, sourceContainerName string, timeout *int32, requestID *string, sourceLeaseID *string) (*ContainerRenameResponse, error) { + if err := validate([]validation{ + {targetValue: timeout, + constraints: []constraint{{target: "timeout", name: null, rule: false, + chain: []constraint{{target: "timeout", name: inclusiveMinimum, rule: 0, chain: nil}}}}}}); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + req, err := client.renamePreparer(sourceContainerName, timeout, requestID, sourceLeaseID) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + resp, err := client.Pipeline().Do(ctx, responderPolicyFactory{responder: client.renameResponder}, req) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return resp.(*ContainerRenameResponse), err +} + +// renamePreparer prepares the Rename request. +func (client containerClient) renamePreparer(sourceContainerName string, timeout *int32, requestID *string, sourceLeaseID *string) (pipeline.Request, error) { + req, err := pipeline.NewRequest("PUT", client.url, nil) + if err != nil { + return req, pipeline.NewError(err, "failed to create request") + } + params := req.URL.Query() + if timeout != nil { + params.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*timeout), 10)) + } + params.Set("restype", "container") + params.Set("comp", "rename") + req.URL.RawQuery = params.Encode() + req.Header.Set("x-ms-version", ServiceVersion) + if requestID != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *requestID) + } + req.Header.Set("x-ms-source-container-name", sourceContainerName) + if sourceLeaseID != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-source-lease-id", *sourceLeaseID) + } + return req, nil +} + +// renameResponder handles the response to the Rename request. +func (client containerClient) renameResponder(resp pipeline.Response) (pipeline.Response, error) { + err := validateResponse(resp, http.StatusOK) + if resp == nil { + return nil, err + } + io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, resp.Response().Body) + resp.Response().Body.Close() + return &ContainerRenameResponse{rawResponse: resp.Response()}, err +} + // RenewLease [Update] establishes and manages a lock on a container for delete operations. The lock duration can be 15 // to 60 seconds, or can be infinite // @@ -897,8 +958,8 @@ func (client containerClient) renewLeaseResponder(resp pipeline.Response) (pipel // href="https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/setting-timeouts-for-blob-service-operations">Setting // Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. requestID is provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB // character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. -// deletedContainerName is optional. Version 2019-12-12 and laster. Specifies the name of the deleted container to -// restore. deletedContainerVersion is optional. Version 2019-12-12 and laster. Specifies the version of the deleted +// deletedContainerName is optional. Version 2019-12-12 and later. Specifies the name of the deleted container to +// restore. deletedContainerVersion is optional. Version 2019-12-12 and later. Specifies the version of the deleted // container to restore. func (client containerClient) Restore(ctx context.Context, timeout *int32, requestID *string, deletedContainerName *string, deletedContainerVersion *string) (*ContainerRestoreResponse, error) { if err := validate([]validation{ @@ -1109,3 +1170,63 @@ func (client containerClient) setMetadataResponder(resp pipeline.Response) (pipe resp.Response().Body.Close() return &ContainerSetMetadataResponse{rawResponse: resp.Response()}, err } + +// SubmitBatch the Batch operation allows multiple API calls to be embedded into a single HTTP request. +// +// body is initial data body will be closed upon successful return. Callers should ensure closure when receiving an +// error.contentLength is the length of the request. multipartContentType is required. The value of this header must be +// multipart/mixed with a batch boundary. Example header value: multipart/mixed; boundary=batch_ timeout is the +// timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting +// Timeouts for Blob Service Operations. requestID is provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB +// character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. +func (client containerClient) SubmitBatch(ctx context.Context, body io.ReadSeeker, contentLength int64, multipartContentType string, timeout *int32, requestID *string) (*SubmitBatchResponse, error) { + if err := validate([]validation{ + {targetValue: body, + constraints: []constraint{{target: "body", name: null, rule: true, chain: nil}}}, + {targetValue: timeout, + constraints: []constraint{{target: "timeout", name: null, rule: false, + chain: []constraint{{target: "timeout", name: inclusiveMinimum, rule: 0, chain: nil}}}}}}); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + req, err := client.submitBatchPreparer(body, contentLength, multipartContentType, timeout, requestID) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + resp, err := client.Pipeline().Do(ctx, responderPolicyFactory{responder: client.submitBatchResponder}, req) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return resp.(*SubmitBatchResponse), err +} + +// submitBatchPreparer prepares the SubmitBatch request. +func (client containerClient) submitBatchPreparer(body io.ReadSeeker, contentLength int64, multipartContentType string, timeout *int32, requestID *string) (pipeline.Request, error) { + req, err := pipeline.NewRequest("POST", client.url, body) + if err != nil { + return req, pipeline.NewError(err, "failed to create request") + } + params := req.URL.Query() + if timeout != nil { + params.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*timeout), 10)) + } + params.Set("restype", "container") + params.Set("comp", "batch") + req.URL.RawQuery = params.Encode() + req.Header.Set("Content-Length", strconv.FormatInt(contentLength, 10)) + req.Header.Set("Content-Type", multipartContentType) + req.Header.Set("x-ms-version", ServiceVersion) + if requestID != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *requestID) + } + return req, nil +} + +// submitBatchResponder handles the response to the SubmitBatch request. +func (client containerClient) submitBatchResponder(resp pipeline.Response) (pipeline.Response, error) { + err := validateResponse(resp, http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted) + if resp == nil { + return nil, err + } + return &SubmitBatchResponse{rawResponse: resp.Response()}, err +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zz_generated_models.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zz_generated_models.go index 78f467c40694..d3a9084cc94e 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zz_generated_models.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zz_generated_models.go @@ -174,6 +174,21 @@ func PossibleArchiveStatusTypeValues() []ArchiveStatusType { return []ArchiveStatusType{ArchiveStatusNone, ArchiveStatusRehydratePendingToCool, ArchiveStatusRehydratePendingToHot} } +// BlobDeleteType enumerates the values for blob delete type. +type BlobDeleteType string + +const ( + // BlobDeleteNone represents an empty BlobDeleteType. + BlobDeleteNone BlobDeleteType = "" + // BlobDeletePermanent ... + BlobDeletePermanent BlobDeleteType = "Permanent" +) + +// PossibleBlobDeleteTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the BlobDeleteType const type. +func PossibleBlobDeleteTypeValues() []BlobDeleteType { + return []BlobDeleteType{BlobDeleteNone, BlobDeletePermanent} +} + // BlobExpiryOptionsType enumerates the values for blob expiry options type. type BlobExpiryOptionsType string @@ -479,6 +494,8 @@ func PossiblePublicAccessTypeValues() []PublicAccessType { type QueryFormatType string const ( + // QueryFormatArrow ... + QueryFormatArrow QueryFormatType = "arrow" // QueryFormatDelimited ... QueryFormatDelimited QueryFormatType = "delimited" // QueryFormatJSON ... @@ -489,7 +506,7 @@ const ( // PossibleQueryFormatTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the QueryFormatType const type. func PossibleQueryFormatTypeValues() []QueryFormatType { - return []QueryFormatType{QueryFormatDelimited, QueryFormatJSON, QueryFormatNone} + return []QueryFormatType{QueryFormatArrow, QueryFormatDelimited, QueryFormatJSON, QueryFormatNone} } // RehydratePriorityType enumerates the values for rehydrate priority type. @@ -583,6 +600,8 @@ const ( StorageErrorCodeBlobArchived StorageErrorCodeType = "BlobArchived" // StorageErrorCodeBlobBeingRehydrated ... StorageErrorCodeBlobBeingRehydrated StorageErrorCodeType = "BlobBeingRehydrated" + // StorageErrorCodeBlobImmutableDueToPolicy ... + StorageErrorCodeBlobImmutableDueToPolicy StorageErrorCodeType = "BlobImmutableDueToPolicy" // StorageErrorCodeBlobNotArchived ... StorageErrorCodeBlobNotArchived StorageErrorCodeType = "BlobNotArchived" // StorageErrorCodeBlobNotFound ... @@ -783,7 +802,7 @@ const ( // PossibleStorageErrorCodeTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the StorageErrorCodeType const type. func PossibleStorageErrorCodeTypeValues() []StorageErrorCodeType { - return []StorageErrorCodeType{StorageErrorCodeAccountAlreadyExists, StorageErrorCodeAccountBeingCreated, StorageErrorCodeAccountIsDisabled, StorageErrorCodeAppendPositionConditionNotMet, StorageErrorCodeAuthenticationFailed, StorageErrorCodeAuthorizationFailure, StorageErrorCodeAuthorizationPermissionMismatch, StorageErrorCodeAuthorizationProtocolMismatch, StorageErrorCodeAuthorizationResourceTypeMismatch, StorageErrorCodeAuthorizationServiceMismatch, StorageErrorCodeAuthorizationSourceIPMismatch, StorageErrorCodeBlobAlreadyExists, StorageErrorCodeBlobArchived, StorageErrorCodeBlobBeingRehydrated, StorageErrorCodeBlobNotArchived, StorageErrorCodeBlobNotFound, StorageErrorCodeBlobOverwritten, StorageErrorCodeBlobTierInadequateForContentLength, StorageErrorCodeBlockCountExceedsLimit, StorageErrorCodeBlockListTooLong, StorageErrorCodeCannotChangeToLowerTier, StorageErrorCodeCannotVerifyCopySource, StorageErrorCodeConditionHeadersNotSupported, StorageErrorCodeConditionNotMet, StorageErrorCodeContainerAlreadyExists, StorageErrorCodeContainerBeingDeleted, StorageErrorCodeContainerDisabled, StorageErrorCodeContainerNotFound, StorageErrorCodeContentLengthLargerThanTierLimit, StorageErrorCodeCopyAcrossAccountsNotSupported, StorageErrorCodeCopyIDMismatch, StorageErrorCodeEmptyMetadataKey, StorageErrorCodeFeatureVersionMismatch, StorageErrorCodeIncrementalCopyBlobMismatch, StorageErrorCodeIncrementalCopyOfEralierVersionSnapshotNotAllowed, StorageErrorCodeIncrementalCopySourceMustBeSnapshot, StorageErrorCodeInfiniteLeaseDurationRequired, StorageErrorCodeInsufficientAccountPermissions, StorageErrorCodeInternalError, StorageErrorCodeInvalidAuthenticationInfo, StorageErrorCodeInvalidBlobOrBlock, StorageErrorCodeInvalidBlobTier, StorageErrorCodeInvalidBlobType, StorageErrorCodeInvalidBlockID, StorageErrorCodeInvalidBlockList, StorageErrorCodeInvalidHeaderValue, StorageErrorCodeInvalidHTTPVerb, StorageErrorCodeInvalidInput, StorageErrorCodeInvalidMd5, StorageErrorCodeInvalidMetadata, StorageErrorCodeInvalidOperation, StorageErrorCodeInvalidPageRange, StorageErrorCodeInvalidQueryParameterValue, StorageErrorCodeInvalidRange, StorageErrorCodeInvalidResourceName, StorageErrorCodeInvalidSourceBlobType, StorageErrorCodeInvalidSourceBlobURL, StorageErrorCodeInvalidURI, StorageErrorCodeInvalidVersionForPageBlobOperation, StorageErrorCodeInvalidXMLDocument, StorageErrorCodeInvalidXMLNodeValue, StorageErrorCodeLeaseAlreadyBroken, StorageErrorCodeLeaseAlreadyPresent, StorageErrorCodeLeaseIDMismatchWithBlobOperation, StorageErrorCodeLeaseIDMismatchWithContainerOperation, StorageErrorCodeLeaseIDMismatchWithLeaseOperation, StorageErrorCodeLeaseIDMissing, StorageErrorCodeLeaseIsBreakingAndCannotBeAcquired, StorageErrorCodeLeaseIsBreakingAndCannotBeChanged, StorageErrorCodeLeaseIsBrokenAndCannotBeRenewed, StorageErrorCodeLeaseLost, StorageErrorCodeLeaseNotPresentWithBlobOperation, StorageErrorCodeLeaseNotPresentWithContainerOperation, StorageErrorCodeLeaseNotPresentWithLeaseOperation, StorageErrorCodeMaxBlobSizeConditionNotMet, StorageErrorCodeMd5Mismatch, StorageErrorCodeMetadataTooLarge, StorageErrorCodeMissingContentLengthHeader, StorageErrorCodeMissingRequiredHeader, StorageErrorCodeMissingRequiredQueryParameter, StorageErrorCodeMissingRequiredXMLNode, StorageErrorCodeMultipleConditionHeadersNotSupported, StorageErrorCodeNoAuthenticationInformation, StorageErrorCodeNone, StorageErrorCodeNoPendingCopyOperation, StorageErrorCodeOperationNotAllowedOnIncrementalCopyBlob, StorageErrorCodeOperationTimedOut, StorageErrorCodeOutOfRangeInput, StorageErrorCodeOutOfRangeQueryParameterValue, StorageErrorCodePendingCopyOperation, StorageErrorCodePreviousSnapshotCannotBeNewer, StorageErrorCodePreviousSnapshotNotFound, StorageErrorCodePreviousSnapshotOperationNotSupported, StorageErrorCodeRequestBodyTooLarge, StorageErrorCodeRequestURLFailedToParse, StorageErrorCodeResourceAlreadyExists, StorageErrorCodeResourceNotFound, StorageErrorCodeResourceTypeMismatch, StorageErrorCodeSequenceNumberConditionNotMet, StorageErrorCodeSequenceNumberIncrementTooLarge, StorageErrorCodeServerBusy, StorageErrorCodeSnaphotOperationRateExceeded, StorageErrorCodeSnapshotCountExceeded, StorageErrorCodeSnapshotsPresent, StorageErrorCodeSourceConditionNotMet, StorageErrorCodeSystemInUse, StorageErrorCodeTargetConditionNotMet, StorageErrorCodeUnauthorizedBlobOverwrite, StorageErrorCodeUnsupportedHeader, StorageErrorCodeUnsupportedHTTPVerb, StorageErrorCodeUnsupportedQueryParameter, StorageErrorCodeUnsupportedXMLNode} + return []StorageErrorCodeType{StorageErrorCodeAccountAlreadyExists, StorageErrorCodeAccountBeingCreated, StorageErrorCodeAccountIsDisabled, StorageErrorCodeAppendPositionConditionNotMet, StorageErrorCodeAuthenticationFailed, StorageErrorCodeAuthorizationFailure, StorageErrorCodeAuthorizationPermissionMismatch, StorageErrorCodeAuthorizationProtocolMismatch, StorageErrorCodeAuthorizationResourceTypeMismatch, StorageErrorCodeAuthorizationServiceMismatch, StorageErrorCodeAuthorizationSourceIPMismatch, StorageErrorCodeBlobAlreadyExists, StorageErrorCodeBlobArchived, StorageErrorCodeBlobBeingRehydrated, StorageErrorCodeBlobImmutableDueToPolicy, StorageErrorCodeBlobNotArchived, StorageErrorCodeBlobNotFound, StorageErrorCodeBlobOverwritten, StorageErrorCodeBlobTierInadequateForContentLength, StorageErrorCodeBlockCountExceedsLimit, StorageErrorCodeBlockListTooLong, StorageErrorCodeCannotChangeToLowerTier, StorageErrorCodeCannotVerifyCopySource, StorageErrorCodeConditionHeadersNotSupported, StorageErrorCodeConditionNotMet, StorageErrorCodeContainerAlreadyExists, StorageErrorCodeContainerBeingDeleted, StorageErrorCodeContainerDisabled, StorageErrorCodeContainerNotFound, StorageErrorCodeContentLengthLargerThanTierLimit, StorageErrorCodeCopyAcrossAccountsNotSupported, StorageErrorCodeCopyIDMismatch, StorageErrorCodeEmptyMetadataKey, StorageErrorCodeFeatureVersionMismatch, StorageErrorCodeIncrementalCopyBlobMismatch, StorageErrorCodeIncrementalCopyOfEralierVersionSnapshotNotAllowed, StorageErrorCodeIncrementalCopySourceMustBeSnapshot, StorageErrorCodeInfiniteLeaseDurationRequired, StorageErrorCodeInsufficientAccountPermissions, StorageErrorCodeInternalError, StorageErrorCodeInvalidAuthenticationInfo, StorageErrorCodeInvalidBlobOrBlock, StorageErrorCodeInvalidBlobTier, StorageErrorCodeInvalidBlobType, StorageErrorCodeInvalidBlockID, StorageErrorCodeInvalidBlockList, StorageErrorCodeInvalidHeaderValue, StorageErrorCodeInvalidHTTPVerb, StorageErrorCodeInvalidInput, StorageErrorCodeInvalidMd5, StorageErrorCodeInvalidMetadata, StorageErrorCodeInvalidOperation, StorageErrorCodeInvalidPageRange, StorageErrorCodeInvalidQueryParameterValue, StorageErrorCodeInvalidRange, StorageErrorCodeInvalidResourceName, StorageErrorCodeInvalidSourceBlobType, StorageErrorCodeInvalidSourceBlobURL, StorageErrorCodeInvalidURI, StorageErrorCodeInvalidVersionForPageBlobOperation, StorageErrorCodeInvalidXMLDocument, StorageErrorCodeInvalidXMLNodeValue, StorageErrorCodeLeaseAlreadyBroken, StorageErrorCodeLeaseAlreadyPresent, StorageErrorCodeLeaseIDMismatchWithBlobOperation, StorageErrorCodeLeaseIDMismatchWithContainerOperation, StorageErrorCodeLeaseIDMismatchWithLeaseOperation, StorageErrorCodeLeaseIDMissing, StorageErrorCodeLeaseIsBreakingAndCannotBeAcquired, StorageErrorCodeLeaseIsBreakingAndCannotBeChanged, StorageErrorCodeLeaseIsBrokenAndCannotBeRenewed, StorageErrorCodeLeaseLost, StorageErrorCodeLeaseNotPresentWithBlobOperation, StorageErrorCodeLeaseNotPresentWithContainerOperation, StorageErrorCodeLeaseNotPresentWithLeaseOperation, StorageErrorCodeMaxBlobSizeConditionNotMet, StorageErrorCodeMd5Mismatch, StorageErrorCodeMetadataTooLarge, StorageErrorCodeMissingContentLengthHeader, StorageErrorCodeMissingRequiredHeader, StorageErrorCodeMissingRequiredQueryParameter, StorageErrorCodeMissingRequiredXMLNode, StorageErrorCodeMultipleConditionHeadersNotSupported, StorageErrorCodeNoAuthenticationInformation, StorageErrorCodeNone, StorageErrorCodeNoPendingCopyOperation, StorageErrorCodeOperationNotAllowedOnIncrementalCopyBlob, StorageErrorCodeOperationTimedOut, StorageErrorCodeOutOfRangeInput, StorageErrorCodeOutOfRangeQueryParameterValue, StorageErrorCodePendingCopyOperation, StorageErrorCodePreviousSnapshotCannotBeNewer, StorageErrorCodePreviousSnapshotNotFound, StorageErrorCodePreviousSnapshotOperationNotSupported, StorageErrorCodeRequestBodyTooLarge, StorageErrorCodeRequestURLFailedToParse, StorageErrorCodeResourceAlreadyExists, StorageErrorCodeResourceNotFound, StorageErrorCodeResourceTypeMismatch, StorageErrorCodeSequenceNumberConditionNotMet, StorageErrorCodeSequenceNumberIncrementTooLarge, StorageErrorCodeServerBusy, StorageErrorCodeSnaphotOperationRateExceeded, StorageErrorCodeSnapshotCountExceeded, StorageErrorCodeSnapshotsPresent, StorageErrorCodeSourceConditionNotMet, StorageErrorCodeSystemInUse, StorageErrorCodeTargetConditionNotMet, StorageErrorCodeUnauthorizedBlobOverwrite, StorageErrorCodeUnsupportedHeader, StorageErrorCodeUnsupportedHTTPVerb, StorageErrorCodeUnsupportedQueryParameter, StorageErrorCodeUnsupportedXMLNode} } // SyncCopyStatusType enumerates the values for sync copy status type. @@ -1258,6 +1277,21 @@ func (absr AppendBlobSealResponse) Version() string { return absr.rawResponse.Header.Get("x-ms-version") } +// ArrowConfiguration - arrow configuration +type ArrowConfiguration struct { + Schema []ArrowField `xml:"Schema>Field"` +} + +// ArrowField - field of an arrow schema +type ArrowField struct { + // XMLName is used for marshalling and is subject to removal in a future release. + XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Field"` + Type string `xml:"Type"` + Name *string `xml:"Name"` + Precision *int32 `xml:"Precision"` + Scale *int32 `xml:"Scale"` +} + // BlobAbortCopyFromURLResponse ... type BlobAbortCopyFromURLResponse struct { rawResponse *http.Response @@ -2229,6 +2263,19 @@ func (bgpr BlobGetPropertiesResponse) IsServerEncrypted() string { return bgpr.rawResponse.Header.Get("x-ms-server-encrypted") } +// LastAccessed returns the value for header x-ms-last-access-time. +func (bgpr BlobGetPropertiesResponse) LastAccessed() time.Time { + s := bgpr.rawResponse.Header.Get("x-ms-last-access-time") + if s == "" { + return time.Time{} + } + t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, s) + if err != nil { + t = time.Time{} + } + return t +} + // LastModified returns the value for header Last-Modified. func (bgpr BlobGetPropertiesResponse) LastModified() time.Time { s := bgpr.rawResponse.Header.Get("Last-Modified") @@ -2311,15 +2358,13 @@ type BlobHierarchyListSegment struct { // BlobItemInternal - An Azure Storage blob type BlobItemInternal struct { // XMLName is used for marshalling and is subject to removal in a future release. - XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Blob"` - Name string `xml:"Name"` - Deleted bool `xml:"Deleted"` - Snapshot string `xml:"Snapshot"` - VersionID *string `xml:"VersionId"` - IsCurrentVersion *bool `xml:"IsCurrentVersion"` - Properties BlobProperties `xml:"Properties"` - - // TODO funky generator type -> *BlobMetadata + XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Blob"` + Name string `xml:"Name"` + Deleted bool `xml:"Deleted"` + Snapshot string `xml:"Snapshot"` + VersionID *string `xml:"VersionId"` + IsCurrentVersion *bool `xml:"IsCurrentVersion"` + Properties BlobProperties `xml:"Properties"` Metadata Metadata `xml:"Metadata"` BlobTags *BlobTags `xml:"Tags"` ObjectReplicationMetadata map[string]string `xml:"ObjectReplicationMetadata"` @@ -2386,18 +2431,19 @@ type BlobProperties struct { AccessTierChangeTime *time.Time `xml:"AccessTierChangeTime"` TagCount *int32 `xml:"TagCount"` ExpiresOn *time.Time `xml:"Expiry-Time"` - IsSealed *bool `xml:"IsSealed"` + IsSealed *bool `xml:"Sealed"` // RehydratePriority - Possible values include: 'RehydratePriorityHigh', 'RehydratePriorityStandard', 'RehydratePriorityNone' RehydratePriority RehydratePriorityType `xml:"RehydratePriority"` + LastAccessedOn *time.Time `xml:"LastAccessTime"` } -// MarshalXML implements the xml.Marshaler interface for BlobProperties. +// MarshalXML implements the xml.Marshaler interface for BlobPropertiesInternal. func (bpi BlobProperties) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { bpi2 := (*blobProperties)(unsafe.Pointer(&bpi)) return e.EncodeElement(*bpi2, start) } -// UnmarshalXML implements the xml.Unmarshaler interface for BlobProperties. +// UnmarshalXML implements the xml.Unmarshaler interface for BlobPropertiesInternal. func (bpi *BlobProperties) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { bpi2 := (*blobProperties)(unsafe.Pointer(bpi)) return d.DecodeElement(bpi2, &start) @@ -3242,7 +3288,7 @@ type Block struct { // Name - The base64 encoded block ID. Name string `xml:"Name"` // Size - The block size in bytes. - Size int64 `xml:"Size"` + Size int32 `xml:"Size"` } // BlockBlobCommitBlockListResponse ... @@ -3362,6 +3408,110 @@ func (bbcblr BlockBlobCommitBlockListResponse) XMsContentCrc64() []byte { return b } +// BlockBlobPutBlobFromURLResponse ... +type BlockBlobPutBlobFromURLResponse struct { + rawResponse *http.Response +} + +// Response returns the raw HTTP response object. +func (bbpbfur BlockBlobPutBlobFromURLResponse) Response() *http.Response { + return bbpbfur.rawResponse +} + +// StatusCode returns the HTTP status code of the response, e.g. 200. +func (bbpbfur BlockBlobPutBlobFromURLResponse) StatusCode() int { + return bbpbfur.rawResponse.StatusCode +} + +// Status returns the HTTP status message of the response, e.g. "200 OK". +func (bbpbfur BlockBlobPutBlobFromURLResponse) Status() string { + return bbpbfur.rawResponse.Status +} + +// ClientRequestID returns the value for header x-ms-client-request-id. +func (bbpbfur BlockBlobPutBlobFromURLResponse) ClientRequestID() string { + return bbpbfur.rawResponse.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id") +} + +// ContentMD5 returns the value for header Content-MD5. +func (bbpbfur BlockBlobPutBlobFromURLResponse) ContentMD5() []byte { + s := bbpbfur.rawResponse.Header.Get("Content-MD5") + if s == "" { + return nil + } + b, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(s) + if err != nil { + b = nil + } + return b +} + +// Date returns the value for header Date. +func (bbpbfur BlockBlobPutBlobFromURLResponse) Date() time.Time { + s := bbpbfur.rawResponse.Header.Get("Date") + if s == "" { + return time.Time{} + } + t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, s) + if err != nil { + t = time.Time{} + } + return t +} + +// EncryptionKeySha256 returns the value for header x-ms-encryption-key-sha256. +func (bbpbfur BlockBlobPutBlobFromURLResponse) EncryptionKeySha256() string { + return bbpbfur.rawResponse.Header.Get("x-ms-encryption-key-sha256") +} + +// EncryptionScope returns the value for header x-ms-encryption-scope. +func (bbpbfur BlockBlobPutBlobFromURLResponse) EncryptionScope() string { + return bbpbfur.rawResponse.Header.Get("x-ms-encryption-scope") +} + +// ErrorCode returns the value for header x-ms-error-code. +func (bbpbfur BlockBlobPutBlobFromURLResponse) ErrorCode() string { + return bbpbfur.rawResponse.Header.Get("x-ms-error-code") +} + +// ETag returns the value for header ETag. +func (bbpbfur BlockBlobPutBlobFromURLResponse) ETag() ETag { + return ETag(bbpbfur.rawResponse.Header.Get("ETag")) +} + +// IsServerEncrypted returns the value for header x-ms-request-server-encrypted. +func (bbpbfur BlockBlobPutBlobFromURLResponse) IsServerEncrypted() string { + return bbpbfur.rawResponse.Header.Get("x-ms-request-server-encrypted") +} + +// LastModified returns the value for header Last-Modified. +func (bbpbfur BlockBlobPutBlobFromURLResponse) LastModified() time.Time { + s := bbpbfur.rawResponse.Header.Get("Last-Modified") + if s == "" { + return time.Time{} + } + t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, s) + if err != nil { + t = time.Time{} + } + return t +} + +// RequestID returns the value for header x-ms-request-id. +func (bbpbfur BlockBlobPutBlobFromURLResponse) RequestID() string { + return bbpbfur.rawResponse.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id") +} + +// Version returns the value for header x-ms-version. +func (bbpbfur BlockBlobPutBlobFromURLResponse) Version() string { + return bbpbfur.rawResponse.Header.Get("x-ms-version") +} + +// VersionID returns the value for header x-ms-version-id. +func (bbpbfur BlockBlobPutBlobFromURLResponse) VersionID() string { + return bbpbfur.rawResponse.Header.Get("x-ms-version-id") +} + // BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLResponse ... type BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLResponse struct { rawResponse *http.Response @@ -4421,6 +4571,59 @@ func (crlr ContainerReleaseLeaseResponse) Version() string { return crlr.rawResponse.Header.Get("x-ms-version") } +// ContainerRenameResponse ... +type ContainerRenameResponse struct { + rawResponse *http.Response +} + +// Response returns the raw HTTP response object. +func (crr ContainerRenameResponse) Response() *http.Response { + return crr.rawResponse +} + +// StatusCode returns the HTTP status code of the response, e.g. 200. +func (crr ContainerRenameResponse) StatusCode() int { + return crr.rawResponse.StatusCode +} + +// Status returns the HTTP status message of the response, e.g. "200 OK". +func (crr ContainerRenameResponse) Status() string { + return crr.rawResponse.Status +} + +// ClientRequestID returns the value for header x-ms-client-request-id. +func (crr ContainerRenameResponse) ClientRequestID() string { + return crr.rawResponse.Header.Get("x-ms-client-request-id") +} + +// Date returns the value for header Date. +func (crr ContainerRenameResponse) Date() time.Time { + s := crr.rawResponse.Header.Get("Date") + if s == "" { + return time.Time{} + } + t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, s) + if err != nil { + t = time.Time{} + } + return t +} + +// ErrorCode returns the value for header x-ms-error-code. +func (crr ContainerRenameResponse) ErrorCode() string { + return crr.rawResponse.Header.Get("x-ms-error-code") +} + +// RequestID returns the value for header x-ms-request-id. +func (crr ContainerRenameResponse) RequestID() string { + return crr.rawResponse.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id") +} + +// Version returns the value for header x-ms-version. +func (crr ContainerRenameResponse) Version() string { + return crr.rawResponse.Header.Get("x-ms-version") +} + // ContainerRenewLeaseResponse ... type ContainerRenewLeaseResponse struct { rawResponse *http.Response @@ -5339,6 +5542,11 @@ func (dr downloadResponse) ETag() ETag { return ETag(dr.rawResponse.Header.Get("ETag")) } +// IsCurrentVersion returns the value for header x-ms-is-current-version. +func (dr downloadResponse) IsCurrentVersion() string { + return dr.rawResponse.Header.Get("x-ms-is-current-version") +} + // IsSealed returns the value for header x-ms-blob-sealed. func (dr downloadResponse) IsSealed() string { return dr.rawResponse.Header.Get("x-ms-blob-sealed") @@ -5349,6 +5557,19 @@ func (dr downloadResponse) IsServerEncrypted() string { return dr.rawResponse.Header.Get("x-ms-server-encrypted") } +// LastAccessed returns the value for header x-ms-last-access-time. +func (dr downloadResponse) LastAccessed() time.Time { + s := dr.rawResponse.Header.Get("x-ms-last-access-time") + if s == "" { + return time.Time{} + } + t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, s) + if err != nil { + t = time.Time{} + } + return t +} + // LastModified returns the value for header Last-Modified. func (dr downloadResponse) LastModified() time.Time { s := dr.rawResponse.Header.Get("Last-Modified") @@ -5418,10 +5639,10 @@ func (dr downloadResponse) VersionID() string { // FilterBlobItem - Blob info from a Filter Blobs API call type FilterBlobItem struct { // XMLName is used for marshalling and is subject to removal in a future release. - XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Blob"` - Name string `xml:"Name"` - ContainerName string `xml:"ContainerName"` - TagValue string `xml:"TagValue"` + XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Blob"` + Name string `xml:"Name"` + ContainerName string `xml:"ContainerName"` + Tags *BlobTags `xml:"Tags"` } // FilterBlobSegment - The result of a Filter Blobs API call @@ -6528,10 +6749,11 @@ type PageRange struct { // QueryFormat ... type QueryFormat struct { - // Type - Possible values include: 'QueryFormatDelimited', 'QueryFormatJSON', 'QueryFormatNone' + // Type - Possible values include: 'QueryFormatDelimited', 'QueryFormatJSON', 'QueryFormatArrow', 'QueryFormatNone' Type QueryFormatType `xml:"Type"` DelimitedTextConfiguration *DelimitedTextConfiguration `xml:"DelimitedTextConfiguration"` JSONTextConfiguration *JSONTextConfiguration `xml:"JsonTextConfiguration"` + ArrowConfiguration *ArrowConfiguration `xml:"ArrowConfiguration"` } // QueryRequest - the quick query body @@ -6830,6 +7052,8 @@ type RetentionPolicy struct { Enabled bool `xml:"Enabled"` // Days - Indicates the number of days that metrics or logging or soft-deleted data should be retained. All data older than this value will be deleted Days *int32 `xml:"Days"` + // AllowPermanentDelete - Indicates whether permanent delete is allowed on this storage account. + AllowPermanentDelete *bool `xml:"AllowPermanentDelete"` } // ServiceGetAccountInfoResponse ... @@ -6880,6 +7104,11 @@ func (sgair ServiceGetAccountInfoResponse) ErrorCode() string { return sgair.rawResponse.Header.Get("x-ms-error-code") } +// IsHierarchicalNamespaceEnabled returns the value for header x-ms-is-hns-enabled. +func (sgair ServiceGetAccountInfoResponse) IsHierarchicalNamespaceEnabled() string { + return sgair.rawResponse.Header.Get("x-ms-is-hns-enabled") +} + // RequestID returns the value for header x-ms-request-id. func (sgair ServiceGetAccountInfoResponse) RequestID() string { return sgair.rawResponse.Header.Get("x-ms-request-id") @@ -7031,6 +7260,11 @@ type StaticWebsite struct { DefaultIndexDocumentPath *string `xml:"DefaultIndexDocumentPath"` } +// StorageError ... +// type StorageError struct { +// Message *string `xml:"Message"` +// } + // StorageServiceProperties - Storage Service Properties. type StorageServiceProperties struct { rawResponse *http.Response @@ -7134,7 +7368,7 @@ func (sss StorageServiceStats) Version() string { return sss.rawResponse.Header.Get("x-ms-version") } -// SubmitBatchResponse - Wraps the response from the serviceClient.SubmitBatch method. +// SubmitBatchResponse - Wraps the response from the containerClient.SubmitBatch method. type SubmitBatchResponse struct { rawResponse *http.Response } @@ -7266,7 +7500,7 @@ func init() { validateError(errors.New("size mismatch between AccessPolicy and accessPolicy")) } if reflect.TypeOf((*BlobProperties)(nil)).Elem().Size() != reflect.TypeOf((*blobProperties)(nil)).Elem().Size() { - validateError(errors.New("size mismatch between BlobProperties and blobProperties")) + validateError(errors.New("size mismatch between BlobPropertiesInternal and blobPropertiesInternal")) } if reflect.TypeOf((*ContainerProperties)(nil)).Elem().Size() != reflect.TypeOf((*containerProperties)(nil)).Elem().Size() { validateError(errors.New("size mismatch between ContainerProperties and containerProperties")) @@ -7277,7 +7511,7 @@ func init() { } const ( - rfc3339Format = "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z" //This was wrong in the generated code, FYI + rfc3339Format = "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z" ) // used to convert times from UTC to GMT before sending across the wire @@ -7392,8 +7626,9 @@ type blobProperties struct { AccessTierChangeTime *timeRFC1123 `xml:"AccessTierChangeTime"` TagCount *int32 `xml:"TagCount"` ExpiresOn *timeRFC1123 `xml:"Expiry-Time"` - IsSealed *bool `xml:"IsSealed"` + IsSealed *bool `xml:"Sealed"` RehydratePriority RehydratePriorityType `xml:"RehydratePriority"` + LastAccessedOn *timeRFC1123 `xml:"LastAccessTime"` } // internal type used for marshalling diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zz_generated_page_blob.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zz_generated_page_blob.go index b55ae12bbda4..6bc10f099194 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zz_generated_page_blob.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zz_generated_page_blob.go @@ -48,16 +48,17 @@ func newPageBlobClient(url url.URL, p pipeline.Pipeline) pageBlobClient { // on a blob if it has been modified since the specified date/time. ifUnmodifiedSince is specify this header value to // operate only on a blob if it has not been modified since the specified date/time. ifMatch is specify an ETag value // to operate only on blobs with a matching value. ifNoneMatch is specify an ETag value to operate only on blobs -// without a matching value. requestID is provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is -// recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. -func (client pageBlobClient) ClearPages(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, timeout *int32, rangeParameter *string, leaseID *string, encryptionKey *string, encryptionKeySha256 *string, encryptionAlgorithm EncryptionAlgorithmType, encryptionScope *string, ifSequenceNumberLessThanOrEqualTo *int64, ifSequenceNumberLessThan *int64, ifSequenceNumberEqualTo *int64, ifModifiedSince *time.Time, ifUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, ifMatch *ETag, ifNoneMatch *ETag, requestID *string) (*PageBlobClearPagesResponse, error) { +// without a matching value. ifTags is specify a SQL where clause on blob tags to operate only on blobs with a matching +// value. requestID is provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the +// analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. +func (client pageBlobClient) ClearPages(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, timeout *int32, rangeParameter *string, leaseID *string, encryptionKey *string, encryptionKeySha256 *string, encryptionAlgorithm EncryptionAlgorithmType, encryptionScope *string, ifSequenceNumberLessThanOrEqualTo *int64, ifSequenceNumberLessThan *int64, ifSequenceNumberEqualTo *int64, ifModifiedSince *time.Time, ifUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, ifMatch *ETag, ifNoneMatch *ETag, ifTags *string, requestID *string) (*PageBlobClearPagesResponse, error) { if err := validate([]validation{ {targetValue: timeout, constraints: []constraint{{target: "timeout", name: null, rule: false, chain: []constraint{{target: "timeout", name: inclusiveMinimum, rule: 0, chain: nil}}}}}}); err != nil { return nil, err } - req, err := client.clearPagesPreparer(contentLength, timeout, rangeParameter, leaseID, encryptionKey, encryptionKeySha256, encryptionAlgorithm, encryptionScope, ifSequenceNumberLessThanOrEqualTo, ifSequenceNumberLessThan, ifSequenceNumberEqualTo, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, requestID) + req, err := client.clearPagesPreparer(contentLength, timeout, rangeParameter, leaseID, encryptionKey, encryptionKeySha256, encryptionAlgorithm, encryptionScope, ifSequenceNumberLessThanOrEqualTo, ifSequenceNumberLessThan, ifSequenceNumberEqualTo, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags, requestID) if err != nil { return nil, err } @@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ func (client pageBlobClient) ClearPages(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64 } // clearPagesPreparer prepares the ClearPages request. -func (client pageBlobClient) clearPagesPreparer(contentLength int64, timeout *int32, rangeParameter *string, leaseID *string, encryptionKey *string, encryptionKeySha256 *string, encryptionAlgorithm EncryptionAlgorithmType, encryptionScope *string, ifSequenceNumberLessThanOrEqualTo *int64, ifSequenceNumberLessThan *int64, ifSequenceNumberEqualTo *int64, ifModifiedSince *time.Time, ifUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, ifMatch *ETag, ifNoneMatch *ETag, requestID *string) (pipeline.Request, error) { +func (client pageBlobClient) clearPagesPreparer(contentLength int64, timeout *int32, rangeParameter *string, leaseID *string, encryptionKey *string, encryptionKeySha256 *string, encryptionAlgorithm EncryptionAlgorithmType, encryptionScope *string, ifSequenceNumberLessThanOrEqualTo *int64, ifSequenceNumberLessThan *int64, ifSequenceNumberEqualTo *int64, ifModifiedSince *time.Time, ifUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, ifMatch *ETag, ifNoneMatch *ETag, ifTags *string, requestID *string) (pipeline.Request, error) { req, err := pipeline.NewRequest("PUT", client.url, nil) if err != nil { return req, pipeline.NewError(err, "failed to create request") @@ -120,6 +121,9 @@ func (client pageBlobClient) clearPagesPreparer(contentLength int64, timeout *in if ifNoneMatch != nil { req.Header.Set("If-None-Match", string(*ifNoneMatch)) } + if ifTags != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *ifTags) + } req.Header.Set("x-ms-version", ServiceVersion) if requestID != nil { req.Header.Set("x-ms-client-request-id", *requestID) @@ -153,16 +157,17 @@ func (client pageBlobClient) clearPagesResponder(resp pipeline.Response) (pipeli // it has been modified since the specified date/time. ifUnmodifiedSince is specify this header value to operate only // on a blob if it has not been modified since the specified date/time. ifMatch is specify an ETag value to operate // only on blobs with a matching value. ifNoneMatch is specify an ETag value to operate only on blobs without a -// matching value. requestID is provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded -// in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. -func (client pageBlobClient) CopyIncremental(ctx context.Context, copySource string, timeout *int32, ifModifiedSince *time.Time, ifUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, ifMatch *ETag, ifNoneMatch *ETag, requestID *string) (*PageBlobCopyIncrementalResponse, error) { +// matching value. ifTags is specify a SQL where clause on blob tags to operate only on blobs with a matching value. +// requestID is provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics +// logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. +func (client pageBlobClient) CopyIncremental(ctx context.Context, copySource string, timeout *int32, ifModifiedSince *time.Time, ifUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, ifMatch *ETag, ifNoneMatch *ETag, ifTags *string, requestID *string) (*PageBlobCopyIncrementalResponse, error) { if err := validate([]validation{ {targetValue: timeout, constraints: []constraint{{target: "timeout", name: null, rule: false, chain: []constraint{{target: "timeout", name: inclusiveMinimum, rule: 0, chain: nil}}}}}}); err != nil { return nil, err } - req, err := client.copyIncrementalPreparer(copySource, timeout, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, requestID) + req, err := client.copyIncrementalPreparer(copySource, timeout, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags, requestID) if err != nil { return nil, err } @@ -174,7 +179,7 @@ func (client pageBlobClient) CopyIncremental(ctx context.Context, copySource str } // copyIncrementalPreparer prepares the CopyIncremental request. -func (client pageBlobClient) copyIncrementalPreparer(copySource string, timeout *int32, ifModifiedSince *time.Time, ifUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, ifMatch *ETag, ifNoneMatch *ETag, requestID *string) (pipeline.Request, error) { +func (client pageBlobClient) copyIncrementalPreparer(copySource string, timeout *int32, ifModifiedSince *time.Time, ifUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, ifMatch *ETag, ifNoneMatch *ETag, ifTags *string, requestID *string) (pipeline.Request, error) { req, err := pipeline.NewRequest("PUT", client.url, nil) if err != nil { return req, pipeline.NewError(err, "failed to create request") @@ -197,6 +202,9 @@ func (client pageBlobClient) copyIncrementalPreparer(copySource string, timeout if ifNoneMatch != nil { req.Header.Set("If-None-Match", string(*ifNoneMatch)) } + if ifTags != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *ifTags) + } req.Header.Set("x-ms-copy-source", copySource) req.Header.Set("x-ms-version", ServiceVersion) if requestID != nil { @@ -601,17 +609,18 @@ func (client pageBlobClient) getPageRangesDiffResponder(resp pipeline.Response) // Services. ifModifiedSince is specify this header value to operate only on a blob if it has been modified since the // specified date/time. ifUnmodifiedSince is specify this header value to operate only on a blob if it has not been // modified since the specified date/time. ifMatch is specify an ETag value to operate only on blobs with a matching -// value. ifNoneMatch is specify an ETag value to operate only on blobs without a matching value. requestID is provides -// a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage +// value. ifNoneMatch is specify an ETag value to operate only on blobs without a matching value. ifTags is specify a +// SQL where clause on blob tags to operate only on blobs with a matching value. requestID is provides a +// client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage // analytics logging is enabled. -func (client pageBlobClient) Resize(ctx context.Context, blobContentLength int64, timeout *int32, leaseID *string, encryptionKey *string, encryptionKeySha256 *string, encryptionAlgorithm EncryptionAlgorithmType, encryptionScope *string, ifModifiedSince *time.Time, ifUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, ifMatch *ETag, ifNoneMatch *ETag, requestID *string) (*PageBlobResizeResponse, error) { +func (client pageBlobClient) Resize(ctx context.Context, blobContentLength int64, timeout *int32, leaseID *string, encryptionKey *string, encryptionKeySha256 *string, encryptionAlgorithm EncryptionAlgorithmType, encryptionScope *string, ifModifiedSince *time.Time, ifUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, ifMatch *ETag, ifNoneMatch *ETag, ifTags *string, requestID *string) (*PageBlobResizeResponse, error) { if err := validate([]validation{ {targetValue: timeout, constraints: []constraint{{target: "timeout", name: null, rule: false, chain: []constraint{{target: "timeout", name: inclusiveMinimum, rule: 0, chain: nil}}}}}}); err != nil { return nil, err } - req, err := client.resizePreparer(blobContentLength, timeout, leaseID, encryptionKey, encryptionKeySha256, encryptionAlgorithm, encryptionScope, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, requestID) + req, err := client.resizePreparer(blobContentLength, timeout, leaseID, encryptionKey, encryptionKeySha256, encryptionAlgorithm, encryptionScope, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags, requestID) if err != nil { return nil, err } @@ -623,7 +632,7 @@ func (client pageBlobClient) Resize(ctx context.Context, blobContentLength int64 } // resizePreparer prepares the Resize request. -func (client pageBlobClient) resizePreparer(blobContentLength int64, timeout *int32, leaseID *string, encryptionKey *string, encryptionKeySha256 *string, encryptionAlgorithm EncryptionAlgorithmType, encryptionScope *string, ifModifiedSince *time.Time, ifUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, ifMatch *ETag, ifNoneMatch *ETag, requestID *string) (pipeline.Request, error) { +func (client pageBlobClient) resizePreparer(blobContentLength int64, timeout *int32, leaseID *string, encryptionKey *string, encryptionKeySha256 *string, encryptionAlgorithm EncryptionAlgorithmType, encryptionScope *string, ifModifiedSince *time.Time, ifUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, ifMatch *ETag, ifNoneMatch *ETag, ifTags *string, requestID *string) (pipeline.Request, error) { req, err := pipeline.NewRequest("PUT", client.url, nil) if err != nil { return req, pipeline.NewError(err, "failed to create request") @@ -661,6 +670,9 @@ func (client pageBlobClient) resizePreparer(blobContentLength int64, timeout *in if ifNoneMatch != nil { req.Header.Set("If-None-Match", string(*ifNoneMatch)) } + if ifTags != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *ifTags) + } req.Header.Set("x-ms-blob-content-length", strconv.FormatInt(blobContentLength, 10)) req.Header.Set("x-ms-version", ServiceVersion) if requestID != nil { @@ -691,18 +703,18 @@ func (client pageBlobClient) resizeResponder(resp pipeline.Response) (pipeline.R // has been modified since the specified date/time. ifUnmodifiedSince is specify this header value to operate only on a // blob if it has not been modified since the specified date/time. ifMatch is specify an ETag value to operate only on // blobs with a matching value. ifNoneMatch is specify an ETag value to operate only on blobs without a matching value. -// blobSequenceNumber is set for page blobs only. The sequence number is a user-controlled value that you can use to -// track requests. The value of the sequence number must be between 0 and 2^63 - 1. requestID is provides a -// client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage -// analytics logging is enabled. -func (client pageBlobClient) UpdateSequenceNumber(ctx context.Context, sequenceNumberAction SequenceNumberActionType, timeout *int32, leaseID *string, ifModifiedSince *time.Time, ifUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, ifMatch *ETag, ifNoneMatch *ETag, blobSequenceNumber *int64, requestID *string) (*PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberResponse, error) { +// ifTags is specify a SQL where clause on blob tags to operate only on blobs with a matching value. blobSequenceNumber +// is set for page blobs only. The sequence number is a user-controlled value that you can use to track requests. The +// value of the sequence number must be between 0 and 2^63 - 1. requestID is provides a client-generated, opaque value +// with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled. +func (client pageBlobClient) UpdateSequenceNumber(ctx context.Context, sequenceNumberAction SequenceNumberActionType, timeout *int32, leaseID *string, ifModifiedSince *time.Time, ifUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, ifMatch *ETag, ifNoneMatch *ETag, ifTags *string, blobSequenceNumber *int64, requestID *string) (*PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberResponse, error) { if err := validate([]validation{ {targetValue: timeout, constraints: []constraint{{target: "timeout", name: null, rule: false, chain: []constraint{{target: "timeout", name: inclusiveMinimum, rule: 0, chain: nil}}}}}}); err != nil { return nil, err } - req, err := client.updateSequenceNumberPreparer(sequenceNumberAction, timeout, leaseID, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, blobSequenceNumber, requestID) + req, err := client.updateSequenceNumberPreparer(sequenceNumberAction, timeout, leaseID, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags, blobSequenceNumber, requestID) if err != nil { return nil, err } @@ -714,7 +726,7 @@ func (client pageBlobClient) UpdateSequenceNumber(ctx context.Context, sequenceN } // updateSequenceNumberPreparer prepares the UpdateSequenceNumber request. -func (client pageBlobClient) updateSequenceNumberPreparer(sequenceNumberAction SequenceNumberActionType, timeout *int32, leaseID *string, ifModifiedSince *time.Time, ifUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, ifMatch *ETag, ifNoneMatch *ETag, blobSequenceNumber *int64, requestID *string) (pipeline.Request, error) { +func (client pageBlobClient) updateSequenceNumberPreparer(sequenceNumberAction SequenceNumberActionType, timeout *int32, leaseID *string, ifModifiedSince *time.Time, ifUnmodifiedSince *time.Time, ifMatch *ETag, ifNoneMatch *ETag, ifTags *string, blobSequenceNumber *int64, requestID *string) (pipeline.Request, error) { req, err := pipeline.NewRequest("PUT", client.url, nil) if err != nil { return req, pipeline.NewError(err, "failed to create request") @@ -740,6 +752,9 @@ func (client pageBlobClient) updateSequenceNumberPreparer(sequenceNumberAction S if ifNoneMatch != nil { req.Header.Set("If-None-Match", string(*ifNoneMatch)) } + if ifTags != nil { + req.Header.Set("x-ms-if-tags", *ifTags) + } req.Header.Set("x-ms-sequence-number-action", string(sequenceNumberAction)) if blobSequenceNumber != nil { req.Header.Set("x-ms-blob-sequence-number", strconv.FormatInt(*blobSequenceNumber, 10)) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zz_generated_version.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zz_generated_version.go index 200b2f5684e2..ee8e4d5e0736 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zz_generated_version.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zz_generated_version.go @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ package azblob // UserAgent returns the UserAgent string to use when sending http.Requests. func UserAgent() string { - return "Azure-SDK-For-Go/0.0.0 azblob/2019-12-12" + return "Azure-SDK-For-Go/0.0.0 azblob/2020-04-08" } // Version returns the semantic version (see http://semver.org) of the client. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zz_response_helpers.go b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zz_response_helpers.go index 5c086c5cf17a..d586b7d428cf 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zz_response_helpers.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob/zz_response_helpers.go @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ func (dr downloadResponse) NewHTTPHeaders() BlobHTTPHeaders { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// DownloadResponse wraps AutoRest generated DownloadResponse and helps to provide info for retry. +// downloadResponse wraps AutoRest generated downloadResponse and helps to provide info for retry. type DownloadResponse struct { r *downloadResponse ctx context.Context diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index 3d8b93bc7987..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ - MIT License - - Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. - - Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy - of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal - in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights - to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell - copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is - furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - - The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all - copies or substantial portions of the Software. - - THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR - IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, - FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE - AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER - LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, - OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE - SOFTWARE diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/cache/cache.go b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/cache/cache.go deleted file mode 100644 index 259ca6d56f4c..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/cache/cache.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. -// Licensed under the MIT license. - -/* -Package cache allows third parties to implement external storage for caching token data -for distributed systems or multiple local applications access. - -The data stored and extracted will represent the entire cache. Therefore it is recommended -one msal instance per user. This data is considered opaque and there are no guarantees to -implementers on the format being passed. -*/ -package cache - -// Marshaler marshals data from an internal cache to bytes that can be stored. -type Marshaler interface { - Marshal() ([]byte, error) -} - -// Unmarshaler unmarshals data from a storage medium into the internal cache, overwriting it. -type Unmarshaler interface { - Unmarshal([]byte) error -} - -// Serializer can serialize the cache to binary or from binary into the cache. -type Serializer interface { - Marshaler - Unmarshaler -} - -// ExportReplace is used export or replace what is in the cache. -type ExportReplace interface { - // Replace replaces the cache with what is in external storage. - // key is the suggested key which can be used for partioning the cache - Replace(cache Unmarshaler, key string) - // Export writes the binary representation of the cache (cache.Marshal()) to - // external storage. This is considered opaque. - // key is the suggested key which can be used for partioning the cache - Export(cache Marshaler, key string) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/confidential/confidential.go b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/confidential/confidential.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0db7ed26a77a..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/confidential/confidential.