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Releases: getsentry/sentry-javascript


22 Mar 14:34
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8.0.0-alpha.5 Pre-release

This is the fifth alpha release of Sentry JavaScript SDK v8, which includes a variety of breaking changes.

Read the in-depth migration guide to find out how to address any breaking changes in your code.

Important Changes

  • feat(nextjs): Remove client.(server|client).config.ts functionality in favor of instrumentation.ts (#11059)
    • feat(nextjs): Bump minimum required Next.js version to 13.2.0 (#11097)

With version 8 of the SDK we will no longer support the use of sentry.server.config.ts and sentry.edge.config.ts
files. Instead, please initialize the Sentry Next.js SDK for the serverside in a
Next.js instrumentation hook.
sentry.client.config.ts|js is still supported and encouraged for initializing the clientside SDK. Please see the
Migration Guide for more details.

In addition, the Next.js SDK now requires a minimum Next.js version of 13.2.0.

  • feat(v8/angular): Merge angular and angular-ivy packages and start Angular support at v14 (#11091)

The @sentry/angular-ivy package has been removed. The @sentry/angular package now supports Ivy by default and
requires at least Angular 14. See the Migration Guide for more

Removal/Refactoring of deprecated functionality

  • feat(aws-serverless): Remove deprecated rethrowAfterCapture option (#11126)
  • feat(node): Remove deprecated/duplicate/unused definitions (#11120)
  • feat(v8): Remove deprecated integration methods on client (#11134)
  • feat(v8/browser): Remove class export for linked errors (#11129)
  • feat(v8/browser): Remove deprecated wrap export (#11127)
  • feat(v8/core): Remove deprecated client.setupIntegrations method (#11179)
  • feat(v8/core): Remove deprecated integration classes (#11132)
  • feat(v8/ember): Remove InitSentryForEmber export (#11202)
  • feat(v8/nextjs): Remove usage of class integrations (#11182)
  • feat(v8/replay): Delete deprecated types (#11177)
  • feat(v8/utils): Remove deprecated util functions (#11143)
  • ref(node): Remove class based export for local variable integration (#11128)

Other Changes

  • feat(browser): Make fetch the default transport for offline (#11209)
  • feat(core): Filter out noisy GoogleTag error by default (#11208)
  • feat(deps): Bump @sentry/cli from 2.30.0 to 2.30.2 (#11168)
  • feat(nextjs): Prefix webpack plugin log messages with runtime (#11173)
  • feat(node-profiling): Output ESM and remove Sentry deps from output (#11135)
  • feat(node): Allow Anr worker to be stopped and restarted (#11214)
  • feat(node): Support tunnel option for ANR (#11163)
  • feat(opentelemetry): Do not capture exceptions for timed events (#11221)
  • feat(serverless): Add Node.js 20 to compatible runtimes (#11103)
  • feat(sveltekit): Switch to Otel-based @sentry/node package (#11075)
  • fix(attachments): Add missing view_hierarchy attachment type (#11197)
  • fix(build): Ensure tree shaking works properly for ESM output (#11122)
  • fix(feedback): Only allow screenshots in secure contexts (#11188)
  • fix(feedback): Reduce force layout in screenshots (#11181)
  • fix(feedback): Smoother cropping experience and better UI (#11165)
  • fix(feedback): Fix screenshot black bars in Safari (#11233)
  • fix(metrics): use correct statsd data category (#11184)
  • fix(metrics): use web-vitals ttfb calculation (#11185)
  • fix(node): Export initOpenTelemetry (#11158)
  • fix(node): Clear ANR timer on stop (#11229)
  • fix(node): Time zone handling for cron (#11225)
  • fix(node): Use unique variable for ANR context transfer (#11161)
  • fix(opentelemetry): Do not stomp span error status (#11169)
  • fix(types): Fix incorrect sampled type on Transaction (#11115)

Bundle size 📦

Path Size
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay, Feedback) 80.9 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) 72.24 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay with Canvas) 76.04 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - with treeshaking flags 65.81 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) 36.83 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. browserTracingIntegration) 36.83 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. feedbackIntegration) 31.35 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. feedbackModalIntegration) 31.47 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. feedbackScreenshotIntegration) 31.48 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. sendFeedback) 27.43 KB
@sentry/browser 22.6 KB
CDN Bundle (incl. Tracing, Replay, Feedback) 75.21 KB
CDN Bundle (incl. Tracing, Replay) 70.05 KB
CDN Bundle (incl. Tracing) 36.41 KB
CDN Bundle 23.97 KB
CDN Bundle (incl. Tracing, Replay) - uncompressed 220.04 KB
CDN Bundle (incl. Tracing) - uncompressed 109.98 KB
CDN Bundle - uncompressed 71 KB
@sentry/react (incl. Tracing, Replay) 72.22 KB
@sentry/react 22.63 KB


22 Mar 08:50
Choose a tag to compare

This release fixes issues with Time to First Byte (TTFB) calculation in the SDK that was introduced with 7.95.0. It
also fixes some bugs with Interaction to First Paint (INP) instrumentation. This may impact your Sentry Performance
Score calculation.

