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All notable changes will be documented in this file.

This document is written according to the Keep a Changelog style.



This patch restores the cursor module and its types, as aliases to the order module and their equivalents, with a deprecation warning. Removing these names entirely, without a deprecation redirect, is technically permissible but morally in error.


In addition, the Bits trait has been renamed to AsBits, to better reflect its behavior and reduce the chances of name collision, as it is a prelude export.


The AsBits::as_{mut_,}bitslice deprecation aliases have been removed.



  • BitField trait now has {load,store}_{le,be} methods for explicitly choosing element order when performing storage. The load/store methods default to the target’s byte endiannes as a convenience. These may be deprecated in the future, if the explicit choice is strongly preferred.

    See the module and trait documentation for more detail.

  • GitHub user @mystor provided a bits! macro in Pull Request #34 which enables compile-time construction of &'static BitSlice<O, T> regions. This macro is currently limited to working with the literal BitOrder implementator names Local, Lsb0, and Msb0. This is a restriction in the Rust language (identifiers are not yet associated with types during macro expansion), and bitvec does not promise to expand support to other names or types in the future.

  • usize implements BitStore, and is now the default type argument.


  • Rename the cursor module to order, the Cursor trait to BitOrder, and the BigEndian and LittleEndian types to Msb0 and Lsb0, respectively
  • Fold BitsMut into Bits


  • The Rust types T, [T; 0 <= N <= 32], and [T] for T: BitStore no longer implement AsRef<BitSlice<_, T>> or AsMut<BitSlice<_, T>>. This decision was made due to consideration of Issue #35, by GitHub user @Fotosmile.

  • The store::Word type alias is removed, as it was a patch for usize’s absence as a BitStore type. All uses of the Word alias can be replaced with usize without issue.



Updated radium dependency to 0.3, which enables it to compile on the thumbv7m-none-eabi target. This addresses Issue #36, which noted that bitvec failed to compile for that target due to reduced support for atomic types in core. Thanks to GitHub user @lynaghk for the report.


This is a hotfix for Issue #33, filed by GitHub user @jonas-schievink. BitVec::reserve computed an incorrect element count to pass to Vec::reserve, causing BitVec::resize to panic when its BitVec::reserve call failed to sufficiently allocate memory before BitVec::set_len expanded into the memory it expected to be present.



  • Cursor now provides a mask function, which produces a one-hot mask usable for direct memory access. Implementors of Cursor may use the default, or provide their own.

  • Bits and BitsMut renamed their methods to bits and bits_mut, respectively; as_bitslice and as_mut_bitslice are marked deprecated and will be removed in 0.17.

  • The BitField trait allows BitSlice<BigEndian, _> and BitSlice<LittleEndian, _> to provide behavior analagous to bitfields in C and C++ struct definitions. This trait provides load and store methods on BitSlices with those two Cursors which allow for parallel access to the underlying memory. This trait is currently not able to be implemented by downstream crates; this restriction may ease in the future.

    The load and store methods are generic over BitStore value types, allowing users to load and store values of any of the four fundamental widths out of and into a BitSlice of any storage type. Users are able to, for example, use this trait to load and store u32 values into BitSlice<_, u8> byte sequences.

    The behavior implemented in this crate follows local memory conventions as best it can. When storing a value into memory, the least significant part of the value will be in the least significant storage element of the slice, and the bits in each storage element’s region for value storage will be in standard memory order. This behavior should provide maximum compatibility for interoperability with the bitfield implementations in C and C++, and the bitstring implementation in Erlang.

  • The cursor::Local type alias is a default bit ordering. Big-endian targets set it to cursor::BigEndian; all other targets set it to cursor::LittleEndian.

  • The store::Word type alias is a default unit size. Targets with 32-bit CPU words set it to u32; 64-bit CPU word targets set it to u64; all other targets set it to u8.

  • BitSlice is able to provide mutable borrowing access through iteration and inherent methods by using the BitGuard custom referential type. This type is not able to be used as an &mut bool, so the API is still not an exact mirror of the standard library.


