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New SDK-style SQL project with Microsoft.Build.Sql


To build the project, run the following command:

dotnet build

🎉 Congrats! You have successfully built the project and now have a dacpac to deploy anywhere.


To publish the project, the SqlPackage CLI or the SQL Database Projects extension for Azure Data Studio/VS Code is required. The following command will publish the project to a local SQL Server instance:

./SqlPackage /Action:Publish /SourceFile:bin/Debug/AdventureWorks.dacpac /TargetServerName:localhost /TargetDatabaseName:AdventureWorks

Learn more about authentication and other options for SqlPackage here:

Install SqlPackage CLI

If you would like to use the command-line utility SqlPackage.exe for deploying the dacpac, you can obtain it as a dotnet tool. The tool is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

dotnet tool install -g microsoft.sqlpackage