{"payload":{"feedbackUrl":"https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/53140","repo":{"id":91860126,"defaultBranch":"master","name":"proc-macro2","ownerLogin":"dtolnay","currentUserCanPush":false,"isFork":false,"isEmpty":false,"createdAt":"2017-05-20T02:35:07.000Z","ownerAvatar":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1940490?v=4","public":true,"private":false,"isOrgOwned":false},"refInfo":{"name":"","listCacheKey":"v0:1715055859.0","currentOid":""},"activityList":{"items":[{"before":"790cb418978e41899c286752803a77ba8a817d20","after":"8dc63f36f6735ff2e384e34422f57f393929f09f","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-07T04:24:19.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"dtolnay","name":"David Tolnay","path":"/dtolnay","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1940490?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Release 1.0.82","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Release 1.0.82"}},{"before":"2ebe71180da1813be5dc3f77ce13020a49455c95","after":null,"ref":"refs/heads/defaultfeatures","pushedAt":"2024-05-07T04:23:45.000Z","pushType":"branch_deletion","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"dtolnay","name":"David Tolnay","path":"/dtolnay","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1940490?s=80&v=4"}},{"before":"a720819a80afd67b10062d819c742d7cb05934cc","after":"790cb418978e41899c286752803a77ba8a817d20","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-07T04:23:43.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":2,"pusher":{"login":"dtolnay","name":"David Tolnay","path":"/dtolnay","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1940490?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge pull request #457 from dtolnay/defaultfeatures\n\nFix use of deprecated default_features in Cargo.toml","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge pull request #457 from dtolnay/defaultfeatures"}},{"before":null,"after":"2ebe71180da1813be5dc3f77ce13020a49455c95","ref":"refs/heads/defaultfeatures","pushedAt":"2024-05-07T04:20:22.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"dtolnay","name":"David Tolnay","path":"/dtolnay","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1940490?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Fix use of deprecated default_features in Cargo.toml\n\n warning: Cargo.toml: `default_features` is deprecated in favor of `default-features` and will not work in the 2024 edition\n (in the `quote` dependency)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Fix use of deprecated default_features in Cargo.toml"}},{"before":"37c5d18ec0e7b8a5c15cc3934ce136c2d2ee1220","after":"a720819a80afd67b10062d819c742d7cb05934cc","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-07T04:19:22.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"dtolnay","name":"David Tolnay","path":"/dtolnay","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1940490?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Delete unused nightly cfg","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Delete unused nightly cfg"}},{"before":"5e02f52b954f40a4cb8f26020c3ff494c3c5426a","after":null,"ref":"refs/heads/checkcfg","pushedAt":"2024-05-07T04:18:35.000Z","pushType":"branch_deletion","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"dtolnay","name":"David Tolnay","path":"/dtolnay","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1940490?s=80&v=4"}},{"before":"fd2c998967a65d3378f06f2480abd4d34f4697ab","after":"37c5d18ec0e7b8a5c15cc3934ce136c2d2ee1220","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-07T04:18:33.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":3,"pusher":{"login":"dtolnay","name":"David Tolnay","path":"/dtolnay","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1940490?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge pull request #456 from dtolnay/checkcfg\n\nResolve unexpected_cfgs warning","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge pull request #456 from dtolnay/checkcfg"}},{"before":"2660d3026a70e1478997c55044c76529ca157eda","after":"5e02f52b954f40a4cb8f26020c3ff494c3c5426a","ref":"refs/heads/checkcfg","pushedAt":"2024-05-07T04:15:48.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"dtolnay","name":"David Tolnay","path":"/dtolnay","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1940490?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Suppress unknown_lints warning on old rustc\n\n warning: unknown lint: `unexpected_cfgs`\n --> build.rs:37:10\n |\n 37 | #![allow(unexpected_cfgs)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = note: `#[warn(unknown_lints)]` on by default","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Suppress unknown_lints warning on old rustc"}},{"before":"ca9a349bb47a6f5eca200e677a487f67f6e2fddb","after":"2660d3026a70e1478997c55044c76529ca157eda","ref":"refs/heads/checkcfg","pushedAt":"2024-05-07T04:11:06.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"dtolnay","name":"David Tolnay","path":"/dtolnay","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1940490?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Resolve unexpected_cfgs warning\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `procmacro2_semver_exempt`\n --> build.rs:48:30\n |\n 48 | let semver_exempt = cfg!(procmacro2_semver_exempt) || docs_rs;\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: expected names are: `clippy`, `debug_assertions`, `doc`, `docsrs`, `doctest`, `feature`, `miri`, `overflow_checks`, `panic`, `proc_macro`, `relocation_model`, `rustfmt`, `sanitize`, `sanitizer_cfi_generalize_pointers`, `sanitizer_cfi_normalize_integers`, `target_abi`, `target_arch`, `target_endian`, `target_env`, `target_family`, `target_feature`, `target_has_atomic`, `target_has_atomic_equal_alignment`, `target_has_atomic_load_store`, `target_os`, `target_pointer_width`, `target_thread_local`, `target_vendor`, `test`, `ub_checks`, `unix`, `windows`\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n = note: `#[warn(unexpected_cfgs)]` on by default\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `proc_macro_span`\n --> src/lib.rs:90:17\n |\n 90 | #![cfg_attr(any(proc_macro_span, super_unstable), feature(proc_macro_span))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(proc_macro_span)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n = note: `#[warn(unexpected_cfgs)]` on by default\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `super_unstable`\n --> src/lib.rs:90:34\n |\n 90 | #![cfg_attr(any(proc_macro_span, super_unstable), feature(proc_macro_span))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: expected names are: `clippy`, `debug_assertions`, `doc`, `docsrs`, `doctest`, `feature`, `miri`, `overflow_checks`, `panic`, `proc_macro`, `relocation_model`, `rustfmt`, `sanitize`, `sanitizer_cfi_generalize_pointers`, `sanitizer_cfi_normalize_integers`, `target_abi`, `target_arch`, `target_endian`, `target_env`, `target_family`, `target_feature`, `target_has_atomic`, `target_has_atomic_equal_alignment`, `target_has_atomic_load_store`, `target_os`, `target_pointer_width`, `target_thread_local`, `target_vendor`, `test`, `ub_checks`, `unix`, `windows`\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(super_unstable)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `super_unstable`\n --> src/lib.rs:91:13\n |\n 91 | #![cfg_attr(super_unstable, feature(proc_macro_def_site))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(super_unstable)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `doc_cfg`\n --> src/lib.rs:92:13\n |\n 92 | #![cfg_attr(doc_cfg, feature(doc_cfg))]\n | ^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(doc_cfg)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `procmacro2_semver_exempt`\n --> src/lib.rs:118:11\n |\n 118 | #[cfg(all(procmacro2_semver_exempt, wrap_proc_macro, not(super_unstable)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/lib.rs:118:37\n |\n 118 | #[cfg(all(procmacro2_semver_exempt, wrap_proc_macro, not(super_unstable)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `super_unstable`\n --> src/lib.rs:118:58\n |\n 118 | #[cfg(all(procmacro2_semver_exempt, wrap_proc_macro, not(super_unstable)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(super_unstable)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `procmacro2_nightly_testing`\n --> src/lib.rs:127:5\n |\n 127 | procmacro2_nightly_testing,\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(procmacro2_nightly_testing)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `proc_macro_span`\n --> src/lib.rs:129:9\n |\n 129 | not(proc_macro_span)\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(proc_macro_span)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/lib.rs:144:7\n |\n 144 | #[cfg(wrap_proc_macro)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/lib.rs:154:11\n |\n 154 | #[cfg(not(wrap_proc_macro))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/lib.rs:157:7\n |\n 157 | #[cfg(wrap_proc_macro)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/lib.rs:160:7\n |\n 160 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/lib.rs:168:7\n |\n 168 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `procmacro2_semver_exempt`\n --> src/lib.rs:174:7\n |\n 174 | #[cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/lib.rs:177:7\n |\n 177 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `doc_cfg`\n --> src/lib.rs:255:12\n |\n 255 | #[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = \"proc-macro\")))]\n | ^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(doc_cfg)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `doc_cfg`\n --> src/lib.rs:263:12\n |\n 263 | #[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = \"proc-macro\")))]\n | ^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(doc_cfg)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `procmacro2_semver_exempt`\n --> src/lib.rs:341:11\n |\n 341 | #[cfg(all(procmacro2_semver_exempt, any(not(wrap_proc_macro), super_unstable)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/lib.rs:341:45\n |\n 341 | #[cfg(all(procmacro2_semver_exempt, any(not(wrap_proc_macro), super_unstable)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `super_unstable`\n --> src/lib.rs:341:63\n |\n 341 | #[cfg(all(procmacro2_semver_exempt, any(not(wrap_proc_macro), super_unstable)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(super_unstable)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `procmacro2_semver_exempt`\n --> src/lib.rs:349:11\n |\n 349 | #[cfg(all(procmacro2_semver_exempt, any(not(wrap_proc_macro), super_unstable)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/lib.rs:349:45\n |\n 349 | #[cfg(all(procmacro2_semver_exempt, any(not(wrap_proc_macro), super_unstable)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `super_unstable`\n --> src/lib.rs:349:63\n |\n 349 | #[cfg(all(procmacro2_semver_exempt, any(not(wrap_proc_macro), super_unstable)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(super_unstable)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `procmacro2_semver_exempt`\n --> src/lib.rs:382:11\n |\n 382 | #[cfg(all(procmacro2_semver_exempt, any(not(wrap_proc_macro), super_unstable)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/lib.rs:382:45\n |\n 382 | #[cfg(all(procmacro2_semver_exempt, any(not(wrap_proc_macro), super_unstable)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `super_unstable`\n --> src/lib.rs:382:63\n |\n 382 | #[cfg(all(procmacro2_semver_exempt, any(not(wrap_proc_macro), super_unstable)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(super_unstable)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `procmacro2_semver_exempt`\n --> src/marker.rs:9:9\n |\n 9 | all(procmacro2_semver_exempt, any(not(wrap_proc_macro), super_unstable)),\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/marker.rs:9:43\n |\n 9 | all(procmacro2_semver_exempt, any(not(wrap_proc_macro), super_unstable)),\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `super_unstable`\n --> src/marker.rs:9:61\n |\n 9 | all(procmacro2_semver_exempt, any(not(wrap_proc_macro), super_unstable)),\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(super_unstable)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/parse.rs:12:11\n |\n 12 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/parse.rs:21:19\n |\n 21 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/parse.rs:180:15\n |\n 180 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/parse.rs:187:23\n |\n 187 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/parse.rs:193:27\n |\n 193 | #[cfg(not(span_locations))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/parse.rs:206:19\n |\n 206 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/parse.rs:220:19\n |\n 220 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/parse.rs:229:23\n |\n 229 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/parse.rs:231:23\n |\n 231 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/parse.rs:242:23\n |\n 242 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/parse.rs:244:23\n |\n 244 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/parse.rs:254:15\n |\n 254 | #[cfg(not(span_locations))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/parse.rs:258:19\n |\n 258 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/parse.rs:260:19\n |\n 260 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/parse.rs:914:11\n |\n 914 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/parse.rs:918:15\n |\n 918 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/parse.rs:920:15\n |\n 920 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `no_is_available`\n --> src/detection.rs:26:11\n |\n 26 | #[cfg(not(no_is_available))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(no_is_available)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `no_is_available`\n --> src/detection.rs:56:7\n |\n 56 | #[cfg(no_is_available)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(no_is_available)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:1:7\n |\n 1 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:6:11\n |\n 6 | #[cfg(all(span_locations, not(fuzzing)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `fuzzing`\n --> src/fallback.rs:6:31\n |\n 6 | #[cfg(all(span_locations, not(fuzzing)))]\n | ^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(fuzzing)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:8:11\n |\n 8 | #[cfg(all(span_locations, not(fuzzing)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `fuzzing`\n --> src/fallback.rs:8:31\n |\n 8 | #[cfg(all(span_locations, not(fuzzing)))]\n | ^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(fuzzing)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:10:7\n |\n 10 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:14:7\n |\n 14 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `procmacro2_semver_exempt`\n --> src/fallback.rs:20:7\n |\n 20 | #[cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:151:7\n |\n 151 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:168:11\n |\n 168 | #[cfg(not(span_locations))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `procmacro2_semver_exempt`\n --> src/fallback.rs:302:7\n |\n 302 | #[cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `procmacro2_semver_exempt`\n --> src/fallback.rs:308:7\n |\n 308 | #[cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `procmacro2_semver_exempt`\n --> src/fallback.rs:320:7\n |\n 320 | #[cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:330:11\n |\n 330 | #[cfg(all(span_locations, not(fuzzing)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `fuzzing`\n --> src/fallback.rs:330:31\n |\n 330 | #[cfg(all(span_locations, not(fuzzing)))]\n | ^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(fuzzing)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:344:7\n |\n 344 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:350:11\n |\n 350 | #[cfg(all(span_locations, not(fuzzing)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `fuzzing`\n --> src/fallback.rs:350:31\n |\n 350 | #[cfg(all(span_locations, not(fuzzing)))]\n | ^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(fuzzing)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:358:11\n |\n 358 | #[cfg(all(span_locations, not(fuzzing)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `fuzzing`\n --> src/fallback.rs:358:31\n |\n 358 | #[cfg(all(span_locations, not(fuzzing)))]\n | ^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(fuzzing)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:425:11\n |\n 425 | #[cfg(all(span_locations, not(fuzzing)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `fuzzing`\n --> src/fallback.rs:425:31\n |\n 425 | #[cfg(all(span_locations, not(fuzzing)))]\n | ^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(fuzzing)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:440:11\n |\n 440 | #[cfg(all(span_locations, not(fuzzing)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `fuzzing`\n --> src/fallback.rs:440:31\n |\n 440 | #[cfg(all(span_locations, not(fuzzing)))]\n | ^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(fuzzing)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:445:11\n |\n 445 | #[cfg(all(span_locations, not(fuzzing)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `fuzzing`\n --> src/fallback.rs:445:31\n |\n 445 | #[cfg(all(span_locations, not(fuzzing)))]\n | ^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(fuzzing)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:509:11\n |\n 509 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:511:11\n |\n 511 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/fallback.rs:26:11\n |\n 26 | #[cfg(wrap_proc_macro)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/fallback.rs:33:11\n |\n 33 | #[cfg(wrap_proc_macro)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/fallback.rs:80:19\n |\n 80 | #[cfg(wrap_proc_macro)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/fallback.rs:82:23\n |\n 82 | #[cfg(not(wrap_proc_macro))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/fallback.rs:113:19\n |\n 113 | #[cfg(wrap_proc_macro)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:516:15\n |\n 516 | #[cfg(not(span_locations))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:521:11\n |\n 521 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `procmacro2_semver_exempt`\n --> src/fallback.rs:530:11\n |\n 530 | #[cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `procmacro2_semver_exempt`\n --> src/fallback.rs:546:11\n |\n 546 | #[cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:561:11\n |\n 561 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:576:11\n |\n 576 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:589:11\n |\n 589 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:602:15\n |\n 602 | #[cfg(not(span_locations))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:607:11\n |\n 607 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:629:15\n |\n 629 | #[cfg(not(span_locations))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:634:11\n |\n 634 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:649:15\n |\n 649 | #[cfg(not(span_locations))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:654:11\n |\n 654 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:662:15\n |\n 662 | #[cfg(not(span_locations))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:667:11\n |\n 667 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:675:11\n |\n 675 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:683:15\n |\n 683 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:686:19\n |\n 686 | #[cfg(not(span_locations))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:692:11\n |\n 692 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:699:13\n |\n 699 | if cfg!