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,392 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. -// Licensed under the MIT license. - -/* -Package confidential provides a client for authentication of "confidential" applications. -A "confidential" application is defined as an app that run on servers. They are considered -difficult to access and for that reason capable of keeping an application secret. -Confidential clients can hold configuration-time secrets. -*/ -package confidential - -import ( - "context" - "crypto" - "crypto/x509" - "encoding/pem" - "errors" - "fmt" - "net/url" - - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/cache" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/base" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/accesstokens" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/authority" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/shared" -) - -/* -Design note: - -confidential.Client uses base.Client as an embedded type. base.Client statically assigns its attributes -during creation. As it doesn't have any pointers in it, anything borrowed from it, such as -Base.AuthParams is a copy that is free to be manipulated here. - -Duplicate Calls shared between public.Client and this package: -There is some duplicate call options provided here that are the same as in public.Client . This -is a design choices. Go proverb(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAAkCSZUG1c&t=9m28s): -"a little copying is better than a little dependency". Yes, we could have another package with -shared options (fail). That divides like 2 options from all others which makes the user look -through more docs. We can have all clients in one package, but I think separate packages -here makes for better naming (public.Client vs client.PublicClient). So I chose a little -duplication. - -.Net People, Take note on X509: -This uses x509.Certificates and private keys. x509 does not store private keys. .Net -has some x509.Certificate2 thing that has private keys, but that is just some bullcrap that .Net -added, it doesn't exist in real life. Seriously, "x509.Certificate2", bahahahaha. As such I've -put a PEM decoder into here. -*/ - -// TODO(msal): This should have example code for each method on client using Go's example doc framework. -// base usage details should be include in the package documentation. - -// AuthResult contains the results of one token acquisition operation. -// For details see https://aka.ms/msal-net-authenticationresult -type AuthResult = base.AuthResult - -type Account = shared.Account - -// CertFromPEM converts a PEM file (.pem or .key) for use with NewCredFromCert(). The file -// must have the public certificate and the private key encoded. The private key must be encoded -// in PKCS8 (not PKCS1). This is usually denoted by the section "PRIVATE KEY" (instead of PKCS1's -// "RSA PRIVATE KEY"). If a PEM block is encoded and password is not an empty string, it attempts -// to decrypt the PEM blocks using the password. This will return multiple x509 certificates, -// though this use case should have a single cert. Multiple certs are due to certificate -// chaining for use cases like TLS that sign from root to leaf. -func CertFromPEM(pemData []byte, password string) ([]*x509.Certificate, crypto.PrivateKey, error) { - var certs []*x509.Certificate - var priv crypto.PrivateKey - for { - block, rest := pem.Decode(pemData) - if block == nil { - break - } - - //nolint:staticcheck // x509.IsEncryptedPEMBlock and x509.DecryptPEMBlock are deprecated. They are used here only to support a usecase. - if x509.IsEncryptedPEMBlock(block) { - b, err := x509.DecryptPEMBlock(block, []byte(password)) - if err != nil { - return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("could not decrypt encrypted PEM block: %w", err) - } - block, _ = pem.Decode(b) - if block == nil { - return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("encounter encrypted PEM block that did not decode") - } - } - - switch block.Type { - case "CERTIFICATE": - cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(block.Bytes) - if err != nil { - return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("block labelled 'CERTIFICATE' could not be pared by x509: %w", err) - } - certs = append(certs, cert) - case "PRIVATE KEY": - if priv != nil { - return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("found multiple blocks labelled 'PRIVATE KEY'") - } - - var err error - priv, err = parsePrivateKey(block.Bytes) - if err != nil { - return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("could not decode private key: %w", err) - } - } - pemData = rest - } - - if len(certs) == 0 { - return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("no certificates found") - } - - if priv == nil { - return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("no private key found") - } - - return certs, priv, nil -} - -// parsePrivateKey is based on https://gist.github.com/ukautz/cd118e298bbd8f0a88fc . I don't *think* -// we need to do the extra decoding in the example, but *maybe*? -func parsePrivateKey(der []byte) (crypto.PrivateKey, error) { - key, err := x509.ParsePKCS8PrivateKey(der) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("problems decoding private key using PKCS8: %w", err) - } - return key, nil -} - -// Credential represents the credential used in confidential client flows. -type Credential struct { - secret string - - cert *x509.Certificate - key crypto.PrivateKey - - assertion string -} - -// toInternal returns the accesstokens.Credential that is used internally. The current structure of the -// code requires that client.go, requests.go and confidential.go share a credential type without -// having import recursion. That requires the type used between is in a shared package. Therefore -// we have this. -func (c Credential) toInternal() *accesstokens.Credential { - return &accesstokens.Credential{Secret: c.secret, Cert: c.cert, Key: c.key, Assertion: c.assertion} -} - -// NewCredFromSecret creates a Credential from a secret. -func NewCredFromSecret(secret string) (Credential, error) { - if secret == "" { - return Credential{}, errors.New("secret can't be empty string") - } - return Credential{secret: secret}, nil -} - -// NewCredFromAssertion creates a Credential from a signed assertion. -func NewCredFromAssertion(assertion string) (Credential, error) { - if assertion == "" { - return Credential{}, errors.New("assertion can't be empty string") - } - return Credential{assertion: assertion}, nil -} - -// NewCredFromCert creates a Credential from an x509.Certificate and a PKCS8 DER encoded private key. -// CertFromPEM() can be used to get these values from a PEM file storing a PKCS8 private key. -func NewCredFromCert(cert *x509.Certificate, key crypto.PrivateKey) Credential { - return Credential{cert: cert, key: key} -} - -// Client is a representation of authentication client for confidential applications as defined in the -// package doc. A new Client should be created PER SERVICE USER. -// For more information, visit https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory/develop/msal-client-applications -type Client struct { - base base.Client - - cred *accesstokens.Credential - - // userID is some unique identifier for a user. It actually isn't used by us at all, it - // simply acts as another hint that a confidential.Client is for a single user. - userID string -} - -// Options are optional settings for New(). These options are set using various functions -// returning Option calls. -type Options struct { - // Accessor controls cache persistence. - // By default there is no cache persistence. This can be set using the WithAccessor() option. - Accessor cache.ExportReplace - - // The host of the Azure Active Directory authority. - // The default is https://login.microsoftonline.com/common. This can be changed using the - // WithAuthority() option. - Authority string - - // The HTTP client used for making requests. - // It defaults to a shared http.Client. - HTTPClient ops.HTTPClient - - // SendX5C specifies if x5c claim(public key of the certificate) should be sent to STS. - SendX5C bool -} - -func (o Options) validate() error { - u, err := url.Parse(o.Authority) - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("the Authority(%s) does not parse as a valid URL", o.Authority) - } - if u.Scheme != "https" { - return fmt.Errorf("the Authority(%s) does not appear to use https", o.Authority) - } - return nil -} - -// Option is an optional argument to New(). -type Option func(o *Options) - -// WithAuthority allows you to provide a custom authority for use in the client. -func WithAuthority(authority string) Option { - return func(o *Options) { - o.Authority = authority - } -} - -// WithAccessor provides a cache accessor that will read and write to some externally managed cache -// that may or may not be shared with other applications. -func WithAccessor(accessor cache.ExportReplace) Option { - return func(o *Options) { - o.Accessor = accessor - } -} - -// WithHTTPClient allows for a custom HTTP client to be set. -func WithHTTPClient(httpClient ops.HTTPClient) Option { - return func(o *Options) { - o.HTTPClient = httpClient - } -} - -// WithX5C specifies if x5c claim(public key of the certificate) should be sent to STS to enable Subject Name Issuer Authentication. -func WithX5C() Option { - return func(o *Options) { - o.SendX5C = true - } -} - -// New is the constructor for Client. userID is the unique identifier of the user this client -// will store credentials for (a Client is per user). clientID is the Azure clientID and cred is -// the type of credential to use. -func New(clientID string, cred Credential, options ...Option) (Client, error) { - opts := Options{ - Authority: base.AuthorityPublicCloud, - HTTPClient: shared.DefaultClient, - } - - for _, o := range options { - o(&opts) - } - if err := opts.validate(); err != nil { - return Client{}, err - } - - base, err := base.New(clientID, opts.Authority, oauth.New(opts.HTTPClient), base.WithX5C(opts.SendX5C), base.WithCacheAccessor(opts.Accessor)) - if err != nil { - return Client{}, err - } - - return Client{ - base: base, - cred: cred.toInternal(), - }, nil -} - -// UserID is the unique user identifier this client if for. -func (cca Client) UserID() string { - return cca.userID -} - -// AuthCodeURL creates a URL used to acquire an authorization code. Users need to call CreateAuthorizationCodeURLParameters and pass it in. -func (cca Client) AuthCodeURL(ctx context.Context, clientID, redirectURI string, scopes []string) (string, error) { - return cca.base.AuthCodeURL(ctx, clientID, redirectURI, scopes, cca.base.AuthParams) -} - -// AcquireTokenSilentOptions are all the optional settings to an AcquireTokenSilent() call. -// These are set by using various AcquireTokenSilentOption functions. -type AcquireTokenSilentOptions struct { - // Account represents the account to use. To set, use the WithSilentAccount() option. - Account Account -} - -// AcquireTokenSilentOption changes options inside AcquireTokenSilentOptions used in .AcquireTokenSilent(). -type AcquireTokenSilentOption func(a *AcquireTokenSilentOptions) - -// WithSilentAccount uses the passed account during an AcquireTokenSilent() call. -func WithSilentAccount(account Account) AcquireTokenSilentOption { - return func(a *AcquireTokenSilentOptions) { - a.Account = account - } -} - -// AcquireTokenSilent acquires a token from either the cache or using a refresh token. -func (cca Client) AcquireTokenSilent(ctx context.Context, scopes []string, options ...AcquireTokenSilentOption) (AuthResult, error) { - opts := AcquireTokenSilentOptions{} - for _, o := range options { - o(&opts) - } - var isAppCache bool - if opts.Account.IsZero() { - isAppCache = true - } - - silentParameters := base.AcquireTokenSilentParameters{ - Scopes: scopes, - Account: opts.Account, - RequestType: accesstokens.ATConfidential, - Credential: cca.cred, - IsAppCache: isAppCache, - } - - return cca.base.AcquireTokenSilent(ctx, silentParameters) -} - -// AcquireTokenByAuthCodeOptions contains the optional parameters used to acquire an access token using the authorization code flow. -type AcquireTokenByAuthCodeOptions struct { - Challenge string -} - -// AcquireTokenByAuthCodeOption changes options inside AcquireTokenByAuthCodeOptions used in .AcquireTokenByAuthCode(). -type AcquireTokenByAuthCodeOption func(a *AcquireTokenByAuthCodeOptions) - -// WithChallenge allows you to provide a challenge for the .AcquireTokenByAuthCode() call. -func WithChallenge(challenge string) AcquireTokenByAuthCodeOption { - return func(a *AcquireTokenByAuthCodeOptions) { - a.Challenge = challenge - } -} - -// AcquireTokenByAuthCode is a request to acquire a security token from the authority, using an authorization code. -// The specified redirect URI must be the same URI that was used when the authorization code was requested. -func (cca Client) AcquireTokenByAuthCode(ctx context.Context, code string, redirectURI string, scopes []string, options ...AcquireTokenByAuthCodeOption) (AuthResult, error) { - opts := AcquireTokenByAuthCodeOptions{} - for _, o := range options { - o(&opts) - } - - params := base.AcquireTokenAuthCodeParameters{ - Scopes: scopes, - Code: code, - Challenge: opts.Challenge, - AppType: accesstokens.ATConfidential, - Credential: cca.cred, // This setting differs from public.Client.AcquireTokenByAuthCode - RedirectURI: redirectURI, - } - - return cca.base.AcquireTokenByAuthCode(ctx, params) -} - -// AcquireTokenByCredential acquires a security token from the authority, using the client credentials grant. -func (cca Client) AcquireTokenByCredential(ctx context.Context, scopes []string) (AuthResult, error) { - authParams := cca.base.AuthParams - authParams.Scopes = scopes - authParams.AuthorizationType = authority.ATClientCredentials - - token, err := cca.base.Token.Credential(ctx, authParams, cca.cred) - if err != nil { - return AuthResult{}, err - } - return cca.base.AuthResultFromToken(ctx, authParams, token, true) -} - -// AcquireTokenOnBehalfOf acquires a security token for an app using middle tier apps access token. -// Refer https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/v2-oauth2-on-behalf-of-flow. -func (cca Client) AcquireTokenOnBehalfOf(ctx context.Context, userAssertion string, scopes []string) (AuthResult, error) { - params := base.AcquireTokenOnBehalfOfParameters{ - Scopes: scopes, - UserAssertion: userAssertion, - Credential: cca.cred, - } - return cca.base.AcquireTokenOnBehalfOf(ctx, params) -} - -// Account gets the account in the token cache with the specified homeAccountID. -func (cca Client) Account(homeAccountID string) Account { - return cca.base.Account(homeAccountID) -} - -// RemoveAccount signs the account out and forgets account from token cache. -func (cca Client) RemoveAccount(account Account) error { - cca.base.RemoveAccount(account) - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/errors/error_design.md b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/errors/error_design.md deleted file mode 100644 index 34a699f48018..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/errors/error_design.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,111 +0,0 @@ -# MSAL Error Design - -Author: Abhidnya Patil(abhidnya.patil@microsoft.com) - -Contributors: - -- John Doak(jdoak@microsoft.com) -- Keegan Caruso(Keegan.Caruso@microsoft.com) -- Joel Hendrix(jhendrix@microsoft.com) - -## Background - -Errors in MSAL are intended for app developers to troubleshoot and not for displaying to end-users. - -### Go error handling vs other MSAL languages - -Most modern languages use exception based errors. Simply put, you "throw" an exception and it must be caught at some routine in the upper stack or it will eventually crash the program. - -Go doesn't use exceptions, instead it relies on multiple return values, one of which can be the builtin error interface type. It is up to the user to decide what to do. - -### Go custom error types - -Errors can be created in Go by simply using errors.New() or fmt.Errorf() to create an "error". - -Custom errors can be created in multiple ways. One of the more robust ways is simply to satisfy the error interface: - -```go -type MyCustomErr struct { - Msg string -} -func (m MyCustomErr) Error() string { // This implements "error" - return m.Msg -} -``` - -### MSAL Error Goals - -- Provide diagnostics to the user and for tickets that can be used to track down bugs or client misconfigurations -- Detect errors that are transitory and can be retried -- Allow the user to identify certain errors that the program can respond to, such a informing the user for the need to do an enrollment - -## Implementing Client Side Errors - -Client side errors indicate a misconfiguration or passing of bad arguments that is non-recoverable. Retrying isn't possible. - -These errors can simply be standard Go errors created by errors.New() or fmt.Errorf(). If down the line we need a custom error, we can introduce it, but for now the error messages just need to be clear on what the issue was. - -## Implementing Service Side Errors - -Service side errors occur when an external RPC responds either with an HTTP error code or returns a message that includes an error. - -These errors can be transitory (please slow down) or permanent (HTTP 404). To provide our diagnostic goals, we require the ability to differentiate these errors from other errors. - -The current implementation includes a specialized type that captures any error from the server: - -```go -// CallErr represents an HTTP call error. Has a Verbose() method that allows getting the -// http.Request and Response objects. Implements error. -type CallErr struct { - Req *http.Request - Resp *http.Response - Err error -} - -// Errors implements error.Error(). -func (e CallErr) Error() string { - return e.Err.Error() -} - -// Verbose prints a versbose error message with the request or response. -func (e CallErr) Verbose() string { - e.Resp.Request = nil // This brings in a bunch of TLS crap we don't need - e.Resp.TLS = nil // Same - return fmt.Sprintf("%s:\nRequest:\n%s\nResponse:\n%s", e.Err, prettyConf.Sprint(e.Req), prettyConf.Sprint(e.Resp)) -} -``` - -A user will always receive the most concise error we provide. They can tell if it is a server side error using Go error package: - -```go -var callErr CallErr -if errors.As(err, &callErr) { - ... -} -``` - -We provide a Verbose() function that can retrieve the most verbose message from any error we provide: - -```go -fmt.Println(errors.Verbose(err)) -``` - -If further differentiation is required, we can add custom errors that use Go error wrapping on top of CallErr to achieve our diagnostic goals (such as detecting when to retry a call due to transient errors). - -CallErr is always thrown from the comm package (which handles all http requests) and looks similar to: - -```go -return nil, errors.CallErr{ - Req: req, - Resp: reply, - Err: fmt.Errorf("http call(%s)(%s) error: reply status code was %d:\n%s", req.URL.String(), req.Method, reply.StatusCode, ErrorResponse), //ErrorResponse is the json body extracted from the http response - } -``` - -## Future Decisions - -The ability to retry calls needs to have centralized responsibility. Either the user is doing it or the client is doing it. - -If the user should be responsible, our errors package will include a CanRetry() function that will inform the user if the error provided to them is retryable. This is based on the http error code and possibly the type of error that was returned. It would also include a sleep time if the server returned an amount of time to wait. - -Otherwise we will do this internally and retries will be left to us. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/errors/errors.go b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/errors/errors.go deleted file mode 100644 index c8adf3da2393..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/errors/errors.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,90 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. -// Licensed under the MIT license. - -package errors - -import ( - "errors" - "fmt" - "io" - "io/ioutil" - "net/http" - "reflect" - "strings" - - "github.com/kylelemons/godebug/pretty" -) - -var prettyConf = &pretty.Config{ - IncludeUnexported: false, - SkipZeroFields: true, - TrackCycles: true, - Formatter: map[reflect.Type]interface{}{ - reflect.TypeOf((*io.Reader)(nil)).Elem(): func(r io.Reader) string { - b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r) - if err != nil { - return "could not read io.Reader content" - } - return string(b) - }, - }, -} - -type verboser interface { - Verbose() string -} - -// Verbose prints the most verbose error that the error message has. -func Verbose(err error) string { - build := strings.Builder{} - for { - if err == nil { - break - } - if v, ok := err.(verboser); ok { - build.WriteString(v.Verbose()) - } else { - build.WriteString(err.Error()) - } - err = errors.Unwrap(err) - } - return build.String() -} - -// New is equivalent to errors.New(). -func New(text string) error { - return errors.New(text) -} - -// CallErr represents an HTTP call error. Has a Verbose() method that allows getting the -// http.Request and Response objects. Implements error. -type CallErr struct { - Req *http.Request - // Resp contains response body - Resp *http.Response - Err error -} - -// Errors implements error.Error(). -func (e CallErr) Error() string { - return e.Err.Error() -} - -// Verbose prints a versbose error message with the request or response. -func (e CallErr) Verbose() string { - e.Resp.Request = nil // This brings in a bunch of TLS crap we don't need - e.Resp.TLS = nil // Same - return fmt.Sprintf("%s:\nRequest:\n%s\nResponse:\n%s", e.Err, prettyConf.Sprint(e.Req), prettyConf.Sprint(e.Resp)) -} - -// Is reports whether any error in errors chain matches target. -func Is(err, target error) bool { - return errors.Is(err, target) -} - -// As finds the first error in errors chain that matches target, -// and if so, sets target to that error value and returns true. -// Otherwise, it returns false. -func As(err error, target interface{}) bool { - return errors.As(err, target) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/base/base.go b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/base/base.go deleted file mode 100644 index 3cabbc0b9fdf..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/base/base.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,391 +0,0 @@ -// Package base contains a "Base" client that is used by the external public.Client and confidential.Client. -// Base holds shared attributes that must be available to both clients and methods that act as -// shared calls. -package base - -import ( - "context" - "errors" - "fmt" - "net/url" - "reflect" - "strings" - "time" - - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/cache" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/base/internal/storage" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/accesstokens" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/authority" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/shared" -) - -const ( - // AuthorityPublicCloud is the default AAD authority host - AuthorityPublicCloud = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/common" - scopeSeparator = " " -) - -// manager provides an internal cache. It is defined to allow faking the cache in tests. -// In all production use it is a *storage.Manager. -type manager interface { - Read(ctx context.Context, authParameters authority.AuthParams, account shared.Account) (storage.TokenResponse, error) - Write(authParameters authority.AuthParams, tokenResponse accesstokens.TokenResponse) (shared.Account, error) - AllAccounts() []shared.Account - Account(homeAccountID string) shared.Account - RemoveAccount(account shared.Account, clientID string) -} - -// partitionedManager provides an internal cache. It is defined to allow faking the cache in tests. -// In all production use it is a *storage.Manager. -type partitionedManager interface { - Read(ctx context.Context, authParameters authority.AuthParams, account shared.Account) (storage.TokenResponse, error) - Write(authParameters authority.AuthParams, tokenResponse accesstokens.TokenResponse) (shared.Account, error) -} - -type noopCacheAccessor struct{} - -func (n noopCacheAccessor) Replace(cache cache.Unmarshaler, key string) {} -func (n noopCacheAccessor) Export(cache cache.Marshaler, key string) {} - -// AcquireTokenSilentParameters contains the parameters to acquire a token silently (from cache). -type AcquireTokenSilentParameters struct { - Scopes []string - Account shared.Account - RequestType accesstokens.AppType - Credential *accesstokens.Credential - IsAppCache bool - UserAssertion string - AuthorizationType authority.AuthorizeType -} - -// AcquireTokenAuthCodeParameters contains the parameters required to acquire an access token using the auth code flow. -// To use PKCE, set the CodeChallengeParameter. -// Code challenges are used to secure authorization code grants; for more information, visit -// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7636. -type AcquireTokenAuthCodeParameters struct { - Scopes []string - Code string - Challenge string - RedirectURI string - AppType accesstokens.AppType - Credential *accesstokens.Credential -} - -type AcquireTokenOnBehalfOfParameters struct { - Scopes []string - Credential *accesstokens.Credential - UserAssertion string -} - -// AuthResult contains the results of one token acquisition operation in PublicClientApplication -// or ConfidentialClientApplication. For details see https://aka.ms/msal-net-authenticationresult -type AuthResult struct { - Account shared.Account - IDToken accesstokens.IDToken - AccessToken string - ExpiresOn time.Time - GrantedScopes []string - DeclinedScopes []string -} - -// AuthResultFromStorage creates an AuthResult from a storage token response (which is generated from the cache). -func AuthResultFromStorage(storageTokenResponse storage.TokenResponse) (AuthResult, error) { - if err := storageTokenResponse.AccessToken.Validate(); err != nil { - return AuthResult{}, fmt.Errorf("problem with access token in StorageTokenResponse: %w", err) - } - - account := storageTokenResponse.Account - accessToken := storageTokenResponse.AccessToken.Secret - grantedScopes := strings.Split(storageTokenResponse.AccessToken.Scopes, scopeSeparator) - - // Checking if there was an ID token in the cache; this will throw an error in the case of confidential client applications. - var idToken accesstokens.IDToken - if !storageTokenResponse.IDToken.IsZero() { - err := idToken.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(storageTokenResponse.IDToken.Secret)) - if err != nil { - return AuthResult{}, fmt.Errorf("problem decoding JWT token: %w", err) - } - } - return AuthResult{account, idToken, accessToken, storageTokenResponse.AccessToken.ExpiresOn.T, grantedScopes, nil}, nil -} - -// NewAuthResult creates an AuthResult. -func NewAuthResult(tokenResponse accesstokens.TokenResponse, account shared.Account) (AuthResult, error) { - if len(tokenResponse.DeclinedScopes) > 0 { - return AuthResult{}, fmt.Errorf("token response failed because declined scopes are present: %s", strings.Join(tokenResponse.DeclinedScopes, ",")) - } - return AuthResult{ - Account: account, - IDToken: tokenResponse.IDToken, - AccessToken: tokenResponse.AccessToken, - ExpiresOn: tokenResponse.ExpiresOn.T, - GrantedScopes: tokenResponse.GrantedScopes.Slice, - }, nil -} - -// Client is a base client that provides access to common methods and primatives that -// can be used by multiple clients. -type Client struct { - Token *oauth.Client - manager manager // *storage.Manager or fakeManager in tests - pmanager partitionedManager // *storage.PartitionedManager or fakeManager in tests - - AuthParams authority.AuthParams // DO NOT EVER MAKE THIS A POINTER! See "Note" in New(). - cacheAccessor cache.ExportReplace -} - -// Option is an optional argument to the New constructor. -type Option func(c *Client) - -// WithCacheAccessor allows you to set some type of cache for storing authentication tokens. -func WithCacheAccessor(ca cache.ExportReplace) Option { - return func(c *Client) { - if ca != nil { - c.cacheAccessor = ca - } - } -} - -// WithX5C specifies if x5c claim(public key of the certificate) should be sent to STS to enable Subject Name Issuer Authentication. -func WithX5C(sendX5C bool) Option { - return func(c *Client) { - c.AuthParams.SendX5C = sendX5C - } -} - -// New is the constructor for Base. -func New(clientID string, authorityURI string, token *oauth.Client, options ...Option) (Client, error) { - authInfo, err := authority.NewInfoFromAuthorityURI(authorityURI, true) - if err != nil { - return Client{}, err - } - authParams := authority.NewAuthParams(clientID, authInfo) - client := Client{ // Note: Hey, don't even THINK about making Base into *Base. See "design notes" in public.go and confidential.go - Token: token, - AuthParams: authParams, - cacheAccessor: noopCacheAccessor{}, - manager: storage.New(token), - pmanager: storage.NewPartitionedManager(token), - } - for _, o := range options { - o(&client) - } - return client, nil - -} - -// AuthCodeURL creates a URL used to acquire an authorization code. -func (b Client) AuthCodeURL(ctx context.Context, clientID, redirectURI string, scopes []string, authParams authority.AuthParams) (string, error) { - endpoints, err := b.Token.ResolveEndpoints(ctx, authParams.AuthorityInfo, "") - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - - baseURL, err := url.Parse(endpoints.AuthorizationEndpoint) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - - v := url.Values{} - v.Add("client_id", clientID) - v.Add("response_type", "code") - v.Add("redirect_uri", redirectURI) - v.Add("scope", strings.Join(scopes, scopeSeparator)) - if authParams.State != "" { - v.Add("state", authParams.State) - } - if authParams.CodeChallenge != "" { - v.Add("code_challenge", authParams.CodeChallenge) - } - if authParams.CodeChallengeMethod != "" { - v.Add("code_challenge_method", authParams.CodeChallengeMethod) - } - if authParams.Prompt != "" { - v.Add("prompt", authParams.Prompt) - } - // There were left over from an implementation that didn't use any of these. We may - // need to add them later, but as of now aren't needed. - /* - if p.ResponseMode != "" { - urlParams.Add("response_mode", p.ResponseMode) - } - if p.LoginHint != "" { - urlParams.Add("login_hint", p.LoginHint) - } - if p.DomainHint != "" { - urlParams.Add("domain_hint", p.DomainHint) - } - */ - baseURL.RawQuery = v.Encode() - return baseURL.String(), nil -} - -func (b Client) AcquireTokenSilent(ctx context.Context, silent AcquireTokenSilentParameters) (AuthResult, error) { - authParams := b.AuthParams // This is a copy, as we dont' have a pointer receiver and authParams is not a pointer. - authParams.Scopes = silent.Scopes - authParams.HomeaccountID = silent.Account.HomeAccountID - authParams.AuthorizationType = silent.AuthorizationType - authParams.UserAssertion = silent.UserAssertion - - var storageTokenResponse storage.TokenResponse - var err error - if authParams.AuthorizationType == authority.ATOnBehalfOf { - if s, ok := b.pmanager.(cache.Serializer); ok { - suggestedCacheKey := authParams.CacheKey(silent.IsAppCache) - b.cacheAccessor.Replace(s, suggestedCacheKey) - defer b.cacheAccessor.Export(s, suggestedCacheKey) - } - storageTokenResponse, err = b.pmanager.Read(ctx, authParams, silent.Account) - if err != nil { - return AuthResult{}, err - } - } else { - if s, ok := b.manager.(cache.Serializer); ok { - suggestedCacheKey := authParams.CacheKey(silent.IsAppCache) - b.cacheAccessor.Replace(s, suggestedCacheKey) - defer b.cacheAccessor.Export(s, suggestedCacheKey) - } - authParams.AuthorizationType = authority.ATRefreshToken - storageTokenResponse, err = b.manager.Read(ctx, authParams, silent.Account) - if err != nil { - return AuthResult{}, err - } - } - - result, err := AuthResultFromStorage(storageTokenResponse) - if err != nil { - if reflect.ValueOf(storageTokenResponse.RefreshToken).IsZero() { - return AuthResult{}, errors.New("no refresh token found") - } - - var cc *accesstokens.Credential - if silent.RequestType == accesstokens.ATConfidential { - cc = silent.Credential - } - - token, err := b.Token.Refresh(ctx, silent.RequestType, b.AuthParams, cc, storageTokenResponse.RefreshToken) - if err != nil { - return AuthResult{}, err - } - - return b.AuthResultFromToken(ctx, authParams, token, true) - } - return result, nil -} - -func (b Client) AcquireTokenByAuthCode(ctx context.Context, authCodeParams AcquireTokenAuthCodeParameters) (AuthResult, error) { - authParams := b.AuthParams // This is a copy, as we dont' have a pointer receiver and .AuthParams is not a pointer. - authParams.Scopes = authCodeParams.Scopes - authParams.Redirecturi = authCodeParams.RedirectURI - authParams.AuthorizationType = authority.ATAuthCode - - var cc *accesstokens.Credential - if authCodeParams.AppType == accesstokens.ATConfidential { - cc = authCodeParams.Credential - authParams.IsConfidentialClient = true - } - - req, err := accesstokens.NewCodeChallengeRequest(authParams, authCodeParams.AppType, cc, authCodeParams.Code, authCodeParams.Challenge) - if err != nil { - return AuthResult{}, err - } - - token, err := b.Token.AuthCode(ctx, req) - if err != nil { - return AuthResult{}, err - } - - return b.AuthResultFromToken(ctx, authParams, token, true) -} - -// AcquireTokenOnBehalfOf acquires a security token for an app using middle tier apps access token. -func (b Client) AcquireTokenOnBehalfOf(ctx context.Context, onBehalfOfParams AcquireTokenOnBehalfOfParameters) (AuthResult, error) { - authParams := b.AuthParams // This is a copy, as we dont' have a pointer receiver and .AuthParams is not a pointer. - authParams.Scopes = onBehalfOfParams.Scopes - authParams.AuthorizationType = authority.ATOnBehalfOf - authParams.UserAssertion = onBehalfOfParams.UserAssertion - - silentParameters := AcquireTokenSilentParameters{ - Scopes: onBehalfOfParams.Scopes, - RequestType: accesstokens.ATConfidential, - Credential: onBehalfOfParams.Credential, - UserAssertion: onBehalfOfParams.UserAssertion, - AuthorizationType: authority.ATOnBehalfOf, - } - token, err := b.AcquireTokenSilent(ctx, silentParameters) - if err != nil { - fmt.Println("Acquire Token Silent failed ") - token, err := b.Token.OnBehalfOf(ctx, authParams, onBehalfOfParams.Credential) - if err != nil { - return AuthResult{}, err - } - return b.AuthResultFromToken(ctx, authParams, token, true) - } - return token, err -} - -func (b Client) AuthResultFromToken(ctx context.Context, authParams authority.AuthParams, token accesstokens.TokenResponse, cacheWrite bool) (AuthResult, error) { - if !cacheWrite { - return NewAuthResult(token, shared.Account{}) - } - - var account shared.Account - var err error - if authParams.AuthorizationType == authority.ATOnBehalfOf { - if s, ok := b.pmanager.(cache.Serializer); ok { - suggestedCacheKey := token.CacheKey(authParams) - b.cacheAccessor.Replace(s, suggestedCacheKey) - defer b.cacheAccessor.Export(s, suggestedCacheKey) - } - account, err = b.pmanager.Write(authParams, token) - if err != nil { - return AuthResult{}, err - } - } else { - if s, ok := b.manager.(cache.Serializer); ok { - suggestedCacheKey := token.CacheKey(authParams) - b.cacheAccessor.Replace(s, suggestedCacheKey) - defer b.cacheAccessor.Export(s, suggestedCacheKey) - } - account, err = b.manager.Write(authParams, token) - if err != nil { - return AuthResult{}, err - } - } - return NewAuthResult(token, account) -} - -func (b Client) AllAccounts() []shared.Account { - if s, ok := b.manager.(cache.Serializer); ok { - suggestedCacheKey := b.AuthParams.CacheKey(false) - b.cacheAccessor.Replace(s, suggestedCacheKey) - defer b.cacheAccessor.Export(s, suggestedCacheKey) - } - - accounts := b.manager.AllAccounts() - return accounts -} - -func (b Client) Account(homeAccountID string) shared.Account { - authParams := b.AuthParams // This is a copy, as we dont' have a pointer receiver and .AuthParams is not a pointer. - authParams.AuthorizationType = authority.AccountByID - authParams.HomeaccountID = homeAccountID - if s, ok := b.manager.(cache.Serializer); ok { - suggestedCacheKey := b.AuthParams.CacheKey(false) - b.cacheAccessor.Replace(s, suggestedCacheKey) - defer b.cacheAccessor.Export(s, suggestedCacheKey) - } - account := b.manager.Account(homeAccountID) - return account -} - -// RemoveAccount removes all the ATs, RTs and IDTs from the cache associated with this account. -func (b Client) RemoveAccount(account shared.Account) { - if s, ok := b.manager.(cache.Serializer); ok { - suggestedCacheKey := b.AuthParams.CacheKey(false) - b.cacheAccessor.Replace(s, suggestedCacheKey) - defer b.cacheAccessor.Export(s, suggestedCacheKey) - } - b.manager.RemoveAccount(account, b.AuthParams.ClientID) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/base/internal/storage/items.go b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/base/internal/storage/items.go deleted file mode 100644 index 1e8d9a8414f3..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/base/internal/storage/items.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,194 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. -// Licensed under the MIT license. - -package storage - -import ( - "errors" - "fmt" - "reflect" - "strings" - "time" - - internalTime "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/json/types/time" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/accesstokens" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/shared" -) - -// Contract is the JSON structure that is written to any storage medium when serializing -// the internal cache. This design is shared between MSAL versions in many languages. -// This cannot be changed without design that includes other SDKs. -type Contract struct { - AccessTokens map[string]AccessToken `json:"AccessToken,omitempty"` - RefreshTokens map[string]accesstokens.RefreshToken `json:"RefreshToken,omitempty"` - IDTokens map[string]IDToken `json:"IdToken,omitempty"` - Accounts map[string]shared.Account `json:"Account,omitempty"` - AppMetaData map[string]AppMetaData `json:"AppMetadata,omitempty"` - - AdditionalFields map[string]interface{} -} - -// Contract is the JSON structure that is written to any storage medium when serializing -// the internal cache. This design is shared between MSAL versions in many languages. -// This cannot be changed without design that includes other SDKs. -type InMemoryContract struct { - AccessTokensPartition map[string]map[string]AccessToken - RefreshTokensPartition map[string]map[string]accesstokens.RefreshToken - IDTokensPartition map[string]map[string]IDToken - AccountsPartition map[string]map[string]shared.Account - AppMetaData map[string]AppMetaData -} - -// NewContract is the constructor for Contract. -func NewInMemoryContract() *InMemoryContract { - return &InMemoryContract{ - AccessTokensPartition: map[string]map[string]AccessToken{}, - RefreshTokensPartition: map[string]map[string]accesstokens.RefreshToken{}, - IDTokensPartition: map[string]map[string]IDToken{}, - AccountsPartition: map[string]map[string]shared.Account{}, - AppMetaData: map[string]AppMetaData{}, - } -} - -// NewContract is the constructor for Contract. -func NewContract() *Contract { - return &Contract{ - AccessTokens: map[string]AccessToken{}, - RefreshTokens: map[string]accesstokens.RefreshToken{}, - IDTokens: map[string]IDToken{}, - Accounts: map[string]shared.Account{}, - AppMetaData: map[string]AppMetaData{}, - AdditionalFields: map[string]interface{}{}, - } -} - -// AccessToken is the JSON representation of a MSAL access token for encoding to storage. -type AccessToken struct { - HomeAccountID string `json:"home_account_id,omitempty"` - Environment string `json:"environment,omitempty"` - Realm string `json:"realm,omitempty"` - CredentialType string `json:"credential_type,omitempty"` - ClientID string `json:"client_id,omitempty"` - Secret string `json:"secret,omitempty"` - Scopes string `json:"target,omitempty"` - ExpiresOn internalTime.Unix `json:"expires_on,omitempty"` - ExtendedExpiresOn internalTime.Unix `json:"extended_expires_on,omitempty"` - CachedAt internalTime.Unix `json:"cached_at,omitempty"` - UserAssertionHash string `json:"user_assertion_hash,omitempty"` - - AdditionalFields map[string]interface{} -} - -// NewAccessToken is the constructor for AccessToken. -func NewAccessToken(homeID, env, realm, clientID string, cachedAt, expiresOn, extendedExpiresOn time.Time, scopes, token string) AccessToken { - return AccessToken{ - HomeAccountID: homeID, - Environment: env, - Realm: realm, - CredentialType: "AccessToken", - ClientID: clientID, - Secret: token, - Scopes: scopes, - CachedAt: internalTime.Unix{T: cachedAt.UTC()}, - ExpiresOn: internalTime.Unix{T: expiresOn.UTC()}, - ExtendedExpiresOn: internalTime.Unix{T: extendedExpiresOn.UTC()}, - } -} - -// Key outputs the key that can be used to uniquely look up this entry in a map. -func (a AccessToken) Key() string { - return strings.Join( - []string{a.HomeAccountID, a.Environment, a.CredentialType, a.ClientID, a.Realm, a.Scopes}, - shared.CacheKeySeparator, - ) -} - -// Validate validates that this AccessToken can be used. -func (a AccessToken) Validate() error { - if a.CachedAt.T.After(time.Now()) { - return errors.New("access token isn't valid, it was cached at a future time") - } - if a.ExpiresOn.T.Before(time.Now().Add(5 * time.Minute)) { - return fmt.Errorf("access token is expired") - } - if a.CachedAt.T.IsZero() { - return fmt.Errorf("access token does not have CachedAt set") - } - return nil -} - -// IDToken is the JSON representation of an MSAL id token for encoding to storage. -type IDToken struct { - HomeAccountID string `json:"home_account_id,omitempty"` - Environment string `json:"environment,omitempty"` - Realm string `json:"realm,omitempty"` - CredentialType string `json:"credential_type,omitempty"` - ClientID string `json:"client_id,omitempty"` - Secret string `json:"secret,omitempty"` - UserAssertionHash string `json:"user_assertion_hash,omitempty"` - AdditionalFields map[string]interface{} -} - -// IsZero determines if IDToken is the zero value. -func (i IDToken) IsZero() bool { - v := reflect.ValueOf(i) - for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ { - field := v.Field(i) - if !field.IsZero() { - switch field.Kind() { - case reflect.Map, reflect.Slice: - if field.Len() == 0 { - continue - } - } - return false - } - } - return true -} - -// NewIDToken is the constructor for IDToken. -func NewIDToken(homeID, env, realm, clientID, idToken string) IDToken { - return IDToken{ - HomeAccountID: homeID, - Environment: env, - Realm: realm, - CredentialType: "IDToken", - ClientID: clientID, - Secret: idToken, - } -} - -// Key outputs the key that can be used to uniquely look up this entry in a map. -func (id IDToken) Key() string { - return strings.Join( - []string{id.HomeAccountID, id.Environment, id.CredentialType, id.ClientID, id.Realm}, - shared.CacheKeySeparator, - ) -} - -// AppMetaData is the JSON representation of application metadata for encoding to storage. -type AppMetaData struct { - FamilyID string `json:"family_id,omitempty"` - ClientID string `json:"client_id,omitempty"` - Environment string `json:"environment,omitempty"` - - AdditionalFields map[string]interface{} -} - -// NewAppMetaData is the constructor for AppMetaData. -func NewAppMetaData(familyID, clientID, environment string) AppMetaData { - return AppMetaData{ - FamilyID: familyID, - ClientID: clientID, - Environment: environment, - } -} - -// Key outputs the key that can be used to uniquely look up this entry in a map. -func (a AppMetaData) Key() string { - return strings.Join( - []string{"AppMetaData", a.Environment, a.ClientID}, - shared.CacheKeySeparator, - ) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/base/internal/storage/partitioned_storage.go b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/base/internal/storage/partitioned_storage.go deleted file mode 100644 index 4c7c1f1b553e..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/base/internal/storage/partitioned_storage.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,430 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. -// Licensed under the MIT license. - -package storage - -import ( - "context" - "errors" - "fmt" - "strings" - "sync" - "time" - - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/json" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/accesstokens" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/authority" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/shared" -) - -// PartitionedManager is a partitioned in-memory cache of access tokens, accounts and meta data. -type PartitionedManager struct { - contract *InMemoryContract - contractMu sync.RWMutex - requests aadInstanceDiscoveryer // *oauth.Token - - aadCacheMu sync.RWMutex - aadCache map[string]authority.InstanceDiscoveryMetadata -} - -// NewPartitionedManager is the constructor for PartitionedManager. -func NewPartitionedManager(requests *oauth.Client) *PartitionedManager { - m := &PartitionedManager{requests: requests, aadCache: make(map[string]authority.InstanceDiscoveryMetadata)} - m.contract = NewInMemoryContract() - return m -} - -// Read reads a storage token from the cache if it exists. -func (m *PartitionedManager) Read(ctx context.Context, authParameters authority.AuthParams, account shared.Account) (TokenResponse, error) { - realm := authParameters.AuthorityInfo.Tenant - clientID := authParameters.ClientID - scopes := authParameters.Scopes - - metadata, err := m.getMetadataEntry(ctx, authParameters.AuthorityInfo) - if err != nil { - return TokenResponse{}, err - } - userAssertionHash := authParameters.AssertionHash() - partitionKeyFromRequest := userAssertionHash - - accessToken, err := m.readAccessToken(metadata.Aliases, realm, clientID, userAssertionHash, scopes, partitionKeyFromRequest) - if err != nil { - return TokenResponse{}, err - } - - AppMetaData, err := m.readAppMetaData(metadata.Aliases, clientID) - if err != nil { - return TokenResponse{}, err - } - familyID := AppMetaData.FamilyID - - refreshToken, err := m.readRefreshToken(metadata.Aliases, familyID, clientID, userAssertionHash, partitionKeyFromRequest) - if err != nil { - return TokenResponse{}, err - } - - idToken, err := m.readIDToken(metadata.Aliases, realm, clientID, userAssertionHash, getPartitionKeyIDTokenRead(accessToken)) - if err != nil { - return TokenResponse{}, err - } - - account, err = m.readAccount(metadata.Aliases, realm, userAssertionHash, idToken.HomeAccountID) - if err != nil { - return TokenResponse{}, err - } - return TokenResponse{ - AccessToken: accessToken, - RefreshToken: refreshToken, - IDToken: idToken, - Account: account, - }, nil -} - -// Write writes a token response to the cache and returns the account information the token is stored with. -func (m *PartitionedManager) Write(authParameters authority.AuthParams, tokenResponse accesstokens.TokenResponse) (shared.Account, error) { - authParameters.HomeaccountID = tokenResponse.ClientInfo.HomeAccountID() - homeAccountID := authParameters.HomeaccountID - environment := authParameters.AuthorityInfo.Host - realm := authParameters.AuthorityInfo.Tenant - clientID := authParameters.ClientID - target := strings.Join(tokenResponse.GrantedScopes.Slice, scopeSeparator) - userAssertionHash := authParameters.AssertionHash() - cachedAt := time.Now() - - var account shared.Account - - if len(tokenResponse.RefreshToken) > 0 { - refreshToken := accesstokens.NewRefreshToken(homeAccountID, environment, clientID, tokenResponse.RefreshToken, tokenResponse.FamilyID) - if authParameters.AuthorizationType == authority.ATOnBehalfOf { - refreshToken.UserAssertionHash = userAssertionHash - } - if err := m.writeRefreshToken(refreshToken, getPartitionKeyRefreshToken(refreshToken)); err != nil { - return account, err - } - } - - if len(tokenResponse.AccessToken) > 0 { - accessToken := NewAccessToken( - homeAccountID, - environment, - realm, - clientID, - cachedAt, - tokenResponse.ExpiresOn.T, - tokenResponse.ExtExpiresOn.T, - target, - tokenResponse.AccessToken, - ) - if authParameters.AuthorizationType == authority.ATOnBehalfOf { - accessToken.UserAssertionHash = userAssertionHash // get Hash method on this - } - - // Since we have a valid access token, cache it before moving on. - if err := accessToken.Validate(); err == nil { - if err := m.writeAccessToken(accessToken, getPartitionKeyAccessToken(accessToken)); err != nil { - return account, err - } - } else { - return shared.Account{}, err - } - } - - idTokenJwt := tokenResponse.IDToken - if !idTokenJwt.IsZero() { - idToken := NewIDToken(homeAccountID, environment, realm, clientID, idTokenJwt.RawToken) - if authParameters.AuthorizationType == authority.ATOnBehalfOf { - idToken.UserAssertionHash = userAssertionHash - } - if err := m.writeIDToken(idToken, getPartitionKeyIDToken(idToken)); err != nil { - return shared.Account{}, err - } - - localAccountID := idTokenJwt.LocalAccountID() - authorityType := authParameters.AuthorityInfo.AuthorityType - - account = shared.NewAccount( - homeAccountID, - environment, - realm, - localAccountID, - authorityType, - idTokenJwt.PreferredUsername, - ) - if authParameters.AuthorizationType == authority.ATOnBehalfOf { - account.UserAssertionHash = userAssertionHash - } - if err := m.writeAccount(account, getPartitionKeyAccount(account)); err != nil { - return shared.Account{}, err - } - } - - AppMetaData := NewAppMetaData(tokenResponse.FamilyID, clientID, environment) - - if err := m.writeAppMetaData(AppMetaData); err != nil { - return shared.Account{}, err - } - return account, nil -} - -func (m *PartitionedManager) getMetadataEntry(ctx context.Context, authorityInfo authority.Info) (authority.InstanceDiscoveryMetadata, error) { - md, err := m.aadMetadataFromCache(ctx, authorityInfo) - if err != nil { - // not in the cache, retrieve it - md, err = m.aadMetadata(ctx, authorityInfo) - } - return md, err -} - -func (m *PartitionedManager) aadMetadataFromCache(ctx context.Context, authorityInfo authority.Info) (authority.InstanceDiscoveryMetadata, error) { - m.aadCacheMu.RLock() - defer m.aadCacheMu.RUnlock() - metadata, ok := m.aadCache[authorityInfo.Host] - if ok { - return metadata, nil - } - return metadata, errors.New("not found") -} - -func (m *PartitionedManager) aadMetadata(ctx context.Context, authorityInfo authority.Info) (authority.InstanceDiscoveryMetadata, error) { - discoveryResponse, err := m.requests.AADInstanceDiscovery(ctx, authorityInfo) - if err != nil { - return authority.InstanceDiscoveryMetadata{}, err - } - - m.aadCacheMu.Lock() - defer m.aadCacheMu.Unlock() - - for _, metadataEntry := range discoveryResponse.Metadata { - for _, aliasedAuthority := range metadataEntry.Aliases { - m.aadCache[aliasedAuthority] = metadataEntry - } - } - if _, ok := m.aadCache[authorityInfo.Host]; !ok { - m.aadCache[authorityInfo.Host] = authority.InstanceDiscoveryMetadata{ - PreferredNetwork: authorityInfo.Host, - PreferredCache: authorityInfo.Host, - } - } - return m.aadCache[authorityInfo.Host], nil -} - -func (m *PartitionedManager) readAccessToken(envAliases []string, realm, clientID, userAssertionHash string, scopes []string, partitionKey string) (AccessToken, error) { - m.contractMu.RLock() - defer m.contractMu.RUnlock() - if accessTokens, ok := m.contract.AccessTokensPartition[partitionKey]; ok { - // TODO: linear search (over a map no less) is slow for a large number (thousands) of tokens. - // this shows up as the dominating node in a profile. for real-world scenarios this likely isn't - // an issue, however if it does become a problem then we know where to look. - for _, at := range accessTokens { - if at.Realm == realm && at.ClientID == clientID && at.UserAssertionHash == userAssertionHash { - if checkAlias(at.Environment, envAliases) { - if isMatchingScopes(scopes, at.Scopes) { - return at, nil - } - } - } - } - } - return AccessToken{}, fmt.Errorf("access token not found") -} - -func (m *PartitionedManager) writeAccessToken(accessToken AccessToken, partitionKey string) error { - m.contractMu.Lock() - defer m.contractMu.Unlock() - key := accessToken.Key() - if m.contract.AccessTokensPartition[partitionKey] == nil { - m.contract.AccessTokensPartition[partitionKey] = make(map[string]AccessToken) - } - m.contract.AccessTokensPartition[partitionKey][key] = accessToken - return nil -} - -func matchFamilyRefreshTokenObo(rt accesstokens.RefreshToken, userAssertionHash string, envAliases []string) bool { - return rt.UserAssertionHash == userAssertionHash && checkAlias(rt.Environment, envAliases) && rt.FamilyID != "" -} - -func matchClientIDRefreshTokenObo(rt accesstokens.RefreshToken, userAssertionHash string, envAliases []string, clientID string) bool { - return rt.UserAssertionHash == userAssertionHash && checkAlias(rt.Environment, envAliases) && rt.ClientID == clientID -} - -func (m *PartitionedManager) readRefreshToken(envAliases []string, familyID, clientID, userAssertionHash, partitionKey string) (accesstokens.RefreshToken, error) { - byFamily := func(rt accesstokens.RefreshToken) bool { - return matchFamilyRefreshTokenObo(rt, userAssertionHash, envAliases) - } - byClient := func(rt accesstokens.RefreshToken) bool { - return matchClientIDRefreshTokenObo(rt, userAssertionHash, envAliases, clientID) - } - - var matchers []func(rt accesstokens.RefreshToken) bool - if familyID == "" { - matchers = []func(rt accesstokens.RefreshToken) bool{ - byClient, byFamily, - } - } else { - matchers = []func(rt accesstokens.RefreshToken) bool{ - byFamily, byClient, - } - } - - // TODO(keegan): All the tests here pass, but Bogdan says this is - // more complicated. I'm opening an issue for this to have him - // review the tests and suggest tests that would break this so - // we can re-write against good tests. His comments as follow: - // The algorithm is a bit more complex than this, I assume there are some tests covering everything. I would keep the order as is. - // The algorithm is: - // If application is NOT part of the family, search by client_ID - // If app is part of the family or if we DO NOT KNOW if it's part of the family, search by family ID, then by client_id (we will know if an app is part of the family after the first token response). - // https://github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-dotnet/blob/311fe8b16e7c293462806f397e189a6aa1159769/src/client/Microsoft.Identity.Client/Internal/Requests/Silent/CacheSilentStrategy.cs#L95 - m.contractMu.RLock() - defer m.contractMu.RUnlock() - for _, matcher := range matchers { - for _, rt := range m.contract.RefreshTokensPartition[partitionKey] { - if matcher(rt) { - return rt, nil - } - } - } - - return accesstokens.RefreshToken{}, fmt.Errorf("refresh token not found") -} - -func (m *PartitionedManager) writeRefreshToken(refreshToken accesstokens.RefreshToken, partitionKey string) error { - m.contractMu.Lock() - defer m.contractMu.Unlock() - key := refreshToken.Key() - if m.contract.AccessTokensPartition[partitionKey] == nil { - m.contract.RefreshTokensPartition[partitionKey] = make(map[string]accesstokens.RefreshToken) - } - m.contract.RefreshTokensPartition[partitionKey][key] = refreshToken - return nil -} - -func (m *PartitionedManager) readIDToken(envAliases []string, realm, clientID, userAssertionHash, partitionKey string) (IDToken, error) { - m.contractMu.RLock() - defer m.contractMu.RUnlock() - for _, idt := range m.contract.IDTokensPartition[partitionKey] { - if idt.Realm == realm && idt.ClientID == clientID && idt.UserAssertionHash == userAssertionHash { - if checkAlias(idt.Environment, envAliases) { - return idt, nil - } - } - } - return IDToken{}, fmt.Errorf("token not found") -} - -func (m *PartitionedManager) writeIDToken(idToken IDToken, partitionKey string) error { - key := idToken.Key() - m.contractMu.Lock() - defer m.contractMu.Unlock() - if m.contract.IDTokensPartition[partitionKey] == nil { - m.contract.IDTokensPartition[partitionKey] = make(map[string]IDToken) - } - m.contract.IDTokensPartition[partitionKey][key] = idToken - return nil -} - -func (m *PartitionedManager) readAccount(envAliases []string, realm, UserAssertionHash, partitionKey string) (shared.Account, error) { - m.contractMu.RLock() - defer m.contractMu.RUnlock() - - // You might ask why, if cache.Accounts is a map, we would loop through all of these instead of using a key. - // We only use a map because the storage contract shared between all language implementations says use a map. - // We can't change that. The other is because the keys are made using a specific "env", but here we are allowing - // a match in multiple envs (envAlias). That means we either need to hash each possible keyand do the lookup - // or just statically check. Since the design is to have a storage.Manager per user, the amount of keys stored - // is really low (say 2). Each hash is more expensive than the entire iteration. - for _, acc := range m.contract.AccountsPartition[partitionKey] { - if checkAlias(acc.Environment, envAliases) && acc.UserAssertionHash == UserAssertionHash && acc.Realm == realm { - return acc, nil - } - } - return shared.Account{}, fmt.Errorf("account not found") -} - -func (m *PartitionedManager) writeAccount(account shared.Account, partitionKey string) error { - key := account.Key() - m.contractMu.Lock() - defer m.contractMu.Unlock() - if m.contract.AccountsPartition[partitionKey] == nil { - m.contract.AccountsPartition[partitionKey] = make(map[string]shared.Account) - } - m.contract.AccountsPartition[partitionKey][key] = account - return nil -} - -func (m *PartitionedManager) readAppMetaData(envAliases []string, clientID string) (AppMetaData, error) { - m.contractMu.RLock() - defer m.contractMu.RUnlock() - - for _, app := range m.contract.AppMetaData { - if checkAlias(app.Environment, envAliases) && app.ClientID == clientID { - return app, nil - } - } - return AppMetaData{}, fmt.Errorf("not found") -} - -func (m *PartitionedManager) writeAppMetaData(AppMetaData AppMetaData) error { - key := AppMetaData.Key() - m.contractMu.Lock() - defer m.contractMu.Unlock() - m.contract.AppMetaData[key] = AppMetaData - return nil -} - -// update updates the internal cache object. This is for use in tests, other uses are not -// supported. -func (m *PartitionedManager) update(cache *InMemoryContract) { - m.contractMu.Lock() - defer m.contractMu.Unlock() - m.contract = cache -} - -// Marshal implements cache.Marshaler. -func (m *PartitionedManager) Marshal() ([]byte, error) { - return json.Marshal(m.contract) -} - -// Unmarshal implements cache.Unmarshaler. -func (m *PartitionedManager) Unmarshal(b []byte) error { - m.contractMu.Lock() - defer m.contractMu.Unlock() - - contract := NewInMemoryContract() - - err := json.Unmarshal(b, contract) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - m.contract = contract - - return nil -} - -func getPartitionKeyAccessToken(item AccessToken) string { - if item.UserAssertionHash != "" { - return item.UserAssertionHash - } - return item.HomeAccountID -} - -func getPartitionKeyRefreshToken(item accesstokens.RefreshToken) string { - if item.UserAssertionHash != "" { - return item.UserAssertionHash - } - return item.HomeAccountID -} - -func getPartitionKeyIDToken(item IDToken) string { - return item.HomeAccountID -} - -func getPartitionKeyAccount(item shared.Account) string { - return item.HomeAccountID -} - -func getPartitionKeyIDTokenRead(item AccessToken) string { - return item.HomeAccountID -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/base/internal/storage/storage.go b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/base/internal/storage/storage.go deleted file mode 100644 index 881bd7c684e2..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/base/internal/storage/storage.