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Installation instructions for Windows

Taylor Gerring edited this page May 1, 2015 · 29 revisions

Building from source

  1. Install Git and Mercurial
  2. Install Golang from
  3. Install winbuilds from to c:\winbuilds
  4. Run win builds here I just remove a few big dependencies like QT and GTK which I know aren't needed an exactly list would be preferable but you can't remove deps after so it's hard to track down.
  5. Setup environment paths add GOROOT to c:\go and GOPATH to c:\godev (you are free to pick this one) setup PATH to %PATH%;%GOROOT%/bin;%GOPATH%/bin;c:\winbuilds\bin
  6. Open a terminal and install godep first: go get -u
  7. Open a terminal and install ethereum go get -d -u
  8. Try building ethereum with go dep, navigate to c:\godev\src\\ethereum\go-ethereum\gethand issue git checkout develop and godep go install.

If you want to build from an other branch bypass godep go install for go install and checkout the dependencies manually.