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File metadata and controls

61 lines (46 loc) · 1.57 KB


The multigroup Go module provides a utility function for grouping slices of any type based on multiple key selectors. It's particularly useful when you need to categorize data into nested groups dynamically.


go get


To use the MultiGroup function, you need to provide a slice of elements and a set of key selectors. Each selector function should take an element as input and return a key name and its corresponding value as a string.

Here is a simple example of how to use MultiGroup:

package main

import (

// Define your data structure.
type Person struct {
	Name    string
	Country string
	Age     int

func main() {
	// Prepare your data.
	people := []Person{
		{Name: "Alice", Country: "USA", Age: 30},
		{Name: "Bob", Country: "USA", Age: 30},
		{Name: "Charlie", Country: "USA", Age: 25},
		{Name: "Diana", Country: "UK", Age: 30},

	// Define key selectors.
	countrySelector := func(p Person) (string, string) { return "Country", p.Country }
	ageSelector := func(p Person) (string, string) { return "Age", strconv.Itoa(p.Age) }

	// Group the data.
	groupedPeople := multigroup.By(people, countrySelector, ageSelector)

	// Output the results.
	for _, group := range groupedPeople {
		fmt.Printf("Group: %+v\n", group.Keys)
		for _, person := range group.Items {
			fmt.Printf("  %+v\n", person)


multigroup is open-source software licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details.