(span_locations) {\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:908:15\n |\n 908 | #[cfg(not(span_locations))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:919:11\n |\n 919 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:1114:19\n |\n 1114 | #[cfg(not(span_locations))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:1120:15\n |\n 1120 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:1160:15\n |\n 1160 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:1177:27\n |\n 1177 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:1179:27\n |\n 1179 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/extra.rs:71:7\n |\n 71 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/extra.rs:89:11\n |\n 89 | #[cfg(wrap_proc_macro)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/extra.rs:100:15\n |\n 100 | #[cfg(wrap_proc_macro)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/extra.rs:110:19\n |\n 110 | #[cfg(not(wrap_proc_macro))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/extra.rs:122:19\n |\n 122 | #[cfg(wrap_proc_macro)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/extra.rs:131:19\n |\n 131 | #[cfg(wrap_proc_macro)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/extra.rs:140:19\n |\n 140 | #[cfg(wrap_proc_macro)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/wrapper.rs:2:7\n |\n 2 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/wrapper.rs:6:7\n |\n 6 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `super_unstable`…","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Resolve unexpected_cfgs warning"}},{"before":null,"after":"ca9a349bb47a6f5eca200e677a487f67f6e2fddb","ref":"refs/heads/checkcfg","pushedAt":"2024-05-07T04:06:57.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"dtolnay","name":"David Tolnay","path":"/dtolnay","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1940490?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Resolve unexpected_cfgs warning\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `procmacro2_semver_exempt`\n --> build.rs:48:30\n |\n 48 | let semver_exempt = cfg!(procmacro2_semver_exempt) || docs_rs;\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: expected names are: `clippy`, `debug_assertions`, `doc`, `docsrs`, `doctest`, `feature`, `miri`, `overflow_checks`, `panic`, `proc_macro`, `relocation_model`, `rustfmt`, `sanitize`, `sanitizer_cfi_generalize_pointers`, `sanitizer_cfi_normalize_integers`, `target_abi`, `target_arch`, `target_endian`, `target_env`, `target_family`, `target_feature`, `target_has_atomic`, `target_has_atomic_equal_alignment`, `target_has_atomic_load_store`, `target_os`, `target_pointer_width`, `target_thread_local`, `target_vendor`, `test`, `ub_checks`, `unix`, `windows`\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n = note: `#[warn(unexpected_cfgs)]` on by default\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `proc_macro_span`\n --> src/lib.rs:90:17\n |\n 90 | #![cfg_attr(any(proc_macro_span, super_unstable), feature(proc_macro_span))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(proc_macro_span)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n = note: `#[warn(unexpected_cfgs)]` on by default\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `super_unstable`\n --> src/lib.rs:90:34\n |\n 90 | #![cfg_attr(any(proc_macro_span, super_unstable), feature(proc_macro_span))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: expected names are: `clippy`, `debug_assertions`, `doc`, `docsrs`, `doctest`, `feature`, `miri`, `overflow_checks`, `panic`, `proc_macro`, `relocation_model`, `rustfmt`, `sanitize`, `sanitizer_cfi_generalize_pointers`, `sanitizer_cfi_normalize_integers`, `target_abi`, `target_arch`, `target_endian`, `target_env`, `target_family`, `target_feature`, `target_has_atomic`, `target_has_atomic_equal_alignment`, `target_has_atomic_load_store`, `target_os`, `target_pointer_width`, `target_thread_local`, `target_vendor`, `test`, `ub_checks`, `unix`, `windows`\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(super_unstable)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `super_unstable`\n --> src/lib.rs:91:13\n |\n 91 | #![cfg_attr(super_unstable, feature(proc_macro_def_site))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(super_unstable)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `doc_cfg`\n --> src/lib.rs:92:13\n |\n 92 | #![cfg_attr(doc_cfg, feature(doc_cfg))]\n | ^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(doc_cfg)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `procmacro2_semver_exempt`\n --> src/lib.rs:118:11\n |\n 118 | #[cfg(all(procmacro2_semver_exempt, wrap_proc_macro, not(super_unstable)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/lib.rs:118:37\n |\n 118 | #[cfg(all(procmacro2_semver_exempt, wrap_proc_macro, not(super_unstable)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `super_unstable`\n --> src/lib.rs:118:58\n |\n 118 | #[cfg(all(procmacro2_semver_exempt, wrap_proc_macro, not(super_unstable)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(super_unstable)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `procmacro2_nightly_testing`\n --> src/lib.rs:127:5\n |\n 127 | procmacro2_nightly_testing,\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(procmacro2_nightly_testing)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `proc_macro_span`\n --> src/lib.rs:129:9\n |\n 129 | not(proc_macro_span)\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(proc_macro_span)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/lib.rs:144:7\n |\n 144 | #[cfg(wrap_proc_macro)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/lib.rs:154:11\n |\n 154 | #[cfg(not(wrap_proc_macro))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/lib.rs:157:7\n |\n 157 | #[cfg(wrap_proc_macro)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/lib.rs:160:7\n |\n 160 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/lib.rs:168:7\n |\n 168 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `procmacro2_semver_exempt`\n --> src/lib.rs:174:7\n |\n 174 | #[cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/lib.rs:177:7\n |\n 177 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `doc_cfg`\n --> src/lib.rs:255:12\n |\n 255 | #[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = \"proc-macro\")))]\n | ^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(doc_cfg)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `doc_cfg`\n --> src/lib.rs:263:12\n |\n 263 | #[cfg_attr(doc_cfg, doc(cfg(feature = \"proc-macro\")))]\n | ^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(doc_cfg)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `procmacro2_semver_exempt`\n --> src/lib.rs:341:11\n |\n 341 | #[cfg(all(procmacro2_semver_exempt, any(not(wrap_proc_macro), super_unstable)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/lib.rs:341:45\n |\n 341 | #[cfg(all(procmacro2_semver_exempt, any(not(wrap_proc_macro), super_unstable)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `super_unstable`\n --> src/lib.rs:341:63\n |\n 341 | #[cfg(all(procmacro2_semver_exempt, any(not(wrap_proc_macro), super_unstable)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(super_unstable)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `procmacro2_semver_exempt`\n --> src/lib.rs:349:11\n |\n 349 | #[cfg(all(procmacro2_semver_exempt, any(not(wrap_proc_macro), super_unstable)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/lib.rs:349:45\n |\n 349 | #[cfg(all(procmacro2_semver_exempt, any(not(wrap_proc_macro), super_unstable)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `super_unstable`\n --> src/lib.rs:349:63\n |\n 349 | #[cfg(all(procmacro2_semver_exempt, any(not(wrap_proc_macro), super_unstable)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(super_unstable)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `procmacro2_semver_exempt`\n --> src/lib.rs:382:11\n |\n 382 | #[cfg(all(procmacro2_semver_exempt, any(not(wrap_proc_macro), super_unstable)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/lib.rs:382:45\n |\n 382 | #[cfg(all(procmacro2_semver_exempt, any(not(wrap_proc_macro), super_unstable)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `super_unstable`\n --> src/lib.rs:382:63\n |\n 382 | #[cfg(all(procmacro2_semver_exempt, any(not(wrap_proc_macro), super_unstable)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(super_unstable)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `procmacro2_semver_exempt`\n --> src/marker.rs:9:9\n |\n 9 | all(procmacro2_semver_exempt, any(not(wrap_proc_macro), super_unstable)),\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/marker.rs:9:43\n |\n 9 | all(procmacro2_semver_exempt, any(not(wrap_proc_macro), super_unstable)),\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `super_unstable`\n --> src/marker.rs:9:61\n |\n 9 | all(procmacro2_semver_exempt, any(not(wrap_proc_macro), super_unstable)),\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(super_unstable)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/parse.rs:12:11\n |\n 12 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/parse.rs:21:19\n |\n 21 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/parse.rs:180:15\n |\n 180 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/parse.rs:187:23\n |\n 187 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/parse.rs:193:27\n |\n 193 | #[cfg(not(span_locations))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/parse.rs:206:19\n |\n 206 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/parse.rs:220:19\n |\n 220 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/parse.rs:229:23\n |\n 229 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/parse.rs:231:23\n |\n 231 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/parse.rs:242:23\n |\n 242 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/parse.rs:244:23\n |\n 244 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/parse.rs:254:15\n |\n 254 | #[cfg(not(span_locations))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/parse.rs:258:19\n |\n 258 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/parse.rs:260:19\n |\n 260 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/parse.rs:914:11\n |\n 914 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/parse.rs:918:15\n |\n 918 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/parse.rs:920:15\n |\n 920 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `no_is_available`\n --> src/detection.rs:26:11\n |\n 26 | #[cfg(not(no_is_available))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(no_is_available)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `no_is_available`\n --> src/detection.rs:56:7\n |\n 56 | #[cfg(no_is_available)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(no_is_available)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:1:7\n |\n 1 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:6:11\n |\n 6 | #[cfg(all(span_locations, not(fuzzing)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `fuzzing`\n --> src/fallback.rs:6:31\n |\n 6 | #[cfg(all(span_locations, not(fuzzing)))]\n | ^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(fuzzing)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:8:11\n |\n 8 | #[cfg(all(span_locations, not(fuzzing)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `fuzzing`\n --> src/fallback.rs:8:31\n |\n 8 | #[cfg(all(span_locations, not(fuzzing)))]\n | ^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(fuzzing)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:10:7\n |\n 10 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:14:7\n |\n 14 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `procmacro2_semver_exempt`\n --> src/fallback.rs:20:7\n |\n 20 | #[cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:151:7\n |\n 151 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:168:11\n |\n 168 | #[cfg(not(span_locations))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `procmacro2_semver_exempt`\n --> src/fallback.rs:302:7\n |\n 302 | #[cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `procmacro2_semver_exempt`\n --> src/fallback.rs:308:7\n |\n 308 | #[cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `procmacro2_semver_exempt`\n --> src/fallback.rs:320:7\n |\n 320 | #[cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:330:11\n |\n 330 | #[cfg(all(span_locations, not(fuzzing)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `fuzzing`\n --> src/fallback.rs:330:31\n |\n 330 | #[cfg(all(span_locations, not(fuzzing)))]\n | ^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(fuzzing)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:344:7\n |\n 344 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:350:11\n |\n 350 | #[cfg(all(span_locations, not(fuzzing)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `fuzzing`\n --> src/fallback.rs:350:31\n |\n 350 | #[cfg(all(span_locations, not(fuzzing)))]\n | ^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(fuzzing)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:358:11\n |\n 358 | #[cfg(all(span_locations, not(fuzzing)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `fuzzing`\n --> src/fallback.rs:358:31\n |\n 358 | #[cfg(all(span_locations, not(fuzzing)))]\n | ^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(fuzzing)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:425:11\n |\n 425 | #[cfg(all(span_locations, not(fuzzing)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `fuzzing`\n --> src/fallback.rs:425:31\n |\n 425 | #[cfg(all(span_locations, not(fuzzing)))]\n | ^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(fuzzing)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:440:11\n |\n 440 | #[cfg(all(span_locations, not(fuzzing)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `fuzzing`\n --> src/fallback.rs:440:31\n |\n 440 | #[cfg(all(span_locations, not(fuzzing)))]\n | ^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(fuzzing)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:445:11\n |\n 445 | #[cfg(all(span_locations, not(fuzzing)))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `fuzzing`\n --> src/fallback.rs:445:31\n |\n 445 | #[cfg(all(span_locations, not(fuzzing)))]\n | ^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(fuzzing)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:509:11\n |\n 509 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:511:11\n |\n 511 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/fallback.rs:26:11\n |\n 26 | #[cfg(wrap_proc_macro)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/fallback.rs:33:11\n |\n 33 | #[cfg(wrap_proc_macro)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/fallback.rs:80:19\n |\n 80 | #[cfg(wrap_proc_macro)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/fallback.rs:82:23\n |\n 82 | #[cfg(not(wrap_proc_macro))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/fallback.rs:113:19\n |\n 113 | #[cfg(wrap_proc_macro)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:516:15\n |\n 516 | #[cfg(not(span_locations))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:521:11\n |\n 521 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `procmacro2_semver_exempt`\n --> src/fallback.rs:530:11\n |\n 530 | #[cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `procmacro2_semver_exempt`\n --> src/fallback.rs:546:11\n |\n 546 | #[cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(procmacro2_semver_exempt)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:561:11\n |\n 561 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:576:11\n |\n 576 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:589:11\n |\n 589 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:602:15\n |\n 602 | #[cfg(not(span_locations))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:607:11\n |\n 607 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:629:15\n |\n 629 | #[cfg(not(span_locations))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:634:11\n |\n 634 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:649:15\n |\n 649 | #[cfg(not(span_locations))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:654:11\n |\n 654 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:662:15\n |\n 662 | #[cfg(not(span_locations))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:667:11\n |\n 667 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:675:11\n |\n 675 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:683:15\n |\n 683 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:686:19\n |\n 686 | #[cfg(not(span_locations))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:692:11\n |\n 692 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:699:13\n |\n 699 | if cfg!(span_locations) {\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:908:15\n |\n 908 | #[cfg(not(span_locations))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:919:11\n |\n 919 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:1114:19\n |\n 1114 | #[cfg(not(span_locations))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:1120:15\n |\n 1120 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:1160:15\n |\n 1160 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:1177:27\n |\n 1177 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/fallback.rs:1179:27\n |\n 1179 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/extra.rs:71:7\n |\n 71 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/extra.rs:89:11\n |\n 89 | #[cfg(wrap_proc_macro)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/extra.rs:100:15\n |\n 100 | #[cfg(wrap_proc_macro)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/extra.rs:110:19\n |\n 110 | #[cfg(not(wrap_proc_macro))]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/extra.rs:122:19\n |\n 122 | #[cfg(wrap_proc_macro)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/extra.rs:131:19\n |\n 131 | #[cfg(wrap_proc_macro)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `wrap_proc_macro`\n --> src/extra.rs:140:19\n |\n 140 | #[cfg(wrap_proc_macro)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: there is a config with a similar name: `proc_macro`\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(wrap_proc_macro)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/wrapper.rs:2:7\n |\n 2 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `span_locations`\n --> src/wrapper.rs:6:7\n |\n 6 | #[cfg(span_locations)]\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: consider using a Cargo feature instead or adding `println!(\"cargo::rustc-check-cfg=cfg(span_locations)\");` to the top of the `build.rs`\n = note: see for more information about checking conditional configuration\n\n warning: unexpected `cfg` condition name: `super_unstable`…","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Resolve unexpected_cfgs warning"}},{"before":"f965e17679d18e0049406913588458b12fbad871","after":"fd2c998967a65d3378f06f2480abd4d34f4697ab","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-04-17T01:35:06.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"dtolnay","name":"David Tolnay","path":"/dtolnay","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1940490?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Release 1.0.81","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Release 1.0.81"}},{"before":"69fd060280b3ddd5c3678ebdd9eb4446619cc86f","after":null,"ref":"refs/heads/delimiternone","pushedAt":"2024-04-17T01:32:33.000Z","pushType":"branch_deletion","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"dtolnay","name":"David Tolnay","path":"/dtolnay","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1940490?s=80&v=4"}},{"before":"da51f8d005cc5d8299c1872fad9bbe63b07c31c7","after":"f965e17679d18e0049406913588458b12fbad871","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-04-17T01:32:31.