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,515 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. -// Licensed under the MIT license. - -// Package storage holds all cached token information for MSAL. This storage can be -// augmented with third-party extensions to provide persistent storage. In that case, -// reads and writes in upper packages will call Marshal() to take the entire in-memory -// representation and write it to storage and Unmarshal() to update the entire in-memory -// storage with what was in the persistent storage. The persistent storage can only be -// accessed in this way because multiple MSAL clients written in multiple languages can -// access the same storage and must adhere to the same method that was defined -// previously. -package storage - -import ( - "context" - "errors" - "fmt" - "strings" - "sync" - "time" - - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/json" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/accesstokens" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/authority" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/shared" -) - -// aadInstanceDiscoveryer allows faking in tests. -// It is implemented in production by ops/authority.Client -type aadInstanceDiscoveryer interface { - AADInstanceDiscovery(ctx context.Context, authorityInfo authority.Info) (authority.InstanceDiscoveryResponse, error) -} - -// TokenResponse mimics a token response that was pulled from the cache. -type TokenResponse struct { - RefreshToken accesstokens.RefreshToken - IDToken IDToken // *Credential - AccessToken AccessToken - Account shared.Account -} - -// Manager is an in-memory cache of access tokens, accounts and meta data. This data is -// updated on read/write calls. Unmarshal() replaces all data stored here with whatever -// was given to it on each call. -type Manager struct { - contract *Contract - contractMu sync.RWMutex - requests aadInstanceDiscoveryer // *oauth.Token - - aadCacheMu sync.RWMutex - aadCache map[string]authority.InstanceDiscoveryMetadata -} - -// New is the constructor for Manager. -func New(requests *oauth.Client) *Manager { - m := &Manager{requests: requests, aadCache: make(map[string]authority.InstanceDiscoveryMetadata)} - m.contract = NewContract() - return m -} - -func checkAlias(alias string, aliases []string) bool { - for _, v := range aliases { - if alias == v { - return true - } - } - return false -} - -func isMatchingScopes(scopesOne []string, scopesTwo string) bool { - newScopesTwo := strings.Split(scopesTwo, scopeSeparator) - scopeCounter := 0 - for _, scope := range scopesOne { - for _, otherScope := range newScopesTwo { - if strings.EqualFold(scope, otherScope) { - scopeCounter++ - continue - } - } - } - return scopeCounter == len(scopesOne) -} - -// Read reads a storage token from the cache if it exists. -func (m *Manager) Read(ctx context.Context, authParameters authority.AuthParams, account shared.Account) (TokenResponse, error) { - homeAccountID := authParameters.HomeaccountID - realm := authParameters.AuthorityInfo.Tenant - clientID := authParameters.ClientID - scopes := authParameters.Scopes - - metadata, err := m.getMetadataEntry(ctx, authParameters.AuthorityInfo) - if err != nil { - return TokenResponse{}, err - } - - accessToken, err := m.readAccessToken(homeAccountID, metadata.Aliases, realm, clientID, scopes) - if err != nil { - return TokenResponse{}, err - } - - if account.IsZero() { - return TokenResponse{ - AccessToken: accessToken, - RefreshToken: accesstokens.RefreshToken{}, - IDToken: IDToken{}, - Account: shared.Account{}, - }, nil - } - idToken, err := m.readIDToken(homeAccountID, metadata.Aliases, realm, clientID) - if err != nil { - return TokenResponse{}, err - } - - AppMetaData, err := m.readAppMetaData(metadata.Aliases, clientID) - if err != nil { - return TokenResponse{}, err - } - familyID := AppMetaData.FamilyID - - refreshToken, err := m.readRefreshToken(homeAccountID, metadata.Aliases, familyID, clientID) - if err != nil { - return TokenResponse{}, err - } - account, err = m.readAccount(homeAccountID, metadata.Aliases, realm) - if err != nil { - return TokenResponse{}, err - } - return TokenResponse{ - AccessToken: accessToken, - RefreshToken: refreshToken, - IDToken: idToken, - Account: account, - }, nil -} - -const scopeSeparator = " " - -// Write writes a token response to the cache and returns the account information the token is stored with. -func (m *Manager) Write(authParameters authority.AuthParams, tokenResponse accesstokens.TokenResponse) (shared.Account, error) { - authParameters.HomeaccountID = tokenResponse.ClientInfo.HomeAccountID() - homeAccountID := authParameters.HomeaccountID - environment := authParameters.AuthorityInfo.Host - realm := authParameters.AuthorityInfo.Tenant - clientID := authParameters.ClientID - target := strings.Join(tokenResponse.GrantedScopes.Slice, scopeSeparator) - - cachedAt := time.Now() - - var account shared.Account - - if len(tokenResponse.RefreshToken) > 0 { - refreshToken := accesstokens.NewRefreshToken(homeAccountID, environment, clientID, tokenResponse.RefreshToken, tokenResponse.FamilyID) - if err := m.writeRefreshToken(refreshToken); err != nil { - return account, err - } - } - - if len(tokenResponse.AccessToken) > 0 { - accessToken := NewAccessToken( - homeAccountID, - environment, - realm, - clientID, - cachedAt, - tokenResponse.ExpiresOn.T, - tokenResponse.ExtExpiresOn.T, - target, - tokenResponse.AccessToken, - ) - - // Since we have a valid access token, cache it before moving on. - if err := accessToken.Validate(); err == nil { - if err := m.writeAccessToken(accessToken); err != nil { - return account, err - } - } - } - - idTokenJwt := tokenResponse.IDToken - if !idTokenJwt.IsZero() { - idToken := NewIDToken(homeAccountID, environment, realm, clientID, idTokenJwt.RawToken) - if err := m.writeIDToken(idToken); err != nil { - return shared.Account{}, err - } - - localAccountID := idTokenJwt.LocalAccountID() - authorityType := authParameters.AuthorityInfo.AuthorityType - - account = shared.NewAccount( - homeAccountID, - environment, - realm, - localAccountID, - authorityType, - idTokenJwt.PreferredUsername, - ) - if err := m.writeAccount(account); err != nil { - return shared.Account{}, err - } - } - - AppMetaData := NewAppMetaData(tokenResponse.FamilyID, clientID, environment) - - if err := m.writeAppMetaData(AppMetaData); err != nil { - return shared.Account{}, err - } - return account, nil -} - -func (m *Manager) getMetadataEntry(ctx context.Context, authorityInfo authority.Info) (authority.InstanceDiscoveryMetadata, error) { - md, err := m.aadMetadataFromCache(ctx, authorityInfo) - if err != nil { - // not in the cache, retrieve it - md, err = m.aadMetadata(ctx, authorityInfo) - } - return md, err -} - -func (m *Manager) aadMetadataFromCache(ctx context.Context, authorityInfo authority.Info) (authority.InstanceDiscoveryMetadata, error) { - m.aadCacheMu.RLock() - defer m.aadCacheMu.RUnlock() - metadata, ok := m.aadCache[authorityInfo.Host] - if ok { - return metadata, nil - } - return metadata, errors.New("not found") -} - -func (m *Manager) aadMetadata(ctx context.Context, authorityInfo authority.Info) (authority.InstanceDiscoveryMetadata, error) { - m.aadCacheMu.Lock() - defer m.aadCacheMu.Unlock() - discoveryResponse, err := m.requests.AADInstanceDiscovery(ctx, authorityInfo) - if err != nil { - return authority.InstanceDiscoveryMetadata{}, err - } - - for _, metadataEntry := range discoveryResponse.Metadata { - for _, aliasedAuthority := range metadataEntry.Aliases { - m.aadCache[aliasedAuthority] = metadataEntry - } - } - if _, ok := m.aadCache[authorityInfo.Host]; !ok { - m.aadCache[authorityInfo.Host] = authority.InstanceDiscoveryMetadata{ - PreferredNetwork: authorityInfo.Host, - PreferredCache: authorityInfo.Host, - } - } - return m.aadCache[authorityInfo.Host], nil -} - -func (m *Manager) readAccessToken(homeID string, envAliases []string, realm, clientID string, scopes []string) (AccessToken, error) { - m.contractMu.RLock() - defer m.contractMu.RUnlock() - // TODO: linear search (over a map no less) is slow for a large number (thousands) of tokens. - // this shows up as the dominating node in a profile. for real-world scenarios this likely isn't - // an issue, however if it does become a problem then we know where to look. - for _, at := range m.contract.AccessTokens { - if at.HomeAccountID == homeID && at.Realm == realm && at.ClientID == clientID { - if checkAlias(at.Environment, envAliases) { - if isMatchingScopes(scopes, at.Scopes) { - return at, nil - } - } - } - } - return AccessToken{}, fmt.Errorf("access token not found") -} - -func (m *Manager) writeAccessToken(accessToken AccessToken) error { - m.contractMu.Lock() - defer m.contractMu.Unlock() - key := accessToken.Key() - m.contract.AccessTokens[key] = accessToken - return nil -} - -func (m *Manager) readRefreshToken(homeID string, envAliases []string, familyID, clientID string) (accesstokens.RefreshToken, error) { - byFamily := func(rt accesstokens.RefreshToken) bool { - return matchFamilyRefreshToken(rt, homeID, envAliases) - } - byClient := func(rt accesstokens.RefreshToken) bool { - return matchClientIDRefreshToken(rt, homeID, envAliases, clientID) - } - - var matchers []func(rt accesstokens.RefreshToken) bool - if familyID == "" { - matchers = []func(rt accesstokens.RefreshToken) bool{ - byClient, byFamily, - } - } else { - matchers = []func(rt accesstokens.RefreshToken) bool{ - byFamily, byClient, - } - } - - // TODO(keegan): All the tests here pass, but Bogdan says this is - // more complicated. I'm opening an issue for this to have him - // review the tests and suggest tests that would break this so - // we can re-write against good tests. His comments as follow: - // The algorithm is a bit more complex than this, I assume there are some tests covering everything. I would keep the order as is. - // The algorithm is: - // If application is NOT part of the family, search by client_ID - // If app is part of the family or if we DO NOT KNOW if it's part of the family, search by family ID, then by client_id (we will know if an app is part of the family after the first token response). - // https://github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-dotnet/blob/311fe8b16e7c293462806f397e189a6aa1159769/src/client/Microsoft.Identity.Client/Internal/Requests/Silent/CacheSilentStrategy.cs#L95 - m.contractMu.RLock() - defer m.contractMu.RUnlock() - for _, matcher := range matchers { - for _, rt := range m.contract.RefreshTokens { - if matcher(rt) { - return rt, nil - } - } - } - - return accesstokens.RefreshToken{}, fmt.Errorf("refresh token not found") -} - -func matchFamilyRefreshToken(rt accesstokens.RefreshToken, homeID string, envAliases []string) bool { - return rt.HomeAccountID == homeID && checkAlias(rt.Environment, envAliases) && rt.FamilyID != "" -} - -func matchClientIDRefreshToken(rt accesstokens.RefreshToken, homeID string, envAliases []string, clientID string) bool { - return rt.HomeAccountID == homeID && checkAlias(rt.Environment, envAliases) && rt.ClientID == clientID -} - -func (m *Manager) writeRefreshToken(refreshToken accesstokens.RefreshToken) error { - key := refreshToken.Key() - m.contractMu.Lock() - defer m.contractMu.Unlock() - m.contract.RefreshTokens[key] = refreshToken - return nil -} - -func (m *Manager) readIDToken(homeID string, envAliases []string, realm, clientID string) (IDToken, error) { - m.contractMu.RLock() - defer m.contractMu.RUnlock() - for _, idt := range m.contract.IDTokens { - if idt.HomeAccountID == homeID && idt.Realm == realm && idt.ClientID == clientID { - if checkAlias(idt.Environment, envAliases) { - return idt, nil - } - } - } - return IDToken{}, fmt.Errorf("token not found") -} - -func (m *Manager) writeIDToken(idToken IDToken) error { - key := idToken.Key() - m.contractMu.Lock() - defer m.contractMu.Unlock() - m.contract.IDTokens[key] = idToken - return nil -} - -func (m *Manager) AllAccounts() []shared.Account { - m.contractMu.RLock() - defer m.contractMu.RUnlock() - - var accounts []shared.Account - for _, v := range m.contract.Accounts { - accounts = append(accounts, v) - } - - return accounts -} - -func (m *Manager) Account(homeAccountID string) shared.Account { - m.contractMu.RLock() - defer m.contractMu.RUnlock() - - for _, v := range m.contract.Accounts { - if v.HomeAccountID == homeAccountID { - return v - } - } - - return shared.Account{} -} - -func (m *Manager) readAccount(homeAccountID string, envAliases []string, realm string) (shared.Account, error) { - m.contractMu.RLock() - defer m.contractMu.RUnlock() - - // You might ask why, if cache.Accounts is a map, we would loop through all of these instead of using a key. - // We only use a map because the storage contract shared between all language implementations says use a map. - // We can't change that. The other is because the keys are made using a specific "env", but here we are allowing - // a match in multiple envs (envAlias). That means we either need to hash each possible keyand do the lookup - // or just statically check. Since the design is to have a storage.Manager per user, the amount of keys stored - // is really low (say 2). Each hash is more expensive than the entire iteration. - for _, acc := range m.contract.Accounts { - if acc.HomeAccountID == homeAccountID && checkAlias(acc.Environment, envAliases) && acc.Realm == realm { - return acc, nil - } - } - return shared.Account{}, fmt.Errorf("account not found") -} - -func (m *Manager) writeAccount(account shared.Account) error { - key := account.Key() - m.contractMu.Lock() - defer m.contractMu.Unlock() - m.contract.Accounts[key] = account - return nil -} - -func (m *Manager) readAppMetaData(envAliases []string, clientID string) (AppMetaData, error) { - m.contractMu.RLock() - defer m.contractMu.RUnlock() - - for _, app := range m.contract.AppMetaData { - if checkAlias(app.Environment, envAliases) && app.ClientID == clientID { - return app, nil - } - } - return AppMetaData{}, fmt.Errorf("not found") -} - -func (m *Manager) writeAppMetaData(AppMetaData AppMetaData) error { - key := AppMetaData.Key() - m.contractMu.Lock() - defer m.contractMu.Unlock() - m.contract.AppMetaData[key] = AppMetaData - return nil -} - -// RemoveAccount removes all the associated ATs, RTs and IDTs from the cache associated with this account. -func (m *Manager) RemoveAccount(account shared.Account, clientID string) { - m.removeRefreshTokens(account.HomeAccountID, account.Environment, clientID) - m.removeAccessTokens(account.HomeAccountID, account.Environment) - m.removeIDTokens(account.HomeAccountID, account.Environment) - m.removeAccounts(account.HomeAccountID, account.Environment) -} - -func (m *Manager) removeRefreshTokens(homeID string, env string, clientID string) { - m.contractMu.Lock() - defer m.contractMu.Unlock() - for key, rt := range m.contract.RefreshTokens { - // Check for RTs associated with the account. - if rt.HomeAccountID == homeID && rt.Environment == env { - // Do RT's app ownership check as a precaution, in case family apps - // and 3rd-party apps share same token cache, although they should not. - if rt.ClientID == clientID || rt.FamilyID != "" { - delete(m.contract.RefreshTokens, key) - } - } - } -} - -func (m *Manager) removeAccessTokens(homeID string, env string) { - m.contractMu.Lock() - defer m.contractMu.Unlock() - for key, at := range m.contract.AccessTokens { - // Remove AT's associated with the account - if at.HomeAccountID == homeID && at.Environment == env { - // # To avoid the complexity of locating sibling family app's AT, we skip AT's app ownership check. - // It means ATs for other apps will also be removed, it is OK because: - // non-family apps are not supposed to share token cache to begin with; - // Even if it happens, we keep other app's RT already, so SSO still works. - delete(m.contract.AccessTokens, key) - } - } -} - -func (m *Manager) removeIDTokens(homeID string, env string) { - m.contractMu.Lock() - defer m.contractMu.Unlock() - for key, idt := range m.contract.IDTokens { - // Remove ID tokens associated with the account. - if idt.HomeAccountID == homeID && idt.Environment == env { - delete(m.contract.IDTokens, key) - } - } -} - -func (m *Manager) removeAccounts(homeID string, env string) { - m.contractMu.Lock() - defer m.contractMu.Unlock() - for key, acc := range m.contract.Accounts { - // Remove the specified account. - if acc.HomeAccountID == homeID && acc.Environment == env { - delete(m.contract.Accounts, key) - } - } -} - -// update updates the internal cache object. This is for use in tests, other uses are not -// supported. -func (m *Manager) update(cache *Contract) { - m.contractMu.Lock() - defer m.contractMu.Unlock() - m.contract = cache -} - -// Marshal implements cache.Marshaler. -func (m *Manager) Marshal() ([]byte, error) { - return json.Marshal(m.contract) -} - -// Unmarshal implements cache.Unmarshaler. -func (m *Manager) Unmarshal(b []byte) error { - m.contractMu.Lock() - defer m.contractMu.Unlock() - - contract := NewContract() - - err := json.Unmarshal(b, contract) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - m.contract = contract - - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/base/internal/storage/test_serialized_cache.json b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/base/internal/storage/test_serialized_cache.json deleted file mode 100644 index 1d8181924d14..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/base/internal/storage/test_serialized_cache.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -{ - "Account": { - "uid.utid-login.windows.net-contoso": { - "username": "John Doe", - "local_account_id": "object1234", - "realm": "contoso", - "environment": "login.windows.net", - "home_account_id": "uid.utid", - "authority_type": "MSSTS" - } - }, - "RefreshToken": { - "uid.utid-login.windows.net-refreshtoken-my_client_id--s2 s1 s3": { - "target": "s2 s1 s3", - "environment": "login.windows.net", - "credential_type": "RefreshToken", - "secret": "a refresh token", - "client_id": "my_client_id", - "home_account_id": "uid.utid" - } - }, - "AccessToken": { - "an-entry": { - "foo": "bar" - }, - "uid.utid-login.windows.net-accesstoken-my_client_id-contoso-s2 s1 s3": { - "environment": "login.windows.net", - "credential_type": "AccessToken", - "secret": "an access token", - "realm": "contoso", - "target": "s2 s1 s3", - "client_id": "my_client_id", - "cached_at": "1000", - "home_account_id": "uid.utid", - "extended_expires_on": "4600", - "expires_on": "4600" - } - }, - "IdToken": { - "uid.utid-login.windows.net-idtoken-my_client_id-contoso-": { - "realm": "contoso", - "environment": "login.windows.net", - "credential_type": "IdToken", - "secret": "header.eyJvaWQiOiAib2JqZWN0MTIzNCIsICJwcmVmZXJyZWRfdXNlcm5hbWUiOiAiSm9obiBEb2UiLCAic3ViIjogInN1YiJ9.signature", - "client_id": "my_client_id", - "home_account_id": "uid.utid" - } - }, - "unknownEntity": {"field1":"1","field2":"whats"}, - "AppMetadata": { - "AppMetadata-login.windows.net-my_client_id": { - "environment": "login.windows.net", - "client_id": "my_client_id" - } - } - } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/json/design.md b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/json/design.md deleted file mode 100644 index 09edb01b7e43..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/json/design.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,140 +0,0 @@ -# JSON Package Design -Author: John Doak(jdoak@microsoft.com) - -## Why? - -This project needs a special type of marshal/unmarshal not directly supported -by the encoding/json package. - -The need revolves around a few key wants/needs: -- unmarshal and marshal structs representing JSON messages -- fields in the messgage not in the struct must be maintained when unmarshalled -- those same fields must be marshalled back when encoded again - -The initial version used map[string]interface{} to put in the keys that -were known and then any other keys were put into a field called AdditionalFields. - -This has a few negatives: -- Dual marshaling/unmarshalling is required -- Adding a struct field requires manually adding a key by name to be encoded/decoded from the map (which is a loosely coupled construct), which can lead to bugs that aren't detected or have bad side effects -- Tests can become quickly disconnected if those keys aren't put -in tests as well. So you think you have support working, but you -don't. Existing tests were found that didn't test the marshalling output. -- There is no enforcement that if AdditionalFields is required on one struct, it should be on all containers -that don't have custom marshal/unmarshal. - -This package aims to support our needs by providing custom Marshal()/Unmarshal() functions. - -This prevents all the negatives in the initial solution listed above. However, it does add its own negative: -- Custom encoding/decoding via reflection is messy (as can be seen in encoding/json itself) - -Go proverb: Reflection is never clear -Suggested reading: https://blog.golang.org/laws-of-reflection - -## Important design decisions - -- We don't want to understand all JSON decoding rules -- We don't want to deal with all the quoting, commas, etc on decode -- Need support for json.Marshaler/Unmarshaler, so we can support types like time.Time -- If struct does not implement json.Unmarshaler, it must have AdditionalFields defined -- We only support root level objects that are \*struct or struct - -To faciliate these goals, we will utilize the json.Encoder and json.Decoder. -They provide streaming processing (efficient) and return errors on bad JSON. - -Support for json.Marshaler/Unmarshaler allows for us to use non-basic types -that must be specially encoded/decoded (like time.Time objects). - -We don't support types that can't customer unmarshal or have AdditionalFields -in order to prevent future devs from forgetting that important field and -generating bad return values. - -Support for root level objects of \*struct or struct simply acknowledges the -fact that this is designed only for the purposes listed in the Introduction. -Outside that (like encoding a lone number) should be done with the -regular json package (as it will not have additional fields). - -We don't support a few things on json supported reference types and structs: -- \*map: no need for pointers to maps -- \*slice: no need for pointers to slices -- any further pointers on struct after \*struct - -There should never be a need for this in Go. - -## Design - -## State Machines - -This uses state machine designs that based upon the Rob Pike talk on -lexers and parsers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxaD_trXwRE - -This is the most common pattern for state machines in Go and -the model to follow closesly when dealing with streaming -processing of textual data. - -Our state machines are based on the type: -```go -type stateFn func() (stateFn, error) -``` - -The state machine itself is simply a struct that has methods that -satisfy stateFn. - -Our state machines have a few standard calls -- run(): runs the state machine -- start(): always the first stateFn to be called - -All state machines have the following logic: -* run() is called -* start() is called and returns the next stateFn or error -* stateFn is called - - If returned stateFn(next state) is non-nil, call it - - If error is non-nil, run() returns the error - - If stateFn == nil and err == nil, run() return err == nil - -## Supporting types - -Marshalling/Unmarshalling must support(within top level struct): -- struct -- \*struct -- []struct -- []\*struct -- []map[string]structContainer -- [][]structContainer - -**Term note:** structContainer == type that has a struct or \*struct inside it - -We specifically do not support []interface or map[string]interface -where the interface value would hold some value with a struct in it. - -Those will still marshal/unmarshal, but without support for -AdditionalFields. - -## Marshalling - -The marshalling design will be based around a statemachine design. - -The basic logic is as follows: - -* If struct has custom marshaller, call it and return -* If struct has field "AdditionalFields", it must be a map[string]interface{} -* If struct does not have "AdditionalFields", give an error -* Get struct tag detailing json names to go names, create mapping -* For each public field name - - Write field name out - - If field value is a struct, recursively call our state machine - - Otherwise, use the json.Encoder to write out the value - -## Unmarshalling - -The unmarshalling desin is also based around a statemachine design. The -basic logic is as follows: - -* If struct has custom marhaller, call it -* If struct has field "AdditionalFields", it must be a map[string]interface{} -* Get struct tag detailing json names to go names, create mapping -* For each key found - - If key exists, - - If value is basic type, extract value into struct field using Decoder - - If value is struct type, recursively call statemachine - - If key doesn't exist, add it to AdditionalFields if it exists using Decoder diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/json/json.go b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/json/json.go deleted file mode 100644 index 83bd60d419b7..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/json/json.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,184 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. -// Licensed under the MIT license. - -// Package json provide functions for marshalling an unmarshalling types to JSON. These functions are meant to -// be utilized inside of structs that implement json.Unmarshaler and json.Marshaler interfaces. -// This package provides the additional functionality of writing fields that are not in the struct when marshalling -// to a field called AdditionalFields if that field exists and is a map[string]interface{}. -// When marshalling, if the struct has all the same prerequisites, it will uses the keys in AdditionalFields as -// extra fields. This package uses encoding/json underneath. -package json - -import ( - "bytes" - "encoding/json" - "fmt" - "reflect" - "strings" -) - -const addField = "AdditionalFields" -const ( - marshalJSON = "MarshalJSON" - unmarshalJSON = "UnmarshalJSON" -) - -var ( - leftBrace = []byte("{")[0] - rightBrace = []byte("}")[0] - comma = []byte(",")[0] - leftParen = []byte("[")[0] - rightParen = []byte("]")[0] -) - -var mapStrInterType = reflect.TypeOf(map[string]interface{}{}) - -// stateFn defines a state machine function. This will be used in all state -// machines in this package. -type stateFn func() (stateFn, error) - -// Marshal is used to marshal a type into its JSON representation. It -// wraps the stdlib calls in order to marshal a struct or *struct so -// that a field called "AdditionalFields" of type map[string]interface{} -// with "-" used inside struct tag `json:"-"` can be marshalled as if -// they were fields within the struct. -func Marshal(i interface{}) ([]byte, error) { - buff := bytes.Buffer{} - enc := json.NewEncoder(&buff) - enc.SetEscapeHTML(false) - enc.SetIndent("", "") - - v := reflect.ValueOf(i) - if v.Kind() != reflect.Ptr && v.CanAddr() { - v = v.Addr() - } - err := marshalStruct(reflect.ValueOf(i), &buff, enc) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return buff.Bytes(), nil -} - -// Unmarshal unmarshals a []byte representing JSON into i, which must be a *struct. In addition, if the struct has -// a field called AdditionalFields of type map[string]interface{}, JSON data representing fields not in the struct -// will be written as key/value pairs to AdditionalFields. -func Unmarshal(b []byte, i interface{}) error { - if len(b) == 0 { - return nil - } - - jdec := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewBuffer(b)) - jdec.UseNumber() - return unmarshalStruct(jdec, i) -} - -// MarshalRaw marshals i into a json.RawMessage. If I cannot be marshalled, -// this will panic. This is exposed to help test AdditionalField values -// which are stored as json.RawMessage. -func MarshalRaw(i interface{}) json.RawMessage { - b, err := json.Marshal(i) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - return json.RawMessage(b) -} - -// isDelim simply tests to see if a json.Token is a delimeter. -func isDelim(got json.Token) bool { - switch got.(type) { - case json.Delim: - return true - } - return false -} - -// delimIs tests got to see if it is want. -func delimIs(got json.Token, want rune) bool { - switch v := got.(type) { - case json.Delim: - if v == json.Delim(want) { - return true - } - } - return false -} - -// hasMarshalJSON will determine if the value or a pointer to this value has -// the MarshalJSON method. -func hasMarshalJSON(v reflect.Value) bool { - if method := v.MethodByName(marshalJSON); method.Kind() != reflect.Invalid { - _, ok := v.Interface().(json.Marshaler) - return ok - } - - if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { - v = v.Elem() - } else { - if !v.CanAddr() { - return false - } - v = v.Addr() - } - - if method := v.MethodByName(marshalJSON); method.Kind() != reflect.Invalid { - _, ok := v.Interface().(json.Marshaler) - return ok - } - return false -} - -// callMarshalJSON will call MarshalJSON() method on the value or a pointer to this value. -// This will panic if the method is not defined. -func callMarshalJSON(v reflect.Value) ([]byte, error) { - if method := v.MethodByName(marshalJSON); method.Kind() != reflect.Invalid { - marsh := v.Interface().(json.Marshaler) - return marsh.MarshalJSON() - } - - if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { - v = v.Elem() - } else { - if v.CanAddr() { - v = v.Addr() - } - } - - if method := v.MethodByName(unmarshalJSON); method.Kind() != reflect.Invalid { - marsh := v.Interface().(json.Marshaler) - return marsh.MarshalJSON() - } - - panic(fmt.Sprintf("callMarshalJSON called on type %T that does not have MarshalJSON defined", v.Interface())) -} - -// hasUnmarshalJSON will determine if the value or a pointer to this value has -// the UnmarshalJSON method. -func hasUnmarshalJSON(v reflect.Value) bool { - // You can't unmarshal on a non-pointer type. - if v.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { - if !v.CanAddr() { - return false - } - v = v.Addr() - } - - if method := v.MethodByName(unmarshalJSON); method.Kind() != reflect.Invalid { - _, ok := v.Interface().(json.Unmarshaler) - return ok - } - - return false -} - -// hasOmitEmpty indicates if the field has instructed us to not output -// the field if omitempty is set on the tag. tag is the string -// returned by reflect.StructField.Tag().Get(). -func hasOmitEmpty(tag string) bool { - sl := strings.Split(tag, ",") - for _, str := range sl { - if str == "omitempty" { - return true - } - } - return false -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/json/mapslice.go b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/json/mapslice.go deleted file mode 100644 index cef442f25c86..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/json/mapslice.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,333 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. -// Licensed under the MIT license. - -package json - -import ( - "encoding/json" - "fmt" - "reflect" -) - -// unmarshalMap unmarshal's a map. -func unmarshalMap(dec *json.Decoder, m reflect.Value) error { - if m.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || m.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Map { - panic("unmarshalMap called on non-*map value") - } - mapValueType := m.Elem().Type().Elem() - walk := mapWalk{dec: dec, m: m, valueType: mapValueType} - if err := walk.run(); err != nil { - return err - } - return nil -} - -type mapWalk struct { - dec *json.Decoder - key string - m reflect.Value - valueType reflect.Type -} - -// run runs our decoder state machine. -func (m *mapWalk) run() error { - var state = m.start - var err error - for { - state, err = state() - if err != nil { - return err - } - if state == nil { - return nil - } - } -} - -func (m *mapWalk) start() (stateFn, error) { - // maps can have custom unmarshaler's. - if hasUnmarshalJSON(m.m) { - err := m.dec.Decode(m.m.Interface()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return nil, nil - } - - // We only want to use this if the map value is: - // *struct/struct/map/slice - // otherwise use standard decode - t, _ := m.valueBaseType() - switch t.Kind() { - case reflect.Struct, reflect.Map, reflect.Slice: - delim, err := m.dec.Token() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - // This indicates the value was set to JSON null. - if delim == nil { - return nil, nil - } - if !delimIs(delim, '{') { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unmarshal expected opening {, received %v", delim) - } - return m.next, nil - case reflect.Ptr: - return nil, fmt.Errorf("do not support maps with values of '**type' or '*reference") - } - - // This is a basic map type, so just use Decode(). - if err := m.dec.Decode(m.m.Interface()); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - return nil, nil -} - -func (m *mapWalk) next() (stateFn, error) { - if m.dec.More() { - key, err := m.dec.Token() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - m.key = key.(string) - return m.storeValue, nil - } - // No more entries, so remove final }. - _, err := m.dec.Token() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return nil, nil -} - -func (m *mapWalk) storeValue() (stateFn, error) { - v := m.valueType - for { - switch v.Kind() { - case reflect.Ptr: - v = v.Elem() - continue - case reflect.Struct: - return m.storeStruct, nil - case reflect.Map: - return m.storeMap, nil - case reflect.Slice: - return m.storeSlice, nil - } - return nil, fmt.Errorf("bug: mapWalk.storeValue() called on unsupported type: %v", v.Kind()) - } -} - -func (m *mapWalk) storeStruct() (stateFn, error) { - v := newValue(m.valueType) - if err := unmarshalStruct(m.dec, v.Interface()); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - if m.valueType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { - m.m.Elem().SetMapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(m.key), v) - return m.next, nil - } - m.m.Elem().SetMapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(m.key), v.Elem()) - - return m.next, nil -} - -func (m *mapWalk) storeMap() (stateFn, error) { - v := reflect.MakeMap(m.valueType) - ptr := newValue(v.Type()) - ptr.Elem().Set(v) - if err := unmarshalMap(m.dec, ptr); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - m.m.Elem().SetMapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(m.key), v) - - return m.next, nil -} - -func (m *mapWalk) storeSlice() (stateFn, error) { - v := newValue(m.valueType) - if err := unmarshalSlice(m.dec, v); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - m.m.Elem().SetMapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(m.key), v.Elem()) - - return m.next, nil -} - -// valueType returns the underlying Type. So a *struct would yield -// struct, etc... -func (m *mapWalk) valueBaseType() (reflect.Type, bool) { - ptr := false - v := m.valueType - if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { - ptr = true - v = v.Elem() - } - return v, ptr -} - -// unmarshalSlice unmarshal's the next value, which must be a slice, into -// ptrSlice, which must be a pointer to a slice. newValue() can be use to -// create the slice. -func unmarshalSlice(dec *json.Decoder, ptrSlice reflect.Value) error { - if ptrSlice.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || ptrSlice.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Slice { - panic("unmarshalSlice called on non-*[]slice value") - } - sliceValueType := ptrSlice.Elem().Type().Elem() - walk := sliceWalk{ - dec: dec, - s: ptrSlice, - valueType: sliceValueType, - } - if err := walk.run(); err != nil { - return err - } - - return nil -} - -type sliceWalk struct { - dec *json.Decoder - s reflect.Value // *[]slice - valueType reflect.Type -} - -// run runs our decoder state machine. -func (s *sliceWalk) run() error { - var state = s.start - var err error - for { - state, err = state() - if err != nil { - return err - } - if state == nil { - return nil - } - } -} - -func (s *sliceWalk) start() (stateFn, error) { - // slices can have custom unmarshaler's. - if hasUnmarshalJSON(s.s) { - err := s.dec.Decode(s.s.Interface()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return nil, nil - } - - // We only want to use this if the slice value is: - // []*struct/[]struct/[]map/[]slice - // otherwise use standard decode - t := s.valueBaseType() - - switch t.Kind() { - case reflect.Ptr: - return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal into a ** or *") - case reflect.Struct, reflect.Map, reflect.Slice: - delim, err := s.dec.Token() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - // This indicates the value was set to nil. - if delim == nil { - return nil, nil - } - if !delimIs(delim, '[') { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unmarshal expected opening [, received %v", delim) - } - return s.next, nil - } - - if err := s.dec.Decode(s.s.Interface()); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return nil, nil -} - -func (s *sliceWalk) next() (stateFn, error) { - if s.dec.More() { - return s.storeValue, nil - } - // Nothing left in the slice, remove closing ] - _, err := s.dec.Token() - return nil, err -} - -func (s *sliceWalk) storeValue() (stateFn, error) { - t := s.valueBaseType() - switch t.Kind() { - case reflect.Ptr: - return nil, fmt.Errorf("do not support 'pointer to pointer' or 'pointer to reference' types") - case reflect.Struct: - return s.storeStruct, nil - case reflect.Map: - return s.storeMap, nil - case reflect.Slice: - return s.storeSlice, nil - } - return nil, fmt.Errorf("bug: sliceWalk.storeValue() called on unsupported type: %v", t.Kind()) -} - -func (s *sliceWalk) storeStruct() (stateFn, error) { - v := newValue(s.valueType) - if err := unmarshalStruct(s.dec, v.Interface()); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - if s.valueType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { - s.s.Elem().Set(reflect.Append(s.s.Elem(), v)) - return s.next, nil - } - - s.s.Elem().Set(reflect.Append(s.s.Elem(), v.Elem())) - return s.next, nil -} - -func (s *sliceWalk) storeMap() (stateFn, error) { - v := reflect.MakeMap(s.valueType) - ptr := newValue(v.Type()) - ptr.Elem().Set(v) - - if err := unmarshalMap(s.dec, ptr); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - s.s.Elem().Set(reflect.Append(s.s.Elem(), v)) - - return s.next, nil -} - -func (s *sliceWalk) storeSlice() (stateFn, error) { - v := newValue(s.valueType) - if err := unmarshalSlice(s.dec, v); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - s.s.Elem().Set(reflect.Append(s.s.Elem(), v.Elem())) - - return s.next, nil -} - -// valueType returns the underlying Type. So a *struct would yield -// struct, etc... -func (s *sliceWalk) valueBaseType() reflect.Type { - v := s.valueType - if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { - v = v.Elem() - } - return v -} - -// newValue() returns a new *type that represents type passed. -func newValue(valueType reflect.Type) reflect.Value { - if valueType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { - return reflect.New(valueType.Elem()) - } - return reflect.New(valueType) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/json/marshal.go b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/json/marshal.go deleted file mode 100644 index df5dc6e11b50..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/json/marshal.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,346 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. -// Licensed under the MIT license. - -package json - -import ( - "bytes" - "encoding/json" - "fmt" - "reflect" - "unicode" -) - -// marshalStruct takes in i, which must be a *struct or struct and marshals its content -// as JSON into buff (sometimes with writes to buff directly, sometimes via enc). -// This call is recursive for all fields of *struct or struct type. -func marshalStruct(v reflect.Value, buff *bytes.Buffer, enc *json.Encoder) error { - if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { - v = v.Elem() - } - // We only care about custom Marshalling a struct. - if v.Kind() != reflect.Struct { - return fmt.Errorf("bug: marshal() received a non *struct or struct, received type %T", v.Interface()) - } - - if hasMarshalJSON(v) { - b, err := callMarshalJSON(v) - if err != nil { - return err - } - buff.Write(b) - return nil - } - - t := v.Type() - - // If it has an AdditionalFields field make sure its the right type. - f := v.FieldByName(addField) - if f.Kind() != reflect.Invalid { - if f.Kind() != reflect.Map { - return fmt.Errorf("type %T has field 'AdditionalFields' that is not a map[string]interface{}", v.Interface()) - } - if !f.Type().AssignableTo(mapStrInterType) { - return fmt.Errorf("type %T has field 'AdditionalFields' that is not a map[string]interface{}", v.Interface()) - } - } - - translator, err := findFields(v) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - buff.WriteByte(leftBrace) - for x := 0; x < v.NumField(); x++ { - field := v.Field(x) - - // We don't access private fields. - if unicode.IsLower(rune(t.Field(x).Name[0])) { - continue - } - - if t.Field(x).Name == addField { - if v.Field(x).Len() > 0 { - if err := writeAddFields(field.Interface(), buff, enc); err != nil { - return err - } - buff.WriteByte(comma) - } - continue - } - - // If they have omitempty set, we don't write out the field if - // it is the zero value. - if hasOmitEmpty(t.Field(x).Tag.Get("json")) { - if v.Field(x).IsZero() { - continue - } - } - - // Write out the field name part. - jsonName := translator.jsonName(t.Field(x).Name) - buff.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%q:", jsonName)) - - if field.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { - field = field.Elem() - } - - if err := marshalStructField(field, buff, enc); err != nil { - return err - } - } - - buff.Truncate(buff.Len() - 1) // Remove final comma - buff.WriteByte(rightBrace) - - return nil -} - -func marshalStructField(field reflect.Value, buff *bytes.Buffer, enc *json.Encoder) error { - // Determine if we need a trailing comma. - defer buff.WriteByte(comma) - - switch field.Kind() { - // If it was a *struct or struct, we need to recursively all marshal(). - case reflect.Struct: - if field.CanAddr() { - field = field.Addr() - } - return marshalStruct(field, buff, enc) - case reflect.Map: - return marshalMap(field, buff, enc) - case reflect.Slice: - return marshalSlice(field, buff, enc) - } - - // It is just a basic type, so encode it. - if err := enc.Encode(field.Interface()); err != nil { - return err - } - buff.Truncate(buff.Len() - 1) // Remove Encode() added \n - - return nil -} - -func marshalMap(v reflect.Value, buff *bytes.Buffer, enc *json.Encoder) error { - if v.Kind() != reflect.Map { - return fmt.Errorf("bug: marshalMap() called on %T", v.Interface()) - } - if v.Len() == 0 { - buff.WriteByte(leftBrace) - buff.WriteByte(rightBrace) - return nil - } - encoder := mapEncode{m: v, buff: buff, enc: enc} - return encoder.run() -} - -type mapEncode struct { - m reflect.Value - buff *bytes.Buffer - enc *json.Encoder - - valueBaseType reflect.Type -} - -// run runs our encoder state machine. -func (m *mapEncode) run() error { - var state = m.start - var err error - for { - state, err = state() - if err != nil { - return err - } - if state == nil { - return nil - } - } -} - -func (m *mapEncode) start() (stateFn, error) { - if hasMarshalJSON(m.m) { - b, err := callMarshalJSON(m.m) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - m.buff.Write(b) - return nil, nil - } - - valueBaseType := m.m.Type().Elem() - if valueBaseType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { - valueBaseType = valueBaseType.Elem() - } - m.valueBaseType = valueBaseType - - switch valueBaseType.Kind() { - case reflect.Ptr: - return nil, fmt.Errorf("Marshal does not support ** or *") - case reflect.Struct, reflect.Map, reflect.Slice: - return m.encode, nil - } - - // If the map value doesn't have a struct/map/slice, just Encode() it. - if err := m.enc.Encode(m.m.Interface()); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - m.buff.Truncate(m.buff.Len() - 1) // Remove Encode() added \n - return nil, nil -} - -func (m *mapEncode) encode() (stateFn, error) { - m.buff.WriteByte(leftBrace) - - iter := m.m.MapRange() - for iter.Next() { - // Write the key. - k := iter.Key() - m.buff.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%q:", k.String())) - - v := iter.Value() - switch m.valueBaseType.Kind() { - case reflect.Struct: - if v.CanAddr() { - v = v.Addr() - } - if err := marshalStruct(v, m.buff, m.enc); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - case reflect.Map: - if err := marshalMap(v, m.buff, m.enc); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - case reflect.Slice: - if err := marshalSlice(v, m.buff, m.enc); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - default: - panic(fmt.Sprintf("critical bug: mapEncode.encode() called with value base type: %v", m.valueBaseType.Kind())) - } - m.buff.WriteByte(comma) - } - m.buff.Truncate(m.buff.Len() - 1) // Remove final comma - m.buff.WriteByte(rightBrace) - - return nil, nil -} - -func marshalSlice(v reflect.Value, buff *bytes.Buffer, enc *json.Encoder) error { - if v.Kind() != reflect.Slice { - return fmt.Errorf("bug: marshalSlice() called on %T", v.Interface()) - } - if v.Len() == 0 { - buff.WriteByte(leftParen) - buff.WriteByte(rightParen) - return nil - } - encoder := sliceEncode{s: v, buff: buff, enc: enc} - return encoder.run() -} - -type sliceEncode struct { - s reflect.Value - buff *bytes.Buffer - enc *json.Encoder - - valueBaseType reflect.Type -} - -// run runs our encoder state machine. -func (s *sliceEncode) run() error { - var state = s.start - var err error - for { - state, err = state() - if err != nil { - return err - } - if state == nil { - return nil - } - } -} - -func (s *sliceEncode) start() (stateFn, error) { - if hasMarshalJSON(s.s) { - b, err := callMarshalJSON(s.s) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - s.buff.Write(b) - return nil, nil - } - - valueBaseType := s.s.Type().Elem() - if valueBaseType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { - valueBaseType = valueBaseType.Elem() - } - s.valueBaseType = valueBaseType - - switch valueBaseType.Kind() { - case reflect.Ptr: - return nil, fmt.Errorf("Marshal does not support ** or *") - case reflect.Struct, reflect.Map, reflect.Slice: - return s.encode, nil - } - - // If the map value doesn't have a struct/map/slice, just Encode() it. - if err := s.enc.Encode(s.s.Interface()); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - s.buff.Truncate(s.buff.Len() - 1) // Remove Encode added \n - - return nil, nil -} - -func (s *sliceEncode) encode() (stateFn, error) { - s.buff.WriteByte(leftParen) - for i := 0; i < s.s.Len(); i++ { - v := s.s.Index(i) - switch s.valueBaseType.Kind() { - case reflect.Struct: - if v.CanAddr() { - v = v.Addr() - } - if err := marshalStruct(v, s.buff, s.enc); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - case reflect.Map: - if err := marshalMap(v, s.buff, s.enc); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - case reflect.Slice: - if err := marshalSlice(v, s.buff, s.enc); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - default: - panic(fmt.Sprintf("critical bug: mapEncode.encode() called with value base type: %v", s.valueBaseType.Kind())) - } - s.buff.WriteByte(comma) - } - s.buff.Truncate(s.buff.Len() - 1) // Remove final comma - s.buff.WriteByte(rightParen) - return nil, nil -} - -// writeAddFields writes the AdditionalFields struct field out to JSON as field -// values. i must be a map[string]interface{} or this will panic. -func writeAddFields(i interface{}, buff *bytes.Buffer, enc *json.Encoder) error { - m := i.(map[string]interface{}) - - x := 0 - for k, v := range m { - buff.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%q:", k)) - if err := enc.Encode(v); err != nil { - return err - } - buff.Truncate(buff.Len() - 1) // Remove Encode() added \n - - if x+1 != len(m) { - buff.WriteByte(comma) - } - x++ - } - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/json/struct.go b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/json/struct.go deleted file mode 100644 index 07751544a282..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/json/struct.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,290 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. -// Licensed under the MIT license. - -package json - -import ( - "encoding/json" - "fmt" - "reflect" - "strings" -) - -func unmarshalStruct(jdec *json.Decoder, i interface{}) error { - v := reflect.ValueOf(i) - if v.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { - return fmt.Errorf("Unmarshal() received type %T, which is not a *struct", i) - } - v = v.Elem() - if v.Kind() != reflect.Struct { - return fmt.Errorf("Unmarshal() received type %T, which is not a *struct", i) - } - - if hasUnmarshalJSON(v) { - // Indicates that this type has a custom Unmarshaler. - return jdec.Decode(v.Addr().Interface()) - } - - f := v.FieldByName(addField) - if f.Kind() == reflect.Invalid { - return fmt.Errorf("Unmarshal(%T) only supports structs that have the field AdditionalFields or implements json.Unmarshaler", i) - } - - if f.Kind() != reflect.Map || !f.Type().AssignableTo(mapStrInterType) { - return fmt.Errorf("type %T has field 'AdditionalFields' that is not a map[string]interface{}", i) - } - - dec := newDecoder(jdec, v) - return dec.run() -} - -type decoder struct { - dec *json.Decoder - value reflect.Value // This will be a reflect.Struct - translator translateFields - key string -} - -func newDecoder(dec *json.Decoder, value reflect.Value) *decoder { - return &decoder{value: value, dec: dec} -} - -// run runs our decoder state machine. -func (d *decoder) run() error { - var state = d.start - var err error - for { - state, err = state() - if err != nil { - return err - } - if state == nil { - return nil - } - } -} - -// start looks for our opening delimeter '{' and then transitions to looping through our fields. -func (d *decoder) start() (stateFn, error) { - var err error - d.translator, err = findFields(d.value) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - delim, err := d.dec.Token() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if !delimIs(delim, '{') { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unmarshal expected opening {, received %v", delim) - } - - return d.next, nil -} - -// next gets the next struct field name from the raw json or stops the machine if we get our closing }. -func (d *decoder) next() (stateFn, error) { - if !d.dec.More() { - // Remove the closing }. - if _, err := d.dec.Token(); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return nil, nil - } - - key, err := d.dec.Token() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - d.key = key.(string) - return d.storeValue, nil -} - -// storeValue takes the next value and stores it our struct. If the field can't be found -// in the struct, it pushes the operation to storeAdditional(). -func (d *decoder) storeValue() (stateFn, error) { - goName := d.translator.goName(d.key) - if goName == "" { - goName = d.key - } - - // We don't have the field in the struct, so it goes in AdditionalFields. - f := d.value.FieldByName(goName) - if f.Kind() == reflect.Invalid { - return d.storeAdditional, nil - } - - // Indicates that this type has a custom Unmarshaler. - if hasUnmarshalJSON(f) { - err := d.dec.Decode(f.Addr().Interface()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return d.next, nil - } - - t, isPtr, err := fieldBaseType(d.value, goName) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("type(%s) had field(%s) %w", d.value.Type().Name(), goName, err) - } - - switch t.Kind() { - // We need to recursively call ourselves on any *struct or struct. - case reflect.Struct: - if isPtr { - if f.IsNil() { - f.Set(reflect.New(t)) - } - } else { - f = f.Addr() - } - if err := unmarshalStruct(d.dec, f.Interface()); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return d.next, nil - case reflect.Map: - v := reflect.MakeMap(f.Type()) - ptr := newValue(f.Type()) - ptr.Elem().Set(v) - if err := unmarshalMap(d.dec, ptr); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - f.Set(ptr.Elem()) - return d.next, nil - case reflect.Slice: - v := reflect.MakeSlice(f.Type(), 0, 0) - ptr := newValue(f.Type()) - ptr.Elem().Set(v) - if err := unmarshalSlice(d.dec, ptr); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - f.Set(ptr.Elem()) - return d.next, nil - } - - if !isPtr { - f = f.Addr() - } - - // For values that are pointers, we need them to be non-nil in order - // to decode into them. - if f.IsNil() { - f.Set(reflect.New(t)) - } - - if err := d.dec.Decode(f.Interface()); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - return d.next, nil -} - -// storeAdditional pushes the key/value into our .AdditionalFields map. -func (d *decoder) storeAdditional() (stateFn, error) { - rw := json.RawMessage{} - if err := d.dec.Decode(&rw); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - field := d.value.FieldByName(addField) - if field.IsNil() { - field.Set(reflect.MakeMap(field.Type())) - } - field.SetMapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(d.key), reflect.ValueOf(rw)) - return d.next, nil -} - -func fieldBaseType(v reflect.Value, fieldName string) (t reflect.Type, isPtr bool, err error) { - sf, ok := v.Type().FieldByName(fieldName) - if !ok { - return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("bug: fieldBaseType() lookup of field(%s) on type(%s): do not have field", fieldName, v.Type().Name()) - } - t = sf.Type - if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { - t = t.Elem() - isPtr = true - } - if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { - return nil, isPtr, fmt.Errorf("received pointer to pointer type, not supported") - } - return t, isPtr, nil -} - -type translateField struct { - jsonName string - goName string -} - -// translateFields is a list of translateFields with a handy lookup method. -type translateFields []translateField - -// goName loops through a list of fields looking for one contaning the jsonName and -// returning the goName. If not found, returns the empty string. -// Note: not a map because at this size slices are faster even in tight loops. -func (t translateFields) goName(jsonName string) string { - for _, entry := range t { - if entry.jsonName == jsonName { - return entry.goName - } - } - return "" -} - -// jsonName loops through a list of fields looking for one contaning the goName and -// returning the jsonName. If not found, returns the empty string. -// Note: not a map because at this size slices are faster even in tight loops. -func (t translateFields) jsonName(goName string) string { - for _, entry := range t { - if entry.goName == goName { - return entry.jsonName - } - } - return "" -} - -var umarshalerType = reflect.TypeOf((*json.Unmarshaler)(nil)).Elem() - -// findFields parses a struct and writes the field tags for lookup. It will return an error -// if any field has a type of *struct or struct that does not implement json.Marshaler. -func findFields(v reflect.Value) (translateFields, error) { - if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { - v = v.Elem() - } - if v.Kind() != reflect.Struct { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("findFields received a %s type, expected *struct or struct", v.Type().Name()) - } - tfs := make([]translateField, 0, v.NumField()) - for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ { - tf := translateField{ - goName: v.Type().Field(i).Name, - jsonName: parseTag(v.Type().Field(i).Tag.Get("json")), - } - switch tf.jsonName { - case "", "-": - tf.jsonName = tf.goName - } - tfs = append(tfs, tf) - - f := v.Field(i) - if f.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { - f = f.Elem() - } - if f.Kind() == reflect.Struct { - if f.Type().Implements(umarshalerType) { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("struct type %q which has field %q which "+ - "doesn't implement json.Unmarshaler", v.Type().Name(), v.Type().Field(i).Name) - } - } - } - return tfs, nil -} - -// parseTag just returns the first entry in the tag. tag is the string -// returned by reflect.StructField.Tag().Get(). -func parseTag(tag string) string { - if idx := strings.Index(tag, ","); idx != -1 { - return tag[:idx] - } - return tag -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/json/types/time/time.go b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/json/types/time/time.go deleted file mode 100644 index a1c99621e9fc..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/json/types/time/time.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. -// Licensed under the MIT license. - -// Package time provides for custom types to translate time from JSON and other formats -// into time.Time objects. -package time - -import ( - "fmt" - "strconv" - "strings" - "time" -) - -// Unix provides a type that can marshal and unmarshal a string representation -// of the unix epoch into a time.Time object. -type Unix struct { - T time.Time -} - -// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.MarshalJSON(). -func (u Unix) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - if u.T.IsZero() { - return []byte(""), nil - } - return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%q", strconv.FormatInt(u.T.Unix(), 10))), nil -} - -// UnmarshalJSON implements encoding/json.UnmarshalJSON(). -func (u *Unix) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { - i, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.Trim(string(b), `"`)) - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("unix time(%s) could not be converted from string to int: %w", string(b), err) - } - u.T = time.Unix(int64(i), 0) - return nil -} - -// DurationTime provides a type that can marshal and unmarshal a string representation -// of a duration from now into a time.Time object. -// Note: I'm not sure this is the best way to do this. What happens is we get a field -// called "expires_in" that represents the seconds from now that this expires. We -// turn that into a time we call .ExpiresOn. But maybe we should be recording -// when the token was received at .TokenRecieved and .ExpiresIn should remain as a duration. -// Then we could have a method called ExpiresOn(). Honestly, the whole thing is -// bad because the server doesn't return a concrete time. I think this is -// cleaner, but its not great either. -type DurationTime struct { - T time.Time -} - -// MarshalJSON implements encoding/json.MarshalJSON(). -func (d DurationTime) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - if d.T.IsZero() { - return []byte(""), nil - } - - dt := time.Until(d.T) - return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%d", int64(dt*time.Second))), nil -} - -// UnmarshalJSON implements encoding/json.UnmarshalJSON(). -func (d *DurationTime) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { - i, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.Trim(string(b), `"`)) - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("unix time(%s) could not be converted from string to int: %w", string(b), err) - } - d.T = time.Now().Add(time.Duration(i) * time.Second) - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/local/server.go b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/local/server.go deleted file mode 100644 index 41f4373fa585..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/local/server.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,176 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. -// Licensed under the MIT license. - -// Package local contains a local HTTP server used with interactive authentication. -package local - -import ( - "context" - "fmt" - "net" - "net/http" - "strconv" - "strings" -) - -var okPage = []byte(` - - - - - Authentication Complete - - -

Authentication complete. You can return to the application. Feel free to close this browser tab.