  • feat(serverless): Add Node.js 20 to compatible runtimes (#11104)
  • feat(core): Backport ResizeObserver and googletag default filters (#11210)
  • feat(webvitals): Adds event entry names for INP handler. Also guard against empty metric value
  • fix(metrics): use correct statsd data category (#11187)
  • fix(node): Record local variables with falsy values (v7) (#11190)
  • fix(node): Use unique variable for ANR context transfer (v7) (#11162)
  • fix(node): Time zone handling for cron (#11225)
  • fix(tracing): use web-vitals ttfb calculation (#11231)
  • fix(types): Fix incorrect sampled type on Transaction (#11146)
  • fix(webvitals): Fix mapping not being maintained properly and sometimes not sending INP spans (#11183)

Work in this release contributed by @quisido and @joshkel. Thank you for your contributions!

Bundle size 📦

Path Size
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay, Feedback) - Webpack (gzipped) 80.45 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack (gzipped) 71.47 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay with Canvas) - Webpack (gzipped) 75.47 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack with treeshaking flags (gzipped) 65.1 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - Webpack (gzipped) 35.4 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. browserTracingIntegration) - Webpack (gzipped) 35.29 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Feedback) - Webpack (gzipped) 31.49 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. sendFeedback) - Webpack (gzipped) 31.5 KB
@sentry/browser - Webpack (gzipped) 22.74 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay, Feedback) - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 78.55 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 69.97 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 35.77 KB
@sentry/browser - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 25.17 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - ES6 CDN Bundle (minified & uncompressed) 220.29 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - ES6 CDN Bundle (minified & uncompressed) 108.1 KB
@sentry/browser - ES6 CDN Bundle (minified & uncompressed) 75.48 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - ES5 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 38.99 KB
@sentry/react (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack (gzipped) 71.96 KB
@sentry/react - Webpack (gzipped) 22.77 KB
@sentry/nextjs Client (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack (gzipped) 89.81 KB
@sentry/nextjs Client - Webpack (gzipped) 53.95 KB
@sentry-internal/feedback - Webpack (gzipped) 17.28 KB


14 Mar 09:33
Choose a tag to compare

This release fixes issues with INP instrumentation with the Next.js SDK and adds support for the enableInp option in
the deprecated BrowserTracing integration for backwards compatibility.

  • feat(performance): Port INP span instrumentation to old browser tracing (#11085)
  • fix(ember): Ensure browser tracing is correctly lazy loaded (#11027)
  • fix(node): Do not assert in vendored proxy code (v7 backport) (#11009)
  • fix(react): Set handled value in ErrorBoundary depending on fallback [v7] (#11037)

Bundle size 📦

Path Size
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay, Feedback) - Webpack (gzipped) 79.95 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack (gzipped) 71.06 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay with Canvas) - Webpack (gzipped) 75.04 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack with treeshaking flags (gzipped) 64.7 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - Webpack (gzipped) 35.02 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. browserTracingIntegration) - Webpack (gzipped) 34.9 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Feedback) - Webpack (gzipped) 31.44 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. sendFeedback) - Webpack (gzipped) 31.45 KB
@sentry/browser - Webpack (gzipped) 22.68 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay, Feedback) - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 78.18 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 69.57 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 35.34 KB
@sentry/browser - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 25.11 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - ES6 CDN Bundle (minified & uncompressed) 219.07 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - ES6 CDN Bundle (minified & uncompressed) 106.88 KB
@sentry/browser - ES6 CDN Bundle (minified & uncompressed) 75.38 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - ES5 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 38.62 KB
@sentry/react (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack (gzipped) 71.53 KB
@sentry/react - Webpack (gzipped) 22.71 KB
@sentry/nextjs Client (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack (gzipped) 89.35 KB
@sentry/nextjs Client - Webpack (gzipped) 53.51 KB
@sentry-internal/feedback - Webpack (gzipped) 17.28 KB


