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238 lines (181 loc) · 9.49 KB

Developer's guide

The following rules and conventions have been established for the package development and are enforced throughout the entire code base. Merge requests that do not comply to the following directives will be rejected.

To start developing :mod:`pygama`, clone the remote repository:

$ git clone

All extra tools needed to develop :mod:`pygama` are listed as optional dependencies and can be installed via pip by running:

$ cd pygama
$ pip install '.[all]'  # single quotes are not needed on bash

Code style

  • All functions and methods (arguments and return types) must be type-annotated. Type annotations for variables like class attributes are also highly appreciated. Do not forget to

    from __future__ import annotations

    at the top of a module implementation.

  • Messaging to the user is managed through the :mod:`logging` module. Do not add :func:`print` statements. To make a logging object available in a module, add this:

    import logging
    log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    at the top. In general, try to keep the number of :func:`logging.debug` calls low and use informative messages. :func:`` calls should be reserved for messages from high-level routines (like :func:`pygama.dsp.build_dsp`). Good code is never too verbose.

  • If an error condition leading to undefined behavior occurs, raise an exception. try to find the most suitable between the built-in exceptions, otherwise raise RuntimeError("message"). Do not raise Warnings, use :func:`logging.warning` for that and don't abort the execution.

  • Warning messages (emitted when a problem is encountered that does not lead to undefined behavior) must be emitted through :func:`logging.warning` calls.

A set of pre-commit hooks is configured to make sure that :mod:`pygama` coherently follows standard coding style conventions. The pre-commit tool is able to identify common style problems and automatically fix them, wherever possible. Configured hooks are listed in the .pre-commit-config.yaml file at the project root folder. They are run remotely on the GitHub repository through the pre-commit bot, but can also be run locally before submitting a pull request (recommended):

$ cd pygama
$ pip install '.[test]'
$ pre-commit run --all-files  # analyse the source code and fix it wherever possible
$ pre-commit install          # install a Git pre-commit hook (optional but recommended)

For a more comprehensive guide, check out the Scikit-HEP documentation about code style.


  • The :mod:`pygama` test suite is available below tests/. We use pytest to run tests and analyze their output. As a starting point to learn how to write good tests, reading of the Scikit-HEP Intro to testing is recommended. Refer to pytest's how-to guides for a complete overview.

  • :mod:`pygama` tests belong to three categories:

    unit tests:Should ensure the correct behaviour of each function independently, possibly without relying on other :mod:`pygama` methods. The existence of these micro-tests makes it possible to promptly identify and fix the source of a bug. An example of this are tests for each single DSP processor
    integration tests:Should ensure that independent parts of the code base work well together and are integrated in a cohesive framework. An example of this is testing whether :func:`moduleA.process_obj` is able to correctly handle :class:`moduleB.DataObj`
    functional tests:High-level tests of realistic applications. An example is testing whether the processing of a real or synthetic data sample yields consistent output parameters
  • Unit tests are automatically run for every push event and pull request to the remote Git repository on a remote server (currently handled by GitHub actions). Every pull request must pass all tests before being approved for merging. Running the test suite is simple:

    $ cd pygama
    $ pip install '.[test]'
    $ pytest
  • Additionally, pull request authors are required to provide tests with sufficient code coverage for every proposed change or addition. If necessary, high-level functional tests should be updated. We currently rely on to keep track of test coverage. A local report, which must be inspected before submitting pull requests, can be generated by running:

    $ pytest --cov=pygama


We adopt best practices in writing and maintaining :mod:`pygama`'s documentation. When contributing to the project, make sure to implement the following:

  • Documentation should be exclusively available on the Project website No READMEs, GitHub/LEGEND wiki pages should be written.
  • Pull request authors are required to provide sufficient documentation for every proposed change or addition.
  • Documentation for functions, classes, modules and packages should be provided as Docstrings along with the respective source code. Docstrings are automatically converted to HTML as part of the :mod:`pygama` package API documentation.
  • General guides, comprehensive tutorials or other high-level documentation (e.g. referring to how separate parts of the code interact between each other) must be provided as separate pages in docs/source/ and linked in the table of contents.
  • Jupyter notebooks should be added to the main Git repository below tutorials/.
  • Before submitting a pull request, contributors are required to build the documentation locally and resolve and warnings or errors.

Writing documentation

We adopt the following guidelines for writing documentation:

Building documentation

Scripts and tools to build documentation are located below docs/. To build documentation, sphinx and a couple of additional Python packages are required. You can get all the needed dependencies by running:

$ cd pygama
$ pip install '.[docs]'

To build documentation for the current Git ref, run the following commands:

$ cd docs
$ make clean
$ make

Documentation can be then displayed by opening build/html/index.html with a web browser. To build documentation for all main :mod:`pygama` versions (development branch and stable releases), run

$ git fetch --prune origin
$ cd docs
$ make clean
$ make allver

and display the documentation by opening build/allver/html/index.html. This documentation is also deployed to the :mod:`pygama` website.


Collaborators with push access to the GitHub repository that wish to release a new project version must implement the following procedures:

  • Semantic versioning is adopted. The version string uses the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.

  • To release a new minor or major version, the following procedure should be followed:

    1. A new branch with name releases/vMAJOR.MINOR (note the v) containing the code at the intended stage is created

    2. The commit is tagged with a descriptive message: git tag vMAJOR.MINOR.0 -m 'short descriptive message here' (note the v)

    3. Changes are pushed to the remote:

      $ git push origin releases/vMAJOR.MINOR
      $ git push origin refs/tags/vMAJOR.MINOR.0
  • To release a new patch version, the following procedure should be followed:

    1. A commit with the patch is created on the relevant release branch releases/vMAJOR.MINOR

    2. The commit is tagged: git tag vMAJOR.MINOR.PATCH (note the v)

    3. Changes are pushed to the remote:

      $ git push origin releases/vMAJOR.MINOR
      $ git push origin refs/tags/vMAJOR.MINOR.PATCH