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OpenAI supports streaming responses when interacting with the Chat or Assistant APIs.

Assistant Streaming API

OpenAI supports streaming responses from Assistants. The SDK provides convenience wrappers around the API so you can subscribe to the types of events you are interested in as well as receive accumulated responses.

More information can be found in the documentation: Assistant Streaming

An example of creating a run and subscribing to some events

const run = openai.beta.threads.runs
  .stream(, {
  .on('textCreated', (text) => process.stdout.write('\nassistant > '))
  .on('textDelta', (textDelta, snapshot) => process.stdout.write(textDelta.value))
  .on('toolCallCreated', (toolCall) => process.stdout.write(`\nassistant > ${toolCall.type}\n\n`))
  .on('toolCallDelta', (toolCallDelta, snapshot) => {
    if (toolCallDelta.type === 'code_interpreter') {
      if (toolCallDelta.code_interpreter.input) {
      if (toolCallDelta.code_interpreter.outputs) {
        process.stdout.write('\noutput >\n');
        toolCallDelta.code_interpreter.outputs.forEach((output) => {
          if (output.type === 'logs') {

Starting a stream

There are three helper methods for creating streams:;

This method can be used to start and stream the response to an existing run with an associated thread that is already populated with messages.


This method can be used to add a message to a thread, start a run and then stream the response.


This method can be used to submit a tool output to a run waiting on the output and start a stream.

Assistant Events

The assistant API provides events you can subscribe to for the following events.

.on('event', (event: AssistantStreamEvent) => ...)

This allows you to subscribe to all the possible raw events sent by the OpenAI streaming API. In many cases it will be more convenient to subscribe to a more specific set of events for your use case.

More information on the types of events can be found here: Events

.on('runStepCreated', (runStep: RunStep) => ...)
.on('runStepDelta', (delta: RunStepDelta, snapshot: RunStep) => ...)
.on('runStepDone', (runStep: RunStep) => ...)

These events allow you to subscribe to the creation, delta and completion of a RunStep.

For more information on how Runs and RunSteps work see the documentation Runs and RunSteps

.on('messageCreated', (message: Message) => ...)
.on('messageDelta', (delta: MessageDelta, snapshot: Message) => ...)
.on('messageDone', (message: Message) => ...)

This allows you to subscribe to Message creation, delta and completion events. Messages can contain different types of content that can be sent from a model (and events are available for specific content types). For convenience, the delta event includes both the incremental update and an accumulated snapshot of the content.

More information on messages can be found on in the documentation page Message.

.on('textCreated', (content: Text) => ...)
.on('textDelta', (delta: RunStepDelta, snapshot: Text) => ...)
.on('textDone', (content: Text, snapshot: Message) => ...)

These events allow you to subscribe to the creation, delta and completion of a Text content (a specific type of message). For convenience, the delta event includes both the incremental update and an accumulated snapshot of the content.

.on('imageFileDone', (content: ImageFile, snapshot: Message) => ...)

Image files are not sent incrementally so an event is provided for when a image file is available.

.on('toolCallCreated', (toolCall: ToolCall) => ...)
.on('toolCallDelta', (delta: RunStepDelta, snapshot: ToolCall) => ...)
.on('toolCallDone', (toolCall: ToolCall) => ...)

These events allow you to subscribe to events for the creation, delta and completion of a ToolCall.

More information on tools can be found here Tools

.on('end', () => ...)

The last event send when a stream ends.

Assistant Methods

The assistant streaming object also provides a few methods for convenience:

.currentEvent(): AssistantStreamEvent | undefined

.currentRun(): Run | undefined

.currentMessageSnapshot(): Message

.currentRunStepSnapshot(): Runs.RunStep

These methods are provided to allow you to access additional context from within event handlers. In many cases the handlers should include all the information you need for processing, but if additional context is required it can be accessed.

Note: There is not always a relevant context in certain situations (these will be undefined in those cases).

await .finalMessages() : Promise<Message[]>

await .finalRunSteps(): Promise<RunStep[]>

These methods are provided for convenience to collect information at the end of a stream. Calling these events will trigger consumption of the stream until completion and then return the relevant accumulated objects.

