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The storagemarket module is intended for Filecoin node implementations written in Go. It implements functionality to allow execution of storage market deals, and for Providers to set their storage price on the Filecoin network. The node implementation must provide access to chain operations, and persistent data storage.

Table of Contents

Background reading

Please see the Filecoin Storage Market Specification.


The build process for storagemarket requires Go >= v1.13.

To install:

go get


The storagemarket package provides high level APIs to execute data storage deals between a storage client and a storage provider (a.k.a. storage miner) on the Filecoin network. The Filecoin node must implement the StorageCommon, StorageProviderNode, and StorageClientNode interfaces in order to construct and use the module.

Deals are expected to survive a node restart; deals and related information are expected to be stored on disk.

storagemarket communicates its deal operations and requested data via go-data-transfer using go-graphsync.


General Steps

  1. Decide if your node can be configured as a Storage Provider, a Storage Client or both.
  2. Determine how and where your retrieval calls to StorageProvider and StorageClient functions will be made.
  3. Implement the required interfaces as described in this section.
  4. Construct a StorageClient and/or StorageProvider in your node's startup. Call the StorageProvider's Start function it in the appropriate place, and its Stop function in the appropriate place.
  5. Expose desired storagemarket functionality to whatever internal modules desired, such as command line interface, JSON RPC, or HTTP API.

Implement the StorageCommon, StorageProviderNode, and StorageClientNode interfaces in storagemarket/types.go, described below:


StorageCommon is an interface common to both StorageProviderNode and StorageClientNode. Its functions are:


func AddFunds(ctx context.Context, addr address.Address, amount abi.TokenAmount) (cid.Cid, error)

Send amount to addr by posting a message on chain. Return the message CID.


func ReserveFunds(ctx context.Context, addr, wallet address.Address, amount abi.TokenAmount) (cid.Cid, error)

Add amount to the total reserved funds for addr. If total available balance for addr in StorageMarketActor is not greater than total reserved, wallet should send any needed balance to addr by posting a message on chain. Returns the message CID.


func ReleaseFunds(ctx context.Context, addr address.Address, amount abi.TokenAmount) (cid.Cid, error)

Release amount funds from reserved total for addr. No withdrawal is performed for addr in the storage market actor but the funds released become available for future withdrawal (if new total reserved < total available in SMA)


func GetBalance(ctx context.Context, addr address.Address, tok shared.TipSetToken) (Balance, error)

Retrieve the Balance of FIL in addr. A Balance consists of Locked and Available abi.TokenAmounts


func VerifySignature(ctx context.Context, signature crypto.Signature, signer address.Address, 
                plaintext []byte, tok shared.TipSetToken) (bool, error)

Verify that signature is valid, cryptographically and otherwise, for the given signer, plaintext, and tok.


func WaitForMessage(ctx context.Context, mcid cid.Cid, 
               onCompletion func(exitcode.ExitCode, []byte, error) error) error

Wait for message CID mcid to appear on chain, and call onCompletion when it does so.


func SignBytes(ctx context.Context, signer address.Address, b []byte) (*crypto.Signature, error)

Cryptographically sign bytes b using the private key referenced by address signer.


func GetMinerWorkerAddress(ctx context.Context, addr address.Address, tok shared.TipSetToken,
                     ) (address.Address, error)

Get the miner worker address for the given miner owner, as of tok.


StorageProviderNode is the interface for dependencies for a StorageProvider. It contains:


func GetChainHead(ctx context.Context) (shared.TipSetToken, abi.ChainEpoch, error)

Get the current chain head. Return its TipSetToken and its abi.ChainEpoch.


func PublishDeals(ctx context.Context, deal MinerDeal) (cid.Cid, error)

Post the deal to chain, returning the posted message CID.


func OnDealComplete(ctx context.Context, deal MinerDeal, pieceSize abi.UnpaddedPieceSize, 
               pieceReader io.Reader) error

The function to be called when MinerDeal deal has reached the storagemarket.StorageDealCompleted state. A MinerDeal contains more information than a StorageDeal, including paths, addresses, and CIDs pertinent to the deal. See storagemarket/types.go


func OnDealSectorCommitted(ctx context.Context, provider address.Address, dealID abi.DealID, 
                      cb DealSectorCommittedCallback) error

Register the function to be called once provider has committed sector(s) for dealID.


func LocatePieceForDealWithinSector(ctx context.Context, dealID abi.DealID, tok shared.TipSetToken,
                              ) (sectorID uint64, offset uint64, length uint64, err error)

Find the piece associated with dealID as of tok and return the sector id, plus the offset and length of the data within the sector.


func OnDealExpiredOrSlashed(
    ctx context.Context,
    dealID abi.DealID,
    onDealExpired DealExpiredCallback,
    onDealSlashed DealSlashedCallback) error

Register callbacks to be called when a deal expires or is slashed.


