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UNICEF :: Documentation 🤘🏻

FOSSA Status CI status Deployment status Dependabot deployed using ship.js

Build Setup 🚨

# install dependencies
$ npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev

# generate static project
$ npm run build

For detailed explanation on how things work, check out Nuxt.js docs.

Release Process 🏗

  • Once the PR is merged from your feat/add-web-worker-JIRA-123 -> main, run npm run release & ship.js will trigger a build with updated CHANGELOG & proper git tags
  • Follow the guide from the automated PR from Ship.js
  • Once you Squash & Merge the automated PR, wait for the Ship.js trigger workflow to run successfully.

Branching Strategy 🎋

  • Create your feature branch from main branch, eg. feat/add-web-worker-JIRA-123
  • Create a new PR from feat/add-web-worker-JIRA-123 to main
  • Once code review passes, merge the code on main
  • Checkout on main & then run a new ship.js release workflow by running npm run release (Ensure you have a valid GitHub PAT in .env [GITHUB_TOKEN=PAT])
  • Ship.js will automatically update the CHANGELOG & once you review and Sqaush Merge the PR

Deployment 🎉

Deployment for the docs is done via GitHub pages via GitHub Actions workflow – deploy-gh.yml

Time logging ⏳

Since we'll be using Jira to log time, we have to follow the Smart Commits to ensure the time is correctly logged against each ticket. For that, you have to follow some steps.

Once you've cloned the repository, there are few steps before you can start using the Smart Commits syntax

$ cd unc-sch-documentation
$ git config --local --add <your-geospoc-email-address>

Next, create a bug-fix/feature branch from origin/dev (or the default branch).

$ git fetch --all
$ git checkout -b feat/add-web-worker-JIRA-123 origin/dev
# Branch 'feat/add-web-worker-JIRA-123' set up to track remote branch 'dev' from 'origin'.
# Switched to a new branch 'feat/add-web-worker-JIRA-123'

Next, once you've done the changes, perform a Smart Commit

$ git add .
$ git commit -m 'feat: integrate web worker JIRA-123 #time 2h'
$ git push

Done. Now goto Jira board, and check for the Time Tracking section on the Jira ticket JIRA-123

Note: Each commit should have the Jira ticket & time associated with it.

Contributing ✍🏻

Note: Commits & PRs will be allowed only if the commit messages & PR titles follow a conventional commits standard, read more about it here

Please contribute using Github Flow. Create a new branch from the default branch, add commits, and open a pull request


FOSSA Status