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File metadata and controls

278 lines (231 loc) · 11.8 KB
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📦 plugin-content-blog

Provides the Blog feature and is the default blog plugin for Docusaurus.

Installation {#installation}

npm install --save @docusaurus/plugin-content-blog


If you use the preset @docusaurus/preset-classic, you don't need to install this plugin as a dependency.

You can configure this plugin through the preset options.


Configuration {#configuration}

Accepted fields:

Name Type Default Description
path string 'blog' Path to the blog content directory on the filesystem, relative to site dir.
editUrl string | EditUrlFunction undefined Base URL to edit your site. The final URL is computed by editUrl + relativeDocPath. Using a function allows more nuanced control for each file. Omitting this variable entirely will disable edit links.
editLocalizedFiles boolean false The edit URL will target the localized file, instead of the original unlocalized file. Ignored when editUrl is a function.
blogTitle string 'Blog' Blog page title for better SEO.
blogDescription string 'Blog' Blog page meta description for better SEO.
blogSidebarCount number | 'ALL' 5 Number of blog post elements to show in the blog sidebar. 'ALL' to show all blog posts; 0 to disable
blogSidebarTitle string 'Recent posts' Title of the blog sidebar.
routeBasePath string 'blog' URL route for the blog section of your site. DO NOT include a trailing slash. Use / to put the blog at root path.
tagsBasePath string 'tags' URL route for the tags list page of your site. It is prepended to the routeBasePath.
archiveBasePath string '/archive' URL route for the archive blog section of your site. It is prepended to the routeBasePath. DO NOT include a trailing slash.
include string[] ['**/*.{md,mdx}'] Matching files will be included and processed.
exclude string[] See example configuration No route will be created for matching files.
postsPerPage number | 'ALL' 10 Number of posts to show per page in the listing page. Use 'ALL' to display all posts on one listing page.
blogListComponent string '@theme/BlogListPage' Root component of the blog listing page.
blogPostComponent string '@theme/BlogPostPage' Root component of each blog post page.
blogTagsListComponent string '@theme/BlogTagsListPage' Root component of the tags list page
blogTagsPostsComponent string '@theme/BlogTagsPostsPage' Root component of the "posts containing tag" page.
remarkPlugins any[] [] Remark plugins passed to MDX.
rehypePlugins any[] [] Rehype plugins passed to MDX.
beforeDefaultRemarkPlugins any[] [] Custom Remark plugins passed to MDX before the default Docusaurus Remark plugins.
beforeDefaultRehypePlugins any[] [] Custom Rehype plugins passed to MDX before the default Docusaurus Rehype plugins.
truncateMarker string /<!--\s*(truncate)\s*-->/ Truncate marker, can be a regex or string.
showReadingTime boolean true Show estimated reading time for the blog post.
readingTime ReadingTimeFunctionOption The default reading time A callback to customize the reading time number displayed.
authorsMapPath string 'authors.yml' Path to the authors map file, relative to the blog content directory specified with path. Can also be a json file.
feedOptions See below {type: ['rss', 'atom']} Blog feed. If undefined, no rss feed will be generated.
feedOptions.type 'rss' | 'atom' | 'all' (or array of multiple options) Required Type of feed to be generated.
feedOptions.title string siteConfig.title Title of the feed.
feedOptions.description string `${siteConfig.title} Blog` Description of the feed.
feedOptions.copyright string undefined Copyright message.
feedOptions.language string (See documentation for possible values) undefined Language metadata of the feed.
type EditUrlFunction = (params: {
  blogDirPath: string;
  blogPath: string;
  permalink: string;
  locale: string;
}) => string | undefined;

type ReadingTimeOptions = {
  wordsPerMinute: number;
  wordBound: (char: string) => boolean;

type ReadingTimeFunction = (params: {
  content: string;
  frontMatter?: BlogPostFrontMatter & Record<string, unknown>;
  options?: ReadingTimeOptions;
}) => number;

type ReadingTimeFunctionOption = (params: {
  content: string;
  frontMatter: BlogPostFrontMatter & Record<string, unknown>;
  defaultReadingTime: ReadingTimeFunction;
}) => number | undefined;

Example configuration {#ex-config}

Here's an example configuration object.

You can provide it as preset options or plugin options.


