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Releases: derailed/popeye


02 Feb 16:25
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Release v0.11.3


Thank you to all that contributed with flushing out issues and enhancements for Popeye! I'll try to mark some of these issues as fixed. But if you don't mind grab the latest rev and see if we're happier with some of the fixes! If you've filed an issue please help me verify and close. Your support, kindness and awesome suggestions to make Popeye better is as ever very much noticed and appreciated!

This project offers a GitHub Sponsor button (over here πŸ‘†). As you well know this is not pimped out by big corps with deep pockets. If you feel Popeye is saving you cycles diagnosing potential cluster issues please consider sponsoring this project!! It does go a long way in keeping our servers lights on and beers in our fridge.

Also if you dig this tool, please make some noise on social! @kitesurfer

Maintenance Release!

Fix docker build issues

Β  Β© 2023 Imhotep Software LLC. All materials licensed under Apache v2.0


20 Dec 17:25
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Release v0.11.2


Thank you to all that contributed with flushing out issues and enhancements for Popeye! I'll try to mark some of these issues as fixed. But if you don't mind grab the latest rev and see if we're happier with some of the fixes! If you've filed an issue please help me verify and close. Your support, kindness and awesome suggestions to make Popeye better is as ever very much noticed and appreciated!

This project offers a GitHub Sponsor button (over here πŸ‘†). As you well know this is not pimped out by big corps with deep pockets. If you feel Popeye is saving you cycles diagnosing potential cluster issues please consider sponsoring this project!! It does go a long way in keeping our servers lights on and beers in our fridge.

Also if you dig this tool, please make some noise on social! @kitesurfer

Maintenance Release!

Resolved Issues

  • #259 Checking Kubernetes clusters fails because v1/PodSecurityPolicy is checked
  • #229 Timestamp on the report

Β  Β© 2023 Imhotep Software LLC. All materials licensed under Apache v2.0


20 Feb 16:54
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Release v0.11.1


Thank you to all that contributed with flushing out issues and enhancements for Popeye! I'll try to mark some of these issues as fixed. But if you don't mind grab the latest rev and see if we're happier with some of the fixes! If you've filed an issue please help me verify and close. Your support, kindness and awesome suggestions to make Popeye better is as ever very much noticed and appreciated!

This project offers a GitHub Sponsor button (over here πŸ‘†). As you well know this is not pimped out by big corps with deep pockets. If you feel Popeye is saving you cycles diagnosing potential cluster issues please consider sponsoring this project!! It does go a long way in keeping our servers lights on and beers in our fridge.

Also if you dig this tool, please make some noise on social! @kitesurfer

Maintenance Release!

Resolved Issues

  • Issue #245 Checking Kubernetes clusters fails because v1/PodSecurityPolicy is checked

Contributed Issues

Please give Big Thanks! and ATTA Girls/Boys! to all the fine contributors for making Popeye better for all of us!!

  • PR #247 Fix deprecated cronjob api

Β  Β© 2023 Imhotep Software LLC. All materials licensed under Apache v2.0


13 Feb 00:20
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Release v0.11.0


Thank you to all that contributed with flushing out issues and enhancements for Popeye! I'll try to mark some of these issues as fixed. But if you don't mind grab the latest rev and see if we're happier with some of the fixes! If you've filed an issue please help me verify and close. Your support, kindness and awesome suggestions to make Popeye better is as ever very much noticed and appreciated!

This project offers a GitHub Sponsor button (over here πŸ‘†). As you well know this is not pimped out by big corps with deep pockets. If you feel Popeye is saving you cycles diagnosing potential cluster issues please consider sponsoring this project!! It does go a long way in keeping our servers lights on and beers in our fridge.

Also if you dig this tool, please make some noise on social! @kitesurfer

Maintenance Release!

Contributed PRs

Please give Big Thanks! and ATTA Girls/Boys! to all the fine contributors for making K9s better for all of us!!

  • PR #243 Invalid value for --force-exit-zero
  • PR #241 Add a non-root user in docker image
  • PR #240 Optimize README documents
  • PR #238 Add arm64 Darwin releases to krew-index
  • PR #233 Add go install option to readme
  • PR #226 Fixing CVE issue for client_golang 1.11.0 to 1.12.2
  • PR #224 Add check for pods that are managed by multiple pdbs
  • PR #222 Fix RBAC rules in

Β  Β© 2023 Imhotep Software LLC. All materials licensed under Apache v2.0


28 Jun 14:52
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Release v0.10.1


Thank you to all that contributed with flushing out issues and enhancements for Popeye! I'll try to mark some of these issues as fixed. But if you don't mind grab the latest rev and see if we're happier with some of the fixes! If you've filed an issue please help me verify and close. Your support, kindness and awesome suggestions to make Popeye better is as ever very much noticed and appreciated!

This project offers a GitHub Sponsor button (over here πŸ‘†). As you well know this is not pimped out by big corps with deep pockets. If you feel Popeye is saving you cycles diagnosing potential cluster issues please consider sponsoring this project!! It does go a long way in keeping our servers lights on and beers in our fridge.

Also if you dig this tool, please make some noise on social! @kitesurfer

Maintenance Release!

