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Structure of the Frontity repository

JuanMa edited this page Jun 14, 2021 · 5 revisions

The official repository of Frontity is a monorepo (managed with lerna). This means it contains several NPM packages that can be published individually but managed as a group.

├── packages
│   ├── amp
│   ├── analytics
│   ├── babel-plugin-frontity
│   ├── components
│   ├── comscore-analytics
│   ├── connect
│   ├── core
│   ├── create-frontity
│   ├── error
│   ├── file-settings
│   ├── frontity
│   ├── google-ad-manager
│   ├── google-analytics
│   ├── google-tag-manager-analytics
│   ├── head-tags
│   ├── hooks
│   ├── html2react
│   ├── mars-theme
│   ├── router
│   ├── smart-adserver
│   ├── source
│   ├── tiny-router
│   ├── twentytwenty-theme
│   ├── type-declarations
│   ├── types
│   ├── wp-comments
│   ├── wp-source
│   └── yoast
├── projects
│   ├── mars-theme
│   ├── mars-theme-ts
│   └── twentytwenty-theme
├── coverage
│   ├── ...
├── e2e
│   ├── e2e.js
│   ├── selenium
│   ├── ...
├── lerna.json
├── ...
├── package.json
└── tsconfig.json

The most relevant folder of this repository is the packages folder that contains all Frontity packages.

The projects folder contains a set of projects created for development purposes usually used to test the packages.

The e2e folder contains the End-To-End Tests (UI Tests) that start both a Frontity server and a WordPress server, along with a browser to test the behaviour of packages in real Frontity projects.

The packages folder

Frontity projects are built around the idea of packages that encapsulates logic that can be reused across projects. Frontity packages may be considered as the equivalent of WordPress plugins. They're the ingredients of the final Frontity project.

A Frontity project is basically the sum of the Core package plus a Theme package plus a selection of Features packages. We can also use Collections packages to help us speed up the development of our Frontity project

The packages folder of the frontity repository contains the code of these packages and their dependencies.

Path Package Category Description
/packages/amp @frontity/amp AMP Package
The Frontity package for AMP
/packages/analytics @frontity/analytics Analytics Types Base types and actions to build analytics packages for Frontity
/packages/babel-plugin-frontity babel-plugin-frontity Frontity Core Babel Plugin for Frontity
/packages/components @frontity/components Collection
Collection of React components for Frontity
/packages/comscore-analytics @frontity/comscore-analytics Analytics Package
Comscore Analytics package for Frontity
/packages/connect @frontity/connect Frontity Core The state manager of Frontity. Similar to MobX but much more lightweight because it's based on ES6 proxies.
/packages/core @frontity/core Frontity Core The core package of the Frontity framework.
/packages/create-frontity create-frontity Frontity Core Frontity package to use npm init instead of npx.
/packages/error @frontity/error Frontity Core Frontity errors and warnings".
/packages/file-settings @frontity/file-settings Frontity Core A settings package for Frontity that uses a frontity.settings.js file.
/packages/frontity frontity Frontity Core
Frontity cli and entry point to other packages.
/packages/google-ad-manager @frontity/google-ad-manager Ads Package
Integrate your Frontity site with Google Ad Manager.
/packages/google-analytics @frontity/google-analytics Analytics Package
Analytics package to use Google Analytics with Frontity.
/packages/google-tag-manager-analytics @frontity/google-tag-manager-analytics Analytics Package
Analytics package to use Google Tag Manager with Frontity.
/packages/head-tags @frontity/head-tags SEO Package
Integrate your Frontity site with REST API - Head Tags by Frontity.
/packages/hooks @frontity/hooks Collection
Collection of React hooks for Frontity.
/packages/html2react @frontity/html2react Render Package
HTML to React converter for Frontity.
/packages/mars-theme @frontity/mars-theme Theme Package
A starter theme for Frontity.
/packages/router @frontity/router Router Types Types for the Frontity router namespace.
/packages/smart-adserver @frontity/smart-adserver Ads Package
Integrate your Frontity site with Smart Adserver.
/packages/source @frontity/source Source Types Types for the Frontity source namespace.
/packages/tiny-router @frontity/tiny-router Router Package
Tiny router for Frontity projects.
/packages/twentytwenty-theme @frontity/twentytwenty-theme Theme Package
The WordPress Twenty Twenty starter theme for Frontity.
/packages/type-declarations @frontity/type-declarations Frontity Core Types declarations for the different Frontity APIs.
/packages/types @frontity/types Frontity Core Types for the different Frontity APIs.
/packages/wp-comments @frontity/wp-comments Comments Package
Add integration for WordPress native comments.
/packages/wp-source @frontity/wp-source Source Package
A Frontity source package for the REST API of self-hosted and sites.
/packages/yoast @frontity/yoast SEO Package
Integrate your Frontity site with Yoast SEO plugin.

Some of these packages are only meant to be used internally by other packages. Those packages with features that are most practical for Frontity projects are marked w/ the labels:

In this video you can learn more about the purpose of these Frontity Packages in the frontity repository

The projects folder

The official repository of Frontity is a monorepo managed by lerna.

The bootstrapping process of this monorepo allows you to install the dependencies the packages and projects in the repo and symlink these packages that are dependencies of each other.

That's why the projects under the projects folder are a good way to test the packages of the repo (local changes in any of the packages used by these projects will be reflected in them).

Path Description
/projects/mars-theme-ts A simple Frontity project using mars-theme and a TypeScript frontity settings for testing purposes
/projects/mars-theme A simple Frontity project using mars-theme for testing purposes
/projects/twentytwenty-theme A simple Frontity project using twentytwenty-theme for testing purposes