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43 lines (34 loc) · 1.93 KB

File metadata and controls

43 lines (34 loc) · 1.93 KB

How to contribute

Filing an issue

If you want your issue to be resolved quickly, please include in your issue:

  • Gatsby version, node.js version, OS version
  • The contents of your gatsby-config.js and package.json as well as your gatsby-node.js, gatsby-browser.js gatsby-ssr.js files depending on changes you've made there.


You can install the latest master version of Gatsby by following these steps:

  • Clone the repo, navigate to its directory.
  • Install dependencies using yarn install in the root of the repo.

The usual contributing steps are:

  • Fork the official repository.
  • Clone your fork: git clone<your-username>/gatsby.git
  • Install yarn, lerna, and gatsby-dev-cli globaly: npm install -g yarn lerna gatsby-dev-cli
  • Checkout to the 1.0 branch: git checkout 1.0
  • Install dependencies: yarn && lerna bootstrap
  • Make sure tests are passing for you: lerna run test
  • Create a topic branch: git checkout -b topics/new-feature-name
  • Run yarn build or npm run build to do an initial build of all packages and ensure there are no errors.
  • Now navigate to the package you want to modify and run yarn run watch to watch that package's code and compile your changes on the fly as you work.
  • Use the gatsby-dev command to copy built files from package(s) you're working on to a Gatsby site. In each site you want to work on, run gatsby-dev and as arguments, pass a space-seperated list of packages e.g. gatsby-dev gatsby gatsby-typegen-remark. The first time you run the command, you'll also need to set the path to your cloned repository.
  • Add tests and code for your changes.
  • Once you‘re done, make sure all tests still pass: yarn test
  • Commit and push to your fork.
  • Create an pull request from your branch.

Test suite can be run via yarn test.

This project uses FlowType for static type checking.