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268 lines (198 loc) · 7.33 KB

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268 lines (198 loc) · 7.33 KB

Requires that function return values are typed as readonly (prefer-readonly-return-types)

This rules work just like prefer-readonly-parameter-types.

This rule should only be used in a purely functional environment to help ensure that values are not being mutated.

Rule Details

This rule allows you to enforce that function return values resolve to a readonly type.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/* eslint functional/prefer-readonly-type-declaration: "error" */

function array1(): string[] {} // array is not readonly
function array2(): readonly string[][] {} // array element is not readonly
function array3(): [string, number] {} // tuple is not readonly
function array4(): readonly [string[], number] {} // tuple element is not readonly
// the above examples work the same if you use ReadonlyArray<T> instead

function object1(): { prop: string } {} // property is not readonly
function object2(): { readonly prop: string; prop2: string } {} // not all properties are readonly
function object3(): { readonly prop: { prop2: string } } {} // nested property is not readonly
// the above examples work the same if you use Readonly<T> instead

interface CustomArrayType extends ReadonlyArray<string> {
  prop: string; // note: this property is mutable
function custom1(): CustomArrayType {}

interface CustomFunction {
  (): void;
  prop: string; // note: this property is mutable
function custom2(): CustomFunction {}

function union(): string[] | ReadonlyArray<number[]> {} // not all types are readonly

// rule also checks function types
interface Foo {
  (): string[];
interface Foo {
  new (): string[];
const x = { foo(): string[]; };
function foo(): string[];
type Foo = () => string[];
interface Foo {
  foo(): string[];

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/* eslint functional/prefer-readonly-return-types: "error" */

function array1(): readonly string[] {}
function array2(): readonly (readonly string[])[] {}
function array3(): readonly [string, number] {}
function array4(): readonly [readonly string[], number] {}
// the above examples work the same if you use ReadonlyArray<T> instead

function object1(): { readonly prop: string } {}
function object2(): { readonly prop: string; readonly prop2: string } {}
function object3(): { readonly prop: { readonly prop2: string } } {}
// the above examples work the same if you use Readonly<T> instead

interface CustomArrayType extends ReadonlyArray<string> {
  readonly prop: string;
function custom1(): Readonly<CustomArrayType> {}
// interfaces that extend the array types are not considered arrays, and thus must be made readonly.

interface CustomFunction {
  (): void;
  readonly prop: string;
function custom2(): CustomFunction {}

function union(): readonly string[] | ReadonlyArray<number[]> {}

function primitive1(): string {}
function primitive2(): number {}
function primitive3(): boolean {}
function primitive4(): unknown {}
function primitive5(): null {}
function primitive6(): undefined {}
function primitive7(): any {}
function primitive8(): never {}
function primitive9(): number | string | undefined {}

function fnSig(): () => void {}

enum Foo { A, B }
function enum1(): Foo {}

function symb1(): symbol {}
const customSymbol = Symbol('a');
function symb2(): typeof customSymbol {}

// function types
interface Foo {
  (): readonly string[];
interface Foo {
  new (): readonly string[];
const x = { foo(): readonly string[]; };
function foo(): readonly string[];
type Foo = () => readonly string[];
interface Foo {
  foo(): readonly string[];

The default options:

const defaults = {
  allowLocalMutation: false,
  ignoreClass: false,
  ignoreCollections: false,
  ignoreInferredTypes: false,
  ignoreInterface: false,
  treatMethodsAsReadonly: false,


This option allows you to treat all mutable methods as though they were readonly. This may be desirable in when you are never reassigning methods.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with {treatMethodsAsReadonly: false}:

type MyType = {
  readonly prop: string;
  method(): string; // note: this method is mutable
function foo(arg: MyType) {}

Examples of correct code for this rule with {treatMethodsAsReadonly: false}:

type MyType = Readonly<{
  prop: string;
  method(): string;
function foo(): MyType {}
type MyOtherType = {
  readonly prop: string;
  readonly method: () => string;
function bar(): MyOtherType {}

Examples of correct code for this rule with {treatMethodsAsReadonly: true}:

type MyType = {
  readonly prop: string;
  method(): string; // note: this method is mutable
function foo(): MyType {}


If set, classes will not be checked.

Examples of incorrect code for the { "ignoreClass": false } option:

/* eslint functional/prefer-readonly-type-declaration: ["error", { "ignoreClass": false }] */

class {
  myprop: string;

Examples of correct code for the { "ignoreClass": true } option:

/* eslint functional/prefer-readonly-type-declaration: ["error", { "ignoreClass": true }] */

class {
  myprop: string;


If set, interfaces will not be checked.

Examples of incorrect code for the { "ignoreInterface": false } option:

/* eslint functional/prefer-readonly-type-declaration: ["error", { "ignoreInterface": false }] */

interface I {
  myprop: string;

Examples of correct code for the { "ignoreInterface": true } option:

/* eslint functional/prefer-readonly-type-declaration: ["error", { "ignoreInterface": true }] */

interface I {
  myprop: string;


If set, collections (Array, Tuple, Set, and Map) will not be required to be readonly when used outside of type aliases and interfaces.

Examples of incorrect code for the { "ignoreCollections": false } option:

/* eslint functional/prefer-readonly-type-declaration: ["error", { "ignoreCollections": false }] */

const foo: number[] = [];
const bar: [string, string] = ["foo", "bar"];
const baz: Set<string, string> = new Set();
const qux: Map<string, string> = new Map();

Examples of correct code for the { "ignoreCollections": true } option:

/* eslint functional/prefer-readonly-type-declaration: ["error", { "ignoreCollections": true }] */

const foo: number[] = [];
const bar: [string, string] = ["foo", "bar"];
const baz: Set<string, string> = new Set();
const qux: Map<string, string> = new Map();


This option allows you to ignore types that aren't explicitly specified.


See the allowLocalMutation docs.


Use the given regex pattern(s) to match against the type's name (for objects this is the property's name not the object's name).

Note: If using this option to require mutable properties are marked as mutable via a naming convention (e.g. { "ignorePattern": "^[Mm]utable.+" }), type aliases and interfaces names will still need to comply with the readonlyAliasPatterns and mutableAliasPatterns options.

See the ignorePattern docs for more info.