  • The default order and storage type parameters for all type constructors in the library have been changed. This means that BitSlice, BitBox, BitVec, and the bitbox! and bitvec! macros, are all changing the produced type if you have not specified their ordering and storage. The new default storage type is the target CPU word (u32 on 32-bit systems, u64 on 64-bit, u8 on other) and the new default order type is the target byte ordering (BigEndian on big-endian, LittleEndian on little-endian and unknown).

    This change is expected to break dependent crates. The fix is straightforward: specify the types produced by this crate’s constructors, or adapt the types that receive them.

    This change was made in order to provide performance advantages by using the native CPU word size, and to ease choice of a bit ordering in usages that do not particularly care about the underlying memory’s appearance.

  • The BitSlice inherent and trait API is updated to more closely track the standard library’s API as of 1.36.0. The major change to existing code is that the Iterator implementations are now of &bool, not bool.

  • The internal process that translates BitSlice operations into access operations on underlying memory has been rewritten. Production of contended references to bare fundamentals is now forbidden, and all access is mediated through either atomic (default) or Cell types.

  • Bit indexing is more firmly encoded in the type system, which reduces the load of runtime assertions.

  • BitSlice::as_slice excludes partial edge elements. BitBox and BitVec do not.


  • BitSlice::change_cursor and change_cursor_mut allow incorrectly aliasing memory with different slice handles, because there is no way for them to compute the electrical positions they govern and then construct new indices in the target Cursor that match those positions.


    use bitvec::prelude::*;
    let mut elt = 0u8;
    let bits = elt.bits_mut::<BigEndian>();
    let (head, tail) = bits.split_at_mut(4);
    let tail = tail.change_cursor_mut::<LittleEndian>();

    head now points at the first four bits in big-endian order, and tail at the last four bits in little-endian order, and these indices all map to the high nibble of elt. head and tail mutably alias.

    These functions are retained in BitBox and BitVec, as those types do not allow memory contention.



The bitvec![bit; rep] construction macro has its implementation rewritten to be much faster. This fault was reported by GitHub user @caelunshun in Issue #28.



The Send implementation on BitSlice is removed when the atomic feature is disabled.

While the x86 architecture provides hardware guarantees that a read/modify/write instruction sequence will update all other views of the referent data, this is a property of the specific underlying machine and not a property of the Rust abstract machine as interpreted by the compiler and LLVM. As such, while &mut BitSlice references that alias the same underlying memory element will not collide with each other in practice, they still must use atomic operations in order to satisfy the Rust abstract machine.

The atomic feature is provided by default, and users must explicitly disable it in order to disable atomic instruction access and thus remove the Send impl allowing &mut BitSlice to cross threads.

Because this change does not affect the default interface exported by the crate, I have decided to make this a patch release rather than bump the minor version.



The minimum compiler version was increased to 1.36.0, which stabilized the alloc crate. As such, the #![feature(alloc)] flag has been removed from the library, and usage as --no-default-features --features alloc may safely use allocation on the stable compiler series.

As alloc is available on a stable compiler, the alloc crate feature has been made a strict dependency of the std crate feature.

Use of --no-default-features continues to set the crate in #![no_std] mode, with no allocation support. --no-default-features --features alloc adds a dependency on alloc, and the allocating types. The std feature alone now only adds operating-system interfaces, such as io::Write.

std depends on alloc, so using the std feature will pull in allocation.



  • add_assign_reverse on BitSlice and BitVec, and add_reverse on BitBox and BitVec.

    These methods perform left-to-right addition, propagating the carry from the 0th bit in the sequence to the nth. On BitSlice, add_assign_reverse returns the carry-out bit. On BitVec, add_assign_reverse and add_reverse push the carry-out to the right end of the vector.

    This feature was requested in Issue #16, by GitHub user @GeorgeGkas.



  • The BitPtr<T> internal representation replaced the elements/tail tuple with a bit-length counter. Most of the changes as a result of this were purely internal, but as it affected the Serde representation, this was moved to a new version.



