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Releases: dexie/Dexie.js

Dexie v4.0.1-beta.10

12 Feb 23:51
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Dexie v4.0.1-beta.10 Pre-release

Fixed bug introduced the recent release dexie@4.0.1-beta.7

  • Support for bfcache (to resolve #1776) had an issue that pagehide event resulted in closing down Dexie instances to a state where they did not auto-open again on pageshow.
  • The closing of connections happened no matter if event was a true bfcache event or not (didn't check the persisted property correctly)


  • Fixed #1883 Exception when having nested index and inserting null value of nested parent.
  • Removed workarounds for IE11 as we are not supporting IE11 anymore

Dexie v4.0.1-beta.9

08 Feb 21:30
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Dexie v4.0.1-beta.9 Pre-release

This is the last planned release in the series of small releases on the 4.0-track. The goal is to get a stable 4.0 release as soon as possible, but I'll wait to see some reports from usage before moving on.

Isolate readwrite transactions from live queries (#1881)

  • Don't let dexie4's new cache get optimistic updates from explicit 'rw' transactions since it breaks isolation. Still, let "transaction-less" operations (no explicit transactions from user code) shine immediately through to liveQueries if cache isn't disabled in the constructor options.
  • This makes dexie 4 behave exactly like dexie 3 when transactions are used, but may still optimize common liveQueries using the cache.
  • Still, if there are 10 identical liveQuery subscriptions on a page, only one of them will need to requery IndexedDB after a write transaction and the other 9 will get their values from the cache. This is also the case after an explicit 'rw' transaction has committed.

Improved debugging experience (#1879)

  • We're using Chrome's Async Task Tagging API to track failing operations down to the app code that initiated the operation. As long as Dexie.debug = true, we will print out call stacks in the console for any failed operation where the application code that initiated the operation is visible in the stack trace, no matter if the operation had to go through a bunch of async jobs before failing, such as implicitely opening the db in the backround, run some upgraders etc, while the only thing the user code did was a simple operation such as db.friends.get(1), but since it triggered a db open in the backround led to all these background work being performed. Before these situations were hard or almost impossible to track down to the application code.
  • Fail fast on table.get(undefined) (To avoid unreadable call stacks like this: #1806 (comment))
  • Remove old proprietary "long stacks" support that was tailored for older browsers and have no gain anymore.


  • #1821 liveQueries of the form db.someTable.orderBy('id').primaryKeys() won't be affected by a property change on an object of one of the observed keys, since the keys don't change. Only object adds and deletions will trigger the query to update.


  • Use TInsertType in Table.update and Collection.modify (#1764)


  • Bugfix: dexie-export-import@4.1.0 was missing types (#1900)
  • Support for skipTables option to export and import (#1896)

Dexie v3.2.5

08 Feb 22:46
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  • Fix issue with BigInt64Array (#1890) (and BigUint64Array) - cherry picked from 4.0.1-beta.8


07 Feb 09:41
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v4.0.1-beta.8 Pre-release

NOTE: We're aiming for a stable 4.0 to be released as soon as possible. To get there, we're releasing new versions quite frequently now. Reason: splitting up major changes into smaller releases allows users to revert versions in steps rather than the whole version.

Changed Version Handling (See PR #1880)

  • Dexie will now accept upgrading schema WITHOUT incrementing the version number
  • Dexie will now be able to open a previous version of the database without complaining

Version numbering is now only useful when you need to:

  • ...migrate the data (attaching an .upgrade() onto a version.
  • ...delete tables

Other issues:

  • Fix issue with BigInt64Array (#1890)

Dexie v4.0.1-beta.7

31 Jan 15:08
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Dexie v4.0.1-beta.7 Pre-release

This is the first release in a series of small releases on the 4.0-track before it goes release candidate. Expect a few additional beta versions coming out soon. The goal is to get a stable 4.0 release as soon as possible.

Dexie Cloud

  • Dexie Cloud Manager where you can purchase a production subscription, manage database login policy, describe your databases and view and upgrade individual users. Also possible to specify a custom SMTP settings to relay all OTP and invite emails.
  • Latest version of dexie-cloud-addon is 4.0.1-beta.56.
  • Allow database owners to troubeshoot issues that their users are facing. A database owner with full access to the all database content through the API or through npx dexie-cloud export can now also login to their app with " as " in the email field and get the OTP sent to their own email but be authenticated as the other user.
  • Support {otp, otpId} as arguments to The parameters must come from an OTP challenge. This will bypass the login dialog and directly authenticate the user. Usefule when customizing email templates to generate magic links with the otp and otpId as part of the query to the app.


  • #1863 useLiveQuery with multi-entry-index
  • #1776 Support bfcache


  • #1848 Support for transform option to export and import 7fd94f0


  • Expose the optional TInsertType of Dexie.Table generic: c94e9e8

Dexie v4.0.1-beta.6

18 Dec 10:10
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Dexie v4.0.1-beta.6 Pre-release


  • Don't patch Promise.prototype.then (#1293)
  • Resolved #1858 'Entity' is not exported from 'dexie' (imported as 'Entity')
  • Fixes to run on LambdaTest (#1752). The migration from Browserstack to Lambdatest is now complete.


  • Resolved #1724: Allows plus signs in email address (in order to use a single email address act as multiple users for testing)
  • Resolved dexie/dexie-cloud#4 - Automatically make "email" property of "members" lowercase and trimmed (avoid inviting members with different casing in email address)

Dexie v4.0.1-beta.5

11 Dec 11:24
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Dexie v4.0.1-beta.5 Pre-release
  • Resolved #1831 again: Make sure liveQueries always run in own macro tasks (7c13770)
  • Resolved #1843: Avoid running dexie in double module instances (EMS module is now ESM wrapper around UMD module + detect and avoid double imports of dexie) fc572aa

Dexie v4.0.1-beta.4

02 Dec 01:03
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Dexie v4.0.1-beta.4 Pre-release



Fixes #1837 - a bug in dexie-cloud-addon woken up when upgrading dexie to in 4.0.1-beta.2.

Recommended to:

  • Upgrade dexie to dexie@4.0.1-beta.4
  • Upgrade dexie-cloud-addon to 4.0.1-beta.53

Dexie v4.0.1-beta.3

01 Dec 14:21
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Dexie v4.0.1-beta.3 Pre-release

Dexie v4.0.1-beta.2

29 Nov 13:15
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Dexie v4.0.1-beta.2 Pre-release

Various issues fixed, summary:

  • General stability (work around chrome issue + fix dexie issues)
  • Vite experience with dexie-react-hooks
  • Dexie Cloud developer experience


  • Workaround for UnknownError in Chrome (issue #543)
  • Dexie 4 optimistic updates are not reverted (issue #1823)
  • Fixed "Readwrite transaction in liveQuery context" (issue #1831)
  • Correction of Promise.finally (commit 09058ea)


  • Improved vite experience (commit 3ff7d50)
  • Improved typing for usePermissions so that it can be used in plain interface typed tables Table (commit 437b697)


  • Fix value of (did not reveal the version of dexie-cloud-addon)
  • Fixen an issue with source map (better debugging experience)
  • Export types and helpers needed for customizing built-in OTP authentication (commit 241a76c)