11 Mar 15:26
Choose a tag to compare
  • fix(nextjs/v7): Use passthrough createReduxEnhancer on server (#11010)

Bundle size 📦

Path Size
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay, Feedback) - Webpack (gzipped) 78.71 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack (gzipped) 69.87 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay with Canvas) - Webpack (gzipped) 73.83 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack with treeshaking flags (gzipped) 63.48 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - Webpack (gzipped) 33.84 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. browserTracingIntegration) - Webpack (gzipped) 34.88 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Feedback) - Webpack (gzipped) 31.44 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. sendFeedback) - Webpack (gzipped) 31.45 KB
@sentry/browser - Webpack (gzipped) 22.68 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay, Feedback) - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 76.98 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 68.4 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 34.2 KB
@sentry/browser - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 25.11 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - ES6 CDN Bundle (minified & uncompressed) 215.54 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - ES6 CDN Bundle (minified & uncompressed) 103.35 KB
@sentry/browser - ES6 CDN Bundle (minified & uncompressed) 75.38 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - ES5 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 37.38 KB
@sentry/react (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack (gzipped) 70.25 KB
@sentry/react - Webpack (gzipped) 22.71 KB
@sentry/nextjs Client (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack (gzipped) 89.13 KB
@sentry/nextjs Client - Webpack (gzipped) 53.3 KB
@sentry-internal/feedback - Webpack (gzipped) 17.28 KB


08 Mar 12:04
Choose a tag to compare
  • feat(nextjs): Support Hybrid Cloud DSNs with tunnelRoute option (#10958)
  • feat(remix): Add Vite dev-mode support to Express instrumentation (#10811)
  • fix(core): Undeprecate setTransactionName
  • fix(browser): Don't use chrome variable name (#10874)
  • fix(nextjs): Client code should not use Node global (#10925)
  • fix(node): support undici headers as strings or arrays (#10938)
  • fix(types): Add AttachmentType and use for envelope attachment_type property (#10946)
  • ref(ember): Avoid namespace import to hopefully resolve minification issue (#10885)
  • chore(sveltekit): Fix punctuation in a console.log (#10895)

Work in this release contributed by @jessezhang91 and @bfontaine. Thank you for your contributions!

Bundle size 📦

Path Size
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay, Feedback) - Webpack (gzipped) 78.71 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack (gzipped) 69.87 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay with Canvas) - Webpack (gzipped) 73.83 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack with treeshaking flags (gzipped) 63.48 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - Webpack (gzipped) 33.84 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. browserTracingIntegration) - Webpack (gzipped) 34.88 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Feedback) - Webpack (gzipped) 31.44 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. sendFeedback) - Webpack (gzipped) 31.45 KB
@sentry/browser - Webpack (gzipped) 22.68 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay, Feedback) - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 76.98 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 68.4 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 34.2 KB
@sentry/browser - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 25.11 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - ES6 CDN Bundle (minified & uncompressed) 215.54 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - ES6 CDN Bundle (minified & uncompressed) 103.35 KB
@sentry/browser - ES6 CDN Bundle (minified & uncompressed) 75.38 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - ES5 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 37.38 KB
@sentry/react (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack (gzipped) 70.25 KB
@sentry/react - Webpack (gzipped) 22.71 KB
@sentry/nextjs Client (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack (gzipped) 89.13 KB
@sentry/nextjs Client - Webpack (gzipped) 53.3 KB
@sentry-internal/feedback - Webpack (gzipped) 17.28 KB


05 Mar 13:04
Choose a tag to compare
8.0.0-alpha.2 Pre-release

This alpha release fixes a build problem that prevented 8.0.0-alpha.1 from being properly released.

Important Changes

  • feat: Remove @sentry/opentelemetry-node package (#10906)

The @sentry/opentelemetry-node package has been removed. Instead, you can either use @sentry/node with built-in
OpenTelemetry support, or use @sentry/opentelemetry to manually connect Sentry with OpenTelemetry.

Removal/Refactoring of deprecated functionality

  • ref: Refactor some deprecated startSpan options (#10825)
  • feat(v8/core): remove void from transport return (#10794)
  • ref(integrations): Delete deprecated class integrations (#10887)

Other Changes

  • feat(core): Use serialized spans in transaction event (#10912)
  • feat(deps): bump @sentry/cli from 2.28.6 to 2.29.1 (#10908)
  • feat(node): Allow to configure skipOpenTelemetrySetup (#10907)
  • feat(esm): Import rather than require inspector (#10910)
  • fix(browser): Don't use chrome variable name (#10874)
  • chore(sveltekit): Fix punctuation in a console.log (#10895)
  • fix(opentelemetry): Ensure DSC propagation works correctly (#10904)
  • feat(browser): Exclude span exports from non-performance CDN bundles (#10879)
  • ref: Refactor span status handling to be OTEL compatible (#10871)
  • feat(core): Fix span scope handling & transaction setting (#10886)
  • ref(ember): Avoid namespace import to hopefully resolve minification issue (#10885)

Work in this release contributed by @harish-talview & @bfontaine. Thank you for your contributions!