- - -`) - -const failPage = ` - - - - - Authentication Failed - - -

Authentication failed. You can return to the application. Feel free to close this browser tab.


Error details: error %s error_description: %s

- - -` - -// Result is the result from the redirect. -type Result struct { - // Code is the code sent by the authority server. - Code string - // Err is set if there was an error. - Err error -} - -// Server is an HTTP server. -type Server struct { - // Addr is the address the server is listening on. - Addr string - resultCh chan Result - s *http.Server - reqState string -} - -// New creates a local HTTP server and starts it. -func New(reqState string, port int) (*Server, error) { - var l net.Listener - var err error - var portStr string - if port > 0 { - // use port provided by caller - l, err = net.Listen("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("localhost:%d", port)) - portStr = strconv.FormatInt(int64(port), 10) - } else { - // find a free port - for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { - l, err = net.Listen("tcp", "localhost:0") - if err != nil { - continue - } - addr := l.Addr().String() - portStr = addr[strings.LastIndex(addr, ":")+1:] - break - } - } - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - serv := &Server{ - Addr: fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%s", portStr), - s: &http.Server{Addr: "localhost:0"}, - reqState: reqState, - resultCh: make(chan Result, 1), - } - serv.s.Handler = http.HandlerFunc(serv.handler) - - if err := serv.start(l); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - return serv, nil -} - -func (s *Server) start(l net.Listener) error { - go func() { - err := s.s.Serve(l) - if err != nil { - select { - case s.resultCh <- Result{Err: err}: - default: - } - } - }() - - return nil -} - -// Result gets the result of the redirect operation. Once a single result is returned, the server -// is shutdown. ctx deadline will be honored. -func (s *Server) Result(ctx context.Context) Result { - select { - case <-ctx.Done(): - return Result{Err: ctx.Err()} - case r := <-s.resultCh: - return r - } -} - -// Shutdown shuts down the server. -func (s *Server) Shutdown() { - // Note: You might get clever and think you can do this in handler() as a defer, you can't. - _ = s.s.Shutdown(context.Background()) -} - -func (s *Server) putResult(r Result) { - select { - case s.resultCh <- r: - default: - } -} - -func (s *Server) handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { - q := r.URL.Query() - - headerErr := q.Get("error") - if headerErr != "" { - desc := q.Get("error_description") - // Note: It is a little weird we handle some errors by not going to the failPage. If they all should, - // change this to s.error() and make s.error() write the failPage instead of an error code. - _, _ = w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(failPage, headerErr, desc))) - s.putResult(Result{Err: fmt.Errorf(desc)}) - return - } - - respState := q.Get("state") - switch respState { - case s.reqState: - case "": - s.error(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "server didn't send OAuth state") - return - default: - s.error(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "mismatched OAuth state, req(%s), resp(%s)", s.reqState, respState) - return - } - - code := q.Get("code") - if code == "" { - s.error(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "authorization code missing in query string") - return - } - - _, _ = w.Write(okPage) - s.putResult(Result{Code: code}) -} - -func (s *Server) error(w http.ResponseWriter, code int, str string, i ...interface{}) { - err := fmt.Errorf(str, i...) - http.Error(w, err.Error(), code) - s.putResult(Result{Err: err}) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/oauth.go b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/oauth.go deleted file mode 100644 index 84d76dbccbac..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/oauth.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,278 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. -// Licensed under the MIT license. - -package oauth - -import ( - "context" - "encoding/json" - "fmt" - "io/ioutil" - "time" - - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/errors" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/accesstokens" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/authority" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/wstrust" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/wstrust/defs" -) - -// ResolveEndpointer contains the methods for resolving authority endpoints. -type ResolveEndpointer interface { - ResolveEndpoints(ctx context.Context, authorityInfo authority.Info, userPrincipalName string) (authority.Endpoints, error) -} - -// AccessTokens contains the methods for fetching tokens from different sources. -type AccessTokens interface { - DeviceCodeResult(ctx context.Context, authParameters authority.AuthParams) (accesstokens.DeviceCodeResult, error) - FromUsernamePassword(ctx context.Context, authParameters authority.AuthParams) (accesstokens.TokenResponse, error) - FromAuthCode(ctx context.Context, req accesstokens.AuthCodeRequest) (accesstokens.TokenResponse, error) - FromRefreshToken(ctx context.Context, appType accesstokens.AppType, authParams authority.AuthParams, cc *accesstokens.Credential, refreshToken string) (accesstokens.TokenResponse, error) - FromClientSecret(ctx context.Context, authParameters authority.AuthParams, clientSecret string) (accesstokens.TokenResponse, error) - FromAssertion(ctx context.Context, authParameters authority.AuthParams, assertion string) (accesstokens.TokenResponse, error) - FromUserAssertionClientSecret(ctx context.Context, authParameters authority.AuthParams, userAssertion string, clientSecret string) (accesstokens.TokenResponse, error) - FromUserAssertionClientCertificate(ctx context.Context, authParameters authority.AuthParams, userAssertion string, assertion string) (accesstokens.TokenResponse, error) - FromDeviceCodeResult(ctx context.Context, authParameters authority.AuthParams, deviceCodeResult accesstokens.DeviceCodeResult) (accesstokens.TokenResponse, error) - FromSamlGrant(ctx context.Context, authParameters authority.AuthParams, samlGrant wstrust.SamlTokenInfo) (accesstokens.TokenResponse, error) -} - -// FetchAuthority will be implemented by authority.Authority. -type FetchAuthority interface { - UserRealm(context.Context, authority.AuthParams) (authority.UserRealm, error) - AADInstanceDiscovery(context.Context, authority.Info) (authority.InstanceDiscoveryResponse, error) -} - -// FetchWSTrust contains the methods for interacting with WSTrust endpoints. -type FetchWSTrust interface { - Mex(ctx context.Context, federationMetadataURL string) (defs.MexDocument, error) - SAMLTokenInfo(ctx context.Context, authParameters authority.AuthParams, cloudAudienceURN string, endpoint defs.Endpoint) (wstrust.SamlTokenInfo, error) -} - -// Client provides tokens for various types of token requests. -type Client struct { - Resolver ResolveEndpointer - AccessTokens AccessTokens - Authority FetchAuthority - WSTrust FetchWSTrust -} - -// New is the constructor for Token. -func New(httpClient ops.HTTPClient) *Client { - r := ops.New(httpClient) - return &Client{ - Resolver: newAuthorityEndpoint(r), - AccessTokens: r.AccessTokens(), - Authority: r.Authority(), - WSTrust: r.WSTrust(), - } -} - -// ResolveEndpoints gets the authorization and token endpoints and creates an AuthorityEndpoints instance. -func (t *Client) ResolveEndpoints(ctx context.Context, authorityInfo authority.Info, userPrincipalName string) (authority.Endpoints, error) { - return t.Resolver.ResolveEndpoints(ctx, authorityInfo, userPrincipalName) -} - -func (t *Client) AADInstanceDiscovery(ctx context.Context, authorityInfo authority.Info) (authority.InstanceDiscoveryResponse, error) { - return t.Authority.AADInstanceDiscovery(ctx, authorityInfo) -} - -// AuthCode returns a token based on an authorization code. -func (t *Client) AuthCode(ctx context.Context, req accesstokens.AuthCodeRequest) (accesstokens.TokenResponse, error) { - if err := t.resolveEndpoint(ctx, &req.AuthParams, ""); err != nil { - return accesstokens.TokenResponse{}, err - } - - tResp, err := t.AccessTokens.FromAuthCode(ctx, req) - if err != nil { - return accesstokens.TokenResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("could not retrieve token from auth code: %w", err) - } - return tResp, nil -} - -// Credential acquires a token from the authority using a client credentials grant. -func (t *Client) Credential(ctx context.Context, authParams authority.AuthParams, cred *accesstokens.Credential) (accesstokens.TokenResponse, error) { - if err := t.resolveEndpoint(ctx, &authParams, ""); err != nil { - return accesstokens.TokenResponse{}, err - } - - if cred.Secret != "" { - return t.AccessTokens.FromClientSecret(ctx, authParams, cred.Secret) - } - var jwt string - var err error - if cred.Assertion != "" { - jwt = cred.Assertion - } else if jwt, err = cred.JWT(authParams); err != nil { - return accesstokens.TokenResponse{}, err - } - return t.AccessTokens.FromAssertion(ctx, authParams, jwt) -} - -// Credential acquires a token from the authority using a client credentials grant. -func (t *Client) OnBehalfOf(ctx context.Context, authParams authority.AuthParams, cred *accesstokens.Credential) (accesstokens.TokenResponse, error) { - if err := t.resolveEndpoint(ctx, &authParams, ""); err != nil { - return accesstokens.TokenResponse{}, err - } - - if cred.Secret != "" { - return t.AccessTokens.FromUserAssertionClientSecret(ctx, authParams, authParams.UserAssertion, cred.Secret) - - } - var jwt string - var err error - if cred.Assertion != "" { - jwt = cred.Assertion - } else if jwt, err = cred.JWT(authParams); err != nil { - return accesstokens.TokenResponse{}, err - } - return t.AccessTokens.FromUserAssertionClientCertificate(ctx, authParams, authParams.UserAssertion, jwt) -} - -func (t *Client) Refresh(ctx context.Context, reqType accesstokens.AppType, authParams authority.AuthParams, cc *accesstokens.Credential, refreshToken accesstokens.RefreshToken) (accesstokens.TokenResponse, error) { - if err := t.resolveEndpoint(ctx, &authParams, ""); err != nil { - return accesstokens.TokenResponse{}, err - } - - return t.AccessTokens.FromRefreshToken(ctx, reqType, authParams, cc, refreshToken.Secret) -} - -// UsernamePassword retrieves a token where a username and password is used. However, if this is -// a user realm of "Federated", this uses SAML tokens. If "Managed", uses normal username/password. -func (t *Client) UsernamePassword(ctx context.Context, authParams authority.AuthParams) (accesstokens.TokenResponse, error) { - if authParams.AuthorityInfo.AuthorityType == authority.ADFS { - if err := t.resolveEndpoint(ctx, &authParams, authParams.Username); err != nil { - return accesstokens.TokenResponse{}, err - } - return t.AccessTokens.FromUsernamePassword(ctx, authParams) - } - if err := t.resolveEndpoint(ctx, &authParams, ""); err != nil { - return accesstokens.TokenResponse{}, err - } - - userRealm, err := t.Authority.UserRealm(ctx, authParams) - if err != nil { - return accesstokens.TokenResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("problem getting user realm(user: %s) from authority: %w", authParams.Username, err) - } - - switch userRealm.AccountType { - case authority.Federated: - mexDoc, err := t.WSTrust.Mex(ctx, userRealm.FederationMetadataURL) - if err != nil { - return accesstokens.TokenResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("problem getting mex doc from federated url(%s): %w", userRealm.FederationMetadataURL, err) - } - - saml, err := t.WSTrust.SAMLTokenInfo(ctx, authParams, userRealm.CloudAudienceURN, mexDoc.UsernamePasswordEndpoint) - if err != nil { - return accesstokens.TokenResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("problem getting SAML token info: %w", err) - } - return t.AccessTokens.FromSamlGrant(ctx, authParams, saml) - case authority.Managed: - return t.AccessTokens.FromUsernamePassword(ctx, authParams) - } - return accesstokens.TokenResponse{}, errors.New("unknown account type") -} - -// DeviceCode is the result of a call to Token.DeviceCode(). -type DeviceCode struct { - // Result is the device code result from the first call in the device code flow. This allows - // the caller to retrieve the displayed code that is used to authorize on the second device. - Result accesstokens.DeviceCodeResult - authParams authority.AuthParams - - accessTokens AccessTokens -} - -// Token returns a token AFTER the user uses the user code on the second device. This will block -// until either: (1) the code is input by the user and the service releases a token, (2) the token -// expires, (3) the Context passed to .DeviceCode() is cancelled or expires, (4) some other service -// error occurs. -func (d DeviceCode) Token(ctx context.Context) (accesstokens.TokenResponse, error) { - if d.accessTokens == nil { - return accesstokens.TokenResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("DeviceCode was either created outside its package or the creating method had an error. DeviceCode is not valid") - } - - var cancel context.CancelFunc - d.Result.ExpiresOn.Sub(time.Now().UTC()) - if deadline, ok := ctx.Deadline(); !ok || d.Result.ExpiresOn.Before(deadline) { - ctx, cancel = context.WithDeadline(ctx, d.Result.ExpiresOn) - } else { - ctx, cancel = context.WithCancel(ctx) - } - defer cancel() - - var interval = 50 * time.Millisecond - timer := time.NewTimer(interval) - defer timer.Stop() - - for { - timer.Reset(interval) - select { - case <-ctx.Done(): - return accesstokens.TokenResponse{}, ctx.Err() - case <-timer.C: - interval += interval * 2 - if interval > 5*time.Second { - interval = 5 * time.Second - } - } - - token, err := d.accessTokens.FromDeviceCodeResult(ctx, d.authParams, d.Result) - if err != nil && isWaitDeviceCodeErr(err) { - continue - } - return token, err // This handles if it was a non-wait error or success - } -} - -type deviceCodeError struct { - Error string `json:"error"` -} - -func isWaitDeviceCodeErr(err error) bool { - var c errors.CallErr - if !errors.As(err, &c) { - return false - } - if c.Resp.StatusCode != 400 { - return false - } - var dCErr deviceCodeError - defer c.Resp.Body.Close() - body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(c.Resp.Body) - if err != nil { - return false - } - err = json.Unmarshal(body, &dCErr) - if err != nil { - return false - } - if dCErr.Error == "authorization_pending" || dCErr.Error == "slow_down" { - return true - } - return false -} - -// DeviceCode returns a DeviceCode object that can be used to get the code that must be entered on the second -// device and optionally the token once the code has been entered on the second device. -func (t *Client) DeviceCode(ctx context.Context, authParams authority.AuthParams) (DeviceCode, error) { - if err := t.resolveEndpoint(ctx, &authParams, ""); err != nil { - return DeviceCode{}, err - } - - dcr, err := t.AccessTokens.DeviceCodeResult(ctx, authParams) - if err != nil { - return DeviceCode{}, err - } - - return DeviceCode{Result: dcr, authParams: authParams, accessTokens: t.AccessTokens}, nil -} - -func (t *Client) resolveEndpoint(ctx context.Context, authParams *authority.AuthParams, userPrincipalName string) error { - endpoints, err := t.Resolver.ResolveEndpoints(ctx, authParams.AuthorityInfo, userPrincipalName) - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("unable to resolve an endpoint: %s", err) - } - authParams.Endpoints = endpoints - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/accesstokens/accesstokens.go b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/accesstokens/accesstokens.go deleted file mode 100644 index 156d86f9afbf..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/accesstokens/accesstokens.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,412 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. -// Licensed under the MIT license. - -/* -Package accesstokens exposes a REST client for querying backend systems to get various types of -access tokens (oauth) for use in authentication. - -These calls are of type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". This means we use url.Values to -represent arguments and then encode them into the POST body message. We receive JSON in -return for the requests. The request definition is defined in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7521#section-4.2 . -*/ -package accesstokens - -import ( - "context" - "crypto" - - /* #nosec */ - "crypto/sha1" - "crypto/x509" - "encoding/base64" - "fmt" - "net/url" - "strconv" - "strings" - "sync" - "time" - - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/authority" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/internal/grant" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/wstrust" - "github.com/golang-jwt/jwt" - "github.com/google/uuid" -) - -const ( - grantType = "grant_type" - deviceCode = "device_code" - clientID = "client_id" - clientInfo = "client_info" - clientInfoVal = "1" - username = "username" - password = "password" -) - -//go:generate stringer -type=AppType - -// AppType is whether the authorization code flow is for a public or confidential client. -type AppType int8 - -const ( - // ATUnknown is the zero value when the type hasn't been set. - ATUnknown AppType = iota - // ATPublic indicates this if for the Public.Client. - ATPublic - // ATConfidential indicates this if for the Confidential.Client. - ATConfidential -) - -type urlFormCaller interface { - URLFormCall(ctx context.Context, endpoint string, qv url.Values, resp interface{}) error -} - -// DeviceCodeResponse represents the HTTP response received from the device code endpoint -type DeviceCodeResponse struct { - authority.OAuthResponseBase - - UserCode string `json:"user_code"` - DeviceCode string `json:"device_code"` - VerificationURL string `json:"verification_url"` - ExpiresIn int `json:"expires_in"` - Interval int `json:"interval"` - Message string `json:"message"` - - AdditionalFields map[string]interface{} -} - -// Convert converts the DeviceCodeResponse to a DeviceCodeResult -func (dcr DeviceCodeResponse) Convert(clientID string, scopes []string) DeviceCodeResult { - expiresOn := time.Now().UTC().Add(time.Duration(dcr.ExpiresIn) * time.Second) - return NewDeviceCodeResult(dcr.UserCode, dcr.DeviceCode, dcr.VerificationURL, expiresOn, dcr.Interval, dcr.Message, clientID, scopes) -} - -// Credential represents the credential used in confidential client flows. This can be either -// a Secret or Cert/Key. -type Credential struct { - // Secret contains the credential secret if we are doing auth by secret. - Secret string - - // Cert is the public x509 certificate if we are doing any auth other than secret. - Cert *x509.Certificate - // Key is the private key for signing if we are doing any auth other than secret. - Key crypto.PrivateKey - - // mu protects everything below. - mu sync.Mutex - // Assertion is the signed JWT assertion if we have retrieved it or if it was passed. - Assertion string - // Expires is when the Assertion expires. Public to allow faking in tests. - // Any use outside msal is not supported by a compatibility promise. - Expires time.Time -} - -// JWT gets the jwt assertion when the credential is not using a secret. -func (c *Credential) JWT(authParams authority.AuthParams) (string, error) { - c.mu.Lock() - defer c.mu.Unlock() - - if c.Expires.Before(time.Now()) && c.Assertion != "" { - return c.Assertion, nil - } - // There is no hard requirement on what the expiry time should be. - // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7519#section-4.1.4 - // This just sets a default of 10 mins which means a cached JWT assertion - // can be used if it is less that 10 mins old after which we regenerate the assertion. - expires := time.Now().Add(10 * time.Minute) - - token := jwt.NewWithClaims(jwt.SigningMethodRS256, jwt.MapClaims{ - "aud": authParams.Endpoints.TokenEndpoint, - "exp": strconv.FormatInt(expires.Unix(), 10), - "iss": authParams.ClientID, - "jti": uuid.New().String(), - "nbf": strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10), - "sub": authParams.ClientID, - }) - token.Header = map[string]interface{}{ - "alg": "RS256", - "typ": "JWT", - "x5t": base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(thumbprint(c.Cert)), - } - - if authParams.SendX5C { - token.Header["x5c"] = []string{base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(c.Cert.Raw)} - } - var err error - c.Assertion, err = token.SignedString(c.Key) - if err != nil { - return "", fmt.Errorf("unable to sign a JWT token using private key: %w", err) - } - - c.Expires = expires - return c.Assertion, nil -} - -// thumbprint runs the asn1.Der bytes through sha1 for use in the x5t parameter of JWT. -// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7517#section-4.8 -func thumbprint(cert *x509.Certificate) []byte { - /* #nosec */ - a := sha1.Sum(cert.Raw) - return a[:] -} - -// Client represents the REST calls to get tokens from token generator backends. -type Client struct { - // Comm provides the HTTP transport client. - Comm urlFormCaller - - testing bool -} - -// FromUsernamePassword uses a username and password to get an access token. -func (c Client) FromUsernamePassword(ctx context.Context, authParameters authority.AuthParams) (TokenResponse, error) { - qv := url.Values{} - qv.Set(grantType, grant.Password) - qv.Set(username, authParameters.Username) - qv.Set(password, authParameters.Password) - qv.Set(clientID, authParameters.ClientID) - qv.Set(clientInfo, clientInfoVal) - addScopeQueryParam(qv, authParameters) - - return c.doTokenResp(ctx, authParameters, qv) -} - -// AuthCodeRequest stores the values required to request a token from the authority using an authorization code -type AuthCodeRequest struct { - AuthParams authority.AuthParams - Code string - CodeChallenge string - Credential *Credential - AppType AppType -} - -// NewCodeChallengeRequest returns an AuthCodeRequest that uses a code challenge.. -func NewCodeChallengeRequest(params authority.AuthParams, appType AppType, cc *Credential, code, challenge string) (AuthCodeRequest, error) { - if appType == ATUnknown { - return AuthCodeRequest{}, fmt.Errorf("bug: NewCodeChallengeRequest() called with AppType == ATUnknown") - } - return AuthCodeRequest{ - AuthParams: params, - AppType: appType, - Code: code, - CodeChallenge: challenge, - Credential: cc, - }, nil -} - -// FromAuthCode uses an authorization code to retrieve an access token. -func (c Client) FromAuthCode(ctx context.Context, req AuthCodeRequest) (TokenResponse, error) { - var qv url.Values - - switch req.AppType { - case ATUnknown: - return TokenResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("bug: Token.AuthCode() received request with AppType == ATUnknown") - case ATConfidential: - var err error - if req.Credential == nil { - return TokenResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("AuthCodeRequest had nil Credential for Confidential app") - } - qv, err = prepURLVals(req.Credential, req.AuthParams) - if err != nil { - return TokenResponse{}, err - } - case ATPublic: - qv = url.Values{} - default: - return TokenResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("bug: Token.AuthCode() received request with AppType == %v, which we do not recongnize", req.AppType) - } - - qv.Set(grantType, grant.AuthCode) - qv.Set("code", req.Code) - qv.Set("code_verifier", req.CodeChallenge) - qv.Set("redirect_uri", req.AuthParams.Redirecturi) - qv.Set(clientID, req.AuthParams.ClientID) - qv.Set(clientInfo, clientInfoVal) - addScopeQueryParam(qv, req.AuthParams) - - return c.doTokenResp(ctx, req.AuthParams, qv) -} - -// FromRefreshToken uses a refresh token (for refreshing credentials) to get a new access token. -func (c Client) FromRefreshToken(ctx context.Context, appType AppType, authParams authority.AuthParams, cc *Credential, refreshToken string) (TokenResponse, error) { - qv := url.Values{} - if appType == ATConfidential { - var err error - qv, err = prepURLVals(cc, authParams) - if err != nil { - return TokenResponse{}, err - } - } - qv.Set(grantType, grant.RefreshToken) - qv.Set(clientID, authParams.ClientID) - qv.Set(clientInfo, clientInfoVal) - qv.Set("refresh_token", refreshToken) - addScopeQueryParam(qv, authParams) - - return c.doTokenResp(ctx, authParams, qv) -} - -// FromClientSecret uses a client's secret (aka password) to get a new token. -func (c Client) FromClientSecret(ctx context.Context, authParameters authority.AuthParams, clientSecret string) (TokenResponse, error) { - qv := url.Values{} - qv.Set(grantType, grant.ClientCredential) - qv.Set("client_secret", clientSecret) - qv.Set(clientID, authParameters.ClientID) - addScopeQueryParam(qv, authParameters) - - token, err := c.doTokenResp(ctx, authParameters, qv) - if err != nil { - return token, fmt.Errorf("FromClientSecret(): %w", err) - } - return token, nil -} - -func (c Client) FromAssertion(ctx context.Context, authParameters authority.AuthParams, assertion string) (TokenResponse, error) { - qv := url.Values{} - qv.Set(grantType, grant.ClientCredential) - qv.Set("client_assertion_type", grant.ClientAssertion) - qv.Set("client_assertion", assertion) - qv.Set(clientID, authParameters.ClientID) - qv.Set(clientInfo, clientInfoVal) - addScopeQueryParam(qv, authParameters) - - token, err := c.doTokenResp(ctx, authParameters, qv) - if err != nil { - return token, fmt.Errorf("FromAssertion(): %w", err) - } - return token, nil -} - -func (c Client) FromUserAssertionClientSecret(ctx context.Context, authParameters authority.AuthParams, userAssertion string, clientSecret string) (TokenResponse, error) { - qv := url.Values{} - qv.Set(grantType, grant.JWT) - qv.Set(clientID, authParameters.ClientID) - qv.Set("client_secret", clientSecret) - qv.Set("assertion", userAssertion) - qv.Set(clientInfo, clientInfoVal) - qv.Set("requested_token_use", "on_behalf_of") - addScopeQueryParam(qv, authParameters) - - return c.doTokenResp(ctx, authParameters, qv) -} - -func (c Client) FromUserAssertionClientCertificate(ctx context.Context, authParameters authority.AuthParams, userAssertion string, assertion string) (TokenResponse, error) { - qv := url.Values{} - qv.Set(grantType, grant.JWT) - qv.Set("client_assertion_type", grant.ClientAssertion) - qv.Set("client_assertion", assertion) - qv.Set(clientID, authParameters.ClientID) - qv.Set("assertion", userAssertion) - qv.Set(clientInfo, clientInfoVal) - qv.Set("requested_token_use", "on_behalf_of") - addScopeQueryParam(qv, authParameters) - - return c.doTokenResp(ctx, authParameters, qv) -} - -func (c Client) DeviceCodeResult(ctx context.Context, authParameters authority.AuthParams) (DeviceCodeResult, error) { - qv := url.Values{} - qv.Set(clientID, authParameters.ClientID) - addScopeQueryParam(qv, authParameters) - - endpoint := strings.Replace(authParameters.Endpoints.TokenEndpoint, "token", "devicecode", -1) - - resp := DeviceCodeResponse{} - err := c.Comm.URLFormCall(ctx, endpoint, qv, &resp) - if err != nil { - return DeviceCodeResult{}, err - } - - return resp.Convert(authParameters.ClientID, authParameters.Scopes), nil -} - -func (c Client) FromDeviceCodeResult(ctx context.Context, authParameters authority.AuthParams, deviceCodeResult DeviceCodeResult) (TokenResponse, error) { - qv := url.Values{} - qv.Set(grantType, grant.DeviceCode) - qv.Set(deviceCode, deviceCodeResult.DeviceCode) - qv.Set(clientID, authParameters.ClientID) - qv.Set(clientInfo, clientInfoVal) - addScopeQueryParam(qv, authParameters) - - return c.doTokenResp(ctx, authParameters, qv) -} - -func (c Client) FromSamlGrant(ctx context.Context, authParameters authority.AuthParams, samlGrant wstrust.SamlTokenInfo) (TokenResponse, error) { - qv := url.Values{} - qv.Set(username, authParameters.Username) - qv.Set(password, authParameters.Password) - qv.Set(clientID, authParameters.ClientID) - qv.Set(clientInfo, clientInfoVal) - qv.Set("assertion", base64.StdEncoding.WithPadding(base64.StdPadding).EncodeToString([]byte(samlGrant.Assertion))) - addScopeQueryParam(qv, authParameters) - - switch samlGrant.AssertionType { - case grant.SAMLV1: - qv.Set(grantType, grant.SAMLV1) - case grant.SAMLV2: - qv.Set(grantType, grant.SAMLV2) - default: - return TokenResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("GetAccessTokenFromSamlGrant returned unknown SAML assertion type: %q", samlGrant.AssertionType) - } - - return c.doTokenResp(ctx, authParameters, qv) -} - -func (c Client) doTokenResp(ctx context.Context, authParams authority.AuthParams, qv url.Values) (TokenResponse, error) { - resp := TokenResponse{} - err := c.Comm.URLFormCall(ctx, authParams.Endpoints.TokenEndpoint, qv, &resp) - if err != nil { - return resp, err - } - resp.ComputeScope(authParams) - if c.testing { - return resp, nil - } - return resp, resp.Validate() -} - -// prepURLVals returns an url.Values that sets various key/values if we are doing secrets -// or JWT assertions. -func prepURLVals(cc *Credential, authParams authority.AuthParams) (url.Values, error) { - params := url.Values{} - if cc.Secret != "" { - params.Set("client_secret", cc.Secret) - return params, nil - } - - jwt, err := cc.JWT(authParams) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - params.Set("client_assertion", jwt) - params.Set("client_assertion_type", grant.ClientAssertion) - return params, nil -} - -// openid required to get an id token -// offline_access required to get a refresh token -// profile required to get the client_info field back -var detectDefaultScopes = map[string]bool{ - "openid": true, - "offline_access": true, - "profile": true, -} - -var defaultScopes = []string{"openid", "offline_access", "profile"} - -func addScopeQueryParam(queryParams url.Values, authParameters authority.AuthParams) { - scopes := make([]string, 0, len(authParameters.Scopes)+len(defaultScopes)) - for _, scope := range authParameters.Scopes { - s := strings.TrimSpace(scope) - if s == "" { - continue - } - if detectDefaultScopes[scope] { - continue - } - scopes = append(scopes, scope) - } - scopes = append(scopes, defaultScopes...) - - queryParams.Set("scope", strings.Join(scopes, " ")) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/accesstokens/apptype_string.go b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/accesstokens/apptype_string.go deleted file mode 100644 index 3bec4a67cf10..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/accesstokens/apptype_string.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by "stringer -type=AppType"; DO NOT EDIT. - -package accesstokens - -import "strconv" - -func _() { - // An "invalid array index" compiler error signifies that the constant values have changed. - // Re-run the stringer command to generate them again. - var x [1]struct{} - _ = x[ATUnknown-0] - _ = x[ATPublic-1] - _ = x[ATConfidential-2] -} - -const _AppType_name = "ATUnknownATPublicATConfidential" - -var _AppType_index = [...]uint8{0, 9, 17, 31} - -func (i AppType) String() string { - if i < 0 || i >= AppType(len(_AppType_index)-1) { - return "AppType(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + ")" - } - return _AppType_name[_AppType_index[i]:_AppType_index[i+1]] -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/accesstokens/tokens.go b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/accesstokens/tokens.go deleted file mode 100644 index cc847001979d..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/accesstokens/tokens.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,332 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. -// Licensed under the MIT license. - -package accesstokens - -import ( - "bytes" - "encoding/base64" - "encoding/json" - "errors" - "fmt" - "reflect" - "strings" - "time" - - internalTime "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/json/types/time" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/authority" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/shared" -) - -// IDToken consists of all the information used to validate a user. -// https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory/develop/id-tokens . -type IDToken struct { - PreferredUsername string `json:"preferred_username,omitempty"` - GivenName string `json:"given_name,omitempty"` - FamilyName string `json:"family_name,omitempty"` - MiddleName string `json:"middle_name,omitempty"` - Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` - Oid string `json:"oid,omitempty"` - TenantID string `json:"tid,omitempty"` - Subject string `json:"sub,omitempty"` - UPN string `json:"upn,omitempty"` - Email string `json:"email,omitempty"` - AlternativeID string `json:"alternative_id,omitempty"` - Issuer string `json:"iss,omitempty"` - Audience string `json:"aud,omitempty"` - ExpirationTime int64 `json:"exp,omitempty"` - IssuedAt int64 `json:"iat,omitempty"` - NotBefore int64 `json:"nbf,omitempty"` - RawToken string - - AdditionalFields map[string]interface{} -} - -var null = []byte("null") - -// UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler. -func (i *IDToken) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { - if bytes.Equal(null, b) { - return nil - } - - // Because we have a custom unmarshaler, you - // cannot directly call json.Unmarshal here. If you do, it will call this function - // recursively until reach our recursion limit. We have to create a new type - // that doesn't have this method in order to use json.Unmarshal. - type idToken2 IDToken - - jwt := strings.Trim(string(b), `"`) - jwtArr := strings.Split(jwt, ".") - if len(jwtArr) < 2 { - return errors.New("IDToken returned from server is invalid") - } - - jwtPart := jwtArr[1] - jwtDecoded, err := decodeJWT(jwtPart) - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("unable to unmarshal IDToken, problem decoding JWT: %w", err) - } - - token := idToken2{} - err = json.Unmarshal(jwtDecoded, &token) - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("unable to unmarshal IDToken: %w", err) - } - token.RawToken = jwt - - *i = IDToken(token) - return nil -} - -// IsZero indicates if the IDToken is the zero value. -func (i IDToken) IsZero() bool { - v := reflect.ValueOf(i) - for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ { - field := v.Field(i) - if !field.IsZero() { - switch field.Kind() { - case reflect.Map, reflect.Slice: - if field.Len() == 0 { - continue - } - } - return false - } - } - return true -} - -// LocalAccountID extracts an account's local account ID from an ID token. -func (i IDToken) LocalAccountID() string { - if i.Oid != "" { - return i.Oid - } - return i.Subject -} - -// jwtDecoder is provided to allow tests to provide their own. -var jwtDecoder = decodeJWT - -// ClientInfo is used to create a Home Account ID for an account. -type ClientInfo struct { - UID string `json:"uid"` - UTID string `json:"utid"` - - AdditionalFields map[string]interface{} -} - -// UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.s -func (c *ClientInfo) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { - s := strings.Trim(string(b), `"`) - // Client info may be empty in some flows, e.g. certificate exchange. - if len(s) == 0 { - return nil - } - - // Because we have a custom unmarshaler, you - // cannot directly call json.Unmarshal here. If you do, it will call this function - // recursively until reach our recursion limit. We have to create a new type - // that doesn't have this method in order to use json.Unmarshal. - type clientInfo2 ClientInfo - - raw, err := jwtDecoder(s) - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("TokenResponse client_info field had JWT decode error: %w", err) - } - - var c2 clientInfo2 - - err = json.Unmarshal(raw, &c2) - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("was unable to unmarshal decoded JWT in TokenRespone to ClientInfo: %w", err) - } - - *c = ClientInfo(c2) - return nil -} - -// HomeAccountID creates the home account ID. -func (c ClientInfo) HomeAccountID() string { - if c.UID == "" || c.UTID == "" { - return "" - } - return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", c.UID, c.UTID) -} - -// Scopes represents scopes in a TokenResponse. -type Scopes struct { - Slice []string -} - -// UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshal. -func (s *Scopes) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { - str := strings.Trim(string(b), `"`) - if len(str) == 0 { - return nil - } - sl := strings.Split(str, " ") - s.Slice = sl - return nil -} - -// TokenResponse is the information that is returned from a token endpoint during a token acquisition flow. -type TokenResponse struct { - authority.OAuthResponseBase - - AccessToken string `json:"access_token"` - RefreshToken string `json:"refresh_token"` - - FamilyID string `json:"foci"` - IDToken IDToken `json:"id_token"` - ClientInfo ClientInfo `json:"client_info"` - ExpiresOn internalTime.DurationTime `json:"expires_in"` - ExtExpiresOn internalTime.DurationTime `json:"ext_expires_in"` - GrantedScopes Scopes `json:"scope"` - DeclinedScopes []string // This is derived - - AdditionalFields map[string]interface{} - - scopesComputed bool -} - -// ComputeScope computes the final scopes based on what was granted by the server and -// what our AuthParams were from the authority server. Per OAuth spec, if no scopes are returned, the response should be treated as if all scopes were granted -// This behavior can be observed in client assertion flows, but can happen at any time, this check ensures we treat -// those special responses properly Link to spec: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-3.3 -func (tr *TokenResponse) ComputeScope(authParams authority.AuthParams) { - if len(tr.GrantedScopes.Slice) == 0 { - tr.GrantedScopes = Scopes{Slice: authParams.Scopes} - } else { - tr.DeclinedScopes = findDeclinedScopes(authParams.Scopes, tr.GrantedScopes.Slice) - } - tr.scopesComputed = true -} - -// Validate validates the TokenResponse has basic valid values. It must be called -// after ComputeScopes() is called. -func (tr *TokenResponse) Validate() error { - if tr.Error != "" { - return fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", tr.Error, tr.ErrorDescription) - } - - if tr.AccessToken == "" { - return errors.New("response is missing access_token") - } - - if !tr.scopesComputed { - return fmt.Errorf("TokenResponse hasn't had ScopesComputed() called") - } - return nil -} - -func (tr *TokenResponse) CacheKey(authParams authority.AuthParams) string { - if authParams.AuthorizationType == authority.ATOnBehalfOf { - return authParams.AssertionHash() - } - if authParams.AuthorizationType == authority.ATClientCredentials { - return authParams.AppKey() - } - if authParams.IsConfidentialClient || authParams.AuthorizationType == authority.ATRefreshToken { - return tr.ClientInfo.HomeAccountID() - } - return "" -} - -func findDeclinedScopes(requestedScopes []string, grantedScopes []string) []string { - declined := []string{} - grantedMap := map[string]bool{} - for _, s := range grantedScopes { - grantedMap[strings.ToLower(s)] = true - } - // Comparing the requested scopes with the granted scopes to see if there are any scopes that have been declined. - for _, r := range requestedScopes { - if !grantedMap[strings.ToLower(r)] { - declined = append(declined, r) - } - } - return declined -} - -// decodeJWT decodes a JWT and converts it to a byte array representing a JSON object -// JWT has headers and payload base64url encoded without padding -// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7519#section-3 and -// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7515#section-2 -func decodeJWT(data string) ([]byte, error) { - // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7515#appendix-C - return base64.RawURLEncoding.DecodeString(data) -} - -// RefreshToken is the JSON representation of a MSAL refresh token for encoding to storage. -type RefreshToken struct { - HomeAccountID string `json:"home_account_id,omitempty"` - Environment string `json:"environment,omitempty"` - CredentialType string `json:"credential_type,omitempty"` - ClientID string `json:"client_id,omitempty"` - FamilyID string `json:"family_id,omitempty"` - Secret string `json:"secret,omitempty"` - Realm string `json:"realm,omitempty"` - Target string `json:"target,omitempty"` - UserAssertionHash string `json:"user_assertion_hash,omitempty"` - - AdditionalFields map[string]interface{} -} - -// NewRefreshToken is the constructor for RefreshToken. -func NewRefreshToken(homeID, env, clientID, refreshToken, familyID string) RefreshToken { - return RefreshToken{ - HomeAccountID: homeID, - Environment: env, - CredentialType: "RefreshToken", - ClientID: clientID, - FamilyID: familyID, - Secret: refreshToken, - } -} - -// Key outputs the key that can be used to uniquely look up this entry in a map. -func (rt RefreshToken) Key() string { - var fourth = rt.FamilyID - if fourth == "" { - fourth = rt.ClientID - } - - return strings.Join( - []string{rt.HomeAccountID, rt.Environment, rt.CredentialType, fourth}, - shared.CacheKeySeparator, - ) -} - -func (rt RefreshToken) GetSecret() string { - return rt.Secret -} - -// DeviceCodeResult stores the response from the STS device code endpoint. -type DeviceCodeResult struct { - // UserCode is the code the user needs to provide when authentication at the verification URI. - UserCode string - // DeviceCode is the code used in the access token request. - DeviceCode string - // VerificationURL is the the URL where user can authenticate. - VerificationURL string - // ExpiresOn is the expiration time of device code in seconds. - ExpiresOn time.Time - // Interval is the interval at which the STS should be polled at. - Interval int - // Message is the message which should be displayed to the user. - Message string - // ClientID is the UUID issued by the authorization server for your application. - ClientID string - // Scopes is the OpenID scopes used to request access a protected API. - Scopes []string -} - -// NewDeviceCodeResult creates a DeviceCodeResult instance. -func NewDeviceCodeResult(userCode, deviceCode, verificationURL string, expiresOn time.Time, interval int, message, clientID string, scopes []string) DeviceCodeResult { - return DeviceCodeResult{userCode, deviceCode, verificationURL, expiresOn, interval, message, clientID, scopes} -} - -func (dcr DeviceCodeResult) String() string { - return fmt.Sprintf("UserCode: (%v)\nDeviceCode: (%v)\nURL: (%v)\nMessage: (%v)\n", dcr.UserCode, dcr.DeviceCode, dcr.VerificationURL, dcr.Message) - -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/authority/authority.go b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/authority/authority.go deleted file mode 100644 index 22927d378689..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/authority/authority.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,358 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. -// Licensed under the MIT license. - -package authority - -import ( - "context" - "crypto/sha256" - "encoding/base64" - "errors" - "fmt" - "net/http" - "net/url" - "strings" - - "github.com/google/uuid" -) - -const ( - authorizationEndpoint = "https://%v/%v/oauth2/v2.0/authorize" - instanceDiscoveryEndpoint = "https://%v/common/discovery/instance" - defaultHost = "login.microsoftonline.com" -) - -type jsonCaller interface { - JSONCall(ctx context.Context, endpoint string, headers http.Header, qv url.Values, body, resp interface{}) error -} - -var aadTrustedHostList = map[string]bool{ - "login.windows.net": true, // Microsoft Azure Worldwide - Used in validation scenarios where host is not this list - "login.chinacloudapi.cn": true, // Microsoft Azure China - "login.microsoftonline.de": true, // Microsoft Azure Blackforest - "login-us.microsoftonline.com": true, // Microsoft Azure US Government - Legacy - "login.microsoftonline.us": true, // Microsoft Azure US Government - "login.microsoftonline.com": true, // Microsoft Azure Worldwide - "login.cloudgovapi.us": true, // Microsoft Azure US Government -} - -// TrustedHost checks if an AAD host is trusted/valid. -func TrustedHost(host string) bool { - if _, ok := aadTrustedHostList[host]; ok { - return true - } - return false -} - -type OAuthResponseBase struct { - Error string `json:"error"` - SubError string `json:"suberror"` - ErrorDescription string `json:"error_description"` - ErrorCodes []int `json:"error_codes"` - CorrelationID string `json:"correlation_id"` - Claims string `json:"claims"` -} - -// TenantDiscoveryResponse is the tenant endpoints from the OpenID configuration endpoint. -type TenantDiscoveryResponse struct { - OAuthResponseBase - - AuthorizationEndpoint string `json:"authorization_endpoint"` - TokenEndpoint string `json:"token_endpoint"` - Issuer string `json:"issuer"` - - AdditionalFields map[string]interface{} -} - -// Validate validates that the response had the correct values required. -func (r *TenantDiscoveryResponse) Validate() error { - switch "" { - case r.AuthorizationEndpoint: - return errors.New("TenantDiscoveryResponse: authorize endpoint was not found in the openid configuration") - case r.TokenEndpoint: - return errors.New("TenantDiscoveryResponse: token endpoint was not found in the openid configuration") - case r.Issuer: - return errors.New("TenantDiscoveryResponse: issuer was not found in the openid configuration") - } - return nil -} - -type InstanceDiscoveryMetadata struct { - PreferredNetwork string `json:"preferred_network"` - PreferredCache string `json:"preferred_cache"` - Aliases []string `json:"aliases"` - - AdditionalFields map[string]interface{} -} - -type InstanceDiscoveryResponse struct { - TenantDiscoveryEndpoint string `json:"tenant_discovery_endpoint"` - Metadata []InstanceDiscoveryMetadata `json:"metadata"` - - AdditionalFields map[string]interface{} -} - -//go:generate stringer -type=AuthorizeType - -// AuthorizeType represents the type of token flow. -type AuthorizeType int - -// These are all the types of token flows. -const ( - ATUnknown AuthorizeType = iota - ATUsernamePassword - ATWindowsIntegrated - ATAuthCode - ATInteractive - ATClientCredentials - ATDeviceCode - ATRefreshToken - AccountByID - ATOnBehalfOf -) - -// These are all authority types -const ( - AAD = "MSSTS" - ADFS = "ADFS" -) - -// AuthParams represents the parameters used for authorization for token acquisition. -type AuthParams struct { - AuthorityInfo Info - CorrelationID string - Endpoints Endpoints - ClientID string - // Redirecturi is used for auth flows that specify a redirect URI (e.g. local server for interactive auth flow). - Redirecturi string - HomeaccountID string - // Username is the user-name portion for username/password auth flow. - Username string - // Password is the password portion for username/password auth flow. - Password string - // Scopes is the list of scopes the user consents to. - Scopes []string - // AuthorizationType specifies the auth flow being used. - AuthorizationType AuthorizeType - // State is a random value used to prevent cross-site request forgery attacks. - State string - // CodeChallenge is derived from a code verifier and is sent in the auth request. - CodeChallenge string - // CodeChallengeMethod describes the method used to create the CodeChallenge. - CodeChallengeMethod string - // Prompt specifies the user prompt type during interactive auth. - Prompt string - // IsConfidentialClient specifies if it is a confidential client. - IsConfidentialClient bool - // SendX5C specifies if x5c claim(public key of the certificate) should be sent to STS. - SendX5C bool - // UserAssertion is the access token used to acquire token on behalf of user - UserAssertion string -} - -// NewAuthParams creates an authorization parameters object. -func NewAuthParams(clientID string, authorityInfo Info) AuthParams { - return AuthParams{ - ClientID: clientID, - AuthorityInfo: authorityInfo, - CorrelationID: uuid.New().String(), - } -} - -// Info consists of information about the authority. -type Info struct { - Host string - CanonicalAuthorityURI string - AuthorityType string - UserRealmURIPrefix string - ValidateAuthority bool - Tenant string -} - -func firstPathSegment(u *url.URL) (string, error) { - pathParts := strings.Split(u.EscapedPath(), "/") - if len(pathParts) >= 2 { - return pathParts[1], nil - } - - return "", errors.New("authority does not have two segments") -} - -// NewInfoFromAuthorityURI creates an AuthorityInfo instance from the authority URL provided. -func NewInfoFromAuthorityURI(authorityURI string, validateAuthority bool) (Info, error) { - authorityURI = strings.ToLower(authorityURI) - var authorityType string - u, err := url.Parse(authorityURI) - if err != nil { - return Info{}, fmt.Errorf("authorityURI passed could not be parsed: %w", err) - } - if u.Scheme != "https" { - return Info{}, fmt.Errorf("authorityURI(%s) must have scheme https", authorityURI) - } - - tenant, err := firstPathSegment(u) - if tenant == "adfs" { - authorityType = ADFS - } else { - authorityType = AAD - } - - if err != nil { - return Info{}, err - } - - return Info{ - Host: u.Hostname(), - CanonicalAuthorityURI: fmt.Sprintf("https://%v/%v/", u.Hostname(), tenant), - AuthorityType: authorityType, - UserRealmURIPrefix: fmt.Sprintf("https://%v/common/userrealm/", u.Hostname()), - ValidateAuthority: validateAuthority, - Tenant: tenant, - }, nil -} - -// Endpoints consists of the endpoints from the tenant discovery response. -type Endpoints struct { - AuthorizationEndpoint string - TokenEndpoint string - selfSignedJwtAudience string - authorityHost string -} - -// NewEndpoints creates an Endpoints object. -func NewEndpoints(authorizationEndpoint string, tokenEndpoint string, selfSignedJwtAudience string, authorityHost string) Endpoints { - return Endpoints{authorizationEndpoint, tokenEndpoint, selfSignedJwtAudience, authorityHost} -} - -// UserRealmAccountType refers to the type of user realm. -type UserRealmAccountType string - -// These are the different types of user realms. -const ( - Unknown UserRealmAccountType = "" - Federated UserRealmAccountType = "Federated" - Managed UserRealmAccountType = "Managed" -) - -//UserRealm is used for the username password request to determine user type -type UserRealm struct { - AccountType UserRealmAccountType `json:"account_type"` - DomainName string `json:"domain_name"` - CloudInstanceName string `json:"cloud_instance_name"` - CloudAudienceURN string `json:"cloud_audience_urn"` - - // required if accountType is Federated - FederationProtocol string `json:"federation_protocol"` - FederationMetadataURL string `json:"federation_metadata_url"` - - AdditionalFields map[string]interface{} -} - -func (u UserRealm) validate() error { - switch "" { - case string(u.AccountType): - return errors.New("the account type (Federated or Managed) is missing") - case u.DomainName: - return errors.New("domain name of user realm is missing") - case u.CloudInstanceName: - return errors.New("cloud instance name of user realm is missing") - case u.CloudAudienceURN: - return errors.New("cloud Instance URN is missing") - } - - if u.AccountType == Federated { - switch "" { - case u.FederationProtocol: - return errors.New("federation protocol of user realm is missing") - case u.FederationMetadataURL: - return errors.New("federation metadata URL of user realm is missing") - } - } - return nil -} - -// Client represents the REST calls to authority backends. -type Client struct { - // Comm provides the HTTP transport client. - Comm jsonCaller // *comm.Client -} - -func (c Client) UserRealm(ctx context.Context, authParams AuthParams) (UserRealm, error) { - endpoint := fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/common/UserRealm/%s", authParams.Endpoints.authorityHost, url.PathEscape(authParams.Username)) - qv := url.Values{ - "api-version": []string{"1.0"}, - } - - resp := UserRealm{} - err := c.Comm.JSONCall( - ctx, - endpoint, - http.Header{"client-request-id": []string{authParams.CorrelationID}}, - qv, - nil, - &resp, - ) - if err != nil { - return resp, err - } - - return resp, resp.validate() -} - -func (c Client) GetTenantDiscoveryResponse(ctx context.Context, openIDConfigurationEndpoint string) (TenantDiscoveryResponse, error) { - resp := TenantDiscoveryResponse{} - err := c.Comm.JSONCall( - ctx, - openIDConfigurationEndpoint, - http.Header{}, - nil, - nil, - &resp, - ) - - return resp, err -} - -func (c Client) AADInstanceDiscovery(ctx context.Context, authorityInfo Info) (InstanceDiscoveryResponse, error) { - qv := url.Values{} - qv.Set("api-version", "1.1") - qv.Set("authorization_endpoint", fmt.Sprintf(authorizationEndpoint, authorityInfo.Host, authorityInfo.Tenant)) - - discoveryHost := defaultHost - if TrustedHost(authorityInfo.Host) { - discoveryHost = authorityInfo.Host - } - - endpoint := fmt.Sprintf(instanceDiscoveryEndpoint, discoveryHost) - - resp := InstanceDiscoveryResponse{} - err := c.Comm.JSONCall(ctx, endpoint, http.Header{}, qv, nil, &resp) - return resp, err -} - -func (a *AuthParams) CacheKey(isAppCache bool) string { - if a.AuthorizationType == ATOnBehalfOf { - return a.AssertionHash() - } - if a.AuthorizationType == ATClientCredentials || isAppCache { - return a.AppKey() - } - if a.AuthorizationType == ATRefreshToken || a.AuthorizationType == AccountByID { - return a.HomeaccountID - } - return "" -} -func (a *AuthParams) AssertionHash() string { - hasher := sha256.New() - // Per documentation this never returns an error : https://pkg.go.dev/hash#pkg-types - _, _ = hasher.Write([]byte(a.UserAssertion)) - sha := base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(hasher.Sum(nil)) - return sha -} - -func (a *AuthParams) AppKey() string { - if a.AuthorityInfo.Tenant != "" { - return fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_AppTokenCache", a.ClientID, a.AuthorityInfo.Tenant) - } - return fmt.Sprintf("%s__AppTokenCache", a.ClientID) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/authority/authorizetype_string.go b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/authority/authorizetype_string.go deleted file mode 100644 index 10039773b067..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/authority/authorizetype_string.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by "stringer -type=AuthorizeType"; DO NOT EDIT. - -package authority - -import "strconv" - -func _() { - // An "invalid array index" compiler error signifies that the constant values have changed. - // Re-run the stringer command to generate them again. - var x [1]struct{} - _ = x[ATUnknown-0] - _ = x[ATUsernamePassword-1] - _ = x[ATWindowsIntegrated-2] - _ = x[ATAuthCode-3] - _ = x[ATInteractive-4] - _ = x[ATClientCredentials-5] - _ = x[ATDeviceCode-6] - _ = x[ATRefreshToken-7] -} - -const _AuthorizeType_name = "ATUnknownATUsernamePasswordATWindowsIntegratedATAuthCodeATInteractiveATClientCredentialsATDeviceCodeATRefreshToken" - -var _AuthorizeType_index = [...]uint8{0, 9, 27, 46, 56, 69, 88, 100, 114} - -func (i AuthorizeType) String() string { - if i < 0 || i >= AuthorizeType(len(_AuthorizeType_index)-1) { - return "AuthorizeType(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + ")" - } - return _AuthorizeType_name[_AuthorizeType_index[i]:_AuthorizeType_index[i+1]] -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/internal/comm/comm.go b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/internal/comm/comm.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0620b3e41344..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/internal/comm/comm.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,321 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. -// Licensed under the MIT license. - -// Package comm provides helpers for communicating with HTTP backends. -package comm - -import ( - "bytes" - "context" - "encoding/json" - "encoding/xml" - "fmt" - "io" - "io/ioutil" - "net/http" - "net/url" - "reflect" - "runtime" - "strings" - "time" - - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/errors" - customJSON "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/json" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/version" - "github.com/google/uuid" -) - -// HTTPClient represents an HTTP client. -// It's usually an *http.Client from the standard library. -type HTTPClient interface { - // Do sends an HTTP request and returns an HTTP response. - Do(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) - - // CloseIdleConnections closes any idle connections in a "keep-alive" state. - CloseIdleConnections() -} - -// Client provides a wrapper to our *http.Client that handles compression and serialization needs. -type Client struct { - client HTTPClient -} - -// New returns a new Client object. -func New(httpClient HTTPClient) *Client { - if httpClient == nil { - panic("http.Client cannot == nil") - } - - return &Client{client: httpClient} -} - -// JSONCall connects to the REST endpoint passing the HTTP query values, headers and JSON conversion -// of body in the HTTP body. It automatically handles compression and decompression with gzip. The response is JSON -// unmarshalled into resp. resp must be a pointer to a struct. If the body struct contains a field called -// "AdditionalFields" we use a custom marshal/unmarshal engine. -func (c *Client) JSONCall(ctx context.Context, endpoint string, headers http.Header, qv url.Values, body, resp interface{}) error { - if qv == nil { - qv = url.Values{} - } - - v := reflect.ValueOf(resp) - if err := c.checkResp(v); err != nil { - return err - } - - // Choose a JSON marshal/unmarshal depending on if we have AdditionalFields attribute. - var marshal = json.Marshal - var unmarshal = json.Unmarshal - if _, ok := v.Elem().Type().FieldByName("AdditionalFields"); ok { - marshal = customJSON.Marshal - unmarshal = customJSON.Unmarshal - } - - u, err := url.Parse(endpoint) - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("could not parse path URL(%s): %w", endpoint, err) - } - u.RawQuery = qv.Encode() - - addStdHeaders(headers) - - req := &http.Request{Method: http.MethodGet, URL: u, Header: headers} - - if body != nil { - // Note: In case your wondering why we are not gzip encoding.... - // I'm not sure if these various services support gzip on send. - headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8") - data, err := marshal(body) - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("bug: conn.Call(): could not marshal the body object: %w", err) - } - req.