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File metadata and controls

302 lines (230 loc) · 8.85 KB

🥳 What?

Last Friday (14-10-2022) I was trying to renew my github profile and I thought that it would be nice to share something outside "coding stuff", so that whoever visits it might get to know a little bit more about me.

Three months ago I decided to fight some anxiety episodes by running away from them (literally). After becoming a runner and having run for a while I thought that would be cool to share my strava stats.

🤌 Objective

Share a summary of the strava stats in my github profile

🤯 Iterations

  1. Iframe not rendered in github
  2. Iframe not working properly anyway
  3. Floki, req and the DOM first load

Iframe not rendered in github

If you go to your profile in strava, you will find a share button in the bottom right corner that says "Share Activities". If you press this button, a pop-up will appear with some html code (an iframe) that you can embed into your code. Theoretically markdown lets you use inline html, see this post.

The result:

iframe not rendering

As I suspected, even though markdown allows inline html, github does not render it. It makes sense for security reasons. At this point I thought maybe it does not work in my github profile but there is not reason why it should not work in github pages.

Iframe not working properly anyway

Before trying anything in github pages, I wanted to create a simple html with the iframe snippet embedded.


Surprisingly the iframe is not rendering the right stats. In fact, it looks like it is not rendering any stats at all.


Yet these are the real stats in my public profile:


At this point I opened a ticket in strava support and totally parked the iframe idea.

Floki, req and the DOM first load

As the public profile is loading the right stats, my mind tells me that the next natural approach is to parse the DOM in that public page and gather the stats.

Thanks to elixir scripting introduced in elixir 1.12 we can easily achieve this by using req and floki with Mix.install/2:

  {:req, "~> 0.2"},
  {:floki, "~> 0.33.1"}

|> Req.get!()
|> Map.fetch!(:body)
|> Floki.parse_document()

Unfortunately this does not work as the stats shown in the public profile are loaded after the DOM has been rendered by some 💩 jQuery or who knows 🤷. This outcome drove me to my latest iteration and final solution.

Note: you actually need to be authenticated to see those stats 😅

🤠 Final solution

  1. Strava API
    1. Refreshing the OAuth token
    2. Getting the activities
    3. EEX and rewriting the readme
  2. Automating the summary with GHA

Strava API

You need to create an strava application, see the docs.

To be able to perform requests the Strava API without user interaction, we need to get a OAuth refresh token. We can build a simple router with plug and strava to print the refresh token like this:

defmodule StravaSync.Router do
  use Plug.Router

  plug Plug.Logger
  plug :match
  plug :dispatch

  get "/activities" do
    url =
      "{Strava.client_id()}&response_type=code" <>
        "&redirect_uri=#{URI.encode_www_form(Strava.redirect_uri())}&approval_prompt=force" <>

    body = "<html><body>You are being <a href=\"#{url}\">redirected</a>.</body></html>"

    |> put_resp_header("location", url)
    |> send_resp(conn.status || 302, "text/html", body)

  get "/authenticate" do
    conn =
        query_params: %{
          "code" => code
      } = conn |> fetch_query_params()

      token: %OAuth2.AccessToken{
        refresh_token: refresh_token
    } = Strava.Auth.get_token!(code: code, grant_type: "authorization_code")

    IO.inspect(refresh_token, label: RefreshToken)
    send_resp(conn, 200, "application/json", Jason.encode!(%{refresh_token: refresh_token}))

  match _ do
    send_resp(conn, 404, "text/html", "oops")

  defp send_resp(conn, status, content_type, body) do
    |> put_resp_content_type(content_type)
    |> send_resp(conn.status || status, body)

Once you visit localhost:4000/activities and you follow the OAuth authorization flow, you need to save the refresh_token somewhere. If you the router code snippet there is a IO.puts that will print it for us.

Refreshing oauth token

After getting the refresh token you can ask for new access tokens if you hit the refresh token url with your client_id and client_secret as query params.

  {:req, "~> 0.2"},
  {:timex, "~> 3.7.9"}

strava_client_id = System.get_env("STRAVA_CLIENT_ID")
strava_refresh_token = System.get_env("STRAVA_REFRESH_TOKEN")
strava_client_secret = System.get_env("STRAVA_CLIENT_SECRET")

refresh_token_url =
  "" <>
    "grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=#{strava_refresh_token}&" <>

  body: %{
    "access_token" => access_token,
    "refresh_token" => refresh_token
} =!(refresh_token_url)

Getting the activities

By hitting the refresh token url beforehand and always, we ensure that anytime we hit the activities url, our access_token will be valid; making our stats gathering script idempotent. Now we can get the activities like so:

after_unix = Date.utc_today() |> Timex.shift(months: -1) |> Timex.to_unix()

{:ok, %{body: activities}} =
    headers: [{"Authorization", "Bearer #{access_token}"}]

I wanted the stats of the last month, that is why after_unix is in place.

EEX and rewriting the readme

All of this is looking quite sexy so far, but, how do I show this in the readme? If I want the stats to be shown in my profile, I need to use some kind of templating system that allows me to build the stats and produce a new updated readme.

This is when EEX comes to play:

new_readme =
  |> EEx.eval_string(
    number_of_runs: number_of_runs,
    total_elevation_gain: :erlang.float_to_binary(summary.total_elevation_gain, decimals: 2),
    total_time: Format.to_hh_mm_ss(summary.total_time),
      summary.total_distance |> Kernel./(1000) |> :erlang.float_to_binary(decimals: 2),
    from_date: after_unix |> DateTime.from_unix!() |> DateTime.to_date(),
    to_date: DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.to_date()

File.write!("", new_readme)

and the contains:

  * Runs: <%= number_of_runs %>
  * Elevation Gain: <%= total_elevation_gain %> m
  * Total time: <%= total_time %>
  * Total distance: <%= total_distance %> km

🤖 Automating the summary with GHA.

If you know me, you will already be aware that if something can be automated, I will do so.

In this case I wanted to:

  • RUN the sexy script on a weekly basis.
  • Commit the new readme.

I did this via github_actions:

- name: Strava sync
  run: elixir strava_sync.ex

- name: Get current date
  id: date
  run: echo "::set-output name=date::$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')"

- name: Commit changes
  uses: EndBug/add-and-commit@v9
    author_name: Josep Lluis Giralt D'Lacoste
    message: "Strava sync ${{ }}"
    add: "*.md"
  • find the full elixir script in here.
  • find the GHA action in here.
  • latest strava sync workflow badge Strava sync EX

love ❤️ and peace 🐦 to all