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Alignment Handbook

Alignment Handbook provides robust recipes to continue pretraining and to align language models with human and AI preferences. It basically comes with two types of recipes and four types of scripts that were used to create Hugging Face Zephyr models:


Alignment Handbook provides all the code you need to run CPT, SFT, DPO, and ORPO within Hugging Face OSS ecosystem such as transformers, peft, accelerate, trl. All you need to do is to modify recipes for accelerate and training, and run appropriate script.

For instance, if you want to QLoRA fine-tune Gemma 7B model on your own SFT dataset hosted on Hugging Face Hub, you can prepare a yaml config file as config.yaml. This config is based on the Zephyr-7B-Gemma recipe except the following modification:

  • dataset_mixer field to point which SFT dataset to be used.
  • hub_model_id and output_dir fields to point where the model and its checkpoints should be saved.
  • LoRA arguments related fields to indicate that this fine-tuning is based on QLoRA methodology.

With the config.yaml file configured, you can run the following command to QLoRA fine-tune Gemma 7B model on 2 GPUs:

ACCELERATE_LOG_LEVEL=info accelerate launch \
  --config_file config.yaml \
  --num_processes=2 \
  scripts/ \

For more details and other alignment methods, please check out the alignment-handbook's official repository.

Running via dstack

This example demonstrate how to run an Alignment Handbook recipe via dstack.

First, define the train.dstack.yaml task configuration file as following:

type: task

python: "3.11"


  - conda install cuda
  - git clone
  - mkdir -p alignment-handbook/recipes/custom/
  - cp config.yaml alignment-handbook/recipes/custom/config.yaml

  - cd alignment-handbook
  - python -m pip install .
  - python -m pip install flash-attn --no-build-isolation

  - pip install wandb
  - wandb login $WANDB_API_KEY

  - ACCELERATE_LOG_LEVEL=info accelerate launch
    --config_file recipes/accelerate_configs/multi_gpu.yaml
  - 6006
    memory: 40GB
    name: A6000
    count: 2


Feel free to adjust resources to specify the required resources.

The task clones the huggingface/alignment-handbook repo, and copies our local config.yaml to the recipies subfolder. Then, the task installs dependencies, and launches the recipe.

Our config.yaml sets report_to to wandb and tensorboard. That's why we the task also installs wandb.

To run the task, use the following command:

dstack run . -f examples/fine-tuning/alignment-handbook/train.dstack.yaml


  • merged_ds_coding: SFT dataset for solely coding task. It roughly contains 60k training dataset.
  • chansung/coding_llamaduo_60k_v0.2: QLoRA adapter for Gemma 7B with the exactly the same configuration as in config.yaml. This adapter is fine-tuned on the merged_ds_coding dataset with 2xA6000 GPUs via dstack Sky.