Fix issue with pod disruption budget appearing twice

Β  Β© 2022 Imhotep Software LLC. All materials licensed under Apache v2.0


14 Apr 15:55
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Release v0.10.0


Thank you to all that contributed with flushing out issues and enhancements for Popeye! I'll try to mark some of these issues as fixed. But if you don't mind grab the latest rev and see if we're happier with some of the fixes! If you've filed an issue please help me verify and close. Your support, kindness and awesome suggestions to make Popeye better is as ever very much noticed and appreciated!

This project offers a GitHub Sponsor button (over here πŸ‘†). As you well know this is not pimped out by big corps with deep pockets. If you feel Popeye is saving you cycles diagnosing potential cluster issues please consider sponsoring this project!! It does go a long way in keeping our servers lights on and beers in our fridge.

Also if you dig this tool, please make some noise on social! @kitesurfer

Maintenance Release!

Updated to the latest K8s API versions.

Release Heroes

Please make sure to give a big Thanks! and ATTA Girl/Boy! to the following good folks for improving and supporting Popeye:

Resolved Bugs/PRs

  • PR #220 Fix HPA API version
  • PR #219 Add S3 compatible storage
  • PR #218 Add gitpod integration
  • PR #217 Fix #211. Deprecated ingress version
  • PR #215 Update autoscaling resource version
  • PR #205 Documentation clarification
  • PR #179 Rule to check a list of allowed registries

Β  Β© 2022 Imhotep Software LLC. All materials licensed under Apache v2.0


02 Nov 21:31
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Release v0.9.8


Thank you to all that contributed with flushing out issues and enhancements for Popeye! I'll try to mark some of these issues as fixed. But if you don't mind grab the latest rev and see if we're happier with some of the fixes! If you've filed an issue please help me verify and close. Your support, kindness and awesome suggestions to make Popeye better is as ever very much noticed and appreciated!

This project offers a GitHub Sponsor button (over here πŸ‘†). As you well know this is not pimped out by big corps with deep pockets. If you feel Popeye is saving you cycles diagnosing potential cluster issues please consider sponsoring this project!! It does go a long way in keeping our servers lights on and beers in our fridge.

Also if you dig this tool, please make some noise on social! @kitesurfer

Maintenance Release!

NOTE: Fix'n brew deprecation warnings

Resolved Bugs/PRs

Β  Β© 2020 Imhotep Software LLC. All materials licensed under Apache v2.0


20 Jul 14:58
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Release v0.9.7


Thank you to all that contributed with flushing out issues and enhancements for Popeye! I'll try to mark some of these issues as fixed. But if you don't mind grab the latest rev and see if we're happier with some of the fixes! If you've filed an issue please help me verify and close. Your support, kindness and awesome suggestions to make Popeye better is as ever very much noticed and appreciated!

This project offers a GitHub Sponsor button (over here πŸ‘†). As you well know this is not pimped out by big corps with deep pockets. If you feel Popeye is saving you cycles diagnosing potential cluster issues please consider sponsoring this project!! It does go a long way in keeping our servers lights on and beers in our fridge.

Also if you dig this tool, please make some noise on social! @kitesurfer

Maintenance Release!

NOTE: On this drop Popeye's docker image has been relocated to DockerHub!

Resolved Bugs/PRs

  • Issue #190 Popeye docker image tag 0.9.6 not available on
  • Issue #163 popeye 0.9.0 with K8S 1.21.0 bug on PodDisruptionBudget - Wrong default API. With Feelings!

Β  Β© 2020 Imhotep Software LLC. All materials licensed under Apache v2.0


16 Jul 17:41
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Release v0.9.6


Thank you to all that contributed with flushing out issues and enhancements for Popeye! I'll try to mark some of these issues as fixed. But if you don't mind grab the latest rev and see if we're happier with some of the fixes! If you've filed an issue please help me verify and close. Your support, kindness and awesome suggestions to make Popeye better is as ever very much noticed and appreciated!

This project offers a GitHub Sponsor button (over here πŸ‘†). As you well know this is not pimped out by big corps with deep pockets. If you feel Popeye is saving you cycles diagnosing potential cluster issues please consider sponsoring this project!! It does go a long way in keeping our servers lights on and beers in our fridge.

Also if you dig this tool, please make some noise on social! @kitesurfer

Maintenance Release!

Resolved Bugs/PRs

  • Issue #188 Can't run Popeye: No resource meta found for With Feelings!
  • Issue #178 Custom handling of client-go/rest warnings. Sending to logger instead

Β  Β© 2020 Imhotep Software LLC. All materials licensed under Apache v2.0


15 Jul 23:08
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Release v0.9.5


Thank you to all that contributed with flushing out issues and enhancements for Popeye! I'll try to mark some of these issues as fixed. But if you don't mind grab the latest rev and see if we're happier with some of the fixes! If you've filed an issue please help me verify and close. Your support, kindness and awesome suggestions to make Popeye better is as ever very much noticed and appreciated!

This project offers a GitHub Sponsor button (over here πŸ‘†). As you well know this is not pimped out by big corps with deep pockets. If you feel Popeye is saving you cycles diagnosing potential cluster issues please consider sponsoring this project!! It does go a long way in keeping our servers lights on and beers in our fridge.

Also if you dig this tool, please make some noise on social! @kitesurfer

Maintenance Release!

Resolved Bugs/PRs

  • Issue #163 popeye 0.9.0 with K8S 1.21.0 bug on PodDisruptionBudget - Wrong default API - With Feelings!

Β  Β© 2020 Imhotep Software LLC. All materials licensed under Apache v2.0