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OOView.js (Object-Oriented View in Javascript)

OOView.js a lightweight (less than 200 lines) jQuery plugin helps to write component based Javascript code. It provides a way to find elements and assign events within the partial view and also provides a way to communicate with other components.

1 Minute Tutorial

1: Copy to your project.

(if you need a Javascript file, one quick way to transpile is using 'TRY COFFEESCRIPT' from

2: Create OOView HTML component (e.g. "score" component)

<div class='oo-score' oo='{"score":10}'>
// Content goes here

The same Html can be generated using javascipt.

html = $.oo.view("score", {score: 10}, "// Content goes here")

3: Create OOView class and bind to specific elements

class Score
  constructor: (@view)->
    @view.find("input").val( # set initial score to 10,
      "click .reset": "reset"
  reset:           -> setScore(0)
  getScore:        -> @view.find("input").val()
  setScore: (score)-> @view.find("input").val(score)

$.oo.bind "score", Score

After dom is loaded, OOView looks through .oo-score elements and binds the new Score object to each of them. At first, each Score object reads the score data from the oo attribute and sets it's value to the input field. And it attaches the click event to the .reset element which resets the score to 0.

4: Interact with OOView objects through jQuery elements


score = $(".oo-view").oo("getScore")
$(".oo-view").oo("setScore", 5)
obj = $(".oo-view").oo()
# click .reset button to set score to 0

You can call the OOView function or get the OOView object from a jQuery element.

  • Find OOView elements and execute the function to each of them with argnuments.
  • Get the OOView obejct from the first OOView element found.

Full guide

Bind OOView objects to the view


class Score
  constructor: (@view)->

$.oo.bind "score", Score


<div class="oo-score"></div>

The function $.oo.bind looks dom elements having the class oo-score (the value of the OOView class starts with oo-) and attaches the new Score object to each element found.

OOView View functions



class Score
  constructor: (@view)->

  inputField: ->


<div class="oo-score score1">
  <input type="text" class="score1-input">
  <div class="oo-score score2">
    <input type="text" class="score2-input">

The function @view.find looks for elements under the dom associated with it by calling find function in jQuery. Only difference is that it does not search any child OOView elements it contains. From the code example, the code $(".score1").oo("inputField") returns the input score1-input not score2-input.


The code @view.element returns the root jQuery element where the OOView object is attached to such as .oo-score. Use this when you need an access to the root element.

Data assigned to the oo attribute which can be accessed by calling[DATE_NAME]


<div class='oo-score' oo='{"score":10}'></div>


class Score
  constructor: (@view)->

You can set permanent events under the associated element using the function called events. The syntax was influenced by backbone.js

class Score
  constructor: (@view)->,
      "click .reset": 'reset'
      "click .plus":  'plusScore'
      "mouseenter":   -> $(@).addClass("highlight")
      "mouseleave":   -> $(@).removeClass("highlight")

  reset: ->
  plusScore: ->
    @setScore(@score() + 1)

  setScore: (score)->
  score: ->

The codes above generate the events below

element = # $(".oo-score") element
score   = # 'Score' object associated with the element

  ".reset, :not([class^='oo-']) .reset",
  ".plus, :not([class^='oo-']) .plus",
element.on("mouseenter", -> $(@).addClass("highlight"))
element.on("mouseleave", -> $(@).removeClass("highlight"))

The function action allows to define a temporary event. Different from the event method, you can assign events to the document or any element in the document. To avoid these events to stay in the memory forever, you need to make sure you define when to finish the action. You can finish the action by returning the string "finish" from the assigned function.

A good example of using the action feature is to allow editing a number field using up and down buttons.

class @Score
  constructor: (@view)->, "focus input": 'startEdit')

  startEdit: ->
      "keypress": 'keypress'
      "finish":   'blurInput'
      "click":    -> "finish"

  keypress: (e)->
    switch e.which
      when 38 then @setScore(@score() + 1) # up
      when 40 then @setScore(@score() - 1) # down
      when 13 then "finish" # enter

  blurInput: ->

  setScore: (score)->
  score: ->

Get OOView object from jQuery element

$(".oo-score").oo() # return javascript object associated with given OOView element
$(".oo-score").oo("score") # get javascript object and call "score" function
$(".oo-score").oo("set", 10) # get javascript object and call "set" function with one argument

Attach new OOView objects to dynamically inserted HTML

# full version
$("body").append('<div class="oo-score"></div>')
# shortcut (include calling $.oo.update())
$("body").ooAppend('<div class="oo-score"></div>')
$("body").ooPrepend('<div class="oo-score"></div>')

resize function

You can define the resize function to handle the resize event.

class @Score
  constructor: (@view)->
  resize: ->
    console.debug "called on window resize"

Run tests

Qunit is used to test OOView.js

  • Run tests on Firefox
    1. Open Firefox
    2. Visit about:config
    3. Set security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy to false
    4. Open ooview_test.html
  • Run tests on Mac terminal
    1. brew install phantomjs
    2. phantomjs test/lib/runner.js test/ooview_test.html


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