Chat Streaming

Streaming Responses{ stream?: false,}, options?): ChatCompletionStreamingRunner returns a ChatCompletionStreamingRunner, which emits events, has an async iterator, and exposes helper methods to accumulate chunks into a convenient shape and make it easy to reason about the conversation.

Alternatively, you can use{ stream: true, … }) which returns an async iterable of the chunks in the stream and uses less memory (most notably, it does not accumulate a final chat completion object for you).

If you need to cancel a stream, you can break from a for await loop or call stream.abort().

See an example of streaming helpers in action in examples/stream.ts.

Automated Function Calls{ stream: false,}, options?): ChatCompletionRunner{ stream: true,}, options?): ChatCompletionStreamingRunner returns a Runner for automating function calls with chat completions. The runner automatically calls the JavaScript functions you provide and sends their results back to the API, looping as long as the model requests function calls.

If you pass a parse function, it will automatically parse the arguments for you and returns any parsing errors to the model to attempt auto-recovery. Otherwise, the args will be passed to the function you provide as a string.{
  model: 'gpt-3.5-turbo',
  messages: [{ role: 'user', content: 'How is the weather this week?' }],
  tools: [
      type: 'function',
      function: {
        function: getWeather as (args: { location: string; time: Date }) => any,
        parse: parseFunction as (args: strings) => { location: string; time: Date },
        parameters: {
          type: 'object',
          properties: {
            location: { type: 'string' },
            time: { type: 'string', format: 'date-time' },

If you pass function_call: {name: …} instead of auto, it returns immediately after calling that function (and only loops to auto-recover parsing errors).

By default, we run the loop up to 10 chat completions from the API. You can change this behavior by adjusting maxChatCompletions in the request options object. Note that max_tokens is the limit per chat completion request, not for the entire call run.

See an example of automated function calls in action in examples/function-call-helpers.ts.

Note, runFunctions was also previously available, but has been deprecated in favor of runTools.

Chat Events

.on('connect', () => …)

The first event that is fired when the connection with the OpenAI API is established.

.on('chunk', (chunk: ChatCompletionChunk, snapshot: ChatCompletionSnapshot) => …) (with stream)

The event fired when a chunk is received from the API. Not fired when it is not streaming. The snapshot returns an accumulated ChatCompletionSnapshot, which has a similar shape to ChatCompletion with optional fields and is built up from the chunks.

.on('chatCompletion', (completion: ChatCompletion) => …)

The event fired when a chat completion is returned or done being streamed by the API.

.on('message', (message: ChatCompletionMessageParam) => …)

The event fired when a new message is either sent or received from the API. Does not fire for the messages sent as the parameter to either .runTools() or .stream()

.on('content', (content: string) => …) (without stream)

The event fired when a message from the assistant is received from the API.

.on('content', (delta: string, snapshot: string) => …) (with stream)

The event fired when a chunk from the assistant is received from the API. The delta argument contains the content of the chunk, while the snapshot returns the accumulated content for the current message.

.on('functionCall', (functionCall: ChatCompletionMessage.FunctionCall) => …)

The event fired when a function call is made by the assistant.

.on('functionCallResult', (content: string) => …)

The event fired when the function runner responds to the function call with role: "function". The content of the response is given as the first argument to the callback.

.on('finalChatCompletion', (completion: ChatCompletion) => …)

The event fired for the final chat completion. If the function call runner exceeds the number maxChatCompletions, then the last chat completion is given.

.on('finalContent', (contentSnapshot: string) => …)

The event fired for the content of the last role: "assistant" message. Not fired if there is no assistant message.

.on('finalMessage', (message: ChatCompletionMessage) => …)

The event fired for the last message.

.on('finalFunctionCall', (functionCall: ChatCompletionMessage.FunctionCall) => …)

The event fired for the last message with a defined function_call.