  • BitSlice::at simulates a write reference to a single bit. It creates an instance of slice::BitGuard, which holds a mutable reference to the requested bit and a bool slot. BitGuard implements Deref and DerefMut to its local bool, and writes its local bool value to the specified bit in Drop.

    This allows writing the following:

    * = some_bit();

    as equivalent to

    slice.set(index, some_bit());

    Note that binding the value produced by BitSlice::at will cause the write to occur when that binding goes out of scope, not in the assigning statement.

    let slot =;
    *index = some_bit();
    //  write has not yet occurred in `slot`
    //  ... more work
    //  <- write occurs HERE

    In practice, this should not be an issue, since the rules for mutable borrows mean that the original slice is not observable until the slot value produced by .at() goes out of scope.

  • SEE THE RENAME BELOW. The Bits and BitsMut traits provide reference conversion from many Rust fundamental types to BitSlice regions. Bits is analagous to AsRef, and BitsMut to AsMut. These traits are implemented on the BitStore fundamentals, slices of them, and arrays up to 32.

  • BitSlice::get_unchecked and BitSlice::set_unchecked perform read and write actions without any bounds checking to ensure the index is within the slice bounds. This allows faster work in tight loops where the index is already checked against the slice length. These methods are, of course, incredibly unsafe, as they are raw memory access with no safeguards to ensure the read or write is within bounds.


  • BitVec::retain changed its function argument from (bool) -> bool to (usize, bool) -> bool, and passes the index as well as the value.
  • Display implementations of the BitIdx and BitPos types now just defer to the interior number, and do not write their own type.
  • BitSlice::as_ptr and ::as_mut_ptr now return the null pointer if they are the empty slice, rather than a dangling pointer.
  • The trait formerly known as Bits in all previous versions is now BitStore, and the module bits is renamed to store. Only the BitsBitStore rename affects public API.
  • Rewrote the README to better describe all the recent work.
  • The documentation examples use the new as_bitslice methods instead of the much less pleasant Into conversions to create BitSlice handles. This also serves to demonstrate the new favored method to access regions as bit slices.


Issue #15: Incorrect validity check in BitIdx::span; excluded tail indices which were used in BitVec::push, inducing false panic! events. Thanks to GitHub user @schomatis for the report.



  • BitBox and BitVec implement Sync, as discussion with @ratorx and more careful reading of the documentation for Sync has persuaded me that this is sound.


Issue #12: I left in an eprintln! statement from debugging BitSlice::set_all. Thanks to GitHub user @koushiro for the report.


This contains the last (planned) compiler version upgrade, to 1.34.0, and the last major feature add before 1.0: Serde-powered de/serialization.

Deserialization is not possible without access to an allocator, so it is behind a feature gate, serde, which depends on the alloc feature.

BitSlice, BitBox, and BitVec all support serialization, and BitBox and BitVec support deserialization


  • serde feature to serialize BitSlice, BitBox, and BitVec, and deserialize BitBox and BitVec.
  • change_cursor<D> method on BitSlice, BitBox, and BitVec, which enable changing the element traversal order on a data set without modifying that data. This is useful for working with slices that have their cursor type erased, such as crossing serialization or foreign-language boundaries.
  • The internal atomic module and Atomic trait permit atomic access to elements for the Bits trait to use when performing bit set operations. This is not exposed to the public API.
  • Internal domain models for the memory regions governed by BitPtr. These models provide improved logical support for manipulating bit sequences with as little inefficiency as possible.
  • BitPtr::bare_parts and BitPtr::region_data internal APIs for accessing components of the pointer structure.
  • Clippy is now part of the development routine.
  • bitbox! macro wraps bitvec! to freeze the produced vector.


