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Releases: grafana/grafana

Grafana v1.2.0

10 Feb 17:19
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New features:
#70 Grid Thresholds (warning and error regions or lines in graph)
#72 Added an example of a scripted dashboard and a short wiki article documenting scripted dashboards.

#81 Grid min/max values are ignored bug
#80 "stacked as percent" graphs should always use "max" value of 100 bug
#73 Left Y format change did not work
#42 Fixes to grid min/max auto scaling
#69 Fixes to lexer/parser for metrics segments like "10-20".
#67 Allow decimal input for scale function
#68 Bug when trying to open dashboard while in edit mode

Grafana v1.1.0

06 Feb 13:00
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New features:

#22 Support for native graphite png renderer, does not support click and select zoom yet
#60 Support for legend values (cactiStyle, min, max, current, total, avg). The options for these are found in the new "Axes & Grid" tab for now.
#62 There is now a "New" button in the search/open dashboard view to quickly open a clean empty dashboard.
#55 Basic auth is now supported for elastic search as well

some new function definitions added (will focus more on this for next release).

#45 zero values from graphite was handled as null.
#63 Kibana / Grafana on same host would use same localStorage keys, now fixed
#46 Impossible to edit graph without a name fixed.
#24 fix for dashboard search when elastic search is configured to disable _all field.
#38 Improvement to lexer / parser to support pure numeric literals in metric segments

Thanks to everyone who contributed fixes and provided feedback 👍

Grafana v1.0.4

24 Jan 13:35
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Fixes #28 - Relative time range caused 500 graphite error in some cases (thx rsommer for the fix)

Grafana v1.0.3

23 Jan 13:04
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#9 Add Y-axis format for milliseconds
#16 Add support for Basic Auth (use
#13 Relative time ranges now uses relative time ranges when issuing graphite query

Grafana v1.0.2

21 Jan 20:13
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  • Fixes #12 , should now work ok without ElasticSearch

Grafana v1.0.1

21 Jan 07:43
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  • Resize fix
  • Improvements to drag & drop
  • Added a few graphite function definitions
  • Fixed duplicate panel bug
  • Updated default dashboard with welcome message and randomWalk graph

Grafana v1.0.0

19 Jan 16:31
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This is the first public release. Please open a github issue for any problem you encounter.