Most Docusaurus users configure this plugin through the preset options.


const config = {
  path: 'blog',
  // Simple use-case: string editUrl
  // editUrl: '',
  // Advanced use-case: functional editUrl
  editUrl: ({locale, blogDirPath, blogPath, permalink}) => {
    return `${blogDirPath}/${blogPath}`;
  editLocalizedFiles: false,
  blogTitle: 'Blog title',
  blogDescription: 'Blog',
  blogSidebarCount: 5,
  blogSidebarTitle: 'All our posts',
  routeBasePath: 'blog',
  include: ['**/*.{md,mdx}'],
  exclude: [
  postsPerPage: 10,
  blogListComponent: '@theme/BlogListPage',
  blogPostComponent: '@theme/BlogPostPage',
  blogTagsListComponent: '@theme/BlogTagsListPage',
  blogTagsPostsComponent: '@theme/BlogTagsPostsPage',
  remarkPlugins: [require('remark-math')],
  rehypePlugins: [],
  beforeDefaultRemarkPlugins: [],
  beforeDefaultRehypePlugins: [],
  truncateMarker: /<!--\s*(truncate)\s*-->/,
  showReadingTime: true,
  feedOptions: {
    type: '',
    title: '',
    description: '',
    copyright: '',
    language: undefined,

Preset options {#ex-config-preset}

If you use a preset, configure this plugin through the preset options:

module.exports = {
  presets: [
        // highlight-start
        blog: {
          path: 'blog',
          // ... configuration object here
        // highlight-end

Plugin options {#ex-config-plugin}

If you are using a standalone plugin, provide options directly to the plugin:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      // highlight-start
        path: 'blog',
        // ... configuration object here
      // highlight-end

Markdown Frontmatter {#markdown-frontmatter}

Markdown documents can use the following Markdown FrontMatter metadata fields, enclosed by a line --- on either side.

Accepted fields:

Name Type Default Description
authors Authors undefined List of blog post authors (or unique author). Read the authors guide for more explanations. Prefer authors over the author_* FrontMatter fields, even for single author blog posts.
author string undefined ⚠️ Prefer using authors. The blog post author's name.
author_url string undefined ⚠️ Prefer using authors. The URL that the author's name will be linked to. This could be a GitHub, Twitter, Facebook profile URL, etc.
author_image_url string undefined ⚠️ Prefer using authors. The URL to the author's thumbnail image.
author_title string undefined ⚠️ Prefer using authors. A description of the author.
title string Markdown title The blog post title.
date string File name or file creation time The blog post creation date. If not specified, this can be extracted from the file or folder name, e.g, 2021-04-15-blog-post.mdx, 2021-04-15-blog-post/index.mdx, 2021/04/15/blog-post.mdx. Otherwise, it is the Markdown file creation time.
tags Tag[] undefined A list of strings or objects of two string fields label and permalink to tag to your post.
draft boolean false A boolean flag to indicate that the blog post is work-in-progress and therefore should not be published yet. However, draft blog posts will be displayed during development.
hide_table_of_contents boolean false Whether to hide the table of contents to the right.
toc_min_heading_level number 2 The minimum heading level shown in the table of contents. Must be between 2 and 6 and lower or equal to the max value.
toc_max_heading_level number 3 The max heading level shown in the table of contents. Must be between 2 and 6.
keywords string[] undefined Keywords meta tag, which will become the <meta name="keywords" content="keyword1,keyword2,..."/> in <head>, used by search engines.
description string The first line of Markdown content The description of your document, which will become the <meta name="description" content="..."/> and <meta property="og:description" content="..."/> in <head>, used by search engines.
image string undefined Cover or thumbnail image that will be used when displaying the link to your post.
slug string File path Allows to customize the blog post url (/<routeBasePath>/<slug>). Support multiple patterns: slug: my-blog-post, slug: /my/path/to/blog/post, slug: /.
type Tag = string | {label: string; permalink: string};

// An author key references an author from the global plugin authors.yml file
type AuthorKey = string;

type Author = {
  key?: AuthorKey;
  name: string;
  title?: string;
  url?: string;
  image_url?: string;

// The FrontMatter authors field allows various possible shapes
type Authors = AuthorKey | Author | (AuthorKey | Author)[];


title: Welcome Docusaurus v2
  - slorber
  - yangshun
  - name: Joel Marcey
    title: Co-creator of Docusaurus 1
tags: [hello, docusaurus-v2]
description: This is my first post on Docusaurus 2.
hide_table_of_contents: false
A Markdown blog post

i18n {#i18n}

Read the i18n introduction first.

Translation files location {#translation-files-location}

  • Base path: website/i18n/<locale>/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog
  • Multi-instance path: website/i18n/<locale>/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog-<pluginId>
  • JSON files: extracted with docusaurus write-translations
  • Markdown files: website/i18n/<locale>/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog

Example file-system structure {#example-file-system-structure}

│ # translations for website/blog
├── authors.yml
│ # translations for the plugin options that will be rendered
└── options.json