diff --git a/doc/CHEATSHEET.md b/doc/CHEATSHEET.md index 76b6d79e6af..43f98ef15db 100644 --- a/doc/CHEATSHEET.md +++ b/doc/CHEATSHEET.md @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ This document contains common usages of different resources using Fabric8 Kubern * [List Options](#list-options) * [Delete Options](#delete-options) * [Watch Options](#watch-options) + * [Serializing to yaml](#serializing-to-yaml) * [OpenShift Client DSL Usage](#openshift-client-dsl-usage) * [Initializing OpenShift Client](#initializing-openshift-client) @@ -2173,6 +2174,16 @@ client.pods().watch(new ListOptionsBuilder().withTimeoutSeconds(30L).build(), ne }); ``` +#### Serializing to yaml +Resources can be exported to a yaml String via the `SerializationUtils` class: +``` +Pod myPod; + +String myPodAsYaml = SerializationUtils.dumpAsYaml(myPod); +// Your pod might have some state that you don't really care about, to remove it: +String myPodAsYamlWithoutRuntimeState = dumpWithoutRuntimeStateAsYaml(myPod); +``` + ### OpenShift Client DSL Usage Fabric8 Kubernetes Client also has an extension for OpenShift. It is pretty much the same as Kubernetes Client but has support for some additional OpenShift resources.