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How to step over multi-line statements e.g. struct literals #1482

Answered by hyangah
DazWilkin asked this question in Help
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That is related to how go is generating the debug info.

(dlv)  n
> main.main() ./main.go:13 (PC: 0x10cf721)
     8:         Name string
     9:         Age  int
    10: }
    12: func main() {
=>  13:         d := &Dog{
    14:                 Name: "Freddie",
    15:                 Age:  2,
    16:         }
    17:         log.Printf("%+v", d)
    18: }
(dlv) disassemble -l main.go:13
TEXT main.main(SB) /Users/hakim/projects/delve/main.go
        main.go:12      0x10cf700       65488b0c2530000000      mov rcx, qword ptr gs:[0x30]
        main.go:12      0x10cf709       483b6110                cmp rsp, qword ptr [rcx+0x10]
        main.go:12      0x10cf70d       0f86f8000000    …

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Answer selected by DazWilkin
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