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96 lines (96 loc) · 9.96 KB
Date Category Description
15/07/20 network domain
04/07/20 ruby parenthesis rule for block variables
03/03/20 tls Working around OpenSSL::SSL::SSLErrors
03/01/20 git git checkout --ours PATH to resolve conflicts easily
30/12/19 bash To open gzip files with less: zless
30/12/19 memcached To flush all data via telnet: `echo 'flush_all'
28/05/19 sublime plugin BufferScroll to save the state of code folding
21/03/19 rails try works different in rails 3 and rails 4
07/02/19 rails resolving activerecord N+1
04/02/19 postgres using row_number to get first element when grouping by
23/01/19 rspec rspec --bisect to find the cause of failing tests
03/10/18 git git rebase --preserve-merges
31/08/18 postgres using constraint to set a column not null withou locking the table
31/08/18 rails change_column_null to set a column null
30/08/18 postgres tracking progress of an update
29/08/18 rails alias_attribute
29/08/18 tools firefox reader mode
23/08/18 ruby gem contracts
26/07/18 linux prefer IPv4 over IPv6
06/03/18 rspec Webmock to_timeout to stub timeout errors
02/03/18 bash xsel to copy output to clipboard
02/03/18 rspec mocks.verify_partial_doubles = true to raise error if mocking a not existing method
26/02/18 ruby Enumerable#each_with_object
11/01/18 sublime ctags plugin for a better "go to definition"
11/01/18 ruby,tools - command to detect unused code
10/01/18 ruby,tools - gem to improve table visualization in rails console
02/01/18 firefox extension multi-account-containers to use multiple sessions in FF
02/01/18 git testing git fast-export and git fast-import to save a fixture git repo inside a git repo, from das s02e15
22/12/17 sublime plugin Select Quoted to select string inside quotes
22/12/17 sublime plugin CopyFilepathWithLineNumbers to run specs faster
22/12/17 rspec FactoryBot's attributes_for
29/11/17 ruby avoid using delegate with prefix: true to help to find methods definitions
12/09/17 bash diff with subshell
12/09/17 bash tidy
12/09/17 bash screen
12/09/17 bash pstree
25/08/17 naming How to name methods according to side effects
23/08/17 vcr VCR.current_cassette.file to print the current cassete file
27/06/17 tools
09/06/17 rspec Rails (time) travel_to
31/05/17 rspec Rspec compound expectations
30/05/17 rails ActiveRecord Merge
09/05/17 postgres query case insensitive
13/04/17 tools autojump to change dirs fast
12/04/17 rspec diffence between spy, double and instance_double
12/04/17 bash use {} to join output to pipe, ex: { echo 1; echo 11; echo 0; } | grep 1
07/04/17 grafana use group by time($interval) to retrive data from a big time interval, otherwise it will reach the limit of max-select-point
22/03/17 ruby Array &(and) to return the intersection of 2 arrays
16/03/17 rails ActiveRecord query .where('lala = :value and popo = :other', value: 'x', other: 'y')
14/03/17 rails ActiveRecord nested transactions
11/03/17 js Current status of JS tools
02/03/17 tools for analysis over databases
01/03/17 sublime shortcut to move to other panels
24/02/17 productivity menos reuniões com discussões assíncronas (basecamp)
24/02/17 ruby gem pronto to run rubocop in current MR
15/02/17 ruby bundle outdated --strict
15/02/17 bash tee /dev/tty
13/02/17 bash !#set -eou pipefail
10/02/17 tools sqlectron - client sql for linux
09/02/17 rspec sanitize post body for random params
07/02/17 tools Json diff tool
02/02/17 git Auto-squashing Git Commits
01/02/17 rspec factory_girl ignore/transient attributes
01/02/17 git How to add a changed file to an older (not last) commit in Git
25/01/17 ruby Enumerator::Lazy to iterate without creating intermediate arrays
17/01/17 rspec difference between double and spy. Spy is made to be used with have_received
17/01/17 ruby use Module.prepend to log messages and keep the main class cleaner
16/01/17 git how to add custom commands to tig
11/01/17 productivity rescue time for time track in general
11/01/17 productivity (time tracking)
09/01/17 bundler ruby version only accepts the exact version (it does not accept '> 2.1' or '~> 2.1')
05/01/17 jsonapi Compound-Documents
03/01/17 git git changelog (alias changelog=log --reverse --pretty=format:'- %B' master..HEAD). The output can be used to create the merge request
01/01/17 bash it is possible to create a dynamic alias using single quotes (instead of using double quotes)
30/12/16 ruby avoid recursion, prefer iterations
30/12/16 rspec its. Ex: its(:domain) { params[:domain] }
28/12/16 rspec remote factory-girl
27/12/16 postgres where com regex, ex: where xx ~ '.+\d+'
26/12/16 sublime ctrl + j (Joining and swapping lines)
22/12/16 rails Object.presence. Ex: [].presence #=> nil
22/12/16 ruby gem debride to detect unused code to delete
22/12/16 bash use function to run “alias” rs, since alias can not run dinamic code
22/12/16 ruby private_constant
22/12/16 git tig (client leve)
22/12/16 docs
22/12/16 docs
22/12/16 git diff-so-fancy
22/12/16 git How to write a git commit message
22/12/16 git Rebuild commits using reset and tig (add interactive) before create a MR
22/12/16 ruby Using monads to multi-step code
22/12/16 docs diagrams in ascii:
22/12/16 docs gitbook
22/12/16 docs Mermaid to "code" diagrams
22/12/16 rspec Dont DRY the tests:,,