.on('finalFunctionCallResult', (content: string) => …)

The event fired for the last message with a role: "function".

.on('error', (error: OpenAIError) => …)

The event fired when an error is encountered outside of a parse function or an abort.

.on('abort', (error: APIUserAbortError) => …)

The event fired when the stream receives a signal to abort.

.on('totalUsage', (usage: CompletionUsage) => …) (without stream, usage is not currently reported with stream)

The event fired at the end, returning the total usage of the call.

.on('end', () => …)

The last event fired in the stream.

Chat Methods


Aborts the runner and the streaming request, equivalent to .controller.abort(). Calling .abort() on a ChatCompletionStreamingRunner will also abort any in-flight network requests.

await .done()

An empty promise which resolves when the stream is done.

await .finalChatCompletion()

A promise which resolves with the final chat completion that was received from the API. Throws if the request ends before a complete chat completion is returned.

await .allChatCompletions()

A promise which resolves with The array of all chat completions that were received from the API.

await .finalContent()

A promise which resolves with the content of the last role: "assistant" message. Throws if no such message can be found.

await .finalMessage()

A promise which resolves with the last message.

await .finalFunctionCall()

A promise which resolves with the last message with a defined function_call. Throws if no such message is found.

await .finalFunctionCallResult()

A promise which resolves with the last message with a role: "function". Throws if no such message is found.

await .totalUsage() (without stream, usage is not currently reported with stream)

A promise which resolves with the total usage.

Chat Fields


A mutable array of all messages in the conversation.


The underlying AbortController for the runner.

Chat Examples

Abort on a function call

If you have a function call flow which you intend to end with a certain function call, then you can use the second argument runner given to the function to either mutate runner.messages or call runner.abort().

import OpenAI from 'openai';

const client = new OpenAI();

async function main() {
  const runner =
      model: 'gpt-3.5-turbo',
      messages: [{ role: 'user', content: "How's the weather this week in Los Angeles?" }],
      tools: [
          type: 'function',
          function: {
            function: function updateDatabase(props, runner) {
    .on('message', (message) => console.log(message));

  const finalFunctionCall = await runner.finalFunctionCall();
  console.log('Final function call:', finalFunctionCall);


Integrate with zod

zod is a schema validation library which can help with validating the assistant's response to make sure it conforms to a schema. Paired with zod-to-json-schema, the validation schema also acts as the parameters JSON Schema passed to the API.

import OpenAI from 'openai';
import { z } from 'zod';
import { zodToJsonSchema } from 'zod-to-json-schema';

const client = new OpenAI();

async function main() {
  const runner =
      model: 'gpt-3.5-turbo',
      messages: [{ role: 'user', content: "How's the weather this week in Los Angeles?" }],
      tools: [
          type: 'function',
          function: {
            function: getWeather,
            parse: GetWeatherParameters.parse,
            parameters: zodToJsonSchema(GetWeatherParameters),
    .on('message', (message) => console.log(message));

  const finalContent = await runner.finalContent();
  console.log('Final content:', finalContent);

const GetWeatherParameters = z.object({
  location: z.enum(['Boston', 'New York City', 'Los Angeles', 'San Francisco']),

async function getWeather(args: z.infer<typeof GetWeatherParameters>) {
  const { location } = args;
  // … do lookup …
  return { temperature, precipitation };


See a more fully-fledged example in examples/function-call-helpers-zod.ts.

Integrate with Next.JS

See an example of a Next.JS integration here examples/stream-to-client-next.ts.

Proxy Streaming to a Browser

See an example of using express to stream to a browser here examples/stream-to-client-express.ts.

Polling Helpers

When interacting with the API some actions such as starting a Run and adding files to vector stores are asynchronous and take time to complete. The SDK includes helper functions which will poll the status until it reaches a terminal state and then return the resulting object. If an API method results in an action which could benefit from polling there will be a corresponding version of the method ending in _AndPoll.

All methods also allow you to set the polling frequency, how often the API is checked for an update, via a function argument (pollIntervalMs).

The polling methods are:
