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The Crown - Backend - Blockchain

Getting Started

You will need truffle (yarn global add truffle) to work with this project. You want to write the source of the contracts in contracts. I choose to used the very popular open-zeppelin project to inherit my contracts. It saves hours of development and adds stability to your contracts.


This file contains all the configurations to connect to different networks


Infura is a network provider. You don't have to run a full node on your machine to deploy to the network when you use infura. truffle.js use infura to connect to test and main networks, you will need to have an API key from them, I stored it with my Mnemonic in an .env file (of course not attached to git) that looks like that:

MNENOMIC=mldks jwcncds cdksnjkn dcjkcnskjcn cjknsdjkn


Once developed, you will need to update the migrations scripts, most likely 2_deploy_contracts.js.


  • truffle develop --network {networkName}

  • truffle compile to compile your contracts artifcats into builds/contracts. Those are the files you will need in thecrown_client.

  • truffle migrate to deploy them to the network. You can take note of the last address displayed in the console. This is the address where your contract is deployed.

  • CrownTokenCrowdsale.deployed().then(inst=>{ crowdsale = inst}) to get the Crowdsale contract instance

  • crowdsale.token().then(addr => { tokenAddress = addr } ) to get the crowd sale token address

  • crownTokenInstance = to get the crown token address

  • crownTokenInstance.transferOwnership(crowdsale.address) to change token ownership to crowdsale so it is able to mint tokens during crowdsale