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(data)) - req.Method = http.MethodPost - } - - data, err := c.do(ctx, req) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - if resp != nil { - if err := unmarshal(data, resp); err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("json decode error: %w\njson message bytes were: %s", err, string(data)) - } - } - return nil -} - -// XMLCall connects to an endpoint and decodes the XML response into resp. This is used when -// sending application/xml . If sending XML via SOAP, use SOAPCall(). -func (c *Client) XMLCall(ctx context.Context, endpoint string, headers http.Header, qv url.Values, resp interface{}) error { - if err := c.checkResp(reflect.ValueOf(resp)); err != nil { - return err - } - - if qv == nil { - qv = url.Values{} - } - - u, err := url.Parse(endpoint) - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("could not parse path URL(%s): %w", endpoint, err) - } - u.RawQuery = qv.Encode() - - headers.Set("Content-Type", "application/xml; charset=utf-8") // This was not set in he original Mex(), but... - addStdHeaders(headers) - - return c.xmlCall(ctx, u, headers, "", resp) -} - -// SOAPCall returns the SOAP message given an endpoint, action, body of the request and the response object to marshal into. -func (c *Client) SOAPCall(ctx context.Context, endpoint, action string, headers http.Header, qv url.Values, body string, resp interface{}) error { - if body == "" { - return fmt.Errorf("cannot make a SOAP call with body set to empty string") - } - - if err := c.checkResp(reflect.ValueOf(resp)); err != nil { - return err - } - - if qv == nil { - qv = url.Values{} - } - - u, err := url.Parse(endpoint) - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("could not parse path URL(%s): %w", endpoint, err) - } - u.RawQuery = qv.Encode() - - headers.Set("Content-Type", "application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8") - headers.Set("SOAPAction", action) - addStdHeaders(headers) - - return c.xmlCall(ctx, u, headers, body, resp) -} - -// xmlCall sends an XML in body and decodes into resp. This simply does the transport and relies on -// an upper level call to set things such as SOAP parameters and Content-Type, if required. -func (c *Client) xmlCall(ctx context.Context, u *url.URL, headers http.Header, body string, resp interface{}) error { - req := &http.Request{Method: http.MethodGet, URL: u, Header: headers} - - if len(body) > 0 { - req.Method = http.MethodPost - req.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(body)) - } - - data, err := c.do(ctx, req) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - return xml.Unmarshal(data, resp) -} - -// URLFormCall is used to make a call where we need to send application/x-www-form-urlencoded data -// to the backend and receive JSON back. qv will be encoded into the request body. -func (c *Client) URLFormCall(ctx context.Context, endpoint string, qv url.Values, resp interface{}) error { - if len(qv) == 0 { - return fmt.Errorf("URLFormCall() requires qv to have non-zero length") - } - - if err := c.checkResp(reflect.ValueOf(resp)); err != nil { - return err - } - - u, err := url.Parse(endpoint) - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("could not parse path URL(%s): %w", endpoint, err) - } - - headers := http.Header{} - headers.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8") - addStdHeaders(headers) - - enc := qv.Encode() - - req := &http.Request{ - Method: http.MethodPost, - URL: u, - Header: headers, - ContentLength: int64(len(enc)), - Body: ioutil.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(enc)), - GetBody: func() (io.ReadCloser, error) { - return ioutil.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(enc)), nil - }, - } - - data, err := c.do(ctx, req) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - v := reflect.ValueOf(resp) - if err := c.checkResp(v); err != nil { - return err - } - - var unmarshal = json.Unmarshal - if _, ok := v.Elem().Type().FieldByName("AdditionalFields"); ok { - unmarshal = customJSON.Unmarshal - } - if resp != nil { - if err := unmarshal(data, resp); err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("json decode error: %w\nraw message was: %s", err, string(data)) - } - } - return nil -} - -// do makes the HTTP call to the server and returns the contents of the body. -func (c *Client) do(ctx context.Context, req *http.Request) ([]byte, error) { - if _, ok := ctx.Deadline(); !ok { - var cancel context.CancelFunc - ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, 30*time.Second) - defer cancel() - } - req = req.WithContext(ctx) - - reply, err := c.client.Do(req) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("server response error:\n %w", err) - } - defer reply.Body.Close() - - data, err := c.readBody(reply) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not read the body of an HTTP Response: %w", err) - } - reply.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(data)) - - // NOTE: This doesn't happen immediately after the call so that we can get an error message - // from the server and include it in our error. - switch reply.StatusCode { - case 200, 201: - default: - sd := strings.TrimSpace(string(data)) - if sd != "" { - // We probably have the error in the body. - return nil, errors.CallErr{ - Req: req, - Resp: reply, - Err: fmt.Errorf("http call(%s)(%s) error: reply status code was %d:\n%s", req.URL.String(), req.Method, reply.StatusCode, sd), - } - } - return nil, errors.CallErr{ - Req: req, - Resp: reply, - Err: fmt.Errorf("http call(%s)(%s) error: reply status code was %d", req.URL.String(), req.Method, reply.StatusCode), - } - } - - return data, nil -} - -// checkResp checks a response object o make sure it is a pointer to a struct. -func (c *Client) checkResp(v reflect.Value) error { - if v.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { - return fmt.Errorf("bug: resp argument must a *struct, was %T", v.Interface()) - } - v = v.Elem() - if v.Kind() != reflect.Struct { - return fmt.Errorf("bug: resp argument must be a *struct, was %T", v.Interface()) - } - return nil -} - -// readBody reads the body out of an *http.Response. It supports gzip encoded responses. -func (c *Client) readBody(resp *http.Response) ([]byte, error) { - var reader io.Reader = resp.Body - switch resp.Header.Get("Content-Encoding") { - case "": - // Do nothing - case "gzip": - reader = gzipDecompress(resp.Body) - default: - return nil, fmt.Errorf("bug: comm.Client.JSONCall(): content was send with unsupported content-encoding %s", resp.Header.Get("Content-Encoding")) - } - return ioutil.ReadAll(reader) -} - -var testID string - -// addStdHeaders adds the standard headers we use on all calls. -func addStdHeaders(headers http.Header) http.Header { - headers.Set("Accept-Encoding", "gzip") - // So that I can have a static id for tests. - if testID != "" { - headers.Set("client-request-id", testID) - headers.Set("Return-Client-Request-Id", "false") - } else { - headers.Set("client-request-id", uuid.New().String()) - headers.Set("Return-Client-Request-Id", "false") - } - headers.Set("x-client-sku", "MSAL.Go") - headers.Set("x-client-os", runtime.GOOS) - headers.Set("x-client-cpu", runtime.GOARCH) - headers.Set("x-client-ver", version.Version) - return headers -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/internal/comm/compress.go b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/internal/comm/compress.go deleted file mode 100644 index 4d3dbfcf0a6b..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/internal/comm/compress.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. -// Licensed under the MIT license. - -package comm - -import ( - "compress/gzip" - "io" -) - -func gzipDecompress(r io.Reader) io.Reader { - gzipReader, _ := gzip.NewReader(r) - - pipeOut, pipeIn := io.Pipe() - go func() { - // decompression bomb would have to come from Azure services. - // If we want to limit, we should do that in comm.do(). - _, err := io.Copy(pipeIn, gzipReader) //nolint - if err != nil { - // don't need the error. - pipeIn.CloseWithError(err) //nolint - gzipReader.Close() - return - } - if err := gzipReader.Close(); err != nil { - // don't need the error. - pipeIn.CloseWithError(err) //nolint - return - } - pipeIn.Close() - }() - return pipeOut -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/internal/grant/grant.go b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/internal/grant/grant.go deleted file mode 100644 index b628f61ac081..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/internal/grant/grant.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. -// Licensed under the MIT license. - -// Package grant holds types of grants issued by authorization services. -package grant - -const ( - Password = "password" - JWT = "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer" - SAMLV1 = "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:saml1_1-bearer" - SAMLV2 = "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:saml2-bearer" - DeviceCode = "device_code" - AuthCode = "authorization_code" - RefreshToken = "refresh_token" - ClientCredential = "client_credentials" - ClientAssertion = "urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer" -) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/ops.go b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/ops.go deleted file mode 100644 index 01060ac62107..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/ops.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. -// Licensed under the MIT license. - -/* -Package ops provides operations to various backend services using REST clients. - -The REST type provides several clients that can be used to communicate to backends. -Usage is simple: - rest := ops.New() - - // Creates an authority client and calls the UserRealm() method. - userRealm, err := rest.Authority().UserRealm(ctx, authParameters) - if err != nil { - // Do something - } -*/ -package ops - -import ( - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/accesstokens" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/authority" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/internal/comm" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/wstrust" -) - -// HTTPClient represents an HTTP client. -// It's usually an *http.Client from the standard library. -type HTTPClient = comm.HTTPClient - -// REST provides REST clients for communicating with various backends used by MSAL. -type REST struct { - client *comm.Client -} - -// New is the constructor for REST. -func New(httpClient HTTPClient) *REST { - return &REST{client: comm.New(httpClient)} -} - -// Authority returns a client for querying information about various authorities. -func (r *REST) Authority() authority.Client { - return authority.Client{Comm: r.client} -} - -// AccessTokens returns a client that can be used to get various access tokens for -// authorization purposes. -func (r *REST) AccessTokens() accesstokens.Client { - return accesstokens.Client{Comm: r.client} -} - -// WSTrust provides access to various metadata in a WSTrust service. This data can -// be used to gain tokens based on SAML data using the client provided by AccessTokens(). -func (r *REST) WSTrust() wstrust.Client { - return wstrust.Client{Comm: r.client} -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/wstrust/defs/endpointtype_string.go b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/wstrust/defs/endpointtype_string.go deleted file mode 100644 index a2bb6278ae5f..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/wstrust/defs/endpointtype_string.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by "stringer -type=endpointType"; DO NOT EDIT. - -package defs - -import "strconv" - -func _() { - // An "invalid array index" compiler error signifies that the constant values have changed. - // Re-run the stringer command to generate them again. - var x [1]struct{} - _ = x[etUnknown-0] - _ = x[etUsernamePassword-1] - _ = x[etWindowsTransport-2] -} - -const _endpointType_name = "etUnknownetUsernamePasswordetWindowsTransport" - -var _endpointType_index = [...]uint8{0, 9, 27, 45} - -func (i endpointType) String() string { - if i < 0 || i >= endpointType(len(_endpointType_index)-1) { - return "endpointType(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + ")" - } - return _endpointType_name[_endpointType_index[i]:_endpointType_index[i+1]] -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/wstrust/defs/mex_document_definitions.go b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/wstrust/defs/mex_document_definitions.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6497270028d8..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/wstrust/defs/mex_document_definitions.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,394 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. -// Licensed under the MIT license. - -package defs - -import "encoding/xml" - -type Definitions struct { - XMLName xml.Name `xml:"definitions"` - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Name string `xml:"name,attr"` - TargetNamespace string `xml:"targetNamespace,attr"` - WSDL string `xml:"wsdl,attr"` - XSD string `xml:"xsd,attr"` - T string `xml:"t,attr"` - SOAPENC string `xml:"soapenc,attr"` - SOAP string `xml:"soap,attr"` - TNS string `xml:"tns,attr"` - MSC string `xml:"msc,attr"` - WSAM string `xml:"wsam,attr"` - SOAP12 string `xml:"soap12,attr"` - WSA10 string `xml:"wsa10,attr"` - WSA string `xml:"wsa,attr"` - WSAW string `xml:"wsaw,attr"` - WSX string `xml:"wsx,attr"` - WSAP string `xml:"wsap,attr"` - WSU string `xml:"wsu,attr"` - Trust string `xml:"trust,attr"` - WSP string `xml:"wsp,attr"` - Policy []Policy `xml:"Policy"` - Types Types `xml:"types"` - Message []Message `xml:"message"` - PortType []PortType `xml:"portType"` - Binding []Binding `xml:"binding"` - Service Service `xml:"service"` -} - -type Policy struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - ID string `xml:"Id,attr"` - ExactlyOne ExactlyOne `xml:"ExactlyOne"` -} - -type ExactlyOne struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - All All `xml:"All"` -} - -type All struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - NegotiateAuthentication NegotiateAuthentication `xml:"NegotiateAuthentication"` - TransportBinding TransportBinding `xml:"TransportBinding"` - UsingAddressing Text `xml:"UsingAddressing"` - EndorsingSupportingTokens EndorsingSupportingTokens `xml:"EndorsingSupportingTokens"` - WSS11 WSS11 `xml:"Wss11"` - Trust10 Trust10 `xml:"Trust10"` - SignedSupportingTokens SignedSupportingTokens `xml:"SignedSupportingTokens"` - Trust13 WSTrust13 `xml:"Trust13"` - SignedEncryptedSupportingTokens SignedEncryptedSupportingTokens `xml:"SignedEncryptedSupportingTokens"` -} - -type NegotiateAuthentication struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - HTTP string `xml:"http,attr"` - XMLName xml.Name -} - -type TransportBinding struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - SP string `xml:"sp,attr"` - Policy TransportBindingPolicy `xml:"Policy"` -} - -type TransportBindingPolicy struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - TransportToken TransportToken `xml:"TransportToken"` - AlgorithmSuite AlgorithmSuite `xml:"AlgorithmSuite"` - Layout Layout `xml:"Layout"` - IncludeTimestamp Text `xml:"IncludeTimestamp"` -} - -type TransportToken struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Policy TransportTokenPolicy `xml:"Policy"` -} - -type TransportTokenPolicy struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - HTTPSToken HTTPSToken `xml:"HttpsToken"` -} - -type HTTPSToken struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - RequireClientCertificate string `xml:"RequireClientCertificate,attr"` -} - -type AlgorithmSuite struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Policy AlgorithmSuitePolicy `xml:"Policy"` -} - -type AlgorithmSuitePolicy struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Basic256 Text `xml:"Basic256"` - Basic128 Text `xml:"Basic128"` -} - -type Layout struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Policy LayoutPolicy `xml:"Policy"` -} - -type LayoutPolicy struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Strict Text `xml:"Strict"` -} - -type EndorsingSupportingTokens struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - SP string `xml:"sp,attr"` - Policy EndorsingSupportingTokensPolicy `xml:"Policy"` -} - -type EndorsingSupportingTokensPolicy struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - X509Token X509Token `xml:"X509Token"` - RSAToken RSAToken `xml:"RsaToken"` - SignedParts SignedParts `xml:"SignedParts"` - KerberosToken KerberosToken `xml:"KerberosToken"` - IssuedToken IssuedToken `xml:"IssuedToken"` - KeyValueToken KeyValueToken `xml:"KeyValueToken"` -} - -type X509Token struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - IncludeToken string `xml:"IncludeToken,attr"` - Policy X509TokenPolicy `xml:"Policy"` -} - -type X509TokenPolicy struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - RequireThumbprintReference Text `xml:"RequireThumbprintReference"` - WSSX509V3Token10 Text `xml:"WssX509V3Token10"` -} - -type RSAToken struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - IncludeToken string `xml:"IncludeToken,attr"` - Optional string `xml:"Optional,attr"` - MSSP string `xml:"mssp,attr"` -} - -type SignedParts struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Header SignedPartsHeader `xml:"Header"` -} - -type SignedPartsHeader struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Name string `xml:"Name,attr"` - Namespace string `xml:"Namespace,attr"` -} - -type KerberosToken struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - IncludeToken string `xml:"IncludeToken,attr"` - Policy KerberosTokenPolicy `xml:"Policy"` -} - -type KerberosTokenPolicy struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - WSSGSSKerberosV5ApReqToken11 Text `xml:"WssGssKerberosV5ApReqToken11"` -} - -type IssuedToken struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - IncludeToken string `xml:"IncludeToken,attr"` - RequestSecurityTokenTemplate RequestSecurityTokenTemplate `xml:"RequestSecurityTokenTemplate"` - Policy IssuedTokenPolicy `xml:"Policy"` -} - -type RequestSecurityTokenTemplate struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - KeyType Text `xml:"KeyType"` - EncryptWith Text `xml:"EncryptWith"` - SignatureAlgorithm Text `xml:"SignatureAlgorithm"` - CanonicalizationAlgorithm Text `xml:"CanonicalizationAlgorithm"` - EncryptionAlgorithm Text `xml:"EncryptionAlgorithm"` - KeySize Text `xml:"KeySize"` - KeyWrapAlgorithm Text `xml:"KeyWrapAlgorithm"` -} - -type IssuedTokenPolicy struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - RequireInternalReference Text `xml:"RequireInternalReference"` -} - -type KeyValueToken struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - IncludeToken string `xml:"IncludeToken,attr"` - Optional string `xml:"Optional,attr"` -} - -type WSS11 struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - SP string `xml:"sp,attr"` - Policy Wss11Policy `xml:"Policy"` -} - -type Wss11Policy struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - MustSupportRefThumbprint Text `xml:"MustSupportRefThumbprint"` -} - -type Trust10 struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - SP string `xml:"sp,attr"` - Policy Trust10Policy `xml:"Policy"` -} - -type Trust10Policy struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - MustSupportIssuedTokens Text `xml:"MustSupportIssuedTokens"` - RequireClientEntropy Text `xml:"RequireClientEntropy"` - RequireServerEntropy Text `xml:"RequireServerEntropy"` -} - -type SignedSupportingTokens struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - SP string `xml:"sp,attr"` - Policy SupportingTokensPolicy `xml:"Policy"` -} - -type SupportingTokensPolicy struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - UsernameToken UsernameToken `xml:"UsernameToken"` -} -type UsernameToken struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - IncludeToken string `xml:"IncludeToken,attr"` - Policy UsernameTokenPolicy `xml:"Policy"` -} - -type UsernameTokenPolicy struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - WSSUsernameToken10 WSSUsernameToken10 `xml:"WssUsernameToken10"` -} - -type WSSUsernameToken10 struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - XMLName xml.Name -} - -type WSTrust13 struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - SP string `xml:"sp,attr"` - Policy WSTrust13Policy `xml:"Policy"` -} - -type WSTrust13Policy struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - MustSupportIssuedTokens Text `xml:"MustSupportIssuedTokens"` - RequireClientEntropy Text `xml:"RequireClientEntropy"` - RequireServerEntropy Text `xml:"RequireServerEntropy"` -} - -type SignedEncryptedSupportingTokens struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - SP string `xml:"sp,attr"` - Policy SupportingTokensPolicy `xml:"Policy"` -} - -type Types struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Schema Schema `xml:"schema"` -} - -type Schema struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - TargetNamespace string `xml:"targetNamespace,attr"` - Import []Import `xml:"import"` -} - -type Import struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - SchemaLocation string `xml:"schemaLocation,attr"` - Namespace string `xml:"namespace,attr"` -} - -type Message struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Name string `xml:"name,attr"` - Part Part `xml:"part"` -} - -type Part struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Name string `xml:"name,attr"` - Element string `xml:"element,attr"` -} - -type PortType struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Name string `xml:"name,attr"` - Operation Operation `xml:"operation"` -} - -type Operation struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Name string `xml:"name,attr"` - Input OperationIO `xml:"input"` - Output OperationIO `xml:"output"` -} - -type OperationIO struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Action string `xml:"Action,attr"` - Message string `xml:"message,attr"` - Body OperationIOBody `xml:"body"` -} - -type OperationIOBody struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Use string `xml:"use,attr"` -} - -type Binding struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Name string `xml:"name,attr"` - Type string `xml:"type,attr"` - PolicyReference PolicyReference `xml:"PolicyReference"` - Binding DefinitionsBinding `xml:"binding"` - Operation BindingOperation `xml:"operation"` -} - -type PolicyReference struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - URI string `xml:"URI,attr"` -} - -type DefinitionsBinding struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Transport string `xml:"transport,attr"` -} - -type BindingOperation struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Name string `xml:"name,attr"` - Operation BindingOperationOperation `xml:"operation"` - Input BindingOperationIO `xml:"input"` - Output BindingOperationIO `xml:"output"` -} - -type BindingOperationOperation struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - SoapAction string `xml:"soapAction,attr"` - Style string `xml:"style,attr"` -} - -type BindingOperationIO struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Body OperationIOBody `xml:"body"` -} - -type Service struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Name string `xml:"name,attr"` - Port []Port `xml:"port"` -} - -type Port struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Name string `xml:"name,attr"` - Binding string `xml:"binding,attr"` - Address Address `xml:"address"` - EndpointReference PortEndpointReference `xml:"EndpointReference"` -} - -type Address struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Location string `xml:"location,attr"` -} - -type PortEndpointReference struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Address Text `xml:"Address"` - Identity Identity `xml:"Identity"` -} - -type Identity struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - XMLNS string `xml:"xmlns,attr"` - SPN Text `xml:"Spn"` -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/wstrust/defs/saml_assertion_definitions.go b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/wstrust/defs/saml_assertion_definitions.go deleted file mode 100644 index 7d0725565777..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/wstrust/defs/saml_assertion_definitions.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,230 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. -// Licensed under the MIT license. - -package defs - -import "encoding/xml" - -// TODO(msal): Someone (and it ain't gonna be me) needs to document these attributes or -// at the least put a link to RFC. - -type SAMLDefinitions struct { - XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Envelope"` - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - S string `xml:"s,attr"` - A string `xml:"a,attr"` - U string `xml:"u,attr"` - Header Header `xml:"Header"` - Body Body `xml:"Body"` -} - -type Header struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Action Action `xml:"Action"` - Security Security `xml:"Security"` -} - -type Action struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - MustUnderstand string `xml:"mustUnderstand,attr"` -} - -type Security struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - MustUnderstand string `xml:"mustUnderstand,attr"` - O string `xml:"o,attr"` - Timestamp Timestamp `xml:"Timestamp"` -} - -type Timestamp struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - ID string `xml:"Id,attr"` - Created Text `xml:"Created"` - Expires Text `xml:"Expires"` -} - -type Text struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` -} - -type Body struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection `xml:"RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection"` -} - -type RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Trust string `xml:"trust,attr"` - RequestSecurityTokenResponse []RequestSecurityTokenResponse `xml:"RequestSecurityTokenResponse"` -} - -type RequestSecurityTokenResponse struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Lifetime Lifetime `xml:"Lifetime"` - AppliesTo AppliesTo `xml:"AppliesTo"` - RequestedSecurityToken RequestedSecurityToken `xml:"RequestedSecurityToken"` - RequestedAttachedReference RequestedAttachedReference `xml:"RequestedAttachedReference"` - RequestedUnattachedReference RequestedUnattachedReference `xml:"RequestedUnattachedReference"` - TokenType Text `xml:"TokenType"` - RequestType Text `xml:"RequestType"` - KeyType Text `xml:"KeyType"` -} - -type Lifetime struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Created WSUTimestamp `xml:"Created"` - Expires WSUTimestamp `xml:"Expires"` -} - -type WSUTimestamp struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Wsu string `xml:"wsu,attr"` -} - -type AppliesTo struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Wsp string `xml:"wsp,attr"` - EndpointReference EndpointReference `xml:"EndpointReference"` -} - -type EndpointReference struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Wsa string `xml:"wsa,attr"` - Address Text `xml:"Address"` -} - -type RequestedSecurityToken struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - AssertionRawXML string `xml:",innerxml"` - Assertion Assertion `xml:"Assertion"` -} - -type Assertion struct { - XMLName xml.Name // Normally its `xml:"Assertion"`, but I think they want to capture the xmlns - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - MajorVersion string `xml:"MajorVersion,attr"` - MinorVersion string `xml:"MinorVersion,attr"` - AssertionID string `xml:"AssertionID,attr"` - Issuer string `xml:"Issuer,attr"` - IssueInstant string `xml:"IssueInstant,attr"` - Saml string `xml:"saml,attr"` - Conditions Conditions `xml:"Conditions"` - AttributeStatement AttributeStatement `xml:"AttributeStatement"` - AuthenticationStatement AuthenticationStatement `xml:"AuthenticationStatement"` - Signature Signature `xml:"Signature"` -} - -type Conditions struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - NotBefore string `xml:"NotBefore,attr"` - NotOnOrAfter string `xml:"NotOnOrAfter,attr"` - AudienceRestrictionCondition AudienceRestrictionCondition `xml:"AudienceRestrictionCondition"` -} - -type AudienceRestrictionCondition struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Audience Text `xml:"Audience"` -} - -type AttributeStatement struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Subject Subject `xml:"Subject"` - Attribute []Attribute `xml:"Attribute"` -} - -type Subject struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - NameIdentifier NameIdentifier `xml:"NameIdentifier"` - SubjectConfirmation SubjectConfirmation `xml:"SubjectConfirmation"` -} - -type NameIdentifier struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Format string `xml:"Format,attr"` -} - -type SubjectConfirmation struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - ConfirmationMethod Text `xml:"ConfirmationMethod"` -} - -type Attribute struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - AttributeName string `xml:"AttributeName,attr"` - AttributeNamespace string `xml:"AttributeNamespace,attr"` - AttributeValue Text `xml:"AttributeValue"` -} - -type AuthenticationStatement struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - AuthenticationMethod string `xml:"AuthenticationMethod,attr"` - AuthenticationInstant string `xml:"AuthenticationInstant,attr"` - Subject Subject `xml:"Subject"` -} - -type Signature struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Ds string `xml:"ds,attr"` - SignedInfo SignedInfo `xml:"SignedInfo"` - SignatureValue Text `xml:"SignatureValue"` - KeyInfo KeyInfo `xml:"KeyInfo"` -} - -type SignedInfo struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - CanonicalizationMethod Method `xml:"CanonicalizationMethod"` - SignatureMethod Method `xml:"SignatureMethod"` - Reference Reference `xml:"Reference"` -} - -type Method struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Algorithm string `xml:"Algorithm,attr"` -} - -type Reference struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - URI string `xml:"URI,attr"` - Transforms Transforms `xml:"Transforms"` - DigestMethod Method `xml:"DigestMethod"` - DigestValue Text `xml:"DigestValue"` -} - -type Transforms struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Transform []Method `xml:"Transform"` -} - -type KeyInfo struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr"` - X509Data X509Data `xml:"X509Data"` -} - -type X509Data struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - X509Certificate Text `xml:"X509Certificate"` -} - -type RequestedAttachedReference struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - SecurityTokenReference SecurityTokenReference `xml:"SecurityTokenReference"` -} - -type SecurityTokenReference struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - TokenType string `xml:"TokenType,attr"` - O string `xml:"o,attr"` - K string `xml:"k,attr"` - KeyIdentifier KeyIdentifier `xml:"KeyIdentifier"` -} - -type KeyIdentifier struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - ValueType string `xml:"ValueType,attr"` -} - -type RequestedUnattachedReference struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - SecurityTokenReference SecurityTokenReference `xml:"SecurityTokenReference"` -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/wstrust/defs/version_string.go b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/wstrust/defs/version_string.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6fe5efa8a9ab..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/wstrust/defs/version_string.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by "stringer -type=Version"; DO NOT EDIT. - -package defs - -import "strconv" - -func _() { - // An "invalid array index" compiler error signifies that the constant values have changed. - // Re-run the stringer command to generate them again. - var x [1]struct{} - _ = x[TrustUnknown-0] - _ = x[Trust2005-1] - _ = x[Trust13-2] -} - -const _Version_name = "TrustUnknownTrust2005Trust13" - -var _Version_index = [...]uint8{0, 12, 21, 28} - -func (i Version) String() string { - if i < 0 || i >= Version(len(_Version_index)-1) { - return "Version(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + ")" - } - return _Version_name[_Version_index[i]:_Version_index[i+1]] -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/wstrust/defs/wstrust_endpoint.go b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/wstrust/defs/wstrust_endpoint.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8fad5efb5de5..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/wstrust/defs/wstrust_endpoint.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,199 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. -// Licensed under the MIT license. - -package defs - -import ( - "encoding/xml" - "fmt" - "time" - - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/authority" - uuid "github.com/google/uuid" -) - -//go:generate stringer -type=Version - -type Version int - -const ( - TrustUnknown Version = iota - Trust2005 - Trust13 -) - -// Endpoint represents a WSTrust endpoint. -type Endpoint struct { - // Version is the version of the endpoint. - Version Version - // URL is the URL of the endpoint. - URL string -} - -type wsTrustTokenRequestEnvelope struct { - XMLName xml.Name `xml:"s:Envelope"` - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - S string `xml:"xmlns:s,attr"` - Wsa string `xml:"xmlns:wsa,attr"` - Wsu string `xml:"xmlns:wsu,attr"` - Header struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Action struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - MustUnderstand string `xml:"s:mustUnderstand,attr"` - } `xml:"wsa:Action"` - MessageID struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - } `xml:"wsa:messageID"` - ReplyTo struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Address struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - } `xml:"wsa:Address"` - } `xml:"wsa:ReplyTo"` - To struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - MustUnderstand string `xml:"s:mustUnderstand,attr"` - } `xml:"wsa:To"` - Security struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - MustUnderstand string `xml:"s:mustUnderstand,attr"` - Wsse string `xml:"xmlns:wsse,attr"` - Timestamp struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - ID string `xml:"wsu:Id,attr"` - Created struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - } `xml:"wsu:Created"` - Expires struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - } `xml:"wsu:Expires"` - } `xml:"wsu:Timestamp"` - UsernameToken struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - ID string `xml:"wsu:Id,attr"` - Username struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - } `xml:"wsse:Username"` - Password struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - } `xml:"wsse:Password"` - } `xml:"wsse:UsernameToken"` - } `xml:"wsse:Security"` - } `xml:"s:Header"` - Body struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - RequestSecurityToken struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Wst string `xml:"xmlns:wst,attr"` - AppliesTo struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Wsp string `xml:"xmlns:wsp,attr"` - EndpointReference struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - Address struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - } `xml:"wsa:Address"` - } `xml:"wsa:EndpointReference"` - } `xml:"wsp:AppliesTo"` - KeyType struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - } `xml:"wst:KeyType"` - RequestType struct { - Text string `xml:",chardata"` - } `xml:"wst:RequestType"` - } `xml:"wst:RequestSecurityToken"` - } `xml:"s:Body"` -} - -func buildTimeString(t time.Time) string { - // Golang time formats are weird: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20234104/how-to-format-current-time-using-a-yyyymmddhhmmss-format - return t.Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z") -} - -func (wte *Endpoint) buildTokenRequestMessage(authType authority.AuthorizeType, cloudAudienceURN string, username string, password string) (string, error) { - var soapAction string - var trustNamespace string - var keyType string - var requestType string - - createdTime := time.Now().UTC() - expiresTime := createdTime.Add(10 * time.Minute) - - switch wte.Version { - case Trust2005: - soapAction = trust2005Spec - trustNamespace = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/02/trust" - keyType = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/NoProofKey" - requestType = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/02/trust/Issue" - case Trust13: - soapAction = trust13Spec - trustNamespace = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-trust/200512" - keyType = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-trust/200512/Bearer" - requestType = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-trust/200512/Issue" - default: - return "", fmt.Errorf("buildTokenRequestMessage had Version == %q, which is not recognized", wte.Version) - } - - var envelope wsTrustTokenRequestEnvelope - - messageUUID := uuid.New() - - envelope.S = "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" - envelope.Wsa = "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing" - envelope.Wsu = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd" - - envelope.Header.Action.MustUnderstand = "1" - envelope.Header.Action.Text = soapAction - envelope.Header.MessageID.Text = "urn:uuid:" + messageUUID.String() - envelope.Header.ReplyTo.Address.Text = "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/anonymous" - envelope.Header.To.MustUnderstand = "1" - envelope.Header.To.Text = wte.URL - - switch authType { - case authority.ATUnknown: - return "", fmt.Errorf("buildTokenRequestMessage had no authority type(%v)", authType) - case authority.ATUsernamePassword: - endpointUUID := uuid.New() - - var trustID string - if wte.Version == Trust2005 { - trustID = "UnPwSecTok2005-" + endpointUUID.String() - } else { - trustID = "UnPwSecTok13-" + endpointUUID.String() - } - - envelope.Header.Security.MustUnderstand = "1" - envelope.Header.Security.Wsse = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd" - envelope.Header.Security.Timestamp.ID = "MSATimeStamp" - envelope.Header.Security.Timestamp.Created.Text = buildTimeString(createdTime) - envelope.Header.Security.Timestamp.Expires.Text = buildTimeString(expiresTime) - envelope.Header.Security.UsernameToken.ID = trustID - envelope.Header.Security.UsernameToken.Username.Text = username - envelope.Header.Security.UsernameToken.Password.Text = password - default: - // This is just to note that we don't do anything for other cases. - // We aren't missing anything I know of. - } - - envelope.Body.RequestSecurityToken.Wst = trustNamespace - envelope.Body.RequestSecurityToken.AppliesTo.Wsp = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/policy" - envelope.Body.RequestSecurityToken.AppliesTo.EndpointReference.Address.Text = cloudAudienceURN - envelope.Body.RequestSecurityToken.KeyType.Text = keyType - envelope.Body.RequestSecurityToken.RequestType.Text = requestType - - output, err := xml.Marshal(envelope) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - - return string(output), nil -} - -func (wte *Endpoint) BuildTokenRequestMessageWIA(cloudAudienceURN string) (string, error) { - return wte.buildTokenRequestMessage(authority.ATWindowsIntegrated, cloudAudienceURN, "", "") -} - -func (wte *Endpoint) BuildTokenRequestMessageUsernamePassword(cloudAudienceURN string, username string, password string) (string, error) { - return wte.buildTokenRequestMessage(authority.ATUsernamePassword, cloudAudienceURN, username, password) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/wstrust/defs/wstrust_mex_document.go b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/wstrust/defs/wstrust_mex_document.go deleted file mode 100644 index e3d19886ebc5..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/wstrust/defs/wstrust_mex_document.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,159 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. -// Licensed under the MIT license. - -package defs - -import ( - "errors" - "fmt" - "strings" -) - -//go:generate stringer -type=endpointType - -type endpointType int - -const ( - etUnknown endpointType = iota - etUsernamePassword - etWindowsTransport -) - -type wsEndpointData struct { - Version Version - EndpointType endpointType -} - -const trust13Spec string = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-trust/200512/RST/Issue" -const trust2005Spec string = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/02/trust/RST/Issue" - -type MexDocument struct { - UsernamePasswordEndpoint Endpoint - WindowsTransportEndpoint Endpoint - policies map[string]endpointType - bindings map[string]wsEndpointData -} - -func updateEndpoint(cached *Endpoint, found Endpoint) { - if cached == nil || cached.Version == TrustUnknown { - *cached = found - return - } - if (*cached).Version == Trust2005 && found.Version == Trust13 { - *cached = found - return - } -} - -// TODO(msal): Someone needs to write tests for everything below. - -// NewFromDef creates a new MexDocument. -func NewFromDef(defs Definitions) (MexDocument, error) { - policies, err := policies(defs) - if err != nil { - return MexDocument{}, err - } - - bindings, err := bindings(defs, policies) - if err != nil { - return MexDocument{}, err - } - - userPass, windows, err := endpoints(defs, bindings) - if err != nil { - return MexDocument{}, err - } - - return MexDocument{ - UsernamePasswordEndpoint: userPass, - WindowsTransportEndpoint: windows, - policies: policies, - bindings: bindings, - }, nil -} - -func policies(defs Definitions) (map[string]endpointType, error) { - policies := make(map[string]endpointType, len(defs.Policy)) - - for _, policy := range defs.Policy { - if policy.ExactlyOne.All.NegotiateAuthentication.XMLName.Local != "" { - if policy.ExactlyOne.All.TransportBinding.SP != "" && policy.ID != "" { - policies["#"+policy.ID] = etWindowsTransport - } - } - - if policy.ExactlyOne.All.SignedEncryptedSupportingTokens.Policy.UsernameToken.Policy.WSSUsernameToken10.XMLName.Local != "" { - if policy.ExactlyOne.All.TransportBinding.SP != "" && policy.ID != "" { - policies["#"+policy.ID] = etUsernamePassword - } - } - if policy.ExactlyOne.All.SignedSupportingTokens.Policy.UsernameToken.Policy.WSSUsernameToken10.XMLName.Local != "" { - if policy.ExactlyOne.All.TransportBinding.SP != "" && policy.ID != "" { - policies["#"+policy.ID] = etUsernamePassword - } - } - } - - if len(policies) == 0 { - return policies, errors.New("no policies for mex document") - } - - return policies, nil -} - -func bindings(defs Definitions, policies map[string]endpointType) (map[string]wsEndpointData, error) { - bindings := make(map[string]wsEndpointData, len(defs.Binding)) - - for _, binding := range defs.Binding { - policyName := binding.PolicyReference.URI - transport := binding.Binding.Transport - - if transport == "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" { - if policy, ok := policies[policyName]; ok { - bindingName := binding.Name - specVersion := binding.Operation.Operation.SoapAction - - if specVersion == trust13Spec { - bindings[bindingName] = wsEndpointData{Trust13, policy} - } else if specVersion == trust2005Spec { - bindings[bindingName] = wsEndpointData{Trust2005, policy} - } else { - return nil, errors.New("found unknown spec version in mex document") - } - } - } - } - return bindings, nil -} - -func endpoints(defs Definitions, bindings map[string]wsEndpointData) (userPass, windows Endpoint, err error) { - for _, port := range defs.Service.Port { - bindingName := port.Binding - - index := strings.Index(bindingName, ":") - if index != -1 { - bindingName = bindingName[index+1:] - } - - if binding, ok := bindings[bindingName]; ok { - url := strings.TrimSpace(port.EndpointReference.Address.Text) - if url == "" { - return Endpoint{}, Endpoint{}, fmt.Errorf("MexDocument cannot have blank URL endpoint") - } - if binding.Version == TrustUnknown { - return Endpoint{}, Endpoint{}, fmt.Errorf("endpoint version unknown") - } - endpoint := Endpoint{Version: binding.Version, URL: url} - - switch binding.EndpointType { - case etUsernamePassword: - updateEndpoint(&userPass, endpoint) - case etWindowsTransport: - updateEndpoint(&windows, endpoint) - default: - return Endpoint{}, Endpoint{}, errors.New("found unknown port type in MEX document") - } - } - } - return userPass, windows, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/wstrust/wstrust.go b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/wstrust/wstrust.go deleted file mode 100644 index 47cd4c692d62..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/wstrust/wstrust.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,136 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. -// Licensed under the MIT license. - -/* -Package wstrust provides a client for communicating with a WSTrust (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WS-Trust#:~:text=WS%2DTrust%20is%20a%20WS,in%20a%20secure%20message%20exchange.) -for the purposes of extracting metadata from the service. This data can be used to acquire -tokens using the accesstokens.Client.GetAccessTokenFromSamlGrant() call. -*/ -package wstrust - -import ( - "context" - "errors" - "fmt" - "net/http" - "net/url" - - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/authority" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/internal/grant" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/wstrust/defs" -) - -type xmlCaller interface { - XMLCall(ctx context.Context, endpoint string, headers http.Header, qv url.Values, resp interface{}) error - SOAPCall(ctx context.Context, endpoint, action string, headers http.Header, qv url.Values, body string, resp interface{}) error -} - -type SamlTokenInfo struct { - AssertionType string // Should be either constants SAMLV1Grant or SAMLV2Grant. - Assertion string -} - -// Client represents the REST calls to get tokens from token generator backends. -type Client struct { - // Comm provides the HTTP transport client. - Comm xmlCaller -} - -// TODO(msal): This allows me to call Mex without having a real Def file on line 45. -// This would fail because policies() would not find a policy. This is easy enough to -// fix in test data, but.... Definitions is defined with built in structs. That needs -// to be pulled apart and until then I have this hack in. -var newFromDef = defs.NewFromDef - -// Mex provides metadata about a wstrust service. -func (c Client) Mex(ctx context.Context, federationMetadataURL string) (defs.MexDocument, error) { - resp := defs.Definitions{} - err := c.Comm.XMLCall( - ctx, - federationMetadataURL, - http.Header{}, - nil, - &resp, - ) - if err != nil { - return defs.MexDocument{}, err - } - - return newFromDef(resp) -} - -const ( - SoapActionDefault = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-trust/200512/RST/Issue" - - // Note: Commented out because this action is not supported. It was in the original code - // but only used in a switch where it errored. Since there was only one value, a default - // worked better. However, buildTokenRequestMessage() had 2005 support. I'm not actually - // sure what's going on here. It like we have half support. For now this is here just - // for documentation purposes in case we are going to add support. - // - // SoapActionWSTrust2005 = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/02/trust/RST/Issue" -) - -// SAMLTokenInfo provides SAML information that is used to generate a SAML token. -func (c Client) SAMLTokenInfo(ctx context.Context, authParameters authority.AuthParams, cloudAudienceURN string, endpoint defs.Endpoint) (SamlTokenInfo, error) { - var wsTrustRequestMessage string - var err error - - switch authParameters.AuthorizationType { - case authority.ATWindowsIntegrated: - wsTrustRequestMessage, err = endpoint.BuildTokenRequestMessageWIA(cloudAudienceURN) - if err != nil { - return SamlTokenInfo{}, err - } - case authority.ATUsernamePassword: - wsTrustRequestMessage, err = endpoint.BuildTokenRequestMessageUsernamePassword( - cloudAudienceURN, authParameters.Username, authParameters.Password) - if err != nil { - return SamlTokenInfo{}, err - } - default: - return SamlTokenInfo{}, fmt.Errorf("unknown auth type %v", authParameters.AuthorizationType) - } - - var soapAction string - switch endpoint.Version { - case defs.Trust13: - soapAction = SoapActionDefault - case defs.Trust2005: - return SamlTokenInfo{}, errors.New("WS Trust 2005 support is not implemented") - default: - return SamlTokenInfo{}, fmt.Errorf("the SOAP endpoint for a wstrust call had an invalid version: %v", endpoint.Version) - } - - resp := defs.SAMLDefinitions{} - err = c.Comm.SOAPCall(ctx, endpoint.URL, soapAction, http.Header{}, nil, wsTrustRequestMessage, &resp) - if err != nil { - return SamlTokenInfo{}, err - } - - return c.samlAssertion(resp) -} - -const ( - samlv1Assertion = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:assertion" - samlv2Assertion = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" -) - -func (c Client) samlAssertion(def defs.SAMLDefinitions) (SamlTokenInfo, error) { - for _, tokenResponse := range def.Body.RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection.RequestSecurityTokenResponse { - token := tokenResponse.RequestedSecurityToken - if token.Assertion.XMLName.Local != "" { - assertion := token.AssertionRawXML - - samlVersion := token.Assertion.Saml - switch samlVersion { - case samlv1Assertion: - return SamlTokenInfo{AssertionType: grant.SAMLV1, Assertion: assertion}, nil - case samlv2Assertion: - return SamlTokenInfo{AssertionType: grant.SAMLV2, Assertion: assertion}, nil - } - return SamlTokenInfo{}, fmt.Errorf("couldn't parse SAML assertion, version unknown: %q", samlVersion) - } - } - return SamlTokenInfo{}, errors.New("unknown WS-Trust version") -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/resolvers.go b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/resolvers.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6582aace0f1d..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/resolvers.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,145 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. -// Licensed under the MIT license. - -// TODO(msal): Write some tests. The original code this came from didn't have tests and I'm too -// tired at this point to do it. It, like many other *Manager code I found was broken because -// they didn't have mutex protection. - -package oauth - -import ( - "context" - "errors" - "fmt" - "strings" - "sync" - - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/authority" -) - -// ADFS is an active directory federation service authority type. -const ADFS = "ADFS" - -type cacheEntry struct { - Endpoints authority.Endpoints - ValidForDomainsInList map[string]bool -} - -func createcacheEntry(endpoints authority.Endpoints) cacheEntry { - return cacheEntry{endpoints, map[string]bool{}} -} - -// AuthorityEndpoint retrieves endpoints from an authority for auth and token acquisition. -type authorityEndpoint struct { - rest *ops.REST - - mu sync.Mutex - cache map[string]cacheEntry -} - -// newAuthorityEndpoint is the constructor for AuthorityEndpoint. -func newAuthorityEndpoint(rest *ops.REST) *authorityEndpoint { - m := &authorityEndpoint{rest: rest, cache: map[string]cacheEntry{}} - return m -} - -// ResolveEndpoints gets the authorization and token endpoints and creates an AuthorityEndpoints instance -func (m *authorityEndpoint) ResolveEndpoints(ctx context.Context, authorityInfo authority.Info, userPrincipalName string) (authority.Endpoints, error) { - if authorityInfo.AuthorityType == ADFS && len(userPrincipalName) == 0 { - return authority.Endpoints{}, errors.New("UPN required for authority validation for ADFS") - } - - if endpoints, found := m.cachedEndpoints(authorityInfo, userPrincipalName); found { - return endpoints, nil - } - - endpoint, err := m.openIDConfigurationEndpoint(ctx, authorityInfo, userPrincipalName) - if err != nil { - return authority.Endpoints{}, err - } - - resp, err := m.rest.Authority().GetTenantDiscoveryResponse(ctx, endpoint) - if err != nil { - return authority.Endpoints{}, err - } - if err := resp.Validate(); err != nil { - return authority.Endpoints{}, fmt.Errorf("ResolveEndpoints(): %w", err) - } - - tenant := authorityInfo.Tenant - - endpoints := authority.NewEndpoints( - strings.Replace(resp.AuthorizationEndpoint, "{tenant}", tenant, -1), - strings.Replace(resp.TokenEndpoint, "{tenant}", tenant, -1), - strings.Replace(resp.Issuer, "{tenant}", tenant, -1), - authorityInfo.Host) - - m.addCachedEndpoints(authorityInfo, userPrincipalName, endpoints) - - return endpoints, nil -} - -// cachedEndpoints returns a the cached endpoints if they exists. If not, we return false. -func (m *authorityEndpoint) cachedEndpoints(authorityInfo authority.Info, userPrincipalName string) (authority.Endpoints, bool) { - m.mu.Lock() - defer m.mu.Unlock() - - if cacheEntry, ok := m.cache[authorityInfo.CanonicalAuthorityURI]; ok { - if authorityInfo.AuthorityType == ADFS { - domain, err := adfsDomainFromUpn(userPrincipalName) - if err == nil { - if _, ok := cacheEntry.ValidForDomainsInList[domain]; ok { - return cacheEntry.Endpoints, true - } - } - } - return cacheEntry.Endpoints, true - } - return authority.Endpoints{}, false -} - -func (m *authorityEndpoint) addCachedEndpoints(authorityInfo authority.Info, userPrincipalName string, endpoints authority.Endpoints) { - m.mu.Lock() - defer m.mu.Unlock() - - updatedCacheEntry := createcacheEntry(endpoints) - - if authorityInfo.AuthorityType == ADFS { - // Since we're here, we've made a call to the backend. We want to ensure we're caching - // the latest values from the server. - if cacheEntry, ok := m.cache[authorityInfo.CanonicalAuthorityURI]; ok { - for k := range cacheEntry.ValidForDomainsInList { - updatedCacheEntry.ValidForDomainsInList[k] = true - } - } - domain, err := adfsDomainFromUpn(userPrincipalName) - if err == nil { - updatedCacheEntry.ValidForDomainsInList[domain] = true - } - } - - m.cache[authorityInfo.CanonicalAuthorityURI] = updatedCacheEntry -} - -func (m *authorityEndpoint) openIDConfigurationEndpoint(ctx context.Context, authorityInfo authority.Info, userPrincipalName string) (string, error) { - if authorityInfo.Tenant == "adfs" { - return fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/adfs/.well-known/openid-configuration", authorityInfo.Host), nil - } else if authorityInfo.ValidateAuthority && !authority.TrustedHost(authorityInfo.Host) { - resp, err := m.rest.Authority().AADInstanceDiscovery(ctx, authorityInfo) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - return resp.TenantDiscoveryEndpoint, nil - } - - return authorityInfo.CanonicalAuthorityURI + "v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration", nil -} - -func adfsDomainFromUpn(userPrincipalName string) (string, error) { - parts := strings.Split(userPrincipalName, "@") - if len(parts) < 2 { - return "", errors.New("no @ present in user principal name") - } - return parts[1], nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/shared/shared.go b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/shared/shared.go deleted file mode 100644 index f7e12a71bf31..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/shared/shared.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. -// Licensed under the MIT license. - -package shared - -import ( - "net/http" - "reflect" - "strings" -) - -const ( - // CacheKeySeparator is used in creating the keys of the cache. - CacheKeySeparator = "-" -) - -type Account struct { - HomeAccountID string `json:"home_account_id,omitempty"` - Environment string `json:"environment,omitempty"` - Realm string `json:"realm,omitempty"` - LocalAccountID string `json:"local_account_id,omitempty"` - AuthorityType string `json:"authority_type,omitempty"` - PreferredUsername string `json:"username,omitempty"` - GivenName string `json:"given_name,omitempty"` - FamilyName string `json:"family_name,omitempty"` - MiddleName string `json:"middle_name,omitempty"` - Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` - AlternativeID string `json:"alternative_account_id,omitempty"` - RawClientInfo string `json:"client_info,omitempty"` - UserAssertionHash string `json:"user_assertion_hash,omitempty"` - - AdditionalFields map[string]interface{} -} - -// NewAccount creates an account. -func NewAccount(homeAccountID, env, realm, localAccountID, authorityType, username string) Account { - return Account{ - HomeAccountID: homeAccountID, - Environment: env, - Realm: realm, - LocalAccountID: localAccountID, - AuthorityType: authorityType, - PreferredUsername: username, - } -} - -// Key creates the key for storing accounts in the cache. -func (acc Account) Key() string { - return strings.Join([]string{acc.HomeAccountID, acc.Environment, acc.Realm}, CacheKeySeparator) -} - -// IsZero checks the zero value of account. -func (acc Account) IsZero() bool { - v := reflect.ValueOf(acc) - for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ { - field := v.Field(i) - if !field.IsZero() { - switch field.Kind() { - case reflect.Map, reflect.Slice: - if field.Len() == 0 { - continue - } - } - return false - } - } - return true -} - -// DefaultClient is our default shared HTTP client. -var DefaultClient = &http.Client{} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/version/version.go b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/version/version.go deleted file mode 100644 index cd5f76d5f809..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/version/version.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. -// Licensed under the MIT license. - -// Package version keeps the version number of the client package. -package version - -// Version is the version of this client package that is communicated to the server. -const Version = "0.4.0" diff --git a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/public/public.go b/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/public/public.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0c52742cb73e..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/public/public.