Bundle size 📦

Path Size
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay, Feedback) - Webpack (gzipped) 77.16 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack (gzipped) 68.39 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay with Canvas) - Webpack (gzipped) 72.32 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack with treeshaking flags (gzipped) 61.94 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - Webpack (gzipped) 32.65 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. browserTracingIntegration) - Webpack (gzipped) 32.65 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Feedback) - Webpack (gzipped) 31.01 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. sendFeedback) - Webpack (gzipped) 31.02 KB
@sentry/browser - Webpack (gzipped) 22.25 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay, Feedback) - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 75.31 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 66.96 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 32.85 KB
@sentry/browser - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 23.83 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - ES6 CDN Bundle (minified & uncompressed) 210.15 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - ES6 CDN Bundle (minified & uncompressed) 99.01 KB
@sentry/browser - ES6 CDN Bundle (minified & uncompressed) 71.03 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - ES5 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 35.94 KB
@sentry/react (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack (gzipped) 68.68 KB
@sentry/react - Webpack (gzipped) 22.28 KB
@sentry/nextjs Client (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack (gzipped) 85.1 KB
@sentry/nextjs Client - Webpack (gzipped) 49.51 KB
@sentry-internal/feedback - Webpack (gzipped) 17.1 KB


04 Mar 08:54
Choose a tag to compare

Important Changes

  • feat: Ensure withActiveSpan is exported everywhere (#10877)

You can use the withActiveSpan method to ensure a certain span is the active span in a given callback. This can be
used to create a span as a child of a specific span with the startSpan API methods:

const parentSpan = Sentry.startInactiveSpan({ name: 'parent' });
if (parentSpan) {
  withActiveSpan(parentSpan, () => {
    // This will be a direct child of parentSpan
    const childSpan = Sentry.startInactiveSpan({ name: 'child' });

Bundle size 📦

Path Size
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay, Feedback) - Webpack (gzipped) 78.71 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack (gzipped) 69.87 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay with Canvas) - Webpack (gzipped) 73.83 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack with treeshaking flags (gzipped) 63.48 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - Webpack (gzipped) 33.84 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. browserTracingIntegration) - Webpack (gzipped) 34.88 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Feedback) - Webpack (gzipped) 31.44 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. sendFeedback) - Webpack (gzipped) 31.45 KB
@sentry/browser - Webpack (gzipped) 22.68 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay, Feedback) - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 76.98 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 68.4 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 34.2 KB
@sentry/browser - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 25.11 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - ES6 CDN Bundle (minified & uncompressed) 215.54 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - ES6 CDN Bundle (minified & uncompressed) 103.35 KB
@sentry/browser - ES6 CDN Bundle (minified & uncompressed) 75.38 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - ES5 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 37.37 KB
@sentry/react (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack (gzipped) 70.25 KB
@sentry/react - Webpack (gzipped) 22.71 KB
@sentry/nextjs Client (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack (gzipped) 89.1 KB
@sentry/nextjs Client - Webpack (gzipped) 53.28 KB
@sentry-internal/feedback - Webpack (gzipped) 17.28 KB


29 Feb 23:34
Choose a tag to compare

Important Changes

  • feat(performance): create Interaction standalone spans on inp events (#10709)

This release adds support for the INP web vital. This is currently only supported for Saas Sentry, and product support
is released with the upcoming 24.3.0 release of self-hosted.

To opt-in to this feature, you can use the enableInp option in the browserTracingIntegration:

  integrations: [
      enableInp: true,

Other Changes

  • feat(feedback): Flush replays when feedback form opens (#10567)
  • feat(profiling-node): Expose nodeProfilingIntegration (#10864)
  • fix(profiling-node): Fix dependencies to point to current versions (#10861)
  • fix(replay): Add errorHandler for replayCanvas integration (#10796)
  • fix(utils): Only mark aggregate errors as exception groups (#10850)

