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Progressive Web Apps

import { InlineCode } from '~/components/base/code';

A progressive web app (or PWA for short) is a website that can be installed on the user's device and used offline. If you build your native app with Expo, then Expo CLI can generate a lot of the PWA automatically based on how the native app works. Ex: icons, splash screens, orientation, etc. Just enable service workers to get a complete PWA.

You can test your PWA in an Emulator and Simulator by running expo start:web --ios --android then installing the PWA via the mobile browser.


Expo web projects generate PWA assets and manifests by default, you only need to enable offline web support to get a full PWA. You can disable asset and manifest generation by passing the --no-pwa to expo build:web, this won't effect favicon generation.

When you run expo build:web the Webpack config reads your app.config.js (or app.json) and generates a PWA from it.

The following properties can be used to customize your PWA:

app.config.js manifest.json index.html
web.backgroundColor background_color
web.description | description description <meta name="description" />
web.dir dir
web.display display
web.lang lang <html lang=""> | name name <title />
web.orientation | orientation orientation
web.scope scope
web.shortName | short_name <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-title"/>
web.startUrl start_url
web.themeColor | primaryColor theme_color <meta name="theme-color" />
web.crossorigin crossorigin
web.relatedApplications related_applications
web.preferRelatedApplications prefer_related_applications
android.icon | icon icons
ios.icon | icon <link rel="apple-touch-icon" >
web.favicon | icon <link rel="shortcut icon" >
web.barStyle <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" />
web.splash | ios.splash | splash <link rel="apple-touch-startup-image" >

If you need finer control on how the PWA is generated, you should eject the web/index.html and add it there.


Icons are generated in Webpack using the expo-pwa CLI. You can customize and override icon generation by using the expo-pwa CLI directly. Learn more about expo-pwa.


Chrome PWAs use the manifest.json and various meta tags in the <head /> element of the website's index.html. Chrome PWAs are far more robust than iOS/Safari PWAs so you may find that certain features don't line up as well as they do natively.


Safari PWAs do not use the manifest.json, instead they rely on meta tags in the <head/> element of a website's index.html. Expo unifies values as much as possible to simplify this.

  • Safari icons are resolved with: ios.icon | icon.
    • All icons can be individually overwritten with <link rel="apple-touch-icon" /> in the web/index.html
  • Splash screens are resolved with: web.splash | ios.splash | splash.
    • All splash screens can be individually overwritten with <link rel="apple-touch-startup-image" /> in the web/index.html
  • Status Bar Style is resolved with: | web.barStyle.
    • The default status bar style is black-translucent (the only full screen setting).
    • This can be overwritten with <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" /> in the web/index.html
  • The home screen name is resolved with: web.shortName | | name.
    • This can be overwritten with <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-title" /> in the web/index.html


By default we enable offline support using the Webpack Workbox plugin, you can learn more about how Expo service workers function here: Expo Webpack Service Workers docs.

Related Applications

Related applications are a way of telling your website which apps it should install in favor of a PWA, Expo websites try to recommend the native app when possible.

Related applications can be inferred automatically from the following native app.config.js properties:

// app.config.js
export default {
  ios: {
    bundleIdentifier: 'com.myapp',
    appStoreUrl: 'app store url',
  android: {
    androidPackage: 'package',
    // This is optional as it can be inferred from the androidPackage.
    playStoreUrl: 'play store url',

Optionally you could override these values by manually defining the related applications:

export default {
  web: {
    relatedApplications: [
        platform: 'itunes',
        url: 'app store url',
        id: 'iOS bundle identifier',
        platform: 'play',
        url: 'play store url',
        id: 'android package',
    preferRelatedApplications: true,

Manual Setup

Under the hood @expo/webpack-config uses a CLI called expo-pwa. If you want more control on how PWAs are generated, you can use the expo-pwa CLI directly.

Firstly, you'll need to eject the web/index.html with expo customize:web. Now you can generate custom files and link them in the web/index.html. @expo/webpack-config will check to see if assets are linked first before attempting to generate new ones.


  • touch web/manifest.json or expo-pwa manifest
  • Add the following line to the <head/> element of your web/index.html:
<link rel="manifest" href="/manifest.json" />

Now expo build:web will copy the web/manifest.json file into the build folder and skip converting the app.config.js or app.json into a manifest.json.

Note that if the icons property is not defined then the build step will still attempt to generate and append Chrome icons to your manifest.json.