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File metadata and controls

36 lines (27 loc) · 1.23 KB


Tortoise Websocket transport, the websocket client is based on gun.


The package can be installed by adding tortoise_websocket to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:tortoise, "~> 0.9"},
    {:tortoise_websocket, "~> 0.1.0"}


To connect to a MQTT server using websockets you need to do the following:

    client_id: "my_client_id",
    handler: {Tortoise.Handler.Logger, []},
    server: {Tortoise.Transport.Websocket, host: 'localhost', port: 80},
    subscriptions: [{"foo/bar", 0}])

Besides :host and :port options you can set the following optional options:

  • :transport - An atom with the transport protocol, either :tcp or :tls, defaults to :tcp
  • :path - A string with the websocket server path, defaults to "/"
  • :headers - A list of tuples with the HTTP headers to send to the server, defaults to []
  • :active - A boolean or atom to indicate if the client should send back any received data, it can be true, false and :once, defaults to false
  • :compress - A boolean to indicate if the data should be compressed, defaults to true