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":2,"pusher":{"login":"dtolnay","name":"David Tolnay","path":"/dtolnay","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1940490?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge pull request #453 from dtolnay/delimiternone\n\nSync documentation of Delimiter::None","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge pull request #453 from dtolnay/delimiternone"}},{"before":null,"after":"69fd060280b3ddd5c3678ebdd9eb4446619cc86f","ref":"refs/heads/delimiternone","pushedAt":"2024-04-17T01:30:17.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"dtolnay","name":"David Tolnay","path":"/dtolnay","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1940490?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Sync documentation of Delimiter::None","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Sync documentation of Delimiter::None"}},{"before":"392fa6c489ffb1f0178dc7377f894cfaf2d4744a","after":"da51f8d005cc5d8299c1872fad9bbe63b07c31c7","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-04-14T21:46:13.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"dtolnay","name":"David Tolnay","path":"/dtolnay","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1940490?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Release 1.0.80","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Release 1.0.80"}},{"before":"1ff5c1f2a91d815dbe531f9570fcf67522b5e27d","after":"392fa6c489ffb1f0178dc7377f894cfaf2d4744a","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-04-14T21:43:36.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"dtolnay","name":"David Tolnay","path":"/dtolnay","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1940490?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Ignore needless_pass_by_value pedantic clippy lint in test\n\n warning: this argument is passed by value, but not consumed in the function body\n --> tests/test.rs:101:24\n |\n 101 | fn assert(literal: Literal, expected: &str) {\n | ^^^^^^^ help: consider taking a reference instead: `&Literal`\n |\n = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_pass_by_value\n = note: `-W clippy::needless-pass-by-value` implied by `-W clippy::pedantic`\n = help: to override `-W clippy::pedantic` add `#[allow(clippy::needless_pass_by_value)]`\n\n warning: this argument is passed by value, but not consumed in the function body\n --> tests/test.rs:149:24\n |\n 149 | fn assert(literal: Literal, expected: &str) {\n | ^^^^^^^ help: consider taking a reference instead: `&Literal`\n |\n = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_pass_by_value\n\n warning: this argument is passed by value, but not consumed in the function body\n --> tests/test.rs:167:24\n |\n 167 | fn assert(literal: Literal, expected: &str) {\n | ^^^^^^^ help: consider taking a reference instead: `&Literal`\n |\n = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_pass_by_value\n\n warning: this argument is passed by value, but not consumed in the function body\n --> tests/test.rs:194:24\n |\n 194 | fn assert(literal: Literal, expected: &str) {\n | ^^^^^^^ help: consider taking a reference instead: `&Literal`\n |\n = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_pass_by_value\n\n warning: this argument is passed by value, but not consumed in the function body\n --> tests/test.rs:265:24\n |\n 265 | fn assert(literal: Literal, expected: &str) {\n | ^^^^^^^ help: consider taking a reference instead: `&Literal`\n |\n = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_pass_by_value\n\n warning: this argument is passed by value, but not consumed in the function body\n --> tests/test.rs:281:24\n |\n 281 | fn assert(literal: Literal, expected: &str) {\n | ^^^^^^^ help: consider taking a reference instead: `&Literal`\n |\n = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_pass_by_value\n\n warning: this argument is passed by value, but not consumed in the function body\n --> tests/test.rs:320:24\n |\n 320 | fn assert(literal: Literal, expected: &str) {\n | ^^^^^^^ help: consider taking a reference instead: `&Literal`\n |\n = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_pass_by_value","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Ignore needless_pass_by_value pedantic clippy lint in test"}},{"before":"0c9449e03d0038f99c0f2dfe6c42878bf531c393","after":"1ff5c1f2a91d815dbe531f9570fcf67522b5e27d","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-04-14T21:43:32.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"dtolnay","name":"David Tolnay","path":"/dtolnay","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1940490?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Ignore needless_raw_string_hashes pedantic clippy lint in test\n\n warning: unnecessary hashes around raw string literal\n --> tests/test.rs:153:43\n |\n 153 | assert(Literal::byte_character(b'a'), r#\" b'a' \"#);\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_raw_string_hashes\n = note: `-W clippy::needless-raw-string-hashes` implied by `-W clippy::pedantic`\n = help: to override `-W clippy::pedantic` add `#[allow(clippy::needless_raw_string_hashes)]`\n help: remove all the hashes around the string literal\n |\n 153 - assert(Literal::byte_character(b'a'), r#\" b'a' \"#);\n 153 + assert(Literal::byte_character(b'a'), r\" b'a' \");\n |\n\n warning: unnecessary hashes around raw string literal\n --> tests/test.rs:154:44\n |\n 154 | assert(Literal::byte_character(b'\\0'), r#\" b'\\0' \"#);\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_raw_string_hashes\n help: remove all the hashes around the string literal\n |\n 154 - assert(Literal::byte_character(b'\\0'), r#\" b'\\0' \"#);\n 154 + assert(Literal::byte_character(b'\\0'), r\" b'\\0' \");\n |\n\n warning: unnecessary hashes around raw string literal\n --> tests/test.rs:155:44\n |\n 155 | assert(Literal::byte_character(b'\\t'), r#\" b'\\t' \"#);\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_raw_string_hashes\n help: remove all the hashes around the string literal\n |\n 155 - assert(Literal::byte_character(b'\\t'), r#\" b'\\t' \"#);\n 155 + assert(Literal::byte_character(b'\\t'), r\" b'\\t' \");\n |\n\n warning: unnecessary hashes around raw string literal\n --> tests/test.rs:156:44\n |\n 156 | assert(Literal::byte_character(b'\\n'), r#\" b'\\n' \"#);\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_raw_string_hashes\n help: remove all the hashes around the string literal\n |\n 156 - assert(Literal::byte_character(b'\\n'), r#\" b'\\n' \"#);\n 156 + assert(Literal::byte_character(b'\\n'), r\" b'\\n' \");\n |\n\n warning: unnecessary hashes around raw string literal\n --> tests/test.rs:157:44\n |\n 157 | assert(Literal::byte_character(b'\\r'), r#\" b'\\r' \"#);\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_raw_string_hashes\n help: remove all the hashes around the string literal\n |\n 157 - assert(Literal::byte_character(b'\\r'), r#\" b'\\r' \"#);\n 157 + assert(Literal::byte_character(b'\\r'), r\" b'\\r' \");\n |\n\n warning: unnecessary hashes around raw string literal\n --> tests/test.rs:158:44\n |\n 158 | assert(Literal::byte_character(b'\\''), r#\" b'\\'' \"#);\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_raw_string_hashes\n help: remove all the hashes around the string literal\n |\n 158 - assert(Literal::byte_character(b'\\''), r#\" b'\\'' \"#);\n 158 + assert(Literal::byte_character(b'\\''), r\" b'\\'' \");\n |\n\n warning: unnecessary hashes around raw string literal\n --> tests/test.rs:159:44\n |\n 159 | assert(Literal::byte_character(b'\\\\'), r#\" b'\\\\' \"#);\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_raw_string_hashes\n help: remove all the hashes around the string literal\n |\n 159 - assert(Literal::byte_character(b'\\\\'), r#\" b'\\\\' \"#);\n 159 + assert(Literal::byte_character(b'\\\\'), r\" b'\\\\' \");\n |\n\n warning: unnecessary hashes around raw string literal\n --> tests/test.rs:160:46\n |\n 160 | assert(Literal::byte_character(b'\\x1f'), r#\" b'\\x1F' \"#);\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_raw_string_hashes\n help: remove all the hashes around the string literal\n |\n 160 - assert(Literal::byte_character(b'\\x1f'), r#\" b'\\x1F' \"#);\n 160 + assert(Literal::byte_character(b'\\x1f'), r\" b'\\x1F' \");\n |\n\n warning: unnecessary hashes around raw string literal\n --> tests/test.rs:269:37\n |\n 269 | assert(Literal::character('a'), r#\" 'a' \"#);\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_raw_string_hashes\n help: remove all the hashes around the string literal\n |\n 269 - assert(Literal::character('a'), r#\" 'a' \"#);\n 269 + assert(Literal::character('a'), r\" 'a' \");\n |\n\n warning: unnecessary hashes around raw string literal\n --> tests/test.rs:270:38\n |\n 270 | assert(Literal::character('\\t'), r#\" '\\t' \"#);\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_raw_string_hashes\n help: remove all the hashes around the string literal\n |\n 270 - assert(Literal::character('\\t'), r#\" '\\t' \"#);\n 270 + assert(Literal::character('\\t'), r\" '\\t' \");\n |\n\n warning: unnecessary hashes around raw string literal\n --> tests/test.rs:271:37\n |\n 271 | assert(Literal::character('❤'), r#\" '❤' \"#);\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_raw_string_hashes\n help: remove all the hashes around the string literal\n |\n 271 - assert(Literal::character('❤'), r#\" '❤' \"#);\n 271 + assert(Literal::character('❤'), r\" '❤' \");\n |\n\n warning: unnecessary hashes around raw string literal\n --> tests/test.rs:272:38\n |\n 272 | assert(Literal::character('\\''), r#\" '\\'' \"#);\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_raw_string_hashes\n help: remove all the hashes around the string literal\n |\n 272 - assert(Literal::character('\\''), r#\" '\\'' \"#);\n 272 + assert(Literal::character('\\''), r\" '\\'' \");\n |\n\n warning: unnecessary hashes around raw string literal\n --> tests/test.rs:274:38\n |\n 274 | assert(Literal::character('\\0'), r#\" '\\0' \"#);\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_raw_string_hashes\n help: remove all the hashes around the string literal\n |\n 274 - assert(Literal::character('\\0'), r#\" '\\0' \"#);\n 274 + assert(Literal::character('\\0'), r\" '\\0' \");\n |\n\n warning: unnecessary hashes around raw string literal\n --> tests/test.rs:275:41\n |\n 275 | assert(Literal::character('\\u{1}'), r#\" '\\u{1}' \"#);\n | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n |\n = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_raw_string_hashes\n help: remove all the hashes around the string literal\n |\n 275 - assert(Literal::character('\\u{1}'), r#\" '\\u{1}' \"#);\n 275 + assert(Literal::character('\\u{1}'), r\" '\\u{1}' \");\n |","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Ignore needless_raw_string_hashes pedantic clippy lint in test"}},{"before":"28c87ad85264b055b9512c71d1aee4af7353bec4","after":"0c9449e03d0038f99c0f2dfe6c42878bf531c393","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-04-14T21:40:23.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"dtolnay","name":"David Tolnay","path":"/dtolnay","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1940490?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Import some Literal tests from libproc_macro","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Import some Literal tests from libproc_macro"}},{"before":"c61f5db62c22f727ae59140edb8a4848d962433a","after":"28c87ad85264b055b9512c71d1aee4af7353bec4","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-04-14T21:21:09.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"dtolnay","name":"David Tolnay","path":"/dtolnay","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1940490?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Add tests of negative literal construction","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Add tests of negative literal construction"}},{"before":"d50dcd9be7136e865020ef58be0244f7a61157e5","after":"c61f5db62c22f727ae59140edb8a4848d962433a","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-04-14T21:17:54.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"dtolnay","name":"David Tolnay","path":"/dtolnay","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1940490?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Add some tests of cstr raw 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libproc_m…"}},{"before":"5ac12c94ef188c16a048461d65af2f245641dcac","after":null,"ref":"refs/heads/bytechar","pushedAt":"2024-04-14T20:32:45.000Z","pushType":"branch_deletion","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"dtolnay","name":"David Tolnay","path":"/dtolnay","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1940490?s=80&v=4"}},{"before":"5bdf9be660ab71983d655c6b496114fd751c508c","after":"26d1d3f0a4fa112113498fd661d7bb5d51aa057d","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-04-14T20:32:42.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":2,"pusher":{"login":"dtolnay","name":"David Tolnay","path":"/dtolnay","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1940490?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge pull request #449 from dtolnay/bytechar\n\nAdd `Literal::byte_character` constructor","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge pull request #449 from 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