StorageClientNode implements dependencies for a StorageClient. It contains:


StorageClientNode implements StorageCommon, described above.


func GetChainHead(ctx context.Context) (shared.TipSetToken, abi.ChainEpoch, error)

Get the current chain head. Return its TipSetToken and its abi.ChainEpoch.


func ListStorageProviders(ctx context.Context, tok shared.TipSetToken
                         ) ([]*StorageProviderInfo, error)

Return a slice of StorageProviderInfo, for all known storage providers.


func ValidatePublishedDeal(ctx context.Context, deal ClientDeal) (abi.DealID, error)

Query the chain for deal and inspect the message parameters to make sure they match the expected deal. Return the deal ID.


func SignProposal(ctx context.Context, signer address.Address, proposal market.DealProposal
                 ) (*market.ClientDealProposal, error)

Cryptographically sign proposal using the private key of signer and return a ClientDealProposal (includes signature data).


func GetDefaultWalletAddress(ctx context.Context) (address.Address, error)

Get the Client's default wallet address, which will be used to add Storage Market funds (collateral and payment).


func OnDealSectorCommitted(ctx context.Context, provider address.Address, dealID abi.DealID, 
                          cb DealSectorCommittedCallback) error

Register a callback to be called once the Deal's sector(s) are committed.


func OnDealExpiredOrSlashed(
    ctx context.Context,
    dealID abi.DealID,
    onDealExpired DealExpiredCallback,
    onDealSlashed DealSlashedCallback) error

Register callbacks to be called when a deal expires or is slashed.


func GetMinerInfo(ctx context.Context, maddr address.Address, tok shared.TipSetToken,
                         ) (*StorageProviderInfo, error)

Returns StorageProviderInfo for a specific provider at the given address



To construct a new StorageClient:

func NewClient(
	net network.StorageMarketNetwork,
	bs blockstore.Blockstore,
	dataTransfer datatransfer.Manager,
	discovery *discovery.Local,
	ds datastore.Batching,
	scn storagemarket.StorageClientNode,
) (*Client, error)


  • net network.StorageMarketNetwork is a network abstraction for the storage market. To create it, use:

    package network
    func NewFromLibp2pHost(h host.Host) StorageMarketNetwork
  • bs blockstore.Blockstore is an IPFS blockstore for storing and retrieving data for deals. See

  • dataTransfer datatransfer.Manager is an interface from There is more than one implementation, but one way to create a new datatransfer.Manager is:

    package graphsyncimpl
    func NewGraphSyncDataTransfer(host host.Host, gs graphsync.GraphExchange, storedCounter *storedcounter.StoredCounter) datatransfer.Manager


     package datatransfer
     // NewDAGServiceDataTransfer returns a data transfer manager based on
     // an IPLD DAGService
     func NewDAGServiceDataTransfer(dag ipldformat.DAGService) datatransfer.Manager

    Please see the go-data-transfer repo for more information.

  • discovery *discovery.Local implements the PeerResolver interface. To initialize a new discovery.Local:

    func NewLocal(ds datastore.Batching) *Local
  • ds datastore.Batching is a datastore for the deal's state machine. It is typically the node's own datastore that implements the IPFS datastore.Batching interface. See

  • scn storagemarket.StorageClientNode is the implementation of the StorageClientNode API that was written for your node.


To construct a new StorageProvider:

func NewProvider(net network.StorageMarketNetwork, 
                ds datastore.Batching, 
                bs blockstore.Blockstore, 
                fs filestore.FileStore, 
                pieceStore piecestore.PieceStore, 
                dataTransfer datatransfer.Manager, 
                spn storagemarket.StorageProviderNode, 
                minerAddress address.Address, 
                rt abi.RegisteredProof, 
                storedAsk StoredAsk, 
                options ...StorageProviderOption,
) (storagemarket.StorageProvider, error) {


  • net network.StorageMarketNetwork is the same interface as for StorageClientNode
  • ds datastore.Batching is the same interface as for StorageClientNode
  • bs blockstore.Blockstore is the same interface as for StorageClientNode
  • fs filestore.FileStore is an instance of the filestore.FileStore struct from the go-fil-markets repo.
  • pieceStore piecestore.PieceStore is the database of deals and pieces associated with them. See this repo's piecestore module.
  • dataTransfer is the same interface as for StorageClientNode
  • spn storagemarket.StorageProviderNode is the implementation of the StorageProviderNode API that was written for your node.
  • minerAddress address.Address is the miner owner address.
  • rt abi.RegisteredProof is an int64 indicating the type of proof to use when generating a piece commitment (CommP). see for the list and meaning of accepted values.
  • storedAsk StoredAsk is an interface for getting and adding storage Asks. It is implemented in storagemarket. To create a StoredAsk:
    package storedask
    func NewStoredAsk(ds datastore.Batching, dsKey datastore.Key, spn storagemarket.StorageProviderNode, 
                      actor address.Address) (*StoredAsk, error)
  • options ...StorageProviderOption options is a variable length parameter to provide functions that change the StorageProvider default configuration. See provider.go for the available options.

Technical Documentation

  • GoDoc contains an architectural overview and robust API documentation

  • Storage Client FSM diagram:

Diagram of StorageClientFSM

  • Storage Provider FSM diagram:

Diagram of StorageClientFSM