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Rust Port Design

The Rust port of Tink has the following meta-goals:

  • Diverge as little as possible from the upstream Tink code: The Rust port is primarily based on the Go language version of upstream Tink, and aims to stay as close to it as possible so that future changes to Tink can be merged more easily. However, this does mean that some aspects of the port are not quite idiomatic Rust.
  • Don't write any crypto code: The Rust port aims to defer all cryptographic implementations to external crates (currently the RustCrypto crates).

The remainder of this section describes design decisions involved in the conversion from Go to Rust.

The Primitive Type

The Go port uses interface {} to hold an arbitrary primitive, and uses type assertions to convert to particular primitive interface types. This is not possible in Rust, and so the Rust port includes a Primitive enum that holds all of the possible primitive types (as trait objects):

enum Primitive {
    Aead(Box<dyn Aead>),
    DeterministicAead(Box<dyn DeterministicAead>),
    // ...
    Verifier(Box<dyn Verifier>),

However, this has the big downside that it is impossible for third parties to extend the Rust port of Tink to include new types of primitive without modifying the Tink source.

The KeyManager Registry

A KeyManager is an object that handles the translation from a Key instance to a Primitive object that uses the Key for its key material. Tink has a global registry of KeyManager instances, each indexed by a type URL that identifies the kind of keys it supports.

This registry allows an arbitrary Key to be converted to a Primitive of the relevant type, and similarly allows a Keyset to be converted to a PrimitiveSet.

  • In Go, primitives are of type interface {}, and the user of the registry uses type assertions to convert a general primitive to a more specific object that implements the interface of a particular primitive.
    • The global registry is automatically populated at start-of-day, by the use of init() methods for each particular KeyManager implementation.
  • In C++, the KeyManager<P> type is a template that is parameterized by the particular primitive type that it handles, so it returns primitives that are automatically type safe. Internally, the global registry of key manager instances maps type URL strings to a combination of (roughly) void * and type_info; the particular KeyManager<P> is then recovered via static_cast (modulo a check that the type_info is sensible).
    • The global registry has to be manually populated by calling <Primitive>Config::Register() methods before use.
  • In Rust, the Primitive type is an enum that encompasses all primitive types, and the user of the registry checks that the relevant enum variant is returned. If all of the Primitives in a PrimitiveSet are known to be of a specific primitive type, the PrimitiveSet can be converted to a TypedPrimitiveSet<T> for the relevant primitive type T.
    • The global registry has to be manually populated by calling tink_<primitive>::init() methods before use.

Error Handling

Many Go functions return values of form (ReturnType, error); the Rust equivalent of this is a Result<ReturnType, E>, where E is some type that implements the Error trait.

The Rust port uses the TinkError type for E. This type includes an optional inner Error, and the tink_core::utils module also includes the wrap_err() helper, which is used as an equivalent for the common Go pattern of wrapping errors:

x, err := library.DoSomething()
if err != nil {
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("doing something failed: %s", err)

like so:

let x = library::do_something().map_err(|e| wrap_err("doing something failed", e))?;

The PrivateKeyManager Type

The Go version of Tink includes a PrivateKeyManager interface which extends the KeyManager interface, and uses down-casting type assertions to see if an instance of the latter is also an instance of the former:

	km, err := registry.GetKeyManager(privKeyData.TypeUrl)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	pkm, ok := km.(registry.PrivateKeyManager)

Rust allows a trait definition to indicate a required trait bound (trait PrivateKeyManager: KeyManager {..}), but does not support down-casting; given a trait object of type dyn KeyManager, there is no way to determine if the object also references a concrete type that implements the dyn PrivateKeyManager trait.

As a result, there is no PrivateKeyManager trait in the Rust port. Instead, the KeyManager trait includes the public_key_data() method from Go's PrivateKeyManager, together with a supports_private_keys() method to allow discovery of whether a KeyManager trait object supports this or not. Both of these trait methods have default implementations that indicate no support for private keys.

init Methods

The Go port uses init() functions to register primitive factories; this is not supported in Rust, so each crate that provides a primitive has an init() function that should be called before use.

KeyManager::new_key Method

The Go port has a KeyManager.NewKey method which returns a proto.Message holding a new key. For the Rust port, the equivalent KeyManager::new_key method returns a serialized protobuf message (as a Vec<u8>) rather than a prost::Message.

This is because a returned trait object of type dyn prost::Message would not be of much use – almost all of the methods on the prost::Message trait require a self parameter that is Sized, and a bare trait object is not Sized.

Stringly-Typed Parameters

The Go port uses stringly-typed parameters to indicate enumerations in various places (e.g. hash function names, curve names). Wherever possible, the Rust port uses strongly typed enums instead:

  • When the main enumeration definition is from a protobuf file, the generated Rust code has a corresponding enum type, but fields using that type are encoded as i32 values. The enum type is used for API parameters in the Rust port, and converted to i32 values when held in a protobuf-generated struct.
  • When enumeration values are serialized to/from JSON, their i32 values are converted to/from string values that match the Go string values (see below).
  • Test vectors from Wycheproof use string names to identify enumeration values; these are converted to the relevant enum type in the relevant Wycheproof-driven test cases.

JSON Output

Tink supports the encoding of Keyset and EncryptedKeyset types as JSON when the json feature of the tink-core crate is enabled, with the following conventions:

  • Values of type bytes are serialized to base64-encoded strings (standard encoding).
  • Enum values are serialized as capitalized strings (e.g. "ASYMMETRIC_PRIVATE").

The tink_core::keyset::json_io module includes serde serialization code which matches these conventions, and the prost-build invocation that creates the Rust protobuf message definitions includes a collection of extra options to force the generation of the appropriate serde attributes.

Code Structure

This section describes the mapping between the upstream Go packages and the equivalent Rust crates and modules.


Rust Crate/Module Go Package
tink_core::cryptofmt core/cryptofmt
tink_core::keyset keyset
tink_core::primitiveset core/primitiveset
tink_core::registry core/registry
tink-core tink
tink-proto *_go_proto

Common Crypto

Rust Crate/Module Go Package
tink_core::subtle::random subtle/random
tink_core::subtle subtle


Rust Crate/Module Go Package
tink-aead aead
tink-daead daead
TODO(#233) hybrid
tink-mac mac
tink-prf prf
tink-signature signature
tink-streaming-aead streamingaead


Rust Crate/Module Go Package Notes
tink_core::keyset::insecure insecurecleartextkeyset Gated on (non-default) insecure feature
tink_core::keyset::insecure internal Gated on (non-default) insecure feature
tink_core::keyset::insecure testkeyset Gated on (non-default) insecure feature
tink-tests testutil Depends on insecure feature of tink-core crate
tink-testing services (/testing/go/)
tink-testing::proto testing_api_go_grpc (/proto/testing/)

Key Management Systems

Rust Crate/Module Go Package
tink-awskms integration/awskms
tink-gcpkms integration/gcpkms