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OpenAPI Typescript Codegen

NPM License: MIT Build

Node.js library that generates Typescript clients based on the OpenAPI specification.

This project is a fork from Openapi Typescript Codegen by Ferdi Koomen, the reason is because I need some changes and use some of the lower level generated code that I can use on my projects.


  • Frontend ❤️ OpenAPI, but we do not want to use JAVA codegen in our builds
  • Quick, lightweight, robust and framework-agnostic 🚀
  • Supports generation of TypeScript clients
  • Supports conversion from Swagger 1.x/2.x to OpenAPI 2.x/3.x with api-spec-converter
  • Supports JSON and YAML files for input
  • Supports generation through Node.js
  • Supports tsc and @babel/plugin-transform-typescript
  • Supports external references using json-schema-ref-parser
  • Supports generate multiple api based on config file
  • Supports only generate specified api based on the url and http method (v0.4.1)
  • Supports custom map model naming (v0.4.2)
  • Supports fetching single file and generate type from that (v0.4.3)
  • Supports custom url request mapping (ex: backend gateway) (v0.5.3)
  • Supports config autocomplete wrapper (v0.5.8)
  • Supports generating relevant models if selectedOnly (v0.5.8)
  • Supports esm config (v0.6.0)
  • Support defineConfig (v0.7.0)
  • New config model (v0.7.1)


npm install codegen-openapi-ts --save-dev


codegen-openapi-ts --help
Usage: codegen-openapi-ts [options]

  -V, --version     output the version number
  --config <value>  Path to config file (default: "codegen.config.js")
  -h, --help        display help for command


export default defineConfig([
    source: OpenAPI Swagger response (can check on the network response on the spec page),
    from: swagger_1, swagger_2, openapi_3, api_blueprint, io_docs, google, raml, wadl,
    output: output folder
    urlMethodMapping: { 
      originalUrl: api path,
      method: http method (get/post/put/delete),
      methodName: output operation name,
      proxyUrl?: custom url api path
    selectedOnly: this will make it so only generate services under urlMethodMapping, the default is false,
    modelNameMapping: {
      fromRegExp: regex model name on schema,
      newModelName: output model name



module.exports = [
    source: 'http://pokemon-api/docs/api',
    from: 'openapi_3',
    output: 'src/api-types/pokemon-api', // pokemon-api
    urlMethodMapping: [
        originalUrl: 'get-pokemon-list/gen1',
        method: 'get',
        methodName: 'GetPokemonListGen1'
        originalUrl: 'get-pokemon-list/gen2',
        method: 'get',
        methodName: 'GetPokemonListGen2',
        proxyUrl: 'gateway/get-pokemon-list/gen2'
    selectedOnly: true,
    modelNameMapping: [
        fromRegExp: /some\.custom\.model\.naming/,
        newModelName: 'CustomModelNaming'
    // source: '<git repo> <branch name> <file to path>',
    source: 'ssh:// master -- docs/evolution-path.json',
    from: 'openapi_3',
    output: 'src/api-types/evolution-path', // evolution-path


  "scripts": {
    "codegen": "codegen-openapi-ts"

// npm run generate

Output folder

├── ...
├── src                         # output value ('src/api-types/')
│   ├── api-types               
│   |   ├── pokemon-api         # output
│   |   |   ├── models          # API schema models
│   |   |   ├── services        # API service level with methods/url/response/request types
│   |   |   └── index.ts        
|   |   └── ...
└── ...


Nullable in OpenAPI v2

In the OpenAPI v3 spec you can create properties that can be NULL, by providing a nullable: true in your schema. However, the v2 spec does not allow you to do this. You can use the unofficial x-nullable in your specification to generate nullable properties in OpenApi v2.

    "ModelWithNullableString": {
        "required": ["requiredProp"],
        "description": "This is a model with one string property",
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "prop": {
                "description": "This is a simple string property",
                "type": "string",
                "x-nullable": true
            "requiredProp": {
                "description": "This is a simple string property",
                "type": "string",
                "x-nullable": true

Generated code:

interface ModelWithNullableString {
    prop?: string | null,
    requiredProp: string | null,


Local references to schema definitions (those beginning with #/definitions/schemas/) will be converted to type references to the equivalent, generated top-level type.

The OpenAPI generator also supports external references, which allows you to break down your openapi.yml into multiple sub-files, or incorporate third-party schemas as part of your types to ensure everything is able to be TypeScript generated.

External references may be:

  • relative references - references to other files at the same location e.g. { $ref: 'schemas/customer.yml' }

  • remote references - fully qualified references to another remote location e.g. { $ref: '' }

    For remote references, both files (when the file is on the current filesystem) and http(s) URLs are supported.

External references may also contain internal paths in the external schema (e.g. schemas/collection.yml#/definitions/schemas/Customer) and back-references to the base openapi file or between files (so that you can reference another schema in the main file as a type of an object or array property, for example).

At start-up, an OpenAPI or Swagger file with external references will be "bundled", so that all external references and back-references will be resolved (but local references preserved).


Babel support

If you use enums inside your models / definitions then those enums are by default inside a namespace with the same name as your model. This is called declaration merging. However, the @babel/plugin-transform-typescript does not support these namespaces, so if you are using babel in your project please use the --useUnionTypes flag to generate union types instead of traditional enums. More info can be found here: Enums vs. Union Types.

Note: If you are using Babel 7 and Typescript 3.8 (or higher) then you should enable the onlyRemoveTypeImports to ignore any 'type only' imports, see for more info

module.exports = {
    presets: [
        ['@babel/preset-typescript', {
            onlyRemoveTypeImports: true,

In order to compile the project and resolve the imports, you will need to enable the allowSyntheticDefaultImports in your tsconfig.json file.