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Ruff python linter not respecting per-file-ignore in pyproject.toml #4411

dbatten5 opened this issue Jan 4, 2023 · 5 comments


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dbatten5 commented Jan 4, 2023


VIM version

NVIM v0.8.0
Build type: Release

Operating System: MacOSX 11.5.2

What went wrong

I have some configuration set for the ruff linter in my pyproject.toml like so

ignore = ['D103', 'D100']
line-length = 80
select = ['S', 'F']

"tests/*" = ['S101']

This should ignore error S101 for files in tests/ and surface the error elsewhere. However, when running
ruff through ALE on a file at path tests/, I can see the error still appears


This is confirmed in the output for ALEInfo:

(finished - exit code 1) ['/bin/zsh', '-c', '''/Users/xxx/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/test-ruff-Xi6EnTdk-py3.11/bin/ruff'' --format text - < ''/var/folders/hr/_46cyfr51290z837bnrk9vjc0000gn/T/''']
-:1:8: F401 `math` imported but unused
-:4:5: S101 Use of `assert` detected
Found 2 error(s).
1 potentially fixable with the --fix option.

If I add the S101 error to the ignore list then the error is correctly ignored by ALE/ruff.

When running ruff directly through :!ruff % only the F401 is shown as expected


Reproducing the bug


name = "test-ruff"
version = "0.1.0"
description = ""
authors = ["Your Name <>"]
readme = ""
packages = [{include = "test_ruff"}]

python = "^3.8"

ruff = "^0.0.209"

ignore = ['D103', 'D100']
line-length = 80
select = ['S', 'F']

"tests/*" = ['S101']

requires = ["poetry-core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"


import math

def test_ruff() -> None:
    assert True

Running :ALELint on the above test file returns an unwanted error



 Current Filetype: python
Available Linters: ['bandit', 'cspell', 'flake8', 'flakehell', 'jedils', 'mypy', 'prospector', 'pycodestyle', 'pydocstyle', 'pyflakes', 'pylama', 'pylint', 'pylsp', 'pyre', 'pyright', 'refurb', 'ruff', 'unimport', 'vulture']
  Enabled Linters: ['ruff']
  Ignored Linters: []
 Suggested Fixers: 
  'add_blank_lines_for_python_control_statements' - Add blank lines before control statements.
  'autoflake' - Fix flake issues with autoflake.
  'autoimport' - Fix import issues with autoimport.
  'autopep8' - Fix PEP8 issues with autopep8.
  'black' - Fix PEP8 issues with black.
  'isort' - Sort Python imports with isort.
  'pyflyby' - Tidy Python imports with pyflyby.
  'remove_trailing_lines' - Remove all blank lines at the end of a file.
  'reorder-python-imports' - Sort Python imports with reorder-python-imports.
  'ruff' - A python linter/fixer for Python written in Rust
  'trim_whitespace' - Remove all trailing whitespace characters at the end of every line.
  'yapf' - Fix Python files with yapf.
 Linter Variables:

let g:ale_python_auto_pipenv = 0
let g:ale_python_auto_poetry = 0
let g:ale_python_ruff_auto_pipenv = 0
let g:ale_python_ruff_auto_poetry = 0
let g:ale_python_ruff_change_directory = 0
let g:ale_python_ruff_executable = 'ruff'
let g:ale_python_ruff_options = ''
let g:ale_python_ruff_use_global = 0
 Global Variables:

let g:ale_cache_executable_check_failures = v:null
let g:ale_change_sign_column_color = 0
let g:ale_command_wrapper = ''
let g:ale_completion_delay = v:null
let g:ale_completion_enabled = 0
let g:ale_completion_max_suggestions = v:null
let g:ale_disable_lsp = 0
let g:ale_echo_cursor = 1
let g:ale_echo_msg_error_str = 'Error'
let g:ale_echo_msg_format = '%code: %%s'
let g:ale_echo_msg_info_str = 'Info'
let g:ale_echo_msg_warning_str = 'Warning'
let g:ale_enabled = 1
let g:ale_fix_on_save = 0
let g:ale_fixers = {}
let b:ale_fixers = {'python': ['autoimport', 'isort', 'black']}
let g:ale_history_enabled = 1
let g:ale_history_log_output = 1
let g:ale_keep_list_window_open = 0
let g:ale_lint_delay = 200
let g:ale_lint_on_enter = 1
let g:ale_lint_on_filetype_changed = 1
let g:ale_lint_on_insert_leave = 0
let g:ale_lint_on_save = 1
let g:ale_lint_on_text_changed = 0
let g:ale_linter_aliases = {}
let g:ale_linters = {}
let b:ale_linters = {'python': ['ruff']}
let g:ale_linters_explicit = 0
let g:ale_linters_ignore = {}
let g:ale_list_vertical = 0
let g:ale_list_window_size = 10
let g:ale_loclist_msg_format = '%code: %%s'
let g:ale_max_buffer_history_size = 20
let g:ale_max_signs = -1
let g:ale_maximum_file_size = v:null
let g:ale_open_list = 0
let g:ale_pattern_options = v:null
let g:ale_pattern_options_enabled = v:null
let g:ale_root = {}
let g:ale_set_balloons = 0
let g:ale_set_highlights = 1
let g:ale_set_loclist = 1
let g:ale_set_quickfix = 0
let g:ale_set_signs = 1
let g:ale_sign_column_always = 0
let g:ale_sign_error = '>>'
let g:ale_sign_info = '--'
let g:ale_sign_offset = 1000000
let g:ale_sign_style_error = '>>'
let g:ale_sign_style_warning = '--'
let g:ale_sign_warning = '--'
let g:ale_sign_highlight_linenrs = 0
let g:ale_statusline_format = v:null
let g:ale_type_map = {}
let g:ale_use_global_executables = v:null
let g:ale_virtualtext_cursor = 'all'
let g:ale_warn_about_trailing_blank_lines = 1
let g:ale_warn_about_trailing_whitespace = 1
  Command History:

(executable check - success) /Users/xxx/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/test-ruff-Xi6EnTdk-py3.11/bin/ruff
(finished - exit code 0) ['/bin/zsh', '-c', '''/Users/xxx/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/test-ruff-Xi6EnTdk-py3.11/bin/ruff'' --version']

ruff 0.0.209

(finished - exit code 1) ['/bin/zsh', '-c', '''/Users/xxx/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/test-ruff-Xi6EnTdk-py3.11/bin/ruff'' --format text - < ''/var/folders/hr/_46cyfr51290z837bnrk9vjc0000gn/T/''']

-:1:8: F401 `math` imported but unused
-:4:5: S101 Use of `assert` detected
Found 2 error(s).
1 potentially fixable with the --fix option.
@dbatten5 dbatten5 added the bug label Jan 4, 2023
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This behavior will be improved with #4414. Since ALE passes file contents to Ruff on stdin, without the filename, Ruff doesn't know what file ignore rules to apply.

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Although your directory glob "tests/*" may still have an upstream issue, astral-sh/ruff#1840.

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great, thanks for looking @john-kurkowski

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hsanson commented Jan 27, 2023

#4414 has been merged so closing this issue. Feel free to re-open or create a new one if the problem still persists.

@hsanson hsanson closed this as completed Jan 27, 2023
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Yep that's fixed it, thanks v much

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