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File metadata and controls

94 lines (79 loc) · 5.07 KB

Development Guide

gqlgen relies on GraphQL schema to generate its code. We are storing our schema files in the dictyBase/graphql-schema repository. There are three files that will be used for each type of schema introduced:

Any unique types and inputs for a particular category (i.e. user) should be placed in their own schema files in the same folder.

gqlgen.yml is the configuration file used with gqlgen. This needs to be updated with any custom models (i.e. by pointing to a gRPC service or defining external resolvers). See FAQs for more details.

To generate the GraphQL code, run the generator script with go generate ./.... This downloads our GraphQL schema and rebuilds the generated files.

This will modify generated.go, models_gen.go and genresolver.go. The first two can be ignored, but it is necessary to check the output of genresolver.go and then modify/add any of the changes to your actual resolver file(s) (more on this in next steps).

Next Steps for Development

After adding the new schema and running the generator script, it is necessary to do a bit of additional refactoring.

  1. New constants need to be added to registry.go for services that use gRPC or HTTP endpoints.
  2. If adding a gRPC client, you also need to add an entry to the ServiceMap in the same file. If adding an API endpoint, you need to update RunGraphQLServer to manually add this to the registry. Look at Publication for an example. Also be sure to test the endpoint during server initialization.
  3. Add a new method to the registry package for that client (a la GetUserClient).
  4. Next, look at the newly generated resolvers from your schema. Move any shared resolvers into the root resolver folder.
    • Create new files as necessary for each client, each one containing their query and mutation methods. Look at permission.go for an example. Make sure to update the receivers for each method. For queries we are using (q *QueryResolver) and for mutations (m *MutationResolver).
    • Put the main generated function (i.e. Strain()) in the resolver.go file and update it to match the format of the other functions.
  5. Now add any unshared resolvers into a separate folder inside resolver. These resolvers are generally tied to the individual fields for that model, and they are unique to that particular client. You can look at the user folder for examples. Also update the package name if necessary.
  6. Add any necessary command line flags in main.go.
  7. Fill out your resolver stubs and then test it out in the playground!

Error Handling

To improve error handling in our front end web applications, we are adding custom error messages when applicable on the server side. The errorutils function in the package of the same name is used to add new errors with custom extensions. See any of the shared resolvers for an example in how to use this.

Folder Structure

├── build
│   └── Dockerfile
├── cmd
│   └── graphql-server
│       └── main.go
├── deployments
│   └── charts
│       └── graphql-server
│           ├── Chart.yaml
│           ├── templates
│           │   ├── NOTES.txt
│           │   ├── _helpers.tpl
│           │   ├── deployment.yaml
│           │   └── service.yaml
│           └── values.yaml
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── gqlgen.yml
├── graphql-server
├── internal
│   ├── app
│   │   └── server
│   │       └── server.go
│   ├── graphql
│   │   ├── generated
│   │   │   └── generated.go
│   │   ├── models
│   │   │   ├── models_gen.go
│   │   │   └── timestamp.go
│   │   └── resolver
│   │       ├── permission.go
│   │       ├── resolver.go
│   │       ├── role.go
│   │       ├── user
│   │       │   ├── permission.go
│   │       │   ├── role.go
│   │       │   └── user.go
│   │       └── user.go
│   └── registry
│       └── registry.go
└── scripts
    └── gqlgen.go