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,397 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. -// Licensed under the MIT license. - -/* -Package public provides a client for authentication of "public" applications. A "public" -application is defined as an app that runs on client devices (android, ios, windows, linux, ...). -These devices are "untrusted" and access resources via web APIs that must authenticate. -*/ -package public - -/* -Design note: - -public.Client uses client.Base as an embedded type. client.Base statically assigns its attributes -during creation. As it doesn't have any pointers in it, anything borrowed from it, such as -Base.AuthParams is a copy that is free to be manipulated here. -*/ - -// TODO(msal): This should have example code for each method on client using Go's example doc framework. -// base usage details should be includee in the package documentation. - -import ( - "context" - "crypto/rand" - "crypto/sha256" - "encoding/base64" - "fmt" - "net/url" - "strconv" - - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/cache" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/base" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/local" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/accesstokens" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/authority" - "github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/shared" - "github.com/google/uuid" - "github.com/pkg/browser" -) - -// AuthResult contains the results of one token acquisition operation. -// For details see https://aka.ms/msal-net-authenticationresult -type AuthResult = base.AuthResult - -type Account = shared.Account - -// Options configures the Client's behavior. -type Options struct { - // Accessor controls cache persistence. By default there is no cache persistence. - // This can be set with the WithCache() option. - Accessor cache.ExportReplace - - // The host of the Azure Active Directory authority. The default is https://login.microsoftonline.com/common. - // This can be changed with the WithAuthority() option. - Authority string - - // The HTTP client used for making requests. - // It defaults to a shared http.Client. - HTTPClient ops.HTTPClient -} - -func (p *Options) validate() error { - u, err := url.Parse(p.Authority) - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("Authority options cannot be URL parsed: %w", err) - } - if u.Scheme != "https" { - return fmt.Errorf("Authority(%s) did not start with https://", u.String()) - } - return nil -} - -// Option is an optional argument to the New constructor. -type Option func(o *Options) - -// WithAuthority allows for a custom authority to be set. This must be a valid https url. -func WithAuthority(authority string) Option { - return func(o *Options) { - o.Authority = authority - } -} - -// WithCache allows you to set some type of cache for storing authentication tokens. -func WithCache(accessor cache.ExportReplace) Option { - return func(o *Options) { - o.Accessor = accessor - } -} - -// WithHTTPClient allows for a custom HTTP client to be set. -func WithHTTPClient(httpClient ops.HTTPClient) Option { - return func(o *Options) { - o.HTTPClient = httpClient - } -} - -// Client is a representation of authentication client for public applications as defined in the -// package doc. For more information, visit https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory/develop/msal-client-applications. -type Client struct { - base base.Client -} - -// New is the constructor for Client. -func New(clientID string, options ...Option) (Client, error) { - opts := Options{ - Authority: base.AuthorityPublicCloud, - HTTPClient: shared.DefaultClient, - } - - for _, o := range options { - o(&opts) - } - if err := opts.validate(); err != nil { - return Client{}, err - } - - base, err := base.New(clientID, opts.Authority, oauth.New(opts.HTTPClient), base.WithCacheAccessor(opts.Accessor)) - if err != nil { - return Client{}, err - } - return Client{base}, nil -} - -// CreateAuthCodeURL creates a URL used to acquire an authorization code. -func (pca Client) CreateAuthCodeURL(ctx context.Context, clientID, redirectURI string, scopes []string) (string, error) { - return pca.base.AuthCodeURL(ctx, clientID, redirectURI, scopes, pca.base.AuthParams) -} - -// AcquireTokenSilentOptions are all the optional settings to an AcquireTokenSilent() call. -// These are set by using various AcquireTokenSilentOption functions. -type AcquireTokenSilentOptions struct { - // Account represents the account to use. To set, use the WithSilentAccount() option. - Account Account -} - -// AcquireTokenSilentOption changes options inside AcquireTokenSilentOptions used in .AcquireTokenSilent(). -type AcquireTokenSilentOption func(a *AcquireTokenSilentOptions) - -// WithSilentAccount uses the passed account during an AcquireTokenSilent() call. -func WithSilentAccount(account Account) AcquireTokenSilentOption { - return func(a *AcquireTokenSilentOptions) { - a.Account = account - } -} - -// AcquireTokenSilent acquires a token from either the cache or using a refresh token. -func (pca Client) AcquireTokenSilent(ctx context.Context, scopes []string, options ...AcquireTokenSilentOption) (AuthResult, error) { - opts := AcquireTokenSilentOptions{} - for _, o := range options { - o(&opts) - } - - silentParameters := base.AcquireTokenSilentParameters{ - Scopes: scopes, - Account: opts.Account, - RequestType: accesstokens.ATPublic, - IsAppCache: false, - } - - return pca.base.AcquireTokenSilent(ctx, silentParameters) -} - -// AcquireTokenByUsernamePassword acquires a security token from the authority, via Username/Password Authentication. -// NOTE: this flow is NOT recommended. -func (pca Client) AcquireTokenByUsernamePassword(ctx context.Context, scopes []string, username string, password string) (AuthResult, error) { - authParams := pca.base.AuthParams - authParams.Scopes = scopes - authParams.AuthorizationType = authority.ATUsernamePassword - authParams.Username = username - authParams.Password = password - - token, err := pca.base.Token.UsernamePassword(ctx, authParams) - if err != nil { - return AuthResult{}, err - } - return pca.base.AuthResultFromToken(ctx, authParams, token, true) -} - -type DeviceCodeResult = accesstokens.DeviceCodeResult - -// DeviceCode provides the results of the device code flows first stage (containing the code) -// that must be entered on the second device and provides a method to retrieve the AuthenticationResult -// once that code has been entered and verified. -type DeviceCode struct { - // Result holds the information about the device code (such as the code). - Result DeviceCodeResult - - authParams authority.AuthParams - client Client - dc oauth.DeviceCode -} - -// AuthenticationResult retreives the AuthenticationResult once the user enters the code -// on the second device. Until then it blocks until the .AcquireTokenByDeviceCode() context -// is cancelled or the token expires. -func (d DeviceCode) AuthenticationResult(ctx context.Context) (AuthResult, error) { - token, err := d.dc.Token(ctx) - if err != nil { - return AuthResult{}, err - } - return d.client.base.AuthResultFromToken(ctx, d.authParams, token, true) -} - -// AcquireTokenByDeviceCode acquires a security token from the authority, by acquiring a device code and using that to acquire the token. -// Users need to create an AcquireTokenDeviceCodeParameters instance and pass it in. -func (pca Client) AcquireTokenByDeviceCode(ctx context.Context, scopes []string) (DeviceCode, error) { - authParams := pca.base.AuthParams - authParams.Scopes = scopes - authParams.AuthorizationType = authority.ATDeviceCode - - dc, err := pca.base.Token.DeviceCode(ctx, authParams) - if err != nil { - return DeviceCode{}, err - } - - return DeviceCode{Result: dc.Result, authParams: authParams, client: pca, dc: dc}, nil -} - -// AcquireTokenByAuthCodeOptions contains the optional parameters used to acquire an access token using the authorization code flow. -type AcquireTokenByAuthCodeOptions struct { - Challenge string -} - -// AcquireTokenByAuthCodeOption changes options inside AcquireTokenByAuthCodeOptions used in .AcquireTokenByAuthCode(). -type AcquireTokenByAuthCodeOption func(a *AcquireTokenByAuthCodeOptions) - -// WithChallenge allows you to provide a code for the .AcquireTokenByAuthCode() call. -func WithChallenge(challenge string) AcquireTokenByAuthCodeOption { - return func(a *AcquireTokenByAuthCodeOptions) { - a.Challenge = challenge - } -} - -// AcquireTokenByAuthCode is a request to acquire a security token from the authority, using an authorization code. -// The specified redirect URI must be the same URI that was used when the authorization code was requested. -func (pca Client) AcquireTokenByAuthCode(ctx context.Context, code string, redirectURI string, scopes []string, options ...AcquireTokenByAuthCodeOption) (AuthResult, error) { - opts := AcquireTokenByAuthCodeOptions{} - for _, o := range options { - o(&opts) - } - - params := base.AcquireTokenAuthCodeParameters{ - Scopes: scopes, - Code: code, - Challenge: opts.Challenge, - AppType: accesstokens.ATPublic, - RedirectURI: redirectURI, - } - - return pca.base.AcquireTokenByAuthCode(ctx, params) -} - -// Accounts gets all the accounts in the token cache. -// If there are no accounts in the cache the returned slice is empty. -func (pca Client) Accounts() []Account { - return pca.base.AllAccounts() -} - -// RemoveAccount signs the account out and forgets account from token cache. -func (pca Client) RemoveAccount(account Account) error { - pca.base.RemoveAccount(account) - return nil -} - -// InteractiveAuthOptions contains the optional parameters used to acquire an access token for interactive auth code flow. -type InteractiveAuthOptions struct { - // Used to specify a custom port for the local server. http://localhost:portnumber - // All other URI components are ignored. - RedirectURI string -} - -// InteractiveAuthOption changes options inside InteractiveAuthOptions used in .AcquireTokenInteractive(). -type InteractiveAuthOption func(*InteractiveAuthOptions) - -// WithRedirectURI uses the specified redirect URI for interactive auth. -func WithRedirectURI(redirectURI string) InteractiveAuthOption { - return func(o *InteractiveAuthOptions) { - o.RedirectURI = redirectURI - } -} - -// AcquireTokenInteractive acquires a security token from the authority using the default web browser to select the account. -// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/msal-authentication-flows#interactive-and-non-interactive-authentication -func (pca Client) AcquireTokenInteractive(ctx context.Context, scopes []string, options ...InteractiveAuthOption) (AuthResult, error) { - opts := InteractiveAuthOptions{} - for _, opt := range options { - opt(&opts) - } - // the code verifier is a random 32-byte sequence that's been base-64 encoded without padding. - // it's used to prevent MitM attacks during auth code flow, see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7636 - cv, challenge, err := codeVerifier() - if err != nil { - return AuthResult{}, err - } - var redirectURL *url.URL - if opts.RedirectURI != "" { - redirectURL, err = url.Parse(opts.RedirectURI) - if err != nil { - return AuthResult{}, err - } - } - authParams := pca.base.AuthParams // This is a copy, as we dont' have a pointer receiver and .AuthParams is not a pointer. - authParams.Scopes = scopes - authParams.AuthorizationType = authority.ATInteractive - authParams.CodeChallenge = challenge - authParams.CodeChallengeMethod = "S256" - authParams.State = uuid.New().String() - authParams.Prompt = "select_account" - res, err := pca.browserLogin(ctx, redirectURL, authParams) - if err != nil { - return AuthResult{}, err - } - authParams.Redirecturi = res.redirectURI - - req, err := accesstokens.NewCodeChallengeRequest(authParams, accesstokens.ATPublic, nil, res.authCode, cv) - if err != nil { - return AuthResult{}, err - } - - token, err := pca.base.Token.AuthCode(ctx, req) - if err != nil { - return AuthResult{}, err - } - - return pca.base.AuthResultFromToken(ctx, authParams, token, true) -} - -type interactiveAuthResult struct { - authCode string - redirectURI string -} - -// provides a test hook to simulate opening a browser -var browserOpenURL = func(authURL string) error { - return browser.OpenURL(authURL) -} - -// parses the port number from the provided URL. -// returns 0 if nil or no port is specified. -func parsePort(u *url.URL) (int, error) { - if u == nil { - return 0, nil - } - p := u.Port() - if p == "" { - return 0, nil - } - return strconv.Atoi(p) -} - -// browserLogin launches the system browser for interactive login -func (pca Client) browserLogin(ctx context.Context, redirectURI *url.URL, params authority.AuthParams) (interactiveAuthResult, error) { - // start local redirect server so login can call us back - port, err := parsePort(redirectURI) - if err != nil { - return interactiveAuthResult{}, err - } - srv, err := local.New(params.State, port) - if err != nil { - return interactiveAuthResult{}, err - } - defer srv.Shutdown() - authURL, err := pca.base.AuthCodeURL(ctx, params.ClientID, srv.Addr, params.Scopes, params) - if err != nil { - return interactiveAuthResult{}, err - } - // open browser window so user can select credentials - if err := browserOpenURL(authURL); err != nil { - return interactiveAuthResult{}, err - } - // now wait until the logic calls us back - res := srv.Result(ctx) - if res.Err != nil { - return interactiveAuthResult{}, res.Err - } - return interactiveAuthResult{ - authCode: res.Code, - redirectURI: srv.Addr, - }, nil -} - -// creates a code verifier string along with its SHA256 hash which -// is used as the challenge when requesting an auth code. -// used in interactive auth flow for PKCE. -func codeVerifier() (codeVerifier string, challenge string, err error) { - cvBytes := make([]byte, 32) - if _, err = rand.Read(cvBytes); err != nil { - return - } - codeVerifier = base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(cvBytes) - // for PKCE, create a hash of the code verifier - cvh := sha256.Sum256([]byte(codeVerifier)) - challenge = base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(cvh[:]) - return -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index 09573e0169c2..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -.DS_Store -bin -.idea/ - diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index 35dbc252041e..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -Copyright (c) 2012 Dave Grijalva -Copyright (c) 2021 golang-jwt maintainers - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. - diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/MIGRATION_GUIDE.md b/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/MIGRATION_GUIDE.md deleted file mode 100644 index c4efbd2a8c5d..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/MIGRATION_GUIDE.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -## Migration Guide (v3.2.1) - -Starting from [v3.2.1](https://github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/releases/tag/v3.2.1]), the import path has changed from `github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go` to `github.com/golang-jwt/jwt`. Future releases will be using the `github.com/golang-jwt/jwt` import path and continue the existing versioning scheme of `v3.x.x+incompatible`. Backwards-compatible patches and fixes will be done on the `v3` release branch, where as new build-breaking features will be developed in a `v4` release, possibly including a SIV-style import path. - -### go.mod replacement - -In a first step, the easiest way is to use `go mod edit` to issue a replacement. - -``` -go mod edit -replace github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go=github.com/golang-jwt/jwt@v3.2.1+incompatible -go mod tidy -``` - -This will still keep the old import path in your code but replace it with the new package and also introduce a new indirect dependency to `github.com/golang-jwt/jwt`. Try to compile your project; it should still work. - -### Cleanup - -If your code still consistently builds, you can replace all occurences of `github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go` with `github.com/golang-jwt/jwt`, either manually or by using tools such as `sed`. Finally, the `replace` directive in the `go.mod` file can be removed. - -## Older releases (before v3.2.0) - -The original migration guide for older releases can be found at https://github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go/blob/master/MIGRATION_GUIDE.md. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/README.md b/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index 9b653e46b013..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,113 +0,0 @@ -# jwt-go - -[![build](https://github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/actions/workflows/build.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/actions/workflows/build.yml) -[![Go Reference](https://pkg.go.dev/badge/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt.svg)](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt) - -A [go](http://www.golang.org) (or 'golang' for search engine friendliness) implementation of [JSON Web Tokens](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7519). - -**IMPORT PATH CHANGE:** Starting from [v3.2.1](https://github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/releases/tag/v3.2.1), the import path has changed from `github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go` to `github.com/golang-jwt/jwt`. After the original author of the library suggested migrating the maintenance of `jwt-go`, a dedicated team of open source maintainers decided to clone the existing library into this repository. See [dgrijalva/jwt-go#462](https://github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go/issues/462) for a detailed discussion on this topic. - -Future releases will be using the `github.com/golang-jwt/jwt` import path and continue the existing versioning scheme of `v3.x.x+incompatible`. Backwards-compatible patches and fixes will be done on the `v3` release branch, where as new build-breaking features will be developed in a `v4` release, possibly including a SIV-style import path. - -**SECURITY NOTICE:** Some older versions of Go have a security issue in the crypto/elliptic. Recommendation is to upgrade to at least 1.15 See issue [dgrijalva/jwt-go#216](https://github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go/issues/216) for more detail. - -**SECURITY NOTICE:** It's important that you [validate the `alg` presented is what you expect](https://auth0.com/blog/critical-vulnerabilities-in-json-web-token-libraries/). This library attempts to make it easy to do the right thing by requiring key types match the expected alg, but you should take the extra step to verify it in your usage. See the examples provided. - -### Supported Go versions - -Our support of Go versions is aligned with Go's [version release policy](https://golang.org/doc/devel/release#policy). -So we will support a major version of Go until there are two newer major releases. -We no longer support building jwt-go with unsupported Go versions, as these contain security vulnerabilities -which will not be fixed. - -## What the heck is a JWT? - -JWT.io has [a great introduction](https://jwt.io/introduction) to JSON Web Tokens. - -In short, it's a signed JSON object that does something useful (for example, authentication). It's commonly used for `Bearer` tokens in Oauth 2. A token is made of three parts, separated by `.`'s. The first two parts are JSON objects, that have been [base64url](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4648) encoded. The last part is the signature, encoded the same way. - -The first part is called the header. It contains the necessary information for verifying the last part, the signature. For example, which encryption method was used for signing and what key was used. - -The part in the middle is the interesting bit. It's called the Claims and contains the actual stuff you care about. Refer to [RFC 7519](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7519) for information about reserved keys and the proper way to add your own. - -## What's in the box? - -This library supports the parsing and verification as well as the generation and signing of JWTs. Current supported signing algorithms are HMAC SHA, RSA, RSA-PSS, and ECDSA, though hooks are present for adding your own. - -## Examples - -See [the project documentation](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt) for examples of usage: - -* [Simple example of parsing and validating a token](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt#example-Parse-Hmac) -* [Simple example of building and signing a token](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt#example-New-Hmac) -* [Directory of Examples](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt#pkg-examples) - -## Extensions - -This library publishes all the necessary components for adding your own signing methods. Simply implement the `SigningMethod` interface and register a factory method using `RegisterSigningMethod`. - -Here's an example of an extension that integrates with multiple Google Cloud Platform signing tools (AppEngine, IAM API, Cloud KMS): https://github.com/someone1/gcp-jwt-go - -## Compliance - -This library was last reviewed to comply with [RTF 7519](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7519) dated May 2015 with a few notable differences: - -* In order to protect against accidental use of [Unsecured JWTs](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7519#section-6), tokens using `alg=none` will only be accepted if the constant `jwt.UnsafeAllowNoneSignatureType` is provided as the key. - -## Project Status & Versioning - -This library is considered production ready. Feedback and feature requests are appreciated. The API should be considered stable. There should be very few backwards-incompatible changes outside of major version updates (and only with good reason). - -This project uses [Semantic Versioning 2.0.0](http://semver.org). Accepted pull requests will land on `main`. Periodically, versions will be tagged from `main`. You can find all the releases on [the project releases page](https://github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/releases). - -While we try to make it obvious when we make breaking changes, there isn't a great mechanism for pushing announcements out to users. You may want to use this alternative package include: `gopkg.in/golang-jwt/jwt.v3`. It will do the right thing WRT semantic versioning. - -**BREAKING CHANGES:*** -* Version 3.0.0 includes _a lot_ of changes from the 2.x line, including a few that break the API. We've tried to break as few things as possible, so there should just be a few type signature changes. A full list of breaking changes is available in `VERSION_HISTORY.md`. See `MIGRATION_GUIDE.md` for more information on updating your code. - -## Usage Tips - -### Signing vs Encryption - -A token is simply a JSON object that is signed by its author. this tells you exactly two things about the data: - -* The author of the token was in the possession of the signing secret -* The data has not been modified since it was signed - -It's important to know that JWT does not provide encryption, which means anyone who has access to the token can read its contents. If you need to protect (encrypt) the data, there is a companion spec, `JWE`, that provides this functionality. JWE is currently outside the scope of this library. - -### Choosing a Signing Method - -There are several signing methods available, and you should probably take the time to learn about the various options before choosing one. The principal design decision is most likely going to be symmetric vs asymmetric. - -Symmetric signing methods, such as HSA, use only a single secret. This is probably the simplest signing method to use since any `[]byte` can be used as a valid secret. They are also slightly computationally faster to use, though this rarely is enough to matter. Symmetric signing methods work the best when both producers and consumers of tokens are trusted, or even the same system. Since the same secret is used to both sign and validate tokens, you can't easily distribute the key for validation. - -Asymmetric signing methods, such as RSA, use different keys for signing and verifying tokens. This makes it possible to produce tokens with a private key, and allow any consumer to access the public key for verification. - -### Signing Methods and Key Types - -Each signing method expects a different object type for its signing keys. See the package documentation for details. Here are the most common ones: - -* The [HMAC signing method](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt#SigningMethodHMAC) (`HS256`,`HS384`,`HS512`) expect `[]byte` values for signing and validation -* The [RSA signing method](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt#SigningMethodRSA) (`RS256`,`RS384`,`RS512`) expect `*rsa.PrivateKey` for signing and `*rsa.PublicKey` for validation -* The [ECDSA signing method](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt#SigningMethodECDSA) (`ES256`,`ES384`,`ES512`) expect `*ecdsa.PrivateKey` for signing and `*ecdsa.PublicKey` for validation - -### JWT and OAuth - -It's worth mentioning that OAuth and JWT are not the same thing. A JWT token is simply a signed JSON object. It can be used anywhere such a thing is useful. There is some confusion, though, as JWT is the most common type of bearer token used in OAuth2 authentication. - -Without going too far down the rabbit hole, here's a description of the interaction of these technologies: - -* OAuth is a protocol for allowing an identity provider to be separate from the service a user is logging in to. For example, whenever you use Facebook to log into a different service (Yelp, Spotify, etc), you are using OAuth. -* OAuth defines several options for passing around authentication data. One popular method is called a "bearer token". A bearer token is simply a string that _should_ only be held by an authenticated user. Thus, simply presenting this token proves your identity. You can probably derive from here why a JWT might make a good bearer token. -* Because bearer tokens are used for authentication, it's important they're kept secret. This is why transactions that use bearer tokens typically happen over SSL. - -### Troubleshooting - -This library uses descriptive error messages whenever possible. If you are not getting the expected result, have a look at the errors. The most common place people get stuck is providing the correct type of key to the parser. See the above section on signing methods and key types. - -## More - -Documentation can be found [on pkg.go.dev](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt). - -The command line utility included in this project (cmd/jwt) provides a straightforward example of token creation and parsing as well as a useful tool for debugging your own integration. You'll also find several implementation examples in the documentation. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/VERSION_HISTORY.md b/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/VERSION_HISTORY.md deleted file mode 100644 index 637f2ba616a8..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/VERSION_HISTORY.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,131 +0,0 @@ -## `jwt-go` Version History - -#### 3.2.2 - -* Starting from this release, we are adopting the policy to support the most 2 recent versions of Go currently available. By the time of this release, this is Go 1.15 and 1.16 ([#28](https://github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/pull/28)). -* Fixed a potential issue that could occur when the verification of `exp`, `iat` or `nbf` was not required and contained invalid contents, i.e. non-numeric/date. Thanks for @thaJeztah for making us aware of that and @giorgos-f3 for originally reporting it to the formtech fork ([#40](https://github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/pull/40)). -* Added support for EdDSA / ED25519 ([#36](https://github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/pull/36)). -* Optimized allocations ([#33](https://github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/pull/33)). - -#### 3.2.1 - -* **Import Path Change**: See MIGRATION_GUIDE.md for tips on updating your code - * Changed the import path from `github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go` to `github.com/golang-jwt/jwt` -* Fixed type confusing issue between `string` and `[]string` in `VerifyAudience` ([#12](https://github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/pull/12)). This fixes CVE-2020-26160 - -#### 3.2.0 - -* Added method `ParseUnverified` to allow users to split up the tasks of parsing and validation -* HMAC signing method returns `ErrInvalidKeyType` instead of `ErrInvalidKey` where appropriate -* Added options to `request.ParseFromRequest`, which allows for an arbitrary list of modifiers to parsing behavior. Initial set include `WithClaims` and `WithParser`. Existing usage of this function will continue to work as before. -* Deprecated `ParseFromRequestWithClaims` to simplify API in the future. - -#### 3.1.0 - -* Improvements to `jwt` command line tool -* Added `SkipClaimsValidation` option to `Parser` -* Documentation updates - -#### 3.0.0 - -* **Compatibility Breaking Changes**: See MIGRATION_GUIDE.md for tips on updating your code - * Dropped support for `[]byte` keys when using RSA signing methods. This convenience feature could contribute to security vulnerabilities involving mismatched key types with signing methods. - * `ParseFromRequest` has been moved to `request` subpackage and usage has changed - * The `Claims` property on `Token` is now type `Claims` instead of `map[string]interface{}`. The default value is type `MapClaims`, which is an alias to `map[string]interface{}`. This makes it possible to use a custom type when decoding claims. -* Other Additions and Changes - * Added `Claims` interface type to allow users to decode the claims into a custom type - * Added `ParseWithClaims`, which takes a third argument of type `Claims`. Use this function instead of `Parse` if you have a custom type you'd like to decode into. - * Dramatically improved the functionality and flexibility of `ParseFromRequest`, which is now in the `request` subpackage - * Added `ParseFromRequestWithClaims` which is the `FromRequest` equivalent of `ParseWithClaims` - * Added new interface type `Extractor`, which is used for extracting JWT strings from http requests. Used with `ParseFromRequest` and `ParseFromRequestWithClaims`. - * Added several new, more specific, validation errors to error type bitmask - * Moved examples from README to executable example files - * Signing method registry is now thread safe - * Added new property to `ValidationError`, which contains the raw error returned by calls made by parse/verify (such as those returned by keyfunc or json parser) - -#### 2.7.0 - -This will likely be the last backwards compatible release before 3.0.0, excluding essential bug fixes. - -* Added new option `-show` to the `jwt` command that will just output the decoded token without verifying -* Error text for expired tokens includes how long it's been expired -* Fixed incorrect error returned from `ParseRSAPublicKeyFromPEM` -* Documentation updates - -#### 2.6.0 - -* Exposed inner error within ValidationError -* Fixed validation errors when using UseJSONNumber flag -* Added several unit tests - -#### 2.5.0 - -* Added support for signing method none. You shouldn't use this. The API tries to make this clear. -* Updated/fixed some documentation -* Added more helpful error message when trying to parse tokens that begin with `BEARER ` - -#### 2.4.0 - -* Added new type, Parser, to allow for configuration of various parsing parameters - * You can now specify a list of valid signing methods. Anything outside this set will be rejected. - * You can now opt to use the `json.Number` type instead of `float64` when parsing token JSON -* Added support for [Travis CI](https://travis-ci.org/dgrijalva/jwt-go) -* Fixed some bugs with ECDSA parsing - -#### 2.3.0 - -* Added support for ECDSA signing methods -* Added support for RSA PSS signing methods (requires go v1.4) - -#### 2.2.0 - -* Gracefully handle a `nil` `Keyfunc` being passed to `Parse`. Result will now be the parsed token and an error, instead of a panic. - -#### 2.1.0 - -Backwards compatible API change that was missed in 2.0.0. - -* The `SignedString` method on `Token` now takes `interface{}` instead of `[]byte` - -#### 2.0.0 - -There were two major reasons for breaking backwards compatibility with this update. The first was a refactor required to expand the width of the RSA and HMAC-SHA signing implementations. There will likely be no required code changes to support this change. - -The second update, while unfortunately requiring a small change in integration, is required to open up this library to other signing methods. Not all keys used for all signing methods have a single standard on-disk representation. Requiring `[]byte` as the type for all keys proved too limiting. Additionally, this implementation allows for pre-parsed tokens to be reused, which might matter in an application that parses a high volume of tokens with a small set of keys. Backwards compatibilty has been maintained for passing `[]byte` to the RSA signing methods, but they will also accept `*rsa.PublicKey` and `*rsa.PrivateKey`. - -It is likely the only integration change required here will be to change `func(t *jwt.Token) ([]byte, error)` to `func(t *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error)` when calling `Parse`. - -* **Compatibility Breaking Changes** - * `SigningMethodHS256` is now `*SigningMethodHMAC` instead of `type struct` - * `SigningMethodRS256` is now `*SigningMethodRSA` instead of `type struct` - * `KeyFunc` now returns `interface{}` instead of `[]byte` - * `SigningMethod.Sign` now takes `interface{}` instead of `[]byte` for the key - * `SigningMethod.Verify` now takes `interface{}` instead of `[]byte` for the key -* Renamed type `SigningMethodHS256` to `SigningMethodHMAC`. Specific sizes are now just instances of this type. - * Added public package global `SigningMethodHS256` - * Added public package global `SigningMethodHS384` - * Added public package global `SigningMethodHS512` -* Renamed type `SigningMethodRS256` to `SigningMethodRSA`. Specific sizes are now just instances of this type. - * Added public package global `SigningMethodRS256` - * Added public package global `SigningMethodRS384` - * Added public package global `SigningMethodRS512` -* Moved sample private key for HMAC tests from an inline value to a file on disk. Value is unchanged. -* Refactored the RSA implementation to be easier to read -* Exposed helper methods `ParseRSAPrivateKeyFromPEM` and `ParseRSAPublicKeyFromPEM` - -#### 1.0.2 - -* Fixed bug in parsing public keys from certificates -* Added more tests around the parsing of keys for RS256 -* Code refactoring in RS256 implementation. No functional changes - -#### 1.0.1 - -* Fixed panic if RS256 signing method was passed an invalid key - -#### 1.0.0 - -* First versioned release -* API stabilized -* Supports creating, signing, parsing, and validating JWT tokens -* Supports RS256 and HS256 signing methods diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/claims.go b/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/claims.go deleted file mode 100644 index f1dba3cb916f..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/claims.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,146 +0,0 @@ -package jwt - -import ( - "crypto/subtle" - "fmt" - "time" -) - -// For a type to be a Claims object, it must just have a Valid method that determines -// if the token is invalid for any supported reason -type Claims interface { - Valid() error -} - -// Structured version of Claims Section, as referenced at -// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7519#section-4.1 -// See examples for how to use this with your own claim types -type StandardClaims struct { - Audience string `json:"aud,omitempty"` - ExpiresAt int64 `json:"exp,omitempty"` - Id string `json:"jti,omitempty"` - IssuedAt int64 `json:"iat,omitempty"` - Issuer string `json:"iss,omitempty"` - NotBefore int64 `json:"nbf,omitempty"` - Subject string `json:"sub,omitempty"` -} - -// Validates time based claims "exp, iat, nbf". -// There is no accounting for clock skew. -// As well, if any of the above claims are not in the token, it will still -// be considered a valid claim. -func (c StandardClaims) Valid() error { - vErr := new(ValidationError) - now := TimeFunc().Unix() - - // The claims below are optional, by default, so if they are set to the - // default value in Go, let's not fail the verification for them. - if !c.VerifyExpiresAt(now, false) { - delta := time.Unix(now, 0).Sub(time.Unix(c.ExpiresAt, 0)) - vErr.Inner = fmt.Errorf("token is expired by %v", delta) - vErr.Errors |= ValidationErrorExpired - } - - if !c.VerifyIssuedAt(now, false) { - vErr.Inner = fmt.Errorf("Token used before issued") - vErr.Errors |= ValidationErrorIssuedAt - } - - if !c.VerifyNotBefore(now, false) { - vErr.Inner = fmt.Errorf("token is not valid yet") - vErr.Errors |= ValidationErrorNotValidYet - } - - if vErr.valid() { - return nil - } - - return vErr -} - -// Compares the aud claim against cmp. -// If required is false, this method will return true if the value matches or is unset -func (c *StandardClaims) VerifyAudience(cmp string, req bool) bool { - return verifyAud([]string{c.Audience}, cmp, req) -} - -// Compares the exp claim against cmp. -// If required is false, this method will return true if the value matches or is unset -func (c *StandardClaims) VerifyExpiresAt(cmp int64, req bool) bool { - return verifyExp(c.ExpiresAt, cmp, req) -} - -// Compares the iat claim against cmp. -// If required is false, this method will return true if the value matches or is unset -func (c *StandardClaims) VerifyIssuedAt(cmp int64, req bool) bool { - return verifyIat(c.IssuedAt, cmp, req) -} - -// Compares the iss claim against cmp. -// If required is false, this method will return true if the value matches or is unset -func (c *StandardClaims) VerifyIssuer(cmp string, req bool) bool { - return verifyIss(c.Issuer, cmp, req) -} - -// Compares the nbf claim against cmp. -// If required is false, this method will return true if the value matches or is unset -func (c *StandardClaims) VerifyNotBefore(cmp int64, req bool) bool { - return verifyNbf(c.NotBefore, cmp, req) -} - -// ----- helpers - -func verifyAud(aud []string, cmp string, required bool) bool { - if len(aud) == 0 { - return !required - } - // use a var here to keep constant time compare when looping over a number of claims - result := false - - var stringClaims string - for _, a := range aud { - if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare([]byte(a), []byte(cmp)) != 0 { - result = true - } - stringClaims = stringClaims + a - } - - // case where "" is sent in one or many aud claims - if len(stringClaims) == 0 { - return !required - } - - return result -} - -func verifyExp(exp int64, now int64, required bool) bool { - if exp == 0 { - return !required - } - return now <= exp -} - -func verifyIat(iat int64, now int64, required bool) bool { - if iat == 0 { - return !required - } - return now >= iat -} - -func verifyIss(iss string, cmp string, required bool) bool { - if iss == "" { - return !required - } - if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare([]byte(iss), []byte(cmp)) != 0 { - return true - } else { - return false - } -} - -func verifyNbf(nbf int64, now int64, required bool) bool { - if nbf == 0 { - return !required - } - return now >= nbf -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index a86dc1a3b348..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -// Package jwt is a Go implementation of JSON Web Tokens: http://self-issued.info/docs/draft-jones-json-web-token.html -// -// See README.md for more info. -package jwt diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/ecdsa.go b/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/ecdsa.go deleted file mode 100644 index 15e23435df6b..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/ecdsa.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,142 +0,0 @@ -package jwt - -import ( - "crypto" - "crypto/ecdsa" - "crypto/rand" - "errors" - "math/big" -) - -var ( - // Sadly this is missing from crypto/ecdsa compared to crypto/rsa - ErrECDSAVerification = errors.New("crypto/ecdsa: verification error") -) - -// Implements the ECDSA family of signing methods signing methods -// Expects *ecdsa.PrivateKey for signing and *ecdsa.PublicKey for verification -type SigningMethodECDSA struct { - Name string - Hash crypto.Hash - KeySize int - CurveBits int -} - -// Specific instances for EC256 and company -var ( - SigningMethodES256 *SigningMethodECDSA - SigningMethodES384 *SigningMethodECDSA - SigningMethodES512 *SigningMethodECDSA -) - -func init() { - // ES256 - SigningMethodES256 = &SigningMethodECDSA{"ES256", crypto.SHA256, 32, 256} - RegisterSigningMethod(SigningMethodES256.Alg(), func() SigningMethod { - return SigningMethodES256 - }) - - // ES384 - SigningMethodES384 = &SigningMethodECDSA{"ES384", crypto.SHA384, 48, 384} - RegisterSigningMethod(SigningMethodES384.Alg(), func() SigningMethod { - return SigningMethodES384 - }) - - // ES512 - SigningMethodES512 = &SigningMethodECDSA{"ES512", crypto.SHA512, 66, 521} - RegisterSigningMethod(SigningMethodES512.Alg(), func() SigningMethod { - return SigningMethodES512 - }) -} - -func (m *SigningMethodECDSA) Alg() string { - return m.Name -} - -// Implements the Verify method from SigningMethod -// For this verify method, key must be an ecdsa.PublicKey struct -func (m *SigningMethodECDSA) Verify(signingString, signature string, key interface{}) error { - var err error - - // Decode the signature - var sig []byte - if sig, err = DecodeSegment(signature); err != nil { - return err - } - - // Get the key - var ecdsaKey *ecdsa.PublicKey - switch k := key.(type) { - case *ecdsa.PublicKey: - ecdsaKey = k - default: - return ErrInvalidKeyType - } - - if len(sig) != 2*m.KeySize { - return ErrECDSAVerification - } - - r := big.NewInt(0).SetBytes(sig[:m.KeySize]) - s := big.NewInt(0).SetBytes(sig[m.KeySize:]) - - // Create hasher - if !m.Hash.Available() { - return ErrHashUnavailable - } - hasher := m.Hash.New() - hasher.Write([]byte(signingString)) - - // Verify the signature - if verifystatus := ecdsa.Verify(ecdsaKey, hasher.Sum(nil), r, s); verifystatus { - return nil - } - - return ErrECDSAVerification -} - -// Implements the Sign method from SigningMethod -// For this signing method, key must be an ecdsa.PrivateKey struct -func (m *SigningMethodECDSA) Sign(signingString string, key interface{}) (string, error) { - // Get the key - var ecdsaKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey - switch k := key.(type) { - case *ecdsa.PrivateKey: - ecdsaKey = k - default: - return "", ErrInvalidKeyType - } - - // Create the hasher - if !m.Hash.Available() { - return "", ErrHashUnavailable - } - - hasher := m.Hash.New() - hasher.Write([]byte(signingString)) - - // Sign the string and return r, s - if r, s, err := ecdsa.Sign(rand.Reader, ecdsaKey, hasher.Sum(nil)); err == nil { - curveBits := ecdsaKey.Curve.Params().BitSize - - if m.CurveBits != curveBits { - return "", ErrInvalidKey - } - - keyBytes := curveBits / 8 - if curveBits%8 > 0 { - keyBytes += 1 - } - - // We serialize the outputs (r and s) into big-endian byte arrays - // padded with zeros on the left to make sure the sizes work out. - // Output must be 2*keyBytes long. - out := make([]byte, 2*keyBytes) - r.FillBytes(out[0:keyBytes]) // r is assigned to the first half of output. - s.FillBytes(out[keyBytes:]) // s is assigned to the second half of output. - - return EncodeSegment(out), nil - } else { - return "", err - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/ecdsa_utils.go b/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/ecdsa_utils.go deleted file mode 100644 index db9f4be7d8ea..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/ecdsa_utils.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ -package jwt - -import ( - "crypto/ecdsa" - "crypto/x509" - "encoding/pem" - "errors" -) - -var ( - ErrNotECPublicKey = errors.New("Key is not a valid ECDSA public key") - ErrNotECPrivateKey = errors.New("Key is not a valid ECDSA private key") -) - -// Parse PEM encoded Elliptic Curve Private Key Structure -func ParseECPrivateKeyFromPEM(key []byte) (*ecdsa.PrivateKey, error) { - var err error - - // Parse PEM block - var block *pem.Block - if block, _ = pem.Decode(key); block == nil { - return nil, ErrKeyMustBePEMEncoded - } - - // Parse the key - var parsedKey interface{} - if parsedKey, err = x509.ParseECPrivateKey(block.Bytes); err != nil { - if parsedKey, err = x509.ParsePKCS8PrivateKey(block.Bytes); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - - var pkey *ecdsa.PrivateKey - var ok bool - if pkey, ok = parsedKey.(*ecdsa.PrivateKey); !ok { - return nil, ErrNotECPrivateKey - } - - return pkey, nil -} - -// Parse PEM encoded PKCS1 or PKCS8 public key -func ParseECPublicKeyFromPEM(key []byte) (*ecdsa.PublicKey, error) { - var err error - - // Parse PEM block - var block *pem.Block - if block, _ = pem.Decode(key); block == nil { - return nil, ErrKeyMustBePEMEncoded - } - - // Parse the key - var parsedKey interface{} - if parsedKey, err = x509.ParsePKIXPublicKey(block.Bytes); err != nil { - if cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(block.Bytes); err == nil { - parsedKey = cert.PublicKey - } else { - return nil, err - } - } - - var pkey *ecdsa.PublicKey - var ok bool - if pkey, ok = parsedKey.(*ecdsa.PublicKey); !ok { - return nil, ErrNotECPublicKey - } - - return pkey, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/ed25519.go b/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/ed25519.go deleted file mode 100644 index a2f8ddbe9bb3..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/ed25519.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ -package jwt - -import ( - "errors" - - "crypto/ed25519" -) - -var ( - ErrEd25519Verification = errors.New("ed25519: verification error") -) - -// Implements the EdDSA family -// Expects ed25519.PrivateKey for signing and ed25519.PublicKey for verification -type SigningMethodEd25519 struct{} - -// Specific instance for EdDSA -var ( - SigningMethodEdDSA *SigningMethodEd25519 -) - -func init() { - SigningMethodEdDSA = &SigningMethodEd25519{} - RegisterSigningMethod(SigningMethodEdDSA.Alg(), func() SigningMethod { - return SigningMethodEdDSA - }) -} - -func (m *SigningMethodEd25519) Alg() string { - return "EdDSA" -} - -// Implements the Verify method from SigningMethod -// For this verify method, key must be an ed25519.PublicKey -func (m *SigningMethodEd25519) Verify(signingString, signature string, key interface{}) error { - var err error - var ed25519Key ed25519.PublicKey - var ok bool - - if ed25519Key, ok = key.(ed25519.PublicKey); !ok { - return ErrInvalidKeyType - } - - if len(ed25519Key) != ed25519.PublicKeySize { - return ErrInvalidKey - } - - // Decode the signature - var sig []byte - if sig, err = DecodeSegment(signature); err != nil { - return err - } - - // Verify the signature - if !ed25519.Verify(ed25519Key, []byte(signingString), sig) { - return ErrEd25519Verification - } - - return nil -} - -// Implements the Sign method from SigningMethod -// For this signing method, key must be an ed25519.PrivateKey -func (m *SigningMethodEd25519) Sign(signingString string, key interface{}) (string, error) { - var ed25519Key ed25519.PrivateKey - var ok bool - - if ed25519Key, ok = key.(ed25519.PrivateKey); !ok { - return "", ErrInvalidKeyType - } - - // ed25519.Sign panics if private key not equal to ed25519.PrivateKeySize - // this allows to avoid recover usage - if len(ed25519Key) != ed25519.PrivateKeySize { - return "", ErrInvalidKey - } - - // Sign the string and return the encoded result - sig := ed25519.Sign(ed25519Key, []byte(signingString)) - return EncodeSegment(sig), nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/ed25519_utils.go b/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/ed25519_utils.go deleted file mode 100644 index c6357275efc0..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/ed25519_utils.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ -package jwt - -import ( - "crypto" - "crypto/ed25519" - "crypto/x509" - "encoding/pem" - "errors" -) - -var ( - ErrNotEdPrivateKey = errors.New("Key is not a valid Ed25519 private key") - ErrNotEdPublicKey = errors.New("Key is not a valid Ed25519 public key") -) - -// Parse PEM-encoded Edwards curve private key -func ParseEdPrivateKeyFromPEM(key []byte) (crypto.PrivateKey, error) { - var err error - - // Parse PEM block - var block *pem.Block - if block, _ = pem.Decode(key); block == nil { - return nil, ErrKeyMustBePEMEncoded - } - - // Parse the key - var parsedKey interface{} - if parsedKey, err = x509.ParsePKCS8PrivateKey(block.Bytes); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - var pkey ed25519.PrivateKey - var ok bool - if pkey, ok = parsedKey.(ed25519.PrivateKey); !ok { - return nil, ErrNotEdPrivateKey - } - - return pkey, nil -} - -// Parse PEM-encoded Edwards curve public key -func ParseEdPublicKeyFromPEM(key []byte) (crypto.PublicKey, error) { - var err error - - // Parse PEM block - var block *pem.Block - if block, _ = pem.Decode(key); block == nil { - return nil, ErrKeyMustBePEMEncoded - } - - // Parse the key - var parsedKey interface{} - if parsedKey, err = x509.ParsePKIXPublicKey(block.Bytes); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - var pkey ed25519.PublicKey - var ok bool - if pkey, ok = parsedKey.(ed25519.PublicKey); !ok { - return nil, ErrNotEdPublicKey - } - - return pkey, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/errors.go b/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/errors.go deleted file mode 100644 index 1c93024aad2e..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/errors.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -package jwt - -import ( - "errors" -) - -// Error constants -var ( - ErrInvalidKey = errors.New("key is invalid") - ErrInvalidKeyType = errors.New("key is of invalid type") - ErrHashUnavailable = errors.New("the requested hash function is unavailable") -) - -// The errors that might occur when parsing and validating a token -const ( - ValidationErrorMalformed uint32 = 1 << iota // Token is malformed - ValidationErrorUnverifiable // Token could not be verified because of signing problems - ValidationErrorSignatureInvalid // Signature validation failed - - // Standard Claim validation errors - ValidationErrorAudience // AUD validation failed - ValidationErrorExpired // EXP validation failed - ValidationErrorIssuedAt // IAT validation failed - ValidationErrorIssuer // ISS validation failed - ValidationErrorNotValidYet // NBF validation failed - ValidationErrorId // JTI validation failed - ValidationErrorClaimsInvalid // Generic claims validation error -) - -// Helper for constructing a ValidationError with a string error message -func NewValidationError(errorText string, errorFlags uint32) *ValidationError { - return &ValidationError{ - text: errorText, - Errors: errorFlags, - } -} - -// The error from Parse if token is not valid -type ValidationError struct { - Inner error // stores the error returned by external dependencies, i.e.: KeyFunc - Errors uint32 // bitfield. see ValidationError... constants - text string // errors that do not have a valid error just have text -} - -// Validation error is an error type -func (e ValidationError) Error() string { - if e.Inner != nil { - return e.Inner.Error() - } else if e.text != "" { - return e.text - } else { - return "token is invalid" - } -} - -// No errors -func (e *ValidationError) valid() bool { - return e.Errors == 0 -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/hmac.go b/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/hmac.go deleted file mode 100644 index addbe5d40182..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/hmac.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,95 +0,0 @@ -package jwt - -import ( - "crypto" - "crypto/hmac" - "errors" -) - -// Implements the HMAC-SHA family of signing methods signing methods -// Expects key type of []byte for both signing and validation -type SigningMethodHMAC struct { - Name string - Hash crypto.Hash -} - -// Specific instances for HS256 and company -var ( - SigningMethodHS256 *SigningMethodHMAC - SigningMethodHS384 *SigningMethodHMAC - SigningMethodHS512 *SigningMethodHMAC - ErrSignatureInvalid = errors.New("signature is invalid") -) - -func init() { - // HS256 - SigningMethodHS256 = &SigningMethodHMAC{"HS256", crypto.SHA256} - RegisterSigningMethod(SigningMethodHS256.Alg(), func() SigningMethod { - return SigningMethodHS256 - }) - - // HS384 - SigningMethodHS384 = &SigningMethodHMAC{"HS384", crypto.SHA384} - RegisterSigningMethod(SigningMethodHS384.Alg(), func() SigningMethod { - return SigningMethodHS384 - }) - - // HS512 - SigningMethodHS512 = &SigningMethodHMAC{"HS512", crypto.SHA512} - RegisterSigningMethod(SigningMethodHS512.Alg(), func() SigningMethod { - return SigningMethodHS512 - }) -} - -func (m *SigningMethodHMAC) Alg() string { - return m.Name -} - -// Verify the signature of HSXXX tokens. Returns nil if the signature is valid. -func (m *SigningMethodHMAC) Verify(signingString, signature string, key interface{}) error { - // Verify the key is the right type - keyBytes, ok := key.([]byte) - if !ok { - return ErrInvalidKeyType - } - - // Decode signature, for comparison - sig, err := DecodeSegment(signature) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - // Can we use the specified hashing method? - if !m.Hash.Available() { - return ErrHashUnavailable - } - - // This signing method is symmetric, so we validate the signature - // by reproducing the signature from the signing string and key, then - // comparing that against the provided signature. - hasher := hmac.New(m.Hash.New, keyBytes) - hasher.Write([]byte(signingString)) - if !hmac.Equal(sig, hasher.Sum(nil)) { - return ErrSignatureInvalid - } - - // No validation errors. Signature is good. - return nil -} - -// Implements the Sign method from SigningMethod for this signing method. -// Key must be []byte -func (m *SigningMethodHMAC) Sign(signingString string, key interface{}) (string, error) { - if keyBytes, ok := key.([]byte); ok { - if !m.Hash.Available() { - return "", ErrHashUnavailable - } - - hasher := hmac.New(m.Hash.New, keyBytes) - hasher.Write([]byte(signingString)) - - return EncodeSegment(hasher.Sum(nil)), nil - } - - return "", ErrInvalidKeyType -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/map_claims.go b/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/map_claims.go deleted file mode 100644 index 72c79f92e55a..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/map_claims.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,120 +0,0 @@ -package jwt - -import ( - "encoding/json" - "errors" - // "fmt" -) - -// Claims type that uses the map[string]interface{} for JSON decoding -// This is the default claims type if you don't supply one -type MapClaims map[string]interface{} - -// VerifyAudience Compares the aud claim against cmp. -// If required is false, this method will return true if the value matches or is unset -func (m MapClaims) VerifyAudience(cmp string, req bool) bool { - var aud []string - switch v := m["aud"].(type) { - case string: - aud = append(aud, v) - case []string: - aud = v - case []interface{}: - for _, a := range v { - vs, ok := a.(string) - if !ok { - return false - } - aud = append(aud, vs) - } - } - return verifyAud(aud, cmp, req) -} - -// Compares the exp claim against cmp. -// If required is false, this method will return true if the value matches or is unset -func (m MapClaims) VerifyExpiresAt(cmp int64, req bool) bool { - exp, ok := m["exp"] - if !ok { - return !req - } - switch expType := exp.(type) { - case float64: - return verifyExp(int64(expType), cmp, req) - case json.Number: - v, _ := expType.Int64() - return verifyExp(v, cmp, req) - } - return false -} - -// Compares the iat claim against cmp. -// If required is false, this method will return true if the value matches or is unset -func (m MapClaims) VerifyIssuedAt(cmp int64, req bool) bool { - iat, ok := m["iat"] - if !ok { - return !req - } - switch iatType := iat.(type) { - case float64: - return verifyIat(int64(iatType), cmp, req) - case json.Number: - v, _ := iatType.Int64() - return verifyIat(v, cmp, req) - } - return false -} - -// Compares the iss claim against cmp. -// If required is false, this method will return true if the value matches or is unset -func (m MapClaims) VerifyIssuer(cmp string, req bool) bool { - iss, _ := m["iss"].(string) - return verifyIss(iss, cmp, req) -} - -// Compares the nbf claim against cmp. -// If required is false, this method will return true if the value matches or is unset -func (m MapClaims) VerifyNotBefore(cmp int64, req bool) bool { - nbf, ok := m["nbf"] - if !ok { - return !req - } - switch nbfType := nbf.(type) { - case float64: - return verifyNbf(int64(nbfType), cmp, req) - case json.Number: - v, _ := nbfType.Int64() - return verifyNbf(v, cmp, req) - } - return false -} - -// Validates time based claims "exp, iat, nbf". -// There is no accounting for clock skew. -// As well, if any of the above claims are not in the token, it will still -// be considered a valid claim. -func (m MapClaims) Valid() error { - vErr := new(ValidationError) - now := TimeFunc().Unix() - - if !m.VerifyExpiresAt(now, false) { - vErr.Inner = errors.New("Token is expired") - vErr.Errors |= ValidationErrorExpired - } - - if !m.VerifyIssuedAt(now, false) { - vErr.Inner = errors.New("Token used before issued") - vErr.Errors |= ValidationErrorIssuedAt - } - - if !m.VerifyNotBefore(now, false) { - vErr.Inner = errors.New("Token is not valid yet") - vErr.Errors |= ValidationErrorNotValidYet - } - - if vErr.valid() { - return nil - } - - return vErr -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/none.go b/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/none.go deleted file mode 100644 index f04d189d067b..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/none.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ -package jwt - -// Implements the none signing method. This is required by the spec -// but you probably should never use it. -var SigningMethodNone *signingMethodNone - -const UnsafeAllowNoneSignatureType unsafeNoneMagicConstant = "none signing method allowed" - -var NoneSignatureTypeDisallowedError error - -type signingMethodNone struct{} -type unsafeNoneMagicConstant string - -func init() { - SigningMethodNone = &signingMethodNone{} - NoneSignatureTypeDisallowedError = NewValidationError("'none' signature type is not allowed", ValidationErrorSignatureInvalid) - - RegisterSigningMethod(SigningMethodNone.Alg(), func() SigningMethod { - return SigningMethodNone - }) -} - -func (m *signingMethodNone) Alg() string { - return "none" -} - -// Only allow 'none' alg type if UnsafeAllowNoneSignatureType is specified as the key -func (m *signingMethodNone) Verify(signingString, signature string, key interface{}) (err error) { - // Key must be UnsafeAllowNoneSignatureType to prevent accidentally - // accepting 'none' signing method - if _, ok := key.