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Installation instructions for Windows

Felix Lange edited this page Mar 8, 2016 · 29 revisions


Download stable binaries

All versions of Geth are built and available for download at The latest version is always available as

  1. Download zip file
  2. Extract geth.exe from zip
  3. Open a command terminal
  4. chdir
  5. open geth.exe

Installing from Chocolatey

Note: Chocolatey is stuck at 1.2.2 and deprecated. Consider using another method

For master branch:

choco install geth-stable

For more information see

For develop branch:

choco install geth-latest

For more information see


Powershell script for building with Cygwin

This script installs Go, MSYS2 and the development version of geth.

Building from source with winbuilds

  1. Install Git from
  2. Install Golang from
  3. Install winbuilds from to c:\winbuilds
  4. Run win builds here. It's safe to remove big dependencies like QT and GTK which aren't needed. An exact list of dependencies should be determined
  5. Setup environment paths
  6. Add GOROOT pointed to c:\go and GOPATH to c:\godev (you are free to pick these paths).
  7. Set PATH to %PATH%;%GOROOT%\bin;%GOPATH%\bin;c:\winbuilds\bin
  8. Open a terminal and install godep first: go get -u
  9. Open a terminal and download go-ethereum go get -d -u
  10. Try building ethereum with go dep, navigate to c:\godev\src\\ethereum\go-ethereum\cmd\geth and run git checkout develop && godep go install

If you want to build from an other branch bypass godep go install for go install and checkout the dependencies manually.