Bundle size 📦

Path Size
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay, Feedback) - Webpack (gzipped) 78.71 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack (gzipped) 69.87 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay with Canvas) - Webpack (gzipped) 73.83 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack with treeshaking flags (gzipped) 63.48 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - Webpack (gzipped) 33.84 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. browserTracingIntegration) - Webpack (gzipped) 34.88 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Feedback) - Webpack (gzipped) 31.44 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. sendFeedback) - Webpack (gzipped) 31.45 KB
@sentry/browser - Webpack (gzipped) 22.68 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay, Feedback) - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 76.96 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 68.38 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 34.18 KB
@sentry/browser - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 25.09 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - ES6 CDN Bundle (minified & uncompressed) 215.47 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - ES6 CDN Bundle (minified & uncompressed) 103.28 KB
@sentry/browser - ES6 CDN Bundle (minified & uncompressed) 75.32 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - ES5 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 37.35 KB
@sentry/react (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack (gzipped) 70.25 KB
@sentry/react - Webpack (gzipped) 22.71 KB
@sentry/nextjs Client (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack (gzipped) 89.1 KB
@sentry/nextjs Client - Webpack (gzipped) 53.28 KB
@sentry-internal/feedback - Webpack (gzipped) 17.28 KB


27 Feb 11:00
Choose a tag to compare

Important Changes

  • feat(core): Allow to pass forceTransaction to startSpan() APIs (#10819)

You can now pass forceTransaction: true to startSpan(), startSpanManual() and startInactiveSpan(). This allows
you to start a span that you want to be a transaction, if possible. Under the hood, the SDK will connect this span to
the running active span (if there is one), but still send the new span as a transaction to the Sentry backend, if
possible, ensuring it shows up as a transaction throughout the system.

Please note that setting this to true does not guarantee that this will be sent as a transaction, but that the SDK
will try to do so. You can enable this flag if this span is important to you and you want to ensure that you can see it
in the Sentry UI.

Other Changes

  • fix: Make breadcrumbs option optional in WinterCGFetch integration (#10792)

Bundle size 📦

Path Size
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay, Feedback) - Webpack (gzipped) 78.54 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack (gzipped) 69.76 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay with Canvas) - Webpack (gzipped) 73.7 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack with treeshaking flags (gzipped) 63.38 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - Webpack (gzipped) 33.73 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. browserTracingIntegration) - Webpack (gzipped) 33.64 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Feedback) - Webpack (gzipped) 31.38 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. sendFeedback) - Webpack (gzipped) 31.39 KB
@sentry/browser - Webpack (gzipped) 22.66 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay, Feedback) - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 76.78 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 68.28 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 34.08 KB
@sentry/browser - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 25.06 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - ES6 CDN Bundle (minified & uncompressed) 215.17 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - ES6 CDN Bundle (minified & uncompressed) 102.96 KB
@sentry/browser - ES6 CDN Bundle (minified & uncompressed) 75.27 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - ES5 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 37.25 KB
@sentry/react (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack (gzipped) 70.14 KB
@sentry/react - Webpack (gzipped) 22.69 KB
@sentry/nextjs Client (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack (gzipped) 87.86 KB
@sentry/nextjs Client - Webpack (gzipped) 52.05 KB
@sentry-internal/feedback - Webpack (gzipped) 17.24 KB


22 Feb 15:02
Choose a tag to compare
  • fix(performance): Fixes latest route name and source for interactions not updating properly on navigation (#10702)
  • fix(tracing): Guard against missing window.location (#10659)
  • ref: Make span types more robust (#10660)
  • ref(remix): Make @remix-run/router a dependency (v7) (#10779)

Bundle size 📦

Path Size
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay, Feedback) - Webpack (gzipped) 78.43 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack (gzipped) 69.66 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay with Canvas) - Webpack (gzipped) 73.6 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack with treeshaking flags (gzipped) 63.28 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - Webpack (gzipped) 33.62 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. browserTracingIntegration) - Webpack (gzipped) 33.54 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Feedback) - Webpack (gzipped) 31.38 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. sendFeedback) - Webpack (gzipped) 31.39 KB
@sentry/browser - Webpack (gzipped) 22.66 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay, Feedback) - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 76.72 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 68.21 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 34.03 KB
@sentry/browser - ES6 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 25.05 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - ES6 CDN Bundle (minified & uncompressed) 214.99 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - ES6 CDN Bundle (minified & uncompressed) 102.78 KB
@sentry/browser - ES6 CDN Bundle (minified & uncompressed) 75.08 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) - ES5 CDN Bundle (gzipped) 37.19 KB
@sentry/react (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack (gzipped) 70.03 KB
@sentry/react - Webpack (gzipped) 22.69 KB
@sentry/nextjs Client (incl. Tracing, Replay) - Webpack (gzipped) 87.75 KB
@sentry/nextjs Client - Webpack (gzipped) 51.95 KB
@sentry-internal/feedback - Webpack (gzipped) 17.24 KB