(unsafeNoneMagicConstant); !ok { - return NoneSignatureTypeDisallowedError - } - // If signing method is none, signature must be an empty string - if signature != "" { - return NewValidationError( - "'none' signing method with non-empty signature", - ValidationErrorSignatureInvalid, - ) - } - - // Accept 'none' signing method. - return nil -} - -// Only allow 'none' signing if UnsafeAllowNoneSignatureType is specified as the key -func (m *signingMethodNone) Sign(signingString string, key interface{}) (string, error) { - if _, ok := key.(unsafeNoneMagicConstant); ok { - return "", nil - } - return "", NoneSignatureTypeDisallowedError -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/parser.go b/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/parser.go deleted file mode 100644 index d6901d9adb52..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/parser.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,148 +0,0 @@ -package jwt - -import ( - "bytes" - "encoding/json" - "fmt" - "strings" -) - -type Parser struct { - ValidMethods []string // If populated, only these methods will be considered valid - UseJSONNumber bool // Use JSON Number format in JSON decoder - SkipClaimsValidation bool // Skip claims validation during token parsing -} - -// Parse, validate, and return a token. -// keyFunc will receive the parsed token and should return the key for validating. -// If everything is kosher, err will be nil -func (p *Parser) Parse(tokenString string, keyFunc Keyfunc) (*Token, error) { - return p.ParseWithClaims(tokenString, MapClaims{}, keyFunc) -} - -func (p *Parser) ParseWithClaims(tokenString string, claims Claims, keyFunc Keyfunc) (*Token, error) { - token, parts, err := p.ParseUnverified(tokenString, claims) - if err != nil { - return token, err - } - - // Verify signing method is in the required set - if p.ValidMethods != nil { - var signingMethodValid = false - var alg = token.Method.Alg() - for _, m := range p.ValidMethods { - if m == alg { - signingMethodValid = true - break - } - } - if !signingMethodValid { - // signing method is not in the listed set - return token, NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("signing method %v is invalid", alg), ValidationErrorSignatureInvalid) - } - } - - // Lookup key - var key interface{} - if keyFunc == nil { - // keyFunc was not provided. short circuiting validation - return token, NewValidationError("no Keyfunc was provided.", ValidationErrorUnverifiable) - } - if key, err = keyFunc(token); err != nil { - // keyFunc returned an error - if ve, ok := err.(*ValidationError); ok { - return token, ve - } - return token, &ValidationError{Inner: err, Errors: ValidationErrorUnverifiable} - } - - vErr := &ValidationError{} - - // Validate Claims - if !p.SkipClaimsValidation { - if err := token.Claims.Valid(); err != nil { - - // If the Claims Valid returned an error, check if it is a validation error, - // If it was another error type, create a ValidationError with a generic ClaimsInvalid flag set - if e, ok := err.(*ValidationError); !ok { - vErr = &ValidationError{Inner: err, Errors: ValidationErrorClaimsInvalid} - } else { - vErr = e - } - } - } - - // Perform validation - token.Signature = parts[2] - if err = token.Method.Verify(strings.Join(parts[0:2], "."), token.Signature, key); err != nil { - vErr.Inner = err - vErr.Errors |= ValidationErrorSignatureInvalid - } - - if vErr.valid() { - token.Valid = true - return token, nil - } - - return token, vErr -} - -// WARNING: Don't use this method unless you know what you're doing -// -// This method parses the token but doesn't validate the signature. It's only -// ever useful in cases where you know the signature is valid (because it has -// been checked previously in the stack) and you want to extract values from -// it. -func (p *Parser) ParseUnverified(tokenString string, claims Claims) (token *Token, parts []string, err error) { - parts = strings.Split(tokenString, ".") - if len(parts) != 3 { - return nil, parts, NewValidationError("token contains an invalid number of segments", ValidationErrorMalformed) - } - - token = &Token{Raw: tokenString} - - // parse Header - var headerBytes []byte - if headerBytes, err = DecodeSegment(parts[0]); err != nil { - if strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(tokenString), "bearer ") { - return token, parts, NewValidationError("tokenstring should not contain 'bearer '", ValidationErrorMalformed) - } - return token, parts, &ValidationError{Inner: err, Errors: ValidationErrorMalformed} - } - if err = json.Unmarshal(headerBytes, &token.Header); err != nil { - return token, parts, &ValidationError{Inner: err, Errors: ValidationErrorMalformed} - } - - // parse Claims - var claimBytes []byte - token.Claims = claims - - if claimBytes, err = DecodeSegment(parts[1]); err != nil { - return token, parts, &ValidationError{Inner: err, Errors: ValidationErrorMalformed} - } - dec := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewBuffer(claimBytes)) - if p.UseJSONNumber { - dec.UseNumber() - } - // JSON Decode. Special case for map type to avoid weird pointer behavior - if c, ok := token.Claims.(MapClaims); ok { - err = dec.Decode(&c) - } else { - err = dec.Decode(&claims) - } - // Handle decode error - if err != nil { - return token, parts, &ValidationError{Inner: err, Errors: ValidationErrorMalformed} - } - - // Lookup signature method - if method, ok := token.Header["alg"].(string); ok { - if token.Method = GetSigningMethod(method); token.Method == nil { - return token, parts, NewValidationError("signing method (alg) is unavailable.", ValidationErrorUnverifiable) - } - } else { - return token, parts, NewValidationError("signing method (alg) is unspecified.", ValidationErrorUnverifiable) - } - - return token, parts, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/rsa.go b/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/rsa.go deleted file mode 100644 index e4caf1ca4a11..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/rsa.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,101 +0,0 @@ -package jwt - -import ( - "crypto" - "crypto/rand" - "crypto/rsa" -) - -// Implements the RSA family of signing methods signing methods -// Expects *rsa.PrivateKey for signing and *rsa.PublicKey for validation -type SigningMethodRSA struct { - Name string - Hash crypto.Hash -} - -// Specific instances for RS256 and company -var ( - SigningMethodRS256 *SigningMethodRSA - SigningMethodRS384 *SigningMethodRSA - SigningMethodRS512 *SigningMethodRSA -) - -func init() { - // RS256 - SigningMethodRS256 = &SigningMethodRSA{"RS256", crypto.SHA256} - RegisterSigningMethod(SigningMethodRS256.Alg(), func() SigningMethod { - return SigningMethodRS256 - }) - - // RS384 - SigningMethodRS384 = &SigningMethodRSA{"RS384", crypto.SHA384} - RegisterSigningMethod(SigningMethodRS384.Alg(), func() SigningMethod { - return SigningMethodRS384 - }) - - // RS512 - SigningMethodRS512 = &SigningMethodRSA{"RS512", crypto.SHA512} - RegisterSigningMethod(SigningMethodRS512.Alg(), func() SigningMethod { - return SigningMethodRS512 - }) -} - -func (m *SigningMethodRSA) Alg() string { - return m.Name -} - -// Implements the Verify method from SigningMethod -// For this signing method, must be an *rsa.PublicKey structure. -func (m *SigningMethodRSA) Verify(signingString, signature string, key interface{}) error { - var err error - - // Decode the signature - var sig []byte - if sig, err = DecodeSegment(signature); err != nil { - return err - } - - var rsaKey *rsa.PublicKey - var ok bool - - if rsaKey, ok = key.(*rsa.PublicKey); !ok { - return ErrInvalidKeyType - } - - // Create hasher - if !m.Hash.Available() { - return ErrHashUnavailable - } - hasher := m.Hash.New() - hasher.Write([]byte(signingString)) - - // Verify the signature - return rsa.VerifyPKCS1v15(rsaKey, m.Hash, hasher.Sum(nil), sig) -} - -// Implements the Sign method from SigningMethod -// For this signing method, must be an *rsa.PrivateKey structure. -func (m *SigningMethodRSA) Sign(signingString string, key interface{}) (string, error) { - var rsaKey *rsa.PrivateKey - var ok bool - - // Validate type of key - if rsaKey, ok = key.(*rsa.PrivateKey); !ok { - return "", ErrInvalidKey - } - - // Create the hasher - if !m.Hash.Available() { - return "", ErrHashUnavailable - } - - hasher := m.Hash.New() - hasher.Write([]byte(signingString)) - - // Sign the string and return the encoded bytes - if sigBytes, err := rsa.SignPKCS1v15(rand.Reader, rsaKey, m.Hash, hasher.Sum(nil)); err == nil { - return EncodeSegment(sigBytes), nil - } else { - return "", err - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/rsa_pss.go b/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/rsa_pss.go deleted file mode 100644 index c01470864803..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/rsa_pss.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,142 +0,0 @@ -// +build go1.4 - -package jwt - -import ( - "crypto" - "crypto/rand" - "crypto/rsa" -) - -// Implements the RSAPSS family of signing methods signing methods -type SigningMethodRSAPSS struct { - *SigningMethodRSA - Options *rsa.PSSOptions - // VerifyOptions is optional. If set overrides Options for rsa.VerifyPPS. - // Used to accept tokens signed with rsa.PSSSaltLengthAuto, what doesn't follow - // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7518#section-3.5 but was used previously. - // See https://github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go/issues/285#issuecomment-437451244 for details. - VerifyOptions *rsa.PSSOptions -} - -// Specific instances for RS/PS and company. -var ( - SigningMethodPS256 *SigningMethodRSAPSS - SigningMethodPS384 *SigningMethodRSAPSS - SigningMethodPS512 *SigningMethodRSAPSS -) - -func init() { - // PS256 - SigningMethodPS256 = &SigningMethodRSAPSS{ - SigningMethodRSA: &SigningMethodRSA{ - Name: "PS256", - Hash: crypto.SHA256, - }, - Options: &rsa.PSSOptions{ - SaltLength: rsa.PSSSaltLengthEqualsHash, - }, - VerifyOptions: &rsa.PSSOptions{ - SaltLength: rsa.PSSSaltLengthAuto, - }, - } - RegisterSigningMethod(SigningMethodPS256.Alg(), func() SigningMethod { - return SigningMethodPS256 - }) - - // PS384 - SigningMethodPS384 = &SigningMethodRSAPSS{ - SigningMethodRSA: &SigningMethodRSA{ - Name: "PS384", - Hash: crypto.SHA384, - }, - Options: &rsa.PSSOptions{ - SaltLength: rsa.PSSSaltLengthEqualsHash, - }, - VerifyOptions: &rsa.PSSOptions{ - SaltLength: rsa.PSSSaltLengthAuto, - }, - } - RegisterSigningMethod(SigningMethodPS384.Alg(), func() SigningMethod { - return SigningMethodPS384 - }) - - // PS512 - SigningMethodPS512 = &SigningMethodRSAPSS{ - SigningMethodRSA: &SigningMethodRSA{ - Name: "PS512", - Hash: crypto.SHA512, - }, - Options: &rsa.PSSOptions{ - SaltLength: rsa.PSSSaltLengthEqualsHash, - }, - VerifyOptions: &rsa.PSSOptions{ - SaltLength: rsa.PSSSaltLengthAuto, - }, - } - RegisterSigningMethod(SigningMethodPS512.Alg(), func() SigningMethod { - return SigningMethodPS512 - }) -} - -// Implements the Verify method from SigningMethod -// For this verify method, key must be an rsa.PublicKey struct -func (m *SigningMethodRSAPSS) Verify(signingString, signature string, key interface{}) error { - var err error - - // Decode the signature - var sig []byte - if sig, err = DecodeSegment(signature); err != nil { - return err - } - - var rsaKey *rsa.PublicKey - switch k := key.(type) { - case *rsa.PublicKey: - rsaKey = k - default: - return ErrInvalidKey - } - - // Create hasher - if !m.Hash.Available() { - return ErrHashUnavailable - } - hasher := m.Hash.New() - hasher.Write([]byte(signingString)) - - opts := m.Options - if m.VerifyOptions != nil { - opts = m.VerifyOptions - } - - return rsa.VerifyPSS(rsaKey, m.Hash, hasher.Sum(nil), sig, opts) -} - -// Implements the Sign method from SigningMethod -// For this signing method, key must be an rsa.PrivateKey struct -func (m *SigningMethodRSAPSS) Sign(signingString string, key interface{}) (string, error) { - var rsaKey *rsa.PrivateKey - - switch k := key.(type) { - case *rsa.PrivateKey: - rsaKey = k - default: - return "", ErrInvalidKeyType - } - - // Create the hasher - if !m.Hash.Available() { - return "", ErrHashUnavailable - } - - hasher := m.Hash.New() - hasher.Write([]byte(signingString)) - - // Sign the string and return the encoded bytes - if sigBytes, err := rsa.SignPSS(rand.Reader, rsaKey, m.Hash, hasher.Sum(nil), m.Options); err == nil { - return EncodeSegment(sigBytes), nil - } else { - return "", err - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/rsa_utils.go b/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/rsa_utils.go deleted file mode 100644 index 14c78c292a94..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/rsa_utils.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,101 +0,0 @@ -package jwt - -import ( - "crypto/rsa" - "crypto/x509" - "encoding/pem" - "errors" -) - -var ( - ErrKeyMustBePEMEncoded = errors.New("Invalid Key: Key must be a PEM encoded PKCS1 or PKCS8 key") - ErrNotRSAPrivateKey = errors.New("Key is not a valid RSA private key") - ErrNotRSAPublicKey = errors.New("Key is not a valid RSA public key") -) - -// Parse PEM encoded PKCS1 or PKCS8 private key -func ParseRSAPrivateKeyFromPEM(key []byte) (*rsa.PrivateKey, error) { - var err error - - // Parse PEM block - var block *pem.Block - if block, _ = pem.Decode(key); block == nil { - return nil, ErrKeyMustBePEMEncoded - } - - var parsedKey interface{} - if parsedKey, err = x509.ParsePKCS1PrivateKey(block.Bytes); err != nil { - if parsedKey, err = x509.ParsePKCS8PrivateKey(block.Bytes); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - - var pkey *rsa.PrivateKey - var ok bool - if pkey, ok = parsedKey.(*rsa.PrivateKey); !ok { - return nil, ErrNotRSAPrivateKey - } - - return pkey, nil -} - -// Parse PEM encoded PKCS1 or PKCS8 private key protected with password -func ParseRSAPrivateKeyFromPEMWithPassword(key []byte, password string) (*rsa.PrivateKey, error) { - var err error - - // Parse PEM block - var block *pem.Block - if block, _ = pem.Decode(key); block == nil { - return nil, ErrKeyMustBePEMEncoded - } - - var parsedKey interface{} - - var blockDecrypted []byte - if blockDecrypted, err = x509.DecryptPEMBlock(block, []byte(password)); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - if parsedKey, err = x509.ParsePKCS1PrivateKey(blockDecrypted); err != nil { - if parsedKey, err = x509.ParsePKCS8PrivateKey(blockDecrypted); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - - var pkey *rsa.PrivateKey - var ok bool - if pkey, ok = parsedKey.(*rsa.PrivateKey); !ok { - return nil, ErrNotRSAPrivateKey - } - - return pkey, nil -} - -// Parse PEM encoded PKCS1 or PKCS8 public key -func ParseRSAPublicKeyFromPEM(key []byte) (*rsa.PublicKey, error) { - var err error - - // Parse PEM block - var block *pem.Block - if block, _ = pem.Decode(key); block == nil { - return nil, ErrKeyMustBePEMEncoded - } - - // Parse the key - var parsedKey interface{} - if parsedKey, err = x509.ParsePKIXPublicKey(block.Bytes); err != nil { - if cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(block.Bytes); err == nil { - parsedKey = cert.PublicKey - } else { - return nil, err - } - } - - var pkey *rsa.PublicKey - var ok bool - if pkey, ok = parsedKey.(*rsa.PublicKey); !ok { - return nil, ErrNotRSAPublicKey - } - - return pkey, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/signing_method.go b/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/signing_method.go deleted file mode 100644 index ed1f212b21e1..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/signing_method.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -package jwt - -import ( - "sync" -) - -var signingMethods = map[string]func() SigningMethod{} -var signingMethodLock = new(sync.RWMutex) - -// Implement SigningMethod to add new methods for signing or verifying tokens. -type SigningMethod interface { - Verify(signingString, signature string, key interface{}) error // Returns nil if signature is valid - Sign(signingString string, key interface{}) (string, error) // Returns encoded signature or error - Alg() string // returns the alg identifier for this method (example: 'HS256') -} - -// Register the "alg" name and a factory function for signing method. -// This is typically done during init() in the method's implementation -func RegisterSigningMethod(alg string, f func() SigningMethod) { - signingMethodLock.Lock() - defer signingMethodLock.Unlock() - - signingMethods[alg] = f -} - -// Get a signing method from an "alg" string -func GetSigningMethod(alg string) (method SigningMethod) { - signingMethodLock.RLock() - defer signingMethodLock.RUnlock() - - if methodF, ok := signingMethods[alg]; ok { - method = methodF() - } - return -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/token.go b/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/token.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6b30ced1200c..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/token.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,104 +0,0 @@ -package jwt - -import ( - "encoding/base64" - "encoding/json" - "strings" - "time" -) - -// TimeFunc provides the current time when parsing token to validate "exp" claim (expiration time). -// You can override it to use another time value. This is useful for testing or if your -// server uses a different time zone than your tokens. -var TimeFunc = time.Now - -// Parse methods use this callback function to supply -// the key for verification. The function receives the parsed, -// but unverified Token. This allows you to use properties in the -// Header of the token (such as `kid`) to identify which key to use. -type Keyfunc func(*Token) (interface{}, error) - -// A JWT Token. Different fields will be used depending on whether you're -// creating or parsing/verifying a token. -type Token struct { - Raw string // The raw token. Populated when you Parse a token - Method SigningMethod // The signing method used or to be used - Header map[string]interface{} // The first segment of the token - Claims Claims // The second segment of the token - Signature string // The third segment of the token. Populated when you Parse a token - Valid bool // Is the token valid? Populated when you Parse/Verify a token -} - -// Create a new Token. Takes a signing method -func New(method SigningMethod) *Token { - return NewWithClaims(method, MapClaims{}) -} - -func NewWithClaims(method SigningMethod, claims Claims) *Token { - return &Token{ - Header: map[string]interface{}{ - "typ": "JWT", - "alg": method.Alg(), - }, - Claims: claims, - Method: method, - } -} - -// Get the complete, signed token -func (t *Token) SignedString(key interface{}) (string, error) { - var sig, sstr string - var err error - if sstr, err = t.SigningString(); err != nil { - return "", err - } - if sig, err = t.Method.Sign(sstr, key); err != nil { - return "", err - } - return strings.Join([]string{sstr, sig}, "."), nil -} - -// Generate the signing string. This is the -// most expensive part of the whole deal. Unless you -// need this for something special, just go straight for -// the SignedString. -func (t *Token) SigningString() (string, error) { - var err error - parts := make([]string, 2) - for i := range parts { - var jsonValue []byte - if i == 0 { - if jsonValue, err = json.Marshal(t.Header); err != nil { - return "", err - } - } else { - if jsonValue, err = json.Marshal(t.Claims); err != nil { - return "", err - } - } - - parts[i] = EncodeSegment(jsonValue) - } - return strings.Join(parts, "."), nil -} - -// Parse, validate, and return a token. -// keyFunc will receive the parsed token and should return the key for validating. -// If everything is kosher, err will be nil -func Parse(tokenString string, keyFunc Keyfunc) (*Token, error) { - return new(Parser).Parse(tokenString, keyFunc) -} - -func ParseWithClaims(tokenString string, claims Claims, keyFunc Keyfunc) (*Token, error) { - return new(Parser).ParseWithClaims(tokenString, claims, keyFunc) -} - -// Encode JWT specific base64url encoding with padding stripped -func EncodeSegment(seg []byte) string { - return base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(seg) -} - -// Decode JWT specific base64url encoding with padding stripped -func DecodeSegment(seg string) ([]byte, error) { - return base64.RawURLEncoding.DecodeString(seg) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/grafana/regexp/README.md b/vendor/github.com/grafana/regexp/README.md index ff6e7fccd1bd..756e60dcfdb8 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/grafana/regexp/README.md +++ b/vendor/github.com/grafana/regexp/README.md @@ -10,10 +10,3 @@ The `main` branch is non-optimised: switch over to [`speedup`](https://github.co ## Benchmarks: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8125524/152182951-856549ed-6044-4285-b799-69b31f598e32.png) - -## Links to upstream changes: -* [regexp: allow patterns with no alternates to be one-pass](https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/go/+/353711) -* [regexp: speed up onepass prefix check](https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/go/+/354909) -* [regexp: handle prefix string with fold-case](https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/go/+/358756) -* [regexp: avoid copying each instruction executed](https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/go/+/355789) -* [regexp: allow prefix string anchored at beginning](https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/go/+/377294) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/grafana/regexp/backtrack.go b/vendor/github.com/grafana/regexp/backtrack.go index a8111a7eb8e1..41ae59bcaa2d 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/grafana/regexp/backtrack.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/grafana/regexp/backtrack.go @@ -15,9 +15,8 @@ package regexp import ( + "regexp/syntax" "sync" - - "github.com/grafana/regexp/syntax" ) // A job is an entry on the backtracker's job stack. It holds @@ -164,7 +163,7 @@ func (re *Regexp) tryBacktrack(b *bitState, i input, pc uint32, pos int) bool { } Skip: - inst := &re.prog.Inst[pc] + inst := re.prog.Inst[pc] switch inst.Op { default: @@ -337,19 +336,9 @@ func (re *Regexp) backtrack(ib []byte, is string, pos int, ncap int, dstCap []in // but we are not clearing visited between calls to TrySearch, // so no work is duplicated and it ends up still being linear. width := -1 - for pos <= end && width != 0 { - if len(b.cap) > 0 { - b.cap[0] = pos - } - if re.tryBacktrack(b, i, uint32(re.prog.Start), pos) { - // Match must be leftmost; done. - goto Match - } - _, width = i.step(pos) - pos += width - + for ; pos <= end && width != 0; pos += width { if len(re.prefix) > 0 { - // Match requires literal prefix; fast search for next occurrence. + // Match requires literal prefix; fast search for it. advance := i.index(re, pos) if advance < 0 { freeBitState(b) @@ -357,6 +346,15 @@ func (re *Regexp) backtrack(ib []byte, is string, pos int, ncap int, dstCap []in } pos += advance } + + if len(b.cap) > 0 { + b.cap[0] = pos + } + if re.tryBacktrack(b, i, uint32(re.prog.Start), pos) { + // Match must be leftmost; done. + goto Match + } + _, width = i.step(pos) } freeBitState(b) return nil diff --git a/vendor/github.com/grafana/regexp/exec.go b/vendor/github.com/grafana/regexp/exec.go index 1443a06cf909..4411e4c3e611 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/grafana/regexp/exec.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/grafana/regexp/exec.go @@ -6,9 +6,8 @@ package regexp import ( "io" + "regexp/syntax" "sync" - - "github.com/grafana/regexp/syntax" ) // A queue is a 'sparse array' holding pending threads of execution. @@ -205,8 +204,6 @@ func (m *machine) match(i input, pos int) bool { // Have match; finished exploring alternatives. break } - // Note we don't check foldCase here, because Unicode folding is complicated; - // just let it fall through to EqualFold on the whole string. if len(m.re.prefix) > 0 && r1 != m.re.prefixRune && i.canCheckPrefix() { // Match requires literal prefix; fast search for it. advance := i.index(m.re, pos) @@ -404,47 +401,48 @@ func (re *Regexp) doOnePass(ir io.RuneReader, ib []byte, is string, pos, ncap in } m := newOnePassMachine() - matched := false - i, _ := m.inputs.init(ir, ib, is) - - r, r1 := endOfText, endOfText - width, width1 := 0, 0 - var flag lazyFlag - var pc int - var inst *onePassInst - - // If there is a simple literal prefix, skip over it. - if pos == 0 && len(re.prefix) > 0 && i.canCheckPrefix() { - // Match requires literal prefix; fast search for it. - if !i.hasPrefix(re) { - goto Return - } - pos += len(re.prefix) - pc = int(re.prefixEnd) - } else { - pc = re.onepass.Start - } - if cap(m.matchcap) < ncap { m.matchcap = make([]int, ncap) } else { m.matchcap = m.matchcap[:ncap] } + + matched := false for i := range m.matchcap { m.matchcap[i] = -1 } + i, _ := m.inputs.init(ir, ib, is) + + r, r1 := endOfText, endOfText + width, width1 := 0, 0 r, width = i.step(pos) + if r != endOfText { + r1, width1 = i.step(pos + width) + } + var flag lazyFlag if pos == 0 { flag = newLazyFlag(-1, r) } else { flag = i.context(pos) } - if r != endOfText { + pc := re.onepass.Start + inst := re.onepass.Inst[pc] + // If there is a simple literal prefix, skip over it. + if pos == 0 && flag.match(syntax.EmptyOp(inst.Arg)) && + len(re.prefix) > 0 && i.canCheckPrefix() { + // Match requires literal prefix; fast search for it. + if !i.hasPrefix(re) { + goto Return + } + pos += len(re.prefix) + r, width = i.step(pos) r1, width1 = i.step(pos + width) + flag = i.context(pos) + pc = int(re.prefixEnd) } for { - inst = &re.onepass.Inst[pc] + inst = re.onepass.Inst[pc] pc = int(inst.Out) switch inst.Op { default: @@ -472,7 +470,7 @@ func (re *Regexp) doOnePass(ir io.RuneReader, ib []byte, is string, pos, ncap in } // peek at the input rune to see which branch of the Alt to take case syntax.InstAlt, syntax.InstAltMatch: - pc = int(onePassNext(inst, r)) + pc = int(onePassNext(&inst, r)) continue case syntax.InstFail: goto Return @@ -530,29 +528,6 @@ func (re *Regexp) doExecute(r io.RuneReader, b []byte, s string, pos int, ncap i return nil } - // Check prefix match before allocating data structures - if len(re.prefix) > 0 && r == nil { - if re.cond&syntax.EmptyBeginText != 0 { // anchored - if b != nil && !(&inputBytes{str: b[pos:]}).hasPrefix(re) { - return nil - } - if s != "" && !(&inputString{str: s[pos:]}).hasPrefix(re) { - return nil - } - } else { // non-anchored - var advance int - if b != nil { - advance = (&inputBytes{str: b}).index(re, pos) - } else { - advance = (&inputString{str: s}).index(re, pos) - } - if advance < 0 { - return nil - } - pos += advance - } - } - if re.onepass != nil { return re.doOnePass(r, b, s, pos, ncap, dstCap) } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/grafana/regexp/onepass.go b/vendor/github.com/grafana/regexp/onepass.go index d3613bceaf78..2f3ce6f9f6cb 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/grafana/regexp/onepass.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/grafana/regexp/onepass.go @@ -5,12 +5,10 @@ package regexp import ( + "regexp/syntax" "sort" "strings" "unicode" - "unicode/utf8" - - "github.com/grafana/regexp/syntax" ) // "One-pass" regexp execution. @@ -39,10 +37,10 @@ type onePassInst struct { // is the entire match. Pc is the index of the last rune instruction // in the string. The OnePassPrefix skips over the mandatory // EmptyBeginText -func onePassPrefix(p *syntax.Prog) (prefix string, complete bool, foldCase bool, pc uint32) { +func onePassPrefix(p *syntax.Prog) (prefix string, complete bool, pc uint32) { i := &p.Inst[p.Start] if i.Op != syntax.InstEmptyWidth || (syntax.EmptyOp(i.Arg))&syntax.EmptyBeginText == 0 { - return "", i.Op == syntax.InstMatch, false, uint32(p.Start) + return "", i.Op == syntax.InstMatch, uint32(p.Start) } pc = i.Out i = &p.Inst[pc] @@ -52,13 +50,12 @@ func onePassPrefix(p *syntax.Prog) (prefix string, complete bool, foldCase bool, } // Avoid allocation of buffer if prefix is empty. if iop(i) != syntax.InstRune || len(i.Rune) != 1 { - return "", i.Op == syntax.InstMatch, false, uint32(p.Start) + return "", i.Op == syntax.InstMatch, uint32(p.Start) } - foldCase = (syntax.Flags(i.Arg)&syntax.FoldCase != 0) // Have prefix; gather characters. var buf strings.Builder - for iop(i) == syntax.InstRune && len(i.Rune) == 1 && (syntax.Flags(i.Arg)&syntax.FoldCase != 0) == foldCase && i.Rune[0] != utf8.RuneError { + for iop(i) == syntax.InstRune && len(i.Rune) == 1 && syntax.Flags(i.Arg)&syntax.FoldCase == 0 { buf.WriteRune(i.Rune[0]) pc, i = i.Out, &p.Inst[i.Out] } @@ -67,7 +64,7 @@ func onePassPrefix(p *syntax.Prog) (prefix string, complete bool, foldCase bool, p.Inst[i.Out].Op == syntax.InstMatch { complete = true } - return buf.String(), complete, foldCase, pc + return buf.String(), complete, pc } // OnePassNext selects the next actionable state of the prog, based on the input character. @@ -474,20 +471,12 @@ func compileOnePass(prog *syntax.Prog) (p *onePassProg) { syntax.EmptyOp(prog.Inst[prog.Start].Arg)&syntax.EmptyBeginText != syntax.EmptyBeginText { return nil } - hasAlt := false - for _, inst := range prog.Inst { - if inst.Op == syntax.InstAlt || inst.Op == syntax.InstAltMatch { - hasAlt = true - break - } - } - // If we have alternates, every instruction leading to InstMatch must be EmptyEndText. - // Also, any match on empty text must be $. + // every instruction leading to InstMatch must be EmptyEndText for _, inst := range prog.Inst { opOut := prog.Inst[inst.Out].Op switch inst.Op { default: - if opOut == syntax.InstMatch && hasAlt { + if opOut == syntax.InstMatch { return nil } case syntax.InstAlt, syntax.InstAltMatch: diff --git a/vendor/github.com/grafana/regexp/regexp.go b/vendor/github.com/grafana/regexp/regexp.go index 5a746e4360f8..b547a2ab97d7 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/grafana/regexp/regexp.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/grafana/regexp/regexp.go @@ -68,13 +68,12 @@ package regexp import ( "bytes" "io" + "regexp/syntax" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "unicode" "unicode/utf8" - - "github.com/grafana/regexp/syntax" ) // Regexp is the representation of a compiled regular expression. @@ -91,7 +90,6 @@ type Regexp struct { prefixBytes []byte // prefix, as a []byte prefixRune rune // first rune in prefix prefixEnd uint32 // pc for last rune in prefix - prefixFoldCase bool // check prefix case-insensitive mpool int // pool for machines matchcap int // size of recorded match lengths prefixComplete bool // prefix is the entire regexp @@ -197,10 +195,10 @@ func compile(expr string, mode syntax.Flags, longest bool) (*Regexp, error) { minInputLen: minInputLen(re), } if regexp.onepass == nil { - regexp.prefix, regexp.prefixComplete, regexp.prefixFoldCase = prog.PrefixAndCase() + regexp.prefix, regexp.prefixComplete = prog.Prefix() regexp.maxBitStateLen = maxBitStateLen(prog) } else { - regexp.prefix, regexp.prefixComplete, regexp.prefixFoldCase, regexp.prefixEnd = onePassPrefix(prog) + regexp.prefix, regexp.prefixComplete, regexp.prefixEnd = onePassPrefix(prog) } if regexp.prefix != "" { // TODO(rsc): Remove this allocation by adding @@ -398,26 +396,10 @@ func (i *inputString) canCheckPrefix() bool { } func (i *inputString) hasPrefix(re *Regexp) bool { - if re.prefixFoldCase { - n := len(re.prefix) - return len(i.str) >= n && strings.EqualFold(i.str[0:n], re.prefix) - } return strings.HasPrefix(i.str, re.prefix) } func (i *inputString) index(re *Regexp, pos int) int { - if re.prefixFoldCase { - n := len(re.prefix) - // Brute-force compare at every position; could replace with sophisticated algo like strings.Index - for p := pos; p+n <= len(i.str); { - if strings.EqualFold(i.str[p:p+n], re.prefix) { - return p - pos - } - _, w := i.step(p) - p += w - } - return -1 - } return strings.Index(i.str[pos:], re.prefix) } @@ -461,26 +443,10 @@ func (i *inputBytes) canCheckPrefix() bool { } func (i *inputBytes) hasPrefix(re *Regexp) bool { - if re.prefixFoldCase { - n := len(re.prefixBytes) - return len(i.str) >= n && bytes.EqualFold(i.str[0:n], re.prefixBytes) - } return bytes.HasPrefix(i.str, re.prefixBytes) } func (i *inputBytes) index(re *Regexp, pos int) int { - if re.prefixFoldCase { - n := len(re.prefixBytes) - // Brute-force compare at every position; could replace with sophisticated algo like bytes.Index - for p := pos; p+n <= len(i.str); { - if bytes.EqualFold(i.str[p:p+n], re.prefixBytes) { - return p - pos - } - _, w := i.step(p) - p += w - } - return -1 - } return bytes.Index(i.str[pos:], re.prefixBytes) } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/grafana/regexp/syntax/prog.go b/vendor/github.com/grafana/regexp/syntax/prog.go index d69b31c8d30a..ae7a9a2fe011 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/grafana/regexp/syntax/prog.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/grafana/regexp/syntax/prog.go @@ -145,37 +145,20 @@ func (i *Inst) op() InstOp { // regexp must start with. Complete is true if the prefix // is the entire match. func (p *Prog) Prefix() (prefix string, complete bool) { - prefix, complete, foldCase := p.PrefixAndCase() - if foldCase { - return "", false - } - return prefix, complete -} - -// Prefix returns a literal string that all matches for the -// regexp must start with. Complete is true if the prefix -// is the entire match. FoldCase is true if the string should -// match in upper or lower case. -func (p *Prog) PrefixAndCase() (prefix string, complete bool, foldCase bool) { - i := &p.Inst[p.Start] - // Skip any no-op, capturing or begin-text instructions - for i.Op == InstNop || i.Op == InstCapture || (i.Op == InstEmptyWidth && EmptyOp(i.Arg)&EmptyBeginText != 0) { - i = &p.Inst[i.Out] - } + i := p.skipNop(uint32(p.Start)) // Avoid allocation of buffer if prefix is empty. if i.op() != InstRune || len(i.Rune) != 1 { - return "", i.Op == InstMatch, false + return "", i.Op == InstMatch } // Have prefix; gather characters. var buf strings.Builder - foldCase = (Flags(i.Arg)&FoldCase != 0) - for i.op() == InstRune && len(i.Rune) == 1 && (Flags(i.Arg)&FoldCase != 0) == foldCase { + for i.op() == InstRune && len(i.Rune) == 1 && Flags(i.Arg)&FoldCase == 0 { buf.WriteRune(i.Rune[0]) i = p.skipNop(i.Out) } - return buf.String(), i.Op == InstMatch, foldCase + return buf.String(), i.Op == InstMatch } // StartCond returns the leading empty-width conditions that must diff --git a/vendor/github.com/kylelemons/godebug/diff/diff.go b/vendor/github.com/kylelemons/godebug/diff/diff.go deleted file mode 100644 index 200e596c6259..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/kylelemons/godebug/diff/diff.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,186 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All rights reserved. -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. - -// Package diff implements a linewise diff algorithm. -package diff - -import ( - "bytes" - "fmt" - "strings" -) - -// Chunk represents a piece of the diff. A chunk will not have both added and -// deleted lines. Equal lines are always after any added or deleted lines. -// A Chunk may or may not have any lines in it, especially for the first or last -// chunk in a computation. -type Chunk struct { - Added []string - Deleted []string - Equal []string -} - -func (c *Chunk) empty() bool { - return len(c.Added) == 0 && len(c.Deleted) == 0 && len(c.Equal) == 0 -} - -// Diff returns a string containing a line-by-line unified diff of the linewise -// changes required to make A into B. Each line is prefixed with '+', '-', or -// ' ' to indicate if it should be added, removed, or is correct respectively. -func Diff(A, B string) string { - aLines := strings.Split(A, "\n") - bLines := strings.Split(B, "\n") - - chunks := DiffChunks(aLines, bLines) - - buf := new(bytes.Buffer) - for _, c := range chunks { - for _, line := range c.Added { - fmt.Fprintf(buf, "+%s\n", line) - } - for _, line := range c.Deleted { - fmt.Fprintf(buf, "-%s\n", line) - } - for _, line := range c.Equal { - fmt.Fprintf(buf, " %s\n", line) - } - } - return strings.TrimRight(buf.String(), "\n") -} - -// DiffChunks uses an O(D(N+M)) shortest-edit-script algorithm -// to compute the edits required from A to B and returns the -// edit chunks. -func DiffChunks(a, b []string) []Chunk { - // algorithm: http://www.xmailserver.org/diff2.pdf - - // We'll need these quantities a lot. - alen, blen := len(a), len(b) // M, N - - // At most, it will require len(a) deletions and len(b) additions - // to transform a into b. - maxPath := alen + blen // MAX - if maxPath == 0 { - // degenerate case: two empty lists are the same - return nil - } - - // Store the endpoint of the path for diagonals. - // We store only the a index, because the b index on any diagonal - // (which we know during the loop below) is aidx-diag. - // endpoint[maxPath] represents the 0 diagonal. - // - // Stated differently: - // endpoint[d] contains the aidx of a furthest reaching path in diagonal d - endpoint := make([]int, 2*maxPath+1) // V - - saved := make([][]int, 0, 8) // Vs - save := func() { - dup := make([]int, len(endpoint)) - copy(dup, endpoint) - saved = append(saved, dup) - } - - var editDistance int // D -dLoop: - for editDistance = 0; editDistance <= maxPath; editDistance++ { - // The 0 diag(onal) represents equality of a and b. Each diagonal to - // the left is numbered one lower, to the right is one higher, from - // -alen to +blen. Negative diagonals favor differences from a, - // positive diagonals favor differences from b. The edit distance to a - // diagonal d cannot be shorter than d itself. - // - // The iterations of this loop cover either odds or evens, but not both, - // If odd indices are inputs, even indices are outputs and vice versa. - for diag := -editDistance; diag <= editDistance; diag += 2 { // k - var aidx int // x - switch { - case diag == -editDistance: - // This is a new diagonal; copy from previous iter - aidx = endpoint[maxPath-editDistance+1] + 0 - case diag == editDistance: - // This is a new diagonal; copy from previous iter - aidx = endpoint[maxPath+editDistance-1] + 1 - case endpoint[maxPath+diag+1] > endpoint[maxPath+diag-1]: - // diagonal d+1 was farther along, so use that - aidx = endpoint[maxPath+diag+1] + 0 - default: - // diagonal d-1 was farther (or the same), so use that - aidx = endpoint[maxPath+diag-1] + 1 - } - // On diagonal d, we can compute bidx from aidx. - bidx := aidx - diag // y - // See how far we can go on this diagonal before we find a difference. - for aidx < alen && bidx < blen && a[aidx] == b[bidx] { - aidx++ - bidx++ - } - // Store the end of the current edit chain. - endpoint[maxPath+diag] = aidx - // If we've found the end of both inputs, we're done! - if aidx >= alen && bidx >= blen { - save() // save the final path - break dLoop - } - } - save() // save the current path - } - if editDistance == 0 { - return nil - } - chunks := make([]Chunk, editDistance+1) - - x, y := alen, blen - for d := editDistance; d > 0; d-- { - endpoint := saved[d] - diag := x - y - insert := diag == -d || (diag != d && endpoint[maxPath+diag-1] < endpoint[maxPath+diag+1]) - - x1 := endpoint[maxPath+diag] - var x0, xM, kk int - if insert { - kk = diag + 1 - x0 = endpoint[maxPath+kk] - xM = x0 - } else { - kk = diag - 1 - x0 = endpoint[maxPath+kk] - xM = x0 + 1 - } - y0 := x0 - kk - - var c Chunk - if insert { - c.Added = b[y0:][:1] - } else { - c.Deleted = a[x0:][:1] - } - if xM < x1 { - c.Equal = a[xM:][:x1-xM] - } - - x, y = x0, y0 - chunks[d] = c - } - if x > 0 { - chunks[0].Equal = a[:x] - } - if chunks[0].empty() { - chunks = chunks[1:] - } - if len(chunks) == 0 { - return nil - } - return chunks -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/kylelemons/godebug/pretty/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/kylelemons/godebug/pretty/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index fa9a735da3c1..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/kylelemons/godebug/pretty/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -*.test -*.bench -*.golden -*.txt -*.prof diff --git a/vendor/github.com/kylelemons/godebug/pretty/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/kylelemons/godebug/pretty/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 03b5718a70db..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/kylelemons/godebug/pretty/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All rights reserved. -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. - -// Package pretty pretty-prints Go structures. -// -// This package uses reflection to examine a Go value and can -// print out in a nice, aligned fashion. It supports three -// modes (normal, compact, and extended) for advanced use. -// -// See the Reflect and Print examples for what the output looks like. -package pretty - -// TODO: -// - Catch cycles diff --git a/vendor/github.com/kylelemons/godebug/pretty/public.go b/vendor/github.com/kylelemons/godebug/pretty/public.go deleted file mode 100644 index fbc5d7abbf87..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/kylelemons/godebug/pretty/public.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,188 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All rights reserved. -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. - -package pretty - -import ( - "bytes" - "fmt" - "io" - "net" - "reflect" - "time" - - "github.com/kylelemons/godebug/diff" -) - -// A Config represents optional configuration parameters for formatting. -// -// Some options, notably ShortList, dramatically increase the overhead -// of pretty-printing a value. -type Config struct { - // Verbosity options - Compact bool // One-line output. Overrides Diffable. - Diffable bool // Adds extra newlines for more easily diffable output. - - // Field and value options - IncludeUnexported bool // Include unexported fields in output - PrintStringers bool // Call String on a fmt.Stringer - PrintTextMarshalers bool // Call MarshalText on an encoding.TextMarshaler - SkipZeroFields bool // Skip struct fields that have a zero value. - - // Output transforms - ShortList int // Maximum character length for short lists if nonzero. - - // Type-specific overrides - // - // Formatter maps a type to a function that will provide a one-line string - // representation of the input value. Conceptually: - // Formatter[reflect.TypeOf(v)](v) = "v as a string" - // - // Note that the first argument need not explicitly match the type, it must - // merely be callable with it. - // - // When processing an input value, if its type exists as a key in Formatter: - // 1) If the value is nil, no stringification is performed. - // This allows overriding of PrintStringers and PrintTextMarshalers. - // 2) The value will be called with the input as its only argument. - // The function must return a string as its first return value. - // - // In addition to func literals, two common values for this will be: - // fmt.Sprint (function) func Sprint(...interface{}) string - // Type.String (method) func (Type) String() string - // - // Note that neither of these work if the String method is a pointer - // method and the input will be provided as a value. In that case, - // use a function that calls .String on the formal value parameter. - Formatter map[reflect.Type]interface{} - - // If TrackCycles is enabled, pretty will detect and track - // self-referential structures. If a self-referential structure (aka a - // "recursive" value) is detected, numbered placeholders will be emitted. - // - // Pointer tracking is disabled by default for performance reasons. - TrackCycles bool -} - -// Default Config objects -var ( - // DefaultFormatter is the default set of overrides for stringification. - DefaultFormatter = map[reflect.Type]interface{}{ - reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{}): fmt.Sprint, - reflect.TypeOf(net.IP{}): fmt.Sprint, - reflect.TypeOf((*error)(nil)).Elem(): fmt.Sprint, - } - - // CompareConfig is the default configuration used for Compare. - CompareConfig = &Config{ - Diffable: true, - IncludeUnexported: true, - Formatter: DefaultFormatter, - } - - // DefaultConfig is the default configuration used for all other top-level functions. - DefaultConfig = &Config{ - Formatter: DefaultFormatter, - } - - // CycleTracker is a convenience config for formatting and comparing recursive structures. - CycleTracker = &Config{ - Diffable: true, - Formatter: DefaultFormatter, - TrackCycles: true, - } -) - -func (cfg *Config) fprint(buf *bytes.Buffer, vals ...interface{}) { - ref := &reflector{ - Config: cfg, - } - if cfg.TrackCycles { - ref.pointerTracker = new(pointerTracker) - } - for i, val := range vals { - if i > 0 { - buf.WriteByte('\n') - } - newFormatter(cfg, buf).write(ref.val2node(reflect.ValueOf(val))) - } -} - -// Print writes the DefaultConfig representation of the given values to standard output. -func Print(vals ...interface{}) { - DefaultConfig.Print(vals...) -} - -// Print writes the configured presentation of the given values to standard output. -func (cfg *Config) Print(vals ...interface{}) { - fmt.Println(cfg.Sprint(vals...)) -} - -// Sprint returns a string representation of the given value according to the DefaultConfig. -func Sprint(vals ...interface{}) string { - return DefaultConfig.Sprint(vals...) -} - -// Sprint returns a string representation of the given value according to cfg. -func (cfg *Config) Sprint(vals ...interface{}) string { - buf := new(bytes.Buffer) - cfg.fprint(buf, vals...) - return buf.String() -} - -// Fprint writes the representation of the given value to the writer according to the DefaultConfig. -func Fprint(w io.Writer, vals ...interface{}) (n int64, err error) { - return DefaultConfig.Fprint(w, vals...) -} - -// Fprint writes the representation of the given value to the writer according to the cfg. -func (cfg *Config) Fprint(w io.Writer, vals ...interface{}) (n int64, err error) { - buf := new(bytes.Buffer) - cfg.fprint(buf, vals...) - return buf.WriteTo(w) -} - -// Compare returns a string containing a line-by-line unified diff of the -// values in a and b, using the CompareConfig. -// -// Each line in the output is prefixed with '+', '-', or ' ' to indicate which -// side it's from. Lines from the a side are marked with '-', lines from the -// b side are marked with '+' and lines that are the same on both sides are -// marked with ' '. -// -// The comparison is based on the intentionally-untyped output of Print, and as -// such this comparison is pretty forviving. In particular, if the types of or -// types within in a and b are different but have the same representation, -// Compare will not indicate any differences between them. -func Compare(a, b interface{}) string { - return CompareConfig.Compare(a, b) -} - -// Compare returns a string containing a line-by-line unified diff of the -// values in got and want according to the cfg. -// -// Each line in the output is prefixed with '+', '-', or ' ' to indicate which -// side it's from. Lines from the a side are marked with '-', lines from the -// b side are marked with '+' and lines that are the same on both sides are -// marked with ' '. -// -// The comparison is based on the intentionally-untyped output of Print, and as -// such this comparison is pretty forviving. In particular, if the types of or -// types within in a and b are different but have the same representation, -// Compare will not indicate any differences between them. -func (cfg *Config) Compare(a, b interface{}) string { - diffCfg := *cfg - diffCfg.Diffable = true - return diff.Diff(cfg.Sprint(a), cfg.Sprint(b)) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/kylelemons/godebug/pretty/reflect.go b/vendor/github.com/kylelemons/godebug/pretty/reflect.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5cd30b7f0360..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/kylelemons/godebug/pretty/reflect.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,241 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All rights reserved. -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. - -package pretty - -import ( - "encoding" - "fmt" - "reflect" - "sort" -) - -func isZeroVal(val reflect.Value) bool { - if !val.CanInterface() { - return false - } - z := reflect.Zero(val.Type()).Interface() - return reflect.DeepEqual(val.Interface(), z) -} - -// pointerTracker is a helper for tracking pointer chasing to detect cycles. -type pointerTracker struct { - addrs map[uintptr]int // addr[address] = seen count - - lastID int - ids map[uintptr]int // ids[address] = id -} - -// track tracks following a reference (pointer, slice, map, etc). Every call to -// track should be paired with a call to untrack. -func (p *pointerTracker) track(ptr uintptr) { - if p.addrs == nil { - p.addrs = make(map[uintptr]int) - } - p.addrs[ptr]++ -} - -// untrack registers that we have backtracked over the reference to the pointer. -func (p *pointerTracker) untrack(ptr uintptr) { - p.addrs[ptr]-- - if p.addrs[ptr] == 0 { - delete(p.addrs, ptr) - } -} - -// seen returns whether the pointer was previously seen along this path. -func (p *pointerTracker) seen(ptr uintptr) bool { - _, ok := p.addrs[ptr] - return ok -} - -// keep allocates an ID for the given address and returns it. -func (p *pointerTracker) keep(ptr uintptr) int { - if p.ids == nil { - p.ids = make(map[uintptr]int) - } - if _, ok := p.ids[ptr]; !ok { - p.lastID++ - p.ids[ptr] = p.lastID - } - return p.ids[ptr] -} - -// id returns the ID for the given address. -func (p *pointerTracker) id(ptr uintptr) (int, bool) { - if p.ids == nil { - p.ids = make(map[uintptr]int) - } - id, ok := p.ids[ptr] - return id, ok -} - -// reflector adds local state to the recursive reflection logic. -type reflector struct { - *Config - *pointerTracker -} - -// follow handles following a possiblly-recursive reference to the given value -// from the given ptr address. -func (r *reflector) follow(ptr uintptr, val reflect.Value) node { - if r.pointerTracker == nil { - // Tracking disabled - return r.val2node(val) - } - - // If a parent already followed this, emit a reference marker - if r.seen(ptr) { - id := r.keep(ptr) - return ref{id} - } - - // Track the pointer we're following while on this recursive branch - r.track(ptr) - defer r.untrack(ptr) - n := r.val2node(val) - - // If the recursion used this ptr, wrap it with a target marker - if id, ok := r.id(ptr); ok { - return target{id, n} - } - - // Otherwise, return the node unadulterated - return n -} - -func (r *reflector) val2node(val reflect.Value) node { - if !val.IsValid() { - return rawVal("nil") - } - - if val.CanInterface() { - v := val.Interface() - if formatter, ok := r.Formatter[val.Type()]; ok { - if formatter != nil { - res := reflect.ValueOf(formatter).Call([]reflect.Value{val}) - return rawVal(res[0].Interface().(string)) - } - } else { - if s, ok := v.(fmt.Stringer); ok && r.PrintStringers { - return stringVal(s.String()) - } - if t, ok := v.(encoding.TextMarshaler); ok && r.PrintTextMarshalers { - if raw, err := t.MarshalText(); err == nil { // if NOT an error - return stringVal(string(raw)) - } - } - } - } - - switch kind := val.Kind(); kind { - case reflect.Ptr: - if val.IsNil() { - return rawVal("nil") - } - return r.follow(val.Pointer(), val.Elem()) - case reflect.Interface: - if val.IsNil() { - return rawVal("nil") - } - return r.val2node(val.Elem()) - case reflect.String: - return stringVal(val.String()) - case reflect.Slice: - n := list{} - length := val.Len() - ptr := val.Pointer() - for i := 0; i < length; i++ { - n = append(n, r.follow(ptr, val.Index(i))) - } - return n - case reflect.Array: - n := list{} - length := val.Len() - for i := 0; i < length; i++ { - n = append(n, r.val2node(val.Index(i))) - } - return n - case reflect.Map: - // Extract the keys and sort them for stable iteration - keys := val.MapKeys() - pairs := make([]mapPair, 0, len(keys)) - for _, key := range keys { - pairs = append(pairs, mapPair{ - key: new(formatter).compactString(r.val2node(key)), // can't be cyclic - value: val.MapIndex(key), - }) - } - sort.Sort(byKey(pairs)) - - // Process the keys into the final representation - ptr, n := val.Pointer(), keyvals{} - for _, pair := range pairs { - n = append(n, keyval{ - key: pair.key, - val: r.follow(ptr, pair.value), - }) - } - return n - case reflect.Struct: - n := keyvals{} - typ := val.Type() - fields := typ.NumField() - for i := 0; i < fields; i++ { - sf := typ.Field(i) - if !r.IncludeUnexported && sf.PkgPath != "" { - continue - } - field := val.Field(i) - if r.SkipZeroFields && isZeroVal(field) { - continue - } - n = append(n, keyval{sf.Name, r.val2node(field)}) - } - return n - case reflect.Bool: - if val.Bool() { - return rawVal("true") - } - return rawVal("false") - case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: - return rawVal(fmt.Sprintf("%d", val.Int())) - case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64: - return rawVal(fmt.Sprintf("%d", val.Uint())) - case reflect.Uintptr: - return rawVal(fmt.Sprintf("0x%X", val.Uint())) - case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: - return rawVal(fmt.Sprintf("%v", val.Float())) - case reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128: - return rawVal(fmt.Sprintf("%v", val.Complex())) - } - - // Fall back to the default %#v if we can - if val.CanInterface() { - return rawVal(fmt.Sprintf("%#v", val.Interface())) - } - - return rawVal(val.String()) -} - -type mapPair struct { - key string - value reflect.Value -} - -type byKey []mapPair - -func (v byKey) Len() int { return len(v) } -func (v byKey) Swap(i, j int) { v[i], v[j] = v[j], v[i] } -func (v byKey) Less(i, j int) bool { return v[i].key < v[j].key } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/kylelemons/godebug/pretty/structure.go b/vendor/github.com/kylelemons/godebug/pretty/structure.go deleted file mode 100644 index d876f60cad21..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/kylelemons/godebug/pretty/structure.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All rights reserved. -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. - -package pretty - -import ( - "bufio" - "bytes" - "fmt" - "io" - "strconv" - "strings" -) - -// a formatter stores stateful formatting information as well as being -// an io.Writer for simplicity. -type formatter struct { - *bufio.Writer - *Config - - // Self-referential structure tracking - tagNumbers map[int]int // tagNumbers[id] = <#n> -} - -// newFormatter creates a new buffered formatter. For the output to be written -// to the given writer, this must be accompanied by a call to write (or Flush). -func newFormatter(cfg *Config, w io.Writer) *formatter { - return &formatter{ - Writer: bufio.NewWriter(w), - Config: cfg, - tagNumbers: make(map[int]int), - } -} - -func (f *formatter) write(n node) { - defer f.Flush() - n.format(f, "") -} - -func (f *formatter) tagFor(id int) int { - if tag, ok := f.tagNumbers[id]; ok { - return tag - } - if f.tagNumbers == nil { - return 0 - } - tag := len(f.tagNumbers) + 1 - f.tagNumbers[id] = tag - return tag -} - -type node interface { - format(f *formatter, indent string) -} - -func (f *formatter) compactString(n node) string { - switch k := n.(type) { - case stringVal: - return string(k) - case rawVal: - return string(k) - } - - buf := new(bytes.Buffer) - f2 := newFormatter(&Config{Compact: true}, buf) - f2.tagNumbers = f.tagNumbers // reuse tagNumbers just in case - f2.write(n) - return buf.String() -} - -type stringVal string - -func (str stringVal) format(f *formatter, indent string) { - f.WriteString(strconv.Quote(string(str))) -} - -type rawVal string - -func (r rawVal) format(f *formatter, indent string) { - f.WriteString(string(r)) -} - -type keyval struct { - key string - val node -} - -type keyvals []keyval - -func (l keyvals) format(f *formatter, indent string) { - f.WriteByte('{') - - switch { - case f.Compact: - // All on one line: - for i, kv := range l { - if i > 0 { - f.WriteByte(',') - } - f.WriteString(kv.key) - f.WriteByte(':') - kv.val.format(f, indent) - } - case f.Diffable: - f.WriteByte('\n') - inner := indent + " " - // Each value gets its own line: - for _, kv := range l { - f.WriteString(inner) - f.WriteString(kv.key) - f.WriteString(": ") - kv.val.format(f, inner) - f.WriteString(",\n") - } - f.WriteString(indent) - default: - keyWidth := 0 - for _, kv := range l { - if kw := len(kv.key); kw > keyWidth { - keyWidth = kw - } - } - alignKey := indent + " " - alignValue := strings.Repeat(" ", keyWidth) - inner := alignKey + alignValue + " " - // First and last line shared with bracket: - for i, kv := range l { - if i > 0 { - f.WriteString(",\n") - f.WriteString(alignKey) - } - f.WriteString(kv.key) - f.WriteString(": ") - f.WriteString(alignValue[len(kv.key):]) - kv.val.format(f, inner) - } - } - - f.WriteByte('}') -} - -type list []node - -func (l list) format(f *formatter, indent string) { - if max := f.ShortList; max > 0 { - short := f.compactString(l) - if len(short) <= max { - f.WriteString(short) - return - } - } - - f.WriteByte('[') - - switch { - case f.Compact: - // All on one line: - for i, v := range l { - if i > 0 { - f.WriteByte(',') - } - v.format(f, indent) - } - case f.Diffable: - f.WriteByte('\n') - inner := indent + " " - // Each value gets its own line: - for _, v := range l { - f.WriteString(inner) - v.format(f, inner) - f.WriteString(",\n") - } - f.WriteString(indent) - default: - inner := indent + " " - // First and last line shared with bracket: - for i, v := range l { - if i > 0 { - f.WriteString(",\n") - f.WriteString(inner) - } - v.format(f, inner) - } - } - - f.WriteByte(']') -} - -type ref struct { - id int -} - -func (r ref) format(f *formatter, indent string) { - fmt.Fprintf(f, "", f.tagFor(r.id)) -} - -type target struct { - id int - value node -} - -func (t target) format(f *formatter, indent string) { - tag := fmt.Sprintf("<#%d> ", f.tagFor(t.id)) - switch { - case f.Diffable, f.Compact: - // no indent changes - default: - indent += strings.Repeat(" ", len(tag)) - } - f.WriteString(tag) - t.value.format(f, indent) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pkg/browser/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/pkg/browser/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index 65f78fb62910..