diff --git a/.github/labels.yaml b/.github/labels.yaml index bcfec8a18..b34bcbe16 100644 --- a/.github/labels.yaml +++ b/.github/labels.yaml @@ -7,54 +7,54 @@ name: ":bug: bug" color: "b60205" description: "Something isn't working" - from_name: "bug" + # from_name: "bug" - # dependency name: ":game_die: dependencies" color: "0366d6" description: "Pull requests that update a dependency file" - from_name: "dependencies" + # from_name: "dependencies" - # documentation name: ":memo: documentation" color: "c5def5" description: "Improvements or additions to documentation" - from_name: "documentation" + # from_name: "documentation" - # duplicate name: ":busts_in_silhouette: duplicate" color: "cccccc" description: "This issue or pull request already exists" - from_name: "duplicate" + # from_name: "duplicate" - # enhancement name: ":sparkles: enhancement" color: "0054ca" description: "New feature or request" - from_name: "enhancement" + # from_name: "enhancement" - # good first issue name: ":hatching_chick: good first issue" color: "7057ff" description: "Good for newcomers" - from_name: "good first issue" + # from_name: "good first issue" - # help wanted name: ":pray: help wanted" color: "4caf50" description: "Extra attention is needed" - from_name: "help wanted" + # from_name: "help wanted" - # invalid name: ":no_entry_sign: invalid" color: "e6e6e6" description: "This doesn't seem right" - from_name: "invalid" + # from_name: "invalid" - # needs more info name: ":thinking: needs more info" color: "795548" description: "The information present in the issue isn't enough to solve the problem" - from_name: "needs info" + # from_name: "needs info" - # question name: ":question: question" color: "3f51b5" description: "Further information is requested" - from_name: "question" + # from_name: "question" - # wontfix name: ":coffin: wontfix" color: "ffffff" description: "This will not be worked on" - from_name: "wontfix" + # from_name: "wontfix"