  • The internal Bits trait uses a const fn stabilized in 1.33.0 in order to compute type information, rather than requiring explicit statements in the implementations. It now uses synchronized access to elements for write operations, to prevent race conditions between adjacent bit slices that overlap in an element.
  • The internal BitPtr representation had its bit pattern rules modified. There is now only one empty-slice region representation, and the pointer is able to index one more element than it previously could. In addition, BitPtr::tail() produces 0 when empty, rather than T::BITS, allowing for more correct values in serde de/serialization.


  • BitPtr::set_head and BitPtr::set_tail: in practice, ::new and ::new_unchecked were used at all potential use sites for these functions, as they are more powerful and better validated.
  • BitPtr::head_elt, BitPtr::body_elts, and BitPtr::tail_elt were superseded by the domain module. Their public use is better served by the AsRef trait.
  • BitPtr::is_full: removed for being never used in the library, and not an interesting query.

Issues Resolved

  • Issue #9 revealed a severe logic error in the construction of bit masks in Bits::set_at. Thanks to GitHub user @torce for the bug report!

  • Issue #10 revealed a logic error in the construction of bit vectors from bit slices which did not begin at the front of an element.

    BitVec::from_bitslice cloned the entire underlying &[T] of the source BitSlice, which is incorrect, as BitVec currently cannot support offset head cursors. The correct behavior is to use <BitVec as FromIterator<bool>> to collect the source slice into a fresh BitVec.

    It may be possible in the future to permit offset head cursors in BitBox and BitVec.

    Thanks to GitHub user @overminder for the bug report!

  • BitSlice::set_all had a bug where fully spanned elements were zeroed, rather than filled with the requested bit. This was only detected when the subtraction example in the README code sample broke. Resolution: add a function to the Bits trait which fills an element with a bit, producing all zero or all one.


Bugfix for Issue #8. This provides explicit implementations of the threading traits Send and Sync. These traits were formerly automatically implemented; the implementation change in 0.10.0 appears to have removed the automatic impls.

BitSlice is both Send and Sync, as it is unowned memory. BitBox and BitVec are Send but not Sync, as they are owned memory.

Thanks to GitHub user @ratorx for the report!


Bugfix for Issue #7. BitSlice::count_ones and BitSlice::count_zeros counted the total number of bits present in a slice, not the number of bits set or unset, when operating inside a single element.

The small case used .map().count(), but the large case correctly used .map().filter().count(). The missing .filter() call, to remove unset or set bits from the counting, was the cause of the bug.

Thanks to GitHub user @geq1t for the report!


This version was a complete rewrite of the entire crate. The minimum compiler version has been upgraded to 1.31.0. The crate is written against the Rust 2018 edition of the language. It will be a 1.0 release after polishing.


  • BitPtr custom pointer representation. This is the most important component of the rewrite, and what enabled the expanded feature set and API surface. This structure allows BitSlice and BitVec to have head cursors at any bit, not just at the front edge of an element. This allows the crate to support arbitrary range slicing and slice splitting, and in turn greatly expand the usability of the slice and vector types.

    The BitPtr type is wholly crate-internal, and renders the &BitSlice and BitVec handle types wholly incompatible with standard Rust slice and vector handles. With great power comes great responsibility to never, ever, interchange these types through any means except the provided translation API.

  • Range indexing and more powerful iteration. Bit-precision addressing allows arbitrary subslices and enables more of the slice API from core.


  • Almost everything has been rewritten. The git diff for this version is horrifying.

  • Formatting traits better leverage the builtin printing structures available from core::fmt, and are made available on no_std.


  • u64 is only usable as the storage type on 64-bit systems; it has 32-bit alignment on 32-bit systems and as such is unusable there.



  • The trait Endian has been renamed to Cursor, and all type variables E: Endian have been renamed to C: Cursor.

  • The Bits trait is no longer bound by Default.



  • std and alloc features, which can be disabled for use in #![no_std] libraries. This was implemented by Robert Habermeier,

    Note that the BitSlice tests and all the examples are disabled when the alloc feature is not present. They will function normally when alloc is present but std is not.


  • Compute Bits::WIDTH as size_of::<Self>() * 8 instead of 1 << Bits::INDX.