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/pkg/browser/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -Copyright (c) 2014, Dave Cheney -All rights reserved. - -Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - -* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this - list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - -* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, - this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation - and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - -THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" -AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE -IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE -DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE -FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL -DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR -SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER -CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, -OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pkg/browser/README.md b/vendor/github.com/pkg/browser/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index 72b1976e3035..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/pkg/browser/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ - -# browser - import "github.com/pkg/browser" - -Package browser provides helpers to open files, readers, and urls in a browser window. - -The choice of which browser is started is entirely client dependant. - - - - - -## Variables -``` go -var Stderr io.Writer = os.Stderr -``` -Stderr is the io.Writer to which executed commands write standard error. - -``` go -var Stdout io.Writer = os.Stdout -``` -Stdout is the io.Writer to which executed commands write standard output. - - -## func OpenFile -``` go -func OpenFile(path string) error -``` -OpenFile opens new browser window for the file path. - - -## func OpenReader -``` go -func OpenReader(r io.Reader) error -``` -OpenReader consumes the contents of r and presents the -results in a new browser window. - - -## func OpenURL -``` go -func OpenURL(url string) error -``` -OpenURL opens a new browser window pointing to url. - - - - - - - - - -- - - -Generated by [godoc2md](http://godoc.org/github.com/davecheney/godoc2md) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pkg/browser/browser.go b/vendor/github.com/pkg/browser/browser.go deleted file mode 100644 index d7969d74d80d..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/pkg/browser/browser.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ -// Package browser provides helpers to open files, readers, and urls in a browser window. -// -// The choice of which browser is started is entirely client dependant. -package browser - -import ( - "fmt" - "io" - "io/ioutil" - "os" - "os/exec" - "path/filepath" -) - -// Stdout is the io.Writer to which executed commands write standard output. -var Stdout io.Writer = os.Stdout - -// Stderr is the io.Writer to which executed commands write standard error. -var Stderr io.Writer = os.Stderr - -// OpenFile opens new browser window for the file path. -func OpenFile(path string) error { - path, err := filepath.Abs(path) - if err != nil { - return err - } - return OpenURL("file://" + path) -} - -// OpenReader consumes the contents of r and presents the -// results in a new browser window. -func OpenReader(r io.Reader) error { - f, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "browser.*.html") - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("browser: could not create temporary file: %v", err) - } - if _, err := io.Copy(f, r); err != nil { - f.Close() - return fmt.Errorf("browser: caching temporary file failed: %v", err) - } - if err := f.Close(); err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("browser: caching temporary file failed: %v", err) - } - return OpenFile(f.Name()) -} - -// OpenURL opens a new browser window pointing to url. -func OpenURL(url string) error { - return openBrowser(url) -} - -func runCmd(prog string, args ...string) error { - cmd := exec.Command(prog, args...) - cmd.Stdout = Stdout - cmd.Stderr = Stderr - return cmd.Run() -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pkg/browser/browser_darwin.go b/vendor/github.com/pkg/browser/browser_darwin.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8507cf7c2b45..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/pkg/browser/browser_darwin.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -package browser - -func openBrowser(url string) error { - return runCmd("open", url) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pkg/browser/browser_freebsd.go b/vendor/github.com/pkg/browser/browser_freebsd.go deleted file mode 100644 index 4fc7ff0761b4..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/pkg/browser/browser_freebsd.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -package browser - -import ( - "errors" - "os/exec" -) - -func openBrowser(url string) error { - err := runCmd("xdg-open", url) - if e, ok := err.(*exec.Error); ok && e.Err == exec.ErrNotFound { - return errors.New("xdg-open: command not found - install xdg-utils from ports(8)") - } - return err -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pkg/browser/browser_linux.go b/vendor/github.com/pkg/browser/browser_linux.go deleted file mode 100644 index d26cdddf9c15..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/pkg/browser/browser_linux.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -package browser - -import ( - "os/exec" - "strings" -) - -func openBrowser(url string) error { - providers := []string{"xdg-open", "x-www-browser", "www-browser"} - - // There are multiple possible providers to open a browser on linux - // One of them is xdg-open, another is x-www-browser, then there's www-browser, etc. - // Look for one that exists and run it - for _, provider := range providers { - if _, err := exec.LookPath(provider); err == nil { - return runCmd(provider, url) - } - } - - return &exec.Error{Name: strings.Join(providers, ","), Err: exec.ErrNotFound} -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pkg/browser/browser_netbsd.go b/vendor/github.com/pkg/browser/browser_netbsd.go deleted file mode 100644 index 65a5e5a29342..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/pkg/browser/browser_netbsd.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -package browser - -import ( - "errors" - "os/exec" -) - -func openBrowser(url string) error { - err := runCmd("xdg-open", url) - if e, ok := err.(*exec.Error); ok && e.Err == exec.ErrNotFound { - return errors.New("xdg-open: command not found - install xdg-utils from pkgsrc(7)") - } - return err -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pkg/browser/browser_openbsd.go b/vendor/github.com/pkg/browser/browser_openbsd.go deleted file mode 100644 index 4fc7ff0761b4..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/pkg/browser/browser_openbsd.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -package browser - -import ( - "errors" - "os/exec" -) - -func openBrowser(url string) error { - err := runCmd("xdg-open", url) - if e, ok := err.(*exec.Error); ok && e.Err == exec.ErrNotFound { - return errors.New("xdg-open: command not found - install xdg-utils from ports(8)") - } - return err -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pkg/browser/browser_unsupported.go b/vendor/github.com/pkg/browser/browser_unsupported.go deleted file mode 100644 index 7c5c17d34d26..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/pkg/browser/browser_unsupported.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -// +build !linux,!windows,!darwin,!openbsd,!freebsd,!netbsd - -package browser - -import ( - "fmt" - "runtime" -) - -func openBrowser(url string) error { - return fmt.Errorf("openBrowser: unsupported operating system: %v", runtime.GOOS) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pkg/browser/browser_windows.go b/vendor/github.com/pkg/browser/browser_windows.go deleted file mode 100644 index 63e192959a5e..000000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/pkg/browser/browser_windows.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -package browser - -import "golang.org/x/sys/windows" - -func openBrowser(url string) error { - return windows.ShellExecute(0, nil, windows.StringToUTF16Ptr(url), nil, nil, windows.SW_SHOWNORMAL) -} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/cmsghdr_linux_64bit.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/cmsghdr_linux_64bit.go index f6877f98fdfc..1ba43101fc78 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/cmsghdr_linux_64bit.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/cmsghdr_linux_64bit.go @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -//go:build (arm64 || amd64 || loong64 || ppc64 || ppc64le || mips64 || mips64le || riscv64 || s390x) && linux -// +build arm64 amd64 loong64 ppc64 ppc64le mips64 mips64le riscv64 s390x +//go:build (arm64 || amd64 || ppc64 || ppc64le || mips64 || mips64le || riscv64 || s390x) && linux +// +build arm64 amd64 ppc64 ppc64le mips64 mips64le riscv64 s390x // +build linux package socket diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/cmsghdr_unix.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/cmsghdr_unix.go index 19d46789de4d..aa1b06203cf5 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/cmsghdr_unix.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/cmsghdr_unix.go @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -//go:build aix || darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd || solaris || zos -// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris zos +//go:build aix || darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd || solaris +// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris package socket diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/cmsghdr_zos_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/cmsghdr_zos_s390x.go index 68dc8ad638be..98be146bc51d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/cmsghdr_zos_s390x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/cmsghdr_zos_s390x.go @@ -4,8 +4,22 @@ package socket +import "syscall" + func (h *cmsghdr) set(l, lvl, typ int) { h.Len = int32(l) h.Level = int32(lvl) h.Type = int32(typ) } + +func controlHeaderLen() int { + return syscall.CmsgLen(0) +} + +func controlMessageLen(dataLen int) int { + return syscall.CmsgLen(dataLen) +} + +func controlMessageSpace(dataLen int) int { + return syscall.CmsgSpace(dataLen) +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/iovec_64bit.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/iovec_64bit.go index 2e94e96f8b9d..3dc5def2bc28 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/iovec_64bit.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/iovec_64bit.go @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -//go:build (arm64 || amd64 || loong64 || ppc64 || ppc64le || mips64 || mips64le || riscv64 || s390x) && (aix || darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd || zos) -// +build arm64 amd64 loong64 ppc64 ppc64le mips64 mips64le riscv64 s390x +//go:build (arm64 || amd64 || ppc64 || ppc64le || mips64 || mips64le || riscv64 || s390x) && (aix || darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd || zos) +// +build arm64 amd64 ppc64 ppc64le mips64 mips64le riscv64 s390x // +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd zos package socket diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/mmsghdr_unix.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/mmsghdr_unix.go index 0bfcf7afc6bf..40ebedab3c0f 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/mmsghdr_unix.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/mmsghdr_unix.go @@ -9,9 +9,7 @@ package socket import ( "net" - "os" "sync" - "syscall" ) type mmsghdrs []mmsghdr @@ -95,86 +93,22 @@ func (p *mmsghdrsPacker) pack(ms []Message, parseFn func([]byte, string) (net.Ad return hs } -// syscaller is a helper to invoke recvmmsg and sendmmsg via the RawConn.Read/Write interface. -// It is reusable, to amortize the overhead of allocating a closure for the function passed to -// RawConn.Read/Write. -type syscaller struct { - n int - operr error - hs mmsghdrs - flags int - - boundRecvmmsgF func(uintptr) bool - boundSendmmsgF func(uintptr) bool -} - -func (r *syscaller) init() { - r.boundRecvmmsgF = r.recvmmsgF - r.boundSendmmsgF = r.sendmmsgF -} - -func (r *syscaller) recvmmsg(c syscall.RawConn, hs mmsghdrs, flags int) (int, error) { - r.n = 0 - r.operr = nil - r.hs = hs - r.flags = flags - if err := c.Read(r.boundRecvmmsgF); err != nil { - return r.n, err - } - if r.operr != nil { - return r.n, os.NewSyscallError("recvmmsg", r.operr) - } - return r.n, nil -} - -func (r *syscaller) recvmmsgF(s uintptr) bool { - r.n, r.operr = recvmmsg(s, r.hs, r.flags) - return ioComplete(r.flags, r.operr) -} - -func (r *syscaller) sendmmsg(c syscall.RawConn, hs mmsghdrs, flags int) (int, error) { - r.n = 0 - r.operr = nil - r.hs = hs - r.flags = flags - if err := c.Write(r.boundSendmmsgF); err != nil { - return r.n, err - } - if r.operr != nil { - return r.n, os.NewSyscallError("sendmmsg", r.operr) - } - return r.n, nil -} - -func (r *syscaller) sendmmsgF(s uintptr) bool { - r.n, r.operr = sendmmsg(s, r.hs, r.flags) - return ioComplete(r.flags, r.operr) -} - -// mmsgTmps holds reusable temporary helpers for recvmmsg and sendmmsg. -type mmsgTmps struct { - packer mmsghdrsPacker - syscaller syscaller -} - -var defaultMmsgTmpsPool = mmsgTmpsPool{ +var defaultMmsghdrsPool = mmsghdrsPool{ p: sync.Pool{ New: func() interface{} { - tmps := new(mmsgTmps) - tmps.syscaller.init() - return tmps + return new(mmsghdrsPacker) }, }, } -type mmsgTmpsPool struct { +type mmsghdrsPool struct { p sync.Pool } -func (p *mmsgTmpsPool) Get() *mmsgTmps { - return p.p.Get().(*mmsgTmps) +func (p *mmsghdrsPool) Get() *mmsghdrsPacker { + return p.p.Get().(*mmsghdrsPacker) } -func (p *mmsgTmpsPool) Put(tmps *mmsgTmps) { - p.p.Put(tmps) +func (p *mmsghdrsPool) Put(packer *mmsghdrsPacker) { + p.p.Put(packer) } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/msghdr_linux_64bit.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/msghdr_linux_64bit.go index 42411affad9e..c9c592ddb887 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/msghdr_linux_64bit.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/msghdr_linux_64bit.go @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -//go:build (arm64 || amd64 || loong64 || ppc64 || ppc64le || mips64 || mips64le || riscv64 || s390x) && linux -// +build arm64 amd64 loong64 ppc64 ppc64le mips64 mips64le riscv64 s390x +//go:build (arm64 || amd64 || ppc64 || ppc64le || mips64 || mips64le || riscv64 || s390x) && linux +// +build arm64 amd64 ppc64 ppc64le mips64 mips64le riscv64 s390x // +build linux package socket diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/rawconn_mmsg.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/rawconn_mmsg.go index 8f79b38f7406..3fcb51b38445 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/rawconn_mmsg.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/rawconn_mmsg.go @@ -9,23 +9,32 @@ package socket import ( "net" + "os" ) func (c *Conn) recvMsgs(ms []Message, flags int) (int, error) { for i := range ms { ms[i].raceWrite() } - tmps := defaultMmsgTmpsPool.Get() - defer defaultMmsgTmpsPool.Put(tmps) + packer := defaultMmsghdrsPool.Get() + defer defaultMmsghdrsPool.Put(packer) var parseFn func([]byte, string) (net.Addr, error) if c.network != "tcp" { parseFn = parseInetAddr } - hs := tmps.packer.pack(ms, parseFn, nil) - n, err := tmps.syscaller.recvmmsg(c.c, hs, flags) - if err != nil { + hs := packer.pack(ms, parseFn, nil) + var operr error + var n int + fn := func(s uintptr) bool { + n, operr = recvmmsg(s, hs, flags) + return ioComplete(flags, operr) + } + if err := c.c.Read(fn); err != nil { return n, err } + if operr != nil { + return n, os.NewSyscallError("recvmmsg", operr) + } if err := hs[:n].unpack(ms[:n], parseFn, c.network); err != nil { return n, err } @@ -36,17 +45,25 @@ func (c *Conn) sendMsgs(ms []Message, flags int) (int, error) { for i := range ms { ms[i].raceRead() } - tmps := defaultMmsgTmpsPool.Get() - defer defaultMmsgTmpsPool.Put(tmps) + packer := defaultMmsghdrsPool.Get() + defer defaultMmsghdrsPool.Put(packer) var marshalFn func(net.Addr, []byte) int if c.network != "tcp" { marshalFn = marshalInetAddr } - hs := tmps.packer.pack(ms, nil, marshalFn) - n, err := tmps.syscaller.sendmmsg(c.c, hs, flags) - if err != nil { + hs := packer.pack(ms, nil, marshalFn) + var operr error + var n int + fn := func(s uintptr) bool { + n, operr = sendmmsg(s, hs, flags) + return ioComplete(flags, operr) + } + if err := c.c.Write(fn); err != nil { return n, err } + if operr != nil { + return n, os.NewSyscallError("sendmmsg", operr) + } if err := hs[:n].unpack(ms[:n], nil, ""); err != nil { return n, err } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/sys_linux_loong64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/sys_linux_loong64.go deleted file mode 100644 index af964e61713a..000000000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/sys_linux_loong64.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -//go:build loong64 -// +build loong64 - -package socket - -const ( - sysRECVMMSG = 0xf3 - sysSENDMMSG = 0x10d -) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/zsys_linux_loong64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/zsys_linux_loong64.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6a94fec2c542..000000000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/zsys_linux_loong64.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. -// cgo -godefs defs_linux.go - -//go:build loong64 -// +build loong64 - -package socket - -type iovec struct { - Base *byte - Len uint64 -} - -type msghdr struct { - Name *byte - Namelen uint32 - Iov *iovec - Iovlen uint64 - Control *byte - Controllen uint64 - Flags int32 - Pad_cgo_0 [4]byte -} - -type mmsghdr struct { - Hdr msghdr - Len uint32 - Pad_cgo_0 [4]byte -} - -type cmsghdr struct { - Len uint64 - Level int32 - Type int32 -} - -const ( - sizeofIovec = 0x10 - sizeofMsghdr = 0x38 -) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv4/zsys_linux_loong64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv4/zsys_linux_loong64.go deleted file mode 100644 index e15c22c74877..000000000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv4/zsys_linux_loong64.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. -// cgo -godefs defs_linux.go - -//go:build loong64 -// +build loong64 - -package ipv4 - -const ( - sizeofKernelSockaddrStorage = 0x80 - sizeofSockaddrInet = 0x10 - sizeofInetPktinfo = 0xc - sizeofSockExtendedErr = 0x10 - - sizeofIPMreq = 0x8 - sizeofIPMreqSource = 0xc - sizeofGroupReq = 0x88 - sizeofGroupSourceReq = 0x108 - - sizeofICMPFilter = 0x4 -) - -type kernelSockaddrStorage struct { - Family uint16 - X__data [126]int8 -} - -type sockaddrInet struct { - Family uint16 - Port uint16 - Addr [4]byte /* in_addr */ - X__pad [8]uint8 -} - -type inetPktinfo struct { - Ifindex int32 - Spec_dst [4]byte /* in_addr */ - Addr [4]byte /* in_addr */ -} - -type sockExtendedErr struct { - Errno uint32 - Origin uint8 - Type uint8 - Code uint8 - Pad uint8 - Info uint32 - Data uint32 -} - -type ipMreq struct { - Multiaddr [4]byte /* in_addr */ - Interface [4]byte /* in_addr */ -} - -type ipMreqSource struct { - Multiaddr uint32 - Interface uint32 - Sourceaddr uint32 -} - -type groupReq struct { - Interface uint32 - Pad_cgo_0 [4]byte - Group kernelSockaddrStorage -} - -type groupSourceReq struct { - Interface uint32 - Pad_cgo_0 [4]byte - Group kernelSockaddrStorage - Source kernelSockaddrStorage -} - -type icmpFilter struct { - Data uint32 -} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv6/zsys_linux_loong64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv6/zsys_linux_loong64.go deleted file mode 100644 index 598fbfa06f77..000000000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/ipv6/zsys_linux_loong64.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. -// cgo -godefs defs_linux.go - -//go:build loong64 -// +build loong64 - -package ipv6 - -const ( - sizeofKernelSockaddrStorage = 0x80 - sizeofSockaddrInet6 = 0x1c - sizeofInet6Pktinfo = 0x14 - sizeofIPv6Mtuinfo = 0x20 - sizeofIPv6FlowlabelReq = 0x20 - - sizeofIPv6Mreq = 0x14 - sizeofGroupReq = 0x88 - sizeofGroupSourceReq = 0x108 - - sizeofICMPv6Filter = 0x20 -) - -type kernelSockaddrStorage struct { - Family uint16 - X__data [126]int8 -} - -type sockaddrInet6 struct { - Family uint16 - Port uint16 - Flowinfo uint32 - Addr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ - Scope_id uint32 -} - -type inet6Pktinfo struct { - Addr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ - Ifindex int32 -} - -type ipv6Mtuinfo struct { - Addr sockaddrInet6 - Mtu uint32 -} - -type ipv6FlowlabelReq struct { - Dst [16]byte /* in6_addr */ - Label uint32 - Action uint8 - Share uint8 - Flags uint16 - Expires uint16 - Linger uint16 - X__flr_pad uint32 -} - -type ipv6Mreq struct { - Multiaddr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ - Ifindex int32 -} - -type groupReq struct { - Interface uint32 - Pad_cgo_0 [4]byte - Group kernelSockaddrStorage -} - -type groupSourceReq struct { - Interface uint32 - Pad_cgo_0 [4]byte - Group kernelSockaddrStorage - Source kernelSockaddrStorage -} - -type icmpv6Filter struct { - Data [8]uint32 -} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux.go index 4e5420586120..bcc45d108509 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux.go @@ -741,7 +741,6 @@ const ( ETH_P_QINQ2 = 0x9200 ETH_P_QINQ3 = 0x9300 ETH_P_RARP = 0x8035 - ETH_P_REALTEK = 0x8899 ETH_P_SCA = 0x6007 ETH_P_SLOW = 0x8809 ETH_P_SNAP = 0x5 @@ -811,12 +810,10 @@ const ( FAN_EPIDFD = -0x2 FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_DFID = 0x3 FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_DFID_NAME = 0x2 - FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_ERROR = 0x5 FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID = 0x1 FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_PIDFD = 0x4 FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN = 0x18 FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD = 0x8000000 - FAN_FS_ERROR = 0x8000 FAN_MARK_ADD = 0x1 FAN_MARK_DONT_FOLLOW = 0x4 FAN_MARK_FILESYSTEM = 0x100 @@ -1830,8 +1827,6 @@ const ( PERF_MEM_BLK_DATA = 0x2 PERF_MEM_BLK_NA = 0x1 PERF_MEM_BLK_SHIFT = 0x28 - PERF_MEM_HOPS_0 = 0x1 - PERF_MEM_HOPS_SHIFT = 0x2b PERF_MEM_LOCK_LOCKED = 0x2 PERF_MEM_LOCK_NA = 0x1 PERF_MEM_LOCK_SHIFT = 0x18 @@ -1991,9 +1986,6 @@ const ( PR_SCHED_CORE_CREATE = 0x1 PR_SCHED_CORE_GET = 0x0 PR_SCHED_CORE_MAX = 0x4 - PR_SCHED_CORE_SCOPE_PROCESS_GROUP = 0x2 - PR_SCHED_CORE_SCOPE_THREAD = 0x0 - PR_SCHED_CORE_SCOPE_THREAD_GROUP = 0x1 PR_SCHED_CORE_SHARE_FROM = 0x3 PR_SCHED_CORE_SHARE_TO = 0x2 PR_SET_CHILD_SUBREAPER = 0x24 @@ -2175,23 +2167,12 @@ const ( RTCF_NAT = 0x800000 RTCF_VALVE = 0x200000 RTC_AF = 0x20 - RTC_BSM_DIRECT = 0x1 - RTC_BSM_DISABLED = 0x0 - RTC_BSM_LEVEL = 0x2 - RTC_BSM_STANDBY = 0x3 RTC_FEATURE_ALARM = 0x0 - RTC_FEATURE_ALARM_RES_2S = 0x3 RTC_FEATURE_ALARM_RES_MINUTE = 0x1 - RTC_FEATURE_BACKUP_SWITCH_MODE = 0x6 - RTC_FEATURE_CNT = 0x7 - RTC_FEATURE_CORRECTION = 0x5 + RTC_FEATURE_CNT = 0x3 RTC_FEATURE_NEED_WEEK_DAY = 0x2 - RTC_FEATURE_UPDATE_INTERRUPT = 0x4 RTC_IRQF = 0x80 RTC_MAX_FREQ = 0x2000 - RTC_PARAM_BACKUP_SWITCH_MODE = 0x2 - RTC_PARAM_CORRECTION = 0x1 - RTC_PARAM_FEATURES = 0x0 RTC_PF = 0x40 RTC_UF = 0x10 RTF_ADDRCLASSMASK = 0xf8000000 @@ -2551,8 +2532,6 @@ const ( SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MIN_SIZE = 0x1 SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_SIZE = 0x0 SO_VM_SOCKETS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 0x6 - SO_VM_SOCKETS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_NEW = 0x8 - SO_VM_SOCKETS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_OLD = 0x6 SO_VM_SOCKETS_NONBLOCK_TXRX = 0x7 SO_VM_SOCKETS_PEER_HOST_VM_ID = 0x3 SO_VM_SOCKETS_TRUSTED = 0x5 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_386.go index 234fd4a5d1ad..3ca40ca7f02a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_386.go @@ -250,8 +250,6 @@ const ( RTC_EPOCH_SET = 0x4004700e RTC_IRQP_READ = 0x8004700b RTC_IRQP_SET = 0x4004700c - RTC_PARAM_GET = 0x40187013 - RTC_PARAM_SET = 0x40187014 RTC_PIE_OFF = 0x7006 RTC_PIE_ON = 0x7005 RTC_PLL_GET = 0x801c7011 @@ -329,7 +327,6 @@ const ( SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x14 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x14 - SO_RESERVE_MEM = 0x49 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x2 SO_REUSEPORT = 0xf SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_amd64.go index 58619b7589b0..ead332091afd 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_amd64.go @@ -251,8 +251,6 @@ const ( RTC_EPOCH_SET = 0x4008700e RTC_IRQP_READ = 0x8008700b RTC_IRQP_SET = 0x4008700c - RTC_PARAM_GET = 0x40187013 - RTC_PARAM_SET = 0x40187014 RTC_PIE_OFF = 0x7006 RTC_PIE_ON = 0x7005 RTC_PLL_GET = 0x80207011 @@ -330,7 +328,6 @@ const ( SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x14 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x14 - SO_RESERVE_MEM = 0x49 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x2 SO_REUSEPORT = 0xf SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm.go index 3a64ff59dcec..39bdc9455899 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm.go @@ -257,8 +257,6 @@ const ( RTC_EPOCH_SET = 0x4004700e RTC_IRQP_READ = 0x8004700b RTC_IRQP_SET = 0x4004700c - RTC_PARAM_GET = 0x40187013 - RTC_PARAM_SET = 0x40187014 RTC_PIE_OFF = 0x7006 RTC_PIE_ON = 0x7005 RTC_PLL_GET = 0x801c7011 @@ -336,7 +334,6 @@ const ( SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x14 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x14 - SO_RESERVE_MEM = 0x49 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x2 SO_REUSEPORT = 0xf SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm64.go index abe0b925789f..9aec987db1ce 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm64.go @@ -247,8 +247,6 @@ const ( RTC_EPOCH_SET = 0x4008700e RTC_IRQP_READ = 0x8008700b RTC_IRQP_SET = 0x4008700c - RTC_PARAM_GET = 0x40187013 - RTC_PARAM_SET = 0x40187014 RTC_PIE_OFF = 0x7006 RTC_PIE_ON = 0x7005 RTC_PLL_GET = 0x80207011 @@ -326,7 +324,6 @@ const ( SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x14 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x14 - SO_RESERVE_MEM = 0x49 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x2 SO_REUSEPORT = 0xf SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips.go index 14d7a84399de..a8bba9491e82 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips.go @@ -250,8 +250,6 @@ const ( RTC_EPOCH_SET = 0x8004700e RTC_IRQP_READ = 0x4004700b RTC_IRQP_SET = 0x8004700c - RTC_PARAM_GET = 0x80187013 - RTC_PARAM_SET = 0x80187014 RTC_PIE_OFF = 0x20007006 RTC_PIE_ON = 0x20007005 RTC_PLL_GET = 0x401c7011 @@ -329,7 +327,6 @@ const ( SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x1006 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x1006 - SO_RESERVE_MEM = 0x49 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x4 SO_REUSEPORT = 0x200 SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64.go index 99e7c4ac0b45..ee9e7e2020ea 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64.go @@ -250,8 +250,6 @@ const ( RTC_EPOCH_SET = 0x8008700e RTC_IRQP_READ = 0x4008700b RTC_IRQP_SET = 0x8008700c - RTC_PARAM_GET = 0x80187013 - RTC_PARAM_SET = 0x80187014 RTC_PIE_OFF = 0x20007006 RTC_PIE_ON = 0x20007005 RTC_PLL_GET = 0x40207011 @@ -329,7 +327,6 @@ const ( SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x1006 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x1006 - SO_RESERVE_MEM = 0x49 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x4 SO_REUSEPORT = 0x200 SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64le.go index 496364c33cc6..ba4b288a3c06 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64le.go @@ -250,8 +250,6 @@ const ( RTC_EPOCH_SET = 0x8008700e RTC_IRQP_READ = 0x4008700b RTC_IRQP_SET = 0x8008700c - RTC_PARAM_GET = 0x80187013 - RTC_PARAM_SET = 0x80187014 RTC_PIE_OFF = 0x20007006 RTC_PIE_ON = 0x20007005 RTC_PLL_GET = 0x40207011 @@ -329,7 +327,6 @@ const ( SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x1006 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x1006 - SO_RESERVE_MEM = 0x49 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x4 SO_REUSEPORT = 0x200 SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mipsle.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mipsle.go index 3e40830857dd..bc93afc36751 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mipsle.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mipsle.go @@ -250,8 +250,6 @@ const ( RTC_EPOCH_SET = 0x8004700e RTC_IRQP_READ = 0x4004700b RTC_IRQP_SET = 0x8004700c - RTC_PARAM_GET = 0x80187013 - RTC_PARAM_SET = 0x80187014 RTC_PIE_OFF = 0x20007006 RTC_PIE_ON = 0x20007005 RTC_PLL_GET = 0x401c7011 @@ -329,7 +327,6 @@ const ( SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x1006 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x1006 - SO_RESERVE_MEM = 0x49 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x4 SO_REUSEPORT = 0x200 SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc.go index 1151a7dfab33..9295e6947852 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc.go @@ -305,8 +305,6 @@ const ( RTC_EPOCH_SET = 0x8004700e RTC_IRQP_READ = 0x4004700b RTC_IRQP_SET = 0x8004700c - RTC_PARAM_GET = 0x80187013 - RTC_PARAM_SET = 0x80187014 RTC_PIE_OFF = 0x20007006 RTC_PIE_ON = 0x20007005 RTC_PLL_GET = 0x401c7011 @@ -384,7 +382,6 @@ const ( SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x12 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x12 - SO_RESERVE_MEM = 0x49 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x2 SO_REUSEPORT = 0xf SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64.go index ed17f249e758..1fa081c9a673 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64.go @@ -309,8 +309,6 @@ const ( RTC_EPOCH_SET = 0x8008700e RTC_IRQP_READ = 0x4008700b RTC_IRQP_SET = 0x8008700c - RTC_PARAM_GET = 0x80187013 - RTC_PARAM_SET = 0x80187014 RTC_PIE_OFF = 0x20007006 RTC_PIE_ON = 0x20007005 RTC_PLL_GET = 0x40207011 @@ -388,7 +386,6 @@ const ( SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x12 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x12 - SO_RESERVE_MEM = 0x49 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x2 SO_REUSEPORT = 0xf SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64le.go index d84a37c1ac23..74b321149463 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64le.go @@ -309,8 +309,6 @@ const ( RTC_EPOCH_SET = 0x8008700e RTC_IRQP_READ = 0x4008700b RTC_IRQP_SET = 0x8008700c - RTC_PARAM_GET = 0x80187013 - RTC_PARAM_SET = 0x80187014 RTC_PIE_OFF = 0x20007006 RTC_PIE_ON = 0x20007005 RTC_PLL_GET = 0x40207011 @@ -388,7 +386,6 @@ const ( SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x12 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x12 - SO_RESERVE_MEM = 0x49 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x2 SO_REUSEPORT = 0xf SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_riscv64.go index 5cafba83f6b4..c91c8ac5b01d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_riscv64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_riscv64.go @@ -238,8 +238,6 @@ const ( RTC_EPOCH_SET = 0x4008700e RTC_IRQP_READ = 0x8008700b RTC_IRQP_SET = 0x4008700c - RTC_PARAM_GET = 0x40187013 - RTC_PARAM_SET = 0x40187014 RTC_PIE_OFF = 0x7006 RTC_PIE_ON = 0x7005 RTC_PLL_GET = 0x80207011 @@ -317,7 +315,6 @@ const ( SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x14 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x14 - SO_RESERVE_MEM = 0x49 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x2 SO_REUSEPORT = 0xf SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_s390x.go index 6d122da41c53..b66bf2228949 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_s390x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_s390x.go @@ -313,8 +313,6 @@ const ( RTC_EPOCH_SET = 0x4008700e RTC_IRQP_READ = 0x8008700b RTC_IRQP_SET = 0x4008700c - RTC_PARAM_GET = 0x40187013 - RTC_PARAM_SET = 0x40187014 RTC_PIE_OFF = 0x7006 RTC_PIE_ON = 0x7005 RTC_PLL_GET = 0x80207011 @@ -392,7 +390,6 @@ const ( SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x14 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x14 - SO_RESERVE_MEM = 0x49 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x2 SO_REUSEPORT = 0xf SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_sparc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_sparc64.go index 6bd19e51dbb9..f7fb149b0c98 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_sparc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_sparc64.go @@ -304,8 +304,6 @@ const ( RTC_EPOCH_SET = 0x8008700e RTC_IRQP_READ = 0x4008700b RTC_IRQP_SET = 0x8008700c - RTC_PARAM_GET = 0x80187013 - RTC_PARAM_SET = 0x80187014 RTC_PIE_OFF = 0x20007006 RTC_PIE_ON = 0x20007005 RTC_PLL_GET = 0x40207011 @@ -383,7 +381,6 @@ const ( SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x2000 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x44 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x2000 - SO_RESERVE_MEM = 0x52 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x4 SO_REUSEPORT = 0x200 SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x24 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_386.go index cac1f758bf7e..31847d2305fa 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_386.go @@ -445,5 +445,4 @@ const ( SYS_LANDLOCK_RESTRICT_SELF = 446 SYS_MEMFD_SECRET = 447 SYS_PROCESS_MRELEASE = 448 - SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 449 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_amd64.go index f327e4a0bccb..3503cbbde385 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_amd64.go @@ -367,5 +367,4 @@ const ( SYS_LANDLOCK_RESTRICT_SELF = 446 SYS_MEMFD_SECRET = 447 SYS_PROCESS_MRELEASE = 448 - SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 449 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm.go index fb06a08d4ee8..5ecd24bf683c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm.go @@ -409,5 +409,4 @@ const ( SYS_LANDLOCK_ADD_RULE = 445 SYS_LANDLOCK_RESTRICT_SELF = 446 SYS_PROCESS_MRELEASE = 448 - SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 449 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm64.go index 58285646eb79..7e5c94cc7fea 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm64.go @@ -312,5 +312,4 @@ const ( SYS_LANDLOCK_RESTRICT_SELF = 446 SYS_MEMFD_SECRET = 447 SYS_PROCESS_MRELEASE = 448 - SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 449 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips.go index 3b0418e68944..e1e2a2bf59ed 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips.go @@ -429,5 +429,4 @@ const ( SYS_LANDLOCK_ADD_RULE = 4445 SYS_LANDLOCK_RESTRICT_SELF = 4446 SYS_PROCESS_MRELEASE = 4448 - SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 4449 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64.go index 314ebf166ab9..7651915a3adc 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64.go @@ -359,5 +359,4 @@ const ( SYS_LANDLOCK_ADD_RULE = 5445 SYS_LANDLOCK_RESTRICT_SELF = 5446 SYS_PROCESS_MRELEASE = 5448 - SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 5449 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64le.go index b8fbb937a333..a26a2c050bca 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64le.go @@ -359,5 +359,4 @@ const ( SYS_LANDLOCK_ADD_RULE = 5445 SYS_LANDLOCK_RESTRICT_SELF = 5446 SYS_PROCESS_MRELEASE = 5448 - SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 5449 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mipsle.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mipsle.go index ee309b2bac96..fda9a6a99131 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mipsle.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mipsle.go @@ -429,5 +429,4 @@ const ( SYS_LANDLOCK_ADD_RULE = 4445 SYS_LANDLOCK_RESTRICT_SELF = 4446 SYS_PROCESS_MRELEASE = 4448 - SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 4449 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc.go index ac3748104ed0..e8496150d410 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc.go @@ -436,5 +436,4 @@ const ( SYS_LANDLOCK_ADD_RULE = 445 SYS_LANDLOCK_RESTRICT_SELF = 446 SYS_PROCESS_MRELEASE = 448 - SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 449 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64.go index 5aa472111041..5ee0678a360c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64.go @@ -408,5 +408,4 @@ const ( SYS_LANDLOCK_ADD_RULE = 445 SYS_LANDLOCK_RESTRICT_SELF = 446 SYS_PROCESS_MRELEASE = 448 - SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 449 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64le.go index 0793ac1a65be..29c0f9a39ead 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64le.go @@ -408,5 +408,4 @@ const ( SYS_LANDLOCK_ADD_RULE = 445 SYS_LANDLOCK_RESTRICT_SELF = 446 SYS_PROCESS_MRELEASE = 448 - SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 449 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_riscv64.go index a520962e3954..5c9a9a3b61c9 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_riscv64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_riscv64.go @@ -310,5 +310,4 @@ const ( SYS_LANDLOCK_ADD_RULE = 445 SYS_LANDLOCK_RESTRICT_SELF = 446 SYS_PROCESS_MRELEASE = 448 - SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 449 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_s390x.go index d1738586b4f6..913f50f98b90 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_s390x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_s390x.go @@ -373,5 +373,4 @@ const ( SYS_LANDLOCK_ADD_RULE = 445 SYS_LANDLOCK_RESTRICT_SELF = 446 SYS_PROCESS_MRELEASE = 448 - SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 449 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_sparc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_sparc64.go index dfd5660f9741..0de03a7227c3 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_sparc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_sparc64.go @@ -387,5 +387,4 @@ const ( SYS_LANDLOCK_ADD_RULE = 445 SYS_LANDLOCK_RESTRICT_SELF = 446 SYS_PROCESS_MRELEASE = 448 - SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 449 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux.go index 66788f156814..f6f0d79c42e2 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux.go @@ -1144,8 +1144,7 @@ const ( PERF_RECORD_BPF_EVENT = 0x12 PERF_RECORD_CGROUP = 0x13 PERF_RECORD_TEXT_POKE = 0x14 - PERF_RECORD_AUX_OUTPUT_HW_ID = 0x15 - PERF_RECORD_MAX = 0x16 + PERF_RECORD_MAX = 0x15 PERF_RECORD_KSYMBOL_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0x0 PERF_RECORD_KSYMBOL_TYPE_BPF = 0x1 PERF_RECORD_KSYMBOL_TYPE_OOL = 0x2 @@ -1785,8 +1784,7 @@ const ( const ( NF_NETDEV_INGRESS = 0x0 - NF_NETDEV_EGRESS = 0x1 - NF_NETDEV_NUMHOOKS = 0x2 + NF_NETDEV_NUMHOOKS = 0x1 ) const ( @@ -3168,13 +3166,7 @@ const ( DEVLINK_ATTR_RELOAD_ACTION_INFO = 0xa2 DEVLINK_ATTR_RELOAD_ACTION_STATS = 0xa3 DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_PCI_SF_NUMBER = 0xa4 - DEVLINK_ATTR_RATE_TYPE = 0xa5 - DEVLINK_ATTR_RATE_TX_SHARE = 0xa6 - DEVLINK_ATTR_RATE_TX_MAX = 0xa7 - DEVLINK_ATTR_RATE_NODE_NAME = 0xa8 - DEVLINK_ATTR_RATE_PARENT_NODE_NAME = 0xa9 - DEVLINK_ATTR_REGION_MAX_SNAPSHOTS = 0xaa - DEVLINK_ATTR_MAX = 0xaa + DEVLINK_ATTR_MAX = 0xa9 DEVLINK_DPIPE_FIELD_MAPPING_TYPE_NONE = 0x0 DEVLINK_DPIPE_FIELD_MAPPING_TYPE_IFINDEX = 0x1 DEVLINK_DPIPE_MATCH_TYPE_FIELD_EXACT = 0x0 @@ -3471,14 +3463,7 @@ const ( ETHTOOL_MSG_CABLE_TEST_ACT = 0x1a ETHTOOL_MSG_CABLE_TEST_TDR_ACT = 0x1b ETHTOOL_MSG_TUNNEL_INFO_GET = 0x1c - ETHTOOL_MSG_FEC_GET = 0x1d - ETHTOOL_MSG_FEC_SET = 0x1e - ETHTOOL_MSG_MODULE_EEPROM_GET = 0x1f - ETHTOOL_MSG_STATS_GET = 0x20 - ETHTOOL_MSG_PHC_VCLOCKS_GET = 0x21 - ETHTOOL_MSG_MODULE_GET = 0x22 - ETHTOOL_MSG_MODULE_SET = 0x23 - ETHTOOL_MSG_USER_MAX = 0x23 + ETHTOOL_MSG_USER_MAX = 0x21 ETHTOOL_MSG_KERNEL_NONE = 0x0 ETHTOOL_MSG_STRSET_GET_REPLY = 0x1 ETHTOOL_MSG_LINKINFO_GET_REPLY = 0x2 @@ -3509,14 +3494,7 @@ const ( ETHTOOL_MSG_CABLE_TEST_NTF = 0x1b ETHTOOL_MSG_CABLE_TEST_TDR_NTF = 0x1c ETHTOOL_MSG_TUNNEL_INFO_GET_REPLY = 0x1d - ETHTOOL_MSG_FEC_GET_REPLY = 0x1e - ETHTOOL_MSG_FEC_NTF = 0x1f - ETHTOOL_MSG_MODULE_EEPROM_GET_REPLY = 0x20 - ETHTOOL_MSG_STATS_GET_REPLY = 0x21 - ETHTOOL_MSG_PHC_VCLOCKS_GET_REPLY = 0x22 - ETHTOOL_MSG_MODULE_GET_REPLY = 0x23 - ETHTOOL_MSG_MODULE_NTF = 0x24 - ETHTOOL_MSG_KERNEL_MAX = 0x24 + ETHTOOL_MSG_KERNEL_MAX = 0x22 ETHTOOL_A_HEADER_UNSPEC = 0x0 ETHTOOL_A_HEADER_DEV_INDEX = 0x1 ETHTOOL_A_HEADER_DEV_NAME = 0x2 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall_windows.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall_windows.go index cf44e6933790..200b62a00320 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall_windows.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall_windows.go @@ -363,8 +363,6 @@ func NewCallbackCDecl(fn interface{}) uintptr { //sys SetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx(hProcess Handle, dwMinimumWorkingSetSize uintptr, dwMaximumWorkingSetSize uintptr, flags uint32) (err error) //sys GetCommTimeouts(handle Handle, timeouts *CommTimeouts) (err error) //sys SetCommTimeouts(handle Handle, timeouts *CommTimeouts) (err error) -//sys GetActiveProcessorCount(groupNumber uint16) (ret uint32) -//sys GetMaximumProcessorCount(groupNumber uint16) (ret uint32) // Volume Management Functions //sys DefineDosDevice(flags uint32, deviceName *uint16, targetPath *uint16) (err error) = DefineDosDeviceW diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/types_windows.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/types_windows.go index e19471c6a852..bb31abda4167 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/types_windows.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/types_windows.go @@ -3172,5 +3172,3 @@ type ModuleInfo struct { SizeOfImage uint32 EntryPoint uintptr } - -const ALL_PROCESSOR_GROUPS = 0xFFFF diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/zsyscall_windows.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/zsyscall_windows.go index 9ea1a44f04de..1055d47ed336 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/zsyscall_windows.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/zsyscall_windows.go @@ -226,7 +226,6 @@ var ( procFreeLibrary = modkernel32.NewProc("FreeLibrary") procGenerateConsoleCtrlEvent = modkernel32.NewProc("GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent") procGetACP = modkernel32.NewProc("GetACP") - procGetActiveProcessorCount = modkernel32.NewProc("GetActiveProcessorCount") procGetCommTimeouts = modkernel32.NewProc("GetCommTimeouts") procGetCommandLineW = modkernel32.NewProc("GetCommandLineW") procGetComputerNameExW = modkernel32.NewProc("GetComputerNameExW") @@ -252,7 +251,6 @@ var ( procGetLogicalDriveStringsW = modkernel32.NewProc("GetLogicalDriveStringsW") procGetLogicalDrives = modkernel32.NewProc("GetLogicalDrives") procGetLongPathNameW = modkernel32.NewProc("GetLongPathNameW") - procGetMaximumProcessorCount = modkernel32.NewProc("GetMaximumProcessorCount") procGetModuleFileNameW = modkernel32.NewProc("GetModuleFileNameW") procGetModuleHandleExW = modkernel32.NewProc("GetModuleHandleExW") procGetNamedPipeHandleStateW = modkernel32.NewProc("GetNamedPipeHandleStateW") @@ -1969,12 +1967,6 @@ func GetACP() (acp uint32) { return } -func GetActiveProcessorCount(groupNumber uint16) (ret uint32) { - r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(procGetActiveProcessorCount.Addr(), 1, uintptr(groupNumber), 0, 0) - ret = uint32(r0) - return -} - func GetCommTimeouts(handle Handle, timeouts *CommTimeouts) (err error) { r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procGetCommTimeouts.Addr(), 2, uintptr(handle), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeouts)), 0) if r1 == 0 { @@ -2177,12 +2169,6 @@ func GetLongPathName(path *uint16, buf *uint16, buflen uint32) (n uint32, err er return } -func GetMaximumProcessorCount(groupNumber uint16) (ret uint32) { - r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(procGetMaximumProcessorCount.Addr(), 1, uintptr(groupNumber), 0, 0) - ret = uint32(r0) - return -} - func GetModuleFileName(module Handle, filename *uint16, size uint32) (n uint32, err error) { r0, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procGetModuleFileNameW.Addr(), 3, uintptr(module), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(filename)), uintptr(size)) n = uint32(r0) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/term/codereview.cfg b/vendor/golang.org/x/term/codereview.cfg deleted file mode 100644 index 3f8b14b64e83..000000000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/term/codereview.cfg +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -issuerepo: golang/go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term.go index d5927088082b..2a4ccf801210 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term.go @@ -7,13 +7,11 @@ // // Putting a terminal into raw mode is the most common requirement: // -// oldState, err := term.MakeRaw(int(os.Stdin.Fd())) +// oldState, err := term.MakeRaw(0) // if err != nil { // panic(err) // } -// defer term.Restore(int(os.Stdin.Fd()), oldState) -// -// Note that on non-Unix systems os.Stdin.Fd() may not be 0. +// defer term.Restore(0, oldState) package term // State contains the state of a terminal. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_solaris.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_solaris.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b9da29744b7a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_solaris.go @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package term + +import ( + "io" + "syscall" + + "golang.org/x/sys/unix" +) + +// State contains the state of a terminal. +type state struct { + termios unix.Termios +} + +func isTerminal(fd int) bool { + _, err := unix.IoctlGetTermio(fd, unix.TCGETA) + return err == nil +} + +func readPassword(fd int) ([]byte, error) { + // see also: http://src.illumos.org/source/xref/illumos-gate/usr/src/lib/libast/common/uwin/getpass.c + val, err := unix.IoctlGetTermios(fd, unix.TCGETS) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + oldState := *val + + newState := oldState + newState.Lflag &^= syscall.ECHO + newState.Lflag |= syscall.ICANON | syscall.ISIG + newState.Iflag |= syscall.ICRNL + err = unix.IoctlSetTermios(fd, unix.TCSETS, &newState) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + defer unix.IoctlSetTermios(fd, unix.TCSETS, &oldState) + + var buf [16]byte + var ret []byte + for { + n, err := syscall.Read(fd, buf[:]) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if n == 0 { + if len(ret) == 0 { + return nil, io.EOF + } + break + } + if buf[n-1] == '\n' { + n-- + } + ret = append(ret, buf[:n]...) + if n < len(buf) { + break + } + } + + return ret, nil +} + +func makeRaw(fd int) (*State, error) { + // see http://cr.illumos.org/~webrev/andy_js/1060/ + termios, err := unix.IoctlGetTermios(fd, unix.TCGETS) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + oldState := State{state{termios: *termios}} + + termios.Iflag &^= unix.IGNBRK | unix.BRKINT | unix.PARMRK | unix.ISTRIP | unix.INLCR | unix.IGNCR | unix.ICRNL | unix.IXON + termios.Oflag &^= unix.OPOST + termios.Lflag &^= unix.ECHO | unix.ECHONL | unix.ICANON | unix.ISIG | unix.IEXTEN + termios.Cflag &^= unix.CSIZE | unix.PARENB + termios.Cflag |= unix.CS8 + termios.Cc[unix.VMIN] = 1 + termios.Cc[unix.VTIME] = 0 + + if err := unix.IoctlSetTermios(fd, unix.TCSETS, termios); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + return &oldState, nil +} + +func restore(fd int, oldState *State) error { + return unix.IoctlSetTermios(fd, unix.TCSETS, &oldState.termios) +} + +func getState(fd int) (*State, error) { + termios, err := unix.IoctlGetTermios(fd, unix.TCGETS) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + return &State{state{termios: *termios}}, nil +} + +func getSize(fd int) (width, height int, err error) { + ws, err := unix.IoctlGetWinsize(fd, unix.TIOCGWINSZ) + if err != nil { + return 0, 0, err + } + return int(ws.Col), int(ws.Row), nil +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_unix.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_unix.go index a4e31ab1b29c..6849b6ee5ba1 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_unix.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_unix.go @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -//go:build aix || darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd || solaris || zos -// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris zos +//go:build aix || darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd || zos +// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd zos package term diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_unix_other.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_unix_aix.go similarity index 63% rename from vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_unix_other.go rename to vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_unix_aix.go index 1e8955c934ff..2d5efd26ad44 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_unix_other.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_unix_aix.go @@ -1,10 +1,7 @@ -// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -//go:build aix || linux || solaris || zos -// +build aix linux solaris zos - package term import "golang.org/x/sys/unix" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_unix_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_unix_linux.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..2d5efd26ad44 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_unix_linux.go @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package term + +import "golang.org/x/sys/unix" + +const ioctlReadTermios = unix.TCGETS +const ioctlWriteTermios = unix.TCSETS diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_unix_zos.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_unix_zos.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b85ab899893e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_unix_zos.go @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package term + +import "golang.org/x/sys/unix" + +const ioctlReadTermios = unix.TCGETS +const ioctlWriteTermios = unix.TCSETS diff --git a/vendor/modules.txt b/vendor/modules.txt index be72b52c70d2..d8a340cceccd 100644 --- a/vendor/modules.txt +++ b/vendor/modules.txt @@ -29,37 +29,12 @@ cloud.google.com/go/storage # github.com/Azure/azure-pipeline-go v0.2.3 ## explicit; go 1.14 github.com/Azure/azure-pipeline-go/pipeline -# github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go v58.3.0+incompatible +# github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go v61.1.0+incompatible => github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go v36.2.0+incompatible ## explicit github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/compute/mgmt/2018-10-01/compute github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/network/mgmt/2018-10-01/network github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/version -# github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore v0.21.0 -## explicit; go 1.16 -github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore -github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/pipeline -github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/pollers -github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/pollers/loc -github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/pollers/op -github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/internal/shared -github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy -github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime -github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/streaming -github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/to -# github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity v0.13.0 -## explicit; go 1.16 -github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity -# github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal v0.9.0 -## explicit; go 1.16 -github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/diag -github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/errorinfo -github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/log -github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal/uuid -# github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob v0.0.0-00010101000000-000000000000 => github.com/MasslessParticle/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob v0.2.1-0.20220131200443-9793e6f0cc65 -## explicit; go 1.16 -github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob -github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/internal -# github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go v0.13.0 +# github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go v0.13.0 => github.com/MasslessParticle/azure-storage-blob-go v0.14.1-0.20220216145902-b5e698eff68e ## explicit; go 1.15 github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go/azblob # github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm v0.0.0-20210617225240-d185dfc1b5a1 @@ -97,27 +72,6 @@ github.com/Azure/go-autorest/logger # github.com/Azure/go-autorest/tracing v0.6.0 ## explicit; go 1.12 github.com/Azure/go-autorest/tracing -# github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go v0.4.0 -## explicit; go 1.14 -github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/cache -github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/confidential -github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/errors -github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/base -github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/base/internal/storage -github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/json -github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/json/types/time -github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/local -github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth -github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops -github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/accesstokens -github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/authority -github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/internal/comm -github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/internal/grant -github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/wstrust -github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/oauth/ops/wstrust/defs -github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/shared -github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/internal/version -github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go/apps/public # github.com/Masterminds/goutils v1.1.1 ## explicit github.com/Masterminds/goutils @@ -545,9 +499,6 @@ github.com/gogo/protobuf/types # github.com/gogo/status v1.1.0 ## explicit; go 1.12 github.com/gogo/status -# github.com/golang-jwt/jwt v3.2.2+incompatible -## explicit -github.com/golang-jwt/jwt # github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v4 v4.0.0 ## explicit; go 1.15 github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v4 @@ -649,7 +600,7 @@ github.com/grafana/dskit/ring/util github.com/grafana/dskit/runtimeconfig github.com/grafana/dskit/services github.com/grafana/dskit/spanlogger -# github.com/grafana/regexp v0.0.0-20220202152701-6a046c4caf32 +# github.com/grafana/regexp v0.0.0-20220202152315-e74e38789280 ## explicit; go 1.17 github.com/grafana/regexp github.com/grafana/regexp/syntax @@ -814,10 +765,6 @@ github.com/klauspost/cpuid # github.com/klauspost/pgzip v1.2.5 ## explicit github.com/klauspost/pgzip -# github.com/kylelemons/godebug v1.1.0 -## explicit; go 1.11 -github.com/kylelemons/godebug/diff -github.com/kylelemons/godebug/pretty # github.com/leodido/ragel-machinery v0.0.0-20181214104525-299bdde78165 ## explicit github.com/leodido/ragel-machinery @@ -927,9 +874,6 @@ github.com/pierrec/lz4/v4/internal/lz4block github.com/pierrec/lz4/v4/internal/lz4errors github.com/pierrec/lz4/v4/internal/lz4stream github.com/pierrec/lz4/v4/internal/xxh32 -# github.com/pkg/browser v0.0.0-20210911075715-681adbf594b8 -## explicit; go 1.14 -github.com/pkg/browser # github.com/pkg/errors v0.9.1 ## explicit github.com/pkg/errors @@ -1245,7 +1189,7 @@ go4.org/intern # go4.org/unsafe/assume-no-moving-gc v0.0.0-20201222180813-1025295fd063 ## explicit; go 1.11 go4.org/unsafe/assume-no-moving-gc -# golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20220131195533-30dcbda58838 +# golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20211202192323-5770296d904e ## explicit; go 1.17 golang.org/x/crypto/argon2 golang.org/x/crypto/bcrypt @@ -1260,7 +1204,7 @@ golang.org/x/crypto/sha3 # golang.org/x/mod v0.5.1 ## explicit; go 1.17 golang.org/x/mod/semver -# golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20220127200216-cd36cc0744dd +# golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20220105145211-5b0dc2dfae98 ## explicit; go 1.17 golang.org/x/net/bpf golang.org/x/net/context @@ -1294,7 +1238,7 @@ golang.org/x/oauth2/jwt ## explicit golang.org/x/sync/errgroup golang.org/x/sync/semaphore -# golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20220128215802-99c3d69c2c27 +# golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20211216021012-1d35b9e2eb4e ## explicit; go 1.17 golang.org/x/sys/cpu golang.org/x/sys/execabs @@ -1304,8 +1248,8 @@ golang.org/x/sys/unix golang.org/x/sys/windows golang.org/x/sys/windows/registry golang.org/x/sys/windows/svc/eventlog -# golang.org/x/term v0.0.0-20210927222741-03fcf44c2211 -## explicit; go 1.17 +# golang.org/x/term v0.0.0-20210220032956-6a3ed077a48d +## explicit; go 1.11 golang.org/x/term # golang.org/x/text v0.3.7 ## explicit; go 1.17 @@ -1776,7 +1720,8 @@ sigs.k8s.io/structured-merge-diff/v4/value sigs.k8s.io/yaml # github.com/sercand/kuberesolver => github.com/sercand/kuberesolver v2.4.0+incompatible # github.com/hpcloud/tail => github.com/grafana/tail v0.0.0-20201004203643-7aa4e4a91f03 -# github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob => github.com/MasslessParticle/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob v0.2.1-0.20220131200443-9793e6f0cc65 +# github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go => github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go v36.2.0+incompatible +# github.com/Azure/azure-storage-blob-go => github.com/MasslessParticle/azure-storage-blob-go v0.14.1-0.20220216145902-b5e698eff68e # k8s.io/client-go => k8s.io/client-go v0.21.0 # k8s.io/api => k8s.io/api v0.21.0 # k8s.io/apimachinery => k8s.io/apimachinery v0.21.0