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Developer Docs for Gardener Extension Registry Cache
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Developer Docs for Gardener Extension Registry Cache

This document outlines how Shoot reconciliation and deletion works for a Shoot with the registry-cache extension enabled.

Shoot Reconciliation

This section outlines how the reconciliation works for a Shoot with the registry-cache extension enabled.

Extension Enablement / Reconciliation

This section outlines how the extension enablement/reconciliation works, e.g., the extension has been added to the Shoot spec.

  1. As part of the Shoot reconciliation flow, the gardenlet deploys the Extension resource.
  2. The registry-cache extension reconciles the Extension resource. pkg/controller/cache/actuator.go contains the implementation of the extension.Actuator interface. The reconciliation of an Extension of type registry-cache consists of the following steps:
    1. The extension checks if a registry has been removed (by comparing the status and the spec of the Extension). If an upstream is being removed, then it deploys the registry-cleaner DaemonSet to the Shoot cluster to clean up the existing configuration for the upstream that has to be removed.
    2. The registry-cache extension deploys resources to the Shoot cluster via ManagedResource. For every configured upstream, it creates a StatefulSet (with PVC), Service, and other resources.
    3. It lists all Services from the kube-system namespace that have the upstream-host label. It will return an error (and retry in exponential backoff) until the Services count matches the configured registries count.
    4. When there is a Service created for each configured upstream registry, the registry-cache extension populates the Extension resource status. In the Extension status, for each upstream, it maintains an endpoint (in the format http://<cluster-ip>:5000) which can be used to access the registry cache from within the Shoot cluster. <cluster-ip> is the cluster IP of the registry cache Service. The cluster IP of a Service is assigned by the Kubernetes API server on Service creation.
  3. As part of the Shoot reconciliation flow, the gardenlet deploys the OperatingSystemConfig resource.
  4. The registry-cache extension serves a webhook that mutates the OperatingSystemConfig resource for Shoots having the registry-cache extension enabled (the corresponding namespace gets labeled by the gardenlet with pkg/webhook/cache/ensurer.go contains an implementation of the genericmutator.Ensurer interface.
    1. The webhook appends the script to the OperatingSystemConfig files. The script accepts registries in the format <upstream_host>,<registry_cache_endpoint>,<upstream_url> separated by a space. For each given registry, the script waits until the given registry is available (a request to the <registry_cache_endpoint> succeeds). Then it creates a hosts.toml file for the given <upstream_host>. In short, the hosts.toml file instructs containerd to first try to pull images for the given <upstream_host> from the configured <registry_cache_endpoint>. For more information about containerd registry configuration, see the containerd documentation. The motivation to introduce the script is that we need to create the hosts.toml file when the corresponding registry is available. For more details, see gardener/gardener-extension-registry-cache#68.
    2. The webhook appends the configure-containerd-registries.service unit to the OperatingSystemConfig units. The webhook fetches the Extension resource, and then it configures the unit to invoke the script with the registries from the Extension status.

Extension Disablement

This section outlines how the extension disablement works, i.e., the extension has to be removed from the Shoot spec.

  1. As part of the Shoot reconciliation flow, the gardenlet destroys the Extension resource because it is no longer needed.
    1. If the Extension resource contains registries in its status, the registry-cache extension deploys the registry-cleaner DaemonSet to the Shoot cluster to clean up the existing registry configuration.
    2. The extension deletes the ManagedResource containing the registry cache resources.

Shoot Deletion

This section outlines how the deletion works for a Shoot with the registry-cache extension enabled.

  1. As part of the Shoot deletion flow, the gardenlet destroys the Extension resource.
    1. In the Shoot deletion flow, the Extension resource is deleted after the Worker resource. Hence, there is no need to deploy the registry-cleaner DaemonSet to the Shoot cluster to clean up the existing registry configuration.
    2. The extension deletes the ManagedResource containing the registry cache resources.