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File metadata and controls

78 lines (57 loc) · 2.56 KB

Ruby on Rails Development Environment

Stack versions

  • chruby: 0.3.9
  • imagemagick: latest from ubuntu repository
  • nodejs version: latest from official nodejs repository
  • phantomjs: 1.9.8
  • postgresql : 9.4.x from official postgresql repository
  • ruby: 2.2.1
  • ruby-install: 0.5.0

Set up the environment

  1. Install VirtualBox
  2. Install Ansible
  3. Clone this repository
  4. You must set your workspace directory in Vagrantfile. Change the "." in the following line, to the directory where your source code is:


config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", nfs: true

to something like:

config.vm.synced_folder "/home/my-user/workspace/my-project-src", "/Workspace", nfs: true
  1. This playbook already creates a database user for us, check the username and password here. Feel free to change if needed.
  2. Then run vagrant up


  1. Question: What if my machine does not have enough RAM (4GB or less)?

    Answer: You can customize the amount of memory in the Vagrant file under the vm.provider block:

    config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
      vb.memory = 1024
      # ... other configs
  2. Question: Vagrant is failing with the message "Failed to mount folders in Linux guest."?

    Answer: Run vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest. Then run vagrant reload --provisioning for resuming the provisioning process.

  3. Question: You are facing problems with permissions to mount your local filesystem on the VM environment, something like:

    mount -o 'vers=3,udp''/home/myuser/mysrc' /Workspace
    Stderr from the command:
    stdin: is not a tty
    mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting'/home/myuser/mysrc'


    exportfs: {folder} does not support NFS export

    Answer: Check if you are trying to mount a directory in an encrypted partition or folder. NFS can't mount this kind of directory. In this case, find a folder (maybe in another partition), give your user proper permissions and move your refer source code there.

    Then you change your Vagrantfile line:

     config.vm.synced_folder "/home/workspace/my-codes/my-project-src", "/Workspace", nfs: true


    config.vm.synced_folder "/home/another-dir-i-can-access/my-codes/my-project-src", "/Workspace", nfs: true