  • examples/ tracks the contents of the example code in It will continue to do so until the external_doc feature stabilizes so that the contents of the README can be included in the module documentation of src/

  • Officially use the Rust community code of conduct.

  • README sections describe why a user might want this library, and what makes it different than bit-vec.


  • Update minimum Rust version to 1.30.0.

    Internally, this permits use of std rather than ::std. This compiler edition does not change intra-crate macro usage. Clients at 1.30.0 and above no longer need #[macro_use] above extern crate bitvec;, and are able to import the bitvec! macro directly with use bitvec::bitvec; or use bitvec::prelude::*.

    Implementation note: References to literals stabilized at some point between 1.20.0 and 1.30.0, so the static bool items used for indexing are no longer needed.

  • Include numeric arithmetic as well as set arithmetic in the README.



  • Update minimum Rust version to 1.25.0 in order to use nested imports.
  • Fix logic in Endian::prev, and re-enabled edge tests.
  • Pluralize BitSlice::count_one() and BitSlice::count_zero() function names.
  • Fix documentation and comments.
  • Consolidate implementation of bitvec! to not use any other macros.



  • BitVec and BitSlice implement Hash.

  • BitVec fully implements addition, negation, and subtraction.

  • BitSlice implements in-place addition and negation.

    • impl AddAssign for BitSlice
    • impl Neg for &mut BitSlice

    This distinction is required in order to match the expectations of the arithmetic traits and the realities of immovable BitSlice.

  • BitSlice offers .all(), .any(), .not_all(), .not_any(), and .some() methods to perform n-ary Boolean logic.

    • .all() tests if all bits are set high
    • .any() tests if any bits are set high (includes .all())
    • .not_all() tests if any bits are set low (includes .not_all())
    • .not_any() tests if all bits are set low
    • .some() tests if any bits are high and any are low (excludes .all() and .not_all())
  • BitSlice can count how many bits are set high or low with .count_one() and .count_zero().



BitSlice::for_each provides mutable iteration over a slice. It yields each successive (index: usize, bit: bool) pair to a closure, and stores the return value of that closure at the yielded index.

BitVec now implements Eq and Ord against other BitVecs. It is impossible at this time to make BitVec generic over anything that is Borrow<BitSlice>, which would allow comparisons over different ownership types. The declaration

impl<A, B, C, D, E> PartialEq<C> for BitVec<A, B>
where A: Endian,
    B: Bits,
    C: Borrow<BitSlice<D, E>>,
    D: Endian,
    E: Bits,
    fn eq(&self, rhs: E) {}

is impossible to write, so BitVec == BitSlice will be rejected.

As with many other traits on BitVec, the implementations are just a thin wrapper over the corresponding BitSlice implementations.


Refine the API documentation. Rust guidelines recommend imperative rather than descriptive summaries for function documentation, which largely meant stripping the trailing -s from the first verb in each function document.

I also moved the example code from the trait-level documentation to the function-level documentation, so that it would show up an type::func in the rustdoc output rather than just type. This makes it much clearer what is being tested.


BitVec methods iter and raw_len moved to BitSlice in 0.3.0 but were not removed in that release.

The remaining debugging eprintln! calls have been stripped.


Split BitVec off into BitSlice wherever possible.


  • The BitSlice type is the [T] to BitVec's Vec<T>. BitVec now Derefs to it, and has offloaded all the work that does not require managing allocated memory.
  • Almost all of the public API on both types has documentation and example code.


  • The implementations of left- ard right- shift are now faster.
  • BitVec can Borrow and Deref down to BitSlice, and offloads as much work as possible to it.
  • Clone is more intelligent.


Improved the bitvec! macro.


  • bitvec! takes more syntaxes to better match vec!, and has better runtime performance. The increased static memory used by bitvec! should be more than counterbalanced by the vastly better generated code.


Initial implementation and release.


  • Endian and Bits traits
  • BitVec type with basic Vec idioms and parallel trait implementations
  • bitvec! generator macro