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54 lines (42 loc) · 2.88 KB

File metadata and controls

54 lines (42 loc) · 2.88 KB

Forks in the Road

Probability-calibrated comparison of many alternatives

Build Status Maintainability


Getting started

  1. Register a new (development) GitHub OAuth application
  2. Set the GitHub OAuth application's authorization callback URL to http://localhost:3000/app/
  3. Copy your application's client ID and client secret into two new environment variables: FORKSINTHEROAD_GITHUB_DEV_CLIENT_ID and FORKSINTHEROAD_GITHUB_DEV_CLIENT_SECRET
  4. Install Ruby
  5. Run gem install bundler to install project gem manager
  6. Run bundler install --without production to install project gems
  7. Run bin/overcommit --install to enable Git hooks
  8. Run bin/rails db:migrate to set up the database
  9. Run bin/rails server to start up Rails
  10. Visit http://localhost:3000 to view the app

Ruby changes

  1. Run bin/guard to start continuous testing
  2. Change a source or test file, and the relevant tests will run automatically
  3. Run bin/rubocop to check all Ruby style/patterns
  4. Run bin/rails server to start up Rails
  5. Visit http://localhost:3000 to view the app

JavaScript/Sass changes

  1. Run bin/webpack-dev-server to start incremental JavaScript/Sass compilation
  2. In another terminal, run bin/rails server to start up Rails
  3. Visit http://localhost:3000 to view the app
  4. Change a source file, and the app will reload automatically
  5. Run yarn eslint-all to check all JavaScript style/patterns
  6. Run yarn eslint-all --fix to reformat all JavaScript code
  7. Run yarn sass-lint-all to check all Sass style/patterns

Deploying to Heroku

  1. Install Heroku CLI tools
  2. Run heroku create to initialize the Heroku app
  3. (Optional) Run heroku apps:rename NEWNAME to rename your app
  4. Register a new (production) GitHub OAuth application
  5. Set the GitHub OAuth application's authorization callback URL to the root URL of your Heroku app (e.g.
  6. Set Heroku config vars for your application's client ID and client secret: heroku config:set FORKSINTHEROAD_GITHUB_PROD_CLIENT_ID=x and heroku config:set FORKSINTHEROAD_GITHUB_PROD_CLIENT_SECRET=x
  7. Run git push heroku master to push code to the Heroku app
  8. Run heroku run rails db:migrate to set up the database
  9. Run heroku open to visit